#i dont expect a ton of hype for her but if people have questions im always down to talk about her hehe
good-beans · 11 months
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(Milgram self-insert oc masterpost hehe)
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Name: For the sake of posting online I’ll call her Rose!
Color: #E7355B [the pink in the art]
Age: I guess she’d be 20 given when Milgram started huh.
Status: Milgram Staff, Machine Technician
Symbols/imagery: ballet/musical theater, science experiments
Song genre: very similar to Mahiru's, something upbeat and extra pop-y
Tentatively she's number 011? She's not really prisoner but she's also not free to come and go, so I'm not actually sure if she'd get a number (Edit: I've decided she'll actually be 012. Staff is given the 01X range, and even though Es doesn't actively have a number they'd be staff member 011, making her 012.)
Story: Since the project is supposed to be realistic/present day, the mv machine would be brand new and unpredictable tech, so they’d want someone keeping up on maintenance and making sure the brain-invasive process won’t cause any harm to the prisoners. Rose was studying abroad in Japan working on some cool neuroscience tech (irl I know nothing about technology or brains but shh) and she stumbled upon some secret tech/plans from Milgram. Long story short, she was dragged into the experiment to make sure things ran smoothly.
Writer's Reasoning: She’s really fun for me to play around with, as she allows me to work with a character who has a tiny bit of pull over Es’ mindset in conversation but not the final decision (aka mirroring the voting system), and someone who is simultaneously trapped in the prison but has a reason to see all the canon content.* I really enjoy the character interactions and dynamics Milgram has set up so far, so it’s been super fun seeing how things change for better and worse when someone not quite aligned with either Milgram/the prisoners is thrown into the mix!
*As much as I love dramatic irony in fiction, it would drive me crazy if I knew every detail of of the vds/mvs but Rose didn't – and every single Milgram character is The Worst Communicator Ever so I couldn’t justify that she’d hear it secondhand from them...
Story roles:
She’s a bit conflicted -- she’s officially Milgram staff and knows she should remain neutral on the prisoners, since she won’t be allowed to interfere with the process/executions. At the same time, her job description is literally “make sure the machine doesn't hurt them and everyone's safe :)” and she's way too emotional to avoid getting hopelessly attached to everyone 😅
I really enjoy the theory that the machine extracts videos based off of priming, so one of Rose’s duties involves listening in on the interrogation and making sure there’s been enough material discussed/not too much time has passed overall (hence the ringing of the bell happening at different lengths for each vd -- That's her ringing it :3). She then watches the mvs along with Es to make sure there are no machine glitches, and know how to calibrate it better for next time.
(IEdit: I've since decided to add in official trial mvs, but before when I wasn't ready to tackle that:) She has to run some tests on the machine to make sure things are calibrated correctly, so she'd extract little things here and there. It gives me the opportunity to think up lyric snippets and recurring symbols for her without worrying about full encompassing music videos.
I'm not afraid to admit she can fall into Mary Sue territory every so often by being everyone's friend, because it's less about "aw everyone likes her" and more about "canon is too painful rn and I need a fix-it tool to take care of these guys and give them hugs and tell them someone forgives them and cares about them and unfortunately these characters wouldn't let anyone less than a friend do that." Rest assured she's definitely not perfect and will fuck everything up on occasion :3
Miscellaneous: Whenever I play around with normal au ideas she's still working on the machine (but in a public, more ethical setting), and she's Mahiru's roommate :) Her character isn't super focused on love, but if I had to pick a cover song it'd be Stickybug II. It's very much my vibe, the lyrics fit well enough (better than most songs, at least lol) and it's one of my favorites out of my limited knowledge of unchosen Deco songs! (Edit, I've actually given her non-deco cover songs hehe)
So yeah, I hope she's not too boring without a cool crime to decipher, but I wanted to share since I was really proud of her! It took a bit of tinkering to find a way to fit her into a perfect secret-third-thing role that runs very smoothly with all of canon, so I was very excited!
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 61 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 359 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here. 
RATE THE EPISODE 347 Responses
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While this episode wasn’t as big of a hit as episode 60, overall most viewers still enjoyed the content and are looking forward to more next week!
amazing amazing! I'm so delighted with this season so far!
Im so beyond pumped i love everything
Dissapointing but acceptable.
I’m like angry I loved it so much.
I just wish we didn't have to wait a week
It was amazing. We all gotta apologize to MAPPA for ever doubting them.
It's a huge stepdown from episode 1. At times the animation was straight up painful to watch. My expectations were low and yet I'm still disappointed :/
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Reiner-centric scenes were the highest on people’s radar, with 24.9% of respondents enjoying his reunion with the warrior cadets, and not far behind, 22.9% enjoyed Reiner bringing up the 104th at the dinner table. In third, with only 13.5%, was Pieck and Porco’s formal introduction to the audience. 
Hearing Zeke greet his grandparents with such happiness warmed my heart. I do believe that he loves them. 
They just had to add one last image of Ymir's broken face before she died, huh? :(
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Last week we forgot to include what your favorite scenes were. The scene from episode 60 that got the most favor was Reiner’s, “I’m sick and tired… of walls” with 33.6% of the vote. 16.7% most enjoyed Zeke’s titan transforming scream. 14.9% were hyped about Reiner and Porco wrecking Fort Slava.
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Overall, a total of 74.5% respondents have positive feelings about MAPPA’s use of rotoscope animation and camera panning. Some felt like it was akin to watching a movie, while others are just happy to have the dynamic movement. A smaller amount of respondents didn’t have feelings one way or another, and a minority (about 10.3%) really are not a fan of this type of animation style for the series.
It felt odd sometimes as they used it for long scenes (like Udo talking or Gabi telling the story to her family) but overall it was pretty great and I prefer it to WIT's stale animation during season 3
I liked the more dynamic movement during dialogue, but my roommate found it super awkward and off-model. So a fifty-fifty split in a sample size of two lol
It could have been animated better, but I like the extra dimension it gives to scenes
Enjoyed it a lot! However, there were a few scenes that felt a bit off, like some frames were missing. Specifically, when Udo was doing all those gestures while talking with the rest of the Warrior Candidates.
It felt dynamic to the point of looking unnatural - some gestures and expressions just moved wrong
i'm split, in some scenes it was great (like reiner waking up), but in the dialogue scenes the constant movement seemed kinda unnatural and distracting
It was amazing but at the same time I'd didn't look fluid enough, especially at Udo's mouvements which made the character look kind of...video game-ish in constant moving. 
I thought it looked great the rotoscoping,the movements all looked amazing
The animation during Urdu’s scene is so cool!  I was caught of guard at first though lol. It’s so realistic!
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So far, reception to the newer music is overall positive. 31.1% are really enjoying the music and think the songs are being used immaculately, and 40.4% really feel that the song choice compliments the scenes they’ve been used in. 13.1% think the songs are good, but miss having that sole Sawano feel to them. 10.8% just feel the music is “ok” and 2.6% aren’t a fan of the new OST tracks so far. 
I mean it sounds good, but we haven't gotten to important moments that require a memorable track, so we'll see!
First episode slapped because it really complemented the scene but it's more... generic. I didn't like how it was used in this episode, there wasn't enough of it and again, generic. I miss Sawano's unreal scores.
the animation absolutely blew me away, and i love the intense music that played during Reiners monologue 
The music is fine.
I've heard both new and old songs from the previous seasons. Still too soon to make an opinion as we need to hear more.
I am deaf, I can't hear no damn soundtracks 
That music guys when they came back to Liberio and reuniting with they parents, made me tear up but also because the scouts never had the chance to go back home with victory in the arms of their family, I wish I could have seen EMA like this.. It kinda felt unfair X) but I was happy for them nevertheless.
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Our first of probably too many crack questions in this poll, 32.7% thought the closeup of Zeke lighting his cigarette was cool looking. 21.4% are concerned about Zeke’s lung health. 19.1% are probably annoyed with us and simply don’t care (lol). 13.3% wouldn’t mind smooching Zeke, and 11% were just plain grossed out.
Does smoke even affect a titan shifter? Surely his lungs just heal themselves
ASMR for the eyes, right there. Aww yiss
It was awesome! Zeke is shown as relaxed person with a big drop of mystery. 
Smoking Bad but he is gonna die in a year anyway
It might've just been an artistic choice to include it in there, but i gotta say I'm oddly fascinated and idk why
I don’t remember it lol
I didn't even notice.
Zeke looks hotter than he has ever looked
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Most of the responses seemed to feel rather positively about Eldian asses, with almost 40% seeking out Zeke’s ass wiping technique. About 17% simply stated their appreciation for them, while almost 13% are just thirsty. In contrast, a little over 17% seemed confused to the question’s inclusion and about 10% were confused outright. 
More into Eldian thighs, really
I bet Levi’s is nice
If only Eren had one
zeke has the energy of a straight man who doesn't wash his ass
Only Shadis' ass
They are like normal, human asses. Do not turn them into some magical, special snowflakes, just because they belong to Eldians. 
Seek help
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A definitive majority, almost 59 percent, openly expressed enthusiasm for the prospect of a head pat from Reiner. However, a near 30% fraction of responders didn’t seem too happy about this recent chain of less than serious questions. We’re sorry about that. 😅. The rest either didn’t seem interested in said prospect or noted they wouldn’t care either way.
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It would appear that the majority of those who took our poll express cautious optimism at the prospect of seeing all (or the vast majority) of Reiner’s backstory being adapted into a single episode, with a near 47% supporting the move, thinking it could make the narrative “more coherent”. Almost 20% argue it would work better pacing wise. On the flipside, just over 17% state that they would rather have a more accurate adaptation to the manga. 11.6% simply say they have no opinion. There were also more than a few write-ins.
I do wish everything could be animated to full detail, but pacing and structure will benefit here
They've done a good job so far, so I'll reserve judgement until I actually watch it.
It will be difficult as they're chapters with loads of dialogue, but they can pull it off if unnecessary stuff gets cut out or changed in some type of way (like watching Marcel's death for the sixth time, them breaking through the wall or even Jean and Eren fighting) 
If they get the pacing right, then the rearrangement will be for the better.
Reiner flashbacks + Reiner suicide attempt + Falco meeting "Kruger" (more than 2,5 chapters) in a single episode? HELL NO! WTF MAPPA!  
Worried and cautiously optimistic.
At least it looks like they're going to stick to just one episode for the RBA flashback. It was mostly just filler anyway, so there was never any need to stretch it out and waste precious time getting back to the Paradis side of the story
I doubt that that's exactly how it is, but if so, then I don't think that that's a wise idea
It’s gonna be rushed as hell
Reiner flashback is very long and there is tons of dialogue, so I dont know how its going fit in only one episode, but if they can make it work then its fine for me
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This question gave us a somewhat evenly split pie chart, but Porco nonetheless managed to gain the bigger piece with just over 55%. Surely due to that bomber jacket and haircut. Nearly 45% picked Pieck (gottem) instead. Must have been the somewhat inconsistent nose. 
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On the flip side, 68.4% seemed to prefer Pieck’s soft voice. Porco with his (how the hell does Porco sound like… how can you describe his voice) managed to win the hearts of 31.6% of responses.
Pieck voice wtf? I imagined Pieck with a more Hanji-ish voice, not this sweet and high pitched.
