#i need to go bathe myself in holy water
sorceresssundries · 5 months
Hi! Your poetry reading was soooo good!!
Would you be able to read Downpour out too? for..er... accessibility?
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This is NOT the direction I thought things would go in. Erm no, sorry. But If I ever start using a subscription-based platform to do smut readings i'll let you know.
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mrsoharaa · 2 months
Yeah, me thinks I may have a specific type 🫠😩💘💗
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auggieblogs · 8 months
Ice baths | LN4
Lando Norris x fem! reader
Author's note: Hiii, lovelies. I hope everyone is doing good!!! I am writing after such a long time and my god it feels good. I've been really stressed and busy since the new year's because I have exams coming up and writing while you have so much on your plate is not exactly easy. Hence, my absence from Tumblr and also there was the writer's block😞🙏🏻. Anyways, I hope you all like this fic. Happy reading<3
―୨୧⋆ ˚masterlist
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I couldn't believe I let Lando talk me into this. I mean, ice baths? Really? Warm showers had always been my thing – the cozy embrace of steam and gentle heat. But there I stood, in nothing but my bra and underwear, shivering like a leaf, staring at a tub filled with ice-cold water. Lando, stood beside me, grinning like a madman.
"Okay, hold my hand," I said, half-expecting him to talk me out of it. He chuckled, but his grip on my hand was firm and reassuring.
"We go in on three," Lando announced, grinning from ear to ear. As he counted down, we entered the tub together. I yelped as the frigid water made contact with my skin. "Holy mother of ice, it's like jumping into the North Pole!"
Lando, meanwhile, was managing better, though he did shiver a bit. "Shh, shh, relax, baby. It gets better," he said, trying to soothe me. But, as far as I was concerned, it wasn't getting any better.
"Nope, not doing this," I declared, practically leaping out of the tub, water droplets glistening on my skin. My only mission was the towel Oscar had brought for himself.
Oscar, bless his heart, seemed a little flustered. "Bu-but it's mine," he stammered, not quite sure how to handle this towel-stealing situation.
But I wasn't having any of that, either. I practically snatched the towel from Oscar's grasp, giving him an apologetic but determined look. "Oscar, I love you, but I need this more. It's too cold!"
Lando couldn't help but laugh. "Don't laugh!" I protested, wrapping the towel around myself as tightly as I could, hoping it would bring back some warmth.
Lando climbed out of the tub, approaching me with a cheeky grin. "Awh, my poor baby, I'm so sorry," he said in a teasing tone, enveloping me in a bear hug.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes, but a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "You're having way too much fun, Norris" I mumbled, burying my face in his chest.
Lando's grin widened, and he leaned down to plant a kiss on my forehead. "Maybe a little bit."
I pushed away from his chest and looked up at him, pretending to be offended. "You are so bad, I hate you!" I exclaimed, giving him a playful shove to the chest.
Lando chuckled and held me a little tighter, his voice soft and full of warmth. "I love you too."
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xomakara · 2 months
Wanted Dead Or Alive
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(re-posting from my old account seulrinnie-rinrin/xomakara-secondary)
SUMMARY | A handsome cowboy is injured while tending to a wild horse he's rescued miles from town. You're on the run, and can't afford to stop on your way to your destination – but you can't ignore the wounded man when you see him, and decide to help him despite the personal risk.
PAIRING | Mingi x Reader
GENRE/CONTENT/WARNINGS | Cowboy!Mingi, Heiress!Reader, Western au, non-idol au, smut (with some plot), consensual sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up y'all), slight fingering, dirty talk, pet names (darlin', sweetheart, etc), praise kink, bathtub sex, bed sex, gunfights, mentioned abuse
RATING | Mature, Explicit, 18+, NSFW, MDNI
LENGTH | 7,929 words
NETWORKS |  @cromernet (reuploaded so only tagging nets that haven't reblogged it yet)
AUTHOR’S NOTE | Excuse me, while I go bathe myself in holy water.
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You can't help but spur the horse forward, your heart thudding in your chest. It had been hours, but the adrenaline was still running rampant in your system, your stomach clenching with dread.
You could hear the sound of hooves, and your body was tense and tight as you pulled the reins, hoping the sound wasn't heading toward you.
It had all started when you woke up with your ex-husband's hands around your throat, a wild look in his eyes. He'd seemed desperate and he had looked at you with an unfamiliar expression as he tightened his grip.
The memory of his hands squeezing the air out of your throat, the burning in your lungs as he tried to squeeze the life out of you. The memory had tears springing into your eyes, and you swallowed them back, forcing the panic away.
He had almost succeeded, if not for the fact that you were more desperate to live than he was for you to die.
You'd fought him with everything you had, and with the steak knife that you hid under your pillow, you stabbed him in the hand so that you could breathe.
And then you ran.
You had a small fortune that you'd stashed away, and you had a bag packed for days like this.
It wasn't enough to keep you safe for very long, but it was enough to get you where you needed to go, and it was enough to keep you warm, and fed and hidden from prying eyes.
You had planned to slip out of town under the cover of darkness and disappear. You'd heard that it was possible to disappear entirely, to leave the country, and you were prepared to do it.
You had no ties, no one waiting for you, nothing to keep you in town except for the fear of being found.
The sun is rising over the horizon, and you know you should probably stop for a rest, but you don't think you can.
You want to keep moving until you can't anymore.
You know there are men on your trail. They're not smart enough to keep up with you, but you know they're going to follow you for as long as it takes.
They'd followed you to this little town, and you knew it was only a matter of time before they found you again.
And they wouldn't stop until they got what they wanted.
You know it was the money they were after.
After all, your family had a lot of it, and your husband had known about it and had wanted to get his hands on it for some time.
That's why he married you.
Sure he was rich and everyone knew it. But with the way that he spent it, he was drying out his funds, and he knew that if he didn't find some source of income, he'd be destitute within the year.
He wouldn't tell anyone, oh no, that would damage his reputation.
Instead, he'd taken a loan and used that loan to buy the nicest ring that he could afford.
And then he'd gone and found himself a rich wife.
He'd been careful in his planning. He'd been charming and he'd made you feel things you'd never felt before. He charmed his way to get your parents' favor, and they'd approved of him almost immediately.
The wedding had been the biggest social event that had happened in town in a long time.
But it didn't matter how well the two of you were liked, because your ex-husband didn't know how to stop spending, and now people were beginning to talk.
And they were beginning to ask questions.
You had been his perfect cover, his perfect alibi, and now that he was losing his power and prestige, he wanted to keep the one thing that was left to him.
And that was the money.
You didn't mind giving him the money, he'd been good to you, and he'd loved you, and had cared for you. But when the love turned to abuse, and the care turned to control, you decided you were better off without him.
So, you left him. Divorced him.
And now he was coming after you, and after the money.
He would not stop until he got what he wanted.
And neither would the men that were chasing you.
Your horse had been galloping for hours, and you were starting to slow down. Your body was sore, and your legs were cramping, but you couldn't bring yourself to stop.
You could hear them getting closer, and it made your blood run cold.
Your eyes scanned the horizon, looking for a place where you could stop. Somewhere you could hide, maybe.
There was a corpse of trees not too far from the road, and you veered towards them, hoping that they were thick enough to hide you from the men who were pursuing you.
And then you see him.
Tall and handsome, leaning against the side of a tree, holding his side. His head is tipped back, his face twisted with pain, and you feel your heart drop at the sight.
You pull your horse to a stop, your hands trembling. You're afraid. You're so scared. But you can't just leave him there, bleeding.
He's a big guy, with broad shoulders and muscular arms, but right now, he looks so small.
He opens his eyes, and his gaze finds yours. His eyes are dark, and you can see the pain in them.
He lifts his hand, and he waves at you.
"Hey there, little lady." Voice hoarse and gravelly. "Looks like I could use a bit of help."
You couldn't help but dismount your horse and carefully walk up to him. "What happened to you?"
His face twists and his shoulders rise as he inhales deeply. "Long story short, I got shot trying to round up some horses for Ol' Man Kim. A bullet got lodged in my side. I ain't sure if it went clean through, but I need a doctor. I can't make it to town."
You hesitate, chewing on your bottom lip. "I can't take you into town, Mister. I can't afford to draw attention to myself."
He gives you a strange look. "Why would that draw attention to yourself? Do you have a criminal record or somethin'?"
You shake your head. "No. It's a lot more complicated than that. It's a long story."
"You can make it short like I did mine."
You laugh softly, your heart skipping a beat. He has a nice smile, and he's even more handsome when he laughs. "Okay. Well, long story short, I'm on the run. My ex-husband is trying to kill me for my money. And some other guys are after me. I can't stop here or else I'm putting myself at risk. I have to keep moving."
He studies you for a moment, his dark eyes boring into yours. "If you're willing, I could be of some assistance. I'm good with a gun, and I can keep you safe."
"But you're injured, mister."
"It's just a flesh wound. I can still use a gun. If you're worried, I can ride along with you, and when we get to the next town, I'll find a doctor. Until then, I'll watch your back. I promise I won't let anyone hurt you."
You hesitate, chewing on your bottom lip. "Why would you do that? You look like the type that would rob me instead."
"Nah, I may be a cowboy but I don't harm women and children." He reaches out his hand, palm up, a kind smile on his face. "I'll protect you, Miss. And when I'm healed up, I'll help you get to wherever it is that you're going."
You swallow, unsure if you should trust him or not. But he seems like a decent guy, and you could use all the help you could get.
"I don't know..." You bit your bottom lip. "I can't afford to pay you right now..."
"That's alright." He smiles again, and it's a reassuring smile. "I don't need any money. Just some help."
You hesitate, your heart racing. "Okay."
He grins. "Well, alright then. What's your name, miss?"
"Mingi. A pleasure to meet ya."
"Likewise." You nod and walk towards your horse, taking hold of his reins. "You think you can get up on your own, Mingi?"
"Sure thing." Mingi grunts and pushes himself away from the tree, his hand clutching at his side. He takes a few steps, his face twisted in pain. He staggers and nearly falls, but you're quick enough to catch him before he hits the ground.
You grunt and strain to keep him upright. "Easy there."
He looks down at you, and you can see the embarrassment and pain in his eyes.
"It's alright. Just lean on me, and we'll get you up on the horse. We're not going very far, and I think I saw a doctor a few miles back."
Mingi nods and takes a deep breath. You can't help but notice that his hair is messy and windswept, and his clothes are rumpled. Despite that, he was still very handsome.
You put your arms around his waist and help him climb onto the horse.
"Thank you." He says, his voice soft.
"You're welcome." You reply a small smile on your face.
You can't help but notice the way his broad shoulders taper into a narrow waist. He has the build of a man who does hard work for a living, and his dark brown eyes are bright and clear. He's the first man who's been honest and kind to you in a long time.
As you climb onto the horse, Mingi wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest.
You feel safe and secure, and you can't help but notice how his arms feel around you.
His scent is warm and masculine, and you feel yourself relaxing into him.
"We should get going." You say, your voice barely a whisper.
"Right," Mingi says and nudges the horse forward.
As you ride away, you can't help but notice the way he tightens his arms around you, and how his lips brush against your ear.
You shiver, and close your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his arms around you, and the safety you feel in his embrace.
For the first time in a long time, you feel hopeful.
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You arrived in the small town that you passed a few miles back and the first thing that caught your eye was a doctor's office.
Mingi had been quiet the whole ride. The pain must have been intense. You pulled your horse to a stop and quickly dismounted. You helped Mingi off the horse and slowly made your way into the building, his tall frame leaning on you.
"I need a doctor! Now!" You shouted and looked around the waiting room.
"Please wait your turn." A woman, who looked like a nurse, muttered as she sat at a desk looking over some papers.
"Ma'am, please get the doctor or help me." Mingi softly said, the woman looking up at him. Mingi smiled down at you, his face pale. "My little wife here is worried and I'd hate to see her cry."
The woman blushed, and got up from her desk, quickly hurrying down the hall.
"Wife?" You questioned.
"She'll give us priority. Trust me." He softly grinned at you. "It's easier to get what we want this way."
"How's that fair to the other patients?"
"Life's not fair, sweetheart."
"You're lucky that I find you charming." You huffed.
"You find me charming? Well, aren't you sweet?"
"Shut up." You softly chuckled and rolled your eyes.
"Sir, ma'am, follow me." The nurse came back into the waiting room and ushered you down the hall and into an examination room.
After some time, Mingi was patched up, and per the doctor's orders, you had to stay a few nights in town. You were worried about the men that were following you but Mingi assured you that you would be safe.
"So, where are we staying?"
"With a friend of mine."
"Yep. He'll take good care of us. He owes me a favor and it's his fault that I got shot in the first place."
"Is it Ol' Man Kim, you mentioned before?"
Mingi nodded. "Just don't call him old. He's only a year older than me but I like to mess with him. We grew up together and we've always had each other's backs."
"He sounds like a good friend."
"He's one of the best." Mingi grinned, the pain meds kicking in.
"Alright, well, we better get going then." You sighed and helped Mingi get out of bed. "The doctor said that the medicine will probably make you drowsy."
"I'll be fine. Let's go."
You helped Mingi back to your horse and got him situated on the saddle.
"Where to?"
"Kim's place. It's not far from here."
"Alright." You mounted your horse and started heading out of town.
You rode for a few hours, the sun beginning to set. You were about to suggest that you should camp somewhere for the night, but Mingi told you to continue straight ahead.
"This is a long stretch of nothing, are you sure we're heading the right way?"
"Yes. Keep going, the house should come into view soon."
"Okay." You said, keeping the horse moving.
It was growing darker, and the air was getting colder.
"Mingi, we really should stop and rest. We can continue tomorrow."
"Not yet. We're almost there. Keep going."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
You continued to ride, the sky turning darker.
"I'm getting worried, Mingi. It's getting too dark to ride safely."
"Don't worry. The house should be coming up soon."
The moon was high in the sky and the stars were shining brightly.
You were about to give up and insist on making camp when a large house appeared in the distance.
"See? Told you."
"Well, I'll be damned." You sighed.
"It's not much, but it's home."
You followed Mingi's directions and guided the horse to the front door.
"Who's there?" A man opened the door, pointing his rifle at the both of you.
"Calm down, you old fart. It's just me." Mingi waved his hand at the man.
"Mingi?" The man lowered his rifle and squinted his eyes at him. "What the hell happened to you, man?"
"Got shot trying to wrangle up your horses, that's what." Mingi joked before looking at you. "This little lady here helped me."
"I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name, Miss." The man smiled at you.
"Nice to meet ya. Name's Hongjoong. You can call me Joong."
"Joong, this little lady needs our help. She's running from some bad people." Mingi leaned his head against your back, his voice sounding groggy.
"Bad people?" Hongjoong questioned, eyeing you suspiciously.
"Yes. My ex-husband is trying to kill me." You explained. "He's hired people to come after me. I've been on the run for months now."
"I'm sorry to hear that, Miss Y/N."
"Thank you."
"Mingi, why don't you take Miss Y/N and get settled in while I bring your horse to the stable."
Mingi helped you down from the horse, his arms wrapping around your waist as he slowly lowered you to the ground.
"Careful." You softly spoke, helping him down from the horse.
"Thank you, darling." Mingi smiled.
"You two, get inside and get warmed up. I'll take care of the horse." Hongjoong took the reins and led the horse to the stable.
You helped Mingi inside, the two of you entering the large ranch house. You placed Mingi on the couch before taking a look around the house. It was simple but cozy, and it smelled like vanilla and pine.
"Make yourself at home. Joong won't be long." Mingi leaned back against the cushions.
"Thank you." You smiled and went back over to him, sitting on the couch next to him.
You studied his features, his eyes closed and his face relaxed. He looked so peaceful, and you couldn't help but admire his beauty.
"What are you thinking about?" Mingi suddenly asked, opening his eyes and looking at you.
"Nothing. Just how handsome you are." You admitted.
"Well, thank you, darlin'." He smiled. "You're pretty yourself. Real pretty."
"Thank you."
"I'm glad you decided to stop and help me. I owe you my life."
"You're welcome." You smiled and leaned back against the cushions.
"So tell me your story," Mingi muttered. "Why is your husband out to get ya? Is it just for the money or is there something else?"
"It's a long story, Mingi." You sighed, a frown forming on your face.
"I got all night, sweetheart." He smiled, rubbing a hand up and down your arm. "C'mon. Indulge me, please."
You rolled your eyes. "You're lucky you're hurt. You're being very cheeky."
Mingi laughed, his dimpled cheek pressed against the cushions as he closed his eyes. "I am indeed. Tell me about ya. About yer marriage."
"What's to tell?" You shrugged, leaning back against the sofa and closing your eyes. "I met a man I thought would take care of me. He charmed me and my family but in reality, all he ever wanted was my money. Because he was on the verge of being broke." You began, re-living the memories. "At first, he treated me nice and it was wonderful, until it wasn't. It was his love language, lavish gifts, and trips. And then all of a sudden, what I thought was love turned into abuse and control. He wanted to spend my money on everything. When I said no, things went badly and his abuse became physical."
Mingi reached out a hand to you and put it atop yours, giving a little squeeze. "That bastard. I know his type. Those were the men I robbed and stole from. The greedy ones that hurt women." He let out a sigh and laid his head back. "I was an outlaw, for a long time. Joong and I were always looking out for each other. He was the brains and I was the brawn. But, a couple of years back we fell on some rough times and realized we weren't as invincible as we thought. When Joong's mama passed, she left him this property. We went legit and bought some cattle. Things are good now but we were still doing odd jobs. Helping friends and such." He smiled.
You studied him. "You two seem close. Friends can be good to have."
Mingi smiled at you, his dark brown eyes piercing into yours. "Joong and I are good at taking care of ourselves. Never needed anyone else until now."
"Until now?" Your eyebrows raised.
He shrugged a shoulder, an eyebrow lifting. "You never know what the future holds. Better to be prepared."
Mingi chuckled and stretched his limbs.
"I like the way you think." Your lips turned upward as you spoke to him.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence. Mingi's presence brought a feeling of ease to you. A moment later, Hongjoong came through the front door and removed his boots at the entrance.
"Hey, Joongie." Mingi greeted with a sleepy smile.
"How are ya holding up?"
"Better now." Mingi looked at you with a smile on his lips.
"Hey now, don't be all flirty up in this place-"
"Don't get jealous, Joong." Mingi cut him off.
"Me, jealous of you? Hell no." Hongjoong made his way over to you and sat down on a loveseat opposite the sofa. "So Miss Y/N, you got some crazies after you? What for? You some kind of heiress to a fortune? I can't see you doing any sort of wrong."
Your face reddened a bit as the men watched you. "I uh...well you could say that. My parents are wealthy, yes, and I was married to what I thought was a wealthy man...but he was on the verge of being broke. He only wanted my money so he could fund his extravagant life. Over time, he changed and became abusive. Finally, I couldn't handle it anymore so I divorced him. Stabbed him in the hand with a steak knife and ran away. Now he's sent thugs and goons after me. As long as he can get his hands on my money, he doesn't care if I'm dead or alive."
"Unbelievable." Mingi sighed and rubbed his temples.
"Well, I have to hand it to you, Y/N. Most women wouldn't have the strength or gall to stand up to an abuser or their spouse." Hongjoong admired you.
"I have to get out of the country. That was my plan all along." You sighed. "Get out of the country and try to live quietly, like normal. Not to offend, but men like you aren't exactly low-key."
Mingi chuckled. "Good point."
"And now you're saddled with the poor cowboy you've rescued and stuck at a ranch house on the outskirts of nowhere."
'What if they come here?" You bit your bottom lip.
Hongjoong shook his head. "You don't have to worry. Mingi and I are more than capable of handling a few thugs."
"Right." Mingi smiled at you. "Now, how about some food and bed? I'm starved, wounded, and exhausted."
"As am I."
"Okay, you two." Hongjoong stood. "I'll get dinner started, so rest up."
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"She's in there!" You heard yelling. "We'll kill her if we have to! Bring her here, now!"
You were thrown on your back, a male body covering yours as you blinked your eyes awake. The tall cowboy covered your body as best he could with his own, a rifle aimed and firing out the window into the night.
"Stay low," Mingi growled in your ear, a primal protective tone. He aimed the rifle once more as shouts and screams pierced the air. More gunshots and the air turned electric. He spoke to you in a hushed tone. "Do you know how to handle a gun?"
"Yeah." You had been forced to learn back with your husband and his controlling nature. You would never use a weapon to harm, though.
Mingi looked to see that you nodded, reaching over he dug in a side drawer of the dresser next to his bed and handed you a pistol.
"Just in case. Try to stay low until it's clear. But if it's an all-out war, don't be afraid. Protect yourself. I don't mind dying for something worth it and you're something worth a lot in my eyes. I promise you, you'll come out alive and whole."
You turned and locked eyes with Mingi. Mingi held eye contact for a second before hopping out of bed.
"You ready?" Mingi moved to the window and looked out over the land surrounding the home, the firelight casting an orange glow.
You swallowed your anxiety and nodded to the cowboy.
"Okay." Mingi readied his weapon and hopped up onto the window, gun first, and fired. He took cover in the window frame, a thump sounded like a body landing, but you weren't sure. You held the gun ready, gripping tight to it tight as sweat lined your palms.
There was no more yelling. Only the crackling of the fire was audible. Mingi sighed heavily. His head dropped and then you watched his chest inflate and fall quickly as his nerves calmed down.
"You good, Darlin'?" He turned his eyes to meet yours.
"Good." He nodded. "Remember to stay low. I'll draw their attention away, then you run like hell. Head to the stables and get on one of the horses. Head to town and find Yunho, the sheriff. Hongjoong and I will be right behind you. Okay?"
You nodded. "Okay."
"Good girl." He gave your knee a light squeeze. "Stay low and quiet."
Mingi disappeared. You took a few breaths, listening to the silence. You then dropped the window and began to make your way through the house and to the stables. You heard the sounds of horses stamping the ground and snorting. You looked over and saw Hongjoong climbing through the window.
"He okay?" Hongjoong whispered, moving his head out the window and seeing Mingi wasn't following you.
"Yes." You looked at him, sadness lining your eyes and fear welling in your voice.
"Hey, he's tough. The guy has been in much worse jams and walked out unscathed. This time isn't going to be any different. Trust me." Hongjoong had his revolver out, keeping his eyes focused on any movement outside. He hoped his words were true and the Mingi was alright.
A second later you heard Mingi's boots hit the floor. You were relieved. He moved quickly to the window.
"Four men dead."
"Is that all of them?" Hongjoong asked.
"Yes. They rode in fast. Just the four men. Heard one of them saying that there's more on the way."
"Damn, you're ex-husband wasn't playing around," Hongjoong grumbled.
Mingi approached you. "Darlin', let's go."
Hongjoong looked at you. "Go with Mingi. I'll hold down the fort. This is my goddamn house after all."
He clasped Mingi on the shoulder. "Just go and get her safe."
"Yeah." Mingi nodded.
