#might make this into a series for the cod characters if i have time but idk :P
bug-bites · 1 year
thinking abt simon "ghost" "acts of service" riley
like in my head he isn't too fond of physical touch. he wont burst into tears and start crying and shaking if you hug him but its very much reserved for the very few people who are close to him. its not that he's scared of it or it makes him super uncomfortable, its just he has other ways of showing people he loves them!
he's the type of guy who when you're getting to know him, listens and remembers every detail you tell him, and makes mental notes of your dislikes and likes w/o you having to tell him.
he takes cold showers every day and when you ask him he just tells you "its better, wakes me up in the mornings" but its really because he knows you like taking hot showers from all the times he's walked into the washroom once you're done and noticed the mirror all fogged up from the steam. he just wants to make sure you dont run out of hot water
in a passing conversation you mention feeling a bit sick, maybe its the change in weather or your allergies acting up but you just really are hoping it isnt a cold. simon doesnt say much but later you find a small ziploc baggie of peeled orange slices with a sticky note with your name on on it
when you go out together and you're a little underdressed for the weather he notices the goosebumps on your arms and how you constantly are rubbing them with your hands, trying to subtly warm yourself from the friction. you dont do a good job however because he glances at you and lets out a small sigh
"what did i say before heading out" "bring a jumper..." you mumble in response "and what did you do?" he crosses his arms over his chest but he isn't mad or annoyed, not in the slightest "not bring a jumper"
it feels like you're on the verge of being lectured but simon just rolls his eyes and gestures you to follow him. you're lead to his car and he opens the trunk, tossing you a black zip up sweater. he's scolding you somewhat, saying that "this is why you're getting sick" and other nonsense and you're lucky he "forgot" to take that sweater out of the trunk or boot because hes bri'ish. you happily take it and put it on because you're not about to turn down a sweater when you're freezing also its from simon and it just looks so comfy! it's definitely big on you because lets face it, simon is built like an industrial freezer, but the material is soft and cozy, with the added bonus of smelling like him. you thank him for the sweater and carry on with your day, not thinking much of it. truth is, however, he always has that extra sweater in his car for you. makes sure its there before you two go anywhere, neatly folded and tucked into the back. he would never admit it though he's such a pussy
when asked about his little favours he does for you he constantly pulls excuses from his ass, saying its just a coincidence that he had those things or literally anything to hide that he goes out of his way to do it for you. he cares about you, he actually cares a lot about you but he's just a tiny bit embarrassed to admit it. he loves you so much but he doesn't want you to think he's like kicking his legs and giggling over the thought of you even though he probably has at some point but you dont need to know that
he thinks he's sooooo subtle and sneaky about it but when you fall asleep and you wake up with a sweater over top of you like a blanket that a) you are 100% sure doesn't belong to you and b) has "S. Riley" written in sharpie on the tag (with a tiny skull doodle next to it), theres no way in hell you can be oblivious to how much he cares about you.
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syoddeye · 5 months
more reading recs
because one post isn't enough. we are hashtag blessed with fic.
as requested, i've highlighted fics with noncon and/or dubcon elements in orange. beyond that, you are responsible for reading tags, warnings, and summaries.
pairings are indicated, although these may change or may not be established yet.
there is no method to this madness, no specific order. these are listed here as my brain remembered them.
i've checked all the links maybe three times, if they're broken, i blame tumblr's formatting.
without further ado...
Slasher Handler by @dragonnarrative-writes - Ghost x Reader
"Simon does serial killer things. What a rascal!" Another fantastically written Simon, with wonderful dashes of Gaz and Price. It's put the term 'romance knives' in my vocabulary. There are many quotable bits and moments that made my blood run cold with how normal the ~situation~ feels, but everything has to be experienced firsthand.
The Far Shore by @deadbranch - Soap x Reader
DB's fic collection is rich, and The Far Shore is no different. I fucking loved Pacific Rim, so when I saw her first mention a PR AU, I did imaginary backflips. DB's Readers are some of my favorites because of how complex and realistic they feel, and when combined with the visceral depth of the neural handshake AND Soap? Compelling. The dynamic between them is fascinating. I almost can't wait for it to be finished so I can go back and dissect it.
Falling into Place by @mortuarywriting
Morg's brought the first COD Isekai AU I've read, like a little treat, with A/B/O to boot. The first chapter hooked me and cracked me up. Their dialogue reads so well, it truly feels like I got sucked into the universe. The panicked ramblings, the over-explanation, the 'oh shit, we don't even have a shared cultural touchstone' moments. I cannot wait for more.
Carvings by @femalefemur - Price x Reader
Cyn's got this amazing thing going on called 'Top Quality Worms' where she takes me by the hand and leads me down a rabbit hole I didn't know I'd find so cozy. Carvings is one piece from her incredible list, featuring a bloody, possessive Captain Price. Somehow, out of this entire piece, Price snapping a pen really did it for me. Did someone say loss of control? Oh no, not my kryptonite!
Under Your Spell by @groguspicklejar - Gaz x Reader x Soap
This fic had me at the pairing tag. Lured me right in. No hope for me, and I'm not mad about it. The way Gaz and Soap play off of each other in Under Your Spell is spine-tingling in more ways than one. The definition of scaroused. Kelsi writes a wonderful Gaz. The first two paragraphs in part two, Split My Skin, describe him perfectly to me.
Chokehold by @ccrites - Soap x Reader
Chokehold is a chef's kiss read. Starts off as a cute and sweet gym read, and uh, well, it does get sweeter, in a way. Without spoiling anything, there is a brief cab ride that made me take a lap before things got really going for Reader. CC's Soap is a delightful tease that is tender all at the same time. I'd join his gym in a heartbeat.
Knight/Princess AU by @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world - Price x Reader
I've read and re-read this AU series a dozen times. It's so gd cute, I might need to see the dentist about how it's rotting my teeth. Seriously, it makes ME want to be a princess. Specifically Price's princess. Bear writes such a sweet and gruff Price, catch me holding a hand over my heart and just sighing. I'm also a big fan of multiple POVs and the insight into each character.
Martyr in the Making by @eilidh-eternal - Ghost x Reader
I had a tattoo touch-up the other day, and while waiting, I thought about this fic: the dream and nightmare of being tattooed by Simon and the rest of the 141. It's a dream for obvious reasons (probably unhealthy for me) and a nightmare because of, well, you'll have to read the story. Getting a tattoo can be such an intimate experience. You put yourself into someone's care and get something permanently etched onto your body. When Reader sits for Simon, you're right there with her, the two of you on an altar.
Liquid Smooth by @cordeliawhohung - Gaz x Reader
Bodyguard!Gaz save me, save me, bodyguard!Gaz. Ugh, Gaz is fucking incredible in every flavor, but there is something that hits different about the guy when he's flexing those 'VIP protection' skills. There are several tiny moments in Liquid Smooth that made me audibly whisper, "God, I wish that were me." If you have a conifer tree allergy, you might not be able to handle the god-tier pining. (I'll see myself out.)
pornstar!Gaz by @cordeliawhohung - Gaz x Reader
Gotta include the series that I drop everything for whenever I see an update. Another fantastic depiction of best man Kyle Gaz Garrick. The charm, the jealousy, the care...My personal favorite installments are Whispers and Threesomes.
plus size puppygirl!reader / Simon & Reader / Punishment by @secretsynthetic - Price x Reader x Ghost
Ghost gets his Captain a puppy, and Synth gives us a tasty Price x Reader x Ghost story. I've linked the intro and a Simon x Reader snippet, but my personal favorite is Punishment. Punishment is a deeper dive into Price the disciplinarian: "how the hell do i get a mutt like you to fuckin’ listen?" I'd gush about it, but again, this is another one to read and experience firsthand. One of my favorite recent explorations of a PriceGhost dynamic.
i'll probably cobble another one of these together in may 2024. my fic backlog is something else. i blame it on all the massive talent. mwah.
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sunonyoreface · 2 years
He Knows - Simon “Ghost” Riley Pt. 10
an: this is my favourite part yet! Thanks for your patience! 
Hi there, this is a series about Simon Riley from COD. This series does not follow any of the established plots or timelines from the games. While I use the names of some characters, they are different from the ones in COD.
Summary: You’re held captive by 141 for reasons unknown.
Word count: 2700
Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader
Warnings: angst, military setting, explicit language mentions of torture, graphic depictions of violence, use of guns.
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I can still hear ringing from hours of relentless whirling of the helicopter engine beating against my eardrums. Ghost pulls me through the snow with one rough hand wrapped around my arm and the other on his pistol. In the time it took us to fly here, he only riled himself up more. Searing, red anger radiates from beneath his suit. I dread the moment we pass through that door.
Ghost doesn’t clear the safe house. He doesn’t have to. A thermal imaging camera attached to the chopper told him no one’s been there in hours. The night vision lenses reveal to him that no one’s trampled through the slushy snow or left tracks of any kind in days. The tiny cabin is between one of their bases and a large town in Latvia. It isn’t accessible by road. Only a helicopter, ATV, or 40-mile hike from the nearest settlement will get you here. This place isn’t meant to be found. The Ultranationalists won’t have suspected us to leave the country. No one will. Even the other task members have no clue where we are. Only Price. We’re completely alone.
It’s supposed to be safer, but I feel far from safe.
The cabin shakes as he slams the door shut and flips three deadbolts. There’s no escaping him. Even if I somehow miraculously made it out of the cabin, I’d be shot dead before I could make it ten feet away. Inside I am completely blind. There isn’t an ounce of light. Ghost releases me and blood rushes to the spot on my arm he was gripping. I can feel the bruises forming already. He brushes against my back as he steps further into the dark. It’s eerily silent. There’s no traffic outside or music from neighbouring rooms or wind gusts rattling the windows. Everything is completely still. Only my heavy breathing fills the dreadful space.
A small table lamp clicks on as Ghost lets go of the chord. The tiny metal chain clinks against the glass base. He paces around, looking completely out of place. We’re in a small room with a burgundy futon, a wooden table with two chairs, a tiny wood stove, and several cabinets on the far side of the wall. This is the only room in the whole building. It’s cozy and quaint; the kind of place new couples spend too much money on for a weekend getaway. There’s also another lamp standing in the corner of the room that Ghost now switches on. The lamps cause two jagged shadows to follow him around the room. Its warmer here than at the base, but not because the heat is on. This building doesn’t have heat, but we’re closer to the ocean so everywhere’s warmer. It’s just cold enough for the snow to stick to the ground in a slushy consistency.
I stand by the door, watching as Ghost undoes the clasps on his helmet before taking it off and placing it on the wood table. His skull mask is still covered in the bloody remnants of our interviews from this morning. Next to it, he places the large assault rifle. He doesn’t offload his handgun or any of the other various weapons strapped to his person. No, he might need those yet.
Ghost pauses for a moment as he scans the room, taking in our surroundings until his eyes land on mine. As much as I want to, I can’t look away. There’s something about his eyes. There always has been. They hold so much depth it’s hard to describe. So much horror I physically can’t describe. A type of desire that I’m afraid to describe.
He silently stalks across the wooden floor, holding my gaze the entire time, holding onto his anger even longer. Ghost stops only inches away. I shift back toward the door to put some distance between us.
“Are you scared of me?” his eyes narrow as he examines my face. Ghost is a well-trained bloodhound. There’s no hiding my fear from him. He can smell it pulsing through my veins. He can hear the muscles in my heart thundering at a terrifying speed.
“Should I be?” already, my voice is unsteady.
“I would,” he says plainly. My throat tightens and my mouth runs dry.
“Why are you doing this?”
“Why’d you lie to me?” he ignores my question, jumping right to the very thing that is fueling his anger. Ghost is already standing too close for comfort, utilizing his size just like he does during the interrogations.
“I didn’t lie to you,” I lower my voice. Maybe if we’re both whispering, he won’t start shouting.
“You did,” there’s venom in his voice. I can hear the rattles of a snake hiding in tall grass. If I take the wrong step, I’m sure to be bitten.
“I told you what he said. Just not all of it,” I press my sweaty palms to the side of my thighs. Ghost’s brooding eyes are shadowed by the bloody skull mask. He’s so close I can smell the tangy, metallic scent. I taste it on my tongue as I bite the inside of my cheek. I feel it in my veins as it pulses through my racing heart.
“That’s rubbish,” his brows furrow and his lower lids tighten.
“Is it?” I ask. What would he do if he were in my position? Are my actions truly that unforgivable? “Why don’t you just interview me like you do them? Then, you’d find out.”
“Because you’re not one of them,” he says with certainty. Maybe not, but are we so different? For years, people told me I was just like my father and he’s “one of them”. How different can we be?
“Maybe I am,” I push back. The rattling sounds closer. My mind is warning me to step away from the snake, but some morbid part of me wants to see what’ll happen.
“You’re not,” he states.
“How do you know?” I ask. What makes him so certain? Sure, 141 does their research before kidnapping someone, but maybe I could be an Ultranationalist. Maybe he doesn’t know me as well as he thinks. Maybe I’m the snake.
Ghost reaches into a pocket on his thigh. He pulls out his switchblade and snaps the blade out. My eyes widen as I step further back, trapping myself against the door. Ghost stalks even closer. His movements are slow and predatory. I have nowhere to go as he presses his chest into mine. The hard equipment strapped to his vest hurts as it rubs against my clothes, jutting into my flesh. One hand harshly wraps around my mouth as the other presses the tip of the blade against my cheek.
I jolt away from the pain and try to wriggle from his grasp, but it’s no use. Ghost has me pinned against the door with no escape. The pressure is sharp and I feel the skin threatening to break, any harder and he’ll draw blood.
“Simon,” I try to say his name but the words are muffled. My hands wrap around his forearm and squeeze. Not in an attempt to pull him away, but just to get him to stop. His skin is hot under my cold fingers and his tense muscles ripple beneath my palm.
When I finally make eye contact with him, my heart skips. His eyes are dark and analytical. This isn’t about hurting me. He is simply gauging my reactions. This is a test.
The skull mask leans in closer. “An Ultranationalist wouldn’t flinch. They’d lean into the pain,” he whispers. Ghost releases me, taking only a small step back. I don’t wait to catch my breath before asking my next question.
“Do you like hurting them?”
“I do,” he says with a sense of pride. It’s now that I realize he doesn’t see these men as people. In his eyes, as soon as they joined the Ultranationalists, they abdicated all their human rights.
“That’s sick.”
“Maybe,” he says, taunting. “But it’s nothing in comparison to what they do.”
I ignore his attempt at changing the topic.
“Do you like hurting me?”
“Y/n,” something in his voice changes. It’s strained, almost. I see his brows furrow at the edge of his mask. He leans back at this. “Do you think that low of me?”
“In Price’s office, the two of you mentioned intercepting a high-ranking Ultranationalist’s family member. That’s what you did to me,” I wait for him to tell me I’m wrong. I want him to tell me I’m wrong. That the families of the men they hunt aren’t being punished for their crimes. Deep down, I know I’m not. “Did you know about that?”
“I helped plan it,” Ghost admits. My throat tightens even more and I fight the urge to cry. Of course, he did. It’s all some stupid vendetta. They don’t care who’s hurt in the process. Part of me can’t help but feel betrayed. I should’ve expected it. When I look into his eyes, there’s no regret. I’m just collateral to him. There’s a larger plan at play and my life is just a small game piece.
“Were you there when it happened?” I ask. I need to know. How much of my suffering was directly because of him?
“Do you know the things they did to me?” my voice cracks. “How they pumped me so full of drugs I couldn’t stay conscious? And when I was awake, I was sick for hours. I was so drugged up I could barely stand, let alone walk. My body didn’t feel like my own. They locked me in a dark room alone for weeks. The only time I saw another person was when I was fed just twice a day. I didn’t know if my family was okay! I still don’t! I had a bag over my head ninety percent of the time and when I couldn’t keep up, they’d grab at me and push me until I’d hit a wall or the floor. Did you know that, Simon? I am covered in bruises! Even now,” my eyes start to water, but my sadness begins to transition to anger. “You planned all of that, Simon?”
Ghost takes a moment to watch the emotions flicker across my face and weigh his options. He takes a deep breath before saying “It was a part of the plan. You were supposed to believe you were taken by the Ultranationalists, so you’d be more willing to cooperate with us. We contracted the job to one of our Russian allies so it couldn’t be directly traced back to us. The fact that you were looking into your family’s past was just a coincidence. A convenient one, but a coincidence nonetheless,” his voice is reserved. He’s holding back again and it only hurts more.
“You’re no better than them,” I hiss at him. “At least they’re honest about what they do.”
