softestaries · 2 days
I hate it here
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hurtpeoplex2 · 2 days
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he's practicing honesty
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7567s · 3 days
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Do you think you can handle that much? • Part 1
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sourascanbe · 2 days
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these two walked
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so they could run
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ser6bucky · 21 hours
serving his country or SERVING his CUNTry
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velvet4510 · 3 days
“Charles Xavier did more for mutants than you’ll ever know. My single greatest regret is that he had to die for our dream to live.”
This line has been talked about time and again for good reason, but can we please highlight Sir Ian McKellen’s magnificent delivery of it??
He’s calm and collected for most of it, with seething rage simmering beneath the surface of the first sentence. But the moment he says the word “die,” his voice starts trembling and doesn’t stop until his thought is finished … which so effectively conveys Erik’s feelings at this moment. Erik refuses to let anyone see him openly vulnerable, so he does his best to appear stoic. Yet that little tremble in his voice shows us the truth: this man is Heartbroken. Devastated. Gutted. Bereft of the love of his life, he is now only holding onto his sanity and composure by a thread.
McKellen understands Erik so perfectly, and does so much with just two little sentences. He maintains the Magneto facade yet gives us the briefest glimpse of the true Erik, of that lonely, lost soul on a bleak quest for vengeance who found hope and joy and life again in the eyes and words and touch of a beautiful telepath so long ago … who is now utterly shattered and made lonely and lost once again by the sight and memory of that very telepath disintegrating in front of him.
McKellen managed to pack all that inner agony into those few words, keeping it suppressed yet present.
Bravo to the Legend.
(Also, shoutout to the lighting designers. Erik is walking in shadows in most of the scene, but the moment he starts talking about Charles, he moves into the light of a sunbeam.)
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You know what I would have loved in Days of Future Past? Hank snapping and yelling at Erik, about what Charles went through in the past 10 years.
Erik: You sacrificed your powers so you could walk?
Hank *putting on autopilot and storming out of the cockpit* You fucking asshole! So what if he did? What do you care? Shouldn't you be glad? Aren't you happy you don't have to put on your stupid helmet again? Shutting him out again? Breaking his heart even more? You made him already feel guilty about having his powers, do you really have to make him feel guilty about not having them? You have no right to talk about his legs like that. You shot him and then pulled out the bullet, I mean how little common sense do you have, to do such shit?
Charles: Hank, it's alright...
Hank: No. Nothing is alright. Don't you dare say that anything is alright, not after the last fucking ten years. *turning to Erik again* Do you have any idea of what you did? Not only put you on that stupid helmet and killed Shawn, which Charles felt by the way. -Oh you didn't know? Strange, and I thought you two were so damm good in talking about your feelings- Not only did you shot a bullet exactly at his spine and pulled it out again. No you had to take Raven with you. His only family left. The only nice person there was, in his fucked up childhood. You took her with you and left him alone, in pain and with the feeling that his powers were something wrong, the only mutation you shouln't be proud of. So yeah, excuse him for not only taking the opportunity of being able to walk again, but to shut his so damm hated power down. And don't even get me started on your fucked up relationship. Do you honestly think, we belived that you two were just really great friends? What do you think happens, when you break the heart of someone, who loved you so deeply, in such a cruel way? Not just someone, but a telepath, with a range of emotions we can't even grasp to understand. That they stay as cold as you? That they just keep going?So again; excuse him, excuse him for having emotions, for falling into a depression and for getting addicted to drugs and alcohol. Now would you do us all the favour of having a little bit of emotional intelligence or shutting the fuck up, asshole?
Logan: *grinning* I just rememberd why I like you.
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amnmich · 3 days
“i need your word, erik.”
stop looking at his lips dude get on with it (ex husbands go brr)
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retrobr · 1 day
erik is such a dumbass like. wow i was saved by the most gorgeous person i've ever seen in my life and he also happened to be a mutant just like me and he understands me like no one else and he accepts me the way i am. i guess i'll abandon him
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byler-is-endgame7 · 2 days
guys do you think when charles kisses erik everything that has metal in it just starts levitating
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24hrsoda · 3 days
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they both look incredibly ridiculous but at least they’re looking ridiculous together <3
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Charles Xavier: Let's see if Jubilee's free. I'll call her. Or should I text? Erik Lehnsherr: Calls bother them for some reason. Charles Xavier: Yeah, I think it's a text. Charles Xavier: What sounds more casual, "Dear Jubilee" or "Greetings, Jubilee"?
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magneticallyyours · 3 days
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Live Charles reaction:
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ch3rikizreal · 11 hours
Always making sure his boyfriend’s head is off the ground 💔
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shelfperson · 3 days
noooo large german man don’t kill the president on live television in an act of domestic terrorism
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theforswornelite · 2 days
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