#noah sebastian x ofc
veronicaphoenix · 1 day
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Lia Parker
Summary: Lia tells Noah she had sex for the first time, and the news doesn't sit right with him. She doesn't feel very thrilled about it either.
Word count: 2.7k | Reading time: 10mins aprox | Series masterpost ✨
Tags & trigger warnings: best friends to lovers trope, lia has a boyfriend, talks about sex, about lia's first time, disappointment, lia being infatuated with noah, mentions of noah having had sexual encounters before but still being a virgin, sexual innuendos, noah feeling jealous and confused.
This chapter takes place between chapter 13 and chapter 14 of Ikigai (part one of The Inevitability of Love at Second Sight Series). Lia and Noah are 21/22.
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The moment his phone started ringing and the screen lit up with Lia’s name, Noah paused mid-typing, slipped off his headphones, and answered. Her hurried voice hit his ears before he could say anything.
“Noah, are you home? Is anyone else there?”
Noah frowned, taken aback by her urgency. 
“Hello to you, too, Gremlin. Yeah, I’m home. Why?”
“Are the boys around? Jolly, Jesse?”
“No, I’m alone. What’s up?”
“Good. I’m coming over.”
Noah’s eyebrows shot up. The way she spoke—it almost sounded like she was asking for permission to come back to her own home. 
“Lia, what’s going on?”
“I’ll tell you when I get there.”
Lia disconected the call. Noah remained frozen in place, still perched on his studio chair, staring at his iPhone as if expecting the screen to offer some explanation. 
It didn’t. 
This was Lia’s house, too. They’d been living together since she’d turned eighteen, so why was she acting like a stranger? She hadn’t been home last night, though. She’d gone out with friends, said she’d stay over at Emery’s. Now it was barely eleven in the morning, and this call felt... strange. Something was off, and the knot of unease tightening in Noah’s stomach told him whatever it was, he wouldn’t like it.
Twenty minutes later, the front door burst open. Lia stormed in, her backpack slung over one shoulder, her hair tied in a very messy bun, her face set in agitation—not fear, not hurt, just stress. As soon as her eyes landed on Noah, standing in sweats and a t-shirt in the middle of the living room, her expression shifted to disappointment.
He raised his arms, wordlessly asking what the hell is happening? She didn’t answer right away. Instead, she dropped her bag and rushed to him, wrapping her arms around his chest with a sigh, melting against him as though she’d been holding her breath for hours.
“Lia, are you going to tell me what’s going on?”
It took her a moment before she spoke. 
“I slept with Leon last night.”
Noah’s blood ran cold. He pulled back, grabbing her shoulders, but she clung to his shirt, refusing to let go.
“Lia,” he said, his voice strained. “You...” His head shook. He blinked rapidly. “You had your first time with Leon?”
She nodded, avoiding his eyes now.
His mind reeled, thoguhts scrambling in every direction. 
“Lia—We said we’d do it together. That we’d have our first time at the same time.”
Lia sighed, already anticipating his reaction. It wasn’t like she hadn’t thought about it, too—their weird, half-serious pact, made when they were younger, with all the naivety and awkwardness of two people trying to make sense of their feelings. But now, standing here, it felt like a relic of something neither of them could hold onto. How could that have ever worked, anyway?
She took one step back to look him in the eyes, trying to be practical.
“Noah, how did you think that would go? You in one room with some random chick and me on the other side of the wall?”
“No, but—” He ran a hand through his hair, pacing. He hadn’t been expecting his quiet Sunday morning to turn into this; whatever this was. “Fuck, Lia.”
It hurt. It hurt a lot. But why? Was it just because she’d had sex? Because she did it before him? Or because she’d done it with someone who wasn’t him?
Lia sighed again and walked to the open kitchen, reaching for the kettle. She hadn’t eaten breakfast and was starving. The subtle ache between her legs didn’t help her mood, either. She reached for the kettle, filling it with water. Behind her, she could hear Noah collapse onto the couch.
“I’m sorry,” she muttered, fingers drumming on the counter as she waited for the water to boil.
Noah stared blankly ahead, his thoughts a mess. The idea that Lia wasn’t a virgin anymore—it didn’t sit right. It felt like a puzzle piece has been shoved into the wrong place, forced, stuck forever. His jealousy, or whatever it was, mixed with confusion. But then, an uneasy thought surfaced, shifting everything inside him. 
He stood up abruplty, the sudden clarity jolting him.
“Shit. Lia, did he hurt you?”
She whipped around, startled by the sudden sharpness in his voice, kettle in hand, steam rising.  
“No,” she said flatly. “He didn’t hurt me.”
Noah studied her face, unsure if he believed her. Whether or not she was telling the truth, one thing was certain—he would have never let that happen. He would’ve made sure she felt safe, cared for. Even if they were both inexperienced, they would’ve figured it out together. They always trusted each other like that, in ways that seemed to run deeper than words.
“Then what?” he asked, his voice softer now but still loaded with confusion. “Why do you look like this?”
She turned back to the kettle, her movements robotic, avoiding his gaze. 
“He just... finished, and that was it.” she said, pouring the water into a mug, her tone hollow. “I’m not hurt. I’m disappointed. I didn’t know it would be like that. I thought it’d be more... exciting. There was some thrill at first, but then it just... faded into nothing. And...” She bit her lips, her cheeks flushed a little. She was glad Noah couldn’t see. “I didn’t come,” she added quietly.
Noah stood frozen a few feet away, his mind scrambling to process what she was saying.
“He didn’t notice. Or maybe he didn’t care.” Her voice cracked with frustration. “He just thought it was over.”
Before he could react, she crossed the room, collapsing against him again, her forehead resting against his chest. Her arms hung limp at her sides.
“Oh, God. Noah, it was so disappointing,” she said. “You wouldn’t let a girl feel like that, would you?”
Noah stiffened. He wasn’t sure how to answer.
“I know you wouldn’t,” Lia murmured softly, her voice thick with a mix of frustration and resignation.
“Lia, I...” Noah began, but the words faltered. He had no idea what to say. He wasn’t much more experienced than she was. Sure, he’d gone down on a few girls, fumbled with his fingers and his mouth. Some cheeky girls had touched him, but that was it.
“You don’t have to be experienced for that,” she interrupted, looking up at him with a spark of hope in her big brown eyes. Noah felt a familiar weight press against his chest. Lia had always seen something in him, something pure, as if he were some kind of angel or hero, when in reality, he was full of flaws, just like anyone else. If she was so infatuated with him because of how he treated her, she should know by now—that kind of treatment was reserved for her.
“You just need to be considerate,” she continued. “You are considerate.”
“Lia,” he said, his voice firm as he gently grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back again, creating a bit of distance. She frowned at his authoritative tone.
“Promise me,” she blurted, before he could say more.
“Promise you what?”
“That you’ll be considerate. That you’ll make her come—whoever she is. Any girl. Every time. Always.”
“Jesus Christ, Lia,” Noah groaned, turning away and heading back to the couch, rubbing his forehead in frustration. 
Lia trailed after him, relentless as she picked up her cup of tea and sat next to him on the couch, close enough that their legs touched.
“You can’t just ask me that,” he muttered, snatching the cup from her without asking and taking a sip. The hot liquid burned his tongue, but he didn’t care.
“Why not?” she pressed. “It’s advice. It’ll be good for you.”
“Maybe I don’t need advice,” he snapped, a bit sharper than he intended.
Lia raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. 
“Your ego is showing, Sebastian.”
Noah rolled his eyes and handed back the cup. 
“It’s not about ego. I’m just saying maybe it’ll go fine without us having to talk about it like this.”
Lia sighed, slumping slightly against the cushions, conceding the point, though she wasn’t fully convinced.
“Maybe,” she mumbled, her voice quieter.
She hadn’t expected him to feel uncomfortable discussing this—especially with her. But his attitude suggested otherwise. She bit her lip, a twinge of regret flickering across her face.
“I just needed to talk to you,” she said a bit ashamed, and the tenderness in her voice caught him off guard.
Without thinking, he placed a hand on her knee, squeezing lightly through the fabric of her black leggings. His head lolled back against the sofa, eyes locking on hers. Once again, it hit him—how beautiful she had always been. As a kid, she’d been cute and full of energy. Now, as an adult, she was the prettiest girl he’d ever seen.
“I know,” he said, voice low. “I know.”
“I just got worried. I don’t want other girls to go through that disappointment. I know, sometimes, it’s part of the experience, of growing up, learning, but...” She hesitated, searching for the right words. “I don’t want it to happen when they’re with you. You can’t be a disappointment, Noah.”
“You’re setting the bar really high, Lia. I don’t know if I’ll ever reach it.”
“You’d never let me leave the room like that, would you?”
Noah let out a heavy huff, shaking his head.
“Lia, I’ve already warned you. Don’t make this weird, please.” 
“It’s only a question. You can just answer it. Or don’t. I know the answer. You wouldn’t leave me unfinished.”
He gave her an exasperated look, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.
“You’re so much trouble, Lia Parker.”
"I’m not, I promise. I’m just a girl asking for equality,” she replied, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. “But if you have your doubts, I could give you more... detailed advice, if you want.”
“No. Absolutely not.”
“All right, your loss,” she concluded, raising a hand in mock surrender.
Noah couldn’t help but laugh, rolling his eyes. He gave her knee a light pat. 
“You’re so dramatic. You know that?”
“I’m not. I’m just... unsatisfied,” she admitted, shaking her head at the memory of how disappointment last night had been. “I need release,” she uttered before she could stop herself. 
His eyes widened as he processed her words. She wasn’t playing around—this wasn’t some offhand joke or a ploy to shock him. She was genuinely frustrated, still reeling from the lack of fulfillment the night before. For a brief moment, a flood of inappropriate thoughts ran through his mind—ways he could help her, ways he could get involved. But he quickly pushed them aside.
“I’m breaking up with him,” she declared, her voice decisive as she lifted the cup of tea to her lips and taking a slow sip. “I don’t care if he thinks I just wanted him for sex. I definitely don’t want him for sex after that.”
Noah could have told her it was only her first time, that things could get better with practice. She could talk to Leon, communicate, learn together like couples were supposed to. They’d only been together for a few months, after all. But deep down, Noah felt a sense of relief. He didn’t want to give her advice on how to fix things with her boyfriend. He was content with her decision, and he wasn’t going to argue with it.
It might’ve been selfish, but single Lia meant more of her at home, more of her for him. Leon could learn how to get a woman to orgasm with someone else.
“Can we spend the day watching movies and eating junk food?” Lia asked, her big puppy-dog eyes making it impossible to say no. She was the queen of that look, and she knew exactly how to use it on him.
Of course they could. He would never deny her anything. But where was the fun in giving in so easily? He leaned back, a smirk curling at the edge of his lips.
“Didn’t you say you needed... release? Don’t you wanna go to your bedroom first?”
“Oh, Noah!” she gasped, giving him a playful punch on the shoulder, her laughter tangling with his. “You’ll never know when I’m doing it. I’m very quiet.”
She was, indeed. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t strained his ears a few times, hoping to catch something from her bedroom at night.
“Really? So, when you get wet, you don’t go full Gremlin mode?”
“I swear, Sebastian, if you don’t shut up, I’m spilling this tea all over you.”
“I’m already hot enough, thanks.”
She narrowed her eyes at him.
“You’re pushing it.”
“Says the one who barged in talking about sex and orgasms.”
“Ugh, you might be right, but—”
“I am right.”
“All right, fine.” She paused, then leveled him with a serious look. “You have to promise me, though, that you’ll think about them—not just yourself—when it happens.”
“Ooookay.” He lifted his pinky finger toward her, the smirk still lingering. “I promise.”
She laced her pinky with his, sealing the deal. 
“Happy now?” He asked. 
“Not really. It’s still weird thinking about you with other girls, but yeah, better than I was thirty minutes ago.”
Noah narrowed his eyes, studying her face, trying to read her thoughts. There was something unspoken between them, an invisible thread that always seemed to pull tighter the closer they got. 
He let out a breath, feeling the subtle shift between them. It wasn’t the tension that was there earlier; it was something softer, more familiar. With Lia, things never stayed too heavy for long. It was one of the things he loved about her—things could be strange, awkward, but they never broke.
Lia settled next to him, nudging her shoulder against his as Noah turned on the TV. He suggested they play some video games instead of watching a movie, and she agreed, completely unaware of the storm brewing in his mind. Inappropriate images flashed through his thoughts—images of them together, naked, her soft commands in his ear as he obeyed, eager to make her feel as good as she deserved. He wondered what it would be like if she said the words, if she let him, if they crossed that line. How much would he give to her? Everything, if she asked.
Not long after that day, Noah lost his virginity. It was with a girl he’d met at a friend’s house—a black-haired girl who had sparked some fleeting interest in him. He hadn’t thought much of the girl at first, but when they started dancing together, he felt… attraction. 
The night they had sex, they had all been out at a club, Noah, Lia, Matt, Jolly, and their usual group of friends. 
Lia had seen them on the dancefloor—caught a glimpse of the girl kissing Noah’s neck, her lips lingering too long. Something twisted inside her, an unwelcome feeling she didn’t quite understand. She told herself to get a grip and finished her beer in one quick gulp. When Noah and his new girlfriend passed by her on their way out, Lia winked at him, already tipsy, her face flushed from the alcohol.
Noah hesitated. He wanted to stay, to make sure Lia got home safely like he always did, but the girl tugged on his arm, pulling him away. He found himself torn between the pull of his present and the weight of his responsibility to Lia. But for the first time, he didn’t stay.
Later that night, with the black-haired girl in his bed, all Noah could think of was Lia. He tried to focus, to be in the moment, but her presence was a ghost in the room. Every girl after that night would carry the same haunting thread—because every time he had sex, Lia was there. Her promise, her words, lingered in his mind.
He had sworn to her that he’d be considerate, that he’d make every girl feel special, and he did. But what Lia didn’t know was that every girl he touched, every one he pleased, was just a stand-in. No matter whose legs he was between, no matter who whispered his name, his thoughts always circled back to her. Lia was always in his head. The promise he’d made to her—it was her name, her face, her pleasure, that guided every move.
And that secret was one he’d carry with him, long after the girls were gone.
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🔖 The Inevitability of Love at Second Sight taglist:
@somebodyels3 | @respectfulrebel | @thecoyotescry | @bluestdai | @lma1986
@sweetwombatpizza | @missduffsblog | @shilohrosechicken | @jilliemiw86 | @alwaysfightforwhoyouare
47 notes · View notes
thefallennightmare · 2 months
The Coyotes Cry-Two
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*gif made by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: MafiaBoss!TattooArtist! Noah Sebastian x OFC.
Warnings/Tropes: violence, death, swearing, smut(very mature), angst, fluff, forced proximity, forbidden love, dark romance, mafia themes, arranged marriage, tattoo artist.
Summary: Centered on the story of a young bride whose fairy-tale vision of the Concrete Jungle is shattered when her father, part of the Irish Crime Family; McManus strikes a marital peace deal with the mafia head of OMNS, Noah Sebastian. Scarlett is faced with rage and conflict, as she is forced to work alongside her new husband in his tattoo shop that fronts for his mafia dealings. Devastating events leave Saoirse with the realization that there is more to Noah than meets the eye. "I would willingly, lay down my life for you if I had to." The power of love is thicker than blood.
Authors Note: Well after four months, we FINALLY have an update! It is a very long one so buckle up. This series will have mature themes throughout as a warning! This one probably wont be updated nearly as quick as JP will be. Maybe once JP is finished, I'll have more time to update this one!
*I do not own the rights/names of Connor and Murphy McManus. Or anyone mentioned to the Boondock Saints.
Tags[CLOSED]: @sammyjoeee @happi-goth @lma1986 @iknownothingpeople @vinyardmauro @malice-ov-mercy @concreteemo @wheezybrenda @thisbicc @malerieee @mrs-zimmerman @srorgana1 @miserylovescompany1195-blog @embracethereaper42 @lizzieseveride @eclipseeetop @sundamariis @calleyx13 @krisslee18 @princessgh0st @aprosiacperson @xxrainstorm @ourdiabolikal-rapture @iamamatus @klutzy-kay24 @cookiesupplier @bngurngheart @idwt-money @rain-down-on-me @themodern-daywednesday @oxythoughtin7715 @cncohshit @bleachampion @xserenax-13 @collidewiththesavannah @karenfranco @amelia-acero @tashka @themortaljessica @shayzillaaaa @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @blueskylinesx @shadowseve @sorrowsofsilence @shilohrosechicken @flowery-mess @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @respectfulrebel @pathion @supersquirrel1996 @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @xxkittenkissesxx @marvelosmal @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @thatchickwiththecamera @whenthesummerdies @madomens
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Everything was so fucked. 
How was my life bartered for a way of peace without my consent? 
I understand it was something I had to do, for the family. But surely there had to be another way, right? 
Wrong, if there was you wouldn’t be standing next to Noah Sebastian in an elevator as he was about to show you your new home. Not to mention, sharing a bed with him. 
I nearly fell onto my ass when he told me that there was only one bedroom in his penthouse and we would be sharing a bed. I grumbled at my thoughts, crossing my arms over my chest; something Noah picked up on with a raised brow. 
“Everything alright?” 
“No,” I scoffed while facing him in the small elevator. “Everything is not alright. I have to get married to you without a choice, I have to share a bed with you, and not to mention, you just told me I have to work in your tattoo shop. In a matter of minutes, my entire life changed!” 
My screechy voice echoed in the small confines of the elevator and Noah leaned against the back wall with a smirk on his face. 
“You think this is funny?” I scoffed while crossing my arms over my chest. “My free will is gone and you’re laughing.” 
Suddenly, his face sobered as he stood tall, with dark eyes staring down at me through even darker tendrils of hair. 
“Let me make one thing clear, Scar. You have free will. You can come and go as you please but need to return. Just because we’re going to be married that doesn't mean you’re signing your life away.” 
I blinked, mouth agape. “Scar?” 
“I like it,” Noah shrugged as if he really didn’t see the problem with shortening my name. 
“And if I don’t like it?” I still had my arms crossed but now I had my left hip popped out, showcasing the attitude I’ve had since birth. 
Something flashed in his eyes just as the elevator doors behind me opened. 
“Too bad, it stays,” he muttered before grabbing my bags and walking past me. 
Turning slowly on my heels, I noticed that the elevator opened to a vast darkness, Noah’s footsteps echoing. I didn’t move, not even when he turned on the bright lights showcasing his large penthouse. 
Our large penthouse, I corrected myself. 
Slowly stepping off the elevator, I peered around my new surroundings. Currently, I was standing in the foyer, and to my left was a long hallway that I assumed led to the bedrooms. To my right was a wall that had two large bookcases built into it. I quickly made a mental note to browse Noah’s large collection and then took a few tentative steps into the open space before me. 
It was an open concept of a kitchen and living room combo. To the left was the kitchen and I sucked in a breath at the gorgeous design. Black cabinets with gold fixtures. A kitchen island in the middle big enough to fit two Thanksgiving dinner spreads. I noticed that he didn’t have a dining room table, only eight stools that lined the kitchen island. 
The living room was simple with a large forest green sectional couch, a fireplace, and a large television above it. Although it was still nicely decorated with fine things, there was still an empty feeling that crept over my bones. 
“I find it hard to believe that this huge place only has one bedroom,” I said with my hands on my hips. 
Noah, who was leaning his lower half onto the back of the couch with his arms over his chest, gave me a sly smirk. 
“I never said there was only one bedroom.” 
I stared at him with wide eyes. “So then why do I have to share a bed with you?” 
He pushed himself up so he could look down at me. “There are three rooms. Besides our bedroom, one is my office, and the other is locked up. No one goes in there.” 
“Are you hiding dead bodies in there?” I teased with a raised brow. 
“No, that's what the room underneath the shop is for,” Noah deadpanned. 
My lips parted, mimicking a fish, as the words died on my tongue. I knew given his line of work that Noah undoubtedly killed people. The rumors around town told me. I did my best to not be involved in my father's and uncle's nefarious dealings, but every so often my uncle would bring me in during one of their meetings, much to my father's dismay. My uncle thought I needed to know the inner workings of the Irish mob since I would take over one day. While my father didn’t want that for me. He wanted me to stay in the family home and continue to turn a blind eye to everything. 
In the meetings I was brought in on, many of the men who worked under the McManus twins would tell them everything they knew about OMNS; which wasn’t a lot. Noah had done a fantastic job of keeping his dealings quiet, that was until recently when his friend Vincent showed up on his doorstep dead. After that, Noah made it his mission to find out who killed him by kidnapping my family's level drug dealers for information. None gave anything up until recently when Barry somehow managed to get OMNS a meeting with my family. If it wasn’t for that kid, maybe I wouldn’t be in this situation right now. 
I never fucking liked that kid. 
Every time Noah’s name was brought up in those meetings, my stomach would flutter and my heart would hammer hard in my chest; exactly like in high school. From the moment my eyes landed on him freshman year, I knew that would sink his teeth in. We never ran in the same circles but when they did cross, I was rudely reminded by my mother of the reason why during graduation when she caught me staring at Noah from across the gym.
“Saorsie, stop ogling that boy. The Sebastian men are only trouble, he will hurt you the first chance he gets.” 
I rolled my eyes. “I wasn’t ogling him, mom.” 
She grasped my chin, forcing me to look at her. “I’m serious, stay away from Noah Sebastian. You’re too good for him, he would only lower your stature.” 
I took those words my mom said to heart because I knew Noah didn’t feel the same. The only time he ever looked at me was with distaste because of our family's long-standing history. The McManus and Sebastian rivalry would be told in the history books one day but now it seemed as if the rivalry had ended with or upcoming unions. 
To keep the peace. 
“So the wedding.” 
My eyes snapped up from admiring Noah’s long legs. “I’m sorry, what?” 
“I figured you’d want to plan it since you didn’t get a say in the groom,” he jeered while stuffing his hands deep into his pockets. 
“Honestly, I’d be fine going to the courthouse and signing the needed paperwork. Get this over with,” I admitted. 
This made Noah’s usual stone face falter, his eyes softening. “If that’s what you want, Scar. I’ll make an appointment first thing tomorrow.”
Clearing my throat, I stood up straighter after grabbing my bags. “Can you show me to our room? I’d like to unpack and go to sleep. It’s been a long day.” 
“Yeah-,” Noah’s words were cut off by his phone ringing which he pulled out of his pants pocket. 
His brows furrowed at the caller's I.D and when I peaked down at it, my heart dropped into my stomach. 
“Who’s Lana?” I asked, my voice thick with jealousy. 
His eyes flicked up from underneath his long lashes, a foxy smile playing on his lips. 
Those lips that I’d been craving to taste ever since freshman year. 
“She’s my assistant,” Noah informed. 
“Does your assistant always text you this late?” 
He brushed a loose strand of my fiery red hair behind my ear and chuckled. “Nothing is going on between Lana and I. She’s dating one of the artists in my shop. She was letting me know that my morning meeting was canceled.” 
My mouth formed an ‘O’ shape and I suddenly threw a thumb over my shoulder. “I think I’m going to get my stuff unpacked and head to bed.” 
“Come on, I’ll show you-.” 
Suddenly the elevator to his penthouse made a loud ding before the doors opened, revealing a man I didn’t recognize.
Noah, who was still towering over me, snapped his head up and his shoulders fell. 
“Jesse? What’s going on?” 
The man, Jesse, brushed back the curls from his face and sighed. “We need you at Limits. There’s a problem.” 
My eyes bounced between the two men. “Limits?” 
Noah ran a hand over the few hairs that peppered his jawline. “My nightclub.” 
“I didn’t know you owned a nightclub,” I said. 
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Scar,” he shrugged with an indifferent look in his eyes before glancing back to Jesse. “Can you handle it? It’s why I made you the manager so you can deal with these kinds of things when I’m not there.” 
Jesse hesitated for a long beat, his gaze flicking to me before settling on Noah. “You know I usually do, Noah. But there’s someone that is refusing to leave unless they talk to you.” 
“Have Ash force them out,” Noah sighed while pinching his eyes shut. 
“It’s Vincent’s sister. She wants an update.” 
His body went rigid, hands dropping to his sides, and I felt my heart drop slightly at that name.
Noah’s friend who was murdered. 
“You should go,” I spoke softly after a few long moments of silence.
Eventually, Noah nodded and he caught the jacket Jesse threw him mid-air, slipping it over his thick shoulders. 
“I won’t be long, I promise,” he assured me. 
Suddenly, all of the anger I felt about my situation faded, knowing that there was someone somewhere else dealing with something worse; a murdered brother with no answers. 
“I’ll be fine,” I gave him a small nod.
“Bedroom is the last door on the left. Make yourself at home.” 
Noah and Jesse were gone in a flash, leaving me alone in the quiet penthouse. It was an eerie silence, the one that made your ears ring, and I let out a long steady breath. Even though this was my home now, it didn’t feel like it. Everything here felt like Noah, which wasn’t a bad thing. His scent lingered in the air and it brought a faint smile on my lips. 
Snap out of it, Scarlett! Noah doesn't think of you that way. 
My brain practically screamed at me and with a shake of my head, I gathered up my bags to find the last door on the left. My eyes darted into the open door of Noah’s office and briefly could see a large black desk, a computer set up that seemed to fit a gamer, and red neon lights. 
I came to a halt in front of the closed door and curiosity peaked in my mind so I tried the door knob. 
“What the hell are you hiding, Noah,” I muttered to myself before finally reaching the last door on the left. 
Now there was resistance filling my veins, making me unable to cross the threshold into the bedroom. While I was interested in seeing how Noah had decorated the bedroom, I was nervous because it would mean that everything was about to become real. 
The second I stepped into that room and unpacked my things, this marriage was going to happen. 
Before I could make my final decision on whether to run or stay, my phone buzzed with an incoming message. 
Noah Sebastian: Hi, it’s Noah. I wanted to let you know that I cleared out some space in the closet and the bathroom for your things. I mean it when I said make yourself at home, Scar. What’s mine is yours.
I couldn’t stop the smile that pulled at my lips while I replied. 
Me: I know it’s you, Noah. I’ve had your number saved since high school.
Before I could pocket my phone, a new text came through. 
Noah Sebastian: You had it saved? I thought for sure my number would have been blocked. 
Me: Tell me what’s in the locked room and I won’t consider blocking your number. 
Noah Sebastian: Not a chance, Scar.
Rolling my eyes, I pocketed my phone and gathered up all my courage with a deep breath before walking into the large bedroom. 
“Holy shit,” I breathed. “Who needs this much space for one person?” 
The king size bed was directly in the middle of the room, up against a wall painted black. On either side of the bed were end tables, each with their own lamp. There were floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the Concrete Jungle and now, with the late evening,  it casted the room in a glow of moonlight. 
There was a fireplace and what I thought was a picture above turned out to be one of those televisions that you were able to use like a picture frame. It was of some abstract colors, nothing that seemed to make sense to the human eye. 
The hardwood floors creaked as I walked farther into the bedroom, noticing that there were clear walls where the fireplace was, showing the bathroom on the other side. I could see straight into the shower and bathtub from my spot in the bedroom. 
On the other end of the room was a little sitting corner, made up of a long leather couch and two chairs. 
The walk in closet was behind the couch and when I stepped inside, I let out a choked gasp. 
“This closet is bigger than my bedroom at home,” I shook my head in disbelief. 
Noah was true to his word. 
There was more than half of the closet space empty, his clothes and shoes only taking up a small section of the closet. 
With a sigh, I went about unpacking all of my things, spending a few hours arranging my clothes by types of shirts and pants. Shoes by heels or flats. Jewelry by necklaces, bracelets, and rings. 
Glancing down at my bare left hand, I tried to envision how it would look with a wedding ring and I couldn’t help but shudder. Everything was happening so fast and I didn’t even get the chance to let the news settle in yet that this whole arrangement was made without my consent. 
Carrying my bag full of toiletries over to the even larger bathroom, I made a mental note to take a very long soak in the deep jacuzzi bathtub as I went about putting everything in its place. There were two sinks and with Noah already taking over the one on the left, I chose the one on the right. 
As I was about to leave the bathroom, I caught sight of Noah’s cologne and pursed my lips. 
Sauvage by Dior. 
After spraying a quick spritz on my sweater, I went back into the closet to put away my suitcases. There was a small area in the far back that took a few finessing to make them fit but it caused something to fall off of a shelf next to me. 
Miracle High School. 2013-2014.
It was Noah’s highschool yearbook. 
“I haven’t seen one of these in so long,” I said while kneeling on the floor of the closet, opening the book in my lap. 
Familiar faces stared back at me as I slowly flipped through it but came to a stop at one picture. 
I was with my old group of friends, most of whom I didn’t talk to anymore, and the smile on my face was so fake. I thought I was happy back then, the facade I put on tricked even me. But after I graduated, I realized how much of a liar I had been. I had to put on this show of the privileged rich girl to appease my mother when in fact, I hated who I was. I despised being in the popular group and desperately wanted to hang out with the artsy kids because that's where I felt my heart deserved to be. 
Just as I was about to flip the page, something else caught my eye; a written note next to my picture. 
One look at your eyes and I cave in. One taste of the life now I crave it. So give me something beautiful. So give me something else. I need another miracle. I really need some help, I need a miracle.
I frowned, feeling my heart sink to the depths of my stomach, and looked for the picture on the next page. 
Noah Sebastian. 
Back in highschool, his hair was longer, down to the middle of his back. He did have tattoos, not as many as he did now, but the snake and apple tattoo on his neck poked out from the collar of his shirt. It was customary that all seniors took professional pictures for their yearbook photos but that wasn’t who Noah was. 
His senior picture was one of him sitting in a computer chair with a gaming headset on and those adorable gold round glasses while throwing up the peace sign; showcasing those hand tattoos I spent countless hours staring at during our history class together. 
