#ask to tag
catboymoments · 1 day
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“Devouring Devouring Devouring moves me so, Devouring Devouring Devouring moves me so, Devouring Devouring Devouring moves me so, Devouring Devouring Devouring moves me so,”
I’ve been wanting to do a piece with this song for a hot minute and it was good rendering practice :]
people are always like “cannibalism as a metaphor for love!” what about cannibalism as a metaphor for abuse/assault
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water-mellie-seeds · 3 days
This fathers day is dedicated to all the palestinian fathers who have lost their children, their family and their lives.
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kernsrafiq · 3 days
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fox-guardian · 1 day
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[ID: Traditional pencil and marker drawings of Laios and Falin Touden from Dungeon Meshi. Laios is a short-haired blonde white man wearing armor, a tan shirt and pants, and tall boots. Falin is a fat white woman with chin-length blonde hair and she is in her chimera form with her upper body being mostly human but covered in white feathers, and her lower body is that of a red dragon with more white feathers on the chest and large white bird wings. She is not wearing clothes.
The first image is two busts of Laios smiling and facing at a three-quarters angle and facing to the right in profile respectively. The second image is a full-body of him sitting and eating a scaly red monster leg with his free hand behind him.
The third image is two drawings of chimera Falin. The first shows her from her human hips up, her head is tilted up as she looks down, smiling, arms held up dramatically around her head. The second drawing is a full-body in profile showing her standing with one of her front legs lifted and one of her arms held up by her chest. That drawing is also lined in black pen. end ID]
the thems <3 laios' armor is slightly less difficult to draw than expected which is epic. and falin <3 falin is fun <3
haven't done traditional in a minute this was fun teehee <3
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artfight · 1 day
hi, fellas. I saw the ask about if the phrase 'serving cunt' is allowed due to new guidelines. i have some questions about your answer- that the "word/phrase" is not allowed on the site.
i assumed that this rule was put in place to eliminate text smut, not slang derived from sexual terms. in that case, 'dick' or 'fuck' would also not be allowed. if the problem is with the level of vulgarity of the word 'cunt,' i feel that a list of banned words should be provided, considering that there is no clear line between what is a 'mild' and what is a 'vulgar' swear. this also calls into question whether a word like 'queer' would be allowed, considering its status as a reclaimed slur. if so, what slurs wouldn't be allowed, even if reclaimed amongst certain small-to-large groups (f*g, d*ke, tr*nny, etc.) otherwise, i imagine artfight users may flood your inbox asking for specification.
additionally, the phrase 'serving cunt' as an extension of the word is not sexual in nature, as the word 'serving' originated from drag, not oral sex, which i believe was your interpretation when answering the ask? to me, the exclusion seems unusual, and i feel represents a lack of understanding of drag/queer slang.
Hello, thank you for sending in an ask! We allow vulgar words / swears if they are not being used in a sexual or derogatory context. "Cunt" is disallowed due to its use as an offensive term to refer to genitalia, whereas "dick" is allowed as a name only and cannot be used to refer to genitalia or in sexual context.
Most slurs are not allowed on our site, even if they are being used in a reclaimed manner, due to fear of abuse. However, non-derogatory uses of queer can be used. In addition, we do not take issue with the base phrase "serving _".
At the moment, we are not looking into making our banned word list public due to fear of abuse. You are more than welcome to get in touch with a staff member on-site or through our Discord server if you're not sure whether a word / phrase can be used.
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psyonicscream · 2 days
//Heads up this is for pokemon irl if you aren’t an rp blog of some kind please don’t vote, I’ve noticed my posts breaching containement more often lately.//
Ok I need to verify this.
(Obviously, You don’t have to tell which one you are. I’m just wondering if the ratio really is like that)
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son1c · 1 day
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sketch commission for @microwave-kid (that was a gift for @loveletterworm) !
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caretaker breaking into whumper's trying to save whumpee, but they find whumpee's corpse and a new whumpee tied up next to it
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s-nnoh · 2 days
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eliotspencersgf · 3 days
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Am I living an illusion? I want to runaway, runaway, runaway.
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tsams-confessions · 2 days
… So!!… Yeah… There's a dimension where they literally castrated Bloodmoon… That is interesting
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valaglarios · 9 hours
ok i said i would stop talking about this but i lied bc vik's post made me think -- the fact that the team that wrote jade shadows is the same team that wrote the new war is just crazy to me. TNW was such a poignant depiction of a woman reclaiming her identity and autonomy after YEARS of cyclical patriarchal abuse against her by her father, her brother, and her lover... whereas in jade shadows, jade's bodily autonomy (and the operator's) are just a complete afterthought. it's WILD to me that hunhow of all characters, whose willful ignorance of his daughter's autonomy is so central to the plot of warframe, and whose acceptance that he should never have tried to control her in the first place is a turning point in TNW, apparently just sat by all these years and let stalker keep prolonging jade's suffering in this comatose state for god knows how long, and never said anything about it other than "you should call the tenno lol."
there are two routes DE could've really taken at the end of this quest: either the operator could have put their foot down and denied stalker's demands that they give birth on jade's behalf while wearing her fucking skin, which would’ve obviously been a severely traumatizing experience for them that they had NO obligation whatsoever to fulfill; or they could have had the operator acquiesce, do what the stalker demanded of them, and then had meaningful discussion about how absolutely fucked up it is of this adult man to demand a teenager momentarily pilot his pregnant girlfriend's dying body for the sake of delivering him a child. 
instead DE did neither -- the operator points out that jade won't survive regardless, stalker yells at them, operator delivers his baby, jade dies as they said she would, and then... that's it. it's radio silence from the operator for the rest of the quest. as if they didn't just sacrifice their bodily autonomy and undergo horrific physical and emotional trauma for the sake of an orokin bootlicker to whom they owe absolutely NOTHING at all, whose pride is the entire reason jade died in the first place. the message DE sent here is clear: sometimes, surrendering your bodily autonomy IS the good thing to do! the stalker keeping jade barely alive for however many years was all worth it in the end since he got a son out of it! he couldn't save her but everything was ultimately fine in the end since she fulfilled her Womanly Purpose of giving birth! 
how utterly fucking tone deaf
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nanamimizz · 1 day
if a man has bigger tits than me it’s my god given right to be breast fed by him
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octahedral-chaos · 1 day
@mystic-131 I am finally watching the Shadow Fandub and I am already wheezing.
This is going to be GOOD
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soup-mother · 4 hours
i genuinely can't express just how evil the christian belief that suicide is a sin is. like holy fucking shit, religiously guilt miserable people into staying miserable and then straight up say the went to hell and "took the easy way out", fucking evil. like this is just stuff that was on my mind like i'm personally doing fine it's just like actually vile. and that idea shows up in so much media like wow a character went to hell for killing themselves? but you're definitely not pushing a christian worldview huh? it's such a pervasive idea and it's so harmful. hey maybe you're not actually a fucking bad person for thinking about killing yourself? that's like the bare minimum of support you can offer to a suicidal person, not thinking they're evil and bad for it.
like even if it would hurt other people for you to go like...you're not fucking going to hell to be punished for eternity for it holy shit. hell isn't real for one thing but also just wow, i can't even imagine how awful it is being suicidal and religious knowing everyone would not only judge you horribly but straight up think you were a sinner for it. ESPECIALLY if you have like a christian therapist where not only are they gonna institutionalize you for ideation but ALSO put religious blame on it.
controversial thought maybe but i care more about suicidal people than the unwanted opinions of religious people.
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satellites-halo · 3 days
all art is fetish art if you're weird enough about it
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