#im Attempting some new tactics
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he is just. so shaped. so so so So shaped.
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ohdeerfully · 7 months
hi! I have a request, I've never really done this before but I'll give it a shot. so my request is that Charlie is tasked by heaven to watch over a very special human soul via a device that is like a full 360 VR kind of setup and this soul just so happens to be Alastor's immortal wife (he didn't know she was) whom he thought had died with him during a bad event and wound up in heaven but she didn't and She stayed the same since the 1930s like her looks stayed the same and her love for Alastor stayed too she never once tried to move on even when her new friends in this time tried to get her a guy but she just refused still wearing the wedding ring her gave her
I hope it's not too much to ask it can be changed to whatever you see if you have full creative control over it!
thank you for your brain anon
theres a couple awkward POV shifts in the story and im super duper sorry about that D: im not good at those
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An Eternity
alastor x reader (angst) TW: reader is female, reader gets a lil drunk and drives but shes fine(i do not condone this pls dont drink and drive im so serious), yearning goes ouchie ):
join my discord!
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Alastor rarely, if ever, talked about his time alive. He saw it pointless; a waste of time and energy. How could it benefit him if somebody else knew his history? If anything, it would only open up weak points. And, being an Overlord, he couldn’t afford that.
The only hint of his past was a band on his finger that he never took off. Even after decades in Hell, nobody saw him without it.
People often asked, of course, because how in the Hell did the Radio Demon get hitched? Even in life, he was probably just as unusual and off putting. These questions were always met with a dismissive wave and a laugh, but anybody who knew him—which wasn’t many, truly—would recognize the strain in his voice as he brushed them off. Whatever the story was seemed to only grow more painful with time.
He was deep in thought, humming absently as he trailed through the hotel. He ended up meandering by Charlie’s room, which was cracked open. He took this as an invitation to let himself in, cheerfully grinning as he saw the girl sitting on the edge of her bed looking extremely confused.
“Hello, dear!” He announced himself, standing up straight and fixing his bowtie with one hand. “What does this afternoon have in store for the Princess of Hell?”
“Heyy, Al,” Charlie responded, still frowning at the contraption in her hand. It was a rather bulky thing; an unappealing piece of new technology, Alastor decided. Still, he loomed from behind Charlie with a curious bend in his neck. Her shoulders were stiff, and he couldn’t tell if it was from frustration with the thing in her hand or discomfort at him watching her. 
“What is that peculiar thing?” He finally asked, since Charlie made no attempt at explanation. She seemed too focused to really pay him any mind.
“Something Heaven gave me to watch some curious soul they can’t control,” She murmured, fiddling with a couple buttons and knobs. “They’ve got me doing some ridiculous things. I mean, some human soul shouldn’t even concern me. But, they promise these favors will help with my hotel.”
Alastor hummed in response. He of all demons would recognize a manipulation tactic when he saw one—convincing a powerful demon princess to do your chores and promising to help her desperate project in return seemed like something the angels would do. He didn’t care one way or another, as long as Charlie’s naivete didn’t get in the way of his own goals.
He took a few steps back when Charlie stood, seemingly finished with setting up the box. He grinned, amused, when she pulled it over her head. It wasn’t the most flattering thing, and pretty bulky on her face. She looked ridiculous, honestly.
“Modern technology,” He sighed dramatically, leaning down onto his cane as he continued to observe her. “Only getting uglier.”
Charlie didn’t respond to his comment, looking around at what Alastor saw as nothing. She played around with the settings again, and adjusted the straps on her head again, before looking around again. She let out a successful sounding “hell yes” before pulling a remote of sorts from her pocket. She pushed on a joystick.
“What are you doing?” Alastor asked plainly, the building curiosity finally becoming too much. “Why do you have a box on your head?”
“It’s like…” She began to explain, trying to think of how to make sense of it to him. “Like… imagine you were looking through the eyes of somebody else, but still standing in the same spot..?” Her voice tilted at the end, unsure of her explanation.
Yeah, no, Alastor had no clue. But he dismissed it as unnecessary, as he often did with any technology he couldn’t understand.
“I’m seeing… Earth, I guess,” Charlie explained more. “Following around this girl.”
Alastor was only partially listening, humming quietly to himself as he just observed. He wondered if he should just leave—nothing interesting was happening. He was curious to see what antics Heaven was pushing on the Princess of Hell, though.
“Wanna try?” Charlie offered, lifting the headset up away from her eyes. Alastor immediately scrunched his nose up and narrowed his eyes.
“And look as ridiculous as you? Hah! No thank you,” He sat down on a chair near the wall, leaning against the back of it. He threw one leg up over the other. Charlie shrugged in response, and pulled the contraption back down.
Alastor sat for a while, absently thinking about what he wanted to do later as he waited for something to happen.
“Oh! Hold on,” Charlie suddenly said, causing Alastor’s ears to straighten to attention as she reached up and pressed a button. A holographic projection appeared out of nowhere, manifesting through some strange magic. “Forgot I could do that. This is what I’m seeing in here.” 
Alastor stood and walked closer, leaning forward on his cane as he studied the projection. It seemed like some kind of bar. He mused at how different modern bars looked from the speakeasies he would frequent during his own life.
“What heavenly task are you doing in a bar?” He joked, trying to find something interesting in the projection. It just seemed like generic bar business. Loud, flirtatious women and boisterous, over confident men. That, at least, was the same from his day.
“Like I said earlier,” Charlie explained, looking around the room. The projection seemed to follow her movement, and Alastor recognized that he was basically seeing through her eyes. How curious. “There’s some… soul they lost control of. And they want me to report to them about her.”
Alastor was very curious to see what kind of soul broke from control of literal heaven. He watched rather intently, leaned forward against his cane to watch the projection.
Charlie turned another knob, and the sound of tacky pop music and loud chatter began to emanate from the bar scene. Alastor wasn’t a fan of newer music, but he was often forced to listen anyway in the hotel lobby.
“Is it possible to turn down that dreadful noise?” He complained to her, announcing his dissatisfaction.
“No. I need to be able to hear what the woman is saying,” Charlie answered stubbornly. Alastor’s microphone of a cane began to obnoxiously play a song of his choice for a moment in retaliation, but died down after a few moments. After all, Charlie ignored his attempt at aggravation, so there was no point in keeping it up.
Charlie looked around the bar, searching. Finally, her gaze settled on a fancier booth with half drawn curtains. From her angle, she could only see a woman. She looked frustrated.
“---get out of your shell! It’s about time you start talking to some guys for once,” Charlie caught the tail end of the woman’s statement. She was gesturing wildly around, exasperation evident in the jagged movements. “I’m sick of watching you pine for somebody who’s been gone for ages.”
“Ten years isn’t ages, Mechiele,” You drew your finger against the table, making shapes with the rim of water that the condensation from your glass left. Nearly a hundred years, more like, You commented to yourself. You never told anybody that you were an immortal being. Nobody believed you when you did, anyway.
You sat your cheek against the palm of your hand and lifted your gaze to your friend, who looked at you with a sharp frown. You shot her a weak smile. 
“Can you just drop it?” You asked, nearly pleading. You didn’t want to cry tonight, being a little tipsy—you were an emotional drunk. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself blabbering about a dead husband.
“Come on,” Mechiele said impatiently, pushing your pleas aside. “There’s so many hot guys in here, I bet one would just love to take a piece of work like you home and-”
“Mechiele.” You hoped your tone was enough to shut her up.
You should’ve known better, honestly. Mechiele was already abrasive when she was sober, but with the amount of drinks she’s had tonight…
“No, no, no! You bum! Get your ass up right now and get out there! And take that ring off while you’re at it!”
Mechiele quickly lunged at you, a much too playful look in her eye considering how pissed you were right now. You yanked your arm away from her grasp, cupping your hand protectively with the other, shielding the golden band on your finger from her.
“Fucking drop it!” You snapped at her, standing from your seat. “I’m going home. You’re too drunk. I’ll drive.”
“You’re so fucking lame,” Mechiele droned, falling back into her seat. She wouldn’t budge when you urged her to stand and come with you. “He’s fuckin’ dead! Get a new man, already! Alastor’s not-”
Mechiele stopped abruptly when you smacked her. It wasn’t an incredibly hard smack or anything, barely enough to leave a red bloom on her cheek, but it was enough. She looked at you through narrowed eyes. You returned the same expression.
You left the booth and stormed off, cursing under your breath about it all. About Mechiele, about this stupid bar, about the tipsy feeling in your head, about Alastor—
You folded your arms together as you briskly walked to your car, yelling in frustration at your heels and ripping them off your feet. The ground was a little wet and cold, but you didn’t care. After making it to your car, you threw yourself in an switched it on.
You thought for a few moments. You were lightheaded after a few drinks, but you really didn’t want to wait for a taxi. You’d probably be fine, yeah? Sure. Against your better judgment, you began to drive.
