#whump community
bebx · 1 day
"undoing this character's death would take away his sacrifice and character arc" girl I don't give a shit. I'm bringing him back through the power of ao3 fix-it fics and there's nothing you can do to stop me x
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whumpster-dumpster · 3 days
And on that note, I'm of the opinion that "whumpee" is no weirder a word than the normalized "blorbo", "scrimblo" or "scrunkly", but the non-whump community isn't ready for that point
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The Small Moments
its the small moments in whump for me, those glimpses right before and after your character loses it all in no chronological order
-- the hitched breath after a blow to the face
-- the sound of footsteps in the hallway, and the flinching when the door opens
-- the soft sound, more animal than human, when whumpee pulls a blood-drenched hand away from their side
-- caretaker leaning over whumpee, whispering assurances that they cant keep
-- when the curses catch in whumpee's throat and all they can manage is a strangled, don't...please
-- when whumpee stumbles and clings to the doorway. better when they look up and meet caretaker's eyes. The slow, dreaded realization. caretaker lunges forward, but not in time to catch whumpee
-- when whumpee's head hits the tiles with a thud
-- the panic they swallow down when they see Whumper for the first time
-- the added details of used knives, splattered with dried blood, faded from crimson to rusty brown
-- the dead, hollowed-out light in whumpee's eyes after they're rescued
-- coughing that turns into whumpee doubling over, and desperately, so desperately trying to hide the fact they coughed up blood
-- a still hand, palm up on the floor, and no semblance of consciousness. The pool of blood around them is growing
-- caretaker pausing-- oh. oh god-- when they rush through the door to rescue whumpee, their eyes widening and stomach dropping, before cutting whumpee down from their restraints
-- Whumper tracing whumpee's jaw with the tip of their finger. "Now, isn't this nice."
-- When Whumper kicks Whumpee when they're already down and all Whumpee can manage is a small curse.
-- When Whumper yanks Whumpee's head up by their hair and Whumpee has to squint because of the sudden, sharp light
-- whumpee clutching a sink for a long moment before turning on the faucet and splashing water in their face to hide the fact they've been crying
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thefirelily0518 · 2 days
Weapon Prompt 5
Could be a bullwhip, the type that leaves the festering scars and feels like fire in a weapons.
Imagine a previously defiant Whumpee breaking after just one or two hits
Imagine having to count each whip or else the punishment will start again. If you miss one, all the previous count for nothing out of the 50.
Imagine the after care, if Whumpee has a good caretaker they will gingerly apply cream and ailments to the wound trying the ease Whumpee’s pain.
More likely than not, they don’t. So Whumper could allow the wounds to heal and then reopen them with a knife, pour alcohol into the wounds or even add a ridiculous amount of salt into it. This inflaming the wound sight.
They could even see the wounds back up with the salt still in them, making a horrible scar. Once this is done they could always whip Whumpee again in the exact same places and start the process over again.
Perhaps Whumper does this to immobilize them, whipping Whumpee’s feet after a fail escape attempt so they will have to be carried bridal still everywhere or better yet crawl.
Whumper could use this as a way to mark whumpee, shilling initials, sign or symbols over whimper’s back or chest so they know who they belong too.
The possibilities are endless when it comes to whump.
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kabie-whump · 2 days
okay which one of y’all’s gayboy pet whumpees decided to come into my place of work and force me to make a rainbow cake with the message “Happy Pride Master!” on it
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the-bar-sinister · 1 day
Whumpee lying flat on their back, staring straight up with an increasingly vacant look in their eyes.
Recovering whumpee laying flat on their back, staring up vacantly up as they numbly relive the details of their experiences.
Bleeding whumpee laying flat on their back, staring vacantly up as they feel themselves losing more and more blood.
Beaten whumpee laying flat on their back, staring vacantly upwards as they realize that it's useless to try to keep going or fight back now.
