#niall horan fan fiction
wiiildflowerrr · 10 months
niallhoran: an Irishman walked into a dressing room
23 November 2014
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horansqueen · 1 year
Dating For Dummies - 1
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❤ Story Masterlist
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❤ Notes:
written from both Opal & Niall's POV
i don’t proofread, I never do, I hate it.
AU comedy/fluff/smut/romance
I accept requests and ideas for this story, so message me in my inbox!
if you want to be notified when this story is updated (or be taken off the update list) CLICK HERE
The neighborhood was not as quiet as I had expected, but for the monthly price we were asked for this new apartment, I couldn't really complain. I let myself fall on the overly comfortable couch Niall's mom had offered us with a satisfied sigh and a big smile on my lips. The room was almost empty except for a few boxes placed between old furniture friends and family didn't want anymore, and I had to admit that the colors of the walls were horrible, but at least, it was my home. It was our home.
I couldn't pretend Niall and I were not close, but I couldn't also say that we were like peas in a pod. We came from the same group of friends, and we did spend some time together, but being alone was not something common for us. I liked him, I knew he was the kind of roommate that wouldn't be too invasive and he was quite nice to look at too, I couldn't deny.
He slowly sat next to me, leaning his arm on the back of the couch behind me, and crossed his ankles. I didn't need to look at him to know he was as excited as I was to start this new life.
"Finally free." he let out in a low tone, making me chuckle.
"Yea I bet you were so oppressed living with you mom." I let out with sarcasm in my voice before letting out a chuckle. I turned my head to look at him and shook my head slightly. "Poor darling." I added, sliding my fingertips gently on one of his cheeks, his stubble scratching my skin lightly.
He raised his eyebrows and turned to look at me to, making me smile even more.
"Why do I have the feeling that this amuses you more than it should?"
I leaned closer and licked my lips before grinning even more. "Because it does." I whispered, letting out a laugh louder than I expected.
He rolled his eyes but the way the right corner of his mouth moved up told me he knew I was joking. It took a few seconds but silence finally came back between us and I blinked a few times, watching as the sun slowly moved down, adding an orange color to the cloudless sky.
"Okay, how about I take care of the tv and we can watch a movie?"
I was the one raising my eyebrows this time, pleasantly surprised by his offer. I had expected Niall to spend time by himself most of the time, or at least not with me, and perhaps it was just because it was out first day and he didn't want to be alone. I quickly nodded without making any comment or asking any questions and he jumped off the couch to do what he had suggested.
It took him about 15 minutes and everything was ready, which is another thing that surprised me. It made me realize that I didn't know much about him and perhaps it was simply because it was new, but I wanted to get to know him better.
We had met through the friend of a friend and although we would all meet up for beers at the pub on saturdays and study together once every two weeks, it never occurred to me that Niall was someone I could get along with. Not because he was not interesting, or because we didn't share the same interests, but just because I had never taken the time to think about it before. The only things I had really noticed about Niall was that he was hot, funny, popular, and that he was way out of my league. Not that I wanted him that way or anything, but it was a simple fact. I was also aware that he could definitely hold his liquor which was not something I could pretend was my forte, but I always stopped drinking before being too drunk ; you never know what can happen in a bar and although I loved my friends, it was hard for me to trust anyone. But that's an other story for an other day.
I knew I shouldn't but in the middle of the movie, I glanced at Niall's phone, noticing he was getting many notifications through the evening. My mouth curled again into a grin when I noticed he was actually swiping on a dating application.
"Ae you looking for the kind of love that lasts forever, or the kind that lasts only a few hours?"
"How's that any of your business?"
My heart jumped in my chest but when my eyes met his, I realized he was joking and I smiled back at him.
"It's not, but I'm on the same app. In fact, I'm on thee different apps." I admitted, leaning my head against the couch for a few seconds before bringing it back up, slightly ashamed of myself. "Hey that's what happens when you spend all your time working on other type of relationships, and making sure you get excellent grade in college."
"Yea, you keep telling yourself that, love." he chuckled, shaking his head.
"And what's your excuse?" I asked, half-joking, half-insulted.
He stared at me a few seconds as if he was trying to find a good answer and finally shrugged. "I'm tired to date girls who only love me for my looks."
I laughed shamelessly. "Someone is delusional."
"Yes, you." he argued. "Do you really think you can find a decent guy on these apps?"
"The self-burn is strong."
His face went from a frown to annoyed and ended up making a grimace. "Oh shut up, Pal."
"This is the most horrible nickname I've ever been given." I pointed out. "And yes, I still have hope to find someone worth my time on these apps."
I was not sure I really believed it was possible but I really wanted it to be. It really seemed like it was the only thing missing from my life.
"You should focus on just getting some." he shrugged. "When you don't expect anything, you can't be disappointed."
I knew it was a lie, everyone was expecting something, whether they wanted to admit it to themselves or not, but I didn't say anything about it and only shrugged.
"Okay, I have a date tomorrow night." he pointed out, turning to me and sending me a smile so big I could see his teeth. "And she looks like a gem."
I moved his phone so the screen would face me and my lips parted very slightly at the sight of a gorgeous brunette in a very tight dress, holding a pink drink with a tiny umbrella floating in it. That girl, unlike me, was totally in his league.
"She may look like a gem but who knows if she is."
He shrugged, unbothered. "I guess I'll find out tomorrow."
"Admit it." I pressed after a few seconds of silence, turning my whole body his way and bringing one of my legs up on the couch. "All you care about is getting laid by pretty girls. The word 'serious' never qualifies the word 'relationship' in your world."
"I've been in serious relationships before, what about you, smartass?"
My eyes roamed in his face, trying to find out if he was lying but I just licked my lips. "Yes, I have."
