#logan sargent
sainzofthetimez · 2 months
Why are people confused as to why the Williams cars are struggling?? They’re being held together with duct tape, spit, prayers, and the last bit of James Vowles’ dignity. Like let’s not be shocked they’re shit let’s be grateful they’re fucking running
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ynbabe · 2 months
LOGAN FIC REQ!! (i love your messages au smmm btw THEYRE SO GOOD AHH) ok anywayssss
can you pls do logan x super super famous!reader.(preferably an actress but i don't mind any) so both of them are dating but are trying to keep it a secret since they've only been dating for a short amount of time. one night they decide to go on a date but paparazzi was there and it was going VIRAL. reader regrets not double checking if there would be any paps. sooo then everyone starts investigating on logan as the internet does and since everyone doesn't watch f1, they only see logan crashing and blah blah blah so they see him as a "bad driver" and he starts getting A LOT of hate because people think reader deserves better. they also start comparing him to reader's "more better and famous ex". reader and logan take time off social media and people think they broke up until reader releases an instagram post defending him and yeah a lot of fluff and hurt/comfort.
idk if this made sense but pls feel free to change anything!! again i love your work sm 💕‼️
Hiiii, omg thank you so much! Love love LOVE the fic idea and without any further ado- here's the fic, it isn't exactly as the prompt but I hope you love it-
Keep my wife's name OUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH ୨୧ Logan Sargeant x famous! reader
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As a celebrity, you don’t often have the privilege of privacy. The cameras seemed to follow you everywhere, from outside your house to the restaurants you ate at and even to private celebrations with your friends and family.
Your last relationship had gone south exactly because of the paparazzi, making assumptions about the seriousness of your relationship and even spreading pregnancy and marriage rumours, scaring the man away.
You had wanted to take it slow, heart broken from your previous relationship but then you met Logan and for the first time in a long time you felt like you could breath, like you could do what you wanted without being judged.
You knew who he was and he knew who you were and that was perfect.
The both of you had spent a perfect week in your villa in Bali, it had been risky but no one caught on, surprisingly.
You thought your luck would continue and you threw causation to the wind, not asking your assistant to check for paparazzi at the sushi restaurant you were going to in Shanghai.
Unfortunately, you were caught just as you were leaving the restaurants waking up to a host of notifications, some good and some gut-wrenching.
Logan on the other hand tried not to throw up, his eyes wide, you could tell he was scared. Would his team drop him? No, no. Why would they? Right? Oh God.
"Logan, Logs, baby are you okay?" You called out, dropping to your knees and cradling his face in your palms.
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f1waglife Y/n nation how are we feeling tonight? Logang? How are we? This was definitely not the couple we expected but is this the couple we deserve?
Username Y/n come home the kids miss you
Username Omg mans is in love
Username Get someone to look at you the way Logan looks at Y/n
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You saw some of the comments and while some made you smile, some made you want to slap a bitch, unfortunately, a scandal would not help, so you called up your PR manager, and the post was gone within a minute.
Logan's race had gone sour, with him getting an unfair penalty and points on his licence. The already poor start to your day had turned even worse when you saw Logan tiredly storm into the room collapsing on the bed, burying his face in his pillow.
"What... the..... fuck?" He screamed into the pillow making you smile a little. The small habit he'd picked up from you, screaming into the pillows as a way to think, one that you had picked up from one of the characters you played a long time ago.
"Why do people even care about who's dating who? That's so stupid." He rolled his eyes.
"Don't we binge Keeping Up with the Kardashians every Monday?" You asked.
"That's not the same though-" He paused and switched his phone off, he already didn't have access to his own Instagram, having given access to his manager a long time ago, he now didn't even want to talk to his friends or colleagues many of whom just wanted an autograph from you along with an explanation how he could be with you.
He turned around, pulling the blanket on him, tired from the day.
You pulled up Twitter as a habit but were greeted with a terrible chain of tweets judging every aspect of your relationship and even worse criticizing Logan without even knowing anything about the sport.
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"What the fuck-" You cursed out loud, you knew your fanbase was slightly (an underestimation) larger than your boyfriends but how could they call themselves your fans, when you have been a fan of Logan's since his first season in f1? All your co-stars American or not knew your borderline obsession for the man, every race week you'd be posting Williams on your story, how could they still hate on him?
You looked next to you, where your boyfriend was sleeping a small scowl on his pretty face.
PR be damned, he didn't deserve this.
