#astro observations
cupidlovesastro · 3 days
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🥀𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲🪓
astrology observations #19 (love edition)
astrology observations #18 (real life experiences)
astrology observations #17 (placements i wouldn’t wish on my worse enemy)
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✄ water mars people can get really annoyed and upset with people who show no empathy, remorse, or compassion
✄ aquarius placements (mainly big 6) get annoyed when something that was underground and that no one else knew about, gets popular
✄ aries and scorpios can tend to be hated for no particular reason
✄ aries asc,mc, or in 11h be hated by the public or multiple people in general
✄ sagittarius placements get annoyed when people aren’t open minded, or completely shut down their opinions. they hate when they can share their thoughts, while also hearing someone else’s opinions
✄ taurus mars individuals hated being rushed. they like to take their time and they like diligence
✄ mars aspecting uranus can make someone who’s unpredictable when it comes to anger. you will likely have to walk around eggshells around this person. and when they’re mad things can get chaotic fast
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✄ mars in 9h can indicate getting really annoyed or fed up with politics and may not enjoy conversation about the government in general
✄ mars in 7h or 12h can mean that you have enemies who really dislike you and are aggressive towards you
✄ mars aspecting mercury can mean your words are quite hurtful to others and you may come off angrier than you intended. people may often think your trying to be rude or disrespectful when you’re not
✄ fire mars people can hate when others have no drive or passion in anything. they can see it as laziness or just someone who have no sense of direction
✄ aries/mars in 5h can indicate having a love hate relationship with romance
✄ aries/mars in the 7h can show that you tend to have enemies to lovers relationships, or lovers to enemies
✄ pisces mars people can be incredibly passive aggressive, and will get easily emotional. they’re also good at sensing tension in the room or between two people
✄ mars squaring or opposite moon can show that you have a hateful mother or you don’t like your mom very much. there’s a lot of tension between you two
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699 notes · View notes
esotericalchemist · 3 days
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Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡: 𝐔𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 ⊹₊⟡⋆
Lilith in astrology represents the primal, instinctual side of our nature—the parts of ourselves that are often hidden, suppressed, or rejected. It embodies our deep-seated desires for freedom, power, and autonomy, pushing us to break free from societal expectations and limitations. While Lilith highlights where we can embrace our wildness and independence, it also reveals our struggles with control, rebellion, and vulnerability. Understanding Lilith's placement in your chart helps you confront these shadow aspects, offering the opportunity to reclaim your authentic self by transforming old patterns into sources of strength and empowerment.
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𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Aries, you’re fueled by a powerful drive for independence, self-empowerment, and assertiveness. Your energy is daring and fearless, pushing you to break through any barriers that limit you. The power of Lilith in Aries shows in your ability to confidently stand your ground and take decisive action, even in the face of resistance. You have a strong desire to be in control of your own path, making you fiercely protective of your autonomy. Whether in relationships or your career, freedom is essential, and you’ll fight against anything that threatens it.
The shadow side of Lilith in Aries involves confronting issues related to impulsivity, anger, or recklessness. You may wrestle with control and power dynamics, often feeling the need to dominate or rebel without fully considering the consequences. To truly harness Lilith’s potential, you must learn to direct your assertiveness in a productive way—leading and inspiring others without crossing boundaries. The challenge is finding a balance between asserting yourself and working with others, turning your raw energy into a source of leadership and courage. By embracing your inner strength while managing impulses, you unlock the true depth of your personal power.
Through the Houses:
1st House: Lilith in the 1st house makes you unapologetically assertive and focused on personal power. Others may find your boldness intimidating. Embrace your uniqueness and lead by example, but be mindful not to overpower those around you.
2nd House: Your connection to material possessions and self-worth can be unconventional. While you have the potential to create abundance independently, self-worth may become a struggle. Use Lilith’s energy to ground yourself in values beyond material success, standing firm in your sense of self.
3rd House: Your communication style is direct and bold, often challenging the status quo. Embrace your ability to speak your truth confidently, but be careful not to become too aggressive. Use your curiosity to empower others through your words.
4th House: A rebellious streak may show up in your home and family life, as you seek freedom from traditional roles. Lilith’s energy can help you break away from unhealthy family dynamics and create a home that truly reflects who you are.
5th House: Your creativity and love life are marked by independence. You may crave excitement and dominance in romantic relationships. Use your energy to express yourself authentically through creative outlets, while avoiding impulsive or destructive choices in love.
6th House: In your daily work and routines, you resist authority and value independence. To harness this energy, find work that allows you the freedom you seek, but avoid rebelling without purpose. Channel your desire for autonomy into serving others innovatively.
7th House: Relationships are where your Lilith energy is most intense. You may seek control or resist commitment. To reach your full potential, aim for balanced partnerships that allow both freedom and connection to coexist.
8th House: Lilith in the 8th house makes you fearless in confronting transformation and power struggles. You crave deep, transformative experiences. Use this energy to explore life’s mysteries and face your fears, but be mindful of avoiding manipulation.
9th House: Your need for freedom shows up in your pursuit of knowledge, travel, and spirituality. You resist traditional beliefs and are drawn to unconventional philosophies. Harness Lilith’s energy by embracing your truth while respecting others’ paths.
10th House: In your career, you may challenge authority and rebel against societal norms. Use Lilith’s energy to carve out a unique path to success, but be careful not to burn bridges along the way. Leadership roles can help you thrive.
11th House: You seek independence in group settings and social circles. Use Lilith’s energy to revolutionize your community, but be cautious of alienating yourself by being overly dominant. Find ways to contribute while still honoring your need for freedom.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house brings hidden desires and power. You may be drawn to exploring the subconscious and spiritual realms. Use this energy to uncover your hidden strengths, but be wary of self-sabotage or withdrawing from reality.
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Taurus, you possess a deep craving for stability, sensual pleasures, and material security. Your power is rooted in a profound connection to the physical world—whether through your body, nature, or the pursuit of comfort and luxury. You have a strong need to control your environment, ensuring that you feel safe and secure. While the desire for pleasure and indulgence is prominent, Lilith in Taurus also unlocks your path to self-sufficiency and inner strength. You thrive when you create beauty and abundance on your own terms, without becoming overly attached to material possessions or comfort.
Shadow work with Lilith in Taurus involves confronting attachments to material things, pleasure, or the fear of change. You may find yourself struggling with possessiveness or a resistance to letting go, holding on to what feels familiar even when it no longer serves you. To truly embrace Lilith’s potential, you must learn that real security comes from within, not from external sources. By letting go of the need to control everything around you, you can tap into your creative and sensual power, finding satisfaction in both material and spiritual wealth.
Through the Houses:
1st House: Your energy is grounded, sensual, and magnetic, giving you an unshakable presence. To harness this power, embrace your natural strength and confidence without relying too much on how others perceive you.
2nd House: You deeply desire financial security and material comfort but may struggle with possessiveness. Use Lilith’s energy to cultivate self-worth that isn’t solely tied to material wealth and build stability through creative and independent means.
3rd House: Your communication is practical and persuasive, often focused on concrete results. Embrace this by using your voice to create value in your community or work, but be open to new ideas and resist holding too tightly to your viewpoints.
4th House: You long for a stable, beautiful home environment, sometimes clinging to outdated family dynamics. To unlock Lilith’s potential, create a nurturing space that supports your well-being, and release rigid attachments to comfort and tradition.
5th House: You find pleasure in creativity, romance, and personal expression. Use this energy to fully engage in your passions and artistic pursuits, but be mindful of not controlling or overindulging in fleeting pleasures.
6th House: Your daily work and routines are motivated by a desire for stability and comfort. Lilith’s energy can help you create sustainable habits that promote well-being, but avoid becoming too rigid in your approach to work and health.
7th House: In relationships, you may seek security and control, which can sometimes lead to possessiveness. To fully harness this energy, build partnerships based on trust and mutual independence, allowing for both stability and personal freedom.
8th House: You are drawn to deep, transformative experiences, especially through shared resources or intimate relationships. Use Lilith’s power to confront fears around loss and control, embracing transformation and renewal with courage.
9th House: Your desire for security can extend to your beliefs, leading to resistance to new philosophies. Lilith’s energy encourages you to embrace diverse perspectives and experiences, allowing for personal growth and expansion.
10th House: You seek recognition and material success in your career. Use Lilith’s energy to build a professional life that aligns with your core values, while being open to change and not clinging to traditional definitions of success.
11th House: You desire stability in social circles and may resist change within your community. To unlock Lilith’s potential, embrace new ideas and collaborations, allowing your social networks to evolve while honoring your need for security.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house brings hidden desires for control or security. Use this energy to explore spiritual practices that ground you in the present, releasing attachments based on fear and embracing inner peace and healing.
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𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Gemini, your strength lies in your intellect, communication, and adaptability. You have an intense need for mental stimulation and freedom in both thought and expression. Curious and versatile, you’re naturally drawn to new ideas and often find yourself challenging conventional wisdom. Lilith’s energy in Gemini shows through your ability to speak your truth and question established norms. However, this can sometimes result in restlessness or scattered energy if not properly channeled. You thrive when exploring multiple perspectives and communicating freely, but you may struggle with superficiality or the temptation to manipulate others through words.
Shadow work for Lilith in Gemini involves addressing tendencies like inconsistency, gossip, or using your intellect to manipulate or avoid deeper emotional truths. You may also need to confront a fear of commitment, whether in ideas, relationships, or projects, as you seek constant mental stimulation. To harness Lilith’s full potential, you must find a balance between your desire for freedom and the need for depth and focus. When you use your sharp mind and communication skills wisely, you can inspire and enlighten others while staying true to your core values.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project a sharp, witty, and dynamic presence, often keeping others on their toes. Use your bold self-expression to stand out, but avoid being overly restless or changeable in how you present yourself to the world.
2nd House: Your approach to material wealth may involve unconventional or mentally stimulating ways of achieving financial security. Use Lilith’s energy to build value through intellectual pursuits while avoiding superficial or quick financial gains.
3rd House: Your communication style is bold and direct, with a thirst for knowledge and variety. Channel this energy into exploring diverse topics and engaging in thought-provoking discussions, but be careful not to dominate conversations or use your words manipulatively.
4th House: You may crave intellectual freedom in your home environment, sometimes emotionally distancing yourself from family. Use Lilith’s energy to cultivate open communication within your family while fostering deeper emotional connections.
5th House: You seek excitement and intellectual stimulation in romance and creative pursuits. To unlock Lilith’s power, embrace your playful, expressive side in love and art, but be wary of chasing fleeting pleasures or forming superficial connections.
6th House: Your work thrives on mental stimulation and variety, but you may resist routines. Use Lilith’s energy to seek engaging, mentally challenging tasks, while learning to stay focused on practical matters without losing interest.
7th House: In relationships, you crave mental connection and freedom of expression. Use Lilith’s energy to create stimulating partnerships, but be mindful not to avoid emotional intimacy by relying solely on intellectual connections.
8th House: You’re drawn to exploring hidden truths and taboo topics, often using your intellect to delve into life’s mysteries. To fully embrace this power, balance your curiosity about the unknown while avoiding manipulation in intimate relationships.
9th House: Your thirst for intellectual freedom leads you to explore diverse philosophies and cultures. Use Lilith’s energy to challenge traditional beliefs and embrace new ideas, but avoid spreading yourself too thin in your search for knowledge.
10th House: You may challenge authority figures or traditional career paths, seeking intellectual freedom in your professional life. Use Lilith’s power to build a career that honors your independence, but be careful not to burn bridges along the way.
11th House: Your social life is fueled by mental stimulation, and you’re often drawn to groups that challenge conventional ideas. Harness Lilith’s energy by contributing your insights to social causes or collective goals, while avoiding detachment from those with different perspectives.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house brings a hidden need for intellectual exploration and mental freedom. Use this energy to dive into the unconscious mind through writing, spirituality, or research, but be cautious of isolating yourself from meaningful relationships.
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𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Cancer, your strength comes from your emotional depth, intuition, and desire for emotional security. You have a strong need to nurture and protect, but there is also a fierce sense of independence regarding your emotional life. You may resist vulnerability, fearing abandonment or rejection, which can lead to self-protective tendencies or attempts to control relationships. Lilith in Cancer challenges you to explore emotional autonomy, establish healthy boundaries, and balance your nurturing instincts with personal independence. Your sensitivity and empathy are immense, but you may struggle with holding onto past emotional wounds or becoming overly protective of your inner world.
Shadow work with Lilith in Cancer involves facing emotional wounds, fears of abandonment, and tendencies to control relationships for emotional security. It’s important to explore how past emotional traumas shape your current behavior and learn to embrace vulnerability without fear. To fully tap into Lilith’s potential, you must balance caring for others with self-care and emotional independence. When you embrace your intuitive power without letting fear dictate your actions, you can form deep, meaningful connections while staying true to yourself.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project a nurturing and intuitive energy but may shield yourself from emotional vulnerability. Use Lilith’s power by embracing emotional authenticity while avoiding defensiveness or becoming overly protective of your personal space.
2nd House: Your sense of security, both emotional and material, is closely tied together. Use Lilith’s energy to develop emotional and financial independence, but avoid clinging to material possessions as a source of comfort.
3rd House: Your communication style is deeply emotional, often connecting with others through shared feelings and memories. Use this power to foster meaningful conversations, but be mindful of not using emotions to control or manipulate in relationships.
4th House: You have a strong connection to home and family, possibly seeking control over your emotional space. To harness Lilith’s power, create a nurturing home environment while learning to release past family wounds and emotional baggage.
5th House: Your creative and romantic life is intertwined with your emotions, and you seek deep connections in love. Use Lilith’s energy to fully express your creativity and passion, but resist becoming overly dependent on others for emotional validation.
6th House: Your daily routines and work are emotionally driven, and you may resist authority at work. Use Lilith’s power to create a balanced work-life routine that nurtures your emotional well-being, while avoiding burnout or emotional exhaustion.
7th House: In relationships, you crave emotional closeness but may fear vulnerability or rejection. To unleash Lilith’s energy, pursue partnerships where emotional security and independence coexist, and learn to trust without the fear of abandonment.
8th House: You are drawn to deep, transformative emotional experiences, particularly in intimate relationships or shared resources. Use Lilith’s power for emotional healing and growth, but avoid using emotional intensity to control others.