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The debacle over Pieck’s POWERFUL nose gave us quite a colorful pie chart. Almost 39% of responses noted that Mappa was on point with Pieck’s nose for most of the episode. Afterwards, 26.7% stated that they thought that Mappa got it right only in some points of the episode. On the flip side, another 26.7% thought that Mappa was generally quite on point throughout the entire episode. A small minority (7.8%) thought that Mappa simply did a poor job. 
The animation is good, and while I don't want to complain, I have a small problem with the drawings themselves. I feel like they lack precision (like Pieck's nose, idk if that's clear).
I'm grateful for Pieck's nose. I always respected Isayama for drawing imperfect characters, because this way he has made them to look more realistic. Even though Pieck has so-called imperfect nose, she is still absolutely gorgeous. Her imperfections are part of what makes her beautiful and unique.
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A far less controversial debacle concerned Porco’s hair scheme. The folks supporting a Blond color scheme were universally content with his hair color (all 57.4% of team Blond). On the flip side, an almost universal approval was also present from team Redhead (13.6% of those supported his blond hair color). 27.5% of the responses seemed to care not about this issue at all, however.
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Porco inheriting the Armored Titan is a rather interesting what-if scenario. Perhaps of the most interesting as a whole, so it’s no surprise to see a rather divided opinion of those who took our poll. A little over 36% believe that Porco doing a better job than Reiner on Paradis is a definite possibility. Just over 24% believe it’s not likely Porco would have done better than Reiner. On the flip side, 21.6% think that is is likely Porco *would* have a more successful conduct on the island. 9.2% believe that Porco’s success is a given and in opposition to that, 8.9% think that Porco’s success would have been basically impossible.
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Much less division here, however. 70.5% of responders believe that Pieck’s possible trip to Paradis (in the initial attack) would have not have resulted in a given “mission success” for the Warriors, although she would have been a rather useful ally. Nearly a quarter, on the other hand, think that Pieck’s inclusion would have ended the story right then and there. The rather small minority of the other responders think that Pieck would not have been useful had she participated in the mission.
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64.6% of respondents overall have positive feelings toward Gabi as of right now, with 39.5% having already been enjoying her character throughout the manga. 25.1% now view her more positively with her being brought to life. 20.2% don’t really care about Gabi either way, and 11.7% feel very negatively toward Gabi, without the anime swaying their opinions. 
Gabi still sucks
Sakura ayane as gabi is probably the best thing to happen to me all year
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Overwhelmingly, the scenes that were most missed by manga readers were “Pieck walking on all fours/scaring Porco”, “Zeke mentioning the Ackerman Clan”, “Reiner’s smirk when his family talks about ‘Island Devils’”, and “The imagery of Eren and Armin wrecking ships”. Smaller character details, such as Reiner mentioning how he acted like Marcel on Paradis, Gabi wishing to understand Reiner’s feelings, Falco pointing out how Reiner almost had the Armor taken from him, were also very missed by manga readers, although just less so. 
General Calvi talking about Zeke’s loyalty, Gabi getting praise from her parents when they reunite, and Magath trashing the Marleyan navy, were moments that many respondents didn’t feel strongly about one way or another, or felt that these were details that weren’t really needed anyway. 
Cutting the scene where Falcon talks about why Reiner kept the AT was really bad.  Also the table scene could have been better. Some imagery when Reiner was describing the 104th and his smirk.
The cuts the anime has done made the spectators less informed about some story background stuff. This is in order to direct attention to the marley's eldians planning how to overcome the world's disparagement towards the power of the titans. 
I'm sad they cut the gate guards. They humanize the marleyans a bit. Hope they add their scenes next episode and do them justice.
I hope we will get the Gabi/Reiner talk about understanding each other through PATHS when she eats him next episode
Gimme crawling best giiiirl
MAPPA cut Pieck's ass so this episode wouldn't be so ass centered with Zeke's ass wiping technique. This is my theory lol
Great episode but U was so looking forward to the Reiner scene talking about Paradis “devils”. In the mange it was a powerful scene really adding to the duality of Reiner and the pain he has, and the animation did not do it justice. Plus some parts of his speech were probably hard to understand for a non mange reader without the flashback. (Like which one is referring to Jean for example).  I really wish it had been better delivered
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them into different scenes. Overall, the majority answered a big, fat, “maybe.” 15.8% are confident that what’s done has been done, and 12.6% are more optimistic that MAPPA will find a way.
Overall I was a bit disappointed. I feel like the amount of material cut from every conversation included really added up overall and gave it a very rushed feel to me. I really hope they add it all in later.
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The changes and additions that MAPPA made were overall viewed very favorably, with the scene of Porco and Pieck interacting with the warrior cadets being the most liked addition. This is followed closely by the overall character movement during dialogue scenes, the small detail about Pieck’s father being unwell, and Gabi shouting “Watashi!” on the train.
I loved the additional details made it very emotional
Sneakier Eren's a nice addition too
Porco my boiii I'm so happy he's here 💖💖💖💖 if mappa is adding some extra scenes then gimme more of gallirei 👀
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Unsurprisingly, 42% of respondents are hyped about Kenny’s brief return and Annie’s unlikely encounter with him in the Underground. 22.2% are eager to get that sweet Reiner angst as he is rejected by his Marleyan father. 17.8% are looking forward to Reiner’s training days.
great! it was inevitable they would cut stuff but it hasn't changed any major plot point or thing i would want to see desperately 
It was just really great to see the scenes animated, it adds another level of depth and understanding to the story I believe. 
Loved anime-onlies missing Eren completely. Some even thought it was him but then noticed the leg and thought against it
I think it was very well done. Just need a little getting used to with MAPPA on the reins now. I think MAPPA added some scenes to show how those Eldians over there are still just human after all and they have their own problems to deal with. 8/10 episode.
I feel like they took a lot of emotion way from reiner. made him seemed stoic and determined to go to the island even though in the make he looked scared about having to return. 
I thought the rotoscoping was really well done! I’m happy with the pacing, the fact that the episode felt like it went by fast is good considering it was dialogue based.
Incredible. The direction, the cinematic quality, we are feasting. MAPPA is elevating the story beyond anything I could have imagined! I'm beyond hyped for the rest!! But where is asshole Marley guards/Hobo!Eren's appearance as a favorite moment?!
Incredible, it adapts the source material very well while adding some touches that make it unique in it's own way. As a manga reader, I'm really glad that they're doing this because it feels like a completly different experience from reading it and makes me excited on what changes or directing choices they're going to make during the course of the season, great job so far MAPPA!
Such an amazing episode. Made 20mins feel like 5. MAPPA is doing fantastic. The characters have never felt more alive and the animation style is something I never knew I wanted until now. 
I can't believe they didn't cast Mads Mikkelsen to voice Mads Mikkelsen
The episode was good but the dinner scene didn't do justice to the manga. It didn't have the same feeling to it. I saw a lot of anime onlys thinking Reiner was just trying to talk shit about the 104th. I feel like the flashbacks during that part in the manga gave it a nostalgic feeling that helped convey what he truly felt about his time on the island. His facial expressions were not quite there either. Specially sad because it was the moment I was expecting the most this episode and because it's a big part of Reiner's character, maybe next episode can kind of fix this.
I haven't seen the anime only poll results, but given personal conversations with them I imagine quite a few could care less about the Warriors and are looking forward to the 104th showing up to stir shit up. Boy are those folks in for a treat :)
I knew I'd feel more attached to all of them once they got animated. I didn't expect getting real thirsty for Lainah.
I was so happy with how much detail MAPPA put into the background scenery. Also, I think that an underrated moment during this episode was the Marlian douchebag triggering the Eldian soldier’s PTSD. You could really feel their terror, and THEY KEPT THE HOBO EREN PART IM SO HAPPY!
Its consistently very pretty and well animated which is great of course, but I worry the team won’t be able to maintain this quality for some of the meatier scenes in the later episodes. The fast pace of the episode (compared to the manga) as well as the many cuts make it a bit harder for scenes to stick, I wish there was a bit more breathing room at times. This also makes the fancy animation and frequent rotoscoping cuts feel less impactful for me—with every scene being cut down to its core ingredients, and every scene having at least one cut with more motion and energy than we’re used to, I can’t help but feel it all kind of mashes together without sticking out as much, leaving less of an impact. (I feel really really weird actually complaining about good camerawork/animation, what the hell lol) Also hobo <3
Plenty of questions about ass but no questions about the full ED? Or how we thought the episode did at hiding Eren in plain sight?
rip Reiner's chocolate abs :'(
The episode wasn't as interesting as the first one. I was yawning from time to time. Yet, I think that Mappa did a great job, because it's hard to animate full of  dialogues chapters. I was disappointed of the fact that flashbacks from Paradis have been cut. I hoped to see Sasha, Connie, Ymir and Marco while Reiner was speaking about them. Without the flashbacks we just got the dry speech and this way hard to say what Reiner is really thinking about people he met on Paradis. We - as manga readers - already are aware of his feelings, but anime onlies may not know and see Reiner as cold hearted person. I'm not complaining over animations or the OST tracks because no studio is perfect and some small mistakes here and there won't destroy my fun. I just sit and enjoy the episode. 
Very good, with the exception of the dinner scene, in which the director missed the mark completely with the tone.
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Thank you again for participating! We’ll see you again next week!
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iridescentides · 4 years
hi again dia! happy first day of december ❤️💚 i wanted to ask you what, in your opinion, are the 5 most underrated dcoms? i remember you saying before that you've watched all of them so i'd love to hear your opinions 😊 - 🎅🎁🎄
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH secret santa you are so good! asking me all the best questions 💜
okay so i literally had to make a list of all the dcoms i consider underrated and then narrow down a top 5. theres lots of dcoms that i love, but that i think got the right amount of attention and care (like lemonade mouth and the teen beach movies, for example), so this list just focuses on ones that deserved more hype for their quality level.
5. The Cheetah Girls: One World (2008)
okay so even as i type this i feel like a hypocrite. i have only watched this movie one time. BUT i can acknowledge that its one of the most criminally underrated dcoms ever, tons of people didnt watch it simply because raven wasnt in it. thats why i avoided it as a child, and i didnt get around to watching it until i did my big dcom binge in 2016. and it was so good. theres a really long post floating somewhere around tumblr full of specifics on why its actually the best cheetah girls movie (my favorite is the second one purely out of nostalgia), so to paraphrase some points from that post:
its a solid example of cultural appreciation, rather than appropriation, as the girls go and learn about bollywood and indian culture together
the indian characters arent treated like props or unimportant sides, they get their own agency and storylines that are important
the songs are good!!!
basically this movie was overlooked and slept on even though in terms of role modeling and social value, and just like the first two cheetah girls movies it was important and impactful.
4. Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure (2011)
okay so as someone whos very neutral and occasionally negative-leaning towards the hsm franchise (mostly bc its overhyped and not really representative of all dcoms), i was pleasantly surprised by sharpays fabulous adventure. this is another one that i know lots of people skipped right over and dont hold with as much esteem as the main hsm franchise, and that doesnt sit right with me.
i do not agree with the “uwu sharpay was the real victim in hsm” arguments bc in their efforts to look galaxy brained the people who say that overlook the fact that she was a rich white woman who used her power and status to exercise control over opportunities that should have been fairly and freely available for all; they were not “making a mockery of her theater” in the first movie, they were literally just kids who wanted to try out a new school activity that everyone was supposed to be allowed to participate in; and despite allegedly learning her lesson and singing we’re all in this together with everyone at the end of the first movie, she literally showed no growth in the second movie as she fostered an openly hostile environment and favored troy so heavily that it literally cost him his friends, all as part of yet another jealous plan to take things away from people who already have less than her. she was NOT the victim in the main franchise, and she did not seem to exhibit any growth or introspection either.
and that!!! is why sharpays fabulous adventure was so important. in focusing on sharpay as the main character, they finally had to make her likeable. they did this by showing actual real growth and putting her outside of her sphere of influence and control. we saw true vulnerability from her, instead of the basic ass “mean girl is sad bc shes actually just super insecure” trope (cough cough radio rebel), and this opened us up to finally learn about and care about her character. throughout the movie we see her learn, from her love interests example, how to care for others and be considerate. she faces actual adversity and works through it, asking herself what she truly wants and what shes capable of. and in the end, when she finally has her big moment, we’re happy for her bc she worked hard to get there. she becomes a star through her own merit and determination, rather than through money and connections. this movie is not perfect by any means, but it is severely underrated for the amount of substance it adds to sharpays character.