I didn't want to get into depth about my past romantic relationships and I had the feeling he didn't want to share details about his either.
"You want to know what I think?" he finally asked, turning his body to face me too.
"I'll tell you anyway." he stated quickly.
"How surprising." I mumbled, rolling my eyes.
"You've been so hurt before that you're scared of falling in love again." he speculated. "That's why you never go on dates with anyone on these apps."
"How the fuck would you know that?"
"Prove me wrong, then."
We remained like that, face to face and in silence, just staring at each other. I could feel my heart beat hard against my rib cage, trying not to give in. After all, I didn't have anything to prove, not even to my new roommate, right?
I quickly grabbed my phone and typed on the screen as fast as I could, hitting 'send' before I could change my mind. I had been talking to a guy for a few days and he was the right candidate to meet, or at least pretend to meet. After all, I could always tell him I changed my mind and Niall would never find out.
"There." I turned the screen his face, bringing my phone so close to his face he had to back away a little to be able to read.
"He replied."
My heart skipped a beat at his words and I tried t swallow the lump in my throat. Shit, I hadn't expected a quick answer. I looked at the screen and held my breath when I realized he had written a time and a place to meet up. I could always back off and cancel, but that would mean I would have to admit that Niall was right ; I was fucking scared to fall in love again.
"Great. See? We both have a date tomorrow night!" I didn't know how credible I was but at least I was trying.
"I was kidding, Opal, you know it, right?" he asked with concern in his voice.
Once again, my eyes roamed on his perfect face and I shrugged very lightly. "I know."
I suddenly felt very stupid for thinking this little banter was more serious than it really was, but at the same time, it was a relief. I didn't want Niall and I to be on bad terms and somehow, I felt like we could become close friends and for some odd reason, I really wanted it.
"You don't have to go on a date with anyone, you have nothing to prove."
Oh and why not? I didn't know if I was ready to be with someone again but one date couldn't be that bad… right?
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edgeofmyniall · 2 years
Shallow Love (Niall Horan fanfic) • wip •
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Business tycoon Niall and editor of an interior decorating magazine Poppy share a secret that no one else in the world knows about, except for their lawyers, and when they’re both called away for a weekend to celebrate the life of a late friend, their relationship is tested in ways they thought didn’t exist between them anymore.
Because the number one reason why marriages never last is a failure to communicate and now, snowed in and sharing one room, the now divorced couple have a lot of time to communicate everything they’re feeling.
Moodboard | taglist | story board | playlist | extras | face claims
Enemies to Lovers, Second Chance Romance, and One Bed tropes all rolled into one angsty, smutty fic about secrets being hard to keep and second chances, even if it is too late.
Table of Contents:
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The Beginning:
Part One
The Arrival:
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
The Funeral:
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
The Breaking Point:
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
The Conversation:
Part One
The Departure:
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
The Decision:
Part One
The End:
Part One
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notafraidofstopping876 · 11 months
Oddly specific request, but....
Are any fic writers taking requests for Niall Horan x reader fics? Ya girl is needing some catharsis.
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rockstarlwt28 · 2 months
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A ROad and A ROmance to self discovery
Louis Tomlinson, a motivational speaker for the LGBTQ plus community finds himself confronted with a student who is determined to derail his presentation. Reaching boiling point and landing in hot water, Louis seeks out a place of serenity. A welcomed presence of additional tranquillity and renowned first class student Harry Styles, accompanies him.
wrriten for @1daroaceficfest
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devilsqueen722 · 2 months
I literally feel like I’ve read everything on here😭😭 can someone please point me to Harry fics
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harrys-yellow-snow · 1 year
perfect - an h.s one shot °•. ✿ .•°
word count: 2.5k
themes/triggers/tropes: fluff, angst, lime (do people even say that anymore), arguing, fake dating, relationship...fixing?
It’s been months. Months since that last call, and even longer since that last text. She couldn’t stop thinking of the way she ran her hands through his soft hair. Or the way his fingers traced her jawline when he rested his head in her lap. She hated to admit it, but she missed it. 
Nova looked out her window, admiring the view of New York City from ten stories above ground. The Empire State Building could be seen in the distance. Manhattan was beautiful from the air, but looking down made her nauseous sometimes. 
Most of the time, she kept glancing down at her phone, waiting for a notification. Not just from him, but from anyone.  Her friends, her family, or even people she hadn’t spoken to in years that somehow still had her phone number. Yet, it stayed silent. No sign of life had come from her friends. She hadn’t spoken to anyone in a couple days. Some days, she liked it that way. But other days, like today, she missed them dearly.
She slid off the windowsill and made her way into her kitchen. Nova’s apartment had two rooms, so it was just across the way. Her bed and the bathroom connected from the living room and dining area. She didn’t spend as much time there as she should. The white marble cabinets glistened in the natural sunlight coming from the window. She opened the one above her and took down a box of cereal and a bowl. She liked her cereal dry. She knew she shouldn’t, but it didn’t matter. She sat down at the dining table and began to eat.
It was hard to swallow. Yes, she enjoys dry cereal, but her throat was tight. So were her eyes and her fingers. Nova hadn’t even realized how hard she was gripping the table. She knew she should be over him. It had been months. But she couldn’t stop staring at the empty chair across from her, imagining the perfect way his eyes lit up and the creases that formed near his cheeks when he smiled. She loved his dimples, getting deeper every time she tickled him. As all those memories came flooding back, she slammed her bowl every time she took a spoonful of cereal, She carefully reviewed each and every word she wanted to say to him as he was leaving, as well as the curses she screamed when the door shut for good. All that was left was the smell of his cologne on her sheets. It was impossible for her to sleep in them without thinking of the pain it brought her. All the mistakes she made that night, all of the horrible things she said without realizing. She wanted him back. That’s really all she needed to say.
