#mbti humor
classic-entp · 9 months
Classic-ENTP #43
ENTP: the system should be as disposable to you as you are to the system.
INTJ: *thinking they've finally found a like minded individual*
INTP: she's talking about Minecraft don't bother being impressed
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art-ro-vert · 9 months
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Yes, that’s it! That’s me, a true ENTP 🤣🤣🤣
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antheiantics · 1 year
Some things I found out after I got into MBTI (ENTJ observations) pt. 3
INTP are literal study monsters if the outcome is worth it. With that being said though, they still get good grades even without studying.
ENTP/ENFP love a good scandal. The first have a thing for controversy, the latters see it as a emotional outlet.
INTJ tend to seem open to conversation when in social situations or working but when it comes to people who are really close to them, they hold back and isolate, a lot. Same could be applied to ISTP.
Sometimes ISTJ are even more productive than ESTJ.
ENTJ have their productive and non-productive days and while it sometimes cause us stress, we always manage to catch up with unfinished business in the following days.
The love ISTJ and ESTJ have for charts, sheets, organising and planning is indomitable.
INFP are too good at empathy, that it makes me sick. These people could feel happy over their second cousin's child passing exam and it would be like a fiesta lasting for two days. Some days I almost wish I could do the same, but then I remember I'm me and as long as the kid is healthy and thriving I would be fine without making anything of it. (not trying to offend INFPs in any way, just mad respect for managing to hold onto an emotion for that long)
ISFP would finish the job and then forget to tell you they finished the job. Happened twice with a friend of mine in the past month.
ENFJs tend to save the situation by making a random comment and then somehow turning it into a full-blown discussion without even trying.
ENTJ get the "slip of the tongue" around 10-15 times when talking to a crush... Or presenting something of a high importance.
I'm astonished as to how easy ESFJ accept mistakes or rather seem to do it. Never seen a more unbothered person. Failure is more like a misstep to them. Also mad respect.
ESTJ stress out the whole room until the job is done. If they are stressed, then the whole room must be stressed.
When under pressure, INTJ shout. It's something along the lines of: "I CAN'T THINK WHEN ALL OF YOU ARE THINKING NEXT TO ME, GET OUT!"
This, I'm not sure if it applies to all ENTJ but: I was told that when I think about solving something like a problem or a creating a design (I study interior design), I tend to look straight ahead and move my eyes as if there are multiple boards in front of me. They told me my eyes darted up and down and from right to left the entire time, as if I was searching for something. Entering the mind palace is apparently how I operate.
Following that train of thought, I tend to "jerk awake" from that thinking process by suddenly getting up from my seat and saying "Alright, got it. We should do-"
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intpxenfp · 2 years
ENFP: if you weren't studying Chemistry what would you study?
INTP: bakery. I'm pretty good at making cakes.
ENFP: WHAT. Wait. It actually makes so much sense.
INTP: it's like doing an experiment. You have to use the exact amounts of everything and you must follow the instructions to the letter.
ENFP: otherwise you'll face terrible consequences.
INTP: exactly. Bakery is the safer version of Chemistry.
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nitwitthegrey · 2 years
*ENTP & INFJ accidentally end up under mistletoe*
ENTP: *knowing look*
INFJ: "Who would put this here? I can't believe anyone would still be upholding this stupid tradition. It's demeaning."
ENTP: "Couldn't agree more."
INFJ: ...
ENTP: "Let's kiss tho"
INFJ: "Yeah okay."
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MBTI Community: INFJs are lovely beings, truly a celestial body incarnate. They are so perceptive and can look into your soul with their piercing gaze! But they are so sensitive and secretive, if only we could get this closed book to open *dramatic sigh*.
The entire INFJ community : *side-eyes Hitler*
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thebeelzebubb · 1 year
Y'all sure that most of the population is sentinels because all I see on the internet are either INFP, INFJ, ENTP, INTJ or INTP. I rarely find any sentinels even in real life. Not to mention there are none on the internet.
