#mbti memes
pandagobrr · 7 months
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Theoretically, it would have worked.
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mistype360 · 3 months
how mbti types procrastinate
entp, enfp, intp, infp: considers possibilities of what to do instead of said task. starts typing but gets distracted when trying to choose a song to listen to. probably scrolls through tiktok. thinks that said task is too overwhelming. can't schedule an appointment on the phone by themself.
intj, infj, enfj, entj : plans out everything, but doesn't actually do it. wayyy too perfectionistic. has a bunch of pinterest boards (or playlists) related to said thing. not inspired. not enough pressure. "scheduled procrastination."
estp, esfp, istp, isfp: thinks the task is stupid and boring, and there are more fun/interesting things to do. also thinks that they have enough time to get it done but actually only has 2 hours. doesn't narrow down priorities. probably forget it existed in the first place
isfj, istj, estj, esfj: associates task with bad past experiences and avoids it. thinks it's not important + a waste of time compared to other things. keeps getting stuck on minor criticisms or flaws. doesn't put said thing on their to-do list (not in sight, not in mind!)
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lilmeawmeawblog · 11 months
I firmly believe that things like enneagram, MBTI,astrology etc. are tools that are meant for self development, they are something that can induce greater empathy, more tolerance in you, give you a broader perspective. These tools are not meant for enforcing stereotypes like portraying certain types as immoral psychopaths, hard hearted robots and then certain types as angels or Messiah; People aren't really two dimensional like that. Just because you struggle with rational thinking or social skills as an effect of belonging to a certain type doesn't mean you have to stay that way till you die. Putting people in a box won't get us anywhere, it limits our potential, makes us close minded. Instead, these tools are are supposed to make you open minded by showing you that there is no only one true, right way of looking at or doing things, that each type plays an integral & equally important role in our society, its supposed to tell you your weakness & strengths so your can better yourself and become a more well rounded person
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murasaki-cha · 11 months
I love that every INFP playlist I've ever listened starts all cute and sweet and progressively gets more and more depressive and fucked up because haha yeah we do be like that
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helloxoxoxoxoxsblog · 6 months
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classic-entp · 6 months
Classic-ENTP #43
ENTP: the system should be as disposable to you as you are to the system.
INTJ: *thinking they've finally found a like minded individual*
INTP: she's talking about Minecraft don't bother being impressed
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corufang · 7 months
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I dont want to study so I made some memes.
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welivetodream · 5 months
*INTP at a party*
ENTP: you are pretty damn cute
INTP: thanks?
ENTP: you came here with anyone?
INTP: I heard there's free food so I dropped by
ENTP: Ah....makes sense
*awkward silence*
ENTP, smirks: So what's your type?
ENTP, flustered: you know about MBTI?
INTP: What other types were you asking about? Ennegram?
ENTP: you're so godamn oblivious, marry me!
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pick-a-funny-name · 9 months
Things about being an INTP that I hate about myself:
(some of these things are which I personally experience and I don't know if it's universal or not lol idk what I'm doing)
• Not believing that I am actually an INTP/ Retaking the quiz like a hundred times [and still getting the same result]
• I also do not have the capability to answer simple yes or no questions because I need to think from both sides and the answer is never yes or no
• Feeling extremely overwhelmed by anger or sadness or happiness
• Feeling no emotion at all to the point where I wish I would
• [I don't know if this applies to other INTPs] Having thoughts like "nobody ever will understand me" because everyone is different and even when facing the same situation, people perceive and react differently.
• Everything in life is blur/ cannot understand what and why am I doing stuff because it won't even be worth it because I don't know the fuck is my goal
• Tired of living my life. Like yes I want to live but not this life. I don't even know my purpose like what the heck am I doing? Give me something to work towards pls
• Ppl give too much attention = extreme annoyance and irritation
•Ppl give less attention = "am I invisible?" "Nobody cares abt me"
~Imma reblog when I get more shit to post here~
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animehideout · 6 months
omg i adore your mbti series it’s so much fun, i was just wondering if i could request enfp?
Your MBTI, Your Relationship With JJK Characters Part 5
Thank you Anon, @strawberrybuni , @shathanku and @chososwhoresblog for requesting ENFP. Also thank you @suchasecretiveninja for being interested in this MBTI series I really really hope you like these and that you are satisfied with the characters 🫶🏻✨💌
Currently working on the other MBTIs and oneshots requests, sorry if I'm taking too long <33
Divider credit: @cafekitsune your work is amazing *Chef kiss* 💖
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Yuji Itadori = First and only love.
