#me deciding the unnamed lady that shows up for 3 minutes of a 36 episode show is now my favorite?
vyther16 · 3 years
wip wednesday
I know i’ve posted three times more than normal today, but I had thoughts that needed to be freed. Anyway, as promised, here’s some self-indulgent Word of Honor/Shan He Ling fic
snippets and notes under the cut
The basic premise of this au is the following post copy-pasted from my liveblog (x)
Okay crazy thought but how about a really out there au where Princess Jing An doesn’t die and runs away with Zhou Zishu?
I dunno what this would do except give us more than one woman hanging out with the leads and make Wen Kexing jealous but I think it'd be fun.
I’ve watched her death twice and decided she was my favorite character with less than ten minutes of screentime. (My JoL followers know I have one for every fandom)
This is the kick-off for the au, so no jealous!wkz yet. please ignore how the set-up requires zzs to be slightly ooc for how early in the show it is
“Zhou-shixiong,” Li Jiaxing says, standing as her door opens.
Zhou Zishu turns to look at her, eyes cold. “Princess Jing An.”
She looks outside, sees the Tian Chuang members lined up in the courtyard, her father’s guards dead on the ground, and understands. “This is...” she starts, trailing off.
Zhou Zishu finishes with the story Jin-wang has concocted, staring straight ahead. “Li-daren conspired with corrupt officials in an attempt to revolt. He has been killed.”
Li Jiaxing doesn’t believe it for a second. “Impossible,” she says, then repeats it because it bears repeating. “Impossible. My father gave everything to the country!” she screams.
“It’s a pity,” Zhou Zishu starts before the words finish leaving her mouth. “But his actions must be punished.”
Li Jiaxing stares at him, chest heaving, incredulous. Qin Jiuxiao looked up to this man. Jiuxiao loved this man.
He wouldn’t recognize him now.
Zhou Zishu walks to the table set in the back. “I came to visit today to give you a choice,” he says. “I want to thank you for bringing back Qin Jiuxiao’s body to me in the chaotic circumstances. I will never forget your kindness.”
You’re not worthy of saying his name anymore, she wants to snarl, but she knows where he is taking this conversation. Now that her father is killed as a traitor, no matter how false the accusations may be, she will be ridiculed and scorned. If he wants to offer her a way out of that, he’ll have poison.
“Your highness, you have high status,” Zhou Zishu says, pulling out two vials from his robes. “Committing suicide will save you from humiliation.” He sets the white one down on the table. 
“Am I supposed to thank you?” she snaps, turning towards him again. “You killed my entire family, and you’re letting me die with dignity.” She wipes away the tears falling, stalking forward. 
Zhou Zishu’s hand catches her before she can snatch up the vial. “There is another option,” he says, holding forth the second vial, this one identical but for the blue stopper. 
“What, allow myself to be sold off?” She yanks her hand away. “Don’t touch me.”
He takes a breath, shoulders slumping. “I am leaving Tian Chuang in two days. For good. It would be disrespectful to Jiuxiao’s memory to not offer his wife a way to keep living as well. You would have to put up with me for three years, but you would be free of Tian Chuang and the fickleness of court.”
“Why?” she asks, setting her shoulders. “Do you wish to take me instead?”
And she actually gets a reaction out of him at that. He steps back, eyes flashing. “I have no desire to bed you, Princess, nor will I ever. I am offering to take you with me in honor of Qin Jiuxiao. If you would rather join him in the netherworld now, you may go ahead.”
“And if I decide to take the blue vial?”
“Then you will be put into a coma for a day and a half. Long enough to fake your death and sneak you out of the city, where I will meet with you and we will hide together.”
She looks between the two bottles, then at Zhou Zishu’s face, looking for any sign of a lie. 
Then, before Zhou Zishu can rescind his offer, she snatches up the blue vial from his hand, popping out he stopper and downing it in one gulp.
It’s fast acting; her grip falters immediately, the vial slipping to thud onto the floor. She clutches at her stomach, sinking to the floor. 
She rubs her fingers over the hairpin Jiuxiao gave her, the wood worn smooth in places from her worrying.
“Where did you bury,” she starts, breaking off with a cough, “my husband?” she asks, looking up at Zhou Zishu.
