#i am going to hell
starfinss · 5 months
ᴏꜰ ᴛᴇᴀᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴇᴅᴅʟɪɴɢ ᴍᴇʟᴜꜱɪɴᴇꜱ — ᴡʀɪᴏᴛʜᴇꜱʟᴇʏ
𝘍𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘮: Genshin Impact
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: Wriothesley + Reader
𝘙𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨: NSFW 
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 12,925
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: After beginning work as a doctor at the Fortress of Meropide, Siegwinne decides you and the Duke are a good match, and will do anything in her power to get you to together, even if she has to take drastic measures.
Or, alternatively, Siegwinne adds a little something extra to the Duke's tea. Chaos ensues.
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As soon as the suture needle so much as touched the man sitting before you, he was already flinching away.
“That hurts!” He cried, “please, doctor, be gentle with me.”
It was almost laughable, really. Monsieur Phillip was a hardened criminal, or so you’d been told. He was a career criminal, you remembered the Duke remarking, and he’d been sentenced to serve time in the Fortress of Meropide for a myriad of things, such as assault, and even attempted murder, but here he was, a hulking mass of a man, whimpering in pain at the slightest prick of a needle. 
“Hush,” you said, tutting gently, “the quicker I start, the quicker it’s over. Now hold still.”
He flinched back again, eyeing the needle like it was out to get him. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”
You raised an eyebrow. “Please try and relax. I can assure you, I did go to medical school.”
Before he could say anything else, you made the first stitch, carefully, but quickly enough so as not to cause him too much pain. Even with the numbing gel you’d applied, it seemed that the patient’s pain threshold was quite low. It usually removed enough sensation that any leftover pain would be no more than a pinch, but even with that, you could see tears beading at his lash line.
A hardened criminal, indeed.
You finished the sutures quickly before bandaging the injured shoulder and giving Phillip some care instructions.
“And,” you said, “no more getting into altercations about work times, okay?”
Phillip sighed, casting his eyes away from you.
“Yes, ma’am.”
You smiled, kindly. “That’s doctor to you.”
It wasn’t wholly unexpected. Men tended to have lower pain tolerances than women did. You’d given stitches to many people before, and when it came to whining, the men tended to be the most common offenders. 
After Phillip left, you checked up on a woman who was resting in one of the infirmary beds, and after taking her temperature and walking away with your clipboard, you nearly tripped over Siegwinne, who had somehow snuck into your path without you noticing.
“Archons,” you exclaimed, a hand flying over your heart, “I need to put a bell on you.”
Siegwinne ignored your remark. “May I see the patient’s chart?”
You handed it to her. “The patient shows signs of improvement. Her fever has broken, and her delirium has started to clear up. She should make a full recovery.”
Siegwinne hummed meaningfully. “Very good. I was worried about that one. I am glad to hear she is healing well.”
You nodded, then turned, starting towards your desk, but before you could make it, Siegwinne called your name, making you pause.
Her expression remained impassive, eyes curious, unsuspecting, and she tucked the clipboard under her arm as she closed the distance between you.
“Have you seen the Duke today?”
There it was. You didn’t know what you’d been expecting aside from this. Ever since Siegwinne had caught onto the fact that you’d developed a crush on the Duke, she’d tried to do everything in her power to set you up with him. In the beginning, that was all it was. A crush. It was a crush in the same way one would develop an infatuation with a colleague or schoolmate, based on their appearance or the limited positive interactions they had with them. It was no secret that Wriothesley was an attractive man. He was tall, and handsome, anyone with eyes could see that. You’d heard the whispers among female inmates and guards alike. You were not unique in feeling some form of attraction to him. 
But to Siegwinne, your silly crush was an opportunity. 
“You’re a good woman,” she told you, “and His Grace is always stressed. I fear for his health. I think you would be the right person to keep him company. You are a good match. Your influence and affection would do him much good.”
Siegwinne came to you with this a few months after you’d started work at the Fortress, completely out of nowhere, stunning you to silence. You had no idea how she’d caught on to your feelings, and when you expressed as much, she went into a rambling tangent about human behavior, something about the dilation of pupils, and how she’d been taking notes, and that was when you cut her off.
“Absolutely not.”
But nevertheless, she persisted. 
Siegweinne’s matchmaking attempts rarely ended conclusively, since she tended to see things as a logical cause and effect, and did not at all fit the way any normal human would attempt to court another. They mostly involved putting you and Wriothesley into situations that forced you to speak or interact with one another, with little to no regard to how much said situations were an inconvenience to you. Her first attempt, as such, embarrassingly enough, involved telling the Duke you’d had some kind of accident with an inmate, and when he came to the infirmary to check in, finding you unharmed and working at your desk, all that ensued was a lot of confusion. You wondered why he’d come all that way to see you, and he was surprised to find you not laying on one of the infirmary beds.
But, what her attempts did do, was make the way you felt about Wriothesley, which was no more than a passing fancy at first, grow into something more. 
And despite your best efforts, that only made Siegwinne latch on even harder. 
“Hello?” Siegwinne said, shaking you from your thoughts, “I believe it is polite to answer a question when asked one, or have human customs changed?”
You brushed off her unintentional rudeness, instead answering what she’d asked you.
“No,” you said, “I have not seen His Grace today. He’s a busy man, Siegwinne. You know that.”
“Well, you should go see him.”
You sighed, leaning down to take your clipboard from under her arm, then crossing to your desk.
“I don’t have a reason to go see him,” you said, sitting down, “and like I said, His Grace is a busy man.”
She didn’t push after that, simply going back to work as you did yours, and you tried to put it out of your mind. You and Wriothesley were friends, you’d say. Even though you usually found yourselves meeting in less than normal circumstances, you were still fond of him. You enjoyed his frank, matter-of-fact personality, and dry sense of humor, and he seemed to enjoy your company as well. Your relationship was as casual as it could be between you and a man who was technically your boss, and friendly enough that you had conversations outside of work related matters. You’d never let Siegwinne know this, but her repeated and clumsy attempts at setting you up were not without some benefits. 
That was fine, you supposed. You’d bonded over Siegwinne and her antics, and built a friendship over a shared love of tea, as well as an author you both enjoyed, among other common interests. But that was it. As much as Siegwinne, and, begrudgingly, you, would like to say otherwise, you and The Duke were only friends. 
And, it seemed, as you settled into that fact quite comfortably, Siegwinne only grew more brazen in her attempts at Melusine style matchmaking. 
Her latest attempt involved trying to shut you in a locked room with The Duke, which failed when Wriothesley produced the master key in order to open the door. It happened a little over a week ago, which made you nervous, because Siegwinne didn’t like letting too much time pass between her less than gentle shoves. You were almost completely certain that Wriothesley knew what was happening, he’d have to be stupid not to, though he hadn’t said anything about it. This was probably to spare you from any further embarrassment, which you appreciated. 
The situation was hopeless. You knew that well. But Siegwinne didn’t, and that was beginning to become a problem. You didn’t know why you’d let her get away with this for the handful of months that you had, but maybe, deep down, you hoped that something would actually come from all her meddling. 
And apart from that, you had a certain degree of professionalism to uphold. Wriothesley was your boss, and you were both his employee and his doctor. As much as you found yourself wishing otherwise, pursuing your feelings, even if that was an option, just wasn’t ethical. 
But still, you could dream, you supposed. Dreaming was harmless. 
“I need you to run an errand for me.”
You turned in your chair, raising an eyebrow at Siegwinne, who was staring over at you innocently, a thermos in her hands. You looked at it, then back at her, puzzled.
“Siegwinne, I’m not in the mood.”
She frowned. “To do your job? How unbecoming. I’m simply asking you to deliver this tea to the Duke. His Grace is suffering from a headache. I delivered some to him this morning, but the problem still persists.”
You glanced at the thermos again. “Tea? What’s in it?”
She immediately became defensive, and for a moment, you almost felt guilty for doubting her. 
“Medicine!” She cried, “what do you take me for? I’ve brewed a painkiller into the tea. It should help with His Grace’s headache. If you don’t trust me, you can take a sip yourself.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Why can’t you do it?”
Her brows pinched together in annoyance, and maybe a little indignance. “I have to go see a patient, thank you. A young man is complaining of nausea, and finds it hard to stand because of it, so I am going to see him in his cell. Now, will you bring His Grace the tea, or not?”
You sighed. In your own mind, your hesitance was completely justified. Siegwinne had tried to trick you into being alone with Wriothesley many times before this, but then again, if the Duke was actually feeling unwell, and you refused to bring him medicine, what kind of doctor would you be? 
And so, you relented. With another sigh, you stood, snatching the thermos from Siegwinne’s outstretched hand. 
“Fine,” you said, “I’ll be back as soon as I drop it off.”
If Siegwinne was disappointed by this, she hid it well. She simply nodded, then crossed over to her desk to busy herself with her medical bag. You glanced over a few more things at your own desk before scooping up the thermos and leaving the infirmary after calling a quick few words of parting to Siegwinne, who only nodded. 
You shivered a little as you left the infirmary. Siegwinne tended to keep it warmer there, with a space heater sitting in the corner to combat the cold dampness of the rest of the Fortress of Meropide. It was better for the patients, she said, if they had somewhere nice and warm to rest and recover. You were fairly certain she also said something about humans and their preference for warmth, but that wasn’t important at present. 
The clang of your boots against the metal floors rang out as you walked, head held high, thermos in your grip. The air smelled of iron and brine, a scent you’d grown used to in the time you’d been working in the Fortress. Artificial light cast everything in a sort of ominous hue, and the low strength of it left everything in partial shadow. It used to make you nervous, not knowing what hid behind them, using them like masks. Now you knew that whatever was waiting for you was something you could handle.
You glanced down at the thermos in your hands. It was warm, likely just brewed. There was no way Siegwinne would have you serve the Duke cold tea. The thermos was plain; unassuming. It was slate gray, probably stainless steel. You turned it over in your hands, studying it. It was just tea. You had no reason to think it was anything other than that. But with Siegwinne, you’d learned to expect the unexpected.
Absently, you stepped into the elevator to take you down to the administrative floor. The car jerked, and with a mechanical clank, began to move. You turned the thermos over in your hands again. It’s just tea. For the Duke. Your poor, ailing boss. You twisted your mouth. It was fine. There was no way Siegwinne would ever do anything to actually harm Wriothesley. You tapped your nails against the surface of the thermos, almost jumping from your skin when the elevator came to an abrupt stop as it reached its destination, jostling you where you stood and ejecting you from your tangled thoughts. 
You sighed as you left the elevator, tucking the thermos into your arms and against your chest. Everything was fine. If Siegwinne took anything seriously, it was health. You’d caught her staring intently at you on many occasions, and when you asked her about it, she told you she was making sure you were healthy, in a very matter-of-fact tone, like it was obvious. She may be odd, but she wasn’t going to try and harm anyone. 
As you reached the doors to the Duke’s office, you reached into the pocket of your skirt, digging out the key to the lock. Because of the Fortress’s status as a prison, it was only natural that important areas such as the office of the warden would remain locked. The only way to get in was if you had a key or if you were invited by Wriothesley himself. There was also the off chance that the Duke left the doors unlocked, but that was uncommon. Regardless, before you put the key in the lock, you raised your hand, knocking on the door with a great clang. 
“Your Grace?” you called, though it was unlikely he heard you through the thick steel, “I’ll be coming in now. I have some tea for you.”
And with that, you pushed the key into place, twisting. With a grunt of effort, you pushed the doors open.
It was as you were opening the door that you heard him, calling to you. It was muffled under the mechanical clank of the doors, making you only vaguely aware of his call of your name, and you hurried to close the door to answer him. The lock clicked as you did, signifying that the mechanism had reset to its previous locked state. 
You expected Wriothesley to call out to you again after your lack of response, or even possibly to come see you. It was unlikely that Siegwinne would send you on an errand without previously announcing your arrival. But instead, you were met with silence. You gripped the thermos more tightly, hesitating.
“Your Grace?”
You heard something else then. A soft intake of breath, only able to be heard because of the complete lack of noise, save for the quiet hum of machinery from beyond the doors. Then, you could hear him clearing his throat. 
“Yes,” you heard Wriothsley say, from up the stairs, “up here.”
You sighed, relieved, as you made your way up the curving staircase and into the main office.
And as for things you expected to see, this was not among them.
Wriothesley was sitting at his desk, but he looked more than a little disheveled. His coat had been discarded, draped over the back of his chair, and his tie was undone, hanging loose around his neck. His waistcoat was also unbuttoned, as were the top two buttons of the dress shirt he wore underneath the garment. His gloves had also been removed, laying out on his desk beside an empty teacup. His hair was tousled, more than usual, and his face…
You furrowed your brows, suddenly concerned. His face was flushed, a deep pink settled in the apples of his cheeks, very evident against his usually pale skin. Breath, feather soft, expelled itself through parted lips, almost too quickly, as he looked over at you, brows pinching together, as if pained or troubled before the expression calmed. Wriothesley straightened, clearing his throat again, and he was hurriedly fixing his clothing, deft fingers doing up the buttons of his shirt, smoothing back over his hair. 
His eyes fell to the thermos in your hands, lingering, before sliding up to your face. 
You stared at him, your concern growing more by the second, and after a beat, you crossed to the desk, setting the thermos down.
“Your Grace,” you said, “I’ve brought you painkillers for your headache, but you look… May I examine you? You do not look like you’re feeling well.”
“Examine me,” he repeated, then took a slow breath, squeezing his eyes shut before shaking his head, as if clearing away a fog. He swallowed, raking a hand through his hair, and it was then that you spotted sweat beading on his forehead. 
“Yes,” you said, gently, already in doctor mode, “please, let me help.”
He cleared his throat, for what was probably the third time, and you narrowed your eyes. You were rapidly beginning to get suspicious in addition to concerned. There was something he wasn’t telling you. Absently, you found yourself mentally scolding yourself for neglecting to bring your medical bag.
“I’m fine,” he said, though he certainly didn’t look fine, “please, don’t trouble yourself. You’ve come all this way for me, so would you at least sit with me for a cup of tea?”
You blinked, surprised by the sudden shift. It was fine, though, you supposed. Staying around wasn’t a terrible idea. It would give you a chance to more closely study the Duke’s behavior, and try and figure out what the problem might be. And so, you stepped to the table off to the side, picking a clean tea cup from the collection displayed there. 
“I don’t need any, really,” you said as you leaned over to take the thermos from the desk, “Siegwinne made this for you, for your head. I am happy to sit and talk with you, though, if you want me to.”
Wriothesley smiled easily. “If you like, I can brew you a cup from my personal collection of teas. What do you like?”
You flushed, feeling special, and you turned to busy yourself with arranging his cup of tea to hide the pink in your cheeks. 
“You already know my preferences, Your Grace,” you said, over your shoulder, “just a cup of earl gray is fine.”
You heard shuffling, then the sound of a drawer being pulled open, and you knew the Duke was rifling through the collection of teas he kept stored in his desk. Shifting your focus, you removed the small travel cup attached to the top of the thermos, then unscrewed the lid. Immediately, you were hit with the scent of the tea. It was unexpectedly sweet, and sort of floral. It certainly wasn’t the Duke’s usual style, that was for sure. You took another lungful of it, and could make out notes of various medicinal herbs, including rosemary and feverfew, both known to help with headaches. You could also smell a hint of lavender. But there was still that floral, sort of rosy scent, undercut by the bitter, citrus aroma of the feverfew. It smelled a bit like rainbow roses; of petrichor and morning dew and sweet fresh petals. It certainly had herbs in it, some of which were known to help with what the Duke needed, but the combination of them that you were able to discern was puzzling to say the least.
You put it out of your mind, chalking up the roses to being there to help with the bitterness of the feverfew. With a sigh, you poured the steaming liquid into the teacup. It was sort of a deep rouge color, bordering on purple. A nice color, you decided, and not entirely unexpected with what was contained in the tea. You placed the cup on a saucer, then carried it, alongside the still half filled thermos over to the desk, setting them before the Duke. In exchange, he handed you the tea bag you’d requested, which you accepted gladly. 
After you’d filled a cup with boiling water, which the Duke always seemed to have on hand in any nearby kettle, ready for a quick cup. You added the tea bag, as well as a few spoonfuls of sugar, then took your seat on the couch by the tea table. 
Wriothesley’s face twisted as he took the first sip from his cup, seemingly troubled. 
“It’s very sweet.”
You tilted your head. “Is it not to your liking? I’ll be sure to tell Siegwinne to tweak the recipe.”
Wriothesley waved a dismissive hand. “No,” he said, “I just wasn’t expecting it. It’s not my usual style, but I don’t dislike it.”
You nodded meaningfully, blowing over your tea once more. 