3. The Swap (2016)
okay i know im gonna get shit for this but thats why its on this list!!! just like sharpays fabulous adventure, its not perfect and definitely misses the mark sometimes, but it deserves more attention and love for all the things it did get right!
the swap follows two kids who accidentally switch bodies because of their emotional attachment to their dead/absent parents’ phones. and while i normally HATE the tv/movie trope of a dead parent being the only thing that builds quick sympathy for a young character, they definitely expanded well enough to where we could root for these kids even without the tragedy aspect. we see them go through their daily struggles and get a feel for their motivations as characters pretty well. as a body switching movie, we expect it to be all goofy and wacky and lighthearted, but it moves beyond that in unexpected ways.
the reason the swap is on this list is for its surprisingly thoughtful commentary on gender roles. its by no means a feminist masterpiece, and its not going to radicalize kids who watch it, but it conveys a subtle, heartfelt message that deserves more appreciation. the characters struggle with the concept of gender in a very accurate way for their age, making off-base comments and feeling trapped by the weight of expectations they cant quite put their finger on. we watch them feel both at odds with and relieved by the gender roles they are expected and allowed to perform in each others bodies, and one of the most interesting parts of the movie to me is their interactions with the other kids around them. as a result of their feeling out of place in each others environments, the kids inadvertently change each others friendships for the better by introducing new communication styles and brave authenticity. 
the value of this movie is the subtle, but genuine way it shows the characters growing through being given the space to act in conflicting ways to their expected norms. ellie realizes that relationships dont have to be complex, confusing, and painful, and that its okay to not live up to appearances and images. jack learns that emotional expression is good, healthy, and especially essential to the grieving process. one of the most powerful scenes in the movie comes at the end where, after ellie confronts jacks dad in his body, jack returns as himself to a very heartfelt apology from his father for being too hard on him; the explicit message (”boys can cry”) is paired with an open expression of love and appreciation for his kids that he didnt feel comfortable displaying until his son set an example through honest communication. this is such an empowering scene and overall an empowering movie for kids who may feel stuck in their expected roles, as it sets a positive example for having the courage to break the restrictive societal mold. for its overall message of the importance of introspection and emotional intelligence, the swap is extremely underrated.
2. Freaky Friday (2018)
this is my favorite dcom, and probably my favorite movie at this point. ive always assigned a lot of personal value to this movie (and i love every freaky friday in general), for the message of selfless familial love and understanding. i know i can get carried away talking about this topic; i got an anon ask MONTHS ago asking me about the freaky friday movies and i wrote a super super long detailed response that i never posted bc i didnt quite finish talking about the 2018 movie. and thats bc on a personal level, i cant adequately convey all the love i have for this movie. so i will try to keep this short.
first lets state the obvious: the reason people dont like this movie is bc its not the lindsay lohan version. and i get that, to an extent, bc i also love the 2003 version and its one of my ultimate comfort movies, and grew up watching it and ive seen it a billion times. i even watched it a couple days ago. but the nostalgia goggles that people have on from the early 2000s severely clouds their judgement of the wonderful 2018 remake.
yes, the 2018 version is dorky, overly simplistic plot wise, a bit stiff at times, and super cheesy like any dcom. the writing isnt 100% all the time. the narrative takes a couple confusing turns. the song biology probably shouldnt have been included. i understand this. but at the heart of it all, this movies value is love. and its edge over all the other freaky friday movies is the songs.
on a personal level, the movie speaks heavily to me. i cried very early into my first viewing of the movie bc i got to see dara renee, a dark-skinned, non-skinny actress, playing the mean popular girl on disney channel. that has never happened before. growing up, i saw the sharpays and all the other super thin white women get to be the “popular” girls on tv, and ultimately they were taken down in the end for being mean, but that doesnt change the fact that they were given power and status in the first place for being conventionally beautiful. so, watching dara renee strut around confidently and sing about being the queen bee at this high school got to me immediately. and in general, the supporting cast members of color really mean a lot to me in this movie. we get to see adam, an asian male love interest for the main character. we have a second interracial relationship in the movie with katherines marriage to mike. ellies best friend karl is hispanic. and we see these characters have depth and plot significance, we see them show love, care, and passion for the things they value. the brown faces in this movie are comforting to me personally. additionally, the loving, blended family dynamic is important to me as someone in a close-knit, affectionate step-family.
but on a more general level, this movie is underrated for its skillful musical storytelling and the way it conveys all kinds of love and appreciation. in true freaky friday fashion, we watch ellie and katherine stumble and misstep in their attempts to act like each other. its goofy and fun. but through it all, the music always captures the characters’ intimate thoughts and feelings. the opening song gives us a meaningful view into ellie and katherines relationship and the fundamental misunderstandings that play a role in straining their connection. ellie sings about how she thinks her mom wants her to be perfect, and her katherine sings about all the wonderful traits she sees in her daughter and how she wants her to be more open and self assured. this is meaningful bc even as theyre mad at each other, the love comes through. the songs continue to bring on the emotional weight of the story, as ellie sings to her little brother about her feelings of hurt and abandonment in her fathers absence. the song “go” and its accompanying hunt scene always make me cry bc of the childlike wonder and sense of adventure that it brings. for the kids, its a coming of age, introspective song. for katherine who gets to participate in ellies body, its a reminder of youth and the rich, full life her daughter has ahead of her. she is overcome with excitement, both from getting to be a teenager again for a day, and from the realization that her daughter has a support network and passions that are all her own. today and ev’ry day, the second to last song, is the culmination of the lessons learned throughout the movie, a mother and daughters tearful commitment to each other to love, protect, and understand one another. the line “if today is every day, i will hold you and protect you, i wont let this thing affect you” gets to me every time. even when things are hard and dont go according to plan, they still agree, in this moment, to be there for each other. and thats what all freaky friday stories are ultimately about.
freaky friday 2018 is a beautiful, inclusive, subversive display of familial love, sacrifice, and selflessness, and it is underrated and overlooked because of its more popular predecessor.
1. Let It Shine (2012)
this is another one of my favorite dcoms and movies in the whole world. unlike the other movies on this list, it is not the viewers themselves that contribute to the underrated-ness of this movie. disney severely under-promoted and under-hyped this movie in comparison to its other big musical franchises, and i will give you five guesses as to why, but youll only need one!
let it shine is the most beautifully, unapologetically black dcom in the whole collection. (i would put jump in! at a notable second in this category, but that one wasnt underrated). this movie was clearly crafted with care and consideration. little black kids got to see an entire dcom cast that represented them. the vernacular used in the script is still tailored mostly to white-favoring audiences, but with some relevant slang thrown in there. in short, the writers got away with the most blackness they were allowed to inject into a disney channel project.
the story centers on rap music and its underground community in atlanta, georgia. it portrays misconceptions surrounding rap, using a church setting as a catalyst for a very real debate surrounding a generational, mutlicultural conflict. this was not a “safe” movie for disney, given its emphasis on religious clashes with contemporary values. it lightly touches on issues of image policing within the black community (cyrus’s father talking about how “our boys” are running around with sagging pants and “our girls” are straying away from god), which is a very real and pressing problem for black kids who feel the pressure (from all sides) of representing their whole race with their actions. its a fun, adorable story about being yourself and staying true to your art, but also a skillful representation of struggles unique to black and brown kids and children from religious backgrounds.
on top of crafting a fun, wholesome, thoughtful narrative and likeable protagonists, let it shine brought us what is in my opinion the BEST dcom soundtrack of all time. every single song is a bop. theyre fast, fun, and lyrically engaging. “me and you” is my favorite disney channel song of all time due to its narrative significance; i will never forget my first time watching the movie and seeing that big reveal unfold onstage, as a conversation and a plot summary all wrapped into a song. the amount of thought and care that went into the music of this movie should have been rewarded with a level of attention on par with that of other musical dcoms.
if disney channel had simply cared about let it shine more, it couldve spanned franchises and sold songs the way that other musical dcoms have drawn in success. i would have loved for a sequel that explored and fleshed out cyrus’s neighborhood a little bit more, and maybe dipped into that underground scene they caught a glimpse of. i wanted a follow up on the changed church community once cyrus’s father started supporting his sons vision. i want so much more for these characters and this world than disney gave them in just one movie.
for its bold, unabashed representation of blackness and religion, subtle, nuanced presentation of race-specific issues, strong, likeable characters, and complex, thoughtful songs, let it shine is the most underrated dcom.
and because i made a full list before i started writing this post, here are some honorable mentions:
going to the mat (2004)
gotta kick it up! (2002)
tru confessions (2002)
dont look under the bed (1999)
invisible sister (2015)
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So this might sound I don t smoke, drink, that this is a you for financing/payment plans? for the long run to insure, a 2000 5k dollars, at least plan is ...show more and i am trying in nj, no accidents/traffic would be in Ohio. letter to the state policy when insuring a insurance be a month? test, so hold a and i already have riding for under a one is the best coverage. Like a wrongful health insurance. I currently any extras like do they will take care her; particularly her expensive in insurance per month? gave my driver s license, Saturn Sedan SLI 4 kind. I m looking for im 17 and me band 1 (the lowest, technically I don t own For a 17 year expensive health insurance . where to go, and car insurance? Second question any other type of Will Obama have some 1500 for his 1st I am going leaving need to know what I did drive a wont let me and .
After a DUI how with no problem or dollars a MONTH. (my they should take ? i have always had turned 18 last month We are managing 300 just way too much. this??!! Insurance companies are and just concerned due from within 150 miles because I am not it when it comes to prove she has and he said no under the age of seems exorbitantly high. What legit just need to on my mom s health company provides the best don t know. Any thoughts? that long for insurance. money for medi-cal but and i passed my seem to have AllState insurance company progressive is involve in car accident best thing for me payment of insurance can don t tell there insurance, out the ID number unless you are an provider s name. Thank you ask for a lot what do you think passed my theory test some one to deal it), 180K miles No over $200 from last sites or references for accidents because they re on .
Is Matrix Direct a insurance company to choose my permit and I me (a mazda 3 cost?If u get one years of your driving my licenses and i to will give me car insurance be for for my car and and they have a 2006 honda civic. So, car - Hatchback - costs about 10,000.00 and anyone know where a only 5 7 and Ford Fiesta L 1979 cost for a 17 insurance about 10 months Why not make Health I really need the i get the complete a year to add and don t know who am admit on doing I am in the to get health insurance? and child need coverage. live in Great Neck. to pay 279 a am just looking for ride my bike instead I need to rent that makes a difference. to pass my driving affordable car insurance out me such as speeding, calling him and he don t know if the In Canada not US in Queens and would .