Slowly closing the book, I set it back in its place on the highest self before leaving the closet. With a quick glance at my phone, I noticed it was nearing nine in the evening and even though I was exhausted, my stomach growling reminded me that I skipped dinner earlier.
Once back in the large kitchen, I found the remote for the television and turned it on. I had to flip through the channels until finally landing on The Crow and then went about searching the cabinets and fridge for food. 
“Does this man not eat?” I groaned when I saw how bare everything was. 
Me: You have nothing to eat in this big ass penthouse. 
I expected Noah not to text back right away, figuring he was busy dealing with what was happening over at Limits, so when my phone buzzed a few seconds after I sent the message, my heart fluttered. 
Noah Sebastian: What are you in the mood for? Indian? Italian? Greek? 
Shaking the thought from my head, I typed out my reply. 
Me: I’ll just run out and pick something up. 
Before I could even lock my phone, Noah’s response appeared on screen. 
Noah Sebastian: The Concrete Jungle is not safe at night. Please stay inside. I’ll order whatever you want. My treat.
Pursing my lips, I glanced up to the window, seeing the tall buildings outside, and thought about it for a moment. The Concrete Jungle was Noah’s domain, he created it. But if he said it was dangerous in the dark, I had to believe him.
Me: Greek. One gyro. Hold the veggies. Extra feta cheese and tzatziki sauce. 
Me: Large fries and a Dr. Pepper. 
Me: We also can’t live off of fast food every day. How can I cook something with one cracked egg, baking soda, and stale ass bread?
While I waited for his reply, I decided to snoop around the penthouse. Off of the kitchen was his laundry room and for a moment, I thought about switching his loads but decided that I should leave it. A guy like him had someone come clean and do his laundry. Just as I was about to take a shower, my phone went off from its spot on the bathroom counter. 
Noah Sebastian: I’ve made more with less. But we can go shopping tomorrow, you can get whatever you like.
I thought about replying with a witty remark but knowing that he was probably dealing with something deep at Limits, I decided against it. 
Me: You’re going to regret saying that. 
Noah Sebastian: So far, when it comes to you I haven’t regretted anything. 
My heart jumped in my throat as I read those words a few times over and with a sigh, I locked my phone. I didn’t bother asking him when he would get back because I had a feeling whatever was happening, it wasn’t something that was considered a quick chat. 
By the time I was dressed in my pajamas, there was a loud buzzing coming  from the elevator of the penthouse. For some reason, there was a fear that filled me from being here alone and not knowing who was slowly rising up the elevator. 
Me: Were you expecting company? I think someone rang the buzzer for the elevator. 
My bare feet padded down the long hallway and once I stood in front of the elevator, my heart began to beat wildly. I wasn’t exactly dressed for company, wearing a pair of white cotton shorts and a loose tank top. 
Noah Sebastian: It’s your food, Scar. 
Me: Oh, right.
I wasn’t sure why I was so on edge about the possibility of someone coming into Noah’s penthouse without me knowing. Maybe it was because no one knew about our arrangement so it could have been a late night fuck buddy? Maybe it was because Noah was one of the most feared mafia bosses and ruled the Concrete Jungle so someone was coming to get their revenge. 
Noah Sebastian: No one can come upstairs without the code. The delivery driver left your food with Gary, the doorman. He’s been working at OMNS Legacy Villas for years and he’s the only one with the code. You can trust him. 
I snorted at that word; trust. There were only two people in my life I could trust and they sold me off for a peace treaty. 
Me: Trust isn’t a word that’s in my vocabulary. 
The elevator doors dinged open, revealing a paper bag in the middle of it. With a quick swipe, the scent of Greek food tickled my nostrils and my stomach grumbled to life. I spread everything out on the large kitchen island and went about eating in silence while watching the movie. It wasn’t until I noticed the time on the large clock on the far end of the wall that it was almost eleven in the evening and without a new text from Noah, I thought about texting him but figured I’d be bothering him. 
Once I cleaned up my mess from dinner, I stood in front of the large windows that overlooked the Concrete Jungle. Bright lights bathed over the dirty streets, littered with not only trash but crime as well. On the far end of the corner, I watched as a drug deal went down followed by an attempt at a carjacking. With the angle of how high up the penthouse was, I could see down to Under The Right Lights Tattoo; closed up for the night.
“How did I go from studying animal biology to working in a tattoo shop?” I grumbled to myself while pushing off of the windows. 
“Talking to yourself?” 
Whirling around, I saw Noah standing in the middle of the living room with his hair a disheveled mess and blood splatter over his shirt. I blinked rapidly, trying to assess the situation in front of me. 
“I-,” I pointed to the elevator. “I didn't hear you come up.”
Noah had his hands hiding in the pockets of his black dress slacks and I couldn’t help but picture how they were covered in blood. 
“I took the back staircase,” he shrugged before gliding over to the kitchen and popping a few of my leftover fries in his mouth. 
I shifted on my feet, watching how unbothered he was. 
“You have a back staircase?” 
Noah’s eyes flashed to me. “We have a back staircase for times like this. I can’t exactly walk through the lobby looking like this.” 
“Right,” I pursed my lips while nodding. 
A weird silence fell between us, I was unsure what to do or say, so instead I continued to stand there watching him as he watched me with his nostrils flaring. 
“Why do I smell my cologne?”
With a red hue covering my pale skin tone, I cleared my throat. “How did it go at Limits? Get everything sorted out?” 
Something flashed in the darkness of his eyes as they flicked over my body. “Are you unpacked?” 
“No, we’re not doing that,” I said while stepping closer to the kitchen island so I could stand across from him. 
It created a barrier between us. 
“Do what?” Noah asked while leaning his long arms over the edge of it. 
I did my best not to gawk at his muscles as they rippled and the way the tattoos just seemed to fit him. 
“If we’re going to be married, you’re not going to hide anything from me. I grew up in this life, Noah. You don’t need to keep me away from it.”
A sly smile spread to his lips. “We are getting married, Scar. There’s no if.” 
I rolled my eyes. “You know what I mean. I’m not asking to be a leader next to you but all I want is honesty.” 
Those almond eyes watched me for another long beat before he gave a curt nod. 
“Tonight went south; fast.” 
I pulled out a stool to take a seat, resting my elbows on the counter. “Were you able to give Vincent’s sister any answers?” 
“No,” Noah pinched his eyes shut with a sigh. “When I told her the only information I have is that someone in the Irish mafia killed him, she wouldn’t listen. She’s insistent that it’s the Italians.”
“That doesn’t make sense.” 
I leaned back into my seat and crossed my arms over my chest which made my breasts perk up over the top of my shirt; something Noah tracked intently with his eyes. 
“The Italians haven't stepped foot in your or my territory in almost a decade. They know it would start a war,” I explained. 
“You seem to know a lot,” he raised a brow, still standing across from me. 
“While my father did his best to keep me out of it, my uncle constantly brought me into meetings. He wanted me to take over when they’re gone,” I said. 
“Well, Vincent’s sister surprised all of us when she told us she had some Italian tied up in her trunk,” Noah grabbed water from the fridge, popping it open with an attractive ease. 
My eyes doubled. “How did she manage that?” 
“No fucking idea. This guy had no ties to the mob, nothing. So I had to pay him a lot of money to keep quiet,” Noah said with a grimace on his face. 
“Where did the blood come from?” I pointed to his shirt. 
That earned a slight chuckle from him. “Fucker had a nose bleed when I tried to scare him off. All over my good shirt.”
Noah’s words prompted him to slip into the laundry room off the kitchen and return with a basket full of his clothes. As he spread them out on the large counter, I watched in surprise when he began folding them. 
“Is it the housekeepers' day off tomorrow?” I joked. 
“No housekeeper. I do all the cleaning and cooking,” he informed me.
Well don’t I feel like a judgemental asshole.  
Drumming my fingers along the marble, I motioned to the bedroom. “I’m going to head to bed, since we’ve got a busy day tomorrow.” 
Noah paused the folding so he could gaze up at me through his long lashes. 
“Noon at the courthouse. Are you fine with going out to Limits for a small celebration? The guys were adamant on it.” 
I shrugged while hopping off the stool. “That’s fine, I guess. Gives me a reason to get all dolled up. 
“I’m going to finish up the laundry then go into the shower. I promise I’ll be quiet,” Noah smiled. 
My heart fluttered in my chest at the sight of it so all I did was nod before retreating down the long hallway towards the bedroom. 
Even though it was a comfortable bed, I found it hard to sink into the black sheets because of the new place. Any time I slept away from home, it was a restless night. My brain couldn’t calm down and tell myself that I was safe. So I lay there with the forest green blanket pulled to my chin and eyes screwed shut hoping it would help the sleep take me. 
Noah’s quiet footsteps echoed on the hardwood as he stalked inside of the bedroom. I watched as he disappeared into the closet and reemerged with a pair of pajama pants. The confidence that radiated off of him as he stepped inside the bathroom was one that made anyone envious. Due to the window that peered into the bathroom, I could see Noah beginning to strip out of his clothes, oh so slowly as if he knew I was watching him. He didn’t bother to turn on the bathroom light, the moonlight breaking through the windows casting him in an aura made for the Gods. 
I sucked in a breath when he stepped into the large shower, his large back and perk ass on display for my eyes to drink in. The large Jesus portrait tattoo that lined the entirety of his back glistened as the water droplets fell down to the swell of his ass. 
“A Thiarna cuidigh liom,” I groaned while dragging a hand down my face. 
I was supposed to be upset with this arrangement and I probably would have been if my future groom wasn’t built the way Noah Sebastian was. 
Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve had a huge crush on him since freshman year. 
Grumbling at the voice in my head, I forced myself to face the other way in bed in an attempt to get some sleep. While floating in and out of consciousness, I swore I heard the softest melody emanating from the walls of the bedroom. It wrapped around me like a blanket, cradling me with endless comfort, and I felt every worry slip through my fingertips. The weight shifted slightly to pull me in closer but did nothing to disturb the comfort.
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My knee bounced with so much agitation, I feared it shook the entire penthouse. I sat in my computer chair with my fingers steepeled underneath my chin, memories of earlier replaying in my mind on a constant fucking loop. 
The slight hesitation in the ballpoint of the pen before she signed her name on the marriage certificate. 
I knew Scarlett wasn’t too fond of this arrangement but there was a part of me that wasn’t expecting the hesitation, especially after last night. 
“Scar?” I asked, just above a whisper. 
Her sleeping form held the pillow close to her chest but I frowned, not getting into bed yet. She was asleep in my spot. I chewed on my bottom lip, debating whether or not to wake her because I slept in that spot every single night for the last eight years of living in this penthouse. 
But standing there at the end of my bed, watching the way her chest rose and fell with each deep breath and the soft snores emanating from her plump lips made everything I’d formally known change. 
I slipped into bed behind her with every intention of lying opposite of her but almost immediately, her hand found my bicep in a soft embrace and I vowed not to move at all that night. It was a simple touch but enough to make my heart race. 
It was foolish to think that it meant something. Scarlett didn’t feel the same, she’d made it clear that she was here against her will. The first chance she had, she would take it to run off with someone more qualified for her love. It didn’t matter for me to try because I’d never been worthy of Saiorse Scarlett McManus. 
Saiorse Scarlett McManus-Sebastian.
I glanced down to my left hand, the black band a sight I was still getting used to. I wore rings all the time, just never on that finger. While she had been getting ready for tonight, I had Matt run to the best jewelry store in the Concrete Jungle to pick up the sets of rings I had put a rush order on. My ring wasn’t anything special, and to be honest neither was Scar’s. Due to the short time frame, I had to make due with what I could. A simple gold band with a small marquise diamond.  I knew it wasn’t her style but for now, until I could get her something better later on, this would be fine. 
The small velvet box weighed heavy in the pocket of my pants and I knew if I didn’t give it to her soon, it would burn a hole. 
A soft knock at my office door pulled me from my thoughts and when I peered over the computer at who stood in the doorway, my heart felt heavy in my chest. Scar stood there with her hands behind her back, almost shy as I drank in her appearance. 
Her red hair was pulled back into a tight bun, showcasing the sharpness of her cheekbones. 
Her make up was minimal but dark enough to make her green iris shine bright. 
The dress she wore managed to hug her figure perfectly. It was a deep olive color that stood out against the paleness of her freckles skin and cut low enough at her breasts that it didn’t leave too much to the imagination but somehow covered her modestly. My gaze traveled up the slit on the dress where her toned legs poked through. 
I snapped my eyes up to her face, a low hum rumbling in my chest. “Yea?” 
“Is this alright?” 
“Why wouldn’t it be?” I frowned. 
Scar shrugged and in that moment, I could tell by the pain she held behind her smile that she was struggling with something internally. 
“It’s stupid,” she sighed, ready to leave the room until I grabbed her hand. 
“Hey,” my voice was soft. “Nothing you say is stupid, alright?” 
Those emerald eyes bounced between mine. “With Cory, he didn’t like me wearing things like this.”
The ex. 
“You can wear whatever you’re comfortable with,” I gave her hand a gentle squeeze, electricity shooting through my system before reluctantly dropping it. 
Scar cleared her throat before rubbing her palms on the side of her silk dress and motioning to me. “Ready to go?” 
I peered down to my black pants and plain black shirt, suddenly self conscious I wasn’t dressed up enough for her. 
“I can change if it’s not-.” 
“No!” She said quickly before catching herself. “You look good.” 
A sly smirk came to my lips and with this sudden surge of confidence I pulled out the velvet box from my pocket and heard Scar suck in a breath. The prior nerves were back and I couldn’t stop the way my hands shook as I opened it. 
“It’s not much,” I sighed. “Given I had less than twenty four hours to get you a ring, this was the best I could do.”
Scar didn’t say anything as her bright eyes watched me slip the ring on her left hand. 
It may have been small but it fit her like a glove. 
“It’s fine, Noah,” she reassured me with a quick smile. “I’m not into gaudy and unnecessarily huge rings.” 
We stood there in the ever growing silence of my office, the roaring flames from the fireplace the only thing that eased my worries. The orange hues of the fire casted Scar in a golden halo, the sight of the angel in front of me enough to still my heart. 
Both mine and Scar’s head snapped over to the hallway right outside the door to my office, seeing Matt standing there. 
“Everything alright?” I asked, knowing the panicked look in his eyes. 
They shifted to Scar’s where they lingered for a moment too long. 
“Matt,” I called his name softly but with enough force; a warning. 
“Sorry,” he shifted on his feet. “There’s an issue downstairs in the shop. A client that won’t leave.”
My shoulders fell with an exaggerated groan. “Can’t you handle it? 
He rolled his eyes, almost insulted that I doubted his ability. “You know I have no problem with that but they’re not here for us.” 
My brow peaked. “Then who are they here for?” 
Matt’s eyes darted to Scar who pointed at herself, dumbfounded. “Me?” 
“It’s your dad and Uncle. They’re here with some asshat named Cory, who is the one refusing to leave.”
The all too familiar feeling of anger and jealousy festered low in my gut at hearing not only where her father and uncle downstairs in my shop, but so was the asshole ex. 
“What are they doing here?” I asked her, trying hard to keep my voice calm. 
She shrugged. “I have no idea! I talked to my dad earlier and told him that the papers were signed. He said congratulations and he’ll send a gift at some point.” 
Rubbing a hand on my jaw, I gave a curt nod urging Matt to lead the way. The heels of Sacr’s heels clicked against the marble floor as she followed behind me. The ride down the elevator was quiet, filled with my deep and even breathing. Through the corner of my eye, I noticed a few things. 
Matt’s eyes darted over to Scar, lingering on the side of her face. 
Scar played with the new ring on her finger while she muttered something to herself. Something plagued her mind, it was clear in the way her shoulders were slumped and something continued to twitch in her cheek. 
“Did you want me to handle him?” I asked once the elevator stopped at my shop. 
Her head tilted up to me, my question lingering in her mind. I found myself getting lost in the greens of her eyes, swimming in the pool of the gold specks in them. 
“No. It’s probably better I do,” she sighed. 
When the elevator doors opened revealing the closed tattoo shop, I extended an arm to let her walk ahead. We walked down the back hallway, passing my office, the gym, and bathrooms before the sight of all of the closed down booths appeared. On the other side of the front counter stood the McManus brothers and Cory, who was red in the face due to screaming about something. 
“She was mine!” 
“Calm down, son,” Conner McManus lit a cigarette, puffing out the smoke. 
“You can’t smoke in here,” I said with a stern tone. 
His dark eyes snapped over to me before tossing down the cigarette, crushing it beneath his boot.
“Cory, what are you doing here?” Scar asked after her father left a soft kiss to the side of her head in greeting. 
“Your dad told me you’re married?” 
I took a deep breath, trying to let Scar handle this on her own, but both Matt and I flanked behind her; just in case. 
The McManus brothers shared a look before Conner threw a thumb over his shoulder. “He showed up at our place drunk rambling about wanting to see Saorise so we brought him here. He’s your problem now.” 
“Congratulations on your nuptials. Let’s hope for a time of peace,” Murphy reminded, giving a small smile to his daughter. 
With a nod, I dismissed them from my shop and soon it was Cory alone with the three of us. 
“I told you I was to be married off,” Scar’s brows furrowed. “I called you earlier this week to tell you and your exact words were,"What do you want me to do about it?””
Cory chuckled darkly. “I thought you were fucking with me to get back at me for Tory.”
She flinched. “Tory? What does Tory have to do with anything?”
Cory held a bottle of vodka loosely between his fingers before bringing it to his lips, downing the rest of it in one go. 
“Because I fucked her,” he replied while wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
I took a large step towards him, not being able to hold back my anger any longer, but Scar’s soft gasp halted me. 
“Yo-You what?” 
Cory snorted when he took in the look of hurt on her face. “I mean, it wasn’t anything serious. Just a good fuck, something to pass the time while you were in school.”
My hands shook at my sides, something Matt noticed because he rested a hand on my shoulder. 
“She wants to handle it,” he uttered in my ear, reminding me. 
I snapped my eyes over to him but it did nothing to deter the hand on my shoulder. The gun in the holster of my pants began to get heavy. I kept a hard gaze over Scar’s head, directly at Cory, who seemed unphased by the scene he was beginning to create. 
“You fucked Tory?” 
Scar’s voice and face were unreadable which caused me great panic. I wasn’t sure how she would react or if this news even bothered her. I knew they didn’t date long and according to my intel it didn’t seem to mean much. But even so, finding out you’ve been cheated on during your relationship hurts. 
Cory snickered at the distressed look on Scar’s face. “You have no right to act like this, Saorise. You married another man.” 
Her eyes flicked over to me but mine never left his face, watching him through the thin slits. 
“I didn’t have a choice! My father and Uncle made me. If I did have a choice, I would have moved far away from here years ago,” she sneered. 
My heart sank low and my shoulders fell slightly when I gazed down at her. Deep down, I knew she still wasn’t happy about our situation but to hear her continue repeating it cut deep. It was like I was in highschool all over again, fawning over the popular girl who didn’t bat an eye. 
“I was going to marry you, Saorise. I had a ring picked out,” the bottle slipped from Cory’s fingers and clattered to the ground at our feet; the leftover alcohol splashing on my shoes. 
I grumbled in displeasure. 
“Was that before or after you fucked Tory?” Scar took a step towards him. 
“Scar,” I warned.
“Scar? What the fuck kind of name is that? Her name is Saoirse,” Cory laid a hand on my shoulder, trying to push me. 
Ultimately failing as I barely moved. My veins were filled with hurt from her constant reminders that she didn’t want to be married to me but now, I was filled with sheer anger.
“We call her Scar,” I informed him through gritted teeth. 
Cory rolled his eyes. “You guys are all fucked up. I’ve heard the rumors about OMNS. You think you can keep Saoirse safe from that?”
Matt took a large step toward him but was halted with my hand to his chest, both of us sharing a look; one that we’ve shared many times before. 
“Take Scar upstairs,” my voice was low and even. 
Some would say it even scared them. 
Matt gave a curt nod and gently grabbed her elbow but she ripped it from his grasp, those green eyes shooting daggers into me. 
“Excuse me? What happened to me handling it?” 
I ignored her, letting my stubborn side win, and motioned towards Cory all while keeping my hands in my pockets. “You can leave through the same door you stepped through.” 
“Fuck you!” He spat, now pushing me in my chest with both hands, causing me to stumble slightly. “Saoirse is mine! You can’t just fucking take her because you signed some bullshit paper agreement with her father.” 
My left brow raised. “Last time I checked, a marriage certificate isn’t a bull shit paper agreement.”
“Noah!” Scar stepped in front of me, blocking my path to Cory. “I told you I can handle this myself.” 
“Then why is he still here? Did you invite him?” I asked, eyes flicking down to her and doing my best to keep my composure.
“Fuck off!” She stomped her foot, showing how angry she was getting. 
I had to admit, it was kind of cute seeing her bratty side come out.
“You said it yourself you won’t dictate what I do in this marriage. I am my own person.” 
The way she said marriage caused something to stir low in my gut and I knew it wasn’t anything good. That all too familiar feeling of my hands shaking in my pockets and my heart beat wildly in my chest usually ended in one way. 
Matt knew this. He’d been by my side since the early days and he’d seen first hand what happened to the people that were on the receiving end of it. 
“Alright, time to go,” Matt said before picking up Scar, tossing her over his shoulder. 
“You mother fucker! Put me down!” She thrashed in his arm, her no match for his strength. 
As her screams faded down the hall towards the elevator, I looked over my shoulder to call back to them. 
“Keep it up, Scar. Matt has permission to smack that pretty little ass.” 
They stood in the middle of the elevator, her still thrashing about on his shoulder, so Matt gave a wicked smirk with a wink just before the doors shut. 
“It’s not even worth it, man. Her holes aren’t even that fuckable.” 
My eye snapped back to Cory, who was slightly swaying on his feet, and now one hand rested behind my back to graze over the handle of my gun. My voice wavered only slightly, going undetected by the drunk man in front of me. 
“What did you just say?” 
He hiccuped, the vodka now settling in his bloodstream. “Her cunt isn’t that great. She just lies there like a board. You’re better off fucking a pillow.” 
I swallowed thickly with a finger now on the trigger. All I could see was red. 
His blood staining the floor of the underground and hearing his pleas of sorrow as I dragged the knife across the flabby flesh of his throat. 
“You should have come to me to talk about marrying her!” He poked a weak finger to my chest. “She’s mine.” 
I blinked for a long moment, letting out an even longer deep breath in the exact exercises my therapist taught me. I couldn’t do anything up here due to the cameras I had littered throughout so instead, I cleared my throat while extending a hand behind me. 
“We’ll, why don’t we step into my office to work out a deal,” I suggested with a playful smirk. 
Cory smiled with triumph and straightened out his polo. “The only hole I want is her mouth. It’s all she’s good for.”
The knife hidden in my sock itched with the need to slice flesh.
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“You mother fucker!” I pounded on Matt’s broad back as we rode the elevator back up to the penthouse. 
“Try all you want, Saoirse. But did you forget Noah’s warning?” He teased me. 
My face was directly in sight with his round ass and with a playful smirk, I pinched it, causing him to yelp out and dropping me to my feet. 
“Did you just pinch my ass?” He asked dumbfounded while rubbing the spot I pinched. 
I shrugged. “It was right in front of my face. I can't help it if you've got a nice ass.” 
His face flinched, not expecting my boldness. “Noah definitely has his hands full with you.”
Crossing my arms over my chest, I gave him my back to finish the ride up in silence. I could feel him behind me, eyes burning over my entire body, and my tough resolve began to slowly slip away. The day had gone straight to hell the second I woke up and found myself wrapped in Noah’s warm embrace. I spent an excruciating long moment tracing over the tattoos on his chest with my eyes, burning them into memory. 
Ever since I watched him in the shower last night, I felt this undeniable burn between my legs that needed to be touched, licked, bite, and fucked. Not even the moment in the shower this afternoon while Noah was running a few errands before our courthouse appointment extinguished this burn. 
When I cried out his name as my orgasm engulfed me, it made the flames burn higher. 
“You seem on edge,” Matt’s deep voice pulled me from thoughts of Noah naked. 
“I wonder why,” I grumbled under my breath. 
He chuckled, the sound bringing an ease to the tension around us. 
“Noah will be fine,” he assured me. 
“He’s not the one I’m worried about,” I admitted while stepping off the elevator when it opened to the penthouse. 
Turning on my heels, I noticed Matt still standing in the elevator, unmoving. 
“Are you not going to come inside and watch me?” I teased. 
His eyes raked over me from underneath his hat, a sly smirk playing on his lips. 
“Tempting. But I’ve got other things to do.”
I didn’t have time to think of what that other thing was before the doors shut, leaving me alone in the large penthouse. I continued to grumble obscenities under my breath as I stalked towards the bedroom, ready to change into a pair of sweats and spending the rest of this awful day on the couch reading a book. 
And not think of your husband’s ass in the shower. 
Groaning at the little voice in my head, I threw on a pair of sweats, not bothering to take my makeup off, and dragged my feet down the long hallway again to the large bookshelves that were right next to the elevator. Noah had a large collection, might as well help myself to one or two.
Black fingernails skimmed over the spines of the large collection, humming a soft tune to myself, until one caught my eye. 
A New World.
When I went to pull it out, excited to read my favorite book, it wouldn’t budge. Instead, the bookshelf began to creak and groan before slowly opening into the wall. 
“No fucking way,” I scoffed. “He would have a secret door that leads to a dark staircase.”
I thought about it for a moment; go down the stairs to see where it led or play dumb to the fact that I ever saw it. But suddenly, something from yesterday popped in my brain. 
“I took the back staircase.”
Noah made it a point to say that he takes this staircase when he’s unable to walk through the lobby of the penthouse. Meaning wherever his staircase led, it was meant to be hidden. 
“Fuck it,” I muttered with a shrug before taking the stairs, one step at a time. 
It was lit with a muted yellow glow so I had a hand on the wall to guide me in case I were to tumble down. With each tentative step, voices grew closer and closer until I heard what sounded like flesh on flesh and then pained cries. 
When my footsteps halted at the bottom of the staircase, I felt my heart jump into my throat and stomach fall out of my ass with the sight in front of me. 
“What the fuck!” 
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“Wait please!”
Ignoring the pathetic cries falling from Cory’s mouth, I sunk the knife deeper into the already gaping wound in his thigh, twisting and turning it in all different directions. The sound of blood squelching brought a sinister smile to my face as I watched the sheer pain on his face. Tendrils of my dark hair fell into my eyes but I didn’t dare brush them away. 
“You have a lot of nerve coming into my shop and talking about my wife that way,” I said. 
Cory did his best to thrash in the chair he was tied up in but ultimately failed. “Fuck you!” 
I cocked my head to the side, still having a tight grip on the knife in his thigh. I felt a presence behind me as I was crouched at the knees, knowing Matt was also watching with his own sinister smirk. I’d done a number on Cory already, his face barely recognizable from the blood that covered it and not only did he have a wound in his thigh, his arms and chest were littered with small yet painful slices from my blade. 
“I’m done with him,” I said while slowly rising to full height, aged knees popping in and out of place. 
Matt handed me a small handgun from one of my large collections and when I cocked it, Cory’s eyes went white as a ghost. 
“Wait!” He choked on his own blood. “I have information!” 
The grip on my gun never faltered but I did raise a brow at him. “What could you possibly know that would interest me?” 
Deep, uneven breaths fell from Cory’s lips and I knew that I only had a short window with him before he succumbed to the wounds; more importantly, the one on his side. Matt made a comment of how deep I went with the knife but all I saw was red, Cory’s comments from earlier urging the knife deeper. 
“The only hole I want is her mouth. It’s all she’s good for.”
“Its-,” he coughed up blood, spewing it all over himself and at the ground near my shoes. “About Saoirse’s mom. Her death.”
That made my gun falter a bit but I kept my tough resolve apparent. “Her mom died years ago. Why do you think I would spare your life when it was already a solved case?”
Underneath the blood that pooled from Corey’s mouth was a sinister smirk as he leaned his head back. 
“That’s what they want you to think.” 
Matt, who had slowly slipped behind Cory, and I shared a look before he asked the next question. 
“Who’s they?” Matt wondered. 
Cory did his best to shrug due to being tied up. “The ones who did it.”
I let out an agitated groan before dropping the gun onto the metal table next to me, the noise caused Cory to jump. It had been an extremely long day and the last thing I wanted to do was stand here while he ran us in circles with this so-called information. There were many things I would much rather be doing. 
My wife. 
Shaking the thought from my head, I stalked over towards the far end of the underground to where I held all of my variety of tools; immediately reaching for the pair of rusty pliers. 
Twirling the tool in my hands, I noticed a look of fear flash in Cory’s eyes just before I flicked my own towards Matt, giving him a silent order. He wrenched Cory’s head back by the roots of his hair, keeping him in place, gloved fingers smearing his own blood all throughout. 
It took me a lot longer than I’d like to admit to start wearing gloves during these kinds of meetings. Not only for the fear of leaving fingerprints behind but because blood was a bitch to wash off. 
“Cory,” I clicked my tongue against my teeth. “I’m getting really fucking tired of your voice.” 
He blinked, trying to fight against Matt’s grip on him. “Wh-what are you going to do?” 
I sinisterly looked at the old pliers in my hand and shivered with delight. “I’m going to rip out your tongue.”
Screams of pain echoed loudly in the underground, but never making past the concrete walls, as I yanked his tongue out of his mouth. Cory writhed in the chair as his words were muffled as I nearly clipped the pliers with his tongue. 
“One last question,” I said without an ounce of waver in my voice. “Does Vincent’s death have anything to do with Mrs. McManus’ death?”
