#i am so tired of self described feminists who havent left their man hating phase in the year of our lord 2024
cervinelich · 4 months
Until some of you start recognizing that the patriarchy also negatively affects men, you're going to remain a gender essentialist. I don't care how many "I'm not a TERF"s you say in front of the mirror.
Saying that you don't care about men's issues such as loneliness & increased suicide rates and then following that up with some anecdote about a man sexually harassing a woman is literally just the same shit TERFs do. You're just using personal experiences and statistics to avoid meaningfully engaging with the reasons patriarchy is harmful.
The way that some of you dehumanize men is seriously disgusting and reads not only as bioessentialist garbage but also doesn't align with the basic ideals of rehabilitation.
Oh, men are lonely and killing themselves more because the patriarchy conditions them not to address their feelings appropriately? Who cares! Women are statistically more likely to be raped by a partner, so men deserve it! I see no way in which all of these problems have a unifying cause. /s
You either believe the patriarchy is a social blight that destroys everyone or you subscribe to the same ideals it upholds - that men are base animal monsters & women are uwu soft and need protecting.
And I want to be clear about something - I specifically am not bringing up trans men here because I think if you need to mentally code a man as a "woman" in your mind for him to deserve compassion then, again, you're doing TERF shit.
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