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rainysflowers · 3 days
CW/TW: Asking for Pain, Implied Self-Harm [KIND OF]
"I just don't understand." Whumpee mumbles the sentence, voice nigh inadible from where it springs, but catches Caretaker's attention none-the-less. Whumpee's head raises a bit, blank gaze no longer glued to the floor but instead then unknowable distance. "I wish you would hurt me."
Caretaker's lips flatten into a long line, brows furrowing and forehead flattening, hand twitching at aer side, unsure if ae should offer comfort by touch or not.
This isn't the first time Whumpee had expressed an interest in being abused for a reason that Caretaker couldn't even come close to fathoming, and ae knew that it wouldn't be the last, yet even so the whole thing makes ae sick to aer stomach. To be fair, what else were you supposed to feel when your best friend kept begging you to punish them?
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shywhumpauthor · 3 days
Golden Apprentice
We’re going to pretend I posted this yesterday, okay? And I know it’s terrible I’m sorry. I couldn’t think of a better title.
Cw: violence, restraints, manhandling, threats
A fist wound in the front of Sidekick’s uniform, slamming them back against the alleyway wall with enough force to knock the air from their lungs. Uneven edges of bricks clawed at their back, latching onto the fabric of their jacket like thorns.
Sidekick gasped, but they didn’t have a moment to draw in a breath before a fist struck their jaw, snapping their head to the side. Fire exploded along their face, radiating along their mouth and jolting up their cheek, painful enough to make their eyes water.
They brought their knee up in a barely formed defense, feeling like they were fighting a force a hundred times stronger than gravity. They met nothing but air.
The hand bunched in their uniform ripped them away from the wall before their leg could find purchase, throwing them against the ground. Gravel scraped their chin as Sidekick scrambled to catch themself, sparks of pain igniting across their palms as the rough ground embedded in their palms. Words caught in their throat, half-formed and trapped as they choked out only a strained wheeze in protest. They had barely gotten their hands beneath them, bracing to stumble to their feet when a strong pressure on their back shoved them back to the ground.
“So this is Hero’s golden apprentice? The agency’s shiny new star?” A crude voice laughed, as rough as the pavement beneath them as the pressure on Sidekick’s back increased. Their assailant leaned forwards, shifting more weight to the boot planted just below Sidekick’s shoulder blades, and scoffed, their voice dripping with mockery and amusement. “The best and brightest? The promising new rookie?”
“Ff- ‘uck,” Sidekick grit through clenched teeth, blinking hard against the crackling pain that sparked through their skull. One arm was trapped beneath them, pinned awkwardly under their body and strained with the suppressing weight. With the other they made a grab for the sheath strapped to their hip, arm barely managing to move before their attacker’s other foot drew forwards, settling heavily to block their attempt.
The pressure on their back released, but Sidekick didn’t have a moment to act before a heavy weight by dropped on their lower back, knee digging hard into their spine. A hand grabbed onto the back collar of their uniform, dragging their torso up as so their assailant could grab their trapped arm. Nails bit into Sidekick’s wrist as their arm was twisted behind them, drawing a sharp hiss as they felt the muscles in their shoulder strain.
The hand released their jacket, moving to wrench their other arm back. Cold metal pressed against the back of their wrist, snapping painfully secure before the metal snared their other arm, securing their wrists crossed behind their back with a sharp tug.
“Shh’t- stop,” Sidekick spat, pink tinted saliva dripping from the corner of their mouth. In response, their attacker only forced the cuffs tighter, leaving Sidekick to wince as the metal bit into their wrists.
“You’d really gotten my hopes up, I hate to admit. Usually I’m better planned,” they sighed, exaggerated disappointment lacing their tone. “After I saw your fight with OtherVillain on the news, I just couldn’t wait to meet you. It just seemed so promising.”
Sidekick squirmed, staggering an inhale as they tried to fight the fog clouding their thoughts from the various hits. They were better than this, they had never lost a fight like they just had. They always fought smart, training with the academy or sparring with Hero, and when they lost, however rare, it was always a strong loss.
