#he is my blorbo. my muse. i guess
non-un-topo · 1 year
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My Neekeys over the last two-odd years. I was curious to see the changes 🤔
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mountainshroom · 10 months
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I made a lil rat lad oc !! I think i’ll name him Jamie 🫶
ALSO i found the ref for the first drawing from pinterest, unfortunately couldn’t find the og artist :( but heres the reference pose anyway:
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hyaciiintho · 1 year
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🌸。*゚+. Just an appreciation post of how beautiful my boy is in FFXIV... absolute softness. I love him so much ugh. BRD (his main) is top left and accurate to his current look. I've just recently changed my AST and WHM glams this month, and the bottom right one is just on his wedding/vow renewal day ♡ PLD in the middle left was modified slightly with new weapons (I do not do Good Tank™️ I have Big Fear LOL), his cutie SCH glam in the middle remains the same (WHM again in the middle right, I've used that for YEARS for him).
Just... -SHOVES HIM OVER- love him as I love him ;;; A ;;; Jk that's impossible, I would literally die AND kill for him
Featuring @diademreigned's boy (Link's adopted son) on the top right and @tenebriism's boy (Link's husbando) on the bottom left ✨
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luxbrumalix · 10 days
vinnie replies tomorrow i think, im fucking. beat
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deandoesthingstome · 10 months
@mayloma - This may be the oddest birthday celebration ever.
A) It's me giving, not receiving and B) It's not about HC.
But you made a comment and I have free time, so I'm going to try to gather up a few TLK posts and recs for you.
I'm not sure if you are looking for canon, AU's, fix-it, etc, or who your main blorbos are. If it's not apparent from anything you've seen on my dash, Finan has my heart with Sihtric in close second place. I never read the books, so all my knowledge comes from the show.
Because I'm not very active in TLK anymore, I don't really know who is still here, writing, etc. You know how it goes when fandom flames dwindle on one or the other side...
Under the cut to save those who aren't here for it.
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You've already seen me rec where our pieces fall in place, (not that I'll pass up an opportunity to rec it again), but I'll also draw your attention to this sweet little number by @anotherwinchesterfangirl showing Finan falling for Ingrith: watch her take me by surprise Liz isn't around Tumblr much anymore at all, and her tastes skew away from TLK more often than not, but it's a nice little treat.
Need more Finan, but maybe with Eadith this time? @superprincesspea has Winchester's Finest (that he is), @emilyhufflepufftlk has all you had to do was stay, and Jade_Masquerade on AO3 has the alter is my hips (anyone recognize that phrase? yeah, it's so good).
Finan and Reader? @lady-writes20 has We Are Bound, @i-jus-wanna-writehappy has Handful.
Finan and OC? @lauwrite1225 gave us stuck between our heartbeats (Tumblr link to AO3) and @magravenwrites has A Good Place To Start, while @persephones-journey jumped him forward in time with As The Gods Make It.
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Sihtic more to your liking? @solinarimoon fed that need for me with Liquid Courage and her Wildflowers Series
Back to Both I Guess?
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I can't leave out this LOVE I left for some of the TLK crew last year.
And, last, but certainly not least, is @itbmojojoejo. Mojo is a little bit of a double threat because she is a GIF creator (and re-capturing ALL of Finan's scenes one episode at a time and I drown in drool a little bit every time she posts over on @mojosdumpingground) AND she has created this amazing and wonderful Mafia!AU with an OC in a bit of a love triangle with Finan and Sihtric and I'm really really really hoping the muse is waking up to help her finish this series: Crimes of Passion. I need to know who she ends up with!!!
Okay, like I said: Happy Birthday to me.
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fire-branded · 2 months
8 & 14
8. What makes you stray away from canon material and base your character, in case of canon muse, on your own headcanons?
A lack of detail, most of all. If canon gives me the barest bones of information to work with, I will run with that sliver of info, dive into Headcanon Land, and never look back.
Or canonical details that I feel don't line up well enough with other details established in the content(game, in this case), things that come across to me as contradictory, things that I don't personally feel comfortable with utilizing(especially when it comes to ages of characters), or information presented in the Ultimania that don't make sense with what we know from the game itself. Because for me, the game's lore takes precedence over an outside source like the Ultimania. (Though no shade to anyone who does choose to use its info.)
That and just... the general notion of adding a personalized touch to my blorbo, you know? I do try to use canon material as at the very least a basic foundation and build off of it, but sometimes there's not enough background information, so you just have to fill in all of the details yourself.
Especially when the character you're playing as dies within the first like fifteen to twenty minutes of the fucking game, and you learn more about him through other characters than through actually ever having gotten to know him through seeing him.
14. What is the most annoying fact or trait or fanon that is attached to your muse and bothers you?
I ... admittedly have no idea. I never kept up with fandom opinions outside of my little corner here on Tumblr. Like, I'm sure Twitter and Reddit and whatnot have A Lot to say regarding him as a person, regarding his parenting, regarding his rulership over Rosaria, etc.
There is one fact that bothers me, even though I can see where people get the idea from overall despite me disliking the theory. And that's the theory that Elwin and Hanna Murdoch were having an affair behind Anabella(and Rodney too I guess?)'s back.
I can, again, understand where the theory comes from, despite heavily hating it. I don't hate it purely because of my personal feelings towards adultery; I just don't see it as a proven fact. The absence of evidence does not make evidence. We don't see enough of Elwin and Anabella on a personal, more intimate level to know what their relationship was like behind closed doors. We know Anabella was pissed at Elwin, yeah -- but again, in my personal opinion, her grievances sounded more directed at his method of and priority while ruling(putting the people first, and their territory/land second), and the decisions he made combined with his ambitions for the duchy's future. Her remarks in her Inner Thoughts thing are surprisingly neutral, with statements like, "My husband, for better or worse" and ... I forgot what exactly the one with Phoenix Gate was, but it read to me like, "Nothing personal, kid".
We also know that Elwin is very big on being an honorable, just, compassionate, and duty-driven man, and I personally doubt that excludes in his personal/familial life.
Again, these are all my personal views and interpretations.
Even the fact that Hanna still had Elwin's old outfit and whatnot doesn't automatically spell "cheating" to me, considering the home is the Murdoch's home, and Elwin and his family visited Eastpool to spend time with the Murdochs there every summer, where the description says Elwin left the clothes there to wear every time he returned to Eastpool on vacation. It screams of sentimentality to me, of the same intense grief and not wanting to move on that Hanna also shows towards Rodney. She still wears her wedding band, even nervously fidgets with it when she talks about Rodney having died at Phoenix Gate. The fact that she never moved away from Eastpool to seek refuge in Rosalith, didn't even move out of the Murdoch's home... The fact that she was selling other items from the house and family to take care of the people of Eastpool and the displaced Bearers, but never sold her wedding band, Elwin's clothes(including the Metian Bonds, which were forged for Elwin by his dad when Elwin came of age, as was tradition. They probably would have sold for a pretty penny.), or Invictus -- which was Rodney's sword.
She held on to these specific items that had been important to the two men, in my belief because of the strong emotional attachment she has to those items -- because those items are the only things she has left of Rodney and Elwin.
Oh god I rambled I AM SO SORRY.
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astroboots · 1 year
18, 31, 45 for ask game? (so sorry you're sick, hope you feel better soon!!) ❤️
Thank you honey! you are so sweet to me!!!
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?
so a year ago today, I think I was in Porto, Portugal for the first time and it was goooorgeous. Gorging myself on food and having lots of naps in the sunshine. Compared to today, suffering through heatwave in London with covid and feeling miserable af. So yes... 😂 definitely miss it.
31. 3 random facts
1. I have no sense of geographic location. 2. I'm obsessed with corgis. 3. I love silk tofu pudding.
45. how you found out about your idol
Oh... hmm I guess the first thing to figure out is who is my idol? I don't know if I have one? If it's favorite muse/hyperfixation celeb/flavor of the month, it's Oscar Isaac. And this is going to sound strange but I feel like I can't remember the "moment" i found out about him? He just always was there? I remember when I saw him in Triple Frontier (during my Pedro Pascal phase) going "oh, that's the hot guy from Star Wars". And when I first saw the new Star Wars trilogy, I went "Oh! that's the guy from Ex Machina/Llewyn Davis!!!" The moment my hyperfixation began when I started writing Homecoming, and then I started going oh I love this blorbo let's read some more on him. And then I read some of Luna (@writefightandflightclub) stuff and fell in love. And then Moon Knight happened. and now there's no return.
