#gazan genocide
northgazaupdates · 3 days
A heavy rain hit Deir al-Balah during the night. The Abu Alwan family’s tent on the beach never stood a chance. Part of the roof collapsed, drenching the Alwan family. What portion of their few belongings that were not destroyed have been completely inundated with cold, dirty water. They are now completely homeless, again.
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Mohammed is sick due to an infected tooth, Samar remains in extreme pain, and Saba is still very sick. They have lost nearly everything, and don't even have their health to be grateful for. Gathering what remains of their lives and fleeing the flooded area is exhausting, as both Mohammed and Saba continue to suffer from vomiting.
Mohammed has managed to find a space to rent so that the family can have a roof over their heads. He has collected about half of the cost of the rental, but the family needs your help to raise the other half.
We hope to raise about $500 in the next 12 hours. That means about $42 per hour. If 1 person donates $42 (or 2 people donate $21) every hour, the goal will be met.
This goal is attainable, and if we achieve it, it will have an enormous positive impact on the lives of five innocent people, including three small children.
Please help this family have a safe and dry place to stay!
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irhabiya · 2 months
another campaign brought to my attention by a palestinian i speak personally with, and i trust its legitamcy. Hamdy has suffered great loss since the start of this genocide, his mother, aunt, siblings, cousins, neices and nephews, and 5 month old sister were martyred. despite making the campaign months ago, Hamdy has only received FIVE donations so far, and hasn't gotten any donations in months.
please share and donate to his campaign, no amount is too little!
€95 / €10,000
tagging for reach
@terroristiraqi @shamemp3 @three-croissants @srdcovka @90-ghost @fairuzfan @mithli @7amaspayrollmanager @opencommunion @anti-democratic-russian-bot @tamamita @feluka @gabajoofs @aristotels @huzni @themeoflauramp3 @witchywitchy @ma3moul @khargooshe @womenintheirwebs @splashporpoise @flouryhedgehog @revindicatedbyhistory @german-milfs @breadmp3 @bassia-bassensis @anneemay @antiquititties @anyab
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pal1cam · 8 months
The year 2023 has been regarded the deadliest year for Palestinians since the 1948 war (also knows as the Nakba, which means Catastrophe in Arabic).
During the Nakba war about 250 Palestinian villages faced the fate of being demolished (some to the point of not existing on the map anymore) and their residents were forcibly displaced.
Today in Gaza, the numbers of the martyred and the injured are increasing every single day and yet the whole wide world is watching from afar, as if the Palestinian life is cheap or not worthy of speaking out for…
Don’t repeat the mistake made in 1948, because the damage done by the Nakba will never be forgotten and Palestine will never recover from it, but today it’s 2024 and you have a voice and you can use it to change something, and you have the ability to make your governments not repeat that same mistake once again 76 years later.
So use that voice and maximize your abilities, talents and the resources that you have to let the whole entire world know about what is happening in order for the whole world to rise and revolt against the ongoing Nakba against not only Palestinians, but also every oppressed people in the world that faces a horrible fate due to colonialism and white supremacy.
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cavalierzee · 6 months
Hunger Or Bombs
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Palestinians in Gaza are given a stark choice.
“I’ll Give You 2 Options: Hinger Or Bombs!”
Artist: Carlos Latuff
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zahraaziza · 7 months
the flour massacre was a distraction
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poetessinthepit · 7 months
The Flour Massacre was a genocidal act in and of itself. It has already become a notorious event amongst a whole campaign of human rights abuse after human rights abuse. It will be remembered in history like Wounded Knee, My Lai, and Srebrenica. Anyone in denial of that fact can not be helped. Nothing will get through to them. What horror could possibly stir them from complacency?
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northgazaupdates2 · 5 months
12 May 2024
Journalist Saed Al-Zaneen reports that the occupation is dropping incendiary bombs—bombs which cause massive fiery explosions—on civilians in Jabaliya.
Saed and a group of fellow journalists were targeted by the IOF while working in the area, injuring 3 members of the journalist team.
To the south in Zaytoun, Gaza City (still in north Gaza), quadcopters, drones, and snipers firiring constantly in the area around Salah al-Din Mosque and Hariya/Freedom School. Anyone and anything that moves is targeted, leading to numerous casualties.
He also reports shooting by ground troops in Beit Hanoun.
Fire belts continue to be laid nonstop throughout the entirety of northern Gaza
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san8ny · 7 months
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this is what they’re doing. Sleeping in the same cradles of the infants they’ve just murdered.
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nnecrofancyy · 1 month
palestine & gaza campaigns ive received in my inbox. please share if you can't donate.
all but one are vetted by multiple sources. check notes on each post if you must.
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thedevilsrain · 3 months
My name is Ahmed. My wife Dina and I live in Gaza with our three children, and she is pregnant with our fourth. We are enduring unimaginable hardships due to the ongoing conflict. Our lives are in constant danger, and we desperately need your help. Please share our story and consider donating. Your support could save our lives.🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🇵🇸🇵🇸
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please help ahmed reach his €35,000 goal
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northgazaupdates · 2 months
Heartbreaking news out of north Gaza today
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We write to inform you that renowned journalist Ismail Al-Ghoul and cameraman Ramy El-Rifi of Al-Jazeera were murdered just a few hours ago by the occupation. They were going out to document the scene of another bombing attack, when they were deliberately targeted by the occupation. Footage provided by journalist Osama Al-Ashi in the immediate aftermath of the attack shows that Ismail and Ramy were murdered with targeted precision weaponry, meaning the occupation watched them, waited for them, and executed them in cold blood (warning: graphic footage).
