#anti nessian
achaotichuman · 1 day
”Oh he is written for the female gaze” That man sexually, physically, emotionally and mentally abused and tortured her their entire relationship then they had straight vanilla missionary sex that is as male gaze as you can get.
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I'm always seeing people say that yes Cassian was shitty in ACOSF but they loved him in the previous books and "don't know what went wrong"?? Like?? What??
The second they met he sized her up like a predator and then when she wasn't meek like he assumed he became even MORE PREDATORY. He berated her and belittled her, he never respected her boundaries, he acted ashamed of her like she was a dirty little secret but somehow made it out to be her fault for not wanting him, he followed her home, he practiced how to argue with her for 10 minutes before speaking to her, he assaulted her after finding out she was assaulted previously. Half of the abusive shit he has done to her was before ACOSF ever happened, that was just the ultimate event that built up after everything else he did to her
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viktoriaashleyyx · 21 hours
This is me being genuinely curious and not snarky, but does your love of certain characters from ACOTAR outweigh how much you hate some of the main ones? Your posts pop up a lot for me so I got curious. Most of your posts are anti rather than pro.
Like I get your reasoning for why you hate them, but I wouldn’t support a series if I thought the FMCwas SAd by the MMC.
My love for Tamlin, Lucien, Tarquin, Eris and Nesta does outweigh my hatred turned apathy for RhySAnd, cASSian, (major side eye to Feyre), Amren and Mor.
It seems that way because I shitpost about my hatred for the IC, and for the ones I love I take my time at writing fanfics where they end up happy. So less effort=higher quantity, more effort= lower quantity, higher quality.
However, in all honesty, my presence in this Fandom is largely driven by these books being marketed as YA and the majority of the fandom having RhySAnd on a pedestal. Feysand, and Nessian, are not healthy any way you try to twist it, and what is getting communicated is that you should WANT a RhySAnd or cASSian.
If ACOTAR is dark romance, then say that. But it's not, RhySAnd and cASSians abuse is glorified by the narrative and the fandom and that is detrimental to the Young Adults this is marketed towards. There needs to be more voices to cut through the bullshit.
I have seen, and no I will not call them out, multiple people I follow actually turn more Anti RhySAnd, and some Pro Tamlin even in the few months I've had this blog. I don't know if I had a hand in that or not, but if I have opened 1 persons eyes to the abuse these books glorify, then I have done my job.
It's fine to enjoy reading about Feysand or Nessian, but please realize that these are not goals for your real life. ❤️
Ps. I have not monetarily supported SJM. The books I own were given to me and I am their 5th home because the people I know in real life also think they are horseshit.
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bxriles · 8 hours
I will never understand why this fandom abhors crackships. Like this is a series about faerie smut. You’d think crackships and multishipping would be the standard but nooo. That’s SACRILEGE and PROBLEMATIC and anyone who partakes in crackships is an ABUSE SYMPATHIZER. (That sounds fucking stupid, doesn’t it? That’s what some of you deadass sound like.)
We got people writing essays and attacking other people and sending DEATH THREATS for liking Rhysta and Neslin and Tamsand and Nyxlin (and bffr, nobody is genuinely shipping Tamlin with a literal baby ffs).
This fandom is so fucking vanilla and boring with how obsessed everyone is with canon and how so many people praise purity culture. Y’all are weird, sorry not sorry 🫶🏼
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Ship dynamic:
Rhysand x Cassian x Mor
What if Cassian sees Mor as an extension of Rhysand, which is why he gravitates towards her so much?
When reading ACOSF, Cassian came off as Rhysand's number one simp throughout the entire book (besides Feyre). Weirder is the relationship between Cassian and Mor, which has a clear sexual undertone, even though he repeatedly claims he sees her as a sister.
The thing is, Cassian grew up in a highly hypermasculine and abusive environment, so I'm sure that same-sex relationships were seen as forbidden and generally disliked in Illyrian culture. I definitely think he has some sort of deep emotional/romantic attachment to Rhysand, which, obviously, the latter doesn't reciprocate at all. So he goes to the person who's the most similar to Rhysand (figuratively and literally), and that's his cousin. In many ways, Mor is the safer option for Cassian and a way to keep a part of Rhysand to himself. Whether Cassian is aware of his feelings for him or isn't makes it all the more interesting.
In the same way, Cassian gravitates towards certain people who share similar personalities with Rhysand. Other than Mor, I can only think of Nesta. They are both stubborn, prideful, bitchy (a definite yes), headstrong, and powerful. I wish SJM could have written him like this. It would have made him a more complex character and a lot more pathetic, but still interesting to read.
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seleneprince · 2 months
ACOSF, except that Nesta refuses to move to the House of Wind and packs her bags to leave to the "human lands", but instead of actually going there, she stops at the Spring Court and kinda forces Tamlin to take her in. After all, Spring is close enough to the human lands and she's sure none of the IC would look for her Spring.
She and Tamlin clash at first, but then Nesta tells him that Feyre wanted to lock her in the House of Wind for "her own good" and Tamlin has to take a walk outside the house to not break anything because what the fuck? Those people haven't forgiven him for locking Feyre up to protect her and make him miserable because of it, but suddenly it's okay when they do it? Unbelievable.
They drink together and bond over the Night Court's hypocrisy, how they were treated by them, and Feyre. They start living together. Tamlin plays the music and Nesta dances to it. They spend time in silence in his library or taking relaxing strolls around the garden. Nesta does more healing there that she could've done in the House of Wind. Eventually, she and Tamlin become good friends.