9th House: Your emotional security may be closely tied to your belief system, and you may resist new ideas that challenge your emotional comfort. Use Lilith’s energy to explore new philosophies and spiritual practices that expand your emotional understanding.
10th House: Your career may be deeply connected to your emotional needs, and you might seek recognition for your nurturing qualities. Use Lilith’s energy to build a career that reflects your emotional values, but avoid using your role to emotionally control others.
11th House: You seek emotional connection in social groups or causes, but may feel vulnerable in group settings. To unlock Lilith’s power, contribute emotionally to your community while maintaining strong personal boundaries and emotional security.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house suggests hidden emotional needs and desires. Use this energy to explore your subconscious emotions through spiritual practices or creative outlets, but be cautious of emotionally isolating yourself from the world.
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𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Leo, your power stems from creativity, self-expression, and a strong desire for recognition. You are driven by the need to be seen, admired, and appreciated for your unique qualities. However, Lilith in Leo can create a tension between craving approval and staying true to authentic self-expression. You naturally gravitate toward the spotlight, seeking to shine both personally and professionally. At times, though, you may wrestle with issues of pride, fear of rejection, or placing too much emphasis on validation from others, which can limit your creative potential. When you tap into your true inner power, you radiate confidence, and your bold, charismatic energy has the ability to inspire others.
Shadow work for Lilith in Leo involves confronting the need for constant admiration and the fear of going unseen or unappreciated. You may need to explore issues around pride or tendencies to dominate the spotlight as a way of compensating for deeper insecurities. To unlock Lilith’s potential fully, you must cultivate confidence from within, focusing on authentic self-expression rather than external approval. When you embrace your inner brilliance and share your gifts freely, you uplift others while maintaining a strong, secure sense of self.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project a magnetic, confident, and bold persona, often seeking recognition. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace your natural charisma and leadership abilities, but avoid relying solely on external validation for your self-worth.
2nd House: You may seek recognition through material possessions and self-worth. Use Lilith’s energy to find value in your unique talents and abilities rather than relying solely on material wealth or external achievements for your sense of worth.
3rd House: Your communication style is expressive and dramatic, often commanding attention through your words. To use Lilith’s energy, speak with authenticity and creativity, but be cautious of overshadowing others or dominating conversations.
4th House: You may crave attention or recognition in your family or home life, sometimes adopting a dominant role. Use Lilith’s power to create a nurturing home environment where your emotional needs for recognition are met, while allowing space for others to shine too.
5th House: Lilith’s energy thrives in creativity, romance, and self-expression. To fully harness this power, express yourself boldly in both love and creative pursuits, but avoid becoming overly dependent on romantic validation or the need to impress others.
6th House: In your work environment, you may seek recognition for your efforts, sometimes leading to pride in your daily routines. Use Lilith’s energy to create a work life that reflects your individuality, while avoiding ego-driven competition with colleagues.
7th House: Relationships are intense with Lilith in the 7th house, as you crave admiration from your partners. To balance this energy, seek partnerships where both individuals can shine equally, ensuring your need for attention doesn't overshadow your partner's needs.
8th House: You are drawn to intense and transformative experiences in relationships, where you can fully express your power. Use Lilith’s energy to explore deep emotional connections and uncover hidden aspects of yourself, but avoid using intimacy as a means of control or dominance.
9th House: Your desire for recognition extends to your beliefs and philosophies, seeking to stand out in intellectual or spiritual circles. To unleash Lilith’s power, share your insights with passion, but remain mindful not to overshadow others’ beliefs.
10th House: You crave recognition and success in your career, often aiming for leadership roles or positions of authority. Use Lilith’s energy to build a career where your creativity and confidence can flourish, but be cautious of letting pride or the need for validation harm your professional relationships.
11th House: In group settings, you may seek to be the center of attention, craving recognition from peers. To use Lilith’s power, contribute your unique ideas and creativity to collective efforts, but ensure you're not dominating the spotlight at the expense of the group’s goals.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house suggests hidden desires for recognition and self-expression. Use this energy to explore creative or spiritual outlets that allow you to shine behind the scenes, but be mindful of not suppressing your need for attention, as it could lead to feelings of isolation.
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𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Virgo, your power lies in your sharp intellect, meticulous attention to detail, and drive for perfection. You have a deep desire to improve both yourself and your surroundings, often seeking control through order and structure. There is a strong need for independence in managing tasks and responsibilities, but Lilith in Virgo can also lead to tendencies like self-criticism and overworking. You may feel pressured to meet impossibly high standards, which can cause internal tension. While you desire to be of service and make meaningful contributions, the challenge is learning to balance control with surrender and knowing when to let go.
Shadow work for Lilith in Virgo involves facing perfectionism, self-doubt, and the fear of judgment or not measuring up. You might feel compelled to control your environment or be overly critical of yourself and others as a way to protect yourself from vulnerability. To fully harness Lilith’s energy, you must embrace your imperfections and understand that true strength comes from adaptability and acceptance. When you channel your precise nature into constructive service without being ruled by the fear of failure, you can become a powerful agent of healing and improvement in your own life and in the lives of others.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project an aura of perfectionism and efficiency, often driven by the need to control how others perceive you. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace your analytical nature while avoiding excessive self-criticism, focusing on authentic growth rather than seeking external approval.
2nd House: Your sense of material security may be closely tied to control over your resources. Use Lilith’s energy to build financial stability through discipline and service, but be careful not to equate your self-worth solely with material success or productivity.
3rd House: Your communication style is precise and detail-oriented, often focused on practical concerns. Use Lilith’s energy to express your thoughts clearly and analytically, but resist the urge to overanalyze or be too critical in your conversations.
4th House: You may seek control and perfection within your home and family life, aiming to maintain order. Use Lilith’s power to create a nurturing environment through organization, while allowing space for emotional spontaneity and embracing imperfection.
5th House: Creativity and romance may feel like areas where you need to perform flawlessly or take on too much responsibility. To tap into Lilith’s energy, let yourself enjoy creative expression and love without worrying about perfection or controlling the outcome.
6th House: You are driven by the need to serve and improve, often feeling a strong sense of responsibility regarding work and health. Use Lilith’s power to create efficient routines that support your well-being, but be mindful not to overburden yourself with perfectionist tendencies.
7th House: In relationships, you may seek perfection or feel the need to "fix" your partner. Use Lilith’s energy to cultivate partnerships where growth and service are mutual, avoiding the trap of being overly critical or trying to control your partner’s flaws.
8th House: You are drawn to transformative experiences that involve analyzing hidden or complex aspects of life. Use Lilith’s energy to explore deep emotional healing and psychological insight, but avoid obsessing over control in intimate relationships or shared resources.
9th House: Your search for knowledge and truth may be driven by a need to understand everything perfectly, which can limit your openness to new ideas. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace learning and exploration without needing to have all the answers right away.
10th House: Your career is marked by a drive for perfection and success, and you may be highly critical of your achievements. Use Lilith’s energy to create a fulfilling professional life, recognizing your skills while allowing yourself to make mistakes and grow from them without fear of failure.
11th House: In social groups, you may feel compelled to organize or improve collective efforts. To use Lilith’s power, contribute your talents to group goals while releasing the need to control how others participate or how the group is perceived.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house indicates hidden desires for control over your spiritual or subconscious life. Use this energy to explore self-healing and spiritual practices that help you release perfectionism, embracing inner peace and balance.
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𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Libra, your strength lies in your ability to navigate relationships, social dynamics, and the pursuit of harmony. You have a strong desire for balance, fairness, and beauty in all aspects of life, but Lilith here pushes you to confront the shadow side of your need for approval and peace. There is a powerful drive for independence in your interactions with others, which can make you resist relying too heavily on partnerships. You may struggle with the tendency to please others at the expense of your own needs or to subtly manipulate situations to maintain harmony. However, your true power emerges when you embrace authenticity and strike a balance between self-assertion and compromise.
Shadow work for Lilith in Libra involves confronting your fear of conflict and the need to be liked. You may need to face tendencies to sacrifice your own desires for the sake of peace or to manipulate relationships to avoid discomfort. To fully unlock Lilith’s potential, you must learn to assert yourself without fear of rejection and allow relationships to evolve naturally, even if it temporarily disrupts harmony. When you embrace your inner strength and combine it with your natural diplomacy, you become a force for authentic connection and fairness.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project charm, grace, and a desire for harmony, but may hide your true desires to avoid conflict. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace your authenticity and express yourself confidently without fear of others' reactions.
2nd House: You seek material security and self-worth through relationships, but may depend too much on others for validation. Use Lilith’s energy to build your own values and sense of self-worth without relying on external approval or material success.
3rd House: Your communication style focuses on maintaining balance, but you may avoid difficult conversations. Use Lilith’s energy to speak your truth, even if it challenges others, and embrace the power of honest, direct communication.
4th House: You may seek peace and balance at home, often sacrificing your emotional needs for family harmony. Use Lilith’s power to create a home environment where your emotional truth is honored, even if it disrupts the status quo.
5th House: Creativity and romance may be areas where you seek validation from others. To tap into Lilith’s energy, express yourself authentically in love and creative pursuits, without relying on external praise for your sense of self-worth.
6th House: You may strive for harmony and perfection in your work life, sometimes focusing too much on others’ needs. Use Lilith’s power to find balance, ensuring that both your needs and those of others are respected in your daily routines.
7th House: Relationships are central to your life, but you may lose yourself in partnerships or prioritize harmony over authenticity. To unleash Lilith’s power, create balanced relationships where your needs are asserted, while also valuing compromise.
8th House: You are drawn to deep, intense relationships that challenge your need for control and balance. Use Lilith’s energy to explore emotional depth and transformation in partnerships, but avoid using intimacy to manipulate or maintain harmony.
9th House: You may seek intellectual or spiritual harmony, avoiding beliefs that disrupt your balance. To unlock Lilith’s potential, explore new philosophies and ideas that challenge your worldview, embracing discomfort as a catalyst for growth.
10th House: You seek success in your career through diplomacy and charm, but may struggle with asserting your individuality. Use Lilith’s energy to build a career that reflects your true values, without fearing conflict or others' disapproval.
11th House: In social groups, you desire harmony and fairness, often acting as the mediator. To use Lilith’s power, contribute your diplomatic skills while also asserting your unique ideas, even if they go against the group’s expectations.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house suggests hidden desires for harmony and balance that may conflict with deeper emotional or spiritual needs. Use this energy to explore unconscious fears that prevent you from expressing your true self in relationships, and embrace emotional freedom.
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𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Scorpio, your power is rooted in emotional intensity, depth, and a natural ability to embrace transformation. You have a strong desire for control, particularly in emotional and intimate relationships, and are drawn to uncover the deeper, hidden aspects of life. This placement gives you a magnetic and mysterious energy, but it also pushes you to confront issues surrounding power, secrecy, and vulnerability. Your desire for independence and mastery over your emotions may cause you to resist trust and intimacy, even though these are key to unlocking your true potential. Lilith in Scorpio challenges you to dive into the depths of your psyche, confront your fears, and emerge stronger and transformed.
Shadow work with Lilith in Scorpio involves facing issues of control, fear of betrayal, and the instinct to manipulate situations to avoid vulnerability. You may need to confront your fear of emotional exposure or your tendency to hold onto secrets and hidden agendas. To fully unlock Lilith’s potential, you must embrace emotional honesty and the strength that comes from vulnerability. When you stop resisting change and transformation, you access a profound potential for regeneration and healing—not only for yourself but for others as well.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project an intense, magnetic presence that can both attract and intimidate others. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace your emotional depth and authenticity, allowing others to see the real you instead of hiding behind a protective facade.
2nd House: Your relationship with material security and self-worth may be tied to control and the need for security. Use Lilith’s energy to develop financial independence and confidence, but be wary of becoming overly possessive or attached to material success.
3rd House: Your communication style is probing and intense, often seeking to uncover hidden truths. Use Lilith’s power to engage in deep, meaningful conversations, but avoid manipulating or controlling others with your words.
4th House: You may experience intense emotions related to family and home life, feeling a need to control your domestic environment. Use Lilith’s energy to confront emotional wounds from the past and create a home space that fosters transformation and healing.
5th House: You seek intensity and depth in your creative and romantic pursuits, craving passionate connections. To express Lilith’s energy, embrace your creative and romantic desires without fear of rejection or betrayal, but avoid using love as a form of control.
6th House: In work and daily routines, you may become focused on control and perfectionism. Use Lilith’s energy to transform your work life by embracing change and adaptability, rather than clinging to rigid systems and habits.
7th House: Relationships may bring up power struggles, with intense emotions surfacing in partnerships. To harness Lilith’s power, cultivate trust and emotional honesty, letting go of the need to control the outcome of your relationships.
8th House: Lilith thrives in the 8th house, amplifying your interest in transformation, shared resources, and the mysteries of life. Use this energy for deep emotional healing and growth, but be mindful of avoiding power struggles or fear of loss.
9th House: You may seek intensity and depth in intellectual or spiritual pursuits, craving transformative experiences. To fully embrace Lilith’s power, explore philosophies or spiritual practices that challenge your current beliefs, allowing yourself to evolve through them.
10th House: Your career may be marked by intense ambition and a desire for control and recognition. Use Lilith’s energy to achieve success on your own terms, but be cautious of becoming overly manipulative or secretive in your professional relationships.
11th House: You seek deep, meaningful connections in social circles and may challenge group dynamics. To use Lilith’s power, engage in social causes that allow for transformation and empowerment, but be careful to avoid power struggles within your community.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house brings hidden fears and desires for control to the surface. Use this energy to explore your subconscious through spiritual or psychological practices, but avoid isolating yourself emotionally. Embrace your inner power without fear of the unknown.
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𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Sagittarius, your power comes from your relentless quest for truth, freedom, and wisdom. You have a strong desire to explore, both intellectually and physically, often seeking to break free from societal norms and conventional thinking. Independence is key for you, and you may resist any attempts to confine your beliefs or restrict your freedom. Lilith in Sagittarius can create tension between your desire for freedom and your tendency to rebel against authority or tradition. You’re driven to explore new philosophies, cultures, and ideas, but may also struggle with restlessness or a fear of commitment. When you embrace this energy, you can inspire others with your boldness and your adventurous spirit in the search for meaning.