This could barely be considered a fight, rather a straight assault. Sidekick was tired, a rough scuff with Henchman had left them dappled with bruises and scrapes, worn muscles that protested with every move. It had been a long fight, and despite Sidekick’s eventual triumph, they were tired and aching. All they had been trying to do was return to Hero’s home, to take a hot shower and wash away the dirt that smudged their skin before settling for a long sleep in their own bed. The thought had snared their mind the moment they watched Henchman be loaded into the back of an agency transport van. It was evening, the last scarlet streaks of sunset were disappearing over the crests of the tall buildings, but the city was still settling into night, and they hadn’t wanted to deal with the publicity on the streets. So they took a back route, cut through a few neighborhoods down alleys and cracked sidewalks. They had let their guard down, stupidly allowed themself to delve into the daydream of a warm bowl of soup and ibuprofen, listening to Hero’s voice hum through their communicator.
They had been attacked from behind, their legs kicked out from beneath them. It had all happened so fast, their hasty flail of defense barely holding a few seconds before they were overpowered. The ear piece was ripped from their ear, crushed at some point during the short skirmish.
The pressure lifted off of them for a moment, rough hands twisting them onto their back before a knee planted hard against their abdomen.
Cold eyes stared down at them, the faint streetlights reflecting against their glare with gleaming, predatory flickers.
Sidekick had known it was a villain even without seeing their assailant’s face. No civilian would be foolish enough to try to attack anyone wearing an agency uniform, especially not one who had been featured across the media in recent weeks as a promising new hero.
Now, with that piercing gaze striking them like a knife, their stomach twisted. They were sure Supervillain could feel the drop of their heart, their lips curling into a smirk as Sidekick’s eyes locked wide.
“I wonder what the Agency would do to get you back. What Hero would do,” Supervillain mused out loud. “Their treasured little trainee. I’ve seen all of the interviews, the way they talk about you. They’re always so proud, they adore you.”
Sidekick’s chest tightened as Supervillain spoke, feeling the sparks of fear creep into their throat, burning away any words into ask.
“I don’t know how much Hero’s told you about me, but I have to assume it hasn’t been much. You see, Hero and I go way back,” Supervillain brought a hand up, letting their fingers draw over the red blotch swelling on Sidekick’s jaw, the beginnings of a nasty bruise. “There’s been a few favors I’ve needed them to do for me, but they’ve never had any incentive,”
Sidekick winced as Supervillain grabbed their chin, a wisp of touch turning into a throbbing grasp in a moment.
“You, however,” Supervillain’s lips curled back, expression caught somewhere between a grin and a snarl. “You will change all of that.”
Supervillain released their jaw, shifting off of them and grabbing Sidekick by the collar of their jacket, hauling them up as they stood. Supervillain’s grip quickly moved to the back of their neck, fingertips digging into Sidekick’s skin.
“I really hope you aren’t this boring all of the time. That would make things much less fun for me and much more painful for you.”
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diaz911 · 3 days
Heads up whump community, new reaction image just dropped.
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mj-iza-writer · 20 hours
Whumpee jolted awake from a nightmare. They held their hand over their mouth to quiet the sobs.
As quietly as they could, they slid from their bed and opened their bedroom door. Whumpee looked up and down the hall. They wanted to make sure THAT PERSON wasn't their.
Whumpee then tiptoed to Caretaker's bedroom and peaked in.
Caretaker was snoring away. Whumpee sighed quietly, thankful they were safe. They glanced around the room.
'Everything looks safe', Whumpee thought to themself.
They noticed a chair sitting in the corner of Caretaker's room.
Whumpee glanced at Caretaker again before coming into their room and sneaking to the chair.
Caretaker opened their eyes to what they thought was someone moving around in their room.
They reached up and clicked on their lamp.
"Whumpee? What are you doing in here?", Caretaker sat up and yawned.
Whumpee had cuddled their knees to their chest and was resting their chin on their knees.
"I had a nightmare, and I wanted to check on you", Whumpee lifted their head, "I didn't want to be alone, and to leave you alone."
Caretaker tiredly rubbed their face, "aww Whumpee I'm sorry, are you okay? Have you been in here long?"
