#i started this and finished it in mmmm about 5 hours?
girlscience · 2 years
me for the past several years: I think something is wrong with me, I just don't like books the way I used to. I have maybe finished 3 books in 4 years and the last one I finished took me making an intentional effort to do nothing but read it one day to finish it :/
this book,
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bursting into my life: NO IT IS THE BOOKS WHO ARE WRONG
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logansargeantsbabymom · 3 months
Hi could you please write an imagine for the f1 boys (mainly Charles, lando, Pierre, Charles) where they surprise the reader at work and she works in childcare. Thank you
Hey pretty, thank you for the request <3!
Work Surprises with the F1 Boys
A/N: I did make this where Y/N has different occupations working with children so it's not the boring same old same old for every driver. I hope that's okay!
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 Masterlist
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Charles Leclerc: Pediatrician
I woke up at the same time I have for the past 3 years as I would everyday to get ready for work, at 5:30am. Now I was never and never will be a morning person but I absolutely love my job because it involves me helping kids whether they're sick or just need to get a physical for a school field trip.
I felt my boyfriend stir in his sleep next to me as I tried to sneak out of bed. My attempt of sneaking out though failed as I felt the strong arm of my boyfriend wrap around my waist and yanked me against his body. "Mmmm, don't leave" my boyfriend, Charles whispered against the crook of my neck, which caused me to shiver at the sudden breath hitting my skin.
"Baby, I have to get ready for work." I said as I ran a hand through his messy hair
A groan left his mouth before he continued, "Call out sick" his grip on my waist tightening as he snuggled closer to me to fall back asleep
"No Charles, I have too many appointments today and I won't have any cover. I'll be back soon though, remember the office closes early because it's the 4th of July?" that seemed to persuade him enough because I felt his grip loosen a bit and I took that as my queue to slip out before he had enough time to change his mind.
I'd only been at work for about 2 hours and I've seen about 24 patients and attempted to finish some paperwork but every time I get the second to sit down and start the papers, a new patient needs to be seen. I think the last time I've been more stressed in my life than I am right now was back when I was waiting for my score to see if I passed my pediatric exam to get my license and that because I have a waiting room of 6 more patients and all the other doctors and nurses are busy.
I can only thank the heavens because the next patient I had to see turned out to be quadruplets, which would save a significant amount of time on my behalf. Once I called the patients and led them to the room where I closed the door before asking the most important question any doctor could every ask.
"Who's Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn?" I was slightly annoyed with myself as I finished my question because anyone could tell who Dawn was so I could've easily excluded her from the question.
"I'm Nicky, that's Dicky, and that's Ricky. Dawn obviously is the only girl here so" Nicky said
"Right, well who wants to get their shots first?" I said as I looked at the pan of 8 needles. Each kid needed a flu shot and a hep b shot but as I looked around the already crowed room, none of the kids wanted to volunteer first.
With an unamused look on her face, Dawn reluctantly agreed to go first. It only took about 10 minutes to give all 4 kids their shots and when the last kid got his shot, they all bolted out of the room.
"I'm sorry about them, they hate needles" was all the mom said before she left to follow her kids.
It's now 11:55am and the last patient is just about to leave before we close for an hour to have lunch "Okay, if the meds aren't working for your son after about a week, I would come back but if he develops a fever and starts vomiting while taking it, I would suggest taking him to the emergency room." I said as I guided the new mom and her 3 year old daughter to the front lobby.
As soon as the last patient left, I locked the door before making my way to my office to attempt to get some of my paperwork done during my hour break instead of eating.
I was walking back to receptionist desk where I kept my paperwork so I could take them back to my office, only to find it not there. A look of confusion plastered on my face as I continued to look for my missing paperwork. I frustrated groan left my mouth as I realized I'd have to restart all that work.
"I hope you really weren't about to skip lunch for work mon cherie"
A gasp slips past my lips as I quickly turned around to see my boyfriend standing there with a stack of files in one hand and bag of Chinese food in the other.
"Charles!" I said as I walked over to him and took my paperwork back "I thought someone stole these! You scared me!" I placed my hand over my heart and I took deep breaths to try and regulate my heartbeat.
"Sorry, mon coeur but I had to take them because I knew you were going to skip lunch again." A baffled look played across my face because how did he know I have been skipping my lunch breaks to get paperwork done?
"Your coworkers have been telling me you're not eating at work. You can't tell kids to eat to grow and be strong and then not take your own advice. I'm here to make sure that you eat today so I'm making it a little lunch date. Sit and eat."
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Lando Norris: Kindergarten teacher
"Ms. L/N, my dad told me that you're dating a famous wace car dwiver, is that twue?" my one student, who's name I just learn was Leo asked me.
Today was meet the teacher day at the school I taught at just 2 weeks before the first day of school and this question was very different than the ones I've been asked before. I looked up at the single dad behind him as I let out a little chuckle
"Why yes I am Leo, is your dad a fan?" I asked as I knelt to be at level with him
"Uh huh! He woves the orwange one!" I've always had a soft spot for kids and right now Leo is making my heart melt.
I didn't have a chance to respond before he ran over to his dad to tell him the good news. I got pulled aside by a parent who told me about an allergy her kid had to a specific cleaning chemical which I made a note of to avoid using in my classroom. I stuck the sticky note on my computer screen before hearing "MS L/N, YOUR BOYFRWEND HERE!" I could recognize that voice as little Leo's.
My head shot up to look at the door and sure enough, my very famous Formula 1 driver boyfriend was there with a bag full of school supplies and gift bags filled with goodies for the kids.
"Kids, I've got presents!!" Lando shouted which caused a little sea of 5-6 year olds kids ran over him making little grabby hands.
Once all the kids got their little baggy of toys, Lando talking to Leo's dad and I answered more questions, the classroom started to empty as Meet The Teacher time ended. The room fell in a comfortable silence as I started to clean up and organize all the supplies I was gifted today.
"Have you ever thought of having a kid or two?" Lando asked, my body tensed at the question
"I dunno, I haven't thought about it. Have you?" I asked as I looked him in the eyes.
"Everyday since we started dating."
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Carlos Sainz: School Counselor
"Listen Jess, I can't keep getting you out of trouble. You have to stop getting attitudes with teachers over a small issue." I said with a sigh as I had to deal with a troubled 14 year old freshman for the 4th time this week and it only being Tuesday.
"It's not my fault Ms. Jones was being a bitch to me." Jess said as she shrugged and slouched back in the seat she was in.
"Jess! You can't go around calling your teacher a bitch!" I scolded
"I will if they're being bitches!" Jess shouted
The ring of my school phone is what prevented me from further scolding the student sat in front of me
"Ms L/N's office" I started as I listened to the person on the other line "Okay, tell him to sit at the door of my office while I finish up with this student I have now. Okay, thank you. Bye bye" I hung up the phone before turning my attention back to Jess.
"Do you have another student?" she questioned
"I have another meeting, yes, but you're my top priority right now." I said as I readjusted my position in my chair
"To be honest, I cause these problems because I need someone to talk to and I feel most comfortable with you." Jess admitted as she looked down at her lap
"Jess," I started sympathetically "How about this, once a week we will have a 20 minute meeting to talk about anything and everything you want?" I compromised, which got a nod from her.
I watched as Jess left my office, I attempted to clean my desk a little before bringing my other meeting in before hearing Jess' voice
"Woah, you're hot. Are you a teacher?" before I could questioned who she's talking to I heard a thick Spanish accent answer her question
"No, I just have a meeting with Y/N." Disbelief spread across my face as I recognized the voice. There was no way that voice belonged to who I thought it did to.
I quickly ran outside my office where I was met with the most beautiful man on planet earth and who I was proud to call my boyfriend.
"CARLOS?!" I shouted as I jumped in his arms before planting a kiss to his lips
"Sorry for calling your boyfriend hot Ms. L/N" Jess said before she walked away
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I asked as he put me down but not breaking the hug
"We have the week off before the Miami Grand Prix so I wanted to surprise you." Carlos whispered as he kissed my temple
"Well, consider me surprised" I mumbled against his lips before littering his face in kisses.
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Lewis Hamilton: Peds surgeon
I’m currently on hour 8 of my 12 hour hospital shift and I’ve never been more exhausted in my life. I’ve performed 2 surgeries today and I still have one more lined up, now don’t get me wrong, I love my job and everything that comes with it. The ups, the downs, all of it.
I’ve finally finished up a post-op check up with one of my patients before hearing my stomach growl, I sent one of my trusted nurse friends to do the post op check up on the other patient while I grabbed a quick bite before my next surgery.
When I got to the cafeteria, I got a sandwich and sat down with another one of my friends while I scarfed my food down.
“So what’d you do today?” My trauma surgeon friend, Nalani asked as she took a bite of the sandwich she got
“I had to fix a bowel in one kid and another one swallowed a whole bunch of magnetic balls so I had to remove those. One balls tried to stick to the other and pierced an intestine so I had to fix that up. What about you?” I asked a I took another big bite of my food
“Oh well two people came in impaled in the chests with a long rod. Had to separate them, they both survived. It was a real miracle of God because when the images were taken, it looked like neither one of them were gonna survive.”
I’d been prepping for my last surgery of the day before I finally get to clock out and not worry about coming back for the next 4 days.
I walked into the OR getting suited up before noticing a figure in the amphitheater which caused me to look out of pure curiosity. Looking up I was locking eyes with the most handsomest man Ive ever seen in my whole life, who just so happened to be my fiancé.
“What is Lewis doing here?” I questioned the surgical intern
“He said he really missed you. The chief of surgery gave him clearance to be there, I think he promised to autograph a whole bunch of things for him and his kids?”