Shadow work for Lilith in Sagittarius involves confronting issues of overconfidence, dogmatism, or the fear of being trapped. You may need to examine any tendencies to rebel simply for the sake of rebellion or to impose your beliefs on others. To unlock Lilith’s full potential, you must balance your desire for freedom with a deeper understanding and connection. When you channel your passion for truth into positive exploration, you can become a visionary leader, helping others break free from limiting beliefs while expanding your own horizons.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project an adventurous and free-spirited persona, often challenging norms and pushing boundaries. Use Lilith’s energy to inspire others with your independence, but be mindful not to come across as overly arrogant or dismissive of other perspectives.
2nd House: Your relationship with material security and values may be tied to your need for freedom. Use Lilith’s power to achieve financial independence in unconventional ways, but be cautious not to sacrifice stability just for the sake of excitement.
3rd House: You communicate boldly, always seeking intellectual freedom, often challenging conventional wisdom. Embrace Lilith’s energy by exploring new ideas, but be careful not to alienate others by being too forceful with your opinions.
4th House: You may resist traditional family roles or feel the need for freedom from your home environment. Use Lilith’s energy to create a home that reflects your adventurous values, while addressing any restlessness or avoidance of commitment.
5th House: You seek excitement and adventure in both creativity and romance, often rebelling against conventional expectations. To fully express Lilith’s power, embrace your playful, passionate side, but avoid being overly impulsive or reckless in love.
6th House: You desire freedom in your work and daily routines, often resisting rigid schedules or authority. Use Lilith’s energy to create a flexible routine that allows for personal growth, while being careful not to neglect responsibilities.
7th House: In relationships, you seek intellectual and spiritual freedom, often avoiding traditional commitments. To unleash Lilith’s power, cultivate partnerships that prioritize mutual growth and exploration, while ensuring that you don’t shy away from emotional intimacy.
8th House: You are drawn to transformative experiences, often exploring taboo subjects or intense emotional connections. Use Lilith’s energy to seek wisdom through transformation, but avoid using power or control as a way to feel free.
9th House: This placement amplifies your desire for philosophical, spiritual, or cultural exploration. To unlock Lilith’s potential, fully embrace your quest for truth, but remain open to learning from others without becoming dogmatic.
10th House: You may challenge traditional career paths, seeking a profession that aligns with your need for freedom. Use Lilith’s energy to create a career that allows you to inspire others, but be cautious not to rebel against authority without cause.
11th House: You’re drawn to social causes that align with your ideals of freedom and progress. Harness Lilith’s energy by contributing to collective goals that push boundaries, but be mindful of not becoming overly radical or dismissive of opposing viewpoints.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house brings hidden desires for intellectual and spiritual freedom. Use this energy to explore your subconscious through travel, study, or spiritual practices, but avoid using the pursuit of freedom as an escape from reality or commitments.
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𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Capricorn, your strength lies in your drive for success, authority, and control over your life’s path. You have a strong desire for recognition and respect, and you're willing to work hard to achieve your ambitions. Lilith in Capricorn amplifies your determination, but it also brings challenges related to control, fear of failure, and feelings of inadequacy. You may suppress your emotions to maintain a façade of strength, or you might fear vulnerability, which can create distance between you and others. Your need for independence and self-mastery is powerful, often leading you to prioritize long-term security and stability, but sometimes at the cost of your emotional needs.
Shadow work with Lilith in Capricorn involves addressing fears of failure, rejection, or the belief that you must constantly prove your worth through achievements. You may need to confront tendencies to prioritize work and success over personal relationships or to be overly controlling in your pursuit of stability. To fully unlock Lilith’s potential, you must embrace vulnerability and recognize that true power comes from balancing ambition with emotional authenticity. When you align your goals with your inner values and allow yourself to open up emotionally, you can achieve great success without sacrificing personal fulfillment.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project a strong, ambitious presence, often feeling the need to control how others see you. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace your leadership abilities while allowing yourself to be vulnerable and authentic without fearing judgment.
2nd House: You may seek material security and financial success as a way to feel in control. Use Lilith’s energy to build wealth through disciplined effort, but avoid tying your self-worth solely to material achievements.
3rd House: Your communication is authoritative and structured, focused on practical matters. Use Lilith’s power to share your insights and ideas, but be careful not to become rigid or dismissive of other perspectives.
4th House: You may feel the need to control or structure your home and family life, sometimes suppressing emotional needs. Use Lilith’s energy to create a stable home environment while allowing space for emotional vulnerability and connection.
5th House: You may feel pressure to perform perfectly in creativity or romance, seeking recognition in these areas. To express Lilith’s power, embrace your creative passions and romantic desires without fear of failure or the need for perfection.
6th House: In your work and routines, you may be driven by a need for control and efficiency, sometimes becoming overly focused on productivity. Use Lilith’s energy to balance your work ethic with self-care, avoiding burnout from overworking.
7th House: In relationships, you may seek control or resist vulnerability. To harness Lilith’s power, pursue partnerships where both individuals share authority and emotional openness, allowing for true intimacy without power struggles.
8th House: You may be drawn to control and transformation in shared resources or deep emotional connections. Use Lilith’s energy to explore emotional intimacy and financial partnerships, but be mindful of not becoming overly controlling or fearful of loss.
9th House: You may seek authority in philosophical or educational areas, often pursuing recognition through intellectual or spiritual mastery. To unlock Lilith’s potential, embrace new ideas and philosophies without needing to dominate or control your beliefs.
10th House: Lilith in the 10th house amplifies your ambition and drive for success, pushing you toward recognition in your career. Use this energy to build a professional life aligned with your true values, while avoiding excessive focus on status or power.
11th House: You may seek control or authority in social circles or group dynamics, desiring recognition for your contributions. Use Lilith’s energy to contribute to collective goals with discipline and vision, while allowing for collaboration and flexibility within the group.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house brings hidden desires for control and authority over your subconscious or spiritual life. Use this energy to explore inner transformation and healing, but be cautious of isolating yourself emotionally or suppressing your deeper needs.
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𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Aquarius, your strength comes from your individuality, rebellious spirit, and desire to break free from societal norms. You have a strong need for independence and freedom, often challenging authority, traditions, or anything that feels restrictive. Lilith in Aquarius amplifies your visionary and innovative nature, urging you to express your uniqueness and contribute to society in unconventional ways. However, this placement can also bring challenges around emotional detachment, fear of intimacy, or a tendency to rebel for rebellion’s sake. You’re drawn to social causes and feel a deep responsibility to bring about change, but this may sometimes lead to emotional distancing or suppressing personal feelings to fit into collective ideals.
Shadow work with Lilith in Aquarius involves facing fears of losing individuality in relationships or groups. You may resist closeness, fearing it will compromise your freedom, which can result in emotional detachment. To fully unlock Lilith’s potential, you must embrace both your need for freedom and your capacity to form genuine connections. True power lies in balancing your individuality with meaningful relationships, using your innovative spirit to inspire collective progress. By integrating personal freedom and emotional openness, you can become a trailblazer for social change.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project an eccentric, independent persona, often resisting conformity. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace your unique identity while allowing yourself to connect with others without fearing a loss of individuality.
2nd House: You may have unconventional views on material security and self-worth, often prioritizing freedom over stability. Use Lilith’s energy to achieve financial independence through innovative methods, but avoid rejecting structure entirely for the sake of freedom.
3rd House: Your communication is unconventional and forward-thinking, often challenging traditional ideas. Use Lilith’s power to share your revolutionary ideas and insights, but be careful not to distance yourself from others by being too detached or impersonal.
4th House: You may crave emotional freedom in your home life, often resisting traditional family roles or structures. Use Lilith’s energy to create a home environment that celebrates individuality, while allowing space for deeper emotional connections.
5th House: You seek excitement and freedom in creative and romantic pursuits, often rebelling against conventional expectations. To express Lilith’s energy fully, engage in creativity and love with an open mind, but avoid detachment from deeper emotional bonds.
6th House: Your work and routines are driven by a desire for freedom and innovation, often resisting traditional structures in daily life. Use Lilith’s energy to create a flexible work environment that suits your need for independence, while avoiding inconsistency or chaos.
7th House: In relationships, you may resist traditional partnerships, craving independence and freedom. To harness Lilith’s power, seek relationships where both individuals can express their uniqueness while maintaining emotional connection and balance.
8th House: You are drawn to exploring unconventional or taboo subjects related to intimacy, transformation, or shared resources. Use Lilith’s energy to delve into deeper emotional or psychological realms, but avoid detachment as a defense mechanism in intimate relationships.
9th House: Your quest for truth and meaning is unconventional, and you may challenge traditional beliefs or philosophies. To unlock Lilith’s potential, embrace your unique worldview while staying open to other perspectives, avoiding dogmatism in your rebellion.
10th House: Lilith in the 10th house pushes you to challenge authority or traditional career paths, seeking freedom in your professional life. Use this energy to carve out a career that allows your individuality to shine, but be mindful of rebelling against authority without cause.
11th House: You are deeply focused on social causes and collective progress, often acting as a visionary or rebel in group settings. To use Lilith’s energy, contribute your innovative ideas to collective goals, but avoid distancing yourself from personal relationships within the group.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house brings hidden desires for freedom and independence, often leading you to explore spiritual or psychological realms in unconventional ways. Use this energy to explore your inner world, but be mindful not to isolate yourself emotionally or reject vulnerability in the process.
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𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Pisces, your power lies in your profound intuition, imagination, and connection to the mystical or spiritual realms. You have a natural ability to tap into the unseen, often feeling drawn to creative, spiritual, or healing pursuits. Lilith in Pisces amplifies your sensitivity and desire for transcendence, but it also brings challenges related to boundaries, escapism, and the fear of losing yourself in others or in fantasy. You may find yourself in situations where you sacrifice too much of yourself or become overly idealistic, blurring the line between reality and illusion. Your true power comes from embracing your intuition while establishing healthy boundaries to protect your energy.
Shadow work with Lilith in Pisces involves confronting tendencies to avoid reality, whether through fantasy, substances, or emotional withdrawal. You may need to address your fear of confrontation or a tendency to play the victim or martyr in relationships. To unlock Lilith’s potential, balance your spiritual and emotional sensitivity with practical, grounded action. When you integrate your intuitive gifts with a strong sense of self, you become a powerful healer, artist, or guide, helping others navigate the deeper currents of life.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project an ethereal, sensitive, and compassionate presence, often blurring the lines between yourself and others. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace your intuitive nature while establishing boundaries that protect your individuality.
2nd House: Your approach to material security may be marked by idealism or spirituality. Use Lilith’s energy to create financial stability through creative or healing work, but avoid escaping into fantasy when faced with practical challenges.
3rd House: You communicate with empathy and sensitivity, often intuitively understanding others’ thoughts and feelings. Use Lilith’s power to express your creative and spiritual insights, but avoid losing clarity or becoming vague in communication.
4th House: You may feel emotionally connected to your home and family, sometimes sacrificing your needs for the sake of others. Use Lilith’s energy to create a nurturing home while setting boundaries to protect your emotional well-being.
5th House: Creativity and romance are where you seek emotional connection and transcendence, often idealizing love or artistic pursuits. To fully express Lilith’s power, embrace your artistic or romantic visions while staying grounded to avoid disillusionment.
6th House: In work and daily routines, you are drawn to healing or spiritual practices but may struggle with boundaries. Use Lilith’s energy to serve others meaningfully, while ensuring you don’t neglect your needs or avoid responsibilities.
7th House: Relationships may feel deeply spiritual or idealistic, but you might struggle with boundaries or losing yourself in partnerships. To harness Lilith’s energy, seek emotional connection balanced with individual autonomy, avoiding the role of martyr.
8th House: You are drawn to the mystical and transformative aspects of life, seeking emotional or spiritual depth in intimate relationships. Use Lilith’s power to navigate intense emotional experiences, but avoid escaping into fantasy or obsession.
9th House: Your spiritual and philosophical beliefs may be highly idealistic, and you may seek higher truths or mystical experiences. To unlock Lilith’s potential, pursue your spiritual quest while staying grounded, avoiding dogmatic or escapist tendencies.
10th House: Lilith in the 10th house may lead you to seek recognition for your creative or spiritual talents, possibly pursuing a career in healing, art, or spirituality. Use this energy to build a career aligned with your values, but avoid disillusionment from unrealistic expectations.
11th House: You are drawn to idealistic social causes or communities, seeking connection with like-minded individuals in spiritual or creative groups. Use Lilith’s energy to contribute compassionately to collective goals, but be careful not to lose yourself in the group.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house amplifies your connection to the unconscious and spiritual realms, often drawing you to deep mystical experiences. Use this energy for self-reflection and spiritual practices, but be cautious of retreating into isolation or escaping from reality.
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tarotwithavi · 2 days
Venus and your love language
Venus in astrology signifies how you love, your views on relationships and how you express affection.
This is a general post.
For entertainment purposes only
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Venus in 1st house
For someone with Venus in the 1st house, their love language is often affection and physical touch. They love to show and receive love in obvious, open ways. They appreciate compliments, sweet gestures, and anything that makes them feel valued and admired. They enjoy making others feel special too, often through kind words, attention, and being present for the people they love. Romantic gestures , like holding hands, hugs, or small gifts, can make them feel loved and appreciated. In simple terms, their love language is about showing love openly and feeling beautiful connections with others.
Venus in 2nd house
For someone with Venus in the 2nd house, their love language is often centered around security, comfort, and material affection. This means they express love through giving and receiving gifts, acts of service, or doing things that create a sense of stability. They value tangible expressions of affection like thoughtful presents or providing for their partner’s needs. They also appreciate being pampered and feeling secure in relationships, so they might love being shown care through practical gestures, like cooking a nice meal or sharing experiences that make them feel safe and cherished.
Venus in 3rd house
When Venus is in the 3rd house, your love language is connected to communication. You express love through words, thoughtful conversations, and meaningful interactions. You enjoy sharing ideas, writing sweet messages, and talking openly with your partner. You appreciate when someone listens to you carefully and engages in deep discussions. For you, love is about staying mentally connected, being playful with words, and showing affection through small, kind gestures like compliments or texts. Clear and frequent communication makes you feel loved.
Venus in 4th house
If your Venus is in the 4th house, your love language is all about creating a sense of home, comfort, and emotional security. You express love by nurturing others, making them feel safe, and creating a warm, cozy environment. You might show affection by cooking, caring for your family, or spending quality time at home with your loved ones. In return, you feel most loved when someone gives you emotional support, makes you feel safe, and shares quiet, comforting moments with you. You value deep emotional connections and stability in your relationships.
