#lu totk
sciencelings-arts · 1 year
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Post totk Lu Wild concept where he comes back to the group six years later with one less arm, a magic rock, and even more patches added to his champions tunic. Also I wanted to add concepts for what the light bow and arrow would look like when made with parts from the light dragon, since light arrows are infinite and appear in the bow when it’s being drawn, so that would make it easier for a single armed Wild to still participate in archery, he just has to use his teeth to draw it back.
More lore and close ups under the cut
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Someone had to inherit Mineru’s secret stone, and we all know how I’m a fan of giving it to Link. Also I hate the way the batteries are clumped together in the game so I changed it. The flames are based on poes and the other beaded waist part is made of dragon parts, they have a minor healing effect.
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The bottom of Wilds tunic embroidery is based on the astral observatory and the master sword room in the master sword trials, where all around the room there are landmarks from Hyrule pointing where they are on the map. So I wanted to have the post totk floating Hyrule castle as the main thing, mostly because it looks cool and bc I wanted Wilds perspective to be from the great plateau kinda. Anyway I worked hard to make it recognizable lmao.
One more thing I want to bring up is the new golden sleeve(s), the one(s) that Ganondorf burned off, replaced by fabric made of the light dragons hair. I just thought it would be neat and I feel like she would shed after not having her hair brushed in thousands of years. It glows in the dark and helps with the pain management in his amputated arm.
Edit: I forgot to mention but the placement of the secret stone is also something I thought about. I realized that since the other members of the triforce had their secret stones aligned with the center of their body (forehead, chest) I figured that it would make sense for Link to have his following the same rule. So I decided on his belt. Otherwise, it would've been lower on his chest, maybe where the triforce would be on his master sword embroidery but I didn't want to crowd the space too much and I really wanted to doodle that part to my heart's content lmao. The belt just seemed a little bare so it made sense to me lol.
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telemna-hyelle · 1 year
In totk Link hums different songs from across the LOZ franchise, such as Epona's song, or thr ballad of the windfish. He DOESNT do this in botw
Theory: if totk happens sometime during or post LU, is he singing the songs his brothers taught him to remember them?
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minty-mumbles · 1 year
I can’t wait for the influx of “Wild fucks off for a while and comes back all messed up” tears of the kingdom fics
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Hey guys little psa for the Linked Universe Fandom. So listen if you want if not, I mean I can’t stop you. 
However with tears of the kingdom coming out right around the corner. Can we please start using a new tag of Lu totk or Linkeduniverse tears of the kingdom? 
Only reason I ask is because I bet a lot of people are going to want to make art and writings of the Wild in his new form with the chain. Which is great, however I along with several other people have tried are hardest to avoid spoilers. So lets try and remember not everyone will be able to get the game right away, and just be respectful for to one another. 
Thank you! 
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thatonedragongirl · 11 months
Link/Wild, after TotK, is a history and culinary teacher; Who better to learn history from then the very person whose life fell victim to steps are now entrenched in it? He’s also a great chef, and has first hand accounts of how the effects of food helped him on his legendary escapade.
But y’know what would really be fun? Link as a physics teacher. He basically has a hot air balloon in his pocket. Perfect science experiment. And zonai rockets? Heck yea.
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ordonianhero · 1 year
Legend: but you broke your sword. How are you- what you doing?
Wild: I got a stick.
I got a rock.
Warriors: hu, great how the fuck you going to fight with just a stick and bolder?
Wild: HUH! *fuses the rock and stick together* I got a weapon!
Chain: ……
Time: okay that’s the new weird thing you got and can do.
Twi: we’re doomed.
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science-lings · 1 year
I just think that when Wild meets up with the chain post-totk and they ask him about his missing (or zonai) arm, he has to start out with something like 'Well, you know that guy you guys talked about all the time? yeah I met Ganondorf and I don't think he liked me very much...'
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hyrulethehealer · 1 year
Maybe Wild has already been on his TotK adventure, but none of them knew. He just drops bits of information from time to time and eventually it’s not adding up. The Chain ask him about these inconsistencies.