Hongjoong loaded the pistol and cocked the hammer. "This ain't goodbye forever, Miss Y/N. I promise." He saluted the pair of you with two fingers, a genuine smile on his lips. "Be safe, you two."
"Take care, Hongjoong. See you on the other side, my friend." Mingi then took your hand and led you to a horse already packed with bags. He then picked you up by your waist, lifting you as though you were nothing more than a pillow. His strength never failed to impress you and excite you at the same time. You tried to situate your skirts appropriately but decided to tear a good portion of fabric from the hem for easier mobility.
You felt Mingi swing up behind you on the horse and place an arm around you. "Hang on. We're heading on to town to get Sheriff Yunho and let him know what's going on. Then we'll head on to the next town over." Mingi clicked his tongue and kicked the horse's flanks gently with his boots and the pair of you raced off the property. You were overwhelmed and felt as though things were starting to go wrong, again. Would the nightmare ever stop? Was there no safety in the world for you? And now, you were putting a new man and his best friend into the situation. Men who weren't bound to you in any way. 
Men who owed you nothing. Who have both saved you already, when they barely even knew you. How could you thank someone for something like that?
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After stopping in town and telling the sheriff what had happened and disguising yourself in men’s clothing, you and Mingi were on the road to the next town over. With Mingi behind you and one hand on the reins, you gripped the saddle and tried to focus on breathing. Your heart wouldn't slow down, and Mingi could sense how anxious you were.
"Talk to me, darlin'." Mingi patted your arm and leaned forward a little to listen.
"Oh..." You hadn't noticed until now just how tense your shoulders were.
"It's gonna be fine." Mingi's voice was warm and comforting, the complete opposite of the situation at hand.
"How can you say that?" You looked over your shoulder and locked eyes with him, tears already lining your waterline.
Mingi's breath hitched a moment when he met your gaze. It was an intense moment the two of you sharing, his large eyes drawing you in, pupils dilating ever so slightly. You were breathless when his face lowered to yours, his mouth suddenly pressing to yours in a firm yet gentle kiss. You relaxed as the shock melted away and leaned into him, Mingi's arm sliding over your waist and pulling you against him.
Your hand lifted and rested upon his broad chest. You could feel his heart thrumming away against his ribcage. A soft growl vibrated his throat when his lips parted against yours, allowing the hot sweep of his tongue to dance with yours. You were enjoying the moment, but the stress still lingered and ate away at you.
You were caught completely off-guard by Mingi's actions. Especially considering how you had only met him just a day earlier.
"Mingi..." You gasped a little, a redness spreading over your cheeks as the cowboy pulled back and smiled.
"I promise everything will be just fine, Y/N," Mingi muttered. "We'll be in town soon and on the next train out of there. Then we'll be off far west. Free from that bastard and his goons."
"You're going through all this trouble, and danger, to protect someone you don't even really know." You wrapped your arms around yourself, feeling bad for endangering such a kind and wonderful man like the man behind you.
"Hey." Mingi reached over and brushed a stray tendril of hair from your face. "You're the real deal. I can tell, just by meeting you and hearing your story. Besides, this is me getting away from the life that Hongjoong and I led until just recently. This is redemption in a way, to help a pretty woman and save a good soul." Mingi moved one hand up your neck, fingers sliding along your skin making gooseflesh ripple along the trail.
"But the cost-"
"I think I know the price better than anyone. I was an outlaw, Y/N. Threw in my hand with the wrong people when I was a young idiot. Was lucky to be alive, and eventually met up with Hongoong. So I've seen all there was to see and can read people well. And, it's never too late to change and to choose the right people to surround yourself with. I've realized that I have to help others – the right way. And, besides, if I have to be in a sticky situation, I'm glad it's with someone like you."
You looked up to see Mingi staring down at you, his hands touching your waist.
Mingi grinned a bit as you seemed surprised. You were lost in his gaze for a moment, before coming back to your senses.
Mingi stroked your cheek softly, admiring the details of your face for a moment, taking note of a certain spot he wouldn't mind having a chance to mark later on. Your face had a healthy dusting of sun-kissed skin that shined. Mingi stared in awe. He's known many a beautiful woman, but you were special. "Come on, darlin', we should keep moving. Should be in town soon enough."
You rode together the remainder of the way in silence. Your mind races over how the last day has unfolded, the danger the beautiful stranger was putting himself in, and the feelings stirring up in you for him. A few hours ago you didn't know him. Now you wanted to protect him and save him from danger. Was there something else driving you? Something hidden deep inside that only this kind-hearted stranger was capable of revealing?
Your mind drifted off and before you realized it, you had arrived in town. It was early morning and the streets were quiet, save a few people starting their day. After tying the horse to a post outside of the inn, Mingi gathered his rifle and your pack then helped you to the inn. After booking a room for both of you, Mingi gently grabbed you by your arm.
"Let's take it easy today, stock up on supplies, and then board the train tomorrow. Better get some rest while we can."
You nodded. Mingi rubbed your arms as your eyes fell. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything to you." His expression softened as your eyes opened and focused back on him. "Not unless you want me to."
You smiled lightly and followed Mingi upstairs to the room you both had booked. Mingi kept the rifle close to him while entering the room, scanning the area, double-checking the closet and any potential hiding places, and making sure the window was locked, before relaxing his shoulders.
"I could use a bath right now." You said as you stood next to the bed.
"My thoughts exactly." Mingi smiled lightly.
"You'd like to bathe too, I presume?" You asked him, turning to the cowboy who was removing his gloves.
"Only if it's alright with you. No worries, I'm fine to wait for another day." He rested his gun and belongings at the foot of his bed. "Wouldn't be very polite of me to invite myself. And I don't want you thinking less of me." Mingi sat on the edge of his bed and started taking his boots off.
You wanted a bath but also a partner to be with. Even after all those kisses on the road, he was still respecting you, and wanting to make sure you were comfortable with him. What a rare and wonderful man you had stumbled upon.
"Well...I'd rather like someone to...bathe with me..." The sentence slipped out as a shy request, barely above a whisper, but Mingi heard and immediately looked over his shoulder with a sweet grin.
"Is that so?"
You nodded timidly and brought your bottom lip in between your teeth as his gaze made your nerves fire up. Mingi smiled, biting his lips as well in thought and lust.
"Well alright, Darlin."
You watched Mingi cross the room and follow you to the door leading to the tub in the corner of the room. "Shall we?" Mingi gestured, his palm opening outward and he held his other palm and wrist to you.
Your hands grabbed onto his and he gave a soft reassuring squeeze before releasing a hand, opening the bathroom door, and letting you inside. The tub was large and sturdy-looking and would easily fit two people. Your back faced Mingi while you started to get undressed, as he slowly shut the bathroom door.
You kept your eyes forward, hearing Mingi undo his belt buckle, and let his gun holster drop to the floor. His shirt followed the rustle and whooshing of cloth hinted at what was happening. He stood behind you, pausing and waiting.
"You still want my help, darlin'? I'm not going to push you into doing something that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you'd rather me keep the rest of my clothes on, just say the word."
You turned with wide eyes, biting your lips at his naked chest and broad, sturdy shoulders. Mingi held a knowing, charming grin on his lips as he teased a single button open on his trousers.
"Yes." You breathed, hypnotized by the delicious sight of a gorgeous and almost nude Mingi. "Mingi...I..."
"Shh..." Mingi closed the distance between you and met your mouth, claiming your lips once again, his hand gripping your side firmly. You placed a hand over the larger, muscular one that rested upon your side. It felt incredibly soft and so strong. Your free hand started to play along the band of the loosening trousers. Mingi grunted lowly, moving your hand to slip inside the waistband of his trousers.
Your fingers gripped gently, a needy moan escaping him as you got a taste of his size.
"Fuck..." He muttered, pulling back and kissing along your neck. He groaned, then tugged your shirt up over your head and you pulled your hand back from his waist. He tossed the shirt to the side, a hand rubbing along the delicate curve of your hip and tugging down the waistband of the trousers you were wearing.
"You sure about this, Darlin?" Mingi whispered against the shell of your ear.
"Very sure." You muttered back as you kissed his neck.
Mingi hissed as your mouth sucked softly, his skin vibrating beneath the skin of his throat. He continued to lower your trouser hem, the palm of his hand skating over the naked skin of your thigh, leaving behind a trail of tingles in its wake. 
"Fuck, Darlin..." he breathed, eyes latching onto the sight of your naked hips. Your hands skated down his toned belly and played over his trousers once again.
"Lower.." he asked, his lips pecking your shoulder before nuzzling your cheek.
You complied, fingers brushing and kneading over the growing heat. Your hand pulled his length out, fingers brushing the smooth and hardened skin. Mingi released an exhale, as your thumb grazed the swollen tip of his cock, massaging the fluid that leaked from his throbbing tip.
"Christ..." He buried his nose in your hair, grunting. "We're not even in the bath yet. Fuck.. Y/N.."
"Mmm?" You teased lightly, still stroking the solid flesh gently and slowly.
He chuckled, the hand at your hip brushing gently over the juncture of your thighs, then dipping down to stroke your intimate entrance. You cried out, pressing your body tight to Mingi's while his lips attacked your throat, sucking at your collarbone.
He turned your body around, your back pressing against his front, and slowly steered you towards the waiting tub. Mingi took a seat in the steaming hot water, stretched his legs out, and carefully lifted you into his lap. You moaned at the feeling of Mingi's cock prodding your backside as he brought your hips closer to his own. Mingi growled lowly and purred as your behind settled into his lap, grinding down a little and humming at the hard, thick rod nudging your tailbone.
Mingi laughed through a moan and placed a chaste kiss on the back of your head before you felt his tongue playing with your skin. "Ready?"
"Yes." You muttered back in a gasp. "Mmmmmm..."
"No worries, Darling. You'll enjoy what I do to you." Mingi purred.
"Promise?" Your back arched in pleasure, his thumb dipping low and swiping against the delicate bundle of nerves nestled amongst the folds of your sensitive clit.
"Mmhm..." his finger slid around your inner folds, coating the digit, and he plunged inside, his lips sucking softly on your neck.
"Oooh god..." Your back arched, mouth agape, and hips bucking into the sweet feeling of Mingi's skilled hands pleasuring you.
Mingi hooked his chin on your shoulder and grinned, loving to see the effects his ministrations were causing you.
"Look at you, Darlin'." He gave a harder rub of his finger against that little nub hidden at the peak of your heat. He bit back a moan feeling you clench against his thick finger that was currently prodding your sweet wet center. He shuddered and your hips squirmed. Mingi lifted and lowered his fingers until both sank inside the hot core and massaged. Your back was arched, and a whimpered sob of utter bliss was loud and clear.
"Mingi..." The name came out breathlessly and your hands reached back to grip his forearms, the pads of your fingers gripping tightly as you turned and your eyes locked with Mingi's. Mingi pressed closer to you, lips trailing back up to the side of your neck, and claimed another hungry kiss. Your moans vibrated, Mingi growled in pleasure as he removed his fingers and snaked around you, turning you so that your legs ended up straddling his waist. Mingi sat back, the ends of his hair soaked, strands curling against the nape of his neck and temples as he watched you lower yourself on his cock.
"Just like that, beautiful. God, you feel fantastic." He muttered, reaching up to brush his lips back over yours. "How do you feel, darlin'? My size okay? Any pain? Need me to go softer or harder?"
You bit your lip, marveling at the sweetness the cowboy was treating you. Your insides squeezed, your muscles contracting and pulsating around him. A cuss of pleasure came from him as he slid up a little more, hands taking your waist, guiding you to lean back against his wet chest. The suds and bubbles moved away, exposing more of the heated contact to the cooler air.
Your nails scraped gently up Mingi's thighs and you sank further, feeling a slight resistance, but still feeling wonderful.
"Oh god, Mingi."
"I know, darlin'..." One hand rested on your hips under the water, the other cupping your breast and kneading, enjoying the warm mound beneath his palm. "Tell me, darlin'. How does this compare to your ex-husband? Be honest..." He breathed, burying his face into the back of your neck, kissing the hot skin.
"He never filled me like this...so good...so full...God..."
He ground his teeth a little, groaning through his teeth as he nipped your earlobe, keeping his eyes trained on your back and sides. You moaned, not caring how much noise you were making. Mingi leaned into you and stole another hungry kiss before whispering, "No worries, you can scream as loud as you like with me, darlin’. I'll take you harder and fill you even more."
"Yes, please. Fuck, Mingi...." Your breathless and heady voice caused Mingi's self-control to break. He thrust a little harder and gripped you tightly.
Mingi snaked an arm around the front of you, grabbing your wrist and pushing his weight to the back of you. With each thrust the water began to slosh, threatening to spill from the edges of the tub and onto the wooden floor. "Mingi-" 
The thrusts turned rough, yet there wasn't any pain. You reached out, searching and grabbing, anything, needing something to hold onto. Seeing what you needed, he repositioned you so that your breasts were now pressed against his chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck, rocking against him. You didn't care if the water had gotten everywhere by now. Your pussy throbbed and clutched. He felt so big and you were impossibly full with him, the way his thickness was lodged inside and caressed every inch of your walls.
"Is this all you need, darlin'?" He asked. His words came out short and clipped as he panted.
Your response was only a loud mewl.
His hands pressed tight against your back, keeping you close, and the arm hooked beneath your bottom increased its grip.
You bounced upon his lap, your movements jagged, unable to do anything more. All you could do was cling to Mingi.
"There, Darlin...such a good girl for me..." He mumbled through a moan. His voice was gruff and it made your skin prickle.
"More..." you moaned back.
"Yeah? I'mma need to move this elsewhere to give you more, Darlin'." Mingi spoke against your shoulder, peppering a kiss to soothe you. His cock felt so good inside you. "Don't worry, Darlin'. I'm not done with you, yet. We still have the bedroom, and I need to have you ride me." Mingi purred while his mouth searched your body.
A throaty chuckle erupted from Mingi as he heard your cries for him.
You yelped and whined, surprised as his arms maneuvered you, and lifted you right out of the tub. The world blurred around you, Mingi's wet flesh clinging to your own. A second later, you felt yourself land upon the cool sheets of the mattress. The fluffy bedding was a welcome feeling as Mingi's wet frame pressed to you, your lips reconnecting once more.
"We didn't wash up..." You let out a small moan of contentment against the warmth of Mingi's neck, the skin dewy and soft.
"Guess not, but I certainly enjoyed a bath with you nonetheless, Darlin’." Mingi purred against your shoulder, flipping to lay on his back and bring you on top of him. He spread your legs further and gripped your hips in both his palms as you slid down on him. "Damn...Y/N..."
"You said you wanted me to ride you, didn't you?" You smirked, settling back on him.
"Oh...that was one of the best ideas I've ever had...aight, show me what ya got..." He placed one hand on your waist while the other was laid above his head, his grin impossibly wide and goofy as his eyes met yours. "By all means, show me, darlin'."
Fuck, bathtub sex was good but being atop such a fine specimen like Mingi...this was even better...and a whole other level of sensual.
"Mingi...my god..." Your breath caught, eyes slamming shut and rolling into your skull as you sunk deeper and began riding him with more passion.
He cursed under his breath. "Fuck, your pussy is fucking perfect." He smiled, watching the view from under. Mingi was lying there, watching you move above him and he groaned.
"So hot...the way you are riding me...damn." He was straining with how good you were feeling. Your pussy squeezed around Mingi's thick cock, and your hand slid along his broad chest and down his sculpted torso. You trailed along his muscles, and Mingi watched you explore his body while you bounced atop his erection. He loved this.
"Look at you, Y/N.." Mingi smiled.
"So big.." you were stretched in a way you had never been before. "So full..." You whined, completely lost in him.
His hands wrapped tighter around your hips as he helped bounce you up and down his cock.
You continued riding the cowboy for a few more minutes. Mingi brought a hand up, running his thumb along the wet folds of your pussy and you whimpered, gasping when he started circling your clit. "Mingi.." his name came out louder, turning to a wail as you were right on the verge.
"Do it, cum all over me, let me feel it, I'm getting close. So close, darlin’." Mingi barked back, a growl emerging and his hands gripped hard as he pounded up and into you.
"Ooooh, yes!"
He sat up quickly, kissing you again as he thrust deeply until he could go no more, releasing. He jerked, pumping every last bit into you before easing down onto his back with an exhausted and spent laugh.
You collapsed over him and snuggled in closely.
"Yeah, wow." Mingi agreed and he looked down at you and your naked form, which was intertwined with his. You snuggled in closer and were amazed at his energy. "Better than with your ex-husband?"
You let out a laugh and you pulled his hands and wrapped them around your waist. Your hands ran across his skin and his face had an easy smile, those chocolate eyes softening. You pushed yourself closer to him, which he welcomed. "Most definitely."
"How would you feel if I stayed with you to protect you and ensure you arrived wherever you wanted to go? I promise to make sure you aren't in any trouble. That's if you would like the company."
A smile spread over your lips, and you nodded your approval. You'd love nothing more than the company of a handsome man with a good heart such as Mingi. He smiled in return placed a small kiss on the tip of your nose and held you tighter, drawing the covers of your bed over the both of you. You smiled a little as you looked at him. The night air filled with a beautiful silence. It was comfortable. Neither of you spoke, but eventually, Mingi whispered into the dark:
"Y'know what Darlin'? I reckon we can manage life together just fine."
You giggled and nodded. "I have a feeling you're right about that."
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pollymorgan · 2 months
Coach Negan Part 3
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Warnings: Negan is still Negan, hot fingering under the table.
When I straightened my skirt and put on my bra again, Negan, already half dressed, holds out my blouse to me. I slip into the sleeves and watch as he slowly buttons it up for me. He seems quite focused and I take the opportunity to study him thoroughly. His hair falls a little in his face, his eyelashes are long and thick, and I want to kiss his full lips again immediately. I study every little scar, wrinkle, pore, and mole extensively.
None of us says anything. The situation is strangely intimate and makes my heart beat wildly. After he finishes the last button, he looks directly at me. His grin is, as always, infectious.
"I'll pick you up tonight at 7 p.m. Wear something nice, I want to take you out to dinner!" he says demandingly, leaving no room for argument.
I nod slightly, but he could have told me anything at that moment and I would have probably agreed.
After a final gentle kiss, I leave the room. In the car, on the way home, I turn up the music and feel damn good. For once, no problems, no stress, no worries. Just the anticipation of a date with a hot guy, after some damn good sex with that same hot guy.
Arriving home, I take a long bath and rummage through my closet - once again - for suitable clothing. I decide on a short black dress that I've only worn once before. I haven't worn it since my 'almost-husband' commented that a mother doesn't wear 'such things'. So, the perfect outfit for tonight. As they say, 'Now more than ever'! Combined with loose waves, subtle makeup, and black high heels, I feel pretty comfortable in my skin.
I take my time getting ready. When was the last time I took so much time for myself? With household chores, marital discord, financial worries, and child care, that had fallen by the wayside. So, it's not surprising that I don't realize how time flies. Just as I'm applying my lipstick, I startle because the doorbell suddenly rings. Startled, I look at the clock. It's exactly 7 p.m. I automatically start to smile and quickly finish applying my lipstick. Then I quickly head down the stairs with a slight flutter in my stomach. I take a deep breath and then confidently open the front door.
Negan holds a bouquet of white lilies in his hand and, of course, looks stunning in his thin leather jacket, with the rest of his outfit all black. I slowly start to feel that he looks better with each of our encounters.
He leans his upper body back and lets his dark eyes roam over my body, biting his lower lip. "Wow! Holy shit, you look hot.." he observes in his usual charming way.
I look critically at my watch. "Right on time!" I remark amused.
"Of course, I've been counting down every damn minute until it's finally 7 p.m..".
I roll my eyes theatrically, but inwardly find it extremely sweet to hear such a comment from him. As he hands me the bouquet, I sarcastically ask if he always pays women with flowers for sex. His smile tells me that I might not be far off with my assumption.
"I guess they need water!" Determined, I go back into the house and leave the door open, assuming Negan will follow me. And I'm right, as I try to fish a vase out of the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard, I feel his gaze without turning around. He has such a presence that I sense him without seeing him.
As I clearly hear him approaching me, my pulse immediately quickens again. With one hand he grasps my hip and with the other effortlessly takes the vase out of the cupboard.
"Thank you!" I say quietly as he presses his body against mine.
"Not for that, believe me, there will be plenty of other things you can thank me for today!". I feel his warm breath on my neck as he speaks.
Desperately, I try to keep myself under control and fill the vase with water without responding to his comment.
I notice how he slowly releases me and immediately miss the feeling of his warm, strong body against mine.
His hands rest on my thigh and slowly move higher. I have to support myself on the counter to keep from swaying. Why does this damn guy have such power over my body and me? I don't have much time to think about it. His touches cloud my senses.
Negan grabs the hem of my short dress and slowly pulls it up higher until my butt is completely exposed. I immediately feel the cold air on my bare skin. After a tormentingly long moment where I hear or feel nothing from Negan, he starts tracing the contours of my black thong.
With a quiet but firm voice, he says, "Did you choose this pretty piece just for me? Sweetheart, I wouldn't even have to take it off of you. I could just slide that little piece of fabric to the side and slide my cock into your perfect pussy. Mmm, how would that be...?"
With each of his words, the tingling in my lower abdomen and the flush in my cheeks intensify. I struggle between 'do it now' and 'not so fast'. After gathering my thoughts for a moment, I turn decisively to him. His gaze immediately captivates me. With a satisfied smile on his face, he says, "I love how damn red your sweet cheeks get when I turn you on."
I swallow hard and then say, as nonchalantly as possible, "I thought you wanted to go out to eat?"
"Oh, screw it. Let's order pizza and then fuck all night..."
I pull my dress back down and try to avoid his gaze, trying to maintain at least some self-control.
"Counterproposal, we go out to eat, because anticipation is supposedly the greatest pleasure, and then we come back here and fuck all night..." Then I confidently pass by him, towards the exit.
"Are you coming?" I call out, already feeling a little proud of myself.
The car ride is strangely quiet. Negan stares intently at the road, and I could swear he's a little miffed that his plan didn't go as smoothly as he wanted.
We stop at a small, unassuming Italian restaurant on a street corner. Briefly, I wonder how many women he has taken here before? But I quickly push those thoughts aside. This is about having fun, and even if that's the case, so what? In this arrangement, there should be no room for jealousy and negative feelings. I've had enough of those lately.
Negan opens the passenger door and helps me out of the car. As we walk into the restaurant, he grips my hip possessively, and when the waiter greets us, his grip tightens even more.
"Do you have a quiet corner for us? We had a pretty stressful day..." he says to the waiter, who nods understandingly.
What does he mean by 'quiet corner'? Is he afraid of being seen with me? Did he not want to leave the house for that reason, even though it was his idea to go out for dinner? I look at him questioningly as we follow the waiter through the small, winding restaurant. But the only response from Negan is a brief wink and a kiss on my cheek. What's all this about?
We take a seat at a table in a small alcove on a bench.
"Would you like something to drink?" the waiter asks, after making sure the table is okay.
Without waiting for my response, Negan orders two glasses of Chianti wine.
