#master crane
moro-993 · 8 months
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ani-dragmire · 2 months
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Human Tai Lung (New design)
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levamisole-tim · 3 months
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margueritedaisies · 11 months
I remember I used to draw these KFP humans a lot. They were my brainrot for like a whole year and posted a lot on Kung Fu Panda Skadooshposting group. Ah the good old days, man I miss drawing them.
Heres Jade Palace Family , Shifu having storytime with his kids.
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Even if they all grown ass adults taller than him lol
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i-walk-in-air · 5 months
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mermazing-art · 5 months
The real name of the Furious Five 
After the Kung Fu Panda 4 movie I started thinking about what Zhen's first conversations with the Furious Five would be like. I imagined her nervous about making a good impression but fitting quite well with her group dynamic given her mischievous attitude and enjoying their adventures with her, establishing a relationship of trust. Which led me to a thought "Would she, wanting to know them more, ask them what their real names are?"
This theory has been circulating in the fandom for years since it is said that their names actually refer to their fighting styles or their species (as well as Master Ox, Crocodile or Rhino) since those who retain their own name within this discipline are those who have a superior role such as Oogway, Shifu or Po and those who do not have a title such as Zhen or Tai Lung.
Well, I decided to look for a suitable name for each one, one that fit their physique or personality, that was easy to remember and that would distinguish one another, let's go!
Mantis: Xun Yu ( fast jade )
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With Mantis I was clear that I didn't want to look for anything that had to do with his size but I did want to highlight his most powerful abilities such as his speed.  That's where his first name, Xun, comes from.  His middle name, Yu (Jade), is because of his green color although this can also mean ''insect'' depending on the kanji with which it is written.  My idea is that Mantis calls himself ''the green lightning'' referring to his real name.
Crane: Zimo ( refined ink )
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At first I wanted his name to be related to the sky or the air due to his avian species or his techniques, but it made me think that one of the things that catches my attention about this character is his interest in Chinese calligraphy.  Therefore, I decided to name him Zimo (ink or writing) to reflect his beloved hobby in his name.
Monkey: Wong Sang ( yellow mulberry )
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For Monkey, I researched his voice actor, the one and only Jackie Chan, born Chan Kong-Sang. I wanted to take it as a reference by changing the name Kong since it is the name of the Monkey's brother to Wong (yellow), relating it to the color of his fur. I wanted to make a reference to his comic side but I couldn't find a suitable name for the guidelines I had assigned to it.
Viper: Jia Ling ( beautiful tinkle )
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As with Monkey, I researched on her voice actress, Lucy Liu, whose full name is Lucy Alexis Liu Yu Ling. I wanted to reflect her charming and sweet personality, so I took the name Ling (tinkerbell) as a reference of the hiss' snake she produces, as well as her happy attitude.  But her first name would be Jia to emphasize the beauty of this character.
Tigress: Xia ( sunrise )
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For her, I thought I would delve deeper into her story and her development as a character in order to give her the appropriate name.  This is her story:
When Tigress lived in the orphanage, she received the name Xian ("who lives in seclusion") from the other children perpetuating their contempt and fear of her. When Shifu finally decided to adopt her, after He heard that name many times, almost always accompanied by the word "monster", he asked her what new name she would like. She simply accepted Tigress because she didn't believe she could deserve a name. Shifu pondered and decided to call him Xia. Tigress at first didn't like this idea because it sounded similar to the previous one, but Shifu explained his choice to her. Both names, although similar, did not have the same meaning because now she would no longer be in the darkness, secluded and alone, but rather she had the opportunity for a new life, a path marked by the light that emanated from her, a new sunrise.
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So yes, Zhen would ask the furious five their names, giving the situation that Po would find out right then and there about this. Everyone except Tigress would answer this question since for her it is still a very personal matter related to her past and Shifu and she still doesn't feel comfortable sharing it with everyone. Could Tigress talk to a certain panda about this?
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mavisxr5 · 6 months
Some Human Designs🤲🏻😋
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shootbangdang · 1 year
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Shy v. Introvert mem
Crane and Lord Shen in Secrets of the Scroll artstyle eee
Made in Procreate mostly using a custom variant of the Mercury brush
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angel-roses-delight · 3 months
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who are you ?