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hollowfaith · 5 months
Pick 2 in every section except Canon Muses and Fandoms (pick 1 from those) :3
Questions for the mun
this is long so imma cut it lol
BASICS x2 What caused you to start writing? What was your key point?
in 3rd grade we watched the cartoon movie version of the legend of sleepy hollow and had an assignment to write a summary of it. i was barely out of ESL at the time but thought it was a neat assignment (and prided myself on my memory for details) so i hecking did my best and wrote a long detailed one (with pictures because it was elementary school and you could illustrate your stuff) and for some reason my teacher and the principal were all happy about it and made a big deal complete with ceremony and applause and made me feel important and cool.
after that i was like "yeah! that was awesome. can't i write more stories like that even outside of school?" and thus it kicked off my journaling obsession besides writing diaries of my daily life. i did a lot of original fics and sailor moon/digimon-inspired stuff but when i found ff.net it was like discovering a whole new world where you could control the characters to do whatever you wanted (while staying IC, cause that was definitely part of the "rules" of the challenge) and that was amazing.
realizing writing meant i could take destiny into my own hands for these made-up blorbos was such a fun power trip. i have tried to use that power responsibly ever since.
Do you still write your first muse?
dahlia hawthorne was my first real muse on tumblr and i poke her now and then, but she seems content in her semi-retirement in my brain. sometimes she wakes up to snark people but she's enjoying her vacation in peace right now : )
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
don't shoot me but before i wrote yagen toushirou for touken ranbu i was like "yeah yeah okay this is just a standard big brother x cool doctor type trope," i actually didn't even pick him up until i wanted to try someone new and my other friends (playing other swordboys at the time) suggested him
then i had to research him and really fell in love with the dichotomy of his character, about how he's very human with his brothers but also 100% a weapon and embraces that fact, about the juxtaposition of DUTY vs. FEELING and the HUMAN HEART vs. OBJECT/TOOL he's been balancing all his life on a very fine line (and does flawlessly, because he's yagen) and i was like, heck! this is gonna be so fun to RP and make him deal with stuff
tho most of the time i got into crack threads again and shipping with Fudou it was still very very fulfilling and im glad my friends convinced me to try him out :D
OCs x2
Do you have developed dynamics with the OC of another mun that has influenced your OC or Canon muse?
yeah I mean this guy wouldn't exist without Jade's Klaus u know? his template might've been taken from his faceclaim guy but the rest of him i molded to fit Jade's OC, specifically his personality and to an extent his looks. in some ways Klaus has everything Aurelius lacks and vice versa, they have this classic balancing scales thing going on that i like very much and try to fill intentionally.
i also wanna say Klaus is one of the few windows to Aurelius' genuine gentle/good side, the side he might have been all the time if his father didn't screw him up from birth (of course i can't say his dad is all to blame, but he sure takes 60~75% of the blame).
as for developed dynamics im guessing this is asking about interactions with another OC that influenced this one...why do i feel like they've all been humbling experiences... Issy has shown him some humans are worth treating with care, Constantine has demonstrated how not everyone takes his shit, Dar is there to inspire working business relationships while highlighting Aury's awkward aspects fitting in, Huey undos all the good work everyone else puts in by proving how crappy some humans act, etc.
idk how to answer that part aside from "they help subvert expectations, but i don't know if that's enough to actually change the way he acts" why did i pick this Q the second part's hard to answer hahah
Who was your first OC?
time to get embarrassing so my first OC with an actually established backstory and stuff was this girl with a randomnly generated Japanese name i thought was pretty (Saikoubi) for a digimon RP group
and i intentionally gave her a happy-go-lucky personality and positive outlook because looking at the rest of the applicants everyone was like either emo or orphaned or both and my 14-year-old self was like "well! how are we going to save the world as digidestined if we're sad all the time" and basically made her the complete opposite of everyone else
it was rad, people got to be edgy, she got to be sunny, we didn't really get past the first region between our threads before the group died down but i think we all had fun and that's what matters in the end xD
What is your favorite fandom in which you write?
i still like touken ranbu but it's more fun to write (RP) that when other swordboys are around, plus the fandom's so saturated with new swordboys these days it's hard to keep up with latest lore stuff. i still try to write 1 fanfic for it in the annual xmas secret santa thing the english-speaking fans host, tho i'm very very slow these days
beyond that i've been dipping into FFXIV fic writing a few times but i haven't grasped the language of the world well enough yet so i'm not satisfied with my work ehhh it is what it is for now
Do you plot a ship or see where it goes?
it's more fun to see where a ship goes because i like unpredictability. like the unscripted stuff feels more genuine to me especially if it surprises me u know? i do acknowledge the value of a well-planned romance but in a fall first vs. fall harder relationship i'm definitely invested more in the "fall harder and beautifully in all the disastrous ways" kinda person
i think that's how my past ships have generally gone, finding a connection between 2 muses, expanding on it, referencing it, and then boom! one day you know so much more about the other muse and you're always thinking about them and wait, what, we're hanging out together? just the two of us? is this a DATE? kinda revelations are very fun
What are you looking for in a ship?
i enjoy ships with room to develop. like it's cute when they come together and are all kiss kiss/blush blush but the process to getting there is half the fun! and the pining. and maybe a little misunderstanding here and there.
uhhhh i guess what im saying is i like the journey to get to the ship even more than the ship itself sometimes
or if we're in a ship let's go crash the boat for fun!!
hehe drama
What was your first blog / URL?
if it sounds cringe it's feenie's fault he came up with the nickname...even announced it to everyone in court of all places
Do you still have your first blog / URL?
yeah the blog's still up tho the theme's so old it's a little broken. i basically keep all my RP blogs around for archive purposes, i like going back to read the stuff sometimes (also the reblogs of art and aesthetic posts are cute + good cause some tumblrs delete and you lose that post forever otherwise)
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cooper-magnolia · 2 years
Hello! I’m Cooper! He/They/It/Faer, 16, licensed pokémon shelter guything, champion ranked trainer in Paldea from Galar, Shaymin chosen, and Naranja-Uva/Blueberry student!
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I also have tamato the charizard, marley the zoroark, shaymin, a family abra, buddy the half hisuian Growlithe, Sprout the service sprigatito, itty bitty the bayleaf, my two rotoms riley and alvin, Zorueevee, an alpha eevee, Ponyfant and a runerigus that ran away from my biological mother
I’m mostly just here to hang out and scream into the void i guess lmao
Pokemon intros!
what else should i put here,,
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ooc info under the cut, whatever that means
OOC: Hey there! This is a PKMN IRL RP sideblog! General Unreality warning both for this being fiction and also because this character specifically has some derealization issues. Also warning for religious trauma, it might show up on this blog. I will try to tag anything potentially triggering that I post on here just in case but as a warning those are the two worst reoccurring themes on here I’m pretty sure.
With that out of the way, I’m Otto/Cooper! This character started out as a self insert almost a year ago when i first joined this community but they quickly became.. Not that. We still share an age, (kinda) pronouns, name, and some other things lol. But he’s very separate from me compared to when I first made this blog. I did already mention this earlier but just to be specific NO NSFW PLEASE!! Both mod and muse are minors.
Also, I’m not super active on rotomblr, I use gliscord for pkmn irl rp more often so you’ll probably see me more on there lol
NSFW blogs
Dream apologists
Wilbur apologists
Pelipper Mail and Magic Anons are okay but please do not go overboard! Don’t send like. Entire severed limbs or anything unless i say it’s ok. For magic anons I’ll accept low stakes things (sometimes i’ll accept heavier stuff for the sake of torturing the blorbo) but most of the time I won’t accept anything that directly changes the plot. If heavy plot things are happening or i just don’t think it would make sense to get an anon at a specific time, I’ll save it for later and respond to it when I can!