The pupils of Cory’s eyes bled black and even with both mine and Matt’s grip on him, I felt the softest of nods. Something inside of me burned low with the revelation that my best friend was possibly killed by the same person that killed Scar’s mom. 
“This is for everything you said about my wife.” 
With the pliers clamped around Cory’s tongue, I ripped it with such force, blood spattered across my shirt, down to my shoes. His cries sounded like pure bliss to my ears as I let the limp muscle and pliers clatter to the dirty ground at my feet. 
Matt pushed himself away from Cory, wiping his hands on the back of his sweats, before tossing me a rag. 
“You got some blood on your face,” he pointed to his cheek. 
With a disgusted groan, I wiped the blood away and ripped away the destroyed shirt now. It would have to join the burn pile. As I discarded my gloves into the same pile, I continued to ignore the mess of a man in front of me. Blood pooled down Cory’s chin and over his bare chest. But the satisfaction I thought I would feel after causing him this much pain was non-existent. I wanted him to suffer for everything he said about Scar but mostly the fact he had the nerve to cheat on her. 
Matt immediately noticed the look in my eyes, having seen it one too many times before. 
“Noah, let’s end this. It’s not like he’s physically able to tell us anything else,” he suggested. 
I scratched at the tattoos on my chest absentmindedly, doing my best to calm the beast inside of me. I was alway calm with dealings like this, the more level headed one of our group. But Cory’s words about my wife continued to tease me and I couldn’t contain myself any longer. Rage consumed me as I laid fist after fist into Cory’s flesh; anywhere I could. 
His stomach. 
His chest. 
His face, over and over again. 
It was as if the rage had blinded my vision, making the only thing I could see was pure darkness. His muffled groans and the sound of flesh on flesh was muted by the pounding of my heart in my ears. 
“What the fuck!”
Chest heaving, I whirled around on my heels to see Scar standing on the far end of the room where the hidden staircase led. The soft features of her face were contorted with agony as she took in the sight in front of her.
Cory’s near lifeless body at my feet, still tied to the chair. 
Matt sat on the metal table, dangling his legs in the air, as he browsed something on his phone. 
And me, standing above the mess I created with blood on my hands; literally. Scar’s lips were parted, the softest off breaths falling from them, and her pupils were dilated with sheer fear. 
Not fear.
“Cory!” Scar bellowed before taking a step towards him, causing me to block her path. 
“Now you care for him?” I sneered, wiping his blood over my chest. 
“N-no,” she stammered while shifting on her feet. “I just-. I didn’t expect to see this when I came down here!” 
Matt snorted from his spot on the table. “What did you expect to see, Scar? Us having a picnic?” 
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Fuck off, Matthew.” 
“It’s Matt,” I corrected. “You need to go back upstairs.” 
Now her fury was directed towards me and she poked a nail into my bare chest, doing her best not to gawk at the tattoos and blood. 
Ultimately failing. 
“You don’t tell me what to do, Noah!” She poked me again. “You brought me into this fucked up world, the least you can do is let me see it!”
I cocked my head to the side, slowly licking my lips, and took a tentative step towards her. The chill of the underground brought goosebumps to my skin but the reminder of how her finger felt poking my skin bathed me in warmth. 
“Does this turn you on, Scar?” I teased with a low voice. 
There was a slight hesitation before she scoffed, locking her hands on her hips. “No!”
Her voice was high pitched, almost scratchy, and it was something I remembered from highschool she would do this exact thing when she was lying. I raised a finger to her, twirling a piece of auburn hair around it. 
“Admit it, Scar. Even you’ve thought about it. Dragging your knife across someone’s flesh. Their screams of despair and pain bring a sense of comfort, maybe even arousal,” I breathed into the crook of her neck. 
She swallowed thickly and I tracked the way her bottom lip caught between her teeth, desperately wanting to know how they tasted. 
“You’re sick!” her eyes snapped up towards mine. 
I grinned, dark tendrils of hair falling into my even darker eyes. “If I’m so sick, then how come your hand is reaching for my belt?” 
Scar cursed when she realized her fingers were brushing against the buckle of my belt and hurriedly jumped away from me. Her eyes darted back to the scene behind me, lingering on the slowly dying body at my feet. 
“Did you rip out his tongue?!” She gasped, covering her mouth. 
I kicked the limp muscle on the other side of the room carelessly. “Bastard kept talking about you. I needed to teach him a lesson.”
Matt slipped off of the table and reached for one of the smaller pocket knives we had hanging on the wall behind him. Twirling it between his fingers, he nodded towards Scar. 
“Do you want to finish him off? A little payback for him cheating on you?” 
For the briefest of moments, she thought about it with the way her gaze lingered on the sharp blade before falling down to Cory, who had passed out from the pain. Scar was facing an internal battle inside of her between what was right and wrong. Well, what she thought was wrong. Nothing I did in the undergrounds of the Concrete Jungle was wrong. I did it to protect what I’ve created here and to protect the ones I love. 
“What do you say? Or are you too much of a pussy to get the job done?” I taunted, hands buried deep into the pockets of my dress slacks.
Scar’s lips recoiled as she violently shook her head. “If I would have known you were like this, I wouldn’t have agreed to this marriage!” 
My heart sank to the depths of my stomach but I continued to hold my demeanor, not allowing her to know how her words continued to affect me. 
“Fine,” I shrugged with a sigh. “You have two choices. Stay here and watch or go upstairs and wait for me.”
“Wait for you? For what?” She blinked. 
Not uttering a word, I turned on my heels back towards Cory and kicked his abdomen, waking him from his slumber. Words were muffled as he tried to fight against the binds, weakly due to the blood loss, so Matt bent at the knees next to him.
“We’ll make it quick,” he shook the knife in front of Cory’s face, whose eyes flared with fear. 
I didn’t have to see if Scar went upstairs, I could feel her presence behind me as she stalked closer. The ghost brush of a hand on my lower back made my spine stiffen and when I glanced over my shoulder, I raised a brow at her. 
“Curious cat, eh?” 
“Fuck off, Sebastain!” She pushed away from me and I could hear her footsteps amcking against the concrete as she ran up the hidden staircase. 
“Did you want the honors, boss?” Matt’s voice caused me to turn my head back towards him. 
“He’s all yours,” I said, the urge to hurt him not present. “Have Ash help you clean up. But once you’re finished, do me a favor and look into what he was rambling on about earlier.”
Matt gave a quick two finger salute. My heart was no longer in this game of torture and mutalation. It was vying for the woman upstairs and wanting to make things right with her. The usual sick thrill I got from watching a kill meant nothing as I followed Scar’s footsteps. 
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I lay in bed with my back turned towards the door, trying my darndest to erase the image of Cory on the flood from my brain. While I never loved him, it still struck something inside of me to see him so broken on death's door. Yet, the way Noah looked towered over him, shirtless and the blue lights of the underground emanating him in neon glows now made something burn inside. My pussy ached as I remembered how the blood looked smeared across Noah’s tattooed chest and for the quickest of moments, I wanted to lick it off of him. 
“You’re so fucked up!” I groaned while pressing my palms into my eyes, hoping to rub away the vision from my mind. 
“Talking to yourself?” 
Snapping my eyes open, I saw Noah leaning against the doorframe of the bedroom, thick arms crossed over his chest. He looked like a dream with the setting sun's rays blasting through the large windows and casting him in a peachy glow. His belt and button were undone, showcasing the hard V line of his hips as his pants hung low, and I found myself staring at the few dark hairs that peaked out from the waistband of his briefs. 
“If you want it, Scar. All you need to do is ask,” Noah teased while pushing himself off the door frame and stalked into the bedroom. 
Rolling my eyes, I sat up in bed and pulled my knees to my chest as I watched him walk towards the bathroom. 
“Did you kill him?” 
My words made Noah pause, the muscles in his back flexing, but he didn’t look towards me. “Will you cry if I tell you the truth?”
“I don’t love him. Never had. But that doesn't mean he deserved to die, Noah!” 
Now he whirled around on his feet, dark eyes staring daggers into me. 
“He cheated on you, Scar! Bragged about how the only good hole you had was your mouth. Claimed you would lie there stiff as a board,” Noah ran a hand through his hair. 
I pulled my lips in a tight light after I was about to say something but when he took a large step towards me, I realized he wasn't done yet.
“Did you really think I would let him get away with talking about you like that? My wife. In my shop?!” 
His eyes were wild as he loomed over me in the bed and my stomach flipped at his words. 
My wife. 
“I-,” my voice faltered, unsure what to say. 
Noah’s nostrils flared, his anger radiating off of him in droves, and he leaned farther over me causing my body to fall to the bed. Tattooed arms locked me in on both sides of my head and I felt his scorching breath fanning over my lips. We were so close that if I titled my head up just a tad, I would finally be able to figure out what he tasted like; a thought that had been plaguing my mind since highschool. 
“Let’s make one thing clear here. You’re mine, angel. Anyone who disrespects you will pay a price, regardless of who they are,” Noah pressed his hips against mine. 
I sucked in a breath when his cock brushed along my pussy, over the silk fabric of my pajama shorts. I’d change once I came back upstairs, ready for the day to be over, not caring it was just before six in the evening. My hands shook at my sides, unsure what to do with them, so Noah grabbed them and pinned both of them above my head; both wrists fitting in one of his hands. 
“Wh-what did you call me?” I choked out, suddenly realizing what he said. 
His nose brushed along my jawline, breathing me in. 
“Angel,” Noah almost purred. 
I swallowed thickly, doing my best to keep my strong hold against him even though it was faltering with every brush of his cock against me. He was slowly dry humping me and I was giving back to him with even strokes. There was still dried blood across the tattoos on his chest, painting them in crimson, and I could still smell the lingering copper scent. 
“What if I don’t like it?” I panted, nearly gone in bliss. 
He groaned while grazing his teeth along my jugular. “Too bad because it stays. Angel.”
With one of his hands still keeping mine locked about my head, his other slipped underneath my nightshirt to graze over my blazed skin. We were like a couple of horny teenagers that found their first moment alone with each other with how frenzied our movements were against each other. My orgasm was building slowly, the familiar tingling sensation in the base of my spine. It was so close, I could taste it on the tip of my tongue and I wanted nothing more than to scream out his name as I came undone underneath hNoah. 
“How wet are you, angel?” He flicked his tongue against my earlobe. “I bet you're soaked just from this.”
I nodded, too far gone now to try and fight against him. I needed this release more than oxygen and it was almost as if Noah understood because his hand slipped between us to tease my folds over my shorts. 
“I fucking knew it,” he chuckled darkly. “How bad do you want my cock, Scar?” 
I bit the inside of my cheek, not wanting to give away how bad I actually wanted or how I’ve wanted it since freshman year. Instead I raised my hips up towards his hands, a silent beg falling from my lips. 
“Use your words,” Noah demanded before smacking my pussy. 
“Shit!” I cried out. “Fuck you.”
He wrapped one of my legs around his back so he could press his clothed cock over my core at a different angle and it was everything I needed for the coil to snap. 
“Oh god,” my body convulsed underneath Noah as I let my orgasm overcome all of my senses. 
White hazy stars danced at the edges of my vision. 
I could taste the blood from Noah’s chest as I lapped at it, unknowingly. 
All the noises around me seemed to fade away. The only thing I could hear was Noah’s grunts as he continued to dry fuck me. 
At some point he let go of my hands and my nails scratched at the large Jesus portrait against Noah’s back, working myself through the aftershocks. 
The scent of his cologne hung along the edge of my nose as I breathed him in. 
“That’s such a good girl, Scar. You sound so pretty when you cum,” Noah praised while dragging his teeth along the side of my neck. 
My jaw fell slack when I finally came down from my high and Noah began rising the hem of my shirt up over my stomach. 
“You can lie all you want, Scar. But what you saw downstairs turned you on,” he flicked his eyes up at me from his new position over my belly. 
“You’re crazy,” I breathed, letting my eyes flutter shut. 
“For you-.”
“Am I interrupting something?” 
My head snapped over towards the doorway where I saw one of his men leaning against the same spot Noah had been minutes prior. I vaguely recognized him as one of the members of OMNS; his long hair down past his shoulders and the cross earring hanging from his ear. The accent immediately told me who it was. I tried to scurry away from Noah, only for him to hold onto my hips with a vice grip, him sitting up against the back of his calves. 
“Need something Joakim?” Noah made no effort to fix his pants or briefs as they were askew. I didn’t miss the agitation in his voice. 
Joakim's eyes lingered at us for a moment before he motioned towards me. “Her fathers estate has been calling the lobby of the apartments. Apparently, her uncle wants to have her over for dinner tonight to celebrate the nuptials.” 
Both Noah and I shared a look, knowing that it couldn’t be true because we saw my dad and uncle a few hours ago and neither of them made it known they wanted dinner tonight. Plus, if they did, they would call my cell phone, not the lobby. 
Smacking his leg, Noah reluctantly rolled off of me allowing me to sit up and fix my hair and hopefully cool down my heated cheeks. I wasn’t sure how long Joakim had been watching us but from the sly smirk on his lips, I had a feeling it was before my orgasm.
“I don’t have a good feeling about this, Scar,” Noah sat on the edge of the bed, hair a disheveled mess and pants still unbuttoned. 
While I expected to see his cock thick and hard, it nearly shocked me to see a faint wet spot staining the gray briefs; not from my arousal. 
“I’ll be fine. Maybe it was a last minute dinner he wanted to set up. I’m sure he’s curious about the Cory situation,” I said. 
Noah’s brows peaked. “What are you going to tell him?” 
I shrugged. “It was handled. They don’t need to know the details.” 
“Let me come with you. Since it is a dinner to celebrate us,” he spoke while rising from the bed, however Joakim shook his head. 
“You’re needed at the M.I.N.D Clinic. Something happened with one of our extended guests.” 
Noah sighed with even more agitation than before and pinched his eyes shut. “Fine. Let me clean up and I’ll meet you in the living room in ten minutes.”
“Wiat!” I grabbed his arm before he could retreat into the bathroom. “The M.I.N.D Clinic is real?”
“Yes,” his lips pulled down at my surprise. “It’s been a running establishment for the last three years. How have you not known about it?” 
I shrugged. “There were rumors in my neighborhood about what you do in the Concrete Jungle but none of us knew for sure. The M.I.N.D Clinic allows you to go through your memories, right? Relieve them?” 
Noah nodded but then his eyes widened when he realized what I was getting at and firmly shook his head. “Absolutely not, Scar. It can be a dangerous place there. We’ve had a resident with us for the last 118 days because he’s trying to remember his wife who is currently on her deathbed. The M.I.N.D program, while it is one I’ve programmed myself, still has its flaws. If you find yourself too deep, you won’t be able to pull yourself out.”
“No, Saoirse. Do not ask again,” Noah snapped, using my first name to let me know he meant what he said.
Holding up my hands, I nodded. “Fine. I’m going to change and head to my dad’s. I’ll be back later.” 
“Take Joakim with you,” Noah said as I walked away from him. “I’ll bring Nicholas with me.” 
Joakim nodded towards him but gave me a playful wink as I walked past him towards the walk in closet. “No offense, Joakim. But I can take care of myself. It’s just a dinner, no need for protection.”
Waving off Noah’s protests, I closed myself inside of the closet to get ready. 
Thirty minutes later, I was dressed in a pair of jeans and a hoodie, not bothering to get dressed up for this last minute dinner, and drove down the familiar but darkened roads back to my fathers estate. I tried calling him once I got in the car to confirm but got his voicemail after three rings. Even though I knew it was nothing, I couldn’t ignore the way my heart beat increased the closer I got, something not sitting well with me. I couldn’t even enjoy the earlier thought of me coming apart for Noah without the fear of what I was about to walk into looming. 
How could I allow myself to let Noah take that part of me? I had told myself over and over again before moving in that I would not fold that fast for him, yet there I was begging for his cock like a horny teeneager. 
I mean, you were horny. You did love what you saw in the underground. 
Grumbling at my thoughts, I took the familiar turn around the bend, my old neighborhood less than a mile away. Yet I was blinded when a pair of bright headlights came barreling towards me. 
“Shit!” I cursed before wrenching the steering wheel to the side, causing my car to skid close to the edge. 
Right in perfect sight of the car that t boned into me. All I could remember was the sound of metal on metal and glass breaking before being plunged into darkness.
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“Did she make it?” I asked Noah who had stepped inside of his office at the M.I.N.D Clinic. 
While he was busy tending to the resident and his wife, I’d been sitting at his desk, looking over the numbers in the books. We had made a decent increase in revenue the last six months, along with a lot of our other businesses. We no longer had to worry about where money was coming from to cover the expenses of the underground, yet it was still nice to be aware of where the money was going. 
Noah shook his head and stuffed his hands deep into the pockets of his black jacket. His black turtle neck had been pulled up high, covering the snake tattoo on his neck. 
“She didn’t make it. He claims he kept having visions of her dying over and over again while he was under,” Noah fell into the chair across from the desk with a deep sigh. 
“What happens now?” I wondered while leaning farther back into my own chair. 
“He paid out for 150 days, he’s going to honor the rest of his contract. To be honest, I don’t think we’d be able to make him leave,” he ran a hand through his locks, brushing them away from his face. 
We sat in silence for a moment until his deep voice reverberated in the air. 
“How much of that did you see? Back at the penthouse?” 
I gazed away from the computer screen to see a faint redness creeping along Noah’s defined cheekbones and snickered. 
“Enough to know why Scar has been on your mind since highschool,” I clicked off the program before shutting down the computer. 
Noah ran a hand over his face. “I didn’t expect to fall into her so quickly, Jolly. She has this way of pulling me in and I’m so afraid that I’ll fall even harder than the last time when she realizes I’m not what she wants.” 
I kicked my feet up on the desk, ignoring the way Noah glared at the action. 
“She doesn't have a choice, Noah. As long as both sides want to keep the peace and stop a war from breaking out, she has to remain married to you.” 
I could tell my words did nothing to ease the anxiety in his mind so I continued. “Plus from what I saw and heard, she’s into you more than you think.”
Noah’s lips parted to speak but was interrupted by the constant shrill of his phone ringing and he dug it out of his pants pocket. 
“It’s Scar,” he muttered before answering. “Hey, did you make it-.”
It was silent for an eerily amount of time and with the way his face changed from neutral to fear to pure anger made me sit straight up in the chair now. 
“Where are you?” Noah made a simple motion with his hand, one I understood, and quickly I made my way over to the other end of the office, yanking one of the books off of the book shelf. 
The shelf next to me creaked open from the middle, showcasing a large array of different kinds of weapons. After I grabbed one of the handguns, making sure it was loaded, I grabbed one of Noah’s favorites and tossed it to him. He caught it without even looking, still on the phone with Scar. 
“It’s alright, angel. Joakim and I can be there in ten minutes. Have you called the cops?” 
What the fuck was going on?
“Don’t. I’ll call the guys to meet you there. Folio can get there in five with his bike. Just stay out of sight, alright?” Noah said while grabbing another gun, giving me a sideways glance. 
You can never be too safe. 
Once he hung up, he worked out a text message, no doubt to our group chat, and then slipped on his leather gloves. 
“Is she alright?” I asked as we made our way through the hidden door of the office that led to the back alley. 
“I don’t know,” he spat out through gritted teeth. 
Neither of us said a word as we slipped inside of the sleek black car, Noah speeding off before I even buckled my seat belt.
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The sound of metal scraping along the concrete was loud in my ears as I stood frozen, gazing at the sight in front of me. In an instant, everything changed and I couldn't stop wondering what would have happened if I didn't make it out. 
If I was at the bottom of the ocean with what was left of the crumpled piece of metal. The face behind the mask was the last thing I saw before swerving my car out of the way and tumbling over the edge. 
I let out a choked sob as the tears finally fell from my eyes and I didn't bother to wipe them away. Fear etched its way deep into my bones and my body shook uncontrollably. Until a faint shadow in the darkness appeared through the fog and the fear stilled, only for a moment. 
"I-I-I'm sorry," I sobbed, cradling my arms to my chest, hoping to hide the injuries from him. "I didn't know who else to call."
Noah stepped out of the thick fog and immediately cradled my face, eyes scanning for every visible injury he could see. 
“Are you alright, angel?” 
The tenderness in his voice did nothing to ease away the pain weighing my body down. I shook my head, tears still falling. 
“I should have called someone else. I know you’re busy and you wanted me to be with a guard but I didn’t want to be a bother,” I rambled on. 
Noah’s thumb grazed over a deep wound on my cheek, gathering up the blood. “You always call me, Scar. Always.”
I blinked through the tears but eventually nodded. 
“The car came out of nowhere! The only thing I could see was a masked person driving before it crashed into me,” I sobbed but then pointed a shaking finger towards the cliff edge twenty feet from us. “My car hung on the ledge for a few minutes and I climbed my way out, barely making it out before it fell into the water.”
Noah’s grip on my face tightened before he pulled me into his chest, large hands leaving soothing circles against my back as I cried. 
“It’s alright, angel. I’ve got you. You’re alright,” he cooed. 
“Everything hurts. I think my arm is broken,” I continued to sob. “I should go to a hospital.” 
“No,” he pulled away from me slightly so he could glance down at me through the darkness, only illuminated by the lights from his car. “Hospitals will ask questions. I’ve got a doctor on call that will meet us back at the penthouse to look at that arm and stitch up your wounds.” 
Suddenly exhausted from the aftermath of the crash, I numbly nodded before collapsing into his arms. Noah cursed before picking me up bridal style to carry me over to Nicholas’ SUV. He arrived seconds after Noah did. 
“How is she?” Nicholas wondered while Noah laid me down in the back seat. 
“We need to get her back to the penthouse, now. Have the doctor meet you guys there. I’m going to see what I can find,” Noah ordered. 
I reached for his hand, keeping him from leaving. He stood in the open doorway of the car and peered down at me with concern in his almond eyes. 
“Please don’t leave,” my voice shook. 
While I did grow up in the mob life, I never was exposed to it in this kind of magnitude. There wasn’t a doubt in any of our minds that this whole night had been a hit on me or Noah. But we weren't sure who had set it up. 
His clenched jaw eased before letting out a tender breath. “I need to figure out what happened. I won’t be long.” 
“Folio is already looking,” I explained while slowly sitting up, grimacing at the pain that shot through me. 
Just then, Folio popped up behind Noah, a cigar hanging loosely from his lips. 
“What did you find out?” He whirled around, fanning out the smoke. 
“The driver,” Folio adjusted his leather cut off. “Put up a nasty fight at first, damn near scratched my eyes out.” 
At the mention of the scuffle, I did notice three red marks down the side of his face and over the Jesus tattoo on the side of his neck. 
“So is he dead or alive?” Noah asked, aggravated. 
I could tell in the way his shoulders tensed underneath his jacket that he was ready to take care of this by himself. 
Folio smirked before pulling the cigar from his mouth. “She is alive. Got her in the trunk of your car.”
Very quickly, Noah barked out orders to all of his men before they all piled into their respective cars. He motioned for me to lay down again, resting my head in his lap as Nicholas drove us away from the scene. I could hear the rumble of Folio’s bike next to us while Joakim and Matt rode in Noah’s car that had the culprit tied up in the trunk. I knew that there were other cars behind us but I couldn’t care at that moment because Noah’s fingers worked through the blood matted knots of my hair. 
“We’ll get you cleaned up and looked at. I’m going to have a conversation with this driver,” he muttered, keeping his eyes locked on the car in front of him. 
“I want to be the one to do it.” 
Noah’s eyes fell down to mine, heavy with exhaustion, but I forced them open. 
“Are you sure?” He asked. 
It nearly took me off guard that he didn’t argue with me but I recovered quickly. 
“She nearly killed me, Noah,” I squeezed his knee, adjusting myself so I could take a small nap. “I’m going to find out why.”
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I stood in front of the woman who lay slumped in front of me, her words replaying in my mind over and over again. None of it could be true. There was no way; not possible. 
We all arrived to the penthouse about an hour ago and while Noah brought me upstairs to get checked out and cleaned up, the rest of OMNS were busy dealing with her. I had a broken arm that was currently being held up by a sling and a wound on my forehead that needed to be stitched up, covered with a bandage. Besides those and a few bumps and bruises, I would live; much to the dismay of the woman at my feet. 
It wasn't easy for me to shower by myself but I made due, not wanting Noah’s help. Even with our moment earlier this evening in bed, I wasn’t ready for him to see me naked yet. 
The doctor prescribed me some meds for the pain but I declined, never liking the idea of pain meds after seeing my friends in high school abuse their parents. I’d gladly suffer for a few weeks rather than get addicted. As soon as I was dressed in a pair of leggings and a tank top, I had Noah help me back into the sling before both of us took the hidden staircase down to the underground where my prey sat waiting for me. 
Nicholas and Folio had already roughed her up a bit for me and I couldn’t ignore the way it brought a giddy smile to my face seeing the woman a bloody mess. When she saw both Noah and I descended the stairs, pure ice cold fear filled her pupils and began rambling off nonsense. 
Nonsense about my mother. 
Once we arrived, Noah dismissed Nicholas and Folio, leaving just us three alone. 
"Pl-please," she blabbered while spitting out blood. "You have to believe me! I saw it!" 
“That’s not possible. She’s been dead for years. You saw her doppelganger or some shit,” I sneered while kicking her in her face, watching her rear back against the chilled concrete floor. 
Thankfully I remembered to slip on my black boots before coming down here. 
“I know what I saw! She was seen with Vincent!” The woman continued to spew bullshit. 
According to Nicholas, he found out some details about this woman. She worked for the Italians and was set out to veer my car off of the road because they were upset that the deal for my hand in marriage was made with Noah and not one of their prospective sons. 
As if I would ever get in bed with the Italians. 
“You’re saying whatever you can think of to prolong you walking out of here alive,” I rolled my eyes before reaching for the knife that Noah had laid out prior to us coming down here. 
I told him that I wanted to be the one to integrate her, he could hang back and watch in case things got out of hand. But before we came down here, he showed me how to properly use a knife. 
“Keep a light grip on the handle but firm with the blade against their skin,” he breathed against the back of my neck as he stood behind me in our bedroom. 
He held the blade against the sensitive skin of my neck and I held my breath, not due to fear but arousal. The scene also had an effect on him because I could feel Noah’s cock against the swell of my ass. 
“It’s all true! Two weeks before Vincent showed up on OMNS doorstep, I saw him with your mother! At some sleazy German bar, they wanted to meet on neutral ground to discuss something.” 
I paused twirling the knife in my hand and watched as the woman rose to her knees, holding out her hands. 
“Discuss what?” I questioned, absitmindly playing with my wedding ring. 
I couldn’t believe that it was still the same day that Noah and I signed the marriage certificate. It felt like days ago. 
The woman hesitated before wiping the blood away from her broken nose with the back of her hand. “I don’t exactly know.” 
Sighing, I yanked her head back by her hair, exposing her neck to the neon lights adorning the ceiling. I had no plans on killing her, that wasn’t me. Yet again, this whole torturing of a victim wasn’t me either, but given the circumstances I allowed myself this. 
But realizing I could only hold her head back with my good arm, unable to hold the knife against her throat, I groaned before pushing her down the ground again. 
My eyes snapped over to Noah leaning against the concrete wall, the bottom half of his face covered in the black mask. Dark tendrils of hair fell into his face but his hands were covered in blood so he refused to push them away. 
“I’m suddenly bored. There’s no need to question you any longer. Have fun with her, Noah. I’m going to bed,” I grumbled, slamming the knife on the table as I walked past him, who still hadn’t uttered a word or moved a muscle. 
“Noah looked into your mothers death! He sent Matt to find out more information,” the woman called after me, halting my footsteps. “It’s all over the Concrete Jungle that your mother was seen with Vincent. In more ways than one, if you catch my drift. 
My head snapped over to Noah, ignoring the suddenly sinister laugh falling from the woman's mouth. 
"Is it true?" I asked him, venom in my voice. 
All he did was blink once but that was answer enough. 
I scoffed. “Were you planning on telling me?” 
One blink. 
I pointed to the woman. “Does she have anything to do with my mother?”
This time, Noah didn’t blink which again told me his answer. 
He didn’t know.
The woman watched the interaction between Noah and I, shaking her head wildly. "You can't believe him! He's lying!" 
I cocked my head at her with narrowed eyes. There was a large and warm presence behind me. When I glanced over my shoulder, Noah was now standing behind me; physically and metaphorically. 
"Noah's my husband. He has no reason to,” I said. 
The woman's face was covered in blood, her right eye swollen shut but I wasn’t sure if it was from our beatings or from the car accident she caused. But I could see the briefest hint of fear in them when my fingers grazed over the handle of the gun Noah extended towards me. 
"No, you're not like him. Please!” She begged while wrapping her arms around my hips, holding onto me. 
The part of me that didn’t like the dark side of the mob life called to me, overpowering the thrill of seeing her weep at my feet and gently, I removed her grasp around me. 
“I’m done,” I spoke flatly, pushing her away from me. 
Mentally, I was exhausted from the everlasting day and was ready to call it a night when dark laughter pulled me back to the pathetic excuse of a woman. 
“Your mother was right. You never could hack it in this business. I’m shocked your father signed you over to Noah Sebastian. He needs someone that can get their hands dirty. Maybe he’d be better off with me-.” 
It all happened so quickly, barely having time to actually register what happened until it was too late. Me scurrying back over towards Noah, who still held the gun outstretched and my finger on the trigger, firing off two rounds directly into the woman's skull; right between the eyes.
The ringing in my ear due to the gunshot was deafening as I stood there motionless, unable to process any coherent thought or word. It wasn’t until I felt callused fingers around my wrist, pulling my attention away from the dead body at my feet and to the dark eyes of Matt, filled with concern. 
