#hairy body
angel-amable · 2 days
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Parece que hay ratos en que sale el sol. El gay Ifigenio y yo hemos hecho planes para salir esta tarde-noche a tomar algo al Ambiente Gay de BCN. Propuso el Mïel Bar, pero me vi en la obligación de decir algo.
[Angel] - Lo más probable es que vayamos y haya unos cuantos perros en el local. Lo digo por nuestra alergia a la piel, pelo y saliva de estos animales.
[Ifigenio] - Yo hace poco que he salido de un shock anafiláctico. Ando justo de medicación.
[Angel] - Por eso no te preocupes, yo tengo bastantes viales inyectables de antihistamínico.
[Ifigenio] - Pero... ¿realmente merece la pena enfrentarse a una crisis grave de salud solo por tomar unas copas gay?
[Angel] - A mi no me compensa. Sobretodo por que sigue habiendo locales sensatos que no les permiten la entrada a animales alergénicos.
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d469son-menstorsos2 · 6 months
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malemusktf · 4 months
Jays pits
It was a typical day at the gym, the smell of sweat and testosterone filled the air as men grunted and lifted weights. Among them were two men, Jay and Finlay, who couldn't be more different.
Jay was the epitome of a jock, tall and muscled with a shaven head. His body was chiseled and he exuded a musky, manly scent. Finlay, on the other hand, was smaller and not as muscular. He had very little hair and was known for being extremely hygienic.
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The two men had a long-standing rivalry, constantly trying to one-up each other in the gym. Jay couldn't stand Finlay's clean and polished appearance, while Finlay was envious of Jay's muscular physique.
As they both finished their workouts, they headed to the locker room to shower. The atmosphere in the locker room was musky and stale, with the smell of sweat lingering in the air. It was empty except for Jay and Finlay, who were both eager to get to the showers.
But little did Finlay know, Jay had an unusual power that he had been keeping secret. His armpits, full of hair that was almost supernaturally long, had the ability to change any man into his own musky best friend.
As Jay caught sight of Finlay's glistening body, he couldn't resist the urge to use his power on him. Finlay was sweating profusely from his intense workout, his clean appearance now marred by sweat and grime.
Without hesitation, Jay grabbed Finlay from behind and pulled him close, his musky armpits enveloping Finlay's senses. In that moment, Finlay's mind was filled with a euphoric feeling, his hatred towards Jay instantly turning into admiration.
As Jay forced Finlay deeper into the forest of pit hair, the musk became overwhelming. Finlay's mind was warping, his body beginning to change. His muscles grew, his face taking on a similar appearance to Jay's.
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But the most noticeable change was in Finlay's armpits. They began to sprout with hair, longer and thicker than Jay's. The musk poured out of them, filling the locker room with its intoxicating scent.
Finlay begged Jay to stop, but it was too late. His mind had warped once again, his love for Jay as a best friend now sealed. His armpits continued to pour with musk, his body pulsing with growth.
As Finlay emerged from the transformation, he was no longer the clean and hygienic man he once was. He was now a musky jock, combined with Jay in a powerful bond of musk and sweat.
Together, they left the locker room, ready to spread their musky influence to more men. And as they made their way through the gym, they couldn't help but notice the men around them, their noses twitching as they caught a whiff of the two musky jocks.
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guesswho334455667788 · 3 months
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captainmalewriter · 2 months
Controller Bug
Nobody believed Noah when he said he had an alien as a pet. And who could blame them? Anybody claiming they had an alien in their possession would be dismissed as crazy! Although Noah was initially upset that nobody believed him, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Noah was free to keep and command Bug (the name he gave his pet alien) however he saw fit, and Bug had plenty of tricks up its sleeve.
"Did that feel good, Daddy?" Noah asked the naked muscular man Tom right in front of him.
"Awwww fuckk... you really know how to give a good blowjob..." Tom was practically purring from how satisfied he was. He laid back on his bed while Noah got up from his knees. Unbeknownst to Tom, Noah had a wide grin plastered on his face.
"Alright, Bug... I've prepared another host for you. You know what to do from here."
Noah unbuttoned his shirt pocket. A long, iridescent creature came slithering out of his pocket. Bug ran down Noah's arm. He hovered his hand right over Tom's exposed cock. Noah could feel the cool touch of the slimy alien as it crawled down his hand and onto Tom's junk.
