#haikyuu x reader comfort
emmyrosee · 6 months
Give us 22 with our boy osamu 😭🌷
22 with osamu… comfort 🥺
Your nails dig into your palms as you stare, blankly, at the book in front of you. You haven’t absorbed a word in the past twelve minutes, and it’s a book you haven’t touched in months. You should feel invested.
But you don’t. And it’s killing you.
You’re not quite sure why, but the happy whistling coming from Osamu has a well of tears flooding to your waterline, the books words start melting together and your breathing picks up at his happy, “hey baby.”
When you ignore him, you feel his gaze bore into you. “Uhh… babe? You okay?”
“You… positive?” He says, and you screw your eyes shut. “I don’t want to prod you, but you seem tense, and I don’t like it for you.”
“Im fine, Osamu,” you grit your teeth. The next thing you know, a cup of juice gets placed next to your book, and he’s next to you, a warm hand on your back as he rubs soothing circles and god, you don’t want to take this out on him. Not when he treats you so good, not when he cares so much about you.
Not when you can’t do anything right, and yet he’s right there to love you.
“Talk to me,” he whispers, and you screw your eyes shut and shake your head. “Please? Let me in.”
You take a deep breath in and can’t help the wobbling in your voice, “I can’t… even… read correctly.”
“I can’t read correctly!” You repeat, this time in a sob as you throw yourself into osamu’s stomach, his head immediately cradling the back of your head. “I’ve been trying and trying for the past twelve minutes, and I’ve retained none of it! My back hurts and my eyes keep vibrating, and I can’t even read correctly, for the love of god!”
He shushed you softly as his thumb gingerly rubs over your head, letting you cry it out for a bit in his shirt. You feel his breath pattern even out as an attempt to encourage you to do the same. You finally are able to stop crying long enough to breath, and he clears his throat.
“Are you doing your best?” He asks.
“What?” You ask.
“Are you doing your best right now?”
He’s not talking about reading. His words are carefully crafted to not just be about reading, and you wail into his stomach again. You nod, and he clicks his tongue, “then that’s okay. It’s okay to feel frustrated right now. But you know how to read, baby. You know how to open a book and retain every word that’s printed- you know that.”
You nod against him, and he continues, “you’re doing your best right now, and that’s plenty. I’m proud of you for all you’re doing. It’s enough- I promise you.”
“I don’t feel like it is,” you sniffle. “I don’t feel like it is enough.”
“It’s plenty,” he repeats. “Dont sabotage yourself into thinking otherwise.”
“Okay,” you whimper. You pull back to flick your eyes up at him, “I want to stop reading, please.”
He chuckles and grabs your bookmark to slip into the page, “what do you want to do?”
“I want to stay here, and cry more.”
“I can do that,” he promises, fixing his stance to be firmer and he guides you to rest your head back on his stomach. “Anything, for you.”
“Thank you.”
“Any time, babe. You know that.”
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Hi Ducky could I send in an emergency request? I’ve been having really bad anxiety and panic attacks and Kuroo and Oikawa are my top comfort characters so I wanted to know if something with that could happen…?
Hello!! Thank you so much for the request.
Thank you for trusting me with your issue. I will make sure to write this to the best of my ability.
My dms are always open. Let me know if you need anything!!
CW BELOW THE CUT: graphic descriptions of panic attacks.
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𝑇𝑜𝑜𝑟𝑢 𝑂𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑤𝑎
It’s not like you could help it or anything… they just, kinda happened.
The more you thought about not thinking about it, the more and more they started happening.
Truthfully, you knew that there wasn’t any real danger. But damnit, your mind was dead set on convincing you otherwise.
Luckily for you, you had an incredibly attentive person attached to your hip.
Tooru Oikawa, your best friend since diapers, wasn’t the most emotionally adept individual, but he could pick up the signs of a panic attack before you even realized they were occurring.
So, on the night of his eighteenth birthday, he knew just what to do, and how to do it discretely…
You, Oikawa, and three of his other friends, were all seated at a restaurant for a nice meal. Everything was normal, Makki glaring daggers at Mattsun, Iwaizumi trying vainly to keep them tamed, and you and Tooru spectating the whole ordeal.
As they all say: it really does come out of nowhere.
Breaking you from your previously serene state was a nauseating wave of panic. Nothing was happening to you, and yet your mind was alerting you of danger. Why?
You noticed first your vision tunneling into an almost blurry state. That’s okay, that’s manageable. You can live with some weird vision.
That is, until it got worse.
You then noticed your chest bearing a heavy weight. The pressure on your lungs made your chest burn and your head spin. It hurt. But, that’s alright, you can do it! Right?
Tapping your finger to keep yourself grounded, you start hyper-analyzing the menu that was adorning the side of the wooden table. But, it wasn’t working…
Barely managing to whimper out a sentence, you alert the party that you were going to use the restroom. Hastily, yet carefully, sliding out of your chair, you rush toward the front of the room, making a beeline for the front door.
Pushing the heavy, glass doors open, you found a secluded area and slid down the wall. Grasping the collar of your shirt, you attempted to heave out breaths to no avail. Tears flooded your vision as your head pounded from the lack of breath entering your lungs.
In the midst of the darkness, a gentle hand was placed on your shoulder, so lightly as if the person doing so didn’t want to startle you.
“Hey, I’m right here.” A hushed voice cooed, “You don’t have to do this alone, you know.”
As it turns out, Oikawa had noticed your speed to escape, and instantly knew you needed help. Excusing himself to take a phone call, he rushed outside as well.
“ ‘K-Kawa? Wha’ you doing-” You grimaced, every word a labor.
“No no, shhh. Don’t talk yet, take a minute.”
You nodded and closed your eyes, hanging your head low between your legs.
“Aht aht, no. You can’t put your head down like that, you know this.” His hand gently touched your chin to pull it upward. “You can do this, I know you can.”
“Mnh, h-hurts…” you whimper.
“I know, honey. I know.” Oikawa carefully takes your hand, brushing his thumb over the knuckles, “is it alright if I hug you?”
After pondering for a second, you hesitantly nod. The brown-haired male slowly enveloped you in his arms, cradling you as carefully and lovingly as possible. “There we go, hang on to me.”
You obliged to his instructions, resting your head on his shoulder and tracing shapes into his back with your finger.
“You can’t forget to breathe, (Y/N).” Oikawa’s cooing voice was a gentle reminder of your ultimate goal: not asphyxiating.
The setter’s hand rested on your back, rubbing in a careful pattern. “I’ve got you, you’re safe, I promise you that whatever is in your head right now is not going to harm you. We are in no immediate danger, I assure you.” His voice was like honey, sweet and delicate, as reassurances flowed from his lips.
After a few more minutes, your breathing had leveled, and your vision had returned. You sigh tiredly, and un-tense your body, slumping into his shoulder.
“There they are, welcome back.” The brunette chimed as he brought his other hand up to cradle the back of your head. “Is this okay? Do you need to be held a little longer?”
Cuddling up to him, you smiled and sighed in content, “yes please… m’sorry I made you miss your birthday dinner.”
“Mm it’s actually quite the contrary, (Y/N). The boys think I’m making a phone call, and if know those three, Iwa-chan will still be trying to keep the feral children under control right now.”
You chuckled and closed your eyes once more. “Thank you, Tooru.” You whispered.
“Anytime, (Y/N).” Oikawa replied, gently kissing the crown of your head.
By the time you re-entered the restaurant, you noticed that he was in fact correct. Poor Iwaizumi was currently trying to keep Mattsun from dying at the hands of Makki.
The two of you wordlessly slipped back into your seats at the table, and Oikawa shot you a supportive wink and a smile.
While your panic attacks do come out of nowhere, and completely derail your plans, you’re forever thankful for your best friend that helps put you back on track.
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𝑇𝑒𝑡𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑜 𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑜
It’s sort of funny how some things can lead to great friendships.
When your panic attack hit, you didn’t even know Kuroo that well, you just ended up in a study group together.
Leave it to your teacher to give you the biggest test of the year right when you’re having trouble in his class…
When you voiced your troubles to your best friend, Yaku, he immediately suggested that the two of you form a study group for the exam.
With snacks and drinks lining the table, gentle music playing from someone’s phone, and a variety of colored, dry erase markers, your group was ready to go.
At first, an hour went by with no issues. You were confidently answering questions and getting them correct. However, when you answered your first question wrong, something changed within.
Your confidence left and you suddenly went radio silent. Even if you knew the answer, you didn’t try to speak up. This did not go unnoticed by Kuroo.
As the minutes passed, little things began to develop.
The words on your paper became a staticy blur, each letter being distorted by your slowly tunneling vision. Your tongue felt heavy in your mouth as the rest of your body broke out into a cold sweat.
Above all else, you were having a bit of trouble getting air in. You couldn’t risk speaking, but you couldn’t be in the room any longer. Wordlessly, you stood up from your chair and rushed out of the door.
Once you were safely outside of the library, you instantly plopped down in the grass, flat on your back, gasping for air. You couldn’t breathe, and it was scaring you. Tears rushed to your squeezed-shut eyes as heavy weights pounded atop of your chest.
After about fifteen seconds of solitude, you heard hasty crunching from the grass below you. “Hey, (Y/N), you have to sit up.”
You recognized the voice… where had you-
“You’ll never get any airflow like that. Sit up with your back straight.”
Regardless, you obliged. You insecurely positioned yourself upright as the smallest amount of air returned to your lungs.
“Good job.” The voice praised. “Is it alright if I sit behind you? I won’t touch you yet if you aren’t comfortable.”
You hesitantly nodded your head, still finding yourself panting and choking on your sobs.
There wasn’t even a moment’s worth of hesitation in the sudden action. The person sat behind you, legs open, with you seated in between them.
“Here’s how we’re gonna do this.” The voice began, “Tap my right knee once for yes, twice for no. Okay?”
You tapped his right knee, mind starting to slowly unfog.
“Can I touch you yet? Are you comfortable with that?”
At this point, you were ready for the panic attack to stop, you didn’t care how. You gently tapped the person’s right knee one time.
Carefully, you were pulled flush against the person talking to you. You immediately noticed the sleek material of a windbreaker… “K-Kuroo?” You croaked.
“Yeah, it’s me.” He replied, gently taking your hand, “But don’t speak yet, you need to get your breathing under control.”
You nodded and laid your head on his shoulder, loosening the tension in your eyelids. From then on, you focused on taking a breath.
“Easy does it… nice and slow…” the male whispered, gently rubbing his thumb across your knuckles. “Do you mind if I rest my hand over your heart? This works well for my little sister.”
With a staggered sigh, you tapped his knee once. What did you have to lose?
Kuroo slowly brought his hand up to the left side of your chest. “Here we go. I’m gonna start with my pointer finger, then rest my whole hand flat.”
The black-haired male did just as he said, and shockingly, you felt the weight from your chest disappearing.
You quickly began to gasp in air greedily, panting heavily as the oxygen finally returned to your lungs
“Ah, welcome. back.” Kuroo cooed, “Do you want me to let go? Or do you need more time?”
“More time…” you whispered, letting your head fall into the crook of his neck. “Sorry…”
“Nothing to be sorry about. This is completely natural. This was your brain’s way of telling you that something was off. I’m just glad that I knew what was happening, because everyone else sure as hell didn’t.”
“I’m glad that I was able to help you calm down. I know how awfully scary these can be. You probably felt like you were going to pass out back there… didn’t you?”
You nodded with a sniffle as all of the fears on your mind finally came out in the form of tears.
Kuroo carefully turned you around in his hold, maneuvering himself to hold you securely by the waist, and to have another hand running through your hair.
“It’ll be alright, let it out. You’re safe with me.“
So, you did.
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pengujoon · 1 year
“Crusty nails? Yep.”
“Skinny fat? Tick that off.”
“Thighs that spread whenever I sit? Sure.”
“Scars from when I was-“
“What are you going on about?” You heard your husband shuffling over to your side of the bed with a worrisome look on his face. 
“Oh… it’s nothing much,” you said nonchalantly, “go back to sleep, darling. It’s nothing much for you to be concerned of.” You smiled, but he could easily see though your poorly put-on facade, and you knew that very well. 
“Love,” he sat up, hands reached out for yours, his thumbs caressing the back of your hands, “what’s wrong?” 
Your voice is a whisper, your breathing heavy as you leaned into him, the warm weighted blanket acting as a shield from the cold wind from the air conditioner. 
“You do remember that I went out with my friends yesterday for a meetup, right?” His short hum of recognition prompted you to continue. “When we were out having a good time in a cafe, our topic of conversation suddenly shifted to talking about our accomplishments - no, sorry, their accomplishments.
“One of them is a rising model, and just got signed under a rather renown modeling agency. The other one got promoted to a manager from a supervisor, and the other just started their PhD.
“I just feel like I’m lacking in everything. Beauty? Not me. Brains? Definitely not.” You chuckled emotionlessly. “What am I even remotely good at?” 
You sighed, and felt tears well up in your eyes; your voice threatened to break if you continued any longer. You wiped away the stray tear that found it’s way down your cheeks, and glanced upwards to the ceiling, feeling your limbs slowly go weak the longer you stayed in your husband’s warm embrace.
“It’s always them and how they’re doing, how good they’re doing, isn’t it?” His soft voice pierced the silence, his rough hands gently caressing your hair. You felt your tears flow down your cheeks as you nodded, your back of your right hand laying flat against your forehead, your eyes shut close in an attempt to stop the tears. 
“It’s always this feeling,” he said, looking into your eyes deeply, “this feeling of not being good enough, isn’t it? This feeling that there are always people who are better than you, no matter how much you tried.” 
You remained silent, feeling your muscle relax under his constant touch as he continued.
“Do you ever tell people the bad experiences that you go, or rather, went through?” 
Surprised by this sudden and rather unrelated question, you shook your head uncertainly.
“We all have our own battles that we face, love. It’s hard to talk about these things even with people you trust. It’s easy to look at them and think they’ve got everything figured out, like they’re walking on this smooth, glittering path while we’re trudging through mud.”
Sniffling, you whispered back. “But sometimes, it feels like they’re untouched by any of the chaos. It’s not hard to feel inadequate, you know?”
“I do, too well even for my own liking,” he chuckled, “but one thing I do know is that everyone’s battling their own storm. We’re all captains of ships, sailing through unpredictable seas. Just because we can’t see the tempest from the shore doesn’t mean they’re not there.
“We’re all writing stories that are far more intricate than they appear at first glance. It’s all those hidden chapters that truly define our narratives.” 
You sighed, then sat up to face your husband. Every time you look at him, you always wonder how it’s possible for someone to hold so much love within the depths of their gaze. His eyes hold a love so deep that as though it’s a sanctuary, a place where you can surrender yourself, your fears, and let his love embrace you fully.
“I wish,” you whispered under your breath, not looking into his eyes for you were afraid that you couldn’t hold your tears in, “I wish I could see myself the way you do.”
“Love,” he said, holding your hands, “look at me.”
You glanced up at him; he bathed in the delicate luminescence of the soft moon glow through the window, assuming an otherworldly presence, as if drawn from the tapestry of dreams.
“I wish I could gift you the mirror of my perception, to reveal the stunning masterpiece that you are. Every facet of your being, every little thing that lights up your eyes, is a marvel to me. All those scars, all those things you’re unsure about, I love them, because they’re part of you. 
