#highschool ivar
kalikatze · 3 months
1, 11, 33 and 37 for the 30+ thing pls!
1. What was the first piece of furniture you bought?
Good question.. I suppose something from/the whole IKEA haul when I moved to Hannover with my human? Although he paid there, I think half of it was put into the database as mine. In which case: mostly Ivar shelves XD I don't actually recall ever buying furniture and paying myself, come to think of it..
11. What's something you saved up for and then regretted buying?
If that exists, I successfully suppressed the memory. But I also don't tend to save up for things in general, I mostly either can afford it or don't buy it. Or I convince someone else to buy it for me I'm sure I must have bought something I saved up for at some point, but I can't remember.
Last thing I bought that I regretted was a t-shirt that I thought was Einstein's face in general relativity formulas but turned out to just be basic maths that have nothing to do with actual GR.. and I think that's the only thing I even remember buying that I regretted. Gotta love having a bad memory XD
33. What's something you collect?
Hmmm again nothing I really collect, but I do have *cough* some *cough* yarn and cat themed things. The former mostly self bought, the latter mostly gifts bc everyone knows I love cat things and it's easy to gift me something I'll love if it's cat themed. Oh, and tea. I have.. a bit.. of tea. Though if we're only counting tea with tea in it, I might still be under 50 different kinds.. it has been more than that before.
37. Do you still listen to the same music you listened to in high school?
Highschool is Oberstufe? Then rarely, but not because I don't still enjoy it, I just keep forgetting to put it on. And I've encountered a few more artists and kinds of music I like in the twenty years since, so by sheer statistics I'll more rarely land on that when choosing. But yeah I still have playlists with music from back then and I do still enjoy it when it comes on and I sometimes remember songs and get them stuck in my head ^^
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inforapound · 4 years
The Devil Inside  -  Part 3
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I really meant for this to be the last chapter but it got away on me. I’m sorry. Also, please don’t date anyone who acts like Ivar. This chapter really makes me miss high-school though. 😬 It actually will be a couple of week before the finale is posted.
Pairing - Ivar and you
Warning - SMUT
The rest of the weekend was quiet and you spent it at home, declining invitations to meet up with friends. Instead, you studied, baked banana bread, and overall did as many wholesome things as you could to restore moral balance after your movie theatre shenanigans.
In truth, you felt a little sick over it, like you had been duped but what would you have even said to Ivar if he had called anyway? Thanks for the rub? Nope.
It was rare those days that your mom and dad were both home at the same time, or at all, as each traveled so much for work and you were pleased to have a family supper that Sunday night and pretend that you were still a kid.
Of course, the events of your Friday night did not leave your mind and you found yourself zoning out, remembering how Ivar had looked at the theatre and how he smelled, and what his mouth felt like on yours. God, his tongue had been inside your mouth as if wanting to taste your orgasm. More than once you had thought about his words, the part where he said “he knew that you were a good girl.”  How exactly did he know that? And if you were good, what was bad?
By Monday the entire event seemed less vivid and it was easier not to think about. But walking out of the school at lunch and seeing that black Camaro brought back that same rush of uncertainty. Was he there for you? Of course, he was, you almost rolled your eyes at yourself. He was parked right beside your car instead of his usual spot across the lot. God, you felt anxious but weren’t you also a little relieved? Shit... and where were Kim and Amanda? You needed them. As if they heard, your phone chimed but looking at your screen it was not a number you recognized.  
    : Are you going to stand there all day?
It was Ivar. Obviously. He apparently had your number after all.
Walking toward him, you were acutely aware that he was watching your every move. You could feel those cold blue eyes and because of the small size of your hands, when you got to the car, you struggled to open his car door with its stiff classic car handle. It was impossible to miss how he rolled his eyes when he leaned over to help open it from the inside. You felt stupid and awkward and by the look of him, you were already on his nerves.
“Hi,” you said meekly as you slid down into the seat.
Not saying anything back, he glanced over but continued to stare out the front window watching kids head to their cars.
It was quiet and felt strained and just… nope…. you weren’t doing it; his attitude, his sighs, and rolling eyes. Forget it. You had some self-respect and weren’t going to be ignored while sitting in his car.
“So, I was thinking... the other night,” you started and he glanced at you again, his face unreadable but the frown he often wore was there. “It was kinda crazy and I just don’t want to...”
“To what?” he snapped.
Hesitating you waited in case he was going to say more but when he didn’t you licked your lips and his bright blue eyes flicked down to catch that subtle movement. “So... I was saying,” you continued and he locked eyes with you again, “I don’t want you to think that you’ve got to follow up or, I don’t know, take me out...”
“You don’t want me here?” he cut you off again, his eyes were narrowed at you, assessing.
Oh no, you had not given enough thought to what you were trying to say. You had obviously insulted him.
“No, no,” you repeated, reaching over and putting your hand on his arm, his leather coat feeling soft. “I only meant...”
“Meant what?” his eyes narrowed further and he made a face like you had just blown salt at him.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, shaking your head. “I’m bad at this. I only meant it feels backward, doing something so... intimate and then seeing each other and trying to... I don’t know...” you shrugged, sounding defeated.
Leaning over the console between your seats, he smirked. “Kiss me then.”
“What?” you couldn’t help but smile at his instant change in mood and you leaned back slightly to better look into his blue eyes. God, were they ever electric.
“If you’re not sure what to say, just kiss me. Everything else will come.”
Your enormous grin forced him to smile and you did, you kissed him. His hand came up and held the side of your face and it felt so amazing you sighed. You actually sighed. God, was this happening?
Pulling his lips away, he looked at you and his expression was serious but you could feel that his entire demeanor had softened. He was less on guard.
“Are you hungry? Wanna grab food?” he asked.
“Last block was home-ec; I ate everything in sight but I’ll go wherever you want so you can eat.”
Nodding, he straightened and turned the ignition; the engine firing up with a roar.
Less than five minutes on the road and you could tell where he was taking you. Driving through the gates, the impressive Tudor house came into view and he parked right in front, not saying a word as he got out and headed in, his crutch making a soft clicking sound as you trailed behind.
Inside, no one was around but you heard a TV or radio in the distance perhaps from the kitchen or that family room.
Down the hallway and into his room, you stood in the center looking around as he balanced his crutch against a hip and took off his leather coat, tossing it onto the loveseat. Flipping on music, he looked over at you and sat down on the end of his neatly made bed. You were dragging out the moment and when your eyes met his eyes, you knew, that he knew you were stalling.  
“You said you weren’t afraid of me.”
“I’m just trying to get a sense…. I don’t actually know you.”
Tipping his head to one side, he looked at you. Really looked, seeming to simultaneously analyze your appearance, your meaning, your reasons for coming, why you had let him do all those things to you. You didn’t actually know what he was thinking but that’s what it felt like. Regardless, it was clear, he held the power in the room.
“Come here,” he nodded to the bed beside him, his eyes not giving away his thoughts.
Clearing your throat, you made your way over, slowly sitting down, your hands running over your thighs to smooth out your skirt. Turning his head, he continued to look and you glanced up nervously.
“I know something about you,” he crooned, his expression a little more playful.
“I know you are smart. Top of your class. I know you don’t go anywhere without those two chicks. I also know you dated some rugby player from Reynolds.”
“How do you know all that?” you asked your body picking up that static in the air that tended to play between you.
“Mark,” he answered matter-of-factly.
“I see,” you shifted on the bed, feeling squirmy. “I’m at a disadvantage then. I know nothing about you. Other than you have two brothers.”
“And that you go to Clairmont,”
“I don’t…I do school online.”
“Oh. I know that you are a good kisser,” you peeked up at him seeing how your comment brightened his face. “But that’s it.”
You weren’t sure why you couldn’t hold his eye contact but it was then that his fingers brushed back the hair hanging over your shoulder, and you stayed frozen as he pulled the collar of your white blouse aside. Slowly he leaned in closer and closer, his face reaching the crook of your neck and he pressed a kiss just below your ear. Ahhhhhh, you nearly melted as his lips continued lightly across your throat, gently sucking your skin into his mouth, making your body shiver. But you didn’t move…..
Pulling back, he looked at you and then sighed loudly.
“You’re so tense,” he breathed out. “Fine! What would you like to know?”
“You feel like you don’t know me. So… ask.” He lifted his eyebrows and shook his head like what he was saying was obvious. “I never lie.”
“Ohh-kay,” you said cautiously feeling unsure of where to start but not wanting this window to close.
“Where are your parents?” you started with the basics.
“My father is never around. Overseas working and my mom died two years ago.”
Okay, that was NOT where to start. “I’m sorry,” you turned your head and looked at him.
Swatting the air as if to move on, he gawked, impatient for you to continue.
“What do you want to do after school?”
“I don’t know.”
“Who was your last girlfriend?”
“Wait you said...”
“I didn’t lie,” he cut you off. “I said skip.”
“Ohh-kay,” you replied, thinking quietly for a moment and you could tell this game was nearly done. “Do you deal drugs?”
He actually flinched and flared his nostrils, and you kept your eyes on him watching his reaction. Glancing around the room, he seemed to be steadying himself obviously hating this game.
“Weed,” he said almost bitterly. “I don’t deal drugs,” he mimicked some voice as if it was yours. “I sell weed. Nothing more than that.”
His head snapped over to look at you again and you could tell he was trying not to glare. God, he was not an open person.
“For the money,” you smiled, indicating you were joking, trying to lighten the mood.
“I started smoking it a couple of years ago. I went through a bad time after my mom passed. My legs were pretty bad,” he glanced over, “I have a disorder that I was on a lot of pain meds for and then the Drs gave me more shit because I was messed up over my mom. My dad basically ditched and I was not doing well. I had to quit all that shit. I knew I was heading toward a point that you can't come back from. So,” he shrugged, “I dropped the pills. Quit everything and just smoked weed.”
You were silent for a moment. “I see,” you said and it felt like the safest response.
“I started buying it in big qualities. Didn’t want to deal with small-time sellers. Didn’t know where their shit came from or what was in it. Just started selling a bit here and there and pretty quickly it paid for it. And then some.”
“Were you selling to other people who were in pain? Instead of them taking, like, pharmaceuticals?”
“Fuck no,” he scoffed. “Anyone with cash.” He rolled his eyes but it turned into a smile. “I’m done with your questions.”
With one hand, he pushed you abruptly back onto the bed.
“Ivar,” you gasped as he quickly scooped an arm around your waist and yanked you up until you were both laying on the pillows.
Meekly, you tried to resist, but he called bullshit and held your free hand back before pulling you against him and kissing you. His lips felt good, his tongue working its way into your mouth, his knee pushing between your legs. He knew exactly what he was doing pressing his thigh up against your crotch, his hand squeezing your ass, and running down the backs of your thighs.
You were going to stop him. You were. Just a few seconds more of his hot mouth, his amazing taste, and smell that flooded your head warming your body right down to your center. Oh god and the sounds he made. Small grunts like the more he kissed and touched you, the more he realized he wanted.
In one swift movement, he rolled on top, leaning on his elbows, his kisses becoming borderline rough. It was the bulge in his pants grinding against you, your hips rolling up against him that felt way too much. Way, way too much.
“Ivar,” you pulled your mouth back but he simply diverted, sucking on the side of your throat, one of his hands magically arriving at your cleavage and beginning to work on the buttons of your school shirt.
“Ivar, stop,” you said a little louder.
“What?” he asked, glancing up, managing to open two more bottoms with the flick of his fingers. How was he so good at that? Instantly, his hand was inside, squeezing and groping your breasts through your bra.
“This is too fast,” you muttered.
“Not for me,” he puffed, working his mouth back up to yours.