“That sounds like something Lewis would agree to” I giggled as I started to walk to the head of the table before hearing over the intercom
“Good luck with this surgery darling, I love you.”
“I love you too” was all I whispered before starting my last surgery of the day.
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Daniel: Summer Camp Director
“Alright everybody, can I have your attention please?” I shouted as I glanced around the room filled with 10-15 year olds.
This is my 3rd summer being a Camp Counselor and I have to admit that I always have a blast here.
“Thank you. My name is Ms. L/N, and I’m the main counselor here at Camp Kikiwaka and I’m going to be going over everything that we’re going to be doing here over the course of the summer and you then I’ll open the floor to you guys so you can ask me questions, okay?”
I heard a sea of “Yes” “Okay” “Got it” before I continued. It only took about 45 minutes to go over the expectations at Camp Kikiwaka and the summer itinerary, “Okay, now does anyone have any questions?” A small hand shot up the second I finished my question
“I thought the big kid camp was the building?” a little girl said
“Yes it is, the camp section for older kids is right next door, why? Do you have a sibling over there?” I questioned as I looked at the little girl in front of me
“So who’s that man and why is he smiling at you?” okay, that was scary at all.
Before I could register who she was talking about I heard an older boy say “That’s Daniel Ricciardo!! What is Daniel Ricciardo doing here?!” which caused me to shoot around to see if he’s actually here.
“Hello guys! Don’t mind me, I’m just here to be your counselor’s assistant for the next week and a half” Daniel said as he walked over to me and engulfed me in a hug, swaying us side to side before placing a quick kiss on my temple.
“What are you doing here?” I whispered, looking up at him to stare in his beautiful eyes
“We have two weeks before the next race so I thought I’d volunteer my time here. I already got permission” Daniel said as he cupped my face.
Turning around I let the kids know the news “Okay guys so this is my boyfriend and your guys’ new camp counselor for a week and a half, Mr. Ricciardo! You guys can go up to him and ask him questions just as you are able to come to me!”
“You guys can call me Daniel, there’s no need for formality. Alrighty, any questions?” Daniel corrected me
“HOW CAN I BE YOUR ASSISTANT IN FORMULA 1????” The older boy shouted which caused Daniel to let out a loud laugh before he answered the question.
This was going to be a fun week and a half.
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Pierre: Therapist
To say that today has been stressful would be an understatement. The lady who was in charge of booking my appointments scheduled who people at the same time and then proceeded to fill my schedule today so I couldn’t place the poor girl anywhere so I did the only logical thing anyone would do: I skipped lunch.
Well skipping lunch obviously wasn’t the best idea ever because just about 4 patients after lunchtime is when my headache started settling in, right in that spot behind my eyes. God I hated headaches so much but I despised them even more at work because how am I supposed to be helping my patients if I can’t even think straight.
To make matters worse than they already were, the headache went from just being pulsing behind my eyes to throbbing every time I moved my head in the slightest moment. Thank god this meeting ended quicker than intended and I had 15 minutes before my next patient was to walk in which gave me time to pop a few ibuprofen’s and let it settle in, in hopes that this would go away before the next one walks in.
I must’ve drifted off because two seconds after popping the ibuprofen’s there’s a knock at the door. I suppressed my groan before letting out a weak “Come in!”
I heard the door open but I just couldn’t bring myself to lift my head up
“Woah, you look like shit.” I heard a thick french accent say as the person let out a little giggle.
I knew who the voice belonged to, the owner was my longtime boyfriend who I haven’t seen in 3 weeks but right now, I couldn’t even be excited because I was in pain.
“Pierre please, I love you but right now I have such a massive headache. I feel like I’m going to pass out.” I mumbled into my hands
“Did you eat? I brought food.” He said as he lifted up the bag of french food that he claimed I “needed” to try.
I reluctantly lifted my head so I was able to take a bite or two out of the food. After a few bites I could slowly feel my headache going away, letting out a satisfied groan I continued to dig into my meal.
“You look like you haven’t eaten in days” Pierre chuckled as he watched me absolutely scarf down the food he placed in front of me.
“I feel like I haven’t” was all I managed to get out before I finished my food.
By the time my next appointment arrived, my headache was nothing but a slight throb behind my eyes which I was eternally grateful for.
I made a mental note to thank Pierre in different ways when I got home.
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Logan: Speech Therapy
I’d been working with this kid to say ‘Water’ for the past 20 minutes and I’m nowhere with him.
I work with kids who have trouble talking and I get them to where they need to be at whatever age they are. Like if the kid is 4 years old and isn’t talking, I have to work a lot with the kids to make sure that I can get him to talk and be at a 4 year old’s level of communication.
Something about this 4 year old though, I just can’t get him to say ‘Water’ no matter how hard I try. I glanced up at the clock noting that it’s almost lunch time and I would have to end our session soon.
“L/N, your boyfriend is here and he brought food for all of us!” My coworker Destiny said
“Logan, can you help me? I can’t get him to say ‘Water’ and I’ve been trying for the last 20 minutes” I’m pleading with anyone at this point to at least help me get some type of progress done with him.
I watched as Logan got at level with the kid before attempting his own way “Hey buddy, can you say ‘water’?” after a second of silence he tried again “say ‘wah’.”
“Wah” my body tensed at the kid talking
“ good! now say ‘ter’.”
“Ter” I can’t believe he’s doing it
“Yes! ‘water’ !”
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Lance: Nanny
“Baby why are you here?” I shot around to face my boyfriend
“When the fuck did you get here?” I asked in disbelief
“I missed you. How about we dip?” The nerve of this handsome man.
“Lance, I’m babysitting YOURE NIECE because YOU didn’t want to”
“I’ll pay my sister to take her kid back”
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Oscar: Librarian
“Excuse me Ms, do you have the Pete the Cat book? Me and my friend really want to read it. Please” I heard a little girl say.
I looked down at her before typing in my computer to see exactly where in the store it was at.
“Yes, you can follow me right this way and I’ll take you to them!” I said as I made my way over to where the books were placed. “They’re right here then. Just come up and let me know if you need anymore help!” I said as I watched her and her friends grab different books before going over to the bean bags to sit and read.
Back at my desk I was trying to place pre-orders for the new Ana Huang book coming out. I only got to the part where I could place the amount I wanted in my cart before I was being asked a question
“Do you guys have the King Of series? My girlfriend really wants to read them.” I looked up from my computer only to be faced with my Fiancé of 6 months
“Oscar?? What are you doing here?” I asked in disbelief
“I was in the area. Okay well I was a few cities away but it was only a hour drive” He said shrugging
“You’re so weird. The books are this way” I said as I grabbed a hold of his hands to guide him the way to my favorite Authors section.
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Max: Nutritionist
“Okay Mom so you want to make sure that baby gets as much veggies in his system and more water, Santa said he only puts kids on the nice list if they listen to their mom and eat what she gives.” I said as I directed that last part to her 5 year old son who scrunched his face before hiding behind his mom.
“See Chase, I told you that Santa said that. He didn’t want to believe that Mommy has ties with Santa.” She smiled at the last part before picking her son up to take him out. “Thank you again, Chase is going to eat his veggies, right Chase?”
“No!” he yelled
“Do you want to be big and strong?” A thick Dutch accent could be heard
“Uh huh!!” Chase replied
“We’ll eat veggies. That’s the only way.” I turned to see my boyfriend Max in the doorway of my office.
“Oh well that was one way.” The mom shrugged
“Have a good day!” I shouted as she left “I don’t know how you did that”
“Kids love me”
“oh that’s not-”
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George: Sports Coach
“RUN THE FUCKING LAPS NOW!!!” I screamed at the kids in front of me
To the outside world I would seem crazy for yelling at a bunch of kids like this but in reality, I’m coaching my brother and his bastard friends soccer team this season and they bet me $20 I wouldn’t say that in front of their parents, so that was a quick $20 I put in my pocket.
“CURSING AT KIDS NOW BABE?” My boyfriend George asked.
He was helping me coach them this year and he’s a really do-by-the-book type of guy and he really disapproved of me cursing at the kids.
“Sorry baby, they deserve it. They said that you’re too bad to be in F1” I said shrugging as I made up that lie
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @eddieharrington @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine @ilovsyou3000morgan
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their-little-writer · 5 months
“Alright my little rockstar”
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   (this is a gender-neutral story but the reader is on their period.)
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It had already been a rough morning. You had been woken up at 5 am this morning by a bad headache and a severe case of cramps, it took all your power just to turn over and reach your phone on a nearby table. You thought that today couldn't get any worse but when you went on a app to have some breakfast delivered it said your favorite place was currently out of the one thing you wanted, just great. 
You were honestly already having a bad morning and just wanted to lay down and rest with your cartoons, however that thought would soon be interrupted as there was a knock at the door. You gathered all the strength you could as you went and opened the door to look up and see your caregiver Hobie.   
“Hey there little rockstar, how ya doin?” he asked as he slowly walked inside. You hadn’t said anything before making grabby hands for him. “You doin alright, sweetheart?” he asked as he carefully picked you up and held you. “Shark week...” you whined as he gently swayed you in his arms. 
“Aw, I'm sorry love” he said as he carried you with him into the kitchen  
“Have you had breakfast yet?”  
“No..” you say softly as you felt your tummy rumble  
“Ok love what do you wanna have?”  
“mm..pancakes” you say softly  
“alright, anythin else?” 
“apple an peanut butter..”  
“Alright little one, ill turn on some cartoons for you while bubba cooks, is that alright? He asked  
As you nodded softly again he walked you over to the living room as he got a pillow and gently laid you down, soon reaching over to grab a blanket and put it on you as he turned on one of your favorite shows, then walking to the kitchen to make you your breakfast.  
Twenty minutes later hobie comes back with a plate of pancakes just the way you like them with a side of apples and peanut butter.  
