#if anyone else has any ideas about this please do share them! 💜
r0semultiverse · 1 year
What changed Ice Prince Finn back to normal & where did he get a crown from?
Was Finn stealing a baby what ended up changing him as a person in the Farmworld universe? Similar to how Marceline kept Simon prime grounded & humane for a while.
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Maybe Jay Mertens (I think that was his name, the eldest son) reminded him of his little brother too.
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As for how the crown came back into the Farmworld reality, that would be because of whatever wacky effects are happening from Fionna & Cake going through the multiverse. Scarab was also messing with the multiversal TV's insides.
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Going back to Farmworld Finn's little brother, maybe he was the one who broke the crown since I doubt a coward like the destiny gang leader would have been able to do it (or there's some sort of timeline loop going on with a bunch of the crowns that'll get shown later). This is assuming the little brother is alive, but we don't even know that for sure. There is just a lot we don't know.
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edit: I see what y'all are saying about the old episode, seems like Prismo didn't wipe anyone's memories, he only made it so the crown would be destroyed. People still remember The Snow Man AKA Ice Prince Finn & what he did with all of that magical power. I also still think Jay Mertens could be the baby at the end of the flashback at the start of the episode.
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myobsessionsspace · 6 months
Hello again, I'm the anon who felt stupid about the whole Jungkook being a cook situation. Thank you so much for answering so nicely and thoroughly, I was a bit scared that my question would sound sarcastic or judging when it was anything but. I already knew about the companion system that meant Jimin and Jungkook would be in the same place. I just had no idea what type of role they had taken. As for Jungkook, he already loved cooking, so if that is what he does during MS, I hope it make him content. I personally was just super happy to hear from him today. It's sad that others are using this bit of news to hate on any members :(. From the very little I have seen, the BTS members have all tried to make the best of a situation they couldn't avoid no matter what. So I'll continue patiently waiting for them and hoping they are all doing as well as possible. I hope you have a great rest of your day :).
Of course lovely!😊
To you and anyone else, please feel confident to send in asks 💪. I’m more than happy to engage when it’s genuine.
You added some warmth to the cold I’d been feeling today from the different reactions online. I really appreciate your approach to how you think of the members, that should be the main focus for fans, for them to be doing as well as possible whilst we keep in mind they are making the best of a situation they couldn’t avoid. Your words are ✨
I too am happy for him, he doesn’t have to prove himself to anybody. He is a singer and entertainer. That is his life’s work. This is a pause in his life where we are privileged to keep up with him where we can.
He’s shown us how much he loves to eat AND loves to cook. How lovely has it been that we’ve been able to see him in action cooking several times, sharing recipes with us and cooking for him and Jimin in the Monuments documentary!
Like you I hope him, and all the members stay mentally, physically and emotionally well until they finish. Let’s continue to send nothing but love and positivity their way!
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deansbaby-1967 · 1 year
So, Heavy topic stress venting for a minute, & I'm really sorry if this stresses anybody else out too, but I really don't know what to do.
Apparently our property taxes got mixed in with my uncle's mail (it's a shared mailbox because we share a driveway) & nobody knew, & we just got them day before yesterday, & from what I've gathered, the house/property has been on the market for like 2 months or longer (apparently the notice was sent out July 1st!) & we had no idea, & now we have to try to come up with $3,000+ or we'll lose the house. Idek what the deadline is, or if there even is one.
My mom has been scouring the Internet for grants, etc. but we don't qualify for anything, & my brother's trying to sell stuff on eBay like his PS5, my mom's laptop, etc, but all that takes time that we don't really have, & we're all basically in a perpetual panic attack, & I honestly just feel sick rn, because my mom has talked to her brothers & sister, & I get the impression that their general responses were a mix of "sorry, can't help", & "you need to pray about it", respectively.
I've gone back & forth on whether or not to even mention it because the last thing in the world I want to do is ask ppl for money, I dread any kind of interaction like this so hard & idek if anyone could even afford to help anyway, I know times suck super hard for everybody right now, but I'm fucking desperate, my anxiety is through the roof, & I just don't know what else to do.