Pls no godmoding. If you’re gonna do something with your characters that will have a specific direct effect on my character during an interaction between them. (Like. Please ask before stabbing him again.)
That’s all I can remember for now, Have a great day! (yippee i finally finished redoing the pinned post)
oh, and i might be adding arc tags at some point :]
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yzeltia · 2 years
Year of the OTP - February
February: Mermaid "AU" Characters: U'rahn Nuhn, @driftward 's Nyx Blackmoon Zoissette Vauban's "likeness", @saesama 's Kylnt Gohtawyn, @erickgage 's Erick Gage's "likeness" Rating: T for fish Tails! Notes: All future entries are gonna follow the same format; however, will be parodies of existing media and I'm very excited. Thanks to Driftward and Saesama for their Blorbos and line editing .
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The surf of the Rhotano Sea sparkled as The Gilsnapper cruised over its waves. At the helm, Klynt Gohtawyn saw the small gathering safely over the waters, occasionally smacking U'rahn's hand away from the helm, the Miqo'te attempting to "correct" their course. Below, Novv's clutch excitedly surrounded Nyx, gifting her with trinkets they'd picked up from the bottom of sea from pearls and jewels to interesting looking pieces of discarded junk. It was shaping up to be a nice outing with friends, at least to U'rahn.
"She's really something isn't she? My clutch brothers adore her, though I guess they too, saw her as kin," U'rahn mused, reaching out to rest his hand on one of the spokes of the helm.
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"If you don't get your swiven hand off the wheel you'll be lookin' like somethin' your clutch brothers fished off the seafloor," Klynt snapped.
Ears perked, U'rahn stepped back, "Ah! C'mon! I just want to make sure we're goin the right-"
The Nuhn stopped, the Roegadyn woman shooting him a glance that caused him to back away with his hands up before tripping over his tail. After several thuds, he found himself sprawled at the bottom of the stairs, Nyx looking down at him with a bunch of worried Sahagin faces.
"Are you injured, Rahn," Nyx asked.
"Only my pride…"
"I cannot mend that. Perhaps instead of inundating Gohtawyn, we should perform a different activity."
"Pssh. Tell us another storytale brother! It has been some time," Fyuu requested.
U'rahn blinked then hopped up onto his feet, looking to all the eager faces, and Nyx's, "Well, I suppose I could. Captain! North East for mood lighting," he called up to Klynt.
"Sod off," came the answer.
"Right then…a story…hm…," U'rahn mused, scratching his head. "I got one! Ah, Nyx, it's gonna be a bit funny so if I say something weird could you tell me when I finish instead of in the middle. I'll lose my train of thought," he requested, recalling his previous orating experience.
He smiled, ear wiggling and leaning in to steal a kiss, stopping as he caught the prying eyes of his clutch brothers watching him lean in. "Ahem…right then…Upon an Era, long ago…"
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Uriel sighed as he laid against a rock, eyes looking up at the sea of stars above as it was filled with spectacular fire flowers. Ahead, a ship was loud with merrymaking, a party being held it seemed. The young merman looked on longingly, wondering what wondrous things the land walkers had with them today. Curiosity over taking him, he started to swim toward the ship.
"Oh no you don't," Khubastian huffed, pulling at his charge's fin to prevent him from swimming forward.
Pushing up his glasses, the retainer shook his head, "What have your lord fathers have said of bothering the land walkers? You're only asking for trouble!"
"Trouble? Hah. I'm the bravest warrior of the sea! I'm not scared of the land walkers! Besides, they're having a bunch of fun! I'm only gonna take a peek."
"I'm not going to bail you out if you get into trouble! You'll be on your own," the retainer huffed as he pushed up his glasses before looking up to find Uriel already yalms ahead. 
Arriving at the ship, Uriel swam around it, peeking into the portholes below the waves, finding the strange rooms empty. Assuming everyone was above, he dove under water then gave himself a little launch, landing himself in a dingy hanging off the side. Curious, he peaked between the railings, watching the land walkers dance about gayly. As he scanned the crowd, his heart leapt. Sitting on a throne, the most beautiful girl in the world looked on, enjoying the sight of her crew making merry. 
"Princess Eryxa. Come, join the festivities," her Elezen shieldmaiden requested.
"I am content to observe,"  the princess responded, eyes continuing to look about.
"Hold up," Kylnt's voice called out.
"Something wrong," U'rahn called out.
"Ain't it supposed to be the other way around? It's a mermaid lusting after the prince? And so you think you're foolin' anyone with those names."
U'rahn swallowed. "It's just the version I was told when I was a lad!"
"Yeah, sure. That's convenient ain't it?"
"Kinda…just…just go with," U'rahn laughed nervously, face red before looking back to the others, "Right, so. Out of nowhere came this big squall, right?"
"Princess, please! To the cabin," the shieldmaiden cried before being knocked over by a rogue wave.
Though nimbly avoiding the wave, Princess Eryxa found herself flung off the dock and into the sea below. Wind knocked out of her, she closed her eyes and began to sink. Uriel acted quickly, flinging himself back into the ocean to take her into his arms. As the ship was tossed around above, he hurried on above, making sure the Princess could breathe before wiggling himself towards the shore near the landwalkers' castle and away from the incoming waves. He stayed with her on land until the stars were once more free to twinkle down upon them.
Uriel swallowed hard as he brushed her matted hair from her warm cheeks. He'd only observed her for a moment, but he knew he'd forever be in love with no one else after they parted.
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A loud snort echoed out from above, causing U'rahn to fold his ears. "Did I say something funny," he asked.
"Ye're just a sap. Go on," Kylnt laughed, leaning over the hull as she looked on them with amusement.
"Psh. Continue brother," Houu echoed.
U'rahn nodded, looking to Nyx before turning bright red. "So yeah, he was head over feet for this gal…"
"Uriel! You get back here this instant! We're due back at the palace," Khubastian hissed from behind, waiting in the comfort of the sea.
Uriel frowned, "I can't just leave her," he called out. 
As he held her, a golden feathered sea eagle landed then hopped over. "You caught a landwalker Uriel," it asked, tilting its head as he pecked some kelp from her hair.
"Sort of Gagedt. You know a lot about landwalkers. Is she gonna be okay?"
The golden eagle preened himself for a moment then waddled over, putting his ear hole to her chest. "Hmm…I know a lot about their treasures but I dunno. She could be a goner. Sounds like a fish got in there and is floppin around going "buh dum buh dum."
“I was too late…”
Uriel not knowing wiser, hung his head until hearing her let out a little cough. Terrified, he flipped back then rolled himself into the sea as she rose upright. Hiding behind a rock, he exhaled then found Gagedt perched upon his head. "What do you know? She seems to have coughed it up."
"Yeah," Uriel sighed, "She's beautiful isn't she."
"Whatever floats your fin," the bird shrugged before hopping onto a rock, "Their ship didn't seem to go under but a lot of stuff did go overboard. If you find any gold down there I'll trade yah what I can find deeper inland for your weird collection."
"Yeah? Think I could get one of those things they point at things and blow up stuff with," the young merman asked eagerly.
"A blast'em? Sure! Just make sure you bring me gold."
U'rahn nodded eagerly then peaked back to the Princess as she stood and looked out into the sea, her eyes locking onto him. Before he could react, he felt a painful pinch on his ear, Khubastian dragging him down under.
"We're late for the parade! Your fathers are going to be furious," he huffed, dragging him below.
"Parade!? Oh shoot," he bubbled out before shaking his ear from the others grip to high-fin it back to the sea palace deep on the ocean floor. The city was alive for a festival…his festival! Today was Uriel's coming out parade where he'd be presented by his brothers, all powerful Sahagin warriors. Already in motion they…swam in line, behind their fathers, Posidodhn and Tritovv were pulled on a float, both holding up the trident they forged together, the symbol of their mighty power.
"Wait, so he's half fish or half Sahagin? Or both," Klynt asked.
"He's a merman," U'rahn answered, confused.