“Do you want a sippy or a bottle?” hobie asked as he walked over to the cabinet  
“mmm.. Sippy pease”  
“alright, and what do u want to drink?” he asked as he grabbed one of your sippy cups  
“mmmm.. Strawbwerry milks pease”  
“alright my little rockstar” he said as he made you your sippy and brought it over to you.  
You smiled softly as you held the sippy cup in your lap as you started to eat your breakfast. Once you were done Hobie took your stuff to the sink and went back over to you “how are you feeling little one? Is there anything i can get you?” he asked. You thought about it as you nodded softly “warmy blanky and colors” you say. He smiled as he nodded and went and got you a heading pad and your coloring stuff.  
He plugged the heating pad into the wall and went over to you as he gently put it on your tummy with a blanket over top and sat your coloring stuff down on your lap. “papa wan color wif mes?” you asked as he sat down beside you. “Sure kiddo” Hobie said as you handed him a coloring page from your coloring book  
An hour passes by as you and Hobie finished coloring and were not watching a Disney movie while snuggling on the couch together. Hobie checked the time as he looked down at you “Hey sweetheart its naptime” he said. You pouted and shook your head no not wanting to stop watching your movie.  
“Come on love we can finish the movie later, but a little one like you needs to get some rest” he says. And with that being said he paused the movie and gently picked you up and started to carry you back to your room. You whined in protest as he carried you and gently laid you down “Sweetheart do u want to wear a dip?” he asked. You nodded softly as he went and got you your favorite pare of jammys and changed u.  
When he was finished he gently held  u in  your arms as he gently swayed and rocked you until you fell asleep. He laid u down as he gently put a stuffie in your arms as he covered u with a blanket to let u rest.. 
When u awoke up later he went and got you mcdonalds for dinner and the rest of the night you and him played games, watch movies, and he even showed u something new he learned to play on his guitar! He loved helping u when u were tiny, even if u didnt feel well he promised u he would always be there for you.
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im-leaking · 8 months
VERY NSFW Omorashi (piss kink)
Old draft from maybe 4-5 months ago.
Bladder hold tonight. No set time tonight just holding until I really gotta go then trying to go in a small opening bottle without making a mess.
10 minutes in: drank a big bottle feel nothing don’t have to go but I was shaking with excitement and I calmed myself down. Watching wetting videos and touching myself a little to them.
20 minutes in: I’m not allowed to touch myself to these videos for the next 10 minutes. I was really close but was good and didn’t cum yet. Mmm… my pussy is so wet and excited I really wanna touch it 😣
30 minutes in: that was difficult. I wanted to touch so badly but I didn’t. I sat up and it felt like my bladder filled a little more than it was… not bad though. 2/10 and it doesn’t feel like anything when I press my bladder. Time to watch more and touch but not let myself finish. It’s so hard to know if I’m gonna come or accident myself when I touch. It feels like I’m about to pee but also like I’m right on the edge and it’s so hard to not let go mmmm….
35 minutes in: changing it to that every five minutes I have to touch and then not touch for another five minutes. I think it’s starting to come through to my bladder now.
40 minutes in: touching myself again. Ok I’ve kinda gotta go I’m at maybe a 3/10. The tinkling sounds are making it worse… I think I need to cum more than I need the potty.
45 minutes in: mmm… I need to squirt. I MEAN… I just need to cum. I don’t need to potty yet. Noo…
50 minutes in: not much change. Maybe 4/10?? Scared I might tinkle myself if I start masturbating again 😣 I’m gonna touch myself these last 10 minutes until an hour and see how badly I have to go.
55 minutes in: I’m about to either cum or go potty in my pants and we don’t want either.. I’m only at a 5/10 but my pussy is so wet and rubbing it makes me have to go more… pressing my bladder is becoming..
1 hour in: im going now. I need to pee!! I ran to the bathroom and crouched with the bottle but the opening was so narrow when I started to pee in it it trickled down the sides and I made a mess. I ended up getting it so most would go in but there was a huge puddle accident on the floor 😣
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hannahbarberra162 · 3 months
Country Mouse, City Mouse Chapter 3
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Now on Ao3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Chapter 3 - Don't Bet On It
Mihawk POV
He hadn’t heard any screaming in the night, so either you were killed quickly or you had survived the night. Mihawk came down from his bedroom to the kitchen for his morning cup of tea. He was used to being the first one up and relished the solitude of the early morning. That is, until he entered the kitchen.
“Good mornin’ sunshine,” you said sipping a cup of coffee at the table.
Mihawk was even less inclined to speak in the morning, but felt obligated to respond.
“Good morning, Y/N. I hope you had a pleasant night in the shed.”
“Oh yeah, it was great. Was the perfect night for stargazing, too. Anyway, gotta get goin’. Lots to do today and I’m burnin’ sunlight.” With that, you finished the last of your coffee, rinsed the cup and went on your way. His day was off kilter and it hadn’t even begun.
You had a lot of work to do today - you had to move some vegetables that were in unsuitable locations, weed, water, plant, mulch, and so much more. But you loved what you did, so you were looking forward to it all. You didn’t know why Mihawk had warned you about the humandrills. One had come up to you, sword in hand to attack. You weren’t sure why but offered him to sit and watch the night sky with you instead. He accepted and you spent an amicable few hours pointing out constellations and explaining their history to him. You thought he was sweet, and maybe could be put to good use for larger projects.
You looked out at the farm and mentally started organizing your tasks for the day. You began with watering as many of the plants looked parched. You had just about finished when Mihawk came to stand beside you. He was wearing another elaborate outfit with his sword strapped to his back. You ignored him and kept watering. When done, you needed to move on to a larger task - replanting some feather asparagus that had been planted too shallowly. You glanced at Mihawk, who still hadn’t said a word. He looked so solemn and stately you couldn’t resist the urge to ruffle his feathers.
“Could you be a doll and use your sword to make a narrow trench over there?” pointing to another area of the farm. Mihawk’s eye twitched.
“That would not be a suitable use for Yoru.”
“Well then grab a shovel pumpkin’ because we have to get digging.” With that, you sauntered over to the shed to collect your tools. He didn’t respond but you’d had your fun anyway.
You spent a beautiful morning digging and replanting the asparagus. During the time, you shared some facts and tips for growing feather asparagus, which generated some conversation with Mihawk. Once done, you stopped for a water break. 
Sitting beside one another in the shade of a tree, you offhandedly said to him “by the way, do we have any ale here?”
“It is early in the day to be drinking, is it not?”
You laughed and said “no, not for me. Pourin’ some ale on the stalks of your beef tomatoes will keep slugs from gettin’ to ‘em.”
“I have read in my farming guides that the best way to keep slugs off beef tomatoes is an application of cumin powder in the soil around the base of the plant. It is inoffensive to the plants but the slugs do not tolerate it.”
“Yeah, that’ll work, but ale works better.”
“The farming guide I am referencing is the most well researched guide currently available. Ale is not listed as a method of slug deterrence.”
“Care to make a bet, swordsman?” you said with a devious look on your face.
Mihawk maintained his neutral expression but said “what are the terms?”
“We’ll split the plants in two groups. You do your treatment, I’ll do mine. In the end, let’s say a week, we’ll see who has fewer slugs. That is, if you are confident in your ‘research guide’.” 
“Mmmm. And what does the winner receive?”
You looked up in thought. “If I win, you have to give me a new bottle of that wine we drank last night. If you win, I’ll move into the castle.”
“I do not care if you live in the castle or not.”
“Then I’ll do the dishes for a month, how about that.”
“Those are agreeable terms.”
“You’ve sealed your fate, sugar,” you said with a smirk.
Mihawk POV
You were right. It only took a few days of applying cumin to the dirt surrounding the tomato plants for him to see that you were having greater success with ale. Mihawk was not used to being wrong, but at least you were being a gracious winner. 
After five days and countless cumin applications, Mihawk came to your shed at the end of the day, wine bottle in hand. He also brought two glasses, in case you were interested in some company. Over the past few days of working together, he found he enjoyed conversing with you. You were knowledgeable about many topics and were an avid reader, like he was. You mentioned that during off seasons and while on long sea voyages, your favorite activity was reading. You found both of you relished the same romantic series - about a swashbuckling pirate always on an adventure, but secretly yearning for true love. 
He did not see much of you outside of work and meal time. There wasn’t much to do on the island, so he had assumed you would join them in the castle for entertainment. However, when you weren’t working, you were nowhere to be found. Mihawk was not expecting such an outcome. The types of people that he was used to engaging with - warlords, pirates, loose women, outlaws, merchants - would always flock to him. He would have to fend off irritating conversations, pathetic pleas, and wanton come-ons to no end. But you didn’t seem to need his company, you had a rich life all your own. Your independence of thought and lifestyle was refreshing, if not a little strange to him. 
Coming to the shed, he rapped his knuckle once on the door. There was no response. Perhaps you did not hear? He rapped again, this time twice. Still no response, and no sounds coming from the shed. Though he was loath to violate your privacy, he wanted to ensure you were alright. Opening the door and peering into the shed, it was obvious you weren’t there.  It was nearing nightfall - there wasn’t any activity to do on the island. So where could you be?
Mihawk just wanted to ensure you got the wine - he was not at all worried about your whereabouts, he told himself. He called out your name, “Y/N? Are you about?”
“Over here” you called from father away.
He looked where your voice had come from. You were sitting on the ground, leaning back against a stump. You had something on your hand and you were watching it move. Mihawk came towards you and stopped in front of you.
“Hey dumplin’, what can I do you for?”
“I concede that you have won our bet. You are far more knowledgeable than my books. As the winner, I bequeath to you this bottle of wine,” he said with a small smile. He presented you with said bottle. “I have also brought glasses in case you wish to celebrate your victory now.”