My mom made a gofundme, if anyone can spare anything, we would be so fucking grateful. If you can't, please consider sharing the link. Thank you for reading. 💜
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Hi, Popcorn! I adore your fic - I really stumbled upon it at a time when there were barely any fics about our Realm's Delight and her prince. And those that existed, were written with a very cold and cruel Daemon that usually told her to her face that he never loved her. *yikes*
So I kept onto your fic dearly and I love the way they both grew and evolved. Rhaenyra is more mature and experienced, Daemon is a family man to the core who loves his wife and children dearly. They are the closest to canon I've ever read.
I also read your posts and what you said about the things the readers invent and can I just say that it's so damn true? I see all these metas about how Laena/or Nettles (it always alternates between them) was the one true love of his life, and I am simply... left to wonder where people came to these conclusions that they are presenting as undeniable facts?
I recently saw another "book purist" claiming that certainly "Rhaenyra and Daemon had no problem if one of them slept with someone else during their marriage", and that left me so confused?
Where is that even implied in the books? Did Daemon not saw Harwin as competition for Rhaenyra's love? A rival for her affection it was rumoured he got rid off? Which directly shows he was not a man willing to share Rhaenyra's love with anyone else?
Did Rhaenyra not had - if the rumours are true - that jealousy murderous moment when told of Nettles? Was she not described as a proud woman? Where did people even came to these ideas that Rhaenyra and Daemon were not possessive partners? Did they read some other book I don't know?
It's getting ridiculous and I am glad to see that there are people who stick to canon. I came to the conclusion that the couples these people preffer are practically unimportant and we know nothing on them, so they make things up to make them appear more than they were.
Whereas with Rhaenyra and Daemon we have so many things they did together, so many rumours and scandals and versions... You can tell that George himself loved them because he really was invested in their relationship, lol. (although he did make their relationship a little too tragic, but that's George for you, I guess)
Anyway, what do you think about these invented things that people claim are canon? I mean, why are they so invested in the other women but hate Rhaenyra so much? I suspect it has something to do with not being able to self-insert because she is not a Mary Sue. Though I could be wrong.
I'm sorry this turned out so long. I hope you have a wonderful day! And happy holidays! 🥰💜
Hi there sweet Anon 💜😊
Totally get what you mean, we all know what the dogma is in this fandom 🙄 - Daemon is a monster and an abuser unless he is with Laena and or Nettles, in that case he has a 180º personality shift because that is totally how humans work (say no one who knows the slight bit about Psychology *deep sigh*). In his defence though it's totally Rhaenyra's fault 'cause she's a b_tch *another deep breath*. This f_cking fandom I swear to the Seven.
"I recently saw another "book purist" claiming that certainly "Rhaenyra and Daemon had no problem if one of them slept with someone else during their marriage", and that left me so confused?" - OMG 😂👏🏻
Oh yes! I have seen a lot of so called "book purists" and people who will point the finger at others just spewing nonsense left and right taken not from the books, but from www.voicesinsidemyhead.com like... can people PLEASE stop mistaking the fanfiction they create in their heads and their own headcanons and actual things that go against canon for canon? That would be great! But again, we are all free to say anything which is why I always recommend that others don't believe me or person X, Y, or Z, but that they go to the direct source: the books - and see for themselves.
But more on this take for a while just so I can amuse myself. Yes, so let me get this straight:
-Daemon and Rhaenyra's "sexy open marriage" was so interesting that in 9 years (and prior to the Dance) all they did was have 2 sons, get pregnant again (when he was 48 and she 32 mind you), and kill Vaemond;
-Rhaenyra snaps when she hears about Nettles, wants to kill her and sends for Daemon;
-Daemon saw Harwin Strong as competition for Rhaenyra's affections and was happy to get rid of him -> this is according to both Mushroom and Eustace, k besties?
-Rhaenyra gets pregnant not long after Laenor dies but no one even so much as mention the possibility that the kid was not Daemon. Like from the start everyone just knew it was his;
-She is shown to be completely obsessed with Daemon since she was a child only ever looking at other men when he was not around;
-Daemon likes innocent girls;
And someone's take from this is that they didn't mind that the other had other partners.
