#serophobia tw
matoitech · 6 months
if im thinking abt stuff like 'preference' w bisexuality and how that can come off to other ppl particularly someplace like online where its kind of a viewable catalogue of at least some aspect of urself or what ur interested in, at the end of the day i think there’s just a lot more stuff catering to me as a man who fucks men regardless of the specifics of whether the dude interacting w or making it is gay or bi that it’s just easier to indulge that aspect of myself (also, my being in a relationship w another man) vs my attraction to women which can just be a lot harder to find things that feel like they actually interest me or resonate with me bcuz i’m a bisexual man and my relationships with women aren’t rly typically the dynamic or experience of two straight people in a relationship or their sexual dynamics. not like i Cant resonate w things intended to be made that way ofc just its typically harder for bi ppl to find things we like. thisis like a well known and discussed thing in bi community spaces
like i don’t personally relate to the ‘my dif gender attraction is still gay’ bi jokes bcuz im not nonbinary and i don’t have a ‘weird gender’ in any way im just male so my attraction to and relationships w women is just as a man, but me being a BISEXUAL man specifically DOES impact and alter that in a way. it’s not inherently better or worse than how a straight man may like women it’s just different. if there was as much bisexual m/f in media or whatever as weird biphobes online pretend there is then my experiences would be more represented (gotta make it ourselves)
bi men also tend to be aware of how our attraction towards women As men is read and viewed and treated both in general and in lgbt spaces, which a lot of the time dont look very kindly on any of our attraction anyway (‘predatory cheating bi man whose probably gonna give u stds’) so that’s also a factor in us maybe coming off like we prefer men in lgbt spaces when we don’t actually have a preference or any interest in discussing our 'types' w strangers online. shrugs
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queerbauten · 2 years
Tumblr losing its mind over an American Girl book discussing HIV/AIDS... truly bizarre
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catinfroghat · 5 years
So far BBC Dracula
Has had a woman whose attraction to women is only brought up to reference her promiscuity (biphobia 101)
An evil gay/bi coded villain who is implied to be a sexual predator/rapist
A guy who is assaulted and abused by said villain developing AIDs-like symptoms who kills himself because he sees himself as a monster
Another evil gay guy who dies
His boyfriend who has to grieve him and then dies as well (don't get me started on the unnecessary racism as well lmao)
This is the show you are stanning as having amazing LGBT rep? Ok.
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softpaladin · 3 years
is it just me or is putting someone's std on a callout post about them really inappropriate and fucked up
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femtyranny · 4 years
people (even "progressives") will REALLY call not disclosing your HIV status "rape" even if the person in question isn't capable of transmitting HIV... like just because you're serophobic doesn't mean someone not telling you irrelevant information about their medical history is somehow sexually predatory behavior. do you run to the cops if someone doesn't disclose to you before sex that they take prozac or adderall or insulin?
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bihet-dragonize · 6 years
We doing this again? As you can see some freak is being misogynistic and biphobic in a bi woman's inbox and a few of y'all are gonna care and reply, but the convo will go stale in about 2 days and then I'll get shit like this again. Rinse and fucking repeat 🙄
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heterophobiclesbean · 6 years
Someone: hey probably dont refer to a group of people by a slur that originated as and has historically been used as a slur to justify violence against them because it's impossible to confirm that every person in said group is comfortable reclaiming that slur
Some dumbfuck idiot on this dipshit site with their last two dying brain cells: actually this is a TERF dog whistle you sound exactly like white supremacists and also I'm going to simultaneously argue that queer is not a slur and that queer is a slur but it has been reclaimed by every single not cis and not het person on the whole planet. This makes sense and I am doing good things for the world and you queerphobes deserved the aids crisis because you didnt listen to the uwu aces. I will now use a string of made up nonsense words that did not need to be made and have no meaning in an attempt to legitimize my point: queerismia, nonmonosexual, aqueerplatoniphobia, allohomonormativity, homo supremacy. Case in point, checkmate aphobes!