“Ivar, stop,” you turned your chin enough to escape him.
Letting out a resigned sigh, he tilted his head back to better focus on you.
“I don’t even know what is happening between us?” you continued sounding...well... a bit whiny.
“Don’t be childish,” he dismissed.
“I just want.... to take it slow. This is all new.”
“New?” his eyes flashed. “Not for me. I have wanted you since last the summer.”
What, you thought?! Last summer? Seven months ago? This was bewildering, you just met him.  
“I just fucking knew when I saw you,” his face grew serious, and he reached up, brushing your hair back from the side of your face.
“Knew what?”
“I just knew.”
Woah, this was overwhelming. His blue eyes were searching yours and you then understood how sincere he was being and how excoriating it was for him to be like that.
“Can I just... have a minute?”
“No,” he frowned but his features softened and he leaned down and kissed you again. It was a soft kiss, a beautiful kiss, his gorgeous lips pressing against yours, holding still as if pouring out the feeling behind what he had just shared. Dropping his head into the crook of your neck, his arms tightened around you.
“Don’t push me away, okay,” he whispered and you heard the anxiety in his voice.
It melted your heart and gave you some insight as to why he was such a weirdo. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you embraced him back.
“Why are you so.... cool with me sometimes. You’re unsure?”
Shrugging, he lifted back up to see your face but looked away, and you realized he was embarrassed.
“I don’t wanna freak you out. I can be…. a lot.”
No shit!
“Enough of your yapping,’’ he looked back and you could tell the subject had been changed.
“Ivar!” you gasped as his hand shot up your kilt, grabbing the waistband of your blue underwear.
Squirming, you latched onto his wrists to stop him but he clucked his tongue as if you were the one being naughty.
“These can fuck off,” he said yanking your underwear down your legs, slipping them off, along with your black shoes, and tossing everything onto the floor.
Narrowing his eyes at you, he looked wicked and smug and so incredibly sexy and you found yourself just watching, seeing what he’d do. Kissing you one more time, he moved down your body, nestling between your legs, and attempted to push up your kilt. Mouthing the word ‘noooo,’ your hands shot down to hold it against you.
“Move your hands!” he ordered.
“No, wait, this is crazy.”
“Move your hands or I swear to god,” he glared as if insane but it morphed into a grin. “Move your hands!” he barked, this time actually looking a little annoyed.
So, fuck it, you did. You moved your hands and he flipped up your kilt.
Oh god.
Even as your self conscientiousness began to burn, your bare box a mere five inches from his face, the glee that came over him made you laugh. But within a second, some darkness moved behind his blazing eyes and he just stared down at your pussy. Grabbing the back of your thigh, he bent your knee up, opening your legs wider.  
Oh god.
“Can we close the blinds or something? It's so bright in...”
“Shush,” he quieted you not looking up. “I want to see what I’m doing.”
Oh god.
With his free hand, he carefully spread the lips of your pussy, and you looked up to the ceiling, your cheeks hot, unable to watch. It was so weird, your legs instinctively tried to close but he clucked again, pulling them back open.
“Don’t hide from me. Ever,” he whispered and you glanced down just as he looked up at you. “Plus, you said you would go anywhere so I could eat,” he grinned wildly, looking handsome, like a total deviant.
You jumped when his fingers touched you a second time, his fierce eyes watching your face as he began running his thumb over your clit. Fucking hell, it was intense and you had never had a guy just hang out down there, staring at the details of your body. His mouth fell open alittle and you watched curiously as he spread your lips even further, rubbing that same spot that you knew was starting to swell under his soft strokes.
“Do you know how fucking perfect you are?” he asked, glancing up again, his expression looking somehow pained.  “Do you like that?” he kept staring at you, observing your reaction, his thumb gliding over and over. It felt amazing and by the way his head tilted to the side, gazing at your pussy and swearing under his breath, you knew he appreciated how wet you were getting.
“Fuck!” he rushed out loudly, “I could barely sleep last night. I was thinking about you. About kissing you. Everything at the movies. How wet your pussy was. Fuck!” he swore again. “Like it is now.”
His thumb pressed harder, and your stomach flinched making him laugh but he quickly grew serious and without breaking your gaze, he lowered his face, extending his unnaturally long tongue and swiped up the center of your folds. Jesus, it felt good and you glanced at his door noticing there was no lock.  Steadily, his fingers spread you further apart, so wide it almost hurt and he grunted, sounding very pleased, his tongue descending again and licking you, lapping you, feeling warm, circling your clit. Within a few seconds, your hips began to gently rock and your breathing became shaky.
Time was obviously not of the essence as he took his time swapping back and forth between tasting you and running his thumb over your slit and each time you twitched or shuddered, those menacing eyes were back on you, studying your reaction, seeing what made you moan.
“Please,” you heard yourself whimper and it made him chuckle.
“Please what?” he asked, clearly loving it.
“Please,” you whined as his thumb and his intermittent licks began to drive you mad. Your pussy was wide open and needing more.
“You will have to be more specific, beautiful.”
“Please,” you tipped your chin down and looked directly at him. “Make me cum, Ivar, please,” you added the ‘please’ just to make him happy and his eyes flashed.
With that his mouth dropped down to your flesh, sucking your soft layers and clit right into his mouth. He was devouring you and it was raw and wild and the carnal sounds he was making made you imagine him as some beast. The climb to your finish was fast and powerful and when you finally came, all inhibitions were gone, you bucked your pelvis and grabbed his perfect hair, grinding your cunt up against his mouth, incoherently crying out. It was messed up and you had never once felt anything like it before.
“You are so beautiful, baby,” he murmured, kissing the inside of your skin and running the palm of his hand up and down the inside of your thigh. “You are so fucking beautiful. I have wanted this for so long,” he spoke against your skin as you came down from your climax.
As you untensed and simmered, he slid back up beside you, his hand snaking inside your blouse and grabbing your boob.
“You almost made me blow in pants,” he smiled and you just gazed at him, blissed-out, taking in how dreamy he looked.
“Oh shit!” you said, lifting your head, your eyes trying to find a clock.
“What time...”
“Relax,” he tightened his hold on you. “We’ll leave in 15 minutes. Plenty of time.”
Resting your head back down, you closed your eyes loving how much larger his body was than yours and how it felt to be in his arms.
“Plenty of time for what?” you asked, opening your eyes again.
“I’m not done.”
Oh god.
Sitting up, he grabbed you, roughly flipping you onto your tummy, his body quickly covered yours and pressing you down into the bed. It was so fast and you were confused but still too spaced out to speak. Pushing your legs apart, he shifted his weight to one side and flipped up your kilt uncovering your naked ass.
“What....” you rushed out, feeling too exposed. Your bottom, the back of your you-know-what, everything just out in the open.
“Stop fighting me,” he pressed his mouth to your ear. “You have a perfect ass, by the way.”
Fidgeting you realized he was opening and pulling down his pants and panic shot through you.
“Ivar, I can’t...”
“Shush, I’m not going to have sex with you. Relax.”
What was he doing, your mind started to reel? Was he lying? Was he going to try? If you were being honest, part of you wondered if maybe you’d let him. It was crazy.
You jumped, sucking in air when his hand touched the back of your pussy, his fingers rubbing between your lips and around your entrance. As the tips of his fingers dipped inside, the sounds of his approval fired back up. Bracing for it, you were thrown off when his finger didn’t push inside but instead traveled up the crack of your ass, circling around your asshole. Your eyes bugged out at the odd sensation and it hit you what he was doing; he was using your own slick to lube you up. But for what?
“What are you doing?”
Ignoring you he lowered himself back down, his weight feeling heavy, and you felt his hard bare cock land right in the crease of your ass. His elbows settled on either side of you, boxing you in, and just as you were about to tell him to get off, his face and chin burrowed back into the side of your neck. Slowly, he rolled his hips forward, his cock sliding between your cheeks, slippery and hard and feeling so unexpected. Pulling his hips back, he rutted again and his strained breathing showed you he loving it. It was different and hot and the sound of his panting in your ear was such a turn on. Not to mention his intimidatingly large rock-hard dick, touching the back of your entrance.
“All that panic for nothing,” he grunted and you could tell he was smiling. “I just needed to feel your perfect ass.”
It felt good. It felt surprisingly good and without thought you pushed your bum up toward him, immediately making his hiss.
“That’s it, my beautiful girl,” he grunted in your ear, pumping against your behind even harder. “Your little body knows exactly what to do, doesn’t it? Fuck!” he swore as his pace picked up.
Leaning on one arm, he snaked his hand under your tummy, finding your crotch, pulling you up toward him so your butt was at a better angle. Spreading your own legs a little wider, you dug your knees into the bed, arching your back even more. He fucking loved it and made you cry out when his fingers connected with your overly sensitive clit.
“Do you know how badly I want to fuck you? Hmmm? Put my dick inside you. Your beautiful little hole?”
He was moving faster and faster, it was so slippery and wet and you felt filthy because of how much you wanted him, wishing it might just slip and jab you.
“But I’m not going to rush you. I can wait,” he kissed the side of your head, his fingers rubbing your front which was a dripping mess at this point, your own hips moving in time. Everything began to feel funny and you realized you had never, not even once, had two orgasms in a row.
“You’re so wet,” he groaned as his hips moved faster and his fingers pressed harder. His breath grew even more ragged in your ear and everything began to distort. You couldn’t tell how long you’d been under him, grinding, panting, bucking up against him, and starting to whine his name. The air felt thick and your skin felt hot and you wished you were naked instead of your kilt being bunched around you. His arm was securely under you, his fingers slipping relentlessly over your clit, his cock sliding over the back of your pushed up ass. It was all too much and, in that blur, your second organism rolled, rocking you hard and stretching on so long you weren’t clear if it was still going or you were just that sensitive. You couldn’t breathe or think or move and or even make a sound. It was Ivar, crying out into the air above you that drew you back, his hips stuttering against you hard, and then you felt it, a warm pool of cum at the top of your crack.
His body went slack and he flopped down, half on and half beside, his leg and arm still wrapped around you. Catching his breath, he brushed the hair that was sticking to your tacky forehead away to uncover your eyes and pressed a breathy kiss to your lips. You didn’t open your eyes but felt him snuggle in, your faces very close and you guessed he was looking at you.
“I want you to be that person in my life… who….” his voice dropped off as if unable to finish what he wanted to say and you thought you heard him whisper your name. “God,” he continued. “I just want to be with you. So badly.”
Not once on the short ride back to school did he let go of your hand, even bringing it to his mouth and kissing the back a couple of times. If you had any mental capacity left after your two earth-shattering orgasms and his heart breaking-ly sweet admission, you would have realized that you were in shock. Was it good or bad? It was hard to tell but he was swooning over you, smitten with an entirely different warmth in his eyes.
Kissing him goodbye and swinging the door closed, you walked toward the side entrance of the school, wondering if it was possible to bruise a tail bone and seeing your two best friends, waiting. By their expressions, it was clear they wanted to talk.
Great, you thought, you had to tell them that, like it or not, Ivar Lothbrok was your boyfriend now. And despite your hesitations, you did, you liked it very much.
Next chapter
*Happy Valentines Day❤️
@youbloodymadgenius  @whenimaunicorn @ceridwenofwales   @sweeneythots @funmadnessandbadassvikings @redama @mdredwine@didiintheblog   @londongal2810 @fields-and-fields-of-poppies  @oddsnendsfanfics @youbelongeverywhere @flowers-in-your-hayr @hecohansen31 @naaladareia @gearhead66 @blonddnamedhandz @lisinfleur @geekandbooknerd @xbellaxcarolinax @edythofhastings @ivarsgoddess  @where-beauty-goes-to-die @zuxiezendler @punkrocknpearls @snatcherheart  @lordsexmachine @fuchsiagrasshopper @wilhelmyna @heavenly1927 @cececolbert​ @peachyboneless​
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Vikings characters + Halloween
based on this request | Masterlist | requests are OPEN!