“Until then, know that my eyes only reflect the truth of your magnificence and beauty, my love.”
Your eyes glimmered, a fragile response to his words, as you managed a shaky whisper, “You always know how to say the right thing.”
He leaned in, drawing you into an embrace, an unspoken promise of his affection woven into the way he held you close. He whispered, “Because every word I speak to you is laced with the truth of my heart. Your laughter, your quirks, they’re melodies that echo in my soul.”
Your fingers clenched the edge of the blanket, knuckles turning white as your gaze flickered downward. A subtle quiver danced through your voice. “But what if I’m not good enough?” The vulnerability of your question hung in the air, the unspoken turmoil evident in the slight tremor of your lips.
He shifted closer on the bed, his movement a silent affirmation of his presence. His fingers found yours, intertwining gently, offering a reassuring squeeze. With a tender gaze that held you and nothing else, he softly replied, “Love, you’re more than enough. I promise you, every doubt you have is overshadowed by the incredible person you are.
“You are not just enough, you are immeasurable in your worth. In my eyes, you’re the sun that rises after the darkest night, casting away shadows and filling the world with warmth. My love, you’re more than enough for me, for us.” 
He lifted your hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss against your knuckles.
“When I look at you, I see a universe of stars that shine uniquely. Your journey, your struggles, they’re part of what makes you breathtakingly you.” 
As your breaths synchronised in the quiet intimacy of the room, he traced the outline of your hand with his thumb, a slight reassurance of his presence. “In your laughter, I find my joy; in your eyes, my universe unfolds,” he whispered, the air charged with tenderness. “and in the depths of my being, there is a love that’s boundless, a love that defies worlds.
“And, my dearest, I love you beyond measure.”
Your emotions, held back for so long, found release in the embrace of his arms. The weight of your fears, your doubts, spilled forth in silent tears, each droplet a testament to your vulnerability. He held you, offering a sanctuary of warmth and solace, sharing the unspoken language of comfort.
Eventually, as your sobs turned to soft exhausted breaths, a tranquil calm settled over you. Gently, he shifted, his touch as delicate as a whisper as his lips brushed against your forehead.
The night felt as though it had woven its tapestry around you, painting your form with a silvery luminescence. He tenderly whispered, “Goodnight, my love,” his words a final caress before he let your dreams carry your away. 
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Oikawa x injured reader
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Background: you are Seijoh’s manager (you’re a second year) and you were running with the boys and you trip and twist your knee and in the process and tear your meniscus
Y/N= First name
L/N= last name
F/C=favorite color
F/F=favorite food
I/C/N= Incel name
I had gone to school this morning in a rush so as not to be late. But alas luck was not on my side today
Because I ended up being over 20 minutes late to class and with the rain I hadn’t seen a light pole and ran right into it thus cracking one of my glasses lenses in a spiderweb fashion now rendering my left eye useless and my vision doubled
I sprinted through the halls to my class and was fortunately able to slip in undetected before attendance was even called only to be grossly hit on by the classroom’s resident greasy sleaze ball nice guy upon my immediate entrance.
“Well well m’lady will you finally go out with me or be a fool and go out with some jerk?”
“I-I’m sorry I/C/N I’m just… not interested in you.”
“Wow you’re so rude L/N and I’ve been sooo nice to you”
I just avoided eye contact and just went to a nice darker corner of the room to get away from him and pray for the day to end without another absolute travesty happening again 
But alas
This was not the case
Of course Tooru fucking Oikawa had to come bursting in to the one class I had with the greasy incel 
“What do you need Oikawa-San?”
“Y/N-chan we are having an extra practice next class and I thought I would come to tell you!”
“I/C/N it’s not-“
“Anyway Y/N-chan you’re free to join us at anytime but maybe you’ll wanna come early? We’re thinking of also planning a team bonding activity”
I realized I had a choice to go and join them when the teacher looked at me and nodded her head
“Of course I’ll help!”
And of course riiiiiiiiiiight when I got up and got to where Oikawa that nasty incel started screaming out a bunch of incoherent curses  and… interesting expletives 
Thankfully Oikawa had speedily put his hand to my lower back and escorted me out 
“You deal with that everyday?”
“Yeah but it’s fine. As long as I ignore him there’s no worry”
“That doesn’t change that he’s being creepy and you shouldn’t have to deal with that”
“Just drop it Oikawa-san I can’t have you worrying about something that might cloud your mind”
“Alright boys I want all of you to go run to the track, run 2 laps and run back to build your endurance” the coach said while very specifically looking at Kyotani and as if to say ‘if you so much as get a scrape competing against each other I’ll skin you alive’
“Pardon my interruption coach but may I also run with the team? I’m trying to build my lung capacity for band again”
“Sure just make sure to keep an eye on Oikawa and Kyotani and not get lost”
And with that we were off
I put one headphone in and started jogging. At first I was at the middle of the pack but I steadily made my way to the front and when I finally made my way to the front I started running faster up the slope that would take us to the track.
By the time we finished the first lap out of my right ear I heard fast and thundering footsteps only to see Kyotani trying to sprint past me in order to assert his dominance but I sped up to double the pace of my music before starting my breathing technique for running thus officially leaving everyone in the dust.
I did not however account for Oikawa wanting to assert his dominance over Kyotani and Oikawa started SPRINTING not to catch up with me but to beat Kyotani. There was uh…one problem though.
Oikawa was EXTREMELY fast and had long legs (longer than mine like sheesh) I was worried he was gonna get hurt by trying to outrun everyone and right as he was finally catching up to me and about to pass me I started screaming “SLOW DOWN OIKAWA YOU’RE GONNA HURT YOURSELF AGAIN”
He IMMEDIATELY stopped running and only decided to run next to me and keep my pace since I already had out run the whole ass team and had lapped half the team
There was just one problem
The song changed to be faster
Like 30 BPM faster
So as the tempo changed in the music the tempo in my feet changed
“Sorry Oikawa but I gotta keep pace with my music for my training!”
He never caught all the way up to me but he stayed close behind
Which was a curse and a blessing for what I didn’t know what was coming  
Because right after we got off the track I got my foot stuck in a hole and twisted my knee as I fell
“I’m okay Oikawa i just fell is all” which was true but I had to down play my injury in order to get better all around and to keep helping the team
“I’m okay! Really! I can walk see?”
I then stand up only for my knee to betray me and give out
He then runs to my side as I’m on the ground trying to quickly re-adjust my knee so it at least looks normal to make sure Oikawa doesn’t worry which could lead to me not being able to participate
“I-I’m ok I just need a few seconds to get up and walk it off is all-“
And of fucking course fucking Kindaichi catches up with us and that piece of shit of course calls out:
So now there’s all this yelling because of Kindaichi’s panic call out and this of course brings on a new wave of panicked screaming from Oikawa and a now frantic Iwaizumi charging towards me
“It’s ok I-I’ll be fine I can walk it off. I always do I’m fine”. 
“OI WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?” Oh of course Iwaizumi jumps into this mess
of course Oikawa jumps back into this and it becomes apparent that he’s not giving up on this and I realize there might not be an out for this.
and finally after what seemed like ages Oikawa comes back to me but with Iwaizumi this time 
“Y/N I’m going to pick you up by your armpits and Oikawa is gonna help me get you back to the gym ok?”
“I’ll be fine Iwaizumi-san I can make it back fine”
“Nope we’re carrying you. Actually I’m going to relocate your knee so you’ll be in less pain”
“Nonononononononono I’ll be ok really I just need to not be a baby and walk it off.”
“Oi Shittykawa hold her still so I can do this ok”
Oikawa crouched down near me and wrapped his arms around my upper body and as Iwaizumi was putting my knee back in place, Oikawa decided that I needed a stronger distraction than just a surprise hug from behind 
And so he decides to dig his fingers into my ribs and starts plucking at them like an electric guitar and nuzzling my cheek with his nose
“Waiahaihahahahahahait nohohohohohohohho oikahahahahahahahahawa thahahat tihihickles pleahehehehehehehse”
“Sorry Y/N-chan but you need this and you know what they say, laughter is the best medicine! Isn’t that right Iwa-chan?”
“I hate to say it but he’s right for once, it helps produce endorphins which lessens pain”
“I-hihihihihihihihihihihi neheheheheheehehehever sahahahahahahahaid ihihihit huhurt”
“Y/N-chan! What kind of captain would I be if I let our precious manager be hurt! And besides you’re always there for us so it’s only fair that we’re here for you!”
He of course moves his hands from my ribs to my tummy and that made it worse and made me squirm more than I had before and on top of that my laughter went from just barely held back giggles to full blown belly laughter
That gave Iwaizumi his chance to fix my knee and while I was distracted he got my leg and readjusted it at the knee, but as he was snapping my knee back to the correct position Oikawa went down to my hips and started scribbling there with his nails and I went WILD
“Awwww how cute! Your laugh is so pretty! I could just eat you up! Coochie coochie coo! Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle~!”
“Oi Shittykawa I’m done you can stop now”
“Come now Iwa-chan are you hearing her laughing? She never laughs! And she’s so cute!”
“We have to get her back to the club room so her knee can get checked out by the nurse”
“Awww ok.” And he pouts and lets me go as my giggles finally die down and I try to get up but quickly get pulled back to the ground only to immediately be picked up again princess style by Oikawa.
I had been taken back to the club room and the nurse had confirmed that on top of the dislocation of my knee I must have dislocated my meniscus and will need a brace as well as crutches for a week or 2.
“But will I be able to march?”
“I’m afraid not my dear for 2 weeks”
I was about to pipe in calling bullshit only to be cut off by Oikawa:
“It’s ok Y/N-Chan you have us to help you! Besides I’ve dealt with something similar before as you know so I can give you some tips and tricks too.” He says as he wraps his arms around me and nuzzles into my neck affectionately
I immediately get flustered by this and the nurse pipes in
“I-I’ll step out for a second so you 2 can have a moment to process”
Smooth. Real smooth
“Now that we’re alone I want to ask you something Y/N-chan. Just hear me out ok?”
“I know we’ve known each other since early-ish middle school and that’s a long time, but I want to ask you something, will y-you go on a date with me Y/N-chan? I know this seems sudden but it’s been sitting for a while and I couldn’t just let it wither away in my brain. but If it already wasn't obvious to you Y/N-chan I've really liked you for some time and there’s no way I can live without you by my side. Every waking moment I’m with you it feels like a dream that I never want to wake up from”
“A-are you s-saying y-you l-like me O-Oikawa-san?”
“Yes Y/N-chan I do. More than that actually.” He says as he gently takes my hands in his and looks directly at me in my E/C eyes and smiled warmly. “It’s actually quite interesting how you didn’t notice~”
“I had no idea you felt that way. Considering you could have any girl you want and-”
“Y/N I swear to God if you say that you’re not good enough I might actually scream.”
“Oikawa-san! You can’t cuss! Hypocrite!”
Then he stuck his tongue out at me and blew a raspberry as he crossed his arms too.
“I didn’t use dirty language though! But on a separate note you better not say you’re good enough for me~”
“Ok but when you have creeps like I/C/N hitting on you and no one else then it gives that impression.”
“Ewwwww how dare he. I’m still jealous because there are boys from the baseball team who hit on you. Like just cause you can hit a ball with a stick doesn’t mean you’re good enough for Y/N-chan”
“What do you mean ‘good enough for me’? I’m not good enough looking for that high of a standard.”
“Look I love you and everything but you are painfully oblivious. A LOT of boys look at you. And you should have better standards because your looks? Stunning. Your personality is amazing too”
He walked over to me again and looked at me. 
“But you ha-” 
And he kisses me
“Sorry Y/N-chan I couldn’t let you keep saying that stuff about yourself” 
He just shrugs after that whole bombshell drop and sits down next to me on the bed and puts me on his lap
“Hey careful of the brace!”
“I know I know. And weren’t you the one telling me to be careful about mine~”
“Sh-shut up” I said getting flustered
“You know you love me~”
“Alrighty boys you’ll be running up the hill to the track, 2 laps around the track and back down again. Except you L/N because you’re injured.”
“Awwwww come on coach I think I can do it! Pleeeeeease?
Then Oikawa piped in with the rich statement of: 
“L/N you remember the doctor telling you to stay off it for 3 weeks and be on crutches for that time” 
“Well I feel fine so screw it. A week is enough for me.”
“How about this coach, since I myself have been having problems with my knee I’ll stay back with her to make sure she doesn’t try anything sneaky.”
Iwaizumi had taken this as his chance to chime in:
“Wow shittykawa is doing something mature for once and taking care of himself at the same time”
And with that they were off 
I had tried to get up as they were leaving when Oikawa had looked away for just a second 
I did not succeed
“Hey where are you going you goofball?” Oikawa said as he grabbed onto my hips and pulled me into his lap this undoing my work to stand up again. 
“Y-you can’t keep me down for long Oikawa!”
“Yes I can darling~just watch” as he finished saying that he put me between his legs and put them over mine to prevent me from standing again
“Oh and just for good measure to make sure you can’t escape~” he had grabbed both my wrists with one hand and started tickling me in all my weak areas on my tummy, sides, ribs etc. 
“Oh look at that it seems my little Y/N-chan can’t move~ too bad she tried to fight me earlier forgetting I’m bigger in both weight and height.”
The end (part 2 maybe. Idk)
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tetsumie · 1 month
heyy when you have the time to do so, can i request college!suna x reader angst to fluff where reader tries to spend time with suna but they get into an argument where he decides to spend time with his athlete friend group but then feels guilty and make up with reader through heart to heart conversation? 🫶🏻sorry if this is so long i have no idea how to make the prompt shorter but honestly i love all the fics you post so idc if you change it up a bit just thought i’d give an idea
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pairing: suna rintaro x gen!neutral reader
genre: hurt/comfort
content: you confront him about the growing distance in your relationship, something he's been dismissing for a while, until he finally grasps the seriousness of the situation
cw: suna is a bit harsh; arguments but they make up <3
a/n: hihi anon! ty for requesting and i hope it's to your liking :D i'm still accepting requests for my 1k event so feel free to send more into my inbox!
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"it's like i never see you anymore!"
suna and you have been in this back and forth argument for what felt like an eternity and it's draining the life out of you.
suna has been preoccupied with the upcoming inter-collegiate volleyball tournament. as a starter on the prestigious division 1 ejp raijin volleyball team, the arduous practices and pressure have been taking a heavier toll than expected on him.
as a result of this, suna has been incredibly distant in your relationship. he was always gone before you woke up in the morning and didn't return until after you fell asleep. every time you tried to plan a date or suggest something to do together, he somehow always cancels. it's always, "sorry i have to run some extra drills. maybe another day?"
it's exhausting putting this much effort into your relationship when it all seems in vain.
you've tried bringing this up to suna before, mentioning how you would like to spend more time together. but suna, being suna, always brushed it off. but there's only so much dismissal you can take.
you really miss your boyfriend.
but you're not sure he misses you the way you miss him.
"y/n you can't expect me to drop everything for you! like fuck, i have a life outside of you," he exclaims, snapping you back to the current argument at hand.
"i didn't say that, rin."
"that's what you're trying to say," he replies, crossing his arms over his chest.
you shake you head, lowering your voice. "i know volleyball always has and always will be a top priority for you but i just wish... well, it would be nice if you could put a bit of effort into our relationship."
