#honest to god cannot remember the last movie I saw where the pacing hit so well for me
bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
Review Blurbs: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
General Thoughts:
-From what I've seen the animation had like "how are the animators not in a psych ward" insane levels of attention to detail so go look into that cause there's always some new amazing tidbit of info circulating about the movie-making process
-Music score was fantastic, it always did well setting the atmosphere of the scenes and bringing you into the moment (my favorite sequences was Gwen's intro and the Mumbattan segments)
-I'm obsessed with how they choreographed the fight styles, especially for Gwen and Pavitr who had very stylized movements (Gwen's is based off ballet and Pavitr fights using Kalaripayattu)
-I liked how Miles' theme song (What's Up Danger) felt a bit more fitting. In ITSV, Miles was very new to everything and questioning if the hero lifestyle was what he wanted. Now, not only was he so committed to doing things his way that he derailed the entire Spider Society with success, but we also meet Earth-42 Miles who is seemingly very fearsome. To the Spider Society, potentially to the entire multiverse even, they face a danger in the form of Miles Morales.
-This movie was Gwen's movie, full stop. Her and Miles shared the spotlight, she wasn't just a side character this time. I haven't seen people talk about this as much and they should cause Gwen's story was so beautifully crafted and that intro/final scene were some of the best parallel sequences I've ever seen in a movie. Her story and even the storytelling in the music and her "starting a band" were so well done, people have been doing analyses on the music change in the intro vs the final scene and how the music correlates to Gwen's personal growth and just ugh. More Gwen appreciation please (this isn't even getting into the trans allegory literally there was so much to her story so pay tf attention please and thank you)
-Adding on, part of the reason I loved the above point was also cause not only is ITSV's main female character given a big spotlight to shine in, but it served an important narrative purpose of giving the movie a hopeful and satisfying ending, because right now Miles' story is in its sort of Rising/Climax stage. The final act of Miles Morales' story has only just begun, and the movie set it up so damn well cause I know me and everyone alive are dying to know what's gonna happen next with him and Earth-42 Miles. Gwen's arc wrapped up and gave us hope as Miles' story was taking a dark turn, and that hope is what's gonna lead us forward until its his turn to shine in the light once again.
-Loved the new characters, I enjoyed Miguel having layers to his methodology and morals (some people pointed out possible reasons for him acting as aggressive as he did and it makes a lot of sense, but at the time it was just like "why tf is Miguel slamming Miles into a train and screaming at him for not wanting his dad to die papi chill💀")
-Jessica is underrated and I love how they did her character. She's very responsible and definitely has a tough love approach, but she's very human. I laughed out loud when she said she wasn't bothered by being pregnant in this line of work cause the guy she screwed was hot like she is so fucking real omg. Jessica also had a similar attitude to Miguel, but she has a personal connection with Gwen that I think grounds her more. I wish we had more of her mentorship towards Gwen and I hope to see it in the next movie (maybe even a baby reveal👀)
-I don't think anyone mentioned it but Spider-Byte always looked a bit different/off in all her frames and I'm like 99% sure that's cause they used a different animation style to give her that glitched/cyber punk effect which is just so damn cool
-Honestly all the female characters deserve more recognition, fandom still has a huge male bias and it shows cause Gwen, Jessica, Spider-Byte and Lila deserve way more love
-Hobie was without a doubt my favorite character this movie. He's a real punk and I cannot be grateful enough cause I am fucking done with people who ain't actually punk using it as an aesthetic, he's here to show how its done (others have made plenty of observations on him so go check those out cause they're very good)
-Not much to say about Pavitr personally but I adore his character design, definitely my favorite next to Gwen's (he also taught me that chai tea does not exist and is in fact just "tea tea" I'M SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW I'M SOUTH AMERICAN NOT SOUTH ASIAN😭)
-I'm surprised by how engaging Spider-Verse continues to make their villains. Doc Ock was fantastic, and this time around The Spot was a great subversion of expectations. He's silly and from the trailer release to the beginning of the movie, you think he's a joke character to set the mood. Then he starts to become actually sinister and you're sitting there thinking "the movie literally called me out for this and I still managed to fall into expectations". Very good job making a villain character not only feel like a threat, but by doing so in an unexpected way that really rips the rug out from under you. I want to study the story writers' minds like I'm being tested on it
-The return of the OGs was so nice, I wasn't as invested in Into the Spider-Verse admittedly but I felt it when Peni made a reappearance to tell Miles his dad had to die. Shit hit me in the soul (I'm also obsessed with Noir so very happy to see them both back)
-I saw people saying that Spider-Verse was copaganda and I'd like to withhold any definitive stances until Beyond comes out, but it definitely felt like they were holding back when it came to criticisms of Gwen's dad. Remember, it could very well be that the writer's behind Hobie "hate the AM and PM"/wears blue fucking laces Brown were told by higher-ups to cool it or the movie wouldn't get released so don't immediately go after them, learn from the writer's strike to use critical thinking and wait for more info. Hopefully they can address that more after audience reviews come in so we'll see.