“How are things over in the infirmary?” He asked, and you sat up straighter, engaged. 
“Fine. The usual. I had a man who was scared of needles just before I came over,” you said, “I’d barely touched him before he was telling me to stop.”
Wriothesley laughed, amused. He took another swallow of tea.
 “Oh, really?” He said, “Monsieur Phillip, I suspect? That man always gets into brawls, but is terrified of medical treatment. And he never wins those brawls. The gardes always have to pull the other guy off of him.”
You hid your smile behind your teacup. “I know,” you said, “Siegwinne is always scolding him when he comes in for being reckless.”
Wriothesley rested his head on a closed fist, thoughtful, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
“Maybe a few rounds in the Pankration Ring would do him some good,” he said, and you raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t go putting any ideas in his head,” you said, “he might become a permanent resident of the infirmary if he starts entering into any matches.”
Wriothesley made a face, pale blue eyes moving to rest somewhere in the depths of his teacup. “Maybe he’d pick up a few things about proper combat, though.”
It was your turn to laugh. “Maybe, but at the cost of his health.”
You enjoyed this. It was hardly the first time you’d been invited to stay for tea, in addition to being personally invited to tea a handful of times before. Wriothesley’s presence was pleasant and inviting, despite his intimidating stature and appearance. His height dwarfed many other people, and you’d seen few as tall as he was, save for the Iudex, who was far more slim than the Duke was. Where Monsieur Neuvillette was tall and lithe, Wriothesley was broad and powerfully built. His sheer size alone, made only more prominent by the bulky coat he wore around his shoulders, was enough to intimidate anyone.
But despite that, he was an amicable and good-humored man, earnest and straightforward. He made you feel at ease, and your growing affection for him settled low and warm in the spot behind your heart. 
His face was getting more pink, you noticed, with a start. You took another sip of tea, watching him closely. His brow furrowed, just briefly, and he was fiddling with the bands of leather around his throat, as if they were suddenly too tight. He shifted in his seat, seemingly uncomfortable.
“Your Grace?” You said, and he seemed to snap out of whatever had overtaken him, regarding you with raised eyebrows and an expectant expression.
“Sorry,” he said, “what were you saying?”
You studied him, eyes narrowed, and he laughed, a little awkwardly.
“You’re doing that thing Siegwinne does,” he said, “the thing she does with her eyes. I don’t know how you replicated it so perfectly. There’s nothing wrong, I promise. It’s just suddenly kind of hot in here. Do you feel that?”
You shook your head. In fact, to you, the room was cold. Just as cold as the rest of the Fortress, save for the infirmary. It was the reason for the thermal lining in the pale blue overcoat of your uniform, the color that marked you as medical staff, as well as the reason for the thicker uniform fabric worn by the majority of the other general staff. 
“No,” you said, and Wriothesley looked puzzled. 
“Oh,” he muttered, puzzled, “I was warm earlier, but I’m starting to get… hot now. I don’t suppose that’s normal?”
You cracked a smile at that. “No, I don’t think so.”
A spell of silence passed before your mind snapped back to what he’d just said.
“You were feeling overly warm earlier? When did that start?”
Wriothesley furrowed his brows, considering your question before answering. He took another sip from his cup, then poured more of the contents of the thermos into it.
“This morning,” he said, “I can’t pinpoint exactly when it started, but it was maybe shortly after I had a cup of tea.”
You snorted, amused. “You realize how little that narrows it down, don’t you? You drink more tea than anyone I know, Your Grace. I need a measure of time, not cups of tea.”
He chuckled at that. “I apologize. I believe it was after Siegwinne delivered the tea she made for my head. Which is feeling much better, by the way. I think what I’ve been drinking while we’ve been chatting has helped kick the rest of it. I’m almost finished with the thermos.”
Suddenly, you made the connection. 
Almost robotically, and with learned efficiency, you went over the contents that you’d smelled in the tea, along with their uses. Feverfew, maybe some lavender, and rosemary. All of those had various uses, though they all had one thing in common, which was pain relief. Finally, there was the rainbow rose. The petals and buds were used for medicinal purposes, and could be used as such, similarly to common red roses, for anything ranging from headaches to a sore throat. 
Something was missing. Something was wrong. The scent itself had been off.
“The tea,” you said, “from before. Was it sweet?” 
Wriothesley nodded, taking another gulp, and finally, pouring the last of the contents of the thermos into the cup. “This brew is sweeter, though.”
You stood, then reached for his teacup, bringing it to your nose and inhaling. You caught the same things as before, but as you mulled them over, something else clicked. 
Siegwinne wouldn’t. Would she?
“It’s really hot,” Wriothesley said, and you could see the sweat beaded at his hairline, sticking the hair at his temples to his skin, cresting down his cheekbone. 
You reached out, and when the back of your hand made contact with his burning forehead, he flinched, making a soft sound in surprise and alarm.
“Why is your skin so much colder than mine?”
Your skin wasn’t cold. In fact, your body was at an average temperature, kept warm by the layers of clothing you were wearing. By your own assessment, your hands were probably relatively warm. You frowned, reaching into your pocket and withdrawing your penlight, circling the desk to situate yourself closer to the Duke.
The way he was looking at you when you drew closer was strange. Almost hungry. Famished, ice blue hues swept over your form, and you watched as his hands, previously resting on the desk, folded in front of him, over his lap. 
You moved closer, leaning halfway over to him, hand making contact with his face to tilt it towards you. He flinched at your touch, breath shuddering, and you studied his eyes closely before muttering a warning and shining your light into his face, instructing him to follow the light with his gaze.
“This isn’t… necessary,” he protested, weakly, and you ignored him. His pupils were blown wide, dark pits in the center of the sky blue of his irises. 
“Mydriasis,” you muttered, more to yourself than to him as you switched off your light and pocketed it. 
Your hand dropped from his face to just under where his jaw met his throat. You pushed aside the leather straps, just enough to access his pulse point, pressing two fingers to the spot. His heart was racing, quick and erratic, and you felt him shudder, breath heavy, his jaw setting tightly as your hands drifted across his skin, probing and searching. His skin was burning with heat, feverishly so, and coupled with the elevated heart rate, the blown pupils, and the way he seemed to flinch whenever you made contact with his skin directly, you could only make one conclusion.
“So,” you said, backing up to stand up straight, “this started after you had the first brew Siegwinne dropped off, yes?”
Wriothesley nodded. “It did.”
His voice. It had dropped several octaves in the time you’d been examining him, and you cursed the effect it had on you, coursing hot through your bloodstream. It felt so deeply unprofessional for a doctor to even think of her patient in the way the brief thoughts that fluttered through your mind suggested you do.
“Is it worse after this second batch?” You forced yourself to say.
He huffed a laugh. “You could say that.”
And it was then when you noticed, from where you were standing, that Wriothesley’s belt was undone. Rosy hues colored your cheeks as you yanked your gaze away.
“You need to tell me all of your symptoms,” you said, “spare no detail.”
Panic briefly flashed across his face as he crossed and uncrossed his legs.
“Hot,” he said, “I feel far too warm. Do I have a fever?”
You narrowed your eyes. He was purposely hiding the truth, but nonetheless, you answered.
“Yes,” you said, “but I believe it’s because your body is overheated and not because you're fighting an infection. I just said not to leave anything out, Your Grace, please tell me everything. As your doctor, I–”
“I’m… Archons, I don’t want to say it,” he paused, searching, almost frantically for something else to focus on. “What was in that tea?”
You swallowed, leaning back to rest against the desk. 
“Herbs,” you said, “rosemary, feverfew, and lavender. All meant to help with pain and headaches. But I could also smell rainbow roses.”
Wriothesley brightened. “Yes, I thought that was what I tasted. It brings such a unique flavor to the table, don’t you agree?”
You fought a smile, endeared by him, but now was hardly the time. You needed to figure out what was wrong with him, not to discuss tea. 
“Yes,” you said, “but it was strange. Too sweet. It only gets to that level when the powdered roots of a Sumeru rose are included alongside the powdered roots of a rainbow rose, in which case the combination can make–”
Oh. Oh. 
As you were talking, it clicked into place. The scent, which you’d thought was much too sweet before, suddenly made sense. Sumeru rose must have been the final ingredient. It was flavorless when consumed, but smelled quite sweet. When combined with rainbow roses, the scent of the two grew overpoweringly saccharine. Unless diluted, it would almost resemble a syrup. If the rainbow rose petals were boiled alongside the powdered roots of the Sumeru rose, it could become a powerful medicine able to soothe a bad cough. But if the roots of both plants were powdered, the results were…
You cursed yourself for being so stupid. Of course, Siegwinne would see nothing wrong with this. Medicine was medicine, regardless of what the outcome of its ingestion spelled, so long as it got the desired result. To her, the suggestion of something unbecoming would be taken with great offense. 
“‘Can make?’” Wriothesley supplied, and were already imagining the ways in which you were going to rip Siegwinne a new one.
“I need your symptoms. Now. I am a doctor, Your Grace, I promise I will be as non judgemental as possible, just please–”
“Damn it,” he interjected, face hidden in his hands, “I’m aroused.”
Anything you’d just been about to say left your mind, swept away by dread, because you knew what was happening.
Siegwinne was evil. You could already picture her expectant, innocent face, asking just how her little ‘experiment’ had gone, and it filled you with boiling rage. 
Though, there was also the fact that she could simply be misinformed. Melusines had different reactions to some medicines than humans did, and it was equally possible that she simply thought that, if dosed with the tea, the Duke’s feelings for you, if he had any, would just be made more prominent. For her sake, you hoped it was the latter. 
“Aroused,” you parroted, trying hard to stay professional and failing miserably, because this was unethical on so many levels, “tell me more about that.”
He made a strangled, startled sound. “You want to know more?” 
You wanted to melt into the floor. “I need to know how strong the dose you’ve been given is.”
“Dose?!” He said, “of what?”
You refused to look at him. “When mixed together, the powdered roots of a Sumeru rose and a rainbow rose create a powerful aphrodisiac. I believe the first dose you received was a weaker version, and this one is much stronger.”
Silence followed as Wriothesley took in the information, then cleared his throat.
“Do you have an antidote?”
You raised your head to look at him properly. He looked almost haggard, the flush from his face creeping down his neck. 
“There… kind of isn’t one.”
Wriothesley made a sound of frustration in the back of his throat, hands raising to card through his hand, and it was then that you noticed it. Now that his hands were no longer hiding it, you could see it, there, outlined against the dark fabric of his slacks. 
He was hard. 
A wave of suffocating, shameful arousal washed over you, and you forced yourself to look away, to ignore it.
You could only begin to imagine how he was feeling. The way you were feeling was nothing compared to him, his condition undoubtedly much more intense than your own physical reaction in response to his arousal, and you could feel his eyes on you as you scrambled to find a solution. 
“What am I going to do then?” He asked, “it’s getting… I’m sorry, It’s getting rather unbearable. I tried everything. It’s impossible to ignore, and I know I can’t use my hands.”
You spared him a glance. “Why?”
“Because,” he said, “I was already trying that. It wasn’t enough.”
Oh. The unbuckled belt. His disheveled state when you’d walked in. He’d already been dealing with the effects of the first dose, or at least attempting to. The call of your name, as you were entering the office. The silence before he summoned you up to the second floor.
Fuck. He’d been thinking of you. 
That had to be one of the hottest things you’d ever heard, professionalism be damned. Arousal rolled over you like a breaking wave, making you bite into your lower lip.
You knew what needed to happen. You knew the effects of this particular drug would take, and you knew that the only way to relieve his symptoms was either to very painfully wait it out or to… find relief. In this case, that entailed another person. 
“You need to have sexual intercourse,” you said, “or you can wait it out.”
Wriothesley cleared his throat. “Wait it out,” he said, “right, I can do that. How long will that take?”
You twisted your hands together. “It… depends. You were likely given a pretty strong dose, even for someone your size. By my estimate, it would probably take several hours for it to work its way out of your system.”
He chuckled dryly, humorlessly. “Great.”
You cleared your throat. “Do you have someone I could… call? A girlfriend?”
He snorted, as if amused by the idea. “I don’t have a girlfriend.”
That would make sense, you supposed, if he was calling out your name, and not the name of another woman. 
“We both know what Siegwinne is doing,” Wriothesley said, “not just with this, but for the past few months. I can’t pretend I’m not fond of you, and neither of us can pretend there isn’t something between us.”
It was like the ground dropped out from under you at the sheer brazenness of his admission. You stared at him, thunderstruck. 
“You… what?” 
A cavalcade of thoughts crashed together as you rapidly attempted to process what he meant by that, but he barely gave you any time before he started speaking again.
“Look,” he said, “if you don’t feel the same, I can accept that. I’ll wait it out, and we can pretend this never even happened. But if you do, are you even… slightly interested in um… helping me? Because honestly, I feel like I’m about to explode.”
Heat coiled low in your stomach, threatening to overtake you as the lovely rasp of his voice made any of your logical thoughts close to meaningless. This was so vastly unprofessional. He was your boss, and you were his doctor. But something dangerously close to want was settling neatly over that space you usually reserved, that you looked to for reassurance about your professional standing with the Duke, to tell you that your feelings for him, ever growing, were improper. 
And when you turned, watching his face, the way his hungry gaze traced your body through your uniform, something in you snapped, and you threw caution to the wind.
Head lowered, face flushed, you swallowed your rationality and any remaining hesitance you had left. 
“I suppose,” you said, “I could use my hands.”
Wriothesley’s body jolted in anticipation, and his eyes betrayed his hesitance, darkened to steel blue with lust as he nodded once, then once more.
“Hands,” he repeated, “yes, hands are good. Whatever you feel comfortable with.”
You found it touching that he was at least trying to take your comfort into account, even when he was drowning in desire, and you took a slow step forward as he shifted, pulling his chair out enough to allow you room to situate yourself on the floor in front of him. As you took another step, he took his coat from the back of his chair and laid it at his feet, another gesture you appreciated. 
Once you reached him, you knelt down between his thighs, and he watched you with burning eyes, flinching when your palms smoothed over his clothed thighs, jaw tightening. Medical curiosity echoed briefly in the back of your mind, taking note of just how sensitive the drug had made him to the simplest of touches, how he shivered as your nails grazed against the insides of his strong thighs. 
Fuck, he was radiating heat. So much so that it was beginning to affect you, and you shifted back on your knees to remove the overcoat layer of your uniform, leaving you in the blouse and underskirt beneath it. Wriothesley’s eyes followed your motions with rapt attention, and when you moved forward again, settling, you felt him jolt when your palm met his leg once again.
This close up, you could see it, just how much he was straining against his trousers, his erection pressed against his zipper, and hesitantly, you cupped it in your hand.
The Duke gasped at your touch, fingers twitching where he’d curled them around the armrests of his chair, then tightening in a white-knuckled grip as you ever-so-gently squeezed. He twitched against your palm, and you removed his belt entirely, dropping it to the floor with a clatter before you were unfastening his button and zipper.
You palmed him through the fabric of his underwear, and you could already feel how big he was just from that. A sort of eagerness threaded its way into the burn of your arousal as you pushed away any remaining layers, pulling him free.
Fuck. He was so thick, and when you slowly wrapped your hand around him, your fingers just barely met. He was long, too, though you supposed it made sense for a man of his size. He was flushed red, painfully hard, and when you squeezed, you felt him twitch once more, his body tightening like a coiled spring. His hands tightened their grip on the armrests, flexing, and you felt his hips shift forward, unconsciously. 
The first stroke made his head roll back, the sound he let out one of relief, just from that simple touch alone. It made you squirm in place, the sound of his voice and the stricken hitch of his breath causing the desperation of his arousal to bleed into your own building need. Precum was beaded at his tip, and you almost wanted to lean forward to lap it up, especially as more leaked out in response to the way you were stroking him in slow, even movements. 
Heavy breath expelled through clenched teeth, followed by a low, low groan as your thumb found his tip, rubbing in slow circles, and it was then that you leaned forward, giving into temptation as your tongue pressed to the underside of the head of his cock in a slow lick.
“Oh,” he gasped, “oh, you don’t have to– oh, fuck.”
He cut himself off as you lapped at his slit, groaning through his teeth. He was already completely lost to pleasure as you pumped the base of him, and when you took him into your mouth, sucking on the tip, you heard him curse, a sound drawn out with a low, decadent groan. 
“You said your hands– oh!”
Arousal was settling low and smoldering hot in the pit of your stomach, pooling between your thighs, and you whined as he whispered your name. You released him from your mouth, hands moving to rest on his thighs, and you dragged your tongue up and along the underside of his dick, gathering up any precum that had dribbled down. Your fingers curled into the fabric of his slacks, lips grazing the side of his shaft, and he repeated your name, louder, voice twisted with an urgency that made your blood sing.