Nova finished her breakfast and cleaned her dishes. The clouds slowly drifted away from the sun, revealing a beautiful blue sky and a perfect horizon. She looked down from her window to see groups of people cluttered together, walking down the sidewalks. She remembered the countless bags in her hands and the long credit card bills she received. It seemed to be a coping mechanism to get him off of her mind, but it didn’t work all the time. It brought back memories of all the money he spent on the clothes she didn’t deserve. They were deep in her closet, never to be worn again.
Speaking of clothing, she slipped on a light orange t-shirt and a pair of white pants. Her black and white sneakers were a bit tight around the toe, but comfortable overall. She locked up her apartment and made her way down to the street.
When Nova made her way out of her apartment building, she was instantly hit in the face with blaring heat. She felt a bead of sweat drip down her forehead as she started walking. This level of heat always gave her headaches if she wasn’t prepared. The light of the sun reflected off of the cars parked on the side of the road. Puddles were still on the curbs from the rainstorm a couple of nights before. Patches of grass poked out from the cracks in the sidewalk near the drains. All of these disfigurements made her realize not everything was perfect. 
Nova headed down at least ten blocks before she got to Times Square. She made her way through the bustling crowds to get a clear view of the New Year’s Ball. However, a pit in her stomach grew as she remembered their New Year’s kiss. On the balcony of his apartment, the ball drop could be seen half a mile away. The spotlights were flashing, but so were cameras below them. The flashes reproduced, which caught their attention. He shrugged, gave the paparazzi the finger, and they headed back inside. They wouldn’t leave him alone.
For the longest time, she thought he would never leave her alone, but that wasn’t the case. She shook her head, telling herself to snap out of it. She had to get over him sooner or later.
The aura was beautiful. She craned her head to look at all the vibrant billboards giving off appealing flares of color. Pictures moved in unison, all across the Square. Then, she saw it. Him. 
Harry Styles Love On Tour: New York City. September 21-23. Nova froze in her tracks, letting everyone walk around her. She didn’t care about the dirty looks she received, or the people brushing her shoulders to squeeze through. As quickly as the billboard came, it went. She hadn’t seen him in so long. She refused to look at pictures, watch interviews, read articles, or do anything that had to do with him. 
Nova put her head down and kept walking, keeping an eye on her shoes. Out of her peripheral vision, she saw beat-down sneakers, luxurious Gucci boots, and blue flip-flops, but she glanced at her again. She bought these with her own money, not his.
As much as she didn’t want to think about the billboard, she couldn’t stop. His hair was slicked back with the perfect amount of gel. His casual mustache was gone, but his green eyes were sparkling. She thought of all the times he endearingly looked at her from across the room, waiting for a hug or a simple kiss on the forehead. When he wrapped his arms around her, pure bliss and red flush filled her cheeks. His chest was warm like a cushion. She would crane her neck up and rest her chin on his chest, getting a close look at his facial features. Some days, he decided not to shave, leaving small patches of extra hair on his jawline for her to trace her finger over. He moved his head around, squirming underneath her when his face was tickled. He’d pull her in for a kiss and she’d come closer to her. And that was only the beginning.
She had to keep going. Ahead of her was a long street connecting to Times Square, but only a few cars were parked next to the curb. She already needed time away from the bustling crowds, which usually didn’t happen.
No one recognized her. When the first dating rumors came out, her face could barely be seen, even though they were all after her. From the ground, the angle was strange. He was dressed in all black with his hands wrapped around her face, pulling her as close as possible. She was in a gray hoodie as small flakes of snow started piling in her hair. He pulled her hood up and smiled into the kiss, but then they spotted the cameras. After that, she didn’t remember much of what happened. Stories were released, which tore them apart. He was afraid they’d be after her, but they weren’t. She didn’t see many negative responses to the situation, but she knew there definitely were some. That’s what Harry didn’t want her to get caught up on. Then, they started falling apart, not just because of the rumors. They claimed they didn’t love each other as much as before. It broke her. Not just her heart, which she always thought was corny, but her physical health seemed to deteriorate. Sleep deprivation stabbed her like a knife, leaving her in terrible pain. That led to mental misconfigurations, cognition issues, and an overall pissy mood. 
After a couple weeks, Nova could barely function. She refused to go out, claiming she was too tired. The city was too bright for her. Too many people to get in her way. Maybe someone would recognize her, pull her to the side, ask her about her ex-boyfriend, possibly even threaten her for “breaking his heart,” when in actuality, he broke hers. She still wasn’t sure what she did, but it didn’t seem to matter anymore.
She came to the end of the street, both mentally and literally. Her thoughts came to a stop and so did the rough pavement. It went back to being a smooth, cement road, like they decided that this street wouldn’t be paved. In this state, her thoughts of the breakup weren’t paved. They were bumpy and hard to make out. She didn’t have a clear idea of what happened, what caused it, or what she did wrong. What was so wrong with dating him? Other than the fact that they were constantly being followed, she didn’t see anything wrong. New Years was the only night they were ever seen together, then the news somehow suddenly broke out that they had split up.
Mentally, Nova slapped herself, telling her to stop thinking about it. It had been hours since she left the apartment and no other thoughts came to mind except her own mistakes. That stupid billboard didn’t help. 
Her stomach grumbled, telling her it was ready to be fed again. Right down the road, there was a bagel shop. New York City famous bagels were something she craved for months at a time, even if she had them every day. As she neared the shop, she took a deep breath, taking in the crisp, burnt smell of the iconic bakery. She stepped inside and was taken aback by the beauty of her favorite shop. It wasn’t as crowded as it usually was on a Tuesday afternoon. She was just in time for brunch, possibly early lunch. She waved to the familiar man at the counter, who shot her a smile.