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I don't even know what to say at this point.
Source: voices inside the mind of the "book purist"'s head
Honestly most of the time I think people are just trying to fit their own narratives, or likely trying to live out their desires through these characters.
Back in the day they usually did it through characters like Laena and kind of just used her as a self-insert, which was super easy to do because she is not given a proper personality in the books. With Rhaenyra it's a lot harder because she does have a personality, very strong one actually, but the occasional person will do this with her as well.
I personally don't like self-insert stories, and I have spoken about my dislike of OCs (though I do find myself forced to use them *BIG SIGH*), but like baby girls you do you, just don't mistake it for canon and kindly don't spread misinformation, that's redacted's job *wink.
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With Rhaenyra I also feel that mainly (at least back in the day when I wasted time reading posts) you have a majority of two types of people who write metas, fanfics etc about her:
-You have people who hate her -> either because she's not your robot sort of character and actually has a will of her own, feelings, makes mistakes or because she was a b_tch to Daemon and poor Daemon just had to put up with her and how dare she not be his personal s#x doll/servant?! And look at all the mistakes she did during the Dance and how perfect Daemon was?! Doesn't she know she is inferior to him and a woman?! How dare she?!
-And then you have the people who claim to like Rhaenyra but turn her into a sociopathic Lolita (YeY fEmInIsM) that honestly feels like they’re are living their fantasies through her, and lament how she never learned to fight with a sword.
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I don't know. I got nothing else, and this is already too long 😅
Anyway, thank you for your very lovely words and happy holidays <3 and of course, thanks for reading and for following my story for so long! ❤️
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theliteraryluggage · 1 year
1, 2, and 3 for the fanfic asks please! 💕
Thank you!! 💜💜💜
Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
Uh, I daydream a lot. At any stage, before, during and after writing, the mental cinema is 24/7. I will definitely write down the ideas as soon as they come, but yeah, usually i only start writing once i've thoroughly marinated it in my head, unless it's something time sensitive or particularly persistent.
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
Good question. A lot of the time it's just catching a glimpse of something somewhere, a post about a trope or a quote or an image and i'll think "i have to write something like that sometime". Sometimes it's the result of ruminating specifically on canon or the blorbos, looking at my favourite scenes or the ones that have the most potential and thinking about how they could change or what else there might be that we didn't see. Sometimes it's just a desire to see the exact flavour of angst that I'm craving. And rarely, they come to me in my sleep, like the idea for TGU way back when or Alphonse Middle Name Elric did.
3. Do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself?
Oh man. I usually keep them to myself until I post them, only talking about them to maybe a couple of people or any betas if applicable. I would LOVE to share them more, just throw out ideas and go !!! about them with people, share snippets etc etc. I just always feel like I'm bothering people with that? Doing it publicly, I get the impression no one's particularly interested (my FMA taglist currently has one person on it, ahahh....) and. Back when I was active in the YOI fandom I had Discord servers and fandom friends where I could go and share things I was excited about, but with FMA right now I don't really have anyone who's actively into it the way I am that I feel comfortable showering with my thoughts. So I mostly keep them to myself while I write them and then hope someone will care when I post it.
Admittedly, if I talked about it more, I might get more people curious about it too, who might then go ahead and read it later. But I just. don't wanna bother people.
From the fanfiction writing asks!
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lavenoon · 2 years
Hey there, friendly reminder that you are awesome, amazing, and astoundingly talented! <3
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Aaa hi Fan!! Making me melt too, I see 💜
🤲 what do YOU get out of writing?
I get to reread my own stuff, in more detail than if I just tried to remember an idea or daydream, and it feels much more tangible written down! I still reread fic I never published because it's just for me, and sometimes surprise myself with scenes I had entirely forgotten! So I'm very glad I wrote them down <3
There's also definitely the engagement/ interaction for published fic. Like yes, I shouldn't make anything dependent on that, but it's just so so validating and fun to hear from other people, and to enjoy something together! I'm very happy I get to share my ideas, and have people be excited for them <3
💋 when you leave comments on a fic, do you want to hear back from the writer?
