#i've got work tomorrow and i'm trying to plan my homework around my shift
naffeclipse · 1 year
do you ever sit and think about everything that is happening to you and what you need to do and what you want to do and you're sitting motionless completely locked into your brain and it all goes nowhere but it's filling you to the point of overload
yeah anyways
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mr2swap · 2 years
The great shift: parenting and streaming
Thanks to @thegreatstoryteller
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-Dad, what are you doing in my office? I've told you a hundred times that I don't like you coming in here when I'm working, now you better get out of here and finish your math homework before I finish streaming or there will be no dessert for dinner- The camera it was on and thousands of people were looking at that hot body that spent 3 hours a day in the gym, the comments were piling up by the hundreds, most of them were just sexual advances or paid requests for him to flex his fantastic arms in front of the camera, most of them of his audience were boys his age… Thomas is now 14 years old and entering his teens, although perhaps “fatherhood” would be more appropriate for his new 34-year-old body. His voice was thick and firm, I knew that tone of voice, he had been losing a couple of games, and he was angry, I turned around and trying to be less noisy than a mouse I closed the door before leaving, I immediately heard him lock the door so that I would not interrupt him.
2 years ago this place used to be my office, and that mature hairy body used to be mine, but my son Thomas and I were affected by the great shift. “Luckily” we ended up trapped in each other's bodies on a Saturday. One moment I'm in my office finishing my accounting report and a blink later I'm on our living room couch watching cartoons. I didn't know what was happening, all I knew was that now I was trapped in the body of my 14-year-old son forever, I lost my entire life in a second, plus half my size, my muscles and all of my authority.
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We survived on leftover food in the cupboard. I taught him how to cook, how to shave, and how to exercise his new body. I even tried to teach him how to do my job, but my son was never the brightest in the class. Maybe it was muscle memory or some weird sci-fi phenomenon, but before long he learned my routine at the gym and learned to enjoy his newfound status as man of the house. Obviously, I was fired from my job as Head of the accounting office of my company, and the government gave my son a huge compensation check. The money might not be much, but it would last us long enough for my son to get a job. Suitable employment for a child in the body of an adult, much stronger and taller than the rest of the men. Or that was the plan, as soon as the first check arrived in the mail, my son took my car and went straight to the mall, so he could buy a new computer, microphones and 3 cameras so everyone could enjoy every inch of his perfect muscles live. . He did all this without my knowledge, so when he got his first payout from his followers he rubbed all the money in my face, which was about to turn into a field of puss and pimples thanks to all the hormones in my little teenage body. . In a short time he became popular and that face that I used to look at every day in the mirror was now on Twitch and YouTube, He became so confident and arrogant thanks to his popularity, his maturity and that huge penis that he now had between his hairy thighs.
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It's…Hard to admit, but he's doing a better job than I am with my life, he's only been in my body for 2 years and he's so popular that every time he picks me up from school, all his old friends line up for him. being able to take a picture with him while I wait in the back of Nick's car… oh right I haven't talked about Nick. Is he… my stepfather? It's weird putting a label on your son's boyfriend after the great shift, he and Thomas have been dating for some time now, he spends weekends at our house, even sleeps with Thomas in my old bed. It doesn't bother me that they are together, but… they could be less noisy in bed, I have a math exam tomorrow and I need to sleep.
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If you liked my story take a look at my patreon, I have a lot of stories on my patreon.
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chibinekochan · 4 years
Hi, I'm new here but I've read some of your work and I have to say it's amazing 🥺🥺💕 Can I make a request? What if the MC woke up suddenly and has the ability to read minds? When the MC would pass the brothers, they could listen to everything in their head. What would be on their mind if they are alone with the MC? 🤔
Welcome to the fandom! Thank you so much and of course.
This is really interesting so let's do this.
You notice it right away when you go to class with Mammon. 
He thinks about pretty common stuff, like how annoying it is going to be, what he will eat for lunch. 
How much money he can save by asking you to share your lunch with him.
How nice it would taste if you were to cook for him. 
Mammon is also more honest in his thoughts. 
~"You look so great today but if I say it I will be the idiot if you feel ugly today."~
Then a moment later he will say something completely different. "Oh, today you have umm clothes on."
Usually you would roll your eyes at this, but now you know what Mammon meant. 
So you give him a smile. "Thank you, Mammon."
He is confused since you would usually scold him. ~"Oh, that actually worked? Am I getting better at talking?" ~
"Haha naturally you like a comment about yourself made by me the great Mammon." ~"Yeah just like that Mammon be smooth."~
You can't help but giggle at his thoughts. "Yeah of course, I love compliments by the great Mammon.
"It's so unfair to pull moves like that." Mammon pouts in his voice and his head.
Later you use the chance when you are alone to get completely honest thoughts about you when you are alone with him. 
When Mammon steals glances at you. ~"If they would just look at me."~
Of course, you turn to him. 
Mammon blushes. ~"Oh no you looked at me. Now what? Oh yeah, just casually talk smoothly."~
"Nice weather today huh?" Mammon just seems to say the first thing that crosses his mind. 
"Yeah it's pretty nice." You smile, slightly amused that even in his head he plays the cool guy. 
~"That went pretty well now I just gotta stay focused, darn hard when you look like that at me. Ummm so what next… GeGetting closer to you… How am I going to do that? Think Mammon, you are a smart guy. Who am I kidding? I'm not. You don't need to know that though."~
"You know it's a bit chilly here." You decide to throw Mammon a curveball. 