It was embarrassing, just how quick you’d gotten like this, punch drunk on the reactions he gave you, the way his body reacted to your touch. It filled you with an addicting sort of power, one that threatened to overtake you if you weren’t careful. But right then, all you wanted was to add fuel to the ever growing fire. And, with the way he was breathing, rough and ragged and broken, you doubted he’d be opposed to that. 
Your tongue flicked out, against the fold of skin just below his tip, and he tensed, crying out helplessly. When you finally took him in your mouth, fully, his head fell back against his chair, a feral groan tearing itself from his throat as your tongue pressed firm against him. Your hand moved from his leg to encircle the base of him again, squeezing and stroking in tandem with the slow bob of your head, and making the Duke gasp at the sensations. 
When you sucked, just a little, Wriothesley babbled a string of curses, hips twitching up towards your mouth, and when you ducked down, bobbing your head, one of his hands flew from the armrest to the back of your head. You thought he’d push, or maybe take control, but all he did was lace his fingers into your hair, unmoving. His body shuddered under the roll of your tongue, under the press of your free hand to his stomach, creeping under the layers of clothing covering him, his skin fever hot against your own.
You took him deeper, and he twitched, hips jumping as you hollowed out your cheeks, drawing back before surging forward once again. You relaxed your jaw further as his hips bucked, and he muttered an apology, breathless and feverish. His head pitched back as you rubbed your thumb against his base, and he twitched again, sharply. When you looked up at him, through your lashes, he was gazing down at you with hooded, burning eyes. There was desperation in his cool blue hues, a wordless plea for anything, everything you could give him.
And with everything you had, you delivered. 
You dropped your jaw, swallowing as much of him as you can, drinking in the sound of his breath shuddering, tapering off into a low moan. You sped up, gradually, and the sounds he made were so madly erotic that you found yourself aching to reach between your thighs and take care of your own growing need, but you could hardly focus on anything apart from taking him as deep as possible without choking. The sheer girth of him was enough to make your jaw sore, and when you moved forward again, he hit the back of your throat, making tears catch in your lashes. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, drawing the word out with the sound, long and low and you kneened around him, making him curse and buck. 
The hand not tangled in your hair raised to his face, balling tight, and he bit down on his fist, stifling his uncontrolled cries of ecstasy, eyes squeezing shut, brows pinching in concentration. He was trembling beneath your touches, twitching against your tongue, and when you moved back to suck on the tip, slow and indolent, the noise that left his mouth was nothing short of pornographic. 
“Yeah,” he seethed, voice breathy, needy, “fuck, yeah, don’t stop.”
Not a chance in hell you were doing that. You clamped your thighs together, squeezing around nothing, and you knew you were soaked, evident in the way your panties were sticking to your skin, your thighs tacky with sweat and the soak of your own arousal. Your hand curled into a fist where it rested on his stomach, then flattening once more and flexing, searching for anything to anchor yourself. When you took him into your mouth once more, fully, he bucked his hips, groaning with no regard for volume. He was close, teetering on that edge, evident from the way his grip on your hair grew tighter, the way you could feel the muscles in his stomach tensing, and when you took him deep and sucked, he moaned, long and low, the sound almost forced from his fraying lungs. The sensitivity had to be maddening, you decided, and you’d use that to your full advantage. 
Slowly, you pulled back, lapping at the leaking tip, hand working tirelessly at the base of him, and you barely had any warning before he tipped over the edge, back arching, breath all but leaving him. You shifted back in surprise, reflexively, and cum painted itself across your cheeks, the bridge of your nose, the seam of your lips. You closed your eyes in an attempt to keep anything from getting into them before you were hurrying to take him in your mouth, sealing your lips around him. His hand was fisting in your hair, and the sound he made, a low, breathless groan, was one of sheer, debauched relief. 
You sucked, and he let out an obscene moan as you swallowed down his cum, hips jerking, the hand previously fisted between his teeth flattening against the desk, palm slamming down, just once, and you heard the rasp of wood under fingernails as he moved to grip the edge. 
You slowed, working him through the intensity of his orgasm, as he twitched and throbbed under your touch, the sheer volume of cum surprising you. It leaked from your mouth, down your chin, and you did your best to swallow as much of it as you could. He slumped, boneless, against his chair, and when you moved to clean him with your tongue, you got to listen to the delightful sound of him gasping from oversensitivity.
“Fuck,” you heard him say, dazed and utterly breathless, “fuck.”
Slowly, you drew back, and his eyes followed you, breath hitching and gaze darkening as he took in your appearance. The sight of you, knelt before him, covered in his cum, was enough to make him groan aloud, cheeks flaring pink.
“Archons,” he said, “that has to be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
You let out a short, breathless chuckle.
“Do you have a rag or something?”
He nodded, once, and you stood on shaking legs before leaning sideways against the desk, and he pulled you closer, gently wiping your face clean with a tissue before depositing it in the trash situated under his desk. 
“How do you feel?” You asked, and he huffed what may have been a laugh, nearly disbelieving.
“That was… Incredible. But I’m still, um…”
You crooked an eyebrow, watching him, expectantly.
He looked almost guilty. “I’m still hard.”
Oh. Oh. 
You weren’t completely surprised. You didn’t know if a blowjob alone would be enough to work the drug from his system, and clearly, it wasn’t. Not that you minded. Your own arousal was a steady pulse below your skin, working like a second heartbeat. Desire coursed through you, and you pressed your thighs together once more. You wanted it. You already knew that. You wanted him. 
“Alright,” you said, and what was left of any phantom of resolve, or the shreds of your until recently professional relationship with him all but vaporized, “sit back.”
“You don’t have to,” he started, the protest as fragile as glass, but you cut him off.
“I want to. I’ve… wanted this– you– for a while. So please, Your Grace– Wriothesley. I want it all. If you’ll have me.”
That was all it took. With a low, shuddering breath, a signal of his rapidly fraying restraint, he was yanking you forward and into his lap, his fingers working the buttons of your blouse open, hurriedly shucking it down your shoulders once undone. He made quick work of the ties fastening your skirt to your body, and you briefly shuffled off of him to drop it to the floor, along with your stockings, before resituating yourself on his lap. 
“If I’ll have you?” He rumbled, the low, rough ombre of his voice sending prongs of lightning down your spine, and he yanked you closer, mouth dragging along the curve of your jaw.
“How could I possibly refuse?”
And then, for the first time, he was kissing you. 
His lips were burning hot against yours, and your fingers found his hair, threading into messy locks, nails dragging against his scalp. He huffed a sigh into your lips as he nudged his tongue between them, tilting his head to slot his mouth more firmly against yours, and when his tongue dragged against yours, you moaned, low and soft, into his mouth. He kissed you slow and deep, almost a juxtaposition to the way he was feverishly running his hands, large and calloused, down your body, and when his fingers grazed over the patch of nerves just where your lowest rib met the curve of your waist, you shuddered in his hold. 
You could taste the tea he’d been drinking on his tongue, cloyingly sweet, and it was almost too much when mixed with the heady, spiced smell of his cologne. Everything about him was overwhelming you in the best way possible, rendering you pliable and soft in his hands. Fuck, Wriothesley needed his own warning label. It was almost funny, really, just how riled up you were when he was the one who had been drugged with an aphrodisiac. 
His teeth caught your lower lip as he drew back, tugging, before he was diving back in, hands planted firmly on your hips, and you let out a stuttering gasp as he pulled you forward, his bare cock pressing against your stomach. 
The way he shuddered at the contact was enough to make your head spin with arousal, and when you shifted forward once more, just to see what he’d do, the grip on your hips grew to nearly bruising. 
“You have no idea,” he husked, low and rough, the very threads of his sanity slipping from between his fingers, “how hard you’re making it to hold back.”
His words shot straight between your thighs, and you rolled your hips again, loving the way he stiffened. You felt his palm, dragging slowly up your body, then finally moving to cup your breast through the fabric of your bra, squeezing. You arched your chest into his touch, his name whisper soft on your lips. 
He unfastened your bra after some fumbling, his coordination clearly beginning to become impacted by the drug. Once the garment was discarded, he barely gave you time to breathe, and you gasped when his head dipped down, mouth dragging across the valley of your breasts, skating along the side of one before his lips found one of your nipples, drawing it into the heat of his mouth.
He groaned at the taste of you, indulgent, as he laved his tongue over your flesh, hands sliding up to grip your waist, holding you in place, allowing him to explore the newly exposed skin with his mouth as much as he pleased. He was strong, his grip like iron, but it didn’t prevent you from slowly rocking your hips, rubbing your clothed cunt against his bare cock, and the way he groaned into your skin was a sound of delirious pleasure. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathed, almost disbelieving, “fuck, I’m a lucky man.”
His tender words made your heartbeat quicken, and you squeezed him closer, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head. Your hands slid down his chest, fingers catching on the buttons of his shirt, and you quickly unfastened them, pushing the cloth away to smooth your palms over his bare skin. Gently, you pushed him back against the chair you were both situated in to look at him, and the sight before you was almost too much.
You already knew he was muscular, that much was obvious by just looking at him. But beneath his clothing, among thickly corded muscle was a patchwork of scarred flesh. You’d known about some scars; three of them crept up over the collar of his shirt, partially hidden by the straps he wore around his throat. There was also a collection of them on his arms, and of course, the one under his right eye. The ones that were hidden wove their way across his chest like a roadmap, some of them faint, and others more prominent, pale threads across his already pale skin. You laid your palm against him, tracing the one closest, and he shuddered, leaning into your touch, eyes fluttering closed. Your fingers skimmed down his chest, to his trim waist, and when your thumb caught in the deep v at his waist, he let out a soft grunt. 
One of his hands moved from your waist to your hip, squeezing the plush flesh, then migrated to the apex of your thighs, and when his middle finger rubbed you through the sodden fabric of your panties, a high, breathy whine tore itself from your throat. He pressed harder, and your back arched, eyes falling half-lidded when he circled your clit through the fabric.
Then, without warning, he was pushing the cloth aside, and the feel of his calloused finger dragging across your entrance was enough to make you jerk in his hold.
He dipped his head, forehead making contact with your shoulder, and it took you a moment to realize he was watching himself, observing the sight of his hand between your legs. When your hips twitched, he used his opposite hand to hold you steady, effectively forcing you to stay in place as he did what he pleased with your body. 
“Please,” you whispered, and that was all it took for him to tire of his teasing, sinking his finger inside you with a slow, indulgent movement.
You gasped, the sound bleeding into a moan when his finger curled inside of you, and he pushed you down, forcing you to take him to the knuckle. You whispered his name as he curled his finger again, and when he added a second finger, you squeezed your eyes shut. He groaned at the sound it made when he thrust his fingers into you, the lewd, embarrassing schlick of you around him, and you had to take a moment for your jumbled thoughts to catch up with you. His fingers were so much thicker than your own, not to mention longer, and he was hitting spots you didn’t even know existed. He thrust again, and you cried out, hips twitching, causing him to tighten his grip. 
The curl of his fingers hit a spot inside of you that made you see stars, and when he felt the way it made you tighten around him, he began to abuse it with everything he had. 
“Oh, Gods,” he groaned, “you’re so wet.”
You could do no more than gasp as his palm ground against your clit, and he held you there, forcing you to take it as he pressed in slow, maddening twists of his wrist before replacing his palm with his thumb.
It was arousing how easily he could manhandle you, and you had absolutely no desire to fight against him as he pumped his fingers in and out of you. You were getting close, embarrassingly quickly, and you could do nothing to stop yourself from hurtling towards that end, walls throbbing and contracting around his fingers.
One of your hands shot between you, encircling his thick wrist, and you weren’t sure what the purpose of that was, either to push him deeper or simply to find purchase, but you did know that your desperation made his dick twitch where it was pressed between you, forcing him to stifle a groan.
You convulsed in his hold, hips jerking in his iron grip, his name on your lips, and with a final press of his thumb against your clit, you came hard around his fingers, biting down into his shoulder, and he worked you through it with slow thrusts that made stars and celestial bodies dance across your closed eyelids. You called his name, urgent and drawn out, yet high and needy, and he replied with a groan of his own, his free hand flying from where he was holding you in place to wrap around his own cock, palming it, thumbing the head, forcing a moan from between his teeth.
You slumped heavily against him as you fell from your high, and when he withdrew his fingers, you let out a shuddering breath, the sensitivity sending your thoughts into nonsense. Your head was spinning, thoughts in a daze, and all you could feel was him as he panted for breath. 
Seconds of silence, only interrupted by heavy breathing, passed before you rose on unsteady legs to discard your panties before you were settling over him once more, and he watched with hazy eyes as you shifted forward, pressing your bare cunt against the underside of his shaft in a slow grind. His mouth fell open in a silent cry, brows pinching upwards, the sensitivity clearly unbearable. Suffocating, maddening lust worked its way through your bloodstream like a toxin, and you knew he needed more, from the way his hips rutted up in halfway thrusts as you rubbed against him.
“Fuck,” he choked, head falling back as the tip of his cock caught against you, “I wanna–”
You rocked forward, and his entire body jolted, tearing a groan from deep in his chest.
“What do you want?” You asked, breathless, and he lifted his head to look at you, the fog of desire in his eyes downright sinful.
He yanked you close, trapping his cock between your bodies, and into a frenzied kiss, his restraint all but gone as he unabashedly moaned at the feel of your skin. 
“I want,” he husked, mouth pressing open kisses against your jaw, and he stopped, breath hot against your ear, “to be inside you.”
Your breath left you in a rush, and you drew him into a deep kiss, one he returned with vigor, hands smoothing down your body to grab at your hips, pressing you forward and against him once more, and when you pulled back, his eyes were wild with desperation and maddening lust. 
“I don’t have protection,” he said, and you shook your head, dismissing him.
“I’m on birth control,” you said. Siegwinne made the tonic you took, something she supplied even to female inmates to help with lightening periods. But right now, it would be used for its intended purpose. Wriothesley nodded as he took this information in, seemingly relaxing a little.
“Please,” he mumbled, and you blinked, surprised to hear him beg for anything, but you were hardly going to deny him, “I’m going insane. I need you.”
You took a shuddering breath as you shifted up, using one hand to brace yourself as you took his cock in your hand, pressing him against you. You both cried out in unison at the feeling, even the slightest whisper of much needed friction enough to make you feel lightheaded, and you felt his hands grasp your hips, urging you downwards.
You sank down, slowly, and even the tip of him was a stretch, a dull ache blossoming as you pressed closer. Both hands landed on his shoulders, breath heavy, and he groaned lowly at the sensation.
“Slow,” he said, fighting for control, “c’mon, you can take me. Relax, deep breaths.”
You nodded, once, as you did as he instructed. Your knees shuffled as you pressed yourself down, met with more resistance, and forcing you to stop, gasping for air. He was only halfway in and you already felt full, stretched to accommodate him. It was unfamiliar and new, and you weren’t used to this, but his grip was tightening, and with a deep breath, you thrust down, taking the rest of him in one quick motion. 
The sting of the stretch danced across your frayed nerves like a livewire, and you grit your teeth, head slumping forward as Wriothesley let out a long, low groan, both of his hands rushing to your hips, squeezing, keeping you in place. 
A string of curses left his lips as his head fell back, and you could feel him throb inside of you, so deep you could hardly believe it, stuffed full to the brim. 
“Just– oh, or you could just take it all. Fuck,” he quieted, breathing heavily, before speaking again, “are you– did that hurt you? Are you okay?”
The pain wasn’t horrible, and you hesitated to even call it pain. It was just an ache, dull and unpleasant, but you’d been wet enough that taking him hadn’t caused you any actual damage. You sat still as you adjusted, the aching burn of the stretch rapidly fading into something maddening, replaced by a desperate need. 
“I’m fine,” you said, voice strained, “I’m okay.”
He nodded, once, before drawing you close, linking your mouth to his in a kiss far more gentle than you’d expected. You felt him throb, and when you squeezed, you got the pleasure of hearing him groan your name.
“You’re so tight. Please, please– yeah–”
His head fell back as you rocked your hips, lifting yourself up, only to sink back down, and when you repeated the action, he groaned helplessly, a string of almost nonsensical praises spilling past his lips, only serving to make you want to wreck him even further. 
Sheer, uncontained relief was tangled inextricably with every sound he made, his hands squeezing your hips as you took him again, and again, and again, and oh fuck, you felt like you were being split open, impaling yourself repeatedly on his fat cock. The burn from before turned into pure ecstasy, the stretch of him inside of you intoxicating, and you buried your face into the crook of his neck as you moaned out his name. He wasn’t even bothering to stay quiet, not that it mattered, nobody could hear from outside the heavy office doors, which was an advantage right then. 