Oh, and she meets Eris again and they actually get to know each other outside the Night Court's machinations. They have a slowburn romance and get married eventually, turning Nesta into the High Lady of Autumn. She helps Tamlin rebuild his court and strikes an alliance between both courts, and she thrives with positive relationships and a man that genuinely loves her and doesn't try to change her.
Also Lucien makes up with Tamlin and returns to Spring, adding him to Nesta's friendship circle.
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shadowqueenjude · 4 months
Eris is one of the only people who can keep up with Nesta on the dance floor, Bryce is a dancer, Lucien as a courtier can certainly dance, Gwyn and Azriel can sing songs for Nesta to dance to, Nesta is constantly compared to a queen and Helion wants her (Rhys too but he’s in denial) and Lanthys promises to crown her the queen of queens, Nesta loves reading and so does Lucien, Tamlin canonically has a giant library and so does Helion, and you’re telling me Nesta ended up with…that.
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infiniteetcetera · 4 months
One of the most annoying things to me about the “poor Cassian he’s just a sad little brute of a warrior and Nesta makes him feel so inferior” arc in ACOSF is that it’s literally ALL CASSIAN’S OWN FAULT. Yes, his early childhood is especially traumatic and unfair but he was taken in by Rhys and his mother young enough (even earlier than Azriel) that he was given far more luxuries than any of the other Illyrians. The timeline is a bit screwy for the bat boys early days but Rhys took power relatively young after the war and Cassian was immediately put into a high ranking position of political power. He has all the money/power/luxuries he could want and also he’s FIVE HUNDRED+ YEARS OLD.
This man is not some poor sad underdog being belittled by a LITERAL TWENTY YEAR OLD WHO SPENT MOST OF HER LIFE IN POVERTY. Even the foil they try to do between him and Eris for sympathy is ridiculous. Yes, Eris is politically strategic, well dressed, knows how to dance and be diplomatic but CASSIAN COULD BE THOSE THINGS TOO and we know that not just because it’s obvious from his standing (which again he’s had for centuries) but because LITERALLY AZRIEL IS.
Azriel is described as the politest one constantly (even better at it than Rhys), Azriel knows how to dance expertly with Nesta (without needing sudden training from Mor), Azriel knows how to handle Eris and general diplomacy and AZRIEL HAD THE SAME UPBRINGING AS CASSIAN IF NOT A WORSE ONE. Again, the weird dichotomy they try to create between Cassian and Nesta about their social standing is ridiculous enough because it misrepresents Nesta but also the victimization of Cassian as if it’s somehow the worlds fault for his behavior and vilifying of people like Eris and Nesta for calling him out on it is insane.
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the-darkestminds · 5 months
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bookbitchx · 4 months
Do we think ACOTAR was written that way on purpose?
Like, did SJM actually mean to make Feyre slowly become the biggest hypocrite so much so that she's unrecognizable from book 1?
Did she actually mean for Rhysand to be the biggest useless mediocre dick so much so that by ACOSF half the fandom can't stand him?
Did she actually mean for Mor's only personality to be that she's in the IC, wears red and drinks wine?
Did she actually mean for Azriel to be the biggest sap and crappiest spy in the whole of Prythian?
Did she actually mean for Cassian to be the weird incest sibling lusting over his "sister"?
Did she actually mean for Amren to be a power-hungry heartless gnome?
Did she actually mean for the secondary characters (Tamlin, Lucian, Jurian, Eris...) to become more loved than the IC?
...Or am I giving her too much credit and this all happened accidentally? I honestly can't tell sometimes.
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gwandas · 4 months
you guys ever think about how cassian’s insecurities were completely made up by the voices in his head while nesta’s insecurities are affirmed by cassian at every presenting opportunity
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kataraavatara · 5 months
“I knew she was an artist then. The same way Feyre is. But what Feyre does with paint, that’s what Nesta did with music and dance. Our mother saw it when we were children, and honed it into a weapon. All so Nesta might one day marry a prince.”
Cassian froze. A prince—was that what Nesta wanted? His stomach clenched.”-ACOSF chapter 63
Leave it to fucking Cassian to hear about how Nesta’s joys as a child were twisted by her mother and her being preyed upon by a grown duke at fourteen and make himself the victim in that situation.
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ladydeath-vanserra · 3 months
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Cassian: this is a wounded animal
Cassian: idk why ur sisters love u but they do
this man's emotional intelligence is just fucking stellar
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starrbirrd · 8 months
I refuse to read the new book but what I'm hearing is that it's okay when the IC want to impulsively steal from another court which results in a death sentence, it's okay when both Feyre and Rhysand want to impulsively form pacts with ancient death Gods without consulting one another and treat it as a weird flirty gift???, it's okay for Cassian to impulsively murder the entire village where his mother was or whatever that was about, it's okay for them to impulsively tear down an entire apartment building to teach a lesson, Feyre and Rhysand made a life/death pact without consulting anyone- AND SO MUCH MORE because the IC is literally all impulse and no self control, but they're livid and hateful towards Nesta because she "did something impulsively". Okay Janet.
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achaotichuman · 8 months
Human Nesta would shake Nessian Nesta by the shoulders screaming "What the fuck is wrong with you???!!!!"
Human Feyre would be drawing her bow trying to shoot Feysand Feyre just so she would never become her.
Human Elain would look at Elucien Elain and be like, "Nice."
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autumnshighlady · 5 days
sometimes i remember how nesta gwyn and emerie kept their valkyrie research to themselves and have it be just for them and the second cassian snooped and found it he RAN to the inner circus… cassian they could never make me like you. what a dumb, spineless disrespectful blabbermouth my god. just leave my girl alone
and in acofas he was SO mad at nesta at the solstice like… homie she was sitting there quietly the whole time and letting everyone else do their thing how are you mad
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