#atsp spoilers
cadaverofdaze · 1 year
one thing i love about Hobie Brown is how well he embodies punk and how people VIEW punks. throughout the scenes he's in it might seem like he's being chaotic for no reason other than Cool Factor™️. But if you take a closer look at everything he was up to, he actually pulled so much weight for the team. When he was signaling miles about the palms, it might've looked like he was just instigating, but he seriously did agree with miles and wanted to help (hence his quitting the spider society and continuing to help team miles afterwards). And when he was picking shit off the walls of miguel's base, it seemed like him just being a menace, but he was collecting the pieces to fashion gwen's watch, which he took the time to deliver to her later (presumably using his own DIY watch). i think it's easy to write him off as being a general menace just for funsies, and see him as just a fun chaotic character, but Hobie had the plan and intent of helping miles break the canon the entire time. behind everything he did, he had a solid reasoning, he just did it with some edge. and that's fucking punk if i've ever seen it.
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runeiio · 1 year
I saw someone saying that prowler miles wears eyeliner and I’ve just been giggling about it
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aliveinacoffin · 1 year
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A Difference In Fate
You knew Miguel had been hiding something from you, you just didn't know what. Stupidly, you thought the best of him.
TW: Agressive Miguel lmao
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You weren't meant to find out.
Miguel wasn't sure for how long he'd hide it from you. Maybe a month, a year, forever. It didn't matter.
He'd only known you for a short amount of time, but he knew he was too late when he started to worry about what you thought about him. When Miguel told you about what happened to Gabrila and that universe, he felt a deep shame he'd never felt before. Yes, he lived with the guilt that came from destroying an entire fucking universe and all the billions of innocent people inside, but he was also terrified that you'd leave him because of it.
When you didn't, after a night of tears and shame, he knew he'd never let you go. Even if it killed him.
Which is why he lied, when he had that meeting about Miles that you had missed, he lied and said that it was nothing.
When you asked why Lyla wouldn't give you a rundown of the meeting, he lied again and said it must be faulty in her coding, and that the files couldn't be recovered.
Sure he felt guilty about lying to you, but he more so felt a sense of anxiety about when you'd find out, not if.
Another thing Miguel loved and appreciated about you, was that you were incredibly acute and intelligent. Nothing ever went past you when it came to people or plans. You always quickly noticed the small details or came up with new strategies.
That, and that you were just incredibly fucking lucky.
"So, what do you think about that last meeting?" Peter B. Parker from Earth 616B asked you, catching you off guard from the paper you were reading. His tired eyes and five o'clock shadow seemed worse than ever. He seemed to be having a rough day since the whole morning he had been mostly silent, like there was a weight in his mind holding him down to drag him to the depths of hell.
"Oh, I didn't make it. What was it about, anyway?" You shrugged, spider mask pulled up to your forehead to take a bite out to the 'Original Spiderman Burger'
He stared at you for a bit, blue eyes watching your movements. "Did Miguel not tell you?" He asked, genuinely taken aback at your lack of knowledge of the situation.
You chewed quickly, covering your mouth while trying to answer as fast as you could. "No, and he still won't. I want to know! Was it about something embarrassing?" You laughed, grabbing your drink.
"It was about the anomaly." Peter said, voice curt and timid.
You raised an eyebrow at his odd behavior, usually, you and Peter easily bounced off one another, both your jovial and rather silly personalities perfect companies for each other. To see him being so quiet with you was worrying.
"I got that man, just tell me, I don't bite. My teeth aren't as sharp as Miguels." You elbowed him, smiling like you would a timid cat. You took another drink to try and give off a relaxed aura, but inside your heart was picking up with his lack of relaxation.
"It's-the anomaly is the kid I talk to you about all the time. He was never meant to be a Spider-Man. We're not allowed to interact with him in any way until we figure out a way to find a solution." Peter said solemnly, turning to hunch over his uneaten food. His own masked burger staring back at him.
You scoffed with liquid in your mouth, swallowing before giving out a barking laugh. "What does that even mean? Not meant to be Spider-Man, who's meant to be Spider-Man? It just happens, it's luck not fate." You grumbled, face screwed up half in disbelief and half in genuine confusion. Suddenly you jerked up in shock, and quickly turned to the older man.
"Isn't he the kid that made you want to have a baby in the first place?" You placed a hand on Peter's shoulder, feeling his cold shoulder through the soft fabric of his suit.
"Yeah." Was all he said, a grave look on his face.