"Yeah, I get that. But what's his situation below the waist?" 
U'rhan blushed, "It's not that kind of story!"
"Oh for swiven sake," Klynt groaned before letting U'rahn turn away to the others.
"Psh! Brother U'rahn, tell us more of the brothers," Seww cheered on.
Nodding, U'rahn rubbed the back of his head, looking to Nyx, watching her attention shift between everyone then back to him. He smiled then continued:
Uriel corkscrewed through the crowd and managed to land on the back of the float…just in time for it to reach the end of the line. Both fathers looked back at him, grumpy. Being taken aside, he was soon berated for his absence.
"You're too much like your motherrr! You can't keep wandering off. It's not safe," Posidodhn roared.
"Pshh? The landwalkers do not understand our kind. They would hurt you. Your strong fearless brothers know better not to tempt fate. Why must you," Tritovv echoed."
"You're grrrounded."
Uriel made no effort to argue, instead returning to his quarters to lay across his bed, Khubastian mouthing 'I told you so' on his way. Though he did his best to rest, he found his thoughts on the beautiful land princess.
'Well, dad said I was grounded…but he didn't say what that entailed," he thought to himself before looking out his window.
Grabbing his bag, he made a quick dash out the porthole and out to the kelp gardens before dashing out into the greater sea. Finding the wreckage, he began to collect the landwalkers' things, ensuring he picked up gold for Gagedt the sea eagle. As he went through the things, he happened upon an oil painting, the princess' beautiful likeness upon it. It captured her dutiful gaze well. 
Taking it, he hurried off to his secret cove that only his cool clutch brothers and retainer knew about. He'd filled it with things landwalkers had lost to the sea, fascinated by them. Sighing, he sat the painting high upon a pointed rock then looked to the princess he'd fallen for before starting to sing.
Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the guy
The guy who has everything-”
"Yeh sound like a damned drowned cat. Look at your brothers, they're terrified," Kylnt heckled. 
U'rahn blinked then looked around, watching the Sahgins holding their webbing over their ears.
"Pssh. Brother, why do you hurt us with your siren's song," Fyuu wailed.
"I…I thought I'd been improving. Haven't I Nyx?"
"You have requested I save my critique until the end of your story. I do not believe you have even reached the climax yet, Rahn."
"Get used to hearing that a lot, bud," Klynt called down.
“Wha? I've got great climaxes! It'll come if you just stop interrupting," he called back to a snickering Klynt.
"Sure, sure. Go on then."
"Right…I'll just skip to the last bit…"
When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love, love to explore that shore up above?
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world
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Uriel sighed as he swam back down to stare longingly at the portrait of Princess Eryxa. Just as he got comfortable, a bolt shot by and the painting was set aflame.
"Aflame," Klynt echoed.
The painting was vaporized. Uriel watched in horror as the destroyed frame crumbled. Soon the rest of his belongings were destroyed too. Floating in, his fathers looked around, with Khubastian looking on smug in the background.
"What did we tell you!? How could you do this," Posidodhn yelled.
"Pshh! These dangerous things! What if your brothers hurt themselves on whatever this is," Tritovv asked, waving his hand towards a hook shaped anchor.
"They were just things! You just don't understand me! You're the worst," Uriel cried out, dashing by. 
His fathers yelled after him as he swam away. He swam and swam, over sea hill and sea dale until finding a coral to hide in. While he wanted to cry, he held it in and instead punched the sand below.
"You poor creature," a sympathetic voice sounded out, "Your daddies went and swiven destroyed all your things did they? You can't help if you're a little curious!"
Uriel looked up as his cheek was caressed by a tentacle. Floating above him a woman beamed wickedly, her muscular arms crossed over her chest. She looked absolutely menacing, like she wouldn't even need her powerful tentacles to crush him, she could just squeeze him.
"I've been watchin' you. Yeh saved that poor Princess and now you fancy to walk on land with her. I can do that for ya'. Just need a little help."
Uriel sniffled then rubbed his eyes…cause sand got in them. "You can?"
"I jus’ need a little magical boost is all…and o’ course, another prize on yer end to fulfill the magic pact. A trade."
Uriel thought for a moment. "What do you need?"
The sea witch smirked, "That family trident of yours should be enough magic for me…as for the trade from you, I guess your voice will do in exchange."
"My beautiful voice? How will I serenade my love or speak poetry to her?"
"That'll be your problem, I can just get you up there. I’m sure a stud like you can use your more…natural features to win her over.
Uriel nodded, "I am pretty handsome…I’m sure she’ll see the good guy on the inside too! Deal. I'll do it!"
"Good….good…," the witch laughed.
"Ya better not be usin' me in that fantasy of yours," Klynt called down.
"Huh? I'd never…you don't got tentacles or nuthin’,"
Klynt let out an unconvinced grunt, letting U'rahn hunker down as he acted out sneaking.
So Uriel slipped back into his palace in the dead of night, creeping into the throne room while everyone slept to retrieve the trident then made his way back to the sea witch. He presented her with the coveted trident.
“Well done,” she cackled, holding the weapon high above her head before presenting a scroll, “As for fulfilling my end. Here’s the deal, you lose the fins and tail, I get your voice.”
“Right. You said-”
“I’m talkin’ still. It’s rude to interrupt. “
“You’re right! It is rude to interrupt,” he agreed. 
“As I was sayin’. For the magick to stick, you gotta make sure she kisses you by sundown on your third day up on land or you’ll become half-fish anon. And, of course be bound to be my personal errand boy for the rest of eternity,” she explained, holding out a golden parchment and quill.
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“Well, that sounds kind of evil…”
“It’s just how magick works. Do you doubt you’ll be charmin’?”
“Well, I am pretty charming…” Uriel mused before taking the magick underwater quill. 
Scrying his name, he swallowed then watched as they shined a brilliant gold. Soon he felt his voice go dry while his fins began to tingle. Uriel squirmed as he watched the witch laugh maniacally as he held his throat, pointing to his face.
“Up you fool! You need air,” the witch called out.
Uriel tried to swim away, but felt his hips wiggled about unable to move smoothly like before. Looking down, he saw all his new appendages, eyes widening in amazement. The panic setting in, he kicked and flailed his way to the surface, taking in air before having wave after wave bully him to the shore. 
Naked on the beach, he laid there for a moment before rolling onto his back and lifting his legs high then flopping them down. Uriel set up right, examining his lower half with bewilderment before feeling a familiar pair of talons land on his head.
“Look at you! You’ve got legs and a seabear! How’d you manage that,” Gagedt cawed before fluttering down into the sand.
Uriel tried to talk, but no words came out.
“Cat got your tongue? Spit it out,” the golden eagle demanded.
The former merman shook his head then tapped his throat before wobbling to stand, waving his arms around like tentacles before pointing down to his legs.
“...so you traded your voice to the sea witch for some legs did you?”
Uriel nodded eagerly then clasped his hands together and batted his eyes before puckering up a bit then held up three fingers and pointing down to his legs again.
“And you gotta kiss her in three days to keep your legs…”
“The brand new miqo’te nodded rapidly then visored around. Spotting the castle in the distance, he took a step forward then fell forward into the sand.
“Woah! Woah buddy! You gotta get used to your legs first! Not to mention the legwalkers will chase you back into the sea if you walk up to them with your sea-bear flopping around,” the eagle pointed out.
“There’s no swiven’ way the damned bird got anything out of all that,” Kylnt laughed, U’rahn dropping his arms as he finished pantomiming the scene. 
“You think you can do better,” U’rahn challenged.
“Fifty gil on charades after you wrap up your tale!”
‘You’re on!”
“Psh…What’s a sea-bear,” Seww asked, scratching at his gills curiously.
Nyx turned to the Sahagin and nodded, “Sea-bear is a term used by many seafaring people to describe-”
“Ah. Nyx, maybe we should let Novv handle that if they don’t know,” U’rhan breathed out, face crimson while Kylnt lost it above, “A-anyroad!”
“Listen close. If you want to impress your lady love, you’ll need a wingman…and since you’re after the ruler of legwalker ruler…I’ll take you under my wing and show you how to act and you can throw me their shinies every now and then.”