You keened as his hips rose to meet you, the base of his dick rubbing against your clit. You sank down, taking him fully, ejecting any rational or sensical thought from your head, grinding in deep, easy circles, and you could feel blunt nails digging into your hips as he held you in place, totally drunk on pleasure. 
His grip eased as you slid back up before taking him again, and he was kissing you frantically, one of his hands flattening against your breast, rolling the nipple under the rough pad of his thumb, making you whimper into his mouth.
“Faster,” he hissed, pulling back to meet your eyes, “faster, ride me faster.”
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, using them as leverage to move yourself faster, arching your back as the new speed made you see stars, and you whined, burning pleasure shooting through you at the grind of his cock against your clit.
“Good girl,” he groaned, dizzy with pleasure, “yeah, just like that.”
You could feel yourself getting close again, and you groaned his name as you swiveled your hips. Your thighs were beginning to burn with the exertion, even with just the short time you’d been moving at this pace, and when he felt you shudder, his hands found your waist, helping you along.
“That’s it, gorgeous,” Wriothesley panted, “that’s it, fuck me just like that.”
He was moving you with his own hands, easily, and you tried your best to move along with him, swiveling your hips whenever he bottomed out, and his head fell back in rapture, gasping for air. 
Your orgasm was approaching fast, and you were helpless to its pull as you sped up, chasing after it frantically, the sound that filtered through your clenched teeth one of desperation. You felt like you were losing yourself, and when you sank your teeth into the soft flesh of his throat, an unrestrained groan fell past his lips, his hips bucking up with enough force to make you see stars. When his thumb pressed against your clit, you tipped over the edge hard, stilling as you clung to him, sobbing his name into the curve of his shoulder.
You tightened to a vice grip around him, throbbing as your climax crashed over you, and you heard him growl at the sensation, hips bucking, still working his cock up into your messy cunt. Before you could even start to come down from your high, you were moving, and the frigid steel of the floor met your back, rapidly heating from contact with your skin. One of his hands gripped at your leg, tucking beneath your knee and holding it up, and then he was driving forwards, hips slapping against yours as he filled you once more.
He paused, shaken by the intensity of the sensation, before his head pitched forward, breath heavy, and he was thrusting again with a renewed vigor, nails digging into your flesh. 
His name was the only thing on your tongue as he fucked you, so good it made you feel like your head was emptying itself out. His mouth found yours as he leaned forward, supporting his weight on his forearm, laid beside your head, giving him more freedom to do what he pleased with his hips. The base of his dick was rubbing against your clit once again, and you whined, squirming beneath him, but he wasn’t letting up.
“Wriothesley,” you gasped, head fuzzy, completely cock drunk as he broke the kiss to mouth at your neck, “deeper.”
He groaned, low and indulgent, and when his hips snapped forward, filling you completely, your back arched against his chest.
“Deeper?” he repeated, the baritone timbre of his voice lowered to an uneven bass, “you want it deeper? That what you want, gorgeous?”
“Please,” you sobbed, “please, give it to me.”
A low, rough chuckle was the only warning you got before he was thrusting forward, hips flush against yours, and he repeated the action, again, and again, and again, making you bite your lip to keep from wailing at the intensity of it all.
“Oh, fuck,” you heard him gasp, stricken, indulgent, “fuck, yeah, that’s it.”
It felt so good you could hardly think, and when you babbled his name, lust drunk and fucked dumb, he pressed soft kisses along the column of your throat, almost like a reward, a thank you for letting him do this to you. 
His pace was growing sloppy, but he showed no signs of letting up, and in the back of your mind, you figured was probably just going to keep on going, even if he came. It was rapidly beginning to become far too much for you, and you moaned, high and breathy, when he rammed himself all the way in, grinding his hips before pulling out less than a quarter of the way, then thrusting back in. He was so deep, and you writhed under him, fingernails scraping against the floor before you were clinging to him. He was moaning, low and breathless, the way he was moving causing you to helplessly spasm around him, forcing you violently over the edge when the base of him rubbed just right against your aching clit. 
You could feel tears, beading at your lashline as the sensitivity became maddening, but he wasn’t letting up, even as you arched and bucked and wailed beneath him, the intensity of your climax rendering you incoherent. He knew exactly what he was doing, just how to push every button he needed to, and you were halfway between deliriously begging for more or sobbing at the sensitivity. 
A string of curses left his lips as he came, gushing hot and thick inside of you, but he wasn’t even pausing, even as his groans tapered into breathy moans from the way he was overstimulating himself. You could feel him, throbbing, pulsing inside of you as he filled you, uncaring of the way his cum  dripped out of you. The sound of it, combined with the slap of skin against skin, was unbelievably lewd, but you hardly had the wherewithal to even think, let alone be any kind of embarrassed. If anything, it only drove you higher. 
“Fuck,” Wrothesley cursed, low and broken, “I need it again, please, again– fuck!”
He shifted back, grabbing at your legs and pressing them down beside you, and you thanked the Archons you were flexible as he continued, leaning forward once he had you in the position he liked and taking your body with abandon. He was hardly bothering to hold back his strength as he hammered into you, and your head fell back against the floor with a soft thud, eyes rolling back. 
You’d never felt like this before in your life. Your legs were growing sore, and your back was going to be stiff from the way he was fucking you into the floor, but you didn’t care, not as you got to listen to the way he was saying your name like a prayer, how he was caressing and kissing your body like it was sacred. Exhaustion was a heavy weight against the blurred edges of your mind, and all you could do was lay there and take it as he chased after what he so desperately needed.
It didn’t take long for him to grow close again, and he whispered your name as his end quickly approached. You yanked him into a kiss, which he returned with a groan of ecstasy, and then, with a final, deep, shuddering thrust, he was cumming. The force of it made his entire body tremble, and the sound he made was one of satiated, relieved bliss as he emptied himself out inside of you, the heat of him almost suffocating, burning you from the inside out.
His hips jerked with unconscious movements and spasms as he drifted down from the staggering height of his climax, his breath heavy, and he slumped, weakened, his face pressing into the crook of your neck. His mouth pressed lazy kisses against your skin, and you lifted a hand to run it through his hair as he finally, finally began to grow soft inside of you.
The two of you lay there, still joined, for what felt like hours, bathing in each other’s warmth and the afterglow of it all. His breath fanned across your skin, feather soft as he lifted his head to join your lips together, before he slowly pulled out, rolling off of you, dazed. 
“Are you hurt?” He asked, voice hoarse, and you arched your back, flexing your body. You winced at the soreness. You were undoubtedly going to have bruises from how hard he had been gripping you. 
“I’m fine,” you said, “are you–”
He snorted. 
“Yeah,” he said, “that uh… that did the trick.”
You laughed, a little breathlessly. You didn’t know how you’d be able to stand after that, genuinely. Your legs felt like jelly, and a deep, all consuming exhaustion was settling over your senses.
“You think it’s gone?” You asked, “the drug, I mean.”
He looked at you sidelong. “I don’t feel uncontrollably horny anymore, so I’d say so.”
Wriothesley sat up, flexing his shoulders. He tucked himself back into his pants, and then he was gathering you into his arms, rising to his feet.
“What are you doing?” You asked, and he raised an eyebrow at you.
“Taking you to the bath,” he said, “I have a bathtub, in my living quarters.”
You relaxed, settling into his arms. “Oh.”
His living quarters were attached to the office, through a door you’d somehow never noticed before. You were far too tired to take in any of the details of it, instead opting to close your eyes and rest your head on the nearest comfortable spot on Wriothesley’s chest, which he didn’t seem to mind at all. 
He set you in the tub, and after the water was run, you were surprised to see him climbing in along with you. It wasn’t unwelcome, and seeing him completely bare was hardly a bad thing, and you were pleasantly happy when he began to gently wash you, and once he was finished, he tugged you back, settling you against his chest.
The bathroom was silent, save for the musical sound of running water, and you allowed yourself to close your eyes, settling into the comfortable atmosphere. 
“I meant what I said, you know,” Wriothesley said, and you opened your eyes to look up at him.
“What?” You asked.
“About being fond of you,” he said, “you’re… an amazing woman. I want–”
You leaned up, kissing him, and effectively giving him an answer to his thoughts. He sighed into the kiss, content, one large hand rising to cup your face, thumb smoothing over your cheekbone.
“I guess Siegwinne succeeded,” you said, and Wriothesley smiled, amused.
“I guess she did.”
You stayed in the bath much longer than you expected, until the water became cold, and once that happened, Wriothesley whisked you off to the bed, tucking you under the covers after supplying you with one of his shirts to wear. You smiled when he joined you, now dressed in a pair of sweats, chest left bare, and curled up beside you, tucking you close to his chest. 
Sleep came quickly after the lights were switched off, the exhaustion from before spreading over you like wildfire. 
And, when he thought you were asleep, you felt him, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of your head, his body relaxing against yours.
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You were agonizingly sore. Your stiff muscles had stiff muscles, and while Wriothesley was sheepish, and apologetic, and promised he’d treat you to dinner to make it up (which you would be taking him up on), it made walking back to the infirmary the next morning a little difficult. 
What was even worse was the look on Siegwinne’s face when you entered, ruby red eyes knowing as she watched you approach.
“How’s the duke?” She asked, and you handed her the accursed thermos without saying anything.
“Fine,” you said, slumping down into your chair with a sigh. 
She smiled. “Good. Are you seeing him again tonight?”
You turned, brows furrowed. “How did you know about that?”
She shrugged, unbothered. “Someone saw you leaving his office this morning. I suppose what I put in the tea worked a little too well.”
You stared at her. “Siegwinne, you put an aphrodisiac in his tea.”
She paused, concerned. “No I didn’t. I put a supplement to further enhance his desire for you. If we’re being frank, it’s closer to a love potion. Just to get rid of any inhibitions. It’s medicine. But it isn’t meant to cause anything like–”
You rolled back your sore shoulders. “Yeah, well, it did.”
Her face went pale, but she briefly covered it up. “I… suppose I miscalculated.”
You laughed, then. Really laughed. It startled Siegwinne, who stared at you with growing concern.
“It’s fine,” you said, “whatever, Siegwinne. At least you don’t have to keep going with trying to set us up. Focus your energy on making ‘love potions’ that aren’t aphrodisiacs in humans, okay?”
She flushed, quiet, then nodded, once, her eyes taking on a determined look. You were beginning to regret saying anything. 
With a smile, and a good natured nod, she put her hands on her hips, ever the dutiful nurse.
“I’ll get right on that.”
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You Get Me Closer to God
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: France
Warnings: Words & Actions that will damn me to hell; Poorly written smut; blasphemy
Summary: Father Daryl wasn’t an ordinary priest. He drew out your curiosity and curiosity killed the cat…but satisfaction brought it back.
A/N: I am going to hell. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200
gif by @mcbride
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The smoke stung your eyes a little as it wafted upward from the cigarette hanging between your lips. Your eyes narrowed as you watched the priest arrive with two sisters and a young boy. A strange combination, but not the strangest you had ever seen wander into the walls. 
You had been with this same group of nuns since just after the end of the old world. You had traveled from America just before the turn, backpacking and adventuring with your boyfriend and the friends you shared. Partying, sex, drugs, and copious amounts of alcohol and bad decisions. 
You were the only one left now. 
The sisters had taken you off the street, quite literally. Half dead, beaten, and left for the hungry ones who would eventually stumble upon you. Sister Catherine had ensured your stay, even when you balked against most of their beliefs and practices once you were well enough to attend sermons and lessons. 
Though Sister Catherine still tried to persuade you to join them, they had all but given up, Mother Superior only allowing you to remain because it would be nothing short of a sin to cast you out into the clutches of the sick that wandered in search of flesh. You did your chores and kept your nose clean, well enough. 
You plucked the cigarette from your mouth and crushed it beneath your boot heel, following the sisters and their guests further into the compound by way of the narrow trail in the small garden. 
The sisters carried weapons, which was odd enough, but the priest laden with them, his scrutinizing gaze taking in every inch of the area around him. You knew that look well. Memorizing entrances, exits, weaknesses. 
You fell in behind the group as they entered the makeshift sanctuary, keeping enough distance to not be detected. Something told you (the way he turned his head and angled it, listening) that the priest knew you were there regardless. 
Father Daryl, you learned, observing from one of the pews in the back. The four were passing through, on a mission of which they would not divulge the details. Sister Catherine was content enough with letting it go, leading the group to their quarters for the night. While the sisters and boy bowed their heads with the sign of the cross, Father Daryl did nothing more than observe. Your eyes narrowed, following them as they approached. 
“Ah, this is Y/N. Our resident non-believer.” Sister Catherine gave you a teasing smile as the strangers took you in, no doubt wondering about your outfit of a cut off tank top, leather jacket, and black distressed jeans that disappeared into well worn combat boots. 
“I believe, sister.” You shot back. “I just don’t go about it with a constant stick up my—” Sister Catherine cleared her throat sharply and pinned you down with a look. “Sorry.” You muttered, the grin you wore anything but. Risking a glance at Father Daryl found one corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk.
Curiouser and curiouser. 
You stood but remained inside as the group was led away. You didn’t miss Father Daryl sparing you one last glance over his shoulder. 
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After Compline, when the sisters had retired to their chambers for the Great Silence, you slipped out your door as you did most nights. A cigarette already hanging from your lips, you walked along the loggia, bringing your lighter up toward your mouth. You never lit the thing, eyes narrowed at the small cloud of smoke billowing up from the terrace below. 
You leaned over the thick banister, spotting Father Daryl easily. He was sitting on the back of one of the stone benches, his boots on the seat. Your first thought was to leave him be. It was late and engaging in conversation during the Great Silence was severely frowned upon. Even guests were asked to participate. 
But Father Daryl wasn’t just a guest. He was a priest. 
You kept your steps light as you descended the stairs and made your way outside. The tip of his cigarette glowed red before diminishing and he held the smoke in a little longer before exhaling. He was savoring it. 
He was flicking the ashes by the time you stood behind him, opening your mouth with snark on the end of your tongue. 
“Ain’t easy to sneak up on me.” He drawled, never turning to face you. 
You straightened, eyes blinking wide. “You’re American.”
“Get that a lot.” He mused in a low voice. Cigarette between his thumb and middle finger, he flicked it to disappear somewhere in the shadows. “Whaddaya want?”
“You’re a priest.” You stated plainly, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Appears so.” The way he grumbled out the remark was unexpected. You crossed the last few steps and climbed into the back of the bench next to him, leaving ample space in between. 
You could feel his eyes on you though he had yet to move. “You’re smoking. Didn’t you take a vow to refrain from voluntary destruction of your body or some shit?”
One corner of his mouth twitched into a smirk as he pointed toward the dark, starry sky. “We got a arrangement.”
“Uh huh. And what about the Great Silence?” You probed further. 
“Th’fuck’s that?” 
To your bewilderment, he didn’t bat an eye at what you initially presumed was a slip of the tongue, however unlikely. You were stunned into silence, mouth agape while continuing to stare at the man with eyes like saucers. When you never found words, he simply shrugged a shoulder and looked back to the stars. 
“S’diff’rent in America.”
You snapped your jaw shut with an audible click of your teeth. Something was definitely off here. You didn’t know much about the man in front of you but he was no priest. He didn’t seem to care much about hiding that fact either. You could sense he was dangerous. Anyone who would need a disguise yet care so little to keep it had to be. Still, you didn’t feel threatened. 
“I see.” You whispered, continuing to study him. He was an attractive man. Older than you, certainly. Your wandering gaze made it to his hand hanging off the end of his knee when you were struck with an idea. One that could benefit him but would definitely benefit you. 
After all, it had been a long, long time. 
“How different?” You asked, scooting close enough that your shoulders were nearly touching. He glanced down at the decreased space between the two of you and then looked at you from under his lashes. 
“Diff’rent. Why?”
“It’s just… we haven’t had a priest here in so long and…” you shifted to angle your knees toward him, giving him your best doe eyes, “would you take my confession, Father Daryl?”
His back went straight, jaw ticking with how hard he was clenching his teeth. “Nah. Don’t think that’s—”
“Please, Father! I don’t know how long I’ve got left in this world. None of us do. I’m so scared that if I don’t confess, I’ll—” You buried your face in your hands, shoulders trembling as small broken sobs escaped from between your fingers. 
“Okay, alright. Just… stop all that.” He made a gesture toward, well, you in general just as you lowered your hands to your lap. 
“Follow me. I’ll show you to the confessional.” You hopped down from the bench, adding a bit of extra sway to your hips the moment you heard his boots against the concrete behind you. “We really should wait until tomorrow for this, rules and all.” You whispered as you guided him into the chapel. “I’m sure the sisters would understand, though, given I haven’t been the most…devout during my stay.”
