#open air and open interpretation from minds i cannot predict are NOT something i enjoy the thought of. usually. i am brave tho
luck-of-the-drawings · 6 months
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so REVENGE, HUH? or justice, if that makes you feel better. it tastes the same when cooked just right. 'I REALLY WANTED A BROTHER.' such a shame to burn a bridge you so desperately wanted to keep, especially when it wasnt even you who started the fire. especially when you hope that not a single fragment of that bridge ever washes ashore.[MAY IT ROT FAR FROM MY SIGHTS] an unfortunate loss! atleast he has his friends.
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi prime defenders#jrwi prime defenders spoilers#jrwi pd spoilers#jrwi pd#william wisp#vyncent sol#THIS ONE IS FUUUUCKIN OOOOOLLDD RAAAHHHHH i made it like. a year ago. but didnt finish it for so so long bc i just wasnt happy w it.#BUT LIKE A CENTURY EGG the decades of being encased in salt n lime n ash have done WELL to bring out the flavores of this piece#i sorta recently cleaned it up and posted it onto twitty. didnt tag it bc it was SO OLD AND SCUFFED(i see so many MISTAKES NOW)#that i didnt want to expose it to the open air just like that#if i show smth to my small circles then it shall only be understood in those small circles.#open air and open interpretation from minds i cannot predict are NOT something i enjoy the thought of. usually. i am brave tho#BUT EVERYONE ON TWITTY WAS SO NICEEE i was like damn... i guess it IS good enough to be enjoyed by the masses...#lets work on being nicer to our art together. THAT BEING SAID. i really love my colors here HELL YEAHHHH#FIRST TIME IN A WHILE COLORIN THESE BOYS.... i dont use proper color enough..I ALSO RLY LIKE MY BACKGROUNDS HERE#i LOVE when the bg is hyperrealistic (i frankestiened stock photos) and when the subjects are all flat colored n cartoony#recently rewatched Making Fiends and they do that similar thing!! soft shading! lotsa details! almost painted? ill paint one day#ive already rambled so much abt the art im runnin out of ROOm to ramble about WWWIILLIAM GODDAMN WWIIIISP. its been a minute since i saw-#-this episode..but i DO remember the funny smoke trick that will did to his funny brother. EVERYTIME U GIVE AN ORDER. THAT BRINGS HARM-#-INDIRECTLY OR NOT. YOU WILL HEAR THOSE SCREAMS. YOU WILL FEEL THAT PAIN. OHHH WHAT A COOL PUNISHMENT THAT IS#its still an olive branch in a sense! a final chance for big bro bell to show that hes NOT an irrideemable piece o shit. and if not#well. to the wolves of psychosis with him!!! i really think william did the best he could here. if i was in his shoes i have no doubt i-#-woulda done the same. IM ALSO GLAD THAT VYN DECIDED TO STICK AROUND N SUPPORT HIM! thas character development baybe!!#i loooove prime defenders.. its been so long since i watched any eps of it but i KNOW it still has such a grip on my heart..GOTTA rewatch i
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melon-kiss · 3 years
This is just going to be a ramble about everything Sherlock. You’re most welcome to discuss or just ignore it. I needed the space to vent.
I watched Sherlock. Again. I think it’s beginning to become my annual tradition. And I have a crisis. Don’t get me wrong, I am always Sherlollian at heart. It’s just… I have doubts sometimes. And what triggered those doubts this time was the fact that Sherlock calls Molly “John”. Twice. And then Irene Adler. And then one post on Tumblr. And many, many more.
OK, these are just my random thoughts. Enjoy if you’re willing to read them.
 1. “John”. “Molly”.
We often mix up names of people we consider to have the same place in our lives. Which is good, right? Right. Only, in Sherlock’s case, we’d have lean into the theory that Sherlock does love John romantically and feels the same way about Molly. Or concede the fact that he loves them both platonically. Neither of these options is really satisfying, isn’t it? Well, that’s why I’m struggling… One could say he’s in denial of feelings for Molly and identifies them as friendship, as this is the strongest, purest relationship in his life, the only one he describes as emotional and the closest he’s ever had to love. Besides, Molly and John are similar in one way – they both share the same – medical – knowledge. Of course, Sherlock doesn’t realise her other qualities until The Reichenbach Fall when she says she can help him whenever he needs it. It’s not until she’s honest with him again and tells him, without a shred of grudge, that she knows she means nothing to him, that he realises he has at least two friends. He calls her “John” when his mind is busy with something else, so there’s no room for any purposeful confusion. The same thing happens in The Empty Hearse. What else can it mean if not friendship?
 2. Nothing Hits Like Irene
Irene Adler is created as the love interest for Sherlock. Is she, though? Well, we see Sherlock utterly confused upon their first meeting. We also see him flirting and creating an atmosphere of sexual tension for the first time. OK, he saves her but then she vanishes, he got over her, I thought. And all was fine until The Lying Detective came and Irene Adler sent a text to Sherlock, first in such a long time. John, of course, suggests that if Sherlock should be romantically involved with anyone, it should be her. And then it hit me.
Irene Adler is the symbol of chemistry in Sherlock’s life.
She’s a dominatrix. She’s all about sex, that’s obvious. At the critical point of The Scandal in Belgravia Sherlock says: I believe John Watson thinks love’s a mystery for me but the chemistry is incredibly simple and very distractive. Sherlock discovers that he, indeed, can have chemistry with people. He doesn’t mention love, he merely says sentiment, referring to the crush Irene Adler had on him. She is, indeed, a simple distraction – you can see it clearly in his memory palace when he yells at her to get away. But Molly… Molly stays. She leads him through the entire process of surviving a shot.
And then Irene Adler returns in The Lying Detective. John confesses to Sherlock about texting with a stranger met on the bus. And that he wanted more. Sherlock says everyone gets to be human sometimes. Even he can’t resist the urge of replying to Irene Adler sometimes. It was all about attraction again.
And that’s why she’s not considered a romantic relationship in his life. John rambles about love changing him, to be more specific, the love of his woman changing him. But he says Irene’s a dangerous criminal. How would that change Sherlock in any way?
In The Final Problem, upon deducing the coffin, John suggests Irene Adler but she’s not his first thought in general once they all hear that this is about someone who loves Sherlock. Sherlock’s response is very telling: Don’t be ridiculous. Look at the coffin. It seems like Sherlock pieces the puzzle at once – the coffin, plus the “name” on the lid – it couldn’t have been Irene Adler.
And that’s why Sherlock calls her The Woman. As a symbol of his sexuality. The Woman who’s woken up certain impulses in his life.
 3. Makeshift Gauge
Who is she?, Sherlock asks John in His Last Vow.