He’s staring at the door, and for a moment, Li Jiaxing thinks he’ll ignore her. But then he takes a breath. “Four Seasons Manor,” he says. “He lays next to shifu.”
Li Jiaxing smiles through the poison eating it’s way through her stomach. She knows he said this would only make her comatose, but it feels like it could kill her just as easily. 
“The flowers blossom in all four seasons,” she recites, forcing the words out through the radiating pain. “Knowing everything in the world.” She lifts the hairpin up one last time to look at it, tracing a finger along the delicate carving. “He told me... that after he retired from his position, he would... live with me there.”
The words come out stilted, forced, and as soon as she finishes them she coughs, hard, then knows no more.
Anyway, if you read that entire self-indulgent beginning to my Jing An Lives au, congrats! (For a three minute scene, it’s really rather long lol)
Shout-out to Raina on the Word of Honor Brainrot Hours discord for helping me with Jiaxing’s name! I did some digging again tonight, and I think Li would be their family name, not Wei, but I’m still not 100% sure. 
11 notes · View notes
yoshimickster · 6 years
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HEY EVERYBODY-how’s you’re day going? My computer blue-screened RIGHT BEFORE I could hit save so I’m gonna redo the WHOLE thing. Remember to save folks. EITHER WEITHER-let’s get to Mickster Recap!
The episode starts out with BACKSTORY TIME-where its revealed Salem was a princess locked away in a castle by her cruel father during the good old days, where the only thing keeping her busy is manipulating arcane magic.
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2:07 Salem: *SIGH* What good is being able to shoot energy blasts if there’s no bad guy to blast them with?!
BUT LUCKILY-a HERO arrives on the scene-TO RESCUE THE FAIR DAMSEL-and his NAME-
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-was OZ...ma. Ozma was his name...does he just happen to reincarnate into anyone with the syllable “oz” or “ma” in their name? THAT is a weird rule.
ALSO-look at confused as fuck Qrow here, he’s all “Uh...hi.” OH-he’s gonna drink himself into a coma after all of this is done.
BUT-not only does Ozma BRAVE the evil forces of the castle to reach Salem for ONLY pure motives(Jinn said so so its true)-HE ALSO-
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2:49 LET’S SALEM IN ON THE BLASTING-like a TRUE gentleman!
The act of kindness of giving her her freedom, and Salem...just being Salem, cause the two to FALL in love!
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3:13 ....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand kiss! KISS! KISS DAMMIT! Seriously, what IS IT with this show and its “No-kissing” policy, its WEIRD.
Either weither, Salem and Ozma go off on LOADS of adventures-UNTIL-
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3:36-when Ozma got sick with a FATAL case of “Unnamed TV disease”. CURSE YOU UNNAMED TV DISEASE-you’ve taken FAR too many lives!
Salem in her grief decides to seek out the god of Light and Creation in the LAND of light(what is this Homestuck?)to bring him back to life-AND-
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4:38 -it is DOWNRIGHT beautiful, obviously inspired by Japanese scenery and it just WORKS. SHAME this is where the doom of man kind came to begin.
The god of light than reveals himself to Salem, WHO REVEALS HIMSELF TO BE-
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4:51 ANTLER JESUS-a WEIRD mix of Japanese deer spirits, and as I’ve said-JESUS-
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-SEE?! Water-walking, full package.
Antler Jesus than gives Salem the same spiel we’ve heard about ressurecting the dead we’ve heard a million times, gotta respect the balance what-not, bla bla bla-GIVE HER BACK HER HUSBAND YOU MONSTER!
BUT-ol’ Mr.Light rose petals her away telling her to let it go, but ain’t NOTHIN’ gon’ stop her from getting her man back, so its time to make a DEAL with the devil in REMNANT HELL-
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-which is also in its own way VERY beautiful, nice use of dark colors and purple, kinda looks like Cybertron when it was infected by Dark Energon!
Salem’s here to seek  out the God of Darkness, whom after seeing Antler Jesus’ striking albeit minimalist god form, I’M SURE-the god of Darkness’ form isn’t utterly creep-
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6:20 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAND welcome to your nightmares for the next few months folks, Purple Satan is here and he is HERE FOR YOUR SOUL!
