#just in case since thats generally whats going on when ppl pull the std thing abt bi men
matoitech · 6 months
if im thinking abt stuff like 'preference' w bisexuality and how that can come off to other ppl particularly someplace like online where its kind of a viewable catalogue of at least some aspect of urself or what ur interested in, at the end of the day i think there’s just a lot more stuff catering to me as a man who fucks men regardless of the specifics of whether the dude interacting w or making it is gay or bi that it’s just easier to indulge that aspect of myself (also, my being in a relationship w another man) vs my attraction to women which can just be a lot harder to find things that feel like they actually interest me or resonate with me bcuz i’m a bisexual man and my relationships with women aren’t rly typically the dynamic or experience of two straight people in a relationship or their sexual dynamics. not like i Cant resonate w things intended to be made that way ofc just its typically harder for bi ppl to find things we like. thisis like a well known and discussed thing in bi community spaces
like i don’t personally relate to the ‘my dif gender attraction is still gay’ bi jokes bcuz im not nonbinary and i don’t have a ‘weird gender’ in any way im just male so my attraction to and relationships w women is just as a man, but me being a BISEXUAL man specifically DOES impact and alter that in a way. it’s not inherently better or worse than how a straight man may like women it’s just different. if there was as much bisexual m/f in media or whatever as weird biphobes online pretend there is then my experiences would be more represented (gotta make it ourselves)
bi men also tend to be aware of how our attraction towards women As men is read and viewed and treated both in general and in lgbt spaces, which a lot of the time dont look very kindly on any of our attraction anyway (‘predatory cheating bi man whose probably gonna give u stds’) so that’s also a factor in us maybe coming off like we prefer men in lgbt spaces when we don’t actually have a preference or any interest in discussing our 'types' w strangers online. shrugs
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