"what if i don't even want to anymore..." he mumbles under his breath as he walks to the closet, grabbing a coat.
the rage in your heart and mind now simmer down to a feeling of dread and heartbreak. what?
as he turns around, he sends an icy glare at you. you've never seen this side of him and you refuse to let him see you crumble apart in front of him. you refuse to break down right now.
"you don't want to what, suna?" you look at him, tone icy cold. "go on. tell me."
the heated environment is making his mind all cloudy and he wants to end this conversation now.
"you know what i mean, y/n. i'm going out. don't call me."
the door opens and slams shut.
the moment the door closes, you're completely still. you're running on autopilot. you find yourself making a cup of tea and sitting at the dining table, looking at the empty, lifeless apartment sprawled in front of you.
subconsciously, the tears started to roll. i guess that's it then. i think i better start packing my things. i should be gone by the time he comes back home.
meanwhile, suna makes his way downtown to the bar where some of his volleyball friends had invited him out for a couple drinks. he opens the door to the bar and he can hear the familiar rowdiness of his friends.
"well, well, well, if it ain't the infamous sunarin from ejp," a familiar blonde comes running to him. "been too long since i've seen ya stupid ass."
"yeah yeah whatever asshole," suna slaps the back of atsumu and nods over at osamu who's sitting on the table. "it's good to see you both."
as suna and atsumu head to the table in the back with the rest of his friends, his mind can't help but linger back to the argument that he had with you. but he decides to shake his mind off it.
he's here to have fun with his friends right now. not be worried about you.
"you didn't bring y/n tonight?" komori, suna's teammate, asks. "i haven't seen them in a hot minute. what've they been up to?"
what have you been up to? he doesn’t know. when was the last time we both had an actual conversation? he doesn’t know. he doesn’t even know what's been going on in your life lately. fuck this is what y/n meant.
he forces a smile, masking the bitter thoughts playing in his mind. "they're good. just doing their classes and stuff."
"ah right, well bring them by sometime! it's been too long since i've seen them. they never fail to light up the room with their presence."
"yeah you're right."
he nods, taking small sips from the beer in front of him.
as the conversation and chaos ensue among his friends, his mind keeps drifting back to the memories of the argument he walked out on. his mind has cooled off and a sense of guilt starts to take over his body.
here he is having fun with his friends while you're at home all alone, waiting for him. you just wanted to spend time with him and here he was, finding comfort in other people other than you.
he tries to remember the last time you both had gone out together but he's drawing a complete blank. he can't even remember the last time he's kissed you or held you in his hands.
no wonder you've been feeling so lonely.
and in response, he just kept brushing you off until you blew up today. and to make matters worse, he walked out of the argument giving you no sense of reassurance or closure on the matter.
at the realization, suna shoots up out of his seat with flushed cheeks. the group turns to him.
"i gotta head out for the night. i gotta see my baby."
"get a fuckin' room sunarin," osamu shouts. the rest of the groups howls in agreement. "see ya."
he waves goodbye and starts trudging his way back to the shared apartment. he expects to find you asleep so he can crawl into bed with you and cuddle, never intending on letting you go.
so you can imagine the surprise when he opens the door and sees the bedroom light on and hears rustling noises. "baby?" he calls out. "y/n?"
he takes off his shoes and coat and walks to the bedroom. he starts to internally panic at the sight in front of him.
you have a couple of suitcases out filled with your clothes and belongings. at a glance, he can see that your side of the closet is almost empty. you've even taken down a couple of the decor pieces in the room that you bought but he was never particularly interested in. with your headphones in, you’re focused on packing, but what breaks him the most is seeing you wipe your eyes as you do so. why are you even packing? where are you going?
and then it hits him.
not only did he make it seem like he didn’t want to make this relationship work, but his actions have been driving you away. fuck, this was bad. he didn't mean any of it. he has to fix it or he's gonna lose the best thing in his life for good.
he goes over to you and taps your shorted and you yelp, startled by the 6'2" man, hovering above you.
"what the hell are you doing?" suna asks, cocking an eyebrow at you.
you wipe your eyes. "i'm leaving."
"don't be ridiculous," he scoffs.
"ridiculous?" you laugh at the absurdity of his comment. "what's ridiculous is how you walk out of an argument not even wanting to work things out. what's ridiculous is how you just continue to put me aside like i’m some side piece."
he knows you’re hurting. and it’s all his fault.
he doesn’t know how to properly express everything he needs to say to you.
so in the heat of it all, he does what he thinks is the next best thing and kisses you.
you'd forgotten this feeling. his soft lips on yours and how they fit together just right. it's the softest kiss he's ever given to you and your heart swells at the gesture.
you pull away and you plop yourself on the floor to process what just happened.
right there and then, he looks at you. he really looks at you. he notices the way you have some baby hairs popping out and your cheeks feel warm from all that crying. he notices the way your eyes look slightly puffed out and the remnants of tears on your cheeks.
i'm the cause of this. this is all my fault.
"i’m sorry," he begins.
you sigh and look away mumbling to yourself. "you’ve said that before. it doesn’t change anything."
"and you’re right."
you look up at him, surprised by his admission. "w-what?"
"you’re absolutely right, y/n."
he crouches down to your level, resting his hand on your knee so he can look you in the eye.
"i shouldn't have made it seem i wasn't willing to put in the effort into making us work," he says, gesturing between you and him. "my actions and what i said to you a couple hours ago obviously made it seem that way and i'm an absolute dumbass for not picking up on it."
you’re silent. he searches your face, looking for any speck of emotion, but he still can’t read you. in the amount of time he's known you, you’ve always been the exception.
"i've been swamped with so much work lately and i know i need to do better. i spread myself so thin that i forgot to prioritize the things and the people that matter the most to me."
you're silent, unsure of what to say to him.
"i thought i was doing the best i could do until i realized i could be doing so much more for us and for you. i'm so sorry for not being here."
"i know rin," you whisper. finally, for the first time you look up from your lap to look at him. "it just felt like you didn't care about us anymore. you're the hardest worker i know but i just wish you were here sometimes."
"and i wouldn't be able to be that hard worker without your love and support, you know," his hand cups your cheek as he runs his thumb across the tear streaks on your face.
"i realize how absent i’ve been in our relationship lately and i can’t imagine how lonely you’ve been feeling. i want to make this relationship work with you. i know i suck at being sappy and shit but you really are my other half. no matter what it takes, i’ll make us work. i’ll fight for this relationship. i'll fight for us."
"oh, rin," you sigh and wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him in close for a hug. the tears begin to flow from your eyes.
he feels his eyes glaze over. he breathes in your familiar scent and feels a warmth he’s missed.
even after everything, you still love him.
he starts with a gentle kiss on your cheek, then starts peppering your face with soft kisses.
you let out a watery chuckle, making his heart skip a beat. he hasn't heard your laugh in forever and he swears to himself to never be the reason for your tears again.
"let's go to bed now baby. i've gotta cuddle away all the pain i've caused you."
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© tetsumie 2024 all rights reserved
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dreamesamu · 4 months
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in which he takes a moment to justify himself after never noticing your little crush for him
starring. msby!miya atsumu x fem!reader
genre(s): angst to fluff, long scenario sets in post-timeskip!
warning(s): reader is nice and overworks herself. not proofhead i apologize
author’s note: It's kind of not what i had imagined but hope you enjoy it.
choose your character: m. atsumu | k. akaashi
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another cliché beginning for the person you are right now - the MSBY team manager - is that you’ve loved the miya atsumu since high school. it’s not like being the team’s manager isn’t your dream, you loved this job and had been dying to do it because you’ve loved volleyball, too. plus, you will have the opportunity to stay close and take care of the team, especially your crush who just merely thinks you are his best friend.
you first laid eyes on him when you were sitting alone on the subway, his dyed-blonde locks caught your attention as he first talked to you about the chase atlantic’s song you were listening to, he was cute, warm and friendly. at that moment, you were verified that he wasn’t the guy who was fond of his fan girls that everybody had been rumoring about. He eventually found out that you guys went to the same high school, so as to start a new beginning of your bonding friendship.
It wasn’t long until you finally realized that you might have adored the pretty setter a little too much than usual. his touches, his smile, the way he calls your name and his genuine characteristics when he was used to you being around seemed a little bit more easy to flutter your heart than every other day. Ever since then, you just hid your feelings and was grateful for what you got right then because you knew that if you confess, you couldn’t get this best friend treatment that you silently fell for for any longer.
You impressed yourself for even keep it until now. you and him are mature and beautiful, but you still can’t help but feel so ‘high school’ when you look at him. the least thing you could do for a friend (crush) is care for him through bottles of flavored electrolyte water, preparing his favorite after-practice snacks and even cool and soft towels to calm the heat down after a match. However, it seems like mr. miya doesn’t notice all of the hard work you did for him, he was so used to be taken care of by you that he accidentally failed to realize the special treatment only for him but nobody else.
“Hey, tired yet? you can call it a day for now if you want?” you smiled, hand over his bottle of water you prepared for him to the softly panting atsumu taking a break on the bench. He is quite preoccupied with his earlier techniques that he need to improve, he only spares you a glance then takes the bottle to drink without saying any words, you assume that he is in a bad mood.
“oh, and” you search for the thing in your bag. “here, your towel”
he nods and takes it, it makes you feel awkward. that’s… all…? You try to not overthink yourself, after all, it was quite a tense match, and the fact that your team will have an important volleyball game the next month proves his concerns are valid.
you watch atsumu leave when hinata shoyo came up to you.
“oh? isn’t that our manager?” you startle at his voice. “hehe, please don’t mind tsumu at all, please, he just got pissed because he made a mistake during practice” the sunshine grins, having him around surely just brighten everything up, because he is just so sweet and comfortable to be with.
“no, no,… I really don’t mind at all, actually” you know atsumu better than anyone so you don’t take his actions to heart sometimes, it’s just…
“oi, oi! I know what you’re thinking, I saw you overthere doing things for tsumu. This guy, honestly…” Hinata sure saw you earlier with enthusiasm written on all over your face while preparing those towels and bottles, he felt bad for you and decided to cheer you up regardless atsumu has just cracked your poor heart a little.
“It’s okay, hinata. thank you for checking on me!” you smile wide, so my efforts wasn’t invalidated at all, gratefully bow down to see the awkward hinata trying to stutter words out.
“no- no, don’t do that, you are our manager, that’s just nothing! besides, seeing you give tsumu so special treatment makes me real jealous!!” he huffs cutely. “I really want that flavored electrolyte water, too! what a shame he wouldn’t notice.”
you laugh sheepishly as you guys return to your dorms to rest. things have been going hard for you like crazy, the work amount weighing on your shoulders make it almost unbearable, but you still stay strong and put a warm smile on your face so nobody would notices. you have been thinking of retiring just in case the situation just got worse to the level of destroying your mental health. but, by thinking of your small joy of seeing atsumu everyday, you hesitated.
your sleepless nights start when the important games take a step closer, you overworked yourself and often feel burnt out, your time with atsumu narrows as you find it hard to start a conversation even in lunch break. atsumu does feel weird. why isn’t y/n sit with us? she is nowhere to be found these days.
“hey, tsum-tsum” said bokuto. “what do you think of y/n?” he said, putting a tray of food on the table while making his way to sit.
“y/n? what’s with her?” the fake blond raises a brow, munching on his food
“I think she’s so cute and thoughtful, base on her affection for you, i betcha she’s completely smitten” the owl laughs as the other teammates giggle along. “you should consider on dating her, what a waste if you don’t, she’s literally girlfriend material, same thoughts huh, hinata?” he winks and the tangerine head give him back a thumbs up.
“dating y/n, huh?” atsumu laughs as if he doesn’t take bokuto’s statements seriously. “I don’t date my friends, you know. besides, y/n is just a close friend of mine, she ain’t my type”
“heartless tsumu… she worked so hard for you these days…” hinata fake crying when talking about you
“I know that she makes snacks and does things for me, but sometimes, that’s just unnecessary, i don’t need it to be all the damn time, it feels a little annoying, i just need to be alone to refresh my thoughts” he sighs. “now you told me to consider on dating her, i wouldn’t know how long i can take it.”
now there is dead silence following his statement, everybody just awkwardly continues finishing their lunch, and you do know eavesdropping is a thing that you shouldn’t do. but you did. before you even notice, hot streams cover your face and you feel your breath hitches. the coach sends you to check on the team at such wrong timing, you can’t face them, the voices earlier destroy your confidence, replace it with angst and hurt. so… what i did is just a bother to him, huh. you realize now, that you were such a dumbass trying to make him catch feeling by all of this. and with the tiniest amount of pride left, you back up a smile and step into the cafeteria, the atmosphere suddenly feels tense as everybody hasn’t been moving on since their last conversation, atsumu feels an uneasy feeling when he sees you behind him, guilt? he thinks.
“hey… coach sent me to check up on you guys, please be well rested at your dorms after lunch, we have practice match at 2pm, alright?” your voice evidently trembles, you try cover it up with some fake coughs. oh, who are you kidding? it’s atsumu miya we’re talking about. he first notices how your eyes are a bit swollen, have you been crying? your tired figure due to sleepless nights, the way you haven’t eaten properly shows right in front of his eyes. he suddenly felt a twinge in his heart, in which moment he never wanted to see you like this, ever again. but, what’s all this for? he doesn’t like you… right? because- you’re his best friend, and caring is what’s best friends do, am I correct?
you left the cafeteria. atsumu feels like his whole head is going to explode, he regrets what he said earlier, knowing seventy per cent that you might have listened to it. he is weak because of guilt and distaste. the group feels uneasy and moody all of a sudden.
“i haven’t told you this before but you’ve seen her now, tsumu… she overworked herself with this huge amount of work with nobody beside her, yet she still maintaining to take care of you with these small gestures.” hinata sighs heavily. “y/n told me not to tell you about her state so you can concentrate on practising, but I’m really worried because now she can’t even hide it anymore. I tried to help, but she pushed me away and told me that i should do my own practices as our game is going to start soon.”
hinata pats atsumu’s back before leaving as if he’s signalling him to make it up to you. atsumu started to cry at this point. how could he be so clueless? he didn’t even know that his best friend was undergoing such pressure, yet why does the term “best friend” sound so irritating? he felt like he had failed to protect you and worse, hurting your feelings and he regretted it, so badly.
The following day comes, atsumu's first task is to search for you. To his astonishment, you are once more nowhere to be found. he was so preoccupied, his spikes aren’t as good, and he could not concentrate on practising, the coach sent him out, and gave him a moment to rethink by himself. and so, he reaches a staff, asking for information about you.
“Y/n? oh… she’s at the infirmary, we noticed her devastated state so we sent her to the doctor a while ago. now think about it I might write a report to the coach asking him to reduce the amount of work she’s handling.”
“thank you, kind sir. may I be the one who’ll write the report? I’m sure I could convince the coach.”
as the man nods, atsumu bowed goodbye to him and sprints to the infirmary where you’re at. he knows, that if anybody should write a report for you, it must be him. he must protect you because he has just realised it now, he likes you a lot more than he could imagine.
“Y/N!” atsumu slams the door open, he faces you with your eyes widened, startled by the bright window.
“tsumu…?” you softly speak.
atsumu in front of your eyes is the atsumu who tries to hold back his tears, biting his bottom lip as the poor heart lurching somewhere in his stomach but somehow still happy because he has found you.