Uriel nodded eagerly then watched as Gagedt fluttered. “Wait here then, and practice walking. One foot in front of the other” he ordered before fluttering off. 
The sea prince sighed, doing as he was too, stumbling around in the sand until he was able to walk steadily in a circle. As he practiced, he his ears perked, hearing a familiar voice from the other side of some rocks.
“I believe you were mistaken, m'lady. Too much sea water perhaps,” sounded out the shieldmaiden he’d seen on the ship. 
“Negative. I was rescued by an unknown person who fled into the sea,” the princess responded sharply.
Uriel lit up as he looked on, climbing up on the rock a bit to get a better look at the two. Being spotted quickly, the shieldmaiden drew her sword, “Who goes there?”
Startled, the man fell backward, just in time for Gagedt to swoop down and drop a pair of trunks on his head. “Quick! Slip those over your legs,” he cawed.
Bouncing around, Uriel picked up the shorts and tried to jump into them, falling onto his back. Tail flailing, he managed to get them over his feet then hiked them up just as the two rounded the corner. Laying out on his back with his legs up in the air, he looked then offered a sheepish grin.
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“Disengage Grimsette,” the princess requested, bending over to offer her hand, “Have you sustained an injury?”
“Princess…you shouldn’t just offer your hand to a strange man.”
Uriel blushed as he was lifted to his feet. He tried to say thank you, but found himself unable to articulate himself .
“You seem to have laryngitis. Are you able to write your name in the sand?”
Uriel nodded eagerly then wrote out his name, but his letters and the landwalkers' letters seemed to be different. 
“I am unfamiliar with your script…but you seem to have the same tongue. Where are you from?”, Grimsette asked.
Uriel thought for a moment then pointed out to the sea.
“From across the sea? Was your ship caught in the squall as well? Do you know your destination?” Princess Eryxa asked.
The man frowned then shook his head then pointed to her castle, nervously smiling, unsure exactly how well this was going to now.
“Understood. Then we shall receive you as a guest until someone comes looking for you. Grimsette, please see that he has a room and proper clothing.”
“Princess…this stranger. Do you believe him to be the young man who saved you?”
The princess turned, staring at Uriel, looking him up and down, “The one who saved me had a playful and kind voice. Our guest does not fit those parameters.”
Swallowing, Uriel looked on as the two moved toward the castle, unable to tell her the truth for now. Following along, he let out a silent sigh then was escorted to the castle where he was given a room by Grimmsette.
“I am uncertain what to call you, so for now, I suppose we’ll call you Squall given the assumed circumstances of our meeting. There are some gentlemen’s clothes in the wardrobe and an under-butler will be in shortly to help you dress for dinner.”
Urile blinked as the shieldmaiden exited, leaving him to look around. 
“Wow! Look at this place! You made out well,” Gagedt praised as he swooped in from a window, “Okay. This is what you got to do if you want to close the deal. First you gotta make her laugh-”
The bedroom door soon swung open, silencing the bird for now. Stumbling in, the footman came in and ushered Uriel into the baths. Confused, the man was put into fresh water with a bunch of oils that made his nose burn. The seasalt was combed from his hair and scrubbed off his body. Wobbling out of the tub, he looked at his shiny body then squirmed as he was tickled as the other started to rub him with a cloth. 
Soon after he was dressed into the finest threads he’d ever seen on a legwalker then ushered out of the room given to him and into an even larger one with a large flat slab filled with food and surrounded by places to sit. Placed by the princess, he gave her a smile and in return he received a nod. Dinner passed mostly in silence, Uriel being thrown the occasional guess as to where he was from. 
Starving, he helped himself to the food, piling onto his plate before eagerly eating things down with his fingers, much to Grimmsette’s horror. Princess Eryxa just observed, taking in the experience quietly. Noticing he was on the spot, he wiped his mouth then sat back rigidly, watching the other two return to their meals before starting to mimic them the best he could. Once dinner had finished, the tables were clear, and he was left to stare at his beloved, unable to say what was in his heart until remembering the hastened advice from his golden wingman.
Hopping up, he wandered over to a set of instruments and picked up a lute, strumming a little song before looking to the others as he played a tune from home before using his weird new snakelike tail to whack the drum after establishing a melody. Grimsette smiled, tapping to the melody while the princess calmly observed.  After, he played the melody then began to suddenly pause, then beat the drum after the strangely long pause. Doing this a few times, his eyes widened, looking between the two expectantly.
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The shieldmaiden chuckled a little then clapped lightly while the princess stared, gave a small nod, then clapped slowly with an “Amusing.”
Uriel was overcome with joy, strumming the lute in triumph before putting it back down. Grimsette taking note of the day stood then called for the footman to take him away. Back in his room, he was undressed for the evening and left on his own. Sighing, he flopped onto the large bed and crossed his arms until Gagedt fluttered in.
“Okay. Not exactly what I would have done, but you at least made an impression. Now, next you’ve got to impress her. Show her something you're good at.”
Uriel mimed strumming the lute again.
“No, you already did that. Something else. You’ve got another day to woo her. Just don’t try too hard or you’ll come off as a doof.”
Uriel nodded eargerly then let the bird start to pick around through the room for whatever prize he might fancy. Going to the balcony, he looked out to the sea then down at the shore. There, Princess Eryxa stared out into the darkened horizon before turning to look up at him, offering a small humble greeting which he returned before watching her return inside.
Sighing, he wandered back to bed then curled up and fell asleep quickly. The next morning, he was greeted by the under-butler and redressed before being reunited the with princess and her attendant. The day went through quickly, princess Eryxa introducing Uriel to thing’s he’d never seen before to watch him react, him being fascinated by all of the things the landwalkers had as a part of their daily lives. His favorite was the chocobo cart, the Princess letting him have the reins only for both to be scolded by the shieldmaiden after he pushed the limits of its speed. 
The day winding down, they found themselves at a secluded grotto for a light picnic dinner. Feeling as if time was slipping by, Uriel started to panic. As they wrapped up their meal, he gestured to a small rowboat on the shore.
“Do you wish to venture out,” the princess asked.
Uriel nodded then hurried over to the boat, patting the stern as he waited for her to join him. Once settled, he gave a little push then hopped in across from her. Rowing he smiled, while she looked him over.
“Perhaps I should guess at your name. Miller? Dylan? Roger?”
Uriel shook his head rapidly before perking his ears as he looked into the water, spotting his clutch brothers watching curiously underneath. Khubastian too seemed to be there, looking rather cross beneath the water. Paddling harder, he tried to outrun them, only to hear improvised music surround them.
“Don’t start yer caterwauling dammit,” Kylnt ordered.
“I’m not. Hey Hey! Brrrothers, you know that song I taught you right,” U’rahn asked to 
The Sahagin looked to one another then gave a nod before disjointedly speaking the words rather than singing: “Psha-la-la-la, float along and lishhhen to the song. The shhhong says kishhh the boy,” the brothers hissed out.
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“Ah. Nope. Shut it down,” U’rhan sighed, “Still, music really would have made the scene cute. Well, the music was doing its job and…”
Uriel blushed as his clutch brothers did their best to help him out. Above, Gadget fluttered about, scaring fireflies out of an overhanging tree to light the area around them. The two soon leaned in, the ambiance set by his brothers and wingman doing the work. Uriel’s eyes lidded, tilted his head while the princess too leaned in, eyes wide. Just as they were about to seal the magick with a kiss, the boat violently heaved, then toppled them over into the lagoon.
Popping out of the water, Uriel shook out his head then frowned as Princess Eryxa had already started toward the shore. They returned to the palace shortly after, but the moment was gone. Fretting, Uriel paced in his room while Gagedt preened himself.
“Don’t worry. You were close buddy! There’s one more day to win her over. Just think, with one kiss you’ll rule this place and have all the shinies in the world to hand over…I mean, share,” his golden wingman chirped. 
Uriel shook his head then hugged himself, while giving Gagedt a meaningful look.