“No, no. I’ve been on two adventures”
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triforce-of-mischief · 6 months
Spirit of the Sky
Summary: Wild has had a very bad day, from losing Zelda to breaking the Master Sword. It would be a really bad time for Sky to show up.
Words: 680
Please reblog to show your support! Likes do nothing.
For the second time in his life, Wild woke up alone, in an unfamiliar place, with no memory of how he had gotten there. He wasn’t even wearing any clothes, but his arm- the one that the skeletal figure underneath the castle had burned- wasn’t right at all. It was glowing, along with some glyphs creeping up his shoulder, but it wasn’t even his arm. It responded like it was his, and he could feel it, but it was like a stranger had somehow grafted it to his body.
A calm voice spoke to him, telling him that his arm hadn’t been the only thing that Wild had nearly lost. The champion’s head whirled, taking in too much information at once. So much had happened so fast, and he had only been awake for less than a minute without any time to remember what had gone wrong before.
His arm- the Demon King- the Master Sword- Zelda-
He had to find her.
First things first, he had to get out of this… room? Cave? There were roots and vines everywhere but they didn’t quite obscure the stone foundation. Wild didn’t really care, especially when he saw what was lodged in some vines a few feet away.
The Master Sword looked fine, if you ignored everything below the hilt. Wild had seen how the gloom had shattered the blade, but when he drew it, nothing could prepare him for what he gingerly held in his hand. It was barely more than a dagger now, the metal jagged and corroded by the concentrated evil.
The Blade of Evil’s Bane, forged countless years ago and wielded by heroes across the ages… was broken.
Wild had broken the Master Sword.
Sky was going to kill him.
That terrifying thought was more than Wild could handle, and he fell to the ground, collapsed under all of the stress.
He had been powerless to stop the return of the Demon King, he had lost Zelda-
“Wild, you have to breathe.”
He was a failure to his friends, his brothers, his kingdom-
Something like a cold hand landed on his shoulder, trying to ground him in the present. “Wild, please listen to me, you have to breathe.”
Wild gasped, recognizing the voice before he turned around. It wasn’t the one who had told him that they had saved him, it was none other than-
“It’s just me,” the voice said, low and soothing. “It’s Sky.”
Clutching the sword close like he could hide it, Wild whirled around, coming face-to-face with the spirit of the Chosen Hero.
Sky smiled, making up for the lack of warmth in his blank teal eyes. His mouth didn’t move, but Wild heard his words in his mind. “Hey, I’m right here. No need to panic.”
Easy for him to say, when he was still two seconds from seeing the Master Sword and tearing Wild apart. Wild gripped the blade tighter, wincing as the twisted metal dug into his palms.
“Careful, you’re going to hurt yourself,” Sky said, frowning until Wild eased his death grip on the broken blade. He just stared sadly at it, and Wild felt like he was about to scream.
“I’m sorry,” Wild sobbed, setting the sword on his lap since his hands were shaking too much. “I didn’t mean to break it, I swear, I know you’re mad-”
“Mad? Why would I be mad?” Sky asked, too gentle to bear. “You did everything in your power to stop that guy, and so did she. Her final act was to save you, because you were trying to save your Zelda.”
“But I- I still failed,” Wild protested, though it was weak. “I tried to use it against something it could never stop, it’s all my fault-”
Sky pulled Wild into a sudden hug, a soothing chill surrounding him. “Nothing was your fault. You couldn’t have known that the Demon King would be so strong.”
Wild was still, too tired to argue.
“She did her job, so you can do yours. Take us with you, and go find your Zelda.”
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linderosse · 1 year
To the people saying Wild would be 23 now, I raise you this counterargument:
Imo, the start of Totk happened when Wild was 18-19, and Wild slept through the rest of the five years before waking up in the Temple of Time.
He's physically 123, but mentally still 18.
My reasoning:
1) Wild seems to have been missing in-game for a while. NPCs don't remember him much, and search parties have clearly been in place long enough for things to become routine. The Sheikah had time to set up the whole Zonai research division, which must have taken ages.