Full of enthusiasm both of you. Instantly drawn to each other like a magnet, since you share many personality traits. Your adventurous and curious nature has brought you two together. Finding joy in each other's company while embracing new experiences and challenges, both within your relationship and beyond. You're your own number 1 cheerleader. You want to start a new career? learn a new language? Yuji will be right there beside you, offering support till you reach your dreams. As an ENFP, you tend to feel jealous and anxious over the smallest things but with Yuji all your worries fade away. Hr constantly reassures you and express his love to you. Plus, he is incredibly loyal and sees you as his whole world. ENFPs get bored easily and crave constant amusement, luckily with Yuji's playful and humorous nature you won't be feeling any boredom. He effortlessly brings joy into every moment, making it his daily routine to crack jokes and find humor in any situation because he loves to see you happy and loves listening to your laugh. ENFPs are quite affectionate and needy, fortunately, you've got Yuji as your boyfriend, because he's so good at combining all love languages to satisfy your needs and make you feel loved. You have a childish and dramatic side that only Yuji can handle. At the same time you are very mature, so Yuji loves how you can be both depending in the situation. As an ENFP you naturally bring the best out if Yuji, so he works hard ti become stronger for you. Both of you are rays of sunshine and at the same time sunshine protectors. You would be 100% safe around him, and no one is allowed to hurt you.
Gojo Satoru = Frenemies.
ENFP and Gojo are friends but with tension. Gojo is an ENTP, he relies on the power of mind and analytical mindset, while ENFP tends to be more compassionate and emotionally driven. Gojo might tease you a lot and starts debating with you out of the blue. He would try to force his ideas claiming that they are more accurate and effective than yours because your ideas are idealistic but not logical. This clash of approaches may cause tension between you two. Also while making decisions, Gojo might try to assert dominance and make his own personal decisions work, overshadowing yours. And as an ENFP, you hate reinforced rules, opinions etc.. that may restrict you or prohibit you from using your intuition. Gojo tends to be very critical of people around him, and criticism stresses ENFPs out. He sometimes does that on purpose to annoy you since your type gets easily angry. Despite this tension, you managed to become friends. Both of you are chaotic, and your relationship is dynamic and full of energy. You and Satoru have have mutual traits like your shared passion for exploring possibilities, understanding theories even though each one of you have completely opposite perspectives. But your love for knowledge brought you together. Also both ENFP and Gojo are very affectionate and like skinship and closeness. So playfights and playful skinship is a common occurence between you two. He turns off his infinity on purpose so you can playfully slap his arm or throw a pillow his way. You'd be enjoying time together, laughing and being the loud extroverts you are and then in a split if a second, you start bickering leaving everyone around you confused. You perfectly portray a love hate relationship.
Yuta Okkotsu = Colleague.
I feel like despite ENFPs being an extrovert, they still can blend and get along better with introverts. ENFPs take emotions into consideration and with Yuta being a shy person, I think he'd work comfortably with you without being paranoid about being judged or misunderstood. ENFP type has an outgoing and expressive nature, Yuta is quiet and calm, so this would create a balance. You might also help him get out of his comfort zone without making him feel pressured or awkward, you'd create a supportive environment, free of judgment. While his thoughtful approach inspires you to reflect more deeply on certain matters. ENFPs are known for their empathy, so you'd respect Yuta's need for solitude and quiet moment while at the same time he tries to be more socially engaged for you. Yuta appreciates your understanding and considerate nature, even Rika gets along with you for treating Yuta right.
Miwa Kasumi = Bestfriend.
The friendship between you and Miwa is warm and filled with positive energy. The two of you value empathy and compassion. You are sweet and down to earth. Your nature made it easy for you to quickly bond with each other in no time, since both of you fostered a deep understanding and acceptance of one another. Your friendship is characterized by a strong emotional connection, where feelings and vulnerability are cherished, creating a safe space. You influence each other positively to channel and promote your kindness to the people around you. You also support each other through thick and thin. You have a healthy bond with less to no conflicts at all.
Nanami Kento = Husband.
Despite you being an extrovert and Nanami an introvert, you unexpectedly made a good couple. Nanami's type is a responsible, trusting and organized partner, and ESFJ meet his preferences. Nanami is a wise man, so he would bring balance into you relationship. ESFJs are known for their warmth and sweet nature sibthisywould serve as a factor to help Nanami loosen up a bit and lower his guards in your presence so he can feel your comfort, express his feelings more freely and learn how to reassure you regularly since as an ESFJ you're sometimes needy and clingy, also he would learn how to help you when you struggle with self doubt and low self esteem. The F in ESFJ stands for feeling, so you depend more on emotional approach while Nanami more on analytical approach, so together you can strike communicational balance. As an ESFJ, you managed to break through Nanami's tough exterior, revealing his soft side, that he started ti show only in front of you. The two of you have shared values in terms of love, you and Nanami are loyal and committed to a long lasting relationship that eventually was crowned with marriage. Marriage strengthened your bond even more, making you deeply understand and align with one another. Also accept your difference and bring the best out of every challenging situation; always trying to create a positive outcome of arguments and turn mistakes into lessons that you'd learn from. Your relationship is well rounded and harmonious, you appreciate each other's strengths and peacefully live with the differences.