Based on what Mofftiss duo said about Molly, she was supposed to be featured in two episodes top. Yet, she stayed. The uncanonical character not only stayed but became fans’ favourite. I think she became a useful tool for Moffat and Gatiss. I think that not only she represents Sherlock heart (of which existence he has no idea at first) but later becomes our makeshift gauge. For what? For measuring Sherlock’s progress. See, it’s like when you live with someone, you don’t notice when they put on weight or grew a little but those who see less of them will notice all changes right away. So, when Sherlock runs around with John, we don’t notice the change in his behaviour at once (also because he’s always been nice to him, from the very beginning), we need to focus to see that. But Molly pops by once per episode and we see how Sherlock’s perception changes. In season one, he has good intentions, but they turn out bad. In season two, he’s more neutral but doesn’t restrain himself from rude comments. And Molly is being Molly – tells him he’s rude in her natural, soft way and he says sorry. For the first time. Without anyone making him do that. Almost the same happens in The Reichenbach Fall – but this time, Molly doesn’t let herself be fooled by Sherlock’s arrogance and just ignores it, going straight to the point. She says: “I’m here for you” and lowers his defences. In season three, he spends an entire day with her, smiles at her and is the sweetest, softest Sherlock we’ve ever seen. Moreover, when Lestrade asks him about her helping him solve cases, he says: [John] is not in the picture anymore, implying that she not necessarily had to be a temporary replacement. In season four, he says I love you to her.
What can we deduce about his heart?
 4. The Eurus Conundrum
We could write an entire book about Eurus and not even be able to grasp her spirit. I’m not going to do that right now.
I have issues with what happened in season four finale. I mean – Molly, of course. Mycroft says Eurus and Jim Moriarty met five years ago, so before Moriarty revealed himself to Sherlock. They both planned the entire game for Sherlock. Does that mean Sherlock never really won with him? Does that mean Moriarty let him use Molly to “win”? Since she was included in Eurus’ plan, we can safely assume Jim knew about Molly back then. At first, when I saw Moriarty saying We both know that’s not quite true [that you don’t have a heart] in many Sherlolly fanvids, I was like naaaaah. He didn’t see her as one of the important people in Sherlock’s life, it couldn’t have been a reference to their meeting. But now… how deeply back in time was Eurus’ plan allocated? Which events did she predict?
Or maybe I’m missing something? Any thoughts on this?
 5. Sherlock Evergreen
I once came across a post here, about how BBC Sherlock is literature, about sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s struggle with his own genius character. He was over with him, didn’t feel like writing any more of his stories so he killed him, but fans demanded more. He kept writing, although he hated it from the bottom of his heart. Season four, so often considered as the worst of all of them, is a way of saying that Sherlock character is, unfortunately, invincible. Immortal. He will live forever. We can’t kill him, no one can. Even his creator couldn’t have done it.
In season four, Sherlock goes back to the start. He is a clean slate again. He went through the entire process of change – became a good Sherlock, considerate of other people’s feelings and emotions, appreciative, supportive, loving, ready to mend what he broke. That interpretation, although very good, kind of killed my Sherlolly spirit. But I guess every interpretation like this would do it. If we stop treating characters like real human being, we’re left with what they really are – a construct, tools, puppets in the author’s hands.
Based on this, I think we’re safe to say there will never be a fifth season of BBC Sherlock (gosh, how I wish I was wrong!). Why? Because, despite what Moffat said in an interview once (after season three finale he said they’ve plotted out the entire fourth and fifth season – liar, liar, pants on fire!), season four had the perfect ending. As mentioned above, Sherlock became a good man and Mary Watson summed up what Sherlock is all about: two man, a genius junkie and a former soldier, who solve the weirdest, the toughest of cases together in flat on 221B Baker Street. Now, Sherlock is ready to be taken over by other artists who may find a new way to tell his story (though, I don’t think so) all over again.
And that’s a big, big shame… I think I speak for at least most of Sherlollians when I say we’d like to see Sherlock and Molly’s first encounter after the call. The finale really closed all the story arcs and subplots, except for this one. I mean, c’mon. You don’t have to be a Sherlollian to be annoyed by this – just remember that it was such a “biggie” that Moffat was asked about this in an interview. And this may be another reason as to why we won’t ever get a fifth season of Sherlock – because that would mean taking a side. And none of the creators will do it because Sherlock cannot be an open-and-shut case. It has to be like literature: big, open, twisted, unclear and full of room for interpretation. As long as there’s no certain explanation – yes, Sherlock loves Molly, no, Sherlock is gay – we create more and more content out of the need of closure. Thanks to the room for interpretation, the story lives. I mean, it’s been four years since The Final Problem airing and here I am, discussing BBC Sherlock still.
 Coming back to Sherlolly… don’t worry. Though I’m still not sure that we can harvest any hard evidence for Sherlock’s feelings for Molly (other than friendship and respect), I’m still a Sherlollian. There two new fics waiting for me to pull myself together and write them. I think it’s good to have doubts – it means my brain hasn’t rotten yet and I can still be critical, I’m able of having my own opinions.
 Thank you if you managed to read it all! I’d love to discuss if you have any conclusions. If not, that’s fine, too. I just needed it get it out of my system.
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missramu · 3 years
Fishing lesson
Hello there! Enjoy another one of the kiss prompts!
Kiss number 22: in a rush of adrenaline
Matenro, the division from Shinjuku, had an entertaining tradition. Every once in a while, whenever their days off coincided with each other’s, they would go fishing. It was a hobby Jakurai had in common with Hifumi, and Doppo ended up tagging along with them. This weekend would be no different, and the doctor even made a reservation to have a guaranteed spot...
If it wasn’t for Doppo’s boss.
“I am truly sorry, sensei… I am just garbage, the worst kind you can find, and I ruined our day out…-“
The salaryman apologised, showing once again his low self-esteem, and sounding pitiful even during a phone call. Jakurai felt he wasn’t helping Doppo enough during their appointments.
“Do not worry, Doppo-kun. Don’t say such things, as it is not your fault after all. We will go fishing the next time, alright? There’s no need to be so hard on yourself…”
Jakurai cut him during his speech, not wanting Doppo to deprecate himself. He knew well his teammate was sorry, so everything the doctor needed to do for him was to reassure and calm him down. After all, Doppo didn’t ruin a single thing nor was his fault. If it was someone’s fault, it would be his boss for not respecting his leisure time. As he had predicted, Hifumi would make him company in order to finish Doppo’s tasks as soon as possible, so it would be just him at the fishing centre this time.
After –once again– reassuring the couple at the other line of the call that it was going to be all right, he hanged up the phone, making a half smile as he put it back on his pocket. He found lovely how Hifumi could be so devoted to his partner, sacrificing his own day off to help him and keep him company. With his teammates still on his mind, he started gathering his supplies: fishing rod, a replacement reel, lures and everything else he could need.
Just when he was going to leave his house, his phone buzzed again, this time receiving a call from someone completely different.
“Hey hey old coot! Whatcha doing on this loooovely Saturday morning?”
Ramuda’s voice announced him as cheerful as usual. Of course, who else would call him during his free day?