Ghost scoffs at me and when he looks at me his eyes are narrowed and his brows furrowed. “Honest,” he laughs in patronizing disgust. “You don’t know a fucking thing about them.”
“I don’t know a damn thing about you either! Everything you’ve told me was a fucking lie!” I hate to admit it, but I break first. I’m the first to raise my voice and now all bets are off.
“Have you watched the news lately? Don’t you-”
“It’s hard to watch the news when you kidnapped me!” my face is red and I feel a burning rage. I feel like I’m on fire. Like Ghost has soaked me in gasoline and struck a match.
“Shut your fucking mouth for two goddamn seconds,” he snarls. There are flames in his eyes. “Haven’t you seen the bombings? The shootings? The fucking airport attacks? Any of it? That was all them! They’ve killed thousands of people for political power and they’re only getting started,” his fists are balled at his sides as he pushes into me again. I so badly wish I was closer to his size. At least then I’d have a chance.
He’s becoming just as worked up as I am. Good. He deserves to feel what I feel. The anger. The pain. The betrayal. How fucking unfair all of this is. Ghost’s breathing becomes faster as his chest heaves with disdain. I imagine a scowl on his face as he tries to justify his actions. As he tries to justify all of the violence he is responsible for. 141 isn’t as righteous as they’d like to believe. Their hands are caked in layers upon layers of years worth of blood. Their skin underneath is stained a type of red that won’t wash off in the sink.
“If we take out Makarov and his top generals, we can disband the Ultranationalists. We can stop this utter madness from becoming any worse. If we do that, we’ll save thousands of people and stop wars before they begin,” Ghost rests both his hands on the side of my neck, his thumbs just under my ears. His grip is light, but I feel the urgency under his fingers.  “I will do anything in my power to see that happen,” he says, reigning himself in as he steps back.
“Even kill my father,” I whisper. His eyes flicker back to mine. He doesn’t need to say anything to confirm my suspicion.
“He’s a bad man, y/n,” Ghost’s voice lowers.
“You don’t know him,” the pain is evident on my face. My heart aches and I miss him.
“No. But I know what he’s done,” he watches my expressions, calculating how much he should tell me. “Last month he coordinated a shooting at a refugee camp. Could call that his specialty. Refugee camps and immigration centers, sometimes homeless shelters. He targets vulnerable people and causes that the Ultranationalists know will get people riled up. Your father is responsible for the death of hundreds of innocent people. Do you know who lived in those camps? Young families. Children who had their whole lives ahead of them. He killed them y/n.”
My face scrunches up in disgust and disbelief. I feel the bile creeping up my throat as my stomach twists itself into an impossible knot. My knees want to give out. That can’t be true. He wouldn’t do that, not the man I know. My father is an introvert who likes to buy loaves of expired bread and feed pigeons in Central Park. He runs my mother baths and cooks too much pasta and kisses me on the forehead every time I visit. He is not that man.
“You’re lying,” my bottom lip trembles. “Everything you’ve told me is a lie, why would you tell the truth now?”
“I have video,” he says coldly. “Four of these attacks alone have detailed surveillance footage of him present during the events. But he’s not always present. Often, they’re planned at a distance. He’ll have coordinated most of them from your home.”
“That’s not true,” I mumble into my sleeve as I wipe my nose. “It’s not,” the tears finally spill from my eyes. It can’t be true.
“So no, y/n, I don’t like hurting you,” Ghost cups the side of my face, his thumb brushes along my hair as he gently guides me to look at him. “But I’d do it a million times over if it means stopping Makarov.”
“Where does it end?” my voice is pleading “Makarov, then my uncle, then my father, and all of their generals. Who else do you have to kill before it can finally end? Me? Am I on that list, Simon?”
“I would never do that to you,” he murmurs as his other hand brushes away my tears. All I want is to lean into his touch. To have him hold me and tell me everything’s going to be alright.
“How can I believe you, Simon? How can I believe you after everything you’ve done? After all the lies you’ve told,” my soft voice cracks.
His thumb soothingly brushes up and down my cheek. With each deep breath he takes, his vest pushes further into my chest. Before the pressure was alarming but now, I find a strange comfort in it. I want him to say that there’s a way out of this. That maybe he was wrong about my father. That when I go home, it’ll be like I never left. Simon leans down and rests his forehead against my own. My mind drifts to the blood sprayed across the white skull.
“You can’t.”
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1800naveen · 4 months
The white people of the ACOTAR fandom are odd. Like no offense to the ones that are chill but others need to chill. Those who think Feyre is in the right to fuck up the Spring Court are just ew. Imagine if someone destroyed your country with the idea of revenge in mind, multiple homes get destroyed in the process because war is on the horizon. You have to flee into other Courts so you can be safe and leave your original home behind, not knowing if you will ever come back because of what that person did. Sounds familiar?
What makes this even worse is that SJM is a zionist and what Israel is doing to Palestine is what Feyre did to the Spring Court. She can write her ideologies into her books and people can act like it's fine when it's not!
I'm a person of color, a black woman. Imagine how some black readers found out how A Court of Silver Flames was promoted. If you aren't aware, Sarah took the death of Breonna Taylor, a 26 year old African American woman who was fatally shot by a cop. It's STILL on her Instagram page, just keep scrolling until you find it.
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The black community is always targeted when it comes to police brutality. This is one of the traumas in our community that we have to deal with, even in modern times where everyone is supposed to be "free". Have we not struggled enough?
It disgusts me that some authors (mainly white authors) will take the pain of a community and use it for their book(s). Or authors that can write a book with a character that will rise up to fight back against the oppressors and still support Israel.
Illyrians in ACOTAR are portrayed as violent, savages, and warmongers. They're apparently supposed to be POC codded, are you fucking kidding me? Is this supposed to be a diss towards brown and black people? Maybe even the indigenous? Feyre wears Illyrian wings like bitch, wear another type of wings. Her or Rhysand haven't done shit for Illyria and while the woman gets their wings clipped, Feyre can fly all she wants.
Imagine how Emerie will feel when she finds out.
Don't get me started on Feyre's hand tattoos. It might just be me but why is this white girl wearing that? Take that off bro. In this world, it's called Mehndi, the traditional art of painting your hands, feet, or the body with paste. In Arabic, what we call it is Henna. It's used in the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa. Like the designs are pretty but I don't want to see the human born, turned fae wearing it. TAKE IT OFF, WHITE GIRL. And another thing, why was Feyre acting like that towards the humans in ACOFAS? You forget where you came from, girlie pop but anyways.
Kendrick Lamar's song Euphoria is me towards the ACOTAR series and SJM. Sarah looks like a nice lady but she's fake as hell.
If you want to read SJM's books, try buying it from a used bookstore or somewhere online that doesn't connect to her. You can download PDFs or read them online.
It's crazy when I see a black person reading her books. On Tik Tok, I saw Jordan Fisher talking about how he's a fan like babes. I love him but...
Me when SJM fans (especially the black fans:
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sugaredrhubarb · 1 year
Reading with Ru: Aug/Sept Fic Recs
I know I'm certainly in need of some positivity and escapism lately, so I'm gonna try to do semi-regular fic and book recs! Starting with a retroactive what I've been reading from the past couple of months with this account! (I might go back in time and make an all-time rec list later)
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starting with cod because i know most of you go here
Sergeant Squeaks by @charliemwrites - (series of one-shots ghost x reader and price x reader separately) both one of my favourite reader characters and my favourite canon setting depictions of Ghost and Price. their own weird brands of showing love are wonderful; the tension leading to getting together is fantastic, and the sex is super enjoyable.
Ghost Stories by @kneelingshadowsalome - (ghost x medic!reader) I'm repeating myself, but I love Salome's writing. This is where I was first introduced to it, and I think it's really special. Ghost POV as he struggles with developing and then accepting love. felt so real and grounded. angsty and then fluffy, and you can't help but adore the reader as well.
saltwater by @ceilidho - (ghost x reader) It's pretty unlikely any of you don't know Ceil, but on the off chance you haven't given this one a read yet, it really is a must. I lump praise on her pretty regularly, but I don't know anyone who is able to portray their character's emotions as intimately as Ceil. her ghost feels really grounded in all his complexity. there is a common theme in these recs of really enjoyable reader characters, and this is not an exception; the reader feels like a full but still ambiguous character who is vulnerable and strong and really great.
don't leave me locked in your heart by @ohbo-ohno - (ghoap x reader dark!) we all know bo, we all love bo. I always love the way she depicts ghost and soap's dynamic changing and evolving to include the reader. the descent into dark territory in this is really really fun. It's also just hot and well-written! if you haven't read it before, go read it, and then go read all of bo's drabbles and asks on here. genuinely one of my favourite dark but still fun writers. I think she balances it really well.
body electric by @yeyinde and Afterburn by @sprout-fics - (141 + Los Vaqueros x reader) a classic. I've returned to these so many times. sometimes you just want to read dirty, filthy, well done, smut and then warm cozy aftercare. not to wax poetic about pure sex (except that's exactly what one should do), but I think it can be really hard to write group sex like this and still have such insightful and individual glimpses into each character and dynamic, and Lev does it wonderfully. and then it's also hard to find good aftercare fic, and Sprout's feels like literal aftercare for both the reader character and the reader.
other fandoms
tried to curate to themes i think overlap in some of the cod works! and I think most of these can be read fandom blind.
i revisited @winterrose527's fic in August, and even though she already knows how much I love her work, I won't skip a chance to repeat it. Anna writes for asoiaf and is pretty much the queen of Robb Stark/Myrcella Baratheon, but I would say the modern AUs (my favs) can be read almost completely fandom blind. Any contemporary romance enjoyer would love her work. I'm really partial to her kid/single-parent fics. I think it's so hard to get right, and I always adore reading her kid characters and how she approaches love stories when kids are involved. anna's works are always brimming with love and incredible platonic, familiar, parent-child, and romantic relationships (if kid fic isn't your thing she also has a ton of other great fics). personal favs: We Could Be a Little Something, And There They Are, All the Same
Lawless by @goldcranes - (arthur morgan x ofc) age difference, cowboy love story, essentially a romance novel. if goldcranes has no fans, I'm dead. I encourage you to explore her work; very few people write as strongly across multiple fandoms as she does, and each of her works feels like a really strong love story with special characters.
The Odyssey by @sunlightmurdock - (bradley bradshaw x reader) 1980's roman literature prof x virgin student - no need to know top gun. katie's work is another entry in the 'feels like it stands really strongly separately from the source material' category. she has multiple ongoing AU's that I really love, but this one is a favourite. i think she does complex characters really well - their actions always feel intentional, and as flawed as they are, I always love them.
Wouldn't it be Nice by allyoops - (m/f captive A/B/O) if you aren't reading original works smut on ao3 you are missing out and allyoops is a great place to start for noncon, dubcon, age gap, taboo etc. enjoyers. they have a ton of works; usually one shots with lots of really delicious dynamics and different settings and tropes.
An Intoxicating Presence by FormerlyIR - (mob a/b/o haladriel) MOB. A/B/O. HALADRIEL. picks up with Halbrand in prison thanks to undercover FBI agent (and his mate!) Galadriel. does that sound crazy and awesome? well it is. mix it with Gal's internal struggle, the added complication of omegaverse, and overall great writing. really fun and really damn good.
civitas terrena by banalityofweevil - (darklina) angel Alina on an exploration of love in immortality with fallen angel Aleks. honestly, it's just a must-read for enjoyers of writing. incredibly creative with divine (literally and figuratively) imagery. i think one of my comments was on the precision of lulu's diction and I really stand by that.
tinsel into gold by ribbonedhare - (darklina) ddlg and cnc friends, this changed me. it is so warm and soft and my god, is it good. just scrumptious.
Be My Babydoll by KittyDruthers - (darklina) ddlg dollification need I say more
check the reading with ru tag for more!
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askuemki · 3 months
So I have no idea if I’ll keep this post up, but…
A little rant abt re8?? (And cod.. kinda) maybe venting (just a mess :,)
Disclaimer, take my opinions with a grain of salt I just wanna ramble lmao
Also spoilers, maybe (update, definitely)
So I’ve been having fun dipping my toes into Donna Beneviento (god her last name is hard to spell) content. After watching the gameplays and to at least have a basic understanding for the game, I find myself really drawn to her, maybe more than Alcina tbh
By no means i’m a diehard fan or anything, recently it’s been hard to find a new fandom to get attached towards. As much as I adore cod, there isnt really much to get attached too… like sure, task 141 is a fun group and the there is some GREAT art about the ships- but I only got attached because of Valeria, I won’t deny it at all. I’m a diehard lesbian, but there isn’t really much cannon content of her?? It’s really damn disappointing sometimes, man… same with Laswell. I appreciate all of the fanartists out there though, I adore all of the content here, fanfics or fan art. With Farah, she’s a diffrent story.. personally I never really got attached to her, but as a character she’s pretty neat. Her story sort of brings to light the horrors happening today which is a bit of a benefit…?? But ever since I found out things about both Valeria’s and Farah’s actors I’ve been a little off about things here and there. I don’t think I’ll stop posting Valeria content at all, it just might be a little less offen to indulge in different things.
Some personal things have been happening to make me feel really disconnected from like.. fucking everything for some reason?? Like I’m drifting away from fandoms, I’m drifting away from people and I’m like alone again.. I’m lost in a damn dumpster fire. AI art doesn’t help with this at all.. like why do I draw?? I’ve been drawing since I was in kindergarten like I never really thought of the specifics of perusing art, more or so just that I want to. Like hey, I wanna make a game or movie series, and something in me doesn’t realize I need to put in the effort to learn shit with just ends up in me doing nothing but self pitting on something I can change and ugh.. wish I can slap myself to get out of it.
So I think I’ve been kind of finding myself relating to Donna. Not in her extreme way, more or so just her aspect of being isolated, and just being known primarily for one thing. Like.. our side of art? Damn. Shit. I think I’m worth nothing.. and with Donna we don’t really know much about her besides her being a cursed Dollmaker, and the bare bones of her past. And we both barely fucking speak man… both hide our faces too !! maybe I kin this woman or something I don’t know
But as I was looking through her tumblr tag, I saw a rant about how headcannons and stuff has been stripping away the interesting stuff about the re8 villains… and with the things I’ve seen so far?? I can kinda agree, honestly.
Don’t get me wrong, if it’s not too.. insane? (I know those boundaries are hard to define at times, but maybe REALLY immoral shit for our “normal” world) and people aren’t forcing these headcannons into other people? I don’t mind headcannons. You do you, boo!
But the fan content I’ve seen, people reduce Donna and Alcina (I’m surprised it was pronounced as AlCHIna and not AlSIna, but side tangent over) from the potential they really have. Yeah it’s definitely nice to see Donna more, especially in those intimate moments.. but sometimes I feel like people just depict her as some shy, easily gullible, girl, and not really the mentally deprived woman she is. Like I’d love to see ideas of the different dolls Donna could create, or unique imagery of her mental state outside of having porcelain skin. What about the kinds of plants she takes care of? Or the dolls she makes? I’d love to see more of it, whether she has favorites, or if it’s a situation where she has doll replicas of her deceased family. Man, I really wanna see Donna do more creepy shit, basically.
With Alcina however? She’s kind of reduced to that (I’m going to cringe at these words so terribly, god help me) “hot vampire mommy”.. I’ll take fault for not looking into her content as much, I’m sure there’s great content out there !! (I’m not sure if anyone would do this but.. feel free to send me any fic recommendations or art) With what I want to see for her? I’ve heard from the rant post as a man-hating woman she had primarily female statues in her castle, it would be fun to see what else she has cause of this worldview, as well as more whitty remarks from her; I really enjoy her throwback with Heisenberg. Just in general.. her being a comical villain.
Okay so, the reason why I made this post in the first place before all of this shit threw up from my brain. Belladonna. At first, this ship really interested me, I like the character dynamics, the art was neat. But then something came up in my mind.. (as well as another rant post on the ship..) isn’t the Dimitrescu bloodline related with Donna? Both are failed experiments from Mother Miranda, and technically adopted by her. Though from what I know, Donna is the only one officially adopted. So would that be family..? I’ve seen a few places where Alcina called Donna her sister, and it makes me feel really off.
And I’ve seen in a few fanarts, Donna technically older than the Dimitrescu sisters posed next to them like another sibling??
