#like i have no idea if someone saved the pic or screenshotted or even archived it
thesugarhole · 1 year
i always knew from first hand experience and interest in the welcome to the game games that adam was a giant asshole. i dont know if he actually has issues or not (it would unfortunately prove the righteous types of online people that these types of ""disturbed"" games cant be made by ""normal"" people) but im making it explicit now that if he has its not relevant in the slightest to the fact that he is like, just a douche. leagues different from yandev my favorite dev case study sure, but at the same time not that far off (im always saying well at least adam has finished games, then i remember the perpetual limbo of his magnum opus rides with strangers, again not too dissimilar to yansim)
you know, typical douchery like trump hat on twitter, hahaha they hate me cause im trolling im real i dont protect the snowflakes and i dont make easy games if you want easy mode youre getting a pile of shit as an ending (not a direct quote!! its been years!!! i dont remember what he said!! only the vibe of it remained)
i also knew he had a "troll update" to wttg2, but afaik i honest to god thought it was twitch integration and nothing more. at the time i didnt know said integration had mandatory 'ask first' rule, and the troll update was enabled by default.
i recently got a video suggested to me about a guy analyzing if markipliers runs of the game were influenced by adam to be doomed to failure, then talk about what adams update was, then say 'fools! this was the gateway example to talk about the ethics of including such things in games!' which ill admit wasnt really what i clicked the video for but interesting topic nonetheless given what the troll update actually was... a backdoor to edit the game as he saw fit if he felt like it.
THEN i learned he bricked the game of a streamer that had given him copious exposure before because someone asked the streamer what he thought of adam and, like literally everyone else on the planet, the answer was "an asshole".
'im not an asshole! ill prove it by destroying your game in real time! im not an asshole! im not an asshole!' adam shouts as he turns into a pancake
man i dunno. im surprised at mylsef for being surprised hed put a backdoor in the games, given its very inline with both the games subjects and who he is as a person. i was not suprised he used it as petty revenge elon musk style. and im still thinking about the video so thats something. he said he took it out eventually but that was definitely the straw on the camels back for me in terms of ever getting the games to play myself. a true shame, its the type of dumb frustrating fun i tend to enjoy.
as a last somewhat unrelated note adam placing himself as the evil mastermind antagonist in these games that cant be defeated no matter what is also a significant tell of what his personality is like. why not be like sr pelo he got stabbed mid public toilet shit by the villain of the year in last years spooky monthfhhggffdspo sorry.
oh heres the video if theres interest in the contents. i didnt comment on the ethics part of it because i dont have enough experience with it to have a hard stance, but doing such things just to destroy an individual copy of a game over a not very nice comment is a very obvious 'yea dont do that' example.
heres the video heavily referenced in the previous one where the game bricking happens
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arofili · 6 years
legolas or celebrimbor??
celebrimbor doesn’t have a tumblr, he made that shit. he and narvi are @staff.
(well. they were @staff…)
leg …. pre fellowship
their blog url
(or something equally long and horrendously hyphenated and fake poetic)
the kind of posts they reblog
random shit he finds amusing
like, cat pictures and social justice posts from 2013
no theme at all
i would never follow him
the first person they followed
she convinced him to get a tumblr because of the memes
a year later, she regrets this immensely
she matured and has a better blog that she doesn’t even use much
legolas is the exact same.
what kind of theme they’d have
tumblr default theme
what kind of text posts they make at 2am
he will wake up in the middle of the night and post about the dreams he just had, but without any context
“made some chocolate milk with the lady who pulls the sun. tasted like weed. also, that one girl who i thought i had a crush on in 3rd grade was there. awkward.”
“sweating so much!! just ran a marathon with my dad while we were being chased by oliophaunts. the racetrack turned into a river halfway through. we won!!”
he thinks he’s funny
(he’s not.)
leg …… during fellowship
their blog url
he privated his blog for the first part of the journey because he thought it would be safer
after a few weeks he gets bored and starts liveblogging this shit
at that point his url becomes “fellowshipoftheleg”
his blog title is “Eight Idiots And A Gorgeous Elf Save The World”
“Hello! My name is Legolas Greenleaf. I am currently on a quest to save the world. The details are ~secret~ but I needed a place to vent so here we go. My companions are all idiots, except for me. My interests include….”
you know the type of subtitle i’m talking about.
the kind of posts they reblog
he basically stops reblogging and only makes original posts during this period of time
the liveblog
legolas had >300 followers before this, but his posts about his journey start to gain traction
his liveblog is pretty much petty complaints at first
he talks shit about gimli
he cracks “jokes” about boromir
(again. he’s not funny)
he reports on the weird stuff gandalf does
he gushes over the adorable hobbits
(until one day he accidentally bumps into frodo and sam tries to jump him.
he’s a little afraid of them after that.)