“hey…” he kneels down on one knee beside you. “i’m sorry, angel” his hand softly squishes the smaller one, it holds back gently on his’
in all of the things you dislike, what you utterly don’t want to deal with is your emotions when you see atsumu looking so vulnerable like this. you instinctually grab a tissue and wipe off the sweat drop on his forehead the moment you see it, atsumu’s worried expression won’t vanish unless you speak up something.
“hey…” you smile. “don’t worry, I’m okay now, tsumu” you fondly touch his face with a hand, and he sinks in your touch, eyes glittering. atsumu intentionally plants a soft kiss on your warm palm and watches you go weak for him.
“i like you, y/n” he sighs. “i don’t want us to be just friends. i want to protect you, want to be the kind of guy who mentally support his girl to help her cope with any pressure.”
he looks up to see your widened eyes, without a response, he continues.
“i’m sorry i said the things i didn’t mean when you were there, I was just…" he gulps nervously and you sigh.
"tsumu... if it's too much for you to bear, maybe i should stop doing those things, okay?" you scoff bitterly, he becomes panic
“no, no, no,... i really like the way you care for me, please, i want your attention. please keep doing it. don’t get tired of me…”
you can feel the pulse bumping in your nerves, your heart flutters, and blood rushes into your cheeks just by hearing his confession. you kneel down beside him, fighting back the tears but then you can’t, so you squish him in a hug. atsumu holds you back as you start sobbing on his white shirt, inhales fondly your intoxicating smell and pats rhythmically on your back
“there, there, my angel. i’m here now. i’m sorry i’m late. let me make this up for you, yeah?” he chuckles.
atsumu loves his girlfriend. after hearing you ramble about your tight schedule, he immediately writes a report based on your experience to inform the coach about your condition so that everyone can share in your responsibilities instead of you having to handle everything alone. it wasn’t that long for the msby mates to realize you guys are together, he wrote in that report that he is your boyfriend, anyway.
“you nailed it, tsumu-kun” hinata bumps him with a thumbs up, atsumu responds with a sheepish grin while bokuto laughs beside him and sakusa just doesn’t really give a shit. 
he spots you standing on the opposite road near the brand new cafe, waving back to him smiling, “nah, gotta run. gonna treat my girlfriend with extra pastry today.”
i guess he is the simp now.
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© 2024 dreamesamu. all rights reserved.
a recommendation to cope with your broken heart <3
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liquidcatt · 6 months
Even though he’s spent years being a professional volleyball player, his hands were oh so gentle. From the way he held you close while sleeping, to the way he softly cupped your face, wiping away your tears, to the way he held your hand, brushing his thumb over your knuckles. He makes it better by kissing them to show you how much love he has for you. And you wouldn’t have it any other way
Hinata, Bokuto, Ushijima, Kageyama, Atsumu, Suna, Kiyoomi, Oikawa, Tsukishima, Hoshiumi (+ your fav)
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icameheretoreadstuff · 2 months
POV: wishing this happened between you.
You sat curled up into his couch as you tried to watch the movie but you couldn’t help but to slowly look over to him and study his gorgous face. He was so dreamy, you felt like you were melting when he looked into your eyes.
Everything he said to you was so charming it made your heart swoon, when he called you pretty your heart sang, when he called you babe your heart melted.
He slowly looked over to you and for a moment you locked eyes, you could feel your heart melt when he smiled.. the smile you wanted to be able to see everyday, your cheeks burned as you quickly looked back at the movie smiling, hiding it behind your hand, feeling your heart burn.
You could feel your heartbeat loud in your chest, you slowly exhaled as you sat closer to him. You looked up into his beautiful eyes and melted, he slowly cupped your cheek, stroked it slowly.
His dreamy eyes were staring back at you, you wanted to just tell him please let me see you smile everyday. You felt overwhelmed and overjoyed at the feeling of him being here next to you, so close to you that you could smell his perfume. You swear you could actually cry, you want him so badly..
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devilyn · 11 days
“I went on a date today.”
There was quiet shuffling on the other line.
“...why’re you telling me?”
You weren't too sure why. Maybe it was because the man that you went on a date with made you feel small, or maybe it was the way he only cared to get to know you on a vague surface level.
Or maybe it was because when you left the date, you couldn't help but remember the way Tsukishima Kei made you feel when he still loved you.
You decided to settle on, “I don't know.”
And your ex boyfriend practically laughed on the other side of the phone.
“You broke up with me,” his tone is harsh, like he’s purposely trying to hurt you. “You can't just call me whenever you want.”
“Then why did you pick up?”
More silence. The two of you sat in it. The only sound you could hear was the muffled noise of his TV in the background, left in the apartment the two of you used to share before you packed your things and left him.
Left the memories of the two of you behind in a place you used to call home because you couldn't take it anymore.
“You know why.”
He sounded more vulnerable now, the lightest inflection in his voice.
He never did want the breakup. You insisted on it. You thought he would've blocked your number, but seems like the two of you were still on the same page despite all that happened between you.
“Do you love me?” you asked him, a hint of desperation in your question.
“You can't ask me that now.”
“But I love you.”
You blurted it out before you could regret it. Your voice shook, free hand coming up to your face to scrub at it to try and hide the tears dripping down your cheeks.
“I still love you. But I needed to leave you,” you started to ramble, not waiting for his response. “These past six months I thought I was finally doing fine without you. I could smile again, I found myself again, Kei. I learned what type of person I could be without you--”
“So what changed?” He snapped. “Why did you call me in the middle of the night? To brag that you're doing so much better than me?”
The hurt in his voice was palpable, and your heart throbbed in your chest.
“No,” you whispered, “Because I remembered that we used to be happy.”
You heard him inhale sharply as you wiped your tears.
You used to be happy. Tsukishima Kei used to make you happy.
“...I ruined it, though.”
You could picture him on the other side of the line. He was pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration, trying to suppress whatever emotions were coming up. Because Tsukishima hated emotions, and hated dealing with them.
“You did,” you agreed with him with a watery smile, “We both did.”
“I'm sorry.”
If he had said that seven months ago, you would've celebrated. An apology from Tsukishima is like an award.
But as much as you wanted to, as much as the thought of being with someone other than him terrified you, you weren't ready to let him back in.
Your silence was too much for him, so he shakily whispered, “I miss you."
You put him out of his misery with a quiet, “I know.”
You remembered his laughter when he'd tease you and you'd pout. You remembered how his eyes sparkled when looking at you. How his kisses felt like bright sunshine on a winter afternoon.
“What can I do?” He practically pleaded, at the end of his rope.
You remembered screaming, crying, pictures ripped up and broken photo frames. You remembered the anger in his eyes, blazing and unrecognizable. How each of his words and insults tightened the vice around your glass heart, until it shattered to pieces at your feet.
So you did the only thing you knew how to do, and you broke his heart too.
And just as you thought you were ready to move on from him, memories of him came crashing back like a tidal wave.
“I don't know, Kei,” your free hand covered your eyes, swollen from tears. The aching of your heart was almost too much to bear.
“Let me make it up to you,” he spoke quickly, feeling you slipping away from him again. “Delete his number. Let me back in. I'll be better.”
His offer was tempting. In an ideal world, Tsukishima wouldn't break your heart again.
Was it okay to hope for ideals? Was it foolish of you to take him back, and give into the hope that things would be different this time?
“Please, baby.”
He was genuinely pleading now, and you muffled a sob behind your palm. Your prideful ex boyfriend who never apologized and never begged you for anything was begging for the right to care for your broken heart.
So you gave into him, and handed him the pieces of your heart to put back together again.
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k4g3hika · 1 year
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CONSUME ━ imagine!
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suna rintarou x fem!reader
summary: suna rintarou was hard to love, you knew this from the beginning. but when you overhear him admitting how he truly felt about you, it hurt to decide whether to let him go, or let your love for him continuously consume you.
genre: hurt/comfort
wc: 6.2k
tags: this is the longest imagine that i’ve ever written 😭 it was a pain in the ass to write but i hope you guys like it :)
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Sometimes, you think it’s hard to love Suna.
Suna is calculating and quiet, the reasons exactly why you find it difficult to continuously pine for him. Though, you already knew he was going to act like this. You’ve gone to school with Suna since elementary, and have even lived in the same neighbourhood since childhood, but you don’t think he knows that.
The thing is, you know Suna, but you don’t think he knows you. Every morning since you were six years old, you’ve seen him make his way to school, but you’ve never had the courage to walk up to him and say ‘hi’. For years, the only parts of Suna that you were able to truly admire were his back and his hair, from behind. The both of you have never been in the same friend group, class, or extra-curricular activity, until your second-year of high school.
You precisely remember the moment you stepped into the gymnasium to introduce yourself as the new manager of the team. It was a rainy day and you were excited, albeit, a little nervous, but irregardless, excited because you know and love volleyball. The sport connected with some of your childhood memories, as you recall playing it with your older brother. Too bad your physical skills weren’t up to par with the school’s expectations, or else you would’ve been on the team. Their loss though, because you found your strategy and knowledge of the sport to be your strongest feature as a player.
As a result of the girl’s team already having a manager, the coach recommended you to try signing up for the role of manager for the boy’s team. Now, you didn’t mind being around boys. Your older brother was enough for you to build up the courage against the challenge that is the hygiene and personality, or well, lack thereof, of boys.
However, the courage built over the years was not enough to stop your surprise at seeing none other than Suna Rintarou, from the front.
He looked completely different from what you remember him looking like. For some reason, you still had the young image of Suna in your head. The Suna you remember had puffy cheeks and neat hair, but this new Suna, was mature, older, and way more handsome. His cheeks thinned out and highlighted a sharp jawline that made his face look so clean-cut, unlike his hair that was messy and all over the place. But, if anything, you think that you prefer this Suna.
Because, God, it made him so much more attractive.
Now, it’s been about three months since you’ve become manager, and in those three months, you’ve tried to show Suna just how much you love him. The years of no talking and never meeting each other were all building up for you, and you just wanted to show him all of the care and affection you’ve held for him over the years.
You’ve cooked bento boxes and given them to him, you’ve filled his water bottle with the expensive electrolytes from the convenience store ten minutes away from the school before every practice, and who couldn’t forget, you make sure that his towel was clean and warm beside his gym bag, so that he wouldn’t use the same one for weeks until it reeked. Your affection was clearly shown through your actions and you prayed to the heavens that he would just notice you. Maybe say a ‘thank you’ or even a little head pat, you really don’t care, just some recognition would make you feel rewarded after all the hard work you’ve done for him.
But, the bento boxes were returned to you either by, Atsumu or Osamu, Suna drank the expensive electrolyte water, however, he seemed to not notice that it was you who put all the thought and care behind the action, and his towel was always just thrown to the side alongside the other towels. Even though the towel you prepped was a personal one from home that had your initials hand sewn in the corner. You thought that at one point he would’ve acknowledged you, but the gratefulness never came.
It didn’t matter though. Because you knew in your heart that you loved Suna Rintarou, and there was nothing that could change that. Even if you did all the sincere actions for him until the both of you graduated and he never noticed you, just knowing that he at least saw the bento box, the water bottle, and your towel, was enough to put a smile on your face. You would show Suna that you love him, ten times over.
“Y/N! Earth to Y/N!” Your head snaps over to your right, seeing the coach look at you with concern. Embarrassed that he caught you in your daily Suna trance, your cheeks heats up and you push yourself to your feet.
“I thought you would never hear me. Listen, I don’t know what’s taking all your attention away, but can you please head down to the locker room and tell the boys that they need to make their way over here. The drill we spoke about yesterday is a bit complicated, so I would like to get started as soon as possible.” Nodding, you bow and begin to make your way over to the club room.
Your heart begins to speed up a bit, as the thought of seeing Suna shirtless makes your chest burn and your face hot. By all means, you are not a pervert! But just seeing him with all his muscles in the bright fluorescent light of the locker room looked like a cover of a sports magazine.
Suna Rintarou makes you feel so nervous. Unfortunately, you find yourself relishing in the minimal acknowledgement that he gives you, thriving off of the fact that you were in a club that just allowed you to be around him. Maybe it was a sign from the heavens that you weren’t physically athletic, but strategically, which resulted in your application as Boys Volleyball team manager. You’d like to think that despite his ignorance, it was in both of your guys’ destinies to end up with another.
Maybe the both of you were the main characters of a drama, where, despite all the bumps in the plot, you will always find each other being drawn to one another. Yet again, that was all just your stupid imagination, but one can dream, right?
Giggling to yourself, you were about to knock on the locker room door, before you heard loud voices through the small space between the door and the wall. It sounded like they were bickering with one another, and you begin to wonder if it’s Atsumu and Osamu fighting again, while everyone just stood around and observed. Normally, you would be the one to beg them to stop while Kita jumped in after you to pull them apart. But, now that you weren’t inside, you begin to push open the door at the possibility.
“...Y/N?” Your actions falter at the sound of your name.
‘Are they talking about me?’ Before you could do anything, you lean your ear in just to get a snippet of what they were talking about. You know what they say though, curiosity was what killed the cat.
“Come on Sunarin! You have to like Y/N! She’s so cute, and she cooks you all those bento boxes! If that isn’t girlfriend material, then I don’t know what is.” Hearing Atsumu praise you for your efforts made you smile, trying to hide it by covering your mouth with your hand.
“And, let’s not forget how she already likes you. C’mon Rintarou, we’ve seen her personally hand you your water bottle,” The voice you assume to be Ojiro teases, while everyone in the room laughs.
“Oh yeah!! I’ve seen those expensive electrolyte packets in her bag, man, how does it feel to receive such special treatment from Y/N?”
‘So my actions don’t go unnoticed.’ Your smile grows bigger, clutching your clipboard closer to your chest when feeling just how full your heart is with everyone’s recognition.
“Stop it guys.” Suna’s smooth voice finally enters the picture and you try to stop yourself from giggling out loud. “She’s our manager.”
“So?!? Man, that’s even better! You won’t have a girlfriend who doesn’t understand the importance of the sport. If anything, Y/N is more committed than you, maybe you will be the one competing for her attention against the club,” you hear smooching sounds and Atsumu speaks in a voice that tries to mock Suna’s, but did a terrible job.
“Y/N~ don’t forget all about me!! I love you Y/N~!” More kissing sounds can be heard, and everyone in the room laughs one more time.
The joy in your heart would’ve been extended, if it weren’t for the sudden aggravated scoff from Suna, and the slapping of a towel on bare skin. Atsumu yelps and the room suddenly dies down from the initial humorous atmosphere.
“Man, shut up. I don’t like Y/N. She’s alright, I guess.” a locker door slams shut, “But sometimes, she's just so... annoying. I don't know how much longer I can put up with it. And you know, after a while, it just comes off as desperate.”
‘Desperate? I’m not desperate.’ You weren’t keen on Suna noticing you. You just liked doing all those things for him, it showed you cared, and that he was at least deserving of some special treatment, because he was a very special person in your life.
“I feel bad for her,” he continues, “spending all that time doing shit for someone that doesn’t even like her. I can’t say anything though, cause she’s our manager and I don’t want the team to feel awkward. I guess I just have to suffer with her smothering me all the damn time.”
At that, you feel your once fluttering heart stop. You feel tears beginning to make their way to fall from your eyes, as your face begins to feel hot, but not in a blushing way. More like in a, you were about to sob out loud and the tears probably wouldn’t stop for a while, way.