A/N: i have no motivation to do anything except writing, this is a modern AU btw
in this imagine, Athelstan, Aslaug, Bjorn, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Ivar, Alfred and Elsewith will be living through Halloween
he's the guy that didn't go trick or treating, but he has the best sweets outside
he sets his Christian beliefs aside for one night and really just enjoys all the costumes and kids
nicest guy in the neighborhood
gets flooded with kids each Halloween, all the single mothers have their eyes on him
a black cat turned up on his doorstep one year, and she makes an appearance each Halloween
went to halloween parties in highschool
very whimsical costumes with on-point makeup
think fairies, angels, princesses, etc.
i think her costumes are just like Jules' costumes from Euphoria
kind of mean to the kids that come to her door tho lol
absolutely went trick-or-treating with her sons
i'm sorry, but bjorn uses halloween as an excuse to be a creep
always has very slutty costumes
think Khal Drogo, bodybuilder, etc.
not good company
likes to dress up and go to bars
he and Hvitserk do cheesy duo costumes when they're older and manage to be in town at the same time
doesn't mind trick or treating
has pretty nice candy outside for the kids
compliments costumes
here's what i think he would wear: with Hvitserk (Hvit's the loofa)/ alone / as a child
LOVES halloween
all of his costumes are ironic
will stop trick or treating when he's dead
after the loofa incident, Ubbe was reluctant to do more duo costumes with him, but Hvitserk just shakes him off and does even more ridiculous costumes in the years to come
as a child / one inspo / other inspo
contrary to popular fanon, i don't think he likes halloween
as a child, trick or treating was hard for him, a lot of costumes didn't work out
maybe modern Ivar was friends with Elsewith (i think that could happen tbh) and he does her makeup each halloween, but that's it
does like giving out sweets though
Hvitserk comes to his house and empties the bucket at the end of the night
hits bjorn over the head when he gets too handsy
for this modern!AU, I think that Alfred was a big ole history nerd
had a BIG crush on Elsewith, the math genius
it took a while till Ivar warmed up to him, but he lets Alfred attend to Elsewith's makeup sesh
she doesn't like couple costumes, she likes sophisticated stuff
goes as a vampire but just stares at Elsewith the whole time
coming from a strict family, Elsewith took mean girls to heart when it came to Halloween
i can see her going all out, and she always looks super hot
defo wore sth like Kat's costume to mock her parents
alfred is at her feet
she goes to parties and maybe trick or treating
before she got with alfred, Hvitserk was her trick-or-treating buddy, but she always set some stuff aside for Ivar
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
Trying to figure out ages and dates in History Channel’s Vikings is like trying to solve a sudoku puzzle designed by someone while they were black-out drunk, BUT by my reckoning, Ivar would have been like 17 MAX during the siege of York. (Again, the timeline is a hot mess that can’t be trusted and I'm bad at math, but jfc.)
Just thinking about this motherfucking highschooler with brittle bone disease muscling up to his 37 year old mountain-sized brother and saying “Hmm okay but what if I was in charge?” JESUS. Of course he married his first ever girlfriend and believed her when she told him he was a God! Have you met a teen boy? Will someone PLEASE pick up this teenager and send him to summer camp?
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imaginesmai · 4 years
Mob!Tom Holland - Fawn (5)
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This is inspired by  Don’t play with fire , @peaceisadirtyword. It’s an amazing Ivar fic, take a look if you have time!
Previous parts  in the general summary. Click here to read the previous parts!
Plot: you meet Tom again, and he has something to tell you.
Warnings: violence.
It was the next Monday when you met Tom again.
You had spent a whole week on your house, in sneakers and soft sweaters. Richard kept working on the Holland’s file while you focused on your job, so you didn’t really see each other besides on certain occasions. Richard moved everything that had to do with his work to his apartment, with the excuse that it was something really big that he needed to work with some of his friends, and he didn’t want to fill the house with cops every day.
That was as fake as you being okay with what had happened with Tom, because his cops friends had been in the house many more times before that.
However, it gave you a good chance to tear way from him for a while. The house was cleaner without him, and even if he stayed for dinner most of the days, you cleaned after and everything went back to normal. You remodelled two of your projects in your office, kept your dates with Lisa by taking coffee from the dispenser machine and thought about Tom every other second of your week.
He didn’t really know where you lived, as you made him stop on the corner of the parallel street, and you couldn’t contact him. That left you out of the gangster life for a long week, that served you to realized that you had grown used to his chatty self.
On Monday, you went to the laundry shop a few blocks away from your home. Your laundry was broken, and you had been accumulating things in hopes that Richard passed by and took a look into the machine. But you hadn’t seen him since Saturday, so you got fed up and walked to the laundry shop with your bowl full of clothes.
It was heavy and more than once in the short five minutes-walk you thought you might lose something. But then you arrived to the laundry shop, and breathed in relief when your arms rested.
You looked up to see a blonde woman looking at you with a mean glare, while holding up a small bag with her belongings.
“You’re behind me. Put yourself on the queue” she snarled. You looked behind you and saw no one.
“But I’m already the last one” you frowned.
“Yeah, but behind me. Not besides me”
It was true that you were barely misplaced to the left, as your bag was resting on a counter which was besides her. She kept staring at you, as if you would move just by her glaring. You didn’t really feel like moving the bag again, because that would mean leaving it on the floor. And just a few minutes later, rise it up to rest it again in the counter.
There weren’t more than five people there, including you, so you didn’t do as she was saying.
“I know I’m behind you” you tried to reason. “Even if I’m besides you. I’m not going to seep, alright?”
“No, it’s not alright” she said stubbornly, and you felt like throwing her inside the machine. “I was here first and the counter is beside me, not behind me”
“But you weren’t using it”
“Maybe I want to use –“
“Then you can search for another laundry shop with more counters” a new voice announced, and you turned around yourself quickly.
The woman shut up because even a whiney person like her knew who Tom was. Behind you, Tom was smiling and holding up his own basket, that seemed much more bigger and heavy than yours. Still, he was holding it with one hand, while the other had the phone out. He wasn’t looking at the phone though, but at you.
You hadn’t realized how much you had missed his brown sparkling eyes until you saw them that Monday morning. He looked far different than in the club, wearing just a pair of grey jeans and a blue sweater with a weird logo.
All the questions or explanations you had wanted to give to him when you saw him dissolved in your tongue like sand, and you opened your mouth for nothing.
“Hey fawn”
Tom’s voice was as gentle as you remembered, and once more reminded you how different he was from Richard. Even if the last one had been on his best behaviour during the week, Tom still beat him by far. He set a faint blush and tingling feeling in your stomach, and as always that he was in front of you your mouth moved without your brain’s consent.
“You went to midtown highschool?”
Tom looked down to his sweater, his eyebrows raised. He hadn’t given it much thought, neither when he received or when he had put it on in the morning. It was just lying on the back of his wardrobe and, for going to laundry shop, he didn’t need more. He smiled though as he ran a finger across the logo of midtown school of science and technology. It was slightly faded, but you could still read the letters.
“Something like that” Tom shrugged, looking back at you. “I did some kind of scholarship when I was fourteen, and I went there for a week. Pretty sure I was supposed to give it back, but I kept it”
You hummed appreciatively and Tom shifted his weight, balancing the basket on his arm. The sound the machines moving and the occasional huff of angry attitude of the previous woman was all that could be heard for a second. There were a pair of teenagers in the corner, talking calmly and too close to be just friends, and the man who had been with his daughter was now carrying her on his shoulder asleep while he exited.
That left one machine free, and the woman rushed to it, as if you were going to materialize and occupy it before her. It was awkward for a while, and for the first time you didn’t know what to say to Tom.
You focused on the woman, who was taking, exactly, only a pair of jeans, two shirts and a smaller bag with her underwear. So much for having to be the first one. You stepped forward, keeping a hand on your basket, and Tom did the same. You could feel his eyes behind you, but you didn’t turn your back.
At least, until he talked again.
“Are you angry at me?”
The question made you turn around surprised, not expecting him to ask you. Tom was sheepishly looking at the ground, to his sneakers covered shoes. It took you a while to answer, because you couldn’t understand why you would be angry at him. Unless, of course, he had noticed you hadn’t gone to the club for a week – which was, in your opinion and much to your survival instinct dismay again, very sweet.
“I don’t know, you tell me” he shrugged. One of the teenagers laughed loudly, and the woman’s machine started working. “I haven’t seen you in a week”
“Yeah, I’ve been busy with some projects” you said, and resisted the urge of tilting his head up, because he was looking just too cute. “I would have… said something, but I don’t know where to find you, except at midnight in the back of some club”
“That sounded a bit like Cinderella” Tom lifted his head and smiled at you for a short second. “But – I was, uh, talking about Saturday night. You know, with… what happened at Dom’s and the way I kind of, uh, dumped you?”
You were more shocked about the last part than about Dom. Technically, he hadn’t dumped you – he had just been as willing as you to part ways as soon as possible. And it had been a blessing, because if he had started to ask questions, like why you seemed so nervous or why you went to Lisa’s apartment, it would have been a problem. But still, even if you had assumed all the fault about what happened on Saturday’s night, it seemed like Tom had done the same.
“I’ve been busy, really” you returned the smile. “Besides… nothing happened. Right? They were just – a couple of cops. No?”
“We don’t have a good relationship with them” Tom chuckled humourlessly, and it surprised you how little you had to dig for an answer. “It’s kind of obvious, I guess. But we’re not always the bad guys, you know?”
No, you didn’t beat Dom, more like the people who were supposed to protect civilians
Even if Richard had told you half of the truth, it was a rare occasion. He usually hid things from you, and it didn’t take a genius to know that some of the police squad had not only violent tendencies, but also… racists, and a bit homophobic. The comments that they made when they came to your house made you want to throw up.
And you knew, that Richard hadn’t told you what had really happened with Dom. Once someone was classified as scum by Richard, the man had no limit.
“I know” you tightened your lips and avoided saying anything else.
“I’m not a good company, nor my brothers” Tom continued. He looked behind you and checked that the woman had still her earphones on, moving her feet to the music. “They – they related Dom with us, and decided to bring him to the station”
“Is he okay?”
You already knew the answer, or part of it. That Tom had no problem talking to you about it let you think that maybe they hadn’t always been the bad part in the story. You were sure that he had more than a few reasons to be locked up, but you also guessed that at least a quarter of the things Richard accused them for were fake.
“He got released from the hospital yesterday” Tom shrugged, and you saw the pain behind his words. “His wife has taken him home, and is closing the place for a while. We’re going to make sure the business keeps afloat… but there is only so much that we can do”
You paled and Tom must have noticed, because he frowned. After chasing him for hours, Richard had assured you that Dom was fine, just a little roughed up and with a few broken bones, nothing fatal. That one of his men had made sure of it, with a little threat of not saying anything after leaving his house. The part about ‘not be seen with the Hollands any time soon’ was part of the threat, according to him.
But Dom had been in the hospital for a week, a whole week for just some bruises and broken bones. And he wasn’t going to open the place for a while, which meant that he needed some time to heal completely. It was good that you had one hand steadying the clothes, because you were sure they would have fallen if not.
“Hey, he’s fine” Tom assured you and placed his hand on your arm. It felt warm, or maybe it was you who had gone suddenly cold. A flash of regret flashed through his eyes. “I’m sorry. I just – I felt like you should know. I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to scare you”
“That I should know why?” you looked at him, sounding as freaked out as you felt.
