#leo placements
diveinyouastro · 7 months
● Scorpio venus- gets sexualized alot. Many people would fantasize about these people but will not let them know. MANYYYY have crushes on them. (I'm one of them👀)
● Capricorn + Scorpio placements- are either very naive and easily influenced/manipulated or the manipulator themselves. BUT the way their mind worksss.. ufff... they get shit done, they have solutions to e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Can become a lawyer cuz mann you can't win against them. Everrrr.
● Capricorn/ aquarius or earth sign placements/degrees- you would rarely see them support astrology. They'll show interest if you're telling them everything good about their sign, as soon as you get to the negative part.... out the door🚶🏻‍♀️
● In synastry if you have- venus square north node/ venus square saturn, venus square neptune, venus square uranus.... its not going to be a long lasting relationship. Cuz venus, the planet of love, is literally denied its main role. Degrees matter too, more than 5, can work. Less than 5, probably not.
● sagittarius placements- go from being fun and adventurous to being serious and mature. As the grow older, they start understanding life on a deeper level. Also, sagittarius placements are quite lucky (see where it is placed or where jupiter is placed.)
● Neptune/pluto/lilith/mars- on the ascendant, doesn't matter the aspect, GAIN ATTENTION WHEREVER THEY GO. People be turning their heads to look at you. You're random people's crush. And those who feel threatened by your presence, tries to spread false rumors about you or tell you that you're 'too bossy' 'too much' too this and that. They're just jealous cuz you got the IT factor in you and you not only gain everyone's attention but also their crushes 😌.
● Taurus placements- they have a very soothing voice. Their voice gain everyone's attention around them. Even if its noisy, as soon as a Taurus start saying something, everything gets quite. Its just the way they talk, they can have a deep or soft voice, but the way they speak is very beautiful.
● Libra placements- are superrrr nice. They're always there for you. They feel nice and happy when the people close to them are happy. Since libra is the sign of balance, they know when to be nice and when to be a bitch... so don't ever walk over them, You won't like it.
● I think aries and Capricorn placements- are the only placements that fear failure ALOT. Like ALOT. Even if they don't have a way, they'll make one. They have to do something, they can't just sit and relax, their soul won't let them.
● 12th house placements will know things beforehand due to overthinking. They would know if this friend of them is going to betray them. They start feeling uneasy somewhere in their body. With the 8th house placements, once they trust, they give their trust to you 100% and they usually gets backstabbed. Then they stop trusting people completely.
● Underdeveloped Scorpio placements- if your crush is a scorpio or has prominent scorpio placements, please stay away. They are usually involved with someone but keep it hidden. You won't know it until and unless they tell you, which they never. So its better to keep your heart safe than knowing at the end that they were involved with someone all this time.
● (in synastry) Underdeveloped scorpio venus and pisces venus- toxic, manipulative and narcissistic together. They talk shit about their close friends with each other. They turn against their friends. They develop, a kind of, superiority complex.
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆Dark side of underdeveloped placements:
▪︎ Capricorns- rude af. Very mean for no reason. They think they are the main character. No honey you're just a bitch.
▪︎ scorpios- fucking cheaters. One person is not enough for them. Very toxic. Will body/slut shame you behind your back. Oh and secrets??? What are those? Now everyone knows them.
▪︎ Aries- can yall stop playing victim card and become more mature and responsible please? What's with yall crying and throwing a tantrum to get your point proven right? Ridiculous. Also stop guilt tripping people.
▪︎ taurus- why do you feel good when someone has less than you?? Why do you judge people when you yourself are negative.
▪︎ Gemini- yall try so fucking hard to get attention. Yall really dont get a hint that your crush doesn't wanna talk to you huh? You irritate alot of people around you. Very pick me energy with this. And no youre not know it all.
▪︎ Cancer- these bitches ruin 'THE CANCER' reputation. They go around lying about everything. Share someone else's secrets'. Puts blame on the other person.
▪︎ leo- yall need to be humbled very bad. Everything depends on your mood and self esteem huh? Yall throw people's past on their face in front of everyone when yall get pissed. Istg you feel better and satisfied when someone is put down in front of you.
▪︎ aquarius- please shut up with the false conclusions. Yall never accept your fault. You fuck up someone's mind then tell everyone they're crazy for acting like that.
▪︎ pisces- no not everyone is in love with you. Get out of your head please. Stop messing with people's feelings' and mind. Stop being avoidant. Stop being a bitch.
▪︎ virgo- DONT force your thoughts on someone else. Dont criticize them for having their own thoughts. Anyone can have different thoughts. And stop trying to subconsciously control people. You make people walk on egg shells.
▪︎libra- stop being 2 faced. Youre not everything a person desires.
▪︎ sagittarius- you make people fall for you then use them and throw away. Say it with me bitch...... people 🔪 are🔪 not🔪 for🔪 fun🔪. Also even if you have everything, yall still act like you got nothing. You dont help people. You only care about yourself.
—–- ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ––—
Thank you 🩷
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leo degrees in the natal chart (5°, 17°, 29°)
5° = gifts that you are here to express passionately in the world. the inner child. carefree. independent. doesn't care what anyone thinks of them. child-like innocence before the corruption. very creative. entrepreneurial spirit. authenticity before the corruption. big dreams + visions. expansive imagination. hair is significant quality of the native. hot head. family person. fierce + protective. autoimmune disorders. lives from the heart. family favorite. playful + curious, similar to gemini. feels free to express honestly. use your heart as your compass and you'll never be strayed away. desires freedom yet doesn't know how to attain it. jack of all trades when it comes to hobbies.
17° = fame + the corruption that comes with it. cares too much about what people think. strategic with their generosity. wants everyone to like them. popular girl/guy. hyper-focused on romance. serial dater. love bomber. narcissistic tendencies. entitlement. impatient. natural spotlight. very sexy + attractive. it girl vibes. trendsetter. socialite. presence adds value to the atmosphere. knows how to command a room. interested/well versed in psychology. confidence issues stemming from childhood. traumatic relationship with parent(s). single parent household vibes. hypersexual. hook up culture. rejection wounds. crucifixion for being your true self (you can't please everybody). people will try to dim your light because not everyone can handle the sun. sheep behavior. don't stray away from your passions in order to appeal to others.
29° = eldest sibling syndrome. the example of who or who not to be. the only way you'll be fulfilled is if you live for you, not everyone else. choose the life you want — give yourself that autonomy. resurrection energy. the ultimate freedom of christ consciousness. artistic. life should be a pure reflection of the heart. heart is as light as a feather. strong connection to the spirit world + the dead. keep your heart healthy — get into some cardio. death is a common theme in this lifetime as one closes out many cycles. given the responsibility of ending certain cycles that hold the bloodline back. lover of children + could play a parental role, mentor, etc. chaotically concentrated energy of whatever sign this degree is in. use the energy of this sign to free yourself. iconic + legendary. talked about for many generations afterwards. extremely talented + well known for talent(s).
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occultwaters · 3 months
Astro Observations I
💜 Earth sun + water moon = masked vulnerability. I’m especially looking at you Capricorn sun and Scorpio moon.
💙 Virgo Venus aesthetic is either soft or the complete opposite.
💜Leo placements really don’t have to try for attention. Especially big 3. They really stick out!
💙Ya’ll think cancer mars have explosive anger, have you met Saturn ruled Mars? Capricorn and Aquarius Mars anger can be extremely explosive.
💜Quincunx aspects (inconjunctions) in astrology need to be talked about more.
💙Lilith in the 12th house in the ascendent sign will always unconsciously embody Lilith energy until they realise and learn to work with it.
💜Mars + Jupiter conjunction = sporty children. These people can also easily become argumentative.