I would like to endorse the ship, but just the morality of everything is off centered for me. I rather not support weird incest…
So please if people could maybe clarify for me whether it would technically be okay for support this ship.. I’d appreciate it. If it isn’t okay, I have plans on making a fan character anyways, or I can take current characters and make a resident evil au or something, and ship them when Donna. (I have a character that honestly looks like a mix of Alcina and Bela, but by no means she’s relates to the franchise, lmao)
By no means I’m experienced in resident evil lore or the fandom, this is just coming from a newer fan of the series, and what I’ve seen so far.
If you read all of this.. thank you?? I apologize if I sound ridiculous here, this is like the only place I can rant abt things without being brushed off for other shit
Good night now!!! I need to stop pushing my sleep boundaries ugh
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manicplank · 7 months
hi!! your headcanons are so fun to read through ,, whenever i see your stuff pop up on my feed it makes me so excited and happy!!!! :D also if you dont mind, do you have any headcanon ideas for any video game series each pt character likes or games each character might like to play in general?
Aaah, thank you!!!!
I'm so glad people like my headcanons!
I did something similar to this with what computer games they play, but I can do this one with a bit different games, too!
What games do they like?
Peppino: Canonically not a fan of TF2, so I feel like he wouldn't like shooter games. I can see him enjoying relaxing games like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. Doesn't play them all too much.
Gustavo: Loves fantasy and adventure! Would definitely play DnD and World of Warcraft. I can also see him playing Animal Crossing.
BONUS Brick: Loves tug of war. Plays it often with Fakey. Too lazy to play fetch. You throw the thing, and he just looks at you. Loves to play with Gustavo's shoes. Gustavo can never catch him as he runs away with the shoe.
Mr. Stick: Not really a digital guy. Plays a lot of card games. Solitare, poker, blackjack, etc. Has a low-key gambling addiction. Likes to go to casinos and play the slots. Loses.
Pepperman: Hear me out on this one. Mario Paint. I know it's not necessarily a game, but he'd probably have a blast playing with all the tools and gimmicks it has. Would probably paint his face over the Mona Lisa and say it was his original piece.
The Vigilante: Another guy who isn't too digital. Total boomer when it comes to technology. I see him being GOOD at card games. He plays with Mr. Stick a bit. He beats Stick, and Stick storms out in a fuss. Probably plays horseshoes or something boring.
The Noise: Will play just about anything and everything. I stated this before, but I think his rat ass would LOVE the GTA series, probably even RDR, too. I can see him playing CoD and CS:GO. He's unnervingly good at first person shooters. Also loves Minecraft. (Secretly enjoys Animal Crossing.)
Noisette: Definitely a Sims girly with all the expansion packs as well as tons of custom content. She loves Animal Crossing and has the entire series. Surprisingly enough, she's also good at first person shooters, she also enjoys GTA (but not half as much as The Noise.) I can see her playing Minecraft, only to build a super cute base.
Fake Peppino: Likes Dance Dance Revolution as well as the Just Dance games! He likes to move his body. He also likes to play fetch and tug of war. He's learning how to play checkers, but he's really bad at it. He doesn't care, though, he's having fun.
Pizzahead: Probably another Sims player. Definitely has a Peppino sim. I see him as a Mario fan, having played most of the games. Probably LOVED Super Mario Odyssey. Also another fan of first person shooters. Obsessed with Fortnite. Does the emotes to piss people off. Plays Animal Crossing but usually prefers to play alone.
Pillar John: Unusually good at checkers. You can't beat him. Everybody's tried and failed. I think he'd also like GTA, weirdly enough. He probably loves Cards Against Humanity. Always gets a good laugh. Plays Animal Crossing with Noise and Noisette. Also likes Minecraft.
Gerome: Master of chess. Pizzahead has tried and failed many times. He likes relaxing games. Probably a fan of Stardew Valley. Might hop on World of Warcraft with Gustavo. Might play cards with Stick and Vigi. Also good at card games.
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ghcstao3 · 11 months
You’re the only fic writer that I go to on tumblr because your characterisation of ghost and soap is just too good and not out of character. I don’t read fics on tumblr at all as some of them usually makes the character too OOC and it completely ruins the mood for me to read but not your works. Thank you so much :)
I was wondering if you can maybe write Ghost and Tommy? There’s just not enough works about them! If that’s okay with you! It can be anything you’d like, even ghostsoap
Another question, I just want to know if there’s any more characters that you might write in the future other then the characters for MW, such as COD ghosts?
thank you, that really means so much <3 I know sometimes with the more fun posts it’s going to be a bit ooc, so I always worry about characterization when I post actual writing :’) so that really makes me happy to hear
unfortunately I don’t think I’d write any CoD characters outside of MW (at least for the time being) only because I’m not familiar enough with other series that I’d feel confident enough to their write characters. but that’s not to say it won’t ever happen! just not for the foreseeable future :)
and i can absolutely write ghost and tommy!! I agree that there is a severe lack of works So here is some best man ghost :)
“I can’t do this, Simon.”
For approximately the twelfth time in an hour, Tommy has decided that he can’t do this. And for just as many times, Simon is telling him, you can do this.
This, of course, meaning his wedding.
Now, it isn’t like Simon doesn’t understand Tommy’s fears about everything, about going through with it—but that certainly doesn’t mean he intends on giving into his brother’s insistence and letting him ruin this wonderful thing he has. Tommy has worked far too hard to let his self-doubt spoil his efforts’ worth.
“Beth isn’t—she doesn’t deserve me! Why should she get married to someone like me?”
Simon has to resist from rolling his eyes. He feels as if they’ve been running circles around this conversation all morning.
He shakes his head instead as he moves to interrupt Tommy’s incessant pacing. He eases his brother’s fingers from the poor scrunched fabric of his tie that he’d been fidgeting with.
“No one gets to decide what Beth deserves except her,” Simon tells him sagely. “She wouldn’t have agreed to this if she didn’t want to marry you, Tommy.”
Tommy’s gaze falls to the floor, jaw working in that anxious manner he’s never been quite able to kick. “I know, but—I don’t know if—“
Simon straightens the collar of his brother’s dress shirt. Tommy’s eyes flick sharply up to his, wide and scared and strangely young. Simon sighs and smooths the sleeves of his jacket before stepping back to assess.
“Beth has seen you through thick and thin,” Simon says quietly, mustering up that calm, smooth tone he always used when they’d been working Tommy through rehab. “If she didn’t want to stay, she’d have made that clear by now. You know her. You love her, and you are going to marry her.”
Tommy shuffles his feet, swallowing harshly as he nervously wipes his palms on his trousers. “What if—“
Simon levels Tommy a glare that has him clamping his mouth shut.
Earnest, Simon continues, “You are going to go out there, Thomas Riley, and you are going to make her the happiest woman alive. Understand that?”
Slowly, Tommy nods.
“Good,” Simon says. A faint smile tugs at his lips. “Because if you don’t, I’m sure Beth will wring your neck before I even get a chance.”
Tommy lets out a weak laugh, nodding more assertively this time. “She would, yeah,” he concurs, a glint of fondness in his eyes. “Alright. Alright. I’m doing this. For Beth.”
Simon snorts and flicks Tommy’s forehead. “For yourself, too, dickhead. Now, c’mon—can’t be a very good groom from out here, can you?”
Finally, finally Simon is able to lead Tommy out to the altar for the last minute preparations before the ceremony was to begin.
And what a beautiful ceremony it is.
Simon couldn’t have been more glad to have talked Tommy out of his spiralling. He’s not sure Tommy would’ve been able to live with the regret it would have left him with, and Simon isn’t so sure he could live with seeing that, either.
He’s glad, that for once, a happy memory was able to be made for the Riley family.
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elizabethh1125 · 1 year
{Take it off} König x (GN) reader~
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Hey guys! It’s honestly been way too long. Firstly, I want to apologize for taking such a long hiatus. Many things in my life have changed to be honest.
My age, my interests, my personal life, my job, my health and so my writing style unsurprisingly has also gone through a transformation of itself. Looking back on my old works I honestly cannot say I have read more than about three sentences before I can’t stand to look any more. It’s just so BAD. Not saying that my new shit is much better, but it’s a slow and steady uphill battle. But for some of my more consistent followers you might have also noticed the change of theme on my page. I will no longer just be catering to the community of five nights at Freddy’s. And I apologize to the folks who only stay on my page for that type of content but honestly, if I only made that type of content, I wouldn’t post here anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I still love five nights at Freddy’s and will be writing more content of that eventually (I’m sure if it lol.) but it’s just not my main focus at the moment I’m sure so for now I really want to branch out to some more games/characters that I’m enjoying in the moment so you guys get more variety and so can get some more people on my page who can enjoy my work.
For this first newer post I decided to take it easy since I haven’t really written anything for a while. And I feel like the longer fics that I write are the last motivation I have to finish. So another change will be that my fix will probably be shorter one shots/ two or three parts instead of a whole series. I may also end up doing a lot of headcannons or imagines to help with writer's block.
Cod MW/MW2 has been my current infatuation, so expect a few more posts of that. Buckle up children cause we are going for a ride!
This post is a short little sweet fic about seeing konigs face for the first time. It’s simple and it’s SFW so I hope you guys enjoy it.
Tags: sfw, fluff, complements, just good ol brain rot.
Fic below the cut.
It’s hard not to notice how hot it is.
The air conditioner on base wasn’t very good anyways, but you never noticed how significant it was until you no longer had any.
As you walked down the hall you could hear some of the newer recruits here at KorTac complaining. And to be honest, you couldn’t blame them. It was difficult to bite your tongue, but as a higher rank you had to pretend everything was alright despite the sweat parading down your neck and body. It was so sweltering even your eyes were dripping.
You brushed away as much as you could with your one free while you made your way towards your colonel’s office. Your captain had asked you to deliver a few documents as per usual, so you weren’t too bothered making the trip.
The colonel himself was an interesting character. And although you weren’t able to see the pleasure of him working out in the field, he was a usual participant in helping to train the troops. And oh boy, what a sight to behold.
Firstly the man is an absolute unit. He’s over a foot taller than you, (ignore that if ur a tall person xD)
He’s built like a tank, and works out with a giant black t-shirt on his head. He was always a sight to behold out on the training course, and most of all was a very kind and experienced leader. you definitely could understand how he earned his title. as quiet as he might pose himself to be, he was a skilled and brutal fighter.
And that’s why you're so intrigued as you strut to room 106. His room. You wonder how he’s faring with the heat, especially with that unusual getup of his. You even wondered if he would have it off. It’s unlikely, but the curiosity of what the colonel might look like under the mask had you that much more excited when you knocked on his door.
You heard a grunt of displeasure from behind the door, followed by a faint “come inside.”
You twisted the knob and pulled the door open revealing a pretty uneventful spectacle.
Colonel König sat behind his desk fiddling with some papers. The soft hum of a nearby fan could be heard in the background, and you noticed he was wearing the full getup- helmet and all.
He looked up to meet your eyes before ushering you further inside with a slight motion of his finger.
you find yourself trying hard not to stare as you hand him the paperwork.
“Captain said to give these to you. More files from the new recruits. He mentioned he would be out for the weekend so He said to let you know to give him a call to his personal cell if you needed anything in particular from him.” You relayed your message from the captain and was officially finished with your service.
A sigh fell from Königs lips before he spoke “Ah yes, I remember him intending to do such. Thank you Liefermädchen, have a hopefully cooler afternoon.” He noted before he looked back down to finish his work and you spun to exit the room.
You took a few steps but before you left you couldn’t contain your burning question… literally
“I’m sorry sir, but I just have to ask…” you squeak out as you flip back around to face him.
Konig looks up again from his work and this time you can tell he is intrigued just by his eyes. He brings his built arms up to his head and gives them a good stretch before crossing it behind his neck and placing one leg over the other.
“Alright, don’t leave me waiting. Shoot.” He’s now staring intensely at you, and you feel yourself begin to feel hyper aware of the sweat now dripping down your face from your hair and even your eyebrows. You’re sure glad you happened to choose to exclude makeup from your morning routine today. No doubt it would have melted off just standing here.
“Aren’t you hot under all of… well, that ?” You question as you wave your hand all over his makeshift sniper getup. “It is almost 40 degrees outside sir. And with no air conditioning to help alleviate things… well I can’t imagine you're quite comfortable.”
“I am aware of the situation we are under,” he remarks. Now uncomfortably shifting around in his seat, “ but I’m doing alright.” He fibs.
Your going to regret saying this later, but before you can stop it, it’s already squeezed itself between your lips,
You try to pretend you didn’t just say that to your Colonel, but the shock is clearly present on your face.
This causes the man to burst out into deep bounds of laughter, causing him to let his legs fall back into place and to unfold his arms to clutch his stomach with joy.
“You are a hilarious and very brave Herzblatt” he bellows as his laughter dies out. “ You have caught me in my fib.” He takes a moment to stand up and shrug his large shoulders under the shirt. “I am quite warm…”
“Then why not take it off? You pose to him.
“People come to my office often. To take it off, means to risk someone seeing my face.” He motions to himself as he speaks and you struggle to understand what he means.
“So? Why would that matter?” You retort.
“I’m not sure I feel quite comfortable with people knowing what I look like. Kindness has not been in my favor when people had the pleasure of looking at me without my mask.” He says, making you finally understand.
“Are you afraid people will target your looks?” You tilt your head as you move slightly closer to where the Colonel stands. How saddening that is to hear. You wonder what Konig has had to endure in the past, and your heart yearns to help him overcome his insecurity.
He looks to the floor, obviously ignoring your question,
You take this as your opportunity to breach the distance between the two of you. And the conversation suddenly feels like a mother confronting her mistreated child.
“You are the colonel of this base.” Without regard to overstepping you place your hand on Königs left shoulder. “ it wouldn’t matter if your face was so hideous it turned people into stone sir. People will respect you regardless, you are a leader here, and a leader doesn’t need to have a pretty face to still be respected. And anyways, your face probably is perfectly handsome anyways. I’ve never met an insecure ugly person.” The last two bits were a little overboard but you made your point regardless.
He smiles under his mask with your words to him. He couldn’t believe you were giving him a chance to feel a little better about himself, plus the idea of finally being able to strip himself of his personal sauna would make his job a little bit easier.
“I don’t suppose you would take it off just for a little while? I’m sure it would help cool you down.” (That was a lie) nothing would cool either of you down without air conditioning in this sweltering heat.
König pauses for a moment, and he contemplates what unveiling himself to you would mean to him. suddenly, it feels much worse that you would be the first to see him. He knows you probably wouldn’t judge, but something about it being you that just made him feel…Flustered.
He wanted to say no, but before he could protest you pushed at him again, this time trailing your hand to the bottom of his mask and tugging on it gently.
“Please. Just in front of me? I promise I’ll play nice.”
That last sentence made his head spin. Were you flirting with him?
No.. you can’t be? Can you?
His heart began to speed up to a pace so quick, he worried you might be able to hear it pounding in his chest.
“Okay.” He affirmed, unclamping his helmet and pulling the hood off to reveal his balaclava.
You felt the anticipation begin to boil inside of you as he brought his hand to his hood and firmly pulled it off of his head, not giving himself any time to process that he was revealing his face to you.
When he finished pulling his head out and tossed his balaclava to the side with the rest of his gear, you can’t help but feel your jaw drop.
He was stunning.
His hair was brown and curly, and falling to his shoulders. His face was chiseled, and covered with rough stubble. He adorned battle scars like medals and his lips looked so supple and soft.
You couldn’t imagine why he felt the need to coward himself away under a mask for so long. He was beautiful.
Your silence must have begun to worry him, as you noticed he had broken eye contact and was looking towards his balaclava.
You quickly realized that and gained his attention with a tap to his shoulder. You both had forgotten you were still sitting your hand there.
“So how do I look?” He questioned nervously. And your words couldn’t have been more perfect to him.
“I think the temperature of the room just shot up a million more degrees.”
For all my visual learners here is my favorite depiction of what I believe Konig looks like under his mask. Of course all credits to the artist! (NOT MY ART) Please go to their post and like it. Also I’m not posting the actual picture to my post to respect the artist’s wishes of no reposts. Just go to the link stinkies and I will see what I mean okay-byeIloveyou!
(Please read)
Should I do a part 2 where things get a little… spicy?
I very well might. The temptation is greatly building in me.
Anyways for now that is all. I hope you're enjoying my newer writing style and are not disappointed in my branch out to other fandoms. As always I very much appreciate any support I get. It makes my day when I see people comment or like my posts. It’s unfathomable to me that people actually read my shit writing- 💀
Oh and, Btw if you have requested any fics from me I will get into writing those hopefully soon. I know my hiatus looked quite gloomy and long, but I’m back for now. Me taking long breaks is honestly just how I am as a person. I always come back though. Life gets busy, and I’m an adult so other adults understand the struggles of juggling jobs, life and hobbies. Even if I am gone my fics are still here for you to enjoy. Rather If that’s ten days from now or ten years, I hope you’ll enjoy them just the same.
