#moon knight 2021
juhbebbie · 1 year
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Fucking obsessed with this
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🤜 grievously injure whatever had taken them 🤛
Moon Knight Vol.9
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thedevilsoftruth · 4 months
You know you're crazy when you finally see your therapist for the first time in 3 weeks and one of the first things she says to you is, " the last time I saw you, you were very sad that Moon Knight died. "
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therealraewest · 16 days
Just put this together on my second read but Jake asking around about Blade while doing vampire recon
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So they can later ask Blade to mentor Reese
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Jake has known Reese for 2 seconds (they hadn't even officially met yet) and is already networking on her behalf because she's important to Marc
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age-of-moonknight · 1 year
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“Ill Met by Moonlight,” Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #24.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Federico Sabbatini; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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jokeringcutio · 9 months
Prologue: ~His Brother ~ (Explicit Grabber x Reader & Arthur Harrow x Reader Multi-chapter fic)
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His Brother
Will also be uploaded on AO3: JokeringCutio
Story Summary:
When his brother Albert joins the cult, Arthur asks you to be the girl to comfort him. You’re a tool to keep Albert in check. Or could there be more to it?
~ * ~
“Tell me, is it because I was a sinner once? Did you sent me someone to love, someone who needs to be rescued from themselves, So I can learn from this process, how to heal myself? Someone I need to find an anchor for? I don’t see the solution. But I know it must be here.”
~ * ~
Whispers about a new face in the community spread fast, like wildfire among those who lived within the compound. You heard them before you saw him. A man who was physically so similar to your leader that it made your heart flutter in confusion.
“His brother,” the whispers said. “Arthur’s blood.”
Arthur was never truly near you, and you only caught sight of him during ceremonies or meals. You thanked whatever God might exist for that. If you ever had a religion, it was now a shattered faith. The pieces of it were like shards in your hands, the pain reminding you of how you got here and how you couldn’t leave.
Ammit was your goddess now.
You’d been a fool, but you would make the best of your stay.
Time ebbed by slowly in the community. You worked a job that had never crossed your mind or been your dream. And your free time was spent taking care of the elderly in the community or babysitting the youngest. Like a nanny and a nurse. It wasn’t as if you could refuse. Everyone who followed the Goddess had to pull their weight and show their worth somehow. You had chosen the easy way out, willingly taking on the role of a caretaker when the alternatives were far worse. You much preferred helping out others over more physically challenging labor. Or indeed, over chores that would possibly be mentally scarring.
That is why, the first time you saw him, you were on your way to help out an elderly couple who lived two blocks away. You paused in your tracks to study him, still far away on the other side of the road. His multi-colored vest and brown flared pants made him look completely different from the leader of your group. But still, you saw the similarities. How could anyone miss them?
It was when his eyes suddenly turned to you that you quickly looked down at your feet, clutched the bag filled with groceries that you were holding tighter to your chest, and hurried to the address you were wanted at.
You caught glimpses of him at times, when he was at work with the other men. Either lumbering wood, or when he sat at the same table with your leader for a meal.
During one of those shared dinners in the compound, Lin nudged you.
“He’s been looking at you,” Lin said. She lived in the same apartment building as you did and was one of the few people you considered a friend. It wasn’t hard, the two of you had your rooms on the same floor and shared a kitchen and shower. You felt like you were living in some kind of student house, not at all where you wanted to be at this stage in your life. But it was the card you’d been dealt.
You slowly turned to look in the same direction she was looking at, only to find that the man she talked about had turned away from you. No eyes upon you there. She must have imagined it. he leader’s brother was listening to the leader himself. Arthur seemed to have no eyes for you either, and with a sigh, you turned back to your plate. You wished the shared meals weren’t a necessity. That you would earn enough to stand on your own two feet and eat self-made dinners at home.
But it wasn’t how things worked within the compound. Everyone was expected to come here and showthey still shared the same faith. You already skipped so many of the sermons, missing out would turn you into a sinner.