"Ohhh haha yeah, I guess I should crank the heating up hold on a second." Mammon gets up but then realizes ~"Oh wait I think I just messed that up. I'm so stupid I should have offered myself as warmth. Stupid Mammon. What am I going to do now? Oh, I know. I will just say the heating is busted. Brilliant you got it after all."~
You shake your head slightly, but Mammon doesn't see it. 
"Oh, what a misfortune it's broken. I guess I have no choice but to keep you warm myself." Mammon says it in a way that you know it's an act, even without reading his thoughts, but you want to cuddle so you let it slide. 
"Alright Mammon. I will take that offer." You smile at him and giggle a bit when he gives himself a mental high five. 
You notice when you are at a student council meeting that you can read his mind. 
Lucifer's thoughts are filled with all of the things he has to say. 
His workload on the desk in his office, the meeting with Diavolo. 
Lucifer sighs after all of this. 
You feel a bit bad. 
Later you go over to him with some fresh coffee. 
You hear his thoughts before you enter his room. 
Lucifer sounds tired even in his head. 
~"So I have like 100 of these left and then I can stop, no wait I still have to check my brothers homework. Then there is the speech for tomorrow I should practice.. "~
You knock on his door. "Coffee delivery."
"Come in." Lucifer sounds tired too. ~"Coffee is just what I needed. I need to thank you for this."~
You open the door with a smile, and see his workload. 
You fill his cup and sit on the other side of his table. "Can I help you with anything?" 
Lucifer takes a big sip of coffee and looks at you. ~"I can't burden you with my work. I'd much rather just relax and talk to you for a while."~
"Thank you for the offer I think I can handle this much." Lucifer politely refuses. 
"Alright how about a shoulder massage then at least?"
Lucifer smiles. "That sounds great."
You get to work and hear how much he enjoys it in his thoughts. 
At least you can do this much for him. 
His thoughts circle around anime and games. 
Levi's mind is full of references and scenes from various media. 
He often complains in his mind about Mammon. 
Levi sees himself as pretty cool or very bad, there is no inbetween. 
Whenever you are close you can hear him trying to come up with something cool to say, but never quite manages to say it out loud. 
Then after failing Levi will scold himself for that. 
If he manages to talk to you normally he will give himself a mental high five. 
Sometimes you can hear Levi cheering when you respond positively to him. 
At least once you hear him thinking that your love meter raised. 
You aren't sure if you should kick or kiss him for that one. 
Much of his mind is focused on himself. 
How great he looks, how good his outfit looks, how great his hair looks.  
Also if others are noticing his perfection. 
Asmo is very pleased when they do, especially when it's you.
Occasionally you hear a few insecure thoughts creep in. 
Asmo seems to doubt himself, as if people like him or just his looks. 
Asmo is more than just a pretty face, he has do much to give. 
Sometimes he thinks of stuff that will make his beauty shine even more. 
Asmo also seems to be obsessed with his social media account, and you hear him thinking about his likes and notes. 
You later ask him to help you with decorating your new phone. 
Of course he is delighted to help, you hear in his thoughts that you are the only person who would ask him for help with this. 
It sounds a bit lonely to you, especially since you know how creative he truly is. 
You plan to ask him for more creative ideas soon. 
Maybe you can make some outfits with Asmo soon. 
Unsurprisingly he thinks a lot about food. 
What he ate earlier, what he will eat later, this looks pretty tasty. 
You look pretty tasty but he will not eat you because you are precious. 
Beel thinks about dinner and lunch and waits for the next break while in class. 
You never knew how hard it was for Beel to concentrate until now. 
He tries but is interrupted by his stomach more than once. 
You can hear Beel trying to make himself focus on the lesson but it's hard. 
You feel bad for him and smuggle something sweet to him. 
Later when you are alone with Beel you notice his thoughts shift to you. 
Not once does he think about eating, maybe it helps that you made him an extra big dinner. 
All of his thoughts are focused on you. 
Most of it is how much he likes having you around. 
Sometimes he thinks about Belphegor and then there are a few times when Beel thinks about Lilith. 
He seems to get somber in these moments, you always have suspected that this is the reason why Beel seems down sometimes. 
Now you know for sure and take his hand to show that you are here for him. 
Beel is very glad about that. 
His thoughts seem to be on random things and all at the same time. 
Satan thinks one moment about a story he read and then the next moment he wonders if he will see a cat today. 
It's pretty amazing to be honest. 
Satan has like 2-3 thoughts on his mind at the same time. 
Even when he reads you can catch him thinking about something else or you hear him thinking about whatever the other people around him are talking about. 
Satan also often has plans in his head to make life hard for Lucifer. 
You can hear him yelling at or about Lucifer in his thoughts all the time. 
The only time Satan focuses his thoughts is when he is with you or petting fluffy animals. 
You aren't sure if that means that he likes you or that you are somehow seen by him as fluff. 
He often thinks about sleeping. 
It's of course not a surprise. 
Belphie seems to be tired the whole time. You never realized how hard it is for him to stay awake and focused. 
His mind often wanders off. 
Belphie thinks fondly about his next nap and struggles to think about anything else. 
You can hear his relief once he finally drifts off. 
What keeps him from thinking of his next nap seems to be his brothers. 
They either annoy or amuse Belphie. 
You can hear him making snide comments about Lucifer, he is strangely awake and passionate about being mad at him. 
The only other people that get that much energy from him are Beel and you. 
Of course you know that Beel is very important to Belphie. 
You are surprised that you are on the same level.
Check my Obey me! Masterlist for more content
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