Daryl simply nodded, shifting his weight from foot to foot under your gaze. “S’this the thing?” He motioned to the booth with a sweep of his hand, looking as if he might bolt at any given moment. 
“Mhm.” You nodded, opening the door for him to enter. The fact he didn’t yet realize he’d been busted was amusing, but you weren’t just out for a laugh. 
“Right.” He cleared his throat and stepped inside. With a sly grin, you followed right behind him and pulled the door closed with your back pressed against it. There was about enough room for him to turn and look at you with wide, blue eyes. “Pretty sure you’re s’posed to be on the other side.”
“Nah, I like this side.” You slipped off your jacket and pulled your shirt over your head, letting both fall to the small area by your feet. “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.” You purred as you pressed flush against him. Daryl held his hands out away from you as far as he could in the limited space. “What’s wrong, Father? Don’t you want me?”
“Ya know I ain’t no priest.”
“Mhm.” You ran your thumb over his bottom lip while your tongue traced your own. “If you don’t want me, I can go. Do you want me to go?” 
“Then sit down and let me tell you my sins.” He allowed you to grip his shoulders and push him onto the small bench. With hardly enough room to bend, you had to do some maneuvering to toe off your boots and shimmy your jeans down your legs to lift your feet out of them, pulling the rosary Sister Catherine had given you from the pocket first. 
Daryl was watching you silently. When you twisted an arm behind yourself and unclasped your bra, his hands moved to his belt buckle. You didn’t wait and straddled his lap wearing nothing but your modest cotton panties. He was still working at his zipper when your clothed cunt brushed the top of his knuckles. 
“Damn, woman, ain’t even touched ya yet.” His trousers were open but his cock was still held captive in the confines of his underwear. 
“I’ve been a bad girl, Father.” You purred, rolling your hips against his groin as your mouth slanted over his. He responded with equal fervor, licking your bottom lip before tugging it with his teeth. You couldn’t have stopped the full body shiver if you tried. A gloved hand palmed your breast, his bare fingertips warm as they rolled and pinched your nipples. “I’ve lusted after a man. A dangerous man.”
With a smile against his mouth, you worked a hand between your bodies and into his pants, stroking him languidly while you draped the rosary over his head, twisting it to press tightly against his throat. Daryl growled, his hips bucking into your hand when you pulled him free. 
Large hands drifted over your ribs and down to your hips, fingers dipping into the waistband of your panties. “Off.” He demanded leaning forward to capture your lips as he pulled the garment down over your ass, holding you steady while you lifted one leg and then the other, letting them dangle from your ankle. 
You didn’t wait, found that you didn’t want to; sinking onto him with your jaw slack and eyes closed. The initial stretch burned, it had been so long since you’d taken a lover. Daryl filled you perfectly, your dripping cunt molding around his length. 
“Fuck.” He breathed, his head falling back against the wall. Apparently it had been a while for him as well. “You’re fuckin’ tight.”
You smirked and rolled your hips, gasping when his fingertips pressed into the skin there. “Such language, Father. So unbecoming.” A moan punched out of you when he thrust upwards, jarring you suddenly but hitting that spot inside you that made your toes curl. 
“Shuddup.” He snapped. His hands slid around to cup your ass, kneading and spreading you open, digging in his fingertips to manage a firm hold. With his help, you set a brutal pace, moans and whimpers echoing in the empty chapel. 
You twisted the rosary again, the beads digging into his throat. Using it as a leash, you pulled him to you, licking inside his mouth. “Fuck, you feel amazing.” You keened, enjoying the painful grip digging into your ass that only tightened with your words. 
Daryl growled, the sound strained against the pressure on his throat. His face was slightly red from exertion and lack of oxygen, but the twitch of his cock within you didn’t lie. He liked it. 
You felt the scorching heat begin pooling in your belly, the frantic way you were riding him quickly coaxing your orgasm to the surface. The twitch and slow pulse moving against your velvety walls gave away that he was soon to follow. His jaw was set, grunts and breathy whimpers spilling out of him each time your ass slapped his clothed thighs. 
Biting your lip, you stared into his lust blown eyes before placing your mouth directly in front of his. “For Thee have I kept the purity of my body, and to Thee have I entrusted my soul; wherefore, preserve Thou Thy lamb, O good Shepherd.” Making a choked noise against the rosary constricting even tighter, Daryl used his hold on your ass to lift you, pounding up into you from below. Your words were jarred and fragmented, breaths coming faster as you neared the precipice. “Do not permit…the beast which seeketh to devour me…to consume me, and…grant me to prevail over the evil desires of my flesh!” The last word broke off into a shout of his name. Seconds later, you felt him pulsing within you, warmth spreading and coating your walls while your pussy milked him dry. 
Panting, you released your grip on the rosary and fell against his shoulder, your body moving back and forth with each heaving breath he managed. “Amen.” He croaked. You chuckled but remained as you were for a moment, relishing the feel of him softening inside you. Letting him cum in you was probably one of the worst decisions you’d ever made but you had a track record of those a mile long. “Don’t think ya can say enough’a them hail Mary’s or whatever for what just happened.”
This time you gave a hearty laugh, sitting up on his lap while he slipped out of you. You kept him pinned where he sat but he didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact, he appeared to be quite content. Holding onto the silly scarf he wore, you leaned back to grab your jacket, smiling when his hands came up to ensure you didn’t fall. 
Plucking a cigarette from the coat pocket, you dropped it back to the floor and struck the lighter, inhaling as the paper lit up and burned down.  You even felt inclined to share, turning your hand to let him have a draw after every one of your own. 
“I hope you realize,” you paused to blow out the smoke, “that I’m coming with you when you leave.” His brow drew inward as he took the offered hit. 
“Ya don’t even know me or what we’re doing.”
You shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. Sick of being cooped up here.” The man hummed, but didn’t exactly agree. “Look, you can let me go with you willingly, or I can sneak off and follow you afterward. Your pick.”
He stared for a moment, eyes narrowed behind the smoke that billowed from his mouth. “Don’t leave me much of a choice, does it?”
“Nope.” You grinned. “Besides, I may need to confess every once in a while.” 
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retrobr · 17 days
hello folks i'm about to make your lives worse
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this line from some comic for some reason made me think about the possibility that charles (i'm talking about the one from the movies) most likely was never truly loved.
from what we can tell, his parents never really cared about him, and raven was probably the only person who loved him at least a little bit; but, you see, raven has had her own demons that she had to fight (such as problems with self-acceptance), and she couldn't constantly provide him with love and affection. thus, she wasn't always by his side.
regarding his potential lovers, i guess that they were mostly humans (if not all of them), and not all the humans were fond of mutants, especially of someone who could read their minds. they probably left charles when they found out about his peculiar mutation.
the only person who could've actually loved him was erik. but, as we are all aware, eventually he left charles too and took raven – the only one who cared about charles, i repeat – along with him. just consider this: maybe charles thought that erik might at last be the right person in his life, but it didn't happen.
but that's not all: imagine if after all that happened, raven, by some occasion, told erik that charles has never known what it's like to be loved by someone, and erik actually feels horrible about it because he left him behind and basically took raven away from him. 
erik, at least, received some love from his mother, and the potential love that he could've provided charles was never shown. erik abandoned him, just like everyone else did.
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twiisted-king · 1 year
— nsfw 🤍🕳️🕸️
the spot fucking you to prove he’s still got it even when he looks like a dalmatian that went to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. he doesn’t stop until both of you are too tired to go on and when he pulls out, he whimpers at the sight of his cum leaking out of you like the pathetic loser he is :)
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i am going to hell, but who doesn’t wanna fuck the irradiated cow 🫶
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cambion-companion · 1 year
Put me in horny jail for this but the idea that if you sleep with Haarlep, Raphael can feel everything...um yeah that's hot.
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smilingformoney · 1 year
Three Secrets
Summary: Hans Gruber x reader | smut | You're a member of Hans Gruber's gang of thieves, and when you take the blame for another's betrayal, Hans grants your last request.
Or: you get fucked violently by Hans, and then you die.
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I watched Die Hard, got horny, and this is the result.
Dedicated to @snowblossomreads, who so lovingly enables my thirst for this dead old man.
Warnings/content: smut, dubcon, gun kink, all your holes get penetrated (yes even that one)
Read on Ao3 or below the cut:
“Who warned die Polizei?!” Hans roared as he returned to the safehouse, panting and out of breath, his tie askew. When there was no answer from his fellow thieves, he roared in anger and smashed his fists on the table, causing the carefully-stacked Marks to collapse into piles and scatter across the floor.
The thieves began staring at each other suspiciously, agitated by the news of a betrayal and - although they’d never admit it - frightened of Hans’ anger.
With a sudden BANG!, Hans shot down the man nearest him. Probably not the rat, and certainly a good thief - but Hans was angry, and he wanted to punish someone.
You stood up immediately.
“It was me,” you lied.
It wasn’t you, of course it wasn’t. You would never betray your friends. But you also couldn’t sit there and watch Hans take his anger out on them.
The barrel of the gun met the underside of your chin, and you closed your eyes as you steeled yourself for the shot…
But it didn’t come. You dared to open your eyes, and you were met with Hans’ fiery gaze, his face dripping with sweat, a nasty snarl on his face.
“Tell me why I shouldn’t pull the trigger, Schlampe,” he growled.
You knew of a thousand reasons. You weren’t the rat; you were an asset to the team; you liked being alive. But Hans cared about none of those - all he wanted was to sate his anger.
“Do I get a last request?”
Hans’ eyes narrowed, then he chuckled darkly. “Perhaps,” he replied. “What is it?”
“Schlampe, you called me. I am no slut, Hans. No man here has touched me. No man has ever touched me.”
Hans laughed and turned to his men. “Do you hear that, boys? Die Schlampe wants to be fucked before she dies!”
The men laughed, far too many of them looking at you with hunger.
“I don’t want them!” you insisted as you stepped closer to Hans, the barrel of his gun digging deeper into your flesh. “I don’t even want to be fucked. What I want… is to suck your cock.”
As soon as the words left your lips, the men gathered went feral, cheering and whooping, shouting out words of encouragement to Hans. He, meanwhile, seemed merely amused.
After a pause, he grabbed you by the shoulder, spun you around, and marched you out of the room, gun pressed firmly against the small of your back. Wordlessly, he guided you through the house, leaving behind the wooting animals that called themselves men, and once he reached his bedroom, he pushed you inside and slammed the door shut behind him.
“Turn around slowly,” he said in a low, menacing voice, one that struck fear in most, but for you it only sent a rush of arousal through your body.
When finally you could see him again, Hans’ eyes were alight with danger, desire and anger. So long as that gun was trained on you, you knew any moment could be your last, even if your mouth was full of his cock - and, shit, you hoped it would be soon.
“So the little virgin wants to suck my cock, does she?”
He gestured at her body with his gun.
“Take those off. I don’t want any hidden tricks.”
Sure. That was why he wanted you to strip.
You pulled your t-shirt over your head, and Hans licked his lips when his gaze landed on your chest. Next you slipped off your shoes, then the rest of your clothing, leaving you in nothing but your bra and knickers.
Hans raised his eyebrows. “Did I tell you to stop?”
You had hoped to at least keep some of your dignity before your last meal, but this was Hans Gruber you were dealing with. He never did anything in halves.
You reached behind your back to unclasp your bra, letting it fall from your shoulders, then hooked your thumbs under your waistband to push your knickers to the floor.
And that was how you found yourself stark naked in Hans Gruber’s room, staring down the barrel of his gun, not daring to break eye contact with him, no matter how desperate you were to see if he was aroused.
“Show me your technique first, Schlampe. Open.”
You obeyed, and panic shot through your heart when the barrel of his gun - safety most definitely off - slid past your lips and threatened to choke you as it passed over your tongue and settled at the back of your mouth.
“Well?” Hans prompted. “I’m waiting.”
Of course he had a fucking gun kink.
You tried to ignore the metallic taste as you began to move your head back and forth, ever so slightly, trying not to get too close to the trigger. What a way to die this would be.
“Will you suck my cock with this little passion, Y/N? It is your last request, after all. You’re supposed to enjoy it.”
Bastard. Sadist. Psychopath.
You hadn’t been lying; you really hadn’t been with a man before. How were you supposed to show him your cocksucking technique on a gun when you had never even practised on the real thing?
You closed your eyes, hoping it would help you to pretend the barrel was a dick. You tightened your lips around it, telling yourself it was the most delicious thing you’d ever tasted, that it tasted like flesh and sweat, not metal and gunpowder…
You could hear Hans breathing heavily, alongside the sound of a belt unbuckling. You chanced a glimpse, and when you saw his other hand sliding under his waistband, you let you an involuntary moan.
He grinned, looking like a devil as he palmed himself under his boxers, finger far too close to the trigger of the loaded gun you were currently allowing him to fuck your mouth with. Because he was, he had taken over the movement, and while one hand rubbed up against his cock, the other pulled the gun from your mouth, only to send it back in violently, and you grunted with pain as the metal tip collided with the roof of your mouth.
“I could pull the trigger at any moment,” Hans said, speaking aloud the very fear that sat at the forefront of your mind. “You would die sucking my gun, wishing it was my cock, dead before you knew what was happening. How does that sound, Schlampe?”
Fuck. He was asking you a question, and still he was thrusting his gun into your mouth; you were sure he would leave a bruise.
Not that a bruised mouth would matter soon, once you were dead.
Hans suddenly pulled the gun from your mouth, switched on the safety and returned it to the holster on his hip. You gasped for air, glad to be free of the metallic taste and the imminent threat of your head exploding.
He placed his hand on your head and pushed down, forcing you to your knees as he pulled his cock from the confines of his boxers, and you couldn’t help but stare.
You always knew Hans had big dick energy. Now you knew he had the size to match.
“I will show you mercy,” he decided. “You’ll get my cock… and maybe I’ll blow your brains out with my cock down your throat.” He held his erect cock to your lips, and instinctively they parted to allow him in.
Fuck, he was big. Too big; you thought the gun might have been more comfortable. It may have been cold and metallic, and ready to blow your brains out at any moment, but at least you could breathe. As Hans pushed further past your lips and over your tongue, you felt the muscles in your jaw protesting as you stretched them out as far as they could go.
His tip hit the back of your throat and you gagged. If Hans noticed, he didn’t care. Tears began to fill your eyes, and through your watery vision you could see that he was hardly even halfway in.
Hans grabbed either side of your head with his hands and tilted your head upwards, forcing you to look at him.
“So full, and I’m hardly even in,” he growled. “Now, are you going to just stare at me, Schlampe, or are you going to suck. my. fucking. cock?”
You decided to go with the latter.
You tried to pull your head back slightly, but Hans’ large, strong hand on the back of your head kept you in place.
What were you supposed to do? He wanted you to suck, but he clearly didn’t want you to move back. That only left forward, but you rather enjoyed breathing.
Ah, but you had another option - your tongue. At the moment, it was flattened uselessly under his cock, but perhaps you could - yes! You managed to loosen it slightly, just enough to allow it to slide along his shaft. You hadn’t realised before how veiny cocks were, but you certainly knew now as you traced a line along one that ran from the head, down the underside, and past your lips. Curious, you raised a hand to the rest of him and gently ran your thumb from your lip, tracing the vein all the way to the base, where it was lost in amongst his pubic hair, which was surprisingly coarse, much coarser than your own.
Somewhere above you, Hans hummed with satisfaction, and you hoped you were doing well. If you weren’t, you supposed you would know by the prod of a gun in your temple.
You stuck your tongue out as far as you could past your lips, then retracted it. You followed the movements of your own tongue with your lips, and you were relieved when Hans allowed you to do so, his hand on your head loosening its grip slightly as he allowed you to pull back until you felt his lip threatening to pass your lips. You were just about to go back in when Hans decided to take control of the situation - as if he weren’t in control already - and, twisting your hair in his hand tightly, he tugged your head back towards him. The movement was so sudden, so violent, that your gag reflex had no time to kick in, and this time you found your nose buried in his hairs, his thick cock gliding down your lubricated throat.
Before you had chance to adjust to your new position, Hans began to violently fuck your mouth - or, more accurately, he fucked himself with your mouth, as his hips were perfectly still, whilst his fist in your hair tossed your head back and forth, leaving you in a whirlwind of pain as he tugged on your scalp, choked you with his cock, and stretched your jaw beyond what you’d ever expected possible.
Your eyes flicked up, and through your streaming tears you could see him, staring down at you with a hungry snarl. Sweat began to drip down from your temple – whether from exhaustion or fear, you were unsure. You were terrified, you were in agony, you were suffocating… and you were undeniably turned on.
“Mhm… a perfect mouth for fucking,” Hans growled as he wiped a tear from your cheek before bringing it to his mouth and sucking it off his thumb as if it was the nectar of the gods. “Such a shame to waste it.”
