#is just like *eggman* what the FUCK are you two talking about
fish-bowl-2 · 8 months
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I love it when Ed and Double Dee are just being silly together.
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echo-rambles · 11 months
I love that if you're looking for jeongin for any reason, all you have to do is look for minsung and a good 75% of the time he's just there with them. hanging out between them like their son. or a little brother that got included on a date because he really wanted to hang out
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I have heard just a hint of Elden Ring DLC and im out already what do you MEAN theres two Mohgs
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writer-jamie · 1 month
| Aphrodite's Spell | Chapter Two |
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Summary: Aegon was the definition of fuckboy. He didn't care about people's feelings, fucked with no strings attached and used whoever he wanted. He never got attached. Never made friends. That was until he met you online. You didn't know him, nor his family. You were an innocent his family and their legacy tainted. Someone new. Something new.
Warnings: Talks of alcohol and drugs, some slight smut, angst.
Author's note: Thank you for all the love on the first chapter of this series! I'm feeling extremely motivated to write so I will try and get as many chapters written while i'm in this motivated mood. Can't promise this will last though, but will try my best to keep to regular updates.
Taglist: @neithriddle @sab-falco @prp-butterf1y @deltamoon666 @sewmxx
Link for taglist.
Divider: @fairytopea
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You squinted at the bright screen as you sipped on your wine.
EggTarg liked your post.
Who the fuck is called Egg?
You knew all your other likes, mainly your friends or the guys online who followed you to wank over your photos, but this Egg guy is new. You clicked on his profile and there wasn't much to see. His profile picture was the side of her face but you couldn't see much of his features. The thing that stood out was his striking hair.
Blonde. That explains a lot.
Your friends would describe you as a creature of habit. Always went for the blonde boys, smokers, "rat looking" as Lisa would say. You knew what you liked and there was no shame in that. So when you looked at Egg's profile picture and saw the blonde hair, you could have sworn you felt your heartbeat in your clit.
You finished the rest of your wine in one big gulp and placed your glass on your oak bedside table. Leaning back into your headboard, you pulled your laptop closer to your chest and began typing.
Direct Message - User EggTarg
Me: You have peaked my interest Egg 🥚
EggTarg: As you have mine...pretty name, pretty face, what’s not to like.
Me: Romanic as well as one of my favourite foods, I think you are a winner.
EggTarg: Winner?
Me: You’ll see...
You couldn’t help laughing from behind your screen, feeling a rush of heat over your body. He sent you a photo. Oh. No guy ever sends you photos, just wants sex or a hookup.
EggTarg: Image attached.
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EggTarg: You like what you see?
Me: Well I’m not blind so yeah 🤤
EggTarg: ***-***-**** call me
That was easy. A phone number and a shirtless pic in less than ten minutes. He must be either desperate or horny. You debated picking up the phone and calling him. What if he was a serial killer or a weirdo wanting to eat your body.
Eh anything would be better than going to work in the morning.
***-***-**** added to contacts as Egg.
Calling Egg…
Buzz buzz…buzz buzz…buzz…”Hello?” A man’s voice answered the phone. He sounds Egg like. “Egg? It’s Y/N?” You could almost hear his posture shift as he realised who was on the other end of the phone. “Y/N. You called. Thought you weren’t gonna.” He sounded well educated but there was something about him that seemed off. He definitely sounded hungover. “So how can I help you EggMan?” You smirked down the phone, hearing him chuckle on the other end at the new nickname.
“You fancy hanging out? I don’t do public really well but we can go out for some food or drinks?” He heard you take a deep breath in, realising quickly how strange it sounded that he ‘doesn’t do public’. “I mean I do do public just not great. My family is kinda well known and I never get any peace and quiet when I’m out and-“ The panic in his voice obvious. Great you fucked this up Aegon.
“Egg. Egg it’s ok, I don’t ‘do’ public either. My family has a lot of drama surrounding it and I usually like to go out of town for dates or stay home. Or rent a hotel.” He suddenly felt at ease with your response. “I have a hotel room booked for this evening. Rook’s Nest Hotel. Ever heard of it?” You asked, pulling up your reservation and adding an addition person to the booking. “Meet me in the lobby at 7pm?” You suggested, pausing before clicking the save button on the reservation email.
“See you there. Wear something red.” He said with a smile and hung up the phone. Cheeky cunt. You sent him quick text with a lips emoji before laying back in your bed. “What the fuck have you gotten yourself into?” You asked yourself, running your fingers through your hair.
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You adjusted your dress as you sat on the soft leather seat, nursing your red wine as you awaited Egg to show up. You looked down at your phone. 7:08pm. He's only eight minutes late, traffic is probably bad. No traffic isn't bad. He's just late. What if he doesn't show up? What an embarrassment. You debated getting up to leave, looking around seeing many couples drinking in the lobby. You knew almost everyone here by name, the staff and the regulars.
Pepper was one of your favourite bell boys. He always is the first at the door to welcome you. He has worked at the hotel since he was sixteen and he was now thirty two. You used to see him every summer when your parents would take you to the hotel for your first of many family getaways. Your father always tips well, but for Pepper he was the most generous. He saw him like a son figure, after all he only had you and God knows he wishes he had a son. Instead he was stuck with you. Even now, Pepper is the first to take your bags to your room. He never expected a tip like a lot of the other workers. He knows you give tips at the end of the stay. But normally it would be enough of a tip to feed his family for at least four months (until you showed your face again).