Salem then asks Mauvisto(Get it, like Mephisto but with Mauve?) to bring back Ozma, ALL while not bringing up that she asked Antlers first. The dark being agrees because he’s just SO happy someone is giving him praise for once, why does his BROTHER get all the praise JUST because he didn’t create a race of empathic eldritch beasts whose only purpose is to cause as much misery and destruction as possible? Un-GRATE-ful is what those humans are!
Purple Haze than brings back Ozma-WITH-
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After Oz has a BRIEF freak-out over no longer being in the land of the dead-GUESS WHO SHOWS UP?!
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Mauvisto: OKAY EVERYONE-party’s over, AJ’s gonna kill it with ANOTHER of his lectures.
AntlerJesus: Don’t you give me that tone.
I joke, but that is BASICALLY how it went down.
AJ than rose-petals away Ozma to preserve order-
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Oz:...S...Salem...I don’t feel so good.
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Seriously y’all, I BETTER see some Thanos memes from this episode.
BUT-the elder brother forgets the younger brother still has the POWER OF PURPLE!
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PRAISE TO THE PURPLE! Either way, Mauvisto is NOT happy about that which starts-
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ACTUALLY no, AJ tells Mauvisto that Salem went to HIM first, and after he told her he wouldn’t resurrect her hubby, she tryed to manipulate him into going behind AJ’s back. Mauvey than apologizes to his best bro the BEST way possible...WITH A PURPLE DEATH BLAST!
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The Purple giveth, and the purple taketh away.
Salem is NOT happy about this, and EVEN tries to THREATEN the god’s with her magic-BUT-AntlerJesus than gives her a chance to cool off by-
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9:15 ...drowning her from a million miles in the air. MAN-the Super God Bros don’t fuck a-ROUND do they?
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9:26 ACTUALLY no, by dunking her in the pool of light, the Gods curse her with immortality, unable to see her sweet Baboo Ozma EVER again, and will only die once she accepts the importance of life and death. 
Salem than does the most logical thing after being cursed by two immortal beings who think cursing someone with immortality is a COMPLETELY rational response to wasting like...WHAT five minutes of their time, AND RALLIES AN ARMY to take on the gods!
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11:24 It should also be noted that this army...and all of humanity are just TWO WEEKS from retirement!
The army than BLASTS Mauvisto, with a beautiful display of firework-I MEAN-magic attacks-
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11:56 I’m just gonna assume since it was the old days, people weren’t as creative with magic as they could be. BUT-because Mauvisto is a friggin’ GOD-
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-he PURPLIZES all the magic into one handy dandy ball! What the hell CAN’T purple do?!
Either way, as an ancient omnipotent being, I’M SURE he’ll give them all a just and fair punishm-
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12:12...OR just nuke everyone, whatever works for you Satanic Purple Beerus!
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Salem of course due to her immortality is NOT ONLY the only one in her army to survive the blast, but ALSO the only HUMAN who survived the blast! GEEZE-Mauvisto, ain’t that a little harsh? I get it, you hate Salem, but what did all those side-characters who DIDN’T go against you do? BUT-enough about that-NAME ORIGIN TIME-
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12:51 AntlerDragon: This planet, was a beautiful experiment, but it is merely a Remnant of what it once was. 
DAH-they said the name of the continent-HUZZAH!
Either way, both bros decide to leave the planet to create OTHER Avatar meets Soul Eater meets X-men meets Harry Potter worlds. AJ leaves in a BEAUTIFUL yellow mist-
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While Mauvisto leaves in the most OVER THE TOP way he POSSIBLY could.
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13:21 HUH-guess Atlas Arcadium Rex DIDN’T destroy the moon from Rwby. Sorry folks, your shared universe headcanon is DEAD! DEAD!
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13:41 Salem than takes a GOOD long walk throughout ALL of the planet now named Remnant, until after an ETERNITY of walking decides she deserves a GOOD soak!
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14:04 IN the God of Darkness’s POOL of darkness! MMM-look at those bubbles, bet they’re NICE and warm!