The teenagers walked past you, too caught up on each other to notice either of you. There was one machine free, and you were the next on the queue, but you didn’t move. Tom seemed to shove himself deeper in the regret, his eyes becoming troubled and foggy.
He did what you least expected, and pushed you against his chest. It was the first time you had contact that wasn’t necessary. You vaguely remembered the day he had reached for something at the same time than you, and your hands had brushed. It was completely different, because Tom Holland was hugging you, and even if when everything started would have seemed a death threat, it felt nice.
The sweater was soft against your cheek, and you slowly wrapped your hands around his middle, discovering that the clothe was too big for him. You focused on listening to his heartbeat, that was slightly accelerated, and Richard came to your mind. You couldn’t remember the last time you hug, or tha the took your hand in the street. Richard made you thought too about why Tom was hugging you.
“Why should I know” you asked again, although it was more of a statement. Tom was silent for a second. “Please, Tom”
“The guy who harassed you, is a cop” Tom asked, and you frowned, wondering how much of a bad person knowing that made you. “He… he has been giving us hell for a while, and saw us together. I just wanted to tell you”
You already knew the answer, and if it had been that simple, you wouldn’t have to worry. But something told you that the sooner you learned what the inner voice had been whispering you the whole week, the better. Tom let you go and you missed him that right second. You didn’t know you could like someone’s hug so much.
“It’s just a stupid idea” Tom hid his hands on the pocket of the sweater. “Dom can’t really remember well what happened, because they hit pretty hard his head. But he swears the chief said something about you. And, since you were there too – I just worry”
You didn’t immediately connect the dots, because you were used to people referring to Richard by his name, not ‘chief’. Someone asked if the machine was free to use, and Tom hesitantly called your name when you didn’t attempt to move. You just kept staring at the begging of the cordon of Tom’s sweater, with the drowning realization that Richard had lied to you for a whole week, and had become the violent man he swore he wouldn’t be.
Want to know more about me? Here is my Masterlist! Feedback is always appreciated!!
Tom Holland/ Peter Parker taglist:
@gypsystuf​ (since you didn’t answer me, I just put you on the general taglist. Let me know if you want to change!)
Tom Holland Fawn taglist:
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bonniebird · 5 years
The Girl Next Door (Part Four)
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Hvitserk x Reader
Thank you @honestsycrets​ for letting me borrow your marco gifs :D
“So are you going to tell me what went on?” Ubbe asked quickly. Hvitserk had been avoiding talking to him all evening. Ubbe managed to find him back at the bar the next morning, cleaning up the bar.
“Nope.” He replied. Ubbe watched as Hvitserk swept down the bar and frowned.
“Shouldn’t (Y/N) be doing that?”
Hvitserk froze, eyes snapping up to Ubbe who raised his eyebrows. He’d asked around and found out what Hvitserk had done. After the mess at the bar the night before he needed to be sure he was in the know.
“I’m not letting her work here anymore. Last night was…”
“If you say a fucking close call Hvitserk. That was your own damn fault, you couldn’t tell them to fuck off you had to shoot somebody!” Ubbe scolded. Hvitserk scowled at him before continuing working.
“What’re you going to tell Aslaug?”
“Why do I have to tell her anything. My bar, she doesn’t want to know how we make our money. Just get Ivar to take (Y/N) somewhere.” Hvitserk grumbled as he paused for a moment.
 “But you like her. She likes you.” Ubbe said carefully. He knew Hvitserk had liked you since highschool, his worst kept secret, Ubbe had a sneaking feeling he was the only one of his brothers that didn’t have a crush of some sort on you. 
“That doesn’t fucking matter Ubbe! Look at what happened! There's a reason none of us settle down.”
Ubbe sighed, shaking his head. Hvitserk was losing it. At least, he needed a break. Realising he couldn’t get through to him Ubbe headed home.
Sigurd groaned as he opened the front door. Half dressed and exhausted from his gig the night before. “(Y/N)!” He said with a wide smile, perking up when he saw you. “Ivar’s out with Aslaug but you can wait if you’d like.”
“Actually I’m here to see Hvitserk. I have a few ideas for his bar.” You explained, holding up some of the papers in your hands and showed him the plastic tupperware tub in the other.
“I think he’s down at the bar. I could give you a lift. If you wanted?” He asked, still sporting a cheerful smile as he spoke.
“Sure, that’d be great.” You said as you followed him upstairs. You headed into the living room while Sigurd jogged up the next flight of stairs to his room. The front door opened and shut and Ubbe bounded up the stairs.
“(Y/N), hey, you waiting for Ivar?”
“No, he’s with Aslaug, I had some ideas for Hvitserk and Sig said he’d give me a lift down.”
Ubbe had a funny look on his face as he sighed and nodded. “ He mentioned he urm… wanted to talk about you working there.” He didn’t say anything more as Sigurd rushed down the stairs. He greeted Ubbe who rolled his eyes and shook his head. Margreth would be waiting for him to call so he excused himself and left.
“There’s something weird about… the bar and whatever Hvitserk and Ubbe do.” You said quietly. Sigurd had led the way to the car and started driving. Of course he picked the long way and babbled about his music for a while, showing you a few songs he liked.
“You probably shouldn’t ask many questions. Just do what Hvitserk said and you’ll do great.” Sigurd said hesitantly.
“I just feel like they’re hiding things from me. Ubbe and Hvitserk don’t give straight answers. You and Ivar don’t seem like that…” You babbled. Sigurd felt sorry for you. When Aslaug had agreed with Ivar that you could work with Hvitserk the house was in a chaos of arguing, not that anyone would ever tell you.
“I’m not like them. Thay have a lot of secrets. A lot of things to hide.” He admitted. He couldn’t smile, even when you looked over at him. It felt horrible to disillusion you. “They mean well and if they’re acting weird it’s just because they want to protect you.
“What could they be doing that’s so bad?” You asked wearily. You couldn’t imagine Hvitserk doing anything awful. Sure he was a bit of a flirt and you’d always been disappointed that you never got a chance to be one of his girls, but he was Hvitserk, sweet always happy and fun loving Hvitserk.
Sigurd didn’t say anything as he pulled up outside the bar. It had been a while since he had been down. He didn’t answer you. Eventually you hugged him goodbye and thanked him for the ride. His cheerful demeanour found its way back to him.
Entering the bar you found Hvitserk sat on one of the barstools, nursing a drink with his head in his hands and a lit cigarette between his fingers.
“What’re you doing here?”
“Sigurd gave me a lift down. Ubbe said that you didn’t run the restaurant anymore but I thought maybe it’d be a good idea?” You rushed to put the paper and box of food in front of Hvitserk.
He sighed and stared at them for a moment. Now was the time to tell you to leave. It wouldn’t take much to have you never talk to him again. Off you’d go with Ivar, maybe Sigurd he’s always had a thing for you. He wouldn’t see you again. You wouldn’t see him again and that would be better for you. Glancing up at your face he realised you were watching him nervously. He could just as easily reach out, stroke your cheek, lean in and kiss you slowly, move his hands down your back with gentle touches. He could kiss tantalisingly slow down your neck and then. He cleared his throat and grabbed at the box. A neat burger sat in it.
“You have the kitchen out back. You could just do some simple food and open… more often. I’m sure you’d have some new regulars.”
It was sweet. The way you really thought this was a real bar. He wondered how he’d managed to make you so naive when it came to him. Taking a bite of the burger before he had to shoot you down he groaned. It was good. You had to be good at cooking too. 
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“It’s good but I’m not sure it’s what people come in for.” Hvitserk muttered as he licked his fingers.
Your brow furrowed. He knew the look on his face. It’s the same look Ivar got what he knew he could win an argument. “Well, I wouldn’t need your help, I’ve got everything written out here.” You slid the papers over to him and Hvitserk sighed. Your research was extensive you’d found a chef that knew the Ragnarssons and you had done enough research that Hvitserk couldn’t think of how to get out of saying yes.
“What about a trial? It’s quite a bit of money to pump into something that might not work.” Hvitserk countered. At least now he’d have a way to shut it down. He’d just have to get Ubbe to make sure it flopped.
“Really!” You said with a bubble of excitement that seemed to light up your face. Before he could do anything you’d hugged him tightly. He could smell your shampoo, it made him think of those nights, years ago, that you’d stay over. You’d all build a fort and watch movies all night, Ubbe would get bored but You, Sig and Ivar would be determined to stay up. You could never make it through the night, often falling asleep against him. He’d spend so long thing how lovely it was to watch you sleep, stroking your cheek, hoping his younger brothers would leave the two of you alone. 
He quickly pushed you away and smiled. “I’ve got to fix some stuff in the kitchen if you’re going to use it.” He said quickly and moved away. He hoped saying yes meant you’d leave but you followed him.
“Can I help?” You asked hopefully.
“No it’s just fixing the lights.” He muttered, quick to put distance between the two of you.
Ivar prowled into the living room. He’d gone to your house and you hadn’t been home. So naturally you had to be waiting for him.
“Where is she?”
“(Y/N)?” Sigurd asked as he looked up from his guitar. He looked over his brother who was leaning against the doorway, crutches in his hands as he frowned. “She’s with Hvit.”
“She wanted to show him something.” Sigurd said and turned back to the music he was trying to write.
“So she just spends all her time with him now?”
“It is where she works.” Sigurd pointed out. With a scowl Ivar slapped off to his bedroom, slumping down on his bed.
His room was smaller than his brothers but he didn’t mind. Aslaug had spent so much time perfecting his room. His bed was a little higher so he could sit easily. It also meant he could lay in bed and watch out of the window without any trouble.
His desk was built into the wall and he had state of the art computer and screens tumbling about it. His piles of no longer needed college books sat in piles around the desk.
The cupboard that doubled as a wardrobe was messily spilling clothes across the old wooden floor.
The floor above had Hvitserk, Ubbe and Sigurd’s room. Plus a bathroom that the three had to share, it was always a mess. Ivar had his own just across the hall. Aslaug got the largest room in the attic. It was so light and airy, warm and comforting. Sometimes Ivar would go up and stay all day.
Ivar had found the fact that you clearly liked Hvitserk to be highly amusing and when he’d started messing with you. It had been fun. But now. There was a chance that you might actually get somewhere with Hvitserk. He didn’t want that.
“Hey Ivar.” Ubbe called as he knocked on the door. Ivar meerly grunted, not bothering to sit up as Ubbe entered.
“Hvit needs some stuff from the store. He’s fixing up the bar. You want to come?” Ubbe asked. Ivar glanced up at his brother without moving. He could see from the state of his shirt and the hickeys on his neck he’d been with a girl most of the day. The unpleasant scent of cheap perfume stung his nose and he guessed it was Margrethe.
“I was going to watch here for (Y/N).”He answered as he set his head back against his bed.
“She’s at the bar. Maybe you could take her out to dinner or something, maybe a movie?” Ubbe offered. He sighed when Ivar gave him a condescending look before scoffing.
“Hvit wants her to gohome before he tries to fuck her doesn’t he?” Ivar waited for Ubbe to answer but all that came out of his brother was a loud snicker.
“He’s not as bad as Bjorn. He’s just a little distracted and under pressure.” Ubbe muttered. Ivar heaved himself up and reached for his crutches as he stood.
“He’s an idiot.”
“You got him in this mess Ivar!”
The trip to the store was quick. Ubbe rushed around grabbing everything they needed and Ivar leant on the huge flatbed trolley. It took Ubbe twenty minutes to find everything and Ivar added a few bits he found interesting. Then they were on their way again. Ivar wondered why Ubbe and Hvitserk didn’t just move closer to the bar. They were forever driving across town to the bar or the warehouses.