he quotes aragorn like there’s no tomorrow
some of these are like, actually deep
most of them sound like stuff from inspirobot
or they’re stupid inside jokes
everyone gets code names, cuz legolas isn’t that stupid
gandalf is “old man”
aragorn is “the bro”
boromir is “angstlord”
the hobbits go through tons of nicknames
“itty bitties”
“curly boys”
tiny monsters
eventually they get their own, but by that point the fellowship has split
gimli is “asshole dwarf”
after a few weeks… he becomes weirdly popular.
his story reads like a trollfic, with stupid plot twists and bizarre anecdotes
this mostly is anecdotes, not the full scope of the quest
he mostly makes text posts, with a few pictures here and there
every now and then he’ll post a snapshot of the fellowship roasting marshmallows
or a selfie of him in lothlorien
or a sneaky pic of him drawing dicks on boromir’s face while he’s asleep
he used to be low-profile, but shit’s gone whack.
he’s gaining hundreds of followers a day
his top post has half a million notes.
he’s a tumblr “cewebrity”
everyone on tumblr thinks this is just a story, not real life
people dig through his old posts looking for clues and foreshadowing
they’re baffled by the dedication the mod of the blog has to building up this “legolas” character
or they’re puzzled by the mod’s decision to turn this shit blog into a dedicated storytelling platform
legolas is bombarded with asks and @ mentions
but like…this bitch don’t actually know how to use this website.
he can make a post and reblog one
but that’s literally it
he’s the kind of blogger who leaves stupid captions on popular posts
he can’t figure out how tags work
he’s never heard of xkit
all his asks go unanswered
he’s only sort of aware of what’s going on
he’s blogging 100% from mobile, which makes it even worse
the Legolas Fandom goes buckwild
there is not enough time in the day to over it all
ship wars.
fan theories.
headcanon drama.
it’s a mess.
and again, legolas has no clue that this is going on.
when he catches feelings for gimli…things get insane.
he writes gushy, cringy, angsty posts about gimli
he posts pics of gimli with flower crowns
he composes bad poetry about gimli
the fan base is infuriated.
they’d all been shipping him with aragorn.
and like, no one in the fellowship has a fucking clue this is happening.
at least, not until they get to 
it’s ironic that Isolated Horseblr User eowyn is the first one to recognize legolas
she finally gets up the courage to ask him about it
“has someone been stealing your selfies, or…?”
he is astonished.
if Leg could, he’d shut down the whole thing
even if eowyn had wanted to help him do that, he’s just in too deep
he’s in this for the long haul.
now, Legolas starts to make shit up.
that’s when his popularity tanks.
he’s getting callouts
he’s everyone’s “problematic fav”
people dig through his blog to find dirt instead of clues
Legolas is more aware of this now, and he pouts for days
then gimli, a Twitter-Only lad, finally sees a masterpost explaining everything
he connects the dots way quicker than anyone else did
and oh fuck.
he’s frantically tweeting–
“wtf do i do??”
“i think i’m the asshole dwarf??”
“but he’s like in love with the asshole dwarf now??”
“oh my god, my crush likes me back??”
“has he been liveblogging EVERYTHING??”
eventually he deletes it all and decides to confront legolas
the leg boy caves under pressure and spills the beans.
they figure their personal shit out
of course, aragorn knew everything all along.
at least, that’s what he says
gimli takes over the liveblog for a day and everyone goes nuts.
together, he and leg decide that they’ve got to end this fake-ish story
even though they don’t know the ending of the real one.
for someone who’s never used it before, gimli picks up tumblr etiquette quickly
and on mobile. that’s a whole nother level of perseverance.
he starts streamlining shit, collecting information, making use of fan masterposts
he ties all the loose ends together
with a little bit of help from legolas to make it suitably weird, they close the story strong with a bang and a kiss.
aragorn finds their version of events…amusing.
after the real dust settles and the news stories about the Real Quest hit the press…
now legolas is a Real Actual Celebrity
his fans new and old start to see…similarities between the two stories
insider info?
no one can decide.
leg ………… post fellowship
their blog url
Legolas has three blogs now.
“fellowshipoftheleg” is kept as an archive. he doesn’t post there anymore.
he has a secret personal blog, “greenwood-gossip”, that he just posts random shit on like before.
and finally he has a Real Life Famous Person Tumblr Blog, “legolasgreenleaf”
the kind of posts they reblog
with the help of gimli and tauriel, he figures out how to actually use this website.
like most celeb blogs this one doesn’t post much
but he does reblog edits of himself and of his friends
every time he’s asked about fellowshipoftheleg he answers that he is not responsible for it and has no idea about it and would you all please stop asking about it.
the first person they followed
aragorn’s new Famous Person account.
this blog is deactivated after two months because he never uses it.
what kind of theme they’d have
something that should be really classy but with awkward shades of green
like, it had potential but again…legolas has a terrible eye for design
what kind of text posts they make at 2am
he doesn’t usually make original posts
but sometimes he’ll complain about gimli’s weird habits
and once - just once - he confessed that he was the one who ran that liveblog all those years ago
he deleted the post an hour later, but there were screenshots.
legolas is the Ultimate Troll.
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