You loved Suna. He didn’t have to love you back, the least you were asking for was for him to say ‘thank you’. But it appeared that your affection didn’t appear as a display of your love, but something that bothered him. Annoying him to the point of seeing your actions as suffocating. But that didn’t entirely bother you.
It was the fact that he didn’t even want to tell you to stop. He was going to live like that until high school was over, because you were the team’s manager, and it would be ‘awkward’. You begin to overthink.
What if you kept on going about cooking those bento boxes for him, filling his water up with electrolytes, and bringing a special towel from home, all warm and clean, without knowing what he actually thought of your displays of affection? You would’ve lived thinking that Suna somewhat appreciated it. Possibly having the idiotic thought that he was just shy, and maybe didn’t know how to exactly tell you that he liked you.
You are such a dumbass.
You begin to tremble, the pen that was once held up by your clipboard clattering to the ground and startling you. It brought you back to your situation, seeing the door still somewhat closed in front of you. Out of fear that they were going to see you and realise that you were eavesdropping, you ditch the pen and begin to run back to the gym.
You were going to tell the coach that you were feeling sick. You hope the teary eyes and flushed cheeks will do you justice, and he’ll send you home without any repercussions. But as of right now, nothing matters, all that did was the fact that you were annoying the boy you loved, and that your pillows were waiting to welcome your tears until tomorrow morning.
It’s been two days. Have you missed school for the past two days? Absolutely not. Suna wasn’t going to make you miss class, as much as you wanted to, you know that if you were going to skip, the school will inform your parents, and that last thing you want is your parents to get involved.
It’s just been two days since you’ve been to volleyball practice. You haven’t been missing your duties at all though. Yes, you’ve been in contact with the coach and Kita, with them informing you on the notes of the team and each player’s performance. The reason for that being, some coaches from Tokyo were planning to head down to Hyogo for a volleyball camp. The team needs to know what they have to improve on, and unfortunately, though you felt as if you weren’t in the right state of mind, you had to fulfil your duties as a manager.
You’re not over Suna, and to be honest, you don’t think you ever will be. He’s been such a constant force in your life, that a lifetime without his presence captivating your mind felt impossible to even conjure. You love Suna Rintarou, but you guess you would just have to hold it inside until the both of you go your separate ways. Maybe then you’ll get over him, but the possibility seemed unlikely.
You just have to give up expecting the response to your love that you’ve been hoping for your entire life.
Checking the cafeteria and seeing if you had enough food supply for three volleyball teams, their respective coaches, and their managers. It seemed like a chore to do all on your own, and it was. But you committed to being the team manager. Suna wasn’t going to change that whether he liked it or not.
“Y/N, the Tokyo teams will be arriving soon. Coach says you need to head to the front and help him with dorm placement.” Sighing and nodding, you get up from your squatting position from the bottom shelf. Kita notices your negative mood, by being the observant asshole that he is. As you were about to exit out the only doorway, he grabs your forearm, holding you back from actually leaving. His sudden touch surprised you, resulting in you jolting back. “I’ve been meaning to ask, are you okay?”
His concern falters your thoughts and movements. In all the time that you’ve been manager of the volleyball team, Kita has never really shown you that much care for how you felt. It surprised you a bit, seeing how concerned he looked for your wellbeing.
Yet again, he’s Suna’s friend.
“I’m okay, why do you ask?” He didn’t believe you, that was clear. It was so obvious when his facial expression did not change, Kita was still staring intently at you. It almost felt like he was trying to read your mind.
“You dropped your pen, by the way.” Taking it out of his pocket, Kita hands you your familiar piece of stationary, not thinking about it, you grab it from his hand. “I know you were by the locker room when Suna said what he said.”
‘Oh shit.’ You felt your heart come to a stop, yet again.
“W-What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“So it’s just a coincidence that after Suna said that about you, I found your pen in front of the locker room door, and you didn’t show up to practise till today? Y/N, I’m not sure if you’ve failed to learn something about me, but I can tell you that I am not an idiot.”
His words caught you off-guard. Kita managed to figure out what was wrong with you, without even knowing who you were. To be honest, it scared you a bit, getting a glimpse of what Kita can truly find out when he concentrated hard enough. You admire that about him.
Taking your silence as you not knowing what to say, Kita lets go of your forearm and sighs.
“Suna didn’t mean what he said. He’s a very thoughtful individual who was pressured into saying those things by the team. You know how they are. Please try to see things from his perspective, as Suna is often misunderstood.” He begins to walk away, but leaves with a final word, “I’m not telling you to change how you feel about the situation. You have a right to feel how you feel. But, don’t take Suna’s words too seriously.” Kita walks away, leaving you alone in the cafeteria.
‘Did he just say not to take the insults Suna threw at you seriously?’ The aggression left behind the negativity a few days ago wants to say, absolutely not. What Kita said is unfair, to you and your feelings. Suna called you annoying and said you were smothering him, how can you jump around that? So far you haven’t had a night where you haven’t thought about how…mean Suna was. You thought that he only would’ve been mean to Atsumu or the others, but not you, never you.
It’s safe to say that your mind felt like it was on the verge of exploding. It was so stressful to choose whether or not you should believe Kita and show Suna your love again, or just ignore him like what you’ve been doing for the past couple of days.
You think that it’s best to just…not think about the problem. It’s a situation for later, for now, the camp and most importantly, the team needs your utmost attention.
‘God, I hate high school.’
“Hey Suna, you good?” Suna takes a sip of water from his bottle, noting that it tasted different from usual. Nodding, he wipes his sweat off with a spare shirt from his bag, also becoming aware that the towel that he was given wasn’t the usual soft one that he had from the beginning of the year. This one was coarse and rough, making him pick up the shirt he intended to wear if he got too sweaty.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Hey, does the water taste a bit weird? Like, spoiled or somethin’ cause it doesn’t taste like how it usually does.” Osamu’s eyebrow raises, grabbing the bottle from Suna’s hands despite his protests, and tasting his friend’s drink. To him, it tasted normal, like the normal water that came from the water fountain.
“No…it tastes like how it usually does?”
“Nah, can’t be man. The water I usually have is sweeter and it tastes like fruit juice. This shit tastes weird.” Suna’s face scrunches up, tasting his water again to see if he was just hallucinating the lack of flavour in his water. It’s stupid, how much he’s overthinking the flavour of something that he shouldn’t think that much about. But he hates how regular water tastes like, only really drinking it if he has to.
Observing Suna, it clicks in Osamu’s head what was missing from the water.
In the past, he has noticed you getting out a packet of electrolytes and putting it into Suna’s bottle with a sincere smile on your face. You looked so cute and happy, it puzzled him why you didn’t tell Suna that it was you that was making his water suitable to his tastes. The silent display of affection made him so jealous, he could only wish that he had someone that cared that much.
“What if you ask Y/N? She’s the one who fills up the water bottles anyway, she should know.” Osamu jogs back to the court, practising once more with the team captain. Inquisitively, Suna does remember that you fill up the water bottles. He also remembered how you asked him once at the beginning of the school year what his favourite drink was, and he only shrugged, saying that he likes fruit chuupets, and ever since then, his water tasted like the familiar fruity taste. Wanting to know why his water hasn’t been tasting like it as of late, it prompted him to go on a search for you. Damn warmups, he needs to know why his water doesn’t have the same taste than it usually does.
Looking around the gym, he sees your figure turn into the hallway. Following you, he begins to walk faster in order to catch up to you, thinking about what to say to you in his head, without coming across as mean.
‘Y/N, why does my water taste bad?’ No. ‘Y/N, why doesn’t my water taste like fruit?’ No, he’s going to sound stuck up. ‘Y/N, why does my water taste like everyone else’s?’ Oh God no, that sounds even worse.
‘Y/N, is there something different about my water?’ There you go. That should sound right.
He was ready to confront you, preparing himself to call out your name. But before he could do so,
“Dove!” Suna’s head snaps to the loud voice in front of him, and so does yours, as a tall, lanky, goofy-looking boy makes his way towards you. Much to Suna’s dismay, for some reason, a smile etches itself onto your face as the other man approaches you. “I thought I would never find you.”
“Tetsu, aren’t you supposed to be practising with your team? You shouldn’t be behind here.”
“Well, I just wanted to see my girl. Is there any harm in that, Dove?”
“Tetsu, stop,” you mutter, a bit shy, “I don’t want people from my school to hear you call me that.”
“Aw, you’re still cute as ever. Here, let me help you with that.” Suna sees the guy, ‘Tetsu’, grab the basket of water bottles from your hands. You protest, pouting a bit as Kuroo brings the case above your reach so that you wouldn’t be able to get it back. “I haven’t seen you in awhile Dove, let me be nice, okay?”
Honestly, he personally doesn’t know what overcame him, but out of nowhere Suna coughed loud enough for the pair to hear. He sees you jump a bit, seeing that one of your teammates, catching you in the midst of a conversation while you were supposed to be doing your duties. And it was even worse for you, as not only was it a teammate, but it was Suna. You assume that he probably hates your guts, based on what he said before. Even so, his glare started to make you feel a bit nervous.
“Can I help you?” Kuroo asks Suna as walks up to the both of them.
“I should be asking you that question. Do you need something from my team manager?” Embarrassed, you look down at your feet, trying to avert your eyes from Suna or Kuroo’s.
Kuroo’s eyes squint, looking at the middle-blocker who, to his surprise, matches his height. The both of them begin to have a staring competition, as one or the other refuses to tear away the eye contact. It started to worry you, because it’s almost been two minutes of harsh breathing and aggressive stares.
“O-Okay, I’ll be taking these then.” You grab the crate from Kuroo and begin to make your way to your original location. “Get back to practise guys! Lunch is in thirty!”
“Who are you and why were you talking to Y/N?”
“Woah, woah, buddy, why are you getting protective? Y/N, is a very, very, close friend of mine, so I think that I have a right to approach her right?” Kuroo smirks, stepping closer to Suna as a form of intimidation. “How about you? Are you her boyfriend or something?”
Suna glares at Kuroo, wanting nothing more than to hit him in the jaw. He would, but one, that would take too much of his energy, and two, he’s pretty sure you would hate him if he does. Still, something in Suna just wanted to tell Kuroo that he was your boyfriend just for him to back off.
But he wasn’t. Because he doesn’t like you. He’s sure of that.
“No.” Kuroo laughs, stepping back before turning to make his way back to the gym.
“Well then, that means nothing is stopping me right?” Kuroo walks away, but not before aggressively pushing Suna’s shoulder back with his own. Though, Suna was too concentrated on what the other boy said to even progress the aggression from the other side.
‘What did he mean ‘nothing is stopping him? Is Kuroo going to do something to you? What will Kuroo do that’ll result in Suna blocking him?’
“Sunarin! What are you still doing out here?!” Atsumu shriek could be heard from down the hall, making Suna jump out of his train of thought. He completely forgot that he was even standing here just staring at a wall and thinking of you. That was weird.
He usually never did.
The practice game against Inarizaki and Nekoma was…tense.
You could feel the passive aggressiveness coming strangely, from Kuroo and Suna across the net. Everyone else was curious as well, wondering exactly why these two, who’ve never met before, suddenly have a feud similar to that of a world war. At first, you were completely clueless, but then began to wonder if something happened in the hallway after you left.
Maybe Suna said something to tease Kuroo? Or maybe, it was the other way around and now they just want to kill each other.
In the third set at twenty-two points to Inarizaki and twenty-four points to Nekoma, the stakes and the nerves were equally as high. Nekoma has one win and Inarizaki has the other. It seems that this practice game was being played for far more than it actually was, since Kuroo and Suna never acknowledged each other apart from glaring and swearing at each other under their breath. Their respective teams kept asking them if they were okay, both replying with, “yeah, let’s just win.”
“Do you think something happened between Suna and that Nekoma player?” The coach asks you, leaning in and whispering it so that others wouldn’t hear.
“I’m not sure…but they do seem pretty aggressive with one another.”
Then, as you look away for just a moment, a spike comes from Nekoma, but was thankfully received by Kita. Following a set by Atsumu, Osamu jumped to spike it down, but was then blocked by none other than Kuroo himself.
At the brink of time, Ojiro retrieves it back, calling Atsumu to set it once more, this time for Suna to powerfully spike it down, aiding them in their two point loss between them and Nekoma. As Suna jumps up, you see Kuroo and Kenma jump as well.
A feeling of failure begins to settle in your heart.
Suna hits the ball, powerfully, the first time you’ve seen him hit a ball with so much energy.
But the ball immediately lands back down onto the same side, Kita not able to have caught up to it in time. Nekoma cheers out loud, congratulating each other on their hard work.
While Inarizaki lost, they began to support each other for their efforts, but you notice that Suna didn’t look as relieved as the others. His stare is hostile, facing towards the otherside where you see Kuroo looking at him with the same confrontational gaze. You swallow nervously, beginning to make your way towards Suna to pull him back. The Inarizaki boys take notice as well, observing how Suna and Kuroo were both stomping their way to each other. The same feeling of failure seeps into your chest again and you could sense something was going to go terribly wrong–
Suna punched Kuroo in the jaw!
Out of nowhere, a fight begins between the two players, both of them tussling with one another in the middle of the court. Kuroo lands a punch on Suna but is equally stunned when Suna fights back almost immediately after. You notice how Kuroo was pulling at his shirt, trying to bring him closer to land another blow, but fails as Suna strikes him one after the other. Both Nekoma and Inarizaki run up to their players, trying to pull them apart from one another.
The coaches start to shout at their players, ordering them to stop what they were doing at once.
Successfully, they both are torn apart from one another, but still continue to fight the air as they try to continue their brawl.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Your coach asks, trying to instill some discipline into his player. Unfortunately, your heart fails to calm down after witnessing the both of them fight so aggressively. You’ve never seen Suna fight someone, or him be so mad.
Suna looks up, pulling his arms away from his teammates and stares at you.
As the both of you make eye-contact, you refuse to move from your position and remain shaking. Almost as if you gave him an answer to something, Suna walks away, leaving behind everyone in awe.
Just then, you look up at Kita, who nods for you to go.
‘Should I go?’
The memory of him calling you annoying and smothering comes back in your mind.
‘Does he deserve my comfort?’
“Please try to see things from his perspective, as Suna is often misunderstood.”
Putting down the clipboard on the bench, you run outside to try and find Suna. Fall has never been kind to Hyogo, as rain pelts down from the sky, fogging your ability to try and see Suna. You call out his name, but your volume is minute in comparison to the strength of the rain.
Running into the open hallway, you look left and right to try and find the familiar boy. But, no luck. Your heart begins to ache at the realisation that you had no idea where Suna is. You didn’t know what he was doing all by himself in weather like this. Inside, you sincerely hope that he didn’t run out in the street.
‘Oh God, what if he did?’
Out of sheer panic, you run towards the direction of the gate, praying to the heavens that he didn’t do the latter. With rain coming down this hard, you knew that driver’s wouldn’t be able to see as clearly as they usually do. And the thought of Suna running into the street in hopes of getting his comfort jelly chuupets at the convenience store down the road doesn’t make you feel better at all.
You run out the gate, looking towards the direction of the store, failing to catch Suna or any person resembling him standing in the vicinity of it. Trying to get nearer and get a closer look, the sound of a blaring horn fills your ears. Turning to the left, you see a car heading your way, swerving side to side in a skidding motion. The road was so slippery in this type of weather, but why couldn’t you move?