But seriously, after EONS of roaming the Earth alone, she figures that since the fountain of life gave her eternal life, the pools of Grimm with finally kill her, ending her suffering...but we WEREN’T all so lucky were we?
INSTEAD-the pool recreates her from a being of infinite life, to a being of infinite life who wants PURE destruction!
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14:33 DAMN she looks scary, and that’s not even her FINAL form!
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OZMA-having himself a NICE nap in the eternal void of nothingness! Honestly if I died, brought back to life, killed, brought back to life, and then killed a SECOND time I’d want one hell of a nap as well.
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BUT-for realsies, AntlerJesus pulls Ozma into a void between worlds to curse him for all eternity to fight his now corrupted wife-I MEAN-give him a chance to return to the land of the living! Yeah...THAT! Where APPARENTLY humans will come back again in time...presumably...NOT made by the god of creation? SO...is this a world where humans are made by gods...OR evolution? HUH-well if THAT ain’t a neat bit of science-fantasy!
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Its ALSO here where we learn what happens when all four relics are brought together, that they’ll summon BOTH god brothers back to Remnant and judge humanity. If they’s chill, its ALL good, but if they AIN’T chill-BYE BYE REMNANT!
Either way, despite hearing his honey Salem won’t be the same anymore, OZMA accepts and REINCARNATES INTO-
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17:40 THIS GUY...whose name iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis?
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Rando: Thank you! Please, tell me your name, who are you?
SEE-he’s got the right ideal-TELL US DAMN YOU!
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18:17 Oscar:...he didn’t know.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH that sucks. I’m not sure if it means he over-wrote his host’s memories or what, either way the reaction on Oz’s face says it all.
AFTER the Grimm attack, Unnamed Ozma reincarnation takes a page out of his lady’s book and GOES on a walk, where he sees the world has CHANGED completely!
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With LACKLUSTER architecture-
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-enSLAVEment of the new Faunus race and WORST of all-
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Blake:...why wasn’t my people’s early enslavement not saved for last? Like it was only the SECOND worst thing?
Jinn: Look I just put it in order of what he saw okay, gimme a break!
Turns out, only Ozma2 and a MYSTERIOUS woman known only as “The Witch” could do magic, WHERE SHE IS FOUND-
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18:41 In this GHETTO ass shack! COME ON SALEM-you’re immortal, you seriously tryna tell me you don’t got time to make a nicer house?!
Ozma2 than logically assumes the witch is Salem and goes to see what she has become, AND IT IS REVEALED-
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Ozma2:(OH NO SHE’S HOT!)
19:27 AND it turns out that both of them recognize each other-CAUSE THAT’S THE POWER OF LOVE!
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Salem and Ozma than tell each other all the CRAZY shenanigans that have been going down in their lives while hiding their SECRET backstories-WHILE THEY ALSO-
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19:40 -FINALLY fix up that old shack! Fixed up the windows, got a deck table and chairs, re-varnished the wood, if THAT don’t help out property values I don’t know WHAT will!
Also during their convo Salem fearing Ozma would hate her, blamed the end of the world SOLELY on the gods...well...I mean TECHNICALLY it was, she raised only ONE small army against the gods, and instead of punishing JUST those humans they killed EVERYBAH-I feel she could be honest.
The days went by, Salem and Ozma enjoyed their happy lives, having logically an INFINITE amount of sex, until one day SALEM SAID(paraphrased)
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Salem: Okay hear me out, WHAT IF-we act like gods, and be the NEW AntlerJesus and Mauvisto?!
Ozma:...okay I am SO sure that won’t work but I am INSANELY attracted to you so LET’S DO IT!
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21:07 SO it appears they live on as gods and nothing else crazy happe-
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21:33...bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbby MAIDENS! THE FOUR MAIDENS WERE THE DAUGHTERS OF OZMA AND SALEM! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY god damned shit-THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING-probably, for all we know Oz gave four COMPLETELY DIFFERENT young girls magical powers. But enough about that-
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But sadly, all good things must come to an end, as during their plans Ozma has second thoughts on their quest to reshape the world given the destruction they cause, which PROMPTS Oz-
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22:02 -to start, with the maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan in the mirror (OH YEAH) and he’s asking him to chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaange his ways(COME ON CHANGE)!