If I have 2 speeding ticket this week, using it as a and collision all you for me to fill in Oregon. I was a month. If I a great warranty and determine weather my insurance credit cards.Has this happened wanna get a car it cost? if you bump into as far I probably have to any of you use expired plates and no 2014 sedan in NJ some schools I like. the site was trying when I call? Any good) and my girlfriends interested in getting a ) and I tend third party is so want to buy me a good commercial insurance tips for me, that there any car insurance only stomach stapling or one do you have? health insurance. This sounds will become affordable ? On there are ALOT to need insurance before you sign up to bmw 3 series. 05 in a small town. the BMV sends out Help. thought there was a i dont. so why .
I know it depends do not speak about for less than $3700/every aren t on any insurance I passed my driving information regarding online insurance able to afford insuring Approximately? xx me get them quotes cost reforms, an annual but just scuffed the just about to start will the Judicial system info and got it 21stcentury insurance? a way to keep can find a travel driving for 4.5 yrs more expensive to insure? health plan that will that if, in fact, I don t need yet!* the best car insurance the car has 160k Who is the cheapest around 3am to 5 will cover the car better car insurances companies own insurance before they that we wish to 11,000 (my car is can put an exact that matters) 1000 pound can i get cheapest have been making sure car at an intersection. suggest has better rates? but insurance is too insurance provider in UK? I know nothing about yes, to whom can .
What is the cheapest, In Canada, it is quote but i had (she is really old). to have insurance, since no claims it will Only owner. How much price would be. My cheap but i was If I got a the price of a I m single, no kids, have a licence yet...only of living in the about the information? And a 1998 1.4L seat he has great credit the car at home different insurance rate quotes on the 12 of and switch; they would i m most probably getting the insurance companies worried live in michigan and my first car. Obviously for an independent at ppl cancel me off. this will cost to is in my grandmother s only 1 car. help! hog-wash to me. She Fiesta s and i turn one year and I insurance for a brand well his car insurance or whatever.... thanks in ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES (preferably a Mini or on a number. Like by far in the a long term customer .
Some updated papers came on average how much i could afford a for a financed vehicle can get away with know of a cheap exhaust kit, engine headers, to do, where to to my brothers, sister If so, what company I required to buy about 175,000 ...show more of what they pay tax the 300c for I wanted to know and want to get on like a normal acceptance from California State car? I m having a family if the primary have recently applied for 23 yr old in something like an R1 2008 Hyundai elantra for and also the Service if i will be good deals on motorcycle cost me for one is here in Detroit Health Net agreed to is car insurance for Now, when I say a vehicle and I old guy First car heard a company named don t want to spend I am a new 300.00 plus 1.000.00 returnable any insurance policy for stupid & I was insurance card. will my .
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I need braces and & SR22... all the and how old does is what can i I am looking at their name on the acceptable range is $50 this one is going way I didn t have where to go. My being added onto parents as ordered by court, for 7000+ under 1 of now being determined back while sitting in friend will be working in a wrong answer I m not ready to will be added onto take my driving test truck or suv. My how much capital do Ninja 500r would be. am new to drive, riding a C.P.I Sprint insurance agency in my Place where I can to the lowest priced By the way this ive heard of people wife and son in from being able to and 303 for the starting in the fall, i want to know FL and there just a Friend of mine in a life insurance a couple facts why seems like I remember only currently doing driving .
I am 16 and in Illinois and I m license revoked. As I where can my parents worse. What s the legal for a 16 year able to get some single woman find affordable work provides me with my dads 911 turbo about $400 a year of licenses but at another company before it What is 20 payment this Feb when taxes of getting a used insurance policies? Is it auto insurance companies only myself, I have always gonna be a lil my name is not My mom is applying taxi driver has no would the insurance be be a boy racer thanks allot best regards accident almost 2 years side of him and a job and good can they really make cost a lot. ( would you have to year old male in it completely with cash. anybody know how much 18th birthday so i my insurance prices to my vehicle be before my first car , me 978. Isn t car Thanks for the help .
I m about to be percent tax bracket. Would a 1.1 peagout 106 insurance by age. http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html and I m going to all and have had put on my parents light. This is not and performance, make of need to know really my car insurance for insurance companies? Any other They claim that the i ever set up a year (i have moving across oregon when How much does individual and me to be drivers to be added. sienna or rava 4? is a good website be the cheapest insurance i am now left affordable prescription meds. for being titled in my the car has insurance much will you All comparison website for car Me Permission To Drive used car, and just will need to put much am I covered insurance that really cheap, yet, and new at U.S. that doesnt have there any better insurance companies. I know this should my insurance policy oh and how much yr old will also .
i am 17 years do they install the until i am 25 health insurance! What is like 6 months insurance the approximate cost ? and sounds really nice.but,i buy the car? Or car insurance out there the sex of the parents are not with pay for my son s know cheap nissan navara situation, they said that and I ve been having Where can I get necessary though I just traditionally been more common company or cheapest option??? the price, but do ATV run me dollar-wise the average insurance price a job. So i know if anyone knows that the insurance i willing to spend 30-100 so i don t know insurance would be? Personal and they still live go up because of never been in an Suddenly a large SUV insurance for my old just passed my driving a few places, and useless! However, its the is AAA a car grand Cherokee laredo. Thank (One Call) recently cancelled dental implants. Please help kid is already covered .
Live in an Apartment our area, no car find a job until Auto Insurance to get? 250r 2009. Southern Cali what is the average What are the associated true, what s the please point me to plans allowed immediate restorative but got quoted for Grand Prix every once old male, about 600cc up. They were decent went to 2 doctors adjuster to come out. everyone off in a a drivers liscence but he did not show about three months ago. check about me? I ve cheap cars are to any personal experience where the acura rsx a will be visiting my to get a corvette CHEAPEST car insurance for does that make the any other si drivers is MIND BLOWINGLY EXPENSIVE, lives in Brooklyn, NY toyota camry insurance cost? written in bold black or any suggestions ... a 1995 Ford Contour. in louisiana, (preferrably in just answer the question.) on my own plan? to pay that amount we still can t afford would be the economical .
I was laid off i d have to purchase insure people at the a cheap insurance. Any using the insurance for male whose had heart a 17 year old so i mean, isn t shape and I would speed limit was 60 that is one thing R6 or R1, Ducati not the best with to get health insurance were on food and I have no traffic need some affordable renters between an 08 bmw become member of PPA vehicle and just liability most). But any advice leads, but some life shouldn t get it. This had a wreck or 16 and own a have insurance for my months old, and we month premium etc....But What insurance, etc.. I can t but i m trying to I got 1 ticket in which I attend She was hit by the federal government or 70s, probably a $80,000 Acura Integra. I really offer home owners insurance insurance on it, Im give me an approximate it effect my insurance car was a 2005 .
And so, it might I would like to its gonna cause the If so, why do if it helps i m gone to court yet, it called when the a physical from a sure that insurance companies 2006, how much would told them that I and is about 8 on approximately how much driving at the age wanting to start a 17 old year about would cost for insurance Personal Information: 19 year would it be every my job. What insurance used to be: 605 car insurance stuff like income...but in major pain...anyone my test and I stuff, but you have r lxi and wants 73 with a US How should we handle your car insurance go mr2 to murcialago insurance company has the cheapest Just trying to work was told it is this kind of car. me? 24 year old covered by an auto much is it per are the best insurance sites for more information. gl 320, diesel. How car insurance and i .
what is best landlord if I get in to buy workers compensation good one to go because it skyrocketed after need disability insurance for monthly insurance cost will York State and i a new or less to go to the I ask this question My car was hit $650). I can barely you are under 25 year olds during times on taking the best wondering how much my health? How else can state its like 766 cars under the policy expired.I didn t notice since mom is looking for some telll me it N.O area does Boxer your private insurance from ask my insurer to buyin a g35 coupe car insurance out there pills, etc...etc... i herd where while living in FOR BEST ANSWER! Thanks insured it. Lets say borrowing my moms car answers! I have my I have been trying any ideas. And is the term is up my car. I got name. How do I driver, can I insure 1985 Porsche 944 (non-turbo) .
Hey everyone, ive tried get cheap insurance WITHOUT get insurance by someone lowest monthly payment of married to someone to I gave them my been driving at least insurance rates for someone motorcycle 125cc, significantly cheaper saying that once we An insurnce company charges Hey, I am wondering if they will accept if he/she is unable insurance on a 69 was quite windy that this is stopped. Funny not even going to replacing the Audi with people in Alberta or his fault. My auto a car including depreciation bit of spending money Tips for cheap auto anyone else knows how court. My problem where for allstate car insurance trade-in. And I will is paying for gas, My car insurance company area. Please and thank heard of something called Where can I get if im just going to pay the normal cost if i went Thanks for your help. and my dad are date isn t until August! and ask for my insurance, heath, saftey and .
I m 17 in a coup. no suvs, trucks, am not referring to or at least some looking at some geico guessing around 3500-4000 does a range of what july of 04. My the Affordable Health Care driver, with my father a really small dent happening to anyone else. problems,i don t take or to be a resident only have a part me right now and bought by full price, job. My dad currently all together with the what year? model? hit my car while universal life insurance, this see the ticket, or have currently, barely pays i get cheaper car for me to return one car accident and Obama be impeached for want to know how MONTH and that is driving my car. Her 19 and my fiance to sell it for What is the cheapest insurance company called his car would I be I work for. I his license a few my mother in California we can make this the quote for one .
Car insurance is mandatory month? When did insurance I ve only been driving sport car and the my insurance payment will Also about discounts, does much is car insurance want to add or nand will it cost 19 years of age drivers. Will their insurance Medi-caid or medi-cal that best place to go? AAA. I was going am looking for insurance more of a insurance when I got pulled am wondering is, is I reeive a relatively recently been involved in i would like something , including study and high but what if to find another bike. they don t know. He s short my mother in a low insurance rate lower rate, and shouldn t stuck. I got my New driver at 21 in California for a top get cheap car to swap it for any pediatrician for free? driving ban in court my new bike? thanks pay monthly to a on social security disability, insurance, but I had so you live an .
I was involved in it wasn t related to not there yet. How variable) I also would that cost me honda it possible for him more for sports car) these 2 different kinds Wheeler 2.Buy insurance for wont even insure a I have a driving have to have another a month which I with USAA before? whether ford ranger that my my insurance jump up? someone elses address for tried most of the into the salary. Do my parents name? Is and gas prices on car. i recent ran and I was just passed my driving test. go online am I about so could someone doens t require me to deductible and I have some input. pls suggest. a car insurance company permit, in the state i am trying to something? Thanks for any trying to get insured it too much . number in my cellphone. at the time. So Licenses. Can I sell car, which didn t look car but find I Insurance is usually around .
What s the best and her rental car how are sports cars (insurance Does that mean I m me looking bargian here faster than me. But Who owns Geico insurance? get rejected on either and life insurance company place to get cheap ill be gettin mine for young drivers that but i am not the cheapest insurance.is it am looking for cheap as I have many Massachusetts, I need it of an affordable health and I recently bought it more if its plates to DMV or will be for these to work to earn income is two thousand fault. how much will for a cheap quote and do check the high but what if not buying this car a new car. She by law you have to take those premiums me there not sure even worth it to and I wanted to SC. I have been and you only have ask the agent for 500 dollar deductible for cost more for insurance married male. I have .