Ismail and Ramy have been documenting the genocide at immense personal cost since the 7th of October 2023. They were previously kidnapped and tortured by the occupation, but survived and continued to remain in north Gaza and document crimes against humanity. They have had many narrow escapes, and today, the occupation was finally successful in its illegal goal of assassinating these prominent journalists.
When western journalists hand-wave their suppression of the IOF’s atrocities in Gaza by claiming no journalists are “allowed” in to report, remember these men. Remind them of these men. These men who lost friends and loved ones, who suffered immensely, and yet chose to remain and continue documenting the genocide against their people. They join the ranks of more than 150 Gazan journalists who were murdered by the occupation to hide its crimes and retaliate for speaking the truth.
حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل
أنا لله و أنا اليه رجعون
God suffices us and he is the best disposer of affairs. We belong to God and to Him we shall return.
Keep fighting for Gaza. Don’t stop talking about north Gaza.
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pal1cam · 6 months
It has been confirmed that the 1st day of Eid will be this Wednesday, so to all my fellow muslims out there, Eid Mubarak and may Allah accept your good deeds that you did throughout the month of Ramadan and i hope that you made the most out of it spiritually, religiously, socially, mentally & physically etc…
I hope that you did not forget to pray and make dua’a for the people of Gaza, Sudan, Syria, Yemen and all oppressed people around the world, and i wish that you continue to pray for them even after Ramadan is over…
This Eid we shall not celebrate as we do each and every year, you can obviously visit your family and friends and gather up to enjoy being around loved ones, but don’t forget that Gazans have no loved ones this year to celebrate with, and even if they do, they’ll be celebrating Eid amidst the rubble and the sound of bombings.
So please, respect people’s grief, be thankful and grateful, and don’t forget the oppressed… let’s continue our fight for Palestinian liberation in any way that we can, and let’s hope to hear news about a ceasefire very soon 🙏
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cavalierzee · 7 months
"I Swear To Be Loyal To The Government Of Palestine!"
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When the Jewish refugees were granted citizenship, they signed a document in which they wrote:
“I swear to be loyal to the government of Palestine.”
But they betrayed the covenant and promise, killed the Palestinians and expelled them from their country.
Please repost it.
By Mordechai Klompas
I am a Jew against the terrorist state of Israel
أنا يهودي ضد دولة إسرائيل الإرهابية
אני יהודי נגד מדינת ישראל הטרוריסטית
Source: https://twitter.com/MordechaiKlompa/status/1741197808261050487
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zahraaziza · 6 months
keep boycotting for palestine!!!
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don't know how to boycott? i got you, follow this guide and share it far and wide!
free palestine 🍉
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poetessinthepit · 9 months
One thing I think that is so insidious about the Pro-Israel narrative is that they don't even want you donating to the Palestinian cause to provide things like food or medical care for children. There is a concerted hasbara campaign to associate any NGO that provides any aid to palestinians with terrorism.
For example, if you attempt to raise money for the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund, a charity rated 4 stars by Charity Navigator, you may be linked to a page on a website called NGO Monitor. At first glance, this appears to be a neutral charity rating website similar to Charity Navigator. It's not.
Try searching any charity with no connection to the Israel-Palestine conflict on NGO Monitor, and you'll get no result.
Do a little digging, and you'll find out that NGO Monitor was founded by Gerald Steinberg, a Likud party member and former Israeli Security Council consultant. It is essentially a right-wing Israeli front posing as a legitimate charity watchdog while spreading misinformation.
Or consider this racist parody song from Israel's version of SNL. It depicts a hjiab donning woman crying and begging for money in front of an image of shelled out buildings presumably in Gaza. It then cuts away to reveal it is all a set, and her crying is acting, alluding to the Pallywood conspiracy theory. This is followed by caricatures of Hamas members swimming in riches in a luxurious hotel room in Qatar chanting "dollar bills, dollar bills" as donations pile up. The implication is clear; if you give money to Palestine, you are giving money to Hamas. The fact that this video is in English tells you who the intended audience is. It was posted on instagram by Noa Tishby, a former Israeli spokesperson.
This all reflects the true cruelty of the Israeli regime. They don't just want to harm the Palestinians; they don't want you to help them.
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northgazaupdates2 · 5 months
Our sources
Below are sources we use for this page. This list is not comprehensive but it is constantly evolving, so check back often. We encourage all our followers and everyone who sees our content to follow and support these individuals and their accounts. They are located in north Gaza and going to great and dangerous lengths to get the truth out.
Links will be added ASAP
Hossam Shabat (Twitter, Instagram, Telegram)
Dr. Tamer Al-Najjar (Twitter, Instagram)
Ibram “Hema” Al-Khalili (Instagram)
Anas Al-Sharif (Twitter, Instagram; Telegram)
Saed Al-Zaneen (Instagram, Telegram)
Mahmoud Abusalama (Instagram)
Nooh/Noah Al-Shaghnobi (Instagram)
Abdullah Al-Majdalawi (Instagram)
Mohammed Saeed (Instagram)
Mohammed Ahmed (Instagram)
Moataz Abu Sakran (Instagram, Tumblr)
Malak Abu Hussein (Instagram)
Hassan Al-Moghani (Instagram)
Fadi Al-Whidi (Instagram)
Abood Abo Salama (Instagram)
Dawoud Abo Alkas (Instagram)
Eshak Daour (Instagram)
Islam Bader (Instagram)
Ahmed Hamdan (Instagram)
Ismail Al-Ghoul (Instagram, Telegram)
Mahmoud Shalha (Instagram)
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