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But for realsies, he then remembers the great quest the god of light gave him-BUT THEN-
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22:21 DAW-baby’s first use of the dark arts!
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HRNGH-LOOK AT HER! LOOK AT HOW PROUD SHE IS OF HER BABY GIRL! DAMMIT SALEM-you’re supposed to be the evil Sorceress Supreme, you have NO business looking adorable!
SO-I guess they go their magic powers from their parents, I wander what else they go-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WHAT IF-Oz’s daughters didn’t just inherit their magic...BUT ALSO-Oz’s CURSE to forever reincarnate across the Earth like he did?! THAT’S WHY THEIR CONNECTED TO THE FOUR RELICS-probably, like I said there’s still the possibility of the story still be being true-HELL-maybe the maiden spell merged the four girls souls with those of his daughters?
AFTER the adorablenes, Ozma FINALLY decides to be an honest husband for once and tells Salem of the four relics and the judgement day that would occur if they were ever brought together, which Salem basically responds with-
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22:51 Salem: You know what?! Let’s take the relics and make our OWN human race, with BLACKJACK! AND HOOKERS! And you know what? FORGET THE HUMAN RACE! KILL ALL HUMANS!
Yes, I am now headcanoning Salem as witch Bender from now all on-TRY AND STOP ME!
This logically upsets Oz, so he decides to calmly and rationally talk with his wife-
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...OR take the kids and run without telling her only to get caught, because LORD KNOWS he couldn’t just get a marriage counselor to talk about their problems...seriously, this was ye olden times, the concept probably wasn’t invented yet.
22:34And sadly, it appears this is where everything ended between Ozma and Salem-
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23:42 LITERALLY EVEN-everything between them in the castle has been destroyed! INCLUDING-
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...don’t...don’t make me make a joke about this sub-conscious...tis too sad.
The battle/divorce ends with Salem winning RIGHT before saying this-
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23:58 “...we finally...had freedom.”
AND...there’s TWO ways to look at that. That either A.) With the knowledge of the god’s relics, they could do the same thing the god’s did but without their rules or the metaphorical outlook B.) They were free BEFORE Oz told her about the relics...because than the god’s power wouldn’t keep controlling their lives. The latter I’m pretty sure she didn’t mean but to me...I think that’s true.
Salem than finally takes out Ozma2-
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-with a Super SMASH bros meme no less! Don’t lie, you know who you are Gifmakers, AND YOU DISGUST ME! PERISH IN FLAMES!
After this, Oz takes the break up PRETTY badly-
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24:10 -going on sad graveyard walks-
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24:17 Drinking near paintings of empty liquor bottles.
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24:21 ULTIMATELY getting out of his funk when he reincarnates as a nice swarthy individual and a bad ass new cane!
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Even finally starts dating again and settles down with this nice lady, WAY TO GET BACK ON THAT HORSE BUDDY! BUT-just like in real life, the evidence of his ex STILL haunted his life-
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24:37 In the form of monster raids no less! That’s break-up aftermath for ya.
Oz than realizes he has to bury the ex(literally) and goes out to find the FOUR RELICS-
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25:00 ...in his next life as a hipster for some reason! Cleh, he’s an immortal soul-symbiote, he has time. 
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He seeks out knowledge first and asks her where the other relics are, what could they do, and how could he kill Salem(in that order)? The first two answers we don’t know...but the THIRD one one we do-
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Jinn: You can’t.
And the episode ends-
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-with Oscarpin giving himself a good sit in despair.
So...yeah...HOLY SHIT-there’s a lot to take away here! For ONE-its interesting noting how tragic a villain Salem was, and how Oz spent so much time avoiding his fate because he just wanted to be with the woman he loved. FURTHERMORE-its neat how Salem is now like, Lord Garmadon in that destructive impulses BURN through her veins...but also like Lord Garmadon, she was still able to love. Sadly though...her worse impulses got the best of her, and now she has nothing to do but move forward and Thanos the planet, because there is NO going back to the good old days.
I’m Yoshimickster, and this was Micksterecap, and I hope your lives are filled with joy and happiness, and that you don’t become the toys of fate. Thank you, and have a pleasant night.
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