Answered a bit more in depth here, but in short, I definitely enjoy it! I never want the author to feel pressured though, it's just a little bonus treat <3
🕯️ how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
There's the difference between worth and validation - you may know as a writer (or artist, creator of any kind) that your work has worth, but the validation is what makes you want to share it. If you don't feel like anyone reads your work, why would you continue publishing it? It doesn't mean you necessarily stop writing, but to post something you created means being vulnerable and putting a piece of yourself out there. If there's just no engagement, it feels like rejection.
Fandom is about interaction. We all want to share thoughts and ideas and theories, and it is vital to engage with what is there. That doesn't mean everyone needs to comment on everything! But if you read something, and you enjoy it, you definitely should leave some sort of "I liked this" reaction.
For the socially anxious folks, or people with few social spoons, there's always the options of likes and kudos - as long as these people don't make up the vast majority of a fandom, engagement will easily continue flowing even without explicit words from them! There's also anon options, or those pre-made html codes for more kudos, or other very simple comments (like just "extra kudos!" without any html) that still let an author know you liked it!
Plus, especially if it's anxiety making the engagement hard... The author did the same? Bearing a piece of themself for others to see, and as long as you don't waltz in and just point out all flaws without saying anything else, why would they not enjoy hearing from you? Comments give the author an idea what was good, what might need elaboration, and what ideas resonate!
Some people feel more comfortable on tumblr, some more on discord, some more in a different constellation - but please, please make an effort to engage. It's what keeps things going - you can't just "consume" and not give anything back, if everyone did that, creators would burn out like a flash fire and stop publishing things. I know I did. It's worth the anxiety, it's worth the effort, and a little bit can go a long way. I'm anxious any time I post, and I still do it! So as a creator I just want to hear from people that it was worth it for me, too, that it's received well. Find a form of engagement that works for you, but engage - otherwise, in time, there won't be anything to engage with.
🧿 what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
Uh, admittedly, not too many. My rsd and anxiety unfortunately tend to make me catastrophize, and mostly it's damage control, not prevention.
What I do do is look at what engagement I did get - every kudos/ comment is a person, and even if it doesn't seem much, those are real people who like my work. Every bookmark means someone wants to see more. Those already mean a lot, and I remind myself to not get caught up in numbers - with private bookmarks, all the people who bookmarked AU might not even fit into my home! That's so so many people! Even my other fic, which runs at 16 bookmarks - that's a lot of people in a room!
So in short, I visualize the engagement I get as actual people, remind myself that was a real person who took time out of their day to let me know they liked my work! It's really never happened to me that there's no one who interacted with my work, and even if there were... Well, I already write a lot for just myself or friends, things that I don't necessarily share with the wide public, so I know where to go to find the validation I crave, and sometimes that validation is just keeping things entirely to myself and reread them again and again <3
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ariparri · 2 years
10, 16, and 17 for Veruca, Carson, and Teagan please!
Hey thanks for the asks 💜💜
My internet went out so I wasn't able to respond earlier 😅
Ask Post
10. What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
- Teegan would always talk about the animals in her farm! Especially the little ones. She'll gush about how cute they are, waddling around and trying to keep their balance when they stand. She'll even bring up the new products she made in her workshops. Her favorite ones are the jewelry and the juices and jams she makes to share with the people in the town.
- Anything involving music with Carson. He loves his 80s rock music, so he usually brings it up to anyone. And by bringing it up, I mean full on loud singing off key. Anyone who even asks what he's doing has fallen for the trap of getting stuck in a 3 to 5 hour session of all the best 80s bands and artists Carson loves. He's bringing out the posters, the band shirts, the song albums. 
- Veruca's way of excitedly telling someone something is actually a soft and shy way of telling them. She'll start off speaking in a rushed tone before realizing what she's doing before getting bashful and stumble on her words. And this usually happens when she's spending with her dad. After earning her quidditch plaque for the beater position, her dad was the first to hear about everything. She doesn't really tell a lot of people, it's mainly her close group of friends and her dad so they know how she can get whenever she's talking about her plaque.