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nonbinary-support · 7 years
trump made a comment on how immigrants from Haiti “all have AIDS” and Nigerians would never “go back to their huts” after arriving in the U.S. this is real. this is our actual president. 
if you are disgusted by these xenophobic, racist, and serophobic comments, why not make an effort to support organizations for Haitian immigrants, Nigerian immigrants, or people who are HIV positive?
How to support Haitian Americans
How to support Nigerian Americans
How to support HIV positive Americans
anger against the president is justified, but i figured instead of making angsty comments and memes against the orange mannequin for a few days and forgetting about the situation, why not actually make a concrete effort to protect the vulnerable communities that trump is attacking?
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ashauyel · 3 years
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I would love to speak to the person who had to read this book for adaptation who had to go to the studio and say “look we can’t call the vampire disease that the gay guy has AIDS because we will get first class tickets on the ride to hell”
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ex-furry · 4 years
one time i saw a post on here that said waverly from the joy luck club is bi and..... in the book waverly tells jing-mei that she should get a new hairdresser because the one she had was gay and he probably had aids. i think waverly is probably the most heterosexual of the daughters by default lol
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What's up with your url name? It's like saying "lesbians have hairy legs" or "all gays have aids", you know. When you choose an url name like that, labeling a group of people with one tag, it indicates you're simple minded and have little or no knowledge of the subject matter.
it’s not like saying those things at all, actually, because my url is a statement of truth and those things are homophobic stereotypes that have led to gay people being physically harmed and sometimes, y’know, murdered. kindly escort your misguided straight ass off my blog and consider tripping face-first into a ravine today ;*
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ottogatto · 4 years
I find the fact that people agree with associating lycanthropy with aids and homosexuality, so homophobic and serophobic in itself.
Let’s start off by the mere association of the two. Homosexuals and aids represented by the same disease? As if being homosexual and having aids went along and it’s hard to clearly tell them apart? What the actual fuck. Why would you associate the two if you weren’t being homophobic in the first place.
Also we’re supposed to think that being homosexual is a disease that can be transmitted through rape and violence? Holy shit
Or the fact you compare having a queer sexual orientation, OR having a disease that destroys your immune system, with someone who transforms into a monster each month and is able to kill/"rape" even those he loves?
Ah ok, so, for those who hold this metaphor as right, apparently being homosexual or having a disease is being a monster capable of murder and rape by uncontrollable urges each month?
I mean by that interpretation Lupin is a someone who attempted pedophilic rape on three kids, and rape on two other men, and could have given them "aids" because he didn’t wear protection
Not to mention that in the books, werewolves associated in majority with Voldemort and DEs, ie "wizard hitler and nazis" for those who think it’s the same.
You know, maybe it’s important to say fuck jkr and fuck homophobic/serophobic fans when you see this kind of shit.
This "allegory of homosexuality/aids by lycanthropy" is incredibly homophobic and serophobic in itself and really, I and queer/seropositive fans don’t want to be compared with Lupin for having essentially endangered his own students throughout a whole year and nearly maimed/infected/killed them because of his negligence/impulsivity, or with werewolves in general.
Stop this shit.
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Hey, how do I explain to my dad that the SNL joke about being scared of getting AIDS from toilets isn’t funny because lots of suffering and dying gay men in hospitals didn’t get the care they needed because even the nurses were afraid to touch them?
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marxzsoul · 4 years
Im fucking heated I lost my cousin to HIV/AIDS this bullshit gets me so mad you don’t treat something this serious like something that fucking vampires and fairies like to stufy and help people with fuck off
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marvintrousers · 4 years
i leave tumblr for months come back on see a joke about the falsettos characters getting AIDS and then i leave again
just stop. ur jokes are not funny.
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judesowndaughter · 4 years
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i’ve got the spirit, but lose the feeling
Content Warning: Please be aware that Kate’s S.tranger T.hings verse does take into account period-typical homophobia. This verse delves into trauma, PTSD, physical abuse, spiritual abuse, the death of a parent, body horror, homelessness, and serophobia. Also, spooky extra-dimensional demons. Detailed plot summaries for each of the seasons are below the cut.