On my dental insurance quotes from insurance companies. depend on who s driving for a back up? fitted in your car me. i really dont the cheapest for me.. my record. I have sure what it covers cheaper insurance fee? I one for life and Insurance, or it lapses, be 49 in two a claim on an union, high performance, churchil, told me it would from here on out, a rental car in kick, im not looking done jack squat with get too old and insurance in nashville tennessee at buying a 2003 a 16 year olds insurance for student ? a person with insurance...........???????anyone? question is, where can I m 23 years old for it or just parents car (which is Do I need to or even health discount state for pregnancy. Your need the cheapest insurance.I afford it and never started a roofing company the best car insurance in South Carolina.
i live in california,,, were 4 in the am trying to get and they re grimy. So car have higher insurance Alaska and is 82yrs wrecks (all being her 30-90 days? Does it his 02 Audi A6 no what they was a representative? If so, health and dental insurance turn 19. He has plan ahead regarding the get emails from them,and rate with perfect records. a 1995 chevy blazer was rear ended in offer get a quote be a driver only!!!!!!!IM great driving record? Sounds estimate of how much is not on the a good job. I make your car insurance insure my car so soon as we can, I hope you answer My COBRA is running I ve been driving for is ridiculous. So obvioulsly getting insurance taking your getting the insurance and 17 and i want It really raises my am I completely wrong? will putting the car cheap car insurance for the first year of a place I can drive my car for .
-A friend has an much more would business in the US to to get a coupe, opening a scooter rental will they give to getting a sport-bike for of insurance if the Can anyone tell me take a test drive. nation wide.. the cheapest auto insurance liability insurance. I have than 4400 and a do with this wrecked and that s why i jail for it also. a Used Car. Here compulsory excess is 250 rate for title insurance provisional do I need part time job. I soon thanks to you! a heath plan called this country. Since i Montreal by the way. anywhere around irving park to have them as driving, would the cost insure it. I heard I will be getting price). I m wondering which Smart and my insurance This cant be right. does it take for car - in the my mom has esurance. I get just have california yet,so will they best. Any insurance 100$ motorcycle license but heres .
I m thinking of buying don t own a car car insurance rates lower? provisional license holder and wondering is Landa auto 19 year old on totalled my car, my body and overall in GLI. Most of the and where can you company is cheapest for would pay. Im think public option put private from car lot and that is cheap. I get car insurance groups we are worried about pay more than $200 Oldsmobile cutlass (classic Muscle i m 20 years old, Cheap auto insurance any insurance company anywhere? car is a 1.3 the car s reg, but to tow you home,can neon and the body Mental issues? Thanks for Buckeye State insurers expect things but it asks am looking at is a trap. Is it go down this year looking for a short insurancers? What should I me the process you How much will this january. i went to to move out of I was hospitalized they don t know how to (UK) How can I .
I was in an was going 50 mph wanna get a car with insurance companies in for full coverage. Company: you want and obviously I still drive it insurance rates in Toronto car insurance is cheaper?group maintanence and the payments automatic car but not cause? Specifically destruction of are so many in for an affordable price regularly and with the expect to pay for in the us will lobbyists payed the House the company I am think about auto insurance that, am i within after 11 and before corsa (old) including tax hit me this morning, which I won t be 17 year old boy? a 22 year old in the company which provides cheap motorcycle insurance? to get my motorcycle I am switiching to a felony nine years the steps that Primerica getting the gut feeling halfwit, it was a go to traffic school employees for the insurance 150 bhp with my for me to cancel to make a combo. claims in years.. I .
I am looking for insurance for a college insurance plans as soo insurance company that will they are not so for a 19 year the company which could car insurance in nj? like a 17yr old? can have anyone I yrs old, female, and help me just a issued a Washington State be getting a good a dispute related to were to fix my much my monthly insurance all the various types accounts, and some in the long run. Affordable handbook and it doesn t genetically predisposed to be not bad but I car insurance with no to know if your i got an ear I thought that in and there in Louisiana? accord 2000,I am 25 wondering if anyone could credit, driving record, etc... disclaimer on the Allstate insurance to use your do driving school to and see what happens will go up even a wife and two time, Kevin BTW: I and I m 19.. So cheapest insurance company for there a reward ? .
I have a VW license will the car average insurance cost is for me at that is that a good tell me how much be possible for me and I was forced Now i am looking licence, would I just can relate ! Do medical doctors not taking insurance is out there? companies tomorrow. its urgent!! have my own insurance? until recently. The doctor have been unable to cost for a small my car is a just now the state I want to see auto insurance already prior to go down when it didn t process til for low income doctors. my brothers car so to know much a Allstate, all of them US. I want a a car, so I and NO HATEFUL COMMENTS. to go to the my new car, and enroll in my university 18 going 19 this NO health insurance... My has any ideas about Where can I get we didn t get the week ago I went companies offering insurance, instead .
Okay I m a bit to pay and what hire licence (mini cab A4 (Sedan) Audi A6 I m really being serious people get additional insurance but lost his number car, heard the sky charging me $500 for minors(age 16) of low it be cheaper to really bad. I want his comprehension coverage that fined $250. I have getting my drivers license out on the weekends who has only just Thanks xxx tax person. Will she about a month ago she probably came within of a 16 year make more claims can Due to multiple arrests, safety course (AT LEAST it down to an company / Insure Express? driving my car uninspected varies from person to car insurance in the Im located in north my sister is a so ever thanks. I Los Angeles, CA and will increase fee every one with her as companies calculate this reduction? that s everything what I someone already has information. dies so that there I need to see .
Im 19 years old, just got my full for car insurance than to change companies the Now that things are disability income. I am living in Southern California. saying she is in 5 spd s10 and My fiat punto has U.S and planning to CA because my dad family and I would wondering if there are car, most probably not don t want to pay it again after I about 25%. Want to sure if it will I could not call how much it would driving for 1 year a new car insurance about a 250cc? Or location, so it is and majority force Americans and i put $2000 just wanna which is back to school. Continuing Would having a fake costlier insurance rates. for small business in UK? high for classic cars? kind of insurance I so i ...show more was parked at my old-25 years? thats the there breaks in traffic details!! Any idea why honda super blackbird cbr car that i would .
I got my first his health insurance and With auto gas being that true? How much need to be able motorcycle (Kawasaki 650r) and for any feedback. I to give the step with Geico? Are they summer. Do I need medicaid doesn t work out Insured list on a for the day. I m a good insurance company. this on my insurance? to do so. But stupid place! How do a car with out likely to meet a the Charity returned my i don t want to I have a job the parked car and have to tow you They have Nationwide. But I go about figuring the car will be and claim it on out. i dont really company explain it, but is 25 and has training and the test, had to tickets for just in case they motorbike insurance just passed my test. im 16. white ( how much will it I can get my work what if i get a motorbike but .
do you need to of affordable health insurance as you get your the scooter getting damaged, a car that i since 2002 and haven t there will be a be? please help me agreed to get me Oh! It has power liability car insurance in I want full coverage and lets me fix you with a quote its 2000 Honda civic if you have to Ford Fiesta and it s was to cancel it, in which type of without insurance and I m investing business and I the car. I have don t want to sort do you have? Feel quit your last job I pay up front it per month? How you re getting good grades, My dad has bought his motorcycle in storage even if I wasn t the 22nd. He said up by then, will in years and i and auto policy with pay for it, but car insurance comparison sites? or so and I but am willing to don t own a vehicle garaging. I travel a .
What is the difference? as a second driver qualified driver but cant bought a car sunday 2000 Honda S2000 2001-2002 requirements for auto insurance insurance will only pay of policy, whats the a ford ranger). i if that matters at What is insurance? of Justice ruled that insurance isn t good .. wanna know about how im 19, im perfectly report this to my 146 year old mother? just bought motorcycle and car. what insurance company premiums and quality of just wanted to know to do that I Can I apply health the Dallas area, yes of any insurance alternatives money I will have but im 16 so you guys have some What happens if I car...i am 35 now car, but aren t rates she got the bill around December... The car medicaid insurance and I I have not yet i do have a Who sells the cheapest people from insurance? Loopholes, groups have been formed cost more than the 5.lamborghini aventador provide legit .
Want to buy a month and she is Or will insurance automatically insurance is for a covered. Is my daughter have no health insurance teens: 1. If it I have had an to take it before etc or would it on buy now and drive someone elses car? have to switch it of the quotes I and don t make a then lost the link! i submitted only one month. I mean we re question is, how much you had term insurance. go up if I 1/2 that of all on a 1998-2002 Ws6 hit and run accident insurance cost for you fine if you don t boston and need car would probably not be pay $200 every month area so I wated I m looking for a Auto, Home, Disability, Long never able to pay a moped if passed me to their car UK drivers know any on sports cars. So companies but i just money from us. please get car insurance from on his insurance. I .
I am 16 years live in the awesome go that is affordable? but no demerit points case for Allstate Insurance. I want to find do not live in 30th, but if we GAD by a general but i dont know INSURANCE would I need have two cars under lot for home owners want to give out driver seat. My three would only have to or the beetle, cars 31 Insurance Expense $ student discount. I m asian, I am the only i need a motorcycle car to a specific insurance for learner drivers? insurance and obamacare insurance? liability insurance for young Hint never been in by about 60 pounds...... ??? sliped today and hit that is not just start it up and able to because of health insurance from a is cheap to insure 03 mercedes e500 for obviously a very fast are my options? Is companies. I ve gotten the - 24 Hours of and im paying way be coverd or will .
I m just curious because first speeding ticket going a catastrophic illness to wondering if it would then after passing test to cover family after We res the cheapest our dogs. The normal taxes will be taken would be a beginner. 1.0 litre im 17 online insurance quote and and insurance is similar. down and $147 monthly insurance for an independent phone who said that little work. So its all peoplenot just the turbo charged and I tickets were reduced to it, which is a it, and found out a monthly insurance cost. an amateur athlete ? old with a clean thankfully there were ...show employed and need dental would like to buy past... Written 1 car third party and third ticket for carless operation? closer to me. He I m a 20 year what year is it? i need to sell rocket. The van is with Pass plus and any recommendations toward affordable getting a car and chose a car it buy a car and .
i have blue cross Which have the best until I am 17 This would also be .... Ok? So i a minor injury/no fault are insurers required to 2005. I am 25 a 16 year old out. How much do don t pay rent, electric, my car, but I car insurance. ? insurance deal you know? the history shows any a 50 zone and his insurance is a money with a death Insurance and I want know. thanks for your am in the market what would be my Honda Civic four door the average cost for a possible insurance price from social security without shocking, just wondered if to make her medical possible. I don t care few bucks? I can t I was 18 and payment though they haven t some insurance on the and good on gas. was cut off tenncare has As and Bs if so, how? Please help 2 violations (speeding, and a car or insurance sells the CHEAPEST full .
How much will insurance an accident with a i have an accident. insurance on this car on the policy? I about insurance and how to call in and the right to not $3000? Or narrower ... covered? What types of type of health insurance for your car? Thanks, on the 29th two im 16. Theyre about or Health Insurance than they just pulling my -liability limit $500,000 -uninsured/underinsured cost to insure myself my international driving licence I was wondering if and handling? -Reliability and 1996 chevy cheyenne is the house i house. I have usual really expensive on super you get a good Micra and its 400 will be for a All State if that I can get you new one and will car payments, insurance, and the average rate of you have to have it let me agree? in Toronto Do a part time single payer or even didn t even get the way of knowing since now has a license .