“Why, good morning to you too, Ramuda-kun. I was about to go fishing-“
He announced, holding his phone with his shoulder as he fetched his car keys, opening the vehicle’s trunk to start packing his gear.
“Ohh, one of your booring hobbies? Lemme guess, you’re going with your teammates, right?”
The fashion designer laughed at the other side, rummaging through his desk to pick a lollipop to unwrap and enjoy.
“That was our initial plan, yes”
Jakurai left out a heavy sigh, deciding that his gear could wait for a little, as he found himself incapable of holding the phone with his shoulder as Doppo could do.
“What do you mean with initial?”
Curious, the younger man popped the candy out of his mouth, paying real attention to Jakurai.
“I mean that they cannot come this time, so I am going alone”
“Boo-hoo, then Jakurai must be feeling soooo lonely!”
His curiosity changed to a tone that could be considered a mock or real concern. The doctor, knowing his partner, interpreted his words like what they were: something in between; real concern disguised with jokes, because that’s just how Ramuda was. Jakurai laughed softly, shaking his head a little.
“Why don’t you come with me, if you are so concerned about me being lonely?”
A small gasp was heard at the other end of the call, audible enough for Jakurai to notice the fashion designer’s surprise.
“Uh-mhhhh, fishing sounds a bit too boring for someone like me, but I guess I could go and make you some company! Don’t want my old man to be all gloomy!”
That was Ramuda’s way to announce that he was free and willing to go with him, if only he was honest enough to recognize he wanted to spend the day together with his lover.
“Alright then. I’ll be at your place in 30 minutes, so get ready. I guess you do not have a rod, do you?”
“Nuh-uh! As I told ya, I’ve never went fishing. You see, I don’t have grandpa’s hobbies!”
“Very funny, Ramuda. I’ll lend you one of mine, then”
“Wow, so cool! Thank you babe! See you real soon!”
Before Jakurai could reply, Ramuda ended the call, leaving the older man wondering whether he liked or not to be called “babe”. Letting that aside, he finally got everything in the car and, before heading to Shibuya, he came back home and fetched another rod for his new companion.
As scheduled, the doctor was in front of Ramuda’s shop just in time, only to see Ramuda was waiting for him. Jakurai chuckled, not expecting him to take fishing so seriously. He was dressed with a knee-length jean overall full of patches, a plain and short-sleeved blue crop top, matching sneakers and bucket hat.
“I didn’t imagine you would take this so seriously”
The doctor announced jokingly, rolling down the window and inviting the designer in.
“I must follow the aesthetic, you know!”
Replied the designer, opening the door and hopping in the passenger’s seat, grabbing the seatbelt and securing it. He then kissed his partner on the cheek as a greeting, giving him a paper bag.
“And I got you something too! You gotta be fashionable if I’m coming with you. I can’t let you ruin my reputation as a top designer”
Sceptically, Jakurai took the bag before starting up his van, checking what was inside. The contents surprised him, as he was expecting a present like the one he received last time –when Ramuda gifted him that one hat with the “women want me, fish fear me” phrase–. This time it was also a hat, but a decent one. One Jakurai could wear without having everyone’s eyes on him. The doctor smiled, putting it on and kissing his partner’s cheek.
“Thank you for gifting me this. I shall cherish it”
Ramuda giggled, opening a lollipop and lifting it cheerfully.
“You’re soo cheesy! I just wanna see you dressing fashionable for once, and not like a grandpa!”
Soon enough, the couple headed to the fishing centre, Jakurai driving back to Shinjuku. The ride was short and full of bickering from Ramuda to Jakurai and vice versa, since the doctor couldn’t help but fall right into the other man’s shenanigans.
After parking the car, they both got out of the car –Ramuda previously put on a pair of sunglasses–, got the fishing gear, and proceeded to go in. The staff welcomed the older man, as he was a regular there; and was asked about where did his teammates were as well as who his new companion was. It didn’t take them longer to realize he was the leader of Shibuya division, because Ramuda soon started to behave like, well, like him. The room was soon filled with cheers echoing how cute he was, as the designer was laughing and taking pictures with everyone that wanted one.
“I’m glad you’re already having fun, Amemura-kun. I can’t wait to see how will you react to fishing itself”
Jakurai waited for the crowd to calm down, heading right to his partner and gently reminding him what were they going to do. The smaller man put his phone back on his pocket, grabbing his boyfriend’s hand and going with him to the ponds.
“Since it’s your first time, I should tell you about this place”
The older man led the way, waltzing around fellow fishermen and families that went to enjoy their day.
“This is the Ichigaya Fish Center. People from both Shinjuku and other places frequent it, and, as you can see, it is family friendly. That’s because they don’t have a focus on professional fishing, having a small pond with goldfish that’s very popular among children”
Seeing his usual spot free, Jakurai went there, placing everything –starting by opening their chairs– down. Ramuda launched himself to the chair, enjoying the remains of his lollipop while the doctor continued his explanations.
“Since it’s your first time fishing, I’ll guess you don’t know how a rod works, am I right?”
“Yup! I mean, I know that you have to use a bait and things like that…”
Ramuda stopped mid-sentence, appearing paler and frowning.
“Wait wait waaaait a minute there. I’m totally NOT touching a worm, for your information!”
Jakurai laughed, sitting by Ramuda’s and starting to assemble both rods.
“Rest assured, it is not allowed to use live baits. They only permit mashed baits, so you will not be touching any worms”
The young man let out a relieved sigh, now intrigued by the doctor’s assembling task. He would ask him whenever he got a question, no matter how silly it could be; and Jakurai replied with pleasure, thanking Ramuda’s interest. It didn’t take them long to be completely ready, Jakurai handing Ramuda a rod and making sure he was holding it right.
“Always make sure to tie the knot tightly. A bad knot may make you lose a good catch. Understood?”
“Right and clear, mister!!”
And, like that, Jakurai taught his partner how to throw the rod, what led to a couple of failed attempts –where a fisherman’s hat was related, as well as an apology for “fishing” his hat– and a final success that made Ramuda enthusiastic enough to keep going.
“It’s important to know that fishing takes patience. Do you think yourself capable of such thing?”
Jakurai joked, receiving a pout as a reply from the pink haired man.
“I can be pretty patient if I want, humph!”
“Alright then. Keep an eye on your bobber, and if you see it shaking, then a fish is nibbling on the bait. If you see it going completely under the surface, quickly set the hook before losing the fish”
“Aand… How do I do that?”
His question was answered with actions: a fish happened to nibble on Jakurai’s bait, and he took that as an opportunity to teach Ramuda.
“It’s simple. You just have to do this–“
As soon as the bobber submerged completely, the doctor quickly rose the pole, pointing it straight in the air.
“By doing this, the fish will swing to you. Like that, you will have successfully catched a fish”
The designer looked at him in awe, amazed by the scene –and by how hot the doctor when he rose the pole–. He set down his rod and rushed to Jakurai, who was now holding his catch gently.