You tilted his shoulder at you, and watched his eyes slowly move over to your kind face. "Hey man, don't worry about it. Miguel seems tough, but on the inside, he's just a big softie. Trust me, I'd know. I sleep with the man every night. We'll figure it out, alright?" You reassured him, smiling brightly at him.
Peter looked down again and hit his fist on the counter. "Yeah, you're right. It always works out in the end, huh?" Peter's voice was strong like all the hope he had lost was now found and stronger than ever.
"It's kind of sad, you know? Like, it wasn't his fault he wasn't supposed to be Spider-Man." Pavitr Prabhakar said, hands deftly working to fidget with his yo-yo.
Both your guy's hair swayed softly in the warm Mubattan air. You played with the bottom of your spider suit feet. "Yeah, sounds like he's just a kid."
"Well, I'm sure it'll figure itself out, after all, we're all Spider-People right? Everything is great!" Pavitrs voice got fainter as he whipped away, probably going off to swing around Gayatri's neighborhood.
You looked off into the sunset, eyes squinting at the bright light of the sun. Still, you basked in the warmth as you sat, just pondering and mulling over your feelings over the whole situation.
You liked Pav, as you've all started calling him, his happy-go-lucky and glass-half-full personality was infectious, and he was overall just a joy to be around.
It made you have a gut-wrenching bad feeling, especially since he hadn't had his canon event yet. You wished there was a way for him to just be happy and be Spider-Man without the life-altering loss that came with it.
"That's the price you have to pay when you become Spider-Man." Miguel said later that evening, sitting at the table while he filtered through emails, videos, and reports.
You came over and kissed his head, swiping away all the red screens taking over your shared table. Instead, you replaced his work with food, more specifically asada quesadillas.
"Okay sure, but he's just a kid y'know? Like, he's barely able to drive a car and now has this duty to protect a whole ass city. Let alone deal with an unbearable loss that would break a full gown adult." You challenged, staring at your boyfriend across the table. You had brought up your feelings about Pav and how the guilt of his misfortune weighted you down.
You still haven't told him that you know about the kid. Miles. For some reason, a part of yourself told you that you should. That you should hide that knowledge because for some reason a part of you thought he'd be upset. No, knew he'd be mad.
"It's the fate of the universe." He sighed, eating his food as if the whole conversation was boring.
"But what does that mean? Doesn't fate bring in the idea of gods or goddesses? A higher power saying this should be the way? And what about destiny? Then doesn't that bring in the question of whether or not it's real, let alone that we have to abide by those rules?" You started, rambling about the subject. This whole situation seemed wrong, like Miguel's ideals weren't quite right. You knew Miguel was intelligent, insanely so that he created his own AI and created a multi-diversional portal travel and created a society within his universe to combat world-breaking enemies.
Still. Something about this was wrong.
Miguel growled out your name, dropping his food on his plate to stare at you so intensely it made you gulp. He clenched his fists on the table, obviously trying to hold back his anger before he spoke to you.
"You know what happened to me when I tried to break the rules. God or not, things happen for a reason." Miguel said, eyes lowering to try and continue eating.
"What about us? We're from different universes, yet we live together, and we're dating. Are we fate? Or are we pure coincidence?" You asked, trying to get him to explain in a more logical reasoning like you know he's capable of.
Miguel slammed his fist on the table, rattling the dishes placed down and you. "Can we drop this? This conversation is going nowhere." He was getting angry, you could tell. But still, something in you nagged and ate away at your soul.
"Yes, perdón amor." Your eyes fluttered down, and you gulped away the hot stinging of your throat.
"I'm sorry hermosa, but you know this is the only way." Miguel offered, holding his hand out across the table to reassure you.
You met him halfway, and smiled at him shakily. Still, you didn't believe him.
"He was your friend?" You asked curiously while you went over the blueprints for the watches. You wanted to customize yours further, so you invaded Lyla's security, (asked pretty please), and now were trying to see what changes you could make.
Gwen Stacy was behind you, arms crossed while she looked to a wall, dissociating. "Yeah, and I can't see him at all even though I want to. So badly." She sighed, tired eyes looking down. You looked back to her, offering a sad smile.
"We'll figure it out honey, I'm sure."
"Why are you dating Miguel?" She suddenly asked, and at those words, you whipped around and gave her an incredulous look. Your hands on your hips with a disbelieving smile.
Both of you looked up to see Hobart walking in, sauntering over to your workstation. "Hey." He nodded up to both of you, immediately going through your files.
Both you and Gwen greeted him before you turned your attention back to the girl. "What do you mean?"
"Well, you're just so nice and understanding while Miguel is...well Miguel." She said, exasperation filling her voice.