Thank you.
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Hello! (First I wanted to say I'm sorry if you've answered this before, and if so could you please direct me to it in your response?) but I was wondering what you thought of Zuko's betrayal toward Katara in The Crossroads of Destiny, if it felt in character or not for him, if not, how do you think it should have been written differently? On the same note, what are your (specifically Zutara related) thoughts on Season 3? Is there anything you would have written differently, and if so, how? Personally, I always felt dissatisfied with S3 in general, although it was still overall enjoyable. I don't even personally dislike kataang, but maiko disgusts (and I mean REALLY) disgusts me.
i know there are many who argue that zuko's choice in CoD was character assassination, that it was meant to torpedo zutara, that it was too sudden etc etc... but personally, i've always felt that it was both in-character and necessary for zuko at that point in his arc.
i can understand how on first watch it seems like too much of a turn-around, given how zuko's arc seemed to be heading, but i think this ignores two things: firstly, that the path to redemption isn't linear and secondly, the real context of the choice that lay before zuko in CoD.
it's one thing to give up on chasing the avatar and accept a quiet, humble life in ba sing se; it's another entirely to actively turn traitor yourself and work against your nation and your family. part of the reason zuko was able to reconcile himself to being lee the tea shop server forever is because it was essentially a path of passive neutrality: he was helping neither the avatar, nor the fire nation. it was the best option available to him, a grey area that allowed him to find some measure of peace without forcing him to pick a side.
azula's coup, however, destroys any chance zuko has of ever going back to that life. he's been dragged right back into the conflict, and this time there's no question of staying out of it. one way or another, he'll be forced to fight, and the only choice left to him is who his enemy will be. azula, his own sister, offering him everything he's ever wanted? or aang, the boy he's spent years hunting, who embodies everything he's been taught to oppose?
and so naturally, when confronted with a dangerous unknown, he chooses to go back to what's familiar and what he spent most of his life believing he wanted. remember that zuko is also a victim of a lifetime of abuse and indoctrination in a moment of extreme psychological stress, and it's no wonder that he picks what he sees as safe and easy (zuko isn't actually safe in the fire nation ofc and he knows that, but it comes back to the case of the devil you know vs the devil you don't), though he himself is aware deep down that it's the wrong choice.
from a character perspective, zuko also needed to go back to the fire nation to realize how much he's changed, and that the home he'd always yearned to return to didn't actually exist, and probably never had. had zuko actually gone with the gaang in the book 2 finale, i think a little part of him might have always wondered about the what-if of it all. ultimately, i think it strengthens zuko's redemption for him to backslide and then actively make the choice to change and still try to do better, further proving the show's message of how it's never too late to do the right thing.
the only thing i would have changed is how zuko's arc in the first half of book 3 is handled, because while i do get what the writers were going for, i think it was a wasted opportunity to get insight into the war from the fire nation's perspective. it would've been cool to see zuko learning about the gaang's exploits and slowly putting the pieces together about who was likely responsible for it, allowing us to see the effects of their actions from the other point of view.
book 3 was definitely the most unsatisfying of the series, because the season as a whole is the least cohesive and well-planned of the three, and coming on the heels of the near-perfect book 2, the disparity is even more obvious. it's somewhat masked by the fact that it does have some of the best individual episodes of the series, which is probably why many people overlook how weak the season is as a whole.
i actually wouldn't change anything zutara-related other than letting them have ONE conversation and a hug post-agni kai (as they deserved) because that entire arc was just *chef's kiss*. my problems with book 3 stem almost entirely from the finale and aang's overall arc, but that's probably too long to get into here so tldr: less magic pointy rock, lion turtle, and half-assed relationships, more letting go of katara, confronting grief over air nomads, and found family with hints of an actually well-developed romance for the future.
sigh, to think of all we could have had.
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Burnin’ Up - Firefighter!Chris AU (Part 15: Calm Waters)
Summary: You and Chris head down to Cape Cod for Jamie and Emma’s wedding, giving you the best chance to fully unwind
Word Count: 11.4k (holy shit....)
Warnings: Fluff! SO MUCH FLUFF! Smut! SO MUCH SMUT! 18+ ONLY! Language!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​​
Meet the Characters!
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
A/N: I have included a moodboard at the bottom to show off the general vibe of this chapter!
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Chapter 15: Calm Waters
Standing in your bedroom you were staring at your open suitcase going over the list in your head trying to make sure you had everything you needed. It had been so long since you’d gone away on any form of break that you were struggling to remember what kind of stuff you needed to bring. Especially since you and Chris were staying in a rented beach house instead of a hotel, what if they didn’t have a hairdryer? Should you bring food or would you sort that once you were there?
You were so lost in your mental checklist that you completely lost track of time, only snapping back into reality when you heard your buzzer buzz. Glancing at your watch you curse to yourself knowing it was Chris arriving to pick you up and you weren’t ready yet.
Rushing over you pick up the receiver to let him in “Hey c’mon up” you tell him before moving to open the door ready for him.
Despite how frazzled you felt you couldn’t stop the smile that naturally formed on your face when Chris walked up the stairs towards you. He greeted you with a soft hey as he kissed you, resting one hand on your hip.
“Hey, sorry I’m not quite ready to go yet, just finishing up packing now,” you tell him as you shut the door and start walking back towards your bedroom “I’m just not sure what I should or need to bring and I don’t wanna forget something important” you sigh shaking your head as you start checking the contents of your suitcase again.
“Hey, it's okay” Chris reassures you as he stands behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist “We aren’t in any hurry” he reminds you as he presses a kiss to your temple.
You let out a long sigh, relaxing back into his embrace your arms moving to rest atop of his “I know, I just- it’s stupid” you mutter shaking your head.
Chris' arms tighten around you “Hey when it comes to you, nothing is stupid” he tells you softly.
“It's just been so long I’ve kinda forgotten what kinda stuff I’ll need, heck I’ve never even stayed in a rental property before, it just seems like a completely different rule book” you explain shaking your head, fingers tracing shapes on the exposed skin on his arm.
“Okay, let's simplify it,” Chris says pressing a kiss to your shoulder “Have you got your dress for the wedding?” He asks.
“Yeah it’s hanging in a bag on the back of my door,” you say nodding to your bedroom door “And no you can’t look,” you say when you hear him draw in a breath already knowing what he was gonna say.
“You’re no fun” Chris pouts as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
“I want it to be a surprise,” you tell him.
“Fine” Chris sighs dramatically making you chuckle “What about everything else for the wedding? Makeup and hair stuff and whatever else it is you use to turn yourself into a Greek goddess,” he asks.
You scoff quietly, shaking your head at his compliment “Yeah got that” you nod.
“And what about clothes for Sunday and Monday morning?” Chris asks “Toothbrush and toiletries?”
“Yep got all that sorted” you confirm.
“Got your charger?” Chris asks making you curse when you realise that was what you’d forgotten.
“No I haven’t,” you say as you reluctantly step out of his embrace to grab your charger from your bedside table “Should I bring my hairdryer or will they provide one?” You ask as you pack away your charger.
“They’ll provide one, but it might be cheap and crappy so might be worth bringing your own” Chris explains as he moves to sit on the edge of your bed.
“Good point” you hum as you go grab your hairdryer “What about food? Should we bring something?”
“I’ve got snacks for the road, but we’ll be eating out most of the time so we’ll only need breakfast stuff which we can grab once we’re there” Chris explains.
“Cool, I think that’s everything then,” you say moving to zip your suitcase closed but Chris stops you.
“Have you packed bikinis?” He asks his brow arched in question.
“No, I didn’t think we’d have enough time,” you say with a small shake of the head.
“Pack a couple just in case, you never know,” he says with a small smirk “better to have it and not need it”
You study him for a moment, his smirk saying he knew more than he was letting on. You nearly questioned it before deciding to just let whatever he was planning play out “Okay I’ll grab a couple” you say walking over to your closest and grabbing a couple of bikinis and packing them away before shutting your suitcase “Right I think that’s everything”
“Awesome, you grab your bag and I’ll carry these down to the car,” Chris says standing back up and grabbing your suitcase and dress from the back of your door.
“You better not sneak a peak otherwise you’ll be in serious trouble” you warn as you follow him out of your bedroom, grabbing your handbag and keys.
“What kind of trouble? Because if it’s the fun kind” Chris smirks wiggling his eyebrows looking over his shoulder as he walks out of the front door.
“The kinda that means you won’t get to do what you want to do this weekend,” you say with a pointed look as you follow him out and lock your door behind you.
Chris gasps dramatically “You wouldn’t be so cruel”
“You know better than to test me” you wink as you walk past him and start walking down the stairs.
“You could say that again” Chris mutters under his breath as he follows after you making you laugh loudly, smiling over your shoulder at him.
Once down onto the street, Chris unlocked the car and put your suitcase in the truck, laying the bag holding your dress on too so it wouldn’t get wrinkled. He then moved to open up the passenger door for you, sneaking a kiss to your cheek as you climbed in.
“Do we need to pick up Scott and Steve?” You ask as he climbs in and turns the engine on.
“No, they’re making their way up later on in the day, their hotel has a later check-in and I wanted it to be just us for our inaugural road trip,” Chris says smiling over at you.
“I like it, so what exactly does this road trip entail?” You ask him.
“Well, it's my job to keep us safe,” Chris says putting his hand on his chest “And you are DJ and snack distributor,” he says passing you his phone.
“It’s not just gonna be Disney songs on here is it?” You smirk knowingly.
“No there’s ACDC as well,” he says with a lopsided smile.
You chuckle shaking your head at him before looking down at his phone. A wide warm smile forms on your face when you see his new lock screen photo. It was a picture of you and Dodger at the backdoor, you crouching down beside Dodger and kissing his cheek. You find a good playlist before settling back ready to enjoy your long weekend with Chris.
The drive down to Cape Cod was perfect, so perfect that you were a little disappointed that you had arrived. You had talked, laughed and sang along to the music the entire time. Every opportunity he had, Chris’ hand would find yours and he’d lift it to his lips so he could kiss your knuckles. You even played a couple of games like the name game and word association game.
“This is us,” Chris says as pulls up outside the beach house, putting the car in park.
“Oh wow, it's stunning” you mutter in amazement as you look up at the house.
“It’ll do” Chris jokes as he climbs out of the car “The key should be in the plant pot by the door, why don’t you go explore while I unload the car?” He suggests.
“You don’t want a hand?” You ask him as he walks around the car to you.
“No it's okay” he assures you “And I promise I won’t peek,” he says before you get a chance to say anything, leaning down to kiss you.
“Thank you” You grin up at him before making your way up the path to the door.
You easily find the key in the plant pot and unlocked the door, your breath catching as you lay eyes on the interior. It was absolutely stunning. The living area was all open plan with a colour scheme of white, cream and light blues making it feel light and airy.
Walking into the kitchen you smile when you saw a wicker basket full of goodies, including a bottle of champagne. You continue to explore the kitchen, your fingers running over the marble surface.
You then walk over to the patio doors, unlock them and push them open and breathe in the sea breeze. Walking out onto the back deck you came to a stop at the railing, closing your eyes and just listening to the sound of the waves crashing onto the beach.
You had only been here for a few minutes and you already felt so at peace. If this was how you felt after only a few minutes away, how relaxed would you feel after the weekend.
You were so relaxed that you didn’t even flinch when Chris walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your shoulder “What do you think?” He hums.
“It's heaven” you whispered, leaning your head back his chest eyes still closed “Thank you for finding this place Chris”
“I’d give you the world if I could” he murmured he says pressing a kiss to your forehead, you opened your eyes and smiled lazily up at him as he leaned down to kiss you softly.
When he pulled away you looked back out at the view, but not before you spotted the hot tub off to the side “I’m guessing that’s why you suggested I brought bikinis” you say nodding over to the hot tub.
“I plead the fifth” he smirks “but we can take a dip later tonight if you want”
“Sounds amazing” You grin up at him.
“Great” he smiles kissing your temple “so I was thinking that we could head into town, explore a bit, pick up some groceries, then I’ve got a reservation for us at a local seafood restaurant and then when we get back we can relax in the hot tub” he suggests.
“I can’t wait, it all sounds amazing” You smile turning in his arms and wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
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Your afternoon with Chris couldn’t have been more perfect. You spent hours walking around town exploring, finding places that if you weren’t too tired and hungover come Sunday you would check out. You got ice creams and walked hand in hand on the beaches enjoying the sea view.
Once you were done exploring you found a local grocery store and picked up anything you would need for the weekend and it was perfectly domestic. Chris would push the cart while you wandered and picked out stuff you wanted or needed, him grabbing the things that were out of reach and using it as an opportunity to sneak a kiss on your cheek.
“Should we get something to cook for dinner on Sunday?” you ask turning to face him.
He tilts his head side to side as he thought “I dunno, do you think we’re gonna wanna cook on Sunday? We might be too tired and just wanna order something in”
“True, depends on how much we drink on Saturday” you hum nodding your head.
“which considering we’re all in the emergency services and we don’t get the opportunity very often I think everyone is going to go a bit crazy” Chris points out reaching out to hook his finger in the belt loop of your shorts to pull your closer “and I know I can’t wait to spend the night dancing with you” he whispers as he leans down to kiss you softly.
“true” you murmur, eyes still shut from the kiss “We’ll just see how we feel, we can always door-dash ingredients”
“sounds like a plan, now shall we pick up a bottle of wine or two,” he asks his large hand running up and down your back slowly.
“The owners left us a bottle of champagne for us,” you tell him as you tuck yourself into his side, your arm wrapped around his waist.
“Fancy, one for Sunday would be nice though, they say alcohol is the best hangover cure,” he says making you snort with laughter.
“I wouldn’t say delaying the inevitable could be classed as a cure but sure one bottle wouldn’t hurt” You grin up at him.
Once the groceries had been brought and put away ready for when you needed them the both of you had some time to kill before your dinner reservations so you spent your time relaxing on the back deck together. Chris lounging back on a sun lounger, you laying between his legs with his arms wrapped securely around you. Your fingers would run over his arms and hands exploring every inch like you had done thousands of times before now.
When it was time to get ready you were reluctant to leave Chris’ warm and comforting embrace. So much so that to get up he picked you up and carried you with him making you laugh and giggle especially when he dropped you onto the bed with the simple instruction to get ready.
A short while later you had changed out of your shorts and vest into a white maxi dress that had cherry blossom and flowers over it and a pair of white heeled espadrilles. You were just tying the straps of your shoes when Chris stepped out of the bathroom wearing a blush short-sleeved shirt which fitted him perfectly, with the exception of around his biceps. You swore if he flexed anymore as he put on his watch the sleeves would rip.
“ready to go?” you ask standing up from the bed and grabbing the small handbag you were using.
Chris nodded before looking up and over at you, smiling softly as his eyes roamed up and down your body “Sweetheart you look gorgeous” he says as he walks closer.
You tilt your head slightly as you smirk up at him “This is nothing, just you wait until you see my dress tomorrow” you say knowing exactly what kind of reaction you would get.
Chris lets out a low groan, shaking his head and closing his eyes as if he was trying to picture what could be better “I’m gonna really struggle keeping my hands to myself, might just have to sneak you off somewhere”
“and kill the anticipation?” you point out “Just picture it,” you say resting your hands on his pecks and looking up at him through your lashes “We finally get back here, finally are completely alone after spending hours dancing, teasing, testing to see who would give in first… I’m not sure we’ll even make it into the bedroom”
“fahk” Chris groaned leaning down to press his forehead against yours “I don’t know what the hell I did to deserve you” he muttered.
You smile softly reaching up to cup his cheek, your thumb running over his beard “I could say the same thing” you say reaching up to capture his lips in yours.
Chris instantly responds his hand cupping your jaw and tilting your head so he could deepen the kiss. His free arm wrapped around your waist pulling you closer so there was no space left between you and even then he gripped you like it wasn’t close enough “We’re gonna be late if we don’t go now” he sighs.
“guess we’ll just have to pick this up later on then” you smirk your hand sliding down into his “C’mon handsome,” you say leading him out of the bedroom.
It was only a short drive to the restaurant meaning you only got there a couple of minutes late. Chris’ choice of restaurant was perfect, it was right on the beach meaning you could hear the sound of the waves crashing on the shore alongside the gentle music. The décor was beautiful and you could only describe it as romantic nautical. Everything looked like it had been made out of reclaimed wood from the ocean and nautical themes items dotted around the place. The overhead lighting was kept low, the main source of light being the fairy lights that were hanging across the ceiling and the candles on the tables.