Denise was your favourite cleaner. She knew when you were staying and would leave strawberry chocolates on your pillow. She's also been working there since you were young. She must be pushing sixty now and definitely didn't need to work but she worked her whole life and would probably be really bored at home. She was the sweetest lady you had ever met, she felt like a grandma to you. Denise never felt a need to change her posture or attitude when she saw you or your father. She was 100% Denise and you admired her for that. Most people would stand up straighter when your father entered the room, but Denise would continue dusting or hoovering, telling your father to lift his feet or move his ass if he was in the way.
You were snapped out your daydream by Mr Mortez, the hotel manager, who placed his hand on your shoulder gently. "Miss Y/L/N. Can I get Pepper to escort you to your room? I hate to see you sat alone." You smiled sweetly at the gesture. "No thank you. I will be ok." He nodded and turned around, walking back to the reception desk, joining many staff looking at you with worried expressions.
You pulled out your phone and opened up your messages with Egg.
Me: You are a cunt
The message sent quickly before shoving the phone into your bag, grabbing your wine glass and cardigan before standing up. You walked past many couples who were enjoying each others company. Not looking where you were going you bumped into a figure who was hastily walking through the lobby doors. "Oh God I am so sorry..." You mumbled, grabbing your bag and cardigan off the floor. You rised to your feet and looking the stranger with a soft smile.
"Sorry I'm late." He said with a smile, taking your hand into his and placing a soft kiss to your hand. "Egg?" You looked the man in front of you up and down, making sure this was the same man you arranged to meet mere hours ago. "Aegon. But Egg works too." You relaxed your shoulders and put your hand on his chest, seeing his shirt was now stained red with your wine. "Oh Aegon I'm so sorry! Let me take you to the laundry room and we can wash your shirt." Grabbing his hand and walking him towards the laundry room.
Pepper looked at you with a soft smile, almost checking you were ok. You gave him a reassuring smile in return.
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You placed your key card to the doors lock and it opened with a click. Aegon followed you inside, impressed with this hotels facilities. You put your bag and cardigan down on the floor and opened the washer, grabbing the items from the shelves and preparing the stain remover and liquid. "Take off your shirt." You demanded plainly, hopeful this could be sorted soon so you could enjoy your evening.
"At least buy me a drink first." Aegon replied, a smirk spreading across his lips. You shook your head and walked towards him, placing your hands on his chest and began unbuttoning his shirt buttons. His sparce chest hair came into view as you unbuttoned his cream coloured shirt. "Don't push it." You replied. Aegon rested his hands on your hips as you continued to remove his shirt. The shirt came off quickly and just like that the moment was over. You threw the clothing into the machine and set it off.
"Let's hope that comes out. I don't fancy buying you a new shirt." You said with a smirk, walking back over to him and sitting down on the other washing machine.
"Red." Aegon said with a dark expression behind his eyes.
"Yeah. Do you like it?"
"How could I not?" Aegon replied, his hands wandering towards your hips again. You rested your hands on his soft chest. He had small blemishes on his chest as well as a couple birth marks and moles. He looked perfect. Something must be off.
"So what's wrong with you?"
Aegon's face dropped. "What?"
"Well you are literally so perfect, there must be something wrong." Aeon chuckled under his breath, an almost confident chuckle. "Family trauma, dead parent or sibling, abuse in childhood?" He couldn't help laughing at the suggestions.
"All the above." Aegon raised his eyebrows at you. "Does that scare you?"
"Nah, I'm a big girl. I can handle my bad boys."
The bumping of the washing machine was the only noise heard for miles. Almost like the busy hotel outside wasn't there. It was just you and Aegon at that moment. Nobody else mattered. You watched as his chest began to rise and fall quickly as you raised your hands up his chest, past his nipples and to the sides of his neck. You found the back of his hair that rested on the nape of his neck. The blonde locks that lay there were soft. He definitely used conditioner. It felt as if the oxygen in the room had been sucked out as he looked into your eyes with his. Placing your hands on his face, he leaned into your touch. He was touch starved. He loved the feeling you of your touch. He had had sex with plenty of women, sometimes the same booty call over and over again but nobody looked at him the way you did. Nobody looked into his eyes like you did, or genuinely made him laugh the way you did.
Aegon placed his thumb on your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly exposing your lower teeth. You leaned into his touch, wanting him to make the move, but not knowing if he would at this rate.
Also as if he could read your mind, he grabbed the sides of your face and pulled you in close. Lips gently grazing yours softly. He was gentle. You didn't expect that. The softness of the kiss.
Then it got intense. Fast. It was as if you couldn't get enough of each other. Your tongue danced in his mouth, fighting his tongue for dominance. Aegon pulled you closer, almost like he was trying to climb inside your body. He needed you. Gasps and moans were heard in the room. "Aeg..Fuck!" You groaned, running your hands through his hair and pulling him closer. "Don't fucking stop…Jesus." Grabbing his wandering hand and placing it closer to your inner thigh. Aegon didn’t stop. His fingers pushing your black underwear to the side and he slides a finger between your folds. You felt your stomach flip as he played with your wet entrance. “Oh darling so wet for me already? That’s so hot.” That nickname. “Call me that again..” You looked up at Aegon with hooded eyes.
He pushed a finger into your tight hole, a groan leaving your lips. “Darling..”
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triple-starsss · 3 months
Bugs when you pick up a rock:
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Is there any familial relationship between Eggman and Metal and Shadow? Like adopted ward/ legal guardian (family reunions would go crazyyyy when your adopted dad drops you for your grand uncle)
Also what's Metal's name in this AU or does he just go by Metal?