Ubbe pulled up right next to the door. “Will you go in and get Hvitserk? You can have the car if you want, or I could call you a taxi?” Ubbe waited and Ivar shrugged.
“Yeah. If we go out somewhere (Y/N) will probably drive.” He muttered, disinterested as he got out.”
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“Is it ok? I don’t know if I’m doing it right?” Your voice came from the back. Ivar frowned and followed it.
“Yeah babygirl you’re doing great, don’t worry.” Hvitserk encouraged.
Ivar shoved into the room and rolled his eyes. You were fixing something, tongue stuck out as you frowned in concentration. Hvitserk smiled as he watched, glancing over at Ivar.
“Ubbe wants you.” Ivar snapped and Hvitserk raised his eyebrows. “(Y/N) we’re going to see a movie.”
“Oh? Did I forget? I’m sorry Ivar!” You said as you climbed down off the counter. You hugged him and smiled when he scowled. He didn’t want to admit he felt… odd that you were spending more time with Hvitserk. He just wanted to torment you both a little.
“It’s fine. We can go now and have dinner. Ubbe’s giving us the car. If Hvitserk gets the stuff out of it.” He glanced at Hvitserk who took a deep breath before speaking.
“Of course I can go and help him Ivar. I um… I’ll see you later.” He added the last part as he glanced at you, brushing past Ivar who deadpanned until he left.
“We should go or we’ll be late.” Ivar muttered.
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vikingsarememes · 5 years
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pairing: Hvitserk x Y/N
summary: you and your boyfriend were drunk, so you submitted a fake application to the school nearby that was hiring, Hvitserk tells you how his day went.
Warnings: none
Word count: 1168
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It was a stupid bet, a stupid joke, a prank application that you sent while drunk that got Hvitserk a gig as a sub-teacher, today was his first day in the job, he had no idea what to do, he’s never dealt with children before that weren’t Sigurd, Ivar or Bjorn’s kids, he barely knows anything about history, the only history he knows is history channel where they aired his favorite show about Vikings.
You woke him up in the morning and both of you went through his wardrobe, the man doesn’t have a thing that’s not a hoodie or a shirt, you struggled to find a decent outfit, you helped unbraid his hair, a teacher was supposed to look somehow respectful not like a drunk playboy which he totally was, you sent him off to school with a lunch box and a list of the stupid things he shouldn’t say.
You and Hvitserk has been dating for seven months now, both of you are very playful, and always seeking a good time, and yesterday when you thought it would be funny if you submit a fake CV to the nearby school for an experiment you were doing for your blog about how low hiring standards and look-based public schools are, you didn’t expect them to actually write you back and tell you Mr. Hvitserk Ragnarsson was a perfect candidate and that he should be put on a test tomorrow to see if he’s any good with the kids.
After all, who would say no to an Oxford graduate with an honorary degree, and has plenty of researches on the matter of how adding a turtle in a classroom helps the class’s atmosphere settle down three degrees and a half, yes, Photoshop can do wonders.
Hours later, Hvitserk returned, he didn’t greet you with a kiss or squeeze your butt like he usually does, he walked to the bedroom and laid on his back, staring at the ceiling, you followed “are you okay love?” you asked “I got fired! From my fake job! How’s that even possible?” he asked “what happened?” you asked as you sat next to him “they said my methods of teaching were too advanced for their own liking” you laughed, he looked at you seriously in the eyes “Hvitserk, my love, tell me everything” you said and laid down next to him, using his chest as your personal pillow.
“Well, I went there, I introduced myself as Hvitserk Ragnarsson, honorary student of Oxford has three superior pieces of research on the matters of education and history, and I met Obama two times as he thanked me for my services, I also volunteered in the army and rescued a whale once” he started, you laughed, no joke, this was what you wrote yesterday in the CV.
“Anyways, we were talking about the civil war, and a kid asked me, why did the soldiers wear khaki, I told him because it was the trend back then, and another started explaining the correct answer, then they asked me when did the war happen So I told them a very long while ago! And then they wanted to know why, so I said because German people were jealous of Swiss people and they wanted more shiny stuff! So the kid from earlier said, no, it’s because of bleh, bleh, bleh and I was okay with it, I encouraged that annoying kid”
“Anyways, the class ended, I was walking in the hallways and bam! A school fight! A kid was injured, and they literally dragged me to see him so I knelt down and I saw the kid, he was bleeding from his nose so I screamed QUICK SOMEONE CALL AN ADULT, they all looked at me as if I’m insane, and were like, you are the adult, and I was like, bitch no, I stole my nephew’s lunch the other day, I’m nowhere near adult! We need an adulter adult!” 
“So, we took the kid to the nurse’s office, and I was left to deal with the bully, I asked him why did he do that? He said the other kid called him gay, so I was like, oh and you’re still in denial of your sexuality? The kid kicked me in the leg then ran, I didn’t get a name or anything, but fuck the kid’s kick was strong I fell on the ground and eventually started crying, another looked at me and was like, I think I don’t want to grow up and be this pathetic, but the thing is, this kid had a fucking burrito!” 
“I snatched the burrito and started ugly eating on the floor, in a corner, and at a point, I gave detention to the janitor because he told me to get up and get my life together, later, the principal called me in and said this experience scarred the kids for life and perhaps I should apply to highschools instead”
“So I was like, no, I’m an elite human being! My researches are all around these subjects, everything I did was intentional and I must work with elementary schools! So the principal said it wasn’t working and he has to let me go, however, he referred me to private schools that they’d be more interested in what I have to offer”
“I was like ok fine, I slammed the door and picked up my stuff, on my way out, there was this kid, holding sour candy, well, I love this shit, and I was pretty sad! So you bet I snatched the bag and ran home! Man! Being a teacher is hard, although the food is good” by the time he finished talking you were dying of laughter, your handsome idiot surely left his mark in the school, and in those little kids’ life.
“Did you at least eat your lunch?” you asked playing with his hair “no, I got fired before lunch break which is ridiculous because I was looking forward to showing my badass food container that had Batman all over it!” he whined, you giggled “okay but it’s around four, what did you do the rest of the day?” , “I went to the comics store, and remember that comic book you told me about? The girl with weird superpowers? Well, I couldn’t find it but I ordered a few copies, god! I’m so lucky I’m rich, but you know, it was good to share my expertise with the young, I should write a life guide or something about it” he chuckled you rolled your eyes and kissed his lips “you definitely should, but we have meatloaf for dinner”, “ah, meatloaf, the common enemy of my creativity! I suppose my career as a new york best time seller can wait” you chuckled then got up “get cleaned and meet me in the kitchen” you finally said before leaving, you prepared the table, thinking to yourself how adorable your boyfriend is, he’s a total dork, but he was your dork.
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tags: @youbloodymadgenius​
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simsadventures · 5 years
Sim’s 1K Celebration
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Hey guys! I recently reached an unbelievable milestone, 1 000 followers. I can’t thank you all enough for (hopefully) liking what I’m posting and sticking with me and my rants.
To celebrate this huge thing for me, I thought I’d yet another writing challenge, but this time, you will be the ones writing. If you’d like to join, please, keep on reading.
you don’t have to follow me to enter this writing challenge, but I wouldn’t be mad if you did (*wink wink)
below, there is a list of tropes from which you can choose
each person can choose up to 2 tropes
each trope can be chosen by multiple people, so you don’t have to worry if there is a blogger already next to the trope, you can still write for it too
you can write for whichever fandom you’d like
no words limit, if you want to share a 100 word drabble, or 6 000 oneshot, it’s up to you (if it’s a part of a series, please, let it be the first part of a multi-chapters series)
please, provide your fic with suitable warnings, I don’t mind about them, just so that people know what they’re getting into (it can be as dark as you’d like, a/b/o, or anything else, just please, put it in the warnings)
send me an ASK with the number of the trope and your chosen character or at least fandom (please, no anonymous <3)
tag me in whatever you decide to post, and use the hashtag #sims1kcelebration
Deadline: 1st March 2020 (if you need longer, please contact me and we’ll figure something out, I understand that life sometimes gets in the way)
Each submission will be reblogged on my page and I’ll create a master list for all your writings so that people can easily access them.
No more talking from me, and I hope you’ll like what I thought of, if you have an idea of a trope or AU that you’d like better, feel free to tell me and I can add it here to the list :)
Stranded on a deserted island ( @imma-new-soul​ MCU)
Snowed in ( @mdemontespan1667 MCU)
Two people, one bed
Neighbours ( @kneel-begyourpardon​ with Bucky)
My brother’s best friend ( @itsunclebucky​ )
Enemies to Lovers ( @mushyjellybeans​ with Bucky)
Friends to Lovers
Love Triangle ( @ironlady1993​ with Tony, Bucky, Steve)
Unrequited Love ( @ironlady1993​ with Tony, Bucky, Steve)
Medieval AU
Love/Hate relationship ( @this-kitten-is-smitten​ with Bucky)
Highschool AU
Viking AU
Fake Dating ( @waiting4inspiration​ with Ivar)
Mutual Pining
Secret Relationship ( @sebbbystaaan​ with Bucky)
Childhood Friends reuniting again in Adulthood ( @velvetwonderbucky​ MCU)
Love at First Sight
One character annoying the other just because they’re into them and don’t want to admit it ( @mushyjellybeans​ with Bucky)
Unlikely Family ( @velvetwonderbucky​ MCU)
Grumpy Jerk falling in love with the Human Sunshine ( @p8tn0lish​ with Nat)
Villain turned Hero ( @waiting4inspiration​ with Bucky)
Polyamory AU
Arranged Marriage ( @the-soulofdevil​)
Roommates AU
I hope you like the tropes and alternative universes, they are among my favourites. Thank you once again for all of you being here with me and I honestly cannot wait to read whatever you guys create.
I’m tagging few of my mutuals and friends, who might be interested (sorry if I’m bothering you) :)
@kneel-begyourpardon​ @waiting4inspiration​ @p8tn0lish​ @sebbbystaaan​ @the-soulofdevil​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @owlyannah​ 
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inforapound · 4 years
The Devil Inside  - Part 4
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Ugg, I did it again. This was supposed to be the last chapter but it didn’t happen. Sorry. Thank you so much for reading and your lovely comments and likes. 
Pairing – Ivar x reader
Warning – jealousy, possessiveness, arguing, me making up words 
For months your life ran more or less in the same way, that black Camaro like a waiting chariot, always ready to whisk you off.
Friday and Saturday nights were spent driving around, going to the movies or the mall, hand in hand with your gorgeous boyfriend, always ending up in his room to fool around. Occasionally, very occasionally, he’d give you a night off so you could stay at home and study.
Lunches were spent in much of the same way; in Ivar’s bed with most of your clothes on the floor. Kissing, cuddling, touching and tasting and... well...sucking. He had been true to his word, though, and despite the amount of time spent between your legs, you had not yet done the deed. In a way, it surprised you as he was so demanding for affection and you had done pretty much everything else. Made you wonder if he had his own hang-ups but some topics with him were off-limits.
It took some time but your friends were finally resigned to the fact that you were never around. Amanda going as far as to call you the person she used to know. They weren’t upset really but you couldn’t say they were thrilled with your all-consuming relationship. And it was all-consuming. You were in la-la land and when you weren’t with him, you were thinking about him; his cutting blue eyes, his gorgeous face, and wicked, sexy body. You had done things with him you hadn’t even known about so it was hard to imagine, once you did start having sex, how much needier he’d become. How much more he’d want you close. In reality, he craved you, and getting time on your own resulted in what you referred to as an ‘Ivar pout-a-thon.’ It was cute and if asked he would deny it, obviously.