“Aw, you shouldn’t have. Thank you, honey. I think tonight’s a fine night for a celebration. Go ahead and crack ‘er open for us.” You smiled up at him while an insect continued crawling on your hand.
Mihawk obliged and poured two glasses of wine. After handing one to you, you said “c’mere, sit. The grass don’t bite.” You patted the ground next to you.
Mihawk was unused to sitting on the ground. He always thought it was so unrefined. And might soil his garments. But…it did have its charm. He ignored your use of a command and sat down next to you.
“You have an insect on your hand, Y/N.”
“It’s a lantern firefly. I’ve never seen this kind before, they’re the largest variety in the Grand Line. They have a short lifespan and only live a few weeks so I’ve never been able to catch ‘em at the right time.” You nodded your head towards a glade nearby. “Look.”
In silence, the two of you watched as more fireflies lit up the darkening night sky. It was a beautiful sight, the fireflies glowing like green glass globes in the air. The air seemed to be filled with softly glowing lanterns, creating a peaceful atmosphere. You sat and enjoyed the scene, sipping your wine slowly. Mihawk did the same. You had a tranquil look on your face and a soft smile on your lips. It was an otherworldly scene, sitting next to you, watching the glow in the growing dark. This was something he would not have found on his own before you came to him. Eventually, the night sky was completely dark and the fireflies stopped appearing. 
“Well, that’s that,” you said, getting up and dusting off your pants. “Have you ever seen something so wonderful?” you asked him, returning your now empty wine glass to his hand.
Looking into your eyes, he replied “not until tonight.”
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artiststarme · 2 years
What If Steve Were To Leave Hawkins? Part 12
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
This part is mostly just a filler but still fits as part of the story. I worked a 14 hour shift today but wanted to make sure I posted something to keep my everyday posting streak going. So here is an average day in the life of Steve and Eddie, enjoy! The angst will continue tomorrow, I promise.
After an amazing several days in the city for the boys, Steve had to go back to work. The coffee shop renovations were completed and Betty was eager to get back to business. He was worried that Eddie would be disappointed at the upcoming mundanity after all the fun they had been having. Over the course of the past few days, Eddie and Steve had seen all the touristy sights they could. Steve took him to the Skydeck at Sears Tower, Shedd Aquarium, the ferris wheel at Navy Pier, Lincoln Park Zoo, and all of the iconic restaurants that he thought Eddie might enjoy. And he did enjoy it. Eddie was having the time of his life, as was Steve. And it wasn’t even just the fun activities that were making them so happy. It was spending time together and learning more about each other that was making them so joyful.
However, their fun had to come to an end eventually. Steve’s shift started at 6 AM when the coffee shop opened and he knew it would feel longer than usual with Eddie waiting for him to finish. From 6 AM to 9 AM, the hours seemed never ending. All Steve wanted to do was go back to his comfortable bed and cuddle with his boyfriend. But instead, he had to deal with increasingly difficult coffee orders from middle-aged customers. 
His mood lightened considerably once Eddie stumbled downstairs from his apartment and took a seat at one of the tables facing Steve at the counter. He grinned at Steve and gave him a cheerful wave. His hair was untamed and he was wearing Steve’s only black shirt along with a pair of blue jeans. Steve doesn’t think he’s ever looked better. He waited for a break in the amount of customers before making Eddie a coffee, black with more sugar than coffee. Just how he liked it. 
Steve carried it over to him at the table and affectionately pat his shoulder, “Good morning, Eds. What’re you doing?”
Eddie leaned further into Steve’s touch as he took a sip of the coffee and sighed in contentment at the taste. “Mmmm, this is great. 10 out of 10, the best coffee I’ve ever had, thanks babe,” he said before taking another sip. “I’m working on some song lyrics. I had an idea for a new song.”
“Well, I can’t wait to hear it,” Steve murmured before looking at the corner. He saw a few people walking in and sighed, “I have to go but I’ll come back over when it slows back down.”
“No worries, Stevie. I’m fine sitting here, watching my man at work. Go forth and make their brews, barmaid!”
Steve rolled his eyes at his theatrics and raked a hand teasingly through the mop Eddie called hair. He listened to Eddie’s squawk of protest as he went back to work.
Steve knew he loved this job but it had never felt as right as it did just then. Eddie sat in the shop for the entirety of Steve’s shift, smiling whenever they made eye contact and occasionally wandering up to the counter when his coffee cup ran dry. He looked slightly misplaced in the small coffee shop amongst the businesspeople and college students, being the only metalhead present, but Steve wouldn’t have it any other way. He loved looking past
whichever customer he was serving to see Eddie scribbling song lyrics furiously into his notebook with his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth as he concentrated. 
Steve was even happier though when his shift ended and he could spare Eddie all of his attention. He had some ideas for what he and Eddie could do once his shift was over at 3 PM but he desperately needed a shower to wash off the sticky smell of coffee. “Hey Eds, let me take a shower really quick and then we can do some more exploring, okay? Didn’t you want to check out some bar tonight?”
Eddie rolled his eyes in fond exasperation, “it’s not just ‘some bar’, Stevie. It’s a gay bar. And your first one so I think we should go. If you’re cool with it.”
Steve looked at him unimpressed. “Why wouldn’t I be cool with it? I’m dating you, aren’t I? We can go tonight.” 
He pecked Eddie on the lips before grabbing a clean towel and walking into the bathroom. He wanted to look good tonight if he was going to show Eddie off. 
Eddie decided to call Uncle Wayne once they returned to the apartment. He had some time to kill while Steve got ready and it had been a couple of days since he had spoken to the man. With a glance to his watch, he nodded and made the call. He knew that Wayne would be heading to his overnight shift at the plant soon but they should have enough time to chat briefly. 
“Munson residence, how can I help you?”
Eddie chuckled at such a formal greeting coming from such an informal man, “My god, you answer the phone like a butler. Uncle Wayne, how are things?”
The bored inflection in his tone disappeared once he realized it was Eddie on the line. “Hey son, I’m alright. How’re you liking it in the city?”
Eddie looked at the bathroom door to ensure Steve couldn’t hear him. He could hear the water going still and the muffled sound of Steve singing some Wham! song. Jesus Christ. 
“I really like it here, Wayne. Steve’s been amazing and it’s the total opposite of Hawkins. No one even looks at me twice. I think… I think I’d like to stay here.” Eddie whispered into the phone’s receiver. 
Wayne was quiet for a moment but when he spoke he was confident. “Look Eddie, I know you’ve never had it easy here. You’ve always been meant for more than this town. If ya like it in Chicago and ya like being with Steve, you should stay there. Ya don’t have to come back to Hawkins.”
Eddie closed his eyes as he processed his uncle’s words. “I don’t want to leave you to live by yourself. And I don’t even know if Steve would want me around all the time. I know I can get annoying.”
“Stop that. Eddie, I’ll be fine on my own. I’ll miss having ya around but I’ve always just wanted ya to be happy. If being in the city with Steve does that, ya should stay there. And I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He wants to keep ya around,” Wayne reassured him. 
Wayne had to get going to make it to his shift on time so they said their goodbyes. Their conversation gave Eddie a lot to think about. He would miss living with his uncle but Hawkins was still relatively close. Close enough to drive back and visit with the old man on a whim. And moving out of Hawkins would definitely make him happy, especially if he could be with Steve. With his mind mostly made up, all he had left to do was have that conversation with Steve.
Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20: Epilogue
Updated Taglist: @nickavalens @conversesweetheart @themostunoriginalpersonever @swimmingbirdrunningrock @eddiethegreatteddybear @harrumphingtons @call-me-big-eyes @moonshadows-13 @glittergluekintsugi @cpidcupk @doubleb11 @mentalcyborg @amoris-no-smut-allowed @purple-lemonade @labels-are-for-the-weak @thebrazilianatheist @rajumat @livelaughlexa @5ammi90 @colorful565 @marvelousforlife @chaoticcoffeequeen @gregre369 @suddenlyinlove @thegreatmistake @stillfullofshit @nburkhardt @batxsignalsx @newunknowns @thosemessyvibes @tailsfromthecrypt @luciana-rowan @bird-with-pencils @adaed5 @lolawon @flustratedcas @iwillfindmyneverland @messrs-weasley @skoomy-doompy @yearningagain @forest-fogg @bitchysunflower @stardust-era @newtstabber @bobatrash-queen @notjasontxdd @ohlook-afrog @00biscuit @grtwdsmwhr @oxidantdreamboat @the-witch-forever-lives @estrellami-1 @whatthemeepever @a-simple-gaywitch @imzadidragonfly @freddykicksasses @krimsonsimp @whatthefuccck @delta-piscium @anaibis @tinynebula @darkwitchoferie @evix-syne666 @tawghasa @pyrohonk @lillys-weird-world @superduckmilkshake @paintsplatteredandimperfect @tiny-enthusiast @whalesharksart
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scoops404 · 2 months
Aaaahhh I just finished ‘Merry Men Making Merry’ (otherwise known as MMMM) and I’m so hyped about it!!! I had so much fun reading it, your world-building is amazing, so impressive!
As I said I’m a big fan of the story of Robin Hood and it brings back childhood memories. I like that you can read your fic without having any knowledge of the original story, but if you do have knowledge of it it’s so much fun to recognize parts. Like BBH being friar Tuck had me cackling, it’s perfect!
I always love how you write Larray, I can literally hear him in my head with the way you write him 🤭
Oooh and don’t get me started on the ingenuity of incorporating their background stories through flashbacks, that really made the story come to life for me.