AND AAH. OH GOD OKAY. i think I'd actually lose it if like. a quarter of the cast were just Robotniks SO NO SBSJHD (WE GOT ENOUGH OF EM ALREADY ABSKJS)
but!! i am thinking about Metal having a bit more history with Ivo than the others.
IMPORTANT INFO- METAL'S VOICE IS FUCKING FRIED. he damaged it so badly to the point he can just barely talk (he will insult Sonic no matter what though). He used to be a solo artist before joining Infinite and Mephiles and would. scream. alot. and generally not take care of himself so it got real bad.
and Ivo!! tried to help him with that problem. might've. gotten a little surgery done. definitely helped but now he sounds real synthy LOL. (have a gag with two of my friends (HI JEAN!! HI LEO!!) that he ate a synthesizer. so sad </3) could also be a reason as to why he wears a turtleneck ABSKDJ
but ough i can definitely see him feeling more indebted to Ivo for that too, enough to feel like he's someone Metal can rely on. possibly the closest thing he has to a parental figure too. unfortunately! Ivo just sees him as another pawn in his game.
AND YES HE JUST GOES BY METAL. i mean- look at the guy he would.
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nqueso-emergency · 4 days
Okay so Dr Eggman here again (what the fuck are you two talking about? meme)
I’m actually still trying to process all the fucking shit that happens in this god damn fandom. Every day I feel like I’m playing Checkers when everyone else is playing Mario Party on the Wii. I stg I open up tumblr after a long day of work and find out more people are being shitty to each other or someone leaking info or some other bullshit that I don’t have the time or energy to catch up on.
I’m still processing the fact that it’s 2024 and people are STILL SENDING DEATH THREATS to actors who play characters they don’t like. Maybe it’s just bc I’m realizing I’m considered “old” for this fandom but it’s wild to see 2011 personalities coming out.
Also…it’s an ABC show about goddamn first responders…it’s not that deep…like at all. There’s a fucking bee-nado in the first few episodes and people want to find depth in a puddle.
(This also might be stemming from the fact that I’m tired of the blogs I follow saying out of pocket things that CLEARLY are about something but I never know if it’s something that the whole fandom is going to find out or it’s just 3 people and I’m the weirdo sitting in the corner watching the conversation)
There's always something new in this fucking fandom. It's ridiculous.
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New and all inclusive intro to the hellspace that's my brain and this blog!! Do not attempt to find any parallels in my blorbos to my behavior and desires I promise it says nothing about the very core of me as a living being haha
Every silly appearing above lives fulltime in my brain and refuses to pay the mortgage, in fact, is very adamant they will never do so. Henceforth, I yap about them sometimes!! Some more than others *coughNinecough* but they are always present
>Now to the tags I actively use!!
sonic prime / sonic the hedgehog / miles nine prower – The most of thoughts at the actual documented begining of life for this blog, and I like Nine!! A lot!! A character made specifically for me I think....
murder drones / arcane / nimona 2023 / dreamtale (UTMV) – Other stuff besides Sonic that I draw and yap about, although this is still mainly a Sonic blog
me does arts / littol doodl / actually finished doodl – My art tags!! I've been drawing the same character for over a year and a half now help :D Have no idea why I decided to split them into three separate categories but I belive the names are pretty self explanatory
me when I finish writing – I do a drabble or two sometimes as well just, don't expect for me to actually finish anything I start writing even though I say I will, that tag name is a lie
the silly text box – answered asks whenever I rember to use the tag lmao
silly brainwors – my yappings, Nine character analyses and headcannons!!
There's no talk tag, if you see my random unrelated thoughts, it was destined and once in a lifetime event
>I also have a few AUs but only of the "What if crossover variety
Prime bros – a more or less non commited collaborative effort of random.headcannons and drabbles between me and Marie and anyone else who has thoughts and wants to join in on the fun on the idea of having the Shatterverse foxes (Nine, Sails, Mangey and Tails) living together in green hill and causing mayhem because the way the show left them was bulshit and unsatisfying!!
The same but different is my own personal version of the prime bros universe than I'm.fighting tooth and nail to write and constantly failing gdhsg
Over the hills – is a Dreamtale and Sonic crossover brough on by The Nine-tailed travel guide through the multiverse event conceived by Donelywell and mashed with my long time held dreamswap au idea of Dream taking Night and running away from the village after taking some drastic measures (the second chapter is being written baybey!!!!)
prime arcane – as seen above, I like arcane!! Jinx and Nine are eerily similar, I put them together, boom an Au :D other characters are there too but I need to get around actually designing them....
running from a Nightmare – another Dreamtale au, this time about corrupted Nightmare being set loose on the Sonic world by none other than Eggman and the suffering that comes with it (also fighting tooth and tail to get it written, you see a pattern here?)
And because I keep having Dreamtale & Sonic thoughts, I do lump them all together under the dreamtale and sonic tomfoolery tag!!
the n 'n n's (read as m&m's) – unserious crossover where I put Nine Night and Nimona together and have them be silly (perhaps Nuzi will tag along some day too...)
>This will most likely get updated in case I get possessed by something new or remeber a tag I forgor
Hey you scrolled this far might as well put some more random trivia abt me here :D
>paleontology and zoology nerd, but only as an avid listener to four hour documentaries, I don't actually know shit- (Miniminuteman, Casual Geo and Lydnsey Nikole hyper carry this special interest shoutout to them)
>Obviously a followup to previous point needed, favorite dinosaur is the Archeopterix and the animal ever is the Blunt Headed Tree Snake
>I have a pet snake, her name is Ebi and is a black head spider python!!