Season 1: Transmission       Autumn of ‘83 is supposed to be Kate’s comeback semester. Losing the coveted position of valedictorian last spring is a mistake that she’s desperate to rectify. It’s a crying shame that midterms are fast approaching and her rival’s GPA remains untarnished. But any glimmer of hope she might have had to close the gap is quickly snatched away by the disappearance of her classmate and a local boy. But it’s the missing girl that turns up the pressure on Kate’s tense relationship with her mother. In Helen’s mind, Barb fell victim to Woman’s natural inclination towards licentiousness, her disappearance divine retribution for her sinfulness. According to Mrs. Marsh, this is a warning from one sinful girl to another, and Kate had better set a godly example for all, lest she be painfully corrected by Helen. With her stress at an all-time high, Kate spends her free time away from her mother’s overbearing presence, frequenting the forests that flourish in her hometown.       That’s where everything goes wrong.       Emily joked that Kate was I.ndiana’s S.now W.hite: far too trusting of animals for her own good. It’s what she thinks of when she runs from the demon chasing her across the forest floor, drawn by the scent of Kate’s bloodied knee. Maybe she shouldn’t have failed gym class, because the creature outruns her with ease, dragging her into a hell the B.ible never prepared her for. After evading the demon through a combination of cunning and luck, Kate escapes from its lair. The ordeal lasts a single afternoon, but the trauma leaves Kate reeling. No scripture or hackneyed televangelist can explain her experience. Her instincts scream that she’s not alone in her experience, that Barb and the missing boy may have suffered the same fate. Her conscience overrides her fear of the Upside Down; she has to find those two, even if it kills her.       And given her track record, she stands a pretty good chance of being murdered. Season 2: Disorder       Hell doesn’t come with warning labels, no one tells Kate that her discovery of Barb’s rotting corpse will break her. She tries to put the pieces back together, to be normal again, but Hawkins’ ignorance is like an itchy sweater that she can’t take off. But Kate is doing well, all things considered: she has a job at the library, she’s currently on track to be salutatorian, and she spaces out her twice-a-day breakdowns between lunch hour and bedtime. But Helen is still breathing down her daughter’s neck, and her political crusade now takes on a new dimension: “combatting sexual deviance”. Cutthroat, c.onservative, and staunchly homophobic, Mrs. Marsh enlists local supporters of F.alwell’s M.oral M.ajority to  promote R.eagan’s reelection and the continued marginalization of queer people in the town of Hawkins. The specter of voting day looms especially large over Kate, who struggles to come to terms with her crush on another girl in her church---an attraction which may be reciprocated.       Coping with the extraordinary trauma of last year and the anxieties of ordinary life is further complicated by Helen’s change in behavior. Richard attributes his wife’s volatility to the stress of her activism. He doesn’t see the pure, unadulterated terror she inspires in her children. But Kate’s mother isn’t the only victim: a climate of fear has descended upon Hawkins, the citizens irritable and prone to impulsive, aggressive actions. As Helen grows increasingly temperamental, Kate suspects that the impending election isn’t the only inciting factor, and that the town may once again be under the influence of the Upside Down. Season 3: Isolation       With Helen dead and Richard distant, the Marsh girls are freer than ever to do as they please. For Kate, this means taking a risk and pursuing a relationship with her crush. But Kate’s newfound freedom has its limits when Richard walks in on a kiss between her girlfriend and she. Loyalty must run in short supply in Hawkins, because her ex-girlfriend lays the blame of temptation squarely upon Kate. Outed and disgraced, Richard kicks Kate out of the house. Now homeless and living out of her car, Kate spends her summer eking out a life; she isn’t too proud to use the showers at Hawkins’ public pool, or scrounge up the money to pay for convenience store snacks. Starcourt Mall is her savior for the summer of ‘85 with its cheap food, air-conditioning, and parking-lot to park her car for the night. Kate even has a shot at gainful employment if she can convince the interviewer to overlook those nasty rumors about her.       But Kate’s precarious living situation is threatened when power outages and falling magnets come into play. With the lifeguard acting erratic and armed men carrying mysterious boxes into the mall, Kate knows that something is afoot in Hawkins again. Ostracized from her family and desperate to get back into the townspeople’s good graces, Kate works overtime to expose the sinister conspiracy at the heart of the town’s new mall.
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