Naively, a hope rose in your heart - perhaps, if you were good enough for him, he would spare your life after all, punish you by making you into his personal cockslave. It wasn’t exactly the life you craved, but it was life.
Suddenly, your lungs filled with air as you instinctively inhaled deeply, your body reacting before your mind had even the chance to process what had happened - his sudden withdrawal from your mouth, leaving you a simpering, drooling, gasping mess.
His hand still in your hair, Hans tugged you to your feet. You winced in pain, although you were glad to be breathing freely again.
Your heels had hardly touched the carpeted floor, however, when Hans threw you violently back. The pain in your scalp was replaced by pain in your calves as they collided with the bedframe just moments before your back hit the mattress, and you let out an oof as the air was forced from your lungs.
You gasped desperately, and once you were finally in a state to look up, you saw that Hans had removed his jacket and tie, and was in the process of removing his shoes. Even in his carnal state, he took the time to neatly fold his clothes. This gave you the chance to recover, however briefly, and you adjusted yourself on the bed, finding a more comfortable position with your head against the pillows.
You’d seen Hans’ body before - just last summer, a particularly lucrative job had allowed the gang enough funds to holiday in the south of France, and it was there, seeing Hans in nothing but a pair of swimming trunks, that you had developed an attraction to the man.
You had even seen his arse once, after a drinking game dare from Karl resulted in Hans mooning ein Polizist from a moving car.
And, of course, you had seen his cock just now. But you’d never before seen him completely naked – until now.
He crawled over you like a panther on a hunt, and you fully expected him to continue until his throbbing cock slid into your mouth so that he could fuck your head into the pillow.
Instead, he stopped as his hungry grin reached level with your own lips, and he ran his tongue along them testingly. You parted your lips obligingly, and he chuckled.
“Two years you’ve been with us now, Y/N,” he mused. “Two years that perfectly fuckable mouth has been in front of me and I did nothing. It’s only now, after you seal your fate, that your true talents are revealed. Pity.”
You were tempted to offer your mouth to him, to offer him every hole to be taken whenever he liked, so long as he kept you alive. But that would be begging, and Hans abhorred beggars. No, he had to come to the idea himself.
“How many other secrets are you keeping from me, Schlampe?” Hans growled. He shifted his weight back slightly and for the first time you realised he held his tie in his hand. He grabbed your wrists, crossed them over one another above your head, and used the tie to secure them to the headboard. Once satisfied with the tight knot, he began to run his hands down your body, starting from your face and down your neck towards your chest, as if challenging himself to touch every inch of your flesh before it turned cold.
He took your nipples between his fingers and twisted them harshly, eliciting a loud yelp from your throat.
“I asked you a question,” Hans said plainly. “How many secrets do you still keep?”
Was he seriously interrogating you right now? Was that what this whole thing was, just a way to torture information from you?
Information you didn’t have, because you weren’t the rat.
You had to draw his attention away, to remind him what a waste your death would be.
“Two,” you gasped as an idea struck your brain. “I have two more secrets.”
“Only two?”
You nodded, trying to suppress a whine as his fingers squeezed on your nipples again.
He surveyed you for a long moment, his amber eyes staring into yours, as if hoping he might find some hidden information in there.
“It would be a shame if your secrets died with you,” he growled. He sat up fully now, and his cock came back into view, still erect, throbbing and glistening in the light with a mixture of precum and your spit.
He let out a sigh of relief as he stroked himself, his eyes never leaving your squirming form beneath him. With his spare hand, he pushed open your legs, tugging on your hips to bring them close to him. You took the hint and wrapped your legs around his waist, presenting your soaking wet cunt to him.
“Will you tell me your secrets before you die, Y/N?”
“Yes,” you replied immediately, understanding his meaning.
“Good. I would hate to take the from you by force.”
You felt his cockhead pushing against your lower lips, then past them, then – it slipped inside, aided by your gushing juices.
Hans gave you no time to adjust. If he remembered you were a virgin, he didn’t care as he sheathed himself inside you, cock crawling up your tight walls, forcing them to stretch open for him.
You bit down on your bottom lip hard, trying to ignore the pain as he finally bottomed out. He barely gave your walls a chance to adjust to his size when he withdrew again, only to thrust forward again. He was nothing short of stabbing you with his cock, venting his anger at your apparent betrayal.
His thrusts picked up pace, and soon enough the pain had subsided, leaving only the pleasure.
And oh, what pleasure. Was this what you had been missing out on for so long? You had never dared make a move on Hans, never dared risk his anger if your proposal angered him. You wished you had made a move, that you had spent the better part of the last two years getting railed.
What a wish to make on your deathbed.
If you weren’t already busy moaning with pleasure, you might have laughed.
This was your deathbed, quite literally – and you were getting fucked into it like there was no tomorrow, because for you, there wasn’t.
Hans not only had a massive cock, but he had incredible stamina too. He pulled out, and you weren’t ashamed of the whine that left your throat when he did so, leaving you feeling suddenly empty. His cock was throbbing, almost twitching, and leaking so much precum it seemed as if he might cum just from a change in the wind.
He wouldn’t, though. Of course not. He was Hans Gruber, and he came only when he chose.
He made no clever pun about secrets now. He just took your hips in his large hands and turned you over, ignoring your grunt of pain as your wrists rubbed against your bonds.
He also ignored the veritable scream of pain you let out when he stretched open your arsecheeks and pushed inside your final hole, the last secret you hadn’t known you were keeping from him.
You sobbed into the pillow. You couldn’t help it. Although painful at first, his cock felt good in your cunt, the stretch painful but pleasurable too. This, however, was nothing but pain.
Any hopes you might have had of your own orgasm were now dashed. You felt nothing but pain as Hans stabbed into you again and again, and over your own sobs you heard him, growling and muttering something to himself under his breath.
“Dumme verdammte Schlampe,” you heard. “I’ll teach you - oh, I will fucking show you - you don’t - keep - secrets - from - me!”
He stilled suddenly, hilted deep inside your arse, and Hans let out nothing short of a roar.
Your head was dizzy, the world spinning, and you continued sobbing into the pillow as Hans finally withdrew. You couldn’t move, you just lay there on your front, covered in sweat, tears, and - although you couldn’t see to be sure - blood and cum leaking from both your holes. Even so, you missed Hans’ warmth when he moved away from the bed.
After a minute, water began to run from the bathroom. Five more minutes, and the water stopped. Some movement and shuffling of fabric. Still, you didn’t move, too stiff with pain.
You certainly didn’t move when you heard the cocking of a gun, and you felt the barrel pushing against the base of your skull.
“Any more secrets?”
Your hopes were dashed. He wasn’t going to spare you after all. No, he had just fucked you raw, and now he wanted what he had always wanted - the truth. To him, you were a rat, not to be trusted and certainly not to be spared.
The truth, you knew, would get you nowhere.
So you lied.
“Nein,” you mumbled, face still smushed against the pillow. You daren’t move.
Somewhere above you, Hans sighed.
“A shame,” he muttered.
It really was a shame. Those were nice bedsheets, ruined now with her blood…
…and her brains.
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maudiemoods · 2 years
Ren what are you doing he needs a cape !!
You're right !! He need his cape!!!
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395 notes · View notes
edgysaintjust · 2 years
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starfinss · 1 year
ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɢʜᴛꜰᴀʟʟ — ʟᴇᴠɪᴀᴛʜᴀɴ 🍋
𝘍𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘮: Obey Me!
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: Leviathan + Reader
𝘙𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨: NSFW
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 7,290
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: You could only see half of his face, lit warmly in the dim glow. His eyes caught in the light like deep, polished bronze, from an angle that highlighted little flecks of gold in his irises. He looked pensive; deep in thought, his lower lip caught between his teeth.
You wanted to kiss him.
A simple good night kiss leads to much more than you bargained for. Not that you’re complaining.
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The day had been long, but you’d had an unexpected amount of fun. The food had been delicious, as food always seems to be when one prepares it themselves. Levi had gotten to actually socialize for once, and you’d gotten him out of his shell a little. You’d adored seeing his face light up the way it had, and you made a mental note to watch the anime he’d been going on about all day when you returned to the Devildom, even though an after school fishing anime wasn’t really something you considered to be up your alley.
It had been the first time he’d had a s’more. The look of utter wonder on his face was something you wished you’d taken a picture of. It endeared you almost to tears.
Sleep tugged at your eyelids, and you yawned. Your body felt well-worked, leaving that pleasant, exercised soreness in your muscles. Your hair was damp from the rinse you’d taken at the campground showers, soothingly cool on your neck. The inflatable mat beneath your body was surprisingly comfortable, and the soft blankets that cocooned your body surrounded you in a bubble of warmth.
You happily reflected on the day, letting imaginary scenarios play in your head until they devolved into nonsense as your consciousness began to slip away.
“I can’t fall asleep.”
Startled from the dregs of your half slumber by Leviathan’s voice, you shifted your body before turning over to face him.
In the dim light, you could see his silhouette, lavender hair backlit by the single bonfire burning a ways away at the neighboring campsite. His skin looked almost ghost white, eyes the color of deep liquid gold. It took you a second of staring and letting your eyesight adjust to the light that you realized he was looking at you, studying your expression. A demon thing, you supposed. Unlike you, he was probably able to see perfectly in the dark.
You met his eyes, unable to read what was in them in the dark. You shifted closer, watching as his shoulders tensed, undoubtedly nervous by your sudden increased proximity. Sighing, you flopped down on your pillow again, letting your eyes fall closed.
“‘M sleepy,” you said, and Leviathan let out a breath.
“That’s not fair. I wish I could get sleepy, too.”
A smile made your mouth curve up. “You will. Just close your eyes, Levi.”
But you heard no movement, and when you pried open your eyes again, he was still the same as he had been, with his head propped up on his hand. You yawned again, rubbing your eyes with the heels of your hands, then letting them fall closed. You weren’t surprised he wasn’t tired, he was well known for staying up until dawn playing games and watching anime. His sleep schedule was probably virtually nonexistent, if demons even had sleep schedules.
Though, with sleeping being one of the only things Belphie did, you imagined they had something similar.
“Is there anything you like to do to make yourself sleepy when you can’t sleep?” You asked, pulling the blankets up higher. The fall of night had brought a chill along with it.
“I usually play a game until I feel tired,” Levi said, “but I didn’t bring anything to do that with.”
You hummed in thought, shuffling closer again, opening your eyes once more to look at him.
You could only see half of his face, lit warmly in the dim glow. His eyes caught in the light like deep, polished bronze, from an angle that highlighted little flecks of gold in his irises. He looked pensive; deep in thought, his lower lip caught between his teeth.
You wanted to kiss him.
The thought made you jump internally, but grew stronger as you watched his mouth. You supposed you shouldn’t be too surprised at yourself, you’d known that Levi would give you trouble from the second you met him. The way he looked at you made your stomach swarm with butterflies, and his genuine passion for his interests endeared you very deeply. It didn’t help that he was prettier than anyone had any right to be.
You really wanted to kiss him. A good night kiss, you could call it. Leave them wanting more, Asmodeus always said. A quick, chaste kiss, a giggle, and that would be it. You’d leave him flustered and stuttering, an adorable blush on his pale cheeks. Your hands folded together under the blankets as you mulled the idea over in your head, and Levi didn’t see you looking.
He moved to lay on his side, his head landing on his pillow. You shuffled closer once more. A good night kiss. You’d seen him looking at your lips before, when he thought you weren’t paying attention. You’d seen him doing it earlier that day, when you were eating s’mores by the fire. He’d told you that you had chocolate on your lip, and when you licked it away, his gaze lingered far longer than anyone with platonic feelings for a person would look. You’d wanted to kiss him then, too.
This was probably a bad idea. You probably misread the situation. But nonetheless, you never know unless you try. It was better to find out instead of shoving your feelings down. Late night chat sessions with Asmo seemed to have some useful bits of advice, it seemed.
Slowly, you moved closer once more, and in a smooth motion, your mouth pressed to his. It lingered for just a few seconds before you were pulling away, your nerves strung so tight you thought they might break.
But as you were beginning to roll over to bury your face in the pillow, his hand shot out, catching your wrist, and freezing you in your tracks.
“I— I didn’t know you were awake,” he said, voice hushed, almost awed, “you startled me. Was that— a good night kiss?”
You nodded. “It was. I’m sorry, I—”
“That’s not fair,” Levi said, “how do you expect me to get tired now?”
Spurred on by his words, you kissed him again. He made a soft noise of surprise before his hands were gingerly cupping your cheeks, and he was kissing you back with a tenderness that made your heart feel like it was doing backflips in your chest. His lips were surprisingly soft, and his skin was feverishly warm against yours, sending heat bone deep as you pressed closer.
Your arms slid up and around his neck, fingers threading into his hair, and you felt his breath hitch against your mouth as you did. It was his turn to move closer, closing the gap between your bodies so you were flush against him.
He pulled back, just a little, and when you tried to close the gap again, he met you with a chaste kiss before speaking.
“That isn’t helping,” he grumbled, “more kisses aren’t going to help me sleep, they’ll just rile me up more.”
You blinked at him, innocently. “Do you want to stop?”
“No!” He said, a little too quickly, “I mean— no, I don’t. That made me really happy. I want to keep kissing you. I’ve wanted to kiss you forever. But why would you want to kiss me? I’m just a worthless—”
You kissed him again, cutting him off. You refused to hear him put himself down, not when you were here. He held you fast, his fingers bunching into the fabric of your sleep shirt so tight you were slightly afraid he would tear it. His mouth tasted like the marshmallows you’d been eating before tucking into bed, and you were sure your own was the same.
“Don’t call yourself that,” you said against his mouth, and his hands moved down to the bend of your waist, pulling you closer.
You pulled back, just a little, just to look at him, to make sure he heard you well.
“I want to kiss you because it’s you, Levi. Don’t call yourself worthless,” you said, “you deserve this.”
He was suddenly kissing you like he was afraid you’d disappear, one of his hands sliding up your body to tangle into your hair, his opposite arm winding around your waist. His kisses were feverish and all-consuming, desperate, like he was drowning and you were the oxygen he so badly needed.
His tongue brushed against the seam of your lips, and you parted them to allow him to slide his tongue against yours. He was unexpectedly good at kissing for someone who spent so much time shut in his room, but you were enjoying it far too much to wonder where he got the practice from. He was a couple thousand years old, after all. You expected that probably brought experience of all sorts.
Your fingers raked through his hair, making his breath shudder and his grip tighten. He was almost melting into your touch, and you felt your head growing foggier and foggier as his nails scraped against your scalp. He was kissing you like this was the last chance he’d ever get, like you were disappearing, and you held him tight to let him know you weren’t going anywhere.
He broke away, his eyes wild, desperate, and you stared back at him, disoriented and bleary, questioning.
“Tell me you don’t want this, I’m waiting for it,” he hissed, his tone as brittle as a dry leaf and full of self-deprecating venom, “push me away, tell me to stop.”
“No,” you said, trying to look as sure as you could, “I won’t say that. I want this. Please don’t stop.”
He was suddenly above you, eyes glowing, smoldering, like bronze embers in the dark, and you could feel the air around you heat up. A thrilling shot of adrenaline ejected itself into your bloodstream as you stared up at the demon above you, and you raised your hands to cup his face. He shuddered, leaning into the touch, like it was salve to a burn.
“Levi,” you said, “what do you want?”
Without hesitation, he answered.
You smiled. “I’m already yours.”
Another shudder, his restraint wavering. “You don’t know what you’re saying. You’re being unfair, messing with me like this. It isn’t fair.”
“Leviathan,” you said, “kiss me. I want you to kiss me. I’m telling you, right now, what I want. I kissed you because I wanted it. I want you.”
He surged forward to crush his mouth to yours, and when your hands rose to his hair once more, you could feel that his horns had manifested themselves in the heat of it all. Desperate, desirous feelings were undoubtedly coursing through the Avatar of Envy at your admission, and the kisses he was giving you were all-consuming, like he was trying to join himself to you, overlapping as one. His hands were on your waist, wavering, and you could feel him hesitating before you grabbed his hands and placed them on your hips, making it clear to him that all of this was so much more than okay.
He snarled against your mouth, an inhumanly low, possessive sound produced from deep in his chest, sending forks of lightning down your spine. He was losing control, and strangely, not one part of you wanted him to stop. Any of that hesitance he always seemed to carry with him had all but drained away, replaced with raw desperation as his fangs nipped your lower lip, breaking from your mouth to graze along the your jaw, the tendons in your throat, the sharp points scraping against the vulnerable skin. A gasp slipped past your lips, prompting him to look up at you.
“Did that hurt? Do you want me to stop?”