The car was getting closer and your feet felt like they were stuck on the ground.
‘Why can’t I move?’
“Y/N!” Your body jerks back to the side. The car swiftly passes the both of you, getting back onto its regular general direction before driving further down the road. You feel your heart beating profusely, your heaving chest moving up and down in hopes of slowing it. “Are you stupid?! What do you think you’re doing?!?”
Looking up to thank your saviour, Suna’s panicked face greets you causing you to go silent. Both at the same time, you feel relief and stress seeing his face. Mostly relief because you’ve finally found him after all the events that occured today.
“Answer me—“
“Idiot!” Pushing him back, Suna stands there stunned while you clench your fists by your sides. “What—What do you think you’re doing, getting into fights, running out in the rain…are you a child?!? What is going on with you??”
Suna stands there silently.
“And don’t just stand there, I ran out in the road because, because I thought you went to buy your stupid chuupets that you love so much down at the convenience store! You are like a child, wanting fucking food when you’re angry or stressed. You know, I shouldn’t have come out here. In the rain, getting all wet. But you know what Suna, you know what’s pathetic? This, running in shitty weather like this, wouldn’t only be the most drastic thing I do for you.
Suna, for months, I-I’ve been buying expensive ass electrolyte packets, because I know you wouldn’t drink regular water. You only drink water that tastes like fruit juice. That’s from my own money by the way! I also cook you food, that I spend time out of my nights, and sometimes mornings, because you are picky! I know you don’t like cafeteria food, so I just threw my food into the circle, hoping to God that you just might like it! And-And let’s not forget about my towel, my hand sewn, hand washed, machine dried towel. I bring it for you fresh everyday Suna! I know you don’t like the rough school towels, so I brought mine with my initials!
And do I get noticed? No! I never got a ‘thank you’, or even a nod of recognition?! I have Atsumu or Osamu return my bento box in silence, even my towel, thrown into the pile with the rest of the team’s towels, and I get called annoying. I slave myself every day, Suna, just to get your attention. But I don’t think you realise that, I don’t have to do these things. I have never, ever, forced myself to do these things.
I am sorry, if I smother you Suna. I just love you so fucking much that I don’t realise the things I do to care for you, are exhausting.
But now, I’m exhausted. Of not receiving the gratitude I expect for the things I do. I was fine for awhile Suna, but now I’m—“
Then, you feel yourself being pushed onto his chest. One of Suna’s arms wrap around your waist, while the other holds your head down gently, as if silencing you from saying the rest of what you wanted to say. You feel shock course through your veins as the last thing you expected was a hug from the Suna Rintarou.
You and Suna stood under the harsh rain, their heartbeats echoing the drumming of waterdrops around them. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in that intimate moment.
“Don’t get tired Y/N, please don’t get tired of me.” Out of nowhere, you feel yourself begin to cry. Wiping your tears onto Suna’s already wet jersey, he manages to sense your exhaustion, urging him to glide his hand on top of your head continuously. “I am grateful Y/N, that you do all these things for me without me having to ask.”
Suna pulls the both of you apart, cradling your face as he attempts to wipe your tears off. Despite his efforts however, you continue to cry, meanwhile struggling to breathe as you attempt to catch your breath. It feels like despite all the tears you’ve cried in private, seeing Suna recognise you brought a whole different wave of emotions.
“Don’t cry, I don’t want to see you crying because of me.” At that moment, Suna ponders for a bit as you see him look at you. You feel yourself freeze as he leans down to plant two kisses on both of your cheeks, an effort to dry your tears. Putting his forehead on yours, his thumbs continuously brush your jawline, as if he was admiring you. “It’s difficult for me to say Y/N, but I love you.”
Your eyes widen.
“I’ve loved you since elementary when you pushed that little boy off the swing after he pushed me off. I’ve loved you since middle school when you would sneakily put chuupets on my desk, even if you thought I didn’t know. You’re beautiful Y/N. And, I’m sorry for not thanking you earlier for everything you’ve done for me. I’m not brave like you, I can’t show the people I love that I care for them.”
“B-But the bento…”
“Of course I ate it. It hurts me to think that I didn’t, I just always asked Atsumu or Osamu to bring it back. You make me nervous Y/N. I can’t confidently walk up to you when you get prettier every time my eyes turn to you.
You make me weak, Y/N.” You huff, sniffling as Suna lands another kiss on the tip of your nose. He smiles and brings you in for another hug, but this time, your arms wrap around him tightly.
It is difficult to love Suna Rintarou.
It was a path fraught with uncertainties and moments of doubt. But as you stood there, holding the rain-soaked figure before you, you knew that the journey was worth it. Because in the depths of his guarded heart, you had found a love that was as powerful as it was fragile, as beautiful as it was challenging. And you were determined to weather the storm, to be the unwavering presence that helped him navigate the complexities of love and vulnerability.
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emmyrosee · 7 months
angst, you say?
Like, I am sorry to inform you, but when you and Osamu break up, he can no longer see or make or think about your favorite foods.
Your favorite Onigiri? Not on the menu anymore.
It’s a bizarre recipe too. One he made for you by accident, one you insisted on trying while he was testing new flavor combinations. It was a pain to make, hard to replicate, but for you, he’d do anything, absolutely anything to make you smile.
Now that you’re gone, he saves himself to consistent heartache in making it, taking it off the menu in hopes to combat the sight of you, pleading him to make it, jutting your lip out and clasping your fingers together while he looks you up and down in amusement. Now that you’re gone, he saves himself the trouble of tears stinging his eyes of the memories swirling in his head of you, sitting on the counter as he makes it at home, sneaking bites of rice from him when he’s turned around, only to act like you never did it.
It was on the menu for years. Only one person ordered it consistently. You.
So it’s completely normal why he bites his thumb nail as this damn seven year old, seemingly fresh out of a dance recital comes in, hands and chin hooked on the counter as her mother orders food, asking about her favorite onigiri no longer being served.
“Sorry, Miss, we haven’t had that on the menu in months-“
“But you’ve gotta make it!” She pouts. “I always get it after my dance recitals! It’s my favorite…”
“Yumei, don’t be rude!” Her mother scolds.
Osamu takes a deep breath in and rolls his shoulders, smiling softly at the young girl.
“Maybe I can whip one up. Just for you.” He leans slightly over the register, “but don’t tell anyone, okay?”
She gasps excitedly and bounces on the balls of her feet, squeaking out a “thanks, mister!” as her mother pays.
It kills him as he puts the order into the system for the cooks to make. It kills him as the cooks look at him like he’s got five heads, “we uh… we don’t know how to make this, Miya.”
“That’s alright,” he chokes, swallowing thickly. “Just watch the register.
“I’ll take care of it.”
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Ducky bae hiiii okay so heres the thing.
Being comforted by Karasuno (coaches too please😅) The comfort is like comfort for like the coaches find your like suicide note in the club room and like theyre comforting you about it.
Yachi and reader are already dating but reader seems so bubbly and happy all the time yachi doesnt know what to do.
Do you think you could do this? Things are kinda all over the place rn and I dont know how to handle it...sorry if this is like really triggering but uh yeah :')
(Ps i have a tendency to say 'like' in almost everything so please ignore that😅)
Also i def understand if you dont want to do this its perfectly fine to say no !!
Okay, bye bye ducky :)
I am totally writing this don’t even sweat 💅 anything for my bestie
I hope that this can provide you any sort of comfort. If not, I’m more than willing to try again.
Nova my beloved im so sorry that this took so long!!
My dms are always open ❤️❤️
CW BELOW THE CUT: Su!cide note, emotional breakdown.
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𝐾𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑜 𝑉𝐵𝐶
You couldn’t tell anyone how you ended up befriending the entire club, but here you were.
It happened on a fated morning, where you were sent on a mission to hand another teacher’s letter to Takeda.
You had been in the gym before for a required P.E class, but other than that you never found yourself on that side of the school.
You pushed on the heavy door, quietly peeking your head inside the opening. “Uhm. Mister… Ta-Keda? Takeda?”
“Yes, that’s me. How can I help you.” A bespectacled man chirped, strolling over to the door with a smile.
You mirrored his facial expression, offering him the note with both hands. “For you, from my Math teacher.”
“Oh! Thank you very much.” He offered you a slight bow, “Would you like to come watch practice? The boys are hard at work, and I’m sure they’d love some support.”
“Boys…?” When you let yourself fully walk into the gymnasium, you were met with the sounds of squeaking shoes and volleyballs smacking against the linoleum floor.
A girl with blonde hair, the bangs tied into a side ponytail, carefully sauntered to your side. “H-Hi! Welcome to the volleyball club.”
“Oh, hello.” You greeted in reply, “My name’s (Y/N), and you are?”
“Y-Yachi! Hitoka Yachi. I’m one of the managers for the team, my partner Kiyoko has the day off today, so it’s just me!”
“And she’s doing a great job!” A deeper voice cooed from behind her. Your eyes snapped to the left to be met with someone’s chest and neck. They were much taller than the girl you were previously talking to. “Hi there. I’m captain Daichi Sawamura, but you can just call me Daichi.” He offered you a beaming smile, and his hand
“A pleasure, Daichi.” You shook his hand, “So, what’s the occasion for such vigorous practice?”
“Ah yes. We have a training camp in Tokyo soon, so we want to be top of our game when we face our rivals.” The captain replied happily.
“Ah! Wonderful. Might I stay a while?” You asked, smiling at both him and Yachi.
“Of course!” Daichi cheered, “Boys! Circle up, I’ve got someone I want you to meet!”
And the rest was history. You quickly befriended the entire team, and they soon became like your family. Ukai and Takeda were like fathers to you, the third years being like your cool, older siblings, and the underclassmen being your annoying little siblings.
Eventually, Yachi had braved her most anxiety-inducing quest yet. She had asked you to be her partner. Of course, you instantly said yes.
Life was wonderful, you were content. Everything was seemingly going well.
The team never noticed anything off about you. Anyone that was asked would always give the same response about how happy-go-lucky you always were.
They unfortunately didn’t see the truth behind your smile. The days grew increasingly difficult to even just try and survive the school day. But, you didn’t want the team to feel bad, so you kept it hidden.
You don’t know what led you to this moment, but you found yourself huddled over a piece of paper in the club room. Tears dripped down your face as you wrote all of your troubles away, individually thanking each member of your newfound “family.”
You folded it up and nearly placed it amongst your things. Retreating to the bathroom to clean up, you missed it falling onto the floor.
As they’ve always said, curiosity killed the cat…
When you entered the gym, you wiped your eyes and were met with the team’s eyes all locking on you.
“Is there something in my hair? What did I do? Wha-“
You were cut off by Sugawara pulling you into a gentle embrace. “Whatever you’re going through, you’re not alone. Please don’t suffer in silence anymore, let us help you shoulder the burden.” he whispered.
At that moment, you noticed how almost all of the players were fighting the tears that were in their eyes. You sighed, settling deeper into the embrace. “I’m fine, guys. I don’t understand what the big deal is, I just went to the bathroom, that’s all.”
Hinata’s panicked voice pierced through the previously silent room, “(Y/N), how could you act like everything’s normal? We all saw-“
“(Y/N).” When another hand graced the small of your back, you felt the first set pull away. “Can you and me and Specs talk real quick?” The hand belonged to Coach Ukai, who looked as if he would break in any second.
“Stop treating me like some freak! Will someone please just explain what is going on?!” You groaned.
“Y-Your note.” Yachi’s mousy voice was the first one to sound. “Tadashi f-found it.”
“What note? What the hell are you-“ then, the realization hit. “Oh god, no nonono that’s-“
“(Y/N)-“ Yachi made an attempt to calm you.
“No, that’s- you weren’t supposed to see that, no one was.”
“(Y/N) please just-“ It was Suga this time.
“I thought that I had put it away! Damn it, this wasn’t supposed to happen. You all have so much to deal with already and-“
“Hey, I’m here kiddo.” Coach Ukai’s gentle voice rumbled inside his chest as he pulled you into a hug, “You’re safe here. Please, don’t keep this inside anymore.”
So, you let go.
A common feeling of heartbreak struck deep within the team, as your loud, pained lamentations reverberated off of the walls of the gym.
“I’ve got you. I promise you, you’re going to be alright. I won’t let anything harm you, let alone not yourself.” Ukai softly whispered, cradling the back of your head. 
“I’m- I’m sorry.” You whimpered, “Y-You shouldn’t hav-have to do this.”
Without you noticing, Takeda had carefully moved by your side. He placed the gentlest hand on your head, trying desperately to show some support. “It doesn’t matter what we should or shouldn’t have to do. Right now, you need our help. You do so much for us, so how could we ignore you when it’s our turn to help?”
Within a few short minutes, the team had circled around you and their coaches, holding you tight in a group hug. After the hug, they sat in a circle around you, minus Suga, who sat behind you and held you close.
“Please, (Y/N), don’t keep this to yourself any longer. Will you help us understand?” You were slightly alarmed to hear Ennoshita’s tender voice break the tension, for he had always been rather soft-spoken.
“I couldn’t begin to explain…” you confessed, “There are so many little factors and I just can’t keep up. I didn’t want to say anything because you have nationals coming up soon, and God… poor Yachi I just couldn’t-“
“I-I’ll admit it took me by surprise, (Y/N), but I’m not mad at you. I didn’t expect it, since you hid it so well. But I want you to always know that I’m- no… we’re here for you whenever you need us.”
“Even if it’s really early in the morning,” Nishinoya interrupted, “I don’t sleep much during the night, so I’ll always be down for a rant session. I can’t promise you that I won’t try to fight whoever’s making you feel this way.”
The corners of your lips upturned into a soft, gratuitous smile.
“You are loved, (Y/N). Even if it may seem like all hope is lost, just remember that you have three big brothers who would literally fight God for you.” Suga said with a tinge of playfulness.
“I for one would not fight God, I wholeheartedly think that he would win and send me to purgatory. And my purgatory is just going to be watching a compilation of all of my embarrassing moments in middle school, so I’ll provide medical aide.” Asahi noted, dismissing the silly idea.
His words made you fall into a fit of gentle laughter, the sounds causing the rest of the team to follow.
“It won’t be easy.” Takeda finally spoke, “But know that we all want you to be the best person that you can.”
A chorus of different affirmative words filled the gym, showing the support of your “family”.
“Yeah, we love you or whatever, doofus.” Tsukishima quipped, ruffling your hair from his seated position to your left.
Takeda was right; it won’t be easy. But, with a family like this? What could it hurt to try?
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pengujoon · 1 year
As your legs dangled off the edge, your gaze remained fixed on the city below, lights twinkling like distant stars in the night. The weight of your thoughts hung heavily in the air, as if the world around you had quieted to listen.
He entered the rooftop with a quiet step, a subtle acknowledgement of the space you needed. There was an unspoken understanding that perhaps he sensed the gravity of your restlessness.
A tense silence enveloped the atmosphere, pregnant with the weight of unspoken words. The world seemed to hold its breath, as if in reverence for the moment.
“It’s beautiful up here,” he spoke, his voice a gentle breeze that ruffled the stillness. “Couldn’t sleep?”
Your eyes shifted slightly to meet his, a fleeting connection that carried the weight of shared understanding. You nodded, a sigh slipping past your lips, a soft admission of the chaos that had kept you awake.