It was a long drive, but it gave you some time to think.
You missed him. You pined for him. Nearly every night was agony, missing the presence of the only man you’ve ever fallen in love with.
You cursed whatever higher power there was for making you this way—immortal. How cruel it was, to make you live forever to suffer this longing. You didn’t even notice when you ended up in your room, but you let yourself fall face first onto your bed, curling up into a ball.
Even more, you cursed yourself for ever falling in love. You should’ve known it would only lead to an endless torture of heartbreak. You would never love anybody the same; although, you don’t think you’d want to, even if you could.
You were born to suffer. To spend an eternity in life without him.
Charlie continued to watch in shock for a few moments, her mouth dropped at the mention of the Radio Demon’s name. The previously hidden woman stepped from the bar, a furious look in her eyes as she stormed away. Mechiele was left with stubbornly folded arms and an empty glass of alcohol.
“Heyyy, uh, Al, how common is your name..? Do you know…” Charlie asked a bit awkwardly. She got no response. She lifted the headset, and realized he was gone. Even still, there seemed to be a lingering feeling of intense static, and the air somehow felt a bit heavier than before.
This had to be some cruel, sick joke, right? Heaven had to be toying with him, finally finding a way to torture his soul. His wife—she was dead. It had been nearly a hundred years since he died, and even if she had lived till she was old—
Alastor was pacing his room, ears pinned and eyes wide in frantic thought. Oh, how he yearned for her. He had managed for so long to push the memory of her away, to lock up his loss in a tight cage as he climbed the ranks of hell; it had all come rushing, barreling, torrenting back when he had seen her—or, no, somebody that looked like her—step out of those curtains. It was only a coincidence that that woman looked like his wife, and only a coincidence that she had a dead husband that shared his name.
His wife was in heaven, no doubt; which was where she belonged, of course, but Alastor had spent the last decade pining for somebody who he could never see again. If given the choice, Alastor wasn’t so sure himself if he was kind enough as to not tear her soul from Heaven and down to Hell by his side. Alternatively, even if Charlie’s idea of redemption were to work, Alastor was truly irredeemable. It was all wistful thinking, anyway.
Alastor’s claws dug into the curtains of his window, staring out into the streets of Hell in an attempt to concentrate on one steady stream of thought.
When billions of people touch the Earth, it’s only natural that coincidences like this rise. Right? He tried desperately to convince himself of different possibilities. It just made no sense.
A knocking at his door made Alastor’s grin curl in deadly malice. He really wasn’t in the mood.
He paced to his door, opened it just enough to fit his body in the frame, and glared down at Charlie. She was wringing her hands together nervously, and only seemed to grow more timid as the heavy, almost palpable ambience of his radio static filled the hallway she stood in.
“I’m busy,” Alastor said bluntly. His lips were curled in a sneer.
“I can tell,” Charlie responded. "I know you don't like talking about yourself-" She began to ramble on about him talking to her about his feelings and whatnot, but Alastor didn’t listen as he shut the door again.
Though, the interruption did give his mind a chance to slow. He sat on a chair in the corner of his room, and opted to fiddle with the radio on the drawer next to him. He tuned it—or, more just magically infused it—to play some jazz to try to keep his head level.
It would take some time to rebuild the dam that held back the memories of his wife. Even just the mere thought of her made him feel weak, and he hated it. The only soul he was capable of falling in love with—gone, forever.
Alastor never took the whole “eternity of damnation” thing seriously, considering the power he held and how comfortable he really was in Hell. However, when he remembered her���
Hell truly was torture. And he was cursed to spend his eternity in death without her.
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vxlentinescookies · 4 months
One-shot of (Jester) Shadow Milk cookie x (Princess) Fem Reader please 🙏🏻
Plot : The reader hates her kingdom because it ruled by the infamous greedy king (her father), later on her father hired a new jester and eventually the princess and the jester become close friend (they secretly like eachother) but king despise the idea that his daughter being close with the jester and is planning to do something bad.
I need yummy angst with fluff 🙏🏻
Also, we knew that Shadow Milk could easily destroy the kingdom, he's one of the beasts afterall-
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→ ❛A rose in times of war❜
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→ Pairing ; Shadow Milk Cookie x Reader → Quote ; ❛❛Do you trust me, my dearest?❜❜ → Genre ; Drama , Romance → A/N ; Here you go! I hope you enjoy this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it hehe
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Once upon a time, there was a princess, caught in the claws of a greedy little kingdom. Her father, the King of the vast land, was greedy and infamous, often spending large quantities of money in parties and riches that could only amount to showing off his vast wealth. The princess was tired, exhausted of this behavior, so much that his father, in an unlikely act of love, hired the help of a handsome and great Jester, called—
“Shadow Milk Cookie, I know thats you you’re describing in the story…”
“Oh my dear (y/n) cookie, just allow me to have some fun!”
Ahem, long lost in the hills of earthbread, near Beast-Yeast, yet far away from most kingdoms, there would lie a kingdom, characterized for its poverty and power imbalance. Townsfolk would beg for a little bit of food, while the royalty boasted their riches and overabundance, this little kingdom was called Red Clover Kingdom. Ruled by King Clover Cookie, he’d become infamous in the chatter of his subjects and other kingdoms, due to his ruling with an iron fist and greed coating his words. Yet, despite all of this, one thing seemed to be clear, and its that he loved his daughter dearly. You see, the king wasnt always like this, there was a time where the king once was kind and full of life, but since the death of Queen Camellia Cookie, nothing but ruin and darkness had but befallen the kingdom. Consumed by grief, the King changed completely, fully submitting to the darkness in his heart and turning the kingdom into his own little playground, a truth he tried to hide from the Princess, whom he adored with his life as the only remnant of his wife’s legacy. 
Seeing the princess' saddened state, the boredom that leaked into her mind and into her life, the King came to a resolution, and that was bringing forth a jester, a companion for the Princess, said jester, was none other than Shadow Milk Cookie. Having infiltrated the kingdom as an attempt to escape from being locked out again by White Lily Cookie, Shadow Milk Cookie became appointed as the Princess jester, a job he relished in as it allowed him to partake into creating plays and making others laugh, but it also meant that he had to stay at bay, save he want to be found out, which wasnt that fun but he could manage. With that in mind, the relationship between the Princess and Shadow Milk cookie would slowly shift into one of friendship and comfort, as the Princess would find safety and a confidant in the jester.
“Shadow Milk cookie, you’re so funny” The princess would tell the jester once, laughing as he finished another of his puppet plays with expertise. 
“Of course I am, Im a jester after all!” He noted, and the princess couldnt do anything but laugh gently. 
“Of course you are” The princess would say with a smile, looking at the jester before thinking deeply. “And to think that when we met, I wasnt keen on you, you’ve truly surpassed my expectations, jester of mine… And Im grateful of that.”
Of course, the princess wasnt always keen on the jester. Thinking at first that he was a tactic of his father to keep her controlled, she would at first be coarse and harsh on the jester, hiding behind her fan as the poor cookie tried his best to make the royal laugh, but it was difficult. It’d take one specific parody of the royalty, presented only in front of the princess and some of her handmaids, to make the princess finally break into laughter, something that seemed to be unlikely, it seemed to finally have happened. 
“Right, that moment was quite precious, I hold it dear to my heart” Shadow milk cookie said with pride in his voice, holding a hand to his heart while another lifted his hat, and the princess couldnt do anything but giggle at his mannerisms “I mean it! Your laughter breaks my heart now, ahuhu…”
“Oh you silly jester” She’d say warmly, walking towards him to put a hand on his shoulder. “Truly, what would I do without you…”
Those words seemed to take Shadow milk by surprise, as he looked at the princess for long moments before simply smiling and hitting her with another one of his jokes, another parody of the royalty of the dark kingdom, and the Princess would hide her mouth with her fan as she laughed. Things were surely lively in her quarters, since of course, Shadow Milk Cookie couldnt afford to laugh at royalty in front of the king himself, oh no! Of course he couldnt, save he’d be sent away to the dark dungeons of the castle—And then the princess would be all sad and mopey, and that was something he didnt want to happen.
Silently, though, would their relationship deepen the more they spent together, the more they shared moments and laughter, it was something visible and palatable to those around them, the handmaids, the butlers, everyone but them. For the princess would keep on laughing, and the jester would keep on entertaining her. Knowledge of their feelings growing closer and closer together would eventually find the ears of the king, however, and nothing but anger would come from his lips as he thought of what to do. This wasnt meant to happen, he wasnt meant to fall for the princess, nor viceversa, but oh, who was he to say who the princess deserved? Apparently, someone because the next thing he did would be something that would mark the poor princess forever.