-All the scenes where Miles would almost reveal he's Spider-Man to his parents/did reveal it had me stressed lmao, they did a great job making the audience feel the weight and tension of the moment
-The ending was the hypest shit like it was so good I couldn't even be mad about the cliffhanger I was just in awe
-I actually thought towards the end that they might do a two-parter but then I was like "nahhhhh they wouldn't" and then they did that. We very much entered a "final stage" towards the end so I'm wondering how the creators will space it out and what they'll do for the next movie. Either way I am "beyond" hyped
I only have like two criticisms cause this movie was pretty fucking good, but its never bad to look at what even a masterpiece like Spider-Verse could do better so future projects can take note. Having said that:
-I understand it was for authenticity's sake, but the live-action segments were a bit jarring after being in animation for so long. I would've animated those segments as well or done some form of 3D so it blended in. Every other character was animated so it felt weird when suddenly Andrew Garfield and Donald Glover were on screen (even Tom Holland's spidey was animated). A minor nitpick, but I can respect the boldness in really committing to the meta-mindfuckery of the multiverse
-Gwiles as a ship was never really my thing, so you can understand my surprise when I felt like they actually kinda improved on it since the first movie ("boy has crush on girl because she's pretty and a girl and we're supposed to root for it" is my least favorite trope [*cough cough* cause its what straight dudes like *cough cough*] so its no surprise when Gwiles in ITSV did absolutely nothing for me). Having said that, the movie pushed a tad too hard for it imo. Pavitr was the classic "shipper" character made to push the ship forward and make it super obvious to the audience that its what the movie wants you to root for, and I and many people are not about that. If you need to tell your audience to support a romance then you're not doing it right.
-As sort of an add-on to the above, I think Hobie and Gwen were hinted as having dated during Gwen's time working under Miguel? Which like... why? Literally why. It made no sense and did nothing for the characters or their relationship, they could easily just be friends and nothing would change. This plot point was also never mentioned again after its initial reveal (from Pavitr to cause "drama" for Miles I think) and quite literally nothing came of it. No drama (thank fuck cause that was not what I or anyone went to this movie for), no development, nothing. It was just thrown in and never used. So uh... yeah, don't do that. Thanks.
Final Thoughts:
Across the Spider-Verse was definitely a step-up from the first movie, I was far more engaged and I found very little to criticize from it. Animation, music score, characters, all 10/10, and above all, its action sequences kicked ass and restored the good name of the superhero genre. Watch this movie, and I highly recommend doing so in theaters because it is a perfect example of how movies are not just entertainment, but an experience to remember.
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
The Coffee Prince Pt. 7
(T’Challa x Reader)
*Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3*  *Part 4* *Part 5*  *Part 6*
Word Count: 5.6K
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T’Challa’s mouth hangs open as he tried to find the words to tell you what has been held back from you this whole time.
“(Y/N), I have to let you know that as King of Wakanda, I have more abilities than you know.  To have the throne, you have to have abilities bestowed upon you in order to protect it.  That is given to me through the Heart Shaped Herb-”
“So did you pass some ability to me?”  You ask, interrupting him.
T’Challa looks at you curiously.  “What do you mean?”
You sigh heavily, trying to get to the point.  “I mean, when we…” you glance from T’Challa to Shuri before whispering, “...you know... did it change me?  Am I changing on a molecular level?  Is that what Shuri saw in her wrist beads thingy?”  you ask, growing more stressed by the second.  “I had seen enough movies to assume that sometimes powers can be transmitted through contact with someone so maybe…”
T’Challa shakes his head, scoffing at your theory, “Ohhh, no, no.  That’s not possible, we just think you are pregnant.”  he says a little too matter-of-factly.
Your eyes widen as your mind goes blank with that word hitting your thought process. You then look down at your stomach, as if it would just start spontaneously growing.  You world moves slow as you look back at him, the man of your heart, who was supposed to protect you and have your trust.  T’Challa studies your face trying to read what’s wrong with you.  His mouth is moving but you don’t hear his words.  Shuri is back behind him a bit, looking like he is trying to diffuse a bomb.