2) Wild looks physically the same as he did in BotW. His body/hair haven't grown in these five years because he was asleep for most of it.
3) Added trauma for Wild sleeping through important events; a very Link thing to do but taken to a more angsty level.
4) The LU age balance is maintained, which maintains the character relationships. I think Wild really fits as, for example, Twilight's chaotic younger brother, and although he's matured a bit, it would be weird to have that dynamic overturned.
Anyways, these are just my thoughts from planning stuff for my own humble spinoff. Feel free to headcanon as you wish :)
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zeldamphibiedalls · 1 year
so are we not going to talk about the new lu art for totk or am I gonna be alone in this one
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kora-kat · 1 year
The chain: wild! Where have been?!
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waterspoutskies · 1 year
Hi LU friends.
By now you've probably seen my tag reminder post for AO3, and hopefully Krisis's important addition as well.
Let me also be abundantly clear: If you are creating post TotK LU Wild in the coming weeks, you need to tag that appropriately as well. Both on AO3 and here on Tumblr.
I am not interested in seeing your take on what changes for Wild with TotK. I am not interested in seeing how the Chain reacts to everything that is different in his Hyrule. I am not interested in having the game spoiled for me by your brainworms.
I want to play the game for myself, not read everyone else's takes.
I've already blocked every general TotK tag I can think of, but I'm happy to add more. Perhaps something like "lu TotK" or "lu TotK Wild" if that would be easiest. Just try to keep it organized.
(I am fully aware that AO3 has pre-emptively bungled their own fandom sorting system by combining the TotK and BotW fandoms, but character tags and additional tags still exist, so use them.)
Be courteous, be kind. We are all excited. But we also all want the joy of the game, so tag appropriately.
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thatonedragongirl · 1 year
Ok, here’s an LU idea:
Post-TotK, Wild finds that Time is having some trouble with him after hearing what happened, and Wild doesn’t understand why.
TotK spoilers beneath, you have been warned
Time is having trouble with the fact that Wild is mentioning things from his Hyrule.
Wild wakes up disoriented to realize that time has moved without him after he had a near-death encounter with Big Bad Dorf. He’s met with some dude named Rauru and now has a body (part) he doesn’t understand, and it seems like Hyrule doesn’t recognize him. He has to go find and gather the Sages, and receive a vow from them after completing a temple to awaken said Sage. And he has to go inside the Great Deku Tree to kill something that’s plaguing the forest. And it turns out Zelda is secretly a sage. And there’s time shenanigans. And Wild now has Gibdos? And poes?? And Like-Likes??? And FD’s Sword????
Sounds familiar, right?
Whatever happens, Time doesn’t like it because now he’s starting to see too much of himself in Wild, and that scares him because he doesn’t want Wild to go through what he has, and that pushes Time away
Wild doesn’t like that because he thinks the similarities should bring them together (or just because he doesn’t understand why Time isn’t looking him in the eye).
Edit: bonus points if Wild has Time’s hat that mysteriously went missing years ago
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cutiekelley · 1 year
OKAY LISTEN. tbh I have not kept up with LU for a while so I am not quite sure what all you cool kids have been up to lately, nor do I know what the general consensus for how totk in this au works, but I NEED someone to make something about all the new recipes Wild has 🙏🙏
I mean, c'mon!! The boys with pizza?? Cheesecake?? Deep fried chicken??? Noble Pursuit?? Don't tell me they don't wanna take advantage of that one! plssss it would be so great!!
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science-lings · 1 year
I like to imagine that if wild goes back to the chain after totk he’s gonna have trouble sleeping because he looks at the sky and just knows Zelda is up there somewhere, lost and alone.
Yeah, even though I think the refounding of hyrule and the zonai coming down from the heavens happens after the events of all the other games, usually they're being bounced back and forth through time so it's impossible to tell if they're going through a time where Zelda is just floating around.
Sometimes he swears he can see something moving beyond the clouds or catches a hint of a glow in the sky but he can never be sure. Maybe now he understands how it feels to be left behind through time when Zelda can never know if he's okay or not.
At least Sky isn't alone staring up sadly into the sky anymore lol
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