At times it was difficult to understand his upset, his constant need to know where you were, who you were with and why. Yes, why was a big one for Ivar. Why did you need to do other things? Why did you need time alone? Oh, and why did you need to study at the library as he had a perfectly good desk in his room?
Love was new to him, like it was to you, and he just handled it differently. It was sweet though and you simply ignored Amanda’s jokes, when walking class to class, that you better text him and let him know you were on the move. Yes, on the outside, it would seem intense but Ivar was intense. Moody and brooding, in a constant state of internal struggle until you were there. You seemed to make everything better and with you, he seemed free; sweet and smiling, overwhelmingly affectionate, so incredibly loving, kissing, even in public, any part of your skin that showed. Always, always, always holding your hand. He called you his baby, his princess, bought you so many cute things, and kept a picture of you up in his car. Even texted in the morning to ask what he should bring you that day for lunch. And you were truly lucky as some boyfriends weren’t communicators. Not your Ivar; his messages were non-stop and he loved to talk on the phone at night too, always saying “just a few minutes more” until you were both half asleep and mumbling. He was beyond adorable, totally devoted and you felt cherished.
Ivar Lothbrok was the best boyfriend ever.
On that day, pulling out of school, he did not make the normal right hand turn to head to his place but drove straight and eventually into Maxwell Park. The flat-black Camaro roared on, hugging the winding road all the way up to the lookout, Ivar, as usual, holding your hand.
Killing the engine, he tilted his steering wheel up before releasing and sliding his seat back as far as it would go. Once reclined, he extended his arms out to you and you climbed over the console to lie on him. It took a moment to shift and settle so your weight wasn’t on his legs but then you snuggled in, eliciting from him the world’s loudest sigh.
“Why are we here?” you asked knowing by the strength of his hug and the deep crease between his eyebrows that his thoughts were heavier than normal.
“Where’s my boob?” was his response and you automatically unbuttoned you’re blouse enough for him to reach in and rest his hand where he liked to keep it.
The silence continued and you knew you couldn’t ask again so you waited and while doing so enjoyed the feel of your cheek on his broad chest and the smell of his neck; that perfect mix of aftershave and leather. Ahhh, his strong arms were wrapped around you and his lips were pressed to the top of your head. God, you loved having such a tall boyfriend and as attached as he was to you, you were a total leech.
But... it did feel strange that you were there, alone, so close and he wasn’t trying to grope you or kiss you or reach up your kilt. It made you feel a little insecure, in fact.
“I dated a girl last year for a bit,” he kissed your hair, taking his time, and you wondered where it was going. “Some chick that always hung out with my brothers and their girlfriends so... it seemed like it made sense. She was good-looking and stuff but, I don’t know... the whole time...it just didn’t feel like I thought it should. And she was my first. That’s supposed to make you feel something…like... how it feels with you,” he squeezed you tighter. “My brothers couldn’t understand why I broke it off but I know now that this is how it’s supposed to feel. Like it does with us. I would do anything for you. Anything. I love you so fucking much it hurts. And when we’re not together, it's like....it’s like...I can‘t....”
“Yes,” he exhaled loudly. “See baby, you know. You feel the same,” he kissed the top of your head again. “Don’t you?”
“Yes,” you whispered back, hugging him tighter not entirely sure you did; however, you did understand that’s how it felt for him, so…pretty much the same thing.
There was no question that you were in love! So much, but, if you were being honest, there was a small part of you, just a tiny part, you purposefully held back. It felt like the only way to keep a little power and not get swallowed up entirely. You still loved him though. Head over heels.
Tipping your head up, you looked at him and his eyes were shining with what looked like the start of tears and his expression was vulnerable and heart-stoppingly handsome.
Clearing his throat a few times, he looked down at the console between the seats.
“I wanna give you something.”
Popping open the compartment, he grabbed a small burgundy velvet box and you pushed yourself up from his chest to better see. It felt important.
Opening it, he held it up and showed you a locket inside. It was large and silver with a long silver chain and from the patina around its edges, you knew it was an antique. The entire thing was gorgeous.
“It was my mother’s,” he said quietly, watching your face as you picked it up, holding it carefully. “She always wore it.... even when things turned to shit with my dad. It was like...a symbol of her promise to him,” he shook his head as if just thinking about it was painful. “She wore it right up until the end like they might find their way back to each other.”
For a moment, he was silent but you could tell he wasn’t done.
“Baby,” he grabbed your free hand in his large one. “Let’s promise to never get lost in the first place? I want us to be together always. Hmm?”
It was hard to speak. You weren’t sure what to say but nodded your head, the gravity of his gift and his beautiful words filtering through, making your own tears rise in your eyes.  
“Let me put it on you,” he whispered and took it out of your hand, spreading the chain to drape over your head. The chain was long and the pendant sat low on your chest, right between your breasts and you loved that it was so close to your heart.
“Ivar,” you picked up the locket again, running your thumb over the intricate, oval surface. “It's so beautiful. So special. Are you sure you want me to have it?” You glanced up. “It means so much to you.”
Shifting his jaw around, you watched his face tighten and his mood begin to sink.  
Shit. Shit. Shit.
“I wouldn’t be giving it to you if I wasn’t sure,” he spoke in a low, slow voice, stressing each word. “Would I?” His nostrils flared and you could see in his eyes that he was hurt.
“I’m sorry,” you rushed, “that’s not what I meant. I’m sorry.” Immediately you leaned forward and kissed and kissed him, not pulling your lips away from his until you felt his body begin to ease and let you back in. “I’m sorry,” you whispered again, hugging him harder. “I love it so much and I love you. It’s the most beautiful thing anyone has ever given me. I’ll never take it off. Never.”
As if returning to the moment, he adjusted in the seat and cleared his throat, his eyes focusing on yours again. And thank god, some of the brightness from before was returning to his expression. Brushing your bangs away from the side of your face, he kissed you softly, so perfectly and with so much feeling, before pulling back and gazing into your eyes. There were instances like that, fragments in time, even after kissing you likely a thousand times, that he still looked blown away by you. Blown away that you were there and his and looking back at him with love in your eyes.
“My mother was the most beautiful and most important person in my life. Now you are. Of course, you should wear it. It is my gift to you.”
“Thank you,” you smiled unable to look away from his beautiful, sincere blue eyes. “I love it,” you whispered.
“And I love you,” he whispered back. “Forever.”
The ride back to school, holding Ivar’s free hand did not seem close enough and so you leaned over and rested your head on his shoulder. It was then that you decided that you would call him later that night and tell him you were ready to take the next step. The ‘point of no return’ you had heard it called in some psychology book or.... somewhere. In your heart of hearts, you knew that he was the one and felt that there wasn’t anything you didn’t want to share with him.
“What baby?” he asked, side glancing down at your smiling face.
“I’m just happy.”
Kissing your forehead, he mumbled that he was too.
In truth, you were also laughing at the fleeting thought of telling him right then that you wanted to have sex but Ivar was a walking hard-on! You’d never make it back to school. Instead, you decided to wait and tell him before bed on the phone. He was going to be thrilled.
Yes, everything had fallen into place. You were weeks away from graduation, you had met the love of your life and the future felt full of possibilities. Nothing could slow you down.
As expected, Ivar had responded enthusiastically to the news, so much so, you spent 15 minutes pleading with him not to try and sneak into your room. So, in the morning, as you dressed for school, it was a bit ridiculous that you took extra care selecting a pretty bra and panties to wear, knowing that they would last about 3.5 seconds on your body after entering his room. Some days, he couldn’t even wait to get home and made you take off your underwear while still en route. He loved stuff like that, evidenced by his nightstand full of your drawers.
So, at lunch that day, you were surprised when climbing into your waiting chariot that your gorgeous boyfriend looked rather serious and had two subway sandwiches sitting in a bag between the seats.
“We’ll eat here,” was all he said as he passed you your favourite veggie sub loaded with extra olives and pickles. Roast beef for him, of course.
You ate in silence and by the way he didn’t look over at you, you knew he was upset about something. In your head, you ran through your phone conversation from the previous night, analyzing what you could have said wrong, but your attention was pulled back when he started the car.
“We’re going home now?” you asked, trying to keep your anxiousness out of your voice.
He didn’t answer.
“Reynolds,” was all he said.
“Reynolds,” he said again and pulled the Camaro out onto the road.
“Reynolds High? Why? Are you selling something to someone?”
When he didn’t answer, you reached over and squeezed his arm but he pulled it away and you were stunned.
“Ivar?” you mewed, sounding baffled.
“I want you to point out that guy you dated. The one you slept with.”
What the fuck.
“Why?” You straightened in your seat, confused but it was mostly dread that came over you. “Why?” you asked again, a little louder.
He still didn’t answer and it was not helping your nerves.
Inhaling loudly, he blew air out his nose as if barely coping.
“After we got off the phone last night, I was so fucking happy about today. But then....” he shook his head keeping his eyes on the road, “I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about the fact that you had done it already with someone else. It made me sick.”
Oh no.
“Why do you want to know who Adam is? “
“Adam!” he exclaimed, his voice shooting high. “Adam?” he glared over at you, repeating the name like it was poison in his mouth.
“Ivar stop,” you whined. “You knew that I was with someone before. God, it was nothing even close to what we have. Not even close.”
Stewing, he just kept staring ahead, his face frozen in the most miserable, disgusted look.
“Babe, pull over, please, so we can talk,” you were using your gentlest voice attempting to coax him down but he ignored you. “Okay, at least tell me what you are going to do once we get there.”
Still nothing.
“Ivar!” you shouted. “What are you going to do?”
“Nothing,” he sneered. “I just want to see him. Know who he is……and I want you to tell me everything you did with him. Every detail,” he looked over again, shooting you some look as if you better not even think about lying.
“What? No!” you were dumbfounded but knew he was serious. “Ivar, it was over before I met you. None of that matters. I love you so much, Ivar.”
“It does matter!” he sneered again. “As long as I don’t know the details, it’s like a secret that the two of you share. My girlfriend is not going to keep secrets with other dudes,” his voice was dramatic as if he was talking about hundreds of other guys. “It’s enough that you’ve been fucked before.”
Woah. You felt punched in the chest. In the stomach. You felt attacked like he was shaming you and despite understanding it was all coming from his insecurities, it felt like a knife in the heart.
“Ivar?” you pleaded softly. “Please babe. This is crazy.”
“Crazy? You think I’m crazy?” he chuckled, glancing over, his laugh sounding awful and his eyes looking strange. “As far as I’m concerned, you are the only girl I’ve ever been with.
“Ohh-kay...,” you replied cautiously, “but that’s not actually true…. is it?”
“Tell me!” he shouted again. “What did he do to you?”
“Please stop the car. I want to get out.”
This was insane.
“Fucking tell me!” he kept at you.
“Fine!” you gave in, just wanting it to end. “You tell me first then,” you yelled. “What did you do with that girl before me? The one who was good-looking and stuff,” you mimicked him sarcastically.  
“Barely anything,” he scoffed as if it was absolutely absurd that you were even asking. “She was a lump. Something that was just…. there. A body that followed me around all the time. I couldn’t cum with her either!” he announced as if that explained everything. “That’s how in-love I am with you. You make me blow my load so fast and we haven’t even had sex yet,” he shot you a sharp eye. “Your turn.”
Watching his demented expression and listening to his bullshit, you were floored. He was totally unable to see the situation from any perspective but his own twisted one. You were horrified…. possibly a little jealous and, maybe even a bit proud. It was true, you could make him finish quickly.  Sidelining the thought, you just wished the hurricane storming inside of him would head out to sea.  