“Remember to hold it carefully. Pond fishes don’t usually have sharp teeth, but you may find fishes with spiny fins and, overall, they are very slippery. You have to hold them behind the head, without fear and gently”
Ramuda looked at the carp full of curiosity, admiring how his partner was holding it. He estimated that it was about 60 centimetres long, and laughed at the sight of its moustache.
“Before releasing it back, we remove the hook with these–”
Jakurai motioned to his other hand, showing a pair of needle-nose pliers. He took out the hook with ease, showing his skills and how accustomed he was to the activity, leaving Ramuda to wonder for how long he has been fishing.
The younger man took out his phone, making the doctor pose for a picture. Jakurai agreed happily, letting him take a picture.
“This is bringing back some memories! I used to be your teacher, but you’re the one teaching me now!”
They both smiled bitter-sweetly, remembering the old TDD days. The bitterness didn’t last long, because now everything was in the place it should be. No more misunderstandings that could make everything tangle up the way it was tangled before.
“Now it’s your turn, Ramuda-kun. Show me what you can do”
As soon as the picture was taken, Jakurai put the fish back on the pond, watching it swim away before sitting back and launching again his rod.
“Alright! Well then, here we go!”
Ramuda launched his pole, looking to Jakurai occasionally in order to check if he was doing it right. After he reassured him, he gazed again to the bobber, frowning as he focused on the task.
“UGH! This is taking forever! Why don’t they come faster?! Silly fishes!”
As the older man had anticipated, after 10 minutes motionless, his partner lost what little patience he had.
“What was the first thing I told you before starting, Ramuda-kun?”
“That it takes patience…”
He replied, somewhat irritated and frustrated.
“And what did you answer?”
Jakurai kept the conversation going, taking his chance to bicker the designer.
“Geez, I know, I know! I gotta wait! Now shut up, old coot!”
The lilac haired man laughed, launching his rod back in the water and providing Ramuda with small talk to help him overcome dullness. As someone who had lots of energy, he needed to be in constant movement; and activities such as fishing could be frustrating due to long waiting times and needing to be calm and quiet. For that, they kept talking about whatever topic they could find, keeping the designer entertained and focused –not losing his patience was the main goal–.
Their counting, after a while, was still negative for Ramuda. Jakurai managed to catch three medium sized carps and a big one, whereas the younger man only had a couple of failed attempts.
“I swear if I don’t get one the next time, I’m launching this stupid rod to the pond and never coming back!”
The doctor could notice how this was more frustrating than entertaining for his partner, and started to feel sorry for bringing him here. But the feeling didn’t last long, because soon enough Ramuda’s bobber went underwater again.
“Now, Ramuda-kun! Do it as I taught you, quickly!”
The designer reacted swiftly and, thanks to his efforts, he finally succeeded and raised the pole straight, catching his first fish. He grabbed it just like Jakurai told him to, and right after taking out the hook, he started to jump enthusiastically, laughing with pride and showing off his “prize”.
“Look!! I got it, I got it!!”
He couldn’t help but laugh, smiling widely for his picture. The doctor felt relieved, letting his recent thoughts go away, washed by his lover’s laugh.
“Yes, you did it very well. Congratulations on your first catch, my love”
Moved by the adrenaline, Ramuda jumped to kiss him after releasing the carp, clutching to the doctor’s neck and trusting him to hold him. The kiss was eagerly replied, Jakurai caressing his hair after putting him down again. The designer’s broad and sincere smile was something he would never get tired of watching.
“See? You just needed to be patient”
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lunar-rose-academy · 4 years
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How 2 RP - Part 1.5 (A little extra)
Hey everyone! Masao here~ Welcome to part 1.5, a little extra for you all, where i interview a experienced RPer, who shares their story, and give their own tips for RP. I thought it would be nice to hear from someone that has more experience then i do.
Today, we talk with:
​​A very good friend of mine who was actually one of my very first RP friends back in the days of Heavensward. Kuro was one of the first groups i joined, called Goldbrand. A pirate group that mostly focused on hunting Relics and the like. I learned a lot about RP from him, and made me really enjoy writing stories. He is also a very awesome dude and very humble. I hope our little interview helps you get motivated to RP, and to set that first step into the fantastic world of FFXIV!
My first question for Kuro was:
When you started RP, how did you start? Did you have a lot of help? Kuro: I started 6 years ago in XIV RP. I've been LARPing, I've built my own scuffed tabletop game with me and a bud, I've done WoW RP (Didn't click with me due to bad introduction to it.) As an only child, I've always had nothing but the highest of imagination's and I've always been tethered to create and build.I had tons of help. I wouldn't be here in the community without one of my ex's who drove me into it. I was a cuck. They shaped me and saw that, I was passionately nerdy about this stuff and always directed me towards this but, I was a shy bean and in a cocoon thought I’d fail or be a burden. After they parted with me for being naive and needing to harden me with heartbreak, I took a gamble for myself. Leaped in after a person named Sei took me in, I created Captain off just his glamour alone and then built off the tiny sketches with what I had in solo and overtime.Started from Gilgamesh, then went to Balmung. This was the era when Quicksands a majority of the time was filled with ERP and anything on the outskirts, were the more serious players and you had to go looking. I made a character fit and based around Quicksands and centered around the atmosphere. It felt fitting. So I went brash from being the most introvert by playing the most opposite to me. To not only challenge myself, but to force me to learn more. This overall was more productive of aiding in my conquest for building my Tabletop game, at first, it was mainly for that...Then eventually as my reputation was mainly ERP but somehow my F-list had some actual character-depth, I expanded and branched off. I was told by my Kahn'a my practical Yoshi P and lore guide. Some helpful hints and after that they practically set me up for transitioning out of just being a smut writer, even though I had a story behind each thing, I wanted to transition out. Then I met Verrine, Mishi, Thorcatte, Sun’ra, These people really put the ground-works into my story alongside Kahn'a, everywhere I turned, every person I met, they were inspirations, they were aiding me in RPing and feeling like this is my home, this is the land of the nerds and I owe them everything for letting me find this haven.Eventually another friend told me basically, why not just DM(Dungeon Master). Since I had contacts, I had the RP and creativity for it. They pointed me in that direction. Wasn't until I met my longest and really huge gratitude of an RPer in Ayla, who eventually inspired and led me into not only you. But bringing in many others who I eventually found as crew.I owe a tremendous amount to Ayla... Without a shadow of a doubt. Kahn'a too, but I could say literally, I owe everyone, four-hundred people in my head right now. From I've ever contacted or came into RP or even plotted none of their experiences have ever gone to waste. They each gave me a presence of passion. I transitioned off; led a huge DM group that was mainly done because you reached back out after I hit a downward spiral. After I left everything behind and ruined nearly all of it and lost my mojo.You rose me back like the phoenix, I eventually created a plot so massive that I could DM for like thirty individual people with the right support and people, did I fail in being a community leader or dealing with drama and involving everyone with my health and limited energy? You're damn straight. -- I failed utterly horrendously!  However -- It wasn't entirety wasn't in vain, people found their little groups and pockets in that, they met their meshes. Which objectively, that's all that matters as someone who organizes those to bring people together and in.After that... I transitioned into Tumblr more after being encouraged by people like Fair-Fae from afar, to Sei. Then worked on drumming to the beats given. To every person, even the ones that are angry emoji in the background-- I love em' their passion rubs into me and it breathes of air, gives me wings better than red-bull advertises! As someone who's dealing with an inoperable and bed-ridden rare disease, I've never been or felt more alive.I owe so much to people, and it's why I've stuck around for six years now and continue to batter up against the foul. This is why, I want to raise, boost, encourage, and rally others to be shared so they find in match-making their RP partners, and despite... I know my writing style hasn't ever been everyone's flavor, I never have ever thought of ever wanting someone not to find happiness. I couldn't give up RP at this stage. My next question would be, If you could give a tip to someone who just wanted to start to get into RP, what would you say to them? Kuro:  Know this. Getting into RP is a joke. It's really easy, you possess already every tool to be a tremendous RPer! Much better than I and I ever will be.
