#im not confident that al will be redeemed by the storys end
sowheresmyroom · 8 months
Man I'm so excited to figure out who has a leash on alastor and why
Cause the second we know that, the second we know his biggest insecurity and weakness
Which once we know THOSE, the second we can exploit them in redemption AU fanfic 👀
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pittbull-enthusiast · 6 years
Sunburn (Modern! Hockey! AU) - Albert Dasilva x Reader
Part 1
Oh my gaWD!!! I read this post and I totally got inspired by it, so I just had to write it out! As a self-proclaimed hockey freak and lover of Albert Dasilva, I just couldn’t resist ;)
Warnings: Some language and like, one innuendo?
Albert’s skates flew effortlessly on the ice beneath him, quickly changing directions when the small rubber puck would skid away. He breathed in the cold, damp smell of sweat and blood, relishing in the sound of hockey sticks colliding with the ice, grunts and yells of his fellow teammates, and the swift sound of his skates on the rink. Adrenaline pulsed through his body as he skated through the players, slamming one in the glass before skating off again. This was Heaven for him.
He came to an abrupt stop as his coach called the practice game to an end. He pulled off his helmet and shook his head a bit, his red locks getting even more messed up than before, when he was joined by two of his fellow teammates.
“Nice work out there today, Dasilva,” said Jack with a grin. “You’s definitely one of my strongest players out there.” Jack Kelly was the team captain for Albert’s high school hockey team, and he had the most experience out of anyone on the there. A compliment from him was a big deal.
“Thanks, Kelly.” Albert replied with a confident smile. Race skated up too and nodded, affectionately ruffling Albert’s hair.
“Damn right he’s one of the best,” Race exclaimed. “You seen him play against Queens last week? He had em’ shakin’ in their skates!”
“Yeah, just like you had me shakin’ the other ni-”
“Dammit Romeo, why’d you have ta come in and make it weird-”
“It’s not like you’re any better-!”
The boys continued to banter as they made their way to the locker room with a chuckling Albert and Jack behind them.
When they were done changing, Albert hoisted his hockey bag on his shoulder and walked out with Race, only half-paying attention to the story he was telling about some outdoor hockey scuffle he had gotten into.
“This guy was a real bruiser too, you knows how them Brooklyn boys are. He had been messin’ with Jo Jo the entire game, so I shoved him right into the bench! Man, you should’a been there! The look on his face was- hey, are you paying attention?”
The answer was no. Albert was not paying attention. Not to Racetrack, anyway. His eyes were glued on a (H/C) haired girl walking happily with Katherine holding what seemed to be posters to hang up around the stands. She was smiling widely at something Katherine was saying, and Albert nearly lost his breath when she flipped her hair to the other side of her head. Race’s eyes slowly followed to where Albert’s were trained, and then a slow smirk spread across his face.
“I see you’re admiring (Y/N) again, Al.” He said cheekily. Albert flushed pink and ran a hand through his hair, clearly embarrassed by the comment.
“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ ‘bout Racer, she’s just my friend. Nothin’ else.” Race raised an eyebrow and glanced back at the pretty girl who was now hanging a banner on the entry of the rink.
“No ‘friend’ makes Albert Dasilva as flustered as ya are now, Al.” He chided in a sing-song voice. Albert rolled his eyes and pushed Race’s head while Race cackled and tried to swat his hand away.
“If that’s right,” Race started, “Then you wouldn’t mind if I just called her over-”
“HEY (Y/N)!” Albert groaned and whipped his head around to where she was standing, his heart skipping a beat when she looked over and beamed, briefly making eye contact with Albert and... did her cheeks turn a little pink? No, Albert decided. She was farther away than he was, it must’ve been a trick of the light.
“Hey, fellas!” She called happily, carefully stepping down from her stool and walking over. “How was practice today?”
“Oh, you know, it was a total breeze.” Race said with a grin. “Right, Albert?” Race nudged Albert’s side and he nodded, trying to pull himself together enough to attempt a verbal response.
“Ahem- yeah, totally. Complete lightwork.” He coughed out, managing a smile. She must’ve thought he was a total moron. They’ve known each other since freshman year, hung out multiple times with friends, goofed off together in class, and yet here Albert was; a complete, blubbering idiot.
(Y/N) quirked her eyebrow suspiciously. “If it was so easy,” She countered, looking specifically at Albert, “Then why’re ya cheeks so red? Looks like a hard day of practice for you boys to me.”
“Nah, that’s just Albert.” Race said with a wink. Albert shot him a look and turned to (Y/N), who had an amused look on her face.
“I, uh… erm.. sunburned.” Albert stuttered, trying to ignore Race’s look of utter disgust at his pitiful excuse out of the corner of his eye.