“Hey, Nova! What can I get for you? You want your regular?” This was the ideal time for his thick Brooklyn accent to shine.
“Yes, please,” Nova said. As her friend went in the back to place the order with the bakers, she looked around the shop, imagining the food was about to be receive. An everything bagel with ham, cheese, and pickles. She had a strange taste in food (no pun intended), but she didn’t mind. It was mostly unique combinations of healthy foods, but there were a lot of popular foods she didn’t like. She hadn’t eaten meat in a while because she went pescatarian a couple months ago…
Nova sat down at the table closest to the window and looked out at the street. People on both sides passed by quickly. She loved people watching. In airports, on subways or the bus, or at small shops like these. Her eyes scanned across the window, watching some people enter the bagel shop, watching some leave, or just watching some walk by. Her friend tapped her shoulder, making her direct her attention towards him and the basket of food he put down in front of her. She thanked him and began to eat.
This was a flavor she hadn’t had in a while. Smoked ham on a mildly spicy bagel, with a hint of sweetness from the cheese. It was perfect. 
Another ring from the opening door filled the shop. Most people turned their heads like little kids in class whenever an unexpected visitor arrived. Nova was one of those children, poking her head up from her basket after saving a droplet of cheese from getting on her shirt. His hair was short and dark. He wore a blue and gray flannel and light blue jeans. His feet were protected by black and white Adidas sneakers. When he turned around after placing his order, she saw his face. 
She hadn’t seen him in so long. Did no one recognize him? They made eye contact and his blue eyes lit up. A smile spread across his face as he made his way over to her table.
“Nova?” She stood up and they joined together in a quick embrace. He sat down and leaned his arms up against the table. “It’s great to see you again. I almost didn’t recognize you!”
“I know,” she grinned, focusing on her food to make sure she’s eating slower and neater than before he walked in. 
“How have you been?” He reached across and grabbed a lone piece of ham that fell from her sandwich and popped it into his mouth. She looked up at him and smiled, or at least tried to after hearing the question.
“I’ve been alright, thanks for asking,” her smile quickly faded and she took another bite of her sandwich. It was an irritated bite, knowing he’d ask more. He sighed and strung his fingers together.
“You’re not still thinking about him, are you?” he asked with a slight whisper. Nova swiftly looked up from her food again, getting a bit of a head rush. Her eyelids drooped, trying to regain her balance in her seat. She didn’t know how to respond. She knew he’d be upset if she told him, but if she lied, he’d know. With a slow shake of her head, she lied.
Niall sighed again, “don’t lie to me, Nova. This is serious.”
She refused to answer.
“Nova,” he started, rubbing his temple with his calloused fingertips, “you still think about him, right?”
“Yeah, I do. A lot, actually,” she finished the last of her bagel and pushed the basket aside. She looked out the window again. She knew Niall wasn’t there to bother her, but it certainly was working. He was one of her best friends, but hadn’t spoken to him since breaking up with him. 
“Why?” he simply asked. A mixed look of confusion spread across Nova’s face. Why? She didn’t know why. If she did, she’d probably tell him.
“I don’t know why. I just… do. I don’t know.”
“It’s been months–”
“I know it has. I don’t think I’m getting over him any time soon. I just,” she stopped her sentence abruptly to scratch her forehead and sigh, “I keep thinking about him. Everything reminds me of him. I can’t sleep because my bed is empty every night. I should be over him, I know, but I physically cannot.”
“Maybe you should get out of here, then. Live somewhere else for a while,” Niall suggested.
“Where? I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
“I’m having a party next week. Maybe you can come and stay at my place in L.A. for a bit,” his Irish accent was more prominent near the end of that sentence. Sometimes, his accent is hard to figure out, either what he’s saying or what accent it is.
“Seriously? You’d let me live with you?”
“Of course. You seem pressured to live here,” he said.
“I appreciate that,” Nova replied.
“Call me when you’re ready to go.”
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So I was watching the Voice with family tonight, and one of the contestants told Niall Horan that she used to write One Direction fan fiction.
And it took everything I had not to ask out loud if it was of the "sold to One Direction" kind.
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elioslover · 3 months
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firstlightfanfics · 4 months
Fan fics galore
A safe place for fans of interactive fan fics.
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teen-antisocial · 2 months
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So there will be six eras in the "the final curse" fan fiction and I am proud to say that I have began writing the, "before you" era.
There are 15 songs in this era, and they are;
style (originally performed by taylor swift)
something about her (originally performed by jon lee)
secret love song (originally performed by little mix ft jason derulo)
cornelia street (originally performed by taylor swift)
the scientist (originally performed by coldplay)
the black dog (originally performed by taylor swift)
this town (originally performed by niall horan)
last kiss (originally performed by taylor swift)
all for you (originally performed by cian ducrot)
when I was your man (originally performed by bruno mars)
right where you left me (originally performed by taylor swift)
if this was a movie (originally performed by taylor swift)
I love you, I'm sorry (originally performed by gracie abrams)
better than revenge (originally performed by taylor swift)
you belong with me (originally performed by taylor swift)
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if you want to support this account; please like and follow, maybe even repost and go look on my AO3 and Wattpad - both under the name teen_antisocial. and if you're feeling up to it, please buy me a coffee but please don't feel pressured to.
