#maximalism babey!
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he is just. so shaped. so so so So shaped.
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imyselfamstrange · 2 years
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Zsuszi Vágó and Szabó P. Szilveszter in Rebecca
Ok can we just talk about how emotionally repressed Szilveszter plays Maxim - like that man has never been hugged in his LIFE
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shrimpscrawling · 2 years
Buying myself a little treat any time after October and calling it an “early Christmas gift” to myself. In the spirit of seasonally enhanced capitalism.
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sadlazzle · 8 months
jst found out abt sad beige parents n i wish i hadnt. altho the rebellion years for those kids are gonna be wild, can’t wait to see it
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pixiecaps · 1 month
What’s the difference between field of mistria and stardew? They look surface level very similar to me!
a lot actually! i think they seem similar due to the pixel art style and the fact theyre both farming sims but again i wouldnt immediately equate every new pixel style farming sim to stardew. they’re both pretty different i’d say and for me at least feel different when playing.
i also think its important to say that fields of mistria is still an early access game which means its not completed yet and will be worked on by the devs still to add and incorporate more features. so what we see right now is an early version of what the game will have to offer in say a few years from now.
fields of mistria reminds me more of harvest moon than stardew valley if thats maybe a better point of reference for you.
i’d say fields of mistria feels almost more whimsical and magical in a way. its this cute little town that feels like youre in a cozy fantasy world and theres this underlining plot with the dragon statues and you can gain magical powers to help you farm and do a lot things and theres a mana mechanic. its all very fun and cutesy. you join the town as an adventurer not as a farmer but you take of a plot of land where you can farm and take care of animals.
the farming is very much like every other sim but that doesnt mean it isnt good its just what you expect when playing a farming sim.
what i really loved about fields of misteria is that the characters and the town feels genuinely alive. the events and all the dialogue between characters is amazing and makes them feel like they really exist. you actually start to look forward to these weekly events and what everyone has to say. very early on in the game you can tell there was a lot of thought and care put into the npcs and the dynamics around them. oh and theres so much love put into the art it’s incredible how good this game looks.
to me stardew feels a lot more Go fast, do this task you have a time limit, you want to get this done before a certain season, very fast paced and maximizing everything meanwhile fields of misteria feels a lot more adapted towards anyones pace. it doesnt feel like youre punished for taking a slower style of play. feels like you can actually appreciate and cherish working on every skill the game offers like archeology, blacksmithing, farming, fishing, etc. every part of the game feels like its made so that you find the time to work on every feature.
also this isnt shade towards stardew i adore that game and have played it for years. its just important to differentiate games sometimes cause im sure the devs dont want to be constantly hearing theyre another stardew valley. because they arent. its field of mistria babey 
so yeah i’d say give it a try its a very cozy game. especially if ur into farming sims you should 100% give it a try. it has an incredible amount of potential and i personally cannot wait to see how this game evolves and what’ll offer in the future
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transgenderer · 1 year
no offense but yhe Posts Quality Committee also advises shorter periods of intoxication in future
this blog is not like. its not. its not something im trying to maximize the quality of. it is actully kind if important to me but its important to me insofar as it successfully expresses me, and like. spreads interesting ideas i might have. or gets me in interesting convos. teaches people about things. etc. making choices about my life to make this blog better wuld ruin the pt. goodharts law babey
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cowboycatd · 1 year
for the ask meme!! cactus, ivy, mahonia, aaaaand sage
Hi Casper!! 🥰
Cactus: Something you’re currently learning (about)?
How to maximize my gainz on leg day! 💀
Ivy: What are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? How can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
Oh boy, I'm a very expressive person - facial expressions, body language, voice, everything. People can instantly read my emotions but I'm working on it!
Mahonia: What place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
The way I had to look "mahonia" up, forgetting I had already done so a few hours ago, RIP. Climbing!!! I'm interpreting "inspires" as "motivates" and my god, it's climbing. It's taken over my diet, exercise habits, spending habits (cry cry), socializing (i.e., actually approaching people, yikes!), free time, et cetera et cetera. How do I express myself?? Sometimes I kick the wall when I'm frustrated. Oh and I guess I wrote some fics centered around it.
Sage: What ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? Why do you think that is?