You laughed, brushing her off. "Hes not that complicated, just rough around the edges, I promise."
"What do they say, love is blind?" Hobie spoke up, eyes hyper-focused on the watch details.
"That's not applicable to this." You waved him off. Walking over, you put both hands on Gwen's slim arms, giving them a grounding squeeze. "Everything will be fine, we just need time to figure out a solution to this problem yeah? Miguel and everyone else has been aware of this problem for a while, it's just now it has a name!" You smile, trying to uplift the depressing mood.
"Yeah, and his name is Miles Morales, a sixteen-year-old kid." Hobie said, his hands drifting down from whatever he was doing with his watch.
You sighed, hanging your head down before you walked back over to your table. "Thank you for the optimism Hobie."
"You're welcome." With that, he walked out.
That conversation went the same with Jess and many other members of the spider society, saying that 'taking care of' Miles would be for the greater good.
But what is the greater good? What good were the protecting? Apparently, Miles's universe has been doing fine so far, what's so wrong with that?
Apparently, his whole existence was flawed.
At the end of that day, when everyone either went home or started a night shift to find out where Miles had gone, Miguel returned home.
When he opened the door, he half expected you to be at the table or living room searching for Miles for him, to be directing people, or actively searching for him with Miguel. Of course, he knew you really wouldn't be.
Miguel only returned home to check up on you, after everything.
The whole time you had stood back, and without his knowledge helped Miles escape Miguel's wrath. But he didn't know that.
The front door creaked open, and Miguel was greeted with a dark and quiet house. The only light that was seen was the yellow light of your shared bedroom down the hall.
When he closed the door and silently crept in his own home, he could hear quiet sobbing coming from the room
"Amor?" He peeked in his room, fully stepping in at seeing your hunched-over form. Basically in the fetal position, sitting at the edge of your bed you had your hands on your head.
You looked up, and when he saw your face he immediately stepped back. Rage still filled him, but seeing you made him completely break down.
Your face was one of pure fury, an anger so deep and true it morphed your wet face into something unnatural. Your hair was wild and messy, your face also covered in small scratches form god knows what, and your knuckles were white from how hard you were clenching them.
"What the actual fuck are you doing here? Don't you have a child to murder?" Your snarled mouth pulled back to show off your teeth. Even though you didn't have fangs like him, doesn't mean a bite from you wouldn't hurt.
Instantly, Miguel snapped back. "Don't you dare-"
"No, shut the fuck up. What the fuck was that? Who even are you?" You asked, standing up to your full height.
"I was-am stopping an anomaly from destroying the entire multiverse. I'm saving-" Miguel's voice was raising by the word, his large build hunching over to try and intimidate you.
"Don't talk about him like he's not a child! Don't act like you're not hunting down a literal child? What is wrong with you?!" You screamed, voice raw from the running and crying you'd done all day.
"This. This is what I didn't want to tell you! You don't understand the gravity of the situation! Pinche-" He started, eyes glowing that sparkling red you had grown to love after the long three years you'd known Miguel.
Now they just disgusted you.
"I knew! I've known this whole fucking time! But I trusted you to know what to do, because I love you, and I know you're so smart. But this? I-i can't-" You turned around, hands shakily typing frantically into your watch.
"Lo siento, lo siento preciosa, no quise gritar-" Suddenly Miguels voice was filled with sorrow, and he reached out to hold you in his arms. The same arms that held you, cradled you, strapped you down, and lifted you up.
"Stop, just stop." You sobbed, quickly opening a portal to god knows where, just anywhere but here-
Miguel called out your name, and you turned around to see his eyes piling with tears. His face twisted into the most pained face you've ever seen, his fangs popping out of his lips, his mouth pulled back to a vicious snarl, and his eyebrows furrowed down so deep he grew another crease in his forehead.
You looked down to hold back another sob, shaking your head while walking closer to the portal.
You didn't even glace back at him when you left.
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syntrimal · 1 year
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So spiderverse huh?
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eezeybreezy · 1 year
ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴜɴᴋ ᴀɴᴅ ʜɪꜱ ᴄᴀᴛ ➜ʜᴏʙɪᴇ ʙʀᴏᴡɴ x ɢɴ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
I have fallen to the Hobie brain rot and this is the result. This was a lot longer than intended so now it's broken into multiple chapters! Lmk if I should post those too or if this is too cringe.  Part 2, Part 3, Part 4🔞
warnings: suggestive, not-so-accurate accent, recreational drug/alcohol use, partying, punk shit, eventual smut? 