As the waiter disappears with the order, I sigh irritably. "Maybe I don't even drink red wine?"
Amused, Negan shakes his head and places his warm hand on my bare thigh, causing me to flinch slightly. Damn, I hope he didn't notice how sensitive I am to his touch. I don't want to completely give him the upper hand. But it's proving to be more complicated than I thought.
"But you do," he replies curtly.
"How would you know that?" I ask, already feeling a bit annoyed.
"Every damn time you recommend that one wine when you cook Italian on Instagram. So either everything on social media is just for show, or you should feel a little caught, Miss...", he trails off.
Wow, now I'm completely speechless. So he really studied my profile. I can't figure this man out at all, and the more time we spend together, the more mysterious he becomes. But also more and more interesting.
"Okay, caught..." I respond resignedly, unable to think of anything else to say. I'm somewhat relieved when the situation is interrupted by the waiter, who sets down two glasses of red wine in front of us.
I quickly grab my glass and clink it against Negan's. "Well then, here's to a pleasant evening!"
He picks up his glass and clinks it against mine again. "And to the next intense climax you're about to have..."
I'm so shocked that I can't say anything and just watch as he takes a big sip from his glass.
Then he leans even closer to me and whispers in a deep voice in my ear, "And now, take off your pretty thong and put it in your handbag. We won't be needing it tonight...!" His words and the gentle tickle of his beard on my skin give me goosebumps, but this can't be serious, can it? We're sitting in a restaurant full of people, and even though our table is quite isolated, we are still in a public place.
"Negan, I... I can't..." I stammer, feeling a bit embarrassed.
But he just grins. "Of course you can, come on!" His lips start to gently touch my neck, and my thoughts once again become hazy.
"Do you want me to touch you?" he asks, running his fingertips gently up and down my thigh.
The only thing I can do now is whisper softly, "Yes."
"Then go ahead..." he demands.
Determined, I take a big sip from my wine glass and then discreetly take off my panties, constantly worried that someone might be watching me. I quickly tuck them into my small black handbag, thankfully placed next to me on the bench.
Finally, I dare to look Negan directly in the eyes again. The candlelight on our table reflects in his eyes, revealing the slight green tint.
He looks at me contentedly. "Wow, very obedient..."
My throat feels so dry that I immediately reach for my glass again, while his hand slowly, but deliberately, moves under my dress.
His fingertips lightly touch my most intimate areas.
"Since seeing you at the damn school, all I can think about is how you feel..." he whispers into my ear, and each of his words sends little electric shocks directly to my lower abdomen.
Negan grabs my inner thigh and slides my right leg over his thigh.
I convince myself that the tablecloth hangs down far enough so that no one can see underneath, at least I hope so. But when his index finger touches my clit, even that becomes secondary. I quickly bite my lower lip to stifle a moan.
But Negan's finger is relentless. He knows exactly what he's doing.
"Fuck, look at you! Do you know how damn sexy you are? Come on, spread your legs even wider..." he commands softly.
Without a second thought, my legs automatically open even wider, and I press my pelvis against him.
"Such a good girl!" he declares satisfied and slides his finger deep inside me. I'm already so wet that he can easily penetrate me.
But just then, the waiter arrives at our table. "Have you decided on your order?"
Instead of stopping what's happening under the table, Negan now penetrates me with another finger. That bastard! I cough loudly to stifle a moan and dig my fingernails deep into his knee.
But his only response is, "I have no damn idea what we should eat... I think the expert should advise us..." as he slowly withdraws his fingers from me, only to start massaging my clit with the perfect pressure.
"I'll have the lasagna, and he will too!" I blurt out.
Negan laughs, "Okay... you heard the lady, lasagna it is!"
Thankfully, the waiter leaves the table.
"You damn bastard!" I say, slightly out of breath.
"Oh, does that mean I should stop?" Negan asks innocently, slowly pulling his hand away. But I catch it in time and hold it firmly.
"Don't you dare!" I threaten him before our lips meet, and we kiss passionately. Then I whisper into his open mouth, "Come on, make me come!“
He carefully observes every reaction on my face as he continues to finger me. His movements become faster and harder, and my lower abdomen tightens repeatedly.
"Come on, sweetie, let go... Come for me now..." he whispers, and those words are enough to trigger a wave-like orgasm in me. Thankfully, he kisses me at just the right moment, otherwise the entire restaurant would probably have heard what was happening under the table.
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Can I request a Marko x fem reader with the vampire promptlist 6 + 8 please
6. "So are we talking Dracula, 30 days of night, what we do in the shadows? What kind of vamp are you?"
8. "Why do you care so much whether I turn into a bat or not?"
Thanks for requesting! I hope you like this💜
When my boyfriend told me that he needed to talk to me, there were many things that came to mind. Maybe he wanted to take me out on a weekend trip, so he would need to know when I'd be free. Or maybe he wanted to talk about taking the next step in our relationship. Or, perhaps, he wanted to tell me that he absolutely despised my cooking and "would you just please stop refusing to go out to eat?" Maybe he wanted to tell me that he didn't like that I felt awkward around his friends. Maybe he wanted to tell me that the amount of clothes I'd borrowed from him had definitely gotten out of hand. Or maybe he wanted to tell me that the amount of stuff I'd just left behind in his room at the cave has become too much... or maybe, I thought as I poured myself some tea, maybe this was it. Maybe he found someone else, someone different, someone-
"Baby, look at me." He turned me, holding my shoulders. I hadn't noticed how my breath had picked up, how I had slowly begun to panic. "I don't know what you're thinking right now, but I can figure that it's something along the lines of a breakup?"
I nodded. "What you want to tell me is good news, then?"
Marko shrugged. "It has nothing to do with you. But let's decide whether it's good or not after I'm done telling you." He took my hand, taking me back to the living room. He looked at me, hesitating before opening his mouth.
"I'm a vampire."
I blinked. Once. Twice. Then I frowned, looking at him. No red eyes, no fangs. He was pale, but so many people were just naturally pale. "You don't look like a vampire..."
"You want proof?"
"Yeah." I nodded, still not truly believing him. My eyes widened as I saw his face morph from the handsome, familiar face I'd fallen in love with, to a different one. His forehead had changed, and his nose was different. His eyes glowed orange, and his teeth were significantly sharper than before.
"So you're a vampire?"
He nodded. I was quiet for a moment, taking a sip of my tea. This was not what I had expected him to tell me, but I didn't think it was all bad. I mean, he told me. He could have also let me know by biting my neck and killing me or something, so for now I assumed we were good.
"So are we talking Dracula, 30 days of night, what we do in the shadows? What kind of vamp are you?"
"A handsome one?" He grinned cheekily, before thinking for a moment. "I think none of them kind of compare? Certain elements sure, but-"
"Should I add Count von Count on that list?"
"Very funny," he looked unimpressed but grinned anyway. "We do burn in sunlight, but don't sleep in coffins. Crucifixes don't do anything, but holy water hurts like hell."
"So, how do you sleep? I thought coffins were the standard?"
"Don't believe the movies. We sleep upside down."
"Like a bat?"
"Is that why your vamp face looks kind of batlike?"
Marko paused for a moment. "It does?"
"You've never seen it? Oh, wait, do you have a reflection?"
"Not really?"
I pouted slightly. "So you don't even know how hot you are?" I paused for a second. "Scratch that question, you obviously do know. Now for the real important question: do you turn into a bat?"
"Can you fly?"
I grinned. "Really? That's so cool! Do you fly like a bat or-?"
"I don't know? I just fly?"
"If you sleep upside down, what do you do when you need to pee? I mean, baths just kind of turn right side up and do their thing, but I can't imagine-"
"I didn't need that image burned in my brain!" Marko looked semi horrified. "We don't do that. We just use the bathroom, we're not uncivilised or something."
I nodded. "But you do kill?"
"And you're certain you don't turn into a bat?"
"Why do you care so much whether I turn into a bat or not?"
"Because, " I put my cup of tea down and looked at him, "I fucking love bats."
"Sorry to disappoint," he said with a small smile.
"And I was just thinking that if you did turn into a bat, I would definitely lovingly carry you in my pocket."
"Is this- is this because when you asked if I would still love you if you were a worm, I said I would hope it happened outside the cave so my pigeons would not get to you?"
I grinned, before laughing. "Maybe?"
"But you're not freaked out that I'm a vampire?"
"Nah, I always knew there was something off. I'm glad it is vampire and not psychopathic serial killer you know."
"I'm not a psychopath, " Marko pulled me closer, letting me kean against him as he turned the telly on, "but technically I am a serial killer."
"Can we keep it on population control?"
"Will that make it easier to accept?"
I nodded, causing him to chuckle. "Whatever you want, love. Now, is there anything you want to watch?"
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light-purp-insect · 7 months
Can I request headcanons for Raphael, Haarlep, Kar'niss, and Zevlor with oblivious gn crush?
Head In The Clouds
([all separate] Raphael, Haarlep, Kar'niss, Zevlor x GN unspecified Tav)
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Banner credits in alt!
Notes/warnings: both SFW and Mature (no exact NSFW, marked for safety), flirting, failed seduction (Haarlep being an Incubus), somewhat manipulative(? Maybe???) behavior, suggestive themes, confused characters, dancing, self questioning/self doubt, extremely short mention of canonical death, close proximity/touching/hugging, obviously mentions of spider anatomy, Kar'niss is deranged and I don't know how to emphasize that, library dates (but Tav doesn't know that), mentions of the Infernal language in DnD, reading together, Zevlor tries to teach you a new language, not-a-real-date turns into a real date
I swear, the vast majority of BG3 fans see a pair of horns and their eyes nearly pop out of their skull. Me too!! Also I decided to make these short scenes, just as a treat for myself really.
-- Raphael --
Oh dear, he wasn't expecting this. Here he was, in his full cambion form, in the middle of the House of Hope, teaching you how to ballroom dance, and you weren't aware he had some feelings for you? How foolish could you get, little mouse? Yes, he fully was planning on taking your soul before he warmed up to you this past two days after letting you see his marvelous self, but now he couldn't be so certain. You were smiling as if you were still merely friends- no, only acquaintances! He wouldn't show the dissatisfaction his face, not even when you nearly stepped on his tail while trying to teach you the Viennese Waltz. Of course he had been holding you even closer than what the dance had called for, but that was his mistake, and he'd rather be bathed in holy water than blame you for it. "That's it, little mouse, very good." The demon whispered low in your ear. "How about we try a Foxtrot next, hmm?"
-- Haarlep --
If he was honest, now that you had warmed to him, something deep in the pit of his soul felt like perhaps it wasn't worth just sleeping with you once. Did he hate this new emotion? Oh absolutely, there's not a moment where he doesn't know how to react. He wasn't exactly used to actually loving someone-- were Incubi really, truly capable of love? Whatever, Raphael wasn't home, and it was the perfect opportunity to get you in his master's bed for an evening. Hopefully that would remove this-... Whatever this is. When the massive demon placed his hands on your waist and pressed your back against his near bare chest he purred out the honeyed tone he was so well known for. "Such an exquisite little mouse, you'd be a favorable meal. Come to bed with me, won't you?" Except that didn't happen. You had turned your head to him to answer, not a single hint of voluptuous desire in your eyes. "Now that I think of it, I could use a moment to lie down. Would you like to nap then?" Quite obviously he didn't expect that in the slightest. Much like his master, he didn't show much in his expression. Only a beat of silence before a rather content reply. "... Yes, a nap would actually be quite delightful about now."
-- Kar'niss --
The poor drider was quite upset, how come his chosen beloved didn't see how much he adored them and everything they ever touched? Was it because he was unsightly? Was it because he was cursed with his semi-chitinous body? In reality, it was probably because you just thought he was thankful you saved him from his demise, which he was! But even now as he hunkered down to hold you close to his chest, even using his pedipalps to keep you close. "Please, my savior, I need you!" Unlike the other times he grabbed on to you, this one felt proper; he was being gentle. His chin rest upon your head as a low growl softly reverberated in his throat. The bitter smell of old moss hit your nose like a freight train, but he didn't let go or tighten his grip. "Bless me with your warmth, just for a moment." You couldn't hear his next words, only mumbling as he was slowly losing the ability to hold himself together. "Please, one day you will love me too. Silly bug, one day I'll have you in my web, just you wait."
-- Zevlor --
While this wasn't a date in your eyes, and since he didn't tell you that it could be considered one either, Zevlor was slightly anxious. Who wouldn't, though? He brought you to a rather nice library, and he was worried how you would even consider going on something like a date with him. Then again you were sitting in his lap as he was trying to teach you some Infernal writing. The book laid in your lap as his arms came in front of you to point out the rather intricate looking letters. "That right there says 'Charming', I know the look a little close together." He placed his hand over yours and helped you point to the word, helping you pick out all eight letters of the word. "Does that mean the word I just read a moment ago spelt 'charred'?" You ask with humor in your voice. You could hear Zevlor give a delighted huff behind you, trying not to breathe on your neck. "That is correct." He slowly moves his hand away from yours. The tingle of your skin still lingered on his palm. "I think we might be reading a cookbook. I think this is... Beef Wellington? Would you like to make it together some time?" Hope was evident in his tone, but you couldn't tell if it was from the prospect of spending time together of making something for dinner.
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whoahoney · 2 years
An Attempt at a One Night Stand Pt 3
Eddie Munson x SingleMom!Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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Summary: Eddie and Y/n try being vulnerable during their first sleepover
Content Warnings: Fem/AFAB!Reader, use of Y/N, mature language and themes, SMUT, oral (m & f receiving), fingering, nipple play, hair pulling, spanking, edging, unprotected sex (WRAP IT), pet names (baby, good girl, sweet girl, etc) slight degradation(?), eddie is a switch, reader is a switch, squirting, mostly porn
A/N: Regarding the tag list. 🤍 I’m sorry if you didn’t get tagged, it wouldn’t let me mention more than 50 people, but holy shit, I can’t believe that many people want to be apart of this series 😭
I will be starting a new taglist based on the people who comment on this post! If you aren’t able to get a spot on the new list, I recommend turning on post notifications since I only post my work on this blog. If you’d like to see my shit posts, feel free to check out my side blog, @whoahoneyy.
Thank you all so much 🤍😭
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Y/n couldn’t help but scream into a throw pillow out of excitement after she heard Eddie pull out of the driveway, Danny tucked away in bed for the night.
The evening had gone well— better than well, great, in fact. Neither of the young adults could wipe the smiles from their faces after they’d parted, newly made plans for a sleepover on Wednesday evening set for after she got off work late.
“That’ll be the perfect opportunity to have Danny stay the night at—ulgh—Ginger’s.” She mentioned through a grunt from the floral loveseat as her little boy flopped on top of her stomach. “Sleepover?” Danny asked with excitement brewing in his starry dark eyes.
“Yep! Then mama will have the house to herself for the first time ever! Well, maybe not..completely to myself..” She mentioned passively, the comment going right over Danny’s curly head and landing right onto Eddie’s crotch.
“Oh-h,” he squeaked, “The first time? Ever?” He tried to make conversation, sidestepping the more intriguing part of her revelation.
Danny busied himself with his mothers hands and face, her eyes darted over to Eddie who sat on the closest end of the sofa to her, the dim blue light of the tv illuminating the side of his face. His round eyes shined, his lips parted with a soft gasp.
Y/n nodded as she sat up with the boy laying against her shoulder sleepily.
“I’m gonna give him a bath real quick, if that’s cool. I-If you need to go, I under—“
“I don’t have to go.” He smiled.
She blushed as Danny buried his head in her shoulder, sleepily. “I don’t think it’ll be long, feel free to switch the channel.” She said as she departed.
Eddie smiled at the sight before him, a beautiful woman and her beautiful child in the evening. He wished he remembered bath time with his mom; if she ever even did bathtime.
His mothers absence never really bothered him, though he was always reminded by his father that she left because she wanted to. It never bothered Eddie that he had no memories of her, not until now.
At the sound of the water running, he craned his neck to catch a view of the door at the end of the hall; Y/n sat on her knees in front of the tub gathering her hair into a ponytail as she set about preparing the bath.
He observed the process and wondered about her train of thought; check the temperature, plug the drain, adjust the temperature, check the temperature again. Add bubbles, add the child, and toys. Turn off the water, grab the soap and loofa.
He admired her smile as she watched Danny settle into the warmth sleepily, his long day catching up to him. Y/n rubbed his scalp with her nails, the boy leaning into her touch. “I love you, mama.” He sighed.
“I love you too, baby.” She whispered, planting a kiss on his head before she sighed and got started with washing him.
Eddie turned his attention to the tv when he noticed his breathing quake and his brow knit together, his mouth tangled in a frown. He stood from his seat and walked to the kitchen, taking deep breaths the whole way to the table.
He grabbed his cup from earlier and stepped over to the sink, filling the glass with water while the cold that splashed his wrists and centered him a bit. The feeling in his chest was heavy, and he wished for nothing more than the tension to go away so he could enjoy the rest of his time with them.
He took a generous drink, the ice resting against his lip until he was satisfied. He looked down at the sink and ran his warm tongue over his cold upper lip before turning on the hot water and looking around for the dish soap.
Her dishes were done for the most part with the exception of the dinner dishes and what looked to be plates from lunch and breakfast. “Piece of cake.” He mumbled to himself, plucking a yellow sponge from the window sill.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie had the dishes cleared in no time, wiping down the sink as he heard the faint sounds of water falling from a rinse cup. “Tilt your head back for me.” She said gently.
Eddie’s heart warmed then he shook his head, picking up a hand towel and drying off. He admired his job well done, the dishes drying on the counter on the rack.
He used the towel to dry the plates first, stacking as he went, then put them where he saw her pull them from previously. After that, he moved onto the skillets, which he found in the cabinet next to the stove.
He was eager and afraid to see how Y/n felt, hoping she wouldn’t take his act of service out of context.
‘It’s too much, dude. Desperate much?’ A voice reminded him, a cringe shooting down his spine before he took another deep breath and talked himself down.
‘I’m being a good guest and making myself useful in the home of a single parent—it isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for another friend in her position. Fuck you!’ He nodded victoriously at winning the battle of the last word with his worst critic.
Before he knew it, he had the dishes dried and put away, the counter and stove wiped down the best he could, and was able to sit down and act like he did nothing.
He grinned behind his hand— satisfied with himself as she left Danny’s room with an eager smile playing at her lips. Eddie lit up at the sight of her, the golden glow of the single hallway light casting a halo around her as she approached.
“You did it!” He congratulated quietly, his heart leaping when she walked past him to go to the kitchen. “Yeah, well, you wanna come and dry dishes for me?” She asked, her head turned back to look at him as she entered the kitchen, Eddie hot on her heels.
Eddie smirked as she turned around, stopping in her tracks. “Oh, Eddie…” She whispered, turning to him once again, though the playfulness left her eyes, adoration taking residence instead.
“You didn’t have to—“
“I know, I just wanted to show you I’m-I’m grateful for dinner and for this chance—“
Y/n pulled him close, her arms thrown around his neck and her nose nuzzling his hair close to his neck. She held him tight, in a way that felt like such a warm blanket for Eddie, it was a hug like no other.
“Thank you.” She sighed.
Eddie bent down, wrapping his arms around her waist with a relieved sigh, drawing in a deep breath as he uttered, “Thank you.” Stroking her back up and down chastely with his hands.
As much as she wanted him to spend the night, she decided she needed to wait until Wednesday. Y/n still wasn’t convinced it was all real, so she wanted to see if any cards fell before then.
On Monday, he called her after 8 (Danny’s bedtime), greeting her with a, ‘Ugh, Angel! It’s so good to hear your voice. How are you? How’s Dan the man?’
They talked for two hours about this and that, anything and everything that came up; favorite colors to obscure childhood memories, exchanging high school experiences to sex stories, no holds were barred.
Except one.
On Tuesday, he stopped by her work during lunch, the store mostly empty during the midday. He showed up right as she flipped the store sign to ‘be back later!’ His figure zooming down the sidewalk, over shooting by a few feet and having to back track, his chest heaving and out of breath as he caught her startled little jump.
“Hey! I’m glad I caught you.” He said through the glass. Y/n scoffed and unlocked the door, letting him in before locking it back. “What are you up to?” She asked suspiciously with her arms crossed against her front.
“I didn’t know you wear glasses.” He smiled warmly, his eyes flitting over her face now that the large rims sat perched on her nose. He was a popsicle on the sidewalk in July. She rolled her eyes and walked over to the counter, “I read a lot of small print.” She shrugged.
“I love them.” He beamed, plucking them from her face and putting them on his own. “Eddie!” She giggled, leaning into his chest, still waiting for an answer to her previous question.
“I wanted to wish a lovely lady a good day, is that a crime?” He scoffed rather suspiciously, placing her glasses back on her face gently and admiring the bun she wore her hair in, her face on clear display.
“You’re cute when you think I’m up to something.” He smiled, noting how she blushed at the compliment. She uncrossed her arms and looked everywhere but his face, something Danny did when he was feeling shy.
“Well I know you’re up to something, Munson. I know your lunch breaks aren’t that long either, you came running down the street like a maniac, I mean I think it’s great and all that you don’t care what the dipshits in Hawkins think, but around here no one—“
He cut her off by pulling her in for a warm, slow, and sweet kiss. His full lips slotting over hers, moving and sucking lightly as she melted into him, her arms throwing themselves over his shoulders and leaning her body into him. He leaned against the counter, his eyes rolling back at her sweet little moan. She grinded her hips against his denim clad crotch, his mouth opening with a gasp.
“Aha, I gotcha back, now we’re even.” She smiled with her eyes closed, nipping his bottom lip for the fun of it and pulling back. Eddie scoffed, shamelessly reaching down between them to readjust himself.
“You’re good, you’re good, I’ll give you that, baby. But come tomorrow night,” he bent down next to her ear to whisper, “we’re gonna rattle some walls. ‘Kay?” He looked at her with that hungry for mischief look in his eye, his smirk pushing his bottom lip out slightly.
Y/n licked her lips to go back for one more kiss, Eddie pulling back at the last second to tease her just to see the look of surprise on her face. “Oh, I see, okay, if that’s how you wanna play it, we can save the rest for tomorrow night, I’m cool—“
“No, no, no, I was just messin’ around,” He rushed, wrapping his arms around her shoulders to sprinkle kisses on her cheeks, “Honest, the only reason I came here was because I couldn’t stop thinking about kissing you—just kissing you. I had to, I just needed to see you… hope it wasn’t weird.” He said, with a dry chuckle to mask his wavering confidence.
Y/n beamed, her hands laying over his cheeks, the cold of her hands sending a shock through his skin that heated her palms, the butterflies returning. “It wasn’t weird. I think about kissing you quite often, too.” She mumbled, raising on her tiptoes to plant a firm chaste kiss atop his full lips. She smiled in satisfaction at the way they felt coming off hers.
She caught him peeking at her through his eyelashes as her lips lingered in front of his. “I gotta get back.” He whispered. Y/n smiled and nodded.