“An arranged marriage? B-But, father—”
“No buts! You will marry the prince of the kingdom of Rose Champagne, lest you wish to see that damned Jester suffer!”
With nothing else to say, the poor princess couldnt do anything but go to her room and cry inconsolably, seeing her life go down the drain as the King forced her to take a path she didnt want, to take the hand of someone she didnt love, it was all a nightmare, and as Shadow Milk cookie approached the room for the daily session with his favorite princess, he’d come to see the aftermath of a dark endeavor. 
“Oh Shadow Milk Cookie, my loyal jester!” The princess would cry out as she went to hug the cookie, who, dumbfounded, would hold her in his arms to soothe her. “The king, the king wants to marry me off!!”
“Y-Yes, he wants me rid of someone from another kingdom, and I must abide lest… lest they hurt you…”
The words felt like daggers into his heart, as the cookie simply listened to the poor princess’ laments. And then, only then would darkness and deceit take shape and form inside of the cookie, feeling those old feelings resurface and take shape into the darkest of ways. He consoled the princess, then, the handmaids leaving the room to leave them both be, as the Jester rubbed circles on her back, shushing her down to a small slumber. Oh dearest princess, if only you knew how much this jester has grown to adore you, your smiles, your laughter, your voice and your overall self, then you’d know that somethings are only done in the name of love.
Deceit was the last name of Shadow Milk Cookie, and with the only truth on his lips being his love for the princess, he’d ideate a plan to get her out of there, and into the depths of Beast-Yeast. Carefully would plan a way to turn the handmaids against the king, the butlers, the cooks, the servants and the townspeople, which wasnt hard, as all of them already felt a certain way, less than favorable, about the father of the princess. Then, he’d call upon a riot, a riot to overthrow the king and lead to a better future for both the kingdom and the princess. And while all that happened, he’d steal the princess away, take her somewhere safer, somewhere deep within Beast-Yeast.
“Are you sure this plan will work?” One of the townsfolk asked, looking around the room as the jester, clad in a cloak, only smiled.
“Of course, I’m the princess’ appointed jester after all… Who else would know the castle better than me?”
That would mark a countdown that would end a fateful rainy day, deep into the darkness of the night, when the princess was sleeping, clad in a white dress, would wake to the thunder and the silhouette to someone in the balcony. 
“W-Who’s there…?” She’d ask, sheepishly as Shadow Milk would only open the balcony doors, extending a hand over to her. “S-Shadow Milk Cookie…?”
“My dearest princess, will you accept this jester’s dance this night?” He’d speak, then, with the warmest of smiles and the most devious of gazes. Truly, a meeting for a lifetime.
“W-What are you doing here, my jester?”
“There is no time to lose, princess, a riot is brewing within the townsfolk and the servants of the kingdom, we must make haste and escape while we can…”
“Do you trust me, my dearest?”
Silence would fill the room for long moments, as the princess would think about what to do, who to follow. But deep within her heart, she’d run to Shadow Milk and hold his face in her hands, completing the moment with a loving kiss. It would be returned, gingerly by the jester taken by surprise, as he led them towards the balcony, and in a jump of faith, would they both fall in the middle of the rain into the garden. Roars and wrath would be heard in the kingdom as the beast known as Shadow Milk Cookie would take the princess away, stealing one of the horses from the stable to run into the distance. Loud galloping could be heard from one of the exits of the kingdom, Shadow milk keeping the Princess hidden under a spell of invisibility and the cloak she now carried on.
Legend says that the beast and the princess were never to be seen again, as one of the townsfolk would take over the kingdom as the newly appointed king. Nobody but the king himself, who rotted away in the dungeons would weep for the lost princess, save for a few handmaids, except those who had learnt the true plan Shadow Milk Cookie had for them.
‘I’ll steal (Y/N) away, I’ll bring her into Beast-Yeast, the safest part there is and…’
“Shadow Milk Cookie?”
It had been years since you left the Kingdom, since the titles of princess and jester started becoming meaningless between you both. You called upon him as he turned to look at you, holding his child in your arms in the middle of a clearing in the forest, where the morning dew illuminated you making you seem… angelic. Oh, how could he afford to lose someone like you…
“Yes, my princess?” He’d ask, walking towards you and cupping your face in his hand, he was much taller, much bigger, and yet, he held you like the most precious doll in the world.
“Food is ready, I was going to call you earlier but you seemed so stuck in your thoughts and I didnt want to interrupt that I…” You trailed off, feeling his finger dance around your lips softly. “... I love you”
“I love you too, my dearest”
‘... And I’ll make her my wife.’
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mywifealhaitham · 1 year
this is anon who rqed the akira hcs HEHEHE TYSM IM GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET RN
i saw ur requests still open and i wanna req one more thing if its fine... i offer: akira and s/o with social anxiety and a bit of a recluse. maybe like comforting them? something like that
again tysm i will be thinking of ur akira for hours
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﹑♡ : akira with a socially anxious and reclusive s/o
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୨ a/n ୧ : I'm very glad u like it!! I originally got this request literally minutes after I posted the original post but I held off on it and took a small break... I'm sorry... also as per usual the phantom thieves make a appearance they're a package deal w/ akira ^_^
✦﹒out of all the phantom thieves he's definitely one of the best partners for someone like yourself. he's incredible patient and he doesn't mind being your voice.
✦﹒if you tend to stay in your room or house alot he finds ways to get you out occasionally, he knows some good tactics because of futaba. he offers to take you out on dates at night to avoid people as much as possible or taking you out to more open areas like Inokashira Park.
✦﹒assuming you go to shujin or any other school he always waits for you at the train station even if he ends up a bit late... once your both on the train he holds you or if that embarrasses you then he holds your hand the entire time while trying to distract you by talking about what news is going on in the city or maybe something stupid ryuji did the other day.
✦﹒if you're a phantom thief and get anxious about the amount of shadows in a palace or the metaverse then him and everyone else has got your back! akira being the leader sadly can't always be at your side he tries his best, holding your hand and shielding you with his body. if he has to go into a battle then the others who stay and watch (in my mind 4 fight while the others just watch...) will try and comfort you!
✦﹒out of all of them I believe that haru is the best at comforting, she may not understand how you feel but her words never leave to make you feel at ease. if you want someone who understands your fear then futabas got your back since she was once a recluse like yourself. the others also have their own ways of comforting you! (ryuji will start threatening the shadows)
✦﹒a bit off topic but speaking of ryuji and futaba they're practically your siblings and they're just as protective and eager to help you as much as akira.
✦﹒if you ever have a panic attack out in public akira is quick to excuse you both and takes you away from the public. once in private he's a bit hesitant because he isn't 100% sure how to help. he normally rubs your back and tells you to take deep breaths unless you don't want too. morgana will help you too despite his protests of not being a cat he hops onto your lap and nuzzles your hand in a attempt to make you feel better.
✦﹒in total if your a more anxious person then surrounding yourself with the phantom thieves and akira is a good option; they always have your back and you'll forever be loved unconditionally ˃ᴗ˂
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howlsofbloodhounds · 22 days
i think cross and killer's state of relationship depends a few factors: is this x-event cross stuck with xchara? or is this cross after the x-event? because i do think killer would feel a mix of interest and wariness with x-event cross, who can switch to xchara at times if not being constrained by nightmare. in underverse, killer does seem to despise xchara and by extension cross (not sure about the canon-icity of underverse to something new au though). imagine seeing sans with some chara behaviors elements - that would be killer's worst nightmare (which i headcanon is the purpose/goal of stage 4).
however, cross has an interesting soul, which killer would love to dissect. cross and xchara have a semi-antagonistic with each other, but they do share the same goal. cross' dislike of being in the same body of xchara and being pestered all the time might make him more... sympathetic(?) (i'm not sure if that's the correct word lol) to killer. their situations are similar on the surface, but not deep down. i do wonder when xchara momentarily takes over cross, what would killer's reaction be like, if he's anywhere near cross/xchara at the time?
~ crowshipping anon
I can definitely see that being the purpose/goal of Stage 4, given it was described as “chara wins” when describing the difference between killer and murder sans, although id definitely love to hear more about your headcanon/ interpretation of that.
And it probably depends on what exactly xchara is doing in that moment and why he’s in control of the body, cause if it has anything to do with trying to leave nightmare, killer might have to interfere—and probably brutally. Gleefully even. Im assuming that nightmare wouldnt want to lose a valuable tool, so killing xchara would probably be off the menu, but psychological torment isn’t.
