#george mukherjee
deepdeanvsweston · 4 months
It's 1930-something and you're Daisy Wells on holiday by the beach. Your best friend has just sided with her boyfriend over you about the best ice cream flavour and she won't stop teasing you about your blushing at the pretty lady who served you said ice cream. The boyfriend's best friend has just beaten you in a sandy game of chess and you are unbelievably furious. To top it all off, all 3 of them tell you passionately about how simply terrible English beaches are, and your fury rises. You don't think you've ever been happier.
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redbreastedbird · 2 months
regarding Lavinia and George,,, I think it was apparent that a lot of the fandom disliked the ship when it was initially introduced in DSS, (I personally was not one of those people, I loved the ship, even if they're broken up I still think they have a compelling dynamic) why do you think so many people didn't ship it?
++ will Lavinia appear in the MUA series and will she interact with the main trio??
your books have literally been my special interest for years now!!
This is SO interesting, I did not know this (I don’t tend to go looking at fandom stuff unless people bring it to me - I think it’s nice for you all to be creating without looking over your shoulders wondering if I approve).
I think George and Lavinia are a really left-field ship for sure - but I remember realising that they’d never met and then imagining them interacting and I just knew they’d both be delighted by each other. They’re both so angry - George is furious about the world order, and Lavinia’s just FURIOUS, and I thought they would just vibe immediately. Plus, they’re both ADHD - George is AuDHD and Lavinia is ADHD - and I think there’s a neurodivergent click that happens particularly when two (complimentary) ADHD people are in the same room.
So that’s my reason for the ship! As to why people maybe didn’t like it - I think it might be because of what shipping is, compared to what human relationships are. Shipping in fandom usually is a for-life situation - you ship a couple because you think they should end up together. And I don’t think that’s George and Lavinia! I imagine their relationship as brief and tempestuous and enjoyable, but not at all for life. They both really like and love each other but they don’t particularly want to be romantically together by the time Ministry rolls around.
(I won’t spoil it in case you haven’t read BITB, but they both appear in that book, and I hope I show that they’re both happy with their lives and still in touch!)
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mmufanatic · 25 days
Alexander Arcady is the teenager who still wants to go to the play park to play on the swings even though he's 15 (he persuades George to go with him because he knows that George wants to really, he just won't admit it.
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ahh this makes me so happy
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detective-society · 10 months
hey, remember when lavinia wasn’t in AFT? because i do. how dare she not be invited
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anxiouslygay · 1 year
I drew Amina and Daisy from Murder Most Unladylike how i imagined them when i read the books. It's not the best, but I quite like it :]] @redbreastedbird
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cardboardbox-fly · 11 months
Bro, if anyone out there likes murder most unladylike;
Who’s your favourite character?
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pearlofyoureye · 21 days
9, 22 and 23 for the MMU ask game? :D
9. junior pinkertons or detective society?
…junior pinkertons 🫣🫣 george and alex have less of a funky power dynamic and i’ve always found weston fascinating!
22/23: worst/best parents,
worst parents defo has to be lallie t-b’s people and it’s not even close ��� poor girl watched them both get nicked. but if we’re on about major characters, could def scrap hazel’s mum.
best parents is a tie between kitty’s lot and felix if we’re talking stand in. that man spent all 9 books dealing w the girls’ bs.
but from what i know and think of kitty’s parents, they just seem like good parents (mostly talking about the case where they find lavinia in the shed, because mrs. freebody burns her muddy clothes, buys her new ones, and makes her take like three baths and brushes her hair before she goes to bed haha)
thanks for the ask anon 😇 mmu ask game
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mewizard · 2 months
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daisy banging out the clues
these are certainly not all but quite a bit of the daisy's ive drawn,., basically watch me try to figure out how to draw em
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detectivesocietyfan · 3 months
i used a hunger games simulator called https://brantsteele.net/hungergames/
here is the summary:
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deepdeanvsweston · 7 months
Headcannon that Deepdean has a house system and names them after Deepdean alumni. Hazel gets a house named after her (Wong house) for working with Bletchley during the war.
Daisy is absolutely FURIOUS at the very thought that she does not have a house named after her.
Daisy - "I have grown to appreciate your talents over the years, Hazel, but it is absolutely NOT RIGHT of Deepdean to have a house named after you and not one of me!"
Aleks - "Could it possibly be to do with the fact you're legally dead?"
Daisy - "Aleksandr, you did not and are not attending Deepdean School For Girls, so do not stick your nose into matters concerning said school!"
George (just to stir the pot and see Daisy's face) - "I personally don't think Wells House rolls off the tongue as well as Wong House does..."
Bertie gets a library wing at Cambridge dedicated to him when he receives the Lord title around the same time as Hazel gets the house name, and Daisy just about explodes with indignation
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redbreastedbird · 2 months
hi - this is a question i’ve had for a while regarding george.
is he mixed asian and white or is he fully asian? i was wondering this because every time he is described being Indian, it is always his dad mentioned and never his mum.
thank you for answering 🫶🫶
Hello! I’ve actually answered this before but I’m happy to answer it again. In my head his mum is most likely white, so he is mixed. But I never mention his mum in the books, so technically you can imagine him as fully Indian - and if we were casting the screen adaptation I’d tell the casting people to look for both Indian and mixed race Indian and white Georges.
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mmufanatic · 2 months
Here's my favourite 10 Daisy moments for her birthday:
1. In AFT when her and Bertie are DELIGHTED that they are trapped in a house with a dead body.
2. In FCM when she's like 'Ew. A boy" and tells Alexander he can't be a permanent member of the Detective Society.
3. In JFP when Hazel tricks her into admitting that it's a murder in front of Kitty, Beanie and Lavinia and she's like ,' Dammit Hazel! I taught you to do that!'
4. In MAM when Bertie says " I didn't know he was your George ' and she's like ' He's not MY George. Ew.'
5. Again MAM when she says ' Even Bertie's caught it' like love is a virus.
6. In DSS when Daniel Miller says she can't be police because she's a girl and she says that Hatshepsut was only a girl when she became pharaoh. He says 'I expect people complained about her too' and Daisy says 'I expect she chopped off their heads'.
7. In DSS when George says ' I think we like each other enough to tell each other when we're going wrong' and Daisy just says 'I don't like you '
8. In The Drowned Pearl when her and George are arguing over who's in charge.
9. In MAM when her and George are talking about unsolved cases together (because they all talk about their special interests together even though they've only just met and !!!!!!)
10. In The Case of the Missing Treasure when she's just pretending that she doesn't know Alexander.
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schoolsoutmp3 · 8 months
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I'd drawn this before @redbreastedbird answered the question saying George's missing leg is the right one, so we'll ignore that inconsistency, but here is a language lesson at the Ministry!
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detective-society · 8 months
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Even if they're not romantically involved, can George and Lavinia be partners? Not in the way that Daisy and Hazel are nor in the way that Kitty and Beanie are, but in an entirely different way. There way
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