Suddenly, you erupt.  “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN I’M PREGNANT??!!”  You shout at the top of your lungs.
T’Challa jumps back, never having heard your voice at that level of anger spooked him.  “Umhle, please c-”
“I LOST MY VIRGINITY TO YOU AND NOW I AM PREGNANT?!  We JUST had sex!  We used condoms, what did you do??”  you shout in T’Challa’s face.  
Shuri has backed into the kitchen to give some level of privacy to the situation, while ensuring she doesn’t catch any second hand of the heat you were spreading.
T’Challa continues to try and talk you down sweetly.  “Love, I did, I know it, maybe one broke, but-”
“Did you use the regular ones, or the ones manufactured from home?”  Shuri asks from the kitchen.  
You and T’Challa look at her curiously.  The child was going to preach the birds and the bees to you.
She shrugs.  “Mother gave me the talk long ago, I am nearly grown!  But the ones here do not work like the ones from home.  With your enhanced abilities, semen-”
“Aye, aye, I don’t want to hear those words from you, Shuri.”  T’Challa says, shaking his head in disgust, plugging his ears.
Shuri looks at him with contempt.  “Grow up, T’Challa.  This mess is yours to straighten out, I’m just telling you facts.  If you had been honest completely from the beginning...”
You rub your temples trying to think, “Shuri, so his...you know….just, what?  Broke the condom?  Or seeped through or something?”
Shuri nods, “Something like that.  I remember Baba talking about a situation similar during a party.  It is how I got here…. and why I am the superior child.”  Shuri adds in jest.
“Enough!  I was never told any of this, I feel like if anyone should know, it would be me.”  T’Challa says.
Shuri holds her palms up.  “Well it’s not like there are multiple people with the heart shaped herb in their genetic code.  It was really just a rumor going around at first, but it may be fact proven today.”
You are pacing the floor, hyperventilating and trying not to go faint.  You sleep with T’Challa, who doesn’t tell you he is super human, or that his seed is, and that condoms don’t mean jack shit to him busting inside of you.  Perfect.
“(Y/N), did you not have birth control?”  T’Challa asks cautiously, not wanting to sound like he is placing blame.
You hide your face, frustrated at yourself now.  “Nooo, I hadn’t had to think about it before now cuz there was no point, so I just had an appointment made to get some afterwards, but I guess I’ll cancel that!”  You say, laughing like a person who lost their last brain cell.
T’Challa takes your hands, shushing you gently.  “Breathe, it’s fine, it’s going to be ok.  We will get through this.”
You look at him, heat rising from within you.  “What more can I get through?! Get through this past week and everything having happened in the last 3 hours??  How can I get through this, I still don’t know what’s going on!”
“No, T’Challa, no!  I have little patience right now for the sweet talk and-and calming tones, I need answers, not distractions!  You said you loved me, I can’t believe this.”  Your tears overflow as you begin to pace again.
T’Challa looks to you defiantly.  He cannot hide his offense when you tell him off.  “That was not a lie.  I have never lied to you.”
You turn towards him so quickly and stalk up to him so fast, Shuri hops up to come over between you two.
“Lies by omission are still lies, T’Challa!  You have been playing me for a fool, for what?!  To protect your precious kingdom from the gold digging, ignorant American girl that you just needed pop off in real quick?”
T’Challa looks away like you just spat in his face.  “Don’t speak like that.”
You shove him, what little that does.  “That shouldn't phase you,  huh,  Superman!  You don’t tell me what the hell to do!  I’m pregnant!  With a baby that I don’t know if I even want!  My friend is God knows where, going through God knows what with a madman wanting to kill you, me, or whoever he feels up to seeing bleed.  That’s what I’m going through, right the fuck now!  What about you?”  You point in his face, jaws clenched.  “What the hell would your father think of what you’re putting me through?”
Shuri comes back and breaks things up at this point.  “Ok, guys.  Take a breath.  We can’t fall apart before the mission even begins here.  You shouldn’t say things that you may regret (Y/N), sit, please.  T’Challa, hold your patience”
You sit down, trying to comprehend what you have to do.  Between your friend going missing and being a fresh 36 seconds pregnant, you were at the end of your rope.  And now T’Challa is just making things seem like a spilled milk situation made you resent him for not being as freaked out as you were.
T’Challa rubs his beard in thought, kissing his teeth.  “Do you...want to end the pregnancy?”
You stare at the floor fighting back the flood developing at the corners of your eyes.  “I don’t know.”
T’Challa scoffs, stretching his arms out before slapping them down beside his legs.  “I will support you…..whatever you decide….”  He doesn’t say it convincingly, before he starts to walk away.