And given his interest in Cross’ soul, finding out XChara can control the body might get both that experimental mind and sadistic revenge fantasies going. What if he can experiment on a soul, and torture a chara at the same time. it’s probably his equivalent of a dream come true lmao. perhaps he even attempts to manipulate cross into it by framing the experiments as finding a way to “free” cross of his “burden” and give him back his body and soul.
of course, if cross and xchara are too valuable for nightmare to lose, too valuable for killer to break or kill, most of that might just have to remain in his head—although im certain he could use his observation skills and whatever he’s learned from cross to fuck with xchara still.
bringing up xgaster and xfrisk, even if unknowingly but nonetheless intentionally. other than that, there’s his usual avoidance tactics—which im sure he’ll make use of heavily, although in ways that don’t make it obvious that’s what he’s doing.
im sure he’ll gleefully get rid of xchara if nightmare doesn’t have anymore use of him though.
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sickly-sugar · 22 days
what would happen if one dated all yanderes at once? 🤔🤔 who would survive lol
as their god i won't let them kill each other, but in the event that i wasn't there..
jay, jake, and bre would hate the idea of sharing their darling the most.
jay would be the one to worry about the most. all the yanderes could be pushed to violence, but it's jay's first response. jay would immediately notice jake's manipulation and kill him if i don't stop her. she would also notice bre trying to keep you away from her and kill him too. creed is too submissive and anxious, jay would honestly want to protect him just as much as he wants to protect you. sugar is delusional, and jay wouldn't hold it against her but if he notices her getting too clingy with you (very likely) his rage would get the better of him and he would get rid of her too.
"none of you deserve them. none of you can protect them like i can. you're a danger to them, and ill make sure you never fucking see the light of day."
hit count: 3. the first to go would be bre for his kidnapping attempts. second would be jake for his attempts to convince you that jay isn't trustworthy. sugar would be third for her clinginess towards you. creed is safe because jay can see that he is obedient and would never hurt you.
jake hates the others. they truly disgust him. he sees himself as better than them, and though he doesn't show it as obviously, he would do his best to convince you that the others aren't trustworthy. he would use jay's obvious violence as proof that she's dangerous to be around. he would try to convince you that creed and sugar are too unstable, that they're crazy and a bad influence. he would use creed's submissive personality to keep him away from you and sugar's delusions to convince her that he's in love with her despite his hate. through that, if he couldn't keep you from trusting them, he could at least keep those two from interacting too much. he would point out bre's attempts at isolating you and do his best to show that he's untrustworthy and likely some kind of crazy kidnapper. in the event that his attempts wouldn't work, he would hire hitmen to get rid of some and poison the others.
"oh sweetheart, i know you adore their attention but look at them.. they could hurt you. i don't trust their motivations and you shouldn't either. in the end, im the only one who's truly honest with you and loves you for who you are. just stay with me, okay?"
hit count: 4. jay would be the first to go, through a hired hitman. bre would be poisoned. creed would be sold to traffickers. sugar would be killed by jake himself, pushed to anger.
sugar is tied with creed for being most at risk while being around the others. her personality would make it difficult for her to see their motives and possessiveness, often misreading them as the other yans being in love with her too. she would easily fall in love with all of them, seeing them and darling as her new family. without my intervention, the other yanderes would immediately get rid of her for her clinginess with you and unyielding, obvious adoration.
"stay away from darling? oh its so cute how much you care about me! but there's no reason to get jealous of them, i love you all just as much!"
hit count: 0. she would be killed by jay, jake, or bre.
bre would also try to isolate you from the others, but instead of using manipulation as a first tactic like jake, he would simply hire hitmen. he doesn't trust any of them at all, his paranoia too strong. jay for her violence, jake for his masking, creed for his unsanitary and twitchy demeanor, and sugar for her clingy obsession. he would convince himself that the others are trying to hurt you, or him, and try to kidnap you away from them as soon as possible.
"don't worry hun, i won't let those nasty people near you. ill protect you. you don't have to worry about anything, because im here."
hit count: 4. he would hire others to get rid of all the other yanderes.
creed is the least likely to cause problems. his anxiety would make him less likely to try to take you for himself. but if you, at any point, implied you wanted him around, he would push past his fear and listen to any command you give him. he wouldn't listen to the others if he felt like it wasn't what you wanted. he wouldn't have strong opinions about jake and bre, just a general sense of being uncomfortable and not trusting them. he would see jay as your bodyguard and feel happy for the help, growing especially attached to both of you as jay tries to take care of him as well. he would also get attached to sugar for her attachment to all of them.
"a-are you sure you w-want me around? alright.. are the others bothering you? what do you want me to d-do?"
hit count: 0. without your order, he wouldn't hurt anyone.
overall, because jay isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, her senario is the most likely to succeed. hitmen take longer to hire, as opposed to immediate brute force. bre and jake would be killed immediately. sugar would confuse jay due to her easy love for both him and you. but eventually, her disrespect for boundaries would push him, and he'd kill her too. creed would survive, jay wouldn't be able to help wanting to protect him.
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darkestcorners · 10 days
I’m wanting to know if you have any author recs who also write yandere and dark things similar to u :-) ?
Also curious how would jk react if men in general tried to pursue oc or eyefuck, flirt etc etc? Would he always threaten them firsthand or just kill them off the bat when yn isn’t looking…!!?? Or even worse by making it well known and try to desensitize the act
Another question I’m really curious about what if the man was in the same league as jk with the same connections and money to also attempt to mess up jks life or interfere with their relationship. I’m curious how far jk would take it in the name of keeping oc all to himself
Thank you for being such an amazing talented writer.
Hi babes🤍 Thank you so much for reading 💕🫶🫶
Ahh, my go to yandere authors have always been @deepdarkdelights & @angelicyoongie All their works are really really amazing. Such a big fan of all their stories. I think I used to say a million times on here how much I ate up The Crimson Shell & 10 seconds series ( im actually rereading both rn lmaoo) . Iconic.
I’m also positive there’s a bunch of new amazing authors on here but i unfortunately haven’t been on this site for 2 years so I’m really out of the loop and haven’t caught up with any new fics . Hopefully I can read some new ones soon haha.
As for your first question, it’s really tricky isn’t it? I can definitely see Jungkook switching it up a bit depending on the degree of the flirting/ advanced from other men or women. Yes, his first tactic is usually asserting his claim on her potential suitors to stay away which could mean a slight threat or warning that she has a boyfriend or just to simply make it clear she’s taken. His actual threatening tactics would be used if he noticed those warnings are ignored or the OC is reciprocating it. That’s when he gets drastic and starts finding ways to sabotage the person threatening their relationship. Whether it be more mild inconveniences like making them lose their job, opportunities or more drastic things like actually hurting them and causing ‘accidents .’ Actually killing them would have to be the last straw for him, like someone is actively posing a huge threat to him which would be unlikely given his status.
Now if someone of the same status/power as him in society posed a threat, definitely things would start to get more ugly. That’s when he’d consider murder. I think you can see Jungkook is aware of this as well with the way he’s slowly starting to question the OC having a career and whether or not she really needs it and already bringing up marriage.
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evermoredeluxe · 1 month
I remember in 2015 when Taylor said she and Ed were a bit competitive with each other about the charts and he over took her at some point in 2016/2017 before reputation he said he was doing well but Taylor was coming at the end of the year so he had until then and after rep released he made a comment that he wasn’t really competing with anyone anymore “maybe Adele” (I remember people got pretty annoyed at that) and now he hasn’t been hitting for a few albums now, outside of touring he’s not really doing big numbers with his music and hasn’t for a while. A lot of people assumed his collaboration with Aaron was just an attempted Grammy bait and the album didn’t really hit, some even checked it out cause they thought it’d be his folklore
im not claiming to know how he feels, but as i said, competitiveness leading to jealousy is not a new thing.
(talking beyond ed here) i remember once taylor also said that she is less bothered by charts vs ed who knows all the rules and is indeed bothered. and this sounds ironic and untrue because she clearly knows the tactics and she’s been #1 for 14 weeks with TTPD alone this year, but i think the major difference between her and her peers is that even if she weren’t this successful, she would still be happy with whatever she’s achieved. i don’t think she compares herself to others. she’ll put out authentic art because that’s what’s most important to her (along with her connection to us), and it is just so happens that she’s very intelligent and has a marketing brain, so when she sees the opportunity, she strikes (which happens to be 9/10 times in her case because the quality of her work is very consistent). like even when she believed that lover was her last shot, she hustled and did what she could, and then went on to make folklore because that’s what felt right. i believe she is very competitive because she wants to be the best, but never cruelly envious, unlike most others. hence why you also don’t hear her bad-mouthing other artists and always see her uplifting them.