💙Need tips on how to style your outfit? Bag a Taurus/Libra venus.
💜Neptunians are so ethereal like please. Especially when Neptunes makes aspect to the ascendent.
💙Water dominants 🤝 clinical daydreaming + zoning out mid sentence.
💜Having water and earth placements is very good if you want to get involved in the arts. Water provides the imagination and earth the drive to bring it into reality.
💙You can really spot a scorpio from a mile away. The aura and the eyes.
💜Moon in 5th house can indicate unplanned pregnancy so be careful.
💙Saturn in 2nd house. Money and self worth are such big lessons for you. How often do you feel like your possessions are either limited or being controlled?
💜Pluto in 10th house are always judged by society regardless of what they do, so they just stopped caring. They’re always caught up in some scandal.
💙Another note about Pluto in 10th, usually the way they blow up is through Plutonian things. Such as occult practitioners, even serial killers etc. These roles bring in the most recognition and attention for them.
© 2024 occultwaters. All rights reserved.
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imnotevenusin · 3 months
Favorite Placements, pt. 2
Mercury in Aquarius: Mercury is our problem-solver and communicator, while Aquarius deals with larger-scale issues that impact humanity as a whole. Mercury in Aquarius gives the ability to think ahead and outside-of-the-box. Along with that, I like Mercury trine/sextile Uranus.
Sun in Aquarius: The Sun is a personal planet that rules self-esteem, pride, enjoyment, and image. Being placed in Aquarius, the Sun will express itself in a “new” or “quirky” way. Along with this, I envy Sun sextile/conjunct/trine Uranus - they are very versatile and can fit in to any group or “clique”.
Mercury trine/sextile Pluto: Pluto pulls you in, whether you want to it or not; it is an addictive, controlling, and powerful planet. This aspect can make someone very attentive, smart, and clever. Pluto brings serious, heavy subjects, that makes Mercury more transformative and stronger; you are always questioning and thinking on a deeper level.
Jupiter sextile/conjunct/trine Pluto: Jupiter expands anything that it touches, while Pluto pulls you in and controls you. This placement gives access to power, powerful individuals, and can even make you influential yourself.
Mars conjunct/trine/sextile Venus: Mars is our primal planet—other than the Moon; it represents our drive, anger, and sexual impulses. Venus is our social graces, aesthetics, and what we like. This placement gives an out-going personality, that (REALLY) enjoys sex. It also gives you a passion for art.
Scorpio Moon: I know, this is an unpopular opinion. Scorpio is such a huge and heavy energy, and the Moon is supposed to be emotionally comfortable. Scorpio brings intensity and uncomfortable feelings to the Moon. Thats a gift in my eyes. After going through a Scorpio Moon Progression, I feel more self-aware and I know myself way better than before.
Moon in the 9th House: The Moon is how we get emotionally comfortable, while the 9th House rules philosophies, answers, and beliefs. After a tumultuous period, these people can always look at the bigger picture in the end.
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harmoonix · 7 months
☀️ (Astrology Observations) ☀️
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☀️~ Ray of Light ~ ☀️
☀️ - Sun conjunct Venus/Neptune natives really share a very beautiful personality, they're very positive and full of life
☀️ - Mars aspecting Lilith (h12) or (h13) = Bad bitch vibes, you do you and you don't accept nobody's disrespect
☀️ - Mercury - Moon aspects may really enjoy music like a LOT, and especially if you have one of these in air signs 100%%%%%%%
☀️ - Saturn aspecting Pluto can really have an overwhelming life, things can sometimes get down and you can feel hopeless at times. But you don't have to forget that you are strong and don't let their things put you down
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☀️ - Sun at 6°. 18° degrees natives analyze everything they see. They can read people on their face, idk is like these natives have the power to see what's behind someone's emotions
☀️ - Neptune aspecting the ascendant natives sometimes have a hard time thinking about themselves, because they tend to prioritize others more than themselves
☀️ - Moon in Libra often gives the native fox face/ fox eye figure. for example watch out Madison Bee, Ariana Grande and Alexa Demie have Libra moons and their eyes are close to fox eyes
☀️ - Sagittarius Sun natives will be the people to call out all the lies, they can't accept to be lied on. I know numerous Sagittarius Suns who rather prefer to hear the truth than to be lied on
☀️ - If your boyfriend has an Fire Venus, be sure he'll be very passionate in everything he does. Venus in Fire Signs usually has a spark in their eyes when they do something with passion
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☀️ - Mars square Moon/Sun has very strong emotions when they're getting angry, they will probably need some time alone because their personality can be destructive at times
☀️ - Erato (62) - aspecting Juno (3) = Very erotic relationship, and you can seek for eroticism in your life. Very erotic spouse aswell and I feel the tension already...
☀️ - Be careful at natives with Sun - Jupiter aspects in harsh aspects because their pride and ego sometimes it can be bigger than everything, I know someone with those aspects and omg she always thinks she's better than others (I need Maddie from Euphoria to slap her to reality)
☀️ - Neptune in the 12th house can often experience deja vu, they are spiritual and connected to their higher self
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☀️ - Mercury at 10°, 22° degrees can be really into singing/ Capricorn degrees can influence and grant you success if you try your best
☀️ - Moon/Sun in the 9th house can be into occult/religion/witchcraft and they can share a communal love for Gods (if they believe in a God/source/universe etc)
☀️ - Sun/Venus/Moon in the 11th house make the best friendships, they connect with people so easily and they're so nice with people, is very hard to not be friends with them
☀️ - Mars conjunct/square/opposite Midheaven (MC) can cause others to see you as a competition and mostly jealousy. So most times is just better to mind your business and to not enter in a contact with people who can seem envy from the first sight
☀️ - Natives with Sagittarius Venus/Venus in the 9th have chances to be in a relationship with someone foreign/ far from home/ your spouse can be from another country/culture and honestly is so cute
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☀️ - Saturn aspecting Venus can worry so much in relationships, some of these natives can even be over thinkers for their own reasons, I think another great lesson of theirs is to learn how to love without having difficulties
☀️ - If you want to have very chatty people in your life find someone with Gemini/Aquarius Moons because they are the most communicative out here,you can really talk about everything with them
☀️ - Capricorn Mars/Venus Men are really the gentleman of the zodiac, like the damn sir you really are a king (My Venus doesn't match with this one sadly but I met so many men with those placements and they were really amazing people! sorry my Venus doesn't match with it)
☀️ - Virgo Risings can attract really lovely people in their lives because of their 7H in Pisces, I love these placements so much, because your 7H is also ruled Jupiter who gives you so much luck
☀️ - 1st house ruller in the 6th house can be a big indicator that, these natives need to focus on themselves pretty much in their lives. You'll experience a lot of things that's for sure
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☀️ - 1st house ruler in the 10th house on the other side, will mostly prioritize their job/career and that can grant them success in their lives
☀️ - 1st house ruler in the 7th house can prioritize relationships pretty much in this life, like they'll be always searching for that type of person who can be theirs forever, and be careful at enemies too most times they can be hidden
☀️ - Mercury at 3°, 15°, 27° degrees can indicate someone who likes to talk a lot, or just someone who needs to talk more
☀️ - Mars at 8°, 20° degrees makes the person attractive to the opposite sex (even if sometimes they don't want that) it's just attraction
☀️ - Natives with Midheaven (MC) at 2°, 7°, 14°, 19°, 26° degrees can make a good a first impression to the people who approach them
☀️ - Cancer Placements/4th house placements can be the best emotional supporters or the best emotional manipulators, it really depends on these placements and how act towards people
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☀️ Sun is such a very beautiful planet, Leo Risings are so lucky for having this gorgeous planet as their ruler 😭☀️💞
☀️ Have a very beautiful day full of light and full of love, let the Sun ☀️ rise on your street to make you feel better and to bless you ☀️
- Harmoonix ☀️💞
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cazshmere · 5 days
Astrology Observations Pt. 2
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🍀 chiron in the 11th house culture is literally overthinking 972917374 times before posting on social media 📱🙃
🍀 taurus sun/moon/mercury/mars 🤝🏻 slowwww asf replies (they be taking their own sweet time to reply😭)
🍀 I've noticed that many people with Leo placements tend to hide their pain behind jokes or sarcasm. It's important to check in on your friends and family with Leo placements, as they might be going through tough times and could really use someone who genuinely wants to listen and support them. Sending love to all the leo placements out there 🧡🦁💛
🍀 scorpio placements 🤝🏻 and their deep, intense, penetrating stares 😳👀
🍀 I’ve noticed that sag mercury’s are really good when it comes to mimicking accents or just imitating how someone else talks 🗣️
🍀 is it true that cappy 11th (hello pisces risings ) housers attract friends with daddy issues? I have this placement and all my friends have daddy issues 😭
🍀 mercury-pluto aspects 🤝🏻 experiencing the most gruesome and intrusive thoughts (as a merc conj pluto, sometimes the thoughts I have genuinely SCARE tf outta me😭)
🍀 I feel like most of the mutable signs (gemini, virgo, sagittarius and pisces) suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out) to some extent 😭, do y’all experience fomo??
