#loki laufeyson
dilfmobius · 3 days
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Lokius moments that altered my brain chemistry [7/?] ↳ this loud display of intimacy
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dailymarvelstudios · 2 days
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Loki 1x02 "The Variant"
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cyberclouddream · 3 days
How We Gain Attention or Visibility
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[ first house ] our type of charisma, what inherently or initially draws people’s attention to us
[ tenth house ] what we’re respected for by those with or in power; our achievements or reputation
[ eleventh house ] groups thats build relationships and visibility; our way of navigating networks and social contributions
Bonus: the 12th house away from the 10th house can indicate hidden challenges or sacrifices that impact the 10th house. As in, what we should avoid.
Note: for the networking part, it can represent what fields, causes, or industries can support your aspirations.
Aries Risings inherently or initially draw attention to them because of their unapologetic boldness and willingness to take risks. They’re recognized by those in power because they embody discipline and grind harder than everyone else to reach the top, willing to make sacrifices. They’re respected by the public for their no-nonsense approach to success.
Their aspirations are supported by those who challenge the status quo and embrace innovation. Networking with innovative groups or individuals, like tech disruptors or social activists, boosts their influence and aspirations by pushing them to challenge norms and drive impactful change.
Avoid: disregarding cultural sensitivities; overconfidence with no backing; impulsive travel decisions; no follow ups on discussions or meetings; ignoring deadlines or commitments
Taurus Risings inherently or initially draw attention to them because their calm presence and appreciation for beauty. They’re recognized by those in power because they come up revolutionary or humanitarian ideas that defy the norm and don’t care if anyone disagrees. They’re respected by the public for their refusal to conform.
Their aspirations are supported by those who provide emotional understanding and foster creativity. Networking with creative and empathetic individuals, like artists or holistic healers, boosts their influence and aspirations by deepening their emotional resonance and expanding their artistic vision.
Avoid: ignoring feedback; rigid attachment to ideas; working in isolation too much; neglecting networking; letting fear of failure hinder them
Gemini Risings inherently or initially draw attention to them because they’re social chameleons and their ability to adapt to situations. They’re recognized by those in power because their ability to tap into what people truly feel and their creative vision that sets them apart. They’re respected by the public for their rich imagination and amount of compassion.
Their aspirations are supported by those who push them to take risks and embrace boldness. Networking with bold and driven groups or individuals, like startup founders or competitive athletes, boosts their influence and aspirations by igniting their ambition and pushing them to take risks in high-stakes environments.
Avoid: extreme ideas that alienate others; ignoring team input; avoiding leadership roles; ignoring learning or networking opportunities
Cancer Risings inherently or initially draw attention to them because of their protective nature and ability to create a nurturing environment. They’re recognized by those in power because they dominate the room and get things done without hesitation. They’re respected by the public for their pioneering spirit.
Their aspirations are supported by those who offer security and share their values. Networking with reliable and grounded individuals, like financial advisors or sustainable business owners, boosts their influence and aspirations by providing the practical support and resources they need to achieve long-term success.
Avoid: taking criticism too personally; neglecting self-care; letting idealism cloud judgement; unclear or vague communication; escapism or distractions from responsibilities
Leo Risings inherently or initially draw attention to them because of they radiate confidence and charisma, and their flair for drama. They’re recognized by those in power because their ability to deliver consistent results and don’t crumble under pressure. They’re respected by the public for their ability to create stability.
Their aspirations are supported by those who stimulate their intellect and love lively discussions. Networking with intellectually stimulating groups or individuals, like journalists or tech innovators, boosts their influence and aspirations by keeping their ideas sharp and opening doors to fresh opportunities and collaborations.
Avoid: intimidating colleagues, opposed to diplomacy; impulsive decisions; ending relationships harshly; neglecting teamwork; skipping preparation for projects
Virgo Risings inherently or initially draw attention to them because of their keen eye for details and their ability to solve problems. They’re recognized by those in power because they have exceptional communication skills and their ability to navigate and adapt to new situations easily. They’re respected by the public for their intellectual curiosity and ability to connect diverse ideas.
Their aspirations are supported by those who nurture their emotional needs and create a safe space. Networking with nurturing and community-focused individuals, like social workers or wellness advocates, boosts their influence and aspirations by creating a strong support system that empowers them to pursue their goals with confidence.