>Fourth (and last, pray for me please) year of studying Mechanical engineering, I also have no fucking clue what I'm doing, I don't know a lick of math :DD
>Favorite color is pink!! (In case you couldn't tell by my art and this whole post lmao) I went through a goddamn hero's journey to learn to love it alright you can pry the seven plain hot pink shirts from my cold dead hands
>I'm Slovak!! *zahučanie sokola a zvučka fujary*
>I could recite the story of the ugly duckling backwards as a kid (unrelated to previous two points)
>undiagnosed but there's.... something...
>Aro, ace and agender (that's where the AAA battery comes in lmao)
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skaruresonic · 29 days
So Sonic 3's trailer finally dropped today. Any thoughts on it?
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I had zero hype for this film because I didn't like the previous two and had no reason to believe this one would turn out any different. Lo and behold! ...it doesn't.
There's so much I could talk about.
• The shameless digging up of the corpse of my favorite Sonic game just to dress it up Norman Bates-style. Why yes, I love getting butchered adaptations of SA2 shoved down my throat. Keep 'em coming.
• The fact that the overly-furry aesthetic Paramount chose for Sonic and the other anthros still looks plug-ugly to my eyes no matter how much I try to get acclimated to it. In fact, it somehow looks even worse here than it did in previous movies.
• The fact that they ripped off a scene from Matrix Revolutions. Interesting choice, lmao.
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• Jimbotnik continuing to register as "Jim Carrey in a costume" and not as Eggman.
• Agent Stone continuing to be a nothingburger of a character aside from being a living footstool for Jimbotnik. I thought everybody said he was going to be 3's main antagonist. Why is he even here.
• Jimbotnik calling Gerald "Pop-Pop," cutesy-ing it up for no real reason, when Eggman simply called him "grandpa" at most in the games. What, is his grandfather Mike Ehrmantraut now?
• The original game's "fuck the police" angle now being ignored in favor of maybe making GUN look like the good guys (what?).
• The fact that the ARK, an iconic location, is nowhere in sight is making me more than a tad apprehensive. Idk if this thing is supposed to replace it:
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• This one really steams my hams: the fact that Paramount portrays Jimbotnik's weight gain via hateful stereotypes of fat men which the games do not employ in their overall portrayal of Eggman. It reflects a fatphobic attitude I could have told you was the case years ago judging by the fact that they cast a thin man in the role.
Games!Eggman is stylish and immaculately groomed, but Jimbotnik has to be a slob who dresses like The Dude just because he gained a little weight. Of course. 🙄
It really bothers me because Eggman is quite possibly one of the only examples of positive fat male representation I can point to, and they can't even let him be a little fat onscreen without literally exposing his belly with the intent to make fun of him in ways the games seldom do, if ever.
God fucking forbid he actually weighs the 281 lbs. he does in canon; Paramount would probably portray him like Fat Bastard from Austin Powers.
In lieu of being portrayed as dumb and weak, as is usually the case for fat male characters, Games!Eggman is portrayed as cunning, intelligent, powerful (physically and mentally), and stylish in a way that commands respect, despite whatever this Chili's says to discredit him. Eggman is fucking cool, and y'all are tripping if you don't think so.
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• The fact that this movie is probably going to be cringe on the basis of its constant bathos-inducing insistence on making the characters crack mistimed jokes during serious moments.
• Doing a double take when Sonic called Shadow an "alien," possibly realizing that "alien" is the film universe's designation for anthros, then promptly short-circuiting and catching on fire. Can we not.
• Why does the trailer insist on making Shadow look like a wet cat? They did not deep-freeze my boy like they did in the games. Games!Shadow emerged from stasis minty-fresh, whereas Movie!Shadow looks like a newborn kitten yeeted straight out of the womb:
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Disgustang. Stop that.
• The fact that everyone gives '06 flack for aesthetic whiplash but thinks Shadow looking like a muppet beside an irl little girl is fine, actually:
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And the fact that said little girl may be killed just making dead Maria jokes 10x more uncomfortable than they need to be.
• They missed an opportunity for a fun visual gag by having the bathroom sign read "occupied" instead of "eggupied" or "hatching" (as in hatching a scheme. or a shit. maybe both, lol). Something like that:
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They can pay homage to the Akira bike slide and the Super Burly Brawl from Matrix Revolutions, but God forbid we actually allude to Sonic games :v
...But most of this can be boiled down to "Paramount gonna Paramount."
All in all, I'm likely to continue my time-honored tradition of seeing the movie when it releases in theaters because deep down, I'm still a Sonic whore and subsequently pretending the films don't exist thereafter lol
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princess-of-anons · 10 months
Okay since people had some interesting thoughts on the sapient dog post here’s a followup question with some of rough ideas.
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bestjeanistmonster · 1 year
So a few questions for the DC AU if you don't mind me asking multiple at once
1: What got this universe's Sonic involved with crime? Did he work with whoever this universe's Joker is before going solo like canon Harley, or is it something else?
2: What would happen if Sonic and/or Tails learned each other's secret identities? Do they know each other at all outside the mask, or would not much of note change?
3: Is it just gonna be Batman that will be covered in this universe, or is the rest of the DC universe involved too? If so, who's gonna be Superman? Mario?