Please do not copy or steal any of my work <3. These are just personal observations so don’t take any of them too seriously 🧿😙♥️.
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circesastro · 5 days
Circe's Astro Observation #3
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Note: I am not professional astrologer so please take these observations with a grain of salt. These are just my own observations, ideas, thoughts and theories. This is just for entertainment purposes. Also, please be respectful of my observations! It is perfectly understandable to not resonate with some of my personal observations but please do not leave any disrespectful comments! Without further ado, enjoy!
**All photos are from Pinterest**
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✿ Aries Mars tend to have a quick reaction or just move very fast
✿ Men with Sagittarius placements tend to have a very active lifestyle. Also they LOVE to spend time in nature/outdoors 😭. Most of their hobbies include skydiving, hiking, camping, etc.
✿ Individuals with Virgo placements hate having leftover food sit in their fridge…
✿ Also, individuals with Cancer suns always seems so calm? Whether it’s true or not is a whole other story but they always seem like the shy and quiet upon first impression…ex: Ateez’s San, Seventeen’s Wonwoo, NCT’s Taeyong, etc.
✿ Virgos tend to do a lot of editing/proofreading before submitting anything (if they could change it afterwards, they would too)
✿ Sagittarius Mars on the other hand are on a whole other level of competitiveness like they’re out for blood…there’s Yuqi from G-idle, Gunwook from ZB1 and even Li Chen…. if you can't tell just watch running man china and you'll know what I'm talking about 🤣
✿ Remember the time when Seok Matthew (Cancer Mars) won an arm wrestling match with Kim Donghyun (6th best UFC Wrestler who participated in Physical 100/ Virgo Mars) but lost to Gunwook (Sagittarius Mars)? Yeah, out for blood
✿ I noticed that in many idol groups, idols with libra placements tend to get popular and praised for the way they act/their mannerisms and charisma…there’s something fresh and unique that they bring to the table that the audience loves (Ex: BTS’s Jimin, Aespa’s Ningning, Gidle’s Yuqi, NMixx’s Lily, SKZ’s Bang Chan, Monsta X’s Joohoney, P1Harmony’s Keeho, Shinee’s Key, etc.)
✿ There’s two types of Scorpio mars— 1) Relies on their strength and drive to get through things (ex: BTS’s Jungkook, Ateez’s San & Seventeen’s Dino) and then there’s 2) One who relies on their mentality and emotional strength to get through things (ex: BTS’s Jimin and Seventeen’s Jeonghan)
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✿ You know what is funny? Cancer mars won't get into a physical fight but they are strong??? Their strength is kind of unexpected because they don’t use it all that much.
✿ Aries placement tend to have the type of beauty that captures people’s attention first (ex: Hyunjin of SKZ have an Aries Mars, Karina of Aespa is an Aries Sun + Venus, Mingyu of SVT is an Aries Sun + Venus, Lisa of BlackPink is a Aries Stellium, Jackson Wang is an Aries Sun + Venus, Asa + Ahyeon of BabyMonster is an Aries Sun + Mercury, Cha Eunwoo is an Aries Stellium, Ryujin of ITZY is an Aries stellium, etc.)
✿ Leo placements and their hyperfocus on their hair is so real like my mom is a Leo sun and she always say to take care of your hair, my brother is a Leo Venus and he would always style his hair and use multiple different products before leaving the house and my friend is a Leo Venus and she would change hairstyle every other month….
✿ Pisces Mars women make excellent "gold diggers". I think its because they easily play into people's fantasies. (Ex. Sheraseven, Lauren Sanchez, and my aunt in law 💀.) Also they have this intuition to knowing what it is that the other desires so it may come easier for them to play into the "ideal woman" but before you know it you're trapped...point is I think they can easily bag up a provider.
✿ Pisces Mars women in general seems like the ideal fantasy women. I also notice that their "mask" slips easily but they make it up just as quick. They are the type of people to play a persona/character so well that they eventually end up embodying that energy. (Ex. Marilyn Monroe, Paris Hilton, Im Yoona) Not saying that they are fake, I am just saying that these people often make others fall in love with their personas.
✿ Adding on to the previous statement pisces mars can make great manifestors and I think they will benefit a lot from Law of Assumption. Congratulations 🥳🎉.
✿ This might as well become a pisces mars (both men and women) post but i think its a great deal of delusion + intuition + acting that pisces mars end up manifesting their dream life. (quite literally delulu until it becomes trululu...)
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yourstardarling · 3 months
Astrology Observations: Fire Signs🔥
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Think of fire placements as the heat bringers. The fire signs are filled with passion and a lot of raw energy. People with these placements can be seen as extroverts even when they themselves don’t identify with that notion. It’s cause they have an inner confidence within themselves that just exudes out.
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🐏 I low key consider having an Aries Moon to be a debilitating placement. It’s mainly because Aries Moons had to learn to be emotionally independent and nurture themselves from a very young age. With the Mars influence, there’s often times a lot of conflict faced within family dynamics. A love hate relationship with family, they are the main ones that know how to get under their skin. Also, emotions are often times heightened and felt throughout the entire body. One moment it feels like we feel everything and then the next moment we’re back to normal.
🦁As bright as Leo risings are, they oftentimes carry a lot of inner insecurities. With Scorpio in the 4th house their home life was one of intensity and emotional trauma. Their family background is oftentimes something they rather not talk about, keeping it hidden from the public view. Leo Risings are the reason why I'll always hype up for Leo's to shine, because they have been in the dark for far too long.
🐴Mars In Sagittarius will go far and beyond when it comes to conflict. They're anger can become excessive and they will do the most to prove their point. That's why they'll oftentimes prefer to stay funny and optimistic so that they don't get pushed to their limit.
🐏Aries Placements aren’t always out to fight you. The thing about them is, they are always on guard. Think of them as knights ready to protect their castle from enemies. It’s more defensive than offensive. As soon as they feel like something threatens them, they will immediately address it. Once they’ve analyzed the situation, they can then decide whether to back off or go to war. It’s what separates them from Scorpio who don’t address things immediately, but let it simmer before striking.