Music, babey! Part of it is because I listen to music in color, which provides further stimulation and depth. I'm unable to express my relationship with music cogently, but both each component on its own and also all of them combined delve into the deepest parts of my heart. I think it's a unique way to express experiences and emotions through the lyrics, melodies, vocal choices, rising and falling of the instrumentation, everything. Music provides such significant meaning to me and allows me to connect with myself in ways I couldn't otherwise. It's also one of the most vulnerable ways I share myself with others.
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magmacannon · 1 year
1 + 14 -19 for the Flamingo
Pink bastard!!
does your oc have any motifs? Yeah babey..... hearts is the big one, both symbolically and anatomically. Yarrow also has the motif of maximalism/ high drama, both in looks and in feelings, and as a disconnect from reality as much as an overwhelming level of reality at different times )if that makes sense??) He has other symbols in various flowers (orchids, hibiscus, bleeding heart - hah - and roses) that are carefully maintained individual plants rather than those growing wild amongst anything else, as well.
14. An embarrassing secret about your OC? 99% of the time he's shooting blanks 😔 He doesn't actually find this all that embarrassing though SO another one is that he's scared of heights and can get stuck in trees/high up areas like a cat does
15. who is your OC’s best friend? For a long while the person closest to Yarrow was Grey, but Yarrow wouldn't have counted him as his best friend. Kiro is the person who he loves and trusts the most and who understands him better than anyone, but best friend as a title may honestly go to Canna! I think Yarrow would likely dodge this question tbh
16. how does your OC feel about their parents? Yarrow would ABSOLUTELY dodge this question. He has very complicated feelings for them. His parents weren't bad persay, but his father didn't understand when Yarrow started presenting as more masc that he may not enjoy the lacework that his dad did all that much, and his mother was the only person who really ever told Yarrow "no" in any truly effective capacity, which he recognizes as good now regardless of how it made him feel at time time. Yarrow feels shame in that he hasn't seen them since he left home and hasn't contacted them in over fifty years (elves), but there's an acidic dread to thinking of reaching out and having them ask about his life that he hasn't gotten over yet.
17. how does your OC feel about their siblings? Can you imagine if there was one than one of these guys running around (only child)
18. a memory that still makes your OC angry? SOOO many memories that still make him angry, though most of them are a fast-hitting and relatively minor anger since they're in the past. Yarrow still gets mad as hell about being strung along by an evil vampire that just wanted him for his power though, that one genuinely pisses him off because he was manipulated and played like a fool.
19. a memory that still makes your OC sad? Seeing Canna at a low point, and how he handled things with Baster on the way to Vatar still make him sad. Yarrow knows he should have been better behaved and tried to help Baster understand him better there, but he also recognizes that he can't change the past.
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softlystarstruck · 2 years
🕊, 🎂, and 🍼 for the ask game (🎀 if any of these are repeats)! hope you’re having a day as lovely as you! 💕💕💕
thank you emma 🥰🥰
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
absolutely annihilating my cuticles when anxious (bad). making a little cup of tea most nights before bed. always giving my cats a goodbye pet before i leave the house
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
never having to work a 40 work week again and still being able to afford,,,, you know,,, living. not being disabled bc my body is regularly inventing new types of woes for me. uhhh ability to go anywhere immediately whenever i want to kiss all my friends directly on the mouth and also get boba with them
already did 🍼 so 🎀- any question you want
(i think you were supposed to ask a question. or am i supposed to ask you a question??? who knows. pretend you asked me what i collect, and i am also asking that of you!!) i collect vintage teacups with saucers and letters from my friends and funky stamps and my little ponies from the 80’s and vintage nightgowns and teapots and bumper stickers and sketch zines and lolita dresses and art prints of boys kissing and literally anything that is pastel carousel themed it is all about maximalism babey!!!
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gsfmax · 10 months
maximalism is in babey
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cloudbends · 1 year
1 and 8 for the op/ed ask game?
hi hi hi!! ty for sending an ask !!! :D
1. Fav op/ed:
op: ok there's a lot to choose from but admittedly. Kick Back from csm (by kenshi yonezu) hits different in like every aspect for me? visual metaphors, animation, song is literally so good, just top tier for me for sure. close second is 99 from mp100 (by mob choir) because it's also . so fucking good. those vibrant colors and maximalism babey
ed: again so much to choose from but I'm gonna go with Kamisama no Iutōri from the tatami galaxy (by etsuko yakushimaru) !! I was really awed when I first heard it a very long time ago and it still holds out. close second is Zanki from csm (by zutomayo) again for stunning animation and style and song is perfect fr which also applies for most of csm's eds tbh.