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As they entered the headquarters, the pair were met with a cacophony of sound and movement. People in spider suits and uniforms hurried to and fro, carrying files, and talking urgently on their phones or to each other. Clearly, this was a place of importance, filled with sensitive work and decisions.
The first was a young woman, her hair pulled back into a high ponytail and dressed in a long, flowing maxi skirt in earthy tones, paired with a crochet top. Adorned with beads or other natural details, she walked confidently, looking around with a sharp eye and taking in every detail. The second was a young man, his steps a little slower and his gaze mellow. He was dressed in a concoction of ripped fabrics, belts, and buttons, his studded vest and chunky boots a signature in the halls they walked.
"Wow," breathed the woman, taking in the bustling scene. "I knew this was a big deal, but I had no idea.."
The man chuckled. "Told you it was the real deal."
The Spider you’d come to know was none other than Hobie Brown, a stand-out among his peers and variants alike. You’d only met after being rounded up as an anomaly, though you’d come to the HQ willingly, as any means to getting home was better than being stranded in some uppity renaissance dimension. After learning of your role as the Black Cat in your world, the punk had found a new friend in an unexpected place.
“Hm…” Hobie peered at you absentmindedly, seemingly turning something over in his head.
You didn’t like that look, and knowing the kinds of ideas an anarchist could come up with, you decide to pry, “What’s up?”
Hobie finally looked at you and not through you, “How did you get those abilities bruv like, I was bit by a radioactive spider so I have spider DNA in me, but how’d you get ‘em?”
“Hear me out, a cat bit me. But she wasn’t radioactive or anything, actually quite sweet.”
“Wait wait wait, you ‘ere bitten… by a cat? And you now have abilities like me??”
You giggled at this, he’s dumbfounded over a cat but a radioactive spider giving powers is the norm around here. “I don’t know about ‘like you’ per say.’
“Aight, maybe not exactly like me, but it’s similar yeah? You have wall-crawling abilities I presume or am I wrong? And probably enhanced strength?”
Why the sudden interest in my abilities, you thought. “I mean I do have enhanced strength and speed, but I can only climb up walls with my claws, I don’t stick like you all do,” referring to the bustling crowd of Spider-people you found yourself in the presence of.
“I see, then I have one last question… What does your suit look like? I’m proper curious ‘bout that.”
Now this was unexpected, not only was he interested in your powers, but your alter ego altogether. In the few months, you’ve been friends, little was spoken about your homeworld, let alone the role you play in that dimension. You wonder what’s gotten him so interested, and so you decide to tease a little, getting Hobie Brown flustered was something very few could boast.
“You ever been to a BDSM club? It’s like a leather dominatrix suit
“…” “That’s… huh.”
“Problem ‘Obie?” You poke at him playfully, gliding to stand closer to the slender man.
“Not at all… can’t say I’m not confused though…” he trailed off. “But hey, as your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man it’s not my problem that you have an… um… interesting taste in fashion.”
That got a snort out of you, “You’re one to talk about ‘interesting taste in fashion’, Mr. Spider Punk.”
A sigh comes from the taller man. “Fine. You win.”
Deciding to toy with him further, you play nonchalant and petty, “If I’m so annoying I’ll just leave then. I enjoyed meeting you Punk.”
“Oi oi, I didn’t mean to insult you, I swear… I'll be 'onest wiv ya, mate. I don't really know what I'm doin' 'ere. I'm just takin' it one day at a time and seein' where it takes me.” He looked up from the ground to look at you again, something sad in his eyes. “Life's a funny old game, ain't it?"
“The rockstar runway model is bad with people? Color me shocked”
Hobie let out a huff of air, which you could only assume mimicked a laugh, “Is that meant to be an insult or genuine criticism?”
“I was being serious Hobie, you seem to have a good handle on people. You’re just so cool I thought maybe you’d have it down by now” Despite wanting to crawl into a hole at your admission, you said it with your chest, and you’re not about to back out now.
He’s quite surprised by this, not anticipating such a blatant compliment from you. “Huh… you’re actually pretty rad yourself. Most people don’t think that and just call me a freak.”
“I mean I’d say I’ma freak too but that hasn’t gotten me any complaints if you know what I mean.” You say with a wink, deciding to lay it on thick.
He smirks at you, catching the vibes you're putting down quickly. “Oh, I understand what you mean. I just didn’t expect you to be this forward luv.”
“What’s the phrase? ‘You miss 100% something something-”
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take?”
“Yeah yeah somethin like that”, you past your giggles. “You tryna get out of here?”