🦁 Leo Suns are the most Leo placements, since they are literally the embodiment of the Sun. That is why most Leo Suns rep their sign so hard. They have a lot of pride about being a Leo and will not be afraid to let everyone know that. Also, a lot of them tend to have Lion Tattoos or an obsession with lions. May have loved the Lion king a lot more than other people, that movie was literally made for them. It’s really hard to not see a Leo Sun shine, the spotlight is always on them whether they like it or not. Unless the Sun falls in the 12th.
🐴Sagittarius Risings carry somewhat of a god complex within themselves. The sign is all about faith, so they hold strong beliefs about who they are and what they represent. They benefit a lot by finding a spiritual path that is individualistic to them. Even if they may not believe in God, they will always believe in themselves. This oftentimes works in their favor as I see they get away with things most people could not.
🐏Aries love to win, wherever you have Aries in your chart shows where you like to be a winner. It’s the go getting attitude that this placement brings to strive for victory. They are trailblazers, but if they see the trail not blazing, they are very quick to move on to the next endeavor. It’s cause the energy of Aries is short burst, it’s like an explosion and then it subsides to then explode again.
🦁Leo naturally shows us where we shine in our charts. It’s where we hold a lot of pride in ourselves for being good at something. This is our talents and the thing that makes us stand out. We can oftentimes become egotistical in this area of our lives, thinking we know what’s best. That is why Leo’s oftentimes get that egotistical criticism. However, Leo teaches us that we should be proud of our achievements and not allow others to dim our light. It’s important to have a humble heart, but also knowing your worth at the same time.
🐴Sagittarius is where we have good aim. We are often very lucky in this area of our lives. It is our lightning bolt and what we can often depend on to give us hope. The energy of Sagittarius is very expansive so the possibilities are endless with this sign. However, the Jupiterian nature makes most Sagittarius face the issue of excess. It’s important for them to redirect their aim and figure out where are they even heading. This is the mutable nature of Sag, always having to change the course of direction they are moving to. Sometimes the adventurous nature is not even something they choose to do, but have to in order to not be wandering around for no reason.
Each of the fire signs are really good at bringing attention to themselves. They are master storytellers because we have to remember they sit opposite the air signs. While the air signs tell stories about other people, the fire signs center the stories around themselves:
Aries placements are very open and honest about the hardships in their lives. They will tell you about the battles they have gone through and oftentimes glaze over issues like it wasn’t that serious. It’s because that experience in their lives is already over, so all they can do is move on. Meanwhile your over here looking at them like damn. Stories often involve them being the first to do something and how they triumphed over a situation they had.
Leo placements will reel you in with the theatrics. They will emphasize certain parts of the story to keep you entertained. It can be overly dramatized in order to get positive attention towards them. After all, Leo rules over the theater so these stories they tell about themselves have to be larger than life. As long as they gain positive feedback and make others feel good, they don’t care if they have to tweak some aspects of the story.
Sagitaurius placements will tell you stories about their adventures. Specifically stories involving their misadventures and how they ended up in bad situations. They hilariously look back upon these issues they face and usually it’s so unimaginable that it makes other people laugh. Someway somehow, they always manage to get back on their feet and things work out in their favor in the end. Situations that occur to these folks are always unique to them fr.
Also, this just my personal opinion Jesus was an Aries and had an Aries Rising. Hear me out. The whole lamb of God thing he had going on fits the signs association with lambs and rams. Baby lambs are born during the springtime, and Aries season begins the spring equinox. Jesus is the sacrificial lamb. In that sense, Aries is the first sacrifice and the sacrificial lamb that begins the zodiac cycle. All other signs are the followers/disciples of Aries. He’s God’s one and only son, because we only have one Sun. Aries is the exaltation of the Sun meaning that is where it’s at its full power. Don’t crucify me in the comments y'all this is just my speculation. I just don’t see Jesus as a Capricorn. Also, this man had to be real bold in order to tell the Roman’s and Rabbis to their face that their actions were wrong. That boldness just had to come from an Aries.
Anyways that is all.
- your Star Darling
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starsworldd · 5 months
🩷 𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝔂 𝓸𝓫𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼 🩷
long post and giant paragraphs!
readings are open! ‼️‼️
BIG credits to 0degreestaurus and ellie witchy astrologer both on tiktok for the information on this post. PLEASE go check out their info if you have enjoyed today's post.
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mars in 11th - you don’t fit in anywhere because you are born to lead
5th house - this house is more than just fun and one-night stands…sure it can represent simple pleasures and such but we forget that venus rejoices here which is the planet of love. therefore, this is a house of love and how we want to love, how we want to express our lust for life … it’s more of a passionate/meaningful house than people think. how do we become the best version of ourselves? the 5th house can address this too since venus also represents potential! (venus exalts in pisces, a zodiac that deals a lot with potential/possibility)
✤ i think that there’s often a very one dimensional look when it comes to placements in their exaltation/fall/detriment/domicile… let’s take taurus mars as an example. although taurus mars may fail to do what mars wants to do naturally—conquer, speed, efficient, etc..— this placement is known for their laid back and sensual/indulgent nature which is something that maybe aries mars—a domicile zodiac for mars—may lack. taurus mars CAN be active like aries mars. but taurus being ruled by venus wants/needs to feel pleasured and creative in the process. activities such as dance or even house-cleaning are things that could be in a taurus mars' wheelhouse. the only part where taurus fails to execute mars' true qualities is that taurus does not deal with challenge, pain, upheaval, etc... as well as aries/scorpio/capricorn does because venus is about enjoying life and gratitude and mars represents rebellion and change. but taurus mars' still have the same ambition as say a cap mars does. taurus mars is in a sign of its triplicity after all. which transitions to our next topic pretty nicely...
✤ TRIPLICITY IS IMPORTANT YALL!! for those of you who don’t know, triplicity is when a planet isn’t in their sign of exaltation/domicile (including a sign of its detriment/fall) but in the same element as their exalted/domicile ruler is in. triplicity especially helps out lessen the effects of detriment/fallen planets. lets take a look at a few examples:
- moon in scorpio: the moon is in domicile in cancer. the reason why the moon doesn't like scorpio is because scorpio is ruled by mars and mars wants to fight, conquer, and break cycles. it seeks to go down below and bring our issues into the light. scorpio wants to end darkness. but the moon does not function in this manner. the moon represents manifestation and fulfillment through the journeys we have been through in life (jupiter exalted in cancer) and connecting it back to our own soul, memories, and life mindset. the moon, just like how it passes through new and full moons (light and dark) phases in real life, always circles back to previous phases, it doesn't mind fluctuating between light and dark unlike scorpio. another way to think about this is that cancer/moon goes out into the world to gather its info/experiences (positive or negative) and then processes it internally. scorpio works in the exact opposite. scorpio gathers its info/experiences in an internal manner, and processes these things externally (bringing problems into the light and therefore ending the darkness that came with burying these qualities/problems). BUT scorpio and cancer, are both protective and healers. we can think about this is in their symbolism and element. scorpio and cancer are both represented by animals who have exoskeletons (cancer - crab, scorpio - scorpion) which demonstrates their instinct to protect. the astrology community has long knew cancer's ability to protect, but scorpio? scorpio being protective? scorpio is protective in the sense that it breaks cycles and protects justice (mars is all about finding justice). it's also important to note that scorpio also protects through its fixed quality. fixed signs maintain things and keep it consistent hence why they're fixed signs, they bring things back to tradition and order. though it may hurt and scorpio's protective qualities may manifest in an unusual manner to others (think about the scorpion's stinger), scorpio's motto would be that "the best defense is a good offense". the moon can still heal, process, in scorpio which is why it has tripilicity. BUT scorpio makes the moon do this function in a reversal order. placements that have tripilicity often represent much creative and reflective power—hence why so many artists have scorpio moons (lady gaga, miley cyrus, ice spice, etc…).