"A few minutes. I'm okay, I dreamt about that person again", Whumpee looked down, "do you want me to go back to my room?"
"If you don't want to be alone, then you don't have to", Caretaker watched them, "but you need sleep. That chair will be very uncomfortable."
"I'm okay Caretaker, I've slept in worse positions", Whumpee sighed.
"Nonsense, this bed is big enough for the both of us", Caretaker looked up questioningly, "if you are okay with that, at least."
"Are you sure?", Whumpee looked at the bed nervously.
"Yes its fine", Caretaker lifted up the blanket, "the covers are warm."
Whumpee got up quickly and walked to the bed.
Caretaker lifted the blanket a little farther to let Whumpee in then tucked the blanket around them.
After that Caretaker reached and clicked the lamp off again.
"Thankyou Caretaker, I'm sorry for waking you up though", Whumpee settled in comfortably.
"You're okay Whumpee. I'd rather know when something has bothered you, then leave you by yourself with it", Caretaker rubbed Whumpee's face and booped their nose, "that's why I'm here."
Whumpee nodded, "thankyou", they whispered.
"You're welcome", Caretaker chuckled, "now let's get some sleep."
"Okay", Whumpee whispered.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst
@generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee
@expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee @candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers @starfields08000 @a-living-canvas @lumpofsand
@watermeezer @indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains @3-2-whump @risk606
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a-living-canvas · 3 days
CW : Nonverbal Whumpee
"Behave yourself, Whumpee."
Whumper said before leaving Whumpee alone with his henchman. Whumpee just nodded, looking at Henchman with hopeful eyes. Wishing that he wouldn't treat them like Whumper did.
"What is it, little one?"
Henchman asked, chuckling softly as he ruffled Whumpee's hair. Whumpee just smiled, feeling a bit better with him. Maybe if they were being really nice to Henchman, he would help them get away from Whumper? Whumpee could tell they were a nice person. 
Henchman crouched down in front of them, tugging their lips opened with his thumb. He shook his head in sympathy. "He really did cut your tongue, huh?"
Whumpee nodded, watching Henchman stand up straight again. "Poor kiddo. Do you want to eat? Or do you want to take a nap?"
Whumpee reached for their pen and paper, scribbling down their answer. 
I have eaten with my Master earlier. He never let me take a nap, though.
Henchman chuckled. "Don't worry, kiddo. You can take a nap as long as you want." 
Whumpee beamed up as they followed Henchman to Whumper's bedroom. He tucked them in and ruffled their hair for the last time before walking out of the room. Whumpee curled up in the blanket as their eyes drooping low, drifting them off to their slumber.
"Whumpee, little one, wake up…"
Henchman gently shook Whumpee's shoulder, watching as they stirred up from their sleep. Whumpee looked at Henchman in confusion but before they could say anything, Henchman pulled the blanket off of them, signalling them to get up.
Whumpee just obeyed, still in their drowsy state as they rubbed their sleepy eyes. Henchman brought them to the one corner in the house, where they could see Whumper's ceramic vase. Specifically a gift from his mother.
Henchman pushed Whumpee's forward, looking at them with a stern expression. "Break the vase."
He ordered and Whumpee could feel blood drained from their faces. They quickly shook their heads, not wanting to be punished by Whumper.
Henchman crossed his arms. "Do it, now."
Whumpee backed away, making Henchman got furious as he pushed them again roughly and took their hands from behind. He guided their fingers to grab the vase and Whumpee instantly let out incoherent mumbles with their desperate voice. 
Henchman squeezed their hands tightly. "Stop saying nonsense and break the vase!"
Whumpee shook their heads repeatedly, tears were streaming down their faces. When they finally grabbed the vase, Henchman pulled them to step back a little, positioning the vase to be directly above the floor. Henchman gripped their shoulders, not allowing them to move.
"Let it go."
He ordered. Whumpee was doing their best to hold the vase, to prevent it from falling. But they were sweating bullets, their palms felt slippery against the ceramic surface.