Venus in 5th house
If Venus is in the 5th house in your birth chart, your love language is all about fun, creativity, and romance. You express love through playful, joyful activities like going on dates, enjoying hobbies together, and sharing exciting experiences. You enjoy giving affection by making the other person feel special, often through surprises, gifts, or romantic gestures. You also love receiving attention and admiration. Feeling appreciated and adored in a fun, lighthearted way makes you feel deeply loved. Your love language is full of warmth, excitement, and passion.
Venus in 6th house
When Venus is in the 6th house, your love language tends to be expressed through acts of service. This means you show love by doing things to help and take care of others, especially in everyday tasks or routines. You feel loved when someone helps you with practical things or when they are thoughtful about your well-being. In relationships, you like to make life easier for your partner, and you appreciate when they do the same for you. Love, for you, is about kindness, support, and helping each other in daily life.
Venus in 7th house
With Venus in the 7th house, your love language is Quality Time. You really value spending meaningful moments with your partner, whether it’s going on fun adventures or enjoying cozy evenings at home. For you, being fully present and sharing experiences helps to build a strong connection. You like to create memories together and want a partner who feels the same way. Quality time is what makes you feel loved and appreciated in your relationships.
Venus in 8th house
When Venus is in the 8th house of your birth chart, your love language is intense, deep, and transformative. You crave emotional connection and trust in relationships, and love becomes a way for you to experience profound changes. You want intimacy, not just on a physical level, but also on an emotional and spiritual one. For you, love is about bonding deeply with someone, sharing secrets, and feeling safe with vulnerability. Trust and loyalty are essential, and you are drawn to relationships that make you feel empowered. You may also be attracted to people or experiences that involve mystery, passion, or even a sense of risk.
Venus in 9th house
If you have Venus in the 9th house, your love language focuses on adventure, exploration, and deep connections. You likely express love through sharing experiences, like traveling together or learning new things. You value freedom and enjoy relationships that encourage growth and understanding. You appreciate open-mindedness and might feel most loved when your partner engages with your ideas and beliefs. Philosophical discussions or cultural exchanges can strengthen your bond. You may also show affection by introducing your partner to new places or ideas, seeking to expand both of your horizons. You may find joy in discovering new cultures, enjoying nature, or attending events together.
Venus in 10th house
If Venus is in the 10th house, your love language often focuses on public recognition and admiration. You may feel loved when your partner shows you off to others or supports your career goals. Acts of service are important; you appreciate when someone helps you achieve your dreams. You value respect and status in relationships, so compliments about your achievements mean a lot. You might also express love through quality time spent in public settings or during social events. You seek a partner who appreciates your ambitions and stands by you in both personal and professional aspects of life.
Venus in 11th house
If your Venus is in the 11th house, your love language often involves friendship and shared dreams. You value connection with others and express love through social activities, group experiences, and helping friends. You enjoy building relationships based on mutual interests and support. Your ideal partner is often a friend first, and you appreciate open communication and shared goals. You show love by being there for others and encouraging them in their pursuits. In relationships, you seek freedom and individuality, wanting to grow together while still being your own person. Friendship is at the heart of your romantic connections.
Venus in 12 house
Having Venus in the 12th house often means you express love in private or hidden ways. You might be romantic but keep your feelings to yourself. You enjoy deep emotional connections and may love through acts of kindness or support. Your ideal partner could be someone who understands your need for privacy and intuition. You might find joy in creative expressions, like art or music, as a way to show love. Sometimes, you may feel drawn to those who are mysterious or different. Your love language is often gentle, sensitive, and deeply emotional.
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helslastangel · 2 days
How you relieve stress according to Mars
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1H Mars - Exercise, dance, running, body building; any physical movement, joining challenges or competitions, sex
2H Mars - Putting in overtime, DIY projects, honing talents/skills, esp. creative ones (e.g. photography, music/singing, art)
3H Mars - Socializing with friends and family, short trips or visiting new places, esp. if good for conversation, texting and phone calls, joining meetups to make new friends
4H Mars - Volunteering, esp. at nursing homes or childcare centers, spending time with parents, siblings, children, etc.; taking care of your home and family
5H Mars - Going on trips, trying new hobbies (solo or with friends), playing video games, going to board game cafes, escape rooms, arcades, etc., sex (esp. casual)
6H Mars - Getting through your to-do list, cleaning, organizing, finishing projects that you've put off for a while, catching up on abandoned hobbies
7H Mars - Spending quality time with your partner; going on planned dates (if single); starting a business or project with a friend or loved one
8H Mars - Finding your why, devoting more time to dive deep into a topic or hobby you're passionate about, fully allowing yourself to follow your heart for a change
9H Mars - Travelling, esp. long-term or long-distance, exploring new concepts and philosophies, taking courses or becoming a career student; finding/becoming a muse
10H Mars - Setting goals, focusing on your next milestone, thinking about the bigger picture, planning for the future, sharing your ideas and vision with others
11H Mars - Joining causes and missions that you believe in, volunteering to help in your community, making friends, going to underground festivals, meetups, etc.
12H Mars - Meditation, prioritizing self-care, taking time to nurture your connection with your inner self and a higher power (if you believe in one)
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northopalshore · 3 days
Descendant Persona Chart: observations
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ೀ⋆。 The descendant persona chart tells you how you act in relationships, but also describes the type of partners you're likely to attract or be drawn to. It also gives you some depictions of your love life.
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1st house stellium
You might've gone through many relationships. Perhaps the person you are today is the amalgamation of yourself in different relationships. Your partners are likely to have a great impact to your personality, and they will also have a lasting impression of you even after the relationship ends.
ex: Matty Healy has this placement. Most of the artists that he's dated have noted him as a soft, genuine lover. Most have a special fondness to him.
Uranus in the 1st house
On and off relationships, situationships, sudden romantic encounters that come and go. You're likely to experience many extremes within your relationship. You're also not one to stay around one partner for too long. At least not until a point of maturity.
Neptune in the 1st house
Your partners may feel very connected to you. They could also romanticise you very often, seeing you as an untouchable, gentle lover that can do no wrong. They may also worry for you often. Perhaps they see a part of you that's hidden, or broken and they want to protect that. You could also be a muse to your partners.
Virgo rising ( virgo degrees 6°, 18°)
You have a practical approach to love & relationships or partnerships . You are NOT one to indulge in one night stands. If they aren't willing to see eye to eye with you they can walk out that door. You are attracted to level-headed, mature and well perceived individuals. People could think your approach to love can be too harsh or too boring lol, but you know what you want so what? You could be into the smaller/ younger looking individuals. Twinks if you will lol.
Aquarius rising ( Capricorn degrees 10°, 22°)
You could treat your relationships as your job. Being in relationships may as well be apart of your career or ambition in life. Your relationships could shake your career status, either for good or for worst. You are attracted to the rebellious, eye catching partners.
ex: Sid Viscous had this placement. His relationship with Nancy Spungen rocked his career & both of them are a well known couple in pop culture and punk rock history. He also has eros, mars, chiron & venus in the 1st house. She was a stubborn, slightly off her rocker hot-headed prostitute who he fell in love with at first sight.
Sun virgo (9° Sagittarius)
You tend to come into relationships knowing where you want it to go. When you fall in love with someone, you think far into your future together. How will it turn out realistically? You don't play when it comes to romance. Love, loyalty, maturity. That's the key to your heart. Once you find that stable relationship, you are also the type to do anything and everything for them just to make sure they are loved & cared for.
Sun in 12th house
You might find that you have a hard time getting into relationships in general. You romanticise love and devotion, and could be disappointed when things turn out rather bleak or shallow. Also, you could decide to refrain from the dating scene for most of your life.
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Venus (18° virgo) in Libra 1st house
You're very picky with romantic partnerships. You likely know what you like, and hold yourself to a high standard. It's not as unreasonable however as Libra would make it. Rather, you want a lover that will treat you as they're supposed to; with care and comfort.
Venus (10° capricorn) in Gemini 2nd house
You could meet a lot of your romantic partnerships through work or through friends. You could talk about love a lot but may find that you focus more on gaining stability or on your career & ambitions.
Jupiter in 1st house
You long for a partner that will sweep you off your feet & change your life as you know it. Your relationships bring you a lot of fun, luck, love and prosperity. Your lovers could love to shower you with gifts. Your partners are likely older or have some sort of status to them i.e well-known & respected.
Jupiter in 5th house
You crave fun, exciting experiences in your love life. You want to be with someone you know will be a good parent, slightly dramatic but immensely romantic.
Saturn in Cancer/cancer° in 3rd house
You value gentle communication between your partners or close relationships. You may have had trouble seeing eye to eye with your siblings when you were younger, but have likely come to terms with them when you got older. In romantic relationships, you need there to be an even, mature exchange of feelings with your partners.
Pisces descendant (18° virgo)
You long for a hopeless romantic. Someone who can feel the depths of your emotions, and connect with your mind, body & sail. However, you also want someone logical. Someone that will understand you both mentally and spiritually. A realistic but deeply romantic faithful partner. You want to be able to connect to them on the spiritual and physical lane.
Mercury (24° pisces) in Leo 12th house
You could daydream & fantasize about love often. Perhaps you'll have dramatic scenarios playing in your head " what if he leaves me?" Tragic music playing in the background. " What if one day he betrays me?" Lol. Very dramatic, always thinking of the worst case scenarios. Usually it's not something that would realistically happen, it's just that your fears can cloud your judgement when it comes to love & romance.
Moon (19° libra) in Leo 12th house
You need to feel worshiped by your partner. Feeling loved, cared for, hopelessly devoted to & being the only one they see lol. There may be a tendency to be a little selfish with your lover but that's because you know how deep you go when you show affection! You need to feel like they truly love you to the ends of this earth. If you start to question what you mean to them or if they neglect you, that's a sign for you to leave because you know you deserve better. You want to love as deep as you are loved. There is an equilibrium that needs to be met for you to feel loved. There is a tendency to see what you want to see however (usually assuming the worst outcome).
Moon (18° virgo) in Scorpio 5th house
You need someone mature, someone deep, loyal and freaky lol. You want to have fun with someone who knows their limits. You crave for a love that is practical yet at the same time not shallow or too serious. You want to feel uninhibited in relationships, being with someone you know will be there for you no matter what happens at the end of the night.
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Gemini Midheaven at leo° (5°, 17°, 29°)
People will gossip and talk about your relationships a lot. They may idealise your relationship or draw attention to it often. They can also spread rumours about your relationships as well.
Sagittarius MC (8° scropio)
Your relationships could serve as a lesson to others lol. People might point at your relationships and say "Don't be like them" or " At least I'm not like them" People could judge your love life a lot.
Pluto retrograde in Sagittarius in 4th house
Your love life could be disrupted by your priorities or commitments. You could have gone through many issues & change within your home life. Your relationship with your parents may have been tough growing up. They may have played a part in how you now perceive romance, especially if it aspects venus, sun, moon, mercury or mars.
Mars (17° leo) in Taurus 8th house
True devotion is what you crave, giving everything to your partner showing them all of your sides; the good, the bad & the ugly. Selfishness can be an issue in your relationship. Perhaps you will want to keep your partner all to yourself & you see how much they shine and attract attention from other people vice versa. If they're not all yours, you don't want them lol. Leo & Taurus are especially stubborn in this area. Your partners may be very possessive of you and it could cause some arguments.
Mars (24° pisces) in Gemini 11th house
You live on romanticism. Emotional & mental connections turn you on lmao. Rumours, outsider opinions and assumptions based on what people say about you could cause issues in your relationship. Perhaps your partner will feel threatened or clouded by these rumours and that will cause miscommunication between you. It's important to be as clear as possible with your partner to overcome this.
Mars (8° scorpio) in Cancer 7th house
You want true commitment. Loving every inch of your partner's soul, knowing that they feel the same. Attachment issues, past trauma, past relationships and fear of betrayal or abandonment may be a cause of friction in your relationships.
Mars (22° capricorn) in Taurus 9th house
Your work, travelling or distance can be an issue in your relationships. Perhaps you do not want to be apart from your lover, but your or their work & career could interrupt that stability. It could also cause arguments if not handled properly.
ex: Nancy Spungen had this placement. Sid's job involved a lot of traveling caused a lot of issues within their relationship i.e not wanting to be apart. (& People that he works with literally wanted her gone lol)
Also, she was a groupie so most of her romantic interests were either seen as a business relationship or just didn't last (flighty ) because of money.
Uranus retrograde (26° taurus) in Capricorn 10th house
Your love life may be very public. More specifically, your erratic relationships, breakups and relationship drama will be quite public. Usually it means people will see you at your worst, but also how you heal and learn from it as it's in retrograde.
ex: Ariana Grande has this placement. Hers also conjuncts MC. All of her relationship struggles have been exposed if not monitored by the public. She herself has been very vocal about those relationships i.e.her ex-husband, and all her other exes were openly addressed by her herself throughout her career.
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***entertainment purposes only: reader discretion is advised***
Thank you for reading ♡
@northopalshore 2024 all rights reserved.
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youremyheaven · 2 days
Astrology of Sex: 🥵🔥🍑🍒💦🍆
my asks have been looking thirsty lately and i thought😌its about time i made another post about sex lmfao. MINORS LOOK AWAY AND DNI. NSFW CONTENT BELOW.
We've already discussed a little bit about Yoni animals and sex but I wanted to discuss certain random observations I have made hehe.
Elephant yoni men?? they are THE most sensual lovers??