“Yeah yeah, you’re only interested in love. Anyroad, tomorrow, you gotta-”
Gagedt was cut short as a familiar laugh sounded from below. Uriel ran to the balcony, recognizing the voice as his own. Looking down, he spotted a suave looking sailor walking across the beach toward the Princess, the latter’s focus firmly upon them rather than the starry horizon. The sailor let out another laugh in his voice before leaning in to whisper into the young woman’s ear. Panicking, he looked to Gagedt, tail flailing around.
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“What? I don’t know who that is more than you do?”
Uriel frowned then flung himself into bed, pulling a pillow close by before passing out for the night. The morning was greeted by bells and the footman rushing in to tell Uriel news of the wedding. Shocked, Uriel quickly roused from his bed and dressed then set off to find the Princess. Tried as he might, he couldn’t seem to find his way to her. All but given up, he wandered into the basement of the castle.
“Hello! Is someone there,” the shieldmaiden’s voice called out. 
Uriel blinked then went to a door, finding Grimmsette looking out at him.
“Something is amiss. A stranger appeared last night with the Princess announcing their swift marriage. I objected, and found myself rushed down here! Please sir, I must be let go.”
The merman nodded then unlatched the door, letting her free. He gestured to his throat then pointed back up to the castle, but the shieldmaiden did not seem to parse what he meant.
“I do mean to object to this union too, but I fear we might be too late. I’m sure by now they’ve boarded a vessel to have the ceremony out at sea, as is tradition.”
Uriel frowned then perked up, grabbing Grimmsette’s hand then leading her up and outside. Seeing a ship indeed floating off, he looked to a dinghy then hopped in, grabbing at the oars.
“Not giving up then? Fine. Let’s away,” Grimmsette said before joining him. Together, the two began to row as hard as they could, gaining slowly on the ship, but not as fast as he liked. By the time they drew close, the sun was hanging low, threatening to kiss the horizon. Uriel pointed urgently to the sun then up to the dock above.
“No, you should stay here just in case I must flee. I’ll save the princess,” Grimmsette assured him before boarding through a porthole.
Uriel frowned then looked up towards the deck. Determined to stop the wedding, he clawed into the boat then began to climb upward toward the dock. As he went, Gagedt perched on his shoulder.
“It’s the seawitch! She’s got some magic crystal that’s giving her your voice!”
Uriel flattened his ears, giving the bird some side eye as he climbed away.
“What? You figured that out already? Well then climb! Climb faster,” the bird ordered, talons gripping his shirt to help him move faster.
Once on the deck, Uriel looked out, watching as the princess walked down the aisle. Gagedt soon swept in, pecking at the seawitch, trying to steal the crystal off from around their neck. 
“Away you beast,” the seawitch cried out in Uriel’s voice. 
Running past Eryxa, Uriel headbutted the villain then took hold of the crystal before hopping back. Looking to his love, he frowned then looked to the crystal. For a moment, he thought he might go steal a kiss, but knew that would be wrong. Instead, he dropped it then gave it a hard stomp with his foot.
His joyful laughter sounded out as the magicks swept upward and back to his throat.  Whatever hold the sea witch had on the Princess also faltered, Eryxa looking to Uriel as he gave her a weaksmile, “I’m sorry…” he apologized before falling over, flopping a bit as his tail returned.
Grimmsette soon stormed the dock, finding people running  away as Eryxa kneeled down to check on Uriel. Ahead, the seawitch sat up, tentacles throwing things out of her way before slowly rising up, summoning the stolen trident. Even the shieldmaiden was taken aback, the witch’s rippling muscles looking like they could tear through a ship with strength alone and green seaweed coloured hair looking rather menacing. Soon, the great seawitch Ursalynt began to grow to enormous proportions, looking down-”
“You’re done,” Kylnt roared.
U’rahn turned, finding the woman standing behind him, reaching down to yank at the back of his collar and down to his belt. With little effort, she lifted him and gave a single heave, tossing him overboard and into the sea with a little dust of her hands to follow. The Sahagin hurried to the edge of the boat, looking down to the bubbling water below.
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“Psh! Brother U’rahn,” Rovv called out, Nyx approaching from behind. 
Pulling out a fishing rod, she gave it a little cast, and after a bit, reeled in her waterlogged boyfriend, letting him wheeze as he flopped over onto his back. “M-Maybe I got that bit of the story wrong.”
“Ye swiven did,” Klynt echoed, crossing her arms as she looked down at him.
The witch soon calmed down, though kept her trident at the ready “You passed my test. Instead of using magick to woo her, you chose to do the right thing and appear to her as you are.”
Uriel frowned, flapping his tail on the ground before looking to the unphased Princess, “Ah…So…I guess you see me for what I am then? I’m from the sea below.”
“Understood,” the princess echoed with a nod, lifting him up a bit to help him sit in a chair.
Uriel thought for a moment then looked to the sea…sorceress. “Hey, hey! If you weren’t trying to fully sabotage us, then why did you tip our boat over yesterday? That was all us…I mean I guess without telling her that I was a merman.”
“I didn’t tip your swiven boat,” Ursalynt answered confused before letting out a grunt as Khubastian flew into her from the sea. Taking the trident, he began to laugh maniacally. 
“It was I! And now, the land and sea will be under my domain,” he laughed before flipping backward off the ship. 
Soon Khubastian grew, rising stories over them before raising up the trident to summon a storm. “Grimmsette, my gun,” Princess Eryxa requested, her attendant quickly producing the arm.
“A blast’em! That’s so cool! Can I fire it,” Uriel asked eagerly.
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With a simple side eye, the Princess simply said, “No,” then began to fire at the enchanted merman to distract him. Uriel watched with amazement before flopping himself to the edge of the ship and diving in. Whistling, he summoned his clutch brothers, careful to avoid the strikes of lightning from above.
“Brothers! Khubastian must be stopped! He’ll destroy the legwalkers first then come for our home.”
The brothers let out a war cry, handing Uriel an extra trident before they began to leap out of the water and attack. A joint effort between land and sea saw Khubastian fall. The Princess with her blast’em, Grimmsette with her sword, Ursalynt with her sea magicks, and the brothers with their tridents. Though humongous, they all bravely took him down, Khubastian crying out in agony as he sank below. The magick trident freed, Uriel retrieved it, then gave it to Ursalynt to calm the storm.
The seas calmed, the brothers went back home to tell of their victory and Khubastian’s misdeeds. With a skilled jump, Uriel flung himself back to the Princess's ship deck then smiled up at her. “This wouldn’t be a bad time to ask for a date would it?”
“It is agreeable,” she responded before leaning down to give him a small kiss on the cheek.
And so they properly courted, Uriel visiting the shore on mutual ground until the Princess formally proposed that they marry and live happily era after. His clutch father and dad, seeing how happy their son was, granted him legs to walk upon land beside her, and ruled jointly with Ursaklynt after. The brothers all too found their own clutch queens soon after, and everyone lived as a big happily family between the two kingdoms of land and sea. The end.
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U’rahn sat up, smiling to his clutch brothers and Nyx, the former all clapping eagerly.
“Nice save,” Klynt muttered, giving him a rough pat on the back, “Though it’d have been better if the sea sorceress shacked up Grimmsette’s brother or Posiodhn too.”
U’rahn thought for a moment, before finding Nyx sitting down in front of him, “You’ve now ended your story and I am able to provide feedback. The Ruby Sea has a kingdom underwater of legwalkers as you called them. You provided no reason for them to fear one another aside from the parental characters saying so. I enjoyed the straightforward characterization of the Princess. It was not explained what the character Gagedt would use gold for as a golden eagle. I do not believe golden eagles are native to the coa-”
Klynt left out a hearty laugh as U’rahn was given a full rundown of his narrative by his girlfriend. Everyone leaving them be, he impulsively leaned in to kiss her, pulling away rather flustered. “I’ll work on a better story for next time.”
“Acknowledged. I will continue to provide feedback to help your craft.”
“That would be nice Nyx…but for now, let’s just watch the sunset,” he mused, getting up off the ground before holding out a hand, offering to help her up. Together, they moved to the bow of the deck. Smiling, U’rahn took her hand in his, then looked out to the horizon as he attempted to coil their tails.