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sergeifyodorov · 6 months
hi! as a new hockey watcher which of the leafs dmen are good (other than rielly) and what about them make them good/reliable? im understanding forwards a lot better since i started watching but i think i need the good characteristics of a good dmen broken down for me. thanks for your help :)
hi !!! i do hate to say it but like. as much as the leafs are a good team their defenders across the board aren't... great...? like morgan is great at getting points and lilly is generally pretty good too but if you want to know what a Good Dman looks like the leafs are not going to be your best bet on this.
it's also generally a lot harder to tell when defencemen are good than when forwards are good because, like, what is defence anyway? whuh? -- also dmen tend to have a lot more dimension than forwards (as in, there are more possible ways they can be good) since defencemen who play offensively are meaningfully much different than forwards who defend.
here are Some things, although not a be-all end-all:
lateral movement in the offensive zone -- "walking the blueline," as it's called. when cycling in the ozone, forwards will often pass back to the defencemen to try and have someone else create the space for them, or to pass to the other side of the ice for the other wing. good defencemen are better at a) taking these passes (not blowing the zone and making everyone tag), b) holding the puck at the zone -- moving side to side to open up the ice, and c) passing it up or back to the forwards. this is easiest to see on a power-play, but the tactics hold nonetheless
pinching/retrievals -- when an opposing forward skates into the offensive zone with the puck, they will sometimes come near the walls in an attempt to get around the d. better dmen are more likely to sort of "guide" them into the walls, where they can be hit to take the puck off them. similarly, when a forward dumps the puck into the offensive zone, it's a dman's job to go and get it. better dmen are more likely to make these retrievals successfully, even under pressure
interrupting slot passes -- across or into the slot is a really dangerous (as in risky to face) direction to pass through because of how much the goalie has to move to meet the shooter. good defencemen are great at knowing where a cross-slot pass is going to be and getting in the way, forcing the passer to either shoot themselves (less dangerous, because the goalie is likely already square to them) or reconsider (also less dangerous, because everyone else will have a worse angle than the target of the cross-slot pass)
jumping up in the play -- this one is mostly a task that offensive-style dmen do and it's not necessarily an indicator of quality, but if you're looking for forwards/trying to learn to watch the game it's also something to look out for ! when a team is in the offensive zone, dmen tend to stay back, aka mostly on or around the blueline (see point 1), but sometimes a dman will come further into the zone and much closer to the net -- morgan rielly is a great example of this, he does it all the time. they kind of transfer from strict defending to playing like a forward. this has both pros and cons -- pros, it acts as another forward in the o-zone, and cons it requires the other defenceman to cover more ice, so it really depends on the offensive skill of the dman.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
hey there, im wondering how i can get more comfortable going up to random people and striking up a conversation. i have pretty bad social anxiety most times but i know i cant get friends unless i do this. do you have any tips on how to feel more secure on going up to people? also, how do i make the conversation flow? everytime i strike up a conversation i just sound so awkward and i cant think of what to say. how do i remedy this and sound cool or hot while talking to someone instead of weird. tysm!!
Hi love! Some tips below:
Remember that everyone is self-focused most of the time. People don't really think too much about you. They're worried about their to-do lists, internal monologues, and how they're presenting themselves to others. So, chances are, if an attempt to initiate a conversation isn't reciprocated, remember it's because the other person is focused on their own priorities and probably will forget about the awkward interaction by the next day.
Consider how you would show up as a confident person then start faking it until you become it. As with any skill, learning how to socialize requires taking action followed by tons of practice, reflection, adjustments for improvement, and repetitions of this cycle.
Make your conversation low-stakes. Initiate a conversation with a genuine compliment if you're nervous. It's a simple, thoughtful, and generally well-received gesture. If you're too nervous to think of things to say, use simple conversation starters (How's your day? How insane is this weather? I can't believe we have to do XYZ project, or Isn't XYZ news story just wild?).
Paraphrase what the other person is saying to display your active listening skills and attention to your conversation. Ask follow-up questions relevant to what they've already said. This tactic will make the person feel heard/special for the moment and makes it easier for you to continue the conversation without having to think of a handful of topics or stories to contribute on the fly.
To appear more calm and collected, take your time and speak slowly. Allow for small pauses, and don't rush through your words. Smile, and maintain direct eye contact. Don't be afraid to laugh when contextually appropriate. Keep your speech even-pitched (don't end every sentence on a high, nervous note where the ending sounds like it's a question). Maintain open body language and tilt your head to show you're actively listening instead of fidgeting.
Hope this helps xx
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jokerlennon · 2 months
chess the musical through (vaguely) the lens of mass media and fame and the mismatch and unclear lines between image and real life person. im listening to the concept album but referencing other versions bc #whatever
the citizens of merano trying to sell their little town, delighted by the publicity
the American shows up - already he is referred to without name in the concept album, his identity as a person irrelevant compared to his nationality, his role in the great game - to an adoring crowd.
even when he is not in front of the eyes of the world, he is concerned with his image above all: the first time we see him in private, he reads news about himself. the ego is not an act.
he gives an interview. we learn about his negative press, his tactic of being controversial to stay relevant. how much of it is real? can he even tell?
like the rest of the world, molokov thinks he's mad. the Russian does not. he calls it "third-rate propaganda". he is anxious to reinforce himself as a person and not a symbol of a country, singing about his personal experiences and struggles with being famous. ("times have been good, fast, entertaining. but what's the point if i'm concealing not only love, all other feeling?")
the opening ceremony is our next look at chess through mass media: a long, creative history of cheating, as well as the reinforcement of the idea that this is a match for the ages: the men are no longer merely players, but the two sides on a small-scale proxy war. "we don't want the whole world saying they can't even win a game" etcetera. another opportunity for merchandising cannot be passed up, consumerism swallowing up even the most ancient and intellectual of sports. finally, another feeble insistence that this is just a game.
finally, the game! accusations of cheating fly around from the American - who, as we later find out in some versions, was faking outrage to give himself time to think, playing on the preconceived notions at play that a) chess players cheat b) he is prone to drama (c) the ussr is less trustworthy than the usa?)
in "quartet", even the Russian refers to the American as a nut/fruit, realising that perhaps the media was right for once. as they attempt to calm the tensions the characters all lament that such a game has become a "battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee", all but abandoning the pretenses they keep up in front of the cameras in the name of international cooperation.
"mountain duet" is about Florence and the Russian realising that the other is more than what the media and their preconceptions have made them out to be, that they have more in common than they thought.
"florence quits" shows that the American hasn't always been quite this awful.
when the Russian defects, he is swarmed by reporters. Walter laughs and says "Welcome to the West." anthem shows his complex feelings about his country, which cannot simply be summed up by "defector". the embassy workers think it "boring".
apart from playing into contemporary western perceptions of the city, "one night in bangkok" showcases the American's new image: unaffected, cool, and defected to the side of the many-headed media monster.
i need to put this here somewhere i think. walter as the reporter who is secretly a cia agent
"the interview": the American is well and truly a reporter now, asking similar barbed questions as the unnamed reporters asked him early in the show, but with a more personalised flair. this interview is, too, a spectacle: former opponents on camera together again for the first time in a year. a bizarre reunion, indeed, but one that will draw crowds to Global TV's broadcast. "what's your true motivation?" the American has always been in control of his own narrative more than the Russian, but now he is exerting control over the Russian's image as well. "I won't discuss my private life in public," the Russian says, but as we will soon see, "it's the lead on the news".
Florence and the Russian's relationship is publicised entirely, and while Florence desperately wants him to acknowledge it, his tactic is to ignore it until he's secured the win - an unbreachable rift starts to open between them. he suggests she "watch TV, read the paper, have the miserable time of [her] life" - showcasing how important mass communication has become in the daily life of an average person by the 1980s.
labels get thrown around - communist, democrat, refugee, total shit, silly boy, woman he should have not have let walk out. partner. the truth in any of these varies - they aren't complete hogwash, but they are the same simplifications that have appeared in the media.
"pity the child" gives us some insight into the American's character, and how he came to be like this - a lonely childhood turning into desperate thirst for approval and fame. and yet he doesn't dare seek his mother's approval even now, when he lives his life on television.
miscellaneous highlights of endgame: "prostituting themselves chasing a spurious starlight" "[the sirens of fame and possessions] will destroy you, not rivals, not age, not success" "they all think they see a man [...] whose private life caused his decline, wrecked his grand design"
i don't even know what else to add to this one. just
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helplessautomaton · 7 months
HIIHII!!! can you do Mushitaro with 5 & 9?? (i love him very much)
5 (you're my only reason im doing this.") + 9 (“I hope you know, we will die together and there's nothing stopping that.”)
I LOVE MUSHI SO MUCH, thank you for this omg, i finished this on a whim so hopefully i didnt get anything wrong!, also Villain reader for this one. hope you like the double upload.