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ambersuperstar · 4 months
Even more brain riot lol
Wdym it isn't canon
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lovelytayforce · 6 months
Alright, KFP fandom, we gotta talk about "Discrimination" 🎉
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Cause, not even to be mean, y'all kinda dumb. Y'all sound like the type of person to tell me "No racism exists in the North" and lemme tell ya as someone from the North, there is but it's DIFFERENT. And before you ask, Yes this is about The Chameleon (who will be called Cammy cause I am lazy and deserve to be paid for this shit.) and the fandoms massive misunderstanding of her single line about being denied access to Kung Fu because she's "little". And I see your lil fingers tapping away to howl about "MASTER MANTIS" and some LOA rejects. And remember that earlier example I brought up about discrimination existing in the north but its just different from the South? Yeah, its the same thing. Some people can get past that challenge but some of us aren't that lucky and you all forget about my MAIN MAN, THE GOAT, Crane!!!
Yeah, the brother whose almost as tall as Tigress, yeah he was discriminated against for his skinny frame and detered from trying out and I think it's funny y'all leave my boy out but that doesn't fit your little gotcha, now does it?
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but that's okay, that's why you have me, to be your funny and slightly cute know it all~💕 Back to the topic at hand, this conversation also leaves out how Po wanted Shifu to change him, after all the verbal abuse that lil man hurled at him. This is where that line "We're not so different, you and I." comes to shine. Cammy didn't have an event such as Oogway's death to shake those Master's to their core to train her. No, they were probably just proud teachers who denied all those beneath them, which is not uncommon, you can see this in a lot of Kung fu flicks, keeping certain arts from certain territories close and always wanting to prove whose kung fu is superior. Again, NORMIES GO WATCH IP MAN! Go watch peak cinema!!!! It's on YOUTUBE FOR FREE: https://youtu.be/zGD9OFmxYXM?si=XL-aetJOnCSftIP_
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Anyways, I hope this enlightened you all a bit so we can stop this very shallow puddle of an argument against her words cause you sound ignorant doing that considering all the discrimination present in the series as it is, especially Tigress. Whoo, that needs its own post! That's next level of discrimination upon a child. 💀 Anyways, stop forgetting about Crane!!!!
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nilusanimationworld · 2 years
No offence to Disney I know Simba & Nick Wilde has always been top on the whole popular anthrophobic game but can we please take a moment & appreciate Dreamworks giving us a whole ass BUFFET of anthropomorphic characters that won’t hesitate to 
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ani-dragmire · 3 months
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Reference: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 🤭
(Traduccion: @henrysketchblog)
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levamisole-tim · 3 months
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Some random old doodles
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margueritedaisies · 11 months
More redraws of these two🐍💖🦢
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sundove88 · 7 months
Kung Fu Panda Headcanons List (Po, Shifu, and The Furious Five)
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In honor of Kung Fu Panda 4 Releasing Today!!
One of his favorite anime of all time is Dragon Ball Z, as well as Dragon Ball Super!
He has a whole collection of yoga mats somewhere in his house.
He makes a good napping spot for the others whenever they get tired.
Master Shifu:
He’s a surpassingly good cook, but tells nobody about it.
Baking is one of his favorite pastimes.
He can do the double jump that Mei does in Turning Red.
The Furious Five in General:
They have one massive found family dynamic and see each other as siblings- mostly.
On various nights, they all gather around a tv and binge some anime.
And they’re also somewhat great cooks- emphasis on somewhat.
She has a scratching pad all to herself.
Her garden is filled with catnip- lots of it.
And more often than not, she does her homework before doing anything new.
He does a great job with acting as the team’s periscope.
He loves digging in the ground for worms to eat.
And said ground is sauce, while said worms are noodles.
Despite his tiny size, he can catch flies faster than you can blink.
He loves orchids and keeps some in his room.
He is not interested in dating, as he is a male, and I think you know what happens if he ever goes on a date…
Since she has no venom, Viper has resorted to constricting her food.
She is often nicknamed a “Boop Noodle” by the people she meets across the Multiverse.
And she has the unique ability to camouflage amongst the forest foliage.
He grows his own bananas in a garden outside his bedroom.
One of his favorite exercises is swinging on vines.
And with that being said, he definitely grew up in a jungle.
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