Before he could react, you flipped him over so you were on top of him, straddling his waist. His eyes looked like burning cinders in the dark, their pupils blown wide as he gazed up at you. He looked like a predator, yet the demon beneath you was completely at your mercy.
“Leviathan,” you said, voice soft, “for once in your life, I am giving you permission to be greedy. You have nothing to be envious of, because I am yours. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be. Tell me, what do you want? What do you want to do?”
Again, you were beneath him, his mouth on yours, lips fever hot. He kissed you, frenzied, for a few moments, before he pulled back, his mouth dragging along the shell of your ear.
”You want to know what I really want? Hm?” He rumbled, his voice low, husky, “I want to make you mine. I want to make it so nobody else can have you, only me. That’s what I want. You better choose your next words carefully, human, because I don’t know how much more of your pushing I can take. Do you want to take that risk, is that it?”
You felt a delighted shiver pass through your body, the hot singe of danger thrilling you beyond words. All you’d wanted to do was give him a good night kiss, and maybe hold him close until you were both asleep. You had hardly expected him to react like this, but really, you weren’t complaining. You’d thought about this before, about him, fantasized about it, when you were alone, late at night in your room.
“What risk is that?” You finally managed, your nerves tangled in an excited, frenzied ball in the pit of your stomach.
“That risk,” Leviathan said, “is something you already know. You’re tempting me, human, and if you keep going, I can’t promise I won’t give in.”
You yanked him forward, holding his face, forcing him to look at you.
“Who says I don’t want that, Levi? I’m laying myself out for you— I’m inviting you in. I wouldn’t do that if I didn’t want you, completely.”
Another tug, your lips at his ear. “I’m telling you to do whatever you want to me.”
The glow of his irises seemed to brighten as he shuddered, a dangerous hunger setting itself to a rolling boil before he was on you, everywhere, his mouth colliding with yours as his hands rucked up your shirt, and you gasped at the feel of his palms on your bare skin.
He broke away to mouth at your neck, fangs pricking at your clavicle, the collar of your sleep shirt, and you moved to shrug the garment over your head, causing him to pause, wide eyed, as he stared at your chest. His staring made you somewhat self conscious, but you still felt a jolt of pride at the way his famished gaze roved over your body.
“Can I touch you?” He said, voice lower than you’d ever heard it before, causing heat to pool between your thighs.
“Yes,” you said, voice barely there, but he heard you well enough.
The feel of his hands on your skin made you bite your lip to keep from crying out, and when he rolled a nipple between his fingers, your back arched. Fuck, you were going to have trouble staying silent, especially when he was nudging his knee between your thighs, his mouth burning hot as it traveled down the column of your throat. With your remaining focus, you gathered your energy and muttered a quick incantation, a charm that kept sound from escaping the area affected— in this case, the tent. The pulse of magic didn’t go unnoticed by Levi, who paused for a millisecond as you cast the spell, but was otherwise undeterred.
It seemed he didn’t want to be interrupted or overheard, either. The implication of your shared desire only excited you further.
Plush lips dragged across the top of your breast, and your head fell back as his mouth encircled your nipple, rolling it under his tongue. Fuck, he was so warm. Everything about him was burning with suffocating heat, and you remembered vaguely that Lucifer once told you that demons had higher body temperatures than humans did. Right then, that worked out well in your favor, and you squirmed as his touch left trails of flame in its wake.
His fangs dragged against your nipple, making you shiver, and when he soothed it with the flat of his tongue, you rewarded him with a moan. You pushed at his shirt, and he moved back, just for a second, to yank the fabric above his head before resuming his ministrations on your body in earnest. You whined at the feel of his skin touching yours, and he met the sound with a groan of his own. Fuck, you wanted to hear more of those sounds, which were far too angelic to be coming from a demon’s lips.
Warm hands gripped at the waistband of your sleep shorts, and you lifted your hips to let him slide them off, leaving you in your panties.
“I wanna make you scream for me,” he breathed, mouth dragging down your sternum, “I don’t want you to think about anyone else, just me.”
Your breath trembled, words lost as you basked in the attention he was giving you with his mouth, and he groaned, punch drunk on the taste of your skin.
“I can have you,” he snarled, “all of you. You’re all mine.”
Through the possessive, jealous haze, it almost sounded like he was trying to convince himself. In response, and the only reassurance you could manage, you let out a breathy whine as his mouth reached your stomach, devolving into a moan when his lips brushed against your hipbone.
“You want more, human?” He asked, gaze sultry, “that what it is?”
Your stomach twisted, hot arousal making you squirm in his hold, and when his his thumbs dipped beneath the waistband of your panties, grazing the sensitive flesh, you felt that arousal grow almost unbearable.
“Levi, please,” you keened, “please— ah!”
He cut you off as he moved between your thighs, mouth pressing a hot kiss against your clothed cunt, and the heat of his breath sent your thoughts spinning into outer space. His tongue passed over the fabric, and you felt desperation coil inside of you, because it wasn’t enough, not without direct contact. You had a feeling he knew that very well when you felt his lips curl into a smile against your thigh.
When his tongue passed over you again, your back arched, and his hand flattened across your lower stomach, holding you in place as he teased you with another brush of his tongue, his breath, his lips, and when he finally used his knuckle to move the fabric aside, exposing you to him, you almost choked on air.
His nose bumped against your entrance before his tongue was dragging up and along your cunt, slow as he pleased, in lazy, indulgent licks that made your head feel like it was stuffed full of cotton balls and all other sorts of fluff and emptiness. He groaned into your flesh, dragging his tongue up again, and again, and again before he was pulling your panties the rest of the way off, then hiking your thighs up and over his broad shoulders, holding you in place with an unshakable grip.
Your head fell back against the pillow as you let your world shrink down to what Levi was doing between your thighs, the way he was savoring you like a man starved, and when you moaned, it was a breathy, desperate sound that you hardly recognized as your own. His name left your lips in something akin to a prayer, or maybe it was malediction, because the creature between your legs was anything but holy. Your hands drifted to his hair, bumping against his horns before wrapping around the base of them, and he was groaning into your cunt, his lazy pace picking up.
His tongue found your clit, drawing easy circles around it and making your hips jerk against him, prompting him to tighten his grip, blazing eyes meeting yours. You saw insatiable, burning hunger in those eyes, possessive and captivating enough to make you whimper.
“Hold still,” he snarled, voice positively beastly, sending dizzying arousal into your bloodstream like you’d taken a hit of a drug.
This was about possession as well as passion, showing you exactly who you belonged to, and who could make you feel this way, like you were burning from the inside out. You could feel him, mouthing at your flesh with uncontained need, drinking in your cries of ecstasy. Your fingers tightened to a white-knuckled grip on his horns, eyes screwing shut, and you felt him groan against you, long and low, sending shockwaves up your spine.
You could feel his fingers, pressing at your entrance, as his mouth engulfed your clit, tongue rolling over it. You tried to move, to buck your hips, anything to have something inside of you, but he snarled, keeping you still as he teased you. Long, thick digits slipped just past your entrance before withdrawing, making you squirm, the sharp point of one of his horns biting into your palm as you held on for deal life.
“Please,” you choked, “fuck, please.”
Another growl, low and self-satisfied, and you whimpered when he slipped a finger inside of you, too slowly for your linking. He was making you desperate, and you sobbed in frustration and pleasure, toes curling tight as he rolled your clit under his tongue in slow, broad licks. It felt so good you could hardly think, and when he was suddenly, finally pushing his fingers inside of you, it made you see stars.
“Oh, fuck— Levi—”
His fingers curled up, bumping against a spot that made those stars explode across your vision, and you gave a breathless cry as he withdrew, only to fill you once more. You could feel that familiar coil forming in your belly, the type of addictive sensation that makes you desperate for more as sinful pleasure thrummed through your veins, under your skin, and his mouth felt like it was burning you as he pressed open mouthed kisses along your sensitive inner thighs before latching back onto your clit.
His tongue flicked against you, before pressing harder, and you squirmed helplessly beneath him, fingernails dragging along his horns and making him growl. His fingers curled again, knuckle deep, and fuck, how could you ever use your own hands again when his reached spots you didn’t even know existed? It was agonizingly blissful, but you couldn’t get enough.
Your climax was drawing closer and closer, and you could do little to quiet yourself as he didn’t show any signs of slowing down, not that you even needed to. Your hips jerked, and you gasped, allowing him to hear you sob his name, begging for more, for anything that would bring you to your high, because where the hell did he learn do to this?
His pace was picking up speed, his tongue pressing down hard as he lapped at your clit, flicking it against the sensitive skin, fingers curling, and you could hardly stop yourself from letting the stricken mewl slip from between your lips, a high-pitched, almost pathetically desperate sound that made him growl against you. You were so fucking close, but he was doing nothing to stop you from tumbling towards that edge, and when you tried to warn him, the only sound that came out of your mouth was a trembling moan.
Your orgasm hit you with the force of a tidal wave, and he was the riptide, holding you against him with an iron grasp, working you through your climax and into the realm of overstimulation, into that realm of delicious, overwhelming pleasure. You moaned, deep in your throat, back bowing, and he made a low, desperate sound into your skin. You were throbbing, pulsing around his fingers, and they continued to pump in and out of you until you were dropping your hands from his hair to knot into the blankets, fingers pressing almost painfully against your palms through the fabric.
“Too sensitive, too sensitive— Leviathan, please—”
Fuck, fuck, he wasn’t stopping. Your mouth fell open, eyes rolling back into your head, your toes curling tight, a strangled, sobbing whine rising in your throat. You felt tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, and you tossed your head back, so helplessly entangled in blissful rapture. You felt yourself getting close again, coiling so tight you felt like you might shatter into pieces. Little, helpless pleas were slipping from your lips, and you weren’t even sure what you were saying, just that it made him growl against you, the vibrations of the sound sending you over the edge once more with an unrestrained wail of his name.
You saw white as he continued to move, giving a whine of his own against your cunt, and you yanked a hand up to cover your mouth, teeth sinking into the side of your palm, thrashing in his hold as you convulsed. You were helpless and needy and so sensitive that all you could do was lay there and take everything he gave you.
Finally, mercifully, he moved back, and you allowed yourself to go boneless against the surface beneath your body, chest heaving as you fought to catch your breath. You whimpered as he withdrew his fingers from inside of you, and you watched as he licked the digits clean before he was propping himself up on his knees.
You forced yourself to sit up, moving towards him to rest your forehead against his chest. He wrapped his arms around your body, nose pressing into your hair.
“Can you handle more?” He asked, and you felt your heart skip several beats.
“Yeah,” you said, “I can. But let me rest for a second, okay?”
You scooted closer, tugging him down to lay beside you, and joining your lips together with his. He kissed you languidly, deeply, and you hooked a leg around his waist, moving your hips to press against his, making him give a stricken hiss. One of his hands gripped at your waist, holding you in place as he ground himself against you, reveling in the feel of his clothed cock against your bare cunt. He was so hard, and when you palmed him through his sweatpants, he groaned into your mouth.
It couldn’t be comfortable to be confined in fabric like that, and when your fingers toyed with the hem of the garment, you felt the muscles in his stomach twitch, tensing, anticipating. You flattened your opposite hand against his stomach, the firm expanse of his abs, and fuck how did he get such an awesome body when all he did was sit around all day? You supposed perks came with being a high level demon, and fast metabolism was one of them. That, and all the swimming he did.
“Touch me,” he rumbled, breath hot against your lips, and who were you to deny him?
You pressed harder on the front of his sweats, making him gasp, and he moved back away from your mouth to look down at what you were doing to him as you slowly pushed his waistband down.
Oh, fuck.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but it wasn’t the size in front of you. Levi wasn’t a small person, none of his brothers were, so he was no exception. He was so thick, and long enough to make you dizzy. And he was pretty. Pale, flushed gently pink at the tip, glistening with precum. You slowly reached down, letting your fingertips graze against the side, making him gasp, and when you wrapped your hand around him, he twitched against your palm, a stricken hiss escaping through his teeth.
Shit, your fingers just barely met. You squirmed, arousal burning between your thighs, and you felt him twitch again, breath heavy and expression afflicted. Slowly, you pulled your hand back, your thumb finding his tip, and you rubbed circles against it, making him moan. You repeated the action, just to hear it again.
“Fuck,” he hissed, “fuck, that’s good.”
You moved your hand to encircle his girth, smearing the precum against his skin, aiding you as you gave him a slow, easy stroke, an action that made him groan deeply, eyes fluttering closed.
“Fuck,” he breathed, voice hot, “I wanna fuck you so bad.”
You felt your breath stutter, your own lust thrumming in your veins at his admission. You kissed him hard in response, stroking him faster, just to hear him whine against your mouth. His hips bucked with your hand, and you could feel his fingertips dig into your waist, so tight they’d probably leave bruises, but not one part of you cared, not when he was making such perfectly erotic sounds. You adored the way his breath shook when you rubbed circles against his tip, how he groaned, low in his throat, when you squeezed him, rubbing your fingers along the underside.
Finally, gently, he caught your wrist, breaking away from the kiss, and when he looked at you, his eyes were darkened to the color of rust with desire, and your lips met his neck, making him shudder.
“I’m yours,” you whispered, “please, make me yours.”
He pushed you onto your back, crawling overtop of you, fingers skating across your soaked entrance before sinking them inside of you, pumping once, then twice before pulling out, and you felt your heartbeat pause when he pressed the tip of his cock against you. You’re propped yourself up on your elbows, watching as he slowly began to press forward, and fuck, even just the tip felt like a stretch. You tossed your head back, teeth gritted, and he kissed up your neck, easing himself forward just a bit more.
“Levi, you’re so big,” you blurted, and you watched color shade his pale cheeks, Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.
He pressed forward again, and you whined at the stretch, bordering on pain. Your eyes squeezed shut, breath thin.
“Hnnn, shit,” he hissed, voice taught with rapidly fraying restraint, “y-you’ve gotta relax, you’re too tight.”
You took a breath, fingers scrambling for purchase and finally curling into the blankets beneath you, trying to breathe as he sank deeper, and as he finally bottomed out, your breath stuttered in your lungs. It didn’t hurt, not really, but it was foreign and strange, and you weren’t used to taking something like this. You felt so full, stuffed to the brim, and you watched Leviathan’s face as he took in the abundance of new sensations.
“Oh fuck,” you heard him gasp, eyes drifting closed, and he spoke between gritted teeth, “fuck, fuck— so tight.”
His tail swung in a wide arc behind him before curling on the bed beside you, and you absently reached out to wrap your fingers around it, running your palm up and along the cool scales.
You didn’t expect the short, stricken gasp that action elicited. You also didn’t expect the way that prompted him to draw his hips back, only to press back inside, stuffing you full, and ejecting any coherent thought from your mind. Your grip on his tail tightened reflexively as you cried out, and he gave a harder, deeper thrust in response. His movements were slow, measured, restrained. Like he didn’t want to break you. You knew Levi was stronger than you, much stronger than any human, and that he could easily overpower you in an instant. For some reason, that sent sparks of arousal shooting through you. You wanted him to lose control, like he so badly wanted to. You could see it in his face, as his eyes clamped shut, a muscle tensing in his jaw as you squeezed around him.
Each thrust was slow and even, every drag of his thick cock inside of you sending stars into your vision. You stroked along his tail again, and he hissed between his teeth, twitching inside of you. His hands, curled into the blankets beside your body, went white knuckled in their grip. A low, low groan slipped through his teeth, needy and desperate as he thrust again, slow and deep.
“Levi,” you whimpered, dizzy from the way he was stretching you, “faster, please. Gimme more.”
A strong thrust, and he shifted to support himself on his elbows, forehead resting against yours.
“That what you want?” He rasped, “harder, faster?”
You lifted your legs, linking them around his waist, pulling him closer, and he groaned lowly as he sank deeper inside of you.
“Don’t hold back,” you said, “make me yours, Leviathan.”
That did it. His eyes glinted dangerously, and he was moving back, pulling your hips flush against his, hands on your waist as he pushed himself as deep as he could go, only to pull out and slam forward once more. The impact of the thrust made you cry out loudly, prompting him to repeat the motion, again, and again, and again, and oh fuck, you could barely even think straight with him fucking you like that. The way he was hitting all the right spots, the base of his cock grinding so perfectly against your clit, making you grip the blankets tightly for any sort of anchor at all.
A growl from deep in his chest sent delicious chills down your spine, rising in volume as he fucked you deep, grinding his hips against you whenever he was fully pressed inside of you. You yanked him down, meeting his mouth in a messy kiss, and he moaned into your mouth, a filthy, desperate sound, and you found yourself moving your hips to meet him.
“Fuckfuck— it’s so good.”
You felt yourself shudder, arms winding around his neck.
“You feel good?”