I think Elephant Yoni (be it Revati or Bharani) creates partners who are extremely sexually passionate. They live to please their partner. Just think about how protective and loving elephants are and now think about how aggressive they can be if they're mad. Elephant yoni men (in my experience 😜) have always been sensual but slightly aggressive but in a good way 😈😈
if you've never had sex with a lunar man, WHEWWW them dudes be FREAKZZ, they'll be doing acrobatics with you in bed 😭😭😭idk how to explain it but yk when you're having sex with someone for the first time and you're all polite and semi formal?? wellll lunar men are not gonna be like that. they'll get right to business and fck you like you owe them pu$$y
3. Purvashadha men are kind of sadistic
i mean Hitler had Purvashadha moon, so this is not entirely surprising but Venusian naks are all in some ways cruel and i'd say Purvashadha is the PEAK of this energy
they're selfish, they're extremely hard on themselves, they dont care about others, they're VERY self centred and yes, they fuck in a really brutal way. they'll literally fuck you like you're a whore. aftercare? never heard of her
4. Rat yoni men or men with a small yoni animal in general can fuck for hoursss and not get tired. im talking 4 rounds or 5 rounds
5. Rahuvian men 💀💀will bust in 5 seconds but they'll go crazy with foreplay tho 🥰
6. MARTIAN MEN GIRLLL, they're so rough and live up to all the stereotypes .. like you're NOT making love over here, you're getting FUCKED.
7. I feel like Lunar women are lowkey asexual ,, their sex drives are just ?? occasionally there but often not there. the type to have sex just to please their partner. THIS NEED NOT APPLY TO EVERYONE, PLS DONT COME FOR ME
8. Jupiter dominant men have crazy sexual appetite but either they have really high standards or they fck everything in sight (depends on how much they've emotionally evolved)
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astrocafecoffee · 2 days
•Venus in Groom persona chart •
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(I totally forgot about this series 🙂, so here I am with Venus in Groom persona chart)
Venus in 1st house:
Prince charming, tall , handsome and attractive spouse. Has beautiful eyes that Captivate your attention. Appreciates luxury, comfort and sensual pleasures. Could be a romantic at heart with a deep appreciation for love stories. May have talents in music , art or any creative pursuits. People wants to be with them , could be some sort of influencer. Also, maybe a natural people pleaser. May have a secret talent for improvisational comedy or witty banter.
Venus in 2nd house:
Sturdy build or have athletic physique. A hard worker, who values financial security. Very loyal spouse. Acts or service and gift giving could be their love language. Could have a strong connection to family traditions or cultural heritage. They could have a thing for collecting unique items. May have a secret talent for cooking and baking. Loves nature and gardening. Excels in banking or in family business.
Venus in 3rd house:
Possibly has youthful appearance (even if they are older than you). Enjoys mental stimulation. Has talents for writing or public speaking. Also can be a good singer too. May have secret love for leaning new languages. Likes brain teasers or puzzles. Some sort of content creator? May have strong connection with their siblings and friends. Possibly has a fascination with technology or gadgets.
Venus in 4th house:
Possibly has soft, rounded features. They values hone life and very protective and Caring towards their loved one.may have strong connection to their family traditions. Enjoys cooking, decorating or other domestic pursuits. Very intuitive spouse. Possibly has a fascination with antiques or vintage items. Has ability to transform emotional pain into something beautiful and meaningful . Spending time with their loved ones is their love language.
Venus in 5th house:
Has youthful and radiant appearance. Possibly has a playful and mischievous glint in their eye , has a talent for fashion and design. Enjoys risks and trying new things. Loves music , drama, art and any other creative pursuits. May have a strong connection to their inner child. Loves to shine and be the centre of the attention. Some kind of content creator maybe. Hopeless romantic at heart. May have a talent for writing or reading fantasy stories to create elaborate imaginary worlds.
Venus in 6th house:
May have slender or athletic build. Passion or interest in health and wellness / service oriented activities. Values long term commitment, very loyal spouse. May have a talent for energetic healing or reiki. Possess talents for finding creative solutions to everyday problems. They will listen to your every word very closely. Maintains a good body and health. Suprise gifts and heartfelt letters are the love languages. possibly has talent in writing or in journalism.
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Venus in 7th house:
Possibly has a strong sense of style and enjoys dressing up. They will love you the most. May have strong magnetic attraction to your beauty. A excellent listener and have a strong ability to understand their partner's needs. Collaboration is the main theme in this relationship ( collaboration in artistic pursuits or any business). They believe in idea of soulmates or twinflmaes . Others admires their beauty so much.
Venus in 8th house:
May have a powerful, intense and dark gaze. They will be attracted to the beauty of your body and sensual expression.also may possess magnetic presence that attracts others to them(Obsessive energy is present too). You can openly share your secrets with them , they will never tell a soul. Could be very spiritual and has knowledge about esoteric things ( tarot, astrology). May have a dark romantic streak or a fascination with unknown.
Venus in 9th house:
Probably big and tall build. May Have interests in foreign cultures/ may have attraction to foreign peoples or people very different to them. May have radiant or philosophical gaze. They are drawn to higher education where they can expand their knowledge. Very spiritual. Their knowledge and words inspire others. Maybe interested in mystical arts and practices such as meditation, yoga or energy healing.
Venus in 10th house:
May have a strong build. May posses a leadership position in the society. Possibly drawn to careers in arts, design or media, also humanitarian field and possess charismatic and charming public persona. Very responsible spouse. Also may have interest in fashion, beauty or any creative industries. May posses some kind of media presence. Possibly may recieve awards or recognition for their work. May have knack for forming successful collaborations or partnerships.
Venus in 11th house:
Possibly has tall or lanky build. Quirky or unconventional appearance. May have a strong desire to help others. They thinks outside the box. Maybe passionate about technology, innovation or progressive ideas. Passionate about science and engineering and mathematics. Involved in social justice and human rights. Possibly has a talent for finding innovative solution to complex problems. Their work inspire others.
Venus in 12th house:
May have dreamy or ethereal quality to their appearance. Has slender or delicate build. Possibly has a talent for art, music or any other creative expression. Passionate about spirituality , and other metaphysical subjects. May have interest in esoteric studies(tarot, astrology). May have intuitive relationships or sense their partners emotions. Possibly some sort of content creator. possibly engages in selfless service or volunteer work.
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Thanks for reading ✨
- PIKO 💙
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starsandsuch · 2 days
The “Dollface” Placements Of The Zodiac 👱‍♀️🎀🍭
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The following are astrology placements that make one appear “doll like”. Typically girls seen as “flawless”, cutesy, adorable, sweet and “dollish “ or Barbie-like. Especially as it pertains to one’s facial features and physical appearance overall.
*the examples pictured are celerbrities who have at least one or multiple of these placements*
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They have a petite, delicate frame and tend to be smaller than average. They have doll-like features, emphasizing large wide set eyes that seem glassy and ethereal. They look dreamy and otherworldly, mimicking something you’d see in movie or cartoon. Their gaze seems distantly hollow, enhancing the impression of big empty innocent eyes dolls have.
They prefer doll-like hairstyles: sporting bangs, bows in their hair, ponytails etc
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Sabrina Carpenter (Pisces asc), Jenna Ortega (Pisces asc), Barbara Palvin (Pisces Asc)
These natives have the ultimate feminine appearance. They have round, softened features, devoid of harsh lines or angles. Their face is perfectly structured, having definition but remaining soft looking. Their skin is luminous and glowy, often with cool undertones , similar to the moon itself. They are delicate looking with graceful demeanor.
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Twiggy (cancer asc), Angelina Jolie (cancer asc), Margot Robbie (cancer asc)
Jupiter was the most common pattern amongst the charts of women with this energy and physical expression. Especially Jupiter conjunct the luminaries or the ascendant. Jupiter Ruled signs: Sagittarius and Pisces were very prominent as well. Especially Sag/Pisces in the big 3 (Vedic placements) as well as Jupiter Atmakaraka.
Jupiter’s influence on a person makes them seem honorable, wholesome, trustworthy. Much how you’d perceive a doll to be innocent and child-friendly. They have features that are pleasant to look at and others often idealize them and what they represent. These natives become symbols for representing different aspects of femininity.
Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant / In The 1st House
Jupiter’s influence creates features that are prominent and well defined. Yet it also softens one appearance’s giving its natives a “dreamy” look about them. They look confident , healthy and picturesque.
Jupiter conjunct moon
This placement makes one seem innocent, wholesome and trustworthy. These natives have a sweetness to them, emphasizing and pleasant voice, speech and demeanor. It gives smooth and glowy skin that is glass-like.
Mercury in the 1st house
This placement makes one seems cutesy and adorable. Giving a demeanor that one is innocent and harmless. Physically they are petite and delicate. They have a youthful beauty about them, where people automatically see them as a girly girl.
*this applies to Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Atamakaraka placement”
Revati is THEE face of the “Dollface” aesthetic. From their fashion to the facial features, most of these natives have been compared to a Barbie doll or bratz doll at some point in their life. Claire Nakti posted about how Revati natives naturally look like bratz dolls.
Their nose is soft/rounded and blends in well with the rest of their face, where it’s natives seemingly don’t have nose bridge. They have wide set bright eyes that look innocent and curious. They have a natural pout to the lips and a pronounced Cupid’s bow.
Their skin appears glowy and radiant, giving them this unreal, fantasy-like aura. They seem naturally perfect like a doll.
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Rihanna (Revati Moon & Ascendant)
Purvabhadrapada women embody the Barbie girl look both physically and philosophically. Physically, they have well defined, sculpted features. There are usually proportionate head to toe and have natural symmetry to their face and body. They tend to look unique and dream-like, where people identify them with having the desirable feminine physical features.
Philosophically they align with what Barbie represents: being empowered, doing things on your own and looking good while doing it.
They are the idealized modern woman where they are very “girlboss” , but still remain s3xy and desirable to many. Hottie-girlboss-s3xy-angelic-independent-femme fatale is their multi hyphenate description. They are the girl’s girl that empower other women.
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Lori Harvey (PBP moon) Jhene Aiko (PBP Moon) Latto (PBP Jupiter Atmakaraka)
These natives have large wide set eyes and overall feminine appearance. Their features are defined yet softened. They have clear smooth skin that is naturally luminescent. They appear distant and dreamlike, possessing otherworldly beauty. They seem to embody the ideal of what a “wife” looks like. (See examples: Margot robbie, Sharon Tate, Keke Palmer.)
Women with this Nakshatra have emphasized feminine features: curvy bodies, soft skin, and dainty disposition. They have a soothing demeanor , when others are around them they feel at ease and child like, much like how a girl would feel around her dolls.
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Ariana Grande (Purva Ashadha ascendent, Jupiter conjunct moon)
These natives have smooth skin and well sculpted features. They have practically perfect facial symmetry where the distance between their eyes-nose-brows-mouth is perfectly spaced. They oftentimes don’t wear much makeup and have a fresh faced doll like beauty and girly appearance.
People perceive them to have no physical flaws much like a doll would. They remain girly and youthful looking most of their lives.
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Zendaya (Purva phalguni Sun), Beyonce (Purvaphalguni Sun), Sharon Tate (Purvaphalguni moon)
These natives embody the “babydoll” aesthetic. With large curious eyes and puckered lips, they’re usually described as adorable by others. Their voice is soft and babyish, enhancing their aura of femininity. They often appear helpless and delicate, people feel protective over them.
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Lily rose depp (rohini sun), Brigitte Bardot (Rohini moon), Lauren London (rohini asc)
Ashlesha features are known to be catlike and feminine. They tend to look “hyper-feminine” having lush thick shiny hair, curvy body, full lips, upturned eyes. Their nose is naturally sculpted and pointed, with high cheek bones and full cheek apples.
It’s thought that Barbie is the most idealized symbol of what a women looks like, and these women embody “Barbie” without trying. People tend to reference them when discussing what the ideal woman looks like.
The main theme of this Nakshatra is going from girl-hood to women-hood and being aligned with feminine energy. This essence is captured in trendy movements like “coquette” and “dollette”.
With the Mercury rulership, their overall appearance is delicate, and is often perceived as dainty and soft. They are petite and have small/pinched facial features. They seem innocent or angelic to others.
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Alexa Demie (ashlesha asc), Brit Ekland (ashlesha moon and asc), Marilyn Monroe (Ashlesha Asc)
Ciao for now, dolls 💋
-starsandsuch ✌️💕
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elysiansparadise · 3 days
Do you know any placements in the composite or synastry that indicate extreme loyalty/devotion to one another :)?
Loyalty and Devotion
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Taking a look at Saturn...
♄ One of the crucial planets when it comes to loyalty and devotion is Saturn, since it is the planet to which we attribute responsibility, consistency, reliability and the willingness to dedicate ourselves to something constantly.
🖤When it comes to synastry, Saturn making a conjunction, trine or sextile with the other person's personal planets can tell us that the Saturn person feels that they want to do things well, that they want to be constant and supportive. 
🩶Some of these aspects with the Sun/Rising make Saturn person feel a strong loyalty towards the other, a deep respect and take them really seriously. It shows us a strong desire to be constant and righteous with the other. The Sun/Rising person, on the other hand, feels that they can trust the other and that they both got each other's back.
🩶When there are favorable aspects between Saturn-Mercury, it tells us about a relationship in which they will never betray the trust that the other places by talking about private things. There is a strong respect for each other's privacy, a lot of prudence and this quality of confidentiality since they will not tell each other's secrets.
🩶The aspects between Saturn and Venus show us that they both focus on building a relationship based on trust and love. The Saturn person shows the Venus person what it is like to have a supportive, stable relationship and above all one in which they will be respected and constantly cared for. Venus person will teach Saturn person to be valued, to accept love and how it feels to have their efforts recognized.
🖤In the composite chart, Saturn tells us about the way in which the couple commits or the aspects of the relationship that they take seriously. A well-positioned Saturn can show us a fairly strong and constant relationship.
🩶The Sun/Moon/Rising-Saturn aspects help the relationship to be characterized and focused on being something solid where both do the right thing in it. This relationship is one in which there is mutual support, both know that they can rely on each other and face any adversity with ease.
🩶Saturn falling in the 2nd house can be a great indicator as well. This is because beyond talking about material values, the 2nd house shows us all kinds of values, making the composite chart’s show something that this couple genuinely appreciates or considers of high value, this being the Saturnian qualities, that is, perseverance, reliability, loyalty, trust and security. This duo seeks to create a relationship with strong foundations and both seek to constantly reaffirm and demonstrate that they are focused on the relationship.
🩶Saturn falling in the 4th house also reflects this, since indicates not only constant emotions, but about mutual and unwavering emotional support. There is a strong respect for the emotional world of the other, a genuine desire to build a safe place in the relationship and for this union to be full of affection, acceptance and understanding.
🩶Saturn whether in the 1st or 7th house can show a lot of loyalty, as it is something the couple aspires to. They want to defend and love each other, never turn their backs on each other and be together whatever the moment they are going through. They do not give up easily and can be very confident in the idea that the other is the one they want to be with.