16. What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
- The overbearing and worried ones in Veruca’s head. Veruca wants to push through on something she has her mind set on, then a voice of reason makes its appearance known trying to get her to understand the risks. Veruca’s not trying to listen to what ifs she wants to fight on and not have any hesitation in her move.
- Carson just has a bunch of voices in his head that it’s hard to keep track of it all. There’s a voice telling him to behave. He never really listens to that one. A few giving ideas and strategies on a new prank, as well as the ones that are extremely cautious to not hurt anybody. So many voices going on, sometimes you can catch Carson talking to himself.
- For Teegan, it’s definitely the ones who always need something done. Being a busybody and a bit of a people pleaser means having those voices constantly making demands. Which involves Teegan making mental lists of everything and it just gets out of hand because more just keep piling up.
17. What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
- Teegan’s eyes instantly draw to her hands. Working on the farm, when she didn't have the proper gloves to work with, resulted in callous and tiny cuts all over her hands and fingers. She wasn't self conscious about them, they were evidence of the hard work she did around her home. When other people first notice her, Teegan's freckles catch their eyes. That makes her self conscious since they were just staring at her face. But she knows they weren't trying to be rude by any means.
- Veruca won’t admit it, but it’s always her cheeks that catches her eye. She's got soft squishable cheeks she tries so hard to hide with her hair. Carson pokes fun at her for it, especially when he's the one squishing her face when they're both being silly. Veruca gets embarrassed though if other people see it happening. As for what other people notice first, it would be her eyes. She has been told a few times that she had such pretty and vibrant green eyes. Veruca doesn't really pay them any mind, people can say what they want and she knows not every one of them are true.
- Carson is the opposite, he always notices his eyes first. He has his mother's blue eyes! And Carson absolutely adores his mother! Everyone else notices his smile first. He always has a smile displayed on his face, even in the most boring classes. Snape can't do a thing to get rid of it. Not a lot of things can ruin Carson's day, unless of course you steal his blueberry muffins or throw a puffskein at him. Now that will wipe the smile off his face quickly.
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reikunrei · 1 year
Hi again :3
if you are still open to, could you please do the nsfw questions 2 and 3 for any Free! pairing plus makorin ? 🤭 thanksss💜
ohohoo yes absolutely!!! putting it under the readmore :3
2. Who brings ideas? Who initiates?
i feel like makoto has a lot of ideas, but he's too nervous, embarrassed, or uncertain to bring them up very often! rin is all about bringing ideas to the table, and is very open about what he is and isn't interested in. he does get embarrassed sometimes though, because who is rin without being a little embarrassed about wearing his heart on his sleeve. in the end, it's more like makoto starts acting all fidgety when he has an idea and rin has to pry it out of him. makoto is quite the explorer in that regard!
as for initiating things, i think it's much of the same. makoto doesn't initiate often, partially because he doesn't want to overstep with rin, but also because he just doesn't think about it as often as rin does. rin is way more likely to be the one to come home and pin makoto to the couch like "today was exhausting i need to make out with you right now immediately." makoto is always eager to please him and falls right into the rhythm of it. there are definitely days where makoto gets needy though, and that's when rin has to make sure he's okay with not walking straight the next day.
let's doooo asaiku bc i haven't worked w them a lot!!
i'll be honest, i think asahi and ikuya would have the most boring vanilla sex ever. wait i say that like it's a bad thing. they just don't have a lot of ideas lol. in the end i think asahi would be the one to bring more ideas to the table just by virtue of his slightly louder mouth, but ikuya has some little ideas tucked up his sleeve as well. i feel like asahi would like, try to have an actual conversation about things and come up with a game plan for it, while ikuya would propose things while they're already in the middle of being intimate, and he usually only does it when he knows asahi is going to like it, so it becomes a fun little way for him to surprise asahi.
as for initiating, i think they'd both do it an equal amount. they love to rile each other up, so they'd just get on each others cases, teasing and flirting and generally being insufferable in the eyes of anyone else who might be present.