Short version: Just communicate. RP It's merely a Dance that can be positively enchanting, magical! -- I don't care what anyone says. ~ It's a partnership, you've got to find the people who keep up with pace and momentum, or blend with your style. You won't always find that and it's not a bad thing if that can't work. Some characters don't connect, some are opposite but they can still work. That's because it requires, one additional thing that requires: a pillar of effort. Don't let yourself be overwhelmed. Looking from the outside this game I've heard and seen, It's intimidatingly daunting. It's a lot to get into. Though this game? It's unoriginal. There isn't anything you can't create in this game, you have science, you've got alchemy, you've got magic. This game is literally called Fantasy in the title, this game has yanked and pulled off all the foundations of RL concepts, other fantasy tropes, religions, and renamed them and splashes over paint. You can do the same... Anything can be explained, I don't care what it is. People are fundamentally not grown as the exact same, I'm not personally here to be a clone trooper. Now If I want to play that, I can even do that respectively.* Look around the game visually, see if you think it can be done with the setting and place, build yourself something anything, you've got a whole box of legos don’t step on them. It’s proven constantly your creativity can be endless the more you play over time, or invest, put yourself out there. Go look into some guides, pull from a book, or google anything you’re thinking about. Again: People have styles they're different. You may appeal to being an NPC, you may like to be extended into Lore, you may not like all the fantasy, that's more than reasonable, it's all valid... There are people that feel you, they're waiting for YOU. Then you'll find people who are open-minded, you'll find people like me, I was in RP's with aliens, voidsents, normal people, WoL, like I've witnessed a lot. Listen to them, let them explain, and most often they fit. If you're too close-minded to accept then you don't need to worry you’ve already decided they’re not you, or your taste, leave them to their devices let them have their happiness, and go back to the scour. Don’t try harassing or bothering something that’s not there or ever will work. Wastes time and misery and drama isn’t worth unless it’s within stories, trust me. See for me... I’ve seen it all. People saying aetherfeeders and vampires didn't exist they cried on the forums and held a tantrum you had people say for years -- then boom RDM storyline and Stormblood came out debunked. Submarines weren’t things prior to SB despite we’ve got Garlean’s over here casually making Gundam’s. Their careers are over they played themselves -- this game is still continuing and always will if you're waiting for official confirmation from a -book- then you're going to be miserable, you're living off the backbone of a book meant to 'guide' and be resourceful in extension not to weaponize it and be a prick to people who don’t follow strictly the same ethic as you’ve so randomly chosen for yourself in standards, I hate to burst bubbles, but you’re never going to be 100% accurate, never ever. You didn’t create this game -- or it, therefore you can’t be anything but a replicator you’re just stuck either limiting your pieces or taking from an entire tub of building material. You aren't playing the book, you're playing the game. That's the real cannon, you literally visually see everything that's going to happen, you can bend it with predictions and logistical math. See XIV, they bend-over concepts of the real and made them fit or pried. I don't just bend lore… I bend it over. Why would there ever be anything that cannot be created? It's just how you interpret it, there are lazy ways to explain things, then there are thorough and detailed methods to get to the same realization of what you want to create that'll work and fit like puzzles to slots this story could’ve foretold. If done correctly more often then not XIV will follow suit in the same thing an expansion later if you stick to your wings, I’ve done it numerous times it feels like XIV has followed copied my test and then tried not to make it look obvious its because stories we’ve brazenly written together in deep-thinking. When my character is tagged IC that's it. Everything he witnesses or sees, I'm not refuting it. That's my chosen though, I see Quicksands and there's no way that place on my Balmung Shard and experiences is it clean, is it lead properly, or the official’s high representatives who totally are just fine with letting a Voidsent blow up the city-state. My character witnessed that, it’s set in stone. Though that's the option and you should always find what makes you comfortable, who makes you comfortable and consider that above all else. Often or not, everyone uses RP as an escape just as they play games. Don't sacrifice, don't lose yourself or not give self-love for what makes you passionate, don’t neglect yourself in taking control of being empowered and attaining friendships, fun, or treating yourself to something new to possibly take something lovely out of finding RP can be and make it all positive for yourself. Myself? I’m inspired by every person new and old who’s been in this game. I love it, do I bleed for it as my canvas? By the Twelve you know it! I’m only ever going to write stories and continue to build and grow, to learn. To do anything to give back. When a passion gives you life, you show that thankfulness by blazing that flame. My last question would be: Is there anything else you wanted to add or say to people? Kuro:  Nope. Rest boils to the decisions you pave yourself and if you want to take the plunge. Just know you're worthy, valid, and this place isn't and never will be one batch or selective, It’s not too late ever there’s no expiration to get into RP, there’s a reason RP last longer than the lifespan of the game’s even when they’ve hit the lowest of lows in dry content, there’s always been unity. If there's one thing this community does well it’s looking after one another.And If they fail to deliver. I know there are people like me who'd rather raise up then pound down.You got this, champs. And that was my interview with Kuro. Looking at his answers, there is a lot that i can agree with. The community of FFXIV is a very great one. If one person is down or needs help, the FFXIV community is the first one to jump up and help with what they can. Hence, its why i made this! To help you, reading this. Just remember, that there are always people out there that are willing to help you. And a person such as Kuro, and of course, myself, will do whatever we can to help those in need. Thank you all so much for the support, and i hope you all have a good day. Also! If you are a RPer, and you would like to be interviewed too, let me know! Send me a message over here on Tumblr, or add me on discord: Masao#2913. And feel free to ask anything related to RP, or even FFXIV. Hope you all are looking forward to the next one~
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therealcalicali · 5 years
An Inconvenient Wife
Imagine: Your life getting turned upside-down when the Gods see fit to use you as a source of diversion.