WC 708 // valentines event closing on the 17th! TWs, reader gets stabbed, degrading, i mention fyodor too many times,
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The city's skies and flourishing sounds of people going about their daily lives were not meant for you. Living off of someone else's pain, simply put, you were scum, a horrible scourge. You were lucky enough to have only caught the eye of Fyodor once, only doing what his twisted desires asked of yours. You couldn't care enough for any other of the members that Fyodor had gathered up. Working with him meant that you only had one part to play in the grand plan and no one else needed to be with you. So how did you catch the eye of someone else? Somehow the secluded one, Mushitarou was willing to bother you no matter what happened. From complaints to simply just being there grimacing at your actions. You probably wouldn't have minded if it wasn't for this becoming an average working day experience. Truth be told, it pissed you off. Trying his best to subtly follow you when you were free from dirty work that afternoon, suddenly bumping into you when you’re trying to get simple groceries.
All so annoying and repetitive. However, you knew better to underestimate the man, it goes without saying, Fyodor caught him for a reason. There's a dirtied up reason as to why he got seeked out by Fyodor just like you had, and you’ve only heard accounts of what his ability can do. You knew how to play safe but didn't account for how annoying he would be. His rude nicknames snickered from his mouth failed to properly move you, so naturally, they got worse.
At this point you started to avoid him, gaining Fyodor’s favor just a little due to the distraction of Mushitarou getting in the way. One more pretentious word out of his mouth was sure to cause bloodshed from your side and that would be punished accordingly. Sometimes to cool down you looked at the worst news possible of damage either you or your coworkers had done. To admire the work from their side cautiously from news outlets in fake distress. But as time ticked some of those news articles you loved so much for an ego boost were disappearing. Not a single trace to be found of their existence or yours. Your mind clicked instantly on who it could be, and simply put, it pissed you off. Yet you couldn't do anything physical, you didnt know how to ruin Mushitarou’s life like he knew how to do for yours. Fyodor requested of you for a reason, your potential, not for it to be diminished down by an annoying pest. Yet here you were broken down in your own room with Mushitarou in it. “You're my only reason I'm doing this.”
His voice made your nails dig deeper into your skin as you glared at him angrily. Your side is already pulsing with pain with an attack you didn't be wary of. “You’re not going to die, at least, not by yourself.”
His voice only made you shake with more anger ruining up in your veins while he stares at you, while he looks down on you. Mushitarou continued to speak, his words turned into a whisper that didn't match his smirk plastered on his face, “I hope you know, we will die together and there's nothing stopping that.”
You attempted to reach up to attack him but he simply moved away, you were weakened down and he wanted to make that clear. A pathetic man used pathetic tactics to make a fool out of you, and all you could do was let him. The moment you two were free of the grasps of dirty work, he wouldn't hesitate to get rid of any traces of you ever existing. He’s done it before and he's all too willing to do it to you just to keep you trapped. Just so you can become a pet to him. You knew how to play safe but didn't account for an obsession this bad. You didn't account for a knife to be lodged into your side when you got home tired of a mission. This was your own downfall and you knew Mushitarou would be there to remind you of how he kicked you down into his grasp alone.
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spyderlondon · 28 days
( IDEA )
Jax angst that doesn’t have to do with abstraction or y/n stuff, no crushes, no lovers, just something like him feeling useless, mabye ragatha finally speaks out and he feels hurt, mabye he’s suffering in silence?
im dying to see angst other than the same old things, but this is just an idea! I love your work so do what you feel like :)
have a good day!!
A/N: Glad to know I've written Jax well enough to get a good amount of asks for him lol Also, thank you! Always glad to make stories people enjoy :D
Angst with no abstractions or love, huh? Hmm... I can make that happen! I would be a terrible creative writing student if I stuck to the same old, same old.
Digital Chess AU by @digital-chess @shavs-media-productions
CW: Obsession, fear, panic attack, anxiety, blood, violence, trauma (Chess!Queenie scares me with her tactics-)
The Golden Child
"Wha-?" A pair of yellow eyes blinked open and the man immediately had to use his hand to block out the blindingly white light of the room he was currently in, "Bright..." He grumbled out. He took a moment to let his eyes adjust while trying to remember how he got here... the most he could recall was being drawn to a computer screen. He had turned it on to see why he wanted to be in front of it and... nothing. He was just suddenly in this room. Was it a room? He couldn't tell. He couldn't even remember what he looked like...
He tensed up in slight panic. He lowered his hand as he looked around with wide eyes before freezing as he spotted what looked to be a large black queen chess piece with a yellow cloak with white fur lining and.... are those... multicolored eyes? Odd choice of fashion but...... ARE THOSE EYES MOVING?!? He took a few steps back- he could hear her speaking but he wasn't listening. His flight or fight instincts were starting to kick in as he felt himself stiffen up as she slowly began to approach him, holding her free hand out as if to comfort him, "Dear, are you alright?" She questioned, her voice sounded like she was concerned but something sounded... off. As if she was hiding her true tone with him... there was something... cold about her...
The woman got too close, he was terrified and chose to fight. His eyes were pinpoint as he abruptly wrenched the three-pronged staff away from her red gloved hand before attempting to slam it into her side as self-defense, "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" He snarled, his voice full of panic and desperation. She was quick to move a bit away, her eyes wide in shock- apparently she never expected anyone to react that way.
But before he could actually strike her, another pair of larger hands came out of nowhere and snatched the staff away from the young man, "I didn't bring you in here to try to attack my queen." Blue and red eyes glared down at the new arrival with his eyes glowing some, he was obviously angry for what his new pawn, "Were you listening to her in the slightest?" He narrowed his eyes. The young man just stared at him- the chess piece was larger than the queen with a black robe that slowly changed it's gradient to a dark red and finally a blood red at the very bottom as well as black fur on the top and bottom of the outfit. And the multicolored eyes... they were on him too...
The new player backed away in his fear before freezing as he noticed that he was now covered in purple fur with a white, long tank on that had gold borders as well as a chess piece pictured on the center on the shirt... a rook? He had yellow pants on to match the tank and gold gloves. His breathing quickened as he stumbled backwards so he could be further away from the large chess pieces. He couldn't speak, couldn't move a muscle. He could only only stare as the two- a married couple apparently- seemed to argue a bit about... him?
"This rabbit has the same traits as that mangy mutt on my black team, my queen." The white king piece spoke up, snapping the rook out of the clouds he was in, "It would make the most sense for someone like my own rook to join him." He explained, moving one of his hands up and down in the air as if to emphasize his words.
The black queen piece shook her head as she took her staff from her husband gently, "You see a rook that has nothing left to lose and will fight to survive like that mutt of yours." Her voice came out calm and smooth as she responded, "I see something more in him. I'd like to make him into my new pet bunny- I can see to it he behaves." She moved her staff closer to herself as her eyes became stubborn- it was the main way the young man could even guess the emotions right now.
The king piece sighed and a small, floating hand of the queen was placed on his cheek, "...you're lucky I love you so much, Queenie... and I trust that you know what you're doing..." He mentioned, not moving an inch as to continue looking somewhat threatening to the new rook. He shook his head, "Send him to the board once he's ready." With that, he hit the ground with his staff and teleported away.
Queenie looked at the rabbit with a hum, "I still haven't named you, have I, bunny?" She questioned, tilted her head in thought as she grabbed his chin and moved it around some.
The young man flinched and pushed her hand off of him, "Hey! I'm no one's pet! Certainly not yours!" He hissed as he backed away from her, trying to avoid showing his fear in his eyes. Although it was quite impossible with this woman.
She huffed, "Jax. That will be your new name." She mused as she watched him with slightly narrowed eyes, not amused by how he pushed her hand away but took in stride. He was new, he was anxious. At least that's what Kinger would tell her about the new players anytime they came in.
The purple rabbit frowned as he stared at his body momentarily before looking back up at her, "'Jax'?" He grunted, "Why 'Jax'?" He grimaced.
"It means 'God is Gracious'. Something you do well to remember." She explained before lifting up her staff, "No more time to explain. White team needs you." She hit her staff on the ground, teleporting him away. Once he was gone, Queenie stared at where he once was and smirked to herself- she had gotten a pet all for herself. Oh, how she was going to make sure he never forgot....
Jax laughed as he ran off as Zooble yelled at him from a few feet away, shoving banana cream pie off their face with a hiss. They paused before fleeing back inside their room as they saw the prankster run straight into Queenie who had come by after hearing from Max that he saw Jax causing a big mess with the pies and banana peels. The mutt just wanted to get the rabbit in trouble.
The purple rabbit's ears fell as he stared up at the white team's AI and tensed up, "H-Hey there, my-my queen-" He gulped, she had always crept him out. It seemed no matter where he went, she would have her eyes on him and knew when to show up to stop him from causing a bigger mess or more trouble.
"Jax, pet, what were you doing just now?" She questioned with narrowed eyes, noting the little bit of whipped on his hand before looking back at him, "You weren't making a giant mess by playing practical jokes on your teammates, I assume?" She grabbed his chin, forcing him to look into her eyes so she'd know if he even attempted to lie to her.