The days stretched since Arthur’s brother’s arrival.
You still didn’t know his name and only ever saw glimpses of him. He looked the same, you thought, cheeks flushed as you tried to avoid him. It became harder, as you found him stumbling upon your route more and more often when you went to your charity jobs. He just happened to be there, watching, when you left your apartment to go to the elderly. He would be in the same building, fixing leaks and whitening the ceiling when you had your shift looking after the kids while their parents were working.
You felt his cold blue eyes upon you, burning.
But whenever you turned to look at him, his gaze was gone.
You seriously started to wonder if it was all inside your head. If your brain had made up new fantasies about this stranger because he looked so much like his brother, the man you wanted to love.
As said before, time passed ever so slowly within the compound. Your routine seemed never-ending. A dull circle of tasks. But those you helped were grateful.
Until one day you made your way to the dining table in the common hall where most of the followers living in the compound would come to have a meal. You were still filling your plate when behind you, you heard the familiar voice of your leader.
His warm voice hummed pleasantly, sending tingles of longing down the pit of your stomach to come to rest between your legs. You squeezed your thighs while you tried to ignore the honey-sweet low rumble as he talked.
His words were too far away to decipher. You prayed he would not step closer, that he would go away and leave you be. And you took your time scooping up soup and adding from the menu, all ever so slowly in the hopes of avoiding coming face to face with the man who made your body react so fervently against your mind.
Still, curious, you peeked over your shoulder. Arthur was talking to Lin. You could see his lips move. Sensually, you thought, and with a blush on your cheeks quickly looked away. Thoughts warred in your mind. On one hand, you were scared of him, because you knew what his mere presence did to your body. On the other, you were upset that he was giving your friend attention. Why did he never speak to you that way? He always seemed to ignore your presence.
He hadn’t been so distant at the start. When you first came here as a tourist, a traveler from afar, he had even placed his hand upon your shoulder and convinced you to do the judging ceremony. Of course, he had convinced you. From the moment you met, you’d been madly in love. You saw things clouded, heard the praise the people here sang of him, and thought that giving into his request could do little harm.
Naïve, you thought. You’d been so naïve. It had all been a trick to capture you, make you part of the knitted construction that was this depraved little society he had formed around him.
You quietly made your way toward one of the long tables and sat down. You’d gotten in too deep. And you wondered if you’d ever get out again.
“We are expected to attend tomorrow’s ceremony,” Lin said while she set her plate down on the table next to you. “Both of us.”
Then she sat down beside you and made herself comfortable, sitting a little too close, her arm brushing past yours. She gave you a sidelong glance and smiled. “You’re coming, right?”
“Of course I am,” you grunted, not at all that happy that you’d be forced to attend another ceremony. But staying away would be an insult now that you had personally been invited. You glanced behind you to see that Arthur had indeed retreated. He was no longer standing in the hall or anywhere near you. Instead, he sat at the far end of the room at a table with some of his close followers. His brother was there as well, all of them emerged in conversation.
You sighed and let the spoon dip into your soup. Another one of Victor’s recipes. You knew that he cooked for the group most of the time. Though there were days you were served meals prepared by Arthur. Apparently, he enjoyed cooking. You’d never caught him standing in the kitchen or talking to Victor though.
Victor was the other person you considered as close to a friend as you could make within the community. Although he was a firm believer in Ammit, he knew how to make you smile and tell funny jokes. He alleviated some of the pain and sorrow you felt when you remembered you were trapped in this cult. He made you forget.
You looked up and smiled when he passed your table, clearly on his way to the men’s table that harbored Arthur at the far end of the room. “Taste’s good, Vic,” you called out, loud enough to catch his attention.
He stopped in his tracks and turned to face you with a bright smile. “You think? Thank you,” and then he took a step closer to your table. You felt Lin press herself closer to your side. For some reason, she didn’t like Victor that much. But then again, she hardly ever saw or spoke to him. How well did she actually know him, you thought.