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horansqueen · 1 year
Dating For Dummies
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click here to be on the update list
AU. Opal Mayberry has tried blind dates, dating apps, and speed dating to find her soulmate with no good result. Niall Horan has tried pretty much the same without much more success. With all the bizarre, creepy and incompatible persons they meet, they’re both tempted to give up on love, but after a bottle of wine and a long discussion, they start thinking that maybe they were the problem, and that they’re too dumb for dating. That’s when they decide to make a list of what they individually want and need on a first date to try and find the very right person for them, this time. Unfortunately, things rarely go as planned and they will both realize that feelings can’t be controlled, and that despite our best efforts, we can't change others to make them into what we want them to be. Most of the time, the solution is right in front of you but you can't see it, and when all else fails, the key will always be to follow your heart.
*coming sept. 23rd, 2023 *story will be updated every saturday *romance, comedy & smut story
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edgeofmyniall · 2 years
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Moodboard | taglist | playlist | extras | storyboard | face claims
okay so I am TERRIBLE at math so the flashback dates maybe wrong I will make a post putting them in order lol
The Arrival: Part One
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Poppy Horan knew two things: one, life sucks in the manner of doing taxes and avoiding death at all costs, and two, she would rather stick a dull, rusty spoon in her eye than to get out of the car. 
Poppy sits in her car as the white crystals fade down on the steaming metal. Even though the heat is set on high, she still feels the biting wind through her car. In reality, Poppy knows her heating system works perfectly fine, but it is the anxiety that makes her bones shiver under the many layers of clothes that she’s bundled in. She had packed light- she never truly intended to stay long, but the fur coat barely keeps her trembling at bay. The steering wheel seems to almost freeze under her gloved hand as she grips it tighter. With her elbow propped on the middle console, her other gloved hand taps her temple rhythmically as she awaits for the dreaded moment to appear. Something she wished never happened. Losing a friend is terrible, but the parts that precede and follow the mourning was something Poppy wished she could resign from. She couldn’t help but feel that her skin was ice- transparent and breakable. 
She looks out the window when a pair of headlights pulls onto the snow covered street and without realization, her heart skips. The lump in her throat grows suddenly and her body freezes. She can’t move, but only to watch the approaching car slowly passing her own and that sudden fleeting moment of hope or despair, Poppy didn’t know, went as quickly as it came. 
 It isn’t often that Poppy is able to sit and enjoy the weather, but as she reflects on her life, everything that has led up to this very moment and the what ifs that follow, and tries to convince herself to go inside where her friends are waiting for the rest of the party to join, she can’t help but to hate the position she’s in now. 
A position she never saw herself being in. A position she promised herself from a young age that she would never experience. A promise all too easily broken.
Because if she got an invite, so did he.
That���s what happens when you marry inside the friend group. You get invited to places and events together even if the two parties are, in fact, divorced. 
To give her friend’s the benefit of the doubt, Poppy knows that none of them have the slightest clue about the divorce. There were merely rumors and claims floating around news articles and social media. None of them know about the constant fighting and the arguing that ensued all hours of the night when Niall would come home late smelling of perfume that Poppy would never dare wear. The yelling turned into crying which turned into silent treatments that remained until they both signed their names on the piece of paper that quoted irreconcilable differences as the reason why the two should no longer be together. 
Irreconcilable differences was only a code phrase for infidelity. An nonchalant word that only covers the icing on the cake when it came to the downfall of their marriage. She tried, at first, to keep the marriage together, but after getting the same excuse and blame constantly, Poppy knew that it would be only a matter of time before she was served. Niall had moved on from her like a bad habit he was quitting. She wanted to work things out: she suggested therapy, time away, anything that would get them to talk, but Niall only wanted to put up a wall, and when the barrier came down, it was nothing but screaming and blaming the other for how miserable their lives had become. As if she was the reason for the loss. 
She looks at the text message again, reading it over and over. His name is still the same in her phone minus the red heart next to it, but there in plain English was their invitation to speak at Justin’s funeral. Poppy declined, naturally, as she was only friends with the deceased through Niall, but Justin had helped her through some of the toughest times, even when Niall was nowhere to be found. She would rather stick behind the articles of her interior design magazine than to speak in front of strangers. But were they really strangers? The people inside were the same people she grew with. From the early twenties to now, those people grew together, celebrated together, cried together, and now are grieving together. Even thinking of Justin led to thoughts of Niall and their life together crumbled and spiraled out of control.
Would Niall bring her? The woman he left Poppy for? He couldn’t be that naïve to bring the absolute chaos to Justin’s wake, but it would be like Niall to pop the surprise on every one at a time that they least expected it. It would break the contract that Niall’s lawyer insisted that the two parties sign. She didn’t know the repercussions that would ensue if the contract was breached, but she didn’t want to find out either. Poppy had thought about calling the closest hotel to book a room, but what if Niall had done the same thing? Would he bring the bottle of wine that made Poppy first question the health of their relationship?
Her finger taps on the window trigger, debating if she should at least step out for a quick smoke. She hated the thought of the musky smell lingering where his cologne still hung to the leather almost as if she was ruining the memory of Niall. The Niall that once loved her. She can still see him sitting in the passenger seat singing along to whatever song played on the radio as they traveled across the country. It was her car that they had spent many moments of unwavering love in. Poppy sighs before shutting down the engine and steps out into the winter morning. The quiet suburban street watches Poppy as her car chirps at her, the familiar neighborhood in Hell’s Kitchen that she watched herself grow from a young college student to now the editor and designer of her own interior design magazine and company. She leans her back on her passenger door and lights up a cigarette, breathing in the nicotine. Her body falls into an ease, letting the tense aches of her muscles relax and her hand finds the two silver rings that hang around her neck. She keeps them on a low chain, a secret that only she knows about, not daring to let the world know of her failure and shame that she couldn’t make a love like the romance novels work. They had been picture perfect in almost every way before she gave up the fight. As her fingers play with the cool metal, her mind wanders into a place that is dangerous: 
The past.
