#not really a vent but just in case
naffeclipse · 9 months
do you ever sit and think about everything that is happening to you and what you need to do and what you want to do and you're sitting motionless completely locked into your brain and it all goes nowhere but it's filling you to the point of overload
yeah anyways
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raccoon-queer · 1 year
my therapist is so funny bc she will tell me that my alters are real, I'm not faking, and has noted multiple times that she can tell us apart, and then will go on to be like 'wellll idk if you have DID' (not in those words but that's what it boils down to)
like. ma'am. what?? I guess it's bc I don't remember any concrete trauma memories but I am showing so many trauma responses aklsdjf
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0kool-aid-man0 · 2 years
do y’all ever have bad news you want to tell someone but you don’t know how to bring it up
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bbnibini · 9 months
I find it so painfully heartbreaking that Solomon just...laughs off all the derision, the name-calling, and possibly even did "evil" things on purpose because it's expected of him at this point. (He had not always been like this as Thirteen pointed out before). There was a time when he was "innocent". When his soul sparkled. When it resembled the kind of soul everyone in these god forsaken (pun intended with spite) three realms seemed to associate with the ever loved MC. He's just...worryingly carefree. And because he's like that, he feels even more of a tragic character to me.
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Sometimes it even seems that he himself would seemingly make up excuses on why he's hated. Oh, it's because I'm a sorcerer this. I might have won a war against Devildom single-handedly this. I have forgotten. But maybe, I did something bad, that. Hon, you were doing that to SURVIVE. You don't have to be a faultless person to deserve compassion. You don't have to be MC to deserve to be loved.
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socialc1imb · 2 months
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Every day they serve as reminders of my past mistakes
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
I’m gonna go on a crazy ass rant because I’m upset and also very tired
A huge reason as to why I characterize Warriors the way that I do, regarding his fear of being poisoned and his food anxiety, is a way to explain myself and my own anxieties caused by my allergies, because when I say to someone I don’t think I can eat the food at the party/function/their house EVEN IF it was specifically made to be free of my allergens, they just don’t understand why I can’t eat it. They just don’t understand that just because it’s ‘safe’ doesn’t mean I feel safe enough to eat it, because there’s always that lingering ‘What if’ in my mind that food made outside of my vision is contaminated somehow.
It is so HARD to explain to people the genuine fear that you are going to die because a food created an odd texture in your mouth and you gave yourself a panic attack over nothing. It breaks my heart every time I go to my friends house and her mom offers to make me food because I’ve been at her house for thirteen hours and haven’t eaten a meal with them, because even though she cleans everything and offers to let me watch her make it, there’s still this loud screaming voice in my mind saying that that food is not safe to eat. And it just NEVER goes away. I feel awful because her mom is so sweet and willing to help me, and I just can’t ever accept because I manage to convince myself it’s contaminated every time
I have been dealing with this for my entire life and never not once have I been able to get someone to understand what this feels like or seen it shown in a media form anywhere. I’ve had family and therapists both just tell me to get over myself, because I’m being ‘ridiculous’ and the craziest thing to me EVER is that for the first time in nineteen years, I have had an outlet to throw this frustration into. Warriors and the food issues I have given him are so important to me because for the first time in my life I can explain this fear through a character and even if people may not relate or really, truly get what it’s like, they understand. They understand and they recognize it as a valid fear, and it’s because of a fanfiction about a traumatized war hero. (which is INSANE to me that this is what it took for people to understand, but you know what, I’ll take it)
This rant was inspired because I opened a sealed container of ice cream and the allergen labels were incorrect and now I can’t eat it and I’ve wasted money and I’m so upset and it’s been a really long week, but also because I never saw anyone talking about this when I was a kid, and if I’d had someone there to represent me like this, or just be there for me to connect with, I would’ve felt a lot better. Understanding allergies and food restrictions is so important for so many reasons, the most important being that if you know how to help someone, you can save their LIFE. And for other people who feel the same way I do, it’s so GOOD to know you’re not alone and that there’s someone out there who gets what you’re dealing with
If I can make people understand what it’s like to live life this way, then that is so important to me. If I can explain to people what to do in an emergency situation because their friend is having a allergic reaction, I will, because not enough people understand how allergies work, and I’m sick and tired of hearing stories about kids with allergies who were peer pressured into eating when they didn’t feel comfortable and then suffering the consequences, and I am TIRED of seeing companies mislabel their fucking food.