“You think you’d be in the mood for me to call later?” He asked, maybe a little more quiet than before.
Y/n nodded, “I’m already looking forward to it.”
Then Wednesday came.
Y/n felt like her day flew by around her, work going smoothly until she got off to pick Danny up from pre-school.
Danny was ecstatic to see his mother, rushing over to her to show her his picture of the letter G. “Mommy, LOOK!” He urged deeply, shoving the paper in her face. She picked him up, his little legs immediately hooking around her waist as she walked them back to the car.
“It’s G week?! What G words did you guys talk about today?” She asked, feeling around in her jacket pocket for her keys. “Aidan said go, Marley said grow, and I said Gigi!” He grinned, a proud smile stretching across his face.
“That’s so clever of you! She’s gonna be so thrilled to see this. Are you gonna give it to her tonight?” Y/n asked with excitement widening her eyes as she buckled him in his seat.
Danny flashed a similar expression, as he squealed “Yeah!”
The drive home was always fun, Danny having a taste for louder music. He preferred it set to 100.5 ‘the KATT’, otherwise known as the local radio hub of heavy rock.
Danny was an endlessly moving kiddo, so the car was always hard, being strapped down triggering the fuck outta the kid, but since he figured out he could thrash his head around to the intense drums and guitars, he was golden.
Y/n always enjoyed joining him at stops or glancing back at him in the mirror, thinking of all the times her and Adam drove around at night listening to every radio station they deemed worthy.
Adam always liked the louder stuff too. Y/n came from Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Fleetwood Mac, growing up around the drug-addled hippie scene of the 70s. It wasn’t until she heard Adam’s first Alice Cooper album that her preferences shifted.
This day, the KATT played WASP’s Wild Child. The drums coming in heavy during the intro had Danny kicking his feet and throwing his head similarly to the way his father preferred, side to side, as opposed to up and down like his mom.
Danny’s bangs were very much in his eyes at this point, but he insisted he wanted it long like his moms, though Y/n really thought it was because headbanging was more fun with long hair.
“Take it easy, little dude, you’re gonna hurt your neck!” Y/n chastised as the little boy shook his head back and forth with an ornery smile on his face, “No I not!” He insisted.
“It’s ‘No, I won’t.’ and yes you will!!”
Luckily, no injuries were sustained on the way to Ginger’s, which was the regular routine for her late days, Wednesdays. But tonight she’d have an even later night.
Robin had filled Ginger in on the situation, who was also eager to help Y/n; knowing what it’s like to lose a husband to death unexpectedly.
“Eddie’s your friend?” Ginger asked as she rolled the pizza dough for their special dinner Danny had chosen.
Robin nodded as she ate some shredded cheese. “Oh yeah, Eddie’s as good as they come, mom. Remember? His name was cleared after—“
“Oh, my, it’s that Munson boy, isn’t it?” She placed a shocked hand to her cheek as Robin confirmed with a nod. “Well, I’ll be. That poor boy had a bad hand dealt to him the moment he was born. Is he-Is he doing okay? After it all?” She’d asked, running and finger across Robin's cheekbone and pushing hair back from her face.
“Yeah, mom, Eddie’s okay.” She assured.
“And you? You’re still doing okay? Nothing else has—“
“Yes, everything’s okay. It’s all over.” She nodded assuringly, her mother sighing and pulling her into a bone crushing hug, though Robin didn’t mind this time.
Robin's mom could be rather harsh when it came to patience, but since Adam passed away and the earthquake of ‘86, she’d turned more tender towards her daughter and welcomed Y/n and Danny with open arms when the girl had nowhere else to turn.
Ginger had accepted that she wouldn’t know or maybe even understand everything, but she had known things weren’t right in Hawkins a long time ago. She was just happy her clumsy, imaginative, caring, and brilliant daughter was safe in her arms.
“Mom—you’re crushing me.” She squeaked out.
Ginger leapt away from Robin and smoothed the girls shirt and hair, smiling at her adoringly before turning back to the dough.
Danny hadn’t bothered to tell his mother goodbye before she went to the restaurant for work, his mind already focused on needing to smush his hands into the gooey and fluffy dough.
“We’ll take it from here, mom, have a wonderful evening at work!” Robin winked at the door before closing it, Ginger yelling, “and a well deserved good night!” behind her, the two girls' eyes widening before bursting into hysterics.
“I love you all so much, please call if you need anything! You have the restaurant number right?”
“Yes! Now, GO!” Robin urged as the sun cast an orange glow across the land, Y/n’s shift close to starting.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Y/n finished her shift leaned over the counter, counting her tips with a satisfied smirk on her face; knowing she’d be able to afford the rent and get Danny’s new shoes.
She practically raced home, the KATT turned up full blast with Black Sabbath rolling through the speakers, a smile tugging at her lips as her heart rattled against her sternum in excitement and fear.
She ran inside as soon as her feet hit the ground, hoping to have the place looking like a child didn’t live there for just one night. Y/n flew through the living room, her jacket, apron, and shoes still on from work, scooping up toys and throwing them in a laundry basket to dump in Danny’s toy box.
She ran the vacuum over the carpets and lit a couple aromatherapy candles she’s never been able to enjoy, the atmosphere filled with notes of patchouli and vanilla.
When she was satisfied with the kitchen and living room, she moved onto her room and bathroom. She started by picking up the forgotten dirty laundry on the floor, then stripped her bed. She made quick work of throwing the basket in the laundry room to be dealt with later.
She shed her jacket and apron, tossing it on the couch on her way back through. She stood at the end of her bed, catching her chest heaving with breath, her head beginning to feel fuzzy as she gripped the bed frame for support.
‘It doesn’t have to be perfect.’ She thought, a slower breath drawing through her.
Looking at the bare mattress, she then turned to the hall cabinet, finding her best and softest sheets she’d been waiting to use for this night. The soft cotton blend was sweet like lavender, the feeling of her nose buried in it was both soothing and inviting.
Once she was able to slow her breath down, she made the bed quickly, the last pillow on the bed taking a weight off her chest as she glanced at the clock.
Her eyes bugged out of her head, dashing into the bathroom to evaluate her appearance.
Her makeup had caked and creased in spots, her mascara flaking and running over her under eyes which were puffy due to the irritation and the long day. Her eyes themselves were watery and pink as if she’d taken a generous rip from a bong though sadly it wasn’t the case.
She sighed, about to consider washing her face to put on a brand new layer of makeup when the doorbell rang, dropping the recently lifted load back on top of her.
“Hello?” His voice rang through the house, “Y/n/n, I’m here, uh, your keys are still in the door? Are you okay?” He called unsurely, his upper half leaning through the entry, keys in hand.
His eyes swept what he could see of the house, his eyes wide as saucers and his heart beat picking up pace the more his thoughts spiraled. The place felt too quiet without the tv playing Danny’s shows.
The sound of her quick steps through the room in front of him put him at ease immediately. He stepped the rest of the way in the house shutting the door behind him, but keeping his eyes on her beautiful figure approaching.
“Hi! I’m sorry, I must’ve gotten ahead of myself, I haven’t been home long I was just gonna—“
Eddie cut off her ramble by pulling her face to his, his plush lips pressed against hers in a long chaste kiss that had both of their hearts slowing. Their shared tension melted away at the sensation of being so close, breathing each other in and taking in their first moments utterly and completely alone with no time limit or interruptions.
When he pulled back from her lips, he rested his head on top of hers in a warm embrace for a moment, feeling like a child with a teddy bear whenever she was near. He couldn’t help but hold her at half an arm's length to take in her pretty face, a sight for sore eyes since he hadn’t seen her since the day prior, which now for Eddie was an eternity.
“Lemme look at you.” He grinned as he moved her ponytail back over her shoulder, her nervous face turning to the ground in an embarrassed chuckle.
“Uh, I’m a mess, I haven’t had time to—“ he placed a finger under her chin and tilted her face up to his, smiling when their eyes met.
“There she is.” He cooed quietly, his hand flattening against her cheek. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. Eddie looked all across her face, examining it as if it would’ve changed. He thought the worn spot on the tip of her nose was cute, the makeup having been wiped because of their kiss. The outline of her lipstick was the only evidence that she wore any that day. He eyed the dark circles under her eyes, chuckling when he realized it was only runny mascara.
“Stooop, I know, I look like a raccoon.” She giggled, looking down and stepping away, still holding his hand as she eased him into the living room.
“Did you know raccoons are my favorite animal of all time?” Eddie asked, turning her back around to face him once they stood in front of the couch.
She laughed lightly and wiped under one eye, “I thought you said dragons were your favorite?”
“Yeah, well Danny told me dragons weren’t ‘actually real’, so I had to choose a new favorite.” He shrugged, watching her walk down the hallway to her open door, a place he was very eager to see.
He’d been thinking of her bedroom and what it’d be like since the night they met, when he had wished so desperately to be taken home by her. “Why are they your favorite?” She asked when she reached the end of the hall, turning to see he hadn’t moved, a chuckle leaving her lips as he stood aimlessly in the center of the room.
“C’mere.” She said with a little nod. Eddie smiled and rushed to her, following her through the doorway and looking around.
Her room was simple, though the bed looked grand and womanly, coordinating blankets and sheets folded and tucked just the right way. She had a bed frame and a lace tapestry that hung above; it looked like a princess—no, queen, slept there.
He followed her figure into what seemed to be her bathroom, leaning on the door frame as she went about turning on the sink and procuring a wash rag. She sighed and looked at the makeup bag on the counter, Eddie seeing her thought process unfold.
“What are you thinking about?” He said, narrowing his eyes at her and nodding at the bag. She looked taken aback, like she’d be caught.
“Oh, well, when you came I was about to get ready and change to see you, but I ran out of time, so I was trying to decide if—“ she slid the bag over, taking out her concealer as if she were preparing to show him before his hand covered hers.
“I wanna see you get ready for bed.” He said quietly.
Y/n cocked her head, “Like, you wanna have shower sex?”
Eddie blanched, his cheeks soon flooding with a hot blush at the suggestion, “Oh, uh, no, I wasn’t—I meant I just wanna hang in here while you do whatever you… do. You know? If you wanna shower, I’d just sit right over here,” he sat down and scooted back on the counter, making himself at home. “—and talk to ya, if you like that. Or I could leave and just wait for you in the living room, doesn’t matter to me.” Though he desperately hoped she would let him stay.
“No, no, I-I’d love it if you kept me company in here, I’ve been dying to see you.” She smiled, stepping in between his legs and putting her arms over his shoulders. Eddie’s eyes lit up and he leaned in for a tender kiss.
“Now,” he said, parting them after a moment, “As much as I love the grunge look, your eyes will thank you when you wash your face, baby.” He handed her the damp rag. She nodded and stepped over to the sink, bending down to splash some warm water on her face. Eddie hopped down and turned on the shower for her. He turned back and watched her lather the soap in her hands before starting circles on her cheeks.
Y/n smiled as he stepped behind her, placing his hands on her waist and kissing the top of her head, “Do you have a towel?” He asked slightly louder than the water noise.
She stared at him as he stared back at her in the mirror, his smile telling her that he knew he was making her uncomfortable with the care he provided, though he would stop if she asked. The thing is, she didn’t.
She sighed, looking down at the water rushing down into the bowl before her and shook her head, “I don’t.” She smiled when she felt his arms wrap around her shoulders and his head come to rest next to her ear, “Could you tell me where they are?” He asked softly, his saccharine words sending heat down to her core.
She giggled and flinched at the tickle of his breath against her ear. “In the top hall cabinet—“ She laughed as he took off before she could finish, dashing across the house as quickly as possible to retrieve the fluffiest towels her cabinet had to offer.
He returned moments later with two faded blue towels. “Here you are, my lady.” He presented them to her like a humble servant would as she used the warm rag to wipe the soap and makeup from her face. She wiped away one black eye, the other still remaining as she reached out for them and laughed again, her heart warming at the smile he gave her when she did.
He took the rag from her and gently cupped her face, adoration pouring from him into her with just one look. She closed her eyes and surrendered to his touch, the warmth on her face soothing as he rubbed away the rest of the makeup.
She opened her eyes when he took the cloth away, his hand remaining in place, “Perfect.” He mumbled to himself as she brought her hand up over his to hold, turning and pressing a kiss to his palm before stepping away and testing the water.
Eddie turned to look at her bed and the rest of her room, wondering if she already had clothes to change into somewhere “Hey, babe, do you—“ he turned to ask but his thoughts were interrupted by her undressing as she’s done in front of him twice before, but less rushed.
His mouth fell agape as he observed her coming undone in the most pure way; a woman preparing to bathe. There was something sensual about the process yet ethereal and chaste.
He admired the slopes of her naked body as she rid herself of her skirt and tights, her figure making him think of the goddess Venus. He couldn’t deny the stiffness in his jeans but it could wait, he just wanted to observe.
She turned to look at him, her smile returning when she noticed the way he looked at her. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” She chuckled.
“I’ll never get used to… that.” He chuckled, shyly looking her up and down as she straightened and walked towards him.
“You sure you’re not asking for shower sex?” She asked him suspiciously, questioning his underlying motive.
Eddie closed his eyes as she came to stand right in front of him, trying to keep himself and the moment clean; he wanted to prove to her he wasn’t like the others. She smiled at him though she knew he couldn’t see.
“No! No. I’m not. We, uh, have plenty of time right? I’m by no means turning down shower sex, if-if that’s what you’re asking for?” He chuckled, scrunching his eyes shut to resist taking a peek.
He could hear her chuckle and felt her presence move away from him. With the sound of the shower curtain opening, so did his eyes. She looked back at him with a knowing look and smiled before closing the curtain back.
“Come sit and talk to me!” She insisted, the walls of the shower amplifying her wonderful voice. Eddie smiled and walked to the toilet without hesitation. “Alright, I’m here.” He confirmed.
“Tell me about your day! What’d you do?” She asked, running her hair under the water.
“Work was work. I was the grunt all day, doing every job the older guys didn’t want. Felt like time was crawling by, all I could think about was what time it was, what you were up to, and-and if you were thinking about me, you know?” He admitted, turning his position to sit on the counter and rest his feet on the toilet below, facing the shower easier and leaning his shoulder against the mirror.
Y/n peeked her head out of the curtain, her wet hair framing her face and water droplets clinging to her face like freckles.
A smile tugged at his lips as she looked at him in wonder. “I was.” She blushed, steam rolling out of the shower and filling the room as she returned to washing her hair.
“I-I’m glad.” He blushed. “Was, uh, Danny… excited when you dropped him off?” He asked.
“Oh, yeah, he barely even kissed me bye!” She said in disbelief, going on about different times he’s chosen Robin and Ginger over her, as the citrus notes of her shampoo filled the humid room, intoxicating Eddie instantly. He wanted to drown in this scent, bury his nose in her hair and stay there as long as she allowed.
But then came her conditioner.
The smell intensified when the floral scent of the treatment sat on her hair while she washed her body, yet another aroma that made his heart sing.
After a while the water started to get to him, the two cokes he slammed before he got here catching up to him. “I’m gonna go use the other bathroom.” He said after a bit of silence while she rinsed her hair, the water slapping the bottom of the tub loudly.
“What?” She asked, peeking back through the gap, her hair soaked and slicked back from a thorough rinsing.
“Uh, I, uh, just wanted to tell you I’m gonna go use the other bathroom—“
“Are you serious?” She looked from him to the toilet in amusement, suds clinging to her shoulder. He placed a hand over his cock that ached for two reasons and chuckled.
“Just pee in here!” She said, fixing the curtain back to give him privacy. “I won’t even hear you.” She insisted, resuming her rinsing and probably making more noise on purpose to make it less weird for him.
“A-Are you sure? Are we there yet?” He asked, waiting for the all clear, about ready for his bladder to burst.
She poked only her head back through the curtain and giggled, “Eddie?” a knowing look behind her eyes as a smile spread across his cheeks.
“Yeah?” He asked.
“We’re there.” She giggled, pushing the curtain back closed til it kissed the wall.
“We’re doing this ass backwards, huh?” He asked, shaking his head and sidling up to the toilet as she laughed irresistibly. “It’s kind of the only way I do things.” Y/n joked.
Instead of responding, Eddie let out a relieved sigh, Y/n bursting into giggles at the sound, scrubbing her skin for a second time with her loofa.
“What? Can’t a guy piss in peace?” He joked as he finished, closing the lid and hesitating to flush, “Is it safe to flush this thing while you’re in there or are you gonna get scorched?” He asked, tapping on the curtain like a door as she turned off the water and opened the curtain all the way.
Eddie froze, his whole body rigid as a statue, especially his dick. Her body was crystallized, bejeweled in bulbous drops, her hair darker and longer from the weight of the water. She wiped her face with her hands as Eddie grabbed a towel for her.
She stepped out of the shallow tub, taking the towel with a grateful smile and burying her face in it, wiping away the wet. “Typically it gets really cold but I’ve had a couple instances where Danny flushed or used the other bathroom and I thought I was on fire.” She used that very towel to wrap up her hair in the most endearing towel hat that Eddie wanted to learn how to do, though he’d wait until next time to ask her to repeat the steps.
He rushed to open the next towel, wrapping it around her, delighted by her giggle as he tucked the towel into itself at her front. “Glad I used my best judgement, you do me no good if you’re a human popsicle.” He joked, “There we go. All clean.” He smiled, giving her shoulder a kiss before resting his head on it.
“Are you hungry?” She turned and asked, his focus staying on her shoulders and collarbone. He smiled and nodded. “Don’t worry though, I have a little snack.” He shrugged, watching her grab her toothbrush and toothpaste. Eddie looked to the fogged up glass and ran his dry hand around in the middle, clearing a space for her to see herself.
Y/n scrunched her brow and busied herself by putting the paste on the brush, “You brought snacks? I’ll have you know that I keep the best—“ she was interrupted by a little growl followed by a bite on the shoulder, a yelp pulled from her lips at his antics. “Ahh! Eddie!” She screamed through giggles, his arms winding around her from behind, careful not to knock the items from her hands.
He planted a kiss where he assaulted the flesh, waiting for her to meet his eye. She glanced up and noticed the giant heart around the two of them on the mirror, her eyes meeting Eddie’s that waited for her to notice, a small and expectant smile on his lips. She clenched her jaw in a tense smile as he laughed at her, her discomfort endearing.
He stroked her shoulders and the back of her neck, leaning down and pressing another kiss to her skin, this one much closer to her sweet spot. “I think it’s real cute how flustered you get when I do things for you.” He whispered, admiring her profile.
“If you want me to stop I will.” He whispered again, his tone filled with insecurity as he wrapped his arms around her waist to give a firm squeeze and await her answer.
When he looked back up at her in the mirror she was smiling at him, then reached up to remove her hair towel, her damp strands falling to one side of her shoulder. The heavenly smell of her freshly washed hair hit him, surrounding him like the steam in the air. He was living in a dream.
She turned to him, craving to see his face closer. Eddie’s eyes shined like they always did, practically beaming at her. She placed her hand on his cheek again, “I don’t want you to stop.” She whispered, nodding for him in earnest before he nodded back, his hand grazing down her arm until it met her hand on his face.
He leaned in and kissed her forehead before stepping back to lean against the wall, his reflection sending her a wink as she began scrubbing her teeth. When she finished rinsing her mouth, she noticed Eddie walking back to her room.
She watched him, his body leaving with the steam that pooled in the air while the shower was on. She looked to the mirror, the fog clinging to the glass, but most importantly the heart that was drawn there.
Y/n entered her room, smiling when she saw Eddie lounging at the end of her bed, looking like he belonged there. “You’re making all my dreams come true tonight, you know that?” He chuckled, his eyes following her to her chest of drawers in front of the bed.
She scoffed at his words and yanked open a drawer, grabbing a pair of lacy soft purple panties to tug on and then finding her pajama drawer. She dug around in search of her nicest item but to no avail, she didn’t have anything deemed nice enough for a night such as this.
She debated on only wearing the panties for him when he appeared behind her. “Whatcha lookin’ for?” He asked softly, pecking her shoulder as he peered into the drawer of giant car magazine and faded lettered band shirts.
“Oh, uh, I was just trying to see if there was anything—“
“I wanna see you in your favorite thing to wear to bed.” He smiled, his bottom lip between his teeth as he wiped a stray droplet from her brow.
She nodded with a soft smile, “okay.” She turned back to the drawer, spying her soft old bluegrass festival shirt and pulling the blue fabric out, a banjo with the Oklahoma emblem on the front, faded lettering announcing the dates and location, and the back previously filled with the act names before they faded and chipped away.
Eddie admired her from his spot on the bed, the panties sliding up her legs and hugging her soft hips exquisitely. He found himself wondering what it’d feel like to sink his teeth right below the band and leaving sloppy kisses there until she begged—
“Tada.” She said with flat enthusiasm and spun around, the large shirt she now wore flaring.
Eddie stood, looking down at her with a smile and taking her face in his hand. “You are the cutest, hottest, most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen..” He trailed off, gazing into the deep pools of her eyes, “..And it’s all because there’s a banjo on your shirt. Where is this, by the way? Did you go?” He asked, examining the shirt further.
She looked down at the shirt again and nodded, “Yeah, I’ve been everywhere. This is from ‘76, used to be my old man’s.” She chuckled. Eddie’s eyes flickered back to hers, gauging her where she was emotionally.
“W-Where is he?” He asked timidly, averting his eyes back to the faded writing on the shirt, spying a couple paint stains near the bottom.
Y/n sighed and circled her arms around his neck. “We spread his ashes over the pacific like he wanted. We went to California from the mountains, where he passed during our trip to Oregon. He was sick for a while, but he was really at peace with it all, so we were too. But when we came back— it was really different. We were that weird family that showed back up from vacation without the dad, you know? People started saying bizarre shit, you know how it goes.” She scoffed, shaking her head for getting off topic.
Eddie recognized this immediately and pulled her in for a hug. “How old were you?” He asked softly, unfamiliar pity in his voice.
“I, uh, I was 12.” She relaxed into the embrace, her chest releasing tension she didn’t know she held. Eddie sighed, kissing the side of her head and stroking her back.
“That’s around the age I ended up at Wayne’s.” He chuckled dryly, swaying them side to side.
“That’s a hard age without a dad.” She mentioned into his chest like a secret.
“Any age is hard without a dad.” He said without thinking, their bodies stilled. Eddie pulled back to look at her, earnesty filling his eyes, “I-I’m so—I didn’t mean, I wasn’t trying to—“
“It’s okay! I know you didn’t—it’s true though. It’s hard.” She nodded assuringly. She knew Danny benefited in ways kids like Y/n and Eddie didn’t, at least he hadn’t met his father before he lost him.
If Adam had a chance to choose between dying before he could meet his son or dying after, he’d choose before every time to save Danny from feeling that pain, and Y/n knew it. Eddie’s words hadn’t hurt her, it was just another time Eddie had seen her without her having to asking him to.
They stood and stared at each other in understanding, the weird limbo of where to go next.
“We don’t have to talk about—about anything you don’t want to talk about. But, uh. Thank you. For sharing that with me. It means a lot—“ He let out an audible gasp when she collided her lips against his. Her thumbs stroked the sides of his neck as she kept him close to her.