“Tell me,” he snarled, “and then it will be over and we won’t ever talk about it again.”
That seemed unlikely, you thought.
“You’re the one dragging it out,” he added.
“Fine, I hung out with him for eight or nine months before anything happened. We started dating and fooled around a bit and then, well, we tried it,” you threw up your hands in defeat. “I can’t believe you.”
“Why did it end?”
“I just didn’t have those feelings for him. I just wanted to be friends.”
“How many times did you sleep with him?”
“Only a couple of times. I wasn’t... I don’t know... I wasn’t turned on. That’s it, okay?”
Apparently, it was not okay.
“Did he cum in you?”
“Did he cum in you!” Ivar shouted.
“This is so stupid, Ivar.”
“Tell me!” he shouted again, the speed of the Camaro getting a little faster.
“The first time no, cause it hurt,” your eyes skipped over watching the needle on the speedometer rise. “It was my first time…..but…the second time he did…. with a condom.”
That was it, Ivar shrieked and punched the center of the steering wheel making you jump. Adrenaline surged through you and you were both pissed off and out of patience. Fuck you Ivar, you said in your head.
“Feel better?” you jabbed. “Glad you know. Are my answers everything you hoped they’d be? Done treating me like I cheated on you…before we met?”
“Don’t fucking mock me,” he growled.
“You know what. Pull over. I’m done. I’m getting out.”
“Pull over right now,” you glared at the side of his face. “I’m walking back to school.”
Leaning forward in his seat, his hand squeezed the wheel tighter and you felt the car speed up a bit more.
Okay, you thought, he wanted to fight. Wanted to attack you and punish you for something that happened in the past. That’s fine, you could hit back, hard, and aim right for his soft spots.  
Reaching up, you grabbed the chain of the locket around your neck and pulled it off up over your head. Unwinding the window, you looked over at him and dangled it out of the car.
“Pull. Over. Asshole.”
Doing a double-take, his eyes shot wide and he growled, taking a swipe at your arm holding the necklace but you shifted your hand away just in time.
“Pull over!” you shouted. “Or I’ll let go.”
His eyes blazed at you, terrifyingly, but somehow it worked. Magically, he hit the breaks and swerved off the road, the tires jumping from the pavement to the dirt shoulder on the side, jostling you both before coming to a dusty stop.  
Run, your own voice screamed in your head and you tossed the necklace in his direction and at the same time pulled the handle on the door, shooting out. Thank god, there was virtually no traffic and you rounded the back of the Camaro bolting straight out into the road, across the street, not looking back when you heard him scream your name.  There was an opening in the guard rail fence and concrete steps down which you took, two at a time, knowing it led to a path that cut through the neighborhood back toward your campus. It was the very same path you and Kim and Amanda used to walk back in the days before boys and cars when everything was simple.
On you ran, not stopping when you heard him call a second time and without looking back, you imagined him standing at the top of the stairs, crutch under one arm, watching you desert him. It wasn’t until you reached the edge of the grass hockey field at your school, that you stopped and bent over, leaning on your knees, to catch your breath.
It was…. The whole thing was…. What just…
You couldn’t process it.  Couldn’t put thought to what had just happened. It was insanity and you felt a rise of emotion making you straighten and look up at the sky, your hands on your chest as if it might help slow your speeding heart. Were you going to be sick? Throw up? Were you going to cry? Scream? Nope. You stopped and.... started to laugh. You started to fucking laugh. You laughed until your cheeks hurt and your eyes watered. You laughed like a psycho who hadn’t just been accosted by her boyfriend. You laughed as if it was all one big fat game.
Maybe it was shock. Maybe it was something else…but it was hard to stop. Feeling sweaty from the run, you took off your cardigan and tied it around your waist, and headed off in the direction of school not wanting to be late for your chem class.
Not once on that walk over, with a dazed smile on your face, did you think about what Ivar would do next.
Next chapter
@youbloodymadgenius​  @whenimaunicorn​​  @sweeneythots​ @funmadnessandbadassvikings​ @redama​ @mdredwine​ @didiintheblog​    @fields-and-fields-of-poppies​  @oddsnendsfanfics​ @youbelongeverywhere  @hecohansen31​ @naaladareia​​ @blonddnamedhandz​​ @lisinfleur​​ @geekandbooknerd​​ @edythofhastings​​ @ivarsgoddess​​  @where-beauty-goes-to-die​​ @zuxiezendler​​ @punkrocknpearls​​ @snatcherheart​​  @lordsexmachine​​ @fuchsiagrasshopper​​ @wilhelmyna​​ @heavenly1927​​ @cececolbert​​ @peachyboneless​​ @xbellaxcarolinax​
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inforapound · 4 years
The Devil Inside  -  Part 5
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Thanks for reading. I’m going with a couple of shorter chapters instead of one long finale. Hope you like it. 
Pairing - Ivar and reader       
Warnings - dark Ivar, explicit smut, bad relationship, toxic love 
By the following night without a word from Ivar, not a single call or text, and no sign of the black Camaro, you were no longer laughing. It felt like your world had collapsed to the ground. And, that alone was confusing as he was the one who had been such a prick. Right? Hadn’t he? Still, it was impossible to escape the feeling of guilt and some hard-to-define panic.
Your Ivar! Your beautiful, intense, complicated Ivar; his only fault being how much he loved you.
Was it actually over, you wondered for the zillionth time? Could the two of you work it out or would you never speak again? Would he ghost you? Ah yes, that was the fear creating the panic; you were worried he would write you off as though you had never existed. Just that idea, despite his display of rage, made your blood run cold and your heart straight-up rejected the notion that you were better off without him.
After months of the two of you cocooning away and blowing off the world, you were grateful, grateful, that your two best friends had your back. One look at your pale, despondent face the previous day, walking into class, and they flew into BBF mode.
God, they were great but you questioned their thinking. How would going out, within 24 hours of your love story ending, possibly help you?
But… there you sat in your room wearing a one-shouldered purple dress and strappy heels while Amanda carefully lined your lips and Kim flat ironed your hair. They yattered away as if to distract you, talking about what an asshole Ivar was, a complete psycho, and thank god you hadn’t slept with him. Eeeek, all that solidarity, and you had given them a watered-down version of what had happened during the fight.
Barely taking in their words, you thought over and over all that had been said in his car, questioning if it had truly been that bad. It felt awful at the time, but things seemed different after such a long time without hearing from him. Did it mean you had forgiven him? Definitely not but you still felt like a balloon bouncing in the wind without your Ivar.
Under it all, he just needed you and the thought of you with another guy was more than he could process. How can that be a bad thing? And it had been you, YOU, who desecrated his most treasured possession, his beloved mother’s necklace, a necklace he had imparted so lovingly. Wasn’t your behaviour as bad or even worse? Could he forgive you?
Tears rose in your eyes making the girls stop and stare, looking like a pair of barn owls.
“Oh babe,” Kim whispered squeezing your shoulder and Amanda leaned in, looking as if she was pitying a dog.
“Tonight is exactly what you need,” she nodded. “The dance will take your mind off of everything. Trust me.”
The school gymnasium was dark and stuffy, the music pounding and the strobes seemed to flash all the way into your brain. It was the last place you needed to be! God! Every guy wearing a leather jacket made you do a double-take and Ivar’s absence screamed louder than the noise. Just twenty feet away your friends were dancing and yet you had never felt so alone. That must have been how Ivar felt, that day on the road, watching you run away from him. Your poor, love….. Where was he?
“Is it really you? Are you honestly here?” asked Mark Hasting as he, all-of-sudden, appeared at your side, reeking of weed and smiling one of his squinty-eyed smiles. “Mr. Lothbrok let you out of his grasp for a night. I almost don’t believe it.”
Not a word came out of your mouth and you looked from Mark back to the dance floor unable to tell him that the two of you had broken up. And….. that it was all your fault. Instead of easing Ivar’s fears, you had doused gasoline on his pain. Should you tell Mark that? What a horrible person you were? Oh god, what had you done?
Taking a deep breath, a gasp really, you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
“Mark?” you cried out and it turned into a sob.
“Yea, heeey, what’s wrong?” he scrunched his forehead with concern and stepped closer.
“Can you give me a lift home? I can’t be here right now.”
Waving your thanks to Mark, you watched him reverse out of the driveway and closed the front door. Not taking the time to remove your coat or turn on the lights, you riffled through your purse looking for your phone. You had to find Ivar.
Would you call or text? Call! Yes, calling would be better and if he didn’t answer, you’d go straight over to his house. Oh god, that was a nerve-wracking thought, driving over and just walking in. What if he wasn’t alone...what if some chic was there? Your mind began to spin as your insecurities played tricks despite knowing, in your heart-of-hearts, how unlikely that was.
Bringing his number up on our phone, you headed through your dark kitchen toward your room, your ears still humming from the music at the dance. Staring at his number, you slowed to a stop and leaned against the hallway wall, sliding down to sit on the carpet. It was time.... and it felt scary as you had no idea where to start and Ivar was not a guy to make things easy. It was no stretch of the imagination to envision him picking up and not saying a word, just listening on the other end as you stuttered on. Regardless, there were things that needed to be said and for your part in the horrible mess, you wouldn’t keep score. Honestly, how could any girl keep score who dated Ivar Lothbrok?
Deep breath in, you steadied your nerves and hit dial, your ear pressed to the phone as it began to ring. Waiting, listening, holding your breath, you didn’t at first hear the faint buzzing sound. It was when you lowered the phone that it captured your attention. Ending the call, you sat straining to identify it but all was quiet in the house; the sound was gone. Tapping his number again, you redialed, keeping the phone in your lap, your eyes fixed on the screen. The ringing began again along with that same buzzing.
Holy shit! Ivar was there! Somewhere in the house with his phone!
Ending the call, you weren’t sure what to do but panic hit your chest, and as if on autopilot, you silently pushed yourself up to stand. You didn’t call out his name, instead, walked, tiptoed, to your bedroom door hesitating when your hand touched the handle. Why weren’t you calling out to him? Why was your door closed?
A thousand thoughts and feelings swirled in your head but none you could name. Snap out of it, you blasted yourself! It’s Ivar, your boyfriend, your true love; the guy you had been pining for all day. Not some intruder on the other side of the door ready to do horrible things. Right? Of course not…. Of course not….you repeated to yourself.
Carefully you turned the knob and slowly pushed open the door. Your room was dark and at the end of your bed sat a hooded figure... waiting. The light was too dim to see his face and his hood concealed his outline. It was the tension in the air and the way his head suddenly tilted to one side, looking in your direction, that confirmed it was him.
“Oh my god!” you finally cried, and swiped the wall, hitting the light-switch on; both of you instantly recoiling and squinting from the brightness. “Ivar! You terrified me!”
Making no move to stand, he kept looking at you, his eyes skipping over your face and down your body, clearly analyzing the details of your appearance. It was his forced, joyless laugh that made every muscle in your body tense. Steadying himself, he fell silent before sighing in a way that gave no indication of his state of mind. Lifting his hand, he flicked his fingers, beckoning you closer, his wicked blue eyes conveying that all was not well.
Placing your phone on your dresser, you removed your coat, throwing it to the floor, and stepped out of your shoes. Walking toward him, you lowered to the carpet and stood on your knees, pushing in between his legs. He never took his eyes off yours and your mouth went dry from the intensity.
So fast it made you flinch, he brought his hands up and cupped your cheeks. Normally it would have melted your heart but his steeliness strummed all your nerves.
“Ivar?” you peered up into his bottomless eyes, his brows furrowed. “Babe, I was just calling you. All-day, I.…”
“Where are your parents?” he cut you off. “They’ve been gone all day.”