“Say…maybe once we get back we can see my brothers off then grab some nice food and set sail again. Just the two of us.”
“I’d like that, Rahn.”
U’rahn beamed then wiggled his ears. “Then it’s a date. Guess we just need to figure out how to get rid of the sea witch.”
“Rahn, there are no sea witches among us.”
U’rahn chuckled a bit to himself then gave her hand a little squeeze. As he got comfortable, he felt himself lifted once more by Kylnt’s grasp and his body being flung through the air once more. As he fell, he looked to his girlfriend as she blankly watched him fall back into the sea below.
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whirling-fangs · 8 months
17 and 25 uwu
Munday numbers // accepting!!
17 - fanon interpretations
[[ BIG big "it depends" on this one. I am an extremely boring person who usually favors sticking to canon above anything else, but sometimes... canon is bad. Sometimes canon deserves some fixing or some big rewriting.
I'd say it really doesn't apply to the muses I've had though. I stay clear of any sort of fanon interpretation people might have about my muse, mostly because I usually find them Bad :') I'd rather forge entirely my own series of little headcanons, but again, nothing drastic.
When it comes to other people's muses, however... I drink that shit every day. It's super super interesting to see everyone's own take on their muse, and most of the time, it makes me realizes sides to a character that I wouldn't have seen by myself.]]
25 - your character
[[ my sweet little baby boar... how am I supposed to write down my feelings about him in just a couple paragraphs. Let's add a munday theme here or I'm going to be ranting for Ever: how he ended up becoming my Main Blorbo.
it's honestly a wonder that he didn't take over my brain when the original anime first aired, but I guess I wasn't quite ready to let my former blorbo go haha. From the moment I saw him in the opening, I KNEW he was going to be my favorite. He exsuded the exact amount of unhinged, energetic crazy that vibes just right with me. Plus the obvious animal/wild themes. I also knew he was bound to be the comedic relief, and man... what can I say. I like a character who makes me laugh :')
I can pretty much pinpoint when I realized he would be the Next One. I did draw an outfit trade of him with my former main blorbo back in 12/2021, when the Entertainment District arc was airing... and I'm entirely sure that's when he took over. The baton had been passed ♥ ]]
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magnetiix · 2 years
Ssstar man maybe if you're still doing these? he is the blorbo ever to me sdkfjgt
Send in an ask with the name of a Mega Man character that I don’t have as a muse, and I’ll try to talk about how I’d characterize them! Classic and MMX only! (Still accepting!)
((Oh boy, Star! My second favorite of the Fifths!
Star is a LOT to unpack in the Arigaverse, if I'm going to be entirely honest, in a way that I find incredibly fun. He's so fun! He's such a fun character. But a lot of what he's capable of is... well. It's hidden. Ariga hides a lot of Star's potential under his comedic narcissism and flamboyance.
Am I gonna break that all down now? I'm sure as hell gonna try.
To get the most obvious points out of the way, Star's a narcissist with his head in the clouds. Where as Gemini's a narcissist in a more, like, casual sense I guess would be the best way to put it, Star is very much
✨✨ Look At Me! I'm Beautiful!! ✨✨
Kinda like Mettaton, ya know? Lol
And this is, like, an overwhelming aspect of his personality. He's always like this, even when he's alone. He's someone who not only believes everyone should love him because he's beautiful, but he loves everyone because he's so beautiful. Isn't that wonderful? You're being graced with the attention and adoration of the most gorgeous Robot Master in existence, ahuhuhu~
He flirts, he flounces, he flusters. He is a walking canister of glitter and he will shower that shit on everyone.
Beyond that, and even beyond his ditziness and cluelessness on the rare moment where he's not being flamboyant, is an aspect that I think is very overlooked by just. Fans in general, I guess.
The Star Crash is indestructible.
Like. I don't know how I can emphasize this enough.
The Star Crash is indestructible.
It only breaks if Star himself falters or loses concentration. It shielded not one, not two, but four robots from burning to an absolute crisp in the atmosphere. COMPLETELY.
That is fffffffffffffffffffffffucking insane.
And this is another point that I'd like to talk about, actually, because?? To point to the X era real quick: there are no Reploids built for space. None. Whatsoever. No, I don't count Lumine and the Jacob Elevator, Lumine was not built for space. There is not a SINGLE Reploid built with the intention of not just surviving, but functioning and thriving in space. Somehow, all of that was?? lost in the time period between the Classic and X eras. There are just three space-ready Robot Masters as well not counting my OCs asdfglkjh, those being Star Man, Astro Man, and Galaxy Man. I don't remember enough about Galaxy Man's stage to really say, but I know Astro isn't in space. He's in a planetarium. Star Man is the only one stated to actually fully be in space. The first AND most famous of the space Masters is Star Man, and I think that is for very, very good reason. That shit is SO hard to do. Dr. Light himself didn't make a Robot Master designed for space until four generations later, with Galaxy.
Do you know how much can go WRONG when making a craft intended for space? How much everything has to go EXACTLY RIGHT at the SAME TIME? HOW SMALL the probability of a purely perfect operation is? For a robot that can think and move independently on its own, that becomes ten times smaller, and ten times more important.
With that in mind, I don't blame Wily for being so exasperated with Star all the time ajfjskgkskfk. Star's one of his greatest creations, in my honest opinion. And he's just so -clenches fist- ditzy..!
...I. Kinda digressed hardcore. Whoops.
To me, Star Man reads as a well of untapped potential. But it's the kind of potential that, much like Star himself, needs witnesses to truly flourish and shine. If you look at the updated tierlist I made with Lin, you'll notice we clocked Star in as "the best support." That still rings true to me. He performs best in a group, where the Star Crash can maximize its use and he has others to focus on, like his brothers. His potential is so great and so overshadowed by his personality that even Wily forgot about it.
I think that's how I'd write Star. Someone who isn't really actively seeking appreciation, but who other people find a new respect for when they realize he is genuinely capable and powerful. Maybe not so much in terms of raw strength, but the ability to protect? That is something that a lot of the Wilybots are severely lacking, and it makes Star all the more invaluable to them.))
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shiroi---kumo · 1 year
these are my favorite memes to submit omg. brace yourself this will be long. and probably a bit incoherent. i tried to keep the blocks spaced out i hope it works
1 cloud: he's handled very VERY well as a "muse of power". he's balanced and still flawed but he's trying his best. he really covers the full complexity of being alive. i literally love him so much. he is the truest blorbo by proxy that there ever was and i am rotating him in my brain near constantly
cid: insert lovegrip emoji. he's so great. he's sweet and weird and i love him. he brings me joy and happiness.
usva: i live and breathe for "what do you mean child of white? wtf. he's just my dumbass little brother. look at him. he'll be whining and crying that he can't sleep later. he isn't special. he's just pilv'"
aurinko: goddddd he is SO. god there's so much there where do i start. i love papa sun. i think that if "trying to do the right thing but it accidentally ends up being collossally fucked up by the end" were a genetic trait then kumo got it from him
kuu: if she were real i would ask her to adopt me. she's so sweet. she loves her kids. k bye
taivas: we don't see him much but the amount of "tired" he feels is just. palpable
punaista: idk much about her yet but we love a friend we can chat with over tea!!!
safiirin: takes no bullshit. also she looks so friendshaped but she could so totally kick someone's ass. do not fuck with safiirin. befriend her so you get 😊 instead of 😠
sinfonia: tragic irony. kills me every time. RIP sinfonia
vuorovesi: she was so close to understanding the point! alas. she did not understand The Point.
liekki: green misterican turned medical person? we love to see it. fight the stereotypes ✨
sumu: i fucking loathe him as a person but FUCK is he such a good villain. he's smart and that's a problem.