- venus in virgo: venus in virgo has tripilicity because venus is in domicile in taurus, which is another earth sign like virgo. but venus is in fall in virgo. why? and why does it have triplicity beyond just being in an earth sign like its taurus counterpart? lets start off by defining venus' qualities. venus is about pleasure, enjoyment, and ease. arguably, without venus there really is no purpose to live. why do we work? because we want money. why do we want money? because money gives us nice things. why do we want nice things? because through having nice things, we can discover our identity, our likes and dislikes, and experience all that life has to offer us. and this is really our end goal is it not? to express and do what we love so that we can enjoy life and bring VALUE and MEANINGFULNESS into our life. value + meaningfulness is a very venusian quality. venus goes beyond money, marriage, or sex at its most basic forms. venus wants the ultimate satisfaction and meaning that can be possible in our lives (even more evidence as to why venus likes pisces, venus is the POTENTIAL of our what lives could be). but virgo is ruled by mercury. where mercury is about chaos and the processing mind, venus works in the realm of feeling and pleasure. mercury is planet that helps us process the world around us, to categorize, and to put things in their place. mercury is able to tell the difference between what is real and what is illusion (which is why mercury is often noted for being the comic trickster, especially if you connect to roman/greek mythology where mercury/hermes was the messenger of the gods and notoriously known for tricking other gods too). but venus doesn’t care what is real or what is fake because either way, venus considers both the non-physical aspects and the physical aspects of life to be valid (think about how libra, ruled by venus, is symbolized by the scales in this manner). but mercury/virgo wants to change and transform the impossible into something possible. in this manner, virgo disrupts venus' peace and ability to ground us to our lives, and it may be that people with this placement often find themselves getting stuck in an everlasting cycle for having to adopt/adjust and having to separate their non-physical and physical worlds (even though venus wants them to be together). HOWEVER. we still have to talk about how, regardless of virgo's pitfalls in virgo, it does have some dignity here. but how? as previously mentioned, virgo is an earth sign just like taurus, a sign ruled by venus. i like to correlate the earth signs to the energy of the pentacles suit in tarot (not to be confused, pentacles and earth signs both have their differences still!). a lot of the cards in the pentacles suit deal with being comfortable in one's own energy, resources, sense of satisfaction/achievement, and rhythm of life. doesn't this sound very similar to the venusian energy described above? and because virgo is also an earth sign it does share some of this same energy. it shares similar energy by wanting to establish new patterns, rhythms, systems, etc… virgo has a better idea of how life could look like. (venus is about potential! venus is also about improvement, ease, efficiency...all things that virgo works towards) it just gets stuck in the chaos that comes with making new systems...after all it is much harder to make magic happen on the physical plane! (virgo is an earth sign, earth signs work in the physical plan). because it's harder to make magic happen on the physical plane this is why venus has an easier time in pisces because pisces works in the mind/feelings/imagination.
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✤ speaking about water signs, i would argue that pisces is also just as transformational as scorpio but isn’t denoted for its transformational qualities because it isn’t considered to be as intense as scorpio (even though it is intense, just in a different way). pisces is a sign of redemeption, it’s where we tie loose ends and where we want to forgive others and ourselves for the wrong doings we have done. it’s about potential within ourselves, potential to be something amazing (hence why the two most benefic planets in astrology, jupiter and venus, LOVE pisces). once we have set ourselves free and found our potential we can achieve great things (which makes sense because what comes after pisces? ARIES. aries is ruled by mars and he’s going to achieve EVERYTHING).
✤ but i want to make this distinction between pisces -> aries vs. scorpio -> sagittarius. both of these water signs lead to jupiter ruled signs so it often implicates some sort of healing is done once we have transitioned from one sign to the next. pisces to aries speaks of redemption as we talked about previously. but transitioning from scorpio to sagittarius represents freedom. although this may seem like a similar concept to redemption we need to clarify that pisces and aries are much more internal and self-related signs than scorpio and sagittarius. pisces deals with our own sources of creativity, inspiration, and how we find healing within ourselves (jupiter represents healing). everyone finds redemption in their own unique way right? and although pisces is a personal sign it is also the sign that teaches us how to open our hearts to the world again. through opening our hearts, we offer our own wisdom/ideals to others through the JOURNEYS (jupiter = journeys) we have been through in our PERSONAL way because think about it, pisces is the last zodiac right? each zodiac represents a story or facet of life. it is unrealistic that we as a society have experienced the exact same facets of aries-aquarius. it is in pisces where we sum up all of the previous energies/facets of the previous zodiacs (both positive and negative energies) and through experiencing different facets of each zodiac, it is in pisces where we find a different life/way/mindset from having experienced these facets in order to create a new start for ourselves (and for the rest of society too, jupiter likes to collectivize). pisces makes us reflect (water sign y'all) where we need to begin anew again. then aries is where we actually plant this seed and begin to grow into these new ideals, traits, mindsets, etc... going from scorpio to sagittarius represents freedom because scorpio unburies what was "dead" then sagittarius explores this new "world" that scorpio has opened up and begins to gain more knowledge, experience, and greater connection to other places beyond the home.
✤ venus in the 7th house, no matter what sign it's in, i think is a karmic placement. @hot-astrology made a post about how venus represents mirrors (go check out the post very insightful) and i couldn’t agree more. the 7th house represents ALL encounters + relationships (positive or negative) in our lives. when venus is in this house as previously mentioned, it can act like a mirror in our relationships. the relationships we have (or don't have) with others can guide the native into the best version of themselves by noticing and observing what qualities are mirrored back to the native, making the native think "do i want to maintain these qualities? do i want to change or stay the same?". because of this, i've noticed people with this placement are also very reflective and observant of their surroundings. people always mention how charming or persuasive these natives can be but sometimes they fail to mention how certain natives with this placement (very dependent on house, sign, aspects, ruler of venus/7th house, etc...) are acting in this manner because they seek to find different facets of themselves through their encounters with others. this can lean into poor self-esteem, lack of boundaries, or an extreme need for external validation if not monitored carefully, but if these negatives are kept in place, this can be quite an adventurous and even fairytale-like placement.
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hope you enjoyed!
