hoforwonho · 2 years
Idk if I'm too late but Verivery!
you absolutely aren't anon! thanks 💖
I don't really know Verivery I've only heard O, which I love, so I really should look into them...
After looking them up I'd say Gyeheon!
send me a group and i’ll tell you which member i find the most attractive
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changkis · 1 year
The verivery storyline afaik: ^_^
trying my best lol
(Very vaguely) it starts off with Minchan and Kangmin going missing and everyone waking up in the warehouse, where they’re split up. As well as in the photo mv, at the very end Kangmin blinds Yeonho, who was watching the whole thing in isolation (which was similar to Minchan putting on the blindfold that Kangmin had, in thunder(?)).
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and the "Get Away" mv has all of them (save for Minchan) wake up in the same place we saw Yeonho on the floor, watching everyone.
‘Get Away’ focused partly on an outside force (or perhaps their own nature) turning them (their other halves) against each other (the conflict between Yongseung and Kangmin, where he pinned Kangmin to a wall and threatened him with a fork)
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and their destructive selves (them ravaging the table and room) but theres also the verivery doubles, like when Gyeheon was pulled under the water in the Trigger mv by a separate Gyeheon, and Hoyoung being chased by his double. The overall idea of duality between someone being both good and bad is heavily prevalent throughout their storyline.
The individual themes for O (who) all featured the different ways the members come across the wormhole, which is important later.
In O it references Gyeheon’s concept video from Hole (taking pictures of the members) and also references Hoyoungs Who concept film (his mother asking for his location, and asking where he is, and in O his mother calls him, with Hoyoung looking upset at the fact) In O, Minchan snatches Hoyoung phone when he gets a call, leading to a fight (where Minchan and Gyeheon smoke together after.)
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Later dongheon is seen as a body at an accident, with kangmin as the driver (referencing dongheon’s concept film, where he remembers an accident and breaks down crying). ***
The members also find Yongseung at the laundromat, sulking in a washing machine. They pull him out and cheer him up, and Hoyoung throws his phone (his mother is calling, again) into the washer, showing that he’s moving on and healing. When they’re at the club, Minchan slips off and goes to take his pills (also shown in his concept film, and shows his addiction), where he’s stopped by Gyeheon, who dumps out his pills and leaves.
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Kangmin is seen standing apart from the group repeatedly, being the first to be separated, and at the end of ‘O’, he is the only one looking back at the camera.
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(left, undercover mv, right, round 3: whole concept film)
He was also seen after Minchan&Gyeheons segment, with a bloody hand pressed on the cracked club bathroom mirror. (which i interpreted as him having some involvement)
Kangmin also has a gun throughout their story, and shoots himself in the WHOLE: concept film, in which he steps away from the rest of the group and faces himself.
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***Dongheon is seen being hit by the car in the WHOLE: concept film, where he saves Hoyoung
‘True’ Kangmin is dressed in white, and does not have a gun, while the other members (hoyoung and minchan), do.
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This is in contrast to his other half, who has the same pistol he has carried throughout the storyline. Kangmin also, once again, shoots himself in Undercover.
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Kangmin directly represents the equal Good and Bad / Light and Dark, with a comparison to yin & yang after they both “die”
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Kangmin also !!!!! Has his wings seemingly clipped in ‘Crazy like that’, or at least that it seems as he is a fallen angel.
^^ im not sure if Liminality is a continuation of FACE and SERIES: O or not but ^_^
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binary5tar1117 · 2 years
This may be the comeback I get into verivery... I just have to make sure I bias Dongheon and not Gyeheon. I refuse to bias anyone born after 97😭😭😭😭😭😭
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hongseokkie · 3 years
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9h4mn · 3 years
when i was in love | verivery
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➞ verivery x ex! reader
➞ angst, post break-up
➞ love, it was a fleeting moment where they could feel a sense of belongingness. how does verivery cope up with the fact you are gone?