He stepped closer, standing beside you as he gazed out at the cityscape. His presence was a warm and steady anchor, offering a quiet refuge from the whirlwind of your thoughts. 
“Sometimes, the night has a way of amplifying everything.”
You nodded, a small sigh escaping your lips. “It’s overwhelming, you know? My thoughts are consuming me.”
He offered a knowing smile, eyes reflecting the empathy that bound you together. “I’ve been there too,” he said softly, “like you’re caught in a storm that’s all inside your head.”
The silence stretched between you again, the city’s glow casting shadows that seemed to mirror the complexities of your thoughts.
“I noticed you leaving your room,” he said gently, gaze focused on the horizon. “Thought I’d follow you. Seem like you could use some company.”
A wry smile tugged at your lips. “You always seem to know.”
He smiled back, eyes holding a mix of camaraderie and solace. “It’s a gift.”
The night air seemed to hold its breath, as if the universe itself were attuned to your emotions. You shifted slightly, your fingers unconsciously gripping the fabric of your clothes, seeking an anchor amidst the storm within.
The rooftop’s edge beckoned, your body inching closer as if drawn to the precipice. The physical proximity mirrored the emotional tightrope you were navigating.
“I’ve been feeling like I’m on the edge of something, like I could fall at any moment.” you confessed, your words hinting a deeper struggle: the overwhelming thoughts that threatened to push you over the brink. 
“I just want to shut off my thoughts, you know? Make everything quiet.”
A gentle breeze ruffled your hair as he reached out, his hand finding yours in a reassuring grasp. “Sometimes those thoughts have something to say,” he whispered, voice enveloping you in a warm embrace. 
Tears prickled at the corners of your eyes, the emotions swirling within you becoming too much to contain. The lump in your throat grew larger, making it hard to swallow; your chest tightened as if invisible hands were squeezing the air out of your lungs.
He drew closer, his warmth melding with the chill of the night air as his shoulder gently grazed yours. 
Softly, almost as if sharing a secret, he spoke, his words a soothing melody in the tense stillness. “When life feels overwhelming, remember that you don’t have to face it alone. 
“I’ll stand by you, even in the darkest of moments.”
As the city lights continued their nocturnal dance, you leaned into his embrace, finding solace in his warmth and understanding. The rooftop, once a solitary space, had become a sanctuary, a refuge from the chaos that churned within you.
His hand found yours, fingers intertwining in a gentle grip that spoke volumes. It was a simple gesture, yet it held the weight of unspoken promises - a promise to stand by you, to share your burdens, to help you weather the storms that life threw your way.
In that moment, the edge you had perched upon held a new significance - a reminder of how closer you had come to a precipice you hadn’t fully understood.
And with him by your side, the night held a different kind of beauty, one rooted in shared vulnerability and the strength to navigate the tempestuous terrain of life together. 
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The Façade will always fall (Tendou x shy!reader)
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Y/N=your name
L/N-last name
T/N=teacher’s name
F/C=favorite color
Background: you are a first year at Shiratorizawa who struggles (quite) a bit with certain aspects of school (essay writing, presentations, being taken advantage of for projects, etc.) and Tendou is a 3rd year and was assigned to be your tutor by the school after the first one had transferred schools for a better basketball program. And you’re in a dance club.
With all of that out of the way let’s get started:
YOUR POV(1st person):
Today felt harder than usual. And by that I mean everything in my day from the small mundane things like getting out of bed and eating breakfast (which spoiler alert I did not do like usual honestly) all the way to the big test I had been grinding study hours for which made me worry I was going to have to get more help from my new tutor that I still haven’t met yet.
We weren’t even halfway through the day when I knew what the outcome of my worst classes would be. Even though I know I’m meeting my new tutor after this class I’m heading to. At least I’m supposed to meet them during lunch which gives me a decent chunk of time to work.
The class where I constantly had issues being the one who was too shy to make groups myself and was the one who always ended up doing all the work. Even at some points having to stutter through 90% of the presentation because my groupmates didn’t feel like contributing. 
I thought about what sadistic plans my teacher had for our class while I was walking to English whether it was an essay, popcorn reading, or worst of all: group project. 
I arrived at my class 2 minutes early as usual and slid unceremoniously into my seat in the middle of the room and took out my book as my peers steadily entered the classroom and also took their seats.
The first 5 minutes of class were normal with us having to write a 2 paragraph composition based on a thought provoking question and us sharing with the class what our answers were. I never wanted to share my opinions out of fear that my opinions and answers would differ from my classmates’ answers. 
But right as the teacher was about to call on another student to share when the class phone rang. The teacher sighed as she walked over and answered the phone only conversing for a measly 15 seconds with her only answer being “ok I’ll send her over there now”. The murmurs spread through the class with assumptions of who it could possibly be.
When the teacher finally quenched our need to know who this lucky soul was to be able to leave:
“Ms.L/N you are needed in the office”
“Mrs.T/N may I please return here to retrieve the work later?”
“I’ll see about that, the assignment may be waived entirely” I walked hurriedly and anxiously towards the office mulling over what the reason could be for me needing to be there.
As I sat and waited in the office I finally heard my name be called by the counselor
I walked in and there was the counselor and sitting across from her is a boy with venetian red hair and a pleasant aura surrounding him.
“Ms.L/N I know you were supposed to meet your tutor during lunch but I thought it would be most beneficial for you to meet him now. Y/N L/N meet your tutor 3rd year Satori Tendou. He will be assisting you for the rest of the year.”
“N-nice t-to meet y-you T-Tendou-san.” I say as I shakily bring my hand out for a shake knowing what’s what I was trained to do. “Well it’s nice to meet you too Y/N-chan! I look forward to helping you out!”
I liked this guy already. Which was rare because 90% of the time people’s first impressions for me were not positive as people thought timid=needs to be infantilized. And he didn’t do that. All he did was show genuine interest in a genuine fashion. 
“Great! Feel free to use any empty study rooms in the library. Oh and you will both be excused from your classes for the rest of the day to get acquainted with each other!”
And as they say the rest was history…
“Alrighty Y/N-chan you can do this! I believe in you!”
“I-I don’t know a-about that what if I fail?!?!”
“With research that good it won’t matter how you choose to present it! But if the actual presentation aspect is what’s scaring you, then we can work on that! Besides, I know how excited you’ve been about this topic! You can’t give up now!”
He wasn’t wrong. I had been looking forward to researching and debating the efficacy of certain media types in regards to Ethos, Pathos, Logos in the form of persuasion.
“Why don’t we practice the wording and style of your presentation? I think practicing will help calm your nerves.”
“O-okay. Why music can enhance the efficacy of product advertisement…”
I was just winging it honestly as he looked interestingly at me while I was talking. Not speaking. Just all eyes on me flitting between my face and the computer with my slides.
“...so in conclusion contemporary music is most effective at enhancing the efficacy of product advertisement.”
“Ok that was great! You should probably tweak your introductory title to… aha! ‘Why contemporary music is the most effective advertisement enhancement.’ easy!” He said all of this as he swiftly edited the thesis of the title slide.
“Th-thank y-you T-T-Tendou-san”
“It’s no problem really. It is my job after all.” That was true. He was assigned to be with me and probably had no choice in the matter. 
“So just to check again before the end of our session. Are you feeling confident about your presentation?”
“I mean I’m sure it could be better in some way or another but I think I’m ready?”
Now Tendou was NOT an oblivious guy by any stretch of the meaning and was terrifyingly observant. 
“Hmm…ok if you say so” he said while squinting at me as if I was sitting across from him while playing among us and was the imposter. Everything about his facial expression screamed ‘this seems sus’
And with that we parted ways and went back to our dorm rooms respectively. What I had forgotten was we had dorms in the same directions and she had probably not realized that. So I just opted to tail her at a medium distance.  
I noticed as soon as she thought I was gone she shifted from walking what people would consider normal and just started…trudging?
That could only mean one thing. I know that trudge as I did that too throughout my school years. That’s the gait of a person who is trying to look tired but is really just super unhappy. 
But that doesn’t make any sense. I never see people harassing or bullying her around the halls or anything. But then again I know nothing about her peers in her classes. At least there’s still daylight and I know her English teacher is still here. 
I quickly sprinted back to the classrooms trying to remember which room was T/N’s room. 
Turns out I caught her just in time as she was just packing up her equipment.  
“Ah good evening Tendou. Can I help you with something?”
“Actually yes! You see the girl I tutor is in your class right before lunch and I know she has a presentation tomorrow. So what I was wondering is if I could come in and watch her present because I know how hard it is for her.”
“Um sure? Which student are you tutoring?”
“Oh. Y/N L/N.”
“Ok fine. I have her presenting 7th overall”
“Sounds great! Thank you so much!”
“You’re very welcome” 
As she was saying that I took off towards my dorm and plotted my before-school-interception mission
I was going down the stairs of my dorm when I kind of just…stopped and had a wave of fear overcome me knowing my presentation was in just a few hours. 
All I could think about at that point was how everyone was going to laugh at me just like last time and how I’ll fail because it got too overwhelming and I had to go not be bullied and ridiculed again. 
But I kept telling myself that I practiced for this and I wasn’t going to let Tendou-san’s help go to waste because of my cowardice. 
And looking at the time I realized I would have to run to get there with enough time to serve as a buffer in case something happened. 
I got to the hallway where my first class was and sat down to finish up/correct any problems on my math homework since that would be easy. 
So just as I finished checking over the first problem I see a pair of feet stop in front of me 
“Ohayo Y/N-chan! How are you?” Tendou said as he was bending down so his eyes could meet mine 
“O-Ohayo T-Tendou-san. I’m fine just reviewing some math work.”
“Sounds pretty responsible of you. I don’t know many people who just check it over more like doing it for the first time”. 
“I just like to make sure I keep my grades up where I can.”
“That’s still very smart” he said as he poked my side
“Oh my~is my Y/N-chan ticklish?”
Uh oh. Keep cool. Make it seem like you’re NOT flustered. 
“U-uh no”
“Really? Cause that sounded like a laugh to me~”
Fuck. Busted big time 
“N-no it wasn’t” I was sure this would convince him
But it didn’t 
“Well then I’m sure this should be fine then!” As he proceeded to run his fingers up and down my sides 
But of course a façade can only stay up for so long 
“It’s fine j-just sensitive” 
“While we’re at it why don’t you tell me why you seem so mopey recently”
“I-ihihihim nohohohot mohohohopehehey” fuck. Well I knew it was a matter of time
“Really cause last night you seemed kinda down” he said as he switched from just running his fingers up and down my sides to full on tickling me 
“Nohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho stahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahap” 
“Well well lookie at what we have here~ are you sure you’re not ticklish my little kouhai?”
“Ihihihihihihihihihi hahahahahahahahahave tohohoho keheheheheheheheeheheep workihihihihihing”  I kept trying to squirm free from his grasp and try to stop laughing and regain composure 
He decided this wasn’t enough to get me to crack and let something slip so he decided to slide his fingers down a few inches to my hips and went WILD with the scribbling and squeezing 
“Oh dear it looks like my precious little kouhai can’t handle her tickles to her wittwe hips huh? Are you finally going to tell me why you’re mopey? Or shall I continue?”
“Youhuhuuhuhu cahahahahnt I hahahahahahahahahahave clahahahahahahass”
With that statement he looked up at the wall clock in front of us “oh we have plenty of time~ feel free to keep giggling though it’s like music to my ears. Or you can tell me why you’re sad and gloomy”
“Well a deal is a deal” and with that he stopped his incursion of tickles but still held on to my midsection for support in case something happened
“S-so l-last night I-I-I started to doubt my work and I had to think about my group mates and their portions of the presentation and if I-I d-don’t th-the b-b-b-bullying wi-will st-start a-again I” and I couldn’t finish as I choked up and started crying 
“It’s ok it makes sense to be nervous and second guess yourself but what’s important to remember is bedtime anxiety decides nothing is good enough and makes everything seem like garbage. As for the other point you brought up about your group; fuck em. They did nothing and therefore deserve the F that is inevitably coming for them. I’m excited to see your hard work payoff and I don’t think they should get any credit.”
“B-b-but what will they think of me!?”
“Who cares because you’re my friend and I’ll be here for you. Just like you’ve been there for me when I was sad. Now the only edit you have to make is take their names off the powerpoint and you’ll be done!” As he said that he slipped my laptop out of my bag and proceeded to do just that. He even was kind enough to put a footnote saying: ‘L/N Y/N’s tutor Tendou Satori has removed the names of the people who contributed nothing to this project (・ω<)’
“Now let’s get your little face cleaned up and get you to math.”
“Alrighty can L/N’s group please come up?”
And she was interrupted by Tendou slamming the door open and looking at me with something I could only explain as an excited gleam in his eyes and ran to the back of the room. 
He sat at the back of the room attentively looking at me and giving a double thumbs up as well as a smile
My group mates came up with me and just as they were exiting their seats the teacher said rather suddenly “oh you three do not need to go up as L/N-san has been separated due to lack of effort on your part. Whenever you’re ready, L/N.”
And with that I started. And I winged my speech just like the day before. 
Something about Tendou being there helped. Like it was just the 2 of us in that study room again and no cares in the world. 
“…and with that I am happy to leave all of you with the conclusion that contemporary music is the best at enhancing the efficacy in persuading people in advertising.”
There was a dead silence for a second before the room went CRAZY. I heard loud and clear above the crowd Tendou screaming “ENCORE ENCORE! THAT WAS AMAZING”
I wanted to burst into tears from the joy 🥹 
“Well well well look at my perfect little kouhai who aced her presentation~” Tendou had said this as he came up to me when I was sitting alone at lunch  
“H-how do you already know?!?”
“I have my ways” honestly I wasn’t even gonna question it knowing he was like a wizard basically
“Now why don't I introduce you to my friends from volleyball. I think they would really like you!”
And just like that my love story with him begun. 
And that’s how this chapter of my life ended.
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tetsumie · 3 months
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read part 1 here!
pairing: kuroo x reader & bokuto x reader
genre: hurt/comfort
content: the boys call you clingy but they don’t mean it
a/n: hello ahhh it's been awhile since i've posted but i'm trying to get back into the habit of writing again! someone in my inbox had requested me to add bokuto to this list so i tried my best but i hope you all enjoyed this and feel free to stop by my inbox to leave a comment, tell me your thoughts, or just lmk how it's going hehe :,)
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kuroo tetsuro
"i'm home," a mumble echoed out into the empty living room.
at the sound of the door opening, you make your way out of your shared bedroom to greet your overworked boyfriend, kuroo.
"hi baby," you replied with a tired smile on your features.
the door closes and kuroo slides off his slacks, loosens his tie, runs his fingers through his hair, and sighs in exhaustion.
"have you eaten dinner yet?" you start to ramble. " i can warm up dinner and we could maybe share a meal together?"
"we haven't spent much time together in a while so you know.. i was just thinking... we could do something small together?"
you continue to ramble about how you spent all evening trying a new recipe you saw on tiktok that really fascinated you.
but kuroo is not having it.
all he wants to do is just go to bed and forget the past couple shitty days he's had at work. today, especially, was stressful considering how nothing had gone his way and the higher ups just wouldn’t stop giving him a hard time.
he kept his frustration, tiredness, anger all bottled up for the past couple days and they were all about to boil out.
on top of that, your constant rambling isn't helping. you keep talking and talking and talking and his mind is beginning to get cloudy and his anger is about to boil over.
his voice rises and he finally speaks, "god y/n.. can you just shut the fuck up and stop being all up in my space? you're so fucking clingy just leave me alone."
you mouth shuts up mid sentence and you're looking down at your feet, too embarrassed to even look him in the eye after hearing his true feelings.