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Five Years Ago
“And do you, Niall James Horan, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The priest looks over to Niall who stands proud in his tuxedo as he looks his bride in the eyes before he answers the easiest question with a smile. 
“And do you, Penelope Jane Myers, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” The priest turns to Penelope who is glowing from happiness as she looks at the man of her dreams. The world stops turning as she takes in this moment: the way the one curl of Niall’s hair won’t stay in place no matter the amount of gel he uses, the way his blue eyes are shining at her, the small croak of his voice when he read his vows of the crumpled, folded paper- a sure sign that he had rewritten everything he was trying to say. They had spent months planning the wedding: getting the invitations right, the seating charts, the ordering of decorations. Niall insisted that Poppy make the whole idea of the wedding a big deal, but over and over again she told Niall, “I could care less about what it looks like as long as I’m with you. Forever. That’s all that matters.”
In hindsight, she should have known better. She looked at Niall for the last time as a single man before saying, “I do.” 
“Then I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Niall cupped Poppy’s cheeks and pulled her in swiftly for a kiss that would seal the promise they both made before the crowd and God. Niall, in his soul, felt that he could die in Poppy’s kiss now as his wife for everlasting life. It couldn’t get any better than this.
Niall had carried Poppy from the altar to the small room upstairs after walking out of the chapel, and when they were alone, they breathed a sigh of relief. They were both nervous to start their lives as a married couple even though for them nothing changed except for the legal matters. Niall never asked Poppy to sign a prenup. She had helped Niall start his business so he felt that she should get at least half of everything that he had because without her support and encouragement, they would not be where they are today. 
The dust of the Big Bend desert had traveled with them. Poppy gently knocks off the clay dirt as she looks her husband over. They had been married in the middle of nowhere, and their future was any possibility that they wanted. Niall unbuttons his jacket, sliding it off his arms, and carefully placing it in the chair behind him, hoping the dry desert air cools him down. 
“I’ll call Sam in the morning to get everything set up at the office. You just need to come by whenever to sign the papers,” Niall whispered as his hands rested on the crook of Poppy’s hips. “After we come back from Hawaii, of course.” Her heart fluttered as Niall caressed the falling blonde tendril out of her face.  His forehead rested on hers, breathing in this moment. Soon, they would be celebrating a lifetime of happiness with their closest friends and family. Poppy was surprised at how well her parents had gotten along on her big day. It was the first day of twenty years that she had witnessed the miracle. 
“I don’t need any of that. Just you is all I want,” Poppy breathed, her breath hitched as Niall kisses her fully, his tongue tasting of mint. It was something special, sharing a private moment after being hidden away all day. She only wanted to get her hands on her husband and into bed, but this moment, she was completely satisfied with her husband. They had made it. After all the doubts, they had made it to the point in their lives that forever was at their finger tips. 
“I love you times infinity, my darling. Forever.”
Forever came sooner than intended. On the breath of an everlasting promise, the word forever suffocated and shattered all over the hands that tried to keep a marriage from falling apart. 
“Jesus, Penelope, you’re still going at it with those things?” A sudden familiar voice pulls Penelope out of the dream she was reliving. Her hand clutches the rings as she throws out the half lit cigarette, her heart racing. “You’ll end up killing yourself with those.”
Niall stood in the snow just a few feet from her in a gray trench coat with snowflakes that had caught in his hair from the short distance he walked from across the street. The week old scruff and dark circles under his eyes were a given sign of no sleep. Stocks had fallen and the business hadn’t been doing so well in the past couple of months. There had been frantic emails that Poppy was still receiving about emergency meetings from the decline of sales. The board of directors, including Poppy, were called to meet in person to discuss options. Niall had always poured his heart and soul into his work so much so that two had become one, and now as he stands in front of his ex-wife, she witnesses the perfect example of an ill fated work marriage. His body seems to want to lunge forward, to wrap his arms around his once best friend, but he stops himself and looks at the woman with the permanent sad face. “How are you?”
“Been better,” Poppy, still clutching the rings in her hand, turns to her ex-husband. His hands were stuffed into the silk pockets of his overcoat as the cloud of breath left his body. He looked irritated at best, like coming to one of his best friend’s wake was an inconvenience to him, but that was no longer Poppy’s worry. “You look like shit.”
It was a lie- a completely false statement that she said aloud to convince herself to stop looking at him in the way she once did. His dark hair was now specked with grey hairs throughout, but his eyes still shined blue and held so much wisdom. He had kept up with his workout regime. It was evident that nothing really changed in his life, except who he came home to. He looks just as good as the day he left her. He looks just as good as the day she met him. 
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Seven Years Ago
Poppy trudged against the rain, hoping to make it to her professor’s office on time. She had been running late due to the fact that she overslept after pulling an all-nighter to finish the essay that was due only a few minutes from now. Pen and paper, the professor had said, he would not accept anything less than pen and paper. She had only five minutes to cross the muddy lawn and run up three flights of stairs to hand in the paper in person to either her professor or the aide. Her heart racing, she ran as fast as she could across the slippery grass that would only stain her sneakers that she had gotten from her mom on her past birthday. She hated running across the grime, but it was the fastest route to get to the gray stone building that lurked over her, awaiting for her to fail. 
Stepping inside the building, Poppy nearly slipped on the mat that was wrinkled on the newly polished floor. Her shoes squeaked as she began the trek upstairs taking one last look at the elevator in hopes that someone had fixed it after all the days it had been broken. The faded paper sign was still hanging on the metal doors as Poppy’s heart lurched forward. Two minutes left and the biggest grade she needed was about to be late.