Ino Takuma = Interested in you.
You two have a dynamic and engaging relationship with a wholesome chemistry that led Ino to develop feelings for you. Both of you are extroverts with golden retriever vibes, you enjoy social interaction which made it easy for Ino to get to know you in a personal level, since ESFJ tend to share things about them with others, and to his luck you lived up to his expectations. He relies on feelings as well so he would feel the emotional connection with you making him willing to satisfy your needs. ESFJ is kinda similar to Ino's MBTI which is ESFP which results in a mutual interests. Both of you can relate to each other in certain situations, discovering a huge compatibility. Ino would be the one to fall hard for you. ESFJ has got a charming side that no one can neglect. ESFJ tends to be talkative as well and Ino enjoys listening to you rambling about random things. Ino's MBTI tends to jump to conclusions, so he might misunderstand your generous and empathetic side and think that you reciprocate his feelings. Overall, if you don't end up dating you would be good friends but if he chooses to go to ghost you in order to move on you would find it difficulty since ESFJs find it hard to move on from a breakup even if it's just a casual friendship.
Mahito = Ex-partner.
ESFJs trust people easily, with Mahito being manipulative he would find it easy to feed you with his lies and convince you that he is a good partner to make you fall for him and get you wrapped around his finger. But as every other lie, it gets revealed. Your values differ from Mahito's. ESFJs prioritize and take care of their loved ones and also value stability and loyalty, but Mahito prioritizes his goals and ambitions and isn't faithful. He is known for using people for his own needs and interests and that would be the case with you, you'd be one of his victims, which leads to you breaking up. You simply have a desire for structure and routine to ensure the stability for your relationship but Mahito feels restricted and can't serve as a good partner who would at least try. He's all talk but no action which is contrary to ESFJs.
Remember this piece of writing is for entertainment purposes only, also it is imo so it's not necessarily accurate 🫶🏻🥹
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INTJ: ENTP. darling. sweetheart. love of my life.
ENTP: youre mad at me arent you
INTJ: livid
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pandagobrr · 9 months
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And then you FINALLY get around to doing the thing and it only took 20 minutes...
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mistype360 · 5 months
mbti tertiary functions (boredom functions)
INFJ/ISFJ: true crime, scrolling through wikipedia for hours, looking up riddles, scrolling through "onlyjayyus" tiktok, duolingo
ENFJ/ENTJ: uses se to support te/fe ambitions (sports, performing arts, community service...)
ESFJ/ESTJ: fantasizing, daydreaming, vision boards, adding items to wishlist
ESTP/ENTP: touches grass, is social, class clown, watches reality tv,
ESFP/ENFP: random urge to organize computer, random internet debates, creates new playlists, watches video essays,
INFP/INTP: reminisces about things. procrastinates. overthinking past conversations in the shower. collects cool rocks. photography. listens to the same song over and over again.
ISFP/ISTP: planning and...stuff. zodiac, psuedoscience, etc. strategic/world building video games
INTJ/ISTJ: "write in their feelings diary" 💀, introspection, often known as super "self aware" as a result
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lisablack000 · 6 months
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mbtiinteractions · 10 months
Overthinking bros
*INTP and INTJ, standing outside in the rain*
INTJ : Maybe we should move inside...
INTP : Yes, I was actually thinking about it !
*nothing happens, they’re still standing*
INTP : But on the other hand... wouldn't it be a too big energy drain ? I mean... maybe it’s easier to keep standing here, until the rain ends...
INTJ : Hmm... interesting theory, let me think about it...
*both enter into deep meditation, while it’s still raining*
INTP : ...however, maybe you were right : the best solution would be to move inside...
INTJ : Yes... I reached the same conclusion.
*silence. they’re staring absentmindedly at their wet clothes and shoes*
INTJ : So... when do we move ?
INTP : Let me think about it for a moment !
INTJ : Of course, let’s not make hasty decisions.
INTP : Above all, no precipitation, we have all the time !
*it’s now hard for them not to shiver with cold*
INTJ : Maybe... we should really go inside, now ?
INTP : I fully agree, let’s go !
*at the moment they’re starting to move on, the rain stops*
INTP : Ah ? What did I say ? We've almost made an unnecessary movement !
INTJ : Yes. Luckily, we’ve taken the time to think carefully... but now, we’re completely wet.
INTP : It’s very secondary.
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meltlilith · 1 year
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