“Do you want me to continue the pregnancy?”  You ask back at him, looking to him quizzically.
T’Challa remains still a moment.  “I don’t know how to answer that.”
“What does that mean?”
T’Challa’s shoulders rise and fall in exasperation.  “It means, I do not want to influence your decision.  I am here for you, either way.  I think this will affect our relationship either way, in what manner, only time can tell.”   T’Challa says.
Shuri speaks up as referee.  “Guys, it is probably best to get some rest for now.  I will contact Ayo, see if she can get a location on Erik and his crew so we can get Tavia back, ok?”
You nod absentmindedly as you lie back on the couch.
“No, you can have my bed upstairs, I’ll take the couch.”  T’Challa says.
You shake your head.  “I don’t want to be in there right now.”
“Then take a guest bedroom.  But you will not be sleeping on the couch.”  T’Challa protests softly.   You get up slowly, heading for the stairs.  “You do not have to treat me special because I am with child, you know.”
“I would not treat you any other way, in any circumstance.”  T’Challa says in a serious tone.  You decide not to test his patience any further as you head to a separate bedroom.  You lie down, turning over to observe the sky outside of your window.  You didn’t know how to feel, your head was pounding, you needed water from the alcohol at the club drying you out.  You avoided acknowledging whatever was happening within your body, as Shuri said, the scan could be flawed.  But either way, a Plan B is no longer a viable option for precaution.  Only an abortion from here on out.  Your stomach churned violently at the mention, so you get up to go get that water you desperately needed.  
Making it to the fridge to get a water bottle, you start up the stairs again, but pause halfway up as you notice voices from outside.  Shuri and T’Challa were talking in the back patio area.  You settle down on the stairs, clutching your bottle as you hesitantly listen in.
“What would the repercussions be to bring a child out of wedlock as a successor to the throne?”  Shuri asked.
“I do not know what the traditions are, but I can assure you, that I will not give up on my own flesh and blood for the throne.  You can take it, you know.”  T’Challa says.
“No, no.  Not in this lifetime, I like having you as my guinea pig for my updates to the tech.  Why would I willfully sign up in your place?  Anyway, you have the birthright, do what you have to do.  But then…..what if she decides to terminate?”
T’Challa pauses, hugging himself as he looks on into the distance.  “Then she terminates.  Simple as that.”
Shuri touches his arm with concern.  “But how would you feel, Brother?”
T’Challa looks down shaking his head.  “It would depend on when she did it, maybe?  The sooner, the better, but even that sounds wrong of me to say.   Even though she is hesitant too, I don’t want to seem disappointed in her for keeping it or for…..I just...I love her.  I care for her deeply, and the image of her being with child…”  He holds a hand to his chest.  “...warms my spirit, I admit.  Of course, I wish this had happened later than sooner.  It is still early in the relationship. I would’ve introduced her to Mother, married her, but these are the cards Bast has dealt.”
“You should've been more forthcoming, Brother.  Now she thinks the worst of you.”
T’Challa purses his lips.  “I know. It's difficult to gauge what to say, and when to say it.  I did have my position in mind, but it wasn't fair to her not to know.  Now she must feel she is having a baby by a stranger, so I have to make it right.  First by getting her friend from Erik and Klaue safely.”
“I am too young to be an aunt.”  Shuri say, making T’Challa laugh.
“Well you would have someone to boss around for once.  But do not speak of this with her.  I will remain indifferent until her mind is made.  I will not have anything to do with the decision making, it is all on her.  I just want to support her through it.”
On that note, you head back to your room for the evening to rest.  T’Challa’s words weighed heavily on you.  In no means do you want to hurt him intentionally with blame or saying you didn’t want the pregnancy, you just wished so much you guys were more careful.  In some way, you wish T’Challa would react to make your mind up.  If he would break up with you immediately, you couldn't have the baby.  But support and affection all just make you feel like nesting but like he said, what did you even know about him anymore?  Now other lives are in jeopardy due to his silence.
You swear you feel a flutter in your stomach but you pass it off as gas, still wanting to pretend your body is still yours alone in this bed.
In the morning when you wake up, you still feel tired from the other night but decide to get up and be productive.  Reaching for your phone, you see you have a missed call and voicemail.
“Chacha!!”  You call out, running downstairs.
T’Challa nearly collides with you halfway up the stairs.  “What is it?  What’s wrong?”
“She called, T’Challa, there’s a message!”  Your voice breaks as you speak.  Tavia is alive!