Pairing:  Ivar x Reader and Reader x OC
Warning: Pure Angst
This is a gift for @tephi101
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"I cannot believe this is happening." You vented as your husband Grimwald placed your combs inside a leather satchel. "That man is a monster! I swear on my father's grave, I'll kill him in his sleep. I’ll......I’ll gut him and leave him drowning in his own blood."
After tying the strings of the bag, your husband looked at you with great sorrow in his eyes. Always the introverted sort, he remained quiet. Although just as angry as you were, he was actually more heartbroken than anything else. 
Simply put, Grimwald was beside himself with a pain that he couldn't put it into words. Meanwhile, you were busily cursing the King in your mind.
"How dare that cripple treat everyone like his possessions? Isn't it enough that he is King and a self-proclaimed God?" You thought. “His stupid mother cursed us all when she didn’t leave him to die!”
"Y/N, please don't say such things aloud." Grimwald pleaded before placing a hand on your knee. "Someone could overhear and report back to him."
"So let them! Why should I bite my tongue about that bastard?"
"You have every right to feel as you do but I'm begging you to hide your disdain. Trust me. I am working on our escape from Kattegat but we can't do that if you're dead. Remember, the King is known for his impulsive nature."
"Then that makes two of us. Let us see which one will win out in the end!"
Scrambling to your feet, you hastily made your way out of the humble cabin. You needed fresh air quickly before you either collapsed or went mad. This was your life and you had no desire to leave any of it behind.
Taking a seat on a tree stump, you noticed that after many cloudy days, the sun had finally shown itself. But you couldn't find joy in it because this was indeed the worst day of your life.
When it was announced that King Ivar was to take a second wife, you had found it amusing. The madman really thought he deserved not one but two women at his side. It was hilarious in your eyes. But other than gossiping about it with friends, you didn't really dwell on the matter.
Never would you have guessed that his decision would ultimately impact your life directly. But as your father always said, the Gods were ironically cruel.
A few months prior, you were happily assisting Grimwald in his jewelry shop when the King and Queen entered. Apparently, they were spending the day purchasing gifts to celebrate their third year of marriage. They browsed a while and after Freydis tried on a few rings, the King became belligerent.
Despite Grimwald being one of the most talented craftsmen around, Ivar scoffed at the collection. Going so far as to call the pieces "simplistic" in their design. He made more rude remarks before your temper eventually got the best of you.
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Before you could stop yourself, you told the King to take his business elsewhere if he was so inclined. You also added that many wealthy patrons loved your husband's work so he was a liar with bad taste. 
Was King Ivar ever furious! 
The entire shop fell deathly silent as he stared you down as if he was going to kill you on the spot. Then, to everyone's surprise, he smirked before demanding that you to defend your statements. 
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More than happy to oblige, you praised Grimwald's work and spoke highly of all he had accomplished over the years. 
Oddly enough, the Queen seemed amused and watched with great interest as you conversed with her husband. In the end, Ivar allowed Freydis to finish her shopping. 
Little did you know that the chance meeting would have far reaching implications.
King Ivar visited the shop numerous times afterward. Sometimes with the Queen in tow, but generally, he came alone. Strangely enough, he would go out of his way to engage you in conversation as he browsed. Most of the time, intentionally saying things to get under your skin. Naturally, you responded with your usual bluntness causing Grimwald to raise a brow often.
But that was the extent of it all.
It was a relief when the visits eventually stopped after some time. But then, one day, a messenger arrived at your home. To your horror, the man announced that King Ivar had chosen you to be his second wife. You were so hysterical, you unsheathed Grimwald's sword and chased the poor man off your property.
But despite all your loathing and rantings, the day had arrived. The King himself would soon arrive to escort you to his home.
"There you are." Grimwald said as he walked over.
He took a seat on the ground beside you and remained silent for some time. Eventually, he produced a blue velvet pouch from his tunic and placed it in your hand.
"What is it?" You asked.
"It's something I have secretly been working on. Go on. Take a look."
You opened the velvet pouch to reveal a leather necklace with a silver war-hammer pendant. The pendant itself was encrusted with an onyx stone and lovely pearl.
"It's so…..beautiful. I can't believe you actually used my idea."
"You should know by now that I’m a man of many surprises. Anyhow, let me put it on for you."
Grimwald stood and went behind you. After you handed him the necklace, he secured it in place before pressing his lips to your bare shoulder. You promptly turned to look at him, your eyes already welled with tears. Placing your hands on his cheeks, you studied every feature of your husband's face. From his intense eyes to the birthmark upon his temple - you admired it all.
Suddenly, someone cleared their throat. When the two of you turned around, you were confused at seeing the Queen and some of her guards.
"Pardon the intrusion." Freydis said cheerfully. "Unfortunately, the King is indisposed so I have come to escort you instead. It's actually a blessing in disguise. The two of us can get better acquainted before you are formally presented."
Your teeth clenched as you fought the urge to split her head open with the nearby axe. 
She behaved as if she was unable to see your misery. Before you could even get a word out, Ivar's men descended like locust. Some set about taking your possessions to the horse drawn wagon while others began forcing you toward the Queens carriage.
They were so pushy that you actually had to break free in order to embrace Grimwald one last time. As you held him close, you whispered that you loved him more than anything in the world. In response, he promised to secure passage out of Kattegat as soon as possible. 
When you kissed him, the guards swiftly pulled you away. Within seconds, you found yourself tossed into the Queen's carriage and headed to your new home.
Your head ached the entire journey. After all, holding in one's rage had a detrimental effect on the body. As for Queen Freydis, she was either unaware of your mood or simply ignoring it. She spent the ride educating you about Ivar's preferences and annoyances. Predictably, his list of annoyances was quite long.
After what seemed like hours, the procession ultimately arrived in front of the massive estate.
The sun was already waning when you were led indoors by a horde of awaiting servants. After you were given an uncomfortably warm bath, you were dressed in an extravagant gown. It was deep red in color with meticulous embroidery and a ridiculous amount of embellishments. 
Most likely something chosen by the King himself.
When one of the Thralls tried to remove your leather necklace in order to replace it with an expensive one, you refused. There was nothing in the world that would part you from Grimwald's gift. Giving in, the women led you toward the Great Hall where Ivar awaited. 
Other than the Queen, who was sat beside King Ivar, the only other people present in the Great Hall were guards.
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"Please, don't stand so far away." Freydis beckoned. "There is no need to be to be afraid. After all, this is now your home."
"No, it isn't. You snapped. "I do not wish to be here."
Ivar's brow furrowed and he looked at you in a peculiar manner. However, he kept partaking of his mead.
"I understand that this must be difficult for you. We have uprooted you from your normal life." Freydis began with genuine sympathy. "But in time, you will get accustomed to this new life as well."
"With all due respect, my Queen, I will never like it here. I love my husband and I have no desire to replace him with anyone. King or otherwise."