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lavndrmy · 11 months
Astro Observations ❤️‍🔥✨
Side note: Again, don’t take this seriously this is only based on my opinion. Enjoy 🌻
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✨ Leo women with earth or water venus are literally the sweetest people they are the ones who are very considerate of other people’s feelings (you guys are sweethearts 🥹)
✨ Water suns with water mars are literally the most sensitive and short tempered people like I am actually scared for you guys 💀
✨ Virgo with libra placements or Libra with virgo placements are very very picky on aesthetic and are perfectionist the struggle is real (and yes I am one of them 🥴)
✨ Sagittarius men with capricorn placements are really the player like they always got girls flocking to them like birds they always get girls attentions and yes they are charming 🥵
✨ Scorpio mars with another scorpio mars don’t get along unless theres other good placement between them (I’ve experienced this so many times)
✨ Libra mars are actually problematic they always have bone to pick with someone and yes they tend to manipulate people to get what they want 💀
✨ People with sun opposite/square mars are very competitive and always the one to pick fights with somebody (they are the bullies)
✨ While people with sun conjunct mars are very transparent and have anger issues they really need to put their energy into a good use
✨ Yes gemini venus are players but only the smart and interesting people can keep them for longer 🤷🏻‍♀️
✨ Taurus venus aren’t loyal as they seem because I’ve seen people with this placement with so many partners and a cheater 🚩🚩
✨ Women with cancer mars are the most temperamental compare to men with cancer mars
✨ Taurus moons love them virgo suns yes they like them maybe we give them comfort? 🥹
✨ Yes its true Taurus men are really into other earth women especially capricorn women they always in a long lasting relationship together
✨ 12th house synastry is real guys dreaming about the person you have in the 12th house is real you always will dream about them at some point 🪐
✨ 9th house synastry is actually good for traveling together and yes also spiritual awakening
✨I know a scorpio rising when I see one they eyes are so dark and pitch black and they appearance can look scary too 👀
✨ as a Libra venus I’m always attracted to men with cancer mars like they is always sexual tension or hatred going on 😮‍💨
✨and yes Libra moon/venus wants a pretty or handsome partner so if you not good enough for them they don’t care about you
✨People with 8th house in personal planet are literally the sweetest people I know they been through alot 🤍🤍
✨Gemini suns with cancer venus/mars are literally the most caring and sweetest people around
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diveinyouastro · 10 months
Some more observo🫶🏻
If a SCORPIO starts liking you, he/she will ask for your pictures. Not "those" pictures. Your bare faced one. Ik that's kinda scary. But they love anything raw and bare. 🥹🫶🏻
Speaking of scorpios, DO NOT under any circumstances, LIE TO THEM. Please🛐. They'll know it. And if you happen to like a scorpio, and you show them your best, show them what YOU think they'll like, No don't do it. BE RAW, BE REAL, TAKE YOUR STAND IF SOMEONE HUMILIATES YOU, etc. Just be real, that's all they ask. They will love your dark side as well.
Lilith in the 4th, might have been suppressed or humiliated in their home for expressing themselves. Their emotions weren't valid. Their parents made them feel guilty for even enjoying little things🥺. Which is why they usually leave their home and never come back.🙃
If you have aquarius moon, or a friend/someone close, with an aquarius moon, TAKE CARE OF THEM😡. They don't show emotions. They really don't. It's not that they're embarrassed, it's like, so many times when they tried, they were either made fun of (got comments like "omg you feel that way???🤣 thats so childish 🤣) or they were unheard. Alot of the times. 😔💔
Also- no matter the placement or sign or planet or whatever. If one is insecure and doesn't love themselves, they won't be in their form(the placements and planets in their chart) like for example- if someone is Capricorn sun, and had a very rough childhood, were neglected, treated badly. If they dont heal themselves, they won't be like how Capricorn is. They'll start playing mind games, will seek attention, validation, might make their friends to only talk to them. Same goes for Capricorn moons, though they have tendency to be a major narcissistic person if they don't heal themselves.
Having mars in scorpio/ 8°/ 20°, very heighten intuition. They usually avoid fights, because they can 🔪⚰️. Don't make them mad, you won't like it :). Don't lie to them. Be straightforward, even if you did something horrible. HOWEVER..... if you do then wrong........🌚🌚🌚🌚 good luck gaining their trust back🫶🏻
If you have a Capricorn friend (cap sun, moon, mercury, venus, Mars, rising, pluto) don't do them wrong. EVER. istg you'll regret it. They have this aura with them and the energy they carry, you won't get it again. I promise you that. 🚫😊
Whatever sign you have in your 7th house (tropical), you are more likely to love them. You will FEEL something for them. Like when people say "oh i cant fall in love, idk what love is" just wait until you meet that sign that is in your 7th. Especially with mars and venus, it grows even more. 😋💕
Someone's sun in your 8th, no no. Don't. They'll hurt you eventually. You will FEEL something inexplicable when you first meet them, but with time, you'll see all the red flags and their dark side. You'll end up hating them.
The sign you have in your 12th house- (if using tropical- you'll like them, but eventually end up getting irritated by them, only if it's very prominent energy like sun. (If using sidereal) you'll hate them. For example, you're an aries rising, you'll hate pisces suns, cause that's in your 12th (sidereal), if taurus rising (tropical), you'll be irritated with aries sun. But will still somehow endure their energy. ☺️(🤢)
Speaking of 12th house, be VERY VERY CAREFUL when someone's planets, doesn't matter inner or outer, majority of the times, they fuck you up mentally. Because of them you'll start having trust issues with everybody. BASTARDS💩
The moon on the day you were born on, you are kinda connected to it. It grounds you, calms you down. Your emotions are stable. Like for example- born on a waxing crescent moon, you'll feel very comfortable and safe under it. 🌛💕
Libra placements are not flakey😭😭😭, they just have this side to them where they can't seem to turn people down. Believe me they feel bad and awful when they say no💔. Because of this soft and innocent side, they usually become a doormat for people🥺. So if a libra placement rejects you, THEY FEEL BAD ABOUT IT. they'll start feeling awful within 5 mins.🥺
For my dear GEMINI MOONS, the moment you start feeling anxious about some person, leave them. Don't give it a 2nd thought, just leave. Let's say your love interest is making you feel confused, he/she is telling you that they only talk to you and shit and you see a story of them with someone else, or catch them with someone else , IF YOU FEEL IT IN YOU STOMACH, ITS REAL, THEY'RE FUCKING WITH YOUR EMOTIONS😀😀. Don't make anyone make you feel like shit. ( I recommend to smack the shit out of them or go ahead just stab them 🫶🏻 I'm with you)
Also if you're a gemini moon, and into crystals too, wear a labradorite/ rose quardz or Tigers eye. They stabilize your emotions. Don't forget to clean and charge them.
LEOS LEOS LEOSSSSSS, always give princess treatment to their close ones, their friends, their lovers, their family 🥹❤️. They're very energetic and chaotic😭💕 trust me you'll like them even if you prefer silence or quietness. (That's for the prominent Leo placements, or Leo stellium)
Sagittarius + libra placements- number 1 flirtersssssss😙 BUT but but... when they fall for someone, they forget their flirting skills, and are devoted to their love only. 🫶🏻 same goes for scorpio + libra placements.
There's a misconception about scorpios being toxic, manipulative, jealous, and controlling. They're not like that. They usually have abandonment issues, weird attachments styles where they either become anxious or avoidant. And usually it is both, first they avoid, then become anxious or vice versa. They NEED reassurance. They just wanna know you ain't playing with them🥺. That's when their jealousy and other things comes' at play. They control, so they don't get hurt. They feel veryyýýyyyyyyy deeply🥺❤️‍🔥 but if you make them feel loved, supported, validate their emotions and understand them. You'll notice, all this jealousy and controlling thing will disappear. They're ride or die fr🫶🏻🫶🏻
Thank you <3 😋🤪😍🤤💕❤️😙
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famemonsterrr · 10 months
- Mini astrology obs. 16 💭
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- I have noticed that if people with water suns have fire risings they tend to be a little bit more✨ sparkly✨ (if u know what I mean)
- also if anyone has fire placements makes the person sassy and more expressive.
- Aquarius mercury never know how to shut the fuck up sometimes - They always have something to say (to be honest I love it)
- Sagittarius placements make someone like hippie
- all Aries people are sporty
- I have observed that fire and air placements love to annoy people in argument/debate.
- Capricorn and virgo are known of never being satisfied with anything they doing but you all ignore libra and Pisces being just as awful in that part.
- I always stand by this but Virgo sun/rising women are the most elegant woman naturally not matter size,shape,colour or style. ✨It’s their aura✨
- it might be “stereotypical” but Leo and Capricorn men and Cancer and Virgo women have strong parental instincts.
That’s all for today 🎀
Thank you for reading so far and liking my content, I’m very grateful 💓 always stay healthy and hydrated.
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lunaa007 · 1 year
Astrology observations #1
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Welcome to my first astrology observations!