1) i’ve already explained how he got involved before so in short summary: he gets an internship at Arkham, gets manipulated by the joker (eggman) into breaking him out, gets kidnapped and tortured driving him insane, he becomes a loyal follower of Eggman and that’s how he got involved in crime.
He does eventually go solo, quitting Eggman, telling him to fuck off and then doing his own thing
He does eventually become a sort of anti-hero at some point
2) Sonic’s identity as Harley Quill (cred to @/kingprinceleo for the name) is public knowledge cuz they announced his identity after he was first arrested, before he was arrested tho it was a bit of a mystery after his debut then after two weeks Knuckles gets his hand on one of his quills, does a dna scan and figures it out much to Tails and Amy’s horror
Sonic doesn’t figure out Tails is Robin and that Amy is Batgirl for years, mostly cuz his eyesight is shit. (He used to wear glasses but lost them)
But when he does find out he feels guilt for trying to kill him but isn’t really surprised cuz it’s Tails and Amy, they wouldn’t just lay down and wallow just because he disappeared. Even without Tails and Amy being recruited by Batman they would’ve become a vigilantes anyway.
And yeah they know each-other Sonic is Tails’s older brother and i’ve talked about their relationship many times cuz i like the dynamic
3) Though i do focus on Batman stuff cuz its my fave part of the dc universe the rest of the dc universe is involved too but it will be mostly Gotham stories
And there’s no Mario stuff in this au, Superman is Mighty the Armadillo!
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my-name-is-jefferooni · 9 months
Have you ever even heard of…
Okay, allow me to give you some additional context before just bombarding you with all the many reasons why you need to watch this show.
Search for the Lost is a fan-made production created by Creative Planet Entertainment on YouTube. This shit has been around for 6 whole years, and it is such a good show! Made entirely out of g-mod screenshots/screen recordings and Sonic gameplay, Search for the Lost is a show about Silver the Hedgehog and his friends figuring out what Melhiles of all people is doing back in action, and why the fuck he’s working with Eggman of all people. Also, why is Infinite back… AND WHAT’S ALL THIS TALK ABOUT A PROPHECY!?
Aight lemme just give a quick spoiler-free explanation about Forge because I know yall are looking at this like “Who tf is Forge?? Some kinda fan character or something??” Because… Yeah, he is a fan character, BUT A VERY GOOD ONE AND HIS DYNAMICS WITH EVERYONE WORK LIKE A CHARM I TELL YOU HE IS NOT JUST SOME RANDOM SONIC RECOLOR.
Cuz he’s a Metal Sonic recolor! 🤩 Haha, well to be fair, they literally call out Sonic recolors in the show with this fact. It’s in Forge’s story! Basically, Forge once worked with Silver in his bad timeline in Crisis City, but the ashes and the chemicals were too much for his small little itty bitty bird lungs. So, to keep himself from slowing everybody down, he managed to shove his consciousness into an old Metal Sonic model. A black-and-yellow one, kinda like the one from Archie except a lot less like Sonic personality-wise and a lot more like Sonic visually. With all these new robotic upgrades, Forge became a force to be reckoned with, and became one of Silver’s bestest friends after the whole Iblis thing. Oh, and he ships Silvaze like it’s nobody’s business, so that obviously gets an A+ from me lmao
I may have gotten carried away with that explanation and maybe there’s some spoilers in there but it’s late and I’m sleepy so you’ll only know if you watch the show~! ✨🙂
Seriously tho. This show is very underrated. I’ve been keeping tabs on it for years now, ever since episode 5 came out! Trust me, that’s a long time. They have their plates full when it comes to personal things and it’s a big project so episodes come out after a long time in production.
There are only 7 episodes so far, but each episode is jam-packed full of lore and giving us more questions on top of every answer! It brings back characters we haven’t seen for a long while, and it always provides a reasonable explanation as to why some of them have been gone and why some just like. Cut contact or something. There’s characters from previous games, from Sonic X, from Archie, from IDW, BRO WE GOT GAMMA IN HERE BAYBEEEEE IF THAT AINT FREE REAL ESTATE IDK WHAT IS.
So. Please. Please just watch this show. Please look at all the additional content with Forge on their channel too, it’s fucking hilarious! Just… I wanna talk to someone about this show who isn’t just my lil bro. Like I love getting to bombard him with bullshit about characters he’s never even heard about until watching this show but I gotta know I’m not the only one. Please. These people are working so hard on Search for the Lost and I’d really appreciate if you even saw just one or two episodes. The story is very intriguing, the characters are all so well-written, TEAM DARK IS THERE, FORGE GETS A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION, so I say it’s all totally worth it!
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Ask game : mayor humdinger
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Oh well XD tagging @darlingeryx so they'll see it too
My first impression - Isn't Goodway the Mayor? Oh, he's from another town. He looks like the Monopoly guy.
My impression now - He still looks like the Monopoly guy. And I'd be jealous of Adventure Bay if I lived in a place called FOGGY BOTTOM too, that's depressive as heck.
Favorite thing about that character - He wears purple while being blonde. That's a very nice taste in colors. Lary approves.
Least favorite thing - His Movie verse needs to fucking chill. He's almost a completely different character there.
Favorite line/scene - Gotta admit seeing him go from "I'm not going anywhere with you." immediately to "Okay, fine! I'll go with you. But I want to make it VERY CLEAR, this is NOT a rescue. It's, uh, an assisted exit." had me in hysterics, despite the seriousness of their situation.