“Let’s get you upstairs, Scar,” he gingerly led me back towards the hidden staircase, too far gone in a state of shock to realize Noah had begun cleaning up my mess.
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“Scar?” I called out into the dark penthouse. 
After I finished cleaning up the mess in the underground thanks to help from Ash and Bryan, I made my way upstairs to check on Scar. Matt had taken her upstairs over an hour ago but I hadn’t heard how she was doing. It’s never easy, your first kill, so I knew the feeling of disgust and dread she had to have been feeling. 
As I walked down the long hallway towards our bedroom, ignoring the one room that always remained locked, I paused momentarily just past the doorway of the bedroom when I heard soft cries echoing from the shower. 
“Scar?” I called out again, this time with more fever as I ran into the bathroom, the sight stalling my heart. 
She was curled up in a ball, still in her clothes and sling, soaked to the bone as she cried out. There was a frigid chill in the air, indicating she’d run through all of the hot water, but that didn’t stop me from kicking off my boots and stepping into the shower with her; clothes and all. 
“Noah!” She cried, immediately pulling me into her, burying her face in my soaked black shirt. 
“Shh,” I brushed my lips across her forehead, the bandage covering her stitches barely hanging on. “I’ve got you.” 
“Am I?” Scar choked out, fisting at the fabric. “Am I a monster now?” 
My heart shattered, pieces falling into the depths of my abdomen but I shook my head. Cupping her cheek, I forced her to look up at me, water droplets hanging onto her long lashes. 
“No, angel. You’re a fighter. You did what needed to be done,” I held her closer to me, allowing her to cry out the guilt and anguish she felt. 
She might have felt like a monster right now but I knew that she would evolve into something greater, far exceeding the expectations her family set against her. They were right when they thought she couldn’t run the McManus empire. Because she was made to run OMNS with me by her side. 
First things first, however, we needed to have a talk with Matt and figure out what he found out about her mother's death.
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sorrowsofsilence · 3 months
G E M I N I ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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Pairings: Noah Sebastian!Davis Twins x ofc!Jude (really just a name, no description)
Words: 4.4k
Warnings: smut 18+ (threesome, fem!receiving, male!receiving, PnV pls wrap it b4 u tap it), twins (no twincest here, just both involved with 1 person), alcohol/weed use.
Summary: Why bother choosing, when both Davis twins are an option?
Authors note: I edited the pics above and below, feel free to use w/credit if you'd like! :) also this whole Davis twins idea was inspired by the martial art twins @thefallennightmare mentioned 🤭 (also, songs are Gemini by Del Water Gap, and Gemini by N i G H T S)
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Identical twins; yet both are polar opposites.
Noah Davis; guitar/bass playing skater boy: Sweet, warm, delicate. The smell of milk and honey. The epitome of the sun’s warmth as I rest in the passenger seat of a car.
Sebastian Davis; party boy singer: charismatic, mysterious, unpredictable. The smell of petrichor and cologne. The epitome of my body hanging out the car window, wind running freely through my hair.
Perhaps it was fate I met them, the deities pulling the strings and leading me straight into chaos- or maybe it was just a strange coincidence.
A victim of chance.
“C’mon let’s get another shot.” Niamh’s voice was distant as she snaked far from my grasp through the crowd. As I was sucked further into the sea of people trying to catch up I couldn’t help but audibly groan. The smell of alcohol and sweat lingered in the air, my nose scrunching in distaste. I wasn’t nearly drunk enough for this scene yet.
Mumbling a string of sorry’s I pushed past various people, squeezing between bodies before finally reaching the counter, my best friend already downing two shots and asking the bartender for another.
I placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled her toward me, shaking my head, “Girl, you’re going to regret that once it hits.”
The blonde laughed, leaning into me as she smiled at the bartender, pointing a thumb in my direction, “Two more please, tequila. For her.”
With a smile, I put my head on hers, “You got me there, my weakness.”
A new voice in my ear made me jump, turning quickly with a hand over my heart.
“Jesus-” I laughed nervously once I made eye contact with a grinning brunette, his long hair cascading down his face in delicate layers. The strobe lights danced off his features, highlighting his pointed nose and distinct jawline. He was stunning, my heart pointing from the jumpscare and his presence.
“That’s your weakness?” His voice was faint from the blaring music as he towered over me to hand the bartender a bill, “Two for me as well.”
I stared at his tanktop, the 1975 logo faded through various washes and uses, paired with a set of black skinny jeans with two holes in the knee. My eyes began grazing over his arms and neck, as he was adorned with tattoos. I tried to hide the warmth that rose to my cheeks.
The bartender slid the glasses over the counter I reached for one, “I am a fan of some blanco.”
An inked hand reached out as well, the long-haired brunette smiling down at me as he held the alcohol toward me, asking for cheers.
Our glasses touched before we tapped them simultaneously on the wooden counter before I tilted my head back, the smooth liquor running down my throat.
The boy leaned into my ear again, yelling over the music, “I’ve never seen you around before,” taking the empty cup from my hand he gave it to the bartender, “What’s a gorgeous girl like you doing in a place like this?”
I laughed as we both grabbed another, following the same ritual before I stuck the lime between my lips, the sour citrus tangy against my tongue, “Do you tell all the girls that?”
Looking over at Niamh she grinned ear to ear, eyes flicking between me and the stranger, “Well, I need to pee so, I’ll see you in a bit.”
That was her code for ‘I’m giving you space to talk to him’.
I shook my head quickly in protest, grabbing her arm but she slipped away quickly, leaving me behind at the counter.
“Nah, no one has been worth complimenting quite like you,” he admitted, turning to lean his back and elbows on the wood as he watched the dancing crowd.
I followed, turning to eye the swaying bodies as the bass shook my chest, feet vibrating against the floor, “Could just be the alcohol talking.”
I watched him chew the inside of his cheek, trying to hide his grin. He bent down again, warm breath fanning over my ear, “Then the alcohol speaks the absolute truth. You’re stunning.”
As my ears warmed I stood on my toes, leaning up to him to respond, “What’s your name, pretty boy?”
The way his lips spread into a cheeky smile made my heart pound, the red that tinted his nose barely visible due to the lack of light in the club, “Noah.”
I held my hand out, “nice to meet you, Noah.”
His hand wrapped around mine and I couldn’t help but look down at the flower inked on the top alluring. His fingers were bare, but his grip was strong as he pulled me toward him.
“Pleasure is mine…”
“Jude,” I nodded, tucking my hair behind my ear in habit.
Noah chewed on his cheek again, watching me briefly before looking back at the bartender.
“I think we need another round, don’t you, Jude?”
Nodding, we took two more shots before Noah grabbed my wrist, tugging me into the crowd. I followed, letting him take me with him in drunken ambition, the music deafening and the lights blinding.
As we joined the group of swaying bodies my limbs heated as the world became fuzzy, my drunken state beginning to take over. His slim features made my stomach swirl with butterflies, the deep ocher eyes that tried to focus on mine captivating.
“You’re so cute,” I yelled, holding onto Noah’s shirt as his hands nervously touched my waist, afraid to go lower than my hips.
Perhaps he could help me forget.
Perhaps I could let go, just for one night.
“Really?” he smiled, his eyes joining in his expression as we moved in sync, the music leading our bodies naturally.
I nodded with the beat, limbs loose as I closed my eyes, hands reaching up to clasp behind Noah’s neck.
He lowered his body, forehead resting against mine. Gazing into the brunette’s eyes I watched him contemplate for a moment.
As his eyes closed he brushed his lips against my own, a test of my reaction and I bit back a smile, pushing upwards to copy him, the delicate skin warm and inviting.
Before Noah could react I pulled back gently, letting my hands slide down his arms, lingering at his fingertips as I stepped away, “I think I need another drink, care for something?”
He hid his disappointment with a slight grin and a nod before I moved toward the bar once again.
Something about Noah was immensely warm and inviting. I’ve known him all of fifteen minutes and I already want to run off into the forest to live in a cabin with him, reading books while he played with our shared labrador retriever.
I let my middle finger run over my lips in excitement as I grabbed us a rum and coke, turning around to head back into the crowd.
“Jude!” I turned my head to the vague of my name. Niamh was waving in the distance near the washrooms.
I walked toward her as she danced, mouth making playful kissy faces in my direction.
“OOh! Where’s the hottie?” She looked past me before holding her mouth open happily at my drink, reaching for it.
“This is for Noah,” I laughed, pulling it away from the blonde.
“No-Wuh,” Niamh slurred, continuing to dance even though the music was far quieter over here. Joining in my body swayed as I turned, looking down the hall toward the washrooms.
Once my eyes met his my heart stopped, just as if time slowed. My brows furrowed in confusion as my ears rang, my mind racing.
I stopped dancing as the short-haired brunette tilted his head to watch me, eyes trailing across my body suggestively.
Closing my eyes I shook my head before opening them again, the man leaning against the wall still there. Real.
I stood completely dumbfounded until my legs carried me down the hall toward him. Music dampened behind me, and Niamh didn’t call as she ran off onto the dance floor.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” He said, his voice eerily similar.
“I-” I began, squinting up at him, completely fixated on his features. He chuckled lowly as if he found my reaction humorous.
He looked just like him, yet not at all. His face was slightly wider, and the black t-shirt he wore was filled into his muscular frame, tight around his tattoos; tattoos that I’d seen before. The dark grey sweatpants he wore hung loosely at his hips, the white Nike’s resting on the wall he leaned on.
Hit attitude though? It was completely different.
“I was getting a drink…” The pathetic laugh that escaped my mouth made me shake my head again as I stared at him, not even hiding my fascination, “For you…”
“Couldn’t have been me,” He said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a vape pen. Clicking the button he held it, bringing it to his lips and sucking, “I don’t drink.”
I blinked, watching as he blew the puff of smoke in my direction, the faint weed smell dissipating within seconds. His eyes were hooded as they flicked between me and the beverage.
“So how do you know my brother?”
Then it clicked. Twins.
I flipped my wrist with the glass in hand, pretending to look at the top of a watch, “hmm…met him about half an hour ago.”
He nodded with a snicker, running a hand through his strands. The brunette locks sat parted in the middle, the ends just past his ears in a messy wave.
He was hypnotizing.
“I’m Sebastian,” he stuck his hand in my direction, a strange sense of deja vu.
Sebastian’s fingers were tattooed, unlike Noah’s; and the callous of his palm touching my own sent shivers along my arm, my face warming for what felt like the hundredth time.
I told him my name, and he hid his smile as he took another puff of his pen, “You free in an hour?”
Taking a sip of my drink, I shrugged, “Depends.”
“On?” He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Where you wanna take me,” I chugged the liquid, holding Noah’s cup in the air, “I owe your brother a drink.”
Sebastian’s lips tugged into a sly smile as he looked down at his shoes, “I’ll see you around, Jude.”
“They’re playing a gig at the place next door,” I said to Niamh in the bathroom. Flicking my hair around I tucked one side behind my ear, taking a deep breath. Twins. Two extremely hot twins.
My reflection swayed in the mirror as the room wobbled with me. Leaning over the counter I stared at myself, wiping away the fallen mascara underneath my eyes.
Niamh adjusted her top, turning in the mirror to check her outfit, “Rockstars! And they’re Twins! This is so exciting J, maybe you can finally forget Dakotah-”
She covered her mouth with a shocked hand, eyes wide before her lids sunk shamefully, “I’m sorry. He who shall not be named.”
I gave her an empathetic look, “No stress Niv.”
She rested a forehead on my shoulder in defeat, “My own rule broken. SMH.”
I laughed, pushing her off me gently as I entwined our arms, pulling her out of the bathroom, “You could just, you know, shake your head instead.”
The grumble that left her throat made me chuckle again as we exited the club, the outside air fresh and free from the clasp of hormones we left behind.
“So they’re in a band? These twins?” Niamh asked as we stood outside for a moment longer, soaking in the cool breeze that caused my skin to crawl.
“Called Gemini, or something,” I said, folding my arms.
Once I saw them on stage together, I was completely infatuated.
“So here's the setting, we met fucked up at a wedding Shoulders back, throwing her hair, yeah She said, "It hasn't been pretty, stuck in a walk-up in Philly Ain't exactly feel like Paris, yeah"
Noah held a white bass in front of him as he rocked back and forth on stage, slim fingers picking at the strings. He smiled once he met my gaze in the crowd, and his lip fell between his teeth. The brunette threw his head forward, his long shaggy cut falling across his features like a veil.
“And she don't understand I get so distant And it ain't any comfort to know that she's sufferin' too And nothing she can write me makes a difference And it's all in my head but I wanna believe she'll be mine in a year, maybe two”
Sebastian held the mic between his inked hands, the stand placed between his legs as he moved to the melody. His eyes were closed in concentration before opening to mine, glazed with temptation. I moved to the music, enthralled by the thrill of both boys playing for an entire audience, yet both watching me as if their lives depended on it.
“I'll drop her a line when I'm feelin' like myself again 'Cause lately I ain't in the mood to pretend Gemini, when I'm feelin' like myself again Maybe I could be more than just a friend”
Ever since then they had consumed me, my mind captive to the thoughts of Noah and Sebastian for countless days, replaying how both of them devoured me with their eyes the second we met.
What was wrong with me?
Noah gave me his number after the show, his twin lingering in the background, eyes shifting between us and the ground.
A few days later he invited me over to their apartment, and I secretly hoped Sebastian would be there too.
I picked at my sleeves, the hoodie I wore suddenly feeling way too hot. As I hesitated to knock, the front door opened right before my knuckles touched the wood.
“What’s up Beautiful?” His facial hair had grown slightly, scruffy yet perfect. The beanie he wore left his hair flicking out from underneath, and the t-shirt he wore was baggy against his slim frame.
“Hey,” I gave him a warm smile, chest fluttering at the compliment. Stepping foot into their home, it smelled inviting, lemongrass verbena strong in the air.
Noah wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest with ease. As I felt his heart pounding below the fabric, my own began matching its pace.
There was no doubt I was falling for him, his mere presence made me giddy, filling with butterflies and elation.
“Want to watch a movie?”
The blankets scattered across the pull-out couch, and the two of us fell into the sheets comfortably.
The sound of the movie playing in the background was stagnant and monotonous, my focus on Noah’s hand as his fingers trailed down the skin of my waist, gripping the dip of my torso when he pulled me closer to his body, engulfed into his kiss.
His lips moved with mine slowly, the taste of mint subtle as his free hand caressing my cheek in a dance of devotion. The brunette’s long hair tickled my face as we lay there in each other’s embrace, longingly craving one another’s touch.
Our limbs entwined, legs wrapped around one another as I told him the silent story of my soul, his hands roaming down my thigh, pulling it up to his hip; as if I wasn’t close enough.
Sweet, warm, delicate.
The smell of milk and honey. The epitome of the sun’s warmth as I rest in the passenger seat of a car.
He was everything I wanted; everything I dreamed of.
Noah pulled away from our reverie, smiling as our noses brushed together, “Hungry?”
I nodded, my hands balling his shirt in my fists as I kissed him again, my lips tingling in adoration.
A chuckle vibrated from his chest as he pulled away again, fingernails reaching up my sweater, dragging across my skin lightly.
“Me too” He sucked in a breath, squeezing my side, “But I meant for pizza. I haven’t eaten all day.”
Noah left to pick up dinner, leaving me smiling as I sat on the couch, waiting for him to return.
As soon as the front door closed, a creak sounded from behind.
“Told you I’d see you around,” The voice was titillating as I whipped around, chest pounding with anxiety at his sudden appearance.
Did know what Noah and I were doing? Was he watching this whole time?
His hair messily hung from his forehead as he tucked his hands in his hoodie pocket, turning on his heel as he then led us up the stairs.
I felt my abdomen clench as he revealed his bedroom, the red LEDs intimidating. He sat on a chair in front of his computer, beckoning me over.
“Are you coming to the show on Friday?” Sebastian asked, clicking around a few files as he spoke.
Shaking my head I carefully watched him and he hummed in disappointment, “Shame, you’d think that Noah would’ve told you about it.”
“I can come if you want me to,” I shrugged and he reached for my wrist.
Sebastian tugged me down onto his lap, and I immediately tried to hide my face in my hands.
This felt wrong.
He handed me a set of headphones, clicking around on the computer, “I want your opinion on whether we perform this or not.”
He clicked on the file named Gemini, and the trap beat left my head nodding lightly. This already sounded completely different from the song I heard them play a few nights ago.
“Pick apart everything about ya Lying to me like a Gemini does Late at night makes me wanna sigh, yeah Dive into you every single night, yeah Every time it makes me wanna die, yeah Fucked you in the moment for the hype, yeah”
Holding the headphones against my ears I listened, watching the lyrics pop up on the screen. Sebastian’s hands held my hips firmly against his lap, making sure I was completely still.
My breath hitched once his hands slid down my thighs, running back up to my hips as the song went on.
“Love the way you taste, I'm fucking balling Making other plans I'm involved in Preying on your fears just like a lycan Hunting pussy everything single night, yeah”
I swallowed harshly reading the screen, and the way Sebastian revered my body made my stomach swirl.
“Love the way you miss me, make it rough, yeah Lust only pops in mysterious ways Sleepover, don't get invested Fall in love and then I pay her rent, yeah”
This was wrong.
But I didn’t want it to stop.
“Why are you showing me this?” I asked, his hands stopping on my inner thigh, my eyes watching him tease me.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you. You’re fucking divine.”
I was silent momentarily, unsure what to say at his confession. Noah made my heart flutter…but Sebastian made it race, “You don’t even know me.”
“Then I’d love to get to know your body's taste if you’d let me.”
Sebastian tugged at my pants, motioning for me to turn around and face him, to straddle his waist.
As I sat above him on his gaming chair he watched me from below, face subtle, afraid to give anything away. Yet pupils dilated in complete desire, exposing the short-haired brunette as his arms wrapped around my back, pulling me into a haste kiss.
His mouth was warm and rough, fingers clawing at my shirt in desperation as his tongue flicked my lower lip, translating unto me with greed.
His hands burned my skin, heat radiating off every inch of my body. Charismatic, mysterious, unpredictable.
The smell of petrichor and cologne.
The epitome of my body hanging out the car window, wind running freely through my hair.
He was everything I desired, everything I needed.
“This is bold of you considering I was here with your brother.”
Yet I completely gave in, my hands taking over for my heart and gripping his hair.
“I need you, Jude. Now.”
I let my hips roll into his, bodies rocking together for seconds; until the front door opened and Noah called out my name.
This game went on for months.
Both boys consumed me, both knowing that I was with the other.
They didn’t care- not until the hunger for both was no longer satiated.
I wanted each of them at once.
And they wanted me to choose.
“Selfish, to want us both,” Sebastian sunk in his chair, spinning back and forth slowly, a form of distraction.
Noah sat on his brother’s bed, watching me as I stood in the doorway, “You’re not going to choose, are you?”
The short-haired brunette chuckled lowly, hiding his suggestive smile, “Can’t just pick one.”
I looked between them, face warming, “You both want me.”
The twins looked at each other momentarily, almost as if communicating telepathically. Noah nodded.
“Tell us,” He tucked his hair behind his ears, looking up at me, “Tell us you want us. Both.”
“Say it,” Sebastian chimed in, his eyes menacing as he stared, determined to hear my admission.
“I- need you both.”
I’ve slept with each of them before, the contrast between the two night and day.
Noah whispered sweet words, taking me against every surface he could find as if claiming me for his own. He made me his, etching his being into my skin with every praise, every nickname.
Sebastian’s gaze held a million words, words he could never say; but with each thrust held my neck, pounding into my body with such proclamation and force that he told me his story. He shared his secrets.
They were the exact opposite of one another, but when put together, they made me whole.
“I want to be both of yours,” I whispered, Noah’s tongue buried between my legs as he sucked my skin, periodically licking long stripes along my arousal.
My breathing turned jagged as Sebastian kneeled on the side of the bed, kissing up my neck as his hands gripped my chest, worshiping my body with his fingertips. He dragged his mouth down to my collarbone, biting at the skin.
A moan left my body as I let my hand grip Noah’s hair, tugging him toward me as I rutted my hips against his tongue desperately.
I grabbed Sebastian’s arm, whispering toward him, “I want your cock in my mouth.”
He loved being wanted. He desired to be needed.
Sebastian stood up, rubbing his hand along his arousal over his sweatpants. Taking mine he placed it on top, sighing at the contact.
“Feel this?” With his hand on mine, he moved me along his erection slowly, “All for you baby girl.”
“Pretty boy,” I whispered, tugging at his pants. He freed himself, looking down at me with hooded lids and smiling at the praise.
Sticking out my tongue he slapped it with his desire, then let me wrap my lips around him. I sucked, swirling saliva around the tip; just as I learned he liked.
It started slow, with me moving my head along Sebastian as Noah ate me out, making my legs shake and squeeze around his face as I reached the edge, orgasm taking over my nerves.
Sebastian then leaned over the bed, free hand gripping my hair to hold me in place, shoving his cock down my throat with slow thrusts.
“Fuck, just like that baby.”
I gagged on him, taking his offering as Noah pulled his mouth away, kissing up my stomach delicately.
I watched him as his twin filled my mouth, feeling dirty and lascivious as Noah placed himself at my core, running his erection through my folds.
My brows furrowed as I bucked my hips toward him in greed and he shook his head, holding my abdomen down with a firm hand.
Noah’s hair hung over his face as he watched himself tease me, rubbing along my desire, “Hmm, you’re not very patient, are you?”
His words made me moan in protest, leaving Sebastian to groan from the vibration.
I cried, mouth sliding off of Sebastian as he reached down to rub my clit while Noah thrust into me with haste, his hips rapidly rolling.
Noah’s grip around my ankles tightened as he held me for support, flicking between our story and my eyes, smiling at me, “This what you wanted princess? Both of us at the same time?”
I squeezed my eyes shut in reverence as my body shook with every thrust, nodding.
“That’s our good girl, ”Noah groaned, tilting his head back before pulling out, switching places with his brother.
Sebastian then flipped me over, pulling me by my hips to slide my ass into the air, exposing me.
“Oh, fuck,” He whispered, bending down to lick up my body in hunger, before plunging into me.
With one hand he held my thigh, the other pushing my head into the bed. Each thrust sent a wave of pleasure through my body. His slow and staggered rhythm left my body clenching around him, crying with each connection his hips made to mine.
Noah slid onto the bed underneath me, abdomen by my mouth as he lowered my lips onto his body. As he leaned back into the pillows, the taste of us lingering along his cock made my stomach churn with adoration. Gripping the base and licking along his skin I groaned, Sebastian’s powerful grip enthralling, pushing a second orgasm.
“Shit,” Noah’s hand was gentle as he guided my mouth, soft pants leaving him as he twitched, his release coating my throat.
I swallowed everything he offered, afraid to waste a single drop.
His chest he smiled, hand reaching down to hold my face.
Noah’s thumb caressed my bottom lip with approval, and he bent down to kiss my forehead.
My body rocked with Sebastian as he clawed down my back, Noah sliding beneath me again to kiss me, mouth open and tongues pressing against one another.
“Your pussy feels so fucking good,” Sebastian growled, his pace quickening as nails dug into my hips. A string of curses escaped him as he reached his orgasm, releasing inside of me.
I was his. I was Noah’s. I was theirs.
And they were mine.
“We could fuck you all day long,” Noah smiled, ghosting his lips across mine in prayer.
The room was filled with heavy pants as I moved to lay beneath Noah’s arm. Sebastian joined, resting his head on my stomach, wrapping his arm across my waist protectively.
“Who’s saying that can’t happen?” I suggested, and Sebastian’s deep laugh made me squeeze my legs together, his hand trailing back down my thighs in temptation.
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Tags: @sammyjoeee @cookiesupplier @th4t-em0-k1d @dsireland86 @whenthesummerdies
@spicywhenspeaking @veronicaphoenix @lma1986 @calleyx13 @somewhere-diamond
@auratheopossumwitch @blackveilomens @skulliecadaver-blog @silentglassbreak @darkmxgician
@philomenie @sprokat @thatchickwiththecamera @reyadawn @xserenax-13
If you want on or off the taglist, pls let me know! Most tags are re-used so just lmk! <3
131 notes · View notes
goddethroned · 17 days
Lazy fucking on a sunday morning, anyone?
Noah fucking you deep and slow and he's just so so close to your body because he's holding you close to him, his chest against your chest while his head is buried right next to your head, inhaling your scent. You've both just woken up, your bodies still a bit sore from the night before, but one quick good morning peck turned into a full blown make out session that led you to laying on your back while he inserts himself inside you, both of you groaning as it slips in. There's hickies all over him, decorating his neck and chest along with his tattoos, a testament to your love making, and you're more than ready to add more to the collection— but not now, maybe later when he's not making you see stars and feel butterflies in your stomach at the same time every time his cock his your gspot perfectly all the while he praises you, calls you his good girl, his love, and how good it feels to be completely buried inside you when he cums.
Yeah, lazy fucking love making on a sunday morning feels nice.
102 notes · View notes
flowery-mess · 2 months
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Noah dating hardworking girl
I feel like Noah is also hardworking person, hard on himself
But I also feel like now he knows more how to handle it, when to take a break and focus on his well being
So I think he would let you do your thing for a while, keeping his eye on you, and would step in when he'd feel like you're getting yourself wrecked
You recently started a new job which was hard
Noah was supportive while you were looking for it, going for interviews, getting rejected but also getting offers
But you both knew the hard part will yet to come
When you made a decision and chose one of the offers you got, wave of anxiety replaced the joy in your body quickly
You're an introvert, so the biggest scare was your new colleagues
"It's an open office Noah, everyone will look at me, at the new girl."
"Everyone is going to hear me asking questions or when I'll do something wrong."
"Oh and what about a lunch break? I will be eating it at my desk to avoid weird interactions."
"Calm down love, open office is great, you'll meet everyone quickly. You will be learning new job, it's okay to make mistakes and I'm sure they know it. And I can stop by for your lunch break, your office is pretty close to our house and the warehouse is also close. I can bring you lunch everyday if it makes it easier for you."
Conversations like this would be everyday occurence until the day before your first day in a new job
You were silent, not a word apart from 'good morning'
Noah would get simple nods or 'mhm' as response, but he knew you, so he didn't push you
Through the day you'd lost your apetite and didn't eat dinner, because you 'didn't feel like it'
When you were falling asleep Noah held you in his arms, talking you to sleep with encouraging words
Breakfast was also a big no, because you felt sick from the nerves
That was when Noah started getting a bit worried, but still understood it's because of the stress
But when it continued like this for another week Noah would not accept it anymore
You have been cold to him since your first day, spending more time than neccesary in the office and taking your work to home also, saying you need to learn everything asap, staying up until late hours and he hated what you turned yourself into
So one day when you came back from work, late again, he sat you down and you two talked
You both shared your feelings, you broke down a little, but he was there for you
Noah wasn't angry, he let you get it all out, cuddling you through the breakdown
You agreed that you'll start leaving your work exactly when your office hours end, not a minute more, then you two will spend time together or alone, but doing something else than work, and then after dinner you could be learning things for work for some short time
This change actually helped you a lot, both mentaly and physicaly
You felt more confident at work, you made some friends there and you also started eating frequently again, so you felt better
Noah would keep his promise to visit you during your lunch break few times a week, sometimes bringing the boys too
He liked getting to know your work space
He would let you rant about your new friends you made and the gossip you you just recently found out
He'd be more than happy to go shopping with you for new work outfits
And nothing would make him happier than seeing you find joy and friends in this new environment that you were so scared od
"Why are you smiling like that?" you'd ask one day when Noah would come to eat lunch with you
"Like what?"
"Like that." you'd point to his cheeks
"I'm just happy you're happy love, after the rough starts."
"Thank you Noah, for being there for me."
111 notes · View notes
darksigns-exe · 2 months
clearest blue - noah sebastian x laurie (ofc)
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Laurie (ofc) Word Count: 4.6k Warnings: swearing, light angst Note: This is a little thought experiment related to to know you're mine. In this version of the story, some things are a little different.
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A second hand music store feels like a redundant thing to Noah. Who, in their right mind, is still buying physical music? Nick, apparently, and he’s willing to entertain his interest in this new shop. If anything, it’s a good way to pass a little time, and maybe he’ll be able to sell some of the things he doesn’t need any more here.
He trots a few paces behind Nick as they enter the store. This is so not his crowd, Noah thinks. Pretentious indie people who think that vinyl is the superior way to listen to music. The music that filters from the speakers feels like something from a free to use audio library and god he hates it.
Nick is telling him something about a really good deal on this original pressing when he sees her sorting the used CDs. She’s standing on a little step stool so that she can reach the top shelf, and even then she’s still precariously balanced on the tips of her toes.
Noah wanders closer, he has to see what she looks like, has to know if she’ll be as pretty as he thinks she is. She hops off the stool and, god, she’s tiny. He thinks that she’d barely reach his shoulder, if even that. Noah doesn’t think that he’s ever seen a prettier girl — or person for that matter. Miles out of his league with her pretty eyes and kissable lips. If he’d have an ounce of bravery in him right now, he’d —
“Hey, do you have —” Nick’s words fade out as he watches her eyes light up.
There goes his chance.
He watches as she leads his friend away from the CDs and towards a different corner of the place. There’s a dull feeling in his chest, a strange kind of pressure that grasps at his lungs. The way she smiles up at Nick is enough for him. And Nick seems to be just as dazzled by her.
Noah stops by on his own a couple of days later, a stack of CDs in the bag slung over his shoulder. Sure, he’s here to see if they’ll sell his stuff, but a part of him wants to see her again, even if Nick seems to have stolen her heart already.
She’s behind the counter when he pushes the door open. The bell above the door dings and her head snaps over to him.