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infjpaladin · 1 year
Just for humor 🤣🤣
Taken from INFJ Refuge on facebook.
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someone find me an entp
or y'all just come to me
either way I want one
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classic-entp · 1 year
Classic-ENTP #42
Any Ixxx Type: That's my new friend!
ExxP: ???????????????I thought you had social anxiety???????????????
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art-ro-vert · 10 months
Sorry, but that is the funniest thing my atheistic ENTP ass saw today 😂
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antheiantics · 2 years
Things I would do as an ENTJ parent
Educate them on "The Art Of War" from an early age. If it's hard for them to get it, I would go as far as publishing a children's version of it.
Teach them proper manners and etiquette.
Gift each of them a plant, they must keep alive to develop a caring mechanism.
As soon as they prove to me they can take care of it, I'll get them a pet of their own choosing. Preferably a dog, if our household doesn't have one already. An animal of whatever kind, teaches responsibility
Read them fairy tales and mimic the voice of the characters for a full-blown experience.
Drink tea/fresh juice with them every morning and ask how they plan to spend their day. Later when they grow up, we'll have coffee.
Family dinners. That's a must.
Always urge them to communicate with me and their father about their feelings. It's important to me that they realize that we're not exactly mind readers and neither are other people.
Make sure they know what sarcasm is from an early age. That ages well, I promise you. And besides with me being their mother, they can't escape it either. Better get used to it.
Teach them to always fight for what they want and achieve it through any means necessary. Killing is off the table (we're not in The Purge, darlings, it's still illegal) Unfair play is off limits too - we honour truth and justice in this house. Otherwise, there are no limits whatsoever.
Talk with them like they are adults. The dog doesn't say "woof woof", it barks.
No matter what anyone says, they'll get their first phones when they turn 6 or 7 (meaning when they enter school). Before that, screen time will be minimized to certain movies and tv shows that I may make a separate list for (comment down below what movies and tv shows you would play for your kids so I can include them; would be nice if you write your MBTI and enneagram as well)
On the subject of phones: if they don't pick up the first time, I can take it. But if they don't pick up after 30 minutes when I call them again, I will come to the school or wherever they are and they will be grounded for life ( That's extreme, I know, maybe not grounded but definitely scolded)
I will make sure they know how to observe their surroundings.
Teach them to take charge when they believe is necessary. They don't have to be leaders but they must know how to be ones in case of need. This ages well, I promise, pt.2.
Make sure that they know that for school projects everyone must do their portion of the work unless their teammates are incompetent and lazy. Then, they would have to push themselves more to make the project succeed. Doesn't have to be perfect or the best one but if my kids are doing it, it probably will be *hair flip*
Teach them to handle money wisely. I didn't develop that habit even though my parents advised me a lot and at 20 I still find it difficult.
Introduce them to basic medicines they sell at pharmacies as soon as they can understand me. I grew up in a family where at 6, I knew what homeopathic medicine to take, depending on my symptoms. My mother and grandmother have medical backgrounds so I always knew what to do and therefore was calm. My children will definitely know that too.
If I have more than one kid as I wish, I will teach them to look after one another and protect each other. They must understand that a brother or a sister is the mightiest weapon anyone could have.
Get their aunt aka my best friend to teach them martial arts or at least basic self-defence.
Make sure they read a lot. Any kind of book, whatever book they are interested in. I'm all up for it. Not liking books isn't an option because in my opinion there is a book for any taste.
Make sure they forge their own style but still dress with taste and elegance.
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fabulous-feanorians · 2 years
Fëanorians’ MBTI’s
In case any of you nerds out there are into that. Any of these are up for dispute.
Fëanor: INTJ
Nerdanel: INTP
Maedhros: ENFJ
Maglor: ISFP
Celegorm: ESTP
Caranthir: ISTJ
Curufin: ENTJ
Amrod: ISTP
Amras: ISTP
Celebrimbor: ISFP
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kamikazeb0y · 1 year
Te users: thats a nice argument senator, why don't you back it up with a source?
Ti users: my source is that i made it the fuck up
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