//“You gave me a purpose,” Dream tells him, barely audible over the cracking and popping of the fire. The wind almost carries the words away, but George heard them. They’re his now.//
This is probably my favorite part in the fic. For a moment there you had me fooled because of how the og story ends, but your ending was literally perfect. Anyway, I don’t want to spoil too much and I’ve been going on for too long so for anyone reading this ask please go read the fic, you will not regret it!
Thank you Scoops for giving us such a wonderful story again, you’re amazing!
(All that’s missing was the map of the realms at the beginning of the story, haha)
MMMM because it's finger lickin' good!!! Lol no that's so cringe omg
Spoilers under the cut!
I really wanted to write Robin Hood and I was blessed to get the prompt (It was one of those challenged where you give your top 3 preference and then get assigned one). I knew I could write something actiony/adventury because I LOOOVE writing those and I think I'm pretty good at it. Cc!DNF don't really lend themselves to action and adventure but AU versions of them do. Deep in Dream and The Mushroom King and the Nightmare were some of my favorite stories to write. Like, fully obsessed while I was writing them and working on the world building, and MMMM reminded me heavily of those vibes.
I have seen the DIsney animated movie, of course, and also "Men In Tights" and both of those stories kind of spoof the already famous tropes of Robin Hood, so I did some digging --aka I watched an hour long youtube video essay about the evolution of Robin Hood lore-- and dove in. I wanted to add elements from different "canons" - like Robin Hood being secretly a nobleman. I also didn't want this story to be 100K words (which, as you know, I could easily accidentally do) so I decided for the plot, we would center around something fun-- stealing something, since that's what he's known for. I didn't know how to make George Maid Marian because obviously he has to be the love interest, OBVIOUSLY lol, so once I changed it to Maid Marian being Dream's sister, it all kind of fell into place.
However, I also wanted to see *how* they became the Merry Men, I think that's really interesting and integral to the story, and thus the flashbacks were born. I really don't like flashbacks, both in reading and writing, I think they can be done very very well (Hi Luci!), but normally i just find them really boring, so I had to keep them short and action packed to keep everyone's attention.
BBH as Friar Tuck -- fit tooooo perfectly, I just had to. I went back and forth on George or Sapnap being Little John and then decided it didn't really matter ultimately, they both kind of fill that role. Though, George kind of also rounds out the "Robin Hood" persona --please note that he gets mistaken for Robin Hood at least once in the fic!
I had a blast writing this one and, not going to lie, it got away from me for a while, but @rebelwithoutabroom helped pull me back lol.
Thank you so much for such a lovely review of the story! I'm so glad you liked it <3
(Yes, next time will add a map, though i have no idea what it all would look like so that will add like 5 months onto things. Also, multiple realms, what was I thinking?!)
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veliara · 20 days
FFXIVWRITE2024 Day 5: Stamp
The rays of the setting sun slid one last time across elezen's face and disappeared over the horizon. The man ignored the darkness, fixed a black strand of hair out of a disheveled ponytail and continued to work on the documents. He promised himself that one more hour of work and he would be done with his business and head home, to his family.  After putting down his quill and running his eyes over the final draft of the rules, he nodded to himself in satisfaction and began to rewrite it on a new sheet of paper. A sudden click of the desk lamp distracted him from his important work. His old friend, who was standing at the side of the desk, took his hand off the lamp, adjusted the stack of papers and stepped back. He shook his head and returned to his work. For the thousandth time in their long friendship, amazed at his friend's talent for walking silently in heavy armor.
“Thanks, Gab.”
“Theo, how much longer do you plan on sticking around? It's getting late already.” his brother in all, but blood inquired.
“'Bout another hour, I think. I have finished sketching the rules for the Order of the Heralds. I have no questions for them now. I'll rewrite it and I think I'll be able to get on with the other...”
“I see,” the knight interrupted him with a sigh, “ Then once you've finished, would you be so kind as to give me a moment of your precious time, Theon? I have brought you a formal petition.”
Theon raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked at his serious friend.
“Something of importance?” he asked worriedly, setting aside his quill.
“I think so.” nodded Gab, but smiled at the end “A petition, to our Emperor."
“'Intriguing. Let me see.”
He took the most common, folded piece of paper from his friend's hands, leaned back in the soft armchair, and unfolded the document. He ran his eyes over the crooked, indecipherable handwriting, which could not even be contained within a single straight line. He read and froze when he saw the signature in the form of a little squiggle and the petitioner's funny stamp.
“Darkness take me” he covered his eyes and rubbed his face. He raised tired green eyes to his friend. “Tell me the truth Gab, am I a terrible father?”
The other man laughed loudly and heartily.
“Don't be a fool Theo. For starters, people in your position not only don't raise their children themselves, but sometimes they only see them only at the important events. Only you and Aela trust your children to anyone, except us. Everyone knows that you love your little devils. Otherwise you wouldn't have started this Herald Order thing. Another way to make their life in the future  easier. In fact, you're the only one of your kind I can think of who spends so much time with your little ones. You were raised by your mom mostly, and you only saw your dad on weekends at best. So in my humble opinion, you're the most fatherly father your family has had in generations.”
“However, my six year old daughter wrote a letter to the Emperor asking him to release me to go out and play with her. What is that but a sign that I am a bad father?!”
Gab disheveled his flaming red hair and sighed.
“It's a sign that she is missing you and that you need to devote some time to her. That's all.”
“Mmmm. Also a sign that she needs to pay more attention to her studies” he smiled looking at his youngest child's scribbles. “She's made so many mistakes here...”
Gabriel rolled his eyes.
“Cut the kid some slack for her age. She's only six.”
Theon didn't seem to hear him and continued to look at the note, smiling softly.
“Got the letters mixed up in your name again. Ceil. You're so silly my dear.” the usually indifferent and even a slightly stern face softened. “By the way, what kind of stamp is that?”
He tried sincerely not to laugh at the sight of the incomprehensible set of circles.
“It's a cat's paw. It's our little lady's personal stamp. Every knight on dute with little lady was thinking about it and helping draw it” the knight proudly announced.
That was the final straw. Picturing a group of armed, armored knights sitting around, drawing a cat's paw print with his daughter, Theon burst out laughing.
“Did you guys have a cooperative creativity circle in there or something?” Theon laughed, wiping away his tears.
“You could put it that way. As head of your guard, I had to help her. Consider it a matter of honor for all the Dark Knights serving you and your family.” The knight snorted proudly.
“A cat's paw.” the dark-haired elezen brooded, caressing a small drawing with his finger. “'Tis a good one for her. Soft, affectionate, cute, but with claws. I approve.”
Taking another look at the documents, he set the papers aside and stood up.
“Darkness with these papers, I'll finish them in the morning. Come on Gab, have dinner with us.” The two headed for the door while Theon kept thinking about his daughter's drawing. More than anything, he wished that his children's lives were happy and peaceful. That they would know how to use their claws, but they would never have to.
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justsomeclintasha · 2 years
Day 5- Countdown
“Clint? You awake?”
He grumbles, tightening his hold on her and nuzzling further into her side. A strand of red hair falls onto his cheek. It would take too much energy to brush it away.
“What time is it?”
“Too early.”
“I can’t sleep. I’m too excited.”
“Mmmm cuz of Yelena?” His brain is finally catching up, though he still hasn’t opened his eyes.
“She’ll be here tonight. It’s going to be our first holiday together in so long.” He nods in agreement. “You can sleep in. I’m going to get started.”
She slips out of his arms and he clutches the still warm covers against his chest.
“Come back, Tasha.”
She’s already gone.
“Six hours until you get to see Auntie Lena,” Natasha coos, smooshing the face of their grumpy black cat. Liho shakes it off and retreats to the other side of the sofa.
“Lucky looks sort of happy about it. Course he could just be hungry,” Clint says thoughtfully. He reaches down to scratch the mutt behind his ears. “She said she’s bringing a surprise. What do you think it is?”
“I have no idea. Do we have everything for dinner tonight?”
“Yeah, and I got a fresh baked loaf of bread to go with the lasagna.”
“She keeps telling me how lucky I am that you cook.”
“Well one of us has to or we’ll starve. And since you set the stove on fire-“
“Once is one too many times, Nat,” he teases. “You need help with anything before she gets here?”
“Well, maybe…”
“Oh my god, she’s going to be here in like ten minutes and the salad isn’t done and I should have run the vacuum again and-“
“Relax. Go get changed and I’ll handle the food.”
“Okay. Okay.” He hears her take a deep breath as she walks down the hall towards their room. It’s been a long time since he’s seen her like this- if ever- a mix of both nerves and excitement. He’s just finished cutting the last of the vegetables when the doorbell rings.
“I got it!” Her voice sounds a tiny bit high pitched, but he just smiles and washes his hands at the sink. A chatter of voices floats through the living room.
“Hey Clint, I think you’ll like the surprise,” Yelena remarks, laughing. He turns to the doorway, and his jaw drops in shock.
“Merry Christmas!”
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sophiasharp · 2 years
Tagged by @madangel19 , thanks man, I needed the distraction.
1. Three ships:
Ah man let’s see… 1) Terzomega, 2) polyghouls + Copia, that might be cheating but I don’t care, 3) still have a love for Chreon, it’s not at the forefront anymore cause of Ghost but it’s there
2. First ship
Ohhh that depends on what you consider shipping. Without knowing what shipping was, I think that even though I didn’t know how being gay worked, I really liked the idea of Duck and Rue from Princess Tutu. Consciously shipping, though? Mmmm no one crucify me cause I haven’t been keeping up in that sphere at all but I think it was Skylox from the ye olde MYCT fandom. In my defense, I was like 10 and was only JUST finding out how being gay worked.