Hobie looks at you almost sideways, and if you didn’t know him better, you’d be put off by the glare. “Get out of here and do what exactly? What’re you planning?” He takes a step towards you, covering more ground than you’d anticipated due to his long strides. He was so close.
“I’m not dumb, I can tell you’re trying to trick me into something, but I’m not quite sure what…”
You smile at that, despite telling the truth, he’d managed to tease you in the process. We’re in the clear. “No trick here, not today at least.”
You look at him through thick lashes, “Did you have any ideas Spidey?” you ask coyly.
The punk chuckles,
“Ah, the ol’ playing coy shtick ‘uh? Not that I have anything against it, honest with you I kinda like it.”
Your tone is drenched in sarcasm, “Me? Coy? What kind of women do you take me for?” You’re feigning being offended, and he continues your banter. He laughs in a friendly way, deeply and honestly, a sound you wish was heard more often by the masses.
“Oh trust me you’re not like the other girls. You’re cool.”
“I’m not like other girls,” you say mockingly, trying to keep him amused. “So, what’s the punk down to do?”
Hobie’s face lights up with excitement, “I know just the place. Ever been to a punk rock show? There’s always tons of wankers to hang out with and it’s basically a Beano with loud ass music.”
You’d know about Spider-Man in front of you’s reputation, his subtle flex of eclectic success was something you’d come to admire about him. “I’ve had my fair share of underground events, though I’d call myself more goth than punk, you ever been to a goth club? I’m down to go to one of your shows if the anarchist is down to do some substances with me.”
He perked up at this. “Hell yeah, I’d be down, I love partying. Although, can I ask what kind of… substances you’re planning on using? I wanna make sure I bring the right shit.”
“Fuck no nothing hard, just weed and drinks will do it for me. That’s pretty stereotypical punk shit tho huh?”
“Yeah, well stereotypes exist for a reason. Though the whole ‘punks are stoners’ stereotype always bothers me, I never got why people think punk = drug abuse…” He shrugs.
The hair feels heavier, don’t kill the mood now! “ Well I do love me some weed, and hell yeah it’d be great to drink with you and have fun.” You keep going, hoping to bring that light back to the spider that was there but a moment ago. “I think the whole stereotype thing is stupid, but I totally understand why it doesn’t make sense to you, hating labels and all that.” You punctuate the end of your sentence with a punch to his shoulder.
“Alright, lead the way ‘Obie!”
He chuckles a bit at that, and playfully shoves you back into the portal he’s opened. You always land on your feet as you enter his dimension with a thud. He’s crouched next to you, standing to take off his mask and tuck his suit away.  
“What was that for huh? I know you can punch ‘arder than that.”
He closes the portal and starts walking towards the club, throwing you a glance over his shoulder. He beckons you to follow. “It’s just up this way, hopefully, there won’t be too big of a crowd.” His guard is down now, it’s just you and Hobie Brown, not Spider-Punk and Black Cat, just two “civs” kickin it.
“If you’re down to spar I can show you more than a little punch Bee.” You send a wink at Hobie, hoping the new nickname didn’t make him uncomfortable. “And hey! I thought you were a celebrity, don’t get special treatment even in the underground huh?”
Hobie smirks at that, “Hah. You’re funny.” He peers down at you, despite your above-average stature. “So you wanna spar then? Because now I’m very tempted to see what you can do.” He’s being cheeky, you can hear it in his tone.
Oh, this man was dangerous, and you can’t help the sly smile that makes its way to your face. “Oh, I’d love to show you everything I can do.” You’re sultry now, biting your lip as you gaze up at him.
“Damn, you’re a cocky little cat huh?” He shakes his head laughing, but can’t hide the big smirk forming on his face.
“Don’t think I won’t accept your challenge, because I will…”
“Oh? Is that so? What’s the punk challenging me to do exactly?” You step closer, still looking up at the man, with a smug grin on your face.
“Oh, I think you know…” He smirks at you and steps closer. “Or should I remind you?”
You grab him by his guitar strap, pulling him down until your lips almost touch. “It must’ve slipped my mind, Bert.” You emphasize his name teasingly.
Despite the way your eyelids flutter shut, and how your lips seem to draw each other in, he chuckles and gives you a quick kiss on the lips, still very clearly smug.
“I’m glad I could remind you.”