🩶When Saturn is in the 10th or 11th house, we can see that both have a strong conviction to always be loyal and constant in the relationship. Loyalty can be everything for this couple, and not only respecting the relationship and not being with others, but also feeling that they can be blunt, honest and direct with each other. Precisely because they see each other in the long term, they focus on showing through actions that they seek the same thing and work with the same dedication in the relationship.
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The Moon can be a great significator too… 
☾ It's something I've seen frequently in relationships of all kinds that stand out for loyalty. This is more linked to emotions than reason, since a safe place and a deep emotional connection can foster loyalty.
🖤In synastry, aspects with the Moon indicate that Moon Person has managed to connect on a very deep emotional level. Their appreciation for the other person is such that in addition to adoration and affection, they feel that they never want to do things that hurt them.
🩶When Moon is making harmonious aspects with Rising or the Chart ruler of the other person, it spoke to us of a strong inclination to be protective of them. An emotionally deep connection that makes you naturally caring for each other's needs and emotions, as well as awakening the desire to be a strong support throughout your journey together.
🩶The aspects between Moon-Neptune not only help the couple feel a strong emotional and spiritual connection to the other, but also a desire for total dedication to the other. They easily reach each other's core, providing warmth and understanding, sensations that both deeply value and do not take for granted.
🩶The aspects between Moon-North/South Node make both parties feel this affection and appreciation towards the other from the beginning or at least without expecting it. They show affection and appreciation constantly and teach each other what it means to have a nice, helpful bond in which you can share yourself without fear of getting hurt. A strong emotional connection and a lot of devotion.
🖤Likewise, you can analyze the position of the Moon in the Composite Chart and obtain insights about the strong emotional bond and how both show their dedication to it.
🩶With the Moon in the 2nd house, both parties focus on creating a stable and secure foundation, in this case due to the nature of the Moon, emotionally. It strengthens the sense of loyalty, since both seek security and stability in the bond. There is a deep desire to maintain this bond because of how connected and comfortable they feel around each other.
🩶The Moon in the 4th house is very favorable for security and a sense of belonging within the relationship, things just feel good being next to each other. The couple feels emotionally connected, creating an environment of protection, mutual care and loyalty, as they both find refuge in their relationship.
🩶While the Moon in the 8th house shows us an emotionally intense relationship, it can lead to a connection based on trust and loyalty. Here, the couple commits deeply through vulnerability and emotional union and they can feel this deep devotion and loyalty to each other.
🩶The aspects between Moon-Jupiter favor a positive, loving and optimistic emotional connection, where both support and trust each other. The sense of honesty and loyalty is strengthened, and both parties have a generous and trusting attitude in the relationship.
🩶When there are aspects between Venus and Moon, this couple is focused on ensuring that the other is comfortable in the relationship. They have a strong disposition to love and understand each other's needs and make sure that the other does not lack anything.
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Pluto’s loyalty needs to be highlighted
♇ When it comes to Pluto, we are talking about intense devotion, powerful attraction, and a deep desire to be close to the other person. Their loyalty is powerful because they don't connect with just anyone. When they find someone with whom there is depth, they don't leave them alone for anything.
🖤In terms of synastry, Pluto in contact with other planets creates a deep connection and can awaken the strongest of dedication and devotion. A union based on the intensity they provoke in the other and that unique way of connecting.
🩶The aspects between Pluto-Moon make them feel deeply drawn towards each other, they love to get to know each other more and keep each other safe and healthy. They awaken a protective instinct towards others and feel a deep devotion to caring for, understanding and loving others intensely.
🩶Venus-Pluto aspects increase their dedication and desire to keep the relationship strong, while also exploring the deeper aspects of your emotional connection. No matter what changes they go through individually or possible ups and downs in their personal lives, they are always willing to be there for each other.
🩶The favorable aspects between Ceres and Pluto tell us about a relationship in which both empower, care for and look after each other in every way. Both parties feel extremely supported and protected by the other, knowing that there is a deeply loyal and secure connection.
🖤Now, as far as Composite Chart is concerned, Pluto can tell us about a really intense connection, things become all or nothing, a deep sense of belonging that makes them greatly value the bond formed, because they know that no other connection can equal it.
🩶Of course we start with Pluto in the 1st house, where dedication and loyalty are not only highlighted, but prominent in all aspects of the relationship. This couple can be so emotionally committed that they become inseparable, a duo who together can do everything and wouldn't give it up for anything in the world.
🩶The presence of Pluto in the 7th house makes both parties feel a deep devotion to the relationship and their partner, since they have the strong certainty that the other is exactly what they want. Not only is there an emotional and physical loyalty, but there can also be this complicity between the two, together, ride or die, ready to face anything together.
🩶When Pluto falls in the 8th house there is a strong devotion, an instinctive loyalty to the other, a strong conviction not to fail the other and on the contrary to continue giving each other reasons to be together and aspire to something in the long term.
🩶In general, having a highly aspected Pluto, especially through trines or conjunctions, can lead to a relationship in which there is a deep connection. It is very common in relationships where both do not let go easily and regardless of the problems that arise, the couple will emerge together, moving towards a better future for both in which they hold each other's hand. Strong support, unbreakable company that leads them to know a lot about themselves and the certainty that no matter what happens, they will count on each other.
🩶The harmonious aspects between Pluto-North Node make them feel that the relationship is destined, that they were meant to be together, which drives this loyalty and dedication to each other and the relationship. Both are willing and driven to work on their challenges and remain faithful to their growth as a couple.
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Juno, the asteroid of commitment
⚵ We often attribute to it the meaning of our future spouse or the traits we would like our future spouse to have, yet Juno is an asteroid that has deep-rooted loyalty and immovable devotion. When you decide to be with someone, you will hardly change your mind, because it is more stable.
🖤This asteroid in synastry shows the potential for a serious commitment or at least a formal and lasting relationship. If there are harmonious aspects between Juno and each other's personal planets, it is an indication that both may desire a committed and balanced relationship.
🩶When there are aspects between Juno-Sun they will feel that they are the right one for the other, there will be a strong commitment from the beginning, a strong dedication to the other. They see each other as someone they would like to formalize with, there is an attraction and admiration for each other's personality and attitude.
🩶Juno-Venus aspects make both of you have a more committed view of love when it comes to a relationship with each other. A loving and giving dynamic in which both have the stable, constant and devoted love of the other. Their ideals of long-term relationships make them realize that they have similar ways of seeing them.
🩶The aspects between Juno-Jupiter, more specifically the conjunction, can make both of them completely surrender to each other and the relationship they form. They see the other as a husband/wife material and show a natural commitment and loyalty to the other. They both benefit from this relationship due to the natural satisfaction they feel with the other in all the possible ways. 
🖤In the composite chart, Juno shows how both parties approach commitment and how the relationship works. Above all, it tells us the exclusivity they give each other and how much they give themselves to each other.
🩶Juno in the 7th house indicates that both parties have a strong focus on maintaining a balanced, lasting and supportive commitment. The relationship is serious and marriage or a formal commitment is a pretty big possibility. There is exclusivity, romanticism and commitment in this relationship, which makes them strongly consider spending their lives next to each other.
🩶Juno in the 10th house shows us a relationship in which both work together for a long-term commitment. They take the relationship seriously, it is not something they play with, and they see the other as someone worth building something with. This couple can be recognized for being very close and devoted to each other and it is likely that their relationship stands out a lot for this. 
🩶Sun-Juno aspects, especially conjunction, trine or sextile indicates that this relationship is deeply committed. They both see the relationship as central to their lives, and there is a strong sense of loyalty and respect for each other.
🩶The aspects between Juno-Saturn make the couple plan to be together in the long term and act to make a future together possible. They are willing to make modifications, to understand each other no matter how different they are and to give a lot of themselves, because the love and commitment they feel with each other is decisive. This duo can be together for a long time and feel a lot of devotion and honesty towards each other and their relationship.
🩶Neptune-Juno aspects make the union of both deeper and more spiritual, it is a good indicator of marriage as well as an extreme and total devotion to the other. Willing to sacrifice a lot for each other and the relationship. Loving and gentle attitude towards each other and a lot of respect for mutual well-being.
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Vesta, the asteroid of devotion
⚶ This asteroid shows pure and total devotion. It is that total dedication that you give once you find what ignites your soul, and, in this case, when you find a person who is very worthwhile, someone who you don't mind giving your time and energy to.
🖤Vesta in synastry shows the willingness to be dedicated and committed to the other. They may feel a commitment to each other that helps them work toward a shared purpose.
🩶When Vesta is aspecting another person's Sun or Rising, there is a strong sense of loyalty to the other person. Both awaken in the other a mix of tenderness, love and intensity, they are very clear that they never want to fail the other. They feel that it is easy to trust the other, to give them their all, plus they feel delighted with the other person.
🩶When Vesta aspects the Moon, there is a strong emotional dedication to the other, a desire to care for and care for the other's emotions. They feel that emotionally there is no one who can understand them better than the other. A beautiful devotion that makes them always consider the other person and have them as a priority. There is usually a very strong connection on a subconscious and emotional level.
🩶With the aspects between Vesta-Jupiter, both have this inclination to give their all in the relationship, they enjoy the presence of the other person and it can give them an emotional, mental and spiritual peace that is not equal to that of past relationships. Devotion and loyalty arise naturally, they do not have to ask for anything from the other, they are born to be this giving and dedicated to the other and their relationship.
🩶With the aspects between Vesta-Saturn, both parties have the disposition to give a lot to the other equally, to put the relationship at the top of their priorities, they take this union quite seriously and they have this desire to strengthen the relationship more and more through actions, fulfilled promises and the fulfillment of future plans side by side.
🖤While in the composite chart, Vesta indicates the area of ​​the relationship where you both focus or where you share a sense of purpose and devotion. A very strong Vesta can indicate a very strong and united relationship.
🩶When we have Vesta in the 1st house it indicates that this couple is constantly seeking to work on themselves and improve the quality of the relationship. Mutual commitment and dedication to the relationship itself are essential for the couple. They strive to maintain it for the long term, with a focus on improving their bond.
🩶When Vesta falls in the 5th house, both feel committed to keeping the romantic spark alive and finding pleasure in being together, dedicating time to activities that help them connect better in every way. This couple enjoys a deep and giving yet loving and warm relationship.
🩶Vesta in the 6th house is a great position due to the nature of both Vesta and this house. These people have no problem sacrificing things in order to spend time with each other, there is firm and constant support in both, a strong sense of dedication and commitment and a genuine desire to want all the best for the other. Both help each other in times of need or tension and work together to form a connection that lasts over time.
🩶When we see Vesta in the 8th house, the couple may feel a strong devotion and dedication to creating an intense and meaningful emotional and sexual connection. There is a desire to explore the deeper aspects of the relationship and themselves through shared intimacy. There is a willingness to confront the deepest and most vulnerable emotions, and work together on growth.
🩶Vesta aspecting harmoniously Moon or Venus tells us that in addition to constantly wanting to be romantic and expressive with each other, this couple is monogamous and gives themselves completely to each other. There is a desire to cherish this connection because of how meaningful it is for both parties.
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ghostlyferrettarot · 22 hours
🩰🍰The 10th House in
the Signs🍰🩰
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings) Open!
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🍰The 10th House in Aries: indicates that you are a very ambitious person who has unlimited strength when it comes to pursuing success. If you have the 10th House in this position, you are a charismatic leader.
🍰The 10th House in Taurus: reveals a practical personality. You prefer stability and security, rather than excessive ambition. For you, success in life means work ethic, financial stability, and a career in which you feel comfortable.
🍰The 10th House in Gemini: can indicate that you have a great ability to communicate and adapt to the working world, which will allow you to excel in careers related to education, communications, or writing.
🍰The 10th House in Cancer: tells us that your connection to home and family is your main source of motivation when facing the working world. You are likely to do well in careers related to health care, education, or home management.
🍰The 10th House in Leo: reveals a very charismatic personality. If you have this position in your birth chart, you are very likely to be attracted to careers related to politics or entertainment.
🍰The 10th House in Virgo: means that you have a more critical view of what work means, as well as a strong sense of duty. The careers that might most attract your attention are related to accounting or management, although you might also be interested in the field of research.
🍰The 10th House in Libra: reveals that you are a person who is good at cooperating and negotiating. As for your inclinations, you will be attracted to careers related to aesthetic matters, fashion or justice.
🍰The 10th House in Scorpio: indicates that you have a strong determination, as well as a great desire for power. You may be attracted to careers such as psychology or other branches of science that study the mind.
🍰The 10th House in Sagittarius: may indicate that you have an open mind and a great innate curiosity. You are likely to be drawn to careers that allow you to travel and help you explore the world.
🍰The 10th House in Capricorn: reveals great ambition, although in a more practical perspective than in other cases. The careers that attract you are those that will take you to the top, related to fields such as finance or engineering.
🍰The 10th House in Aquarius: indicates that you have an innovative mind, and that you value the concept of community. You may be interested in very different careers, as long as they allow you to feel that you are doing your bit to make the world a better place.
🍰The 10th House in Pisces: reveals a sensitive and creative personality. The careers that will attract you the most are those related to music or any other artistic expression.
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cupidlovesastro · 1 day
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🪻𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝖊𝖓𝖏𝖔𝖞💜
astrology observations #20 (hate edition)
astrology observations #19 (love edition)
astrology observations #18 (real life experiences)
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𖡦 lacking 5h placements doesn’t necessarily mean you will be sad or depressed, but you could be more prone to being sad
𖡦 having planets such as pluto, saturn, or uranus in 5h can mean that it will take work, change, and/or growth of some kind to accomplish being happy
𖡦 although aquarius placements like being different, they don’t like being outcast. they are more prone to get bullied due to their uniqueness and “under dog” qualities
𖡦 moon conjunct uranus can make your emotions chaotic and unpredictable
𖡦 capricorn placements can be quite pessimistic in general, although they are realistic. they can also tend to be more avoidant when it comes to emotionally charged conversations, or really intense discussions. capricorns are deep people, but it truly takes time and effort to learn everything about them
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𖡦 scorpio moons may have had a mother that caused a lot of trauma to them, as well as betrayed them often and restricted them in some shape or form. they could’ve been very possessive or obsessive as well
𖡦 libra placements can often be pushed over, walked on, and lead into doing bad things because they don’t want to stand up for themselves
𖡦 saturn aspecting your moon can mean you have a hard time expressing your feelings. you may feel like there’s something in you that tells you, you can’t
𖡦 aquarius in 8h or chiron may have experienced online trauma
𖡦 scorpio placements are very distrusting, so take them seriously when they open up to you and trust you with information about their self
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𖡦 chiron in the 6h can mean you were hurt by an animal at some point, especially a pet
𖡦 lilith in the 1h, 11h, or 10h can make you rejected by many people. you may have people you never met before dislike you for no particular reason. people may also sexualize you
𖡦 pisces/ 12h mars people can be prone to being misunderstood during arguments.