"sorry, i just wanted to spend some time and talk and relax with you..." your voice goes quiet. "you've been out really late for the past couple days so i was just hoping-"
however, kuroo's outburst isn't over yet. if anything, your little comment voicing your concerns seems to have make him a bit more upset.
"yeah, i've been out late because of how suffocating it is here at home with you. god, it's like you just can't take a fucking hint! just leave me the fuck alone!" he says and your eyes go a bit glassy.
"r-right," you say as you're turning around so he doesn't see the tears forming in your eyes. "sorry, i'll respect your wishes and give you your space."
seeing your hunched figure walking away brought him back to his senses.
what the fuck did i just say to them? oh my god.
"y/n wait i'm sorry-" he begins but is cut off.
"kuroo, i think you've said enough tonight."
the sound of his last name coming out of your mouth leaves a bitter taste in his mouth and he knows he's fucked up immensely. the door to the bedroom closes, indicating that you're clocking out for the night and you can't deal with this conversation any bit longer.
kuroo sits himself on the couch with his head in his hands, shaking his head.
what the hell did i just say to them? it's not even their fault... i just... how the hell do i make it up to them?
kuroo walks to the door and places three subtle knocks on the door, begging for permission to enter. he's greeted with no acknowledgement or response.
he turns the knob and to his surprise it opens. there, he sees you fast alseep in your comforter in a fetal-like position. he goes into the closet, changes into his pajamas, and immediately climbs into bed.
he brings you close to his side of the bed, specifically putting your head on his chest. he begins to stroke your hair and places gentle kisses on your head, mumbling soft "i'm sorry's" and "i love you's."
he's praying to whatever deity out there that this would blow over by tomorrow morning or something.
but kuroo wakes up the next morning to his worst nightmare: you're not in bed with him. he feels his blood run cold and he's running the worst case scenarios in his head.
he rushes out of the bedroom to see that you're nowhere in the apartment. he sees a bright colored post-it note stuck on to the fridge with a note scribbled in your handwriting.
"i'm staying at a friend's house for the next couple of days. i just need time to think for a bit. there's some leftovers from last night in the fridge so make sure you eat those.
love u always, y/n"
kuroo's hands shake as he's holding your post-it note.
of course, they'd leave. i treated them like shit and hurt them so badly of course they want to leave. but even after everything, they still love me… i don’t deserve them.
kuroo begins to spiral and the next couple of days aren't any easy for him.
every attempt at texting or calling you has lead to no response. he goes to sleep without you next to him, holding back tears every time. every morning without fail, he pats the vacancy next to him in hopes that you'll be there but to his demise, every time, you're not. work feels even more lethargic than usual. before, he used to look forward to coming home to you but now you're not even at home so what's the point in even trying. counting down the hours until he gets to leave his cubicle has become futile.
i just really want them back. please come back home.
but when he comes home from a pain achingly long day of work, he doesn't find you and his mood plummets even more.
that is until one day, kuroo is able to leave work early where he comes home and hears the familiar noise of the coffee maker brewing. his eyes shoot up from his slacks to look over at the kitchen where he sees you in all your beauty, fidgeting with the knobs on the coffee machine. your eyes both lock and you immediately look away.
kuroo thought you were gone for good. and the fact that you were only a couple feet away from him made his heart swell and his eyes water. there's so much to say but his not a single word is escaping his mouth.
"you want some coffee? i just started a new batch," you finally say to fill up the silence of the room.
he gulps, "sure yeah."
you grab a coffee cup and pour him a fresh cup of coffee and slide it to him across the kitchen counter, avoiding getting too close to him.
too nervous to even touch his drink, he begins to address the elephant in the room, "y/n, i'm so sorry for what i said that night. i had no right to speak to you in the manner."
"it's okay," you say in a curt manner. "i get it."
he shakes his head and tries to get closer to you to convey his feelings but is stopped when he sees you take a step back. his heart cracks.
"no it's not okay sweetheart. i've been so busy with work and i just got super overwhelmed with everything and-"
"kuroo, you know you don't have to make any excuses right?" you interrupt his train of thought.
he's confused now. "excuses? y/n what are you even talking about- "
"just end it with me already... i know you want to," you say, looking down at the fresh cup of coffee in your hands. "you made that very clear."
his world freezes.
the world becomes completely silent.
his mouth is slightly open, caught off guard. he doesn't know what to say.
however, you interpret his silence as him putting down the excuses finally and admitting that he doesn't want to put effort into this relationship with you anymore.
hell, he doesn’t even want this relationship with you anymore.
"right, if you won't i will so it's easier for the both of us. i think we should-"
"don't you dare finish that fucking sentence," he moves close to you all of a sudden and his familiar lingering cheap cologne smell takes up your senses. the gears begin to click in his head before you can respond to him.
kuroo's arms envelop you in his embrace. "i want you. only you. i'm sorry i made you think otherwise."
the tears you've been holding back for the past couple minutes standing in front of him overflow and you feel like the world is about to end.
you push kuroo off you slightly. "i know you've been busy with work and i just wanted to spend some time with you. i never meant to come off as clingy but clearly you thought so so-"
"i'm just a complete douche,” he interrupts. “you were trying to help me out and make me feel better and i was so caught up with work, i couldn't appreciate that."
"i never want to ever make you feel that way again. you never deserved to hear any of that from me and everything i said couldn't be far from the truth. your presence has never been a bother and if anything, coming home to you is the best part of my day.”
“i shouldn't have let my emotions get the best of me and i'm so sorry that it did and that i hurt you in the process. i hate that i’m the reason behind your tears and i’ll do everything to make it up to you to show you how much i love you."
the tears from your eyes continue to flow and he delicately wipes every single one from your eyes kissing your cheek every time without fail.
"are you sure you don’t find me suffocating? you said that you hated being home with me though so i just thought-" you start to say.
"i will spend my entire life reassuring you that it isn’t true. i promise you are never suffocating me and your presence never fails to make me feel better on a shitty day. i will do anything to regain your trust and faith in me,” he adamantly speaks with his hands in yours.
hearing his determined resolve, the tears flow even more.
"i love you so much, tetsu."
"i love you too baby," he smiles and delicately kisses your lips. "now let's go out. how do you feel about going out for dinner? i’ve got a lot of making up to you to do."
"i'll never say no to that."
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bokuto koutaro
the msby jackals lost 2-0 sets and the entire team was taking the loss hard but no one as hard as bokuto.
"bokuto-san, what do you think went wrong today's game?" an interviewer asks with his notepad out, scribbling notes.
"er, uh, well, today was just a rough day and i had a tough time keeping up with the opponent's plays today... it just was not a good day."
"i have one more question," the interviewer asks.
"go ahead," he gruffs out.
"you are known for your infamous line shots especially during deciding moments of the game. you missed multiple of these shots during today's game. were you distracted during this game? is it because of your new relationship status or were-"
bokuto is now riled up. who the hell does this interviewer think he is to corner me and bring in my personal life???
"i'm leaving, fuck this shit," he spits out, trying his best to maintain his composure.
in frustration, bokuto storms out of the press conference room, slamming the double doors, heading towards the locker room to grab his stuff but is stopped by you, running after him.
"kou! wait up!" you say from a distance and he stops in his tracks to look at you. he's still internally raging from the provocative behavior of that interviewer and he feels like he just might lose it.
"what do you want," he says in an aggressive manner that catches you off guard.
you’re aware of the recent loss of the msby jackals. you know that's probably taking a toll on his confidence as a player so you're trying to be as supportive as you can.
"you wanna come back to my place? i was thinking we could watch that one disney movie you like and we could bake something together too? what do you think?"
"why do you always want to fucking hang out?" he says in the lowest tone of voice you've ever heard from him.
it sends shivers down your spine.
"huh?" you're just confused at this point.
"why are you so fucking clingy all the time? it's always 'kou come over!' or 'kou let's watch a movie!' or 'kou let's take a nap together!' like don't you fucking get that i have a genuine career that i'm working really hard to be successful in?"
so that's what he thinks of me.
"i know you want to be a pro volleyball player and i want to support you the entire way. i was just trying to be there for you and help you relax..." you trail. "i get today was really rough for you.."
"that's the thing you don't get it, y/n!" he says exasperatedly. "if you did want to be supportive for me and my career, then you would stop being so all up on me and give my space!"
he walks into the locker room, slamming the door, shaking you up.
in defeat, you begin to leave the stadium with tears brimming your eyes. as you get in your car, you put your head on the steering wheel and suddenly, the tears start to stream out.
"i'll give him his space. i'll just stop everything. i'm nothing of importance to him or his life so it's best if i just stop." you convince yourself.
bokuto, on the other hand, is in the locker room, holding back tears of frustration as he punched one of the lockers.
fuck, what am i even doing right now...
"bokuto-san! let's head out for the night," shoyo's voice can be heard before he can be seen in the locker room. "we're gonna go get drinks and dinner at that new barbecue place that opened up."
he looks up from the bench and smiles at shoyo along with the rest of his teammates that are nodding along in support.
"yeah, sure. fine with me," kou responds with a small smile on his face.
as bokuto and the rest of the jackals are out and about, he keeps looking at his phone in hopes of getting a message or something from you but you're completely radio silent after the spat between the two of you.
he knows you both had a disagreement but he thought you knew that he was just frustrated and upset with the game. he didn't think it was a reason to just go silent on him.
he sends a text to test the waters.
kou <3: babe, we're good right?
he puts his phone down and engages back in the dinner with the rest of the jackals.
an hour has passed yet still no response. it's starting to make him fidgety so he decides to spam you.
kou <3: hello?
kou <3: baby wya???
kou <3: where is the loml at :((
y/n is typing...
y/n: sry i was getting ready for bed.
you sounded distant. you clearly were upset but was it still about the argument? c'mon you knew he didn't mean what he said... right?
kou <3: ITS OKAY BABY! can i come over? i wanna spend the night with u :,)
kou <3: i miss you
y/n: maybe not tonight... i think it's best if we're by ourselves for a bit
bokuto's hair significantly drooped down, seeing as how he got rejected to hang out with you for the night.
as bokuto heads over to his apartment for the night, he stares at the bedroom ceiling with his thoughts. he misses laying next to his baby. that's when he starts to replay everything that went down between the two of you.
he genuinely can't figure out what went wrong.
he prays that this whole thing will just blow over by tomorrow because he misses you incredibly and just wants to spend time with you.
unfortunately to his demise, you kept shutting down all of kou's efforts to come over. you refused to pick up his calls, resorting to half assed texts.
this whole argument was festering and bokuto had to fix it immediately.
you, however, want nothing more than to spend time with your boyfriend but his words kept running through your mind on loop. anytime you would be sitting alone with yourself, his words kept playing themselves on loop in your brain, making you overthink the post couple months you’ve spent together.
has he always thought of me as clingy? have i always been a bother to him? have i always been super annoying in his eyes?
that was until you heard a knock on the door.
you open the door and see kou standing there in a hoodie and a pair of khakis with a large bouquet of assorted flowers in his hands. his eyes lock with yours while yours widen in surprise.
"k-kou! what are you doing here?" you say in surprise.
"what, i can't see my partnet now?" he retorts lightheartedly. "let me in."
too stunned to even reject him, your hand inherently finds its way to the knob, widening the door so bokuto can fit through into your apartment.
he tries to hand you the flowers but you stand there, hands refusing to move from their sides. "c'mon babe, i got them for you! do you not like them? man, i knew i should've gotten the roses instead."
"no no! thank you so much kou.. i'm just surprised that you even got this for me..." you trail off looking away from him.
he sets the flowers on the kitchen counter and tilts his head in confusion. "what do you mean, y/n?"
"listen, i know you don't really like spending time with me and that you feel obligated to but honestly, we really don't have to hang out or anything like that," you begin to say. "i know i can be a lot sometimes and i'm really working on trying to give you space."
that's when it all clicks in his head for him.
"baby, is this about what i said that day in the gym?" he questions.
you turn away, refusing to even look him in the eye because you know the moment your eyes lock with his, the tears will start streaming down your face.
"baby, no, please," he goes over to you to give you the warmest yet tightest hug possible. "i’m also a very clingy person so i should've known how much my words must have hurt you. i've been so stupid to not see how badly my words must have impacted you, my love. i'm so so sorry for saying and acting the way i did. it's unexcusable."
"no kou it's fine i just-" you say but are interrupted midsentence.
"no, y/n it's not," he says, tears brimming his eyes ever since coming to terms with how hurt you must've been feeling this entire time. "i'll do anything to get your forgiveness and for us to just... be close again. i'll do anything, i mean it."
tears are streaming down both your faces and you can't help but form a wobbly smile on your lips. "pinky promise?"
"pinky promise," kou says as he locks pinkies with you and kisses the top of your head. "now let's cuddle because i've missed being near the love of my life."
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© tetsumie 2024 all rights reserved 
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boughkeeping · 1 month
Osamu had never been worried about Atsumu.
He knew Atsumu would be just fine when he's passionate about something, he manages through no matter how difficult it is for him or how difficult he is as a person. That's just who he is.
He's never had to worry about Atsumu falling deep to something because he's always made it out fine.
But that's more the reason he's worried because he's not been in despair to whatever he's fallen for. This time he noticed Atsumu had fallen for someone.
He's his twin, he knows his brother from head to toe. Osamu knows Atsumu is difficult to deal with, he can be annoying, loud, childish, nosy and suddenly indifferent once he lets you in his circle.
He knows Atsumu from Head to toe yet he never expected Atsumu to be the type to harbour feelings for someone in the way the thought of that person makes that stupid guy stutter and become even obnoxiously loud then dead silent in the span of 5 seconds.
That big dumb smile on his face throughout the practice nobody can fail to notice it of course, Osamu tells him to stop doing that he looks stupid to which Atsumu only replies with "Ya don't even know why I'm smiling so shut up"
It was just obvious that his crush accepted his little proposal, that Atsumu announced so loudly yesterday that he was going to do it.
Osamu knows how serious Atsumu is about volleyball, even if the most beautiful woman on the planet screamed for him, it still wouldn't make him step out of the court. That's why he knows he's serious about you when he excused himself mid practice because his little 'significant other' called him for something.
Which made him worry.
But two days later when him and Atsumu broke into a fight again like usual and he didn't return home that night nor the school next morning, Osamu had no choice but to go to you to ask about him with the excuse "Mom's gon' beat his butt"
That evening he saw out from his window, you pulling Atsumu towards their gate. He was strong he can't be pulled easily just like that. So that means he let you, even if he pretended he didn't want to.
And when you put your hands over his cheek telling him something probably words of encouragement, Atsumu finally entered the home with slapping a "Sorry...., but don't think I'm not sorry or anything!" to Osamu. He didn't understand what Atsumu was trying to mean with that.
He can't remember the last time he heard the word sorry from Tsumu's mouth even during volley.
Osamu then knew he would be just fine with you, it's his twin brother. He always pulls through everything. With you by his side surely even more.
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