#living weapon whumpee
seth-whumps · 3 days
very specific scene of living weapon whump when, against all orders, they do something soft. they cradle a flower in their palm; they hesitantly pat a small dog on the head; they wipe a tear from a dear one's face. these hands are made for hurting, and gentleness takes so much work. i just love it.
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of-word-and-weapons · 22 hours
Thinking about a living weapon in denial that they were forced to do any of the things they did.
Living weapon- LW
Caretaker- CTR
"Handler didn't force me to kill that man, I chose to."
"What would happen if you refused?" CTR asked. LW didn't answer right away. CTR watched LW swallow subtly and take a shaky breath.
"Why would I refuse?" The slight warble of LW's voice was all the confession CTR needed.
"Do what I say or I'll hurt you isn't a choice. That's coercion."
The idea being that LW holds onto the idea that they had a choice, that they had autonomy in what they were doing. They've accepted that they're a bad person, that they're a villian and reject any notion that they were forced. They want it to be too late for them, they want to be too far gone to be redeemed, because they can't live with what they've done. They can't live with the lives they've ruined and hopefully if they keep going down that self destructive path they won't have to.
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lumpywhump · 2 months
So like... a living weapon on trial. The weapon is no where near healed not at all, hasn't done anything for their self since they were rescued. And weapon facing trial for the acts they committed. The most crucial piece of evidence of why weapon shouldn't be punished are the tapes of their training. When the tapes are being shown, weapon shocks everyone and begins crying.
weapon has barely asked for anything, only things they really need. So when they are on trial, they ask to not be in the room when the tapes are played. When weapon comes back in, their stomach curls at the pitying faces surrounding them. Some people are even crying.
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 6 months
We all know about magical fatigue as a whump trope for magical overuse. Now I raise you: Magical euphoria.
Magic that feels good to use. It leaves the user dizzy and lightheaded, a giddy energy rushing through their entire body. It's enough to leave the most stoic whumpee giggling madly, to make the most obedient soldier go rogue. It's a power that ultimately, inevitably, controls its user.
Mages aren’t trusted to act on their own. They can’t be, not when each spell costs them their sanity. Not when, in a daze of manic joy, they’re just as liable to destroy the enemy as their allies.
And so they need a handler.
Imagine Caretaker in this situation. Forced to watch Whumpee throw themselves into madness, to turn themselves into an unthinking weapon under the demand of some uncaring general. Having to put aside their affection for Whumpee as a person, and analyze them as a tool.
It’s Caretaker who decides when Whumpee is still fit for battle. It’s caretaker who has to look into their dazed and distant eyes, blood dripping into a too wide smile, and decide if Whumpee has anything else to give.
It’s Caretaker who decides when they’re too far gone, when Whumpee needs to stop. And if Whumpee can’t, it’s Caretaker’s job to make them stop. Even if that means using force, even if it means hurting them, because letting them run wild isn’t an option.
And when the battle’s over, when Whumpee is either led or dragged away to the medical wing, Caretaker’s the only one brave enough to tend to their injuries. They wrap bleeding, scorched fingers without a word, the only sound being Whumpee babbling, mad ramblings. Caretaker knows they won’t remember any of this. They still talk to Whumpee anyway, soft, comforting words they hope will bring Whumpee back faster.
And when whumpee’s eyes finally clear, when their body sags with exhaustion they’re just now able to feel, Caretaker feels nothing but grief, because it’ll start all over again tomorrow.
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defire · 11 days
Living weapon PTSD
Content: punishment aftermath, scars
(stoic whumpee vibes)
Sees someone pick up a long thin object, immediately winces and takes a rigid, chin-up posture like a soldier in line
Or (if severely triggered) yanks off their shirt in one fluid motion, turns and faces the wall, bracing their hands against it for support
If they see a weapon they watch it, and whoever has it, like a hawk
Trying to figure out who's in charge no matter what situation they're in. Using a formal tone with them even if they're TRYING to just be normal
Tensing up around people that act/speak like whumper. They don't want to embarrass themselves by flinching every five seconds so they're just going to flex every muscle until they are gone.