A group of freshmen descended down the stairs in a form that could only be the walk of shame. They didn’t move over to let Poppy pass so she let them push past her. Her back arching into the railing as she watched the clock tick forward. It was as if time stood still in the final seconds of her deadline. Finally free, she ran as fast as she could, pushing past students and professors, unbeknownst to her she nearly pushed over her own, and left wet puddles on the floor when she reached the darkened office of her professor. 
Closing her eyes, she sighed as she slid down the wall facing the office. Bringing her knees to her chest, she dropped her head in the sanctuary of herself and began to cry softly. She hadn’t made it on time and surely now, she would fail the class she needed the most to graduate. 
A small whistle came from around the corner. Poppy peered over her arms with blurry eyes to see the aide coming back to the office. He hadn’t noticed one of his students on the ground when he turned the key. As he turned the lights on in his small office, he quickly grabbed his jacket that he had come back for. It was when he was leaving that he saw the tear stained face of one Penelope Myers. 
“Penelope, what are you doing here?” Niall squatted down in front of Poppy and offered a hand to help her up. His touch was gentle as Poppy stood and wiped her tears. “I’m too late, aren’t I? Now I’ll never graduate on time and I’ll have to repeat the class again and hope to God I’ll never oversleep again which is a big, fat lie to you, me and God himself.” Niall cupped Poppy’s arm and gently squeezed.
“The paper. The one that’s worth half my grade? I’m late.”
“Do you have it?” Niall asked as he looked Poppy in her reddened eyes. 
“Why does it matter? It’s late. Professor Lawrence won’t approve of it. First rule of his stupid syllabus.” 
“Do you have it?” Niall asked again. His blue eyes seemed to flicker as a smile crept onto his face. Now was not the time to laugh at Poppy’s failure. 
“Yes, but it’s probably wet from the stupid fucking rain.” 
“Let me see it,” Niall smiled. Poppy’s brow furrowed in confusion, but bent down to retrieve the paper anyways. Only the corners seemed to have gotten wet and as she gave her essay to the man who comforted her, her heart raced. He had always been attractive- his dark hair and light blue eyes. Poppy was taken aback by him the first day of class as he sat in front of class playing the drums on the desk with the dry erase markers. He had flashed Poppy a toothy smile as she sat near the back, but that was the extent of their relationship. They hardly spoke to one another, but he was there every day with a smile waiting for her.
Tapping his watch with his finger, Niall says, “By the looks of my watch, it says you’re right on time.” He winked and turned to place Poppy’s essay in the mix of the other essays that had been turned in on time. 
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” Poppy didn’t realize what she was doing until she had done it. She wrapped her arms around Niall and buried her face inside the crook of his neck, taking in the deep musk of his cologne. “You are a lifesaver Niall. I owe you big time.” Poppy pulled away suddenly and straightened her clothes as Niall’s gentle grasp lingered. She hadn’t wanted to let go. 
“You can treat me to some drinks later on. My friends and I are going down to the Landing Mark. It’s a local pub near downtown-”
“I know where it’s at,” Poppy smiles, knowing that whatever makeup she had on was now dripping down her face in a dark mess.
“And you buy me a round and we’ll call it even.” Niall extended his hand so Poppy could shake on their business agreement. A smile, wide and eager, spread across his face. Niall bent down to pick up her bookbag, and when she let go of his hand, he wanted nothing more than to grasp it again and never let go.
“The name’s Poppy, by the way,” she said after shaking her newfound friend, pushing her backpack on her shoulder. She pushed her wet, tangled hair out of her face as they begin walking down the hallway. She looked up at him, a smile growing on her face. A thought of what his lips taste like lingered in her brain. “Only my grandma calls me Penelope. It’s too old for me.” 
Niall turns to open the door leading to the stairway and smiled, “Old or not, I like it.”
“You might want to put those on,” Niall nods to Poppy’s closed hand. “Still gives the façade.” Poppy swallows the last bit of pride that she has left and nods. Her hands shake, not from the cold, but from the fact that it’s been over a year since she last saw Niall. It was when he had the movers box all of his stuff and take it away in the moving truck that she saw him. He had gotten a tan from his vacation down in Cabo and he had thought Poppy wouldn’t be home. 
“Thought you were gone to Amelia’s so I was going to leave this instead.” Niall handed her the  wrinkled note and walked to his car without another word. It was when he was pulling out of their driveway that she read the scratchy handwriting. 
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Poppy entered the house alone and was left with all of their belongings staring at her broken heart. She could hear them laughing at her failure and every vase, picture, and wall decoration dug deep into her soul watching her as she slid down the bare white wall of their living room as she cried with rage filling her body. She never wanted these things, but Niall gave them to her anyways. He always wanted her to have the nice things in life, but Niall had been so consumed with the warped accusations and thoughts that Poppy only loved Niall for the things he gave her that he overlooked the value of their friendship and relationship. Poppy grabbed the blue and yellow vase that Niall gave her for their first year anniversary after their wedding, the one they made in a pottery class in New Orleans, and threw it as hard as she could against the wall that held their wedding picture. The one where he cradled Poppy’s face so delicately that one would assume she was made of glass while he looked at her with life and love, all consuming and enduring, like she was the only person in the world.
It was never the same. 
“Can you help me? I can’t seem to get it.” Poppy’s fingers tremble against the cold as the clasp falls out of her grasp.
Niall sighs and walks over to his ex-wife, snow crunching under each step. He could hear his heart roaring against its cage. He had locked his heart away when it came to Penelope, tortured it for still feeling the way he does for her- for her shallow love. “Always something with you.”
