#jed mackay
wwprice1 · 2 days
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Cool moments from Avengers #18!
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nowritingonthewall · 5 months
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You're never alone, remember? You can do this, Marc.
- Moon Knight (2021) #30 by Jed MacKay
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evilhorse · 2 months
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My “father” is a bastard. And I take after him.
(The Avengers #14)
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Dr Strange 13 (2024) by Jed Mackay & Pasqual Ferry
Cover: Alex Ross
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starsarekind · 1 month
So what-- do we hug now or something?
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I wanted to redraw a comic panel with Reese (I love you Reese) and Marc but have Marc in the MCU outfit, and then I realized that this was just white on white on white and MAN is that hard to colour. Still, I think I did a pretty alright job :)
Hope you like it! Reese if you see this I'm your number one fan and if Jake tries to take that crown from my head I will-- Anyway. Reese and Soldier supremacy. Also I'm tempted to make 8-Ball fanart low key??!!!
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juhbebbie · 1 year
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Fucking obsessed with this
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avengerscompound · 29 days
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BLOOD HUNT (2024) #2
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farsight-the-char · 4 months
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He Comes Back To Her. Not Even Death can stop that.
Outlaws of Thunder Junction | Epilogue 1: Bring the End, Part 1 / Magic (Boom Studios) issue 18
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doctorofmagic · 2 months
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Four years, 33 issues. Thank you, Jed MacKay and every artist, colorist and letterer who worked on this wonderful journey.
No one in Marvel loved Stephen like you did. And I'll be forever grateful for following this journey since the very beginning. Even better, back when you first introduced Stephen in your Black Cat run. Since then, I knew you'd take good care of Stephen, and while most of the fandom was in shambles because Death of Doctor Strange was just announced, I was hopeful for I knew you cared deeply, even when all I had was subtle hints.
Thank you for loving Clea, Bats and Wong too. Thank you for reconnecting Stephen to his supporting network, thank you for giving him back the love of his life, the love of his friends, and the hope of a new beginning through Donna II.
I personally wish you stayed a little longer, but life must go on. In other words, I'm grateful it happened in the first place. And, if one day you wish to return, you'll have me in the front line supporting you with all my heart and soul.
The Strangehive may be small, but it's full of love for the good doctor. And I hope that our love reached you and the rest of the team!
Thank you, a thousand times thank you!!
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fdelopera · 1 year
Musings on the Moon Knight System for the High Holidays
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BROKE: Moon Knight System in the comics are Jewish in name only. They’re basically pagan idolaters.
WOKE: Jake is MK System’s spiritual protector in the comics (especially MacKay), and connects the most with their Jewish identity.
BESPOKE: The Moon Knight System are very Jewish, but Marc, Steven, and Jake have a lot of specific religious trauma, and they each connect to their Jewishness in different ways and at different times ... just as most Jews do. Their Jewishness is an intrinsic part of who they are.
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At the Rosh Hashanah 2nd day service yesterday, the Rabbi said something that brought Moon Knight System to mind.
During the Malchuyot, Zichronot, and Shofarot prayers, she said this before the Zichronot prayer:
“Jews are all about memory. We tell and retell the stories of our ancestors to link our generations together. We tell the story of the Exodus and redemption, and these are human memories. Here in the Zichronot section, we consider G-d's memory. What we are asking in Zichronot is, "Am I remembered? Is my life in G-d's memory?" And the answer is, yes. Adonai remembers each one of us, every single creature created in G-d's image is seen and noticed.”
And yet, what about those of us who are dissociative? What about those of us whose memory is scattered, fragmented, and traumatized, just like the Jewish people have been throughout our history?
What about those of us whose memory stops at a certain point, just as our family tree goes back only a few generations to those who escaped the pogroms and the Holocaust? Yes, we can trace some of our ancestors across the ocean to the shtetls, and we can search for the deep root systems that our people have grown from, but we know that if we do, we will only find tragedy and death.
For every one of our ancestors who has a gravestone in an intact Jewish cemetery in the Old Country, there are countless others whose roots were cut, who were murdered by Romans and Inquisitors and Cossacks and Nazis, whose bodies were desecrated, and who were never buried in Jewish soil. And yet, even as the Nazis and the Russians and the Spanish and the Romans and so many others tried to erase us from living memory, still we persevered. There are still some branches left. Our cultural memory endures, even though it is fragmented.
And yet, what of us who strain to remember? What of those of us who have high walls instead of doorways, keeping us out? Perhaps we can even see trees growing on the other side, but we cannot enter, not yet. How then can we connect to our past? Must we wander for another 40 years? And on Yom Kippur, how can we atone if remembrance is scattered and hidden like the Lost Tribes of Israel?
I imagine that Marc has wondered thoughts like these from time to time, especially around the High Holidays. Marc wants to think of himself as an apostate. If he’s being particularly edgy, he might even describe himself as an idolater. But I don’t think he is. Marc has a Jewish soul. So does Jake and so does Steven.
And as much as Marc might want to think that he is beyond atonement for the things he’s done, perhaps in quiet moments, he still hopes to atone as best he can. Perhaps some nights, Marc and Jake and Steven share dreams of teshuvah, of repentance, of making amends. With Gena. With Crawley. With Frenchie. And yet, how to even begin?
Perhaps Elias Spector, the Orthodox rabbi, might once have read the following passage on Rosh Hashanah as he spoke to the congregation from the bimah. And even if Marc was dissociating into the ether when he heard these words, sitting as far away from his father as possible, halfway to hiding deep within, the duty of being the Rabbi's son weighing heavy on his shoulders ... perhaps Jake and Steven listened, and they remembered for all of them:
“When a person commits a sin and does not turn in repentance, when that person forgets the sin, Hakadosh Baruch Hu remembers. When a person fulfills a commandment by doing a good deed, but forgets about it, Hakadosh Baruch Hu remembers. When a person commits a sin and later turns in repentance by remembering that sin, Hakadosh Baruch Hu grants atonement, and forgets the sin. But when a person fulfills a commandment and is constantly filled with self-praise because of it, Hakadosh Baruch Hu forgets it. What a person forgets, G-d remembers, and what a person remembers, G-d forgets.” -- The Hasidic Master Shmelke of Nikolsberg
Shana tovah and g’mar chatima tovah to the Moon Knight System. May they be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life.
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Dr Strange 1 (2023) by Jed Mackay & Pasqual Ferry
Cover: Alex Ross
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wwprice1 · 7 days
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Coming this November — Raid on Graymalkin!
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thedevilsoftruth · 4 months
You know you're crazy when you finally see your therapist for the first time in 3 weeks and one of the first things she says to you is, " the last time I saw you, you were very sad that Moon Knight died. "
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evilhorse · 6 days
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I am Magneto. I have never been friendly. And I am to be feared.
(X-Men Volume 7 #1)
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Blood Hunt 4 (2024) by Jed MacKay & Pepe Larraz
Cover: Kael Ngu (variant)
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vertigoartgore · 3 months
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Cyclops (with his brand new look) by artist Tom Reilly (June 2024).
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