mochidoodle · 13 hours
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I am once again thinking about him
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tangomagnolija · 2 days
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with fire and sword / ogniem i mieczem XS in color because what is art for if not self-indulgent AUs based off of a 1880s novel
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boxanimal · 14 hours
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5.75 x 8.5 inch Yamamoto linocut print
If you'd like a copy of this, DM me; I'll send you one for like $5
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fuujinlol · 3 days
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katzkinder · 3 days
I think Giotto wound up a very possessive person, something Tsuna will also inherit if he takes on the Vongola mantle because the same fear of loss that exacerbated Giotto’s possessive tendencies is also always going to be in the back of Decimo’s mind, a daily knowledge that the moment he’s sharing with someone could be the last
The reason I brought up Giotto here is because, well. imagine how many last moments he had with someone he cared about that were negative notes he never got to apologize or make up for, how many promises were left unfulfilled, how many marriages broken and children left behind and families bereft with loss
Giotto always took his failures very personally, even when there was nothing he could have possibly hoped to do to avert a tragedy or save a life, and imo? Tsuna takes after him in the worst of ways as much as he does the best.
It’s why Tsuna is doomed to follow him, one way or another
Either it will break you, or you will run
Giotto did both.
He’s sorry you got left with his mess
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kyokosasagawa · 2 days
Fran in Wonderland - A analysis post, of sorts. Maybe more like rambling.
Future Arc --- "Who the hell is this?" Introduced as the latest Varia member to replace Mammon, Fran is a completely new face. No one knows who he is or what his deal is. Not even Byakuran expected him, and it was one of the few moments that indicated that Byakuran had a weakness in his ability to see different worlds..
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Fran of the Varia Arc is a complex figure. I cannot analyze him chronologically---no, he leaves crumbs of himself in extras. Interviews. Character songs.
But lets start off with his key trait:
Fran is an immensely curious young adult. That is his fundamental trait as a character that spreads through both Rainbow and Varia arc.
What he does, he mainly does to satisfy his curiosity regarding powerful people.
In the manga canon itself, he lets Rasiel go away free just to find out if he would be able to beat Xanxus.
Speaking of Xanxus, in an interview he joins the Varia to find out why Xanxus can command respect. In a character drama, he tricks Hibari with his illusions and is impressed by Tsuna being able to see past them.
In his character song, he has Wonderland motifs. But the interesting part about it----he prolongs the torture of the victim in the song, curious to see if they could beat him. if given the chance.
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Fran is a curious man that could, in fact, be interpreted as being….well, bored. He wants to find something interesting, so he follows his curiosity.
But he's also fickle, and distasteful, which brings me to the next point.
Lack of Respect / Respect towards Power
Future Fran does not respect other people easily. But to those who he does, they get power beyond all belief. Mukuro is freed with his power, a power that can fight against what we now know is a gang of ex-Arcobaleno.
He insults the rest of the Varia, while never saying anything particularly….mean, about the Xanxus he's curious about. In fact, Xanxus didn't have a single bad thing to say about Fran in the Rainbow arc, while the rest of them remembered nothing but insults.
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Essentially, Fran only respects powerful people in the Varia arc. Perhaps its because he himself is powerful, so he doesn't feel a need to care about those who aren't. After all, Lussuria even admitted that Fran could escape from the Varia in the aforementioned interview---but he chooses not to, curious about Xanxus. He thus gives Xanxus his power in battle.
He respects Mukuro, calling him his Master. He helps the man escape.
I think, fundamentally, Future Fran doesn't care for weak people.
In a future where the world is ending, where only three people can trick the Vindice---clearly, he's better than the rest, especially if it was so effortless to trick them like its hinted by him not being even the slightest bit exhausted afterwards.
The thing is though, its hinted that he was always this way.
Rainbow Arc -- Again, who the fuck is this?
Fran. Fran, Fran, Fran.