T’Challa’s eyes are wide with surprise, but maintains a cool head.  “Ok, we need to hear it.  She may have escaped and needs us.”
You nod as he leads you down the stairs.  Shuri comes from a back room after hearing the commotion.  “You have heard from her friend?”  
“Yes, we just got word from her.  Sit with us while we play it, we may need you to place her location.”  T’Challa tells his sister.
You all congregate around his coffee table, your hands shake as you imagine what the message might sound like.  T’Challa rubs your arm to put you at ease as you pull up your voicemail and put it on speaker.
As the message plays you hear Tavia breathing hard and frantic.  “(Y/N).....where did you go?......I don’t know where I am…..Please!  You gotta help me!”
The phone gets a bunch of background noise and movement is overheard before you hear the next voice.  “Don’t worry, I gotcha.  Heeyy, baby girl!”
Your blood ran cold as you recognized his voice.  That voice threatened to take you away on a cat and mouse game with T’Challa.
“Last I checked, your friend here was feeling me.  Shit, I don’t know what her deal is now…”
“Don’t fuckin touch me!”  Tavia says.  “OW!”
Erik kisses his teeth.  “Issa shame how pretty she is.  All that could change in a instant.  So you go head and tell T’Challa to bring your big ass back here if you wanna see your friend again.  We still gotta finish our drinks.”  
The message ends and you drop your head in agony, sobbing into your lap. Tavia was alive alright, in a living hell.
T’Challa kneels in front of your feet to comfort you.  “(Y/N), she is still alive, that is the best news we can have right now, remember that.  We can find her now, Shuri, can you trace the call?”
Shuri runs a geolocation program on her kimoyo beads.  “Way ahead of you.  He stayed on the phone long enough for me to get one…..Looks like a warehouse on 53rd and Ashland.”
“I will go there now.  Keep (Y/N) company while I handle this”  T’Challa orders.
“But he said he wants (Y/N) there!  You can’t risk going against his instructions, you don’t know what he may do.”  Shuri says.
T’Challa turns to her fuming.  “I will not risk (Y/N)’s life for his games!  He gets myself and whatever I have coming for him!  That is all he needs to worry about!”
You go up to T’Challa, wiping your eyes, putting a hand to his chest.  His heart felt like a speaker on blast in his chest.  “Don’t yell at your sister, Chacha, calm down.”
T’Challa closes his eyes tightly.  “You don’t know what this means to me to find him.  The fact that he got away from me, to get your friend in the first place shows my weaknesses and I must redeem myself.  It is unacceptable what has happened on my watch so far.”
You caress T’Challa’s face, admiring the wide innocence in his eyes to be the good man and great King he pushes himself to be.  The anger and insecurities etched deeply across his face, brow furrowed in intense inner monologues no doubt.  You bring your thumb up to his widow’s peak, brushing it upwards.  “Chacha, this is not about just you anymore.  This more than just bragging rights, this is my friend’s life, my life, yours.  Going in blind with emotion will only make it more probable to fail.  You gotta use your head, not your heart, to direct your strategy now.”
T’Challa eyes tell you so much more than he says.  They tell you you’re naive, that he is still very much so angry, that he loves you too much to fight against your words.  But as long as there was still respect for you, he would bend.  “You need to get dressed, but you will not leave my side.”  He says with a wag of his finger.  
You swipe his hand away, pulling him in for a kiss.  You hated to think so, but it felt more like a goodbye.
T’Challa drives you both down to the warehouse in question to get Tavia from her captor.  The drive over there is quiet as you were tensely biting your nails, not sure what to do with yourself.
T’Challa looks over at you taking your hand away from your mouth, kissing it.  “Everything will be fine.  As long as Tavia is out of there safely, all will be well.”
You hold tight to his knuckly, long hands; strong and determined against your shaky, uncertain ones.  “And you.  You need to come back too.”  You add.
T’Challa looks at you like he didn’t even think of that as an option, but quickly smiles.  “Naturally.  That is a given.”  
T’Challa stops the car a few yards back from the building.  “Remember, stay by me and be on the lookout for anything.  Let me know when something isn’t sitting right.”
As you all get out of the car, you look at the old and rusted abandoned looking building curiously.  No other businesses or main roads around, it was perfect to keep someone for an extended period of time.
T’Challa walks around the building entrance, pushing a button that should open a garage door but is out of order.  You continue to double check  your surroundings before he gets to a window and breaks it in with a nearby rock.
“Shit!  T’Challa be a little more quiet, eh?  How do you know no one is in there?” You say with a scolding  whisper.