“I keep tellin’ ya, Al.” Race taunted. “You gotta put that SPF shit on every day, you sweet little ginger snap, you.”
“Why don’t you’s go wait in the car?” Albert said with a pointed look at Race, and (Y/N) giggled. She loved how Albert and Race bantered with each other. It was rather cute how Albert would keep Race in check, considering it was always the opposite when they were on the ice.
“Fine. Fine. I can tell when I’m not wanted. I’m just sayin’, body’s a temple.” Race said dramatically while walking away towards the car. Though, not before giving Albert a wink and making a heart with his hands behind (Y/N)’s back as he walked away. That little-
“You guys are absolutely ridiculous.” (Y/N) interrupted Albert’s thoughts, and he realized he probably was scowling in Race’s direction. Quickly fixing his face, he scratched the back of his head and unconsciously stepped closer to her.
“Yeah, so I’ve been told.” He grinned. (Y/N) tilted her head up a bit to meet Albert’s eyes, and he couldn’t help but get lost in them. God, everything about her was so beautiful, and her hair. The smell itself was intoxicating. He realized that they had been staring for a little too long and glanced down, cheeks pink again. How the hell could she make him like this?
“So, you’re gonna be playing in the game next Friday, right?” She asked hopefully. She was blissfully aware of how flustered she was making Albert at the moment - not that it was hard - and how cute it was to see him like that. She nearly died right there and then when he bit his lip and looked back at her again, nodding his head.
“Yeah, I’ll be out there almost all night.” He said. “Will, uh, will you be there?”
“Yup, I sure will. I gotta go to the games anyways for ASB, but I um,” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Damn her nerves. “I’d go watch you play anyways, even if I wasn’t getting graded on it.”
Albert’s eyes widened and his heart quickened. She didn’t say ‘them,’ as in the team. She said ‘you,’ as in him, Albert Dasilva. Oh god. He had to say something, anything to make her realize how much he loved that. Should he say something flirty back? Confess? Ask her out on a date? Propose?
Albert mentally facepalmed. What the hell was that? Nice goin’ genius, now she probably thinks he’s even more of an idiot than originally thought. As his cheeks flushed an even deeper red, (Y/N) smirked and stepped closer, raising a hand to his cheek.
“Damn, Dasilva,” She said, gently rubbing her thumb across his cheek. “Your sunburn is gettin’ worse by the second.”
Albert’s heart was pounding against his chest as he maintained eye contact with (Y/N). Her palms were soft against his cheek, and the gentle but mischievous smile playing on her lips didn’t just make his heart flutter, but also made him think that maybe he did have a chance (she was holding his face, after all). Maybe this was a chance to redeem himself from that horrendous sunburn excuse, or the dimwit response he gave when she complimented him. If he could just gather the courage to grab her hand, lean forward a bit more-
“Hey, (Y/N)! I could really use your help over here!” Katherine’s strained voice cut in on tension between the two. Albert looked over (Y/N)’s shoulder as (Y/N) took her hand off his face and turned around. Katherine was about to fall off the ladder she was standing on in an attempt to pin the banner up. Before he could offer to help her out, (Y/N)’s eyes widened and she looked back at Albert.
“Shit- I gotta go help her with that, I’ll see you tomorrow, Albert!” (Y/N) said and quickly sprinted away. Albert watched her run off and stood there, looking stunned and mildly disappointed before snapping out of it and walking outside to his car, where Race happened to be waiting (im)patiently. He threw his bag in the trunk and slammed it shut, then plopped himself in the driver’s seat and put his head on the wheel.
“Went that well, huh?” Race said with a raised eyebrow. Leaning closer, he said, “Hey, at least your sunburn’s lookin’ a lot better. What, you got some aloe in your pocket or somethin’?” Albert groaned miserably and Race rolled his eyes. “Do I wanna know what happened?” He asked.
“Depends on how well you can handle what an idiot I am.” Albert replied, head still on the steering wheel of his car.
“Try me.”
Albert explained to Race what happened and wasn’t surprised when Race yelled, “‘Oh’? That’s all you had to say to that? ‘Oh’? Are you outta’ your mind?’
“I wasn’t thinkin’ properly, Race! It’s not my fault, I completely lose my wit around her. My confidence completely goes down the drain; she probably is wonderin’ why everyone says I’m so cocky all the time.”
Race sighed. “Just stop beatin’ ‘round the bush and ask her out already. This is painful.”
Albert rolled his eyes and started the car. “She probably doesn’t even like me like that anyways, Race. She’s probably just bein’ nice.”
“Oh, so we’re back at you denying this entire situation again?” Race said exasperatedly.
“What situation?”
“Shut up.”
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