"Mmm..." Tom was too busy relishing in the warm after-feeling to notice what Noah was doing. By the time he felt Bug's cold, slimy touch on his groin, it was already too late.
"Mmmm... Hm? What the- OW!!"
Bug slithered up the length of Tom's rod and pushed its way inside through the slit of his dick head. Tom squealed from the pain and surprise from the initial penetration. His muscles tensed up as Bug swam its way down his cock and into his body, causing him to moan even louder than before. Watching a muscular hunk like Tom trash around helplessly made Noah aroused. He rubbed and massaged his growing dick through the denim of his jeans as he watched Bug turn Tom into a vessel for him to control.
Tom could hardly move as the alien invaded his body. In an effort to try and stop the alien, Tom tried flexing his body as much as he could. He thought he could somehow block Bug's entry point if he just flexed his muscles hard enough, but it was no use. All it did was cause his body to swell up with mass as Bug continued spreading throughout his body. His biceps grew. His pecs ballooned out. Even his dick and balls swelled up thanks to Tom flexing while Bug took over his body. Tom couldn't help but moan and groan from the warn sensations of his body stretching to accommodate the extra mass. It left his semi-erect cock leaking and throbbing from the stimulation.
With one final push, Tom's throbbing member swallowed up the last few inches of the alien bug with a loud, wet slurp. Tom threw his head back against his bed. His hairy chest was rising and falling as he hyperventilated. Then, after about a minute, Noah watched as a smile began to form on Tom's face. Mission success.
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"Bug? Is that you in there?" Noah asked. "Tom" opened and blinked his eyes. He then sat up and got down on one knee like a servant to a king.
"Yes, Master Noah. Thank you for my new body. It possesses incredible strength and I am ready to use it to serve you."
"Perfect! That's just what I like to hear."
Noah placed a hand on Bug's new face and stroked his cheek. Bug smiled as it accepted this gesture of affection. Noah then leaned in and kissed "Tom" square on the lips. He moaned as he felt Tom slip his tongue inside his mouth. Noah was impressed. Bug had improved since its last host. They pulled away and smiled at each other.
"Shall we break in my new vessel as we usually do, Master?"
"Tom" leaned back against his bed and began pumping his cock until it stood at full mast. A lustful grin formed on "Tom's" stolen face. The same grin soon formed on Noah's face too.
"I thought you'd never ask."
Noah stripped himself of all clothes and hopped on top of Tom, where the two proceeded to "break in" Bug's new vessel all night long.
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joselito28-1 · 4 months
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the handsome guys are on @joselito28-1 's blog
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truckman816 · 4 days
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frosket · 20 hours
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angel-amable · 1 month
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El gay Simfoniano no ha podido irse de vacaciones. Eso no le ha impedido acudir a su cruising área de referencia, se ha colocado un sombrero tipo explorador, se ha hecho una autofoto (todo hay que decirlo: muy sexy) y finalmente ha postureado en sus diferentes cuentas como si estuviera de vacaciones en el mismísimo Canadá Central.
La Maldad e Hipocresía del Ambiente Gay no se lo ha creído. El Canadà está en llamas y en la foto la atmósfera parece muy despejada.
Moraleja: Por el humo se sabe dónde está el fuego.
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parisianos2 · 23 days
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d469son-menstorsos2 · 6 months
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yopsiconauta · 5 months
Hank Meyer
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truckman816 · 2 months
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angel-amable · 6 months
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Hace tiempo que he perdido la pista del gay Egan. Recuerdo cuando le esperaba, al final del día, en la playa Kavalikefta de la isla Lefkada. Él regresaba con una cesta llena de peces. Bebíamos demasiadas copas de Ron y CocaCola mientras bailábamos cerca de una hoguera con sus amigos. Gracias a Dios no era absenta o estaríamos ahora los dos muertos. Subíamos la colina de camino a nuestra cabaña por la noche y entonces me decía: [Egan] - ¡Angel! Quiero sexearte sin parar, de mil formas diferentes, de todas las maneras posibles. Θέλω να κάνω έρωτα μαζί σου ασταμάτητα, με χίλιους διαφορετικούς τρόπους, με κάθε δυνατό τρόπο.
¿Por qué no he seguido en contacto con él? No encuentro la explicación
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parisianos2 · 1 month
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thb671 · 2 months
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