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
Spiderverse was crazy, so basically Meals Martinez and Genuine Stinky reunite and get in trouble trying to protect Malls from Magnet O'Hard On and Japanese Drool, all while trying to stop Spotify from destroying the multiverse. There were some new characters like Hobart Beige and Pa Heater Probation and we got to see 🅱️eter 🅱️arker again, and there was this twist ending where alternate Milo turns out to be his universe's version of The Pisser. anyway 10/10 movie would watch again
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ace-and-ranty · 1 year
They really had an antagonist who's obsessed with maintaining canon and repeating the same events over and over and over again, scream at Miles' face he is a mistake and he should not exist because he's breaking canon.
Miles. Miles 'Spiderverse Revolutionized Animation in the Era of Remakes' Morales. Gets screamed at by the antagonist for breaking canon.
I mean. I mean??
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skylariumrose · 1 year
SPIDERVERSE Thoughts and Theories
So I’ve sat with ATSV for a week and looked through a few theories and comments and I have a few theories about the Canon Event myself.
I think we missed something with focusing on Miguel being sexy or otherwise (always love you dumpster fire), but he doomed a world by doing what Spider-Man does; saving people.
So after the objectively weird choice to take over the Miguel-TRN1042’s life, which he admits he thinks is harmless, and I don’t blame him for that because his current life is hands down not great (I have thoughts on that too). So assuming Gabriella would be alone and knowing Miguel-928 comic origins and shitty life I’m sure he went ‘Not this child, someone has to have a good life’ and tried so she didn’t have to be alone. But if Miguel-TRN1042 was Spider-Man (or even not, which is more crucial) and the Canon Event was for him to die, but Miguel-928 is there and ends up saving too many people that shouldn’t be saved – as he alludes to by saying ‘save too many captains’ in his Spiderverse explanation – because he’s doing his job, but that world’s Spider-Man is gone, then that’s how he destroys the fabric of TRN1042.
He accidentally doomed a world by doing the most good.
So Miguel always learns something from his mistakes and goes hardcore on it, wether it’s good or not. So of course Miguel’s going to build an algorithm to find and keep the Canon in place so no one else has that guilt on them. If they stay out of the way the Spider might be hurt – and they all are – but at least they won’t lose their universe and can save others. Very twisted “the needs of the many out weight the needs of the few”.
Which brings me to my next thought. Outside influences not directly caused by a different Spider is safe.
Here’s what I mean, everyone points to Mayday being an anomaly like Miles-1610 because they, in that form, shouldn’t exist. I would like to point out those were caused because someone changed their ways in their own universes. With that line of thinking you could say the change to the Canon can only happen because of the universe’s Spider and not a different one changed it; ie Peter B was inspired by helping and teaching Miles to go home and try over with MJ & The Spot moved ‘The Bite’ event to a different dimension, his own, meaning someone there is already doing what needs to be done, not someone else of a different fabric.
I think it’s the act of a different Spider in a different universe taking direct actions that throws it off. It can be easily argued that Miles saving Inspector Singh is the cause, though The Spot was just there, but if any of the other Spider Gang grabbed the bus and allowed Pavtir to save the Inspector I think it could have been fine. A better example of my theory though is Gwen’s leaving made her dad quit. She didn’t force and/or save him, he made the action because of her, she changed her Canon, with an outside action, but an action none the less.
This is all to say that I think it’s the manner of the action and it needing to be the universe’s Spider doing it that will keep the universe safe. And with everyone hopping around I think it’s safe to say that’s what’s getting the wires crossed.
So what do you think? Feel free to share thoughts, but be civil.
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llobu-cerval · 1 year
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I love him
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I just love how Across the Spiderverse looks at all the people who hated and tried to boybott Miles Morales when he first appeared in comics even sending death threats to the creators because they just were not able to handdle change, and tells them NO.
No, Spider-Man doesn't have to be a certain way. No, things don't have to follow a pattern and stay in the same cycle over and over again. No, certain roles don't have to fall under specific people and never fall into nobody else because is "just the way things are."
No. No to pre-stablished borderline cultist canons that must be followed at all cost. Yes to disruption. Everyone can wear the mask.
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phishs-blog · 1 year
Hey you! Ya you the one who watch Spider-Man across the spider verse come here… come in close…
the spot reminds me of Rob from amazing world of gumball
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dr-skazka · 1 year
I’ve watched the new Spider-Man across the spider verse movie, and my brain instantly adopted Miguel, Pevitr and Spot
:) and because of that ya all getting an experimental Spot drawing
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I tried smt new with it, still suck at anatomy but I’m pretty happy with it 👀👀
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marchmay-may · 1 year
The inherent Queerness of Spider-man
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I gotta say, I don't think ANY movie ever has made my heart beat as fast as that scene in ATSP when Miles comes out ...as Spiderman to his mom. And it made me think.