"I expected you to say that." Freydis confessed. "But you should know that Ivar did not select you on his own. I had an ominous dream after our first meeting. So, in order to make sure that I had interpreted it correctly, I went to the Oracle. He also confirmed my thoughts. Afterward, I kept the revelations to myself. It was only a short time later that my husband told me of his intentions to take you for a bride. So you see, you were destined to be here."
You were growing tired of her attempts to convince you to comply. Queen Freydis may have enjoyed being the wife of Ivar the 'Boneless' but you had no desire for that title. As handsome as he was, you disliked him greatly. Not just because of the wars he had waged against his brothers but the tales of his infamous blood-lust.
"Enough of this talk." Ivar interrupted. He then passed his horn to a Thrall before looking at you again. "Y/N, come to me."
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Hesitantly, you made your way up the five small steps and stood before the throne. With a smile, he looked you over before commenting that he truly liked the color red against your complexion. The compliment only made you angrier, however, you bit your lip to keep from speaking.
"I know it will take time for you to get accustomed such a drastic change. But it will happen." Ivar said as he took your hand in his. When you felt the roughness of his palms, you wanted to pull away. But instead of being so brazen, you focused your attention on a distant wall. "We just need spend more time together. That is why you will accompany me on the upcoming raids."
"What?" You exclaimed, your neck snapping in his direction. "Take Queen Freydis. After all, she is your adoring wife."
"As you will be, soon enough." He mocked. "And while we are on this subject, there is one rule you need to understand. My decisions are never to be questioned. Understand?"
"I won't go! I………I’ll...….I'll jump off the boat."
Ivar's serious expression quickly turned into a smile. Even worse, he actually chucked.
You had hoped that your insolence would cause him to have a change of heart. But in actuality, he found it much to his liking. In his eyes, you were a bit like Freydis. However, you were far more spirited and volatile than she was, and that enthralled him completely.
Pulling you to his lap, Ivar forced you took look at him. When you noticed the taunt in his eyes, you scowled.
"My King…" You pleaded. "I think it would be best if you found another to take as a wife. You see, I can never love nor care for you. It will never happen."
"And why is that?"
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"My heart belongs to my husband. As strange as it may sound, I would never trade him for all the crowns or coin in the world."
"Is that so?" Ivar inquired as he held you closer. He then glanced at Freydis before giving you his attention again. "Tell me Y/N, do you not appreciate the fact that he still lives? Or are you so stubborn that you would prefer to see him dead?"
You stared at him, stunned by the thinly veiled threat. 
The very thought of something happening to Grimwald because of your actions left you speechless. Tears fell as you realized that Ivar was not only cruel but highly manipulative. As for Ivar, he smirked and pressed his lips to your cheek, pleased by your silence.
In all honesty, everything was a game to the young King. And in that moment, he took pleasure in outwitting you. The vows had not even been exchanged and already, you felt hopelessly trapped. Could you really escape Kattegat as you and Grimwald had thought?
Only time would tell.
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Humans are Weird “Rhythem”
What if humans were the only ones who could FEEL a beat like in music? 
The Journal of Mechanics and Biology 
Take a moment to consider a level one death world, take a moment to wonder what it would take to survive and adapt on a planet where literally everything is out to kill you. Imagine doing all of that without carapace, infrared, or particularly impressive short distance running speed. Yet the humans did it. They did it and then took their survival to an extreme. How is it that, relative to other predators, such a weak, slow, and helpless species survived on such a death world. * I take a moment here to point out that this is only a comparison of humans to their own planetary species well aware that they are considered a level A-1 predictor in the rest of the galaxy.
To answer this question, I draw your attention to he human brain. It is a fascinating organ of feedback loops complexities and redundant systems. Not to mention the human brain loves patterns. Not to say that there are other species who aren’t just as adept at noticing patters, however the difference remains that humans brain’s delight in predicting patterns within their environment. While a Glarian may be able to see a pattern faster than a human, the prediction power of the human brain on short notice is absolutely astonishing.
Anyone who has ever attempted to fight a human knows this. Humans are almost impossible to hit as they analyze and predict on the fly in a way that other species cannot. As it turns out this may have been the key to their survival.  
The ability to predict future behavior from past and present stimuli is common among higher sentient species, however a human is a fast predictor on the fly. A human and another species may come to the same conclusion though it may take their counterpart seconds or minutes to do what a human can do almost unconsciously and immediately.
The human brain loves patterns and predictions so much, that certain patterns can even elicit a dopamine response in the human brain giving rise to feelings of pleasure. Clearly an evolutionary advantage to enjoy patterns and predicting them.
Krill had only been aboard the human ship for about a week when he first heard the noise. It was distant and throbbed on the air with a certain alarming regularity. First, he thought it might be an alarm of some sort, but the rise and fall of the pulses made him think twice. The noise wasn’t a radio frequency which he could pick up, but the universal translator he wore continuously interpreted the sounds on the air allowing him to hear just like the humans did, or at least similarly to how they did. He found this ability to be critical on a ship where atmospheric vibration was a large part of human culture.
He stood up from where he sat and wandered his way down the hall listening to the sound and it’s throbbing pulse. As it turned out  the human auditory system processed sound in similar ways to how he processed radio transmission, in fact, humans often used the radio to send messages with transduction equipment to interpret the signals. In a similar way, that is what his translator did for him, turning sounds into appropriate frequency radio signals.
These signals were getting stronger as he made his way upwards and onto the bridge. The noise was close now, and he had to brace himself as he  opened the door walking in to find the group of humans lounging around at their stations in various states of relaxation.
But it wasn’t the humans that caught his attention, but the pulsing beat that swelled up around him throbbing in his chest and throughout all six limbs.  The experience was so exquisitely intoxicating that he staggered to the side with a wave of sudden overwhelming emotion.
The beat pulsed inside him with impossible regularity and complexity. So complex was the pattern that he could hardly keep up and his cortical systems struggled to keep all of him functioning as he listened.
Somewhere, someone must have noticed him, and the music was abruptly discontinued.
He became vaguely aware of bodies around him as he finally gained control of his senses.
Captain Vir was the first person he saw standing above him with a concerned look on his face.
“Uh, KRill? You alright.”
He couldn’t answer for a long moment before shaking his head one last time to clear his mind, “I... wow.... why did you stop. That was the most.... amazing thing I have ever heard.”
The captain sat back on his heels and the humans looked on in perplexity, “Have you.... Never heard music before?” The captain wondered
Krill shook his head, “No, I have but.... never.... like that.... so many patterns.... how do you keep up.”
The captain scratched the back of his head in confusion, “I uh.... well it’s not really all that big of a deal....”
Krill’s eyes widened in shock and he shook his head, “Not a big deal..... Human.... it takes years an an advanced mathematical degree to make sounds like that. The ability to create a beat with that regularity requires computerized algorithms or the ability to do mathematics in microseconds. I would have to count every beat and then some if I wished to come close to what you just did.” He shook his head in amazement, “And adding EXTRA sounds on top of that which match the beats is.... well its nigh on impossible without a computer do do it, and to make it sound good when all is said and done....” He trailed off in confusion.