Favorite interaction that character has with another - I love seeing him getting all competitive with Mayor Goodway but I also like his interactions with Ryder. Idk how to explain, it's just... He's usually so full of himself and suddenly he has to let a kid help him. It's kinda funny. And Ryder never holds a real grudge against him in the series (though I don't see it in the movies either, Ryder is just "oh for fucks sake, but okay, whatever, I gotta do what I gotta do" about him there).
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character - Does Monopoly guy counts? Other than that... Dr. Eggman XD THEY EVEN SHARE THEIR LOVE FOR THEIR MUSTACHE OK
A headcanon about that character - To not repeat the same headcanon with Mayor Goodway's about them studying together... Hmmm... He's mostly a cat person because cats can't talk back (usually).
A song that reminds of that character - "Astronaut"
An unpopular opinion about that character - He DOES have some degree of respect for Ryder. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, blah blah blah, the Paw Patrol and the Kitten Catastrophe Crew, etc.
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egg-emperor · 4 months
I'm thinking about Eggman x Clutch because while Idc much for the character aside from some nice r34, two old men enemies dynamic. simple as. I have nothing deep to say I just think it would be cool if they fucked lol
Eggman finds out Clutch is behind the clean sweep thing and that stupid ass TV spot, sneaks into his place in his sexy purple coat and hat disguise to get past security and shit after trying some lying, bribery, pretending he's a bar of soap and giving them all the slip, etc. Finds and confronts Clutch and it turns into hatefucking just like that there and then because what else you know me
Eggman trying to dominate him through it and show him who's boss, that he's the one that's supposed to take what he wants from others like this, not the other way around like him with the clean sweep collecting his stuff. But Clutch looks at him smugly because this clearly isn't his first rodeo as he's an experienced older man too and Eggman isn't used to them being able to handle it this well
Well aside from how he still very much falters at times because Eggman is just very big for that lil opossum butt hehe. That makes Eggman happier to see so he tries harder but Clutch is up for the challenge and likes how pissing him off makes him rougher, teeth gritted and growling. Both of these old men like to prove how tough they are and how their age doesn't change that
And I'm just thinking of funny old men bickering during it, Eggman tries to degrade him and put him down by talking multiple shots at him for being an old man despite his own age like lol you old timer old ass man. But Clutch is just like "So are you and I bet you dye that stache" and Eggman says "Damn it well at least I'm not the one taking it like a slut right now like you in your old age"
Clutch is still unfazed and says "So bold but I bet you like taking it too, grandpa" and Eggman is like "why the hell would you even think that" and frowns harder and blushes and Clutch says "Well I wasn't sure actually but your reaction and how you didn't deny it just proved that you absolutely do." He's like "fuck you" and Clutch says "No fuck you because I know you'd like that >;)"
So he literally does to find out because Eggman is like "Alright then prove it" and plans to show he totally won't because there's no way he's good enough. But oh nooo he enjoys it and can't hide it, he got too confident again which happens too often when he bottoms. This dirty opossum, this fellow old man, gets him good. Damn it. How embarrassing. Clutch smirks "Who's the slut now"
So that was a little humiliating but undeniably enjoyable to end up in the complete opposite position of where he planned that night. But don't worry, it's okay because Clutch won't get to be very proud for long. Eggman still destroys him soon enough because it wasn't enough to change that he still messed with his stuff and endorsed that blasted TV spot and needs punishment, of course
he's especially gotta make sure he does a good job of it ASAP because he doesn't want Clutch going around telling anyone that before he has him under his boot in defeat, he was under him in secret not too long ago :P
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universalzones · 3 months
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"You guys haven't met Shadow yet? That's crazy," Tangle said, kinda surprised to hear Surge never ran into Shadow before, not with how crazy she was going with messing stuff up.
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"Can't say I have, though I heard he does exceptional for G.U.N and has a high mission success rate." Lanolin wondered if she should reach out to G.U.N and see if they do a bit of a team up on more dangerous missions.
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"Yeah, well, I don't fucking want to. I haven't liked any other goody two shoed hedgehog so ain't no way am I going to like a third." In Surge's mind she lucked on not meeting another hedgehog. Not that she actually knew Silver, though he seemed like a good two shoed bitch like Sonic.
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"I mean, Shadow is a good guy, though he ain't the nicest. I heard he almost iced Eggman when he was still Mr. Tinker. Sonic had to seriously throw down with Shadow to get him to chill." Tangle was just going by what she heard.
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"Then he's a bitch for not sticking to his guns. I wouldn't have left until I put Eggman's ass into the fucking ground personal so clearly he ain't shit." Surge wouldn't put the doc down regardless of if has his memories or not.
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"That's, uh, I don't think I'm going to comment." Tangle thought it best to keep her opinion to herself for once. The lemur looked over at Whisper, though it might be best to leaver her out of this, for reasons.
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"What about you wisp flinger? Why is this Shadow guy such a big deal?" Surge asked, noticing that Whisper seemed to be trying to stay out of the conversation. Might as well see what that's about.
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Whisper looked up at Surge, knowing full well she did that on purpose. "He's effective in combat, analytical, has extensive battle strategies, has long and short ranged attack methods, and is as fast as Sonic."
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"If he's a dull as you then it sounds like you two would be buddy buddy." Talk about fucking lame ass answer. Obviously Shadow had to be tough shit running it with Sonic and Eggman, though so did she. He ain't the special.
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Kitsunami is just dozing off in they're chair, too tired to care for the conversation or Surge trying to pick fights. Why were these meetings getting earlier in the morning?