The glide of their tongues against one another was addicting, the two dancing around and exploring one another. She panted when she pulled away from him, her hands on his chest with no plans to move. He pulled her waist closer to him to press her against his straining cock.
He looked at the way her hair fell over her shoulder and hung between them, reaching out and wrapping the strand around his finger, “Can I, uh, fuck—“ he started but overthought and got embarrassed again.
Y/n scrunched her brow, “What is it?”
“It’s one of those… domestic day dreams I’ve had about you, you know?” He said shyly, his eyes running over her being.
“Tell me.” She said, leaning her chin on his chest to look up at him in his embrace.
“…Can I brush your hair?” He asked softly, averting his eyes, an embarrassed smile lingering. Y/n sighed, nodding dreamily as he smiled with his lip between his teeth.
“You can after you get ready for bed. You wanna shower? You have clothes to change into?” She asked, her sparkling eyes wide with intention. Eddie chuckled, running his tongue over his lip again to taste her. “I, uh, packed a bag, I did. But… I forgot it at home.” His cheeks burned pink all the way to his ears that stayed hidden behind his curls.
She covered her mouth with her hand to stifle the laugh that was threatening to leave her lips, not doing a good job.
“But! I already showered and I don’t wear anything to bed anyway.” He assured, winding his arms around her middle and pulling her onto his lap at the end of the bed. She felt ridiculous, giggling as she fell over him, her panties leaving little barrier between his fly and her clit. Her hands stayed at his shoulders as she felt his fingers stroke her lower back, the bottom of her shirt riding up over her ass almost.
Y/n buried her face in his neck, the sensation of her nose burrowed in his skin sending tingles rippling throughout his body, his heart beat picking up as she spoke against his skin, “Do I get to help you get ready for bed?” She asked, feigning innocence, her nails stroking the back of his neck, his eyes flitting back and forth between her eyes and lips.
He nodded, waiting for her next move. She took no hesitation before she pulled him in for a kiss, her tongue eagerly coming out to play with his.
The difference between this kiss and the others they’d shared this night was their open mouths and moans pouring into one another, lips tugging on lips trying to get more of that taste that’s hard to come by; the kind of kiss they were used to when it came to their time together.
Eddie’s cock pulsed against the heat that sat on his crotch, canting his hips up and holding her hips firmly as he ground her down onto him, biting his lip in satisfaction as she wriggled on top of him to oblige his efforts. “You like this?” She asked, diving to the other side of his neck.
Eddie’s breathing was deepening already, his eyes rolling back and falling shut at her smells, touches, and sounds. He nodded and gave a weak, “Uh-huh.” In response, feeling her teeth in a smile against his skin before she sunk them into his shoulder as he’d done her, his cute little moan making her giggle as she left soothing kisses and kitten licks across the lingering bite on his skin.
He loved the way it sounded when her mouth left his skin, the smack of her lips another reminder that she was kissing him. She laid him down on his back, his muscles releasing tension as soon as they hit the blanket. Y/n scooted herself up his lap, placing her hands on his chest and raking her nails soothingly down his torso the way he liked.
“Oh, Jesus, you’re fantastic.” He groaned, hating how good this was already feeling while he was fully clothed. Y/n leaned down to his ear and whispered, “I can show you fantastic if you get naked for me.” Her hair surrounding them like a curtain from the rest of the world.
Eddie's eyes rolled again, a pathetic groan coming from him as he heard her speak, her quiet laughter only adding fuel to the fire, “It’s not fair.” He decided, sitting up and pulling his shirt from his body. “I’m just a man, Y/n, I’m already about to cream my pants just by being on your bed.” He chuckled, undoing his belt and pushing them down his thighs to leave him in his boxers.
Y/n crawled back off the bed with haste, Eddie not having time to ask a proper question before she was pulling them the rest of the way down, tossing them carelessly to the side with her lip between her teeth as she waited on the floor between his spread legs.
He looked down at her after a moment, his mouth falling agape. “Sweetheart.. whatcha doin down there?” He asked suspiciously, loving how naughty and mischievous she looked.
She snickered before sitting up on her knees, her hands resting on his thighs and rubbing tantalizing circles. “Can I have it in my mouth first?” She asked in an eager whisper as his eyes bugged out of his head, sitting up quickly.
“ ‘Can you’— jus—come here. Come here, right now.” He said, seriousness overtaking his features as he bent over to bring her chin in for another firm kiss moving against hers. Both hands held her jaw, his fingers buried in her hair. She moaned into him as he sucked on her bottom lip, his tongue having its way with her mouth before pulling back a couple inches.
She opened her eyes and looked at him in a daze, his hands combing the hair behind her ears. “You can have anything you want.. after I brush your hair.” He whispered in a smile, his thumb stroking her cheekbone.
She smiled and nodded, leaning in to kiss him again before standing and finding her favorite paddle brush in the bathroom. When she returned, she flipped off the bedroom light, the orange glow of the lamps matching the atmosphere perfectly.
She turned on the tv, grabbing the remote and tossing both it and the brush on the bed in the space between where their bodies would lie. Eddie looked at the pillows at the head of the bed, wondering which side would be for him.
“Which side do you—“ they asked in unison as he helped Y/n pull the comforter back, giggling when they caught each other.
“I sleep in the middle.” They both answered, laughing more as they crawled up to the middle, Eddie taking the side closest to the bathroom door.
The flat sheet and comforter felt buttery against his skin, Y/n tucked them in and the noise from the evening news filled the room.
Eddie felt like he was in someone else’s life for a moment, as if he had body snatched someone maybe; as if he wasn’t meant to be here getting taken care of in her nice warm bed.
He reached out around her waist and pulled her into his chest, effectively getting her sat in between his spread legs with her back to him.
He heard her sigh quietly, his hand reaching slowly to bring her hair behind her shoulders. “C-Could I have the brush?” He asked timidly. She smiled unbeknownst to him, and handed it back immediately, feeling a combination of excitement and uneasiness resting in her stomach as he hesitantly ran the brush through her ends, gently working up. “I-is this okay?” He asked, a little worried his request was weird, or too intimate for her.
She hummed and nodded, tilting her head back as she hugged her knees to her chest. He smiled and continued with more confidence, thankful he now knew what it felt like to help her get ready for bed, a process he’d be thinking about any time he was apart from her at night.
Y/n thought about Eddie’s persistence and thoughtfulness, how it reminded her of Adam again, sending that icky guilty feeling down to her stomach.
But Adam never brushed her hair..
It’s not like that’s a bad thing, if she’d asked, he would’ve in a heartbeat.
Adam loved to bring Y/n food. Whether it was before school, or after, a midnight snack or a candy bar deposited into her locker, he was always surprising her with treats from the vending machine or gas station, sometimes swiping extra treats from Aunt Ginger’s cookie jar if Y/n’s favorites were made.
Eddie offering to brush her hair felt like that, like Adam tapping on her window at 1:00 in the morning to bring her a donut she had mentioned ‘sounded heavenly’ on the phone prior to his arrival.
It gave her that same warm and fuzzy sense of importance—how lovely it was to be thought of.
They both sat in comfortable silence until the more interesting bits of the news were reported.
“Holy shit, look! They made a cartoon for adults?! We gotta check that out sometime!” Eddie pointed the brush at the tv in front of them, ‘The Simpsons, premiering on Fox Friday at 10:00’
“That’s too bad, we’ll be at the hideout, won’t we?” She asked. She could practically feel his eyes pop open before he threw his arms around her and squeeze her to his chest, flopping back on the pillows.
“You’re coming?!” He asked, abandoning the brush and wrapping his whole body around her and holding her close.
They settled as he planted a kiss on her neck, “Robin insisted Steve would wanna hang with Danny for the evening, so she’s gonna come too! But yeah, I’m—I’m gonna try to come as many Friday’s as I can.” She nodded, turning her head to look at him.
He shook his head as her hand stroked the other side of his curly hair. “That means… a lot to me. And I hope you know I don’t expect you to make every show, I’m more than happy to come to you after or—or see you some other time, you know?” He babbled in excitement, her adoring smile on her face as he returned them to their previous position and unwrapped his limbs.
“I’m gonna have to get you a Corroded Coffin shirt to wear…” he said in thought, picking the brush back up and finishing the job.
When he reached her roots, the teeth of the brush felt amazing against her scalp. She sighed with content, bringing warmth to his chest and cheeks.
When he was finished, he set the brush on the table to the side, then circled his arms back around her and pulled her into him til they were flush against one another.
“Thank you.” They both whispered as his chin came to rest on her shoulder, planting a kiss on her cheek before giving her another good squeeze.
She turned to look at him before pressing her lips against his, yet again. He smiled into it, humming his satisfaction against her as her fingers grasped his roots, the small surge of pain only amplifying his pleasure.
“Now can I have it in my mouth?” She asked when they parted, not opening her eyes yet. She felt his member throb against her lower back in response, an involuntary giggle rippling through her as his cheeks flushed in a smile.
“You can’t just say things like that to me, baby,” He whispered into her neck, his hot breath tickling her in more than one place. “There’s nothing I’d love more,” he began, his hand stroking the inside of her upper thigh, tracing slow circles that made her writhe softly. “—than for you to put your pretty lips on my cock right now, sweet girl.” He whispered, pinching her thigh to make her yelp, having an inkling the pain would do the same for her as it did for him.
Instead of a yelp, she let out a moan, bucking her hips into his hand, his fingers grabbing her flesh generously this time.
“Where do you want me?” He asked as she turned to him, softer than he sounded a few moments before. Y/n leaned forward, looking him up and down and admiring how his tattooed torso looked so comfy in her bed, his plaid boxers rumpled and ridden up so the expanse of his upper thighs was visible, his tattoos spread here and there.
She placed her hands on his knees, rubbing up and down, allowing her thumbs to massage his inner thighs. He took a deep centering breath as he watched her before him, the light of the tv outlining her sitting figure in glowing silver.
“I want you to stay right there.” She whispered before resting her palm on his bulge. Eddie hissed at the relief, the friction, the pleasure she provided, rubbing the heel of her hand along his shaft as her fingers cradled his balls. Eddie’s eyes scrunched closed at the intensity of the feeling.
“Oh, shit, baby.” He sighed, his chest heaving as he laid back to melt into her pillows. This was way different than the van. Way way different. So deliciously different.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, Eddie...” She whispered as she slid his boxers down his legs gently, his painfully red and large shaft springing into view. He heard her spit softly before he felt the relief of her slick hand around him, pumping slowly at first and keeping a firm grip.
“Jesus H Christ, are you trying to make me cum from a handjob?” He gasped, opening his eyes to meet hers glimmering back at him.
She released his member with wide eyes and bit her lip in slight embarrassment, “Sorry, I just got excited. It’s been a long time since I’ve gone down on someone.” She admitted with a shy smile.
Eddie sat up, looking at her intently, the ache of his penis momentarily forgotten. “Oh, no, no, no, I wasn’t trying to be mean, I just wanna last longer for you.” He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“You’re not mean, baby,” she assured, patting his chest, “Y’know, if you let me make you cum with my mouth, we could.. wait a bit and then keep going.. and going and going, you know what I mean?” She asked quietly, her hand inching its way up his thigh again.
He shuddered in response and nodded at her lips, “Okay, deal, but I wanna go down on you next.” He said, laying back down on the pillows, trying to prepare himself for what was to come.
Y/n saw his eyes flutter shut, a deep breath leaving his nose as he waited and tried to relax. She knew any touch she gave him would be well received, but this was uncharted territory.
She never had anyone so up close and personal with her vagina besides Adam, let alone after child birth. She put the thought out of her head and focused on where to start with Eddie.
She continued her light touches, running her hands up his legs like she had done before, going all the way up to his hip with one hand and grasping his stiffness in the other.
He felt a long wet lick on the underside of his shaft, then felt her lips close around his tip, running her tongue around his slit until he whined.
She pushed her head down his shaft easily, not wanting to overwhelm him. Eddie let out a soft slow moan until she reached midway down, then she pulled back up to the tip. “Oh, fuuuck,” he panted, his eyes still closed in fear of blowing his load as soon as he saw her doing such sinful acts.
He felt his hands in hers, Y/n placing them on her head and pushing down on them to show him to control her pace. He couldn’t help but open his eyes, his soul leaving his body at the sight of her hands on his, urging him to use her.
“You’re unreal, I swear to god..” he said before holding her head in his hands thrusting his hips gently and fucking her face. “If you-if you want me to stop just pinch the fuck outta my hip, okay?”
She rubbed her thumb soothingly across his hip bone, assuring him she’s okay. Eddie ran his fingers through her hair, pushing it out of her face as he gave his hips a rest and started bobbing her head up and down, faster and faster, feeling her moans vibrate up his shaft as he went.
“Oh god, you like this, don’t you? I should’ve fuckin’ known you like cock in your mouth.” He huffed a laugh as she placed her hands back on his thighs to stroke up and down, “Fuck baby, your mouth is so good. I’m getting close.” He sighed, stopping her movements and taking his hands away to cover his eyes and steady himself.
“No blowie has ever felt like this before—fuck.” He rubbed his hands down his face, his fingers pulling at his under eyes as he sighed. She let go of his tip with a pop, her eyes finding his as he hid a shy smile behind his hands, her smile only fueling the chuckles he felt coming on.
“You’re-you’re, like, a witch or something, you’ve got this, this, power over me where you can do literally anything and it feels like I dropped E.” He huffed in disbelief, regaining his composure and putting his hands on his forehead and taking another breath with his eyes closed.
“Okay, baby, will you make me cum?” He asked decidedly, “I want you to go until you can’t—ohh fuuuck.” He groaned as she sank back down on his cock unexpectedly, starting an unrelenting pace right off the bat.
“You’re gonna kill me, I swear to god.” He uttered as she hollowed her cheeks and sucked, his fists reaching back and clenching the pillow behind him.
Suddenly, he looked down at her, her hair drier now, her natural texture allowing it to lay to one side, her sparkling eyes set on his as he swung a leg over his and ground her clothed pussy on his knee, the sensation on her clit rolling her eyes back as she bobbed and hummed her satisfaction around his member. Eddie cried out as his orgasm coated her mouth, whimpering when she kept sucking.
Eddie let the feeling wash over him and subside like the tides of the ocean, his chest heaving and his neck and hairline damp with sweat. He gasped when he felt her lips on his, wrapping his arms around her waist with much urgency and pulling her body to him.
He lapped up her kisses with his eager mouth, mumbling “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” against her skin until she giggled profusely, his kissing trailing down her neck. “God, you’re amazing.” He whispered, sounding hornier than ever.
His hands went from her back down under the hem of her shirt. Y/n expected him to strip the shirt off, but his hands slipped up to her bare breasts, massaging them firmly as he kissed her. Her brain went fuzzy at the sensation, his rings rubbing against her nipples. She moaned lightly, that being his personal sign to flip them over and take care of her the way he desperately craved.
“Can I undress you?” He murmured against her jaw, pushing her shirt up over her tits and pinching both nipples. “Fuck!” She cried out, “Y-yeah, anything, baby.” She whispered mindlessly, the pet name sending blood to his dick already.
Eddie rid her of her sleep shirt, dropping it on her side of the bed for later. For now he looked down, above her on his knees, his hands resting on her parted thighs as he gazed down her body, and at her panties, licking his lip hungrily.
“You aren’t allowed to rip these, Munson.” She said pointedly, sliding her hands up to her breasts and teasing herself and him by rubbing them how he had, though her hands were smaller and her tits spilled out of her palms.
He softly gasped at the sight, admiring her tucked lip under her teeth as she smirked at him. She knew the advantage she held tonight, but Eddie wanted to wow her.
He crawled off the bed backwards, her brows drawing together, “What are you doing?” She asked as he pulled the covers to the side and stood at the end of the bed. He looked up at her like he was going to answer, only he leaned forward and grabbed her ankles, “Better grab a pillow.” He mentioned before yanking her to him.
She yelped as her head hit the bed on her way down, her hand clenched around the corner of her pillow and dragging it behind her. His hands rested on the backs of her knees, her feet just barely brushing the ground as he stood between them.
He resumed his stroke to the inside of her thighs, now noticing the patch of wetness showing through the light purple fabric covering her pussy with the screen light behind him.
“I’m so glad it’s my turn.” He whispered reverently as he knelt down in front of her, her name leaving his lips like a prayer as he looked up at her, her eyes meeting his with a question as he leaned forward and kissed her pussy, brown eyes unmoving until they closed in ecstasy.
She still smelled sweet from her shower, the warmth of her skin soft and inviting. He slipped his fingers under the band and pulled them down, her wetness glistening from puffy lips that begged to be kissed some more. His breath fanned across the newly exposed skin and he hovered, figuring out what he wanted to do first.
She drew her knees back up and out for him, his arms slipping around her thighs with ease, her feet dangling over his back, squeezing her flesh tightly with his fingers and grunting, “Already being so good for me… I’ve been dreaming of this since the night I met you.” He sighed, connecting his lips around her entrance, his tongue working up and down, steadily and lightly.
She mewled as his soft lips began moving against her pussy like he was making out another girl. He groaned when her hands found his hair, her nails eagerly scratching his scalp the way he liked.
His mouth worked up to her bud, swirling his tongue around it and prodding it every once in a while, sending a jolt to her hips and legs. She cried out when he unexpectedly sucked, tears prickling the corners of her eyes.
He added two fingers easily, “Oh my god, Eddie, yes! A little faster, please?” She asked quietly, as if she was afraid to be loud. He released her clit with a slurp, his mouth soaked as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her, his other hand reaching up and pinching her nipple.
“Fuck!” She yelled, her pussy clenching around him as she bucked her hips, his thumb working her clit while he watched her helpless underneath him, her eyes shut similar to the way his had been previously. Her hand covered his over her breast, interlacing their fingers before he removed them entirely and held her hand against the mattress beside them.
He smiled, rubbing faster with more pressure before leaning over her, “That’s more like it, baby. C’mon, I wanna hear you. We got a whole house, no one’s gonna hear you, okay? Just me and you.” He reminded her before going back down for more.
From then on, she kept her mouth open, giving into Eddie’s coaxing and letting the obscenities fly, his eyes watching her in wonder the whole time. He loved to stop and be still just so she would whine and rub herself on his face for relief, then chuckling and licking his lips, “I got you baby, don’t worry.” He said lowly, diving back in.
He’d count to twenty, the pleasure almost becoming agonizing for her when he’d stop as she reached the precipice and then felt the feeling fade with his stilled movements. She cried out in frustration, “Eddie, please, please—I need to cum, please let me cum.” She rambled, her eyes heavy.
Eddie hovered his mouth above her pussy, looking up at her face from his position down low and licked his lips with satisfaction.
“Well, baby, since you asked so nicely and since you’re such a—good—girl.” He punctuated his words with firm pumps of his fingers inside of her then connecting his lips to her bud and running his tongue around it until he felt her pussy start quivering like normal, followed by her strained cry.
“Ohhhhh my g—od!” She almost screamed as the ecstasy rushed over her, her hips moving involuntarily as Eddie sat there and let her use him until she stopped, her only movements from her heaving chest.
Eddie kissed her twice more before working his mouth up her torso, leaving hot and wet kisses that had her squirming. “That was the sweetest pussy I’ve ever eaten.” He mumbled against her neck, reaching up to massage her breast before rutting against her heat with his newly hardened cock. The solid shaft glided between her lips, back and forth, back and forth, a low groan worked from her mouth as he did.
“Eddie.. Eddie, I want you to put it in.” She whispered, her arms finding his neck and pulling him closer to her, his forehead dropping against hers. His eyes flashed to hers, dark and blown out.
“Do I need to get my wallet or do you have some—“
“I’m on the pill.” She admitted, his movement stopping. He picked his head up from her neck to look her in the eyes.
“Wait, really?” The fact that it was news to him showed in his face, his eyes searched hers in wait, waiting for her to say ‘Sike! Condoms are in the drawer.’ But it never came.
She nodded, a blush creeping up her cheeks from the heat coursing through her. “I-I’ve been on it since after Danny was born, I just don’t like doing certain things in bed with strangers. But this is different, you know?” She asked, combing her nails through his hair, a little damp at the roots from the sweat he’d been working up.
Eddie looked at her desperately, “Baby, do you want me to try to pull out?” He asked, tracing the tip of his dick over her entrance. The shock of it sent her head back into the pillow with her eyes squeezed shut, shaking her head ‘no.’
“No?!” He asked, pushing through her folds and rubbing his tip through her like he’d done previously, except wetter and faster.
He rhythmically bumped her bud before sliding his dick right in, the rest of the air leaving her body as she cried out, “Fuck! Fuck, baby, oh shit!” Until he was buried in her completely, the usual smooth barrier not there to keep her from feeling the ridges of his cock.
They both stilled for a moment, getting used to the feeling. Eddie’s torso leaned down flat against her, his arms wrapping around her as she did the same with her arms and legs. The sound of their quick breath was the only thing heard for a moment before Eddie pecked her forehead, nose, and then lips, resuming his stroke pace and groaning when he felt just how tight her pussy held onto him.
“Oh my god, Y/n. Oh my god—y-your pussy feels like..” His abdomen worked, thrusting into her until he felt like he was on fire. He couldn’t believe how long he was lasting and wished he could live in this moment forever.
Or until he ran out of steam. Eddie stilled, panting away from her face as she opened her cockdrunk eyes to check on him.
“Baby are you okay?” She asked, placing a hand on his smooth bare chest.
Eddie nodded, “Yeah, yeah, just—haven’t gone this long before.” He stated through winded breath. Y/n smiled and stroked his cheekbone, trailing her hand down to his neck and placing her fingers on either side of his throat.
“Then how ‘bout I take a turn, huh?” She asked in a mischievous whisper that caught his attention immediately. He smiled his devilish grin and flipped them over with haste, proud his cock didn’t even fall out.
Y/n giggled as she adjusted herself on top of him. She made him sit up against the wall before dismounting his dick and turning around to face the tv, which confused him until he felt her grab him and slide it in quick enough to catch him off guard with the new angle.
Eddie loved his lap sat on, especially when it was a goddess like Y/n, but reverse cowgirl was something he hadn’t experienced with anyone yet, and he was glad that it was with her. His hands found her hips and thighs, his hot breath tickling her ear as he moved her hair from her shoulder to rest his chin there.
His grip on her kept her still, feeling his kisses on her back, shoulders and neck pushing her deeper and deeper into the abyss. She leaned her head back against his other shoulder, exposing her sweet spot right at the crook of her neck.
Eddie smiled and knew exactly what she wanted him to do, so he leaned down and faintly nipped and sucked, the sensation light enough to send tingles to her clit without leaving marks.
He relished in her whimpers, using her hips to grind her back and forth on his cock, “Oh fuck, Eddie.” She mumbled, her hips circling on their own, ripping a groan from Eddie as he stilled, his head falling back against the wall as her pussy squeezed him.
“How are you feeling, beautiful?” He asked before pressing more kisses to her other shoulder.