Also do NOT be afraid to ask any friends or classmates or coworkers with allergies how to use an epi pen because You Could Save Their Life. If anyone is curious, I’LL tell you, or look up a youtube video I’m sure there are some on there
Anyways, this is why I give Warriors the food issues I do in my fics, for anyone else out there with allergies who’s ever felt invalidated by people telling them their anxieties were stupid, and so people who have no idea what it’s like to fear your food will kill you can try to understand that this is the irritating reality for some of your peers. (not that everyone with allergies has this exact experience, I have a friend with allergies who just eats whatever and prays it wont kill them, but I know now that there are plenty of people out there with allergies who DO have this experience)
Sorry for kinda ranting, (I’m just a little guy 🥺), but this is something that is so hugely important to me, and sorry Warriors but you had too similar of a problem so now you get my exact issues 🫶
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itsamenickname · 10 months
No one:
Not a single soul:
Me: You know, since Luigi's first official appearance was in 1983 while Bowser's debut wasn't until 1985, that technically makes Luigi canonically older than his 10-foot dragon-turtle boyfriend.
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polteergeistt · 6 months
Venting in my journal writing in "I" : no. Ain't no way. My life is too perfect for this. This can't be. I can't complain when everybody has it worse.
Projecting onto Vessel : that boy is suffering. He is plagued by the torments that come with being born a sentient being in a world that was built for evil. Everything is wrong and he deserves better.
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bamsara · 1 year
Weird af feeling today because today is the anniversary of my dad's death years and remembering the choas afterwards, the abusive ex/friends and escaping that and the death experience and the brain damage and months of recovery afterwards and all the bad things that happen in the last few years and im standing here repositioning my plants on my desk to sit elsewhere so my cat can have better acsess to the window to sunbathe and getting hit with the feeling that Life Goes On despite everything and it's both a good feeling and something otherworldly and today might be a anniversary but it is also but another day out of hundreds of thousands that i will continue to live. Mainly out of spite.
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cartoonartistpng · 2 years
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“Imagine that every time you see your friends, it’s to bring a bad omen.”
“What if… What if, one day, I won’t have a reason to return?”
(Sonictober2022 Day 11: Future)
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memorys-skyscraper · 1 month
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please pray for the hephaestus sprint nuke in these trying times
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eclaire-went-bam · 1 month
in middle school, this girl confessed feelings to me in front of a looootta people. i asked my friend about it, bcs i didn't feel the same way, but she did it in front of like. Everyone. he told me that i just needed to "decide" if i liked her now. i thought it was weird — why would you decide to like somebody? was romantic attraction a switch i just hadn't tried hard enough to flip?
i "decided" that i did, because i didn't want to be a bad person for rejecting her in front of everyone
It took me a long time to realise that you shouldn't have to "decide" if you like somebody, & that i was just aromantic, not an edgy preteen who just hated crushes and romance because i was too immature to grow up like my peers did, or whatever
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avanii · 2 months
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The Black Smoker Beast can be found roaming the spreading ridges in the depths of the oceans. Hydrothermal vents support a lot of life, so I wanted this creature to look a bit more friendly than my other geology monsters! The enormous, chimney-like structures are absolutely awe-inspiring and I hope I did them justice. I really wanted the beast to have such a chimney for a shell, and gave it the iron armour and red skin of the volcano snail, and white/red whiskers based on the tube worms that make their home at black smokers. Lots of fun again painting with acrylic inks.
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oceania627 · 5 months
I need to talk to people that I think are cool more often but also IT'S SO SCARY
I literally watch other people having conversations together on the interwebs and go "that looks fun! I should try it!" AND THEN I DON'T.
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ranmaruliker · 11 months
everytime i see some woman in her early twenties post a tiktok with that aging filter with some caption saying something along the lines of "oh i look so fucking ugly this filter makes me upset, i cant belive this is what im gonna look like, im gonna do everything in my power to make sure i dont grow up to be this fucking disgusting and gross" i get so angry and so so fucking upset. this whole trend right now of anti aging is just so fucking heartbreaking as a girl. so many women have been conditioned to think that ageing is the worst thing a girl can do and they need to buy all these lotions and use a special straw and . fucking never smile or laugh or squint or sleep in a comfortable position because hey, did you know that sleeping on your side can make your face go ever so slightly lopsided over time, and you wouldn't want that to make you ugly, would you?
and i genuinely feel so sad for these woman who are genuinely depressed at the idea that they might one day, shock and horror, AGE? because people have taught them that the only value they have is being pretty and young and flawless and beautiful because thats the only thing that matters as a woman and being old and wrinky isnt pretty, didnt you know? but at the same time it is so fucking rage inducing to see people fully succumb to this mindset and post openly about how much they hate the idea of being old and ugly and posting the things that theyre doing to desperately try and avoid this unavoidable fate because we are actively seeing another generation of young girls, preteens, get groomed into believing this mindset that is so unhealthy nd so so harmful.
do u know how fucking sad it is to see videos of 14 year old girls post their 15 step skincare routine featuring products that are so chemically harsh that theyve been following since they were 12.
this is what its like being a little girl nowadays. that is so fucking depressing
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squidbian-ink · 4 months
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