Though I don't think the writers did that on purpose, it's incredible how similair the fears and struggles of being a spider-person and being queer are. Think about it:
The necessity of always hiding a whole part of you from your family, fearing that they would hate you, or judge you, or despise you for hiding the truth from them.
Having to manage having two entirely different lives, one of which has to be kept a secret from those who might not take the news well.
Losing people from your life, because they can't accept you for being you. People turning against you because they can't understand.
The fear that those closest to you won't understand you, or that they won't look at you the same after you tell them.
Will my mom still love me? Will she allow me to remain who I am? Will she accept this part of me, even though I kept it a secret from her for years?
...Or will she try to change me, even though I can't be changed?
But although it's tough being ...Spider-man, we musn't also forget the absolute joy of being quee- I mean, being Spider-man.
Knowing you have a community full of people who understand you, who know excatly of what you're going through. After all, they've been through the same shit!
Being able to be truly and openly yourself around your friends, sharing your experiences and stories, knowing that you don't have to hide anything from them
Experimenting with the way YOU express yourself, figuring our how YOU want to live your life, and who YOU want to be, regardless of other's expectations of you.
Writing your own story.
Writing your own story, no matter how much people want to put you in a neat little conformatory box of their idea of you.
Freedom and joy.
...Anyways I could be projecting, but as a queer teenager? boy there are a LOT of queer teenagers in this movie.
This movie resonated to me in ways I'm still proccessing
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twinks-for-louis · 1 year
Was it just me or the moment The Spot showed up in spider-man: across the spider-verse i was like
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
Review Blurbs: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
General Thoughts:
-From what I've seen the animation had like "how are the animators not in a psych ward" insane levels of attention to detail so go look into that cause there's always some new amazing tidbit of info circulating about the movie-making process
-Music score was fantastic, it always did well setting the atmosphere of the scenes and bringing you into the moment (my favorite sequences was Gwen's intro and the Mumbattan segments)
-I'm obsessed with how they choreographed the fight styles, especially for Gwen and Pavitr who had very stylized movements (Gwen's is based off ballet and Pavitr fights using Kalaripayattu)
-I liked how Miles' theme song (What's Up Danger) felt a bit more fitting. In ITSV, Miles was very new to everything and questioning if the hero lifestyle was what he wanted. Now, not only was he so committed to doing things his way that he derailed the entire Spider Society with success, but we also meet Earth-42 Miles who is seemingly very fearsome. To the Spider Society, potentially to the entire multiverse even, they face a danger in the form of Miles Morales.
-This movie was Gwen's movie, full stop. Her and Miles shared the spotlight, she wasn't just a side character this time. I haven't seen people talk about this as much and they should cause Gwen's story was so beautifully crafted and that intro/final scene were some of the best parallel sequences I've ever seen in a movie. Her story and even the storytelling in the music and her "starting a band" were so well done, people have been doing analyses on the music change in the intro vs the final scene and how the music correlates to Gwen's personal growth and just ugh. More Gwen appreciation please (this isn't even getting into the trans allegory literally there was so much to her story so pay tf attention please and thank you)
-Adding on, part of the reason I loved the above point was also cause not only is ITSV's main female character given a big spotlight to shine in, but it served an important narrative purpose of giving the movie a hopeful and satisfying ending, because right now Miles' story is in its sort of Rising/Climax stage. The final act of Miles Morales' story has only just begun, and the movie set it up so damn well cause I know me and everyone alive are dying to know what's gonna happen next with him and Earth-42 Miles. Gwen's arc wrapped up and gave us hope as Miles' story was taking a dark turn, and that hope is what's gonna lead us forward until its his turn to shine in the light once again.