Avoid: inflexible views, neglecting new ideas; procrastination; prioritizing money over ethics; avoiding taking risks
Libra Risings inherently or initially draw attention to them because of their ability to mediate and create harmony in interactions. They’re recognized by those in power because they know how to influence emotions and create supportive environments that foster loyalty. They’re respected by the public for their ability to inspire others to show up when it counts and make others feel truly cared for.
Their aspirations are supported by those who celebrate their talents and feed their desire for recognition. Networking with charismatic and influential groups or individuals, like entertainers or public figures, boosts their influence and aspirations by placing them in the spotlight and allowing them to showcase their talents and leadership.
Avoid: superficial communication; gossiping; inconsistent opinions, frequently changing stance on issues; leaving tasks incomplete; avoiding specialization or developing expertise
Scorpio Risings inherently or initially draw attention to them because of their intense presence or gaze, and mysterious vibes. They’re recognized by those in power because they radiate confidence, command attention, and inspire others to follow them. They’re respected by the public for their ability to inspire others to follow their lead with charisma.
Their aspirations are supported by those who appreciate their attention to detail and strong work ethic. Networking with detail-oriented and analytical individuals, like researchers or health professionals, boosts their influence and aspirations by sharpening their skills and ensuring their work meets the highest standards.
Avoid: letting feelings dictate professional interactions; being too defensive over ideas; bringing personal issues to work; isolating from colleagues; avoiding tough conversations
Sagittarius Risings inherently or initially draw attention to them because of their adventurous spirit and honest perspective. They’re recognized by those in power because they have exceptional organizational and analytical skills, and ensure things run smoothly and efficiently. They’re respected by the public for their commitment to excellence and ability to deliver high-quality results.
Their aspirations are supported by those who bring balance and harmony to their relationships. Networking with diplomatic and socially aware groups or individuals, like lawyers or designers, boosts their influence and aspirations by helping them navigate complex social dynamics and create meaningful partnerships.
Avoid: making every discussion about yourself; prioritizing personal success over collective achievements; taking on too many projects at once without completing; seeking constant external validation; refusing constructive criticism
Capricorn Risings inherently or initially draw attention to them because of their serious demeanor and air of authority. They’re recognized by those in power because they know how to skillfully navigate conflicts and create a sense of fairness. They’re respected by the public for their diplomatic finesse and ability to make everyone feel heard, even when things are chaotic.
Their aspirations are supported by those who respect their intensity and offer loyalty. Networking with intense and transformative individuals, like psychologists or personal development coaches, boosts their influence and aspirations by allowing them to explore deep connections and drive significant change in themselves and others.
Avoid: setting unrealistically high standards; micromanaging, trying to control every aspect of projects; overanalyzing details or aspects; neglecting personal well-being; being overly critical
Aquarius Risings inherently or initially draw attention to them because of their rebellious spirit and unique perspectives. They’re recognized by those in power because by their resourcefulness and exceptional ability to read people and situations given their keen insight in human nature. They’re respected by the public for their ability to demand accountability, uncover hidden truths, and foster transformation in both individuals and organizations.
Their aspirations are supported by those who embrace adventure and encourage exploration. Networking with adventurous and open-minded groups or individuals, like travelers or educators, boosts their influence and aspirations by expanding their worldview and fueling their quest for knowledge and new experiences.
Avoid: hesitation to make decisions; downplaying personal contributions; compromising values for external approval; avoiding conflict or discussing disagreements
Pisces Risings inherently or initially draw attention to them because of their dreamy and creative vibes, along with their empathetic nature. They’re recognized by those in power because of their ability to motivate and inspire others with their optimism and embrace change. They’re respected by the public for their refusal to accept anything less than the truth, along with their ability to push past boundaries.
Their aspirations are supported by those who share their ambition and respect their drive for success. Networking with ambitious and driven individuals, like corporate leaders or entrepreneurs, boosts their influence and aspirations by challenging them to elevate their standards and relentlessly pursue their goals.