You couldn’t help but look around in amazement as the hostess lead you through the restaurant to your table which was by a large window that allowed you to look out at the ocean. Chris pulled out your chair for you, his hand running over your shoulder as he moved to sit down.
“Chris this place is so beautiful,” you say shaking your head as you looked around. “it really is,” he says but his eyes never strayed from you, “I asked Jamie for a recommendation since this is our first time actually going out for a dinner date I wanted it to be perfect”
You blink a couple of times in surprise “Oh wow I hadn’t realised we hadn’t gone out on a date like this yet” you admit.
“I know, and as lovely as this is,” he says reaching out to take your hand “I’m glad we can have just as much fun having a cosy night in”
“me too” you smile softly, your thumb rushing over his knuckles.
When the waiter arrived at the table Chris ordered a bottle of wine for the both of you before asking what the waiter suggested. The waiter was very helpful pointing out dishes that were the best at this time of year and a couple that were good all year round and were his personal favourites.
“what are you thinking?” Chris asks as you look over at the menu trying to decide. “I don’t know they all sound incredible it’s impossible to choose” you admit with a small shake of your head.
“happens to everyone, I’ll give you both a few minutes” the waiter smiles before leaving the both of you to decide.
“Which ones are you stuck between?” Chris asks leaning forward so his arms rest across the table.
“well the tuna steak sounds amazing and you know that it going to be so fresh considering the tuna industry around here, but then the seafood paella sounds amazing too and you get a wide variety of different seafood,” you tell him with a small shake of the head “sorry I’ve not been anywhere fancy like this before so the choices are a bit overwhelming”
“Really?” Chris asks tilting his head slightly, his brows pinching together “Not even an ex-boyfriend?”
“no, I mean I do have a vague memory of my grandparents taking me somewhere that was pretty nice but I was only 6 or 7, my father was so busy we didn’t go out much and on the rare occasions we did it was to diners that he would go to while on shift” you explain with a small shrug of your shoulders looking down and fiddling with the edge of the table “and all my ex’s never liked going places like this, it would be chain restaurants on the occasions we managed to get out nothing like this”
Chris lets out a long sigh that has you looking back over at him and seeing the sadness in his eyes “Well none of them deserved you” he told you and you got the idea he wasn’t talking about just your ex’s but you didn’t bother arguing about it with him. He then put on a soft smile “Well food wise have an easy solution because I like the sound of the Tuna steak so if you let me try some of your paella I’ll let you try some of the steak” he suggests with a warm smile.
“sounds great, thank you Chris” You smile gratefully.
It didn’t take long for your meals to come out once you ordered them, and like promised Chris let you have some of his Tuna steak and he tried some of your paella. The both of you agreed that you couldn’t actually decide what meal was better. You both finished up your meal with a light dessert before Chris paid the bill, you had tried to get the waiter to at least split the bill but Chris was having none of it. The waiter chuckling warmly at the two of you as Chris paid.
“I’ll let you get it next time, I promise” Chris smiles as he puts his wallet away.
“I will hold you to that Evans” you warn pointing over at him and making him laugh.
“I don’t doubt that, now c’mon let's head back there a hot tub and bottle of champagne calling our names” He smirks holding out his hand.
Once you got back to the beach house Chris made his way out onto the back deck to make sure the hot tub was all ready while you went to go get changed into your bikini. Grabbing the one you wanted, which was a modest piece, the colour was one that compliment your skin tone perfectly, the fabric was slightly ribbed and the bottoms high-waisted. The bikini was triangle shaped with thick straps that gave you full coverage but showed enough skin and cleavage which you knew Chris would appreciate. You removed any make-up you were wearing since you didn’t want it melting off or into your skin due to the steam, and tied your hair up into a bun to avoid it getting too wet.
You then grabbed a bathrobe and towel and made your way out to find Chris was already changed into his swim trunks and had grabbed the bottle of champagne and set it in a cooler ready to be poured out. He was stood with his back to you as he finished playing with the settings to make it perfect as you stepped out.
“how’s the water?” you ask stripping off the robe and hanging onto a nearby hook. “perfect, they should call me the hot tub connois-“ he smirks his words dying out as he turned and saw you “Oh shit” he muttered his lips parted in shock.
“I hope that’s a good ‘oh shit’” you smirk walking over to him, his eyes following you the entire way especially your swaying hips.
“It’s a very, very good oh shit,” he says once he finally recovered “I’m definitely glad I told you to bring this” he adds with a lopsided smile as he reaches out to run his finger under the strap.
“yeah, if you hadn’t I would have had to of worn my birthday suit” you smirk slipping past him to climb into the hot tub.
The groan Chris let out was anything but quiet and you smirked victoriously as he adjusted his shorts before climbing in after you. He moved to sit beside you, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you closer so he could kiss you. you smile into the kiss, resisting the urge to climb onto his lap, that would have to wait until a bit later. Instead, you rest your hand on his chest, feeling his strong beating heart beneath your fingers tips.
“so what shall we toast to?” you ask once he finally pulled away, nodding over to the champagne.
Chris smiles softly as he moves to grab the champagne, popping the top and beginning to pour it into the two flutes “There are many things I think we could toast to” he says as he passes you your flute “But how about to our first getaway?” he suggests.
“and hopefully not our last” you agree, smiling over at him.
“oh no this definitely isn’t our last, now I’ve had a taste of it I’m going to be finding every opportunity to whisk you away somewhere,” he says with a lazy smile as he leans in and nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck “we could go to Italy, Disneyworld, skiing in Vermont, anywhere you want,” he says punctuating each suggestion with a kiss to your neck.
“Is this a bad time to say I don’t know how to ski?” you tell him and you feel him huff out a laugh on your shoulder.
“I’ll teach you” he promises pressing one last kiss to your shoulder before lifting his head “To our first of many getaways” he toasts holding up his champagne flute.
“cheers” you smile softly as you gently tap your glass against his, still smiling as you both took your first sip, you then settled in close to him and looked up at the sky “So what stars and planets are out tonight?” you ask him.
He smiles softly over at you as he takes another sip of his champagne before looking up at the sky and starting to point out all the different constellations and planets he could see. You listen with a smile on your face as he tells you all the different facts he knew about each constellation. Only moving to refill your glasses when they got low, the both of you easily work your way through the bottle.
Once the bottle was empty you took Chris’ empty glass from him and moved to put them on the side out of the way, shifting onto Chris’ lap to do so. Chris smiled appreciatively up at you, his hands moving to rest on your hips as you rested yours on his chest.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you this, but we’ve always gotten distracted,” you tell him as you run your hands over his chest.
“what is it sweetheart,” he asks softly, his hands squeezing your hips.
“what do your tattoos mean? Some of them I can guess like this one” you say running your finger down his Dodger tattoo “But what about the others?” you ask.
“Well, why don’t you tell me which one you want to know about and I’ll tell you the story” Chris offers as he leans forward to press a kiss to your collarbone.
You took a deep breath, shaking your head slightly to clear your mind “What about this one ‘when you lose touch with your inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself, when you lose touch of yourself, you lose yourself in the world’” you say reading out the quote that was across his collar bone even though you already had it memorised.
“it’s a quote by Eckhart Tolle from the book Stillness Speaks” Chris explains his hands running up and down your sides slowly “A few years ago the fire department organised this mental wellness workshop and they talked about different kinds of mental well-being practices and I really connected with the Buddhism and the notion of being present in the moment, I read the book and it resonated enough to permanently ink it on my body, it’s a good reminder when the job gets hard”
“that’s beautiful,” you say softly “This one is for Lisa isn’t it? ‘cause she’s a Taurus?” you ask your fingers running over the tattoo on his left shoulder.
“That’s right and I have SCS for Scott, Carly and Shanna on my ankle” He nods.
You continue to point out all the different tattoos he had, many of them relating to loyalty and his family “Who’s Bardsley?” you ask your hand resting over the tattoo in question.
Chris lets out a long sigh, his gaze drifting off for a moment before settling back on yours “He was one of my best friends from my childhood, when we were teens we both decided we wanted to go into the fire department but he died in an accident before he got the chance, so when I finished my training I got this tattoo so he was always on the job with me” he tells you quietly.
You blinked a couple of times to stop the tears that collected in your eyes hearing that story, you gently cup his cheeks and lean in to softly kiss him “You are the greatest man I have ever met” you tell him, he lets out a small huff and shakes his head with disagreement but he doesn’t argue “you are” you tell him pulling back enough to look him in the eyes and drive your point home earning a soft smile in response “and what about this one” you say pointing to the last tattoo which was the large chest piece of an eagle.
“I just like eagles” he jokes making you laugh loudly, his hands squeezing your sides as you threw your head back.
“no seriously, what does it mean?” you ask him with a smile.
“eagles mean strength, courage and freedom which are the qualities you need to do what I do” he explains with a soft smile.
“I love how they all have really sweet and deep meanings,” you tell him looking down at his chest, running your hands over the different tattoos “Do you have any more you wanna get?” you ask.
“I’m considering getting one for you” he admits making your eyes widen slightly in surprise.
“Really?” you ask shocked.
“of course and I’m thinking of getting a little doughnut” he smirks making your roll your eyes and you push yourself off his lap, but he doesn’t let you move, his arms wrapping around your waist to keep you there.
“I’m joking” he chuckles “At least about the doughnut part, I’m not sure what to get for you so far everything I’ve thought of hasn’t felt perfect” he admits “but as soon as I figure it out I’m heading straight to my tattoo artist so I always have you right with me,” he says taking your hand and resting it over his heart.
You smile softly shaking your head as you lean down and kiss him “I love you” you murmur against his lips.
“I love you too” he whispers, cupping your jaw and tilting your head so he could deepen the kiss.
You moan softly, your fingers gripping his St Christopher chain as his tongue slipped past your lips, flicking against yours teasingly. You shifted your hips closer to him, grinding down onto his erection.
“Fuck babe if you keep wiggling like that this is going to end much sooner than we want” Chris groans gripping your hips tightly.
“Okay, I’ll stop” you smirk pushing back away from him, moving to the opposite seat.
Chris watched you intensely, licking his lips as you lifted your bikini up over your head. You kept hold of it as you shimmied your bottoms off as well, letting the both of them float over to Chris. A wolfish grin grew on his face when he saw it wasn’t just your top that you removed.
His eyes darkened with lust as he moved over to you, his hands hooking behind your knees and wrapping your legs around his waist. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, fingers running up into his hair and tugging at the strands as you kiss him deeply dragging his lower lip through your teeth.
He groaned gripping your hip tightly, pulling your closer, discovering that he also had removed his bottoms. You push on his shoulder and he instantly moves to sit on the bench, you straddling his hips once more.
Chris grabs your ass, squeezing it as he lifted you enough to line himself up with your core. You tilted your head back with a moan as you sunk down onto him, giving him perfect access to your neck and chest.
Your back arched as you rotated your hips, a moan fell from your lips as Chris pressed wet kisses in the valley of your chest. He kept one of his hands on your hip, guiding you as you ground down onto him. The other moved to your chest, massaging one breast, his thumb running circles over your sensitive peak. He gave your other breast equal attention but with his mouth, making you gasp when he pulled your peak through his teeth only to soothe it with his tongue.
“Fuck what I’d give to live in this moment forever” Chris moaned as your fingers scratched through his beard and tugged on his hair.
“You feel so good, make me feel good” you whine rolling your hips more so you could feel him deeper inside you, feel the delicious burn as he stretched you open and hit that golden spot within you every time “Only you” you gasp your head lolling forward.
“Only I make you feel good” Chris mutters nudging his nose under your chin to make you look up, capturing your lips once you did you.
You nod “No one else” you manage to say between kisses.
“Good” he murmurs as he nips at your lower lip “I wanna ruin you for anyone else,” he says as his lips travel down your jawline, to your neck and collarbone. “You ruined me on that very first night” you admit, your head rolled back.
That practically makes Chris growl as he snaps his hips up to meet yours, punching the air out of your lungs as he thrust deep inside you.
“You ruined me too, even when I thought I hated you I was jacking off at the thought of you” Chris grunted “slapping your pretty ass and shutting you up with my cock”
“You should have, might have aimed elsewhere at the softball game” You pant, your nails digging into his shoulder and back.
Chris’ chest rumbled as he chuckled “You are trouble” he muttered as he captured your lips once more.
He thrust up into you a few more times before your legs began to tremble as your peak drew near. You didn’t have to say anything and Chris just knew, guiding you over the edge, following soon after painting your wall with his spend.
“Fuck” you breathed out heavily “you might have to get a hot tub if it leads to that kinda sex”
Chris chuckled as he tucks strands of hair that had come loose from your bun, behind your ear “I’ll start saving, but I promise you this, it’s only you… not the location” he says with a lopsided smile.
You give him a lazy grin as you leaned in to nuzzle your nose against his “Glad to hear it” you whisper before softly kissing him.
Chris smiles into the kiss, his fingertips tracing up and down your spine “We should probably get out before we shrivel away to nothing” he says.
You hum in agreement nodding your head “You’re right, but I honestly don’t think I can stand after that” you admit making Chris smile proudly.
“Don’t worry, I’ll carry you” he promises “Just hold on tight”
You nod wrapping your arms around him securely, resting your head on his shoulder. As he stood the cold nighttime air hit you making you shiver but Chris quickly grabbed a towel with one hand and draped it over you to keep you warm. He quickly turned the hot tub off before carrying you indoors to carry on the fun inside.
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It had been a pretty quiet morning, Chris managed to wake before you and after he took the opportunity to just watch you for a moment he decided to treat you to breakfast in bed. He fried up some bacon and eggs and cut up some fresh fruit. He also made some coffee since you both were up pretty late last night.
When he carried the tray through into the bedroom he smiled softly when he saw you had rolled onto your stomach, head resting on your arms. What he loved the most though was that the covers had fallen giving him the best view of your bare back.
Setting the tray down on the side he gently climbed into bed, holding himself up over you as he began to press soft kisses down your spine. You let out a quiet high pitched hum as you began to stir, rolling over once Chris reached the base of your spine. Glancing up at you he could see the sleepy look and smile on your face, eyes still shut. Chris then began to work his way back up your body, pressing kisses the entire way. When he reached your neck he ran his nose underneath your chin to tilt your head back and kiss him better access to your neck.
“Mornin’” he mumbled before finally pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
“Mornin’,” you say with a lazy grin, hand coming up to cup his cheek, fingers scratching through his beard “Something smells nice”
“I made you breakfast in bed,” Chris says pecking your lips once more “And as much as I don’t want to stop this, I don’t want it to get cold,” he says climbing back out of bed.
He first passes you one of the hoodies he packed to keep you warm before grabbing the tray and setting it down on your lap.
“Looks amazing, thank you babe” You smile up at him.
“Anything for you sweetheart” Chris grins as he moves to sit beside you, snatching a strip of bacon from the plate.
Once breakfast had been eaten the both of you started getting ready for the day. Chris changed into a light sky blue button-down, creamy white trousers and a matching jacket. By the time he was ready, you were still in your bathrobe applying makeup so he left you to it, going to relax in the living area.
He was standing fixing the cuff of his sleeves when he heard the clicking of your heel’s behind him as you approached. He naturally glanced over his shoulder before doing a double take and spinning around to face you. His mouth went dry and his jaw was practically on the floor you looked that amazing and he was so glad he didn’t sneak a peak before because fuck, seeing you now was like seeing an angel. Your light blue dress matched his shirt perfectly, it flowed perfectly around your body, loose and tight in all the right areas. If someone told him he was actually looking at Aphrodite right now he’d agree with them, you looked that beautiful. It only got better when you did a little twirl and Chris could see how far the dress dipped in the back, showing off the fact you weren’t wearing a bra, making him groan.
You then smirked as you walked over to him “Have I actually rendered you speechless Evans?”
Chris could only nod, closing his mouth and swallowing deeply “fuck sweetheart… you look stunning” he finally managed to say his voice gravelly.
“Worth the wait?” You ask tilting your head to the side as you straighten the lapels of his jacket.
“So, so worth the wait” Chris grins as he rests his hands on your hips, thumbs brushing over the fabric of your dress “I just wanna carry you straight back into the bedroom and show you just how much I love it”
You chuckle softly, patting his chest “Save that for later, the Uber will be here soon and we don’t want to be late” you reason.
Chris lets out a sigh “I don’t like it… but you’re right” he muttered “Got everything you need?”