Self aware of their stiff posture. Sitting down and forcing themselves to relax into a couch and put on a fake smile
Caretaker seeing their scars and covering their mouth.
In that event, whumpee flushing and covering them because they're still ashamed of "earning" the punishments that left those marks
Or if they're from combat, smiling and telling the story proudly because they made their owner proud that day and they weren't punished
Trying to explain what happened and then suddenly going quiet
Answering questions like they're being interrogated by a superior
Refusing to speak because they're flashing back to a time they were interrogated in an enemy compound
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distracted-obsessions · 5 months
Living Weapon Whumpee having a bad day after one of the missions and finding the team they're assigned to sitting around and playing cards. Whumpee getting down on their knees next to one of the team members and hesitantly resting their head against the team member's thigh. Whumpee silently begging to be pet like a dog or at least just allowed to say here because they just haven't positive, non-painful human contact in years and they're just... cold.
Bonus points if they choose the member of the team that hates them the worst because that's the one they feel the biggest need to please.
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loonybun · 24 days
living weapon who’s never been treated as anything other than an object and has never been shown a drop of sympathy or compassion suddenly falling into the hands of a carewhumper. they’re given privileges, comfort, affection.
…and it is the most uncomfortable they’ve ever felt in their entire life. this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. this isn’t what they were made for.
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whump-in-the-closet · 1 month
when a living weapon whumpee only takes orders from ONE person. They’ve been conditioned to ignore everyone else’s orders. This means that after rescue, the team can barely get whumpee to drink or allow them bandage their injuries. One of the teammates manages to imitate whumpee’s handler by deepening their voice.
They stay out of whumpee’s line of sight, standing behind their hospital bed. “Drink this,” they snap, hating how they have to command this broad-shouldered ghost of a person. Without their armor, without their mask, whumpee looks like a wraith. There’s nothing behind their eyes. They play with the hospital blanket with twitching hands that have strangled and maimed.
When whumpee hears the order they stiffen to attention and take the cup offered with those still-shaking hands. But the cup slips through their fingers and lands in a puddle on the tiles.
They immediately tense up, shoulder blades flung so far back they touch. Their breathing quickens, waiting.
But nothing happens.
They give whumpee a new glass of cold water. This time, they lift the cup to whumpee’s lips and hold it steady, with one hand behind their head for support.
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floral-comet-whump · 1 month
I love living weapon whump where whumpee is so conditioned they genuinely view themself as an emotionless tool BUT consider living weapon whumpee who is lying about it. they refuse to give up and be nothing but a mere object to whumper, but they're also aware of their own powerlessness, so they act how others want. they follow protocol, they're efficient, they use "sir/ma'am" for everyone.
all while internally seething, running on nothing but pure hate. one day, they'll kill whumper. one day, they'll be free. but that day is not today, and they're not in a position to be pushing their luck.
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the-bar-sinister · 3 months
I go feral for characters who were deprived of comfort and affection emotionally imprinting on inanimate objects. Especially when those objects are weapons.
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sufrimientilia · 2 months
characters that become the whumpee for being the strongest one
the contrast of the strongest character being taken down to nothing. stoic characters shaking and gasping in a way that’s so unlike them, fighters left limp and lifeless when they’re needed most
characters who are always on the front line, the point man to every operation, taking down all the threats and enemies and generally the best at what they do until missions go wrong and the team has to scramble to the rescue
living weapons always getting beaten, shot, stabbed. so used to bruises and scrapes and violence until something serious really takes them down, forces them to rely on the help of others or suffer alone with only scraps of help from their handler(s)
the protector gets taken out and the other character(s) have to step up, save them, devise an escape plan while much more vulnerable and disadvantaged without their fighter in commission
caretakers that can barely drag whumpee around, much less carry them. whumpee bleeding out as caretaker desperately heaves their dead weight, blood smearing all over tile, slurred pleas to just leave them behind ignored
begging for whumpee to stay awake while pressing slack and bloody fingers around the hilt of a gun
“Please wake up. Wake up. I need you.”