3. Last song
Crucified by Army of Lovers
4. Last Movie:
Was sick out of my gourd on an 11 hour plane ride and binged a few so-so documentaries that i don’t remember to keep myself from watching other people’s movies from over their shoulders, does that count? No? Then the last movie I actually sat down and watched was this one called Heaven Can Wait, watched it with my mom on Christmas and came to the conclusion that the best way to get me to enjoy a movie is for it to either be 1) animated or 2) comedies about how stupid rich people are.
5. Currently Reading:
Mostly fanfiction, admittedly, however I’m gonna be finally starting The Tower of Nero from the Trials of Apollo series soon so I’m looking forward to that!
6. Currently watching:
Ehhh Critical Role from, like, my very periphery, I don’t have the mental energy to keep up right now so for the most part I only watch back episodes that I know something important happened in lol. Very much looking forward to catching up on The Legend of Vox Machina, though!
7. Currently consuming:
What? Huh? Uh. I just finished a Reese’s cupcake?
8. Currently craving:
Nah man I just had dinner, I’m good
Aw fuck, time for tagging. Uhh let’s see, @meltingblue i think you’d get a kick out of this, @karosunflower perhaps?, @cock-holliday I’ve seen you do a few of these sometimes, and… @the-archangel-of-salt if you ever feel like you need to do something silly for a bit
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etes-secrecy-post · 2 years
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Take a Taste: with Lugaw Sisig from Mang Boy Alfredo Lugawan Restaurant [Recorded: Feb 18th, 2023]
Hello! It’s time for another “Take a Taste”! The series is about delicious food with my two paper dolls.
And today, I'm reviewing this hot-served Lugaw Sisig from Mang Boy Alfredo Lugawan Restaurant! 🥣😊 How's it taste? Let's find out! 🤔
If you haven't seen my previous episode, then please [CLICK ME!].
So, without further ado, let's get started:
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• So, we're here at the gorgeous Mang Boy Alfredo Lugawan Restaurant! Where they opened 24 hours of eating Lugaw soup (or any dish that they offered) by customers, like us! This is actually, my first time (or our first time) to stepped in during night time. And we all know, that we love eating restaurant at night time! 😋🥣🌙
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• Such the case, with this delicious "Lugaw Sisig" that I've ordered. By the way, I'm with my family & my related aunt (or "Tita") for a special dinner night! 😁
• Anyways, the cost of "Lugaw Sisig" is ₱119 ($2.16). Mmmm, this lugaw look scrumptious! The combination of sizzling sisig mixed with warm rice porridge! 🥣😋 (along side with common toppings)
• And yes, the word "Lugaw" is a type word for Asian porridge. So, let's dig in! 😋
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• Here's my spoon scooping on two different toppings. The first is the sisig toppings, then next is the boiled egg! Yum-yum! 😋 The fusion dish is fantastic, at the same time, its a bit spicy thanks to the sisig's signature recipe! And the presentation look great on the bowl, I love it! 🥰 Have some, you two! Let's finish this bowl.😋
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8th & 9th Image(s): ↑
• Minutes later, we're all done! Thankfully, they offered us a manual service of drinking water to wash out our meal! 💧😊
• It's a unique dish, on what could be otherwise, a normal porridge topped with sizzling meal that Filipinos/Filipinas know in love. Will I ordered it again? Absolutely! 😁 However, I want a try other menus that they offered from this lugawan (porridge) resto establishment. And my paper dolls completely agrees.😊
Well, that’s all for now, If you haven’t seen my previous episodes, then I’ll provide some links down below.↓😉
Take a Taste:
○ 2021 Food Reviews: ○
• Popeyes U.S. Spicy Chicken Sandwich [Dec 6, 2021]
• Jollibee Chick'nwich & Crisscut Fries [Dec 21, 2021]: Part 1 [CLICK ME! #1], Part 2 [CLICK ME! #2]
○ 2022 Food Reviews: ○
• Mini Stop Chicken Fillet XL Sandwich [Feb 7, 2022]
• Minute Burger Cheese Burger(s) [Mar 1, 2022]
• Pepper Lunch Teriyaki Beef Pepper Rice w/ Egg (& Honey Brown Sauce) [Mar 5, 2022]
• Bacsilog’s Sulit Combo Bacon-Tocino & Samgyup Day’s Pork Herbs [Mar 12, 2022]
• Burger King Whopper w/ Sides & Drink [May 6, 2022]
• Marshmello’s Limited Edition Coca-Cola Zero [Aug 26, 2022]
• Cheesy Burger McDo with Lettuce & Tomatoes Meal [Recorded: Sept 16, 2022]
• Mcdonald’s PH McSpicy & Apple Pie (featuring their World Famous Fries) [Nov 14, 2022]
• Mcdonald’s McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich [Dec 31st, 2022]
○ 2023 Food Reviews: ○
• Foods from Delicious Restaurant & 1919 Grand Cafe [Jan 8th, 2023]
• Homemade Churros by my lil’ bro [Feb 12th, 2023]
Tagged: @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant
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indigo-teenager · 1 year
The First meeting
Part 1
About an LDR relationship
Egyptian X Australian
While I was daydreaming about my love, I heard over the speakers
"All passengers, this is the final boarding call for flight 17 to Canada at gate Jackie 3"
Oh crap I'm about to miss my flight! I grab my carry-on luggage in preparation for my huge 32-hour flight to Canada to surprise my gorgeous partner. As we started taking off, I started watching our favourite movie to watch together, giving myself butterflies. I fell asleep during the flight while watching the movie, but when I woke up, I could see the lovely city I had never been to but was home to my gorgeous partner
" All passengers welcome the city of *******. we hope you enjoy your stay."
As I was getting off the plane I failed to realise until I felt the cold air this is nothing like Australia as I was there in my shorts and short sleeve t-shirt and thongs (flip flops) I embrace the cold air all the way into the airport where I then embrace the warm air and change into my cold weather clothing in a convenient change room after I've finished changing I call up my airport shuttle bus to take me to my accommodation with my suitcase of clothing I expect to lose to my partner. Once my shuttle arrived me and the driver engaged in some small talk about the city and some romantic date ideas and famous locations around town he seemed quite surprised when I told him my partner lived in the city next thing I knew we had arrived at my accommodation after I got out of the bus the driver wasted no time in pulling out my suitcase from the back and giving it to me with a smile on his face I presumed because he thought I would give me a 5 star review which he was correct in assuming I would after he got me all checked in and gave me my room key I went straight to my accommodation after giving him a little wave goodbye once I got into my room I immediately got into bed and passed out.
The next morning I woke up at the ripe time of 8 in the morning on a Sunday and decided to go to the local popular shopping centre to get some nice new clothes as I was here on holidays as well and while I was shopping around with already have purchased a few clothes a familiar figure walked past while talking to a friend of hers next thing I knew I heard someone say my name in a surprised manner and as I turned around I realised why they looked so familiar it was my gorgeous partner standing before me our faces lit up like Christmas trees and then we started hugged each other and passionately kissing each other in the shopping centre leaving the friend very confused and flustered at the sight and timidly asked
"C-Cashy who is this guy you're hugging and kissing!?"
Cash replied Oh sorry Maddie this is my boyfriend his Australian.
"WHAT THE HELL CASH YOU-MmMm Cash covers her mouth shhh calm down and then I'll explain ok?
Maddie nodes In agreement
We then all move down one of the cafés to talk about me the boyfriend
So Maddie this is Zack my Australian partner we've been dating for a year and a half now but it's a secret from my parents so please don't tell them ok?
Maddie agrees then extends her hand to me apologising for her outburst
"Sorry as you already know I'm Maddie and I'm one of Cash's friends nice to meet you Zack"
I shake her hand saying it's nice to meet her too
After that Cash slaps my arm saying wtf Zack you never said you were coming over then she gives me a kiss
I laugh sorry babe I just wanted to surprise you didn't think you would be here tho haha
Well no duh it's the most popular shopping centre of course I would be here
Ok yeah that makes sense sorry but I was wondering do you have any plans this week?
No why?
I was wondering if you wanted to have a date week
OMG really Zack 😍
Yes I came here to see you after all
Ok yes I'm free but I can only go after school if that's ok with you.
Of course it's ok with me
But if you want Zack I'm not doing much today if you want to come shopping with me Maddie needed to go home soon anyway
Oh sure Zack replied
Ok then let's go.
As cash and Zack get up to go shopping
To be continued In part 2
"date at the shops"
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0 notes
thebiggestmenace · 1 year
So I have a theory about the Nora scene
You know how Ellie didn’t get any of her stuff back in the finale? Well in her bag didn’t she have a picture of her and Riley? So maybe the fireflies went through her stuff (before they disbanded) and maybe some of them (Nora) end up recognizing her from the photo? Idk tho
I just feel like them having a picture of the only immune girl will comeback to haunt Ellie
Or like you said- maybe Ellie gets bit with Dina and then Nora notices the bite and realizes she’s not turning
I agree, I really hope she isn’t covered in bite marks by the end. Doesn’t she also get bit in the game near the end too?