Avoid: micromanaging; holding back important information, not having transparency; letting intense feelings dictate reactions; isolating from group efforts; using manipulation or underhanded tactics
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natendo-art · 2 days
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✨ He’s single! ✨ . . Local single dad makes sure the hot stranger knows just how single he is 💕
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ashdreams2023 · 1 day
Loki things part idk:
He thinks smoking is absolutely disgusting, like he treats his body like a temple so never to something so disgusting and tasteless
He likes sweeter drinks, asgard didn’t serve them much and he relish in them when he’s on earth
He studies religions, all types, finds it fascinating what mere humans put their faith and hopes for, something to believe in
Can’t sleep in complete darkness, as silly as it may sound he actually needs some sort of light in the place he’s sleeping in (gets a mini night lamp later)
Goes to thrift stores, doesn’t buy anything because he thinks he’s better than wearing used stuff but likes to browse through the different pieces and maybe try to recreate them with his magic
Cuts his hair himself, no one is allowed to touch it unless it’s someone very close to
His eyelashes are naturally long and they get in his eye sometimes so he gets them trimmed every few weeks
Makes his own perfume, as in he makes his own scent, it’s like a hobby of his to go into the frosts and gather ingredients and turn them into something inching
His favorite vegetable is pumpkin and you can imagine his surprise when he discovered pumpkin flavored things exist other then pie
He gets the worst sunburns if he’s not careful, literally fries up like a dead fish
Speaking of fish he actually doesn’t like fish, never found it appealing, the only sea food he would eat though is shrimp
He doesn’t have bad body odor, so when he sweats it’s not that strong disgusting smell but something faint and manageable
His favorite animals are {cats- sheep- goats}
He got so excited when he found out bucky raised goats back in wakanda
Likes to go to different candy stores and tries everything covered in sugar (his favorites are those strawberry gummies covered in sugar)
Loki naturally is a brilliant dancer and offer out of pity to teach anyone how to ballroom dance in exchange for some favors
Dense bones, he’s very VERY heavy, to a normal human being obviously and if he lets say falls of top of you full force you might lose breath and pass out immediately
Finds graveyards oddly sentimental since back in asgard they don’t berry the bodies, he sometimes finds himself going and watching people visit their loved ones
Keeps all his gifts, it doesn’t matter if they are garbage he still keeps it because it still means a big deal to him
Hates crocks so much, would rather flip flops and his toes out in the open than wear those hideous things
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alivingfreak · 2 days
Is it normal to start liking old yaoi man?
Me (who likes Good Omens, Deadpool and Wolverine, Loki) : Yes, definitely, right?
**I see a pattern here...
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mndvx · 2 days
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TWILIGHT OF THE GODS — Heretic Spear (Episode 2) written by Caitlin Parrish | directed by Jay Oliva  ››› Jamie Chung as Hel ››› Paterson Joseph as Loki ››› Sylvia Hoeks as Sigrid
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k1ng0k · 3 days
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colour reference bc im gonna be drawing loki like he's my husband
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lexytoga · 1 day
Croki and Kid Loki when they saw President Loki
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(inspired by that one Twitter meme and loki sitting pose I used was both ibis paint templates and this )
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oswildin · 2 days
(Possibly?) Controversial opinion incoming:
(Throwing it back to 2012/2013 here lmao)
I feel like the theory that Loki was mind controlled during the Avengers actually takes away the complexity of his character.
w-wait- waIT- HEAR ME OUT!
I think Loki was INFLUENCED by the mind stone for sure, but, to me, he was not controlled.
His anger, his fear, his need for validation and revenge are all what drove him to the events of the Avengers movie. He had just been, what he felt, was cast out by Thor and Odin and his home - those he considered his family and people, he had fallen through space, ended up in such a bad state that Thanos found him and used him for his own gain. (Although, Loki is smart enough to play at that game, ‘you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours’ type of thing. EDIT: I mean this sentence in a ‘Loki is good at twisting things to his advantage’ way, not that it means he couldn’t have been manipulated himself in the process.)
I don’t think Thanos or the mind stone had any control over Loki’s mind, not in the way most theories speak of. Loki was controlled by the consequences he would face if he failed his mission, not that he was physically being controlled. I think Loki was given the mind stone because Thanos knew it would enhance those feelings of venom Loki was experiencing - it was an aid of sorts to give him his conviction, which even then, Agent Coulson saw through it.
“You lack conviction.”
Those simple words got to Loki. Because he knew it was true.
Loki never wanted the throne but yet, that was what he was telling everyone was his goal, his reasoning, his motivation… When in his heart, he knew it wasn’t. His motivation was truly fuelled from his hurt, his pain… Not an ambition for a throne.
And that is what makes Loki so interesting.