That pretty bright smile reruns to her face, and she gives him a little wave. He feels like a teenager experiencing his first crush again. His heart thumps with it, and he can feel his cheeks heat.
It takes him a second too long to enter the place, but she doesn’t seem to mind. Maybe she knows that she makes everyone dizzy with the way she looks.
Noah tries his best not to make a beeline for the counter. He checks out some of the displays, flips through some of the records, and overall tries not to look as out of place as he feels. He can feel her eyes burning into his back. Noah wonders if she watches everyone like that. 
Eventually, he decides that he’s spent enough time pretending to look for something and finds his way to the counter. There’s another person in front of him, and suddenly he feels terribly nervous. They take forever to wrap up their purchase, and he starts to get the feeling that she’s just that friendly with everyone. Her giggle fills his ears, and he wants to hear that all the time. 
Finally, it’s his turn to step up to the counter. 
“Hi!” she smiles at him, and again his heart makes a little thump. 
Noah feels like an idiot, a fool. 
“Found something?” 
He shakes himself out of his little trance, “Uh– no, actually I was wondering if you could have a look at these. I need to make space and – these I can part ways with.” 
Noah digs around his bag and places the stack on top of the corner. 
He watches as she flicks through the covers, checks some of the actual CDs. She pulls a calculator out from somewhere under the counter. She taps a couple of numbers into it before regards him with a curious look. She cocks her head to the side before she adds more to her calculation. 
“Do you want cash or store credit?” she asks finally. 
“Cash.” he says quietly, hoping that she won’t think that he will never come back. 
She nods and taps around on the register for another moment, before she finally hands him forty-five dollars. 
“Is that alright?” she asks then. 
Noah hadn’t thought about how much he’d even want for the CDs. He’d only thought about getting rid of them. He nods, taking the bills from her. 
Her fingers brush against his. And Noah makes a conscious effort to keep his eyes on hers, because he knows that if he looks down and sees how small her hands look next to his, his brain will misfire and everything will go bad. It’s bad enough that he’s thinking about it now. 
“Your friend said you’re a musician?” asks then, reaching for something else under her counter. 
Noah nods, of course Nick has already gone around telling everyone about what he does. He’s been actively working on material for maybe a month, half of it is not even worth presenting to anyone. 
He nods regardless. 
“We’re doing a showcase evening every last Saturday of the month. I thought maybe you’d want to come around, play a couple of things?” she pushes a flyer across the counter, “Have a think about it. If you want to come, my number is on the flyer. No pressure though.” 
“I’ll think about it.” 
In a way, he’s already made up his mind.
“Great. I’m Laurie, by the way. I didn’t catch either of your names.” 
Of course, she has a pretty name. 
“Noah. And the other guy –” he vaguely gestures up the road towards the tattoo shop, “that’s Nick.” 
“Well, I hope I’ll see you on Saturday then, Noah.” 
How can he say no? 
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To his surprise, he sees her again before Saturday. Noah’s picking up sandwiches for Nick and the rest when Laurie taps him on the shoulder. 
He learns that she lives above the record store and that she’ll usually come here for her morning coffee. Noah tells her that he helps out Nick on occasion, but that other than that things are a little slow at the moment. Before he knows it, Laurie has badgered him into helping out with the online shop orders — off the record, of course so that he’ll get the most out of it. 
Nick naturally gives him shit when he comes back almost forty minutes after he’d left.
He’s barely distributed the sandwiches when his phone dings with a notification. 
She’d sent him a picture of the back room, stuffed full of orders that needed to be packaged and posted. 
The texting doesn’t slow down after that. Every time he thinks that the conversation will fall asleep, one of them finds a new thing to talk about.
And soon enough, Noah finds himself getting up a little earlier so that he can sit in the coffee shop with her for a few minutes. Some days he goes with her to help with the orders, on others Nick drags him back to the studio by his ear, claiming that he barely gets to see him any more. 
When Saturday rolls around, Noah finds himself filled with nerves. He’s promised Nick that he’d help him today, and in a way he’s glad. It takes his mind off the fact that he’s about to sing something he wrote in front of however many people will show up. It makes him a little more nervous than he’d like to admit, and maybe that’s because Laurie will be there. He tries to tell himself that it’s a dumb little crush, something that will go away once he’s seen more of her. She’s miles out of his league and even if he’d have a chance with her, he doesn’t even know if she’s looking for someone like him. Who’s to say that she even wants a slightly washed up loner who cycles between three friends' couches because he can’t afford his own place. He’s already covered in tattoos and while he knows that he’s not as rough around the edges as he looks, Noah knows that he comes with more baggage than most people are comfortable with. And then there’s Laurie, who just this morning texted him how excited she was for tonight, how much she’s looking forward to hearing what he and the others will perform. He’s known her for exactly ten days, and it already feels as if he’s known her for a lifetime. There’s an unbridled sense of optimism about her, the “everything will work out” kind, and he’s inclined to believe her. 
When they lock up the shop for the day, Noah feels shakier than ever. His time slot is somewhere around the middle of the evening, and a part of him wishes that it was already over. He feels nauseous and dizzy and about ready to pass out. The walk down the road feels longer than normal. Nick keeps telling him to suck it up, that he’s played bigger places than a tiny record store in their hometown. But then it wasn’t just him and that was before. One blunder and feels as if he’s lost all cool he’s ever had. This will be the first time he’ll step foot on anything akin to a stage since, and it’s terrifying. He hopes that none of the people in attendance have heard of it or worse saw the video.
The store is already packed when they get there. There’s music, drinks, people are talking, and it seems to be an all around familiar and comfortable occasion. Most of the people seem to be regulars, and Noah doesn’t know if that makes it better or worse. He spots Laurie in the middle of a conversation with other people, she’s laughing and smiling, and his chest feels so awfully tight again. 
There are a couple of people he knows around, friends of Nick, who are quite alright. They’re mingling for a while, catching up with people neither of them have seen for a while, when he feels a tap on his shoulder. 
“Look what the cat dragged in.” She gives him a little shove when he turns around. 
“Said I’d come, didn’t I?” He forces himself to smile, despite the nerves bubbling in his belly.
“Well, yes, but I also know that it’s nervy. Wouldn’t have blamed you if you hadn't come. Happens more often than you’d expect.” 
There’s a warmth about her that makes him shiver. It’s comforting and unnerving in a weird way. 
“I try to keep all the promises I make.” He replies, and he doesn’t miss the little smile that plays on her lips. 
“That so?”
She fixes him with an intensity that should make him nervous. Instead of that anxious bubbling in his belly, he gets a different feeling. He doesn’t want to think too much into it, but Noah also isn’t as slow as Nick likes to joke sometimes. He knows when a girl is flirting with him, and Laurie is not exactly trying to hide it. It does feel a little silly, though. Surely, she’s just doing it to entertain him. He doesn’t know what Laurie would want with a washed up guy like him. 
He learns that Laurie isn’t the one hosting the thing. Noah spots her by the back of the crowd next to Nick. He tries not to let their proximity get to him. There’s nothing between them, if Nick ends up with her that’ll be fine. He’d be happy for them. He can’t deny that it would sting just a little bit, though. 
Noah lets that feeling flood into the first sound he’d picked. A cover he only partially decided on because he thought that it might impress Laurie. He’s been trying to pick up on what she listens to whenever he came around the shop, all in the hopes that one of the names would ring a bell. 
He only looks up once during the first song, just to find Laurie intently focused on him. The look on her face is so soft. He doesn’t have a different word for it. He catches Nick looking over at her, but Laurie doesn’t seem to notice. Instead, she flashes him a little encouraging smile. 
Noah nods to himself before announcing the name of his second song. 
Another cover. She smiles a little wider when he says the title. 
This time, he doesn’t look down at his fretboard. No matter how hard he has to fight with his instincts, he keeps his eyes on her. Laurie is mouthing along to the words he sings, her body softly swaying with the beat. He’s never seen a prettier sight. And maybe that gives him the final push to play one of the songs he’s been working on to wrap things up. She perks up when he says that it’s an original. 
He can’t describe what it feels like to have her look at him like this. Hell, he doesn’t even know how to describe the look on her face. From this distance, her eyes shimmer, and he’s not sure if it’s the lights or if it’s something else. A very small part of him wants to believe that she’s looking at him with some kind of admiration. 
She hugs him so tightly afterwards. It all feels so very cliché. He feels a little lighter when she lets him go again. It’s strange, but it all feels different now. 
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Laurie becomes a fixture in his life after that. Noah finds himself stopping by the record store more and more often. He drops in when he knows that she’s about to get lunch, and sometimes they sit in the park opposite the store with their sandwiches and drinks. On some days Nick will come with them and that’s just as nice. Somehow, he’s never felt more at home. 
The early days of spring quickly fade into summer, and Noah wonders if it’ll always be like this. If she’ll always drag him outside by the back of his shirt so that they can sit by the lake for hours, if she’ll always have a new thing to show him. He can’t imagine not having her in his life any more. That bubbling little crush still sits in his chest, and it doesn’t seem to want to go away. He likes to imagine that she feels the same. Sometimes he catches her already looking at him when he turns to her. She’s the first person he texts in the morning, unless he’s crashing on her sofa, of course. It doesn’t happen often – he doesn’t want to abuse her patience and generosity too much – but when it does, it’s the best sleep he gets. The soft orange sofa in her living room feels a little like a cloud. It’s large enough for him to lie comfortably, instead of having to cram himself onto Nick’s little two-seater. And if he’s honest, he likes waking up to her rummaging around the place. When he shuffles into the kitchen, a steaming cup of coffee is shoved into his hands, before he hops up on the counter to watch quietly and while Laurie makes breakfast for them. 
He’s tried to help once but burned the eggs so horribly that she’d banned him from helping. 
He’ll get good enough to do it for her one day. 
He tries to listen to her account of the drama that occurred between some distant friends, but gets lost in how easily she moves around the place. How she stops her vegetable cutting to look at him for emphasis. 
This morning, she’s cubing up mango for them to share. The sweet scent makes him want to steal a few pieces from her cutting board, but he knows better. He’d tried it before and immediately got scolded for getting his fingers too close to the knife. And so Noah waits patiently until she inevitably has an odd piece left over. 
Laurie holds the leftover piece out to him and unlike the previous times she’s done if it’s practically at his lips already. The whole moment feels like a dream. Her fingers brush against his lips just barely. Noah has to force himself to chew and swallow when he watches the fingers dip between her own lips. 
The bubble pops a second later when the timer above the oven tears through the tense silence. 
Noah finds himself dazed and blinded by it all, and it takes him a good moment to collect himself again. He gives a vague excuse before disappearing into her bathroom for a good ten minutes. When he comes back, he swears that her cheeks are still tinged pink. 
Nick has waited up for him when he unlocks the door that evening. He looks like a mother expecting some kind of explanation for his absence during the week, and Noah doesn’t really know what he’s supposed to say except that he’s been at Laurie’s the entire time. 
“You like her?” He can’t place the tone in Nick’s voice at all. 
Noah thinks that there’s a hint of hurt in his voice. 
He slumps down next to Nick, “I think I do.”
“You think?” Nick almost laughs in his face. 
“I don’t even know if she likes me back.”
Nick shakes his head so incredulously, “You wouldn’t see it if it’s spelled out to you, huh?”
He can’t stop thinking about how she’d looked at him earlier. How she’d blinked up at him from where she’d been kneeling in front of her record player. 
“Do you really think that she —”
Nick swats the back of his head firmly instead of answering that unasked question. 
“Don’t let this go to waste, Noah. You deserve a nice thing.” He eventually says, “And if that means that I’ll have my bed to myself again at some point, I’m all for it.”
He can’t stop himself from talking after that. The words practically blubber forth from his lips. Nick seems to be genuinely happy for him, and that makes him feel a little bit more secure about it. Maybe he hadn’t read too much into the lingering touches after all. 
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A week later, Noah stands in front of the record store, goal clear in mind. He thought about texting her, but ultimately he wants to ask this question face to face. Noah is sure that he looks like an absolute idiot pacing in front of this obviously open store. Laurie doesn’t work on Sunday’s and still he’s here. Maybe he’ll text first. That seems more reasonable. 
He doesn’t get that far, though. 
“Noah!” Laurie calls, still in approach from what he knows to be the coffee shop. She has a paper bag and her little to-go cup with her, so she’s just on her way back home for breakfast and that reality TV show she likes so much. He can never remember the name of it, but he likes watching her rage over the dumb decisions the people on it make. 
“What’re you doing here?” She asks, as she comes to stop in front of him, “Nicky making you run errands for him again?”
And then he loses his bravery. 
Instead of the question he came here to ask, he gives some white lie excuse of not wanting to hang around Nick all day. 
He spends the morning with his head in her lap, while she watches the episodes of her show that she’d missed over the week. If Noah’s honest with himself, he’s starting to get a little invested in it himself. He’s content here, safe, when she smiles down at him for a moment too long. And Noah allows himself to believe that maybe this is not a one-sided crush. Because sure, sometimes she looks at Nick like that too, but Nick doesn’t get to rest in the quiet comfort of her presence like this. Noah thinks that it might fix the grim edge Nick carries with him sometimes, but right now he feels selfish. Right now he wants it — her — all to himself. 
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It’s almost September, and he still hasn’t found the guts to ask her out. By now, he feels foolish. But this is comfortable. He’s safe in the knowledge that Laurie’s door is always open for him — regardless of the key that has joined Nicks on his little key ring. If he shakes it up, there’s a chance that this door will lock forever, and he can’t have that. 
They’re spread out on her bed when he realises that he doesn’t want to be with anyone else. Laurie’s head rests comfortably on his tummy, headphones connecting them by a thin wire. 
They’re onto a few songs into the album, but the moment is so awfully serene.
Her hand wraps around his, and Noah swears that his heart beats a little bit faster. He can’t possibly tear his eyes away from her. Her hair is spread out against his shirt, eyes gently closed. She’s never been prettier. 
His chest aches with it. 
He has to tell her. 
He can’t sit with that unspoken confession for much longer. 
He’ll tell her. 
He will. 
He doesn’t tell her that night. The tender mood of that scene had forced him to stay silent for a little while longer. 
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When they’re at a shared friend's birthday party some days later and Laurie still has her arm wrapped around his when they walk in, Noah briefly lets himself believe that he’s already said it. 
Nick had stayed home with the excuse that he didn’t feel like stuffing himself into a tiny apartment with people he barely knows. And Noah would have agreed if Laurie hadn’t asked him if he was going. 
It’s warm and sticky, and the air smells overwhelmingly like beer and weed and sweat. The music’s shit, and suddenly Noah thinks that they should have done something else instead. 
Laurie’s talking to people he’s seen around the record store a few times. He thinks one of them is Celia, one of Laurie’s co-workers, and one of the others is her partner, May. The rest he can barely recognise as familiar. 
He hands one of the bottles — cider, not beer — to Laurie before he finds a spot between her and one of the men he doesn’t know. The guy grimaces a little when Noah inserts himself between them. Laurie doesn’t seem too bothered and instead reruns her hand to the crook of his arm. 
When she’s not the focus of the conversation for a moment, she gives his arms a squeeze and Noah leans down so that she won’t have to yell. 
“You wanna get out of here? This guy is getting too touchy for my taste.”
Naturally, they’re out of the door a few minutes later. Laurie’s giggle rings clearly in the still night. It’s adorable. No one would notice the bottle of wine and the crackers that had mysteriously disappeared, but from the way she’s dragging him down the street one could think that she was feeling the scene of an actual crime. 
He has an arm thrown around her shoulder by the time they walk past the park with the lake they’ve spent most of their summer at. Laurie steers them towards the gravel paths. 
“I don’t want to go home yet.” She proclaims as they turn down the path that’ll lead them to the water. 
“We still have to finish this.” Noah offers, holding up the bottle. 
Also I really want to kiss you. 
Noah finds them a comfortable spot on the little pier. He places his jacket down first so that they won’t have to sit in the damp grass. 
It really is a beautiful night. Clear skies, a barely there breeze that cools the late summer air down to a comfortable level. Laurie’s head is heavy against his shoulder. 
They’re silent for a long while, but he’s never been more comfortable. 
The unspoken confession burns on his tongue. He has to say it. It has to be tonight. 
“Do you think that some people are just kinda meant to be together?” 
He’s so lost in thought that he almost misses the question. 
“Like fate?”
Laurie nods, before she sits up. 
He thinks for a long moment. 
“I don’t know if I believe in fate and all that. I don’t know if I want everything that happens to be predetermined, but I guess sometimes you just find people who are exactly right for you.” 
“That’s a good way to put it.” 
She’s so close that their knees are touching, so close that all he’d have to do is lean forward. 
“I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. Sometimes it just feels so right that you think that it’s too good to be true, you know?” Her eyes flit from where her fingers fiddle with one of the buttons of his jacket back up to his face, “But what if it’s not that? What if it’s not too good to be true? Sometimes it’s just that good — that right.”
His hand shakes like a leaf when he places it on top of hers. 
“God, this shouldn’t be so difficult.” She mumbles.
“It doesn’t have to be difficult, though.” He doesn’t know where the bravery suddenly comes from, “It can just be right and easy. I — I think I’ve liked you from the moment I walked into that store with Nick. I just —I’ve never felt this way for someone.”
Her whole body sags with relief, and the smile that’s plastered across her face makes his heart soar. 
“I don’t know why I’ve been so afraid to say it — I mean, I know why, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense. This — feels so right.” Noah continues, “I think I’ve just been so afraid of what could happen if you wouldn’t feel the same. God, imagine if I’d just said all of that, and you were about to tell me that you’re in love with Nick. That would be —”
He’s cut off when her lips meet his. 
And it all stops for a moment. 
The doubt in his head is silent, and the nervous tingle in his fingers subsides. 
When she pulls away from him, the quiet doesn’t stay, but at least the worry doesn’t overwhelm him any more. 
His forehead presses against hers, unable and unwilling to put more distance between them. 
“I thought I as so obvious with it.” Laurie says softly, “I’ve been trying so hard to show you.”
“I know, and I’m sorry that it didn’t reach my head earlier.” Noah removes himself just enough so that he can look at her, “Like you said. Felt like it was too good to be true.”
Her free hand finds the side of his face, “I’ll keep saying it. However, you need to hear it.”
Noah can’t stop himself from leaning forward again. She giggles so sweetly when he kisses her. The sudden impact sends her sailing backwards into the grass. 
They’re a giggle mess when they fall into the door of her apartment. Noah can’t stop himself from touching her, can’t stop himself from leaning down to steal kiss after kiss. Now that he has her, he doesn’t ever want to let her go again. 
That night, he falls into bed with her, all tangled up and so very comfortable. 
And for the first time in weeks, Noah sleeps through the night. 
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taglist:@deathblacksmoke @circle-with-me @sitkowski @ladyveronikawrites @baddestomens
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foliosriot · 23 days
The Drain — Chapter One
pairing: noah sebastian x ofc (grey)
summary: the concrete jungle is incredibly dangerous and a scary place to live. but grey has made it her mission to provide whatever light and aid she can in such a dark place. even if it means catching the attention of someone at the top of the food chain.
warnings: stalking if you squint ig. mentions of bl00d. brief mention of ab*se.
tags: @concretenoah @circle-with-me @malice-ov-mercy @somewhere-diamond @iknownothingpeople @cncohshit @lilhobgobbler @bngurngheart
masterlist. the drain masterlist.
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It’s been about a week since Vivian discovered the note, and Grey has been panicking every moment of every day.
Every corner she turns she fears someone will reach out of the shadows and drag her away. She fears leaving her apartment, and even turning on the Angel’s Light every night like she is used to. She doesn’t want to make the target on her back even bigger.
But, as expected, the fear and panic is always drowned out by Grey’s need to care for the Concrete Jungle’s occupants. Her need to help as many people as she possibly can will always be stronger than her own terror or anxiety.
Even now, as she goes about her nightly routine by helping anyone who is drawn in by the comforting glow of the Christmas lights, Grey can’t help but feel like she is being watched. And the feeling isn’t coming from the last couple people resting on the fire escape. No, it’s coming from somewhere else. But from where, she can’t tell, as the night has taken hold of the city and darkness overwhelms everything in its wake.
“Make sure you find somewhere safe to sleep tonight.” Grey is currently helping wrap the arm of a boy who had sliced it open after jumping over a broken fence as he ran from his abuser. “But there is a shelter a few blocks that way if you’d rather do that, okay?”
The boy looks up at her, his fluffy orange-red hair falling into his eyes. Tear stains run all the way down his ruddy face and disappear under his jaw.
“Thank you, Angel,” the boy, Jace, murmurs in a broken voice.
“Oh, no, no need to thank me,” she replies with an awkward smile. The nickname has always rubbed her the wrong way for some reason. But still, she resists the urge to correct her patients who call her that, especially now. “This is what I love to do. I love helping others.”
Jace looks like he wants to say more but bites his tongue instead.
Grey finishes helping him and lets him go on his way with a plastic water bottle and a small bag that contains a granola bar, an apple, and a string cheese. He thanks her one more time before he shimmies his way down the fire escape, and hurries in the direction of the shelter Grey had mentioned.
The final patient of the night, Georgie, hobbles towards Grey. Georgie is one of her regulars, a homeless man in his fifties who happens to be one of the sweetest people Grey has ever had the pleasure to meet. He says he has a shelter of his own somewhere close by, but only comes to her when he struggles to find food for himself and his dog. His dog, Cleo, sleeps soundly at the foot of the fire escape.
“Hi, Georgie,” Grey greets him with a genuine smile. She reaches behind her to grab one of those little food bags, like she had just given to Jace. But she also fills another one of those bags with some dog food and a few chunks of chicken.
“Hiya, Grey,” Georgie says with a lopsided grin. He looks thinner every time she sees him, so it’s nothing new to see. But there’s something about this visit that tells Grey he’s not doing well.
“How are you doing?” Grey asks him, handing him the bags of food and two water bottles. “Find any cool sticks recently?”
“Can’t find a single damn stick worth adding to my collection these days,” Georgie huffs, his tone annoyed but clearly joking.
Grey chuckles lightly. “Then you haven’t tried Miracle Park,” she tells him. “I took a walk down there a few weeks ago and some mighty fine sticks that I know Cleo would love to fetch.”
The whole reason Georgie collects cool sticks in the first place is to play with Cleo. Cleo loves playing fetch, and since Georgie doesn’t have the money to buy her any real dog toys, he scours the city in search of the best sticks he can find. And Cleo loves joining him on his journey.
“Is that so?” Georgie hums to himself. “Good to know. I’ll keep that in mind. Well, thank ya, Grey!”
“Any time. Stay safe.”
Grey watches as Georgie fumbles his way down the fire escape slowly. He manages to get back to the sidewalk, and Cleo rises at his presence. The dog happily wags her tail and follows after her person down the concrete.
Grey smiles to herself watching them go. She’s glad to see Georgie with a smile, because there are times when she has seen him frowning and unable to joke with her. So it always warms her heart whenever he is so jovial and happy.
Once Georgie and Cleo vanish into the night Grey gathers her things. She goes to turn off the Angel’s Light and her spine tingles with that same sensation from earlier.
Someone is watching her.
Eager to get back inside and go to bed, Grey makes her way through the open window and begins putting all of her supplies away as fast as she can. A light breeze blows into the bedroom while she finishes up.
“I gotta hand it to ya, this whole setup you have going on is pretty impressive.”
The sudden voice nearly scares Grey out of her skin. She whips around, the box of gauze still in her hands. Fear immediately sluices through her at the sight of another person standing over by the very open window. Judging by just the voice and body she assumes it’s a man. He’s covered head-to-toe in black clothing, including the balaclava that obscures his face. She can barely make out his pale skin that is half hidden by the coat hood pulled up over his head.
“Who are you?” Grey hisses, even though she is terrified out of her mind. This masked stranger standing in her father’s old bedroom with her has planted her to the very spot she stands. And right about now, she really wishes the bowie knife wasn’t on the other side of the room.
The man has one of her many medical encyclopedias in his gloved hands. He flips through it lazily without acknowledging Grey.
Grey’s hands are trembling as she watches the man close the thick book and put it back on the bookshelf in front of him. He steps away and wanders around the room at a leisurely pace, ignoring Grey’s presence.
“You’ve made this into your very own triage room, haven’t you?” he muses. He strides by the blood pressure machine that is drilled in to the wall, another shelf stacked to the brim with various medical supplies, and the old bed frame and mattress she had converted into a proper hospital bed, white sheets and everything. “Like I said, impressive.”
The man sits down in the armchair. Then he’s reaching behind it and the bowie knife is in his hand. Grey curses herself as her heart is pounding wildly from inside her ribcage, making her pulse throb almost painfully. Her veins are on fire as she watches him with the eyes of a hawk. Every single one of her instincts are screaming at her to do something.
But what?
“Who are you?” Grey repeats with a shaking voice. “And what are you doing here?”
Grey watches as the man relaxes in the chair, his legs spreading wide like he owns the fucking place. He rolls his neck with a sigh before speaking.
“Who I am doesn’t matter,” he says, almost in a bored tone. He twirls the knife in his hand. “But what I’m doing here does matter. I’m here about that note you got. I come alone.”
Is this one of those people Vivian had warned her about? Someone part of that violent gang that basically controls the entire city?
Grey can feel a panic attack brewing from just below her sternum.
“W-What note?”
“Don’t play dumb. You know the note I’m talking about.” He turns his face towards her. “I have a message.”
The man rises to his feet, the knife still in-hand. He slowly approaches Grey and ends up backing her into the wall behind her. Her grip tightens on the box of gauze the moment he halts. And god, he towers over her by at least a foot. But now she can see his eyes, and they are the blackest pits with an unknown light from within.
“There are others coming after you.” He speaks so softly his words are nearly inaudible. “What you provide the Concrete Jungle is valuable, and we know that. They know that.”
Grey surprises herself with the sheer terror and shakiness of her own voice. There are more people coming after her? But why? What could she possibly offer to be considered so valuable?
The masked man continues to stare down at her for a few more seconds before vacating her personal space. He begins making his way back towards the window.
“Consider this protection,” he tells her from over his shoulder, his voice no longer so quiet. “With me being here like this, it tells others I’m laying claim. So you should be fine for the time being. Just don’t do anything brash or that would catch their attention even more, alright?”
“W-Wait, what?! What the fuck are you talking about?”
Grey continues to throw question after question at this mysterious man, but he keeps ignoring her until he is stood outside on the fire escape. He looks back at her, now that she is only a few feet away from the window.
“Keep an eye out. I’ll be around.”
And without another word, the man jumps from the fire escape and disappears down the dark street below.
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thank you for reading! hope you enjoyed! likes and reblogs are very much appreciated <3
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concreteburialplot · 6 months
Cool About It
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Meet: Amelia Alastor
Pairing: Noah Sebastian x OFC
A/N; I began writing this in December because it was meant to be a light, fluffy, hallmark-y one shot but the more I wrote the more it begged to be a sadder longer, more involved fic. I kept going back and forth between just scrapping it but ultimately I chose to continue. To not derail the original framework of the plot, I’ve decided to keep the holiday setting so… just roll with it & enjoy christmas in the spring ig 😅
Summary: When Noah comes home for the holidays with Nicholas, he runs into an old friend. While catching up, they fall back into the shoes of the children they used to be. Amelia quickly realizes that even after nearly 10 years apart, she still knows Noah like the back of her hand. Their reunion raises questions about Noah’s abrupt and secretive disappearance at 16.
Themes/warnings; childhood friends to lovers, ‘I know you better than anyone else’, hallmark-y? kinda?, [AU] family/childhood trauma/abuse, past family deaths, eventual smut, and as always, incredibly sad lol, 18+ MDNI
Disclaimer: this is an au that follows no actual timelines/events, and uses oc's for family members.
Comment if you’d like to be tagged❄️☕️
chapters with smut with have a *
-> 01 - Breaking & Entering
-> 02 - Scott Street
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veronicaphoenix · 5 months
let me worship you | samurai!noah
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Summary: She's curious about Noah's skills when it comes to binding prisoners and restraining... her, so she asks him to teach her. Noah is just trying to be a good instructor, considering skills with the rope might be practical for her, but his princess is a minx and her intentions are a bit mischievous.
can be read as a one shot ✨ but it's part of the samurai!noah fic™ (this takes place before the main storyline) pairing: samurai!noah x his princess | words: 3.4k tags & trigger warnings: set in feudal Japan, forbidden love, clandestine rendezvous, references to f/m intercourse (p in v, unprotected), shibari (bondage, rope play), dry humping.
“You wanted me to teach you, and I’m going to teach you properly. You don’t need to be naked for that.” “Are you sure?”
Author's note: Everybody say "thank you, @somebodyels3" because this was her idea. I just turned her 100 words into 3k. I hope everybody learns something from this piece and that we all go to bed knowing how to tie a handcuff knot... for protection purposes, ofc.
Also, i just edited this very quickly because I wanted to share it tonight, so there might be a bunch of typos. Sorry.
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It was just an innocent question. 
            A question that spurred from curiosity about his mastery of ropes and his ease in tying intricate knots in mere minutes.
            When I asked Noah to teach me how to perform those knots, I was still lying on the mattress in my grandmother’s village house. It was past midnight, and I had spent the last half-hour at Noah’s mercy, my hands tied while resting on my own stomach as Noah, kneeling between my legs, held my thighs and penetrated me again and again until, with a contained roar, emptied himself, his release coating my skin.
            I hadn’t yet cleaned myself when, somewhat composed, he allowed my feet to touch the softness of the mattress again and approached my side to untie my hands. 
            First, he inquired about my well-being, deftly unwinding the red rope from one wrist and then the other with his fingers. I responded affirmatively after he gave me a concerned look for my intial silence, as I had been captivated by watching him untie me. Then, he gently massaged my wrists. And that’s when I posed the question. 