I’m in no way a professional astrologer, this is purely for fun. Take only what resonates with you! I'm happy to discuss these points further in the comments :)
♦️ Leo mars live for the praise. They love words of affirmation, especially in bed 😏 They call the attention effortlessly when exercising, dancing or other mars-related activities. But they might not always like this.
♦️ Chiron 1st house can be very insecure about their appearance if they don’t work to heal this. I know someone with this placement that hates mirrors as they never liked what they saw. But it gives great potential to heal and help others regarding these issues.
♦️ Sagittarius mars people could regularly need new experiences in their sexual life. They might be open to try everything once “just to see”, and they might lean less toward monogamy than other mars placements.
♦️ Moon in the 6th house might be more sensitive to anxiety as their emotions lie in the house of daily life and routine. So they might have to deal with their emotions on a daily basis. They might need regular physical movement and consistent routines to feel regulated and content.
♦️ Pluto conjunct MC might hate posting on social media as they could feel exposed and vulnerable if they do. They might have an intense need to keep their life private.
♦️Mercury conjunct/square/opposite Pluto might swear a lot, or at least more than what they were taught was okay. If their education was very strict they might swear only when surprised, like if they get hurt or forget something.
♦️Venus in 10th house or conjunct MC can work in the fashion or makeup industry and be known for their beauty and sense of aesthetics.
♦️Saturn in Aquarius could have interest or talents in Uranian fields such as astrology or technology. They might be motivated to work towards social causes. They also could have an emotionally distant outlook on life.
♦️Lilith conjunct Ascendant create strong reactions everywhere they go. They are provocative without trying. People can get easily obsessed with them as they exude tremendous sex appeal. But they can also get very aggressive and negative reactions towards them without any reason.
♦️Mars square pluto absolutely need to channel their energy and anger into exercise and breath work. Martial arts is the best for them. If they don't control this energy it can get dangerous for themselves and even for others in extreme cases. But if they learn to control this tremendous force, they can achieve incredible things.
♦️Venus square Saturn can have a lot of difficulties with their self-worth, which affects their relationships. If you have a low self-esteem you will settle for less than you deserve. Once they have sufficiently worked on themselves and on their self esteem, they can find great love. This doesn't mean it can't come early but it might be more challenging. However, Saturn delays but never denies. They are not doomed and will find love (this depends also on other placements and aspects).
♦️Moon in Taurus can have a very calming and healing aura. People feel at peace when with these natives, especially when hugging. They are very grounded and stable, which is felt by others and is very reassuring. However, they can be stubborn at times as Taurus is a fixed sign.
♦️Mars in the 12th house could be passive aggressive sometimes as they do not recognise their own anger and never really learn how to control it. They might have sudden outbursts which can take the people around them by surprise.
♦️Sun opposite Moon can have a difficult relationship with their mother. They can feel that their mother's personality is the complete opposite of them and that they are not understood by her. Other aspects to the moon can come accentuate this or make it easier.
♦️Pisces Mars often have a talent for dancing. One of my best friends has this placement and she is a professional contemporary dancer. Her movements are so graceful, it really looks like water moving. Mars at a pisces degree (12°, 24°) can have a gift for dancing also to a lesser extent.
♦️Pluto in the 9th house can bring transformations and soul evolutions when traveling overseas, studying a higher education or moving abroad.
Thank you for reading ❤️
© lunaa007
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rainydetectiveglitter · 10 months
𝔸𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 ℝ𝕖𝕛𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕀𝕤𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
Specific signs and placements can offer valuable insights into potential life challenges, such as feelings of rejection, isolation, or a sense of not quite belonging. While it's important to remember that astrology doesn't guarantee these experiences, it does provide us with clues about certain predispositions. Let's dive into each astrological placement and explore their nuanced, occasionally less favorable aspects. Shall we?
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Aquarius Sun or Aquarius Rising: Aquarius individuals are renowned for their unorthodox perspectives on life. Their innovative concepts and forward-thinking can make them trailblazers, yet their very distinctiveness may lead to alienation from the mainstream. Feeling like an outsider could be a consequence of their resistance to conformity. Capricorn Moon: The Capricorn Moon embodies emotional restraint and a penchant for seeming distant. While this serves as a protective mechanism, it might project emotional unavailability, causing others to perceive them as distant and possibly rejected. This distancing may result from an innate fear of vulnerability, creating an emotional wall that prevents close connections. Aquarius Moon: An Aquarius Moon can cultivate emotional detachment. While esteeming independence is empowering, it can also translate to challenges in forming profound emotional bonds. This emotional detachment could leave them feeling like strangers in situations that require emotional closeness. Their desire for emotional freedom might inadvertently lead to isolation, leaving them longing for deeper connections. Uranus in the 1st House: Uranus' placement in the 1st house fuels a yearning to break free from societal norms. While this rebellion can empower, it might also attract resistance from those who prefer conventionality, potentially evoking feelings of isolation. Their pursuit of individuality may inadvertently push away those who struggle to understand their need for autonomy. Saturn in the 11th House: Saturn's presence in the 11th house can give rise to concerns about rejection or isolation within social circles. The quest for like-minded companions could lead to a sensation of not entirely belonging or being embraced. The fear of rejection might cause them to hesitate when forming new connections, leading to self-imposed isolation. South Node in the 7th House: A South Node in the 7th house hints at past-life patterns of assigning excessive importance to relationships. Consequently, a tendency to feel incomplete or rejected when not in a partnership might eclipse personal growth. This longing for companionship might cause them to rush into relationships that aren't aligned with their true selves, leading to a cycle of feeling isolated within partnerships. Chiron in Challenging Aspect to Personal Planets: Chiron's influence in demanding aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) to personal planets can rouse wounds linked to rejection and being an outsider. These wounds could manifest as deep-rooted insecurities and difficulties forging connections. These wounds may stem from early experiences of rejection, causing them to put up barriers to protect themselves from further hurt. 12th House Placements: Planets situated in the 12th house, particularly personal planets, can evoke a sense of isolation and confinement. This may materialize as an internal struggle to convey oneself to the external world, triggering feelings of rejection. They might battle with a sense of invisibility, struggling to express themselves authentically to others, leading to feelings of isolation. Difficult Aspects to the Moon: Challenging aspects to the Moon (conjunction, square, opposition) can indicate emotional hurdles that impede emotional expression. This could result in a sense of isolation or feeling unaccepted by others on an intimate level. These emotional challenges might result from past experiences of emotional rejection, leading them to withhold their true feelings to avoid being hurt again.
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While these astrological placements might harbor the potential for encountering rejection or isolation, it's essential to recognize that astrology serves as a tool for self-awareness and growth. By acknowledging these inclinations, individuals can actively strive to embrace their distinctiveness, heal past wounds, and cultivate self-belonging, even in the face of adversity. Through comprehension and self-acceptance, we can transcend the challenges that these placements may present and embark on a more gratifying trajectory.
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sapionic · 3 months
Astro Notes - A MEGA POST
Enjoy this multitude of Astro info. This connects to the placements of these signs, but focus on the zodiac sign itself for simplification.
Aries, Virgo, and Libra can relate to a lot of things and they know how to naturally rise up to the occasion. They are naturally in tune with initiative, authority, and capability. Capricorn, Sagittarius, and Aquarius is more of an "on steroids" version.
Sagittarius and Aquarius are so similar, no wonder why they end up close whether it be best friends, close friends, or family. Their energy and lifestyles are just too similar to NOT connect.
Cancer and Taurus can relate so much which is why they do well together on a general scale. They both are observant and hesitant. They both don't take action on things until they really have the desire to.