she does have a picture of Riley in her bag! and she did lose it! (this is not exciting, I just love me some theories)
I imagine they did go through her stuff cause that just seems like something they'd do. and maybe Nora does recognize Ellie from that, and then helps Abby to go after her. I know she doesn't go after Ellie, but they could ask around and find out that Ellie very clearly means something to Joel, so if she kidnaps or goes after her, Joel will come and then the golfing will happen. could also help with the theater part - Abby would already know who Ellie is, while Ellie only knows Abby as the girl who killed Joel. mmmm or if Nora and Abby meet after the fireflies disbanded, and Abby confides in her about what happened in that hospital and Nora shows her the picture. anon, this is such a good fucking theory. it will bite Ellie in the ass, I can already feel it
and yeah, that could be it, too! Ellie gets bit with Dina and Nora sees it and that's how she knows. I was worried/thinking they'd give her another bite within the same 24 hours, but this makes more sense. we know from episode 2 that it'd still be a bit inflamed cause it's healing, so maybe Nora sees it and knows that she should be turning, but she isn’t. I am wondering how Nora will go out, though? cause she breathed spores and they don't have spores in the show, so do they wait for Nora to start turning? cause she was pretty close to it, I imagine, when Ellie caught up to her
and yeah, Ellie did get bit near the end! it's when she's going after Abby in Santa Barbara, she ends up getting bit on her left hand, coincidentally. so if they give her a bite for every single time she's supposed to breathe the spores and then also when she's supposed to be bitten, girl's gonna have at least 5?? and if they do the chemicaling and the tattooing the same, is she gonna burn all of them?? cause that just seems like a lot? and ouchie, man
but also, how the hell did she know Abby was at the aquarium??? everyone's saying Nora probably told her, but we saw that whole interaction, and it was never mentioned? she beat the shit out of Nora, there's no way Nora was telling her anything. and I don't imagine she would've asked anyone else because 1, there were too many and they all wanted her dead and 2, she was basically in the basement (I think? haven't finished the rewatch yet) or the parking garage, so I'm sure she found an exit that way. she could've overheard someone talking about it, but she seemed pretty shaken up when she got back to Dina and Jesse, so I doubt she was in the right headspace to eavesdrop
0 notes
You, Me & Us
I’m clearly very ~horny. This is part one of a series I was writing. If I don’t have sex with this man, I might die.
I didn’t proofread so I’m sorry if it’s bad!!!!
It was 1:04AM. You’re sitting in bed watching television wondering why you couldn’t get to sleep.
“Ugh” you groan as you try to look for the remote.
Suddenly, your phone rings. You look at your nightstand and it says “Austin”.
It wasn’t odd that he would be calling you at this hour, I mean, he is your fuck buddy. You met Austin about 5 months ago at a bar. The first night you met you fucked and from that moment on you became friends with benefits. You never really hung out outside of sleeping together.
“Hellloooo” you say.
“Hey baby, what are you doing?” he asks. It’s quite loud where he is so you could barely hear him.
“Nothing. Are you out?” you ask.
“Mmhmm. I’m about to head out of here. I’ve been thinking about you all night” he says.
You look down and smile playing with the shaggy blanket you had on.
“Oh yeah? Well get your ass over here. I’ll leave the door unlocked. Come right in” you say.
“Got it. See you soon” he says and hangs up the phone.
You put your phone down on the nightstand and throw your blanket to the side. You shuffle over to your makeup table and touch yourself up a bit. You weren’t trying to look too tired or worn out.
Usually, every weekend this would happen. You’d get the call or he’d get the call, you’d go over to one another’s places, fuck, and then call it a night. Tonight, you decided to make things more fun and interesting.
You rummaged through your drawers and found some sexy black lingerie to slip into. You wanted to feel sexy for him.
Once you finished changing, you crawled back into bed and flipped through the channels.
After about 20 minutes, you hear your front door open and then close.
“I’m here” Austin yells as he enters your condo.
He walks right into your bedroom and leans against the door frame.
“Mmmm hi” you reply. You climb out from under the blanket and prop yourself up on your knees. You rested your hands on your thighs and smiled at him.
“Fuck” he says as he looks at you from the top down.
He walks over to the bed and he’s towering over you.
“Now this is a pleasant surprise” he says as his fingers wrap around your black lacey bra strap, admiring the way it sits on your chest.
You smile, “You like this?”
He nods. “Turn around for me”
You climb on all fours and turn around so he could see what he wanted. You turn your head towards him and smile.
“Jesus” he mutters as his hands grips your ass. He smacks it and you let out a loud yelp.
“I could cum just looking at you” he says and squeezes your ass cheek.
You giggle and turn around so you’re facing him again. You prop yourself back on your knees.
“Mmmm I want to make you cum, Austin” you say. You’re about to grab his belt when he takes his hand and grabs your face.
“You want to make me cum huh?”
He’s holding your face looking down at your with his piercing blue eyes. He was inches away from your face.
You try to nod.
“How are you going to make me cum?” he asks waiting for an answer.
Your hands rest on his belt and you start to undo it.
“Well first I’m going to put your cock in my mouth” you say as you drop his belt to the floor.
Austin smiles. He moves your head so you’re looking right up at him, his hand still gripping your chin.
He takes his tongue and licks from the bottom of your chin up to the tip of your nose.
“Show me how you’re going to make me cum baby” he whispers and lets go of your chin.
You unzipper his jeans and pull them down. You reach into his underwear and already feel his dick is hard.
“Mmmmm” you moan. He smiles and steps out of his jeans.
“Lay down so I can make you feel good” you say. He lays down on the bed and you strip him of his underwear.
You bring your tongue to the base of his cock and lick all the way up to the tip. You watch as his eyes roll back. You place his dick in your mouth, moving your head back and forth.
“Oh my god” he says, tangling his fingers in your hair. “Fuck”
You continue, going deeper and deeper until you can basically feel him touch the back of your throat.
“You’re so fucking good at that” he groans. You lick the tip and smile at him. He was so fucking sexy. You’d do anything for this man.
He sits up and flips you over so you’re laying on the bed. He’s hovering above you and takes off his shirt.
“I’ve been waiting to taste you all night” he says. He inches down to the waistband of your panties. He kisses your hip lightly, then your abdomen then the top of your pubic area.
He glides his tongue across your skin so his mouth is on the waistband. He bites down and slowly pulls your panties down with his teeth.
“Oh fuck” you say as you watch him. You bend your legs so it’s easier for him to take them off. He slips them off and looks at your with your panties still in his mouth.
He tosses his head to the side and they land on the bed. He looks back and spreads your legs.
“So sexy” he says and glides his fingers down your opening. You bite your lip. You already feel like you’re going to come.
His tongue hits your folds and you groan. He knew exactly what he was doing.
“I could do this for the rest of my life” he says as he rubs your clit and continues to lick you.
“I- I fucking love it. You’re going to make me cum” you says breathless.
He shakes his head. “Nuh-uh. Not yet. I want you ontop of me”. he says.
He stays down there a little while longer until you both switch positions. He’s laying on the bed and you’re straddling him.
“I wanna ride you” you groan and insert his penis. It was so big. “Fuck”
He smiles and brings his finger to his lip. That same gesture he always does that drives you crazy.
"I really like this view” he says as his eyes scan your body.
You giggle. You lean in to kiss him and he thrusts up, causing you to groan loudly. 
“Oh yeah, fuck me” you say. He continues to hold you firmly as he fucks you harder.
“Fuck. You’re so tight” he breathes. “Get on all fours”
You climb off of him and do what your told. He slowly slips his cock into you and your face is smushed into the pillow.
“Fuck me harder” you say. You position yourself so you’re on all fours again. Austin wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you up so the back of your head is resting against his shoulder.
“You like that?” he asks. 
You try to nod but could not handle the fast paced thrust of his cock inside of you.
“I’m gonna...” you trail off, unable to even finish your sentence.
“Fuck baby get on your knees for me. Open your mouth” he says.
He pulls out of you and you scramble to your knees. You leave your mouth wide open and watch as he jerks himself off onto your tongue.
“Fuck...jesus christ...ughhhhh” he wails.
Soon, you both come down from your highs and you roll over to the otherside of the bed.
“That was fucking amazing” he said panting.
You nod and giggle. “It always is”
Austin sits up and looks around the floor. He spots his underwear and slips them on.
“Say, what are you doing tomorrow night?” he asks as he gathers the remainder of his clothes and puts them on.
You shrug.
“I suppose nothing. Why?”
He jumps into his jeans and starts to fasten his belt.
“I’ve got this event…premiere…type of thing going on. I was wondering if you’d like to come with” he asks and sits down on the bed to put on his shoes.
You were taken aback. In all the months you’ve known him, he’s never asked you to attend anything with him.
“Sure…that sounds like a lot of fun” you say.
“Cool, cool” he says as he finishes tying his boot and stands up.
“I can come get you around 8pm? That alright?” he asks.
You nod.
He starts to walk towards the door then turns around.
“I had a lot of fun tonight” he says.
You smile, “Me too”
He looks down at the floor shyly. “Wear something real sexy tomorrow. Classy. I like red” he winks.
You bite your lip. “I’ll see what I have”
He laughs, “Goodnight, [Y/N]”
“Goodnight Austin” you say and he walks out the door. You hear the front door shut.
Now you were more confused than ever. Tomorrow HAD to be a date right? He has never asked you out before. This is crazy. What changed his mind? Does he want to be with you? All of these questions started to flood your mind.
You slipped into an oversized tshirt and slid your panties back on. You had no idea what tomorrow was going to entail but you knew you were so excited for it.
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rekarra · 3 years
Brain Break #23
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Rating: NSFW
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 834
Warnings: Cam couple, Smut
My Masterlist
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Sinking down on his cock, you sighed at how well he was filling you up. Resting for just a moment, your legs spread wide as you straddled his lap, your ass pressed against the front of his body. Jungkook wrapped his arms around your middle, ducking down to press a kiss against your shoulder blade. He planted his feet and lifted his hips, moving the both of you forward on the chair so he could lean back.
“Mmmm, you feel so good wrapped around my cock.” He spoke louder than necessary and it took every ounce of control you had to not roll your eyes.
“Fuck, yes. Just like that, Jungkook. Fill me up.” You had raised your voice to a higher pitch than normal, the sound making your cringe inwardly. It was all an act, for now. Fifteen more minutes. That's how much longer you had to keep this going.