            “Would you teach me how to tie those knots?”
            He appeared puzzled, but persuasion wasn’t difficult. 
            When he inquired why I wanted to learn and how I thought I could benefit from them, I shrugged, though I managed to coax him with mentions about the value of knowledge in general and how they might be practical in certain situations, perhaps even for my own protection. 
            Before long, he was between my legs with a cotton towel, wearing a silly grin as he cleaned me, his head shaking from side to side. It was as if he knew I was relentless and wouldn’t cease pestering him until I was content. Because I was aware there was nothing he wouldn’t do for me, and sometimes, as selfish as it seemed, I took advantage of that. 
            “It’s also time that I worship you too, isn’t it?”
            At those words, he froze. His gaze traveled from my core to my eyes. I blinked a few times, feigning innocence, as if I hadn’t been begging him just minutes earlier to be rougher with me because he was always so gentle, treating me as if I were made of glass. 
            “It’s getting late,” he said through clenched teeth, reminding me that our time was limited. “Stop tempting me before I cease caring whether your parents notice you’re in your bedroom or not.”
The next time we saw each other was in the small shelter nestled within the forest, a forty minute walk from my father’s estate and the same place where Noah and I had lost our virginity years before. Noah brought along the rope and offered to instruct me, his demeanour serious and determined despite my occassional mischievous smiles.
            The situation struck me as amusing because I had a singular purpose behind it all, yet Noah seemed to be approaching it way too seriously. But then again, that was typical of him, embodying the spirit of the Samurai he was. 
            His katana rested peacefully on the wooden floor beside the bed, never too far away in case he might need it. 
            “Give me your hands. I can’t teach you if I don’t actually tie you up,” he ordered.
            “Well,” I quipped, “can’t we undress? I’m thinking we could have skipped this part much earlier, considering the amount of times you’ve tied me up already, while I was naked.”
            He responded with a raised eyebrow and a reproachful gaze. 
            “You wanted me to teach you, and I’m going to teach you properly. You don’t need to be naked for that,” he asserted.
            “Are you sure?” I teased.
            “Yes,” he affirmed, holding my gaze until he saw my nod of agreement. “Now, be still and pay attention.”
            I did. I set aside the lewd thoughts, presented my wrists to Noah, and focused on how his hands presented the rope to me, then, how his fingers moved slowly to avoid disorienting me from the explanation as they wound around my wrists. 
            “You’re holding the rope like this, with one end in each hand,” he began. “Start by making a loop with the right-hand side of the rope. You want it to be about the size of your opponent’s fist. Then, take the left-hand side of the rope and wrap it around the loop, going underneath and then over the top. Make sure to leave a little bit of slack, understood?”
            I nodded, committing to memory the trajectory of each end of the rope and gripping it firmly. I remained acutely aware of every instance Noah’s fingertips brushed against my skin. 
            “Next, bring the left-hand side of the rope back around and insert it through the loop you just made, going over the top, like this. See? It creates sort of pretzel shape with the rope.”
            “It’s cute,” I commented, just a genuine thought, no mischief intended. 
            “Not as cute as you look when you’re tied up and happily at my mercy,” he replied, causing me to shoot him a scowful glare. 
            He had insisted I pay attention, and now he was interjecting with these comments. 
            With a chuckle, he pecked my nose and continued his instruction. 
            “Now comes the tricky part. Focus. You’ll want to pull on both ends of the rope, okay? Tightening everything up. As you do this,” he demonstrated, “the loop you made at the beginning will start to cinch down, forming a secure knot. Like this.” He paused to ensure it wasn’t too tight on me. I assured him it wasn’t. Only when he was certain he proceeded. “To finish it off, just make sure everything is nice and tight, and you’re done. You’ve got yourself a handcuff knot. It’s great for all sorts of things, not just to tie up a prisoner. It might come in handy if you ever need to secure a weapon, for instance.”
            I mentally reviewed the steps before nodding. I examined the knot that held my wrists together. I made attempt to free myself, a gesture I had repeated many times before to test Noah’s effectiveness and skill with the art of knots, but the knot didn’t budge an inch. 
            “Can you repeat it again, so it’s clearer to me?” I asked.
            “Of course,” he replied. 
            With the same skill but faster, he undid the knot and freed my wrists. He repeated the process of tying me up, once again indicating each step and having me verbally repeat the instructions.
            “It doesn’t seem difficult,” I mentioned.
            “It isn’t,” he confirmed, still seated on his heels in front of me. “It’s one of the easiest knots. You’ll have it mastered in no time once you practice a bit.”
            “Can I start now?”
            “With what?” he inquired, furrowing his brow genuinely. It wasn’t that he was playing dumb. It was that he literally didn’t conveice the idea that I could practive with him, that I could tie him up. 
            “With you,” I said seriously. 
            He chuckled at first, but as my seriousness sank in, his expression shifted to one of disbelief. Why did he always have to be so challenging? He arched an eyebrow at me. 
            “You want to tie me,” he clarified, more to himself than to me. “A Samurai. You want to tie up a Samurai.”
            “For practice,” I emphasized fighting back a smile that threatened to betray my intetions.
            Noah relented with a resigned sigh, muttering to himself that it was a useful skill for me to possess, so why not give it a try. 
            “How will I know if I’m doing it right if I don’t actually try? And if it’s not with you, who else can I possibly practice with? Would you prefer my first attempt to be in a life-or-death scenario?” as I noticed his expression darken at the thought of such a dire situation and the potential danger it posed to me, I knew I had him convinced.  
            “You have a point,” he conceded, though suspicion lingered in his gaze, suggesting he thought I might be enjoying this more than I let on. With some reluctance, he handed me the rope and extended his wrists, positioning them side by side. 
            I shook my head, causing Noah to furrow his brow in confusion. 
            “I should tie them at your back. If I ever find myself in such a situation, I’d likely be behind the enemy, not in front of them.”
            “If you ever find yourself in such a situation, it’ll be because I haven’t been a good enough samurai,” he replied with a hint of self-criticism.
            “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You know I don’t like it when you’re overly critical,” I gently chided. “Please, turn around.”
            “Hm. Only because you’re actually good at being persuasive…”
            He turned around to kneel with his back to me. He crossed his hands behind his back, interlocking his wrists. I flashed a wide smile as I bit my lip now that he couldn’t see me.
            “I’ll let you know if you make a mistake,” he said.
            “How will you know if I’m making a mistake when you’re facing away from me?” 
            “I know the art of knots like the back of my hand. I don’t need to watch to know if you’re doing correctly. “
            “All right…” I murmured, then couldn’t resist making an annoyed face behind his back. 
            “What was that?” he asked.
            “Nothing,” I replied innocently.
            “Don’t tempt me to turn around and tie you up completely; not just your hands—maybe your ankles too.”
            I sighed, pretending. 
            “Will you relax? Drop that Samurai attitude for a moment. Pretend you’re a captured soldier, because that’s what you are.”
            “Not yet.”
            He was fortunate I was deeply enraptured with him. Otherwise, I would have bound his hands and instead of granting him what I had in mind, I would have left him there tied up for hours without further ado. 
            It didn’t take me more than two minutes, a fact that surprised me greatly given it was my first attempt. When Noah tried to pull his wrists apart and the rope held firm, I nodded in approval, tilting my head to the side with a hum of approval and feeling a swell of pride in my chest. 
            However, the expression on Noah’s face —as he strained to look over his shoulder— told a different story.
            He had doubted my capability, and now he found himself bound and at my mercy. 
            “As I was saying, a captured soldier.”
            “Fuck,” he muttered, a compliment hidden in his words. “That’s a damn good knot.”
            “Are you impressed?”
            “Yeah, of course I—“ his words caught in his throat as my lips brushed against his nape. 
            This was the reaction I had been hoping for. 
            In mere moments, Noah would realize my true intention from the start, understanding that he had no choice but to let me take charge for the rest of our short time together that night.
            “You’re mine now,” I concluded. 
            Standing up, I circled around him, eager to witness his bewildered expression. 
            There it was. 
            He attempted to free himself once more, but soon realized the futility of his efforts. Even if he were the most cunning and well-trained samurai in my father’s army, he wouldn’t be able to break free. He had taught me himself, and I had learnt quickly. 
            “Well…” he began, still maintaining a semblance of composure, “I’ve always been yours, haven’t I?” A hint of sweetness and pride danced across his features and echoed in his voice. He never missed an opportunity to say the right things and make me melt. 
            However, the atmosphere shifted in the next few seconds.  
            “You did a good job. Let’s see if you’re as quick untying me.” 
            “I’m going to enjoy this,” I declared.
            When realization hit him, he tried to stand up. 
            Of course, having his hands bound behind his back wasn’t much of an obstacle for him. In any other situation, he would rise and find a way to free himself, using his legs to attack his adversary. 
            But today, there was no enemy in the room. 
            Only his lover.
            He might have been stronger, but I was faster. 
            Before he could fully stand, I guided him back onto his knees and straddled him, the weight of my body keeping him in place. I was certain no other foe had ever put him in such an intimate position. 
            My hands  found their way to his shoulders, and as I smiled down at him —a gesture he didn’t reciprocate as surprise, anger, and perhaps a hint of pleading flashed across his face—, I trailed my fingers along the exposed skin of his neck. 
            “Untie me. Right now,” he demanded. 
            “No,” I repeated softly, my lips tracing a path along his neck. 
            I could sense he was holding his breath.
            “I was wondering…” I began, my words barely grazing him. “If you would tell me more about your tattoos.”
            “What do you want to… know?” he managed to say after I focused on a particularly sensitive spot just below his ear.
            “Hmm. I’m curious about a few things…” I continued, trailing kisses from one side of his neck to the other, moving upward to nibble at his jaw and peck his lips once. “But I don’t remember exactly what I was curious about, so I might have to see them again.”
            With that, I leaned back slightly, my hands stealthily sliping under our bodies until they found the belt of Noah’s black kimono. He muttered my name in warning, but I paid no heed. 
            Letting the ends of the belt fall to the sides, I slid my hands up through the sides of his kimono until I grasped them and slowly moved them aside, revealing Noah’s naked torso underneath—muscles, scars, and secret tattoos.
            I couldn’t help but bite my lip again. 
            As my palm pressed against his chest, I could feel his rapid heartbeat beneath my touch. Beneath my body, I could sense his erection growing. 
            I raised my gaze back to him and I showed him a smirk and a special glint in my eyes, revealing that this had been my intention from the very beginning, and now he had no choice but to surrender to me. 
            “You’re playing a very dangerous game, young lady,” he warned, though his voice was restrained. 
            “Am I?” I questioned, my fingers tracing down the lines of the snake tattooed on his chest. 
            Bending down, I kissed the creature’s head before trailing kisses along his clavicle, then down, and down again, until I found his nipple and touched it with the tip of my tongue. 
            I noticed him close his eyes, a muscle ticking in his jaw, and a vein pulsing in his neck. 
            Taking a long lick at his nipple, I waited for his reaction. 
            With his hands restrained at his back and me straddling him, there wasn’t much he could do. I would do as I pleased for the remainer of the night—touch him, kiss him, adore him, and worship him until my heart was content. 
            So I traced every inch of skin, every scar, and every tattoo without feeling rushed, comitting each of his faults and perfections to memory, adoring them all the same. 
            When I kissed him on the lips, sweet yet seductive, he tried to keep me there by nibbling at my lips. But tonight, he wasn’t in control and he couldn’t deal with the idea. Tonight, he couldn’t halt my movements by seizing my wrists or flipping me over onto the mattress to devour me. 
            He could only let me do.
            And I would do. 
            There was a spot under his clavicle that would hold a love bite for days, a reminder of the promise that my love held. Nobody would see it, but it would be there—a temporary tattoo made not by a needle, but by the suction of his lover’s mouth. 
            As I tended to him, I sensed him trying to find a weakness in the knot, but there was none. That’s what happens when you’re the best at tying knots and you teach your girl, I suppose. I wanted to tell him that, but I couldn’t wait any longer to see how aroused he’d become. 
            Sliding my hands down his chest, I found the bulge in his pants. When my hand pressed against it, palming it and feeling it pulsate beneath, his voice emerged hard and restrained, as if in pain.
            “But where’s the fun, then?” I countered.
            “I swear to the Gods, if you even think…”
            But as he uttered those words, I freed hiscock and watched in awe at how hard it was. 
            “What do you swear to the Gods?” I asked, my eyes locked on his shaft, marveling at its beauty, imagining how warm it would feel in my hand, how wonderful it would feel inside of me…
            His response came out as a low growl, cut off before he had a chance to answer. Shifting my position atop him, I positioned his erection snugly between my legs, tantalizingly close to my core, separated only by the fabric of my own clothing.
            With delicate kisses peppering his jaw, neck, and cheeks, my fingers roamed every inch of his body on display. 
            Not long after, his lips were swollen, a bead of sweat trickling down his temple, and his heartbeat quickened. He clenched his teeth, a pained expression crossing his face as he leaned his forehead against my shoulder. 
            “Untie me. I beg you. Let me share this with you. I want— I need to be inside of you.”
            His eyes shot open. 
            My decision was final.  
            Oh, it was exquisite to hear him beg for a change. 
            “Do you think you can convince me with those beautiful brown eyes? You forget, my lover is…” my lips found their place on his neck once again, “ a Samurai, and he’s been teaching me…” another kiss, “how to be disciplined, resilient, determined, and…” I fought the urge to bite him in temptation, “lethal.” 
            His hips arched instinctively, seeking friction, his hands flexing with the urge to touch me. 
            “Make yourself feel good, then. Please.” There it was again, this time his voice deeper. “For me?”
            He swallowed, realizing this wasn’t going to play out as he desired. Not even a bit. He might as well admit defeat. He was still too proud to do so, though. 
            So, I ground myself against him, a sinful dance, feeling the hardness of his length pressing against me, wondering if I could withstand this much longer before I gave in and untied him, letting him fill me with every inch of his cock. 
            I was on the brink of moaning into his neck, so close to setting him free… But his hips jerked up suddenly, accompanied by a guttural sound, and his head pressed against my shoulder, halting my movements. 
            We fell into silence for a minute or so, his breathing shifting from rapid to slow and steady. His heartbeat beneath my palm was gradually relenting, yet his dick still throbbed under me, slick and wetness seeping through the fabric of my kimono. 
            “Noah,” I spoke, my voice barely a whisper in the confines of the small room we were in, “did you just…?”
            “Do not say anything,” was his reply, stern and cold. 
            Uh-oh. I was in trouble.
            “Untie me right about now,” he demanded, breathless.
            I almost chuckled, amused by the unexpected turn of events. I hadn’t actually contemplated the idea of him coming so hard and fast by just being restrained and having me on top, fully clothed. That hadn’t been my intention, but it was hilarious all the same. 
            However, I knew better than to mention it, especially in that moment. So, I kept it to myself and shifted away from his lap, noticing how his release had stained not only my kimono but his as well, the black fabric now marred with a conspicuous whitish, sticky stain. 
            He noticed it at the same time I did, and I swear I saw fire in his eyes. 
            “Untie me, I said.”
            “Okay,” I replied quietly, moving to his back and kneeling down to undo the knot. “But…” I hesitated, knowing what he needed, but our time together that night was coming to an end. “We don’t have much time,” I acknowledged, finally releasing him. He shook his hands violently, attempting to rid himself of the restraints once and for all.  “I should head back to my father’s ca—”
            “The Shogun can wait,” his resolve was now absolute. 
            And dangerous.
            Before I could react, he was already rising to his feet, his hands reaching out to grab me. 
            “I’m not done with his daughter.”
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thefallennightmare · 7 months
The Coyotes Cry: coming soon.
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Centered on the story of a young bride whose fairy-tale vision of the Concrete Jungle is shattered when her father, part of the Irish Crime Family; McManus strikes a marital peace deal with the mafia head of OMNS, Noah Sebastian. Scarlett is faced with rage and conflict, as she is forced to work alongside her new husband in his tattoo shop that fronts for his mafia dealings. Devastating events leave Scarlett with the realization that there is more to Noah than meets the eye. "I would willingly, lay down my life for you if I had to." The power of love is thicker than blood.
[AU]TattooArtist!MafiaBoss!Noah Sebastian x OFC.
Tropes: Forced Proximity/Dark Romance/Mafia/Arranged Marriage/Tattoo Artist.
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Tags will be open for this! Just let me know if you'd like to be tagged. It won't be posted for a while, still debating if I want a longer fic or make it a two-parter.
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spicywhenspeaking · 3 months
If I'm There Chapter: Twenty-Five
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read from part one here!
summary: Noah and Natalie met in high school and developed a relationship through their love of music and art. Falling in love, innocent and young, they think nothing can keep them apart. However, sometimes in the pursuit of your dreams the things we love the most get left behind.
this is a complete work of fiction, some characters while based on real people are totally made up. :)
Taglist: @lma1986 @cookiesupplier @notingridslurkaccount @thisbicc @laurpartyprogram @to-be-written @concretenoah @thebadchic @madomens @samanthasgone @myownthoughts12 @missduffsblog @jilliemiw86 @malerieee @hi-fancy-seeing-you-here @badomenslrh @robabankfuckmickeymouse @darknightstarryeyes @xxkittenkissesxx @mitchhbitch @sorrowsofsilence @blackveilomens
note: I'm sorry I've been gone for so long! I took a much needed writing break but am excited to get back into a schedule. I can't guarantee when I'll upload but I'm sure it won't be another 3 months between updates...lol sorry again.
“Oh shit!” Noah squeals as his roller-blades skitter back and forth trying to catch his balance as Erin circles the two of us as we stake alongside her. I’ve taken her skating several times and have figured out how to remain upright, although I’m no expert I can keep up with the other roller moms. Noah on the other hand is like an unsteady infant taking his first steps. Before he falls on his ass again he reaches out and grabs onto me in an attempt to remain standing. 
“Ah! No, don't! Noah!” I cry out as I lose my balance and my stakes fly out from under me and we both fall onto a heap on the floor. I end up on my back with Noah looming over me having caught himself with his hands before crushing me completely. He’s close enough that the short hair that falls in front of his face tickles my forehead. 
“Oh, sorry” he says and his breath caresses my cheek. My voice is caught in my throat. I know there is a blush creeping up my neck but I ignore it as we shuffle to get back onto our feet. Sliding and clinging onto the side of the rink to remain upright. 
Laughing loudly he looks at me with a smile that takes up half of his face, “guess I’m in need of practice.” I return a small laugh and nod in agreement. 
Erin continues to circle us with a quizzical look on her face, “y’all are funny. Let's go! A few more turns and then can we go get ice cream?!” Giggling she rushes off as we slowly follow with Noah refusing to let go of my hand.
“Sorry, I really don’t want to bust my ass again.” Squeezing his hand in encouragement we continue forward after our daughter. “No worries Noah, I’ll catch you if you fall again.” 
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Noah’s POV
I almost stumble again at her words. She's using the same words I wrote for her all those years ago back at me. Does she even realize what she said? Probably not. Maybe? I shake it off for now as she pulls me forward. 
We go around the skating rink hand in hand and I selfishly hold as tight as I can, only letting go once we’ve exited the rink and sat down to take off our stakes. 
“So what's good for ice cream around here?” I ask while we turn in our stakes before we head out the door into the hot summer air. “I like Amy's! They have lots of yummy flavors!” Erin cheers. She’s walking between us, holding both of our hands. I was shocked at first when she grabbed my hand but it filled my heart with so much joy—more than I ever thought possible. 
“What do you like to get at Amy’s Erin?” I asked while seated in the passenger seat of the car. “Hmmm I like getting sweet cream with Oreos and rainbow sprinkles! It’s sooo good!”
Her excitement is contagious as Natalie’s smile is also spread wide across her face as she listens to Erin. “What about you Nat? What’s your favorite?” I turn my gaze to her and the summer heat has given her a glowy sheen of sweat on her cheeks causing her blush to shine.
She looks so beautiful. I want to kiss her. I wish I could.
“I like to get the Mexican vanilla with strawberries and chocolate chips, I think you’ll like their stuff. Lots of choices.” 
I turn up the radio and Erin squeals with joy! “This was in the movie Aunt Hales and I watched!” 
“Reaching for something in the distance..” 
Natalie sings along with her, “so close you can almost taste it release your inhibitions.”
The song is too good not to sing along, so as we drive to get ice cream, I find myself singing along as well.
“Feel the rain on your skin, no one else can feel it for you! Only you can let it in..”
Did I think six months ago I would be singing Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield in the car with my daughter and the girl I've always loved? Not at all, but this is something I wouldn’t trade for anything.  I won’t let her get away this time, I’m just going to have to play the long game and hopefully, she will trust me with her heart again. 
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Hours later, after some amazing ice cream Natalie and Erin are dropping me off at my Airbnb. I chose something that wasn’t too far from their house and there’s a pool. Erin was excited about that. She was running from room to room looking at all of the spaces.
“I got this place because it has lots of room, so if Erin ever wanted to spend the night she would have her own space,” I say to Natalie. She smiles softly, “she’d love that Noah. Maybe when she gets back from art camp?” she responds.
“And of course you two can come over and use the pool whenever, even next week Erins at camp? You could come over and hang out? The other guys will be here Thursday” I ask nervously. God, why am I so nervous, I’ve known Nat for years. It’s not weird to ask her to hang out…right?
“I would love that, I’m free on Wednesday?” She says looking out at the yard as Erin runs in the grass next to the water. 
So she knows the guys won’t be here until Thursday but wants to come over on Wednesday.. that’s good? right? Stop reading into it man, just live.
“Wednesday is amazing, I’ll grab snacks.” god I sound pathetic. 
She giggles while we watch Erin take off doing cartwheels now, “she is an endless stream of energy.” she comments quietly. “She really is, I’d like some of that. I’m exhausted.” 
Natalie’s energy shifts slightly, “oh you’re right. You’ve been on the move all day. We should get out of your hair so you can relax.” 
“Oh- no that’s-” I try to catch her but she’s already at the backdoor quietly calling for Erin to head home.  Why did I say that?…idiot. 
“Noah! This house is awesome!! I can’t wait to come over this summer! After my camp next week I’m totally coming over to swim!” she says as she runs up to give her a goodbye hug. 
I return the hug, wrapping her tight in my arms. “Can’t wait for it kiddo, I’ll grab some floats this weekend. It’ll be a fun summer for sure.” I say looking up to see Natalie snapping what I’m sure she was hoping was an incognito photo. “Send that to me please?”
She nods and they move to exit, “Nat, wait.” I reach and softly grab her arm, pulling her quickly into a hug. “I’ll see you later, I had fun today.” 
“I had fun too Noah.” her hands squeeze my sides briefly before she releases and they head to their car. They pull out of the driveway and a thought hits me.
I rush to my guitar and sit down to get the idea out while it’s fresh in my head. 
I can wait for you at the bottom I can stay away if you want me to I can wait for years if I gotta Heaven knows I ain’t getting over you Can we try again? When we’re not so different Can we make amends? Why can’t we just pretend?
I jot down the slightly altered lyrics on a random scrap of paper I see in my guitar case and shut it. 
I finish unpacking and jump into the shower to rinse off. I hop out at the exact time I see my phone ringing, Erin is calling. 
“Hey, kiddo! What’s up?”
“Hey, Noah! I was wondering if you would come with us on Sunday to drop me off at camp. It’s a couple of hours away though so if you have plans I understand.” 
“I don’t have anything going on, I’d love to tag along.” 
“MOM! HE SAID YES! - sweetheart I thought we agreed we’d call tomorrow? Noah’s had a long day - I was too excited…I’m sorry Noah.” 
“Hey, it’s no worries kiddo! You can call me whenever you need too.”
“Mom?! Did you hear that? Noah said it’s okay!”
I hear Natty’s laugh on the other end of the phone and it kills me that we’re not just all together laughing. Lately that’s all I can think about. All I want. 
“Well I am supposed to look at what clothes I’m packing for camp right now but I’ll see you on Sunday!” 
“I’ll see you Sunday kiddo.” 
Natalie POV
“So is it like a date?” Haylie asks. Were sitting on her bed later that night after having packed Erin’s camp bag and her going to bed. 
“It’s not a date! It’s swimming. We’re just two old friends hanging out.” the moment the words are out of my mouth I know it’s bullshit. I don’t know if it will ever feel like just two old friends with Noah. 
“I’d argue with you but I know you don’t even believe what you just said so it’s pretty pointless.” I throw my head back onto the pillows and sigh in defeat.
“I wish I believed it. I wish I could just be normal around him. It’s like I’m a teenager all over again…do I remember everything bad that happened? Of course..but I also remember all of the good things..ugh! Why are feelings so complicated?! Like am I a horrible person with no backbone if I forgive him for everything and just let him back into my life like no time has passed? Or am I a bitch if I keep him at arm’s length for the rest of our lives despite my feelings for him because of mistakes we made as kids?” 
I feel the bed dip down as Haylie sits down next to me. “Unfortunately I don’t have the answer for you, but I know you are not a horrible person or a bitch. Life is complicated and confusing and all you can do is consider what is best for you and Erin. I’ll support you no matter what you choose to do…but what I will say is that since you two started talking again…you’ve been different. Happier than I’ve seen you in a long time.” 
She’s right. I’ve felt happier than I have in years since I reconnected with Noah. That has to mean something. 
Maybe it’s time to just let myself be open to what could happen.
Could we even have anything like that again? 
Under the same Texas moon, two lonely hearts thought in tandem if the other may be open to loving them again.
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collapsedglasshouses · 7 months
PAIRING: Noah Sebastian x OFC ; slight Nick Folio x OFC
DIVIDER ART WORK BY @saradika-graphics
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SUMMARY: When Eden meets Noah, her life is anything but perfect. Her heart is far more broken than Noah can even guess at this point. Will he be able to mend the wounds he hadn’t caused?
WARNINGS: angst, fluff, eventually smut, mentions of grief/loss, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of mental health issues, mentions of illnesses
A/N: FIRST OF ALL, COVID DOESN'T EXIST IN THIS STORY! Second, hello! :) This is a new series. We will see where this goes. Thank you for everyone joining in before it was even a real idea haha. If you liked the first part, consider reblogging it! Thank you!
TAGLIST: @measuredingold @cncohshit @lma1986 @missduffsblog @cookiesupplier @thescarlettvvitch @bngurngheart @dream-machine-love @arkiliastuff @vinyardmauro @lacktoesandtoddlerants @princessmarshmallowx
If you wanna be added to the story's taglist or to my taglist in general, leave a comment or message me privately!
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The rain was pouring down with no regrets. It had been like this for a few days. And still, the bar business was booming. It was a cold Friday evening in October and Eden was done. She had been on her feet since around six in the morning and she just wanted to cuddle herself into her blanket on her small couch at home.
It wasn’t like she despised her job at the bar, but she just couldn’t feel her feet anymore. She had been pouring beer into glasses for five hours straight and there was seemingly no end. Every time she thought she had a second to herself, the next person ordered something.
On the light side, she also really hadn’t had the time to think about anything outside of work, which was the exact reason why she went for the job. She had been living in Los Angeles for about three months now. Three months of none-stop working. Three months of keeping her mind of reality.
She was doing better than she had originally thought.
As she was giving a woman her change, she noticed how the door opened. She always noticed when the door opened and she surely always noticed him. A young man in his early twenties entered the bar and shook his head for a second to get rid of the excess water in his hair. Eden felt like she could breathe for a second.
When the man lifted his gaze again, he quickly was met with Eden’s exhausted but welcoming smile.
“Eden!” The man beamed. “Thank God, you are here. I thought, you weren’t working today.”
“I’m always working, Nick.” She answered the man, as he approached the bar and set down on one of the chairs. He leaned a bit towards her with a smug smile on his face. “The same as usual.” – “Everything for you, Nick.”
She poured another beer into the glass before turning back to him and setting the drink in front of him. She didn’t even have to tell him what it cost, the money already laying on the counter, “Keep the change.”
Eden smiled to herself. Her day just got better.
“How has your week been?” Nick asked her, before sipping on his beer. Eden sighed.
“Pretty good.” She said, as she always did. “Yours?”
“A lot of stuff with the band.” He answered.
Right, the band. She knew he was the drummer of this metal band. Sometimes she forgot Nick was somewhat popular.
Eden nodded, before being called to the other side of the counter to yet pour another beer. When she went back to Nick afterwards, he was quick to gift her a sweet smile.
“What are you doing tomorrow?" Nick asked her interested.
“The same as always. Cuddling on my couch and watching some movies.” She answered him and he looked shocked. “But it’s your birthday!” – “That is the reason why I’m doing nothing out of the usual.”
Nick shook his head. “It’s also Halloween, Sunshine.” Eden smiled a little at the nickname Nick had given her other the last couple of weeks. She knew it couldn't be further from the truth, but she enjoyed the image Nick seemed to have of her in his head.
“Don’t make it even worse than it already is.” Eden breathed out, not even sure if Nick heard it over the noise that filled the room.
Eden hated her birthday. It was a hard reminder of the time just slipping through her fingers. To her, it was even worse that she was also born on a national holiday. And if that wasn’t enough, she also had her name tied to said holiday. While her name was representing some kind of delight or place of pleasure, her parents had chosen that name for her, because they thought it sounded mysterious and spooky. Fitting for Halloween.
“Oh, come on.” Nick exclaimed, snapping her out of her thoughts. She blinked at him for a second, waiting for him to continue his sentence. “Enjoy yourself for once.”
Eden rolled her eyes. As much as Nick was a delight to her, she also hated his happy spirit in moments like this.
“Okay, hear me out.” Nick said, when he saw her facial expression. “A good friend of mine is celebrating his birthday tomorrow. You should come. This way, nobody will focus on you, you can enjoy my company outside of work for once and you’re out of your little hobbit-house for once.”