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dongheon: he is tired and perhaps that is an understatement. taking up law school when it isn't even your dream can easily tire out a person after all. he was a filial son, never the one to disobey his parents.
all those expectations makes it understandable that there are days he'd be very burnt out. he supposes coming home to you can make him remember that by the end of the day there was something that makes him know that it was worth it
"i'm home!" he calls but silence is all he receives. ah, thats right you're not there. for someone who knows he should never be wrong how is it that he can't remember you're already gone?
hoyoung: holding on to the memories wasn't a rational thing when he isn't exactly over you but hoyoung didn't want to be rational. he's heart broken, the poor boy didn't need to be rational.
if he had done things differently, would you still be in his arms? he keeps on thinking of the what ifs and everything that might have made you stay.
for a teacher he was being foolish and it didn't help that the children couldn't read the room. they keep on asking about you and he couldn't bring himself to tell his students that he can no longer marry you.
minchan: the day of your break up should have been the day he realized that everything was over but it took him so the long that when you gave him your wedding invitation, it was there the truth finally sunk in.
you could say that he's a masochist when he decided to go to your wedding. you were dazzling in your wedding dress and he could clearly see the love between you and your soon-to-be husband. had you give him that smile on the last days of your relationship?
minchan is truly happy for you, however, he can't help but think that he should have been the man in front of you in that altar.
gyeheon: before his career took off, gyeheon used to sing in cafes. that was how he met you. when everyone was telling him that he's stupid to pursue such dreams, you were there to support him.
messages left on read, missed calls, and an empty apartment. it was as if you never existed but that wasn't the case. you had became the unreachable which was what you feared gyeheon would become once he debuts.
now that he's a popular solo artist who is praised for his vocals and has his face plastered everywhere perhaps by dedicating all his songs to you, he could reach you one last time.
yeonho: some could say that he is a fool for buying flowers, that he is a fool for having a schedule just to visit you but he isn't having any of that. all their words just falls on deaf ears.
he knows that by now he should have moved on already. this was unhealthy for the both you. he should let you go now so that the both of you could continue on without any guilt or regrets. but knowing is different from doing.
yeonho can't bring himself to forget you, he loved you — no, he still loves you and thinks of you — which is why without fail, he always makes sure there are fresh flowers on your grave.
yongseung: he's a brilliant researcher recognized by the academy and it was an achievement by itself, after all the academy has standards hard to reach. he has his future ready and steady and yet he feels as if its all too underwhelming.
he tries to remind himself that this was what he wanted. you were a temporary distraction, a momentary muse. its his research that needs all of his attention. being a genius recognized by the academy and then the world is what he wanted. but he knows that this isn't the case.
yongseung thinks he's selfish for wanting you back in his life and so he buries himself in his research in hopes of forgetting you.
kangmin: everyone gets their heart broken — kangmin knows that and yet he went around with the belief that maybe he's lucky and things won't change. it was there that made everything even more painful.
when you told him that you love him, did you mean it? or was it a deliberate plan made to break his heart? why? why? WHY? he doesn't understand why you can end your relationship that easily.
seeing you with your new boyfriend makes kangmin think that maybe your love for him wasn't even there in the first place.
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©9h4mn | all contents belong to me. do not modify or repost.
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VERIVERY - Get Away | Weird details & connection to old MVs | MINCHAN IS THERE! | secret French message on cake!
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They are observed by a strange flying sphere.
As in Tag Tag Tag MV, Kangmin tells us (?) to be silent, which still and again hints on him having a secret.
One of them runs through the forest and gets kidnapped, someone puts a bag over his head.
The person who kidnapped him wears this strange compass watch. | Minchan had a compass in Thunder and G.B.T.B, the compass always pointed to Kangmin |
In the tent we see all 6 boys, sitting around a round table, while being observed by the sphere.
Yongseung has a letter, it reads as follows (I'm leaving out some parts):
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"My dear friends, we are confident that you remember us, for we have always been with you [...] we would like to present you a small gift [...] quaint but delectable meal [...] is your job to find the key to that party [...] a hint: Each possess a small point. [...] 7 will make a large point will open [...] able to enter [...] Merely imagining the glorious spectacle makes our blood tingle with excitement. We will be waiting for you.[...]"
It's signed with a name, I on the first look thought it means Viktor, but it's likely that the first two letters are a VR an the rest idk. Looks like a VRtoR to me, if anyone can decipher it pls comment.