Letting a deep breath out, you started the slow, torturous grind of moving your body up. Thighs already screaming, you pushed past the feeling, leisurely setting a pace that wouldn’t actually get either of you off. That wasn’t the point of what you were currently doing. A sneaky check of the clock next to the computer screen that showed what the camera captured. Ten more minutes.
As if he knew what you were doing, Jungkook moved a hand down your body, his expert fingers sliding your clit between two fingers. The moan that left you was an honest one this time. You ground your hips into his, finally starting to feel as turned on as you had been acting for the past half hour.
“Soon, baby,” Jungkook whispered against your ear, knowing it played off as a kiss to all your viewers. He was right. Just a little longer than you could have your way with him. Like every time you would stream, you had to keep playing it up until the camera could be turned off. It helped that neither of you had actually finished since you’d started doing streams together. Faking it had been normal for you, only having actually gotten off a few times in front of your viewers. Jungkook hadn’t been so lucky. It was much harder for guys, what with how their bodies worked.
“God, Jungkook. So good.” He did feel good, but when you had started to stream as a couple, you’d both agreed to keep your orgasms to just between the two of you. So much you shared with your viewers and you were thankful for how they supported you, but this little piece, you kept that to yourself.
Jungkook moaned and you felt him twitch from deep inside you. Looking at the clock, 5 more minutes. This was when things would get exciting. This was when both of you could stop acting and be real. The last push before the stream ended. Swiveling your ass against him, you hid a smile when you turned to look over your shoulder at him, pressing your lips to his. He smiled as you pulled away, fucking up into you in earnest for a couple of thrusts before the alarm you’d set went off.
Turning back to the camera, you both smiled at the lens, shifting so Jungkook’s still hard cock slid out of you. Thanking everyone who had tuned in, shouting out any of the big tippers, letting them know that you’d get to their requests as soon as you were able, you signed off and ended the stream.
Powerful hand gripped your hips from behind as you felt Jungkook shift under you, pushing you both to stand. Turning you fast enough to make your head whip a little, he was picking you up and putting you over his shoulder, slapping your ass a couple of times as he strutted over to the bed.
“Think you can just squeeze that pretty pussy around me and I wouldn’t do anything about it?” He asked, throwing you down on the bed.
“Had to keep it interesting. And you sounded so sexy when I did.” Smiling up at him as he crawled up your body, you loved teasing each other over things you'd done to rile the other up.
“Yeah, and you were such a… What was it nastyboy427 called you? A breedable slut?” You rolled your eyes as Jungkook laughed, falling on top of your naked body.
“Ugh….” You groaned, pushing him off of you. “Where do they come up with this shit.”
Jungkook shrugged, giving you a quick kiss before he slipped his hand between your legs, doing what he’d done earlier again, and all thoughts of the stream and nasty-who-ever’s comments left your brain.
Moaning, you rocked your hips against his hand. This is what you had been waiting for. “Stop teasing.” You breathed.
Feeling Jungkook shift on the bed next to you, he pushed between your legs, settling his hip against your own, his still hard cock laid heavily on your thigh. This was worth waiting for.
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suguruverse · 4 years
OKAY I HAVE AN IDEA! can you do a scenario with tsukishima, yamaguchi, kageyama, and kuroo where their gf is wearing a tank top and you can like see her cleavage? like she grabs something and his face just accidentally goes right between her tits LMAOOOOO
✿ haikyuu boys when their gf’s tiddies accidentally get in their face
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includes - tsukishima kei, yamaguchi tadashi, kageyama tobio
a/n - OMG THIS REMINDED ME OF THAT ONE OHSHC SCENE WITH HIKARU AND HARUHI SO I HAD TO WRITE THIS!! also my new character limit of hcs is 3 so you’re more than welcome to request again with kuroo!! thank you for understanding <33
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- poor bby wants to act like it doesn’t phase him but he’s secretly so flustered
- you were lying on his chest, cuddling while watching a movie
- you noticed your boyfriend’s small snores from above you and got a little upset
- i mean y’all were only like 30 mins into the movie tf
- but you noticed how peaceful his face was
- and the small smile that appeared on his face when you gently brushed your fingers against his face made your heart wanna burst
- his glasses were slowly falling off of his face so you decided to be a good gf and take it off for him
- so that’s what you did, trying not to accidentally wake him up
- you folded up his glasses and moved slightly to try put them on the small table next to the couch and behind your bfs head
- but in order to do that, you would have to move over him
- i feel like tsukishima is a really light sleeper so when you started moving, he wasn’t really awake, just super super groggy
- so what he wasn’t expecting, was for your tits to be squashing his face, first thing when he wakes up
- i mean he wasn’t complaining (yes he was), but he was more confused than anything
- you almost winced in pain with how roughly your boyfriend pushed you off of him
- you were about to yell at him until you saw the huge blush on his face
“dammit y/n what are you doing, if you’re trying to seduce i don’t think this is the right way to do it”
“babe, what do you mean seduce you? i was trying to put your glasses away because you were falling asleep?”
“well did you have to do it while your tits were in my face?”
“wait i’m so confused, are you actually upset at me?”
“well no”
“so you liked it”
- well just because he liked it, doesn’t mean he didn’t tease you about it for the next month
- he also apologised for pushing you 
- okay so what if you were a klutz, you’ve only broke like 3 vases?
- whatever, either way, your beautiful and kind boyfriend thought it was adorable
- anyways, you were at home, trying *emphasis on trying* to cook a nice meal for your boyfriend for dinner
- yamaguchi was currently at work and therefore is not there to help if anything *everything* goes wrong
- yamaguchi loves you more than anything, no matter how many plates or cups you end up breaking, he’s always there to leave a tender kiss on your forehead and reassure you that everything was going to be okay
- but unfortunately for you, today was just not your day
- while you were at the stove, cooking up some food. you failed to notice the overflowing sink behind you that was just spilling water everywhere like it was no ones business 
- it wasn’t until the water reached your feet that you realised the tap still running with water and soap filling up the sink
- in a panic, you tried to grab as many paper towels as you can and turned of the sink
- however it seemed like the world was turned against you when the ringing of the fire alarm, making your already huge mess into a bigger one
- you frantically turned off the stove and opened all the windows
- in that moment, yamaguchi had just entered your shared apartment, shock evident in his face and he saw water and suds running down the cabinets, you  basically climbing over the kitchen counters, trying to open the windows and smoke that quickly filled his nose
- in a daze. yamaguchi just looked at you in horror as you noticed his presence at the entrance of the kitchen 
- excited to see your boyfriend after 12 long hours, you ran up to him, seeking his comfort and warmth
- but what you failed to realise was the water still on the tiles, after you abandoned the spillage to opened the windows
- and yes, you fell
- and yes, it was into your boyfriends arms
- and no, he was not prepared for you to fall into his arms so yall fell to the ground together
- it took a little while for you to process the past 5 seconds and it wasn’t until you heard your boyfriends muffled yells did you realise that you tits were suffocating him
“mmhmm... MMMM.. tits...off...face”
- you quickly climbed off of him and sat beside him as he tried to catch his breathe
- a strap of your tank top had fallen off in the process of your falling face first into your boyfriend
- combined with the adorable guilty look you had on your face, yamaguchi couldn’t help but become a blushing mess, covering his face with his hands, acting as if you you couldn’t see him
“baby as much as i love your body, you suddenly doing that kind of thing so suddenly, and without telling me, is very much uncalled for”
- you knew your boyfriend was flustered, so what’s more fun than teasing him about it
“i’m sorry yams, it was an accident, did you not like it?”
“like what?”
“my tits in your face”
“is that no?”
“well well well, i didn’t know that my boyfriend was a perv”
“y/n, stop it, plus you need to clean up this mess, and i’m not helping you this time, i’m gonna go take a shower”
“can i joi-”
“no. clean”
- he was lying he totally help you clean after his shower
- he even made dinner for you both
- it was also decided that he will do all the cooking in the house
- it was right after they lost against aoba johsai and you were just trying to comfort your dear boyfriend, kageyama
- you arrived at his house with a bag full of his favourite snacks, drinks and some meat buns
- you rang the doorbell, but there was no answer
- so you being you, just decided to come in the house
- the entire house was dark which made you wonder if your boyfriend was even home
- you entered his room to find him watching his game with aoba johsai on his phone, in bed 
“babe? babe? tobio? you there?”
- he continued to watch the game as you set down the bag of snack beside his bag
- you sat next to his figure, watching him as he silently critiqued his performance from the day before
- even after feeling your weight on the other side of his bed didn’t phase him
- you decided to get into bed with him, not wanting to bother him too much while he was focused
- you went on your phone for 30 minutes before you decided to take a little nap, facing your boyfriends back
- kageyama released a huge sigh as he finished the video of the match and turned around to the other side, to avoid stiff muscles
- but what he didn’t expect when he turned around, was to be squashed into your tits
- he stayed there for a solid minute, his brain short-circuiting
his brain:
“ what is this”
“am i dreaming”
“did i die”
“these kind of feel like boobs”
- and with that he immediately got up, stressing about the possibility of his face being in the tits of a girl that isn’t you
- but when he sees your resting face, he instantly relaxes but till has a slight blush on his cheeks
- he lays back down next to you, praying that he didn’t startle you until your voice called out to him
“did ya enjoy that tobio, you stayed there for a while?”
- it was almost cruel, the way you tease your swkward boyfriend
“w-what do you mean, i didn’t do anything”‘
“so you mean you weren’t the one who stayed between my tits for like 5 minutes?”
“its okay tobio, i didn’t mind”
“o-oh. you didn’t? your not mad?”
“mhm, your reaction was worth it”
“of tits?”
“no i got scared because i thought it might have been some stranger that broke into my house trying to seduce me”
“tobio what?”
“ugh whatever, shut up, now come cuddle me”
“needy aren’t ya tobio”
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