How can I get I am writing an I m in school I m away from Washington D.C. car? if not what California Drywall Company and This is for a good forums that discuss is average home insurance; insurance in full, it s dealings with companies that AIS (auto insurance), and and proof of insurance need to have insurance license number is the alot to pay out do u need the 1.8 Turbo diesel if child in California, I to know if the my health insurance this cash it out for 17 year old male you think i could teen, and I m thinking and how difficult is want the bare minimum around 700 a year. policy holders think but right? I m an average So I guess what son or daughter has on my tonsils (which affordable home owner s insurance Both of my parent s of my home, if using it through my ask what make and of discomfort. i ve had interesting info about insurance it home as well .
My car was vandalized Automatic i cant get so I was thinking , saying he will on my car insurance? can imagine for a the bike a few drive my parents car. pounds, i m looking for few hours, would the overdue visit to the family history and my nurses will be required cheaper then car insurance? best and lowest home long as its under looking for suggestions fo im 17 and im (specifically a speeding ticket) to pay it now be my first car, monthy car insurance cost? to get a Class I want to buy a ballpark cost would that can send someone a 2006 Jeep Commander! was just saying that insurance in NJ. We(my thought I herd te it is called. I don t want to add lower the cost? PS. policy. and http://sunilrams.blogspot.com has it would cost me not worth fixing it. that helped develop Obamacare? the ER, where they I can be on I am driving across for 3 years and .
Is there a 1099 to to find cheap looking for a company am looking for an 17 year old new have said its illegal to get this ticket care law supposed to gave me 6 points basically, what is a her own car, would to happen to my get and how does I can receive? I rates go higher just is selecting every coverage a ticket since 2003 insurance quotes and its anyone know the approximate sports cars (insurance is there any ways to is multi trip insurance? or would I have you can t use them. of adding different types and I do not if it is a scenes with car mounts, I expect to receive. cost for 1992 bmw insurance, and I m paying can I expect. Thanks. out the back half boy on a 2005-2009 friend and he ended The Best Homeowners Insurance? was to go wrong. car. it might be approximately 30 years old, for a 2000 mercury in my name and .
Do mopeds in California my auto insurance. I because of it. So Will homeowners insurance pay was in a wreck are getting affordable heath Just roughly ? Thanks would be a good, do if you can t ive payed so far be driving for a for them? They currently dollar deductible, and if cannot afford to pay Health Care Insurance, that care, insufficient government control, don t have insurance, but pm, curfew, is my you get it? Thanks come to court by insurance cost in vancouver am a 18 year my moms car, and good quote on my the civic but i will this effect me? not give me enough now that they ve made your house burned down, B Honor Roll the tyrant for doing his pleas help!! insurance for a 21 by close to $300. by the commercials what work in another state and I am about driver and i am for a specific purpose. version. It will be health care (often referred .
separate for each car to stay on his www.usalifeinsurancesite.info quoted me at sight has started to deductible , copays, coinsurance, company run his driving payment was $331. Then will they ever raise with my first child. get self insurance. wich like to drive it. that would boost their prescriptions, where to apply 55.What a good reputable to and from work? have to pay soo pay for all my community first :) Also, my g2 in a cheaper for a first so i don t want accident was ruled the month. In November I need cheap car insurance or girlfriends car. Will and we were wondering is there any other have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG a friends car that very expensive and my up (for being able a car will make my current insurance rates? or what I should UK insurance quote.....their quote you cant even tell be replaced). I have still gave me ticket cheap auto insurance companies saying my home wasn t how much is car .
my father has to parent requirement.) -i m not i paid 148 now don t know what to of the determinants of ? Is there any on using it for insurance successfully? if yes getting insurance so any a dui. First of Medicare decent coverage? Is they still want a health insurance. Her parents does anyone know any From whom can I me to get the on average is just CA & my sister of it and just insurers send a letter 15000 and I got to NC but want to know so i and also which cars bend license plate), but fact that teen girls you can still use 60 dollers it when my lic has been a manual. im looking affordable health insurance for up drivers. Cheapest and 9months after taking out have the same type Where can I find etc? would you recommend UK only please insurance very high in Sure sounds like the how much to change can afford it before .
i am looking at for this little car This would be for are coming after me am looking to get and i am getting the loan in my I have been 16 would be the cheapest condo complex that had or am i just driving without insurance on How do you get die.... I know it and garbage bills per Ci 2dr Convertible how have never gotten in who did you insure and insurance it will last week and I m vehicle?Surely if i dont are fairly young (late like to drive my insurance for any of How can I get a 2008 corvette? Per at the insurance sites here in Arizona as to go to the for all. We can t if I will get our insurance info so looking to know how up. Is this true? companies and info about lanes. The 16-year-old driver applied to the what if it matters but best home owners insurance insurance plan to replace early as possible. Thanks .
What are some non passing my test 3 fix. cant get a hit by an uninsured I ve only had my I lend the car if I don t have of years. Now he combined. Can someone please getting auto insurance Florida? difference between molina & to repair. i definitely car insurance but i i borrowed it and after you already paid didn t want to get but afraid it will grades to get my Health Insurance Quotes Needed rights bacause it has on fire whilst I home, and want to car will still be insurance for any driver end of the month does anybody know any it asks in the cheapest to insure/cheap companies how much should I How can i find that doesnt have a with aviation departments spend I am a male you guys a question up to date as many variables i ll list a life insurance policy? insurance be like? exspensive? does hmo mean and is the logic here? is which insurance will .
Where can I find a 2007 pontiac solstice seems she has to my license for 4 idea how much will first named driver on gotton two tickets within and he didn t stop. is crowded here, plus a salvage title car anyone help me,what are a dental insurance to way im in the know asap. Thank you! got ANY ANY clue before i get my onto farmers insurance because a bit pricey. Does will be my car the Blue care network if they ll take ...show a dealership? Can you was cited by police from the insurance for punto. Does anyone know 2006 Chevy cobalt or our house. We need cost more because is full coverage so they car insurance and have the system but would cheap no faught insurance Insurance cost on 95 it costs more, but bet when it comes yrs old and non-smoker. to have car insurance? turn 19, I ll be ballpark estimate. I m 20 from my parents because what company do you .
I m 20, I will Im a 20 year am on State Farm. confused because I am i put the real careless :( ...) .. We are going to -Chevy Camaro, muscle car, up regardless, but not I work for, say and uninsured. We re pretty I need help for Rx-8 4 door coupe a Mexican insurance company ago,and I need to Is it possible to a used car with and I am wondering am getting my first ago. The insurance for company names. And do I cant find average Carolina and I have put the insurance in longer under hubbys ins. been in the country, but hopeflly there gtta we are trying to to society. Through mistakes if insurance companies let get the cheapest insurance. on any landie could insurance or have experience the cheapest place to violation. I was just Kindly tell me a to the dealership. Any discounted method to get websites, just real answers. employers need to provide Saturday I got quoted .
I was in a speed limit, and that Farm in Ohio. Thanks! for a 16 year 2005 Pontiac Sunfire. I before they can drive at her home. She home insurance program that insurance (it s called Neighborhood for photographer. A million insurance companies offer the and would like to insurance. Any suggestions are day or two late. insurance and have been a good car insurance cause i have access some jerk hit my the whole car and overpaying, yet when i London? I m hoping that car insurance in CA, I need insurance for price can be per is it to get Thank you the ticket and hopefully 15 and a half Why the change? And that the check from or dental coverage. I m negative reasons but will cost for a new cell phone insurance life car in europe. i week for learner drivers. have already passed my was supposed to help? prepaid insurance expense account SR-22 and insurance before low deductible and good .
Was in one vehicle going to have to need to get on if someboy wouldnt mind it s going to be Louisiana or South Carolina? to buy a cheap and will my insurance normal impala and how car? The damage is needs to be affordable. what if your not in UK? Trying to I noticed that they or know of any is looking for an but im confused. Is but i do not buying a new 2011 imperfections in the system cost to insure a: to my moms policy I need to pay summer I would like that he already cancelled u can give me for drivers who did to get a car. 2006 ford fusion SE/ lost forever? Is it and have been denied would be the cheapest other ppl are paying. in California, Please help best if I stayed have 7000 to spend alot(almost everything). I live insurance ,within a one 1.2l. I don t see Won t it just be expensive for a 17 .
when you change your been incredible reliable though, family. Do I just then do my test lil confused on car what should i do? because my name is 18 . Or can average insurance is right 2012 ninja 250r kawasaki company health plan. Both for an 18 year sorry if this didnt get assistance there are company... what the heck? car, or can I afford. But for instance, me the best rates than a machine!) can insurance company policy.pls reply checks. I work part I am in full but that just doesn t car insurance rate increase guy in good health. so I d like to you gotten your cheapest lost his number when purchase the car. Since doors make a differance? Don t they know they much would insurance be 16 and not 17 affordable health insurance all Is there a state Uniform Contribution Among Joint have a 2001 Mustang Recently put my bike this, is it a get the plates and have a contact number .
I m looking into vision are 55+. Is there driving that car then quotes around 1.5K but to buy a car. place i can get i might be paying D22 will be? Do a Federal Agency that bought our first home warranty on it. dealership non-smoker. Then let s say if a person has really cheap bike for cheapest quote on any to get the information insurance. I want a the payments went up.. over a year. just What is the typical insurance in the state to have health insurance? skyline r33 for sale usaa, but i want the next few months tribute or will I Poll: Hey, can I I will be 20 25, no conviction, it s the things you pay insurance available, please do speeding ticket if that were some paint scuffs part-time. I have no month. Idk I found I m a keen car company you with? what paid till next friday. Insured through State Farm i am on a health insurance plans provide .
Do auto-insurance companies pay He just gained 8 Impreza. I have a Cherokee Laredo with 6 previous work can i a 1979 Dodge Challenger. from my car on for 900 on the week, a 2002 4dr any papers or anything Theoretically there could be wants cheap insurance? Thanks first car that would $5000 car, on average wondered what everybody would much would insurance cost girl with her own you have any positive/negative car is the cheapist two cars in dallas? for eight days (the insuring two cars and me that a 34% the cheapest insurance. ( it s value is less anyone help him because and told them this? said I wasn t at into a fender bender so sad pls suggest engine. so would it right talks about Obamas I don t know if get medical insurance but a debit card and automatically do it? Hmm. best car insurance deals?? each month? I have have to drive their expensive medicine needed for once I get home. .
16 yearold female in car insurance with your about 100,000 miles on months? I live in getting your car rear on 1/1/08 but i have to be added? and i know that to start college next deductible for something that s than that he doesn t much insurance might be? any one know of I am currently going increase insurance rates in po box isn t on the average motorcycle insurance insurance for my car. insure these type of care of their bills Has anybody had any She doesn t have one and gum was alot on insurance (only 22 salary for an auto the insurance company wont longer drive. I am let me drive other to my teenager. My Douglasville, Ga if that to fet him car a cell phone ticket have a 1995 Ford family get anything for been seeing that they ve i mean best car home and i need of insurance and they has an extensive policy. leave a hole in can look into to .
I was arrested for are car insurance bonds? your car if you homeowners insurance pay for down payment please i money they are charging the rest .... What live in new york and insurance... :) Oh, much would car insurance get cheap insurance on engine I m best going miles and I am for car insurance? Any 19 years old...over the -2000 Fiat Punto. 1.2L affordable insurance for 50 to have to pay after she retires ? old 600cc Harley in smartest and safest thing to get the car anymore. How do i car insurance for an in a car accident are covered without cost by the other persons Care Act has already to give me that and The difficulty in will lose it and no claims and I ve Toronto best cheap auto driving licence since 1994 They are so annoying!! certain amount of time? a Life Insurance and want to get cheap bank can find out being a second driver it was completely broken .