3. Any kinks they clash on?
i actually feel like makoto would be a bit of a kinkster. and that also leads to why i said that he might be embarrassed to propose ideas in the bedroom because he thinks rin will say no!! i don't think he has any truly crazy kinks, maybe the most far-out one that i've often given to him before is like. kitty play. a lot of it is just a comfort thing, but he gets more than a little flustered when rin plays into it.
for most "casual" (aka "socially acceptable") kinks, rin is more than happy to play along, often sharing some of the same kinks as makoto, but i do actually think he'd have a limit with the kitty play stuff. like, he just can't take it seriously when makoto wants to get really into roleplaying it (which, ultimately, isn't very often) so rin mostly just sticks to playing with his collar and scratching behind his ears and calling him "good kitty, such a pretty kitty, so good for me."
asaiku again!!
as i said before, i feel like they're both fairly vanilla, but ikuya would be a little more exploratory. he's also my gnc king so i feel like one thing he'd be into is lingerie, and while asahi thinks it's pretty, i think he doesn't actually super love it! like, he'll compliment asahi, and sure, he'll be standing to attention when he walks in on ikuya laying in their bed with a babydoll top and lacy panties on, but while ikuya would prefer to keep the outfit on while they get intimate, asahi actually prefers to take it off. he doesn't like the feeling of it, and he much prefers to see ikuya just totally nude. they've had spats over it, too, i imagine! and asahi indulges him from time to time, forgoing his disinterest to appease his boyfriend because, yeah, okay, the hazy look ikuya gets on his face when the lace rubs over his cock is definitely worth it.
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Hi, thank you for all you share on here - it's been so helpful over the years. I've just been asked to be godparent to a sort-of friend's baby. I haven't been attending my old church in the last few years because it's catholic and I am still working out how I feel about that. and I also don't think my friend knows I'm gay. I'm feeling conflicted about whether I should tell my friend that to make sure she's okay with it, and also if it'll be okay to even take that role on? I'd be so grateful for any light you could shed on this situation 💜
Hey there, thank you for your kind words! This sounds like a complicated situation that's largely out of my wheelhouse; ultimately, you'll have to decide what's best for yourself. And if anyone else has thoughts, please share!
But yeah, here are my thoughts:
Most important question before anything else is: you want to be a godparent? Especially to the child of someone you classify as a "sort-of" friend? It's okay to turn down the request if you don't think god-parenting is for you / don't think you want that kind of deepened connection with this person and her family. .
If you're not sure whether you want to be / are qualified to be a godparent: I personally think the not-attending-church-often thing doesn't automatically disqualify you. You could bring that up with this friend first though, see what she thinks. But yeah, that aside, the biggest thing about being a godparent is whether you are up for the idea of supporting this child — especially if the worst happens and their parents die, but even if that doesn't happen. Will you commit to offering spiritual support? .
To me, that doesn't have to mean Catholic-specific support. I said yes to being my little sister's Confirmation sponsor while I was in college, even while I was starting to have an inkling that I was queer. And even now that I've "left" the Roman Catholic Church, and am a PCUSA minister, I don't regret my "yes" to being her sponsor. I'm still committed to supporting her spiritually (and holistically) in every way I can — praying for her, offering advice or information when she seeks it, etc. (She's actually not religious at all anymore, which adds more complexity to that; but spirituality is something anyone can cultivate, so I try to help her navigate more "agnostic" spirituality! But that's a tangent.) .
So yeah, if you want to be this child's godparent, I do think your instinct about making sure your friend knows you're gay is probably right; you wouldn't want that to come up later and have her act "betrayed." (If that were to happen, that would be on her, not you — but still probably something you don't wanna have to deal with years down the road). If you don't feel comfortable telling her you're gay, that's okay! That might mean it's best not to say yes to being her kid's godparent — usually being a godparent to someone's kid means being close to them or becoming closer. (You know your own context better than I do, of course; maybe you are able to cultivate close relationships with folks who don't know you're gay! That's fine too; this is just my thoughts about if I were in your shoes, I guess.)
Not sure if this was helpful or just made things more confusing, but there's my two cents for ya! Wishing you well as you reflect on this, anon! <3
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