T’Challa reaches through the window to the side of a door, working the lock to open it up.  “Shuri has the place surveilled.  She will let us know if we have company.”  
T’Challa steps inside slowly, looking right and left as you follow behind.  
“TAVIA, YOU IN HERE?!”  You shout out out of the blue.  T’Challa looks back at you like you’re crazy.  “What?  You said Shuri said nobody here.”
“Girl is that you??” a voice calls out.
You look around excitedly, “TAVIA!!  Where are you!?”
Tavia steps out from stack of boxes smiling and looking well.  “Oh my God!  Am I glad to see you bitch!”
Your legs lead you before your head can register your happiness.  You run over to your friend, arms outstretched as Tavia meets you halfway.
You both lock each other in an embrace as you both shriek in happiness, bouncing out your energy.
“Ladies, we will need to go soon.”  T’Challa insists.
You barely register his voice as you try to check in with Tavia.  “What happened to you?  After I left the club, I can’t believe you got taken.”
Tavia pulls back from you, fanning your face.  “Man, once you left, I wondered why the hell I was waiting so damn long by myself and went to check on you.  But when I did,  the dickhead Erik from the bar and Catwoman’s husband were out scrappin on the street!”
You shake your head,exhaling deeply.  “Girl, that was T’Challa!”
Tavia bucks her eyes out,  “Oh really??  Fighting like that?! Was that suit a part of the uhh, night y’all…”
Your jaw drops, pushing her arm.  “Tavia, shut the hell up!  I’m still just, ugh, girl, so much to tell you, come on.”
You take her hand to go, but she won’t move.  “Tavia, what’s up?  Let’s go, we can’t stay here all day, like you’d want to.”
Tavia looks at you with a defeated gaze.  “I’m sorry.”
You stutter in confusion, “Wha-what do you mean-”
“(Y/N)!”  T’Challa bellows.  As you turn around, you see T’Challa’s body become covered in little nano-looking parts, expanding all over him until he is enclosed in his signature catsuit, showing every curve and and cavern imaginable.  
“Whoa!”  You squeak in awe of his transformation.
Just then an explosion goes off at the front of the warehouse, sends you and Tavia staggering back.  A cloud of smoke covers everything as you try to make out where T’Challa went.
“T’Challa!!  T’Challa, are you alright?”
A figure emerges from the dust cloud decked out in armor and a foreign looking mask.  But it was not T’Challa.
“Wassup, baby girl?  You miss me?”
You cough as your lungs become upset from the blast.  “Who-”
“You don’t remember me darling?  That’s ok, me ya friend gonna keep good company with you.”  He says.
With a large pow, Erik gets brought down to his knees with a punch to the back of the head, T’Challa stands behind him in full garb.  
“Get out of here now!”  T’Challa commands as Erik strikes him in the shin to bring him down to his level as they fight on the floor.
You get up, covering your face to make your way through the smoke.  Tavia follows closely behind you.  As you both make it out into the fresh air, a van with the door open awaits you.  Coming around from the side of the vehicle, stands the surly looking white man that was Erik’s partner.
“Hello lovelies.  Fine afternoon, innit?”  His gravelly voice taunts you as he sneers.
You reach for Tavia to come with you desperately.  “Girl, we gotta run!  He and Erik were after me that night!”
Tavia looks at you with a hardened stare.  “I know I was there.”
You pause a moment, giving her a once over.  “Tavia...why are you so calm?”
Tavia laughs hysterically.  “Oh, sis, ain’t nobody gonna die.  This is dramatic though, right?  Well hell, I guess I done flew over the cuckoo’s nest now.  But honey, you ain’t gotta worry, we got you.”
You look from her back to Klaue, who raises a gun up in your direction.  “Just take some slow steps up to the van and we will handle the rest.”
Tavia waves Klaue off.  “Nah, I told y’all not to be like that, I got it!”
Your eyes pierce daggers into Tavia.  “Tavia!  You with them now?  The fuck is wrong with you??”
Tavia pulls a gun from behind her back, holding it by her side.  “Get in the van and I can tell you about it.  I won’t point this at you, but I want this to go as smooth as possible, without hurting you or anybody else, aight?”
Erik’s body flies out from the warehouse, landing hard on the concrete.  Tavia takes you by the arm to shuffle you into the van with Klaue.  She shuts the door behind you all as Klaue starts up the engine.  
Looking out of the back window as the van pulls off, you see T’Challa has Erik by the throat before tossing him away to start after the van, but falls back after short while.
You turn back to Tavia, fuming.  “What are you doing with them, Tavia?”