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aortaplatinum · 2 months
Why Sonic sucked in the second half of the 2010s
-A lot of this second post is speculation based on what I've seen on The Cutting Room Floor, heard in interviews, and pieced together myself. Japanese studios are notoriously tight-lipped, so it's hard to get a clear and definitive picture of what happened, but this seems to be the likely story.-
Do I really have to talk about Sonic Lost World? It's so immensely boring and poorly tuned, I nearly forgot to mention it in either of these posts. TL;DR SonicTeam scrapped the successful and popular boost formula gameplay to try to copy Super Mario Galaxy almost 10 years after it released. The game sucked and the story and script sucked, but that's just down to SonicTeam forgetting to take their brain pills every morning during the planning phase of development.
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What I REALLY want to talk about is Sonic BOOM. Finally realizing that it's almost exclusively the Western world that cares about Sonic, SEGA partnered with the newly-founded studio Big Red Button to begin development on Sonic Synergy. Founded by ex-Naughty Dog developers in 2007, they seemed to be the perfect team to reinvent Sonic specifically for North American audiences.
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And they probably were, but we'll never know, because of what happened next...
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In the early 2010s, SEGA signed on with French animation studio OuiDo! productions to begin work on an unrelated animated comedy Sonic TV series, Sonic BOOM. At this point, SEGA seem to have had a really stupid version of a Jimmy Neutron Brain Blast, and decided, "Hey, what if we combined both the Big Red Button and OuiDo! projects into one thing? And made the video game a tie-in with the animated series!" So SEGA goes to Big Red Button, who were in the middle of developing Sonic Synergy with their own lore, characters, and world, and who already had enough developed to create an internal trailer for higher-ups and investors and SEGA goes in and is like "Hey all this Lyric and Ancients and time travel stuff is real neat but we're gonna need you to overhaul the FUCK out of it and make it like THIS instead aight have fun assholes were gonna go blow our Yakuza money on some other stupid shit." [paraphrasing]
This overhaul and combination then lead into another new idea- that Sonic BOOM should be an entire separate sub-franchise of Sonic the Hedgehog, complete with toys and comic books and all the other merch that comes along with a plan like this. So, Sonic Synergy was renamed to Sonic BOOM Rise of Lyric, and BRB took what they already had and crammed OuiDo!'s tone into it while also removing their own lore from the game.
You may have noticed that despite sharing a name, there's VERY little crossover between Sonic BOOM Rise of Lyric, and Sonic BOOM the TV series. Most of the characters are in both, but Lyric is only in RoL and Eggman's island fortress is only in the TV series. It's very obvious in hindsight that the game and the TV series were two separate things that were mashed together during development of both.
Now, sometime during the development of Sonic BOOM, SEGA signed another deal, this time with Nintendo. This was an exclusivity deal, an agreement to make the next three Sonic games exclusive to the Nintendo platforms of the time, the Wii U and 3DS. The first of these was Sonic Lost World, and the second was Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. But it seems SEGA didn't even have a third game planned, because instead of working on something specifically for Wii U, they went BACK to Big Red Button and were like "Yo I see you got this running on Xbox One or some shit Imma need you to put it on the Game and Wario machine instead lmao have fun" [paraphrasing]
So, working with Nintendo to quickly port Rise of Lyric onto a console it wasn't designed for, running on a modified version of CryEngine, which the Wii U wasn't natively compatible with, Big Red Button got Sonic BOOM Rise of Lyric out the door and promptly exited console video game development. Visiting their site now, you can see that they went into VR games.
The DISASTROUS financial performance of Rise of Lyric- a half finished game retrofitted with another team's vision and then forced onto hardware that shouldn't have been able to even boot it- severely damaged the Sonic BOOM franchise's reputation right out the gate, which in turn hampered TV ratings, and since no one was watching the TV series, no one was buying the merch. And to add on top of that, Cartoon Network, the channel airing Sonic BOOM in the US, has always judged a series' "success" on merch sales. So since no one was buying "Here comes the BOOM" t-shirts or Sonic BOOM birthday party paper plates, CN shifted BOOM around to different, weird time slots until finally offloading it onto their sister channel, Boomerang, where it died after two seasons. Everything went wrong because of SEGA's short-sightedness and their willingness to fuck over the game development team they were working with. This was a MASSIVE, multi-faceted plan with dozens of projects holding up other projects, and it was an unabashed financial failure.
Needless to say, this cost SEGA Sammy Holdings as a whole likely BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Because Sonic had lost them so much money, there was very little money to invest back into Sonic. This lead to the Sonic drought, as it's been called by the community, where for years, no new major Sonic stuff released. We had a few mobile games and some limited physical releases of the Sonic BOOM TV series and that was about it. Sonic as a whole was just coasting on what was already made for BOOM, and trying to recoup their losses by any means necessary. The 3DS game, Sonic BOOM Shattered Crystal, seemed to sell decently, because it DID get a sequel in Sonic BOOM Fire and Ice, which DID tie in directly with characters and storylines from the TV series, but at that point, it was already far too late.