After the letter is read, they round up in the forest. | As in G.B.T.B, the circle symbolism is strong in here |
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Whatever now the "key" was, they apparently found it and could open a gate | that's when those forks appear ... But the forks ain't the keys are they hahahahaha |
They wake up in an empty room, but on beds. It's 7 beds, the one in the center is empty. | Minchan's bed? |
The gate is open now, a black hole in the ground, there's a red cloth floating over it/falling into it. | Minchan held a red cloth, the exact same, in G.B.T.B. In G.B.T.B he was about to drop the cloth but then tightly grabbed it so it couldn't fly away. Did he now lose it? Did G.B.T.B predict the future? Is Minchan the mastermind behind that all, and that's why he always knows the correct way by using the compass? |
Someone left his shoes there. If you compare it with pic 7, it's Kangmin's shoes. There's fog coming outta the shoes. | In Tag Tag Tag, Kangmin suddenly was barefoot and seemingly possessed by ? The evil? He left into the dark without his shoes, Minchan was the only one who noticed it, the one who watched him leave |
The freaking kidnapper (?) comes to the hole/gate, we don't see his face.
Hoyoung observes the members, INCLUDING himself (!) on a screen. | The CCTV symbolism from previous MVs and my beloved TV that appeared in almost each MV are back |
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Note that there arguably are 2 different Hoyoungs. One that is with the other members, and the one who observes them. Observer-Hoyoung has another style, glitter in his face and blue eyes. | In Tag Tag Tag there actually were two Hoyoungs as well, one in a mirror world and one in the actual world. |
Observer-Hoyoung wears black gloves. The kidnapper wore black gloves as well (see pic 3 and 4).
For whatever reason Kangmin seems weak and Dongheon has to help him walking.
Dongheon wants to drink sth but ends up handing the glass over to Kangmin without taking a sip.
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Kangmin attempts to drink Dongheon's drink, Yongseung for whatever reason watches him.
The cake has French writing on it, it says Tirez-moi de lá, which translates to "get me out of here". | Note: "lá" actually means "there", and usually you'd rather say "Tirez-moi d'ici", as "ici" means "here". Interestingly, photo MV already used the word "there" where you actually would have had to use "here"... |
Yongseung gets angry and destroys the cake. | There's some strange fog above the table, the same that came outta Kangmin's shoes |
We get to see the scene in style of a thermographic/infrared camera. I believe that's the point of view of the observer sphere.
Dongheon suddenly randomly appears with an apple. The lyrics of the song basically deal with an irresistible temptation, the apple always has been used as a symbol for temptation. But what tempts him?
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They fall in some low-key delirious state in which they eat whatever they can find, almost animalistic. At some point some of them seem to lose interest, Gyeheon drops his fork, Yeonho pours wine (?) on the floor.
It's still observed in CCTV style, interestingly now not only by Hoyoung but ALL MEMBERS!!!
Kangmin enjoys himself a lot, but then wants to grab the srly weirdest food on the table: Toast. It seems totally out of place, next to all that fancy food.
Dongheon gets angry at that and rams a fork into the toast. The others watch the scene without really caring. | The entire scene seems to be about greed, in my eyes. Wouldn't that, alongside the apple, be a somewhat biblical reference tho? |
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Following the fight over the ...toast..., Dongheon aggressively pushes Kangmin against some metal lattice/cages idk. After a weirdly sexually suggestive (???) almost kiss (???) he wants to stab Kangmin with the fork...
Now things however get complicated. The outfits changed. The Kangmin that ate the grapes wears another outfit than the Kangmin who wants the toast. Same with Dongheon and his apple. In the apple scene, he wore a different outfit than in the toast scene. The outfit in the toast scene and in the fight scene are the same. Arguably, it's the same clothing style like Observer-Hoyoung wore since beginning.
The newly clothed Dongheon now also fights with Gyeheon.
At the same time, members who wear the initial outfit, passed out and lie on the floor.
Newly clothed Dongheon wants to stab Gyeheon with his fork...There is a bathtub.
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Observer-Hoyoung stops Dongheon (still new clothes) from killing Gyeheon. In the close-up one sees that Dongheon also has glitter on his face, like Observer-Hoyoung previously.
They all are in the CCTV room, watching how Dongheon (IN OLD OUTFIT HOWEVER) passes out.