Y/n looked like she didn’t hear him though she did. She finally turned to him and opened her eyes, the dazed and heavy lidded look residing there was evident of how she was feeling. She smiled and leaned into him, sucking on his bottom lip to set him off again.
Eddie felt a jolt in his penis when she tugged on his lip, his hips thrusting one good time before they parted. “Use me, Eddie.” She whispered, flipping her hair over her bare shoulder, the scent of her shampoo just another aphrodisiac for him.
Eddie hissed as he bounced her on his lap, watching her hair and the plushest parts of her body go up and down, up and down, up and down. He moved his hands from her hips to her tits, his hands jealous of every bra she’s ever worn.
She began to bounce on her own for him, letting him feel the jiggle of her breasts in his hands as he watched her backside. “Jesus fucking Christ.” He almost growled, overwhelmed with pleasure and frustrated he wasn’t cumming, worried that he wasn’t focusing enough on her needs. But Y/n was blissed out.
She loved the way Eddie used her yet still made her feel like the most important part of sex, she loved how primal it always felt, yet still so gentle with him. Y/n hasn’t felt like she was making love since—
“H-Hey,” he tapped her on the side of her ass to get her attention, and felt her walls quiver with a giggle as she turned to him, breathless.
“Hi.” She greeted over her shoulder with a smile.
“Y-You think you could, uh, get on your hands and knees for me?” He murmured, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. Her eyes shined, an eager nod sent his way before falling forward on her hands and knees.
Eddie loved her in every position, though this was one of his favorites. He loved her ass, and loved the way her back arched for him as she waited patiently. He sat up on his knees behind her, one hand on his cock, the other coming down gently on the right side of her ass, caressing her.
She pushed back onto him, a chuckle leaving him as she did. “I knew you’d be excited for this.” He teased quietly as he lined himself up, the anticipation making her clench around nothing. He slid all the way inside of her quickly, pulling her to him by her thighs, and not giving them much time to adjust before he started moving.
“You like that, baby? ‘S this okay?” He managed through the quick pace he’d set, the intensity bumped from ten to one hundred in no time.
“Yes! Please keep going, Eddie, don’t stop.” She urged, falling forward on her forearms, her forehead buried in the mattress. Eddie looked down at his dick disappearing inside of her, a sight he’d never tire of.
Eddie watched her ass bounce off his pelvis and shuddered, wondering how his handprint would look there. He rubbed the soft open area of her ass as he drilled into her, “D’you like to be spanked?” He asked, bending over her back and asking her quietly while slowing his movements, though not fully ceasing.
He felt her clench before he saw her nodding vehemently, her hair hiding most of her face, which wouldn’t do for Eddie at all. He moved her hair away, her eyebrows drawn together in frustration, her face a deep pink.
“Baby, talk to me, ‘s it too much?” He asked, stopping for a millisecond before she was moving for him, “No, no, no, no, no, I’m so fucking close, don’t you fucking stop, now, Eddie—spank me, pull my hair I don’t give a—“ her desperate rambling was cut off by Eddie slapping his palms down on her ass and gripping her hips in his hands so firmly he worried about bruising her, but her cries of ‘Fuck yeah—you’re so good to me, baby.’ rid him of that thought immediately.
She cried out as the obscene and wet slaps echoed in the bedroom, had anyone else been home, the whole session would’ve been audible from the front door. Eddie loved using her love handles for their intended purpose, his grunts leaving him involuntarily the closer he got to cumming.
Y/n started to feel an unfamiliar sensation brewing low in her stomach, she felt like she was on fire inside and had to pee.
“Eddie! Eddie, wait.” She panted, her hand flying back to his on her hip. He halted immediately and shifted to look at her eyes with urgency, “I’m okay!” She panted, “I just think I need to pee.”
Eddie’s eyes lit up at her revelation and picked his pace back up, reaching around to rub at her clit, “Baby, that means you’re gonna squirt for me—please cum, cum all over my cock and make me yours.” He begged breathlessly, her cries flying from her mouth with reckless abandon, reaching out for the footboard to brace herself against, the rhythmic creaking of the wood getting farther away the closer she hurdled towards her orgasm.
“ ‘Want you—mine..” she mumbled thoughtlessly, head empty; only thinking of Eddie and the unholy ways he made her feel. He stiffened as he thrusted into her, squeezing her hip with much power to keep from cumming at her words. He leaned over her again.
“I am, sweetheart. I’m yours…fuck—as long as you’ll have me.” He grinded against her back side, his cock nudging around inside of her deliciously. Her eyes rolled as her brows drew together, as he rubbed her bud with his quick fingers, his promise to her wrapping the two of them up in a precious little satin bow.
She nodded, reaching back and interlacing her fingers with his as he sat up. Before he could ask her to say it, she blurted out clearly, “‘M yours, Eddie. Oh, god, I wanna be yours!” She cried, the desperation behind her words sending Eddie’s eyes rolling and a string of obscenities flying from his lips.
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me..” he babbled as she bounced back on his cock, tears streaming down her cheeks as the flaming knot in her stomach burst and her pleasure rained down on Eddie. He felt her pussy clenching way before he felt the warmth of her orgasm around him, her walls squeezing him with every extra stroke. That’s when he lost it.
Every inch of his body experienced the rush of the hot orgasm, his nose to his fingertips was pink with a heated blush, his mouth gasping for air.
Their thighs and the sheet below them were soaked as they came to a still. He fell over on top of her again, kissing her neck as sweet moans of relief fell from his lips onto her. She felt his hands loosening their grip on her hips as he rubbed soothing circles into the flesh there.
“You.. are incredible.” He mumbled between kisses to her shoulders and back, pulling himself out and watching his mess leaking from her. He reached down between them before she sat up and collected some of it from her folds, her body jerking with surprise.
“Shit!” She hissed, “Sorry, still sensitive.” She mentioned breathlessly, her eyes almost closed and she laid back on her side of the bed, the cold pillow and sheet soothing the heat that dewed all over her skin.
Eddie watched her flop down, smirking as she got comfy without looking at their mess where he sat.
“Baby?” He whispered, using his fingers to comb the damp strands away from her face, the natural wave to her hair revealing itself to him. He hadn’t seen her completely natural until now, looking down at her and watching her eyes flutter open.
He stared for a moment, loving the way she looked at him and the way his hand looked in her hair and so close to her pretty face.
“Just a few things, then I’ll let you sleep—“ he got low and close to her face, “Number 1, that was easily the best sex I’ve ever had in my life, I dunno about you—“ He felt the warmth of her palm against his cheek as she leaned in and kissed him wetly.
“I can absolutely say the same,” She said with both happiness and guilt nagging at her from the recesses of her mind, Adam unable to stay far enough away when she was in moments such as these with Eddie.
Eddie snickered and pulled her closer to his chest, her lips immediately attaching to his neck, “I don’t wanna be sleeping a whole lot, though, Ed.” She mumbled. The vibration of her voice against his neck sent tingles all the way down his body, hissing a tight ‘Jesus H Christ’ when he felt her naked chest push against his.
“W-We have to change the sheets, first, Princess.” He managed. Y/n pulled back, her lips releasing his skin with a pop, and looked down at the space they occupied previously, noticing the dark patch immediately. Her eyes widened before she looked at him.
Eddie couldn’t resist bursting into laughter at her reaction, pulling her closer and burying his face in her neck to nibble at her sweet spot, hoping to hear her laughter just the same.
She screamed as he hoisted her on top of him again, growling into the crook of her neck while she giggled mercilessly. “Eddie! It’s not funny, it looks like I wet the bed!” She struggled against him until she broke free, taking the sheets with her and leaving him naked.
“Hey! It’s cold!” He hissed, curling up in a ball and rolling off the bed. “If you help me fix the bed we can get under a blanket faster.” She urged, slipping her shirt back on over her body as Eddie followed her lead and found his boxers.
Eddie stripped the fitted sheet and gathered the discarded top sheet as Y/n fetched new linens. He couldn’t help but smile when she scampered past him on his way to the laundry room, her new sheets in hand. She looked innocent in her sleep shirt, her hair tucked behind her ears.
He eagerly returned to the room, taking two corners of the sheet and tucking them under the mattress as she did, the two sharing shy smiles and stolen looks as if they weren’t changing their own cum sheets.
As soon as the bed was made again, Eddie flopped back down and pulled her to him, muffling her giggles with tender kisses sprinkled all over her mouth and cheeks.
After finally settling with her head on his chest, she handed him the remote, smiling when he turned the channel over to without a word. 120 minutes was on, a music video played with a softer melody.
The content they felt in that moment was a feeling the two of them had been in search of their whole lives. Eddie whispered to her softly, getting her attention.
She rolled over to look at him, his eyes golden in the lamp light. They leaned in, kissing each other and whispering to each other until they faded into sleep intertwined; the best sleep either of them had in a very long time.
Part 4
taglist 🤍 (I’m sorry if it wouldn’t let me tag you!)
@quinnsfineline @afternoonzephyr @eddiesgffff @steeldaisies @harrys-tittie @eddiethesexy @samlealea @eternal-fangirl @specialsnowflake-gabbi @elladoe @took-me-hours-to-steal-those @tjbabe33 @mxnsoneddie @micheledawn1975 @magnificantmermaid @munsonzzgf @enigmaticblue @joyfulfxckery @theamericanjewitch @lolanoelle @bebe0701 @qardasngan @renaroo123 @sillypurplemurple @cutiecusp @yyoucompletemess @livingdeadgurl2016 @electricbouquetkid-blog @mxcheese @mulletmcghee @clacatbuc @spread-the-hope @e-mmygrey @fancyghosttrashhero-blog @sashaphantomhive @devilinthepalemoonlight @middle-of-the-earth @yelyahcardella @psychobitchsthings @figmentofquinn @siriuslysmoking @tanyaherondale @tracymbcm @tlclick73
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kymiya · 9 months
geordi n cutie (moreso geordi) cuddling headcanons
(because i'm sick of only having angst on my feed)
so lets start off with the basics
geordi is the BIGGEST cuddler like
when hes next to cutie on the couch or the bed
IMMEDIATELY wrapped up beside them
and its the cutest thing on earth
like hes got blankets pulled up and asking cutie if they want snacks
do they need water
literally whatever
hes the whole package
he is going to make sure they are both comfortable when they cuddle
checking in w/ them constantly
making sure they’re not too hot or cold
giving them kisses
SO many kisses
the cheek
anywhere he can reach he’ll kiss
UGHH hes so sweet i hate him/j
those weren’t really basic (they were) but anyway
was kinda arguing with myself bc i couldn’t really figure out if geordi would be a big spoon or little spoon
and honestly
he dgaf 💀
he couldn’t care less
literally as long as they are within close proximity
there won’t be a single complaint
if cutie wants to be big spoon: 🫶
if cutie wants to be little spoon: 🫶
he absolutely adores being wrapped up with them
especially in winter
holy shit he just blew up
like he just exploded
cutie being an empowered mf and being able to produce fire (and
whatever else)
their body can and will be used as a heater
all i can think about is them laying down on the couch
hot cocoa (or your preferred drink in the winter) on the coffee table,
still steaming
a heavy ass blanket on top of both of them
cutie laying on their back with their arms thrown around geordi’s neck, occasionally kissing the top of his head
or one hand in his hair (also big hc of mine: geordi has curly hair), playing with it and softly pulling out small knots
as geordi is literally in heaven with his personal oven, body on top of cutie’s with his arms circled around cutie’s back
his head on on their chest, listening to their heartbeat as they watch home alone for the 46th time
EWW theyre so gross i wanna eat them
moving on from that
i also feel like geordi is super playful
he bites
he cannot contain his love
his absolute infatuation
to just bite them
like its not like he’d be kissing cutie n then it would turn into bites
its just out of nowhere 😭
nd if cutie isn’t reading his mind
omg i forgot about cutie actually being able to read minds bye
ill get onto that later
when cutie isn’t in geordi’s mind
they literally jump
its not like he was trying to bite a chunk out of them
but still 💀
also if cutie decides to get up during any of their cuddling sessions
he will drag them back
he’ll have a war in his mind about being clingy or too much
but he’ll still drag them back
especially when they just got comfortable??
like where tf are u going?? 🤨
i love my silly little overthinker
and back to when cutie’s in his mind
its mental warfare
specifically early into the relationship
imagine the first time they’re cuddling
he’s actually panicking so bad
like they barely get situated
and he’s just
“oh my god”
“oh my god” 
“what am i doing?”
“why am i doing?”
“where do i put my hands?”
“is this an awkward angle?”
“i can’t”
“why is this so difficult??”
“they’re so warm”
“and they smell good”
“ew now you sound like creep”
“but they’re my partner?”
“don’t care, still weird”
“i’ve done this before, why can’t i just”
“..just what?”
“just, i just want to just”
something like that
but his thoughts probably go silent when cutie cover both of them in a warm blanket n snuggle up close to him
his mind literally goes blank
hes so smitten its crazy
but later down the road he’s gotten more accustomed to cuddling and doesn’t question his life after a single hug
he gives cutie small praises in his mind
especially after they’ve had a long ass day at work
he’s willing to help them relax
drinks, something to eat, words of affirmation, kisses, massage, bath
anything for cutie to be at ease
all in all hes perfect and i want him
if somebody out there is exactly like geordi hmu 🤭
i think thats it, that was such a brain dump
i need myself a geordi within the next 2 minutes or else im gonna implode/srs
i have so much in my brain its insane
probably gonna post more since im on break 🤷🏾‍♀️
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daphnedauphinoise · 1 year
Please would you mind sharing your foot care routine, my winter feet are in a dire state
No problem :) I actually need to get back into this old routine. Here is the routine from my drafts:
1. Cutting your nails
I won't say I am a woman who get embarassed or can be embarrased but I don't think I can ever live down the humiliation of when I turned up to my podiatry appointment and my podratist took one look at my nails and say 'I think I will cut them for you'. She did explain to me that though I had cut them, I still left them too long and long toe nails is a bad foot practice but oh my god, never again! I know it sound wierd but there is a correct way to cut your toe-nails and it is straight across. Any fancy shapes might lead to ingrown nails and they are painful.
I find toenails to grow quite slowly so I cut my every two weeks but I tend to fully clean my toenails at least weekly. You should not be letting those black fuzz under your toenails grow. Letting your shower water run inbetwee you toes is not enough and you should be using soap and a nail brush whenever you shower to clean your feet.
2.Foot Soaks
Epsom salt
I try and do these foot soaks weekly as they are actually really good at relaxing you. I just get a bucket and put the same about of salt ratio as I do in pasta water and let my feet rest. You don't really need anything fancy as epsom salt works just fine, but it does have to be epsom salt. This is because epsom salt is a mixture of magneusim and sulfate so it will actually do something for you (relax your muscles and cramps etc). I also like to add one cup vinegar as well to my foot bath. Vinegar has anti-bacterial properties so adding this makes it hard for bacteria to grow on your feet.
3. Foot Exfoilation
Cheap face scrub
Pumic stone
Exfoilating foot mask
This is where we will get rid of the dead skin cells. There are two ways you can go around doing this: physical and chemical exfoliation.
I don't think you need to buy any designated foot srub because they all tend to work the same. Personally, I just buy the £2 St Ives face scrub but use it on my foot. After I have soaked my feet, I dry them just so they are damp and I scrub the hell out of my feet.
For chemical peels you can either use some sort of peeling acid or a exfoilaiting sheet mask. The common peeling acid that people use is the Ordinary acid one and I find to be good for the skin around your toenails.
I like using an exfoliating foot sheet mask as well but this is probably every 6 months at the earliest. A lot of these sheet masks get marked up and some sites and brands sell these for £20 and again, there is no need to pay this much. Your local saver beauty store or poundland/dollar tree should have them for around £1-£2 and that is the only amount anyone should be spending on these. Reminder, you really do not want to over-exfoliate your feet. Your feet is meant to have hard skin because it serves a purpose for your body and health.
4. Moisturising
I think you get the point by now but, you don't need anything fancy. I think of my massive tub of Vaseline as an equivalent to the Holy Trinity and I use that. At night, just before I am about to sleep I mix vaseline and a thicker moisturizer (body butter works amazing too) and I massage my feet with the mixture. Foot massages are actually very important for your overall health. Then, I pop on some fuzzy socks and I sleep.
5. Beautifying your feet
After you do all this your feet should look nice and pretty but if you want to take it a step further you can make sure your toe nails are nice too. I like taking off the hardened skined around my toe nails which one of the tools I mentioned in my nail routine post.
I would never suggest or encourage anyone to go get a pedicure so I myself, just do everything at home. For sanitaion reasons, I don't like using the same nail polish that I use on my hand nails on my toe nails and nail salons are just so so unhygenic.
I heard a feet pic seller once say (from an old magazine) that what earns her the most money is either a french manicure or soft pink nails. So that is what I do :)
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I am really going to emphasize this here, you don't need anything buy anything. Literally, everything you need to make your own foot routine, you can find in your home already. Should you want to buy anything, there is no need to spend anything more than £5 per product ( though you still wouldn't see me do this) and buy something you can use for many other things eg. vaseline.
If you have any concerns regarding your feet, do go to a podraitist as they can help. Make sure you are always wearing comfortable shoes and that you are walking properly.
Anyway love,
Daphne xoxo
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rel124c41 · 6 months
I suck horribly at actually talking to people but I NEED to make it known how much I've loved and enjoyed your jade fics!!! Every single one has been a total banger., i've been fed so well.
I absolutely loved the readers lack of autonomy in your japanese folklore fic (im typing off memory so my spelling of everything will be off) they didn't have a choice in anything. fish wife <3 I'll admit I was a little confused with the Garappo, i truly thought it was some weird suicide until Jade later mentioned it. And why Floyd mentioned his brother dying to one, (I honestly thought it was supposed to be jade creature)
AGHHHH fish wife??? really?? fish wife??? the ending was so delicious, i could almost visualize it. so lovely. the fear, lack of autonomy, the loss of all they've known, never knowing what's real and what's a fantasy. I'm not sure what you envisioned for their future, but I can imagine that lack of autonomy will be more of a pressing issue than it was. God, the view of that though!!! Someone you only remember when you're too hazy to be in the real world, someone that's been with you throughout your life, someone that's wanted you since you could remember. isn't that so romantic? Finally together where the sun can't part you, under the water.
i dont know how to really explain what im feeling, or what i think, but i feel like it's such a poignant visual to be killed by this Jade in that way. It feels like watching a puzzle you've been working on be completed, or reaching a new plot point in a game you like, it's this feeling of intrigue, anticipation, idk. I always get that feeling reading your fics and also HOLY FUCK THEYRE SO LONG!!!!!!
and dont think i've forgotten your other fics LOL im ready to talk about those too holy fuck. I don't have that much to say unfortunately, I really enjoyed them just as much but I'm far more speechless. The Jade fic based off of Mera's god! Floyd was... really nice. The altar scene felt like Jade was punishing them for something. That's just how the bee crumbles, though. "sadist" might not rhyme with "jade" but it's basically the same word anyway... I loved watching Jade's opinion of Reader change over the time skips, he goes from mild annoyance/hate or, idk, repulsion (?) to interest, to love (menace style).
The reader fulfilling nothing in the end was certainly something. I loved it.
I've never really had a family, so I can't understand reader's motivations in your "crowley finds a way to send Yuu home" fic, but it made me wish I had one. I enjoyed the ending, the usage of the ghost camera. Poor Jade, really. I don't have much to say, because I'm not personally a fan of angst.
I feel like I can safely say you're my favorite writer, even above Mera. (who i now know you're also a fan of!!! which is neat!!!!!)
i know i probably could've DMed you but I feel like an ask is more appropriate >:) i hope you enjoy the long ask, as an artist myself this is kinda like tags on my art, and i really feel like you deserve that happiness. not good at talking, my bad!!!!
oh the way this made my day, i’m on break for my 6-2 shift and just AAAAAAAAAA thank you thank you thank you for this ask (*≧∀≦*) i’m geeking over here man,, i’m so flattered
okay to answer the first thing about why Floyd mentions his brother got killed by one!! the entire point of him going there is to check if his future sibling in law opinion on yokai, his brother’s lovesick so Floyds on the case
he had to make the reader let him stay!! the idea of the garappa outside is more terrifying to the reader than letting in a stranger & he mentions his brother dying to one (falsely!!! he’s lying ofc!!!)
bc the reader’s like oh that sounds familiar for him to have a brother, that fits into place — doubled with the bath salts, it’s an ease slip inside the shrine
“the fear, lack of autonomy, the loss of all they've known, never knowing what's real and what's a fantasy.” dude why did you write Sundo better than me??? why did you write the whole thesis of Sundo in a more poetic and all around better way that i ever could holy shit
also if i was the reader i’d give into to be an umi bozu so easily,, like the eldritch beauty of becoming something truly incomprehensible, some Berserk-esque creature
like look at this!!!!! it would be so cool to be this!!!!! GIANT FISH WIFE!!!!
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AAAAA to be a huge monster loved and adored by your husband who stole/shares your immortal soul and infects your memory like a leech 💕💕
“It feels like watching a puzzle you've been working on be completed, or reaching a new plot point in a game you like,” AAAAA THANK YOU!!! ( ̄个 ̄) this particular part has me geeking,, i’m a big video game fan so to mimic that feeling of completeness, integrality!!!
and yeah i’m always worried about length bc i’m too fluent in yappanese when it comes to writing
the altar scene in Psilocybin was definitely a mixture of punishment and accepting them into his world — he’s always going to be salty that he does not know what fear tastes, smells, looks like upon the reader! (〃´∀`)
i’m a HUGE momma’s girl so that’s where the theme of Schism came from haha and i love Tool’s music — thank you for saying u like the ghost camera usage, i was worried the audience might not get this BUT reader does not end up leaving; that end scene is specifically with the fragment of her soul from the photograph on Jade’s desk
UM THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK <<<3 im tattooing it in my head forever!!!! also ure my first mutual and it’s such an honor bc you’re so incredibly talented and AAAA i’m still geeking 💕
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sarahowritesostucky · 6 months
Tips for coping with depression
As someone who struggles deeply with depression, I thought I'd post these very simple but very crucial tips for overcoming a low time
FIRST AND FOREMOST, IF YOU ARE UNHAPPY ENOUGH THAT IT'S AFFECTING THE WAY YOU ENJOY LIFE, YOU'RE UNHAPPY ENOUGH TO SEEK OUT THERAPY AND POSSIBLY MEDICATION. My depression doesn't usually manifest as sadness. It manifests as exhaustion, lack of drive, and tanking self-care. So it took me a long time to realize that it "counted" as depression. If you don't have insurance, look up a therapist who is willing to do a payment plan and to see you only a couple times a year, maybe just via tele appointment. They might be able to prescribe you medications if that's what you need. I was VERY hesitant to start meds, but I tried low doses of two meds and they rapidly turned my life around.
But in addition, here are my personal recommendations:
BRUSH YOUR TEETH. Always do this first. I don't know what the heck it is about depression that makes brushing your teeth so damn hard, but it's a thing, and you'll feel better if you do this first.