It's not weird that Aries and Virgo come together regarding romance. They do some things similar although still having their different ways of doing it.
Capricorn and Virgo can relate, but there are still things that they do differently. Capricorn likes to do a little more if these two were to be compared because Capricorns are embedded with heightened authority.
Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn can relate to their capability to be charitable and service-oriented individuals. They would do well with creating a business together as they all would be equally involved + their dependability.
Gemini, Aries, and Leo can have a lot of fun together. The Leo would be the one making sure everyone is good. The Gemini will be the one having the most fun. The Aries would be the one fighting with or for their friends.
The good thing about Capricorn is that they are not combative, competitive people in general. They really just be about their productivity and success. Their actions are based on what success means to them at that time. Like, a Capricorn in high school might not be focused on too much adult stuff yet, but there is something that they would be desiring. They are powerful people on their own which is likely why people flock to them. They hold their weight naturally. Most likely they are reincarnated as the mature ones of the zodiac, but why is that? They have heavy 9 energy via Numerology. 9 is time and maturity in a numerical sense. This could be why things happen for them early.
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, and Libra can relate to not having a life that is a cakewalk. Things don't just fall in their lap, it takes time, growth and experience. These signs have a lot of learning and growing to do so it can seem like they have to do more striving which means more hurtles to jump, but their capability is endless and not to be underestimated.
Pisces and Gemini can relate a lot, actually so these two coming together makes sense when you know what to focus on. Of course Gemini would be the one of dominance which makes pisces women and gemini men the more ideal combination just based off gender roles. They do things very similar and actually compliment each other nicely. Gemini adds some extra adventure to Pisces life.
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cazshmere · 1 year
Synastry Observation : ☀️ SUN IN EACH OTHERS HOUSES☀️
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Sun in the 1st house :
When your partner’s Sun is in your first house, it can indicate an intense and personal connectivity between you, with a strong draw to one another and an understanding and appreciation for one another’s unique attributes and qualities. This placement may also bring a feeling of certainty or security in the relationship, as you get to know and understand each other better, and you may find that you are both very much on the same page when it comes to your own needs and desires. A potential soulmates typa connection 🤞🏻.
Sun in the 2nd house :
When your partner’s Sun is in your 2nd house, it can indicate a strong and lasting connection and commitment between you, with a special focus on the practical and material aspects of your relationship, such as finances, possessions, and other tangible things. This Synastry can offer a strong sense of stability and security and the opportunity to work together to build a life together that provides for all the important practical needs of life, and can also offer the chance to find comfort in the smaller details and shared everyday experiences. The “i feel safe and seen with you” vibe🥹.
Sun in the 3rd house :
When your partner’s Sun is in your third house, it can represent an intense connection built around communication and exchange of ideas. You are likely to have very stimulating and informative discussions about a variety of topics, and you may often find yourselves on the same page intellectually or in terms of your philosophies and belief systems. This placement also offers a great deal of potential in terms of creativity and expression. This is the “we could talk for hours and still not run out of things to talk about ” vibe 🗣️💘.
Sun in the 4th house :
When your partner’s Sun is in your 4th house, it can indicate a strong and nurturing connection between you, and an understanding of each other’s roots and home life. This placement can offer a great deal of emotional security and stability, and you both are likely to value and prioritize creating a home life that is nurturing and comforting and feels like a refuge and foundation that you can both return to after the challenges of the outside world. This placement can also lend a certain amount of intensity and passion to the relationship, as you both share a desire for a strong connection built on the core values of home and family. The “you are my home and i feel so safe with you” connection 🏡♥️
Sun in the 5th house :
When your partner’s Sun is in your fifth house, it can indicate a strong and exciting connection built around creativity, fun, and pleasure. This placement represents a relationship based on joy and enthusiasm and shared interests and activities, and it can offer a great deal of excitement and adventure. Both of you are likely to value and prioritize fun and pleasure and want to create a relationship based on shared experiences that bring you joy and satisfaction. It is an opportunity to make one another happy and have fun and enjoy life together, but be sure to not lose sight of the more grounded and practical needs in relationship as well. The “let’s f#ck shit up together and laugh about it” connection 😋🤭.
Sun in the 6th house :
When your partner's sun is in your 6th house, it can indicate a strong connection built around support and service to one another and the maintenance of the practical and material aspects of your relationship. This synastry can represent an intense and committed partnership where both parties feel a strong sense of responsibility for the other and are able to take care of one another and help ease the burden of everyday life. The type of connection where even doing mundane chores seem exciting and fun when you’re doing it with them❣️🍳.
Sun in the 7th house :
When your partner's sun is in your 7th house, it can indicate an intense and passionate connection between you, where your interests and desire for partnership and intimacy align. This connection is likely to be very romantic and emotional, where both parties feel a deep pull towards one another and an intense need to connect. This placement can also lend a sense of certainty and security in the relationship, as you both share a strong commitment to one another and a desire to build a future together. The classic example of “love at first sight” right here👫🏻🤍.
Sun in the 8th house :
When your partner’s sun is in your 8th house, it can indicate an intense and intimate connection between you, based on a shared interest in exploring the hidden or taboo aspects of life and a desire for an intense and powerful connection that transcends the physical and reaches the deeper realms of human existence. This is a relationship that is not afraid to dig deep and explore the darker aspects of life and find meaning in them, but it also comes with great potential for personal transformation and healing if both parties are open and ready to explore those realms. Be prepared to confront your innermost fears and desires. The “you see the light in me even on my darkest days”🧿♥️.
Sun in the 9th house :
When your partner’s Sun is in your 9th house, this connection is likely to be characterized by a strong intellectual and philosophical connection between you. You likely share many of the same interests and values, and can engage in deep discussion on a variety of topics. This is a relationship based on the exchange of ideas and knowledge, and it can offer a great deal of growth and personal fulfillment as you help each other understand and explore the deeper meaning and truth of life and reality. You also both have a strong commitment to growing and expanding your understanding of the world, and you are likely to encourage each other in that pursuit. This is the “babe I’ve booked tickets to Paris, come on pack your bags and let’s go” kinda connection, your travel buddy forever♥️🥂✈️🏝️.
Sun in the 10th house :
When your partner’s Sun is in your 10th house, this connection can indicate a strong and committed partnership built around shared work, service, and career aspirations. This is a relationship built on shared ambitions and ideals, where you both value the same things and have a mutual commitment to supporting and helping one another reach your shared goals. Both partners are likely to work hard and be dedicated to their work and endeavours. This kinda screams “workplace romance” typa beat👩🏻‍💼♥️👨🏻‍💼.
Sun in the 11th house :
When your partner's Sun is in your 11th house, this indicates a strong connection based on shared ideas and interests, as well as a shared desire for friendship, connection, and community. In terms of values, both parties are deeply passionate about making a positive impact on the world and the lives of others, and there is a strong sense of dedication to a shared ideal. Both partners are likely to be supportive and encouraging of one another in these pursuits, as well as in all of the other areas of life involving social interaction and connection. This is the you’re my best friend and lover, both in one typa connection. Theres is a high chance that you guys met online📱💖.
Sun in the 12th house :
When your partner’s Sun is in your 12th house, this connection can represent a deep and transformative connection between you two. This is a relationship based on soul level connections and shared secrets and desires, and the potential for a spiritual bond is strong. Both parties may feel a strong connection that cannot be explained logically in terms of shared values or interests, and the potential for a deep emotional connection is extremely strong. This is “telepathic connection” typa vibe🔮🤍🩵.
Please do not copy or steal any of my work <3. These are just personal observations so don’t take any of them too seriously 🧿😙♥️.
- azaria🩵🤍🤎
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