8. An op/ed you always skip
ok admittedly i don't stay for many eds unless they're bangers but I very rarely skip an op so this is hard... I think I skipped the rahxephon op almost always just because it's not very memorable </3
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potionofhorny · 2 years
3, 5, 38!
3) most unusual kinks?
um probably my idea of what is unusual has been skewed by The Internet but I guess something genuinely unusual is having my clothes cut off/open? combination of knife kink, being unclothed with a clothed partner, and exhibitionist instincts
5) favorite position?
missionary babey I love holding hands and being held and kissing and maximizing skin to skin contact
38) best sexual complement I’ve ever gotten?
I’m sure this question means compliment but it says complement and I think the best complement I’ve ever had to sex was that I have gotten a back massage while i was also getting fucked with a machine which was incredible so I’m going to go with a massage for best complement
Thank you!! Ask me something else NSFW?
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cometcalloway · 3 years
The door opens, and Eustace walks into the bar. He’s normally a regular, but this is the first time he’s turned up in weeks. He looks older in a way that’s hard to place. More haunted. He looks more mature, somehow; or perhaps more painfully aware of where he isn’t mature and never was.
He sits at the bar without speaking for some time, despite having known Maxim for almost a year. Then, finally, he asks, “Have you ever hurt someone so badly there’s no chance they’ll ever forgive you?”
The story comes out slowly, like a stubborn tooth. Eustace crossed a boundary into another universe. That other universe went through some kind of apocalypse, and Eustace was lucky to make it out alive. But there’s more. Two of the people who lived in the alternate reality were able to escape with Eustace into this reality. They know next to nothing about how a world like this works, so he’s been trying to help them get by. They stayed at his apartment for a few nights, and he’s been able to persuade his church to let them live in the church basement for a few months. They’ll need a lot more than a few months of free lodging to really get settled in New York, and Eustace has no idea how to begin to help them in any kind of permanent way.
Oh, and they hate him. Fiercely. And he knows why, and he doesn’t blame them.
He shared details of his journey readily enough, but when it comes to the topic of what he did to make them hate him, he’s shamefully silent. He was just trying to do the right thing to help the pocket universe, is the closest he’ll give to an answer. He seems to want Maxim to tell him the right story that will make all of it make sense, but he can’t bring himself to share enough of what’s bothering him to give Maxim a fighting chance of doing that. Finally, he seems to come to a decision about how much of this problem can safely be solved at a bar. He stands up, shakes Maxim’s hand tightly, and thanks him profusely for listening to what he was able to share. Then he’s gone, a disappearing shape in gentle evening rain.
Sparrow is supposed to stay in the basement when the church is closed, and he agreed to as much. When he hears the rain, though, he simply has to find a window where he can see it, and that will mean going upstairs. Rook glances at him as he leaves, squinting with mild judgment. One of them, at least, is a rule-following type. But Sparrow has spent most of the past few days stuck in his head and scared, and this is the most excited, even hopeful, that Rook has seen him since they got to this world. Rook can’t bring himself to care about offending their hosts, not when Sparrow’s finally found something that will actually lift his spirits. So Rook just looks the other way and goes back to the meal he’s been attempting to make with the strange kitchen appliances. He even smiles, catching Sparrow’s sense of wonder and peace through their soul connection.
“It rains here too,” Sparrow says quietly, to the empty lobby of the church. An obvious enough statement, but somehow he felt something had to be said. The room was made to support a lot of foot traffic in and out of the building, and he looks particularly small as the only one in it. He hasn’t bothered to turn on the lights, and the stillness, vastness, and solitude of the moment, combined with the low light and the gentle patter on the roof and the busy rumble of traffic, is a religious service all on its own.
Their mental states are connected, and Rook can perceive the statement as easily as if he’d been sitting next to Sparrow. He nods in agreement. He’d rather have rain in the world than not, it’s true.
“We really are going to spend the rest of our lives in this place,” Sparrow says quietly, as if the words were drawn out of him by the silence. “This world.”
Rook thinks for a moment, as the thought properly hits him, too. Then he shrugs, then he nods.
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thegirlisuedtobe · 4 years
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brittlebutch · 5 years
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Character notes, let’s rock and roll!!!!
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