“You should accept my offer to come and help me out in the kitchen one day. I’ve got a thing or two in mind that I could teach you,” Victor said, adding a wink at the end.
He characteristically carried a kitchen towel in his hands, which he now flung over his shoulder playfully. The towel draped like a cape. A real chef, you thought. He did not just have the skills, but also the looks of one.
“Thank you,” you said, but then you shook your head with a smile. Victor’s smile drooped a little, already knowing the answer you were going to give. Truth be said, you liked the idea of helping Victor out in the kitchen. But it would increase your risk of meeting Arthur. What if he just happened to come to cook that day? Your heart could not take it. It would shatter, pretty much like the life and the dreams you once had.
“I know,” Victor said with a sigh. He placed his hands on his hips and shortly glanced away. “You’re too busy.”
You silently watched as he looked down at you again and his smile returned. “You should really learn to say no, missy. You’re always so busy helping others out. You need to think of yourself for once, do things that you would enjoy. We’re only young once, you know?”
When you didn’t reply, he shook his head smilingly and excused himself. “I’m expected at the grand table,” he jested, “so if you’ll excuse me, ladies,” and with a deep mocking bow, he left.
Next to you, you felt how Lin sat up a little straighter again and heard how she snorted. “I’m glad you didn’t agree to help him in the kitchen,” she said, rolling a pea across her plate with the use of her fork, not quite eating but rather playing with her food. “But I do agree that we should go out more. If only there’d be parties here.” She paused, then looked up at you in thought.
“Do you think we’ll be allowed into the city for a night out?” she suddenly asked, voice a combination of cheerful and hopeful.
Now it was your turn to snort. “I wouldn’t get my hopes up,” you said, letting out a bitter chuckle. “Besides, I am quite content filling my nights reading books or watching silly shows. Sort of replaces the dreams that have left me, you know.”
Lin froze, her elbow poking into your ribs without intention. “God, you are so morbid sometimes,” she said.
“That’s why you like me,” you retorted with a small smile before taking another sip from your soup.
“Yeah,” Lin sounded thoughtful while she turned back to her own meal. “Yeah, it is.”
For a moment, a comfortable silence settled between the two of you while you ate, each lost in your own thoughts. You’d noticed how Lin kept using the word 'God' while she was supposed to be a faithful follower of Ammit. Pretty much like you, you thought. She was just as cynical, just as skeptical. Just as much lured in as you had been.
If you ever needed an ally to get out, she would be it.
“He’s watching you again.” Lin’s voice made you look up in confusion, thinking she spoke of Victor but hoping it was actually Arthur who looked your way.
When you followed her gaze to their table, you saw that it was neither of them. It was the man next to Arthur who was looking your way. His mirror-self. His brother.
His eyes were upon you all right. Blue-grey orbs roved over you, then slid to the man at his side. His attention had wavered and you let out a sigh of relief.
“Didn’t that make you feel uncomfortable?” Lin asked while she wiped her lips clean with a handkerchief. She turned her back towards the table of men so she could focus solely on you.
Worry sounded in her voice. You loved that she was this protective of you, but even you knew that there was only so much protection she could offer.
Besides, this was but a stranger looking your way. A short glance. What harm could it do?
“No,” you lied. You turned back to your plate to poke the last of your food, appetite long gone. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
But Arthur’s eyes were upon you, dark and stormy.
You didn’t notice.
Happy New Year, fellow Black Phone, Moon Knight and Ethan Hawke lovers. Here's a promised multi-chapter fic in which you will be married off to Albert, Arthur's brother. Prepare for some forced marriage/relationship Albert Shaw (Grabber) x Reader that will turn into a more romantic situation and that will go from dub-con to con. But also prepare for Arthur Harrow x Reader. And quite possibly both brothers at the same time if I get in the mood to write it :3 There will be Mentions of Past Abuse for the brothers Arthur/Albert/Max, probably. Reader will be on Birth Control for a large part of the fic, though I might have one of the boys take her off of it eventually.