And that is why I find the theory that Loki had no control over his actions and had no idea what he was doing, takes away from his character, his complexity…
(PSA: I am not here to tell you what you can or cannot headcannon or what theories you believe, it’s a fictional character in a fictional story in a fictional universe… It isn’t that deep, this is just my own personal opinion and preference! If you like the theory for your own reasons, that’s fine too! /gen)
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stawbearry · 3 days
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Matching drink emojis of tony and loki based off genshin emojis feel free to use or edit!
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laufeykid-loki · 20 hours
*walks past you with a chainsaw*
Heavens no. Where goeth you child?
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frostdayz · 2 days
Dinner surprises
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Loki x reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Being away in midgard for a couple of weeks you come back to a Loki surprise.
warnings: None :)
AN: Might be the last loki x reader for a while. Let me know if you guys have any other people you want me to write about!!
my stories never really describe the readers gender so unless stated otherwise all my stories are gn!!
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I stepped through the portal, the familiar golden shimmer fading as my feet touched the smooth floors of Loki’s palace chambers. It felt like I’d been gone forever, even though it had only been a few weeks. Midgard had its charm, but it was nothing compared to the comfort and elegance of Asgard—nothing compared to being with him.
The air was rich with the scent of something delicious. I furrowed my brows, surprised. That wasn’t usual. I made my way down the corridor, following the tantalizing aroma. The closer I got, the more my heart began to race.
Turning the corner, I stopped in my tracks.
There, in the center of the grand dining hall, was the most breathtaking sight I’d ever seen. The room was bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, casting flickering shadows against the walls. A long table, covered with the finest silver and goblets of sparkling wine, was adorned with an extravagant spread of dishes—each one looking more delicious than the last. The colors of roasted vegetables, perfectly seasoned meats, and intricate desserts filled the table.
But it wasn’t the food that caught my breath.
It was him. Loki, standing at the end of the table, looking impossibly handsome, as always. He was dressed in a deep green suit that made his eyes stand out even more. His usual mischievous grin was nowhere to be seen; instead, there was something softer in his expression—something that tugged at my heart.
“You did all this?” I asked, my voice coming out as barely a whisper.
Loki walked toward me, his lips curling into a gentle smile. “You’ve been gone far too long, darling. I thought I should make your return memorable.”
I blinked, taking it all in. “This is incredible.”
He reached out, taking my hands in his, the warmth of his touch instantly calming the last remnants of exhaustion from my trip. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” I whispered, leaning into him.
He chuckled softly, pulling me into a tight embrace. “Two weeks without you felt like an eternity.”
I rested my head against his chest, the familiar sound of his heartbeat steady and soothing. “You didn’t have to do all this,” I mumbled, overwhelmed by the effort he had put in.
“Of course, I did,” he replied, brushing a strand of hair from my face. “You deserve nothing less.”
My heart swelled at his words. For all his teasing and trickery, Loki had a way of making me feel like I was the most important person in the universe. And in moments like this, I believed it.
He led me to the table, pulling out a chair for me like a perfect gentleman. I laughed softly, taking a seat. “I don’t know where to start,” I admitted, looking over the food.
“Anywhere you wish,” he said, sitting beside me, his eyes never leaving mine. “This evening is all yours.”
We spent the night eating, laughing, and talking about everything and nothing all at once. The food was divine, but the company—being back with him—was what made it perfect. Every so often, he’d reach across the table, taking my hand in his, his thumb tracing gentle circles against my skin. It was such a simple gesture, but it made my heart flutter every time.
After what felt like hours, the candles burned low, and the night grew quieter. We sat in a comfortable silence, the world outside fading away.
Loki turned to me, his eyes soft and full of warmth. “You know,” he began, his voice low, “no matter where you go, or how long you’re away, you’ll always have a place here—with me.”
I felt a lump form in my throat, emotions welling up as I looked into his eyes. “I know,” I whispered back. “And I’m never leaving for that long again.”
He smiled, leaning closer, his lips brushing softly against mine. The kiss was gentle, slow, full of all the things we didn’t need to say out loud. When we pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine, his hands cupping my face.
“I love you,” I breathed.
“And I love you,” he replied, his voice steady, yet full of that same overwhelming sincerity that made my heart skip a beat every time.
Being with Loki, under the soft glow of the candles, I knew there was nowhere else in all the realms I’d rather be.
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of-asgaard · 2 days
Loki is a grumpy emo 😂
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lyssmoriarty · 2 days
Girlhood is staying up late, giggling, and kicking your feet over a fictional character you would realistically have no shot with
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s1llystr4wb3rry · 1 day
Loki and Snape collab when
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