He's introduced as a child playing in the forest and waterfalls of Jura, France without any supervision. A place that takes the Varia and Kokuyo some effort to get to. Even the Varia admits that he's no ordinary child.
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Later, its shown that he's still able to trick the Vindice with his illusions.
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So we know he's always been like this. He has, since he was young, always been more powerful than others.
What a wonderful way to get a bloated head like in the Future Arc.
But, in the Rainbow Arc, he's proven he's not the strongest person around.
He's scared of the Shinigami, he's intimidated by Chrome yelling at him.
Sure, he still has to fight in the final battle, but that could just be because the glove didn't fit Chrome. Chrome still had to instruct him.
So how does he grow up, in the Rainbow Arc?
Healing of a Childhood?
Rather happily, actually.
In the future arc, Fran smiles rarely. You get most of his smiles in artwork outside of the manga and anime, or if he's smiling, its for snarky reasons. It's one of the reasons why for the longest time, we had "depressed!Fran" fanfiction everywhere.
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No, he chose the Kokuyo to grow up with, and he seems to enjoy their company a lot.
Surprisingly, its Ken who gets the most attention from him and where Fran's character development seems to shine the most.
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He goes from considering Ken an idiot, a wild animal in the future arc---to considering him a big brother figure. He even changes honorifics.
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He also seems to enjoy the company of Verde, despite bullying him all the time.
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And don't forget about Chrome, who he instantly develops a crush on after getting yelled at. Or M.M, who carries him around and protects him.
The Kokuyo is depicted as a family, unlike the Future Arc.
In the Future Arc, Fran floats around place to place looking for someone powerful. He hangs out in the Varia, hangs out in the Kokuyo, tricks Hibari and tries to trick Tsuna, tries to give that nameless victim in the Special Illusion song a chance to survive and see if they're stronger….
But in the Rainbow Arc, Fran is…he's happy. He sticks with the Kokuyo from day one, and doesn't leave their side, and he becomes an actual kid.
Fran is healing in the Rainbow Arc, and I love that for him.
Conclusion Fran of the Future Arc is fundamentally a different person from Fran of the Rainbow Arc.
Future Fran is curious and bored. He's strong, and he knows he's strong. He's equivalent to a Saitama-like figure in KHR.
But Fran of the Rainbow Arc is still learning how to be a kid.
He's strong, yes, but the Kokuyo is giving him the chance to be better. To become strong, yet loved.
To have Fran without the Kokuyo is to have a unhappy Fran, who calls Ken "-san", who looks at the Varia with distaste and hate.
I don't know what he becomes in the future of the Rainbow arc, but I'm sure its going to be happier.
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risingmoonyue · 3 months
I love it when I scroll through AO3 and I read a good fic, and I’m like “wow!! I can’t believe I didn’t read this before! I’m gonna bookmark this!”
But I did
It was already bookmarked
Which means I read it, liked it, saved it, then read it for the first time again because I completely forgot it existed
Benefits of the occasional goldfish brain
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tsuna-sama-simposting · 4 months
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lemorgo · 6 months
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i don't care what year it is
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ner0w0w0 · 2 months
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Happy birthday, my prettiest Cloud
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mochidoodle · 26 days
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that lemon is full of regret
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tangomagnolija · 2 days
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ogniem i mieczem could be so xs. 1650 hitman reborn i guess
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boxanimal · 3 days
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I got these tiny books that were made for Amano's recent exhibition. As a lover of things that are smaller or larger than they're supposed to be, these are insanely cute. As you can see, there are just lines on the inside, which makes sense, even though I was hoping the volume's pages would be printed inside. Other than that, though, there is a surprising amount of detail—the inner covers are as they appear in the full-sized version, as are the flaps of the dust jackets. Very sweet, I wish they made all of the volumes!
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kos-tyan · 11 months
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kanbe923 · 4 months
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lofty feelings
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taohs · 9 months
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@animangacreators | badge battle #1 ↳ my top favorites of the 21st century
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