AN: For more, follow me (:
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burningfudge · 1 year
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Ten minutes later...
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Moon Knight (2021) #25
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bakedbananners · 1 year
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Tigra Tsaturday
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moonerangs · 10 months
MK #30 moodboard
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neverkayzat · 9 months
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My gift to @palebluebirdcomputer for the 2023 Moon Knight Mystery Swap! This was hosted by: @tiptapricot :D
It was a lot of fun working on this!! Below, you'll find that I had SO much more planned for this, but, because my computer hit the fan and decided to do a full system corruption (everything I worked on was lost), I only have the script and screenshots of it. However, I hope you enjoy plan B and have a great new years!!
(I don't know why on mobile it compresses these images horribly, but hey, they're not so compressed if you click on them or on computer! :D)
OKAY, so I was going to make this a different post, but I had an entire comic planned out haha.
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This was the entire thing, aside from the reference page haha. EIGHTEEN PAGES WERE LOST. Worse? I already inked half of them and started coloring one. Wonderful.
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First page - Jake turns off the blaring alarm. I managed to ink and color this page... well, color at least Jake in the Mr. Knight suit and the sarcophagus before my computer decided to die, so a win!
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Second page - Included Jake waking up and getting ready for the day. I still have screen shots of the closet and this!! Hurray!!
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After, it was basically a bathroom scene where Steven showed up, was like: "Hey, Marc's not getting up. Check what day it is today!" Jake checks, it's Rosh Hashana! Wow! No wonder why. Crazy. How do you want to spend it? Steven is like, I miss our families traditional food. Spoiler alert: They get the food and everyone sits down to eat together.
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Next, Jake shows up and hangs out with Reese before Yehya bursts through the door with a lot of food. He would've walked to the kitchen, which is thankfully next to where everyone is (thank you Mission), and everyone else would follow suit as they helped put food away/prepare food (with banter, of course).
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As they're putting away/preparing food, Greer shows up with William, and begins helping as well. We get a nice moment with Jake and William, where then he sends the kid off to grab Solider. William also gives Jake a "Happy Rosh Hashanah!" card spelt horribly that melts everyone's heart. Reese goes to put it on the fridge, and Greer and Jake have a nice moment together, now alone because Mission decided to make a wall to separate them from the others.
However, this is where the screenshots stop for some reason. After, it detailed the antisemitism in the past and how Marc feels uncomfortable with their Judaism because of everything that has happened, and because of that, how it's been a long time that they have fully celebrated Rosh Hashanah with their family. It effects Jake greatly because he loves his religion.
It ends off with them having a nice meal together and Marc finally showing up to say "Our new mishpocha... hm?" and Jake reciprocates the feeling.
HOWEVER! My computer decided to cry and crap itself, so now we're here with me longing for the snow. I hope you enjoyed this gift, even though it was Plan B, and once again, happy new years!! <3
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juhbebbie · 10 months
The end of an era
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Marc Spector is the guy who:
Literally sleeps in a coffin
Has a broken IPhone, probably for years (or not because he could have broken it as soon as he got it, carrying it in Mr. Knight's pocket).
Also it's still not fully charged (as seen in another panel), so either his phone and charger are way more fucked up or he gets less than two hours of sleep, which... Which is way more possible.
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freedvmrouge · 10 months
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Moon Knight (2021-) #30
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therealraewest · 18 days
Marc Spector being a bundle of self-hatred and contradictions and convinced he has to do things by himself or he's going to lose what little he's managed to claim as his own
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And being told that he IS worthy by one of the people he's so desperate not to lose
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age-of-moonknight · 1 year
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Variant cover for Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #25 by Scott Forbes.
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