START WITH A SHOWER. Once you finally manage to force yourself out of bed, please for all that is holy, just get a shower. I prefer baths, but I've heard from others that the shower part is crucial to them. Get a shower and stay in there as long as you friggin' want or can. Get some tingly mint shampoo. Get a tingly face wash. That shit is invigorating. I actually keep my toothbrush and toothpaste in the shower and brush at the end of my bath (whatever I'm depressed and weird)
GO OUTSIDE. Even if it's just opening a window or standing on your apartment's balcony for a bit. Go outside and see the earth. Go for a walk.
GET SUNLIT. get assessed for vitamin D--you probably need supplements. Purchas an indoor SAD sun lamp; you can get them pretty cheap on Amazon and just 30 mins a day with that thing makes a difference!
SUPPLEMENTS. Important and useful ones I like are Vitamin D, Ashwaganda, CBD oil, Kratom (approach with care if you have addiction issues). And take a friggin' multivitamin--you're a grownup.
ALWAYS DO SOMETHING KIND FOR YOURSELF. do something small, simple, and kind for yourself, for no reason other than it's a simple pleasure. Eat one of those tiny half cup portions of ice cream they have at the grocery store, put vetiver oil in your bath, get the overpriced drink at Starbucks you always tell yourslef you shouldn't waste money on, light a candle or get one of those misting waterfall thingies and plug it in. Watch some cat videos, do a coloring book, bake a batch of muffins. Whatever feels nice to you.
LISTEN TO HAPPY MUSIC. I'm a big fan of angsty, dark rock and alternative music, but I force myself to avoid it when I'm having a hard time mentally. Instead I listen to upbeat gym music or pop, music that sound how I wish I felt.
CLEAN YOUR SPACE. If you're my kind of mentally ill, your living space sometimes can get pretty bad. There can be are piles. Put on some of the aforementioned music and get going, one item at a time, you can always take a break or stop whenever you want.
GO TO THE GYM. People who've never really worked out don't seem to believe us gym rats, but it's true: regular exercise can help almost as much as (or more than) antidepressants!
DRINK LOTS OF WATER AND EAT WELL. I used to be a diet soda addict, okay? But water is what our bodies thrive on, and you'll be amazed at how much more awake a simple chug of water can make you feel.
CALL A HELPLINE. If you need to talk, call a helpline. It's so easy. You don't have to be in crisis mode or at the end of your rope to call, and unless you're on the phone actively threatening immediate harm to yourself, they aren't going to do anything but give you a kind ear. I volunteer at one of these helplines, which strangely also really helps with depression.
BE KIND! To yourself and others. It's free to do and worth its weight in gold to the people on the receiving end. As Ru Paul likes to say: "Kindness is the highest form of intellect."
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d-nessi · 1 year
Oh boy that chapter is huuuge and took me 4 days. And as if this is not enought I need holy water after writing that filthy but cuuute fic. I lose control on some point, the reason it's so long. Sry but hope you like it❤️
WARNING: little bit of agression, being jealous, sickness,!! masturbation and smut is clearly marked!! Bella is a completely innocent potat and for me it was my first soft smut....hope it's not too trashy
Wordcount: 4k ...holy clicker....
Proofread: yes but I'm german as always so... ;)
Love that song and thought it fits perfect for this chapter♡
"bless you Honey" Bella sneezes.
"you ok?" I ask them.
"yeah I'm fine thanks" he smiles at me while we grab our luggage at the calgary airport, wrapped up tightly cause of the weather that hits us all pretty hard.
-22 degrees and pure white snow everywhere covers the world. "We should stop landing on different planets" I laugh and grab my tissue out of my pocket.
While we are about to leave the airport we hear someone calling "Bellie!" Almost cinematic, Bella turns around, her look which immediately tells me that she knows exactly who is calling her.
There it is! The huge and incredibly sweet grin of her!
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With a speed she is embraced, not by anyone no. There is only one who makes her laugh like that and that is papa Pedro. Even I have to smile broadly.
This happy mood is so contagious!
"Pedro, you're here already? God, I missed you so much all this time," she says so british I could melt.
"Bella, it's so good to see you here again! Aaaaaand yes I am already here today because I have to go through some scenes with Craig and Neil.
There's a lot coming up" He winks at her and then looks at me, who waits patiently.
"And who is this pretty young lady?" he asks smiling at me.
"aah so Pedro that's Y/N. Y/N? That's Pedro" Bella seems pretty happy which also makes me happy.
"It's an honor to meet you, Bella told me a lot about your time on set. I'm glad you took such good care of her" I tell him, which makes him look mischievously at Bella, as if he knew directly what was going on between us.
A real daddy. Pedro looks at his watch and gets a little hectic.
"I'm running out of time, I'll see you on set in the next few weeks! Adiós cariños" He waves as he leaves and Bella looks after him wistfully.
"Zaddy huh?" I give her a cheeky grin and she punches me on my arm. "Come on let's go before we freeze here".
With our luggage we move on until we finally arrive at our hotel room. "How did you stand it on the first shoot? This is inhumanly cold."
"eating a lot of healthy food and going pretty often outside." she says while unpacking her bag. She sneezes again and grabs a towel. "I need a hot bath. Tomorrow is the meeting with Neil right after breakfast."
"alright!" I throw myself on the bed and close my eyes while Bella takes a bath.
"Neiiil it's so nice to see you again" Bella hugs him with joy.
"Y/N!" I introduce myself and can't believe I'm in front of the head of Naughty Dog. "it's an absolutely honor to meet you! I really enjoyed every game you made!" I tell him in awe.
"so what is the next game your working on?" I look cheeky with the knowledge that he will not tell me anyway.
He looks mysterious and pretends not to know. A Cough. No not because Neil Druckman wants to distract.
No that came from Bella this time again.
"So let's get started right away! This way. There are a total of just over 600 women who have applied for Dina. a few of them are on the shortlist. we'll look at all of them and you Bella make it clear which ones you have a good feeling about."
"all right" she says rather absently and takes her text sheet in her hand. Again a cough as she tries to talk to the various Dina performers.
I can feel the tension emanating from Bella all the way to me. Something is not right.
I go closer to her to make sure that everything is in order since we are here for about 3 hours. The Dina actress also comes close to her, almost too close.
"Bella?" Neil looks questioningly at her as she makes no more sound.
I was about to push my way through when Bella collapses and the actress representing Dina catches her. She holds her bridal style which almost makes me puke.
"Bella! What's going on!?" I ask with concern all over my face.
"I don't know. We were just saying our lines and then she collapsed," the Dina actress says, looking worriedly at Bella, grabbing her forehead and putting her forehead against Bella's so she can better feel if he has a fever. "Give him to me!" my tone is anything but relaxed.
"I'll take her to the doctor" says the actress.
Bella is breathing heavily and obviously sweating, which only makes me more anxious.
"I told you to hand her over to me!!!" Without realizing that my tone sounds almost aggressive, I get almost threateningly close to the actress, who hands Bella to me, completely perplexed.
"I will immediately request the doctor to your hotel room, don't worry Y/N." Neil puts a hand on my shoulder and I leave together with Bella in bridal style the set, back to our room.
"I'm so sorry babe...I knew something was wrong. I shouldn't have let you go."
Her breath is still fast and short, totally sweaty, she doesn't even have the strength to hold on to me anymore.
"Y/N....." she whispers almost inaudibly while I look at her with a sad face.
"here we go" Arrived I immediately put her to bed her whole body shaking terribly.
"it's ok sweety...I'm here I promise" I cuddle up to him for now, take him in my arms and put my chin on his head.
Firmly gripped, he snuggles close to me and mumbles inaudibly something to himself. Completely exhausted, Bella tries to control her breathing, which is almost impossible due to the trembling.
"You're burning up...I'll get you something to cool you down"
With the cool cloth on his forehead I try to lower his temperature a bit. "If I only could swap places with you...If I only could be sick...not you"
"mmmhh...." Bella whimpers and is completely drenched in sweat.
"can you change your clothes? you're freezing because you're all sweaty babe" I say calmly but Bella shakes her head. "ok do you want me to help you?" a normal question.
She nods and tries to sit up with all her strength.
"ok hands up sweety" without much effort I have the hoodie in my hand.
quite clever Bella.........no bra.
I put the hoodie aside while Bella doesn't even notice that she is sitting topless in front of me.
I swallow, bite my lower lip with all my might.
Pull yourself together shit! I thought, while grabbing a loose shirt and pull it over her head.
"thaaat's a good boy" I joke, looking down at his trousers. "lay down then we'll have it done in a minute. The doctor will be here soon as well."
He lies down, his breath still faster than usual, I reach for his waistband.
If I didn't know better, he'd be bright red because of my actions.
I blame the fever. Trousers off and aside my gaze falls on his panties and I pray to God that this is now only wet because of all the sweat.
"jesus...." I say inaudibly and want to grab the new one as Bella grabs me by my arm, pulls powerless and looks at me completely blurred. "B...Bella....what..." I stammer "you have to put something on or you'll soon have pneumonia" I look at her worriedly, but she absentmindedly grabs my hand and leads it between her legs directly on her panties.
This is now a joke. my totally sick girlfriend is so delirious with fever that she can't even think straight. great! "Sweety your completely out of mind...come on" I take my hand back to me, breath deeply and want to put on her new shorts. When I start to put them on, she pulls her legs towards her and pouts while looking at me almost pathetically begging for more.
"Bella....if you want to make out ok, but not now and not when you're so sick!" I say with a stern look and put my hand on her thigh. "It's not that I don't want to but I want you to be yourself." Fuck I don't even know how much experience she has.
"We just leave the shorts off" I say relaxed and with a kiss on her thigh I wanted to cuddle up to her as it knocks on the door. I open and the doctor comes in, goes to her and looks at her more closely.
"I can reassure you, this is a common flu infection. in 2-3 days she should be much better!" He puts medicine on the table and wishes her a speedy recovery as he leaves.
"Well thank god it's nothing worse...so...let's give you your medicine and relax more" I say while I get everything ready, give it to her and finally nuzzle up to her. "the actress tho......" My face completely thoughtful while whispering.
----------------2 Days later----------‐-------
Bella is doing much better so he has decided to go back to work without remembering everything that happens the day he collapsed. Everyone is pleased to see that he is already feeling better. And as if I would have thought it, the same actress who grabbed Bella shows up.
"hey Bella are you feeling better?"
"yes thank you" he smiles simply and grabs his script. Almost affectionate as a dog, she creeps around Bella and speaks her lines.I sit in the background and trust Bella completely. When it comes to acting, she's a natural, she doesn't have to prove anything to anyone anymore.
A flurry of activity ensues when Pedro suddenly appears. Bella totally happy hugs him and they talk about various things.
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everyone laughs and the actress of Dina becomes super pushy. Bella obviously a bit annoyed takes it easy, which is not the case with me. This bitch gets on my nerves! Pedro greets Neil while Bella and the actress continue with the rehearsals.
"ugh... ok I think that's enough for now." Bella looks at the list of all the performers when he suddenly feeling hands on his shoulders.
"let's rehearse some other lines, i can recite some more!" the actress shouting completely weird.
Awkwardly Bella turns away and gives her a 'WTF' look."
"ah....sorry I have enou--"
"get your fucking hands off of her! I swear!" I walk over to Bella, all eyes on me. "don't you fucking dare touch her again!" i look at her like a mother wolf defending her young, ready to do anything.
"everything good here? stay calm" is the first thing pedro says. I stare at the actress and want to turn around when I hear her snort arrogantly. "Who are you to tell me what to do!"
I turn around, ready to kick her ass, but I don't get far. "HEY HEY relax!" shouts Neil and he and Bella hold me tight so I don't tear her apart.
"you fucking chick keep your hands better off of my girlfriend!" I growl at that bitch and I swear if they weren't holding me she would be the next bloater in the show without any recognition value.
Bella grabs my face in her hands "babe it's ok calm down I don't give a shit about her I promise you." She tries to placate me with a goddamn sweet look. "She just wanted to act for the show".
"Yeah... Exactly....." I said ironically
"Enough here now. You pack your things and get out! We'll find someone else for this part" The actress disappears and I sulk after her while Neil lets go of me. Bella also takes an annoyed breath and goes to Neil. "please don't blame her, the actress was very pushy" she explains relaxed.
"I understand, just let's get on with it already. something like that can't happen again!" Neil makes clear while Bella looks down at her feet reproachfully as she feels Pedro's hands on her back .
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"nice that you have someone who is obviously very important to you" he winks at Bella and claps his hands. "so let's just get on with the work and relax. VAMOS!"
Neil looks around at the other actresses and takes a cup of coffee. "Twenty minute break and then we'll continue. We don't have too much time left today." I go and find a quiet spot away from them.
The rest of the day was quiet and Bella took her role as ellie very serious. Unbelievable how she is so in charakter while acting. it's like seeing the ellie from the show, not my bella.
Well thats also pretty hot, I smile and still have a guilty conscience. the thought that this actress touched bella makes me sick to my stomach. So they call this professional? don't make me laugh....
"Hey Ellie! Look at me. It's Okay! your Home. Your Home!" The Dina actress speaks her line while Bella going nuts in this awfull scene I remember of the game. She is unbelievable. It's as if she's really experiencing these terrifying flashbacks.
I rest while the exercises come to an end and finally we can go back in our hotelrooms. The way back was silent. Bella is obviously exhausted and I'm still pissed about the stupid actress. When I arrive, I close the door in annoyance and look at Bella without a word, who just throws herself on the bed.
"Y/N are you ok? I mean come on....she just touched me...nothing serious." Bella gets up and comes towards me.
"where did she touch you?" I stand in front of her completely indifferent.
"what...?" Bella looks at me confused.
"show it to me..." I move closer, place both my arms by the sides of her head and lightly press her against the wall while looking into her eyes.
"W...why is that important?"
"because I will clean every single spot"
"And...how...? She looks at me almost helplessly.
"I'm gonna...." I start kissing her neck very gently than slowly work my way to her shoulder, making sure every single spot is mine. ".....Kiss every single spot on you where you've been touched" I say teasingly, a sweet moan escapes her mouth and her breathing becomes faster. damn she likes it....
but this satisfaction isn't enough for me......
every single kiss becomes more greedy and makes her body tremble. Doesn't seem like anyone has ever done it to her when she's that sensitive. "mhm..." a short whimper comes out while she loses all strength in her legs and sinks to the ground.
I squat down and give her a cheeky look. "Already done?" I get closer to see her sweaty face. "Babe everything alright? was I too bo--l-...." She interrupts me with a kiss, so I fall back on the floor with her, with my back to the bed and looks at me expectantly.
"...how experienced are you?" I almost whisper.
"had never the chance to make some..." she says a little ashamed and blushes.
I smile lovingly and take her cheek in my hand. "It's ok baby, then let's have this experience together. I've never been with a woman myself so...at least it's a little bit new for me as well.
She looks at me uncertainly and I kiss her carefully and tenderly on her soft lips, but she finds it difficult to respond.
"you wanna wait? it's ok...you decide when time is perfect" she looks so incredibly innocent I just wanna give her the pleasure of her life.
"just a little...I need time to think about it' or to...prepare" She stands up and takes a breath. "Honestly? That felt nice" She smiles really wide at me, just the kind of smile that could melt me.
"can you stop being so cute!? or otherwise I can't resist anymore" I laugh and poke her in the stomach. "Let's just snuggle and go sleeping. I have a whole workday on my laptop tomorrow while your being my ellie" I wink to her, grab her and throw her on the bed, she completely laughing.
--------------NEXT DAY---------------
The day starts pretty simply as we woke up. She is already awake, ready to continue rehearsing and bent over me to give me a soft kiss on my sleepy lips.
"see you this evening my darling" she said in the most british way I could just die. Her british acent is to damn hot as if the queen westeros speaks in person right next to me. Better don't call her Lady I thought and start to get ready as well.
Everyone spent today with their work without any further complications and I can't wait to take a hot shower and go to our bed.
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡WARNING SMUT ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
I unlock the door and put my key down, take off my shoes and am about to enter the room when I hear strange noises. I stare at the door to our room and blink a few times because what I'm hearing sounds like someone having a hell of a time without me.
I peek through the door and I wish my eyes hadn't seen it THIS. There she lies completely naked and plays with her fingers in places that I would love to play. Her sweet and wet folds screaming for love.
Her movements looks clumsy almost helpless and fuck....I would help her so bad that only the thought of it gives me goosebumps everywhere.
She really tries hard and right now I understand what she's been meaning to 'prepare'. She looks like she doesn't do it that much. Did she ever cum on her own? All the thoughts making me nuts.
My heart is racing and I take a few steps back as Bella keeps moaning softly.
Shouldn't she still be on set for the night rehearsal? I grab the front doorknob to open the door only to slam it shut with a jerk.
Loud enough for Bella to hear. I wait a moment and walk slowly to the door, spy in and see that she's covered by her blanket.
well... "hey Bells sweety your tired? Thought you had to work through the whole night" I walk in.
"That's been postponed until tomorrow so I'm already there." Her voice is slightly shaky.
I can literally see that she's horny.
"I'll take a quick shower and then I'll go to bed with you"
Only briefly inside I come out of the bathroom. Her look almost hurts. She looks unrelaxed and her legs are visibly tense under the covers. Only with a towel around I look at her pitifully.
"How do you stand it?" I come to the edge of her bed and sit down. "I heard you when I came home"
Bella hides more under her blanket
"Without you, I didn't think much about it...but since I've had you, I've had this feelings again and again...." She looks at me for help, almost begging. I look at her and run my hand under the covers along her thighs the reason Bella melts already by that touch.
"I think your body would appreciate letting me blow off some pressure" I whisper softly.
"It's so embarrassing" She hides under her blanket, bright red in the face.
"Oh dear, it doesn't have to be. I just want you to feel good." I'd better keep the fact that my heart is racing to myself and crawl under the covers to her, can smell every scent from her body. He's screaming for relief so bad. I bend over her while supporting myself with my hands on the sides of her head.
"Don't worry, I'll do it very gently." She nods, her breathing shaky full of excitement.
"Tell me when I should stop" Still under the blanket, I bend down to her and start kissing her neck tenderly.
Soft moans escape her innocent lips and suddenly she grabs my towel. Her beautiful fawn eyes looking at me.
"It would only be fair if you weren't wearing anything either" she says with a shy gaze.
I smirk and let her undress me.
"your so beautiful" realizing what she is doing she gets tears in her eyes, covering the face with her hands. I gently grab them and kiss her tears away. "are you ok?" I said so calmly even a mountain lion could be tamed.
"yeah..it's just....I...I'm so happy right now" she smiles a bit embarrassed.
"well that's good. I wanna make you even more happy" I smile cheekily and kiss her softly on the mouth, deepen it and feel her hips press against me, giving me goose bumps everywhere. I work my way down to her chest and look at her almost begging. She nods shyly and small noises exiting her innocent lips, hips bucking under my touch.
Bella is already close to heaven I can feel it, her body already slightly shaking. While her breath getting more ponderous under her sinnful moans I keep working my way down, stopping right befor her most sensitive spot.
"can I touch you?" I breathe heavily, my heart to excited to beating correctly.
She hesitate for a single moment but nods, me pushing the blanket out of my fucking sight to pet her slit gently. A sudden moan escapes her mouth.
"holy shit....your so wet....and all for me!" While I realize where my fingers are right now, especially WHO I gave the pleasure I start to going nuts. I can barely hold myself back, the reason I kiss her clit making Bella to a moaning mess.
"Y.....Y/N..." Her moans starting getting heavier, her back arching off the bed begging for so much more of the sensation.
"w...weird feeling...w....please wait!"
"you ever cum by yourself baby?" I ask with a husky voice and move my hand a little bit slower. She shakes her head no and I start to move my hand faster, not thinking about to stop. "Y/N! wait i....it's so weird!" she moans ungodly under my kisses I startet again on her clit.
"it's ok......let it come. you will love it" I say between the kisses and can feel she wants to squeezes her shaking tighs. "t.....to much...it's to much oh gawd!" her moans complete out of control sounding almost pornographic while she tries to keep her breath.
"there you go darling" I can feel her whole pussy throbbing more, getting pretty intens and I speed up.
"I can't.....I can't contr...ol...feels...so good"
"cum all for me baby!" She screams so sinnfull and her whole body is trembeling while experiencing the feeling for the first time. "what a brave queen..." I kiss her belly, teasing her a bit more and finally let her calm down.
"holy fuck.....that was....-"
"intense?" I give her a sweet smile and cuddle up to her, taking the blanket that we're not getting cold.
"I never thought it would be so good" she says so british again I have to kiss her right now. She not that shy anymore deepens the kiss and whimpers in it.
"someone enjoyed the taste and wants more huh?" I look resolutely into her eyes.
"you're awesome Y/N" she kisses me.
"no.....you're awesome....you're everything for me...seriously. I think I love you Bella" I never was this serious in my life. Bella looks overwhelmed and just snuggles up to me with no response. That's enough for me...... for now.
Yeeeah so here we go. If u liked it show me if u want I'm just curious if its not trash😭
For more Chapters, stories and more just look at my Masterlist ♡ (next chap in progress)
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beware-of-you-98 · 2 years
✨Criminal Minds Writing Masterlist✨
I’m not really consistent with how, what and when I post but I’m mostly writing on ao3 and for criminal minds these days. Organized my lists a bit better so people can enjoy my works (old and new)! Feel free to comment or ask questions about certain works on tumblr.
Fics with smut will be labeled with a ** and discontinued fics will be labeled as such.
