#i watched it subbed and then I went and watched it dubbed and it was technically worse but it made me laugh many times so mayb it was better
parasitoidism · 2 months
80s anime dubbing is truly a lost art form
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meownotgood · 7 months
dub aki moments I like
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epickiya722 · 8 months
I think it's perfect casting that Ray Chase voices Choso and Sukuna (in dub) because of how funny it is knowing how these characters think of Yuuji.
EDIT: After watching episode 10 in dub, it's just funnier to me because now all I can think about is that Twin AU, the one where Sukuna is Yuuji's twin and it's like when you know the actual story of JJK, it's not that far off.
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cicadaemon · 9 months
@loadinghellsing gave me the idea yesterday to see just how many bayonets Anderson actually goes through during Ultimate just cause I am still really sick and kind of bedridden atm
Doing this in Japanese sub since I actually only ever watch the dub which is like not a me thing to do. Let's go!
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barbiegirldream · 4 months
watching black butler now. i'm one episode in and my first impression is that short kid should be put in a well or something
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 5 months
I think many of us have at least one character we feel this way about
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my children:
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the love of my life
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to bond with my stepsister i have decided to rewatch all of bsd (despite still not having seen s5 of the anime) and count all the "jinko"s from aku. we are currently at an 11 - 0 jinko to atsushi ratio. i havent watched s1 in its entirety since early 2018. what is my life now
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bunnywand · 5 months
yusei in the dub when leo asks him how jack got "red nova dragon" bcos the dub skipped over the 3 episode arc where jack acquired it for some reason:
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flame2ashes · 3 months
I feel like between Digimon and Pokemon, Digimon is the one where the English dub is so ingrained into my mind that I can't truly get into the Japanese version
Especially their names. I think it helps that their English names were basically derived from their Japanese names but I still refer to them as their English names in my mind
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brofightiscancelled · 4 months
i have someeeee opinions on differences in in the s2 dub vs the original but i do like this one
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strixcattus · 9 months
Since I guess I'm a person who talks about Bleach right now I may as well talk about the latest (dub) episode given I actually do have a few thoughts about it
First off I suppose I'll talk about Gremmy. And by suppose I mean I was always going to bring this up, no matter how small a slice of the episode actually addresses him, and you cannot escape it. So Kenpachi mentions that everything Gremmy conjured vanished when he died—there's no ontological inertia. His construct-body disappears along with all the blood that was inside it, the platform he summoned crumbles apart (I can't tell if it vanished entirely or if the rubble stuck around, which is another point of consternation)... but, frankly, I feel like the way the lack of ontological inertia is handled is really inconsistent and raises some questions as to how much kiddo's powers really are dependent on maintaining concentration. Kenpachi mentions at one point during the fight that Yachiru's bones returned to normal since Gremmy couldn't "mess with two minds at the same time" and yet that's... not what he does? He's making a concrete construct in reality, not an illusion in one person's mind. The platform, the meteor, Gwenael Lee, etc. were all visible to and could effect multiple people, and Gremmy easily maintained concentration on the platform while fighting Kenpachi with... well, everything else he did. I was going to say that I couldn't think of any point where he had three creations out at once, but Yachiru's bones continued to be cookies even through the first bit of the fight, so.
Furthermore, we have to talk about the meteor. Because kiddo did summon a meteor, and he very much talked as though it did have ontological inertia, going so far as to say that even if Kenpachi somehow killed him, the meteor would still wipe out the Seireitei. This could be explained as him bluffing, except... there's not much point to the bluff? I can't honestly expect that he thought he could demoralize Kenpachi, and he definitely didn't expect him to fight the meteor, and I can't think of another reason to bluff. Kid really was in "if I can't win I'm dragging him down with me" mentality. Maybe (tentative maybe) he figured that the heat from the meteor would still decimate the Soul Reapers (and also the Quincy, his allies, and frankly I can understand any reservations anyone might have about letting him loose on Soul Society), but it still doesn't sit right with me.
Moving on from that essay: we get to see the girls! Kubo may not properly respect women but it's always the girls who have the banter and the dynamics. It started with Hallibel's squad and now we have these five—or four, as Bambietta's missing in this episode.
These girls would, all said, be much happier if they abandoned the Quincy army and went off to be the protagonist squad of a magical girl anime. They have cool transformations! Matching purses! They call their attacks in a more wonderful way than pretty much anyone else in Bleach—and this is Bleach we're talking about. Giselle is clearly having more fun than anyone else (she cheered for her enemy at one point!) but they're all enjoying themselves. Except maybe Candice. Their teamwork leaves a bit to be desired, but hey, at least they seem to be pretty good at not dying even when they should.
Then at last the gang is all here and Ichigo can feel properly betrayed. God do I hope Uryu knows what he's doing...
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soupevil · 1 year
I watched this thing with my sibling and the whole time I was losing my mind I'm so mad I'm so mad I'm so mad im
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me wjwn my m;e when my anime wife isnt real 💔the.
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theinfinitedivides · 11 months
my current gender is Key recording his third chorus part in the BTS for HARD btw. if you even care
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apotelesmaa · 11 months
The pain of an anime/manga being so good but being so awkward to reccomend cuz of the horniness why can't these people behave
No literally like it’s not a problem I’ve run into a lot outside of soul eater but I swear to god… soul eater is so good it still lives in my brain rent free & it’s objectively one of the coolest concepts in a show ever but if I tell people to watch it and they watch the first episode and see the horny cat lady they’re gonna think I’m a freak. My reputation will be in shambles. My sister was like I want to watch more shows with female protagonists & you and other friends always talk about good animes so I should watch some of those and I was admittedly very drunk so I was like soul eater is an anime that has a great female protagonist!! Maka my friend maka :) and then I thought about it the next morning and I was like. (Remembering everything else about soul eater) Nvm actually. Don’t watch soul eater. If I show you, someone who hasn’t even experienced the baseline horny of most shounen animes (after our long conversation about not enjoying the objectification of women), the epitome of degeneracy that is atsushi ohkubo’s constant grossness you’re going to literally actually murder me in my sleep.
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endious · 1 year
was watching AoD again and i literally moaned why did he say “good girl” like that i forgot he even did that oh my lanta
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