Please don't let me do this, please don't let me do this, please don't let me do this
They couldn't do it anymore. The vase finally slipping away from their hands and crashed to the floor in a thousand pieces. Whumpee's sobbing got louder. They were so afraid of what would happen if Whumper found out.
Henchman was just smirking down at them. He leaned in closer and reassured them in mock-sympathy.
"Aww, look at what you've done. Whumper would be sooo mad at you…!"
Henchman laughed loudly, leaving Whumpee alone as they stared at the remaining pieces of the vase.
Whumpee wrote down their apology letter to Whumper, telling him that Henchman was the one who forced them to break the vase. They hoped Whumper would understand and believe them. They just needed to greet Whumper first before Henchman did. They would make sure Henchman got what he deserved.
As they were busy with their letter, Henchman put down a glass of milk on the table. A look of betrayal was clear on Whumpee's face as they looked up at Henchman.
But Henchman just feigned innocence, pushing the milk towards them. "Drink it. You must be thirsty after all that crying." He chuckled.
Whumpee pondered for a moment. They did feel thirsty, and it's been such a long time since Whumper gave them sweet drinks. Whumpee wrapped their fingers around the glass and slowly lifting it up to drink the milk. Henchman left the room and Whumpee continued doing their work. 
They kept writing and writing until they suddenly yawned, feeling awfully sleepy. They tried rubbing their eyes but they just kept nodding off on their seats. 
Whumpee rested their heads on the table, closing their eyes to sleep for a few minutes.
Whumpee jolted awake as they heard a sound of the door being slammed. They saw Whumper on the doorway, eyes full with rage glaring down at them. Whumpee's eyes widened, scared of seeing Whumper like that when they saw Henchman stood behind him, smiling devilishly.
Oh no, he did not—
Whumpee panicked, searching for their apology letter when suddenly Whumper grabbed a fistful of their hair, rising them to stand on their feet. With gritted teeth, Whumper spat out. "Henchman told me everything."
Whumpee could hear the sound of their heart beating so loudly to the point it hurts. To the point everything was hurting so much they barely could function anymore.
They tried to speak, desperately trying even though it came out as whimpers and whines. Whumper sighed in frustration, dragging them by their hair as their body slid across the floor to the basement.
"I told you again and again, don't touch that vase!"
Whumper unlocked the basement door, throwing Whumpee in and walked slowly towards them who immediately scurried away to the wall. He narrowed his eyes at them before grabbing one of his tools. "Give me those naughty hands."
Whumpee's eyes widened and they immediately hid their hands behind their back. Their fingers trembling and they silently pleading that Whumper would have some mercy on them.
Whumper frowned, taking a step closer that made Whumpee flinched. "If you don't obey, I will cut off your legs too."
Whumpee got more scared and panicked hearing that. They held out their hands slowly and hesitantly to Whumper. Whumper sighed softly, rubbing their tears with his thumbs.
"This will teach you a lesson."
@nothing-but-glitter-and-lashes @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees
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WPP Cover Art!
Since whump is a pretty new genre, there aren't yet conventions for what whump covers should look like. So we want to hear what the community thinks!
Do you prefer cover art that is explicitly whumpy (so it includes things like blood, bruises, chains, etc.) or do you prefer covers to be more discreet? We've done both here at WPP, with Hurt and Comfort having a whumpy cover and Once Upon a Blade being discreet (see below)
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Thank you for your assistance! Please reblog for a bigger sample size.
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defire · 2 days
Subtler forms of defiance:
Refusing to react to abuse OR kindness
Pretending they don't understand to delay the whumping
Allowing whumper to make a whole monologue and then just "...nah"
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just-a-scratch-man · 22 hours
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Angels of Death 01 x 04
Isaac gets electrocuted
+Bonus Isaac screaming in pain
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whumpback-wail · 3 days
"I like male whumpees"
"I like lady whumpees"
Okay but self insert whumpees? Anyone?
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whumperofworlds · 2 days
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