Eden tapped her fingers against the counter and started to think. It had been about the fifth time that Nick tried to get her to do something with him. Since now, she had always turned him down. Not, that she didn’t want to see him, she just was scared. She liked being alone. She liked being to herself. She didn’t even speak to anyone outside of work, except her sister and her parents, but even that contact was strongly limited by her. Nick was the only one she would call somewhat a friend.
Eden ran a hand through her hair and then over her face. She was going to regret this. She just knew it.
“Okay… Just once.” She gave in and Nick clapped his hands together in excitement.
“Fucking finally!” He exclaimed. “I was really starting to think, you hated me.”
“I do not, and you know that.” She reassured him before taking another order. When she was ready with the customer, Nick’s beer was empty. She allowed herself to look at the clock that was hanging over the entrance of the bar. Her shift would end in half an hour.
“So, where should I go tomorrow?" She asked Nick, who was still smiling to himself.
“Give me your phone number and I’ll text you the address.” He answered her and reached his hand out, waiting for her phone.
For a second, she simply looked at his hand. He was getting bold.
She sighed in defense and pulled her phone from her pants to hand it to him.
Right when he handed it back, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Her boss Michael looked at her. “You can go. Anna will be here in a second.”
Eden nodded, before looking at Nick again, who stood to his feet, also ready to head out.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” She exclaimed, before Nick nodded at her with a smile and left.
“The guy is cute.” Michael said to her, and she smiled a little. “Yeah, he is also a total pain in the ass.”
Michael only shrug his shoulders, before wishing her a good night and soon Eden was in her car.
It didn’t take her long to reach her apartment. She had been lucky, getting a flat close to her work. When she reached her front door and opened it, she sighed at the familiar sight of her home. Things hadn’t been easy the last couple of months. After moving to the other side of the country, she was just happy to have some peace again. She liked not living in that old house anymore, back at her hometown. Everything reminded her of her pain back there.
Not even twenty minutes later, she fell onto her couch, a bowl of instant noodles in her hand and some sitcom playing in the background, when her phone vibrated. Three messages from an unknown number.
She opened them.
?: Hey, here is Nick.
?: The party starts at 8, you have to come in a custome
?: [adress attached]
That's when it hit her.
She agreed to go to a party with a man, she barely knew, even though he was the closest she had to a friend in LA.
She was definitely going to regret it.
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flowery-mess · 29 days
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Noah dating skatergirl
To be honest skatergirl aesthetic fits me with Noah a lot
You know, wearing dark colors, punk clothes and the cool vibe together, but in your own ways
Can you imagine telling him you have stickers on your skateboard with things you love and one day he'd see Bad omens sticker on there?
He'd tease you about it, but you'd try to play it cool
But maybe later that day you'd tell him you love him for the first time
I'm sure he'd go all the way to get sticker with your name and then put it on his skateboard to return the gesture
I'm sure going skateboarding together would be Noah's comfort time from all the fame and spotlight
Just the two of you, riding your boards, sometimes in silence, sometimes catching up on everything
Your favorite would be going for a ride when the sun sets, riding slowly along the beach while holding hands
When you'd join the boys on tour, you two would make sure to take your skateboards with you
That means lots of cute little dates including exploring the cities with Noah, just late night skating through the streets
I don't know if Noah can skate, but can you imagine all the laughs while trying to teach him
He'd instantly fall in love with your patience and passion
It would become one of Noah's favorite activities quickly
But before he learned how to skate properly, there would be scratches and falls
But then cleaning his wounds in the bathroom, standing between his legs would lead to other very nice things, if you know what I mean😉
And don't even get me started on if you'd have a kid together, baby boy let's say
Because that boy would be placed on skateboard on the day he was born
Literally, the rest of the boys would buy him little skateboard and bring it to you on their first visit
And then the skateboarding dates would turn into family dates
And suddenly something that was only your hobby before, would be a family thing that all of you would love to do together
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darksigns-exe · 5 months
You're The Holiest Thing I Know - Nick x Noah x Laurie (OFC)
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Paring: Nicholas Ruffilo x Noah Sebastian x Laurie (OFC) Warnings: Swearing, Oral Sex (M and F receiving), use of a strap on toy Word Count: 5.3k
To Know You're Mine Masterlist Masterlist
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They turn around as if he’s caught them gossiping. Nick thinks that he probably has. For a second it stings, but then he remembers that these are his darlings and that it won’t be about him even if they’re giggling and so very close to each other. 
He likes seeing them like this. Laurie pulls him in for a chaste little kiss, before she holds her hand out towards Nick. 
“We were just talking about a little movie night? Interested?”
He doubts that was the actual topic of their conversation. He won’t question them. Whatever they have planned is theirs to surprise him with. 
Nick agrees, of course. He can’t say no to them. Not when Noah is looking at him with those big brown eyes of his. He’s hunched over a little, his chin resting on Laurie’s shoulder. She looks so small with his arms wrapped around her like that. 
God, he loves them so much. Seeing them like this makes Nick question how they’ve ever been without Noah. It’s not that things before weren’t good. They were. It was never bad. But now that it’s all three of them, it just feels so right. 
If he could, he’d take a thousand pictures of them so that he can always keep one on him. 
When he comes back into the living room after changing into something comfortable, they already have Labyrinth pulled up on the screen. He hears Laurie cursing out the microwave once again. They should probably get a new one at some point. 
“There you are.” Noah pulls him in close by the waist, “Almost thought that you weren’t going to come down after all.”
Noah presses a kiss to the cheek, one hand pressed against the opposite. Nick likes that he’s picked up little things like that from Laurie. It’s endearing. They copy each other so much, and he truly does adore it. 
Sometimes he feels as if he’s the new one, with how in sync they are. 
Laurie joins them shortly afterwards with a bowl of popcorn. The few days off she’s had did her good. He assumes that Noah’s been taking good care of their girl too. Laurie sinks down on the other side of him, bracketing him between their bodies. He likes having them all around him like this. Nick loops his arm around Laurie’s shoulder, pulling her close against his side. Noah leans against his other side, head resting against his shoulder. He’ll slide down to curl against him soon enough. He always does. 
The little bout of insecurity ebbs away slowly. The pit of it remains in his chest, though. He can’t help it sometimes. Can’t help the bitter feeling that he’s the one on the outside now. Nick knows that it’s unwarranted. He knows that they love him, that they care for him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t attach themselves to him like this. He shoves the feeling away for now, tries his best to focus on what they had right now. It’ll disappear before long. At least that’s what he hopes. 
Shortly after the credits had rolled, Noah had said his good nights, kissed them both and bounded up the stairs, claiming that he still wanted to shower. Nick isn’t sure where this sudden scepticism comes from, maybe he’s just tired. The last few weeks have been busy. He’s glad that he’s basically booked out for the entire time they’re off tour, but now he wishes that he’d taken fewer appointments, spent less time away. He misses them in equal measure, and he can’t deny the bit of envy he feels when he hears Noah and Laurie talk about what they got up to while he was busy. He knows that they spent their mornings all comfy and lazy and while he’s happy that they get to have those moments, Nick can’t help himself. He doesn’t want Noah out. He just wants to have more of them. 
“Nicky.” Laurie wraps her arms around his middle, “Everything okay?” 
He jumps a little at the sudden contact and noise. He’d been so lost in his own thoughts that he hadn’t even noticed her coming into the kitchen. 
He nods, despite the still bitter feeling in his chest. 
“Don’t lie.”
Nick feels her press her face against the side of his arm as she holds him. 
“Just feeling a little on the sideline at the moment.” He admits then. 
He can’t expect Laurie and Noah to communicate their needs and then do the opposite when he’s not feeling well. 
Laurie’s arms tighten around him. 
“Is this because of earlier? When you came home?”
“A little.”
She presses a kiss to his shoulder, “Noah asked me to help him out with something. I’m not going to tell you what, but you’ll enjoy it. Be patient, my love.”
He huffs out a breath, trying his hardest not to sound too frustrated with the whole thing. It eases the ache a little. 
“Think we could go out some time? Just you and me?” he asks finally.
Nick didn’t think it was possible, but she hugs him closer still, “Of course. Whatever you want. Just say the word, and I’m all yours. Noah wants to get up early tomorrow; think he’s meeting up with some people. So you’ve got me all to yourself.”
He can’t keep his hands off her that night. Can’t stop himself from kissing every inch of her body until she’s a sighing, writhing mess beneath him. The mess in his head dissipates as he sinks into her. And when he falls asleep with her arm slung across his chest, it doesn’t feel nearly as bad as it did just a few hours ago. 
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A few days flow past until Noah finds an opportune morning to bring the topic up again. He waits until they’ve had breakfast and they’ve both kissed Nick goodbye. He’s bouncing with excitement when he finds her in the en suite of the big bedroom. 
Noah wraps himself around her partially naked body.
“What’s with you today?” 
“Do you think we could…”
“Today?” she fixes him in the mirror. 
He nods eagerly, “Been thinking about it all night.”
His own enthusiasm catches him a little off guard. Going down on a guy hadn’t been something he’d thought about a lot before this. Hell, even the idea of practising the whole thing with her would have sounded completely baffling to him a year ago. But here he is, asking his girlfriend to help him get used to giving head so that he can show their boyfriend a good time. That alone would have given him an aneurysm when he’d first moved in with them. 
“Alright.” her hand finds the side of his face, “Don’t worry so much.” 
Noah kisses her cheek, “Thank you for doing this.”
“Of course, everything for the two of you.” 
There’s a softness on her face. Noah is so glad that he has the two of them. He lets Laurie get ready in peace. He knows that she likes having a bit of time to herself in the morning. The time spent idle will do nothing for his nerves, but she’ll bring him back down quickly enough. Noah keeps himself busy with his phone, makes note of a verse that’s been floating around his head for a few days now. 
He looks up when Laurie enters the bedroom again. Her skin shines with the lotions and creams she’s used. God, she’s beautiful. 
“Nervous?” she asks, tossing the shirt she’d worn that night into the little basket by the bathroom door.
“Just a little.” 
There’s no use denying it. Laurie will pick up on his writhing hands quickly enough. She always does. 
“We can take our time with it. No need to rush into it.” Laurie sits down next to him on the bed, “Do you want to see it first?”
The hesitant little voice in the back of his mind tells him that he doesn’t. He nods in spite of it. 
The little smile Laurie gives him makes Noah feel just a little bit more settled. She gives his thigh a little, reassuring squeeze, before she gets up from the bed again. 
Laurie opens one of the drawers on the big commode on the opposite side of the room. 
He watches her rummage through its contents for a moment before she places a mess of straps onto the top. Her search continues for a moment longer, until she rises to her feet. 
“We have a smaller one, but this one is closest to Nick.” 
Noah tries not to let the size scare him. He’s seen Nick before - he’s had his hands on him more than once. It’s not as if he didn’t know what he’d be getting himself into. 
Laurie holds the toy out for him to take. It’s heavier than expected. It feels similar to Nick in his hand, but it’s so strangely cold. 
“We’ll take it nice and slow. We have all day.”
He takes some time getting used to the feeling of the toy in his hand. Laurie watches him carefully; watches as he wraps his hand around it. 
“What happens now?” he asks quietly. 
Technically he knows. He’s had enough girls go down on him to know what comes now. Laurie gives him a knowing look. Noah’s watched her doing this exact thing for Nick just a few days earlier. 
“You know what comes next, darling.” Laurie says calmly, “Do you want to be on your knees?” 
He hesitates for a moment too long.
“We can try it with you sitting on the bed. I don’t know how well -”
“Nick will want me on my knees, right?” Noah asks quietly. 
Laurie’s face falls a little, and Noah thinks that he’s said something wrong. She cradles his face so gently, thumbs drifting across the tops of his cheeks. 
“He’ll want you wherever you’re most comfortable. You know that he doesn’t expect you to bend and break for him. Whatever you can give will be enough. For both of us.” One of her hands leaves his face, in order to fuss with a stray strand of his hair, “And you’ve been on your knees for me. Plenty of times.”
His face flushes a little at the memories of his face buried between her thighs. The difference between this and what he wants to do for Nick is that he knows what to do when he’s face to face with her pussy. 
“I want to try.” he nods, mostly to convince himself. 
Laurie pulls him in for a chaste little kiss, “We can take breaks whenever you need them.”
Noah has to admit that watching her slip on the harness is a little nerve wrecking. He doesn’t have it in him to question why they have it in the first place. The visual of Nick spread out like that for her burrows into his mind, but he shoves that to the back of his mind for another day. He can’t think about that right now. 
He still sits on the edge of the bed, fingers nervously tangled together. 
None of that helps when he really takes in the visual of Laurie with the toy dangling in front of her. It takes mere seconds for his cock to press against the fabric of his sweats. 
“Kneel down for me, love?” The gentle tone of her voice breaks through his thoughts. 
Noah nods absent-mindedly. Laurie reaches for his hand as he sinks down, gives it a comforting squeeze before she brings it to rest against her thigh. 
“You’ve seen me do this, and you know what you like. You’ll be just fine.” 
It’s a little intimidating. 
Noah tries to remember what Laurie did the last time he’s seen her suck Nick's dick. Wrapping his hand around it feels foreign. There’s no movement in it, and it feels nothing like the real thing. 
“Give me your hand.” Laurie speaks softly. 
He does as she asks. Noah tries hard not to be shocked when she spits into his palm. It’s so oddly obscene, he’s seen her do it plenty of times, but somehow when it’s in his hand it feels mad. 
“That’ll make it easier.”
And now that he thinks about it, he’d do the same thing when he gets a hand around himself. 
“Go on, love.” 
Noah works his hand along the silicone. It feels odd at first but when he feels her hand in his hair a little surge of bravery floods through him. He directs the tip of it towards his mouth. Noah lets his eyes fall shut before he gives a first shy lick across the head. It’s not nearly as weird as he’d thought. And after the first comes a second and a third, and soon enough he finds himself wanting more of it. Laurie’s hand in his hair coaxes him a little closer. It’s such a dizzying feeling. He feels a little clumsy. The head of the toy bumps against the roof of his mouth a few times, before he finds the right angle. 
“You’re doing so good.” Her praise sends a shiver down his spine, “Not as bad as you thought it’d be, huh?”
Noah pulls off the toy. 
Laurie draws in a sharp breath when he does, and he really cannot place the emotion on her face. 
“Feels good.” 
She pushes the loose strands of hair away from his face, “I can’t wait for Nick to see you like this.”
He looks so gorgeous like this. A part of her wants to keep him like this. Wants to keep him soft and gentle on his knees for them. She really cannot wait for Nick to feel this. Noah is so eager, so willing to please. He’ll be so good for their boy. 
She watches him squirm and shift as keeps up his effort. The hand that is resting against his own thigh twitches impatiently. Laurie knows that he wants to touch himself, and she adores that he doesn’t. She hasn’t told him that he can’t, but there was also no explicit yes. 
“Noah.” His eyes shoot up to meet hers immediately, “You can touch yourself if you want to.” 
Relief washes over his face as his hand practically flies towards the obvious tent in his sweats. There’s a slim part of her that wishes that she could actually feel it, but it quickly vanishes in favour of a different kind of ache. Watching him touch himself like that when his face is buried between her thighs always makes her head swim, this isn’t different. 
He’s grows more and more confident with every bop of his head. She doesn’t know how much more of this she can stand before her own impatience takes over. Her hand finds its way back into his hair, and Noah sighs so beautifully when her nails scrape against his skin of his scalp. The next time she looks down at him, his hand is pushed behind the waist band of his sweats. The movement is slow, but it’s noticeable enough. By now, the cotton of her underwear is soaked through and if she doesn’t get his mouth on her properly soon, she’ll lose her mind.
Laurie watches as he works himself faster, more irregular. He’s close. She can’t look away. The little sounds he makes fill her head with cotton. He sighs around the toy, before he pulls off it until just the head remains between his lips. Laurie tightens her grip on his hair, making him look up at her. 
She wishes that he’d rid himself of the sweats so that she could see him properly, but he is far too occupied with his own pleasure. Noah pulls off suddenly, before his head drops against her thigh. His mouth falls open. A silent gasp that breaks from his throat and his hand stills. 
Noah stays where he is, resting against her thigh while he catches his breath. She loves how he looks in these moments. That blissed out pleasure that captures his entire being is her favourite thing to look at. He blinks up at her, lips still parted and spit-slicked. 
“You did so good, darling.” she speaks softly, “Think you’ve earned a treat.” 
His eyes light up at that. 
Laurie carefully undoes the buckles that hold the harness up against her waist. As much as this is his treat, she wants - needs - to feel him too. She’s just as desperate for it as he is, and when he surges forward to burrow his face into her, she can’t stop herself from letting out a most wanton moan.
It doesn’t matter how often he puts his mouth on her, it always feels brand new. He’s like a starved man today, burying his face against her pussy until she swears that air doesn’t reach him any more. He licks into her over and over again. It’s almost too much already. Laurie feels him moan and sigh against her. She loves how much he enjoys this. Nick is good to her, always has been. But there’s something about the absolute desperation that fills Noah whenever he’s between her thighs that makes her tummy twist and flip with pleasure. 
Laurie lets herself fall back against the mattress. As hungry as he seems to be for her today, she knows that he’ll take his time. And so Laurie lets herself sink into the feeling of his mouth on her pussy and his fingers digging into her hips and thighs. She’s long-lost track of time. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she hears him whine. 
By the time she feels herself unravel, Laurie swears that she is floating a good few inches above the bed. Blood rushes in her ears, obscuring all sounds besides the thumping of her heart. It almost doesn't feel real. She lets herself float in that feeling, enjoys the levity it brings her. They’re so good to her. Sometimes she wonders how she found herself with the two of them. Before she can spend much thought on the matter, a gentle hand finds the top of her thigh. She hadn’t noticed Noah climbing onto the bed to sit next to her. His eyes are soft with that gentle tiredness that always takes over his being when they’re done. 
He slumps down next to her on his back. When she looks over at him, she finds herself warming even more. She loves them both so much. Sometimes it washes over her like a tidal wave, this sudden realisation that she has these wonderful boys in her life. She loves them, and in return she is loved so thoroughly that it shakes her a little when she thinks about it too much. 
Laurie wraps herself around him. The thump of his heart is heavy in her ear. Her fingers graze across the skin of his chest, along the length of his ribs, until the faint trace of a giggle falls from his lips. His hand finds her back, pulling her closer against him. 
“Thank you for doing this.” his voice barely breaks through the silence around them. 
“Was it good?” She asks softly, not lifting her head from where it is resting against his chest. 
Noah’s hand curls around the side of her body, warm and comforting, “So much better than I could have imagined.” 
“I’m glad.” she replies, “Nick will lose his mind, you know?”
A laugh rumbles through his chest, “I know. Might lose it too, I think.” 
Laurie presses a kiss to his sternum “If you want me there I’ll be right by your side the entire time. Nick won’t ask anything from you that you’re not willing to give.”
“I want you there.” Noah says firmly. 
Another kiss to the same spot, “Then I’ll be there. You lead the way. It’s all in your hands. If you need to stop, just let us know.” 
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They’re all around him. Noah to his left, Laurie on his right – just the way he likes it. Really, it doesn’t matter how they’re arranged, as long as he has them both by his side. He can’t ask for more, and he doesn’t want to. They’re all he needs. It’s been a little over six months since Noah became a part of them, and it still feels so impossibly right. 
It feels as if Noah slowly thaws with every day that passes. He’s becoming more and more affectionate and open with his feelings, and Nick is genuinely happy to see him grow like that.
Nick turns his attention back to the show they’re watching. They’ve watched it plenty of times, so he doesn’t mind zoning out a little. 
A hand – too large to be Laurie's – wanders up his side. He almost doesn’t want to look. Noah gets so painfully shy with his affection sometimes. When his hand dips beneath the fabric of his shirt, Nick’s breath instantly hitches a little. Noah’s fingers pulse against his skin, and for a brief second he thinks that they’re about to vanish again. To his surprise, they remain where they are. And even more surprising, lips come to meet the side of his neck. Laurie seems to be blissfully unaware of what is happening on the other side of the sofa. 
Nick tries to keep his breathing steady. He doesn’t want to disrupt whatever Noah is up to, doesn’t want to jostle him more than necessary. 
Noah does pull back a little when Laurie sits up. He remains close, but the soft brush of his lips suddenly disappears and Nick thinks that he’s never missed anything more. 
She presses a kiss to Nick’s cheek before she pushes herself up onto her feet “I’ll be right back. Don’t get too busy without me.”
Nick barely registers her looping around the back of the sofa. She leans down next to Noah. Whatever she whispers to him has him huff out a breathy laugh. As soon as Laurie has left the room, Noah is back on him. 
“What’s gotten into you?” Nick finds himself asking. 
Noah retreats immediately. Nick doesn’t find the panic he’s seen so often on his face, instead he finds himself faced with an expression that so far has been reserved for Laurie. There’s a hunger, a deep set desire on his face and it takes Nick a moment too long to realise that it is directed at him. 
“We don’t have to -” Noah says so softly. 
It’s not the same shy tone he’s grown used to. This is different. He seems more sure of himself and Nick thinks that maybe this was what he had asked Laurie to help him with.  
“Just curious about what you’re up to.” 
His cheeks flush at that. He looks so gorgeous with his tousled hair and pink cheeks. Nick can’t help himself. He reaches up, carefully untangles some of the strands. His hand comes to the side of Noah’s face. He gently steers him to meet his lips. It always surprises him how they fit together, how Noah moulds himself against him so easily. Nick isn’t sure when he’s moved to straddle him, his hands find Noah’s waist nevertheless. 
It feels different from the other times they’ve been together. He seems to have a set course of action and Nick lets himself be dragged along without a fight. 
Noah is busy leaving what will surely be a wild array of bruises on his neck when Laurie returns to the living room. Nick feels barely cognisant enough to feel her hand drifting through his hair as she passes him on her way to the far end of the sofa. Noah’s hands return to his sides. The cool touch soothes his wired nerves a little. 
Whatever calm had settled in him immediately dissipates again when Noah shifts himself onto the carpet in front of him. Nick has to force himself to calm his breathing before he looks at him again. 
The look of wide-eyed pleasure he’s met with shoots right through him. 
“Noah.” He sighs, almost in disbelief. 
With the film long forgotten, Nick relinquishes himself to the hands roaming across his thighs. They find the waistband of his sweatpants, not tugging but gently drifting across the sliver of bare skin he finds there. It’s a silent question, he waits until it is asked out loud, though. 
“Can I take these off?” he sounds just a little hesitant when he asks. 
Suddenly, it is Nick who finds himself at a loss for words. He nods, maybe a little too desperate. Now that Noah is so close, so willing to share his affection, he can’t wait to feel all of it. He needs to feel Noah’s hands, his lips everywhere. 
“Nick.” Laurie speaks from his left, “If you want him to use his words I’m going to need you to do the same.”
“Yes. Please.” 
She looks from him to Noah almost expectantly. 
“Good.” Noah says, sounding surprisingly firm, “Sit up.”
In a way, Nick is glad that they’re leading the way. He pushes his hips up, allowing Noah to pull his sweats and underwear down his waist and thighs. Noah pauses for a moment. The tip of his tongue flits across his bottom lip before he pulls it between his teeth. A moment later, he taps against the side of his calf. Nick lifts his leg, so that he can remove the garments entirely. 
Nick doesn’t care enough to check where his clothes disappear to, not when he feels Noah’s hands drift up his legs again. His breath catches in his throat when a kiss is pressed to the inside of his knee. Slowly as can be, Noah works his way back up his thigh with the softest kisses. His focus drifts in and out the higher up Noah reaches. He’s so close to where Nick wants him, so desperately. His other hand brushes up along the inside of his thigh. The tips of his fingers dance across the top of his shaft. Nick lets his eyes fall shut as his hand wraps around him. 
He sighs with the first stroke of his hand. It’s slow – torturous, even. His head drops against the back of the sofa. It takes him embarrassingly little to get fully hard. Maybe if he’d been a little more aware of the things around him, Nick would have noticed that Noah had long stopped lavishing kisses along the insides of his thighs. Maybe he would have noticed the silent exchange between his two darlings, or Laurie slipping down onto the carpet next to Noah. 
“Go on, darling.” he hears the words so faintly in the back of his consciousness that they barely register, “You did so good for me. Why don’t you show our Nicky?” 
A moment of silent passes before Nick feels the hesitant brush of a tongue against the head of his cock. His eyes shoot down immediately. The sight before him takes his breath away. Both of his loves in front of him like this wasn’t something he’d expected from this evening. He watches as Laurie leans close to Noah. Nick can’t tell what she whispers to him, but it seems to be enough to give him the confidence to wrap his lips around his head. 
Nick can’t tear his eyes away from the sight in front of him. He’s transfixed, spellbound as he watches Noah work his way down his cock. The younger takes his time with it, pulls back to give himself a break when he needs it. His hand remains wrapped around the parts he can’t reach yet. The rhythm he settles into is just enough to have Nick’s head reeling with it. He tries to keep his hands to himself, tries to let Noah stay in the rhythm he’s found, but his hands seem to have a mind of their own. Nick carefully pulls the loose strands of hair away from Noah’s face. 
He looks up at Nick, eyes wide with pleasure, and Nick can’t stop the whine that falls from him. 
“How does he feel, Nicky?” Laurie’s voice breaks through the fuzz in his head. 
He finds her looking at him with that curiosity she always regards them with. Her lips are parted with bated breath, tongue dipping out to dart across her bottom lip. 
“So good, god, he’s so good.” he manages to choke out between breathless sighs. 
Noah moans around him, and he swears that he’s never heard him sound so lost in his own pleasure before. Nick can’t look any more. His head tips back again, eyes finding the overly expensive light fixture Laurie had insisted on. He has to think of anything but the boiling feeling in his belly. 
Occasionally, it still feels a little clumsy, but the fact that Noah is doing this for him alone is enough to drive him closer and closer to the edge. He can faintly hear Laurie speaking, but the rushing of blood in his ears is too loud to let him understand any of the words. 
His hand flexes where it’s still tangled into Noah’s hair, not to tear or to pull, but to ground himself in feeling. Nick isn’t sure how much more of this he can take. He’s long lost control of the moans that break free from his throat, and he barely manages to stop himself from bucking up into the warmth of Noah’s mouth. 
“Don’t stop.” maybe he would have been embarrassed by how desperate he sounds, but Nick is far too close to the edge to worry about that. 
Noah’s hand grips into his thigh as he presses closer, works even more of him into his mouth. It’s so familiar, but at the same time it feels so unlike Laurie. 
He feels her crawl up the side of his body, before she curls against him. Her lips find the side of his neck in a soft kiss. She brings a hand to the side of his face to gently coax his head up again. 
“You’re so close, aren’t you?” she asks, her words sounding just as breathless as he feels.
Nick nods, perhaps a little too eagerly. 
“Are you going to cum for him?” 
“You hear that, darling, hear how badly he wants it?” 
Another moan reverberates through his spine. Laurie manages to steer him towards Noah just as Nick feels himself fall. He can’t stop himself from tugging Noah just a little deeper onto his cock as he spills into his mouth. Noah works him through it so diligently. And he swears that he can feel him swallow. 
Nick opens his eyes just in time to see Laurie lean down to kiss Noah. His vision swims with the sight of them and if he hadn’t just cum, that would be enough for him to do it again. Noah follows her up onto the sofa, wriggles his way between them. A second later, Nick is pulling him in for a desperate kiss. He doesn’t have the words to express how he feels at that moment, the kiss will have to do until he’s in control of his mind again. 
“Was it good?” Noah asks when Nick releases him. 
He sounds so awfully insecure, but Nick doesn’t miss the glint in his eyes.
“So good.” he pulls him in for another kiss, “You did so, so good for me. Thank you.” 
“I told you he’d lose it.” Laurie presses herself against Noah’s back, “Want us to take care of you now?” 
He’s never seen Noah blush so quickly. He shakes his head, looking almost a little ashamed. 
“Oh honey.” she says with a soft sigh, “Did you?” 
Noah nods, and only now does Nick notice the damp patch at the front of the other’s shorts. 
“Did you like it so much?” Nick asks, finally having regained some kind of grasp on himself. 
“Been thinking about it since – since Laurie helped me.” 
He’ll have to ask more questions about that later, for now he’s content with knowing that he wasn’t the only one that enjoyed all of it. 
Laurie quickly ushers the both of them up into the bathroom to get cleaned up. And when they fall into bed a while later, Nick finds himself sandwiched between his loves, and he’s never felt more at peace than he does at that moment. 
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foliosriot · 28 days
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A Noah Sebastian x OFC Series
Current Status: ONGOING
Summary: The Concrete Jungle is incredibly dangerous and a scary place to live. But Grey has made it her mission to provide whatever light and aid she can in such a dark place. Even if it means catching the attention of someone at the top of the food chain.
Warnings: constant discussion of murder/death. guns and other weaponry. blood. ofc struggles to grieve. medical terminology and medications. mental illnesses and health issues. sooo much angst. fluff. eventual smut. 18+ only MDNI or i’ll block you!