Tavia picks at her nails.  “Oh, stop.  Ain’t nobody gonna hurt you, I said.  This isn’t what this is all about.  You’re just a little piece to the whole puzzle, is all.”
“So then why are you doing this?”You ask puzzled.
Tavia turns to you like this is a candid girl chat all of a sudden.  “Well, I never got around to telling you, but I met Erik a couple weeks ago from swiping on the apps, right?  And I mean, he is really smart, and fine like come on!  And you know, he knows the world, and he’s been through a lot, and I really just support his cause.”
“His cause?  But what does he want with T’Challa?”
“Oh him?  That’s just family mess.  But I did not know that the leather bound kitty was your man!  Girl, you been holding out details on me, for what?!”  Tavia exclaims.
You blink your eyes in frustration.  “Tavia!  How are you talking to me like this is just some everyday shit?  Did he fuck up your head when he got you?”
Tavia chuckles to herself.  “Listen I am fine.  I’m seeing the world in a new light, is all.  Why are our people settling for handouts from the White man, when we can build our own shit, make our own laws!  People think we are progressing because there aren’t ‘colored only’ signs, but trust me, they are still there in the way they police us.  That’s what Erik wants to change, but he needs support from family that ain’t tried to find him.  Now, Erik getting ahold of you, was no part of mine, but he said he needed to get T’Challa’s attention, so that was the way!  He promised me he wouldn’t pull no dumb shit or I’d be out, quick!”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.  Nothing that Tavia was saying made any sense to correlate with what you were witnessing.  
“But Erik wants T’Challa’s neck!  He ain’t here to talk, you see they been fighting non-stop!”  you explain.
“That’s just some surface level, family shit!  Once that’s out their system, they’ll have time to talk.  T’Challa just mad someone can come for his throne now.”
“What do you mean family shit?  And he is already king, that’s a done deal...right?”  you ask.
“Oh no baby, that can be challenged, ‘specially since they first cousins!  T’Challa and the Wakandans never gave him a thought, they need to let him in.  T’Challa didn’t tell you?”
You rub your forehead aggravated.  “He hasn’t told me a lot of things apparently.  I got some much shit with him, that’s what I was going to tell you about but...I can’t trust you, girl.”
Tavia looked at you offended.  “Come on, ain’t nobody-”
The loud crash of metal on metal shakes you both up as you hold onto your seats to keep from getting ejected.  Over and over again the van is rammed from behind, you try and keep yourself grounded to see what the cause is.
“Girl, is that car driving on its own??”  Tavia squawks.  
You blink repeatedly, but your eyes are not deceiving you as you see the driver’s side is empty.  It was T’Challa’s car, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Klaue growls with anger.  “Dammit!  The Wakandans are here!  You have your gun girl!?”
Tavia shakes her head, looking ready to cry.  “No man!  I ain’t shootin shit!  I told y’all that!”
You feel heat coming from your Kimoyo beads as a light beams from it.  You hold your palm out as Shuri comes into focus.
“Hey!  Are you alright in there?”  She asks you.
You nod.  “Uh huh.    But T’Challa’s car is coming after us, but he isn’t in it.  No one is!”
Tavia looks around Shuri’s image cautiously.  “Girl, did iOS get and update?  We got hologram handhelds now?”
Shuri smirks apologetically to you.  “Yeah, that is my fault.  I had T’Challa put an remote control device on the engine so that I can tap in and drive if needed.  It never takes long for my services to come in handy.  Just hold tight, we are getting you out of there now.”
“Who’s we-”
A large thud hits the top of the van as a spear shoots through the ceiling between you and Tavia.  You both collectively scream as the foreign object retracts back.  
Klaue exclaims in fear.  “Shit!  Now we’re really in it.  Girl if you don’t get a weapon aimed now, they’ll have you head!”
Tavia is still screaming.  “The fuck!  I ain’t shootin nobody!  How you know that ain’t Erik?”
A loud whistle screams through the air as a gleam of light flashes in front of the windshield.  Sticking in the ground with a thwack, Klaue has no time to steer out of the way before the van goes airborne, flipping in the air, landing on its top.
You both took a tumble inside the van, you rub your head and neck from the whiplash.  “Gatdamn, Tavia, are you aight?”  you ask, trying to move your body from the twist it was in.
Tavia coughs.  “Yeah, just got the wind knocked out my ass.”  
“Good, cuz I’m going to kick yours once we oughta this, bitch, taking me through all this bullshit.”  you say through your teeth.
Tavia rolls over, sitting slightly upright.  “The day you kick my ass is the day the Kardashians swear offa Black men.”