The bathtub is in that CCTV room.
Everything hints on the existence of 2 different versions of each member. The clothes and room change might show us when we see the original members and when we see the low-key violent and corrupted members. | Note that the entire mirror world / 2 versions of the group have already been a theme in previous MVs, I wrote that down in a previous post |
CCTV members leave the...base. Everything suddenly seems very space-ish. A connection to G.B.T.B.?
The members in the old, simple outfits, are tied to chairs, sitting in a circle. The center chair, like previously the bed, is empty. Minchan's chair?
The CCTV members, wearing the fancy outfits, aim with guns at them.
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Kangmin is the only member opening his eyes. When looking at his eyes thoroughly, one notices that his iris has a very strange pattern and a structure that one usually knows from screens.
A very short shot at the end shows a spiral-like way, literally spiraling down. The interesting thing however is that there's a person with a bag over his head, walking down that way without seeing anything, stretching his arms forward - arguably to find his way through touch because he literally can't see. That DEFINITELY is the member that was kidnapped in the very beginning. My assumption still is that the kidnapped person must be Kangmin. With the kidnapper I'm not sure, it might be Minchan (because compass and cloth) but could also be Hoyoung (because gloves and 1st observer). Maybe they even worked together?
1. Ever since Tag Tag Tag sth is wrong with Kangmin, it seems that he's forever locked into some dark and lonely world and the others constantly try to reach to him but somehow don't manage to do so.
2. They definitely made sure to implement Minchan in the MV, even if only indirectly.
3. There again seems to be a good version of verivery and an evil version. Why ? What do they want ?
4. The letter is utterly creepy. It seems as if someone wants to play with them. To play a nasty and dangerous game, but I have no idea what the purpose it.
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henlex · 3 years
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Idk why they feel so warm and cozy to me probably the earth signs
There's a 100% chance of cuddles with these two💛
@bonknanab I hope you enjoy!🧡
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toooldforkpop · 4 years
round up: feb. 18, 2021
round up: feb. 18, 2021
in which kim wooseok gets a sweet taste of victory, miyeon gets the mic, idol becomes a team effort, yugyeom dances back & more read on, stans, read on Members of ASTRO, PENTAGON and VICTON joined forces for a cover of Idol. Hongjoong of ATEEZ showed off a new do in fresh promo photos. Lisa of BLACKPINK cemented her style icon status, having been named one of the judges for the ANDAM Fashion…
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iamafan007 · 4 years
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Verivery Tidbits: Hoyoung, Minchan and Gyehyeon made up a set of “English” names for each member of Verivery.
Gyehyeon said his name is “Hack”.  Hoyoung said he is “Kevin”.  Minchan called himself “Chons”.
They called Dongheon “Dustin”, Yeonho is “Pedro”, Yongseung is “June” and Kangmin is “Alex”. Gyehyeon brought up “Luis” as a possible name for Kangmin. Hoyoung said he liked “Louis”, but he already named Kangmin “Alex”. (VE:HIND 'Thunder' M/V, Uploaded July 12, 2020)
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blackabcix · 5 years
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Still not over the fact people were mad in the Youtube comments that it was Verivery and not X1 like ??
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seriously-funny-9 · 5 years
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Bro check the time stamps😂😂 At this rate the whole group gonna be half blind by Tuesday
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gyeheoni · 2 years
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220504 ☆ undercover ☆ hoyoung   
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yeoubaby · 3 years
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꒰ 🦠 ꒱
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kmwonpil · 4 years
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Verivery ✧ My Face ✧ 201114
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9h4mn · 3 years
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— dongheon
none yet :)
— hoyoung
none yet :)
— minchan
none yet :)
— gyeheon
none yet :)
— yeonho
none yet :)
— yongseung
none yet :)
— kangmin
none yet :)
— all members
when i was in love // headcanons
love, it was a fleeting moment where they could feel a sense of belongingness. how does verivery cope up with the fact you are gone?  
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©9h4mn | all contents belong to me. do not modify or repost.
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Shit VERIVERY says, part 2
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Kangmin playing a farm game during the MV shoot is just so hilarious to me hahahaha. Also the absurd combination of Dongheon saying he's still a boy while holding a (not real!) weapon ... I love those boys.
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