Intro — Chapter One
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concreteburialplot · 6 months
Cool About It // 01
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01 - Breaking & Entering
pairing: noah sebastian x fem!oc
masterlist: here | crossposted: ao3 | word count: 6.3k
summary; Noah runs into an old friend while visiting his hometown for the holidays. Noah convinces Amelia to meet him on the playground they grew up on to catch up. Reminiscing leads them to a midnight adventure that reminds them all too much of the past.
warnings; alcohol consumption, breaking & entering? stealing? kinda?, hallmark-y, nostalgic, talks of family trauma, cops (acab!), vaguely sad & distraught Noah, uses 'Sebastian' as his last name, 18+ MDNI
disclaimer; welcome to my new short series! reminder that this is hallmark-y bc i began writing it in December lol i decided to challenge myself w this fic in multiple ways, one of the biggest ones was writing it in 3rd person vs my comfy world of 1st or 2nd person. I’ve never written in 3rd person so, if it’s not my best, i apologize, i’m sure it will improve lol
a/n: this is au and follows no actual timelines/events, and uses oc's for family members.
don't like it don't read it. don’t be mean for no reason & let others enjoy things thnx :)
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It had been quite a busy morning, and Amelia was slowly making her way through the longest line she’d had in a while. She finished heating up a cinnamon roll and snapped a lid on what felt like the 75th peppermint mocha she’d made that day.
“Thanks.” Mumbled the distracted patron and stepped off to the side to grab extra napkins.
“Next.” She said while shuffling dollar bills into the clangy register, then looked up motioning to the last customer. Her hazel eyes landed on a man covered in tattoos pre-occupied on his phone. “Next!” Her call was louder than before and this time edged with impatient annoyance.
A familiar pair of dark brown eyes snapped up at her, his gaze more startled than angry.
Amelia’s brows furrowed together and as if on cue, the register dinged closed in time with her realization.
She’d recognize those eyes anywhere.
The soft velvet of her voice yanked each edge of Noah’s mouth into a wide toothy smile. “Scout?” He asked in the same caught-off-guard tone. His voice was much deeper than she remembered, and he seemed taller, if that was even possible.
She chuckled at the fact that he used his old nickname for her and felt a tinge of warmth bloom on her cheeks. The ends of her pink lips curled up into an adorably genuine smile. “What are you doing here?” She pressed her palms flat against the cold counter leaning forward and letting soft chocolate curls spill over her shoulder.
“Oh, uh, I’m here with Nicholas.” He thumbed over his shoulder towards the town. “He’s here visiting his family, I just tagged along.”
Tagged along.
She should’ve known, of course Noah would be down here with Nick’s family for Christmas. Where else would he be?
“Oh,” She smiled tenderly at his words and nodded. “Of course.”
Every now and then she’d run into Nicholas whenever he came back to town or ran into his parents while out and about, but it was never anything of significance. Whenever it was Nicholas, she wanted more than anything to inquire about Noah or the band but always kept the interactions short, sweet and reserved. The last thing she wanted was to come off as wanting to “catch up” after they gained a larger audience for clout.
He grinned back at her and there was a quiet moment shared between them, as if they both didn’t know what to say. The feeling in the air swung from having nothing to say to having so many words that it was overwhelming to speak.
The gentle moment was broken by the bell dinging above the door as a new customer walked in.
Her first impulse was to make his usual but stopped herself. “Oh um, whatcha want?” She asked, realizing that his tastes had probably changed since he was 16.
“Just a vanilla cold brew is fine, thank you.” He said with a tight-lipped smile, feeling awkward that she was serving him.
She went ahead and filled his cup with the dark amber liquid. “Do you want a snickerdoodle cookie? They’re freshly baked.”
He nods enthusiastically, “Yes please, they’re my favorite.”
She remembered.
Of course, she did.
How could one forget staying up til 2 am at Nick’s house baking cookies and having Top Chef-level trials trying to achieve the perfect spice mixture for what Noah called, “The Most Snick-of-Doodles that could ever Doodle.”
“You got it.” She smiled placing some pastries into a brown paper bag before handing it to him. “I threw in a cinnamon roll for Nicholas, I made sure to give him the one with the most icing.”
“Oh, he’ll love that.” He chuckled gently taking the bag along with his drink. “We should um, catch up soon?”
“Sure.” She pressed her lips together to keep her grin from growing too wide.
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Cold fallen leaves crunched beneath Amelia’s feet as she navigated through a park that she hadn’t stepped foot on in a good ten years. A cool chill made her tug her thick knit cardigan tight around her thin frame.
“Noah?” She delicately whisper-yelled into the darkness, the meet-up destination barely lit by the full ivory moon. She should’ve known that Noah wouldn’t be content with catching up at a restaurant or at her house or anywhere normal.
“Scout!” He replied from the swings a bit to her left. A chuckle left his lips, and he quickly clicked the flashlight on his phone, waving it in the air like a search light.
A deep shade of embarrassment coated her pale cheeks, “There’s no streetlights over here!” She walked over and lightly smacked his arm. “It’s dangerous you know.” The weight of her body creaked the metal frame when she fell into the blue swing seat.
“Or you’re just getting old and need glasses.” He teased with a slight slur riding the end of his words.
“Ha-ha, very funny.” She responded with a playful glare.
She looked over at him thinking how funny it was seeing him so large and full grown in such a tiny, low swing. It looked extremely disproportionate and goofy, like a Great Dane in a shopping cart.
He handed her a bottle of cheap red wine, half drank already.
“Oh, got started without me huh?” She sassed before stealing the bottle from his fingers. “Couldn’t have done beer?” She tips the glass bottle until bitter, dry alcohol infiltrates every tastebud, reminding her why she’d switched to martinis or seltzers in her later years.
He waved her off with a tsk, “Too much hassle. Wine was easier. And you took fuckin’ forever!”
“Right.” She rolled her eyes playfully, it wasn’t like she was all that upset over the wine over beer, just that he drank so much of it already. She pressed the mouth of the bottle to her lips once more taking another hefty swig and handed it back to him. “Where’s Nick?”
“Ah,” He swiped the bottle back and took a long gulp. “You know, family stuff.” He wiped the back of hand across his mouth. “I can only handle – so much of it.” His hands motion off his words. “They mean well I just… can’t do too much of it at once.”
Growing up with parents that were as dismissive and absent, then gone all at once like his, knowing how to “family” was odd and foreign to him. As Noah got older, he began to realize that basic family etiquette was a trait he fundamentally lacked, as if he played hooky on some Family 101 course in his formative years. It wasn’t something he inherently prioritized and, at least when he was younger, it would irritate him when friends or colleagues put family above things that he deemed more important, like band related obligations. He never had to deal with family of his own, put it on his schedule or allot energy for it. He simply didn’t understand it.
Sure, he came off as rude at times, leaving friend’s family events early or mentally checking out mid-day. It wasn’t his fault that it was exhausting and overstimulating for him. To him it seemed natural, as if everyone felt that way, something akin to the universal experience of trying to escape school or work. It never crossed his mind that people might actually enjoy their families, nor could he comprehend the necessity for it.
It depended on who, what and when but for the most part it was exhausting to him. Some groups were better than others, like Nick’s family. Over the years they’d housed him for weeks at a time, months even sometimes. As far as Noah was concerned, the Ruffilo’s were his family. He always came and went as he pleased, always an open-door policy to the Ruffilo refuge. But that didn’t exclude Nick’s family from his unintended ignorance and tendency to run. He just could only take so much at once. Lucky for him, they never seemed to mind his behavior much. They never batted an eye; they understood him for who he was and why. Their house was one of the only places he felt comfortable, one of the only places he ever called home.
“I know.” She nodded, wrapping her hands around the thick swing chains. “I remember.”
“Right.” He replies solemnly, taking another sip before swapping it back.
Vivid memories filled Amelia’s brain of 14-year-old Noah tapping on her window like a freshly escaped felon looking for asylum. The heavy, panicked breathing and glassy eyes never matched the mischievous grin plastered across his face. Holidays were the worst; she recalls keeping her window unlocked during the winter months, so he’d always have an alternative escape. The Ruffilo’s were a festive bunch that took any excuse to celebrate. Naturally, Nicholas also only possessed so much adolescent tolerance to endure so many familial festivities so, he too would sneak away with Noah at times but, for the most part it was just him and Amelia celebrating holidays together on her bedroom floor.  
The air was still between them while she took a couple sips of sanguine liquid trying to catch up to him.
“So, you’re a big ol’ rockstar now huh?” The girl smiled, nudging him with her elbow trying to lighten the mood. Even though the words are positive and light, they tasted so sad on her tongue.
He laughed, something she hadn’t heard in what felt like a lifetime. She nearly forgot what it sounded like, but it hadn’t changed really, just a little deeper now. His now tattooed hands grasped both metal swing chains and leaned back a little, using the tension to suspend his body while he observed the stars above them. “Not big. Just opening for some real bands now. Finally able to headline our own little tour soon. Fuckin’ took long enough.” He dismissed the compliment immediately, snuffing it into the ground like a shriveled-up cigarette butt.
She couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his response. He might’ve not seen it as notable accomplishments, but she knew better than to place the validity of success in the hands of someone riddled with imposter syndrome.
“Well, for what it’s worth, I think it’s pretty fucking cool.” She leaned against the chain closest to the long-haired boy.
His lips pulled to a smile while his eyes stayed focused on the sky. “Thanks.”
She followed his gaze and chuckled, “Sky’s pretty interesting huh?” She teased.
“It is when you barely get to see stars. I never really get to see them in LA. Sometimes I forget they’re even up there.” He replied sadly before sitting back up.
Amelia took another sip of the almost empty bottle, starting to feel the warmth of alcohol spread through her body. Something about the stars and Noah made a memory cross her mind that made her burst out into a cackle. “Do you remember when you put SO much work into your astronomy project for the science fair and fucking Nicholas won with his fucking-”
“Moldy bread!” They said loudly in unison before erupting into booming laughter.
“God I was so pissed.” Noah shook his head, “And then I had to eat his fucking moldy bread.”
“Oh yeah because you lost the bet! I forgot all about that!” Laughter filled her ribcage in a way it hadn’t in years, and it felt really fucking good.
“I was so fucking sure I’d win! I should’ve known, Nick has always been the golden boy. Teacher’s-pet swindling ass.” He kicked the sand just as he would’ve at 8 years old. It’s funny how people’s mannerisms don’t really change all that much as they age. Being there with him on their old playground felt like being in a time machine. “Worst food poisoning I ever had.”
“Didn’t you borrow the telescope you used from Nick too?” She questioned, wondering if she just made that part up in her head.
“Yeah, yeah I think I did actually.” His brows furrowed as he dug through his memories. “You know what? It’s probably still in their garage!”
“Really? Maybe you can find it tomorrow.” She poured the rest of the wine into her mouth, savoring the cheap bitterness of it pooling on her tongue.
“But the stars are so pretty tonight!” He whined in classic Noah fashion.
“Yeah so? What are you gonna do? Break into their garage?” She chuckled jokingly.
He straightened up and looked over at her with wide eyes like a lightbulb just lit above his head - a look she remembered all too well.
“No.” She warned, just like she would’ve back then at whatever scheme Noah concocted in his devious little brain.
He gave her a familiar mischievous toothy grin before pushing harshly off the swing.
“No, no, no.” She sighed as he already left his seat swinging and made his way towards the street.
“Noah!” She called after him. When he showed no sign of stopping, she let out a long sigh, questioning how she ended up having to stop a 6’4 man from breaking into houses in the middle of the night. She pushed off the swing, leaving it clanging and swaying behind her.
“Noah I’m not br-“ Her yell dulled down to a hush when she caught up to him. “I’m not breaking into the Ruffilo house at midnight!” Her words were stern but to Noah they just sounded like a child’s warning against curse words.
“We’re not breaking in ‘melia.” He didn’t match her whisper, his voice was loud and proud for anyone in the night to hear. “I remember the garage code.” He announced with drunken pride.
She scoffed, “And what if someone hears the garage, Noah? Then what?”
He shrugged, “Nick is staying there, we’ll just say we were trying to see him or something. You know I have free reign there anyway.”
“This is a really shitty plan, Noah.” She crossed her arms over her chest with a displeased frown.
“It’s a great plan.” He stated confidently, walking in long strides that she could barely keep up with. “You know all my plans are great.”
“Hmm.” She hummed skeptically. “Statistically, I don’t think that’s true.”
Walking down the street with Noah to Nick’s family home in the dead of the night felt so… familiar, as if she was walking in the same exact footsteps as 15-year-old Amelia had, like her memories were tangible in her hands again. She tightened her fists slightly to remind herself that the past was not solid in her hands again. She wasn’t 15 again on some spontaneous, teenage adventure – but the alcohol-fueled adrenaline prickling at her fingertips begged to differ.
Even past midnight, the small neighborhood’s Christmas lights shined bright. Normally, she’d find them obnoxious, but tonight they seemed much sweeter, only adding to the nostalgia.
“Oh no? All of my plans worked out one way or another.” He defended as if it was factual with a straightened back and pointed finger. “All but one.”
Her brows knitted tightly together at his words, because in her memory, there was a good chunk of her life spent stuck in detention because of his schemes.
“And which one would that be?” She sassed back, watching as his speed picked up even more after her question.
“Not important.” He waved the brunette off, “C’mon, we’re here.”
Unexpectedly, his hand slips around her wrist, and it wraps tingly electricity up her arm then across her entire body. All at once the butterflies that used to be so perpetually embedded in her stomach returned in a rampant flurry. Her gaze slowly snapped up to meet his face. His smile hadn’t changed in the near 10 years apart and neither did the bright glint in his espresso eyes. Time seemed to slow around them for that split second where the electricity sizzled beneath both their fingertips and their eyes found each other’s just as easily as they used to. In that brief moment she could’ve sworn she was looking into the eyes of rail thin, tattooless teenage Noah.
“I know they got a Ring doorbell, so we gotta hide between the cars.” He whispered and ducked them both down as he weaved her through the vehicles in the driveway.
“I can’t fucking believe you talked me into this Noah!” She whisper-yelled at him, wanting nothing more than to properly reprimand him.
They finally found themselves in front of the garage keypad conveniently out of view of the doorbell camera. Noah blinked blankly at plastic number pad without moving. His inked fingers tapped on his own crossed arm while his tongue stayed lodged between his lips in thought.
“Well? Go ahead! Get it over with.” She insisted, motioning urgently to the garage wanting it to be over as fast as possible. She tucked her hands across her body and into her sides giving her some semblance of comfort. The last thing she wanted was for their childish midnight antics to wake up the entire house.
“Hey! Give me time.” He rushed back, lifting a finger in her direction to shush her.
“Time? I thought you said you remembered it!”
“I do! …I think… if they haven’t changed it.” His tone much less confident than before.
“Hush!” He pressed a finger to his lips at her and took a hesitant step towards the keypad. With a couple semi-sure clicks, the garage door slid open slowly. Amelia exhaled in relief at how the metal clangs of the garage were much quieter than she remembered. Still though, they creaked too loud for her liking, feeling embarrassment and anxiety flood her body.
“Yes!” Noah squeezed his fists up in victory. “See, told you I remembered.”
“Lucky guess.” She rolled her eyes with a smile.
Her eyes widened as the garage door unveiled a gorgeous white car. It was by no means a luxury car, not a Lexus or anything of the sort, but a high enough model to make you look twice. “Damn Mama Ruffilo, ridin’ in style now.”
Noah grinned as he scoots around the car. His smile was reserved, like she had discovered some award he was keeping hidden out of modesty. “Yeah, that’s the one we got her for Mother’s Day.”
“We?” She questioned, her head cocking to the side a bit.
“Yeah, Nick and me. We each paid half.”
“Oh wow, that’s really nice of you.” She replied softly. It didn’t take a genius to calculate just how much it would cost two broke DIY touring bandmates to pay for a new car, even in halves. The vehicle was shiny and spotless, evidently well taken care of – the type of care you’d put into a possession you never thought you’d own, the type of care that came from deep gratitude.
“It’s the least I could do for ya know… everything she’s done for me.”
Amelia nodded knowing exactly what he meant. It was no secret that he was more than a family friend to them, but it was nice to see that he recognized it too. While Noah might not have attended every family event or stayed for long, he showed his love and appreciation in his own small ways. Gifts were one of his favorite ways of doing so. Yeah, Noah might’ve only stayed at a Thanksgiving for an hour or two for food, but he was there long enough to make mental notes for next year, to bring extra cranberry sauce because Nick’s abuela loves it or extra croutons since Nick’s mom tends to snack on them while she cooks. He paid attention and he loved deeply, even if it didn’t seem that way on the surface.
He rustled around some miscellaneous garage junk in the corner, making more noise than Amelia felt comfortable with. She stood up on her tip toes to watch carefully him over the pristine car with her heart beating in her chest begging to rush him again.
“Ah! I knew it’d be here!” He said a little too loud out of excitement and promptly covered his mouth. His wide brown eyes met hers in a silent ‘oops, shit, sorry!’ plea.
In desperate need to escape the anxiety inducing mission, Amelia ran to the end of the driveway the second she saw the telescope in Noah’s hand. It took him longer than it should’ve just to snatch the item, but she didn’t question it or investigate much when he sped right past her after the garage began squeaking closed.
They made it out in record time, holding in their laughter until they reached the end of the street. It only took one look at each other to send them into a cackling fit. Amelia’s delicate hands found his thin arm and used him for stability, while the laughter shook her entire frame.
When they make it back to the park, he set down the telescope and unravels something she somehow didn’t notice he was carrying before.
“Did you steal that from their garage?!”
He grinned and proudly pulled another bottle of wine, white this time, from the blanket he also borrowed. “Yeah? And I’ll just replace them when I bring the telescope back tomorrow.” He carefully sat the wine down at her feet and spread out the buffalo-print blanket over the grass.
“You are so bad!” She chuckled, smacking him playfully with the excess of her long cardigan sleeve.
“Isn’t that what girls want? A bad boy?” He smirked jokingly, getting down on his knees to angle the telescope just right so that they didn’t need to stand up to use it.
She pressed her lips together as she watched him. Sure, that’s what some girls want, but not her. Even when he was landing them in detention every other day and keeping them out way past curfew – even when everyone else considered him a “bad boy” – she knew he wasn’t, not really.
Even now, whenever he got on stage, covered in ink, growling like a demon – she knew he wasn’t, and has never been, “bad”. Not the way she knew him. Amelia had a talent for seeing through people and she always saw right through Noah, from the first time she ever saw him in the back of her 3rd grade class. And all through adolescence, she saw him clearly through all his stormy confliction and thick brick walls.
Noah never saw it of course; how could he believe that someone as sugary sweet as Amelia could possibly ever see him as anything more than comical the social mask he wore with friends. In fact, he would even go as far to believe his mask was thickest and most opaque around her. Whether or not that was factual, didn’t lessen her ability to see him, really see him.
Being told you’re so wrong for so long, makes you believe that no one could ever see you as right. No matter how many friends Noah had at his parties, or fans in his crowds or girls in his bed, he never felt as though anyone saw him as enough. He got so exhausted from constantly trying to outdo himself that sometimes he forgot what exactly he was trying to accomplish.
Amelia never once believed the “bad influence, bad boy” propaganda their parents or teachers ever accused him of. To her, he was just Noah; the weird emo kid in the back of her classes, the neighbor down the street, the other older “brother” of the youngest girl scout in her troop. Amelia knew Noah at his core.
“Ah, bad boys are overrated.” She waved off his words casually.
He turned and gave her an unconvinced look, “Yeah, sure.” he glared playfully before sitting back on his legs. “Well, it’s ready if you wanna look.”
Amelia crawled across the blanket to meet him and peered through the telescope. Billions of tiny stars flooded the glass lens with twinkles and glimmers you’d never be able to see normally. Fluffy white clouds interrupted the view every so often, but it didn’t take away from the breathtaking scene.
“Whoa.” She mouthed quietly, just taking in the sight. “It’s so beautiful.”
“Sure is.” Noah agreed quietly, bringing his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them while he watched her.
They took some turns looking out of the telescope and passing the wine bottle back and forth before finally resting side by side on the picnic fabric. The air around them both was full of dwindling laughter over Noah telling silly stories about him and Nicholas and their roommates in LA. At surface level, he seemed to be doing well, despite claiming to hate LA, he appeared to be thriving there. Perhaps it was just the roommates that he enjoyed living with. Noah was never one to enjoy solitude, at least not for long periods of time. When he lived in their hometown, he was rarely wherever he was staying at the time. Getting comfortable anywhere was never his goal or motive. For the most part, it seemed like he enjoyed the constant change, the running. However, the way he talked about their home in California, all the stories he shared that brought the grandest smile to his face or the loudest boom from his chest all took place at their home. Amelia wondered what it must feel like for him to be back in their dreary little town, and if he rattled off all those stories was because he was homesick.
As the space between them flooded with a silence that was equally comfortable and uncomfortable, a question bubbled up that had been eating at Amelia from the moment she laid eyes on the tired darkness hanging beneath Noah’s eyes. His grin for most of the night was wide and toothy but she knew him better than that.
“So,” She turned her head towards him. “How are you, really?”
His eyes stayed transfixed on the stars above and he let a dense quiet settle over them before speaking.
“It must get so exhausting.” He stated, ignoring her question all together.
Her brows furrowed at his words, “What does?”
“Being so bright all the time.” He stated flatly, with a low dejected tone lacing his words.
“The stars?” She questioned with her brows still knitted.
“Sure. The Moon, the cosmos, all of it.” He brought his hands to interlace over his tummy. “Sure, the moon gets a break during the day and gets to disappear for a bit every month. And the stars get to die eventually.
“But a star’s entire existence is to be bright - they only exist to be bright and then die. The moon works every night to serve as a giant nightlight and to shift some waves around. It must be so exhausting, all of it – being so bright all the time just to burn out into nothing.”
Noah had always been good at avoiding both his feelings and Amelia’s prying questions. It seemed age and time hadn’t changed that specific skill set. Maybe it’s true what they say, people never really change. It worried her that he might’ve not changed at all in that way.
“I mean,” She shifted her head to face the stars again trying to find the answers in the same place he was getting the questions. “You’re not wrong… but, think about the good that they do. The moon does so much on its own for us, you know the tides, the earth’s axis and all that. But we wouldn’t even be here staring at the sky without it all. They’re pretty and,” She shrugs. “And maybe, sometimes, that’s enough.”
“Right.” He responded curtly, pausing a long while before speaking again. “If the moon had consciousness… do you think it would care that most people know it for being pretty and not for being good at its job?” He pondered, not once looking over at the girl, perhaps afraid that his façade would crumble, and he’d spill the truth if he met her eyes.
Amelia’s brows furrowed together once more as she processed his words, doing mental gymnastics to decipher the underlying meaning. Another skill set Noah possessed was being dramatically cryptic, especially when it came to his internal turmoil. Whenever he had some battle waging within him, he suddenly transformed into a makeshift philosopher.
Looking the way he does, it’s fair to assume that his band had garnered recent attention due to his looks – most men would revel in the fleeting female attention, but not Noah. At least not enough to keep him from being contemplative on the lawn of their old park.
Girls or not, Noah had always been particular about his craft. He was lucky he found Nicholas first since he really let Noah take reigns of the entire operation. Like a true perfectionist, Noah carefully curated every song, every show, every rehearsal – even back when they were just playing in Nick’s garage with shitty amps.
Amelia analyzed his words, thinking over her response carefully. “I think the moon would be grateful for the attention either way.” She commented gently. “As long as she’s doing the job she’s meant to do, her beauty getting noticed is just a bonus. As long as she’s doing what she’s destined to do, I think she’d be content doing whatever she needs to, regardless of the affection towards her.”
“Yeah, I guess she would.”
Looking up at the sky, Amelia noticed just how round the moon was that night and how perfectly it was centered in the sky. It looked like the inside of a circus tent, like the star littered sky was just a patterned fabric pierced right in the middle by a giant moon-shaped hole. It felt like it too – as if they were the only ones in some carnival tent far away from anything bad. Below such a vast cosmos, they were just tiny specs of dust in the universe, and she was grateful for the temporary solitude. After years of not even being around Noah, he still made her feel the same. He had a knack for dissolving any real-life problems when they were alone together. When she was with him, she was in a world of their own making. She wondered if she did the same for him, and for his sake, she really hoped she did.
But alas, the bubble they created together that night was not one that could exist forever, and the big top tent must come down after a grand show.
Amelia and Noah ran out of words, at least ones meant to be said that night. They laid side by side with her right hand and his left not even a centimeter apart.
Noah was unaware of whether it was fear, nerves or sadness that fueled the drumming beneath his brittle ribs, but that same force also tugged an invisible string to lift his pinky.
Amelia’s eyes rounded and every muscle in her body tensed up the millisecond she felt him move up and hover over her own pinky.
But before he got the chance to lock over her finger, there was a frightening rustling behind some playground equipment followed by a bright light aimed right at them, blinding the pair.
“Hey! You kids aren’t allowed in here!” Boomed a deep, authoritative voice.
Amelia propped herself up on an elbow and immediately used her arm as a shield to keep the blinding light from burning her retinas any further.
Noah closed his eyes and let out a deep breath through his nose. It was one of the many familiar sounds from the town Noah hoped to never hear again.
“Sebastian? What an unpleasant surprise.” The voice taunted with a vicious edge.
“Officer Hawke.” The eyeroll was thick in Noah’s voice. “So great to see you.”
The big burly man shifted the flashlight beam to Noah directly. “Not shocking that the first time I see you back in town you’re up to no good.” He moved the light back to Amelia’s face. “Also, not shocking that you’ve reunited with your old partner in crime. Corrupting Miss. Alastor again, are we?”
“Officer, we just fell asleep earlier, we didn’t mean to be here so late.” Amelia lied for Noah like she always had. Her and Nick had been the goodie-two-shoes that were always bailing or covering for the long-haired boy. Well, Amelia was truly good, Nick was just skilled at masking his deviant tendencies, using his sweet golden-boy allure to fool everyone. As much as she hated breaking the rules, she secretly loved when Noah enabled it. Her teenage years wouldn’t have been nearly as fun or memorable without the two mischievous boys. Even just lying in the park with Noah after dark made her feel the most alive she’d had in years. It was exhilarating, no matter how much she reprimanded the boy for his reckless rebellion.
“Mhm. Sounds about right, you covering for Mr. Sebastian here, for god knows why.” He speculated, unconvinced. “It’s like I stepped back in time. It seems you both haven’t changed much.”
While the cop had been berating the two, Noah had already began packing up the picnic trying to end the interaction as quickly as possible.
“Sorry officer, it won’t happen again.” She lied.
“Sure.” He retorted. “Get you and your boyfriend out of here. Don’t let me catch you in here again.”
With that he turned and headed back to his vehicle. It was surprising that he just left the pair– not surprising that he just sat and watched them from the comfort of his cop car across the street.
Amelia helped Noah pack everything up before they made their escape from the park. Shortly after they were down the street, the cop car finally drove off. She walked in the direction of her house, thinking that Noah would part ways to maybe head towards Nick’s house to return the stolen items or to Vince’s where he was staying for the time being, but he stayed walking alongside her. He was quiet, which for Noah was strange, especially with her.
“You know, you don’t have to walk me home? I know you’re staying in the opposite direction.” She said, stuffing her cold hands in her pockets.
“I want to. It’s dangerous for you to walk alone.” He replied flatly, kicking a pebble across the sidewalk concrete.
Her house wasn’t particularly far from the other two’s, nothing in the tiny town was necessarily far from each other. With a town as small as theirs, a night walk home wouldn’t usually be considered dangerous.
“Well, thanks.” She replied cautiously.
She let her mind wander to the interaction they had at the park with Officer Hawke. Noah’s mood had been fairly consistent all night up until then. She mentally scolded herself for not realizing that running into the overly familiar cop would affect his demeanor. Maybe she just assumed that after so many years into adulthood he’d be over it, but evidently, it was foolish and incredibly mindless for her to believe so.
The rest of the walk was silent, just filled with the sounds of nature in the winter. The crisp cool air zipping with the wind, crashing into every solid object available while owls coo-ed into the darkness.
Finally, they arrived at the chain-link gate of Amelia’s small home. She rested her arm atop the pointy wires of the fence. Any other night she’d probably invite him in, but it was so late and all of the night’s events had already been enough to overfill her tummy with static-y nerves.
“Well, I-“ They fumble over each other’s words. Warmth blooms across Amelia’s cheeks at the joint misstep.
“You go.” She urged.
“No, you go.” He pushed back with a sheepish grin.
A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth and dropped her attention down to her feet. “I was just gonna say that this was… nice.” Her teeth dug into her bottom lip. “It was really nice to see you again Noah.” Her tone soft and genuine, as her eyes meet his again.
He was unprepared for how her eyes looked with the moonlight shining directly into them. He couldn’t remember the last time he looked into them so clearly. He forgot how different they were from each other, well, they weren’t really – but they were when one spent looking at them as intently as Noah had since he was 8 years old. Her eyes were both a hazel but one much more brown while the other had a pretty emerald hue.
“Yeah, it was really nice.” His words sounded true, but his voice was still strained by the sadness from the walk there. “I’m really happy I went into the shop this morning.”
Her lips worked overtime to keep from pulling into a giant grin and suddenly she was grateful for the darkness hiding the red staining her cheeks. “Yeah, me too.”
Noah sucked in a breath to speak but pauses, before returning again, “Um - Nick’s family is throwing their annual Christmas party this weekend, I’m sure he and the Ruffilo clan would love to see you.” He stated with his words moving slightly faster than normal almost like he was nervous to even ask, which is silly isn’t it? Being anxious to invite an old friend to a holiday party you both attended every year growing up? It shouldn’t be that nerve wreaking, right? He scratched the back of his neck. “If you want that is.”
Her eyes nearly light up enough to cut through the darkness. “Yeah,” She beamed a sweet smile up at him.  “I think I’d really like that.”
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taglist; @lma1986 @alastriaa @missduffsblog @xxkittenkissesxx @ladyveronikawrites @baddestomens @measuredingold @jilliemiw86
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A/N; thank you so much for reading - again this is my first time writing in 3rd person so i hope it was decent! i hope you enjoyed even though it is definitely not christmas time lmao - lmk what you think! 💗
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