“Yep, even got my emergency flats in case I need them” You nod patting your bag.
“Very smart” Chris smiles just as he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket “That’ll be our Uber” he says pulling out his phone.
“Great, well lead the way handsome” You grin linking your arm in his.
It was only a short drive from the beach house to the venue which was a gorgeous country club with views out onto the ocean. Climbing out of the car Chris turned and held out his hand to help you out of the car. It was a simple thing holding your hand as you walked into the venue, but it meant everything to Chris. This was the first real time that he got to show the world that he was yours and you were his, no hiding.
“Damn! You two are looking good” Paul whistled as you stepped onto the lawn where the ceremony would be held.
“What this old thing?” Chris smirked holding his jacket out.
“I take back what I said, only Y/N looks good” Paul retorts and Chris didn’t disagree one bit.
“Thank you, Paulie, you look great too” you smile.
“I do polish up well” Paul smirks “Come sit down we saved you both seats” he smiles gesturing for you to follow him over to the rest of the crew.
Everyone greeted the both of you with bright smiles, Chris smiling proudly when everyone complimented you. Watching as you laughed when Scott took your hand and twirled you around.
“If I was a straight man, Chris would have some serious competition” Scott smirked.
“I’ll try not to be offended by that” Steve scoffed playfully.
Scott instantly turned around and threw his arms around Steve “Don’t worry you’re the only one who owns my heart… and Tobi” he grins as he kisses Steve on the cheek.
“So has anyone seen or heard from either of the blushing brides?” Chris asks as he sits down, smiling when you sat down next to him positioning yourself closer into his side, resting one hand on his knee.
“No, but we know that they’re so eager that as soon as everyone gets here the ceremony’s gonna start” Jimmy explains.
“I don’t blame them” Chris smiles as he wraps his arm around your shoulder and looks over at you, fingers running circles on your shoulder.
The crew all caught up and chatted while waiting for the ceremony to start. Exchanging stories of what they got up to yesterday, Chris smiling when you told them about your trip to the seafood restaurant.
It wasn’t long until the ceremony started. It was beautiful, both Emma and Jamie looking beautiful in their respective dresses. However, throughout the entire ceremony, Chris’ mind was elsewhere. Because all he could think about was what his wedding to you would be like. He pictured what you’d look like as you walked down the aisle towards him, what his vows to you would be.
And the surprising thing about it all was that he found the whole prospect exciting. Whenever he thought about getting married before he met you the prospect was terrifying, living in fear that no matter what vows he made he was doomed to break them. Heck for a whole period of his life he was certain he wasn’t gonna find anyone.
But looking over at you and seeing the smile on your face as you watched Jamie and Emma, there was no fear in his body at all. He knew that getting married wasn’t something in your near shared future, but Chris knew that there was no one else for him and when the time came he would be straight down on one knee and might even drive you straight down to city hall to make it official right then and there.
Chris couldn’t stop himself from resting his hand on top of yours and leaning in to press a soft, lingering kiss to your temple. As he pulled away you looked over at him with a soft smile before returning your attention back to the ceremony. As you did so Chris caught sight of Scott a few seats down the row who had seen the whole thing and had a knowing smirk.
‘The one’ Scott mouthed over to Chris, who just glanced back at you before looking back at his brother and nodding.
When everyone stood at the end of the ceremony to watch Jamie and Emma walk back down the aisle, Chris noticed you wipe a sly tear from your eyes so he wrapped his arm around your waist and pressed a gentle kiss to your temple. You smiled up at him warmly and tucked yourself into his side, where you remained as everyone started making their way over to the marquee for the reception.
When everyone sat down the meal was soon served and Chris wasn’t ashamed to admit that he grabbed your chair and tugged you closer at the earliest opportunity. Everyone was still talking and laughing once the meal was done, Chris’ arm slung over the back of your chair as he talked to Jimmy. The conversations only stopped when Emma and Jamie came over to greet everyone.
“oh, you both look so beautiful! The ceremony was lovely thank you so much for inviting me” You smile as you stand up to hug the both of them.
“oh stop it! it’s lovely to have you here even if you and Chris are currently stealing our limelight as the most loved-up couple” Jamie scolds playfully.
“we’ll tune it down” Chris promises with a laugh.
“Please don’t! it's so lovely to see you guys happy especially since it took you guys so long!” Jamie laughs shaking her head “but look we have like hundreds of other people we need to say hello to but we’ll be back to party as soon as we can” she promises looking out at everyone.
“we’ll have the shots ready when you do” Paul winks.
“That’s my man” Jamie cheers pointing over at him “See you guys later,” she says before taking Emma’s hand and walking off to the next table.
Soon enough the party really got going and everyone was either at the bar or on the dance floor. Chris couldn’t remember the last time he felt so light, his cheeks hurt he was smiling so much as he danced with you. His favourite thing was to spin you around before pulling you back towards him, hearing your laughter as clear as day over the music. Every time he’d pull you in, your hand would rest on his chest or cup his cheek. On the most recent spin through you up’d the anty by turning your back to him, hips swaying side to side against his. his hands gripped and ran down your sides to your hips to keep them there, mostly because he was absolutely loving it, but also because if you stepped away it would become very clear how tight his trousers now were.
He leans down to press a kiss to your neck before whispering in your ear “I’m gonna have to find a closet or something if you keep this up” he warns with a quiet growl.
You glance over your shoulder at him “Let go of my hips then” you smirk.
“not a chance” Chris muttered nipping at your earlobe, tugging your hips back towards him, smirking when he heard the small gasp that escaped your lips when his erection poked into your backside.
A couple more songs played before the lights dimmed slightly and the music turned slow. A large group of people made their way off the dance floor but Chris wrapped his arm around your waist, turning you to face him and pulling you closer. You smiled warmly up at him as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
“thank you for inviting me on this weekend away,” you say quietly as the both of you sway to the beat “It's been the best weekend ever, and we’re not even halfway through”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it, thank you for coming with me, I would have been moping in the corner wishing you were here otherwise” Chris chuckles lightly “might have even left early and driven back to Boston to you”
“Really?” you ask your eyebrows rising in disbelief.
“Yeah” Chris scoffs lightly nodding his head “The only reason I’ve had any fun today was because of you”
“what about your crew? And Scott? you would of have fun with them” you point out.
“yeah but nowhere near as much fun, I would have just been missing you” Chris tells you, his thumb brushing over your hip.
“I would have been missing you too,” you say softly fingers running up over the nape of his neck and up into his hair.
Chris smiled warmly down at you, cupping his cheek before gently capturing your lips with his. He felt you smile into the kiss which just made him kiss you deeper, his mind wandering as he wonder whether he’d be doing the same if this was your first dance together. He could picture his crew cheering from the sidelines, but he wouldn’t care, nothing would take his attention away from you.
When you finally pulled away your eyes narrowed slightly as you looked up at him “What?” you ask quietly.
Chris shakes his head gently “Nothing… just enjoying the moment” He smiles before kissing you once more.
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As the evening drew on, you and Chris gradually grew more handsy with each other. There was never a moment when you weren’t leaving lingering teasing touches on each other. By the time you got back to the beach house the both of you were so hot under the collar that Chris believed it was a miracle that you even made it inside.
He was just locking the door behind him when he turned to see you putting your bag down on the side. His eyes roamed your body hungrily, his tongue poking out to wet his lips when he saw the heels that he was very grateful that you had kept on all evening.
He was already closing the distance when you were turning back around to face him, you let out a surprised noise as he crashed his lips against yours before completely melting into his touch. The only thing that kept you standing was his strong arms wrapping around your waist.
Your hands found his cheeks as the kiss deepened, his tongue claiming dominance over yours making you moan into his mouth. He held onto you tightly as he began walking you back towards the bedroom. His fingers were already pulling at the strings that held your dress up, your hands already working to push his jacket off his shoulders and unbutton his shirt leaving a trail of clothes towards the bedroom.
By the time the back of your knees hit the bed, Chris had gotten you down to just your lacy underwear and heels, him now only in his trousers. He hooked his hands behind your knees, wrapping your legs around his waist as he gently lay you down on the bed. A lopsided grin grew on his face as he looked down at you, looked at this goddess that was staring back up at him, your hair spread out like a halo making you look even more ethereal.
This wasn’t the first time he had taken you to bed, and it certainly would not be the last. But at that moment Chris decided that despite being teased and worked up all evening, he wanted nothing more than to just worship you. He kissed your lips softly before he began exploring the rest of your body with his lips, making sure no area was left untouched.
He smirked when he heard your breath hitch the further down he got, when he reached your hips he began to tug down your underwear, slowly pulling them down your legs before discarding them over his shoulder. He then worked to remove your heels, earning a moan when he massaged the soles of your feet, he then worked his way back up your leg pressing soft kisses as he went.
You let out a pleading whimper when his lips ghosted over your core, it took all his willpower to not dive in like a man starved. Chris heard you gasp a curse when he finally ran his tongue up your folds, collecting the sweet juices of your arousal until he reached your sensitive bud and flicked it with the tip of your tongue.
Your hand flew to his hair and your hips ground down against his face as he wrapped his lips around your clit and began to suck. Glancing up at you he could see you playing with your breast with your free hand, not wanting the other to miss out Chris reached up his fingers pinching and twisting the sensitive peak making you cry out in pleasure.
Your thighs squeezed around Chris’ head when he completely dove in, his beard scratching against your inner thighs as thrust his tongue as deep as he could into your channel. He had to use his free hand to stop your hips from moving too much and it wasn’t long until he made you come, flooding his mouth with your arousal.
Chris didn’t let up until he felt your muscle relax, he pressed one last kiss to your core before climbing back to his feet. He admired you basking in the afterglow of your orgasm, your chest rising and falling deeply as you caught your breath. Licking his lips he finished undressing before climbing back onto the bed.
As soon as you could you grabbed his cheek and pulled his lips down onto yours, humming in appreciation as you tasted yourself on his lips. Your hand then trailed down his chest, making his hiss when your fingers wrapped around his erection. Your thumb spreading the beads of precum around the swollen head.
“I need you Chris” you plead looking up at him through your lashes.
“I need you too sweetheart so, so much” Chris mutters as he presses another kiss to your lips.
His hand reaches down to remove yours, moving it to above your head his fingers weaving with yours. He then lines himself up and begins to slowly press up into you, your fingers squeezing his hand with every inch he gave you. Once he was fully seated inside you he stopped to just savour the moment, trying to commit every sensation to memory. He was in no hurry tonight and it seemed like you weren’t in any hurry too, you just smiled as he pressed lazy kisses to your lips.
Eventually, he did begin to move, setting a slow, steady but deep pace. He wanted to worship you all night, make love to you, take his time to draw you to your peak. His lips barely strayed from yours, only moving as far as your neck as he slowly thrust into you, your moans like music to his ears.
“fuck yes Chris right there” you moaned head thrown back after a particularly deep thrust., The hand that held yours squeezed tightly as Chris repeats the same movement, pulling more and more moans from you.
Chris managed to draw two more orgasms from you over the course of the evening, he could feel another drawing in but he could also tell you were holding yourself back.
“let go sweetheart, just let go” he grunted as he continued his slow thrusts.
“only if you do too” you gasp out “I want- I want you to come with me” you plead your half-lidded eyes meeting his.
Chris nods dipping down to kiss you deeply “I will, I promise” he swears before giving you another deep thrust.
It wasn’t long after that Chris felt you hit your peak with much more vigour than before, your walls clenching around him making it impossible for him not to follow after you. He came with a loud moan, unloading himself into you, painting your walls with his spend.
His vision was gone momentarily, replaced with what he could only describe as stars as he came down from his high. He didn’t need his vision though as he dipped down to capture your lips in a deep and languid kiss.
When Chris pulled back and looked down at you, his vision cleared he knew nothing had really changed, but it was like he was having an epiphany. He was seeing you in a completely different light, it was like he’d never seen you before and now it was like seeing heaven.
His heart was pounding in his chest but he felt an overwhelming feeling of calm. He felt at peace but also like he had this unbridled energy that he just needed to do something with. He felt lighter than air but also a comforting weight surrounded him.
What he was feeling was strange, unfamiliar and alien but he knew without a doubt what it was. He knew deep down that he’d loved you from the moment he saw you in that bar. You had captured his attention like no one else could and all you were doing was sitting there, picking at the label of your beer. Yet he could remember the magnetic pull that drew him towards you, it might have been the same magnetic pull that guided him to that bar that night.
He had always loved you. But right now, he Loved you. It was this whole new level of love that he didn’t know existed until this moment. Yet despite that he knew everything about it, he knew exactly how it felt like and that he would only ever feel it for you. It made him want to run out onto the back deck and shout it for the whole world to hear.
But his whole world was right here in front of him “I love you” he whispered, his fingertips brushing over your cheekbone as he tucked some hair behind your ear before cupping your jaw and tracing the outline of your lips with his thumb.
You smiled softly back at him “I love you too” but Chris knew you hadn’t understood the weight of his words and he was desperate for you to know just how much he loved you, he would repeat himself until he lost his voice and then write it down for miles until you understood him.
“No, no” he muttered shaking his head “I really love you, I know I’ve told you before and I meant it every time but now… I really really love you, with every atom of my being and I will never stop not in this life or the next”
Your lips parted and your eyes widened slightly as they searched his. You blinked and the look in your eyes changed, even if you didn’t realise it yet Chris knew you felt the exact same way as he did. He could see it in your eyes, a direct reflection of what he was feeling in his soul, connecting the both of you in a way that not even the fates could break.
“I really love you too Chris” you whispered, your voice barely audible but Chris heard it loud and clear.
A wide smile broke out on his face as he crashed his lips down onto yours. Allowing every feeling he had to spill through as he saw to himself and the universe that you were it for him and there was absolutely nothing that could break the bond that had been created tonight.
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When you woke the following morning you let out a long groan, your head pounding as you rolled over and curled up closer to Chris, your head buried in his chest. He let out a deep chuckle, his chest rumbling against your forehead making your headache even worse.
“babe, I love you… but please stop laughing it's hurting my head” you mumble pulling the covers up over your head.
That made Chris laugh even more but this time he shifted slightly so it didn’t hurt your head “I’m sorry, do you want some painkillers?” he offers his hand running up your arm.
You tilt your head to look up at his, barely opening your eyes “Yes please” you plead.
Chris presses a kiss to the top of your head before sitting up and grabbing the painkillers and large glass of water that he’d clearly set aside earlier. You go to sit up but let out a small cry of pain when you felt the ache in your core. Chris looks over his shoulder his brows furrowed in concern, you bit your lip and Chris’ eyes dipped lower before a smirk grew on his face when he realised why you cried out.
“sounds like you need these more than I did” He smirks as he passes you the painkillers and water.
You poke your tongue out at him before tossing back a couple of painkillers and downing half of the water in a few large gulps. You then slumped back against the headboard and looked up at Chris.
“I know we found all those places to explore today, but I just don’t think I have the energy” you admit.
Chris wraps his arm around your shoulders and presses a kiss to the top of your head “That’s alright, gives us a good reason to come back” Chris says “We can just relax and recover today and maybe have a walk along the beach if we fancy it later”
You snuggle up closer into his side “Sounds amazing, and a good fry up too” you say making Chris chuckle.
“Coming right up,” Chris says making a move to climb out of bed but you stop him.
“not yet, cuddles first” you mumbled, Chris chuckled shifting back closer to you and kissing the top of your head.
“don’t have to tell me twice” Chris grins as he gets comfortable beside you.
It was gone midday when you and Chris finally got out of bed and made your way into the kitchen for a very late breakfast. You sat at the kitchen island, chin resting in your hand as you watched Chris cooked up some food for the both of you. You smiled to yourself as you watched him hum to himself as he cooked.
Once he was done cooking he set the plates down in front of you, sitting beside you scooting his stool closer to you as he sat down. The both of you ate in comfortable silence, Chris’ hand moving to rest on the small of your back whenever he could.
You spent the rest of the afternoon on the beach house deck just relaxing in the sun before deciding to go on a walk along the beach together.
Holding your flip-flops in one hand you start walking into the ocean, the water halfway up your calves when you turn around to see Chris still standing on dry land.
“Are you not gonna join me?” You ask.
“Nope, I’m perfectly happy and safe here on dry land,” Chris says shaking his head.
“Oh c’mon there’s nothing to worry about, we won’t go far out enough to get caught in a riptide or anything” you reason.
“I know, but there’s just so much stuff in there that you can’t see” Chris points out gesturing out to the ocean.