Criminal Minds
Jennifer Jareau x Emily Prentiss (jemily)
one shots
i wanna get better : a power outage triggers jj's ptsd and forces emily to take a deeper look into her relationship with the other woman [rating: T]
jj’s birthday** : emily, henry and michael work together to give jj the best birthday she's ever had [rating: E]
nothing is ever guaranteed : long buried feelings finally return during the aftermath of linda barnes' impact on the bau team [rating: T]
arms : emily is very surprised by the amount of arm strength jj has [rating: T]
i should be over all the butterflies : baby jjxemily first date [rating: GA]
i get off** : She wanted to be able to desperately feel like she could manage some part of her life, any part of it without fear. [rating: E]
you and i : lazy jemily morning [rating: GA]
it was so worth it** : pure sin [rating: E]
i love you, will you marry me : "Marry me," JJ murmurs out thickly against Emily's lips, the words even surprising herself when they escape her mouth [rating: GA]
you’ve got nothing to fear, i’m here : their odd day off doesn't quite go according to plan [rating: T]
fire escape : paris based off the songs “fire escape” by love, robot and “eyelids” by pvris [rating: T]
make you mine this season : emily’s first christmas with the jareau crew [rating: GA]
everything i do is all for you : emily wants to ask jj to marry her [rating: GA]
revenge and its thrills** : what do you do when the mom from the suite life of zack and cody shows up to your fbi bureau and decides she wants to do anything and everything in her power to take you and your team down? you and your girlfriend fuck in her office, of course! (aka bathe in holy water sin) [rating: E]
i know what you are : emily has a secret and jj confronts her about it [rating: T]
i wish i was just as strong as i make myself out to be : a completely original concept in which emily "died" during ian doyle's attack and jj had no idea about emily actually being alive <3 [rating: T]
we won’t be alone we’ve got love on our side : ficlet based on 5x21 “exit wounds” [rating: GA]
henry’s dragon : henry gets a pet [rating GA]
wish i could be part of that world : emily exposes jemily by singing jj’s favorite song in the shower [rating: T]
multi chapter
what if i can’t protect him** : it's another case involving children but it hits a bit too close for jj [rating: E]
a secret unraveled : emily and jj are dating in secret featuring how each member of the team finds out/how they react to finding out [rating: GA]
blackbird** : Emily is having a difficult time dealing with the trauma resulting from Ian Doyle and the BAU team (*ahem* mostly JJ and Garcia) help her get through it [rating: E]
i’ll never apologize for loving you : the three times JJ's family ruins the holidays (because homophobia) and the three times Emily is there to fix it [rating: T]
but why would you care : Emily quits the team like in the season 3 episode "In Name and Blood" but instead of Hotch coming to get her before the case, JJ confronts her after she hasn't shown up to work [rating: GA]
a night on the queen mary : emily and jj spend a night aboard one of the world's most haunted ships: the rms queen mary [rating: T]
here come the dreams of you and me : emily outs them to the team (accidentally) [rating: GA]
the truth is hiding in your eyes and it’s hanging on your tongue** : emily is a vampire that needs blood and jj has just that [rating: E]
200 { a reworking of 14x15 “truth or dare”}
one shot
200 : Emily would do absolutely anything for JJ... [rating: M]
multi chapter
living in the mess we made : if 14x15 has to exist, then it's going to exist on my terms god dammit [rating: M]
only love {series of stories set from the time emily is rescued from ian doyle until that final night in paris [based off the song only love by Pvris]}
i’m hoping you weren’t heaven sent : a look into jj's thoughts and struggles as she waits for the outcome of emily's condition after being attacked by ian doyle [rating: T]
cause only hell knows where you’ve been : emily notices jj struggling on the jet ride home from the tobias hankel case [rating: M]
your built composure’s wearing thin : emily's "funeral" and how jj barely manages to keep up appearances [rating: T]
and all your walls are caving in : jj finally tells emily why she’s been acting so weird lately [rating: T]
i saw you, yeah you, you’re breaking down : honestly it's just the plane scene from 200 except they're both super gay and super sad [rating: T]
i hope you, yeah you, you come around : girl's night ft mutual pinning and garcia being completely over their oblivious bullshit [rating: T]
now don’t you shut this down : what the hell is she doing to emily, to herself? emily had come through for her time and time again and jj's only repaid her with cold impassiveness [rating: T]
don’t you give this up : emily has a hard time accepting jj’s state department transfer [rating: T]
i took all this love i found** : one thing that emily does do, and what comes as a huge surprise to jj, is sing [rating: E]
and i hope that it’s enough : the day that neither one of them were looking forward to finally dawns upon them [rating: T]
before you came around : JJ finally comes home to Henry [rating: T]
i was lost and out of place : blackbird84 started a new game [rating: T]
you’re the only love that i found : emily comes back and it's as if jj's world starts turning again [rating: T]
and i’m hoping that you’ll stay : jj and emily finally have a talk with morgan and reid [rating: T]
please stay : the end [rating: T]
{scrapped idea} [rating: T]
Jennifer Jareau x Elle Greenaway (jelle)
now you’re just a memory to let go of : elle leaves [rating: M]
there’s a time and a place to die and this ain’t it : fix it fic of the fisher king arc because why did anyone think it was ok to send elle home when the unsub knew about where the team lived [rating: T]
BAU as a Family
girl’s night : Girls night was a tradition that goes back to some of the very early days of the BAU team..... [rating: GA]
ice cream : BAU fam getting ice cream on a road trip [rating: GA]
bau jet shenanigans : what the core seven™️ get up to on a jet ride home [rating: T]
No Pairing
one shots
i trust you : JJ has a very important question to ask Emily after Michael is born [rating: GA]
multi chapter
cynophobia (the fear of dogs) : an analysis of jj’s fear of dogs over the years [rating: M]
what happened at the football game : reid takes jj on a “date” and it doesn’t go how either one of them expected it to [rating: GA]
Criminal Minds Evolution
Jennifer Jareau x Emily Prentiss (jemily)
one shots
true conviction but fuck it i did it myself : true conviction but better because a criminal minds fan wrote it instead [rating: T]
i couldn’t fake it even if i tried : emily feels a lot of guilt after the death of deputy director bailey [rating: T]
with all the weapons you fight with, your silence is the most violent (collab with @jemily-in-paris ) : penelope plans a girl’s night to fix the broken family dynamic [rating: T]
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nancypullen · 6 months
Tick Tock (not to be confused with the controversial platform, TikTok)
Guess who received a surprise in the mail yesterday? This girl! Matthew is a techy gadget guy (Who am I kidding? All of the men in my family are techy gadget guys) and got in on the ground floor when this particular gadget was in development. He contributed early and many months later when the product was ready he received two. We're some of the first people in the world to have this very cool item.
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You guys, it's SO cool! Every minute of the day gets a quote from a work of literature that mentions that time, and it's not the same every day - for example, 9:35am isn't going to be the same quote day after day. I find myself checking the clock all day long.
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How's that for a happy surprise? I'm so tickled. It's really a lovely piece, heavy and well-made. I'm so crazy about it! I'll bet you know a bookworm that would love one of these. Speaking of being a bookworm. I'm doing a display at work with puffy clouds and silver raindrops for the month of April. I'm calling it Rainy Day Reads and I'll stock it with books that are known to be page-turners, books that pull you in and you can't stop reading until you know what happens next. I've been quizzing everyone I know, asking them to name a book that they simply couldn't put down. I don't care about genre - romance, thriller, mystery, spies, historical fiction, sci fi, chick lit, whatever! I'm hoping that I can find enough of the titles in our library's collection to keep the display full all month. Is there a book that kept you up reading past your bedtime? Tell me! New subject. Did I mention that I finally found someone who can cut my hair? Her name is Kelly and she works at a salon in Easton. She gave me the best haircut of my life. Not kidding. Surely that's a sign that things are starting to get better around here. The stylist was recommended by someone at work, a coworker who has thick hair. I asked her where she got her hair cut and she told me that I'd love her girl. She was right. In fact, this hair magician is so good that my sister drove all the way from Elkton (over an hour!) for an appointment and swears it's her best cut too! Where has this woman been all my life? For the last month I have actually liked my hair. That's a first. If you have crazy hair, go see Kelly at West Wing Salon in Easton. You will leave happier. I drove to Easton today just to run a couple of errands and ended up with a splitting headache. It's my own fault. I have a really cute little air freshener that dangles from my rear view mirror. I bought it on Etsy.
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It was filled with a yummy fragrance oil and some dried flower petals. Every so often you tip it upside down and the oil soaks the wood top and keeps your car smelling pretty. When the original oil ran out I didn't want to pay Etsy prices for a refill, so I ordered a tiny bottle of Honeysuckle fragrance oil from Amazon and poured it in. Problem solved. Turns out, I probably should have diluted it because it is STRONG. Like, holy-cow-who-spilled-a-bottle-of-perfume strong. By the time I was halfway to Easton I could taste it. Then my right eye started twitching. I rolled a window down and that helped, but I'll have to pour some out and add water. Maybe that'll fix the issue. I could probably hang it on the porch and let the neighborhood wonder who has honeysuckle blooming. We'd be the first on our street to spot hummingbirds, for sure. Okay, on that silly note, I'm heading upstairs to soak in a bath and get into some jammies. There's rain on the way and I want to be under the covers when it starts dancing on the roof. Is there anything better than rain at bedtime? Sending our loads of love tonight, take what you need, pass it on. Wishing you sweet dreams and ,as always, stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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ilovewriting06 · 1 year
I Love Him- Part 14
A/N: I think this will be the last official part of the series but I may write little fics showing what life is like with the twins, Lilly, and any other future children they may have. So let me know if there’s a specific part of their life that you want to read about!
I relax into the sofa allowing my eyes to flutter shut at the silence that fills the air, that is until I hear Lilly screeching at Eddie. I whine and push myself off the couch before walking out the back door to see Eddie digging up the flowers. “You have got to be kidding me! EDDIE, DROP IT!”
Eddie stops what he’s doing before tucking his tail and hiding behind Lilly. I pop my hip to the side and raise an eyebrow, “Really? That’s your defense?” Lilly glares at Eddie before stomping over to me and wrapping her arms around my leg, “Those were my favorites.”
As I work to console Lilly and scold Eddie I hear it, the unmistakable noise that keeps me awake at night, the noise that makes my heart hurt, the noise that belongs to my sons. I drop my head before leading Eddie and Lilly inside, “Alright Lil, can you watch cartoons or draw some pictures while I go try and put the boys back to sleep?” She nods before obediently tucking herself away at the coffee table and drawing a flower.
I climb up the stairs and enter the room before almost breaking into tears when I notice that Stevie had a massive blowout and needed a bath, and the sheets needed changed. I look at John to see him keeping himself occupied with a pacifier. I walk to the bathroom and fill the baby bath with warm water before going to get Stevie. I carefully pick up Stevie to make sure I don’t get covered before carrying him to the bathroom. I carefully shift to get the onesie off of him without making a bigger mess, sadly I wasn’t careful enough. “Eww, eww, eww.”
I crinkle my nose as I wash my hand before getting him undressed and throwing the offensive material into the sink. I get his diaper off and thrown into the trash before I grab a wet wipe to get the worst of it off and then a baby washcloth and soap before setting them by the tub.
I check the water one more time before carefully placing Stevie in it making sure to maintain a good hold on him. When I’m rinsing the soap off of him I groan as my phone rings, “For all the love that is holy.” I pick Stevie up and support him on my chest absolutely soaking my shirt. I dry my hand on my shorts before grabbing my phone to see that it’s Steve.
“Babe! Please, please, please tell my you’re on your way home. I need your help so bad, Lilly isn’t feeling the best and Eddie ripped up her flowers when she took him out, Stevie just had a blowout and now I’m absolutely soaked, and-hang on gimme a minute,” I turn around as I hear Lilly say mommy in such a pained and desperate voice that my mom alarms start blaring, “What’s the matter honey?” She wraps her arm around her stomach, “I think I’m gonna throw up.” My eyes widen and I quickly grab the trash can that wasn’t designated to diapers all but running to Lilly. I thankfully get there just in time because as soon as she has the trash can in her hands she’s emptying the contents of her stomach.
I put the phone back to my ear talking to Steve as I touch Lilly’s forehead with the back of my hand, “Babe, I gotta go Lilly just threw up and I think she has a fever.”
“What!? Is she okay?”
I smile as dad Steve overtakes husband Steve, “Yeah I think she’s just got a stomach bug but please hurry home, I’m exhausted and-,” I stop talking as I hear a thud downstairs and I quickly remember the leftovers from lunch sitting on the counter. I almost scream as my day goes from bad to worse as I glance at John to see he too had a blowout and Stevie spit up all over my shirt. I turn my attention back to Steve before hissing at him just low enough that Lilly can’t hear me, “OH FOR FUCKS SAKE! DRIVE LIKE YOU ALWAYS DRIVE OR SO HELP ME GOD I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!” I don’t wait for his answer before I hang up the phone and quickly clean up Stevie so I can take care of his siblings.
I lay Stevie down immediately resulting in him screaming before I kneel in front of Lilly and gently brush her hair back into a ponytail after taking my hair down, “How are you feeling sweetheart?” She leans into me with a whine, “It hurts mommy, make it go away.” I bite my lips to stop myself from crying as my heart breaks for my little girl, “Oh baby I wish I could.” I lead her to the bathroom to clean her up before running to grab my water bottle from beside the bed. Once she’s brushed her teeth and taken small sips of water I tuck her into Steve and I’d bed so I can hear if she needs me while I take care of John and their sheets and clothes.
Once I finally get the twins cleaned and peacefully sleeping I grab the thermometer from the bathroom to check Lilly’s temperature. I sigh when the thermometer reads 101.3. I smile as she snuggles under the blankets before letting her eyes close. I sit in the bedroom until all my children are asleep before slipping downstairs to deal with Eddie.
I hiss angrily as I see peas, macaroni and cheese, and hotdogs all over the floor, “Eddie! You are really testing my patience right now, go lay down!” He looks at me depressingly before I scowl, “Go. lay. down.”
While I’m cleaning up the mess I hear the truck pull up and sigh in relief. I put the rest of the food in the trash as the door opens and then closes a minute later. I furrow my eyebrows when he doesn’t call for me before dragging myself to the living room. My jaw drops before I’m running into my friends arms, “Kono! It’s so good to see you!” I pull back from the hug before turning to her cousin and pulling him into a less intense hug, “Hey Chin.” He nods before we move to the living room. Steve sits on the couch as I curl into his side and Kono sits at the other end of the couch as Chin chooses the recliner.
I turn to the cousins, “What are you guys doing here!?” Kono chuckles, “You didn’t think I’d miss the birth of your kids do you? I was going to come down when you guys adopted Lillian but I got put on another case and couldn’t make it.” I nod before Chin agrees, “Yeah I was too but Abby and Sara got sick and I couldn’t leave them.”
I chuckle, “Well I’m glad you could make it this trip. Speaking of Abby and Sara, where are they?”
Chin shakes his head and laughs, “Girls trip, Abby has had it planned for months and didn’t want to cancel.” We all share a laugh before turning towards the stairs as little feet slowly pad their way down.
I sit up as Lilly’s eyes widen and she anxiously surveys Chin and Kono, “Mommy?” I open my arms as she walks towards me looking a little pale, “These are Daddy and Mommy’s friends, this is Kono and that’s Chin.” They wave with sweet smiles as she crawls into my lap.
She waves at them shyly before burying her face into my neck and holding onto my arm that’s wrapped around her torso, “I don’t feel good.” I frown as I rub her back, “I know sweetheart.” I turn to Steve and squeeze his hand, “Can you go to the medicine cabinet and get some Pepto bismal?” His nose scrunches up before he pushes himself off the couch, “Yeah babe.”
I continue rubbing Lilly’s back when Steve yells, “Which one?” I roll my eyes since it’s pretty obvious, “The kids one Steven it’s not physics.” I hear him huff before cabinets are being opened and closed.
When he comes out he’s carrying the medicine and a glass of water handing them to me, “The waters a chaser cause that stuff tastes like crap.” I close my eyes and shake my head with a sigh, “Our five year old daughter does not need a chaser you lovable idiot.”
When I have it measured out I get Lilly to sit up before handing it to her, “Here ya go princess, it’ll help your belly.” She looks at it and then looks at her father, “But daddy says it’s gross.” I throw a glare at Steve before looking at Lilly, “That’s okay baby, Daddy’s just a big baby. Why don’t you take it and show him how big girls handle it?”
With the thought of showing up her father she grabs it and chugs it in one go before licking her lips, “Daddy, that’s not gross it’s good.” Steve gags while everyone else laughs, “You sound like your Mom.”
Lilly smiles before curling back up on my lap and yawning, “Dat’s okay, she’s cooler than you.” I take a sip of water to avoid laughing but that doesn’t stop Kono and Chin from holding their stomachs in laughter. When Chin catches his breath, still chuckling a bit, he says, “Dang Steve, talk about a burn. And she’s 5!”
Steve rolls his eyes and crosses his arms before Kono chimes in, “Just wait until she’s a teenager.”
I laugh knowing Steve is going to lose his mind when she shits puberty, “Ah heck no, she isn’t allowed to become a teenager.” I look at him and lift an eyebrow, “Why?”
He narrows his eyes and gives his reasoning, “Because, I’ll be chasing off boys left and right, my little girl isn’t allowed to date, or even hug a boy for that matter.” I shake my head and glance at Lilly to see she’s dead asleep against my chest, “Don’t worry babe, you won’t know half the stuff she’s gonna do.”
He shakes his head with a scoff, “Like hell I won’t, I’ll bug her phone and keep a security detail on her 24/7 if I have to.”
I raise an eyebrow and shake my head, “Steve, trust me, you’ll know approximately 48% of what she does. I’ll know about 70% and the rest we just have to pray we raised her right.”
He nods in agreement before snapping his head to look at me, “What do you mean you’ll know 70% of what she does? I’ll only know 48%!” I snort, “Darling I hate to break it to you but when she hits puberty I’m going to become her confidant, don’t worry she’ll still like you more but naturally she’ll gravitate towards me with girl problems and boy problems. She’ll come to you when she wants to learn karate and jujitsu.”
I finally get a laugh out of him with the last statement and he nods, “Well if that’s all she comes to me about I’ll make sure she’s the best damn fighter in the island of Oahu.” I lean my head on his shoulder, “I would expect nothing less.”
We all talk for about another forty five minutes before I hear one of the boys start crying. I sigh as I shuffle Lilly to Steve’s lap and push off the couch, “I’ll be back in a minute I have to go grab the boys.”
Kono pushes herself up and smiles, “I’ll go with you, I want to meet my nephews.” I nod and notion her to follow me as I climb the stairs.
I push open the door and get run over as Kono rushes past, “I’ll get the quiet one!” I snort as she picks up John who is just content snuggling into her light blue tank top while Stevie only gets louder as I pick him up. I check Stevie’s diaper confirming my hunch when it’s dry, he’s hungry.”
I look at Kono with a smile, “Could you do me a favor and grab the blanket off the chair in the corner?” She chuckles softly as she grabs it off the chair and follows me down the stairs.
When I get downstairs Stevie is still screaming and John is using his big blue eyes to take in Kono’s features as she coos. I sit on the couch before taking the blanket from Kono and get Stevie set up to breastfeed without giving Chin an eyeful.
I let out a sigh of relief when he stops crying, “Oh thank God!” Steve rubs small circles into the base of my neck causing me to let out a small moan. Chin snaps his head to us with a smirk, “That’s an odd place for a turn on button.” I chuckle as Steve shrugs, “What can I say, I have very talented hands.”
I nod with a smirk, “Oh that he does, very talented hands. How do you think these two were conceived? Cause let me tell you, damn those hands worked some magic.” I whistle and pretend to swoon causing Steve to blush and the cousins to roll in laughter.
I go to say something else to turn Steve red when his son decides to be a butt, “OUCH!” My screech has Lilly awaking from the dead and calling for me wide eyed, “MOMMA! ARE YOU OKAY!?” I shift slightly after getting Stevie latched on correctly before smoothing back Lilly’s hair, “I’m okay baby, you brother just bit me on accident.” Her eyes flutter closed again as she nods against Steve’s shoulder, “M’tay.”
Once Stevie is down eating I swap him out with John so that John has time to eat. As Chin, Kono, and Steve talk back and forth I lean my head against Steve’s shoulder and zone out until John is done eating and I set the blanket on the coffee table after fixing my tank top. I hand John off to Kono who had given Stevie to Chin before I stretch my arms up and stand, “Here Steve, hand me Lilly I’ll go lay her in bed so she can get some more sleep.”
When I get Lilly tucked away upstairs I drag myself back to the couch before curling up into Steve’s side. I start to doze off before jolting awake as Steve pulls me into his lap. I see his smile through my blurry eyes before he tucks me into him with his arm around my waist and my head in the juncture of his neck, “S’ alright darlin’ go back to sleep.”
Steve’s POV
I feel horrible as soon as I see Y/N’s exhausted face and when she finally relaxes on the couch beside me I decide to hold her and hopefully let her relax a little more and get some sleep. Once she gets past the original scare she curls into my chest and slips into a deep sleep.
Chin looks at me with a sympathetic smile, “She seems exhausted.” I nod as I rub circles into her back, “She is, we just got out of the hospital two days ago and ever since then she hasn’t gotten more than five hours of sleep. And on top of that Lilly’s sick and she’s been dealing with the twins, which you get one satisfied and then the other one need something, not to mention Eddie’s been on a rampage since we got home and won’t listen to her anymore.”
Kono throws a playful glare towards Eddie before looking at me, “I think he may suffer from no longer being the only good boy.” I nod with a laugh, “More than likely.”
I shift and pry open my eyes when a hand holds me tighter to see Steve nodding along with whatever story Kono is telling him. I yawn loudly catching his attention as I ask, “How long did I sleep?” He checks his watch and sighs, “Forty minutes give or take a minute.” I nod before snuggling back into his chest, “Kay, wake me up when someone needs me.”
I sleep for another hour before waking up and seeing that Lilly is sitting on Kono’s lap inspecting her little brother and Chin and Steve are talking about stupidity and dynamite, yeah not a good combination. I slide off Steve’s lap before making my way to the bathroom to grab the thermometer and check Lilly’s temperature again. I sigh in relief when the thermometer read 100.0, “Thank goodness.”
Steve looks at me expectingly and I chuckle, “It’s 100 even so it’s went down a good bit.” He nods with a smile as he watches Lilly play with John’s hand and tell Kono how Eddie ate all her flowers.
After a few more hours Chin and Kono head out promising to come over tomorrow and the twins are peacefully sleeping in their bassinets. Steve and I are in the kitchen when he peeks out to see Lilly laying on the floor with Eddie, “Hey princess?” She turns her head to look at him as he continues, “If Mommy and I go out on the beach for a minute will you be okay?”
I look at him with wide eyes as Lilly hums out an ‘mhmm’, “What about the twins, we can’t leave them?” He holds up the baby monitor before grabbing my hand, “Come on, they’ll survive without you for two minutes.”
I bite my lip, “I want to but I need to clean th-,” he places and finger on my mouth and shakes his head, “No you don’t, not tonight.” I follow him as he leads me out the back door before walking us to the edge of the water, “Kick off your sandals.”
I throw my sandals to the side where he threw his flip flops two seconds ago, “Okay, now what?” He chuckles and leads me into the water until we’re in shin deep water, “Watch the sunset, and relax.”
I nod as he stands behind me, circling his arms around my waist pulling me into his front. I lean my head back on his shoulder and watch as the orange and pink sky slowly fades away. He presses a kiss to my temple before resting his head on my head, “We’ll be okay.” I sigh knowing that he’s figured out why I’ve been so stressed and upset, “But what if I fail? What if I can’t be the mother they need me to be? What if-,” he cuts me off, “Stop. I know I can’t take it all away but I promise you, I will be here every step of the way. I’ll pick you up when you fall, I’ll hold you when this gets the best of you, but most importantly, I’ll make sure you always know how much you are loved and needed, not just by our kids, but by me too. Without you sweetheart, I would be nothing.”
I nod as tears stream down my face, “It’s just so hard.” He nods as he rubs circles into my hips, “I know baby, but it’s okay, we’ll make it.”
And as we stand there with the sun sinking beneath the ocean and the water washing across our feet I know he’s right, we’ll be just fine and postpartum depression has nothing on me as long as I have him.
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@djs8891 @kati-1997
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