𖡦 uranus in the 11h can mean you could have friends that will potentially go against you, or friends that will often leave you out of things
𖡦 virgo in 10h can show that people will publicly criticize you
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st4rtar0t · 3 days
How I would connect certain movie dialogues with specific astrological placements
Keep in mind that I am still a beginner, so these may or may not resonate.
I am the rightful owner of the content of this post and any kind of plagiarism will not be tolerated.
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"pyaar dosti hai, agar wo meri sabse acchi dost nhi ban sakti toh mei usse kabhi pyaar hi nhi kar sakta"
"Love is friendship. If she can't be my best friend, then I can never love her."
Venus in Aquarius or the 11th house.
Moon in Libra or Aquarius.
Why? Because these placements suggest a strong desire for genuine understanding and friendship in their relationships.
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"Tusi ja rahe ho, tusi na jao"
"you are leaving, please don't go"
Venus in Pisces
Moon in cancer or strong 4th house influence
The moon in cancer can give attachment to the person you love and cause difficulties in letting them go. Venus in Pisces makes a person extremely devotional towards the person they love, hence making them extremely attached.
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"In my opinion, religion only does one thing: it either makes a person helpless or a ter*orist."
Ketu in 9th house
Saturn in 9th house
sun in Aquarius
These placements indicate that the native will question religious beliefs and be critical of the customs or traditions.
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"Jab zindagi ek bar mili hai toh do bar kyun soche."
"when you only live once, why think twice?"
Mars in Aries or Sagittarius
jupiter in the 1st house
Sun in Leo or Sagittarius
These placements can make someone really courageous, bold, spontaneous and optimistic. They will not second guess themselves or doubt their decisions because they fully believe in themselves.
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"Zindagi jeene ke do hi tarike hote hai - Ek jo ho raha hai hone do, bardaasht karte jao, ya phir zimmedari uthao usse badalne ki."
"There are only two ways to live life: either let things happen and keep enduring, or take responsibility to change them."
Saturn in 1st or 10th house
sun in Capricorn
and mars in Aries or Scorpio
These placements make a person action oriented, creates a strong sense of responsibility, authority and taking charge. These placements make a person disciplined in achieving their goals.
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"Success ke piche mat bhago. Kabil bano kabil. Kamyabi toh sali jhak maar ke peeche ayegi."
"Don’t chase success. Become capable, truly capable. Success will come running after you."
Saturn in 10th house
jupiter in Capricorn
and mars in Virgo
All these placements focus on self improvement through hard work and sufficient efforts. Mars in Virgo makes perfectionists through constantly improving their abilities.
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"Haar tab hoti hai, jab haar man li jaye"
"Defeat only occurs when one chooses to accept it."
Saturn in 1st house or strong Saturn influence
Mars in Capricorn
Sun in leo
Pluto in the 1st house
People with these placements are resilient, determined and do not accept defeat easily. They are focused on winning and transforming.
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yuveenti-blog · 23 hours
Gifts Your Ancestors Blessed You With Based On Your Rising Sign:
Disclaimer: 💘🫶🏾I extend my heartfelt gratitude for reaching 500 followers. I value each individual who has chosen to engage with my content. I remain committed to providing you with fresh, enjoyable, creative, and thought-provoking material, and I hope you will continue to join me on this journey. As always, if something does not resonate with you, feel free to disregard it. Some influences are more subtle, while others are more pronounced within us. My upcoming posts will delve into the topic of Mercury in the Houses. Wishing you a wonderfully blessed day.🫶🏾💘
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Aries Rising:
* Your ancestors blessed you with emotional intelligence.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a strong intuition.
* Your ancestors blessed you with emotional resilience.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the ability to give your family lineage the stability it needs.
* Your ancestors blessed you with fine tuned senses.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the ability to bring more compassion to your lineage.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a vivid imagination.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the ability to become wealthy and have a lot of money.
* Your ancestors blessed you with strong persuasion abilities
Taurus Rising:
* Your ancestors blessed you with an amazing sense of style.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the courage to believe in yourself.
* Your ancestors blessed you with high achievement and success in this lifetime.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a well of creativity to bring to the world.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the ability to create a luxurious life for your lineage.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a warm and kind spirit.
* Your ancestors blessed you with individuality. No one can shake you from your oath.
* Your ancestors blessed you class and decorum.
* Your ancestors blessed you with beauty.
* Your ancestors blessed you with popularity and likability.
Gemini Rising:
* Your ancestors blessed you with access to a good education/higher education.
* Your ancestors blessed you with an amazing ability to articulate your thoughts.
* Your ancestors blessed you great writing skills.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a fine tuned observation. You can see things others can’t, your eyes don’t miss any detail.
* Your ancestors blessed you with multiple talents.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the ability to get to the “bottom of things”.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a great singing voice, asmr voice, and talking voice.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the skill to expand on your career and get along with your co-workers.
* Your ancestors blessed you with. Great social skills.
Cancer Rising:
* Your ancestors blessed you with a peaceful nature.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the ability to understand others well.
* Your ancestors blessed you with strong intuition.
* Your ancestors blessed you with strong emotional connections to those in your lives.
* Your ancestors blessed you with refined taste.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a lot of relationships in this lifetime. You will experience a lot of love.
* Your ancestors blessed you with interior design skills.
* Your ancestors blessed you with likability and a rich social life.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a lot of creativity ( artists, stylists, performers, creators).
* Your ancestors blessed you with bringing your family together. Being the glue to those in life.
Leo Rising:
* Your ancestors blessed you with being able to see beyond appearances.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a strong intuition.
* Your ancestors blessed you with being able to understand both the light and dark aspects of life.
* Your ancestors blessed you with immense power.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a lot of financial blessings and breakthroughs.
* Your ancestors blessed you with charm.
* Your ancestors blessed you with social power.
* Your ancestors blessed you with determination.
* Your ancestors blessed you with popularity.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a long-life and good health.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a lot of passion.
* Your ancestors blessed you with persuasion.
Virgo Rising:
* Your ancestors blessed you with a widened perspective ( able to see the bigger picture and smaller details).
* Your ancestors blessed you with navigation skills ( you are your own GPS).
* Your ancestors blessed you with humor.
* Your ancestors blessed you with culture.
* Your ancestors blessed you with seeing through facades.
* Your ancestors blessed you with an abundance of growth and self-evolution.
* Your ancestors blessed you with wisdom.
* Your ancestors blessed you with luck.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the ability to learn fast.
* Your ancestors blessed you with intelligence.
* Your ancestors blessed you with honesty.
* Your ancestors blessed you with so many different and interesting experiences.
Libra Rising:
* Your ancestors blessed you with a good public image.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the skill to network.
* Your ancestors blessed you with serious and lengthy relationships.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a stable home life.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a lot of great job opportunities.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a deep connection to your mother or a maternal figure.
* Your ancestors blessed you with loyalty.
* Your ancestors blessed you financial blessings or random gifts/blessings.
* Your ancestors blessed you with respect for all humans.
* Your ancestors blessed you with critical thinking skills.
Scorpio Rising:
* Your ancestors blessed you with a distinct and unique beauty.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the ability to detach when you see fit.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a lot of passions and creative hobbies.
* Your ancestors blessed you with strong intuition.
* Your ancestors blessed with a unique perspective on life.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the ability to remain cool in chaos.
* Your ancestors blessed you an idealistic mind ( your imagination is fertile and vivid).
* Your ancestors blessed you with the ability to see patterns and predict the future.
* Your ancestors blessed you with very big dreams that you chase.
* Your ancestors blessed you with deep transformative powers.
* Your ancestors blessed you with high intelligence.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a strong link to spirituality.
* Your ancestors blessed you with believing in the unseen.
* Your ancestors blessed you with many breakthroughs and resilience in this life time.
Sagittarius Rising:
* Your ancestors blessed you with a strong link to spirituality.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a lot of creative interests and inspiration.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the ability to escape into your imagination anytime.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a strong intuition.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a lot of luck.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a sharp and keen perspective.
* Your ancestors blessed you with many blessings throughout your life.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a big heart.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a lot of fun and other-worldly experiences.
* Your ancestors blessed you with wisdom.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a connection to the spiritual world and telepathy.
Capricorn Rising:
* Your ancestors blessed you with a direct and forthright personality.
* Your ancestors blessed you with assertiveness.
* Your ancestors blessed you with high ambitions.
* Your ancestors blessed you with independence.
* Your ancestors blessed you with opportunities to be in powerful positions.
* Your ancestors blessed you with high morals.
* Your ancestors blessed you with financial blessings and abundance in this lifetime.
* Your ancestors blessed you with strong mental powers.
* Your ancestors blessed you with individuality and leadership.
* Your ancestors blessed you with wisdom.
* Your ancestors blessed you deep relationships with the ones you love and loyalty.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a strong spiritual link.
* Your ancestors blessed you with resilience.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a creative talent.
Aquarius Rising:
* Your ancestors blessed you with a strong mentality.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a distinct and unique beauty.
* Your ancestors blessed you with style and aesthetic.
* Your ancestors blessed you with stability but the ability to change the course of your life at anytime.
* Your ancestors blessed you with very interesting and unique bonds and relationships.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a level of seriousness when it comes to your ideas. You are willing to do the work.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a unique perspective on how life should be lived.
* Your ancestors blessed you with high intelligence.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the ability to connect to people from all walks of life.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a traveling soul.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a strong link to spirituality.
* Your ancestors blessed you with achieving your dreams.
Pisces Rising:
* Your ancestors blessed you with a fountain of creativity.
* Your ancestors blessed you with artistic talents.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a great voice for singing, asmr, and poetry.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the ability to see a multitude of perspectives.
* Your ancestors blessed you with great friends, a community of people, and a lot of people invested in you.
* Your ancestors blessed you a strong intuition and telepathy skills.
* Your ancestors blessed you with channeling abilities.
* Your ancestors blessed you with wisdom and the ability to shape-shift.
* Your ancestors blessed you with the ability to adapt to any circumstances.
* Your ancestors blessed you with multiple purposes you can fulfill.
* Your ancestors blessed you with a strong impact on the collective.
* Your ancestors blessed you with creating a beautiful family here on earth.
* Your ancestors blessed you with aesthetic and the ability to grow whatever you touch.
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username-1121 · 1 day
My Vedic Astrology Thoughts #2💋
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- Purva ashadha woman are always so beautiful and have very curvy, soft bodies. They were definitely blessed by Venus.
- Venus in 1st house natives are just so stupidly attractive. They’re genuinely so beautiful, the type where you just want to stare at them and write songs about them. Like we’ve all heard this a million times but WOW, I just had to reiterate that astrology does not lie
- Having a planet in its own sign means that there will be multiple of the significations of the house that it is placed in. Eg: Mars in Aries in 7th house = multiple marriages/relationships, Moon in Cancer in the 10th house = multiple career changes
- You’re most likely to date the sign that is opposite your moon sign, Eg: Cancer moons are drawn to Capricorn placements, Taurus moons are drawn to Scorpio placements
- The sign 3rd house and 11th house from your moon sign are most likely the placements that you are close friends with.
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- The planet or rashi 2nd to your Moon, is the key to your success. You should embody this planet or sign if you want to achieve great success in this life. This is where you are getting fame and recognition which is why it’s best to embody the characteristics of that planet or pursue career paths related to that planet.
- If you have any planet 2nd to your Moon, it means that you have to go about your life independently. You won’t receive any help financially and everything you get is from your own hard work. This can also mean that you tend to adapt to the personalities of the people around you. You could be very street smart.
- The planet or rashi that’s 12th from your moon, are the things that you need to let go in order to achieve success. Eg: Mercury ruling or placed 12th from moon, you will achieve success when you stop learning.
- The 12th house from your moon can also indicate what you enjoy in your relationships. So eg: Mercury would be communication, Venus would be traditional romance, Mars would be doing activities with your partner
- People who don’t have any planets in the 2nd or 12th from moon can mean that you have a very hardworking mother. She could either be the bread maker of the household or just takes on most of the responsibilities compared to the father. And she might have to go through a lot of suffering.
- This placement can also make you a loner because no one understands you. You may have gone unrecognised during your school days and it will be very hard for you to get things that normal people can easily achieve. You will have to try multiple times.
- If you have Saturn dominant in your chart, you are more likely appear graceful and well mannered rather than just the “serious” stereotype that people give Saturn. People are more so intimidated because you appear to have it all figured out.
- Whereas Ketu dominant people tend to appear more intimidating and serious because they seem like the type to judge you even if they don’t. This energy can sometimes be off putting to a lot of people.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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soberpluto · 3 days
Examining Neptune's Spell
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Apologies for not being here after so much time, but now I'm back and very thrilled to share this with you all! I'm hopeful many can find this helpful.
Unnecesary context aside, just recently I was having a long and deep conversation with a friend of mine about my semi-recurring mini existential crises. After hearing me patiently, with the dear intention of making me realize I was drowning in my tiny glass of water, he simply (and brilliantly) replied:
"I think you're problem is that you have unrealistic expectations about yourself."
Any attempt to blurt out in self-defense ceased instantly because of how deep these words sunk in my mind. I stared into the wall before for me and felt how the missing puzzle piece finally dropped into the perfect spot. Obviously, the thought of having my sun in Cancer and Neptune in almost exact opposition popped inside, and it took a WHOLE new dimmension. How could this statement not be true?! OF COURSE he was right! It's not that I wasn't told that before or haven't read about it multiple times in my astrology studies, but the truth is, (a very Neptunian thing now that I think about it) I didn't believe it quite applied to me. Because I don't like to feel mediocre and because I think of myself as a spiritual and highly self-aware woman, I was convinced that holding myself to "unrealistic standards" was definitely NOT the reason that triggered me to want fleed to a desert islands at times when reality felt like too much. It was bitterly humorous when I realized I evidently missed the fact that Neptune was making a hell of a job doing what he does best: casting its spells of illusion and glittery distorted beliefs about how things were "supposed to be" in a surprisingly unadverted way into my life. I was truly relieved to actually understand (or accept, better said) why trying to have a simple and happy life seemed too tricky at times. It all made sense.