“Oh...” you hesitated, ignoring how he knew that, “They’re away. My mom is gone until Tuesday, my dad was supposed to be back tonight but his flight got messed up. He’ll be back tomorrow.”
It was hard to know what answer he was looking for, but that didn’t seem it as his face remained unchanged.
“They leave you alone over-night? A teenage girl with a bedroom on the ground floor and her fucking window unlocked. Any creep could get in.”
The irony was lost on him and pointing it out was not the thing to do. Instead, you waited for him to finish, knowing he didn’t actually want you to answer.
Not taking his eyes off you, he seemed to grimace as he, again, scanned your cheeks, and eyes and mouth, his eyelids narrowing further.
“And who are you so dressed up for, hmm? Mark?”
“No!” you rushed. “He just gave me a ride home from the dance. I asked him to. I was crying.”
That admission made his face flicker but only slightly.
“I was upset about our fight and missing you,” you explained.
Using your courage, you raised your hands and finally touched him, resting them on his thighs.
Instantly, he turned and you thought for a moment he was moving away but instead, he leaned back and grabbed the box of tissues from the nightstand.
“It's okay, I’m not upset anymore. Thank you,” your eyes flitted down to the yellow box he held up for you.
“No,” his face tightened, “Wipe your face. Take that stuff off.”
“That lipstick,” he quipped, lifting his eyebrows and glancing at the box, urging you on. “And that crap on your cheeks.”
Slowly, you grabbed a tissue, pulling it from the box, another withdrawing behind. As you wiped the pink gloss from your mouth, and blush from your skin, he reached up and pushed his hood back, exposing the extent of his exhaustion; his pale face and dark ringed eyes and messy hair that for the first time had no product in it. Seeing his weariness, you wondered what kind of sleepless and heart-broken roller-coaster he, himself, had been on since your fight.
Grabbing the dirty Kleenex from you, he tossed it onto the floor and took your chin in his hand making you wish he would just break the tension and kiss you.
“You know I don’t like you wearing make-up.”
“I know, it's just...”
“It’s just what?”
“I don’t know,” you tried to look down, but he held your face in place, forcing you to look at him. You felt as if you were being scolded
“You don’t need that shit. You are so beautiful.” Shaking his head, his eyes lowered for a second and he sighed your name, his body and defenses softening and you jumped at the opening.
“Ivar,” you whispered, rubbing your hands over his jeans. “Babe,” you cooed softly making him close his eyes, frowning as if your affection pained him.
“What the fuck am I going to do with you?” he said quietly, opening his eyes and glaring. “What am I going to do?”
“Kiss me,” you replied despite his harsh look, thinking of the first day he picked you up at lunch. “Kiss me, and everything else will come,” you whispered and his face began to blur as tears rose in your eyes.
And like that, his mouth was on you, his hands holding your face, his breath revealing his relief and his whimper giving away his desperation. Your sweetheart was aching for you, all this time, but he had no idea what to do. His tongue pushed inside your mouth, his lips demanding more and you lifted your hands and gripped his hoodie, bracing yourself from the force of his emotions. Your beautiful Ivar had been adrift without you. Utterly lost!
Pulling back, he stared at you, his face filled with agony. “I love you so much,” he whispered, his own eyes filling with tears.
“I love you too,” you murmured back.
“Never. Reject. Me. Again,” he articulated as his nostrils flared, his threat easy to hear but you could see past it. “From this moment on, this second on, we belong to each other. Even more than we did before. Do you hear me? You. Are. Mine.”
“I was always yours, Ivar,” you sounded like you were pleading for him to believe you. “And I always, always, will be. I need you,” you whispered.
“I need you,” he repeated back as if swearing a vow. “Now,” he let go of your face and straightened. “Show me,” he jerked his chin and the slightest wave of arrogance came over him. “Show me,” he said again, raising his dark eyebrows expectantly. “With your mouth.”
Was this a test, you wondered, wishing he’d continue touching you with the same love and need you felt just an instant ago. But of course his defenses were still up; he was searching for reassurance. The same reassurance you didn’t give the day before making the situation explode. Your poor Ivar, you would not let him down twice.
Nodding, you looked down at his lap, running your hands over the bulge in his jeans. If this was what he needed to feel your devotion, you would indulge him. In a flash, your quick hands had his jeans open, his beautiful cock upright in your grasp. It always amazed you how smooth his skin looked, his head a shade darker than the rest but all flawless with the slightest sheen.
Leaning down, you took him into your mouth, loving how it felt and his hand grabbed the back of your neck, not pushing but letting you know that he could. God, he tasted amazing; salty and clean and you tightened your fingers around his base and started to move.
Oh how you loved the way he hissed when you bobbed your mouth up and down, his hips jerking and his grip on your neck getting tight. Each time you took him into the back of your throat, it triggered that reflex and like some submissive craving pain, you were instantly turned on. What was wrong with you that the idea of suffocating on him made you wet? Picking up your pace made him moan and you began to slam down a little harder and a touch further each time, making yourself gag.
“Fuck!” he snarled in response clearly loving the sounds of it. “You want to choke on my dick, baby? Hmm?” he grunted out into the room. “Aw fuck I missed you. Last night and all fucking day, I missed you....so much.”
On you moved, and sucked and slurped, your lips sliding down his shaft, your throat getting used to the roughness.
“I’m so lucky to be with you. Fuck!” he growled, rolling his hips up toward your mouth. “I don’t give a shit about that other guy anymore. None of that matters. I just want to be with you. I love you.”
That was the closest you knew he‘d ever come to apologizing.
“Yea, baby, suck it,” he groaned again, “Suck my cock. You’re so beautiful. But don’t get greedy, I have plans for you tonight.”
Reaching down he yanked up the skirt of your purple dress, shimmying it higher until it was above your waist and you were kneeling in your thong. He obviously liked it as he growled and slapped your ass hard before pulling you off of him, his eyes staring at your mouth which must have looked red and puffy and totally wrecked.
“Get on the bed and open your legs.”
“Pardon?” your eyes flashed wide.
“I’m going to make you mine.”
@blonddnamedhandz  @whenimaunicorn​  @sweeneythots @funmadnessandbadassvikings @redama @mdredwine @didiintheblog    @fields-and-fields-of-poppies  @oddsnendsfanfics @youbelongeverywhere  @hecohansen31 @naaladareia @youbloodymadgenius  @geekandbooknerd  @ivarsgoddess  @where-beauty-goes-to-die @zuxiezendler @punkrocknpearls @snatcherheart  @lordsexmachine @fuchsiagrasshopper @wilhelmyna​ @heavenly1927 @cececolbert @peachyboneless @xbellaxcarolinax​​
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inforapound · 4 years
The Devil Inside  Masterlist
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Pairing - Ivar and you
Warnings - SMUT
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3     
Chapter 4     
Chapter 5 
updated February 28, 2021
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inforapound · 4 years
The tag ‘smut with feelings’ was invented for your writing.
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Thank you Reet! Was there anything better than fooling around on your lunch break at school??
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inforapound · 4 years
How the fuck are you gonna leave me hanging like that!?! 😩😂🤣
It’s actually easy because I’m a little evil and I had no more time this week to write. 😝 Next chapter will be something. I mean, look at this guy. 🌹🌹🌹
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bonniebird · 6 years
The Girl Next Door (Part Two)
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Hvitserk x Reader
An: Another part because it wouldn’t all fit in one! Thank you to @honestsycrets for lending me her Marco smoking gif! 
“I passed!” You squealed and bounced up the hall to where Ivar, Aslaug and Ubbe were stood. You send a message to your parents, who were again away with business. “Well you’ll have to celebrate.” Aslaug said as she congratulated you. “You’re both graduating top of the class.”
“It’s all thanks to me really.” Ivar said and grinned when you nudged him.
“I’ve booked a nice dinner at a club in town but unfortunately I won't be able to join you, (Y/N) you don’t mind taking my place?” She asked as if she wasn’t really asking.
“I’ll be there.” You said and smiled when Ubbe ruffled your hair and congratulated you as well.
You met them later where aslaug told you and smiled happily. All the hard work had paid off. “Hey Ivar!” Hvitserk called. You stared over at him, it felt awkward to be there, did you leave before he noticed or was it no big deal that you made out with him. “Good job!”
“Thanks, (Y/N) passed too!” Completely oblivious to any awkwardness between you two. Hvitserk spared you a glance, nothing more than that as Ivar leant on his crutches and muttered to you.
“Mother has payed for everything, her treat.” He said as he rolled his eyes and followed Hvitserk inside.
Shortly after you were seated Ubbe, sigurd and a short blond woman joined the group. The woman immediately made a fool of herself, kissing all over Hvitserk’s face and neck, sitting in his lap until Hvitserk moved her onto the seat beside him. He glanced at you for a moment, or you thought he had.
You all ordered and you found it harder and harder to not just stare dreamily at Hvitserk who was quite clearly ‘playing’ with his date under the table.
“That’s disgusting Hvit, we’re having dinner.” Sigurd hissed quietly and Hvitserk rolled his eyes and shrugged.
Once everyone was finished, Ubbe offered to buy everyone a drink before you all headed home. Agreeing reluctantly, Ivar insisted on something that wasn’t to strong, he wasn’t going to deal with Aslaug’s wrath if she found out they’d gotten you drunk.
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“What’re you plans now?” Ubbe asked, winking when you realised he was asking you.
“Oh! I hadn’t thought that far. I was surprised I could keep up with the class.” You confessed.
“Well of course you passed! I was your study partner.” Ivar said proudly, making Sigurd scoff at his arrogance. “Hvitserk has a bar, you could work for him until you figure out what you want to do.” He added.
You glanced at Hvitserk who had taken a shot and was waiting to leave with his drunk ‘friend’. He was glaring at Ivar as if he was genuinely contemplating punching him. “Oh I don’t know about that Ivar.” You said and turned back to Ivar who was sitting on a barstool, leaning his chin on his crutches as he watched you and Hvitserk glancing at each other. He had a look on his face that could convince you he was the devil.
“Hvitserk your last bartender was… fired?” Ivar said, questioning his brother who shook his head and left.
“I thought you had quite smoking?” Ivar said cheerfully as he took a seat outside Hvitserk’s bar and set his crutches down on the table.
“I am not talking with you now Ivar!” Hvitserk barked out.
“Why are you so upset. You wanted to spend time with (Y/N), why else would you be staring at her?” Ivar said and leant forward on the table. “Unless something did happen the other day.”
“Why does it matter so much to you?” Hvitserk shouted and shook his head as he finished his cigarette.
“She’s my friend.” Ivar said simply.
“Your only friend. You know what happened to my last bartender. If you wanted to fuck with me you should have done something else. You want her to get shot?” Hvitserk gestured to the bar and raised his eyebrows when Ivar didn’t say anything.
“Of course not. But you’ll look after her want you Hvit? Huh. What is it you call her, Babygirl? Remember when you started calling her that in highschool and all the other girls got mad.” Ivar snickered at the memory, tensing when Hvitserk flicked his cigarette but away and stormed over to him.
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“You know how we make our money, don’t act like you don’t. If you really cared about her you would help her find a job, maybe take her away from here with that fucking brain of yours. We both know she’s only got high grade because you help her.” Hvitserk said in Ivar’s face. Ivar scowled at Hvitserk as he walked away, pausing to turn back with a smirk. “She starts working here, I’ll probably have her bent over the bar by the end of her shift. When you touch starve a princess they turn into Brats and it’s real pain to deal with.”
Ivar clenched his fists and glared after his brother so hard he wished his head would explode. He didn’t care who you dated, but he knew you had always liked Hvitserk and Ivar found it hard not to help you get what you wanted.
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