the strongest character worked to the absolute brink, so drained after all the grueling back to back missions they eventually just collapse
fighter character forced into the ring at the whim of some villain or to save the rest of the team. winning round after round but never given any water, never given the chance to take a break. eventually every punch comes sloppy and misplaced, footing uncoordinated, until finally one hit makes them go down and they don’t come up again
fighting while injured, having no other choice but to protect other character(s) while bleeding all over the place, barely able to lift a gun or reduced to just throwing around the weight of their own body with the blind sheer instinct to survive
the strongest characters feeling like they should be last in line for medical treatment, presumed to be okay when really they're always taking the worst or bleeding out from a hidden wound
the greatest threat treated the harshest by captors. characters so dangerous they’re the first one taken down, drugged or hit the hardest, searched and restrained much more thoroughly than the others
characters whose only role is being the fighter/protector, which makes them expendable and first on the chopping block when the whole team is captured
alternatively, fighter character is whisked off to be used for nefarious purposes while the rest of the team is collateral. forced to commit massacres or countless crimes until they come back injured and the captors refuse any sort of care
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solar-eclippse · 7 months
Oh, to love a living weapon. A being whose entire identity centers around violence, who finds far too much comfort in being an attack dog, a source of hurt, because embracing violence means they have SOME form of agency. Oh, to love someone who has been broken down for years upon years, until they're more scar than skin. And maybe they don't want to heal. Maybe they don't know how. Maybe they adore their abuser too much to even consider breaking away from them. They have always known that they're something dangerous, and they have finally found someone who is happy to make use of their violence. They're more than willing to be broken down, in exchange for finding a place to belong.
Oh, to love a living weapon. To love a monster, an attack dog. They're kneeling at your feet, and their grin is hesitant, their fingers shaking, because they only ever want to be loved. If you don't provide that affection, they might just fall apart.
You wash the blood off their hands. Whatever messed up dynamic goes on between them and their handler isn't any of your business. You're the one who takes care of them afterwards.
Oh, to love a living weapon. Oh, to kiss their cuts and bruises.
You embrace them for what they are - not despite of it.
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snakebites-and-ink · 5 months
Idea I've been rotating in my brain nonstop lately is a living weapon and their handler having like a weirdly loving relationship.
Affectionately cuddling but never losing sight of the understanding that orders matter more than wants. Gently tending to their wounds and cleaning them after a battle/mission/etc. but never acknowledging that they might be a person. It's obvious they both care about each other a lot but the handler still calls the weapon "it" and the weapon still calls the handler "sir." Do you see my vision
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lumpywhump · 1 month
I love the concept of people playing with their weapons. Someone tossing and catching a dagger. Someone with a gun clicking the safety on and off or twirling it on their finger. A sword/bat user pretending their weapon is a baton and treating it as such. There's just something so interesting when people treat their weapons with such casualness and lack of caution because they know they wont hurt themself.
...now apply this to a living weapon whumpee. Handler purposely riles weapon up, just for some fun. Handler sparing with their weapon. Handler making weapon entertain them.
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whump-place · 5 months
Living weapon whumpee that is actually treated like a weapon.
After their conditioning they don't get hurt anymore. After all, you wouldn't mistreat a precious weapon that does anything you say, and that you've worked too hard on make, right?
They get dressed in the most expensive silks while not in use, caged in a special cell just for them.
But still, they don't get to forget their place.
They are grabbed, and shown off in front of strangers to show their strength. Treated like a luxury object.
After all, under all that luxury there's nothing but a weapon. The owner can choose to treat their property however they want.
It's not like that thing can feel, after all.
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defire · 13 days
Whumpee tropes with their own perfect method of torture...
Submissive whumpees--getting confused about what their master wants them to do, and now terrified of punishment
Stoic whumpees--getting worn down by repetitive, relentless abuse until they crack and let out a sob... And then they just crumble
Defiant whumpees--being slapping/beaten for speaking, gagged or muzzled, tied up, left in stress positions until they beg
Living weapon whumpees--beaten for failing a mission, and also, being tortured by an enemy group for their owners' secrets
I think the key is an inner conflict (between their personality and what they want) when deciding how to respond under immense pressure.
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