A moan, low and rough. “‘S perfect— please, more, lemme have more—”
“Take it all,” you keened, “wanna make you cum.”
His grip on your body tightened, and his hips pushed forward, filling you completely, grinding deep circles against you. His mouth skated along the column of your throat, reaching your ear, and you squirmed in his iron grip.
“Nobody else can have you,” he snarled, “only me. Only I get to fuck you like this. I hate that anyone has ever even thought of you like this before. You’re mine.”
You smoothed your hand along the back of his head, soothing, loving, and you pulled him into a deep kiss, holding him tight before releasing him, cupping his face.
“Nobody else can have me,” you said, “I’m yours, and you’re mine.”
One of his hands was suddenly pinning your wrists above your head, his opposite one between your bodies, thumb finding your clit and making your hips jerk against him, a shrill whine escaping your mouth. You squirmed in his hold, head tossing back, hair pooling on the pillow, and when you moaned, high and breathy, something in him, the last thread of his restraint, all but disintegrated.
You felt something cool and scaled slithering around your waist, and it took you a moment to figure out that it was his tail through the rose-colored haze of your arousal. It coiled around you, gripping you tight, and you realized he was using it to hold you in place as he fucked you, using it to move you, impaling you on his cock over and over again as he met each tug with deep ruts of his hips, using you like a doll. You squirmed in his hold helplessly, and he released your wrists to brace himself on his elbow, his fingers knotting into the blankets.
The pressure on your clit combined with the drag of his cock inside of you was making your head feel light and fuzzy, helpless from the intense, earthshaking pleasure. He was groaning at the feeling, mixed with low, rough swears and gasps of your name. He was just as affected as you were, if not more, and that aroused you more than words. His thumb pressed down harder, rubbing in circles, and you let out a breathless whine of ecstasy, back arching as much as it could in his grip, hands finding his horns and holding tight as he attached his mouth to your throat.
Sharp fangs sank into your flesh, and he laved over the spot with his tongue, sucking marks into your skin, biting at the tender flesh. His mouth trailed down to your breasts, his lips dragging over a nipple before reattaching to your neck, then your mouth, joining in a feverish kiss. Your head felt empty, deliriously drunk on pleasure, and from the way he was moaning, he was no different. His touches were desperate, needy, and you felt his tail tighten around you, just a little, as he picked up the pace.
The small space was filled with the sound of skin on skin and the smell of sex, making you glad you’d had the forethought to cast that charm, but any thoughts of that were ejected from your mind as he angled his hips just right, hitting the spot that made blurry stars dance across your vision. It felt so fucking good, feeling every inch of him sliding into you, to hear him growl in your ear, to hear him swear and cry out your name like scripture, sacrilegious and sinful from a demon’s lips, but as beautiful as a hymn.
That pressure inside you was drawing tighter, that desperate, feverish feeling that precedes a climax, and you tried to warn him, but all you could do was sob his name as he fucked you deep and hard, his pace borderline punishing and doing absolutely fuck all to help with how sensitive you already were from the two climaxes he’d pulled from you earlier.
You came hard and with a wail of his name, the sensation of you squeezing around him making him snarl into your skin, cock twitching inside of you, teeth sinking into your skin once more. And he wasn’t slowing down, not even as you writhed in his hold, mindless from sensitivity, completely and utterly drunk on him, on what he was doing to you, on his cock. You wrapped your legs tight around his waist, fingers fanning out across his back before flexing, nails digging into the skin, dragging up, making him groan deeply, the sound only making you wind even tighter.
Tears stuck to your cheeks, jewels in your eyelashes, and Leviathan kissed them away, but he didn’t let up, pressing on your clit, making you buck and scream against him, sobbing his name, his praises, anything. Your head was filled with nothing but him, just how he’d wanted it. You came again with a silent cry, head tipped back and mouth wide open, and it was only after that that he moved his thumb away, but his cock was still grinding against your abused clit, winding you up again, and you could do no more than whimper as he chased after his own climax, thrusts growing more and more uneven as he began to reach his limit.
He was chanting your name, voice low and rough, and you squeezed your legs around his body, the least you could do as he continued to use his tail to move you, using it to meet each of his thrusts. He was close, you guessed, from the way his low groans were getting higher in pitch as the sensitivity mounted, both his hands knotting in the blankets beside your head, moaning into your skin.
“Take it,” he snarled, “take it, take it—”
He thrust deep, and you whined weakly, tears spilling past your lashes from the sensitivity as he gushed inside of you, stuffing you full of his cum. You whined his name, and he bucked his hips, chasing the aftershocks of his climax, fucking his cum into you with each motion. He was cumming a lot, enough that it was leaking out of you, but he used his thumb to press it back inside of you, making you hiss at the feel of the digit inside of you, just briefly.
And then, he was collapsing, boneless against you, breath leaving him in heavy pants. His tail unwound itself from your waist, and he was kissing your throat, your face, and finally, your lips. It was a slow, languid kiss, full of affection and gratitude, for letting him do that to you. You kissed him back, wrapping exhausted arms around his neck, running your fingers through his messy hair.
“I love you,” he muttered, voice muffled against your mouth, and you held him tighter, emotion surging through your body.
“I love you, too, Levi.”
He broke away from you, pulling out and flopping beside you. He was breathing heavily, and you were no different. As he caught his breath, he found a package of wet wipes from his bag, which he used to wipe your legs clean, depositing them in the small trash bag you had set up in the corner. He pulled the blankets up around your bodies, gathering you close to him.
“I lost control,” he said, “are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
You smiled. “No, Levi, you didn’t hurt me. It was really hot, actually.”
Levi made a sound like he was being strangled. “I— what? I see.”
There was the Leviathan you knew. You snuggled into his chest, sleepy and satisfied.
“I’m on birth control,” you said, “‘s okay.”
He chuckled, relieved. “That’s… good to know. You’re sure I didn’t hurt you?”
You shook your head. “‘M fine. Sleepy. That was really good.”
His breath shuddered. “You’re mine now, right? I can be with you?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, “yours.”
He lifted your chin to meet your mouth in a kiss. You smiled against his lips.
“Sleepy,” you repeated, utterly exhausted.
“Mm,” Leviathan said, “sleepy.”
He snuggled you close, nose buried in your hair, and you could practically feel the happiness radiating off of him. You lazily linked your arms around his body, enjoying the feel of his skin against yours, the way his heat enveloped you like a second blanket.
“Love you,” you muttered, but you got no response. You looked up, only to find him asleep, face serene. It was okay, though. You smiled, curling close to him. You knew he loved you too.
That was your last thought before you fell asleep.
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”It wasn’t a dream.”
You woke when he spoke, groggy and sore as all hell. You groaned, snuggling closer to him, pulling the blanket up and over your head. The air was cool and fresh, smelling of dew and early morning. Leviathan’s body was warm, and you didn’t particularly feel like separating yourself from him, not now.
“Hmm?” You hummed, and Levi lifted the blanket to look at you, making you squint up at him. His face was vibrantly red, eyes wide, awed.
“It wasn’t a dream,” he repeated, “last night was real.”
You yawned, pressing your face into the crook of his neck.
“No dream,” you said, “I don’t know how well I’ll be able to walk after that.”
A moment of silence, and he wrapped his arms more tightly around you.
“You told me you loved me,” he said.
“Mhm,” you said, “and I meant it. What time is it?”
“I don’t know,” he said, “can we stay here? I want to lay with you a while longer.”
You smiled. “I’m okay with that.”
You lifted your head to press a kiss against his mouth, warm and loving and sleepy. He melted against you, and when you pulled back, he tucked you closer against his body.
The two of you lay like that for quite a while before you were able to pry yourselves apart. And it was perfect.
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sleetkissed · 26 days
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But what about poro version???
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How could I forget about Poro!Esteri ?
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saintedbyher · 10 months
angela birthday imagine
“Hey, you’re not supposed to be doing those,” Angela says, referring to the dishes, as she wraps her hands around your waist from behind.
The night before the two of you went out for dinner with friends so tonight you were all hers. She cooked you dinner consisting of your favorite pasta and homemade garlic bread. The kitchen was a bit of a mess with flour and bread crumbs scattering almost every surface. Cleaning right away is not your girlfriend’s strong suit.
As she corked and put away the wine, you started on the dishes.
“Birthday girl isn’t supposed to do dishes,” she whines and pulls on your waist a little, ultimately pulling your back into her front even more.
“You have done more than enough, Ang, let me do this for you,” you reply happily. The present she bought for you could not have been more perfect and she dressed up in your favorite dress of hers.
“Mm, there’s a lot more you could be doing to me,” she mumbles into the side of your neck.
“To you?” you ask, giggling.
“I know what I said.”
“Ok, ok, dishes can wait til tomorrow,” you turn around into her arms and the two of you embrace.
Being even the slightest bit taller than her has its little advantages like easy access to kiss her forehead (on your tippy toes) which you do like always. You then nuzzle into her hair that smells like eucalyptus and vanilla. Her smell is intoxicating.
“Now may I please get you out of this dress?” she leans back to ask ever so casually and tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear.
It’s impossible not to smile even though you wish you could tease her a bit, but you feel your entire body heat up and smile grow wider.
“Yes, please,” you say and kiss her. You kiss for a few moments until she pulls back and says “I have one more present,” she smiles in such a way where you know she’s up to something. “Sort of,” she tilts her head then sprints off into the bedroom.
“What does that mean??” you yell.
“Come find out,” she shouts back.
You will never be able to guess what Angela has up her sleeve this time, so you hesitantly enter the bedroom.
“Hold on,” she says from behind the attached-bathroom door. “Sit on the bed.”
Tentatively, you sit on the bed facing the bathroom door. It’s not like she hasn’t thought scaring you was a fun prank before. You look around the room for any hint of a jump scare just in case.
“Are you on the bed?”
“Sitting here, just like you told me to,” you lightly drum your hands on your knees in anticipation.
The door to the bathroom opens, allowing the light to shine into the bedroom, and there stands Angela in black lingerie. It’s strappy underwear and bra and fuck does she look good. And she’s wearing black heels oh my god. One of her hands release from the door jam to take her hair out of its half-up half-down bun. She shakes around her short, slightly curled hair.
Your eyes widen and jaw tightens. Her body might just be your favorite thing on this planet. Scratch that, it is definitely your favorite thing on this planet.
“You-“ you try.
“Mhm,” she smiles and walks towards you. Both of her hands land on your shoulders as you sit on the edge of the bed, completely stunned.
“You are-“ you look up at her. “So fucking gorgeous.”
“Thank you, baby,” she smiles knowingly, grabbing your face in her hands and kissing you.
“I can’t believe you,” you say between kisses.
“Good, right?” she asks confidently, straightening back out, hands in your hair.
“You’re so perfect.”
“You’re perfect,” she says sincerely as she plays with your hair. “Happy birthday, y/n.”
You two kiss again and your hands travel from her hips to her waist and back down to her ass.
You squeeze, pulling her in closer. She groans and breaks the kiss.
“I didn’t say you could enjoy your present yet,” she whispers in your ear and pulls your hands away by the wrists.
“Hmm?” you look up at her. Her ridiculously beautiful brown eyes.
“You know I love to tease you,” she says looking down, directly into your eyes. Your breath is cut short.
Angela plays with the straps of your dress for a moment before leaning over and kissing your neck and collarbones.
You reach to touch her waist again and she lightly pushes you away saying, “wait.”
“Babe,” you grunt in frustration.
“Just wait,” she whispers into your collarbone as she places your hands on the bed on either side of your thighs.
You close your eyes. She pushes off one of your dress straps and begins to leave a hickey in the same spot.
You notice the hand of hers that was squeezing your thigh for support as she bent over has disappeared, so you open your eyes.
At the same time, she pulls away from your shoulder and looks into your eyes, nose to nose. Her hand is down her own underwear, fingers moving slowly.
She lightly moans into your mouth as she kisses you.
“Oh my fucking god,” you whisper into her mouth. “Please let me touch you,” you whine.
“Not yet, birthday girl,” she whispers back. Angela straightens out, one hand holding your shoulder while the other works itself in her underwear. She’s looking down at you, at your folded hands in your lap. It’s not often she towers over you and you could get used to it.
Her hips jerk a little against her own hand as she stands between your knees fucking herself. With every jerk she’s closer to you, her boobs at eye level.
“I knew you’d like to watch,” she says in a low, breathless tone. She whimpers, never breaking eye contact.
She takes her hand out of her underwear and with the other hand, forcibly tilts your jaw to look up even more.
“Open,” she says, a little jarringly.
But nevertheless you open your mouth, always keeping eye contact. Angela brushes her thumb against your bottom lip and presses the two fingers that were just inside her against your tongue. You close your lips, sucking on her fingers. She’s never tasted so good.
“Good girl,” she says lowly again. “You’re so cute,” she says as she bends to kiss your forehead with her fingers still in your mouth.
She finally removes your dress, straddles you with heels and all, and the rest of the night concludes your favorite birthday ever.
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zedcanary · 1 year
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co-presidents of the hating jack quaid shaped losers club
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trojanteapot · 1 year
Alrighty folks buckle up because I'm gonna rant
Just feel like some of you out here just don't really understand nuance? And it's like what was I expecting because it's social media nuance is dead.
Anyway so all three of you out there who follow me that aren't bots, or people that I know IRL, know that my favourite character in Infinity Train is Simon Laurent, the French incel bastard man. And yeah I know he's terrible but also I must ask the eternal question: Is he actually though??????
Hear me out. Because look I know dude is a murderer and a hypocrite and a whiny little bitch but also consider the facts:
he's a teenager
he got trapped on some nightmare train when he was only ten. TEN!
his denizen was THE CAT, who from his POV manipulated him and then abandoned him!
Now I know what some of you already saying at this point:
-"uh that doesn't justify all the murdering!!!" -"he's an egotistical jackass!" -"he's not a child he's 18! he would go to adult jail in real life!" -"he died in the narrative thus justifying my hatred!" Okay well consider this: it's pretty much canonical that Grace did exactly the same amount of murdering as Simon but y'all are so ready to embrace and forgive her because she had a change of heart?
And which one of you when you were 18 made completely rational not emotion-driven decisions based on pure facts and logic??? Which one of you are capable of doing this now????
And he didn't have a normal childhood to develop his brain in a normal way, again he boarded the Train at age ten!!!! And finally which one of you was a teenager who wasn't a little egotistical???
If Simon was egotistical then what does that make Grace, the leader of the Apex who made a throne for herself???? What does that make Amelia who rejected the Train's attempts to help her move on and instead tried to recreate her dead fiance to the point that there are just renegade failed clones of that person just running around????
Also, I feel like it's important to mention that Amelia probably did more crimes than both Grace and Simon combined but she just didn't get her face eaten by Ghoms just because she was an adult at the time and could outsmart the Train. You guys are willing to forgive her and all the stuff she did... as an ADULT, but not Simon, a teenager, because... reasons???!!!
And other stuff I feel like should be mentioned here:
I think it's important to consider why episode 4 of season 3, came right before episode 5, you know the one where he kills Tuba. Episode 4 was when we learn a ton of info about Simon. Notably that the Cat was his denizen and we all know how the Cat is!
I'm pretty sure we were supposed to draw several conclusions from that episode namely:
- Cat is a schemey little shit - he was a kid when he knew the Cat - he seems to claim she was fake and manipulating him - that seems believable from what we know of the cat - ep 5 hits, Tuba and Simon have heart to heart - Simon then kills Tuba
And my friend brought up a good point where if you think about it, the Train was using Tuba to manipulate him, and using Hazel to manipulate Grace.
The Train we've seen just runs on pure algorithms and doesn't give a shit about the passengers. The Train just sees them as a number that increases or decreases. It just calculated that if Hazel & Tuba met Grace & Simon then it would have the maximum likelihood that those denizen + passenger combos could get their numbers down the most efficiently. It of course did not account for the fact that the Cat went on vacation and then ran into Simon, thus reminding him to not trust denizens.
Simon had as much of a likelihood to do a change of heart like Grace did! But hey, spanner in the works and all that.
Some of you just like hating on him because he's a white guy and coded cishet and it really shows.
I'm sure y'all are gonna say I'm defending the patriarchy or whatever for defending cishet white guy colonizer man Simon Laurent as a queer femme POC but also fuck off with that bullshit and just look at the actual text of the narrative presented to us instead of reading bad takes on Twitter.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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My friend put dhmis characters through a animae filter app and now yall have to see it.
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God will not forgive me.
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martha-oi · 1 year
I-I'm sorry, forgive me friends but this man...
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This man.... that's all bye
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talvin-muircastle · 8 months
Want to know why Chocolate is so important on Valentine's Day?
To understand the answer, all you have to do is look at a map of Pennsylvania!
Hershey is less than an hour away from Intercourse!
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