“You told me you’ve swam in the lake, how is this different?” You question.
“Because the worst thing in the lake is fish, oceans have sharks” Chris states.
“Sharks are criminally misunderstood animals, they mean no harm,” you say pointing over to him.
“Tell that to Blake Lively and all the people in Jaws” Chris fires back crossing his arms over his chest.
You roll your eyes at him “Those movies are a bunch of bullshit, sharks just mistake surfers etc for seals and spit them out because we aren’t as tasty as seals, you’re more likely to die from a falling coconut than a shark attack” you explain walking back over to him.
“Coconuts don’t have sharp teeth” Chris points out making you groan in annoyance.
“Chris please? Just paddle with me, no further than our knees, no shark will attack you I promise” you plead, giving him your best puppy dog eyes.
Chris looks down at you unconvinced but you could see his resolve slowly breaking “Will you say I’m a bad boyfriend if I stay on the side closest to the shore?” He asks.
You let out a snort of laughter shaking your head “No I will not, I shall protect you from any ocean beast I promise” you say holding out your hand.
Chris lets out a long sigh before removing his own flip-flops and walking over to take your hand. The both of you waded in so the water was halfway up your calves, glancing up at Chris you could see he was still unconvinced so you squeezed his hand reassuringly earning a warm smile from him.
As the both of you paddled along the beach you felt Chris relax and you thought maybe you might have helped him conquer his fear. That was until a piece of seaweed brushed against his ankle making him squeal and run back to the safety of dry land. You couldn’t help but laugh as you watch him, doubling over you were laughing so hard.
“it was just seaweed” you laugh picking up the offending piece of seaweed.
“I don’t care I’m not getting back in” Chris states shaking his head.
You laugh shaking your head as you throw the seaweed back at into the ocean “Fine suit yourself” you shrug.
You do move more in shore though so that the water was up to your ankles and you were closer to him. You walked a little further before Chris ended up walking beside you his fingers weaving with yours as his hand took yours.
When the sun began to set both you and Chris made your way back up onto the beach, sitting down on the dunes to watch the sunset. You sitting down in between Chris’ legs resting back against his chest. Chris wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your shoulder.
As you rested your head back against him you closed your eyes and just allowed the weekend to replay back in your mind. It had been perfect, not just because Chris had thoroughly spoilt you but because of how free it had all felt. Your relationship with Chris wasn’t a secret, but whenever you were out and about together you did worry that maybe someone close to your father had seen you, constantly looking over your shoulder, forcing you to be more private than you wanted to be. You had loved the fact that you had none of those worries here and you weren’t sure if you wanted to have those worries back.
“I don’t want this weekend to end” you admitted quietly.
“Me neither” Chris hums pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
“I love my job and my life and friends back in Boston but being here and being able to be so out in the open with you is so freeing and I don’t want to hide it anymore” You continue looking over your shoulder at him.
“What do you mean?” he asks his brows furrowing together.
“It means I’m gonna tell my father about us, I don’t know how I am but I will,” you tell him, his eyebrows rising in surprise.
Chris’ arms wrap around you tighter as he clears his throat “Are you sure because I don’t want you to do this if it's gonna hurt you” he asks.
You let out a long sigh looking back out at the calm ocean, the regular sound of the waves washing up onto the beach calming you “It won’t be nice, and I’ll probably need the biggest hug ever afterwards… but I want to do it, and he’ll see how happy I am and won’t stand in the way of that”
When Chris doesn’t say anything you look back over your shoulder at him and see the conflicted look on his face. You could tell he was clearly conflicted about it, you knew he’d enjoyed the freedom of this weekend as you, but you also knew he didn’t like your father.
“I really hope you’re right…” he finally says closing his eyes as he leant in to kiss your shoulder “I hope he surprises me, but I want you to know that whatever he says won’t change the way I feel about you, I’m not gonna let him get in the way of us, I will go down fighting if I have to” he swears.
You reach up to cup his cheek, thumb brushing over his beard soothingly “It won’t come to that I promise” you promise him.
Chris sighs quietly resting his forehead against yours “I really hope so” he whispers before capturing your lips in his.
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A/N: This moodboard is no indication of the readers looks, size, race etc this is just to show off the look and feel of this chapter
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halfmoth-halfman · 2 years
Wait why the SJM hate? Honest question I had no idea she was a bad person?
ok so i've gotten quite a few asks like this and i'm gonna answer them all here. sorry anon, i'm using your ask as my little soapbox for a moment.
explanation under the cut- fair warning it's long and talks about racism, misogyny, abuse, and rape/sexual assault
this is also gonna be the one time and one time only i address this because i'm a CoD writing blog and (and i'm gonna sound mean here) google is free and if a bunch of people, especially a large group of poc (and more specifically black people), have said an author is problematic and you don't take the time to at least listen or do your own research on that author that's your own fault and willful ignorance.
for some of the other anons asking who sjm is: sarah j maas is an author most famous for her throne of glass (tog) and a court of thorns and roses (acotar) series.
for people who want to say i don't like her because i haven't read her book: i was, at one point, a fan of hers and have read every single one of her books.
sjm and her works are presented as ya and for a lot of people, much like how harry potter and jkr were for my age group, her books were probably their first pick up at around 13 and their first introduction to the ya fantasy genre, to ya romance, or to sexy scenes.
the problem is, her books are hailed as "feminist" titles, when all she does is romanticize these extremely toxic and straight-up abusive relationships between her characters as romantic. the moment the dark, broody love interest is introduced, the female mc loses all agency. (this isn't just an sjm problem, but she's who we're talking about right now)
(tw: rape/sexual assault/abuse/misogyny)
you're given a protagonist who's supposed to be intelligent/capable/able to take care of herself, but as soon as the male love interest (who you can tell sjm likes far more than the female mc) swaggers in, and become a part of the story. the moment the heroine starts to fall, she becomes a side character in her own tale: all of her motivations, her purpose, her desire are now only about furthering this broody mystery man with shadow powers and his ambitions. it may be said that they're equals, there might even be a few tender moments of false hope that the heroine is going to get her spot back as the main character of the book, but it's all a façade. she is and always will be subordinate to the male love interest, and every other man she comes across. and sjm has a big problem with making it clear through her writing that really, it was never the heroine's story in the first place, it was always the man's.
@happysharkintensifies put it best in this post:
It was never her story in the first place. It was his. She no longer makes decisions or takes initiative for herself; it's now for him. It's no longer about her mission or goals or desire; it's now about his. It's no longer about her struggles or pains or hardships, it's now about his. And it's not just her story that's stolen from her. Her personality, character and strengths are wittled away as well. If she's competent and skill at something, then she'll suddenly have the rug pulled out from beneath her by a man who inexplicably outclasses her. If she's confident, well-spoken, and respected, then she'll suddenly become tongue-tied, flustered and condescended to by a smirking man who's somehow more witty and eloquent than she is. If she has ambitions that don't immediately revolve around men or relationships, then she'll suddenly have her mind changed by a man who'll make her forget and discard her goals in favor of his. If she's disinterested in, or indifferent to men, she'll suddenly become infatuated with and softened up by an excessively attractive man almost instantaneously. And, worst of all, if she confronts him for his gaslighting/manipulation/violence/abuse, she'll suddenly find her anger and will crumbling as the story and narrative excuses and forgives him for his misdeeds. Worst of all, she'll be forced to admit that she's wrong."
and to especially add on to that last point, in the acotar series, feyre (the golden white woman) is raped and sexually assaulted by both of her love interests. and when it happens at the hands of rhysand (sjm's favorite brooding love interest) it's described and romanticized as an act of protection- he's doing this for her benefit, and it's not allowed to be brought up in a negative light because he's assaulted her for her own good. the amount of times women in her series are abused/gaslit/manipulated/killed and it is framed as romantic because she's either in a relationship with the man doing it or because he "likes" her is quite frankly disturbing and is a shit message for her majority teen fanbase who are reading these books and solidifying that same stupid rhetoric we all heard as kids that "if a boy hurts/bullies/is mean to you that means he likes you".
there's also the trope she seems to favor in her books of "only good (and mostly white) girls get to keep their powers".
good girls put their man first. they're modest and humble. they need to be saved by a big, strong, brooding man with a dark past. they would never wear revealing clothes and are so so scandalized when they have to be paraded around half-dressed for a plot point. they only fuck when they have to or are forced to because any sort of sexual agency is immediately looked down upon by their man and god forbid they disappoint their man. they're often mistreated by any man they meet and will take the abuse and thank the man for the treatment because they're a good girl.
they're not like other girls, the bad girls.
bad girls are too independent. they're too strong, too proud, too into their looks. they need to be put into their place. how dare they be seductive, wear revealing clothes, sleep with whomever they want.
@ekileh puts it well in this post:
feyre is the literal holotype of a good girl. she puts everyone else, especially her male partner, before herself. she is a little more selfish at the beginning of the books, but she undergoes a lot of character growth by acowar/acofas. in acowar i think it makes her compelling because she’s so recklessly brave that it almost sets her allies’ efforts back (it’s almost a mistake!) but everything always works out for her. but by acofas, when she’s wearing herself to the bone doing charity work, she’s become a martyr. she also is forced into wearing sexy clothes (by rhys) and they don’t do anything sexual until there’s, of course, only one bed. she’s so OP her powers eventually get nerfed for plot reasons (nesta, elain, and other side characters need a chance to shine, so feyre gets pregnant, shielded, and now has a baby to protect so she probably won’t risk herself unless anything threatens nyx), but her powers are still there. she still has control and agency over her powers. she’s just choosing not to use them or put herself in harm’s way because she’s now a mother. nesta, amren, and aelin are bad girls because they are selfish, proud, difficult to get along with. we don’t know much about amren’s sexual history but we know aelin cockteased rowan for months, and nesta made her way through velaris and jumped right into bed with cassian—not for love, but for a distraction—once she was confined to the house of wind. (i know feyre claimed her one bed moment with rhysand was for a distraction as well, but she wasn’t really in the same place as nesta where sex was an active self-destructive coping mechanism for her. and she later admits to rhys she was lying about wanting distraction to protect herself.) and yeah amren and aelin gives up their powers for the wars and nesta gives up her powers for……a wider pelvis. because bad girls can only be redeemed by sacrificing their power. good girls will gladly sacrifice their power and lives, but they are always spared. bad girls may offer their lives too (as amren and aelin did), but even if their lives are spared they never get to keep their power like good girls do. (and of course OP men always get to keep their powers.)
(tw: racism/homophobia/ableism/abuse)
before we get into this next part: i am black, more specifically a queer black woman living in america.
it's no secret that sjm's books are severely lacking in diversity. there's the illusion of diversity with the "dark" brooding love interest and his gaggle of equally broody assholes- the slight tan, or golden bronze, or light olive skin meant to placate readers looking for more representation. and sjm knows this, so she gives them a setting and culture that's a poorly picked apart and reduced version of real life non-white cultures without any care of thought.
and what representation people of color do get in her books are almost the same as most other popular fantasy novels (looking especially at you, game of thrones):
they're the dark-skinned savages, the uneducated and violent
they're the conquerors, the people who have been harassing our straight white girl main and ethnically ambiguous faves and need to be put in their place
they're the former servants or slaves who are rising against their oppressors but aren't doing it in a polite or kind way the mc's deem fit so their often valid points are immediately dismissed
they're the beautiful, strong seductresses who are in the way of the perfect white mc getting with her dark, broody man so they must die, often in an unnecessary or extremely violent manner
sjm says she supports the black lives matter movement, says that there is diversity in her books, and then in the same breath will prop up and praise art for her books that blatantly whitewashes what few characters of color there are, she will give the excuse that it was her publishers who lightened these characters skin without her knowledge because, of course this character who she's never described as anything other than tan with european features is actually supposed to be a character of color,
she will use the death of a real black woman murdered by police as a way to promote her next book (link)
it is exhausting and unbelievably hurtful, to have to watch as an author (especially a non-black author) who has shown no respect towards her black characters or any of the real cultures she boils down to basics for her books praise herself and let her fans praise her on having diversity in her books, blatantly and carelessly use a movement meant to bring to light and discuss the violent ways black people are murdered at the hands of the police to promote herself and her books where black and characters of color exist only to be killed and black and poc women are fridged for white pain.
it is also hurtful as someone who is a part of the lgbtq+ community and disabled to have to sit through books that contain things like:
this woman identifies as lesbian, but she's going to be in a love triangle with men and will suffer unbelievable amounts of sexual abuse and violence at the hands of men so her lesbianism will disappear because sleeping with men is her trauma response
all bisexuals are threesome sex fiends
magical cures for disabilities because how dare someone not want to be "normal"
it's not abuse if it was done for your own good followed by the outrageous lengths sjm goes to in order to redeem male abusers and rapists like rhysand, and tamlin, and eris to the point where some of them get the best happy ending but then violently murder all female abusers in the most horrific ways
look, at the end of the day, sarah j maas is a popular author. she writes (imo) mediocre books that are really only for white women/teens/young adults to live out their tall, dark and handsome mystery magic man fantasy. but she's famous, and more than happy to let her fans speak over any valid criticisms black and people of color have brought up over her writing, and her acts as a person.
she will never go away, most likely never change or acknowledge or take responsibility for things she's said/done/written, her fans will probably never care or give a shit about these problems, and as long as people continue to support her and buy her books she won't give a shit either.
all i can do is curate the content i consume to ensure i don't have to see or deal with her or her writing.
if you're a fan of hers- fine, you do you. i know there are people who i'm sure are perfectly nice individuals who are fans of her and i'm sure there are people of color who enjoy her books- that's entirely up to them. i'm not going to go around telling people to not read her books, or go into spaces for her fans to scold people over their like of her. If you want to read her books and support her despite the harm she's caused and the criticisms poc have spoken about, that's on you and i have little respect for you.
i know i sound mean in some of this, but this is my blog and i'm sure there are hundreds of other blogs out there ready to sing sarah j maas's praises. so, if you're a fan of hers and don't want to see criticism of or any type of negative feelings towards her or her books, i am going to politely suggest that my blog is not the place for you.
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missielynne · 5 months
CBS Ghosts Review: Holes Are Bad
Before I go on, I bet there will be a lot of repetition in this from all the other posts full of feels that I've been making but there are just so many feels that I couldn't save them all for just one review. Okay, moving on.
As I and I know many others feel, this is definitely one of the standouts of an admittedly only okay season (Although even here, when they come up with good ones, they're REALLY good) if not the whole series.
There are times when you have different plotlines and they don't connect well at all, and times when even the most different seeming plotlines can mix really well. The idea of dealing with literal and metaphorical holes as a connecting theme was really a good idea. (Although as I've said before, just coming up with a plotline of throwing Thor, Sas, and Isaac in a hole so they don't see Hetty die, thus her COD is a surprise to everyone was a bit too convenient for me, if I have one criticism.) However if they show us Patience (which I think they might, cause I mean why just bring up some random ghost who could very well have a grudge against Isaac right before something important that could be ruined because of said grudge..such as his wedding?) I could forgive it. The fact that his sneezing once again spelled doom for someone as it had with Nigel was a nice call back but really get that guy some meds or something. I do love the times when Isaac has actual knowledge that can solve problems that the ghosts have like knowing about possession or holes. It's nice seeing smart, capable Isaac.
I facepalmed for sure when we discovered that Thor had technically known where Flower was for ages but thanks to her wording and possibly his wish that she were in a better place, he interpreted it wrong (sort of like the game Telephone, maybe?) so Flower had to wait longer than she would have if it would have one of the other ghosts taking a walk at the edge of the property.
But it did my heart good that once everyone DID realize where she was, everyone just immediately was like "We gotta run out to the well and save Flower!" and there was no hesitation for ANYBODY, even like Isaac who is not especially close to Flower and who before now, I didn't think particularly thought of her in a friendly light. And I loved the ticking clock with the cement in the well too and the tension that added.
Speaking of tension...not having Jay and Sam there really enriched this episode, and I'm glad (even if it was just one of their clever ways of hiding Rose's pregnancy or whatever) that the show was willing to try something like that. Cause Ghosts is NOT the Sixth Sense where every ghost is an island who can't talk to anyone else and get help and just needs a living to get stuff done. No. I mean, Sam is needed for some things for sure but there are times when the ghosts are perfectly capable of just solving things amongst themselves, so use it! (Plus I think its extremely entertaining, too and I would like more.)
Which brings us to the big thing: Hetty and her death. Oh, my gosh. When she rolled her collar down and we saw the cord....and everyone's faces as she unraveled it...it was so powerful and so well acted by everyone, especially Rebecca.