“Fuck you.”  You quip.
“(Y/N)?”  a voice calls out from the side of the vehicle.
You turn slowly to look and see a bald woman, in beautifully adorned red and gold armor and garment, enough to make Grace Jones tumble into a puddle.
“Hello, my apologies for the rough stop.  I hope I have not hurt you.”  
“No, you haven’t, thanks.  Are you someone with T’Challa?”
She nods.  “The King is not with me right now, but I am part of his guard.  My name is Ayo.”
She smile weakly, thankful for some assistance on the right side of things.  “Your voice told me all I needed to know.”
Klaue writhes in the driver’s seat; looks as though he got a good hit in the front of his face, bloodied.
“We must hurry (Y/N), there is no time to stick around here.”  Ayo says holding out a hand to help you out.
As you come to standing you ask, “What about Tavia?”
Ayo looks to the car.  “That is her in there?”
You nod as Ayo peers down through the window again.  “Come on out then.  Are you seriously injured?”
Tavia crawls out, trying to avoid broken glass.  “No, I’m good.”
“Fine.  Then I also have orders to take you back to Wakanda with us, as well.”  Ayo says.
“What?  Why are we still going to Wakanda, you stopped them, haven’t you?”  You question, stress building up again.
Ayo looks to you.  “We still do not have a confirmation from the King on the combatant.  We hope to hear back soon, but for now my focus is to get you both out of here.”
“Well, why the hell am I going?  I don’t know a damn thing about that country, no passport on me, nothing.”  Tavia says.
“You will need none of that.  We cannot risk the life of (Y/N), or their child for your part in the combatant’s plan.  You will be segregated from the population until we figure out what to do with you.”
“There is no child!”  You say swiftly.  You still denied any kind of pregnancy until you could get to a doctor.
Tavia’s mouth moves in many ways until words fell out.  “Wait, what?  I never said I was fucking with people’s kids, man!  I don’t know anything about a baby!”  Tavia says.
Ayo looks confused.  “I’m sorry, I must’ve spoken out of turn…”
You sigh.  “No, I just want to make sure of things first.  And at this stage, it’s not a child anyway-”
“(Y/N), you pregnant?”  Tavia says, looking at you flabbergasted.
You roll your eyes.  “Not completely proven true yet!  Shuri just checked my vitals and found something to be off with hormones or whatever.  I haven’t even pee’d on the stick yet!”
Tavia smirks.  “This nigga busted his trojan horse all up in your barricades, huh?  Girl you ARE a FREAK!”
You fought back the urge to laugh.  Even when she was being insane in her logic, she still had that charm that kept you rolling.  “Tavia!  It wasn’t like that!”
Ayo calls something in Xhosa on her kimoyo beads, and soon after an aircraft appears in the distance like an apparition.
Tavia and you are still going back and forth about you getting knocked up when Ayo reminds Tavia that she is not to try and flee or fight, or she will face consequences.
“If you don’t want me out, why don’t you cuff me, sis?”  Tavia asks, suddenly tough again.
Ayo turns to her slowly, gaze unshifting.  “You did see what I did to the van, yes?  Imagine what else I can do.  The Dora do not require handcuffs.”
Tavia just nods, satisfied with the answer.  “What about Klaue?  You gonna take him?” you ask.
Ayo looks at the wreckage like it was a paper jam.  “Eh, let him bleed out.”
As the aircraft opens for them to board, you get on with all the anxiety in the world.  You felt woozy from the excitement, probably brought on by pregnancy sickness as well, and you still hoped that was all in your head too.  Nothing was ever normal anymore; from men to sex to getting from one place to the other.  You prayed T’Challa would get back soon, safely; you didn’t know what the hell to do in a country you’ve never seen, with people unknown.  Not even Tavia was a saving grace for you, since she became a part of this mess, how much more could you take.  
Part 8
Other Works:
King Kil’mawalls  
N’Jadaka’s Helpful Hands
Some Weeks Are Better Than Others
Commencement Day
Wakanda Got Y’all
If I Could Do It All Again
Song of Stevens
Signs of Rain
World’s Best Baba
My Ragtag
@sweetpeachjones@scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade@universalbri @therevolution-willbelive@you-like-this-chain @sarcastic-sunshines@airis-paris14@afraiddreamingandloving@kreolemami@lalapalooza718 @syreanne@thiccdaddy-mbaku@she-is-golden @wakanda-inspired @90sinspiredgirl@bidibidibombaclaat @sithlordslut@brujademente@chaneajoyyy @slimmiyagi @lewatigress @shesakillerkween
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