kultaa + kupari: perfect "evil henchmen" . part of me loathes them and part of me feels bad that they probably got manipulated into this somehow
ok now buckle up because now we get into
✨ them ✨
palo: she's so fucking funny. i adore her. she's not the comic relief but at the same time she's definitely comic relief you know? palo is the queen of part-time work
sydän: she's just vibing. she's soft and friendly and very nice. i would be her friend. we would be besties i think. (until she finds out what i have done to her brother and then she would End Me but ANYWAY)
aamunkoitto: listen. listen to me very carefully when i say this. i am telling you that aamun is one of my favorite characters in the entire history of the universe. and it's only partially because he is also a visually-impaired military kid just like me fr. he has so many layers underneath all the grump and 😠 . love is stored in the hopefulness brought by the dawn. and to think i didn't like him as much as valo initially... god. where was my brain. not in the vicinity i guess.
valo: magical history man who got caught in the trap of "it's just chronic pain, no one needs to be bothered by it, i'm fine" and then lying about his feelings. i want him to get some catharsis someday. he deserves it. holds him in my arms. love is also stored in the valo but the valo needs to be loved too.
revon: if i were gonna ask someone to adopt me i changed my mind. i'd ask revon. sparkle dad is so . he. i love him ok. he's such a good person but he doesn't see it and it KILLS me in like the best way ever. also i always have an affinity for muses who just go "oh. oh i have suddenly acquired four children." he deserves a blanket and some nice insoles. and maybe a trip to like a cat cafe or something. somewhere he can be surrounded by creatures full of no thoughts just love. let him experience inner peace and let him hug all his kids.
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I'm not crying. You're crying.
Theo this is so sweet and quite frankly I needed this. I am so happy you see all of this in them. I am so happy they're alive for you and you see the differences in each and every one of them. I feel seen. They feel seen. I'm so glad the differences in all of them are shining through and I just have never really had OCs before this (not to this depth and extent) so to have someone tell me that one of them is their favorite character ever (Aamun my baby I adore you) is just so special to me.
Like I am over the moon that you love one cloud and that he has a spare room he can rent in your brain (for when he needs to hide from storms and cuddle his radio man)
but the fact you love my OCs just squishes my heart with a hug I cannot describe. I was so ready to have no one give a FUCK about them but me and be okay with that but here you are holding them all so close whenever you can. Sun Papa, Moon Momma, Sparkle Dad and all the rest.
God Theo. I love you and I appreciate this so much.
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Since I like ask games: no.9 "dance" if you feel comfortable sharing 😊
(from this comprehensive list of scenarios)
okay let's deviate. let's drag it back to the clone wars because i need to remember my blorbos that started it all,
DANCE :  for one muse to ask the other to dance at a party.
What if I revived Omura for just a little bit. This is set in roughly 16 BBY (man I really need to find a better calendar system here..) - the war has just ended, the Republic is victorious. The Jedi deserve to celebrate just as well as anyone else; they've fought, they've led the battles, they've slogged through hell and back and came out on top just as everyone was sure that it was going to look like a fucking wash! Who would have figured that the Sith Lord was .. uh, the Supreme Chancellor. Okay. Kinda weird.
But Omura, and Anakin, and Altair brought him to justice. He died in custody. That was fine, they had a better Chancellor elected by landslide vote.
Now was the time to recuperate. Omura was looking for someone in particular who had spent her entire time beating herself up for something or other, convinced she wasn't cut out for the war but wasn't cut out to miss it either. The orange-toned Twi'lek that stood nervously at the door of the ballroom that was alight was glee in the Force, absorbing it for themself and left their eyes wandering for Omura. "Kimni," it reached out with a warm hand, "c'mon?"
And Kimnitadodena pulled closer, letting on that they're newer to dancing than they are to combat. Not like Usokya'Omura Vane who turned combat into an elaborate dance choreographed by instinct, but like a Youngling holding twin blades for the first time trying to copy the Temple's most skillful master. Omura hoped to change their mind with a sweetened smile - "Nervous?"
"Duh. Did the Living Force tell you so?" Kimni clipped back, no malice intended. Very much nervous at eyeballing the amount of people inside. So Omura pulled him a different way, back into the quiet halls only occasionally disturbed by others hoping to dodge the party for their own reasons. Into a patch of moonlight where the jewels lit up over Omura's dress and cascaded drops of the rainbow on Kimni's overshirt.
Not that the subtle giggle of the Togruta was lost on Kimni, anyway. "Well, then I guess I'll have to teach you this too. Maybe I know a little something about dancing. Maybe.. just maybe." The growing smile over Kimni's features, though..
That made it worth the snide remarks.
(Obligatory tags for oc mention - @purgetrooperfox @babygirl-leon-kennedy holding you two by the ankles. I'm still in the trenches so bad)
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You don't have to answer if it's too personal but im curious: what started your trans copia Stuff?
I think …somebody either mentioned something or I read a post about it somewhere , maybe I’ve seen a fanart of trans copia,
And then it just sorta clicked in my head?
Like I use him as my muse, he is my blorbo of choice and I guess I just start seeing myself in him somehow?
You know how sometimes when we write, or draw or even RP as the characters, we include stuff into them, personal things into them.
I guess I always wanted to look as good as him somehow, so I put myself in him. ( would sorta not recommend you do this by the way )
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fxrtunas · 2 years
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okay this has been stuck in my head but i wanted to do some slider stuff for my blorbos on this Definitely single muse blog lkJALKSFJ
basically its a scale rating for how good/bad morally each of them are (for my own amusement lajksklfj). it'd go smth like:
1 = goodest bestest squiggly v lovely would help others in need
5 = p neutral tbh literally vibing
10 = the worst the baddest they are in the naughty corner they cause problems on purpose lkJALKSFj
this is a p horrendous scale and v verse-dependent and situational and there's much more to their moral compass than this but. anyway:
allan is p firmly a 6 when he first starts out in hw, post-sharlayan banishment! he's v much the type to look out for himself and bc of his past experiences he does have a bit of a predisposition towards being a baddie (like, during sharlayan stuff he'd be a 3-4 ;; he was Nicer but... yeah lkajskf). obvsly he can change but he still tends to hold the ideal of 'to achieve something, one must do whatever they must', even when he begins skewing towards a good alignment T__T there's a lot more nuance to this but i will shut up here before i keep rambling lJLKASJF.
asclepius is a Good Bean... how did allan stray so far... LJASKLFJ he's v much a 1 on the scale hhhhh. while he does tend to hermit a lot and go off on his own/keep to himself, he will absolutely help ppl in need ;; he's a true healer, one of the best back in ancient times (though not very many knew about it), and if he ever came across ppl needing help in his travels or whenever he came back to amaurot, he'd absolutely do what he could to solve their problems! even better if they required a healer bc he's there and done and dusted lkjalksfj. however, due to his visions, he kinda gets a bit more hopeless so he tends to give up easier since his visions have mostly come true thus far. so like... if there's any situation where he neglects, its not bc he's bad, its bc he thinks he can't rlly do shit lkjaslkfj.
selene is... heh. like, u wouldn't be able to guess it initially, but she's... weirdly a skew of 4-6. she has no more family, no close friends, she's vibing on her own if she doesn't have someone to truly care for. she loves eulmore, but after realizing how shitty it truly is, she's v much in an 'idgaf' mood lkjalksfj so she ends up looking out for herself. she can be a good person... but she can also be a bad person if u kno what i mean LKJLAKJSF
naila is uhhh. i don't need to spell it out do i LKJASKLFJ. v much a 100000000000—
asclepius 2.0 is vibing. i did initially wanna yeet him into a 5 but he's actually... a good bean. sorta. he's a 2-3. he won't actively search for ppl in need, but he will do his best to aid ppl who need it if they're in the immediate vicinity. he will do Some Good to help ease his depresso.
mahalina... my bby... my angel. she's also such a Good Bean at a 1. even if she faces a lot of pressure from her mother, she's v much someone who will actively help people if she hears even a whiff about it. like... she is bitter about being 'forced' to be perfect, but that's only bc she's not allowed to be more like herself. when her brother disappeared, it was a catalyst to her becoming more like herself and standing up to her mother. she didn't want to be stuck in sharlayan, which chose to be neutral, she wanted to go out there and do some Good while searching for her brother, which is exactly what she did.
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