And I feel like not only was she saving Flower by undoing the cord but also taking agency of what happened to her too. Now that she used the cord to save Flower, it's not just the tool of her demise, but something that was also used to save a friend. a tool of life as well as death, in a sense. You know...not that that erases the darker part of what it means but maybe it'll add a little light to the darkness too.
And I loved Flower thanking her. She was sincere, she was sweet, she was lucid...it was something that was taken seriously for the character. And sure we got old Flower back after, but it was so sweet. Now they've both help give one another new life.
And because I like ending on happy notes...I love that even the flashbacks had some funny moments, like Hetty giving the lawyer her number and it was just 4. Or just the absurdity of her asking her poor butler to take all the bullets the police are gonna shoot and he's just like "Yes, ma'am."
It was so meaningful and well-written, good juxtaposition between Hetty's story and Flower. (And were we really surprised to find out Ralph got sucked off? I think it was just confirmation for a lot of us. And nice to know Pete was right. It WAS a basement ghost!)
Now...next week it looks like we get powers from Pete, hopefully Carol moving on (although please let her and Flower meet before she goes,) and of course...one week closer to the Nisaac dinosaur wedding! Can't wait to see how this finishes off.
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beevean · 5 months
Been replaying Order of Ecclesia, and I have some thoughts:
I like the game more now. The first time I played it, I was disappointed by the level design, because I expected a more classic Metroidvania, but now I got used to it and understood the change of direction. In a way it has a lot in common with CoD: game broken down into linear levels, with minimal backtracking, where the focus is not exploration but combat and experimenting with weapons/Glyphs. So yeah, alright, I can get behind that. OoE has also clever enemies and bosses (since you are expected to learn how to defeat them without taking damage), which makes the challenge tough but fair. Now I can see why this one is a favorite among the ones who played it.
That being said, OoE might have the worst Early Game Hell in the whole series lol. I remember struggling with SoTN until the Underground Caverns (the reason I dropped it at first), CoD's first level is a real slog, and the less I talk about CoTM the better, but man I could just feel the moment I broke through the wall in OoE: when I found the double jump and could get the Ignis Glyph. Before that? Oh the game hates your guts, there's no way around it. Nice of them to put enemies with opposite weaknesses in the same room before you even get the powerup that allows you to have three Glyph sets at the same time :^) I am not eager to try Hard Mode.
Shanoa is still the girl of all time. Her interactions with the villagers are just ;A; I think my favorite quest is drawing for Daniela - this woman has been raised to be nothing but a weapon, she has lost all emotions, but she still tries her best to do art to make someone happy.
Albus is disgustingly OP and if I ever had to rank characters based on their power I'd put him near the top because where did you learn to teleport, man?
In fact, I'm nearly tempted to make a ranking of all alt. modes now. I'd have to try a few more, though (and I'm still salty that I could barely move around in Richter Mode lmao). As of now, I don't know if I prefer Albus Mode or Maxim Mode lol. The latters lends itself better to speedruns I think, but there is a certain joy in bringing a gun to a sword fight.
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
Court of darkness fandom tumblr survival guide.(read this with an Australian accent)
As a new fan you might be wondering, “WHERE ARE ALL THE FANFICTIONS?! THE FANART?! THE CRACK?! THE ANGST?! SMUT?!” And yes good sir that was me when I first got here.
Because of that I will be showing up at least 10 Content Creators that you shall follow in this barren community. And give you a list of reasons why.
So come along on this safari tour ride;
No 1. @atomsminecraft Now this person may seem like your average crazy Lou psycho fan. But you’re wrong- ⁉️
This person actually makes really good fluff of Lou. They’re like a Lou encyclopedia. But be careful you may or may not accidentally offend them depending on your take on Lou.
Their content and head cannons can range between Wholesome to crack to angst so be careful where you step on their page. It’s dangerous mate.
No. 2 @jaysquid Now come along to see this amazing artist. Now now don’t take pictures they can be aggressive if you mess up their work, so we must observe from afar,
They are extremely chill most of the time, if you have an Court of Darkness suggestion child; they’re the ones to go too-
They also have extremely great random topics about anything related to court of darkness, and they’re able to bring up excellent points in Head Cannons.
No 3. @bitchkay Now with this one, over all extremely thirsty and bisexual for everyone of them ⁉️
Don’t be afraid as the angel said unto Marry, don’t worry this one doesn’t bite but it does bark.
They’re also the No 1. Smut creator to go to if you’re over 18. If not you’ll be sacrificed to the wolves if you’re suggesting nsfw😧
Also you’ll learn things about characters you’ve never thought about that, and you may not turn dirty minded😔
Let’s sneak by from this one aye?
No 4. @toasnearlynakedghost
Do they create fanfictions? Maybe (I haven’t seen some)
Do they create fanart? Yes.
How ever this person is like the Gorden Ramsey of the fandom, especially if you’re like me. When they respond to your comment or post with “😂” it feels like you’re dad came back with the milk.
You feel like you’ve gained approval that you have not got from your parents/srs.
It’s a strange feeling in your soul yes.
However it feels goddamn good.
No 5. @abugwritesstuff You see this person you have options the possibilities are endless.
It’s infinity to beyond.
They’re also extremely chill, and when requesting something they have the characters accurate and it feels like something you’d see from the game no matter what the topic is lol.
I once requested that ended up traumatizing Knight.
Now then take pictures and souvenirs and let’s move on >:)
No 6. @chirp-a-chirp Now here we have the bird, yes I order to get them to come closer to you is to preform the bird ritual, yes you may chirp.
If you do that ritual legend has it that they’ll grant your wish/request.
First you gotta start it by saying “I have no bitches 3 times” then start chirping aggressively. >:)
Depending on your wish/request it may be granted. If the ancient bird doesn’t see it fit then you’ll die of Minecraft fall damage.
Their content is extremely rangeful to both COD to obey me, so you got options.
No 7. @marsipanic Now with this ancient being they have made the hottest female MC OCs be careful though they might take it a sign of aggression if you bark to much.
It makes you jealous of Guy- Yes Guy out of all people.
This content creator believes they can change him- well leave it at that.
They also have a creative/ smut OC series. It’s pretty bad ass. So go check it out.
No 8. @dotster001 Now with this one doesn’t have that many fanfictions, however it doesn’t make it any less great than the others.
They also have a bunch of twisted wonderland and other games fanfictions you may wanna check out, because they’re super good.
However do not take any pictures, you may not reach your hand out at them. Do not feed them-
No 9. @bobasis Now kids, this is the only one who has ever made history with creating the first MC X reader fanfiction.
It’s amazing; consorts who?
They also have amazing art so you better go check it out.
Also keep ur hands to yourself when you see their MC *sprays with spray bottle* DOWN BOY- DOWN-!
No 10. @ithseem Now this son of a bitch will roast you accurately whether you like it or not, so be careful kiddo. They’re venomous.
They also have really cute fanart from what I’ve seen after stalking their tumblr, like I do with anyone 😘 It’s just a way of life kid.
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adastrael · 1 year
Cod: mw ii characters and things they collect (pt.1)
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Character(s): john "soap" mactavish, simon "ghost" riley, kyle "gaz" garrick, john price, kate laswell
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: mentions of lost teammates
A/N: here's a new series I just couldn't wait to post! Feel free to share your thoughts about it, I would be very happy to talk about the topic even more!
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John "Soap" MacTavish
Often, Soap needs something in his hands to tinker with, be it equipment he has on person or something he's snatched during the day. One thing he rarely forgets to wear is a hair tie on his left wrist — so it doesn't get in the way since he is right handed — that he can easily fidget with without drawing too much attention to himself. He tends to take rubber bands he spots for most of the same reason, but also partly because they can be used out in the field too. You never know why and when you might need them, and Soap has a reputation for creating working explosives from the most unrelated objects.
One of the habits he started when he was younger was collecting bottle caps. This is something that stuck with him throughout the years and since it's not harmful in any way, he never really considered stopping. The team often visit pubs and similar places after missions to loosen up or drown their thoughts, and it's not unheard of that Soap keeps some of the caps, taking them home with him. He only ever does this with unique or interesting ones; if they are dull and just like the other ones, he doesn't even consider pocketing them. They aren't significant enough to be displayed or anything such, but he likes to occasionally rummage through the container he puts them in and see what kinds he has. Often, certain ones can remind him of very specific memories, which are fortunately rarely bittersweet or downright bad. Soap keeps the container at base in his quarters — the old ones are back at home of course — since the collection is basically evergrowing.
Back at home, there is a box hidden in his room with an array of concert tickets and wristbands he kept throughout the years. When he was young, he went to a lot of concerts with one company or another, and it was always a habit of his to keep the things that served as an allowance as a good reminder. The tickets used to be pinned to a board on his wall that was facing his bed as a kid, but it wasn't long before he grew up and wanted to join the military. Hence, the board came down, and they were safely tucked into a box along with some other trinkets he had laying around. He pays attention to keep good care of them, although they're not something he looks at constantly or keeps track of (especially since he doesn't have access to them most of the time).
Quite similarly, there are a pack of movie tickets held together with a paperclip stacked into his bedside drawer at home. He liked to visit the cinema often with friends or family both, and it was nice keeping reminders of all the movies he has seen and liked. Sure, there were some that he didn't enjoy all that much, but he still kept the tickets out of habit and by the logic that there was nothing to lose by not throwing them away. Connected to the movies, Soap still has a few posters put away somewhere, although most of them were not even his to begin with. His siblings were always more interested in them than he was, but when there was one he really liked, they were usually understanding and lended some of the posters to him to put up in his room.
Something that's partly because of his enthusiasm for explosions, partly because he likes to fidget with them and the noise they make, is the liking he's taken for the lighters he has in his possession. The interesting thing is, none of them are ever simple and boring; some of them have jokes on them, others are see-through, and most have some kind of pattern on the outside. This is something Ghost has also joined in unintentionally later on, but that's hardly his fault really — it is, but it's not a bad thing so nobody minds.
Possibly, I could also imagine him as someone who collects gum wrappers and little charms, maybe even keychains that make a specific noise. In my mind he has raging ADHD even when he's on his prescribed medication, so there is always something in his hands to absently play with. Also you can't tell me this man wouldn't take those little umbrellas from drinks at bars.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
Ghost isn't one to collect things. He doesn't have many personal belongings, a book or old trinket here and there, and he doesn't really see the appeal in such things. Yet, there is no denying how many lighters he has stacked in his bedside drawer at base. It started as a joke really, with Soap gifting him one with a corny joke on the side, swearing Ghost's humor was just the same and he had to buy it for him. From then on, the others also went out their way to find him different lighters they thought he would like, and he didn't stop them. He knows he will never need that many in his life, one works for a month at least, but it feels nice to be remembered by his teammates — although he will never admit that out loud to them.
One thing he does collect though is knives. It's no secret how much Ghost loves weapons with blades, and if you start snooping in his room enough, you will find a whole arsenal carefully tucked away between some gear. Often, cleaning his equipment and keeping everything sharp and ready helps to take his mind off things, especially after missions, so Ghost doesn't see a problem with owning a little more above the amount that's considered normal. They are his favorite weapons to use in combat anyways, and they are much easier to hide and take with him than guns. Besides, it never hurts to be prepared for anything.
In the past, Ghost used to collect different posters as a kid. Movie, music it didn't really matter, he enjoyed putting them up, or just looking through them occasionally. That didn't last long for obvious reasons, but it still lives in the back of his mind as a somewhat pleasant memory.
Of course, we can't forget about the masks either. Obviously they are comfort items — well, most of them — and there are a few he only wears when he has to leave the safety of his apartment during assigned leaves. There are some of them nobody has ever seen (and probably never will), while there are others that the team even shared before (like during the Ghost Team mission). Despite all that, he actually doesn't own a lot of masks, but still more than someone would call a regular amount.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Back in high school, Gaz was what you might consider a theater kid. He wasn't the typical definition of the phrase really; he wasn't in the theater club and didn't take up the acting course at school, and he didn't exactly advertise his love for musicals and acts. Despite that, Kyle had a few things on display that indicated his interest towards those things, and he showed them off openly, not one to hide such about himself in fear of being criticized. One of these were all the different pins he had on his bag, specifically the backpack he only wore to school since it was perfect for his books. The buttons were very diverse: some of them were indeed theater related (his favorite was the Hamilton one), others were connected to sports or music. After finishing high school, Gaz forgot about the bag for a while, but when he found it again he was more than ready to take the pins off. That didn't end up happening though, since he didn't have the heart to ruin something that used to hold so much value to him before. So, the bag is still in the same state it used to be, lost somewhere in the back of his closet.
Something that also ties back to his school years is the stack of old notebooks he has in his room. After a while, he intended to throw them out since there was no need for them anymore, but his sentimental nature didn't allow him to do so. When he's home and remembers to organize and clean his room thoroughly, Gaz finds them sometimes and usually ends up sitting for hours and reading his old notes. It's nice looking back at them and remembering all the stuff he did during those years.
For a while, Gaz was collecting the train tickets he purchased. In the UK you have the opportunity to travel by train quite a lot, and for a time period he had to take a route where it was the easiest form of transport. He doesn't have a reason why he kept them, or at least not any he could figure out by himself, but they are nice reminders of a life he once lived. Sometimes they put a smile on his face and that's enough reason for him to continue keeping them.
It's a well known fact how much Gaz loves wearing baseball caps, even during missions (just like Price with his godforsaken bucket hats, but one would argue his choice is more practical than the Captain's). He doesn't know exactly when he started wearing them so often, but after a while they just became his trademark. There are probably around 4 different ones he keeps at base, in case they get lost or he's not in the mood to wear one specific one, but back at his flat he has a whole bunch of more. Some of them were gifts by friends or family, others are a unique brand or just random caps he spotted somewhere and couldn't leave without.
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John Price
The Captain isn't one for trinkets, that much is well known. Sure, he has photographs, mementos and such things just like everyone else, but there isn't anything he outright collects. The others argue that the display of books he has at home is considered a collection already, but he refuses to let them be right. He likes to read in his free time a lot, and getting new books when he has the chance isn't a crime. 
There is something even Price himself admits is turning into a habit of collecting though, and it's the amount of pens he has in his possession. At his office, there are probably about ten pens shoved into one of those mesh pencil holders on his desk, although only five or so are likely to be actually working. He has a habit of not throwing the ones that run out of ink away and just putting them back with the rest. He also just can't help but always take those free sample pens whenever they offer them somewhere, swearing it's going to come in handy. He does have to write reports by hand most of the time, that's true, but just a few pens would perfectly suffice.
And naturally, there are the hats. Most of the ones he owns are really similar to each other, the others usually don't even notice when he changes them. He doesn't have a big reason for having them, Price just likes to cover his head with hats and even beanies from time to time. He can and will argue with any member of his team about the fashion aspect of them, defending his choices with vigor.
There are some things he doesn't want to talk about, and they are the dog tags of all of his lost friends and team members that he kept. Price doesn't want to forget about the people he had the chance to meet and get to know, and it would feel disrespectful to get rid of their memory and all that's left of them. There are only a few people who know about this, and he intends to keep it that way; this is something private he wants to carry alone.
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Kate Laswell
When it comes to collecting things, Laswell isn't interested in the slightest. Naturally she has a few photos, cards or little gifts that she doesn't want to give away, but she doesn't see the appeal to get a bunch of specific things stacked at home. If anything she does could be considered collecting, it would be those expensive bottles of wines she keeps buying in her basement. There aren't a lot, maybe around ten or fifteen, but she keeps most of them for special occasions, such as anniversaries with her wife or birthdays. Kate isn't that big of a fan actually, but she learned to appreciate the taste of some brands since her wife loves wine.
Back in high school, Laswell was the girl who used different highlighters for her notes. She has never overdone it really, but the titles, names and important information were always emphasized by colorful lines. Often, others wanted to borrow her notes because her handwriting has always been good and readable, but as she grew older, her notes got messier too. Laswell was still organized of course, always has been, but her handwriting gradually became more chaotic — like when you remember how your mother helped you practice letters when you were little, then tried to read her note for the teacher and miserably failed. These days, she just scribbles down whatever she needs really, it doesn't matter too much. Often, signatures are the only valuable thing that need to be readable, the rest of her work is done on the computers.
Now, her wife is a different topic. The living room and bedroom are never missing a scent candle, and there is always a good chance the other rooms in the house will get one too. By extension, she could be considered a collector herself, since there were several times when she bought candles or rearranged them inside the house without giving it a deeper thought. Often she just buys them automatically, not even realizing how many they already have at home.
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