“Weather’s supposed to get bad. Heard on the news it might be a storm later on,” Poppy’s voice cracked under the slender touch of Niall’s, ignoring his latest comment. He’s trying to steady his breathing, to keep himself under control, but the smooth skin on the nape of Poppy’s neck brings back too many memories he thought he washed down with alcohol. “But we should miss it after the funeral.”
“Since when do you watch the news, Penelope?” he quips, a small smile growing on his face. She’s trying to make an impression that she’s grown from the divorce- that she is independent, but Niall sees through the façade. She’s always been independent in her own way, and that was one of the many things that Niall loves about Poppy. Loved. He reminded himself. He loved her. He now loves Shelby. “The meteorologists are almost always wrong.” 
“It was on the radio, meathead. I hope you know that people can change, Niall. They do it all the time.” The way his name hangs on her lips burns her- the taste of yesterday drowning in today. He unclasps the necklace when the front door of the blue townhome opens, letting the roaring laughter and music flood into the quiet snowy street. 
“There’s the two love birds. Thought we might have missed you. Come inside before you both freeze,” the olive skinned woman that they both knew as Amelia shouted. The dark curly hair poked out into the white weather. Her shawl was wrapped around her body to hold off the harsh cold wind for the few moments her head had poked through the door. Niall’s smile vanishes as quickly as it came before Poppy turns to look at the dismal face of her ex-husband.
“Put them on quick. And put on a happy face; we’re the love birds, after all,” Niall growls as he picks up his luggage, the leather duffel bag that Poppy bought him for one Christmas- the same duffel bag he used to spend many nights away from his wife and under someone else. Poppy pops the trunk open and Niall quickly takes a hold of her bag, pushing it up on his shoulder. They walk up the front stairs in silence and before pushing the red front door that was left ajar, Niall places his hand on the crook of Poppy’s back and she swears that Niall’s eyes flickered with natural joy when she looked at him. Swallowing hard, Poppy feels as if this weekend is about to be an endless cycle of boxing matches with the odds stacked against her, and with no one in her corner, she is about to step into the hardest round of her life.
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Three Years Ago
“Where were you?” Poppy stands at the top of the stairs. Her robe was pulled tight against her body as she looks down onto her husband, darkened eyes sunk in as his hand straddles the white railing. It was three in the morning, and Niall’s head was pounding. “You should have been home hours ago. I called you multiple times. I thought-”
“I went out for a few drinks, Pop. ‘S not a big deal,” Niall takes a step up, but the room is spinning, and he doesn’t remember driving home or how he wound up at the base of the stairs being scolded by his wife, but he remembers her. Her ruby red lips, the perfect pout, as his name fell between them. He could remember her honey brown eyes and black raven hair. He remembered her. 
The way her body moved closer to his as the alcohol loosened their guards. He shouldn’t let her get so close, but he couldn’t help himself. It wasn’t toeing a line; it was full on trampling the boundary that he never intended to cross. There’s a thin line between love and lust, Niall knows, but her doe eyes pulled him in faster than he could think.
He thought he had pushed her off. He had a speech ready, and maybe he had said it in his mind and that was supposed to tell her without saying any actual words, but weeks and months of her teasing and wearing tighter clothes, he was in agony.
“A few?” Poppy crosses her arms against her chest, anger bubbling inside her. “You could have gotten hurt or…worse, Niall. Did you drive home?” Poppy starts to take a step down, but she stops herself. She could smell the heavy liquor and cheap perfume. It was like all of the air had been knocked out of her lungs and the filter that is instilled in every person caught flames. “You reek of booze and drug store perfume, Niall. Who the fuck were you drinking with?”
“You ask too many questions at once woman. I- I can’t think straight when there’s three of you,” Niall puts a foot on a step, heavy and with intention. He only wanted to lie down in bed, dreaming away any hangover that would be there in the morning. Niall winces when he hears his wife raise her voice.
“WHO WERE YOU DRINKING WITH NIALL?” Poppy felt the words come out like vile as she projected her anger at her husband. For hours, there wasn’t an answer from him between texts and calls. His location was still at work, and then it was at a bar on the other side of town that Poppy didn’t recognize. She almost drove over there, almost made a scene at Niall’s embarrassment, but she stopped herself. He would show back up...eventually. 
“No one,” Niall closed his eyes, the room was swimming. “I just wanted a drink after work. Jesus, do you need to know my every move?” Niall began to make the perilous trek up the stairs. The white carpet reminded him of clouds and he would rather be anywhere but here in his home. He stood in front of his wife, her face red with anger and he noticed the small details of her furrowed brow. He smiles softly and laughs to himself. “You worry too much, darling. No woman will ever take me away from you.” 
She thought he would kiss her on the cheek, but he only shuffles toward their bedroom down the hall. He had laughed at her. He didn’t need to answer her questions for Poppy to know the full story. She saw the evidence. A perfect tracing of red lips on the inside of his white shirt collar. 
 @niallsguitarsthings  @theresnooneheretosave @niallerlover @niallsguiness @beautyispayno @therealniallgrande @lovelywordsblog​ @kare38
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hazzamalfoy29 · 2 years
Here at the one direction fandom, you don't have biases, you love all five of them equally and unconditionally,
But even if you don't have a bias, you still have a bias, and it's always Niall.
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dandelionfairies · 1 year
After not touching my @1dcountryfest fix for two weeks, I managed to write nearly 2500 words yesterday. Hello inspiration.
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iamjimekuto · 11 months
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Picture source
Niall x reader very short fanfic
You missed Niall's, your boyfriend, show so instead of being angry about it, he looked straight into the camera knowing you'll see it soon. Meanwhile, the thought of you in his bed that night turns him on so bad that his crotch awakened in his boxers slightly wetting it.
On the way to the hotel one of the crew texted you, you try to contain your excitement and longing for your boyfriend.
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