-Loved the new characters, I enjoyed Miguel having layers to his methodology and morals (some people pointed out possible reasons for him acting as aggressive as he did and it makes a lot of sense, but at the time it was just like "why tf is Miguel slamming Miles into a train and screaming at him for not wanting his dad to die papi chill💀")
-Jessica is underrated and I love how they did her character. She's very responsible and definitely has a tough love approach, but she's very human. I laughed out loud when she said she wasn't bothered by being pregnant in this line of work cause the guy she screwed was hot like she is so fucking real omg. Jessica also had a similar attitude to Miguel, but she has a personal connection with Gwen that I think grounds her more. I wish we had more of her mentorship towards Gwen and I hope to see it in the next movie (maybe even a baby reveal👀)
-I don't think anyone mentioned it but Spider-Byte always looked a bit different/off in all her frames and I'm like 99% sure that's cause they used a different animation style to give her that glitched/cyber punk effect which is just so damn cool
-Honestly all the female characters deserve more recognition, fandom still has a huge male bias and it shows cause Gwen, Jessica, Spider-Byte and Lila deserve way more love
-Hobie was without a doubt my favorite character this movie. He's a real punk and I cannot be grateful enough cause I am fucking done with people who ain't actually punk using it as an aesthetic, he's here to show how its done (others have made plenty of observations on him so go check those out cause they're very good)
-Not much to say about Pavitr personally but I adore his character design, definitely my favorite next to Gwen's (he also taught me that chai tea does not exist and is in fact just "tea tea" I'M SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW I'M SOUTH AMERICAN NOT SOUTH ASIAN😭)
-I'm surprised by how engaging Spider-Verse continues to make their villains. Doc Ock was fantastic, and this time around The Spot was a great subversion of expectations. He's silly and from the trailer release to the beginning of the movie, you think he's a joke character to set the mood. Then he starts to become actually sinister and you're sitting there thinking "the movie literally called me out for this and I still managed to fall into expectations". Very good job making a villain character not only feel like a threat, but by doing so in an unexpected way that really rips the rug out from under you. I want to study the story writers' minds like I'm being tested on it
-The return of the OGs was so nice, I wasn't as invested in Into the Spider-Verse admittedly but I felt it when Peni made a reappearance to tell Miles his dad had to die. Shit hit me in the soul (I'm also obsessed with Noir so very happy to see them both back)
-I saw people saying that Spider-Verse was copaganda and I'd like to withhold any definitive stances until Beyond comes out, but it definitely felt like they were holding back when it came to criticisms of Gwen's dad. Remember, it could very well be that the writer's behind Hobie "hate the AM and PM"/wears blue fucking laces Brown were told by higher-ups to cool it or the movie wouldn't get released so don't immediately go after them, learn from the writer's strike to use critical thinking and wait for more info. Hopefully they can address that more after audience reviews come in so we'll see.
-All the scenes where Miles would almost reveal he's Spider-Man to his parents/did reveal it had me stressed lmao, they did a great job making the audience feel the weight and tension of the moment
-The ending was the hypest shit like it was so good I couldn't even be mad about the cliffhanger I was just in awe
-I actually thought towards the end that they might do a two-parter but then I was like "nahhhhh they wouldn't" and then they did that. We very much entered a "final stage" towards the end so I'm wondering how the creators will space it out and what they'll do for the next movie. Either way I am "beyond" hyped
I only have like two criticisms cause this movie was pretty fucking good, but its never bad to look at what even a masterpiece like Spider-Verse could do better so future projects can take note. Having said that:
-I understand it was for authenticity's sake, but the live-action segments were a bit jarring after being in animation for so long. I would've animated those segments as well or done some form of 3D so it blended in. Every other character was animated so it felt weird when suddenly Andrew Garfield and Donald Glover were on screen (even Tom Holland's spidey was animated). A minor nitpick, but I can respect the boldness in really committing to the meta-mindfuckery of the multiverse
-Gwiles as a ship was never really my thing, so you can understand my surprise when I felt like they actually kinda improved on it since the first movie ("boy has crush on girl because she's pretty and a girl and we're supposed to root for it" is my least favorite trope [*cough cough* cause its what straight dudes like *cough cough*] so its no surprise when Gwiles in ITSV did absolutely nothing for me). Having said that, the movie pushed a tad too hard for it imo. Pavitr was the classic "shipper" character made to push the ship forward and make it super obvious to the audience that its what the movie wants you to root for, and I and many people are not about that. If you need to tell your audience to support a romance then you're not doing it right.
-As sort of an add-on to the above, I think Hobie and Gwen were hinted as having dated during Gwen's time working under Miguel? Which like... why? Literally why. It made no sense and did nothing for the characters or their relationship, they could easily just be friends and nothing would change. This plot point was also never mentioned again after its initial reveal (from Pavitr to cause "drama" for Miles I think) and quite literally nothing came of it. No drama (thank fuck cause that was not what I or anyone went to this movie for), no development, nothing. It was just thrown in and never used. So uh... yeah, don't do that. Thanks.
Final Thoughts:
Across the Spider-Verse was definitely a step-up from the first movie, I was far more engaged and I found very little to criticize from it. Animation, music score, characters, all 10/10, and above all, its action sequences kicked ass and restored the good name of the superhero genre. Watch this movie, and I highly recommend doing so in theaters because it is a perfect example of how movies are not just entertainment, but an experience to remember.
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