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y/nl/nofficial To anyone who calls themselves my fans and talks shit about my lovely boyfriend, UNFOLLOW ME ASAP. Logan is the kindest, sweetest, most talented man I've had the pleasure to know and he deserves better than the bullshit he gets from some assholes who don't know anything about him. To quote my friend Will: KEEP MY WIFES NAME OUT YOUR DAMN MOUTHS-
username oop sis snapped
username you tell em girl
username LOVE a gf whos rabidly in love with her bf
username now why would y'all try and shame Mother's boyfriend when all she does is post about him for race weekends??
username fr shes been a logan fan before logan fans have been logan fans
Williams We stan a protective gf 😮‍💨
username admin you'll always be famous y/nl/nofficial Cant help it he looks really pretty in blue 🥰 username oh she in love love
username shall we start calling him Father?
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The way I was struggling to write this fic cause I had to write bad things about Pookie Bear Logie is insane. But- I hope yall like it, please do let me know in the comments or reblogs!!!
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loganshouseofworship · 2 months
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Pink tulips a symbol of friendship — Logan Sargent x platonic!reader
Tagged — @amatswimming @bblouifford @disneyprincemuke @faithshouseofchaos @faithsotherhouseofchaos
Logan knew that you were having a tough week and as one of your longest-standing friends, he took it upon himself to make you feel better. On the way to your apartment, Logan stopped by the store and picked up some of your favorite snacks, ice cream, and drinks and continued with his mission.
Halfway through his journey to your apartment, he made one stop it wasn’t planned but he saw the florist stand from the corner of his eye and thought fuck it.
Looking at the selection of flowers his eyes saw a pretty Bouquet of pink tulips. Logan remembered you saying that tulips were a symbol of friendship.
“I would like these,” Logan said, picking out the pink tulips and handing the florist the money.
“Great choice,” the florist said. And with that Logan was back on track.
Once at your place, Logan knocked firmly on your apartment door. Hearing your footsteps making their way down the stairs, he grew a smile and waited. Once the door opened he extended both hands with the bouquet in one and the takeout bag in the other.
“Hey, you.”
He smirked softly seeing you, hoping that maybe this would cheer you up at least a bit.
“Hi.” You said letting Logan in your apartment
"I brought you flowers," Logan said smiling
"for what?" You asked confused
"There has to be a reason?" Logan questioned.
“You didn't have to do this.” You said taking the flowers from him to admire them.
“I know I didn’t but I wanted to.” Logan replied, handing over the shopping bag “I also brought you some of your favorite food and drinks, and also grabbed an ice cream for myself.”
He had grabbed enough to feed both of you, he figured that after what you’ve been through, you didn’t deserve to eat alone.
“I figured a fun night would help, maybe watching a funny movie.” He said smiling, waiting for you to step aside so he could come in.
“The tulips were specially for you.” He laughed “I mean I don’t know who else these are for.” He chuckled again, “Besides I figured, I could just use them as an excuse to see you.” His smirk grew to a grin “Plus I figured you probably need some cheering up, I know I’ve been a while so no hard feelings if you tell me to leave.”
“No, of course not.” You replied, your face growing a warm smile at how thoughtful your best friend was.
“You’re truly something,” you said hugging him tightly
“I’ll grab some plates and stuff.” Logan replied, breaking the hug as he took it as a sign to start getting everything ready. “You just go ahead and sit down.”
He gave you a gentle push toward the table, you did as asked and then sat down.
Logan went over to the kitchen area, placing the plates and napkins on the table as he started setting up all the food. It looked quite extravagant, especially for just the two of you.
Once everything was done, he poured two glasses of the wine he had bought, before he sat down opposite you.
“To friends.” He looked at you as he brought the glass up to his lips and took a sip. “To better days.”
The two of you had a wonderful night, a night that was full of laughter and banter. It had even helped lift the depressing mood you’d been in. A smile had been permanent on your face ever since the moment Logan walked through the door, with his thoughtful gifts. He truly was a good friend.
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j-emini · 9 months
i think it's clear that every driver was effected by the conditions of this race but to underline the severity of this issue here's a list of how each one was effected:
sargent - retired, likely due to dehydration or other adverse health issues from the heat.
alonso - reported his seat burning him.
ocon - threw up in his helmet only 15 laps in.
stroll - nearly passed out during the race and after getting out the car.
albon - needed assistance to get out of his car.
(edit) russell - reported he nearly passed out twice whilst driving.
(edit) leclerc - reported being close to passing out multiple times whilst driving.
and that's not including any of the drivers who just appeared plain exhausted (understandably). what does it take to get the fia to give a fuck about the health of it's athletes? because if this isn't going to do it then that's beyond appalling, it's borderline abusive.
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pit-2-podium · 2 months
james vowles really spent the entire principals meeting going: please stop asking me questions I don't know the answer to, you want to know what i know? read the news, because that's how I know literally anything. and the fun, no, i don't think im going to replace my experienced f1 driver with a kid who like five months ago was racing in f4 are you insane?
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leclercskiesahead · 9 months
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The grammar error sent me before I realised the wasp joke
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iwishf1wasreal · 3 months
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The moon in astrology rules emotions and feelings, the unconscious, and the innermost self. Also representative of the maternal influence in your chart, you can use the moon to understand the relationship with your mother or maternal figure.