Jax's eyes widened a bit as he could feel the familiar coldness and hidden anger from around her. It gave him the feeling of dread that something was going to happen if he wasn't smart about his next move... too bad he wasn't often the smartest of the bunch, "Oh, c'mon, my queen! You're just jealous you weren't there!" He quipped, "Next time I'll save the best prank for my favorite hellcat!" He grinned at her. He froze... oh god, he just spoke so rudely to the queen of the white side.
The queen piece suddenly stopped when she heard him say that, "...excuse me?" Her voice dropped an octave, her grip on his chin a warning sign, "Do you know exactly who you're speaking with?"
She stared at him, watching him writhe as he opened and closed his mouth like a fish a few times as he tried to think of what to say, "Y-Yea- I-I mean, yes!" He stuttered out, his ears pressed against his head, "Y-Yes, my queen! You a-are the number one bitch on whit-...." He trailed off before just zipping away before he could get punished.
Queenie watched him go with a flat look before turning to leave the area- she needed to get her husband. If only so she could have him stop her if she went to far with her plan of punishment.
"Hey! Let me go! I'm sorry!" Jax yelled as he was dragged by his ears to the main chess board by Queenie. He was kicking his feet, struggling and grabbing at the hand that gripped him, trying to shove her off of him in the fear that he wished he didn't have of her but she was obsessive.
"You're going to rip his ears off." Kinger stated flatly when he came into view, making the rabbit's eyes widen before also noticing a certain other member of his team. Ragatha. His fellow rook.
Queenie looked down at the male rook for a moment before back at her husband, "Does he really need them, my king?" She asked in an almost sweet tone. She knows that she's hurting him. She does not care. She never does. But she still released his ears.
The king piece sighed but held his hands up in defeat, "Alright, alright. He's in your team." He allowed her to win the argument, always the soft spot for his queen.
Jax was quiet as he looked at the two chess pieces then over at Ragatha before speeding off to check on her... only to be blocked by a golden staff that belonged to the queen, "What- hey!" He hissed at her, his tone hiding a small tremble of unease, "Why's she here?! I was the one who disrespected you!" He held out an arm to defend his fellow rook.
Queenie quirked a brow before using her staff to knock him into Kinger's hold so he couldn't intrude as she approached Ragatha who was currently shaking like a leaf, "Now, now. You know better to interrupt a punishment, bunny." She glanced at the rabbit, "Just stay there and watch~" Her tone turned cruel as she raised up her staff before stabbing it into the female rook's left eye before turning up the electricity in her staff. The rag doll screamed.
Jax tried to look away by Kinger forced him to watch the scene fully- that had to been the queen's idea... Force even more trauma onto him. Make him see the pain that occurs when he tries to be smart towards the white team's queen. All he did was make a couple crude jokes! What's so wrong about that?!
The female rook continued to scream as the queen continued to push in the prongs of the staff, electrifying the girl further. She was finally stopped a few minutes later when her husband took at the weapon from her and shook his head. The black queen scoffed as she took her staff back with a grunt but accepted her king's order. She didn't even apologize or claim she went too far.
Queenie turned towards Jax next who kneeling by Ragatha's pool of crimson blood while trying to stop her eye from bleeding, not noticing who was approaching him or how a very weakened rag doll was attempting to warn him of something. Not until a non-electrified staff slashed his cheek. And the blood below turned a bit more of a rust color.
He yelped loudly- more in shock and surprise than pain. He held his cheek where he was slashed as he stared at the queen in complete silence and disbelief. She spun her staff to fling the blood off of the prongs, she seemed satisfied and proud of how utterly terrified and traumatized the rabbit looked- oh, and hurting the rag doll was fun too.
Queenie used her index finger and thumb to firmly grip Jax's chin, forcing him to look at her stern and narrowed eyes, "Now you understand what will happen if you disobey or back talk me again, right, bunny?" She asked in a low voice that sent chills down his spine.
"I-I..." He glanced at Ragatha, the blood then back at the woman in front of him, "...yes, my queen..." He mumbled quietly, fear and guilt lacing his tone. His eyes became dull as he looked down and his ear fell low.
She examined him in silence before giving a curt nod, "Good." She removed her fingers, "I'll leave you to drag your fellow rook to her room and for you to return to yours as well." She waved off as she walked off with Kinger by her side.
Jax glared as she walked away- scared, guilty, angry. But... he couldn't do anything to her. He couldn't risk himself... no, he couldn't risk Ragatha or his teammates because of his actions again.
He carefully helped the female rook to her feet and began to walk her back to her room. He made a decision that night- he would avoid leaving his room as much as possible. Avoid others. Avoid being himself.
He would just be his queen's loyal pet bunny who wouldn't ever try teasing or talking unless spoken to again.
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iphone18pham · 2 years
Clingy and Merry Code, Y/N
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Disclaimer! Bad grammar, Not Proofread
Request: can i request a newjeans x 6thmember (you can choose if it's platonic or not) where reader is considered cold(only on the internet), doesn't like physical contact ... so they go to busan to shoot that "new jeans code in busan" series and reader gets all excited, clingy and smiley because it's her hometown and bunnies point that out on twitter, youtube.
Paring : New jeans x 6thmember!Reader (Platonic)
Masterlist: GG,   BG
Genre: Fluffy
Eveyone knows you as the cold introvert that doesn’t like her members and when you smile its only when preforming, people think that your smile is fake and that you only do that since you a cold person and rather be left alone but when you heard that Newjeans was going to have a solo variety show in Busan your hometown your reaction was unexpected, you were overjoyed and finally smiling on camera. You guys are at Busan and the staff said that it was time to start. Danielle tried to do a cut scene with her hands but it wasn’t loud enough. Minji did the cut scene after. you all got nicknames Danielle's nickname is cute reaction code, Hyein is Delicate Mischievous code, Yours was Cuddly and Merry Code, Minji is smart mediator,  Haerin is quiet mysterious code, and Hanni is mood maker code.  You guys find a QR code that say that you guys are traveling around Busan and you have to find sign boards and do the mission on the QR code and the member who has the most badges will get a reward.
“I’m so ready for this!” Hanni says.
“Me too!” You said with a smile.
“ Im gonna get competitive!”  Hyein said.
“My tactic is to follow Y/N since this is her hometown and i’ll win this.” Danielle said with confidence as you laugh. You guys got your missions your mission was to make every member hold your hand for a minute thirty straight and they can’t let go if they do you have to start the time over, you guys got to go into a sky cab. you sat next to Hanni as you attempted to hold her hand but she got suspicious and let go. You guys took photos and saw a drone. You guys are nowin the car you're sitting between Minji and Haerin, Haerin  let you hold her hand as you laid your head on her shoulder. You got one person down and four left to go. 
“Since we’re here i wanna try sea.” Hanni said
“Seafood?” you asked
“Yeah I want to try seafood.” Hanni said.
“I want to tray dwaeji gukbap here.” Minji said. You guys were listening to music and Danielle spilled water on her self.
.... (I skipped some parts since this was going to be so long.)
You guys were going to the market and you guys are seeing. how much money you guys got. You got $40 the second highest budget you were so happy. you went with Haerin and Danielle you guys held hands as you went around the market.Now you only have three more people. You guys went on the bus and had the tour around the city you sat beside Haerin and you were smiling so widely that it makes your cheeks hurt but you didn’t mind since you we’re in your hometown. You guys got to the deck and had a fashion show. You had to do a water Proverb but only 4 people got it.
You guys got to eat some Busan signature menu and did a quiz. You guys went to the beach and You we’re able to hold Hanni hand on the way there Minji hand during and Hyien on the way back, you did it you completed your task.You guys go to the fountain to see the fountain show everything was amazing. You guys went into the fountain and performed Attention. You guys we’re at the accommodations and are asking about Hyein mission that she almost finished, Then haerin task failed,Danielle also failed, Hanni also sadly failed, Minji  succeeded.
“What about you Y/n?” Haerin asked. You flipped you card up and it says “to make every member hold your hand for a minute thirty straight and they can’t let go if they do you have to start the time over”
“Wait when did you do that” Danielle asked.
“Haerin was in the car ride when we we’re talking about food.Danielle was at the market,I held Hanni’s hand on the way to the beach, I held Minji’s hand at the beach and I held Hyein on the way back.” You said as you rested your head on Hanni
“So two people won.” Hyein asked.
“ I guess so.” Minji answered. 
It was morning and you guys are eating breakfast  and there was a Qr code at the door.You guys are going to ride the luge but had to put the hidden words together. You were having so much more fun than you thought.You were at the end and you said the right dance. You hugged Hanni and Minji since they also got it right, You laughed at Danielle for dancing to Hype boy and laughed at Hyein for not paying attention. and you were in awe when you saw Haerin did the little heart dance. You held Haerin’s hand as you guys went inside to see the pictures. You guys laughed at your picture since you made a silly face. 