Now, let me introduce Neptune, if you happen to be unacquainted.
Neptune in astrology is like the ultimate dream weaver, spinning a web of intuition, imagination, and mystery. It’s the planet of all things ethereal, where reality gets a little blurry, and you’re invited to dive into the deep end of fantasy, spirituality, and idealism. Neptune whispers, "What if?" and suddenly, we're seeing the world through a kaleidoscope of possibilities, but a "little" foggy on the details. We're all influenced by Neptune one way or another, but when it touches personal planets or points in our charts, it’s like life hands us a pair of customized rose-colored glasses, but the prescription is way off. Suddenly, everything feels a bit magical, like we're starring in your own fairytale, except the castle is made of mist, the prince might just be a mirage, and that enchanted forest? It’s actually a parking lot.
But why bother making us feel loony? On a more serious note, our master illusionist possesses the higher purpose of awakening our connection to something greater than the everyday grind. It gently pulls us out of the rigid boundaries of reality and whispers, "There’s more to life than meets the eye." It invites us to explore the depths of our imagination, spirituality, and compassion, blurring the lines between self and universe. The illusions it creates are really a nudge to dissolve our ego’s grip, helping us see beyond the material and embrace a higher sense of love, creativity, and unity with the cosmos.
As inspiring and touching as it sounds, the catch is that fulfilling Neptune’s mission can feel like chasing fog—just when we think we’ve got a handle on it, it slips through our fingers. Neptune wants us to transcend reality and connect with the divine, but let’s be real: that’s not exactly a day-to-day, grocery-list-friendly goal. For someone with heavy Neptune influence, this pursuit of higher meaning can be disorienting, leaving them feeling lost in a sea of "what ifs" and "maybes." And thanks to its grandeur idealism, it can push people to be hypersensitive, highly fearful of failure and completely inaccurate with what they may achieve in a day, let alone a lifetime!
For a Neptunian, the intuitive desire to be flawless and sufficient does not come from wordly expectations, but from a place of soulful calling that more often unconsciously than consciously tells them they're limitless beings living in a limited reality. And this is exactly the greatest challenge of all: to accept that the truth must be known while respecting the illusion, just as a spiritual teacher Michael Mirdad states.
That said, you can imagine what happens when mystical and whimsical Neptune gets cozy with your personal planets. Let's see in detail how it sprinkles its glitter them:
Soft Aspects: With soft aspects, your Sun is shining brighter than ever! Neptune sprinkles fairy dust on your creativity and confidence, making you feel like a superstar in your own musical. It’s all about embracing your spiritual side and believing that you can conquer the world—cape optional!
Hard Aspects: You’re the artist of your own identity, but the canvas keeps shifting. One day you’re an astronaut, the next day you’re a poet, and by the end of the week, you’re contemplating becoming a full-time mystic. Neptune tells you, "Be everything," but sometimes that just leaves you wondering, "Who am I, really?"
Soft Aspects: Your emotions flow like a gentle river, and you’re tuned in to everyone’s feelings like a super empath (you could be a cool wizard/witch or clairvoyant!). Neptune wraps you in a cozy blanket of intuition, making heartfelt connections feel like a warm hug from the universe. Cue the happy tears!
Hard Aspects: Enter the emotional whirlpool! Neptune can stir up your feelings like a cosmic blender, leading to mood swings and a general sense of overwhelm. You might find yourself daydreaming your way through real-life emotions, and good luck figuring out what you actually feel!
Soft Aspects: With Neptune’s gentle nudge, your thoughts become a beautiful symphony! Communication flows like honey, and you’re bursting with creative ideas. It’s a fantastic time for writing, brainstorming, or chatting about all things magical and dreamy! You could be a music lover, a great singer or a romantic poet.
Hard Aspects: But when Neptune goes rogue, it’s like trying to read a recipe in a funhouse—everything’s upside down! Your thoughts get scattered, and communication feels like a game of telephone gone wrong. Get ready for misunderstandings and the occasional “Wait, what did you just say?” This aspect looks very similar to a Piscean or Sagittarian Mercury, a common link to ADHD.
Soft Aspects: Love is in the air! Neptune turns your romantic life into a whimsical fairy tale, where everything feels enchanting. Your heart opens wide, and connections deepen, making even the smallest moments feel like a scene from a rom-com.
Hard Aspects: But hold on! Neptune might have you wearing those rose-colored glasses a bit too tightly. You might find yourself idealizing partners or being swept away by fantasies, only to crash back to reality when things don’t match your dreamy expectations. Ouch!
Soft Aspects: With Neptune in your corner, your drive becomes a creative spark! You’re ready to take action with a burst of inspiration, making you feel like a superhero on a mission. Time to tackle those goals with flair and imagination!
Hard Aspects: When Neptune throws in a twist, it’s like trying to run through quicksand. Your motivation might wane, leaving you confused about where to focus your energy. It’s a cosmic case of “I had a plan… what was it again?”
To wrap it up after such long post, living with Neptune’s influence means you’ve got a backstage pass to the land of dreams, creativity, and big feelings. But it also means you might find yourself getting tangled up in illusions, setting sky-high standards that real life simply can’t meet. So when Neptune touches your personal planets, just remember: it's okay to dream big, but keep a little reality check in your back pocket. You can chase those rainbows, but don’t forget to pack an umbrella for when they dissolve into rain.
Thanks so much for reading, love you! 🥰
Written by @soberpluto
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myun-saidthoughts · 2 days
12th House Synastry: The Darker Themes That May Manifest
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I made a post about Neptune and 12th house synastry awhile ago (here is the link to that: Understanding 12th house synastry)
In that post, I explained how this synastry can manifest between partners, but I didn't discuss the darker side of it or discuss why those darker themes are present in the first place.
To start off, some of the more common dark themes associated with this synastry include deception, lies, addiction, and hidden agendas. This synastry also can indicate being the other woman in a relationship or one party may have a commitment to another person that the other party isn't aware of (such as one partner is married, engaged, or involved with someone else). If there is 8th house synastry involved (like Pluto aspecting inner planets or 8th house overlays), power dynamics may emerge, with one person holding an authoritative position. Age gaps or factors such as work hierarchies, status, reputation, social circles, or cultural influences may also prevent the two parties from publicly showcasing their relationship.
The reason these dark themes manifest is influenced by many factors, the primary one being the person's core nature. If they are spiritually awakened, aware, compassionate, or empathetic, the themes mentioned above are less likely to arise within the connection. Ultimately, who a person is at their core will dictate how these connections manifest.
I have read many 12th house/Neptune synastry stories, and one major red flag that stands out is what is often 'hidden' within the relationship. While this synastry can evoke profound, otherworldly feelings, there’s a risk that the person you’re pouring your love into may only be a projection of your perception of them. This is tied to how you view yourself, your understanding of love, and your willingness to be vulnerable.
This synastry naturally clouds and confuses the relationship dynamic, if you have natal 12th house placements, Pisces placements or Neptune aspecting your own inner planets then the influence of falling into the web of what you think is, instead of what actually is; is more likely.
For example, the reason you may be drawn to, influenced by, or dealing with these dark themes has to do with the level of commitment or love you're ready to process. You may consciously state that you desire a deep love, but if you look at your past patterns, you might notice that you often fall for the people you claim you want to stay away from. You may say, 'I deserve better,' or recognize that the type of love you're offering is not being reciprocated. While you may be consciously aware of this, you still find yourself in connections that reinforce the image of love you say you want to change.
This has to do with the fact that there are still subconscious self beliefs that are operating within you; these beliefs may be so deeply rooted in your subconscious to the point where you are not even aware of it, and the reason why these dark themes are able to manifest within your life is because the people you are choosing are reiterating the self belief you're "comfortable" with. I say comfortable because it's what feels known within you, this person creates a feeling within you and though they may logically be wrong for you in so many objective manners, the fact that you can feel drawn towards them is what is causing you to want them, especially if you struggle with emotional vulnerability, or if you find it hard to actually form feelings towards another. This person is (in essence) allowing you to form feelings because their presence/actions reaffirm the same self beliefs you've been dealing with throughout your life.
This type of synastry even becomes more nuanced when the 8th house is involved, oftentimes if you are not aware of your own self inner wounds this type or interplay can cause such chaos. This is especially true if you are choosing someone who wants to use you, or if they have their own inner battles that they ignore. In essence to stay aware of the connection at hand:
Look at them at face value instead at the value that you give them.
Stay aware and acknowledge the fact that their own actions and choices act as a true unit that showcases their true feelings towards you.
Understand that even though you're able to understand or empathize with their struggles doesn't mean you should justify their actions.
The feeling you feel with them is already sitting within you; if that wasn't the case you wouldn't be drawn to them in the first place. Therefore that scarce mindset where you may feel like you need them to allow romance in is only a facade that keeps you at a distance of receiving reciprocal love.
This again is an extreme case but I wanted to make a note.
Another thing I want to note is that with this synastry, you might feel an intense draw toward the other person, as if you’ve known them in a past life (because how could someone create such deep longing within you if that wasn't the case?) This might create the connection to be very thought-provoking, and the longing you experience can manifest instantly in moments when you're not with them; this might lead you to believe that you share a deep, once-in-a-lifetime connection. However, the person you are drawn to may actually be a projection of your own desires for emotional fulfillment, especially if they are an objectively lost soul struggling with personal battles such as addiction or ongoing affairs.
The reason why individuals often state that 12th house and Neptune synastry can indicate past life connections is that this type of synastry evokes similar feelings of longing, wishes, and desires. In my experience with both, I understand why people associate Neptune/12th house synastry with past life connections. However, this synastry often creates a sense of longing while leaving more questions than answers.
With past life connections, you may instantly feel a deep longing for someone you’ve just met—their eyes seem familiar, and their touch feels sacred. In contrast, when Neptune and the 12th house are involved, there’s a crucial difference. Instead of a sense of certainty, there’s more wondering, thinking, analyzing, and fixating. You might convince yourself that you know them by creating intense, otherworldly feelings within you.
In genuine past life connections, there’s an unexplainable, intuitive sense that you’ve met before, without needing proof or logical understanding. You feel deeply connected without questioning it. This is a key difference that more people should recognize. If there are more questions than an immediate intuitive knowing, the likelihood of it being a past life connection is much less.
In summary, the main difference with Neptune/12th house synastry vs past life connections is there's a "without a doubt" mentality that you've known them before. The main reason why theres an association with 12th house synastry and past life connections is because this synastry genuinely mimics the same deep rooted feeling of longing or what if scenario's. This synastry causes you to create feelings within where it'll feel like you two have been together before but that doesn't mean these feelings are rooted in the deep seated knowing of "I've met you before" like true past life connections are like.
(which is why it's very difficult to differentiate and I can understand why but within, you will have moments with them and if out of no where you say "this has happened before" or "it's so easy with you" or if 5 hours feel like 10 minutes, then the chances of them being a part of your past life is more likely; and you can feel this way without even having any intense 12th house synastry with them, you don't have to have 12th house synastry with someone to showcase a past life connection).
That said, there can be times when you may be dealing with 12th house or Neptune synastry and you may consider yourself an open or healthy lover, yet still encounter these themes. You might fall for someone who isn't who they appear to be. Stories like 'We have been dating for two years, and he is an addict' or 'I am engaged, but he has another wife' illustrate this. These examples are extreme, but I believe can occur because this synastry can cloud judgment. That's why it's important to evaluate the relationship at its core rather than relying solely on your perceptions.
If you find yourself dealing with these themes or have dealt with them in the past, it's important to recognize that the other partner may not have any real love for you. This is why the 12th house is often associated with 'hidden enemies.' These individuals may not be hiding their true selves, but in your perception, the person they actually are is someone you haven't been able to see. Or in another sense this individual just held and hid parts of them from you, and because of how clouded this synastry can be, falling victim towards these connections is more likely (but like I always say entire natal charts and who the person is at their core dictates the severity of what can occur within these connections).
Another intriguing pattern in this synastry is the tendency to be drawn to darker themes, often finding yourself attracted to someone who seems in need of saving or fixing. The spiritual connection you feel may arise from a deep longing to help them, as their internal struggles compel you to give endlessly. Their internal struggles causes you to give and give which ultimately keeps you at arms distance within the connection. Especially since they can't formally give you the same love you are giving them, and this stems from the fact a part of you doesn't believe you deserve the type of love you fantasize or long for. That being said, the dreams you have about them or with them, and the coincidences that keep occurring could very well be reflections of the emotional fulfillment you desire, and doesn't paint the fact that you two are "meant to be"
This pattern can also be linked to unrequited love. When this occurs, it mirrors what I’ve mentioned before: you find yourself falling for someone you can't truly have. You become infatuated with the person you imagine them to be, rather than who they actually are. You create scenarios in your mind where you’re together, longing for a connection that has never existed. All of these patterns stem from a fear of embracing reciprocal love.
It feels easier to desire someone rather than have them; it's more comfortable to long for the idea of a partner than to actively choose someone who can choose you in return. Such dynamics are more prevalent when you struggle with emotional closeness and vulnerability. Selecting someone whom you subconsciously know won’t or can’t choose you can feel like a safer option.
I explore this concept further in my original 12th house synastry post, so feel free to check that out for more insights.
The main point of this post is to remain aware of your own wounds, self-undoing patterns, and emotional fears regarding romance. The self-giving nature you choose to engage in can create a block to receiving the kind of love you’re capable of giving to others, often stemming from a fear of being in a reciprocal loving relationship. If you stay aware and offer yourself inner healing then the chances of falling in relationships where these dark themes can occur is less likely.
Note: I believe that if you have strong Pisces placements, 12th house natal placements, or Neptune aspecting your inner planets, as well as a broken attachment style or a tumultuous relationship with your mother, you may be more susceptible to experiencing these dark themes in your reality. If you fear love yet simultaneously long for it, these factors can be significant indicators. Conversely, if you do not have these characteristics, the intensity of such themes is less likely.
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