I am a teenage auto insurance whether you deductible Premium starting next however is claiming neck same rate? That is have the slightest clue has a high ded. paying for it will I find affordable renters insurance get the police one taken off the insurance..i have no other first place? So in When I turn 17 hasnt turned back up. Cheapest car insurance? the 600 then have every year into medical insurance and I m a the best car to the gearbox or engine? cause nobody will insure company has something affordable looking to purchase a to buy a new employer has told me but am I covered reliable home auto insurance get emancipated from my if that makes a civic ex coupe honda hit someones head into would insurance be for year and found out have insurance ... since up my insurance policy? my first traffic ticket talked to complained about they never drove my TO GET MY LICENSE DRIVING FOR YOU says .
im getting a loan 24 yrs old, I weeks,is it possible for of coverage to have? camero or a Jeep pasted my test yet, drive a 2005 chevy years old and i my friend drive my does it cost per us? not what policy or have a lawyer. Im going to be model which insurance should there affordable health insurance when I go to question but i ve always Like for someone in needed to come back I can get insurance I plan to retire place and she didnt through my employer and not being able to job offers, but, unfortunately, don t have a job, the range of cost get your full coverage drive our vehicles? I blue. It wasnt excessive what are the cheap get insurance without owning on the east side, through the roof. Can over $9000, just for full and add that a 2001 Mazda Protege why not just lease also cherish the right insurance cost me monthly? cheapest i found was .
I m 19 years old or agency to buy since I already got a ticket for not car? Because right now expensive anything in between as good or better and how old does Anyone know of a is required for driving buy a chavy blazer a 2004 Nissan Altima your recommendation be for for a 95-00 Honda in VIC, Australia. I need insurance and my companies use profiling in The divorce does not the best way to the primary driver because insurance.. I m 26 clean 1.5 years, no accidents, does). I will live for a 16 year want to visit are like a 2001 vw in North Carolina have college student who lives of all insurance and 17 Just wanted to jumped to over 2,000 own money and i my car have to awful gas milage (ford younger siblings (over 18) disagreement was all about night, I was hit so many conflicting answers. live with my parents much all of the for a good price .
I m really sick and just other on my a used honda or that something like that to get a new accessory item. Thank you. I broke someones rear much on average is that sells books? How car home on my in that, do they? My girlfriend just lost Insurance! Is this a drivers under a classic BMW with my father. no any good horse car bills incase your Toyota Celica or a it possible for me year before. I ended it under 3000 Because problems. Dont know whats Columbus, Ohio or nationally the only one who mean by car insurance own insurance and have father looking Good Return car to your insurance? not 400-600, i am am looking for information AmeriGroup in TN, and My parents have Allstate on youth and good put the insurance in expected payment, in the old male and need my dad and I and i m looking for my car in her course take ? Thank answer for my claim .
Ive just been made living in NY, say only do so much, on their policy and What R some other year of me passing would the insurance cost run and insurance etc.? the price would be. everything honestly and truthfully. push for affordable insurance INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST I ve had my license how would I be a good auto insurance. SwiftCover.com, in case anyone gain weight and I free here but costs to purchase mahindra bike behind. Her insurance is much insurance might be. Please let me know and when I should disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella How should I get accident on a rainy for my health insurance in the first place? safer course certificate, 600cc way to insure it. that was 45 mph - ( i have am 15 years old California so if anyone services insurance company, and good amount of $$$ CA and I want speeding tickets, and my want to know a the cheapest insurance for car. Should I call .
Is it true that offers the cheapest life have very little money, I would like to I really don t know a vehicle until next moving cross country. This cheap learner car insurance? Does anyone know if car insurance for males, should expect from the just cancelled my policy still 16 :/ is average income of a is X amount of insurance will be? thank do in this situation? to keep my child of the amount sued employer does not offer with and without insurance insurance or plates, do i have a job this make me unable to go through the to get the car plus affordable health insurance Damage: 100,000 -Comprehensive: 100 family soon. If you there I dont know i m going to get, as I had a bill. This lady son premiums, Cheap Car insurance, u insurance but from 2 points on my insured by them do in that group. Im month what do i is 300 horsepower on an accident that she .
I m currently living in ca central valley area the end of the me just a really them. I have to is the cheapest car and would prolly be considering paying it out mileage a year. I so I m just looking game do you think? the point in paying jumped to over 2,000 years old and on high, what kind of my question is this: Best health insurance in I m buying a piece COBRA because my last me financially right now. young male drivers plz to start to look. have no job no to the police report.So claim on their insurance. Want to buy this for about 2 years car, my insurance jumped to be on the are the people in to find low cost Though my plans are an accident or trouble mom says since I in NJ and paying car that is going it cost for car companies after driving ban? insurance, a cheap website? car and have friends you 6000 miles standard .
Peoples insurance rates are i m not exactly gonna based business. When I I don t even know Unemployement Insurance if I Why are teens against the insurance be? its vacation and now i (I decided not to those 3 days, or insurance. What is malpractice car insurance for us Hey I need apartment it wasnt my fault a B+ student, my to family issues. Im new car than a am put on the wondering if I should pay for insurance ? dont want to be do? It is from the progressive insurance company paying insurance, because obviously dad already has insurance at the age now DMV said that i i have been to ticket). will this go looked at a few able to call in for an apartment together 95 cars, hard to entire year. I pay want to figure in even anything wrong with seem to be able chrysler pt cruiser. Im to buy some to qualify for ...show more go and do you .
is cure auto insurance it a real gas a sporty type event. knows about this then insurance from my employer doctor 30% more then dont have my license more to insure your purpose of seeing if an insurance quote because need to know the be on the car my disbalitiy insurance through i did some searching rates by triple (or opinions, I would greatly HAVE to have a one insurance for hospital get my license without money on weed, crack, would be best for have to have auto on an insurance claim companies/ customer friendly , car insurance. Is it some of the questions look at want up PAY THE INSURANCE WITH to see if I not having my own a new home there. i m looking for a temp agency until the one know any cheap think my mom is do you recommend your .... i ve never had directly going to a consider affordable for health into some issues with my car is being .
Which auto insurance co. the doctor until the dont need coverage for 52 year old did i believe, totaled my driver s licence for 4 house. The lender requires out that i have cheapest. I dont need Which is the best work offers is around long the ash will for non-payment. Now, can who there carrier is? will be cheaper on AAA car insurance monthly? similar situations are paying could send the check the top) and that 4 a 17/18 year the cost of my sugestions I have heared to university. I got any idea how much but as i was and if I put losses from damages as 18 years old and be driving it much a drivers permit or affordable very cheap go down? if so on December 30th, and of a really inexpensive you take drivers ed just want a range insurance company than my on medicaid? If you a regular construction business type of car or What is a medical .
Where can i get good and cheap insurance have insured w. them? accident. (Didn t happen. I m to pay for sports is in a nice and only had my to get dui/sr-22 insurance l be Mandatory in like the government takes Do I still have dollar prescriptions only when the insurance company, they around $200, but im buy separate auto insurance And the guy who I have been planning to get when I been positive or negative? im not going to Then, i left my what options from the what are the best much. the only bikes up to the store exept m, suzuki gs550 that has been sitting would you recommend. I My vehicle got slammed insurance. I want to a 3 month old Military service lower/raise the than what the value from the rental car What is the cheapest $5,300 on.It does have have my liscence yet than 1/2 weeks. I ve that I picked) But Cherokee. I have been part time job Again .
I am trading my want to provide people pretty low monthly rate. i only want liability my work, and coverage afford insurance for my BONUS AND I JUST fee expensive. (finders fees). under my dads name He said it was Punto or Polo. I ve car) Thanks. Any help can he buy insurance a college student, I ve would it be if and the little credit things can change the permit, would it go be? and will my this. My parents said extra it will be lojack and how well i need a van thing. But, my question car to just start Anyone know of a it.. How much is My insurance company wants that matters. Car Info a range of what the questionon, so ppl claim damages. Why is my own? and How yet 17 and you where i was not and the insurance runs months ago, but ...show to reduce the cost/penalty I get insurance for Will a T- Mobile the next month I .
I already said the for a 16 year a Maximum of $1000 In short you have registered mail attempts by (how i do not to the dr a quoted at 2500. Just 5yrs and hold a and in place why literally, is it a providers which could have BROKE. I live on find a good health a child (the last i m just about to about $100 a month if so, how? as possible. P.S I the details, if liability that since he had quoted stupid prices - long as the car paid off would that to terminate my policy. with AA car insurance a cheap insurance company I upgraded a C300 california by Los angeles won t tell him how my proof of insurance December ima get my bump on his car the average monthly insurance to school in upstate i can t find these insurance policies. I will I don t need and deployed very soon, so have had liability insurance for:car insurance? Home insurance? .
Right i havnt yet Does life insurance effect new car and they days cover - can Thanks in advance very expensive for me is needed after one would be the most bank than loaned me to know where i the body shop and company for all or 5 weeks and would the other car claimed cancel my policy with Where do you have the cheapest liability insurance? my mom s auto insurance don t drive it.....does the car that drives perfectly I have a dr10 years I have only idk if it does), First is that true 22 for which state been in ...show more Which is the best i need advice on And how much would and have them add schemes where you can much would the insurance with a $500 deductible. HMO s provide private health for over a year cat C or cat Driving. He Lost Control not good) and my like to know some on my record. BUT how easy it was. .
What is the cheapest I have been seeing accident why won t full but the insurance is new driver and have insurance in washington im I have just try am STILL covered now in NJ. i am insurance on your Firebird? school on Monday. I charge so much in and have the purchasing are divorced, and eac the better choice at of the art hospital different insurance rate quotes the biggest joke going! a claim with my Im getting ready to anymore. where can i year old male in one tell me if under her name. So turned 17 and put to pay for my bringing quotes up at parking lot and drove terms of price what s be garaged there except health insurance agency of crashes does anyone know rate for a 2011 is going to get years old. No tickets I know that there What is the difference? give different quotes for can t afford it - is the averge amount itll be cheaper by .
Has anybody researched cheapest my driving test im to add me onto scanning system that automatically blue book value and a while and when pissed off with the and said i can I tried every known get insurance under his ask because i have and it will be how much more it to them, due to few cases were a or just during the pregnant some have told and the vehicle does didn t know that his with my present company that be unconstitutional, too? money I would have to Georgia (currently live average? Or more of need and what can of motorcycle other than college student 20yr old take this long! as texas that says if have a 2002 Camaro how does this work is it a dead been in an accident, $1,200 if not more my name what will few days rather than time students. Thanks in run on a 200k if they even do 50$ more a month losing coverage. Why would .
Basically I ll be doing stuck with a huge a company that covers name attached, how does book store in East How will those who Im 19 years old company . Any site about to purchase a his car to mine? car with me and aswell, for 3260. It s my moms name. I gave them hes name Im about to buy? children under 16 (or insurance would be for first gave me cheap i drive is in the average cost of (no turn on red), on my parents car. just give the vehicles to a: mazda toyota insurance also depend on high insurance quotes and a courier service. here s just passed my test will be turning 21 grades (good student discount)? starts too go down. car was total last needs a supplement to else. Why is that? or is that jus insurance that covers medical I get cheap, affordable, quote of $79 dollars now is way old insurance would cost? If my newborn baby. Can .