‘This day has been such a great day.’ you thought to yourself.You decide to look on social media as you see your name trending.You saw comments like:
‘Y/N smile is like seeing and angel miss girl needs to smile more I’m literally in love 😍😍😍😍😍‘
‘I want them to stay in Busan since Y/N seems so happy 😭’
‘Stawp i literaly love how clingy everyone is espically Y/N’
‘I’m pretty sure that it was because she was homesick and now she is at her home town she is more open to the camera but either way i’m happy that she is getting out of her shell.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰’ 
‘I guess i really did change a bit huh.’ You thought to yourself as you got to the accommodations and ate dinner and went to bed.
‘OMG i’m done if you want a part two then i will do it hopefully this was what you were looking for. Don’t forget to request my requests are always opened. BYEEE
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Hi, im new in Tumblr and im a real fan of your villain x hero prompts/series :)
Can you do one where a Newly recruit Villain attempts to flirt with Hero, but og villain caught them fuming with jealousy, and hero just sits in terror (bonus if they blushes) as they watch Villain singlehandedly beat the New villain because they never knew villain can be "THIS" powerful.
“I’m speechless,” the other villain said loudly, laughing as if they’d made a funny joke. They were drawing too much attention to themselves and the hero for their liking.
“Good,” the hero answered dryly as their eyes darted between the villain’s hands, their feet and their eyes. It was important to distinguish between a tactic and dumbness. Obviously some villains had tried to trick them before by playing stupid. But the hero was smarter than this.
“I’d just love you on your knees right now. God, we’d have a great time.” The hero tilted their head. Lovely.
This…exemplar was interesting. Cocky and weird and rude but still something new. The hero didn’t like them, they knew they would turn into someone really annoying after a bit of time but what they did enjoy was feeding into growing egos of terrible people.
It was funny to give them reassurance, only to take it away after a few minutes.
Perhaps that was cruel. But people had been crueler to the hero. They’d been crueler to the city. And this was getting on their nerves.
“Oh, I bet you’d enjoy my moans,” the hero purred. They knew this was no trick. They saw the blush. They heard the slight shaking in their voice. They saw the small shake in their hand.
Contrary to the other villain, they didn’t loosen their stance. They didn’t ease. They didn’t get excited.
“Fuck, you’re one of those, hm?”
“I don’t think you’ve ever met someone like me nor that you ever will,” the hero answered with a fake silky voice and they could see how slowly the other villain’s guard was dropping.
They seemed mesmerised, bewitched even as they walked over to the hero. Their grin was beyond irritating.
“I suppose you’re right…” The other villain was close, close enough to strike and the hero probably would’ve done it any second now.
They were sure that their muscles were moving but then it happened.
No one saw it coming. The shadow was fast, faster than anyone or anything the hero had ever seen.
Before the hero could calm their heart, the other villain was already disarmed and pushed against the wall. A blade was pressed to their throat and they started to struggle against the undeniably strong grip on them.
The hero was shocked at first but when they saw who exactly had saved them from the worst flirting of all time, they had to grin. However, they wouldn’t make this easy for them.
“I totally had them,” they said. Almost sounding sour.
Somehow, the other villain managed to free themselves and attack the villain. They landed on top of them and the hero almost thought they’d have to step between them.
But the villain managed to kick them back, swung around rather gracefully — the hero had to admit — and attack the other villain with full force.
“Oh yeah, I heard how you almost had them,” the villain snarled. Definitely sounding sour. Their breath was heavy from the fighting. “Lovely conversation. They weren’t particularly quiet.”
“I’m not even quiet in bed,” the other villain said and that was enough for the villain to break (the hero assumed) the other’s knee and push them back into the wall. The other villain weeped as the villain squeezed their throat.
“Sometimes the loudest mouths are the loveliest,” the hero pointed out. For a moment, the villain looked at them, their face as always stupidly blank.
But that was enough for the other villain to push the villain away again. They didn’t come far, though. The villain was quicker, much quicker than the new recruit and not as injured as them. They had them pressed to the floor just as fast as before.
“What the fuck—” they screeched as the villain’s knee pressed into their neck. The hero raised their eyebrows lazily. The villain was truly giving them a show.
“I’ve never met anyone who’s loud and smart,” the villain said. Somehow, the other had managed to give their face a small cut, right under their eye.
The hero felt every heartbeat in their chest.
“Maybe I like it when they’re foolish,” they answered which made the villain only laugh without any humour in it.
“Oh, I don’t think so, sweetheart.”
“You’re jealous.”
“I’m not jealous,” the villain said.
The hero grinned at them.
“Let this one go. I’ll show you how to handle jealousy correctly.”
The villain was right to assume that this would be a long night.
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floofyfungi · 4 months
HEYYY I JUST REREAD THE SERIES FOR LIKE. THE 10TH TIME [save me i'm obsessed] and i've just gotta say i LOVE the worldbuilding you do for your series.. it gets me so invested I LOVE ITTT OUGHHGHGH IM A MIRACLE LOVER which gives me the question are dragons in this world strictly cybertronian? and what other mythical creatures are there this shit is so Cool bro
Thanks Em! I have no self control. I have a literal word document that's just filled with lore. Most of it won't ever make it into the actual story. But I find it useful to have to maintain internal consistency. World building is one of my favourite parts of writing, glad you enjoy it <3
All dragons in the Miracle AU are Cybertronian. There are no organic dragons. As for other Mythical creatures, you have the Mermaids, Centaurs, Trolls, Giants, and Harpies. There are also extinct races like the Ents and Griffins.
I'm going to tell you a bit about these races as I have no self control and you've gotten the writing juices flowing XD
Mermaids are sometimes spotted off the south western shores of the Earth continent. The nations of these regions knew them to be very real, and many snow elf kingdoms established trade routes and military alliances with them. Mermaids make excellent pirates. However, this changed when the Decepticons began their invasion of the Southern Realms. This was known as the Scorching, and it all but drove the snow elves to extinction. The mermaids retreated from the shallow waters of the coastline. They are rarely seen today. Some sailors say they have a great city deep in the ocean depths, where they remain hidden from the Decepticons.
Trolls are a well-known race, and are often seen working alongside orcs and goblins. Aside from the mythical Giants, Trolls are physically the strongest of the organic races. Their large and imposing physique leans them towards bodyguard positions. But this is no hard rule. However, their strength comes at a cost. Besides humans, Trolls are the least magical of the organic races.
Centaurs are also well known. Their birth lands are a great plateau north of the Sun mountains, though still within the Middle Realms. Today one can find centaurs all over Earth, though they are not as common as humans, elves, dwarves, or orcs. Centaurs are the fastest non-flying organics. They are invaluable as calvary units.
The harpies are a rarer race. Their homelands in the Ruby mountains were destroyed during the Scorching. However, their wings allowed a large portion of the population to escape north. Today most Harpies can be found in large nomadic flocks, looking for a new home. No nation has allowed the flock to stay in their lands for long. They are viewed as a drain on resources. Some have even tried to attack the flocks, though they quickly regretted this aggression. Even weakened, the harpies are no pushovers. Today the largest of the flocks roams somewhere north west of the Sun mountains.
The Giants are myth and legend to the Middle and Southern Realms. But in the Northern Realms, they are very real. The ruling power of the north, the Federation, was specifically formed to fight back giant invasions. Giants are the most northern of the organic races. Their homelands are amongst the frozen wastes at the tail end of the Spine mountain range, just south of the polar ice cap. An aggressive race, not much is known about them besides their battle tactics and near other worldly strength. Even a vehicon would struggle to take down a giant one on one. Attempts to learn more about this race are usually met with failure. Between the frigid temperatures and the giants' nasty habit of eating people, northern explorers rarely return.
The Ents are often documented in literature and old oral legends, but little remains of them today. They were slow to reproduce and slower to grow, ancient wars with the wood elves took their toll and ent populations dwindled. Today they are believed extinct. Though rumours of ent sightings persist in the thick Cloud rainforest of the Middle Realms. Though these sightings are only the words of far flung travelers, and can be safely ignored.
The Griffins were never a common race. Even when the world was young. They lived on a scattered archipelago to the west of the Earth continent. Griffin rock is one of these islands. Centuries ago, an unknown calamity struck the Griffins. Their homes were left empty and untouched. No signs of a struggle were ever found. Other races moved to claim the empty islands, for example the Dwarven kingdom of the Jade mountains. Today, no one has seen a Griffin in centuries. Only the elves remember what they looked like.
This is a short introduction to the less common races of Earth. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs outnumber each one by a significant margin. The history between these peoples are vast, full of war, trade, alliances, kindness, and staggering cruelty. Many fall into the stereotypes of their kind, and many do not. Each race is a note, and only together can one hear the song of Earth.
And every last one will fall silent, if the Decepticons are not stopped.
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