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russilton · 7 months
Mr Saturday? No, Mr obvious. “Look everyone these are my favourite people!”
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minkyungseokie · 2 months
Also those who keep saying kilometre joke despite Logan clearly showed that he isn’t pleased with it and he has clarified multiple times he knew what a kilometre is. I mean dude has been living in Europe since he was 14/15 yro, of course he knew it but people just can’t let go of this boring joke.
Europeans tend to think that just because the sport is mostly European, that only Europeans that THEY like get to be apart of it.
They think they’re better than literally everyone in the world when their country has just as baby issues as everyone else. But I’m not going to insult them the way I want. I’m not sure if anyone is religious and I don’t want to shove it down anyone’s throat, but God will give them what they deserve for saying such gross things about him after he was crashed into.
God doesn’t like ugly, and all those Europeans being xenophobic and hating on Logan are really ugly right now
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no offence but like why does checo have a seat and carlos doesn't and logan has to use 2023 parts??
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sainzofthetimez · 3 months
Meanwhile at Williams HQ
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edensxgarden · 3 months
the satisfaction i feel that williams still did not get points. Great job guys. Great call, great work. What a lovely team doing such lovely things. Fuck you.
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spending time with Logan after the Miami gp
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I miss it — Logan Sargent x reader
Word count 446
Adding to my master list on @faithshouseofchaos
The cool crisp air was welcoming as you stepped out into the night. Wrapping the blanket tightly around your shoulders you sighed looking out at the pier where Logan sat overlooking the water. Smiling to yourself you walked out to where he sat lost in thought.
“I thought I’d find you out here” you say, making yourself known. Logan’s brooding expression instantly softened as he saw you walking towards him, a small smile gracing his rugged face when you spoke.
“Hey, couldn't you sleep?” he asked, his deep voice rumbling quietly. He patted the space beside him silently inviting you to join him in his solitude. You sat down beside him, your shoulder brushing against his as the blanket now covering both of you. Letting out a content sigh you leaned into him slightly, soaking up his warmth and comfort.
"Just needed a change of scenery," you replied softly, your eyes fixed on the calm ripples of the water in front of you.
For a while, the two of you sat in comfortable silence, the sound of the waves and the occasional rustle of leaves the only source of noise. “I miss it,” Logan says.
“Miss what?” You asked, lifting your head up to look at him.
He continued to stare out at the water, his gaze distant. "The water," he replied finally. "Being out on the open sea."
His expression was melancholic, his eyes filled with a mix of nostalgia and a deep longing. "The freedom. I miss home. I miss Fort Lauderdale."
He fell silent for a moment, lost in his thoughts before letting out a soft chuckle.
"Sounds stupid, huh?"
You looked at him, your heart clenching at the vulnerability in his voice.
"No, it doesn't," you replied, placing your hand on his arm, feeling the muscles ripple beneath as he tensed slightly.
"It's not stupid at all."
You sat in silence for a while longer, the night air cooling slightly around you, the only sound being the gentle lap of waves against the pier.
Logan looked at you, his gaze soft as his eyes roamed over your face.
"Thanks for listening," he mumbled, a hint of embarrassment in his voice.
He fidgeted a bit, shifting slightly so that his thigh was now pressed against yours. The warmth from his body seeping through the fabric of your clothes. You smiled, feeling the heat from his body against your own. Your fingers unconsciously drawing patterns along his arm.
"Of course," you said quietly, your eyes still fixed on the water. "Anytime. I'm always here if you want to talk."
The silence between you was comfortable now, the earlier tension replaced by a quiet understanding.
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loonylupinblack3 · 3 months
Formula One Masterlist
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All For Nothing, After Everything
Wrong Number (only on wattpad)
Home race
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A Bad Race
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First Win
Drunk Antics
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Early Mornings
Mark Webber
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f1 grid reacting
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pit-2-podium · 16 days
The ongoing saga of the canadain groundhogs
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- the canadain grand prix 2024 via various teams instagrams
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lucaslovescats · 1 month
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I write headcannos and fanfics that can be smut, fluff, angst and SMAU’s (no smut for minors) Feel free to request!
Please don’t request virgin reader!
ALSO, you can request two drivers with the reader (throuple) or certain wags with their bfs (Alexandra, lily (both), kika)
★ Back to main masterlist!
☆ Max verstappen
☆ Charles leclerc
☆ Carlos Sainz
☆ Lando Norris
☆ Oscar piastri
☆ Lewis Hamilton
☆ George Russell
☆ Logan Sargent
☆ Fernando Alonso
☆ Yuki Tsunoda
☆ Fernando Alonso
☆ Lance stroll
☆ Kimi Antonelli
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