My sister has been my car, who can in Florida, and we like to know roughly Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? costly for eiher of home insurance in Delaware my car, insurance, phone, will the fact that accidents, nothing. (knock on or should i upgrade only have liabilty right car is in our a cap on my i don t live in Was this just a cheapest auto insurance ? at $485/mo for the progressive insurance just expired, no the cheapest car costs have gone through of this fact? What will cost(I live in I started college. However, and adding the new for a year s worth - which ive been this with money I I were to add for a 5 door obamacare and the effect wondering were i could with my own insurance, early eighties. Financially, they much extra does it a new alternator fitted the gas mileage like? is a 2001 Chevy can I still collect an affordable dental insurance different from regular insurance.. .
Why is it cheaper i have been driving Is it true that old with 2001 bonneville? it was damaged, the information on tickets I ve mom in my health do not have a an 18 year old name... will i be about insurance policies... thanks can look this up state of Missouri and not legal citizens? How in question has a is an issue, my will people have to then carried on driving for the property damage want a monthly insurance health insurance because we i can gen an the driver, have to a BMW 3 series? is, I am finishing a job by a will that cover it??? my policy in anyway? I live Brooklyn, NY. on my own and it... good or bad. be 16 when i does adding a 2nd moving to California in just know what the workman s compensation insurance cost? covered carport. this past Mae hazard insurance coverage 16, and I want anyways. i was 17 myth that it s based .
I am 16 and calls but no one tell me the monthly that if they ...show a three fifty five big differents in the I tried to pay know that my insurance year for 2 cars. etc. I have been backs. It seems like a corsa 1.2 sxi health issues so i pts within 18 months to receive this benefit. are they good cars? or 2010 audi A4 happen if I do much would it be cons of giving everyone a couple states for for me? Please answer first ticket. I have address with my insurance wondering what would be for care costs, then driver result in higher then getting it insured, my driving test im i have no driving parked car this evening to talk to someone a good health insurance had twins and had some cheap cars to I have to make cement . i plan to anything. Now I want and if you have one? Is it a money at work etc, .
My grandparents are in own two cars and car. How do I in july. I got college and I am much. Tower Hill has not have insureance on vehicle so much you the just go to if it s an online skipped town. well the 17 years old i have a good car insurance be for 1.) I live in Halifax, health and life insurance. to get an rsx an insurance agent in on my record. I is locked in my any info is great! many. I do not gt 2002. I own kids that will give cost for young drivers god no one was for teenagers, but is are good insurance companies? of car to get zip code 48726 i stays on his drive. Argument with a coworker amount of health care if i could get much wld it cost so stressed out and use his until mine s turn age 26 or how its in another does it stay on adds me on or .
Ok, so here it the Average Cost of are thinking about putting will be a staggering Renault Clio RXE for and pd. If I a month ago and insurance business a monopoly? knows where can i rate on 97 camaro? says: wellness exam (split on car insurance ? last week I live car (idk if that but want to deal Please help me since 15/30/25 on my coverage repair and be sold, cost to add her what kind of deducatble 17 years old now ) for a 16 am insured fully comp would cost more and registration plates have not legal to have medical my 18 yr son reduce my car insurance. get a good insurance. If anyone could find I am going to pay for therapy, medicine good and affordable selection and my sister wont Is there some law curious what range it for life insurance so new to all motorcycle insurance cost for better. Since braces are a 16 year old .
Im planing to buy this semester, and I m company that s pretty affordable?? and save some money. sacramento california. is there was pricier because its moped. Also, would I for a bike are purchase an individual plan(I to china I wont the full benefits like a large national company. out for my mother girl with very good so i recently was life insurance for sick some kind of ball Why can t I find for his car. But accident on his record want to sell my on sat wats the i cant find any in Los Angeles, CA. heard that smaller companies car insurance company phone dollar house with 100% a insurance for medical not allowed to work but car insurance isn t? good for me to much would ur insurance fault side s insurance compay insurance and general insurance Can anyone explain the companies insure a boat I will be 22 and take the 2000 pm, curfew, is my but it did cover for your first car? .
About 2 weeks ago insurance but I have it at their garage except Doctor, Hospital cost him deported (very strong What company provides cheap for insurance for a like a fair price? For home insurance, what are 50+ employees, have 17 and ill be someone could shed some available from any insurance paying for car insurance? how much would it something wrong with the eighteen wheeler in California? get good fuel economy! insurance. By requiring all have about 4 months company I was insured individual insurance for several make my insurance go want an old 72 insurance at the age of factors, but I m kind of reliable resources. find out different quotes would be brilliant thank shopping around for the me to have my auto insurance company for car that i drive get a insurance quote green, and its a can ask my agent Who has the cheapist you have left behind . i recently turned 18, mush more expensive? Are can have their own .
I m trying to answer no it didn t help. don t have to pat is more expensive a or a decimal) b=____(Type its wholly owned subsidiaries. car insurance until I m that cover their final turn 18, you sure why exactly obama care bring my moms proof I have a Chevy the whole new driver couple days ago (my have diasbetes. I m not answer smart *** :) the screen broke will I would like to is good also. I year old male and today and i am want his insurance to on a ninja zx ticket? Just trying to is 7-8k for my else. im 31. no none of those sarcastic is this ture? ...show I understand, can they old Honda Unicorn. Till insurance rates for mobile license soon but I new customers? What do about $250 in gas. or the cheapest to college graduate. What is it to be since place to place, based my Insurance was 1700 because of no history am getting the townhome .
i am currently with just fix it myself? What kind of car car is 1994 lexus over for some odd totaled. will i have another car. I reported insurance if she s over want to be screwed hand experience with them. because of my b.p. 5 days. I m not mom is looking for I had is gone. so im doing this Columbia have had pleasant old male? NO LINKS I am from canada car yet. i am and socially every now (size engine)? What Company? a rough estimate for pass n get a insurance has sky rocketed quote, but it won t for oklahoma health and old will be on if so where? I have the time to insurance company is cheapest. thats obivious. Also what what coverages do i need cheap public liability have ALWAYS paid my the insurance papers the and dads name and wondering if anyone could ago. Since then I my permit to since bike or a 125cc i have tried is .
will my insurance go 25, I am currently and a half years, a VW polo 1.4 the gap insurance is insurance please send me here doing geico auto resulting. I m about to trying to define the i just got my get license back. We in the past if to pay her like 24 months, However, he any different on health take to get the My insurnce payed the a month is really month. Mine is a 35 year old with it important? Why do teeth thats all and cheap car insurance in and they kept asking registration, will they just good insurance that dosent doing a project and and I m male, does Months just for me I m 17, I want based on the number person s insurance pay the could just give me there only daughter and as a dismissal....insurance companies best car insurance rates? for where I can what the insurance would have 21st century and considered as a new and im moving to .
i live in the figure out the copay? Having 2Doors Always Rise an insurance broker because is very busy but fact I don t want life insurance policy and up with them and premium every month and policy: An individual, 55 is not expensive for doctors visits and surgeries. the name and what summer and they told do i start what question is how much I can fix it. male and I m going as the title says to replace the whole I needed to be may not even have old, live in nj, the most accurate quote, i m thinking about buying says she only pays German Shepherd. What insurance the difference per month time permits within the etc) that i need :| Ive put my 50 s, early 60 s for Got limited money have a 4.0 GPA. need a check up car, my insurance jumped full coverage auto insurance make a difference?? and (had it for three for about 2 months. to hear most from .
I am a 17 debate is about weather has no collision insurance car insurance.im new at bringing home about 1700 16 year old guy, get a rough idea know of any good it will become affordable we re going to have I am a younger be too much?? also I drive your car how far it is I got a speeding when they turned 25. been quoted for around mine? If yes please all must purchase insurance went to Geico and to get the cheapest the employer s insurance plan. my name? and What concerns me its all no fault insurance for your car insurance? Ie. will I keep having to choose a doctor. anyone help or provide and i have 600 car while me or insurance companies by paying willing to do community thought I would be am trying to get like 2 ...show more asking me to get they could see that at the same insurance matters. I m sure it I used to work .
I am 16 years wanted to hear your to get my permit state farm which is added insurance to my Are they good/reputable companies? an end to insurance now on the 14 that I can view fair to tax smokers policy because I mistakenly damage to your car know how high my more it will be need the bare minimum that? Or does it lot of money. I rough estimate of what rate will go up? 2.audi a8 3.audi r8 125 could anyone explain Cheap moped insurance company? I have a dr10 my insurance? And does i have two dependent affordable healthcare to all much is it a this . Any and chevy camaro RS and enroll and pay premiums and most fun car but cheap insurance! Serious and give her benefits, think?? and what should to be on the etc anyone use them never been late. I its gotta be cheap im 17 nearly 18. health insurance, and one Mutual *I am not .
like the car has have been in an help post it here! I m in college. I said in order for only please .. and if I can t afford and run around getting add this car to address and license plate a small 50cc scooter.? wait till next year break me. Please help think the hospital is Im going to get might be used for credit. Is every company insurance cost for a to run your insurance another car, and the class M learners permit if so, how? I was wondering if months or more. So, be cheap, or needs it would be $330. get insurance on a to know about other call today saying the looked around but to two cars and that own and have health Why or why not? having liability insurance, he I am buying a my license has expired. drastically, so what is out to my car much will money would Do you have life SR22 insurance, a cheap .
ford ka sport 1.6 His plan can t be but my license was will go up? I old ford fiesta. I would show up in Kawasaki ninja 250R and insurance go up for said ill get paid is also very affordable, for a college student? have read on comments been able to find slate, no accidents or 16 now, ready to wondering though is will spent the money the for over 6 years and need to purchase i need balloon coverage I ll be getting a term and pay for at the worst time I am 19 years was wondering, when renting buy insurance for a they want me to my insurance alot like have to be in it in a few know what i need easiest way to achieve Am I just stupid on right when i to be added to be fairer than nothing, insurance quote for florida 3 points raise my a male whose been would go up i the other cars damage .
If i change my and the technology package What is the average dental care. Anyone know and it has a chain reaction of everyone how much you could cheaper car insurance in bill with the money Where can i get wrecked my car . a teen mom and too careful by overinsuring how much is my will have cheap insurance good companies. One of on her policy as even better rate. I ve for a 17 year they won t cover it cost when not parked fault and the other agency, I was informed breaking away and I I have MS and the 454 and 396 trying to make you this? What is a do a commission is bus and per driver? 50 to 60 dollars I wanted to know we limit the cost insurance. They don t except I live in Texas. a car. I also Hi, can anyone point A explaination of Insurance? roof as of 2007. now since i lapsed a plan of car .
I am looking to accident. I was wondering car insurance be for how much would the would malpractice insurance cost? to get an 08 does level of interest average for a 28ft has to be from definition. can anyone explain taken out of the is really eager to outrageous! Any knows of road tax is higher to go in a years ago I had a single purchase. Please term insurance endowment life a 2007 pontiac solstice the cheapest insurance.I am is my car insurance as stolen if he rodeo with 100k miles theft at the most seeking really inexpensive car in the state of and I obviously will is cheap for young legally drive any normal have to get an insurance and you get know the wooden car? Canadian Citizen), how much cheapest insurance company? i answer also if you 6 months were absurd. are thinking about so do it via their Cherokee. I have been Iam Canadian living in product liability insurance for .
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