Embarrassed, financially hurting, and in need of a safe win, SEGA went back to SonicTeam, and had them start work on updating the Hedgehog Engine used in Unleashed and Generations, and start work on Sonic Forces- and that's why Forces sucks. It was a safe-bet "PLEASE make us money" project that tried to appeal to everyone and inevitably wound up as a massive disappointment to everyone, because only SEGA knew what Forces really was meant to be. Sonic Mania was made for the same reason, it was a "oh God we have no cash, hire the cheap fans-turned-developers to make a nostalgia bait 2D pixel Sonic game" situation. Since Mania promised so much less and delivered on those promises though, it was VERY well-received. These two "life raft" projects together started to get SEGA and Sonic out of their financial pit, which in turn, gave them the leverage to bounce between a few different American movie studios to try to shop around the Sonic movie as a pitch, and to begin development on Sonic's first open world game, Sonic Frontiers.
In interviews, Frontiers is cited as being a "last chance" for SonicTeam during development. While this may sound harsh, it may have been that SEGA just didn't have faith in the franchise as a whole anymore, so the movie and Frontiers were to be potentially the final Sonic projects.
But I don't need to tell you how wrong SEGA was about this :D
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playertwotails · 1 year
hello, i saw an ask were someone asked you if you thought tails ever attempted to find his parents and it made me wonder if you ever thought of a scenario were tails father had no idea he even existed or he was led to believe by tails mother that she gave him away and he couldn't find him?
Okay I read when you sent it and been thinking about this one for the whole time. Sorry for the late reply but my sister had her baby so things have been busy.
But moving on from personal stuff, I love this idea but I'm gonna take it a step darker....what if Tails' mother told his father that Tails tragically died.
So going into my take of an AU for this here and it's gonna be long so putting it under the cut
So what if Tails' mother was actually from an influential family or something or they both are. But image is VERY important to her. So when she had Tails with his two...well..tails she was immediately not okay with this cause (spongebob mocking voice) "whAt WoulD oThEr peOpLe tHInK." So Tails' mom starts-a-plotting.
So while Tails is still a baby or like at least like a one year old, she goes on a trip with just her and Tails. So during this "trip" she tragically "loses" Tails and she goes crying home that he died in like a storm or an Eggman attack or something. In reality she legit just left him in a random forest on West Side Island.
So without a body Tails' father looks for him but tiny little guy in a big world and his mom purposely telling him the wrong area means 0% chance of finding baby Tails.
Years then go by and Tails and Sonic start gaining notoriety for their shenanigans and their adventures get back to Tails' parents sphere of influence.
Now obviously they can't 100% confirm that this Tails is their kid but like how many two tailed foxes can there be??? So Tails' father is pretty gun-ho of tracking down Tails just to like at least see if he's maybe their long lost kid, but his mom uses the excuse of she's still so "upset" and "traumatized" from losing him that she doesn't think they should go cause "What if it's not him?! She couldn't possibly handle loosing her baby a second time!!!" (cue fake tears worthy of an Emmy). But the whole time she's like internal sweating like "oh fuck what if he finds out that's our kid and I actually straight up abandoned him!!"
She manages to delay a trip for them to find and talk to Tails for a while but eventually Tails' father just goes and tries to track him down himself.
Side note 1) - I'm thinking that Tails' parents didn't have another kid because while his mom claims it's from the trauma of losing her first baby it's really because after her first kid came out with what she believes to be a deformity she's scared a second one would too. So no surprise siblings for Tails (though that would also be interesting to explore - I ain't got the brain capacity for that in this particular post)
Side note 2) - it would be interesting if during her stalling time she hires people to try and either straight up kill Tails or just someone who would fake the paternity tests to say Tails is not their kid. Maybe both???? You know what yeah why not both.
I feel like a hitman going after Tails would be interesting though cause I'm always a sucker for protective older brother Sonic and you can bet that it would be in overdrive if someone goes after Tails with the express purpose of killing him.
So while Sonic and Co. are fighting off hired hitman and trying to figure out who sent them, this random ass guy shows up claiming to possibly be Tails' father. Immediate alarm bells start going off in all their brains (double for Sonic if you include the SAT-AM cartoon episode where Eggman legit made fake parents claiming Tails is their lost kid for the express purpose of kidnapping him).
So they all start looking into this guy and actually do go through with a paternity test. And surprises of surprises when it come back positive. They then proceed to do it 5-8 more times with different Drs (or whoever does this idk) to make sure he ain't faking it somehow. But nope turns out that yep this is Tails' real dad who is saying he's been looking for him this whole time. (press X for doubt from Sonic and Tails)
But when Tails' father starts explaining his side of the story including where Tails' mother claims to have lost Tails. Tails and Sonic are immediately suspicious cause where his mother told his father he was lost is basically on the other side of the planet from West Side where Sonic found him.
They reiterate this to Tails father, who they are still suspicious of that's he's lying but they trying to figure out what's real and not from what he's saying. And the man is confused cause lookin at a map he also knows 2 + 2 ain't equaling 4 between their two stories.
Cue all them deciding to go to Tails' mother to see what she says from her side of things. The whole time still having to fight off various hitman cause they still coming.
They get to Tails' parents home town and Tails' mom immediately plays up the "oh woa is me, I don't want to get attached until I know he's really my baby." And at this point she's at the top of everyone's (but maybe the not the father's yet) list of being behind the hitman so no ones buying her bs.
So to try and catch her in her lie they ask to do the paternity tests with both of them (not telling her they've already run Tails' fathers multiple times with all positive results). And lo an behold, both come back negative. And she immediately tries to play the "oh how tragic you are not our kid, but best be on your way" but whoops the father reveals the like 6 positive tests he's already done so now she's caught in her own lie.
And idk where to go from here so if anyone want to "yes and" this post (or really any of mine) feel free. Just @ me so I can read them.
Hope you liked my take on this idea
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