Of course there was music on his planet, but it was very difficult to make, and even harder to make sound good. Generally speaking only two sounds were used in any really good piece of music, and they generally had to follow the same beat line, but the humans.... well what they did was astonishing.
As far as he understood from that once piece, it had a general background beat with very deep frequencies which would be low and deep, it then there was higher frequencies on top of that and at a faster beat, which was at almost exactly twice the speed of first.
The captain gave a grin as a look of understanding spread over his face, “You mean you can’t feel that?”
“Feel what?” Krill asked in confusion
“The beat?” He asked 
Krill shook his head, “You don’t feel a beat.”
That comet created an immediate uproar in the humans who disagreed with his analysis vehemently.
The captain shook his head in amazement. Yes you can, its like... a pulsing, and you just.... well you just KNOW something needs to be there. Makes you want to tap your foot, bounce your knee, or start dancing.”
Krill stared at the human who must have gone completely daft, “You FEEL sound.”
The captain frowned, “No... not exactly, its just a feeling. It builds up in your body, and its hard to keep yourself still.”
Krill had his head another shake, “It’s impossible.”
The human gave a frown of annoyance and stood up, “You know what then.... bet you I can make a beat right now, and I bet everyone else in this room can follow with me.”
Krill disagreed, “To coordinate over twenty crew members is impossible.”
“Yeah, you bet, bet I can do that and get a background beat to go with it too. Bet we could make up a song right now if we really tried.”
“I would very much like to see you do that, human.” 
The man gave a grin, “You know what, I’d turn this into a bet, but winning will be to easy.”
Krill very much doubted the human’s statement, but he let the man think what he would and watched him as he returned to the center of the room. All the humans had taken to their feet interested in what was about to happen.
The captain stood thinking for a moment, and Krill watched sure that he would give up any second, but then 
The captain stomped his foot on the metal deck.
Thud...Thud-Clap (his hands struck each other with a loud sudden pulse. That sure didn’t sound like a beat to him.
But then
Thud...thud-clap.... thud....thud-clap-clap... thud... thud-clap....
Krill blinked in shock, as slowly, one by one all the other humans joined mimicking the beat the captain had created out of thin air. But it wasn’t just a simple beat, it was a cycle of slow to fast, and as far as krill could tell it was almost the same every time.
Behind him someone started knocking their hand against a control panel every so often in a completely different beat that both contrasted and matched the first.
With a hand, the captain motioned to the first lieutenant who then placed his hands over his mouth and began to weave another cycle of beats through the first two.. He wasn’t using any language that Krill could  identify. Krill had never heard a human voice box used in that way before.
“Alright, someone wanna give me some lyrics.” The captain called somehow still maintaining the complex under-beat as he spoke to the crew. Krill couldn’t understand it. He could hardly follow the beat as it was much less talk to anyone while doing it.
Somewhere in the back a noise rose up to weave through the three beats around. HIs translator caught a few words, but the sound was so different... so unexpected that he couldn’t have comprehended it if he tried. The human was.... doing something. Something that opened her throat and allowed the air to rush through in controlled bursts between breaths. It was like speaking but drawn out to send vibrations through the air. A few of the humans whooped their approval joining to add their voices to the first.
Halfway through another crew member added his voice. Krill could hear it this time, but the human was speaking almost to quickly for the translator to comprehend, and he was pacing it WITH the beat. He was speaking with a rhythm.
 Impossibly all twenty humans on the bridge crew had joined in. Some used their voices some their hands some their feet, and more than one mixed them in combination.
He had never seen anything like it.
He would later learn about the human brain’s enjoyment of predictable patterns. Their brain enjoyed patterns and predictions so much that a musical beat was almost second nature to a human. This enjoyment was so profound that the humans received an almost intoxicated reaction to the complex auditory patterns.
Not only that, but the humans could increase their factual memory tenfold by creating a song that incorporated the information. Ask a human and they find it easier to recall the lyrics to their favorite song than it is to recall mathematical equations. That is until you add a rhythm to a mathematical equation and then the human might end up with the equation stuck in their head on repeat as their brain replays the beat over and over.
Want a human to remember something.... make a song about it.
If human musicians had been popular on their home world, it was multiplied tenfold once their music reached the galaxy/ They were actually beginning to have a problem with humans retiring and buying the odd moon here and there. 
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hekate1308 · 6 years
Making Headlines
More of my Destiel siren!Cas AU. Enjoy!
“I think this would be an excellent idea“ she explains with more patience than she actually feels. “Many people are wondering what exactly draws others towards the monsters and their life style. A piece on the suburban community they founded would draw a lot of interest.”
“If you think so, Bela” her boss replies, clearly bored out of his mind.
She all but storms out of his office. She knows a good story when she sees one, and this one could be excellent.
She only found out about the community per accident – literally. Her car happened to blow a tire not far away from Dean Winchester’s shop, and she quickly made her way there as soon as she saw the sign.
While she was aware that there were several supernatural creatures living nearby – a few rumours had made his way to her desk in the past few years – she was still not prepared for what she found.
As it turned out, she stumbled into the owner’s lunch hour, which he shared with his husband.
The husband who was very  -
Very –
She snapped out of it just as the siren got up. “I’m so sorry. I thought we’d locked the door.”
“It’s no problem” she assured him. “It’s just – one of my tires just blew and –“
“Oh, that’s fixed soon enough” the human (at least she thought so) answered as he stood up. “Excuse me for a moment, sunshine.”
As he kissed his husband, Bela knew she’d found a good story.
Ever since that day, she’s been hooked. Even with monsters being recognized citizens, very few reporters have ever bothered to talk about them. But why shouldn’t they? More importantly, why shouldn’t she?
Her research has shown her that Castiel Winchester gives talks at schools, so they definitely want to be seen and spoken to.
And so she resolutely makes her way to the suburbs one afternoon.
It’s high time the public learns monsters aren’t dangerous, anyway.
She should know. She’s encountered human monsters. Give her a supernatural entity any day.
Soon after she’s found the right street, a red-haired woman accosts her. “Looking for something, dearie?”
Bela knows a warning when she hears one. “Yes” she says simply, “I’m a reporter with the Kansas Magazine, and I’d like to conduct an interview with Dean Winchester and his husband.”
Her eyes narrow. “Why?”
“Inter-species relationships. Always interesting” she says smoothly.
“And what do you hope to achieve?”
She shrugs her shoulders. “To reach more readers, mostly. And quite frankly, I have seen the world of humans – how bad can monsters be?”
“Ah” she says, and Bela has the feeling that she knows more than she’s comfortable with. “Then you do indeed wish to speak to Dean and Cas. The house over there – next to my son’s” she says with pride.
Bela looks at her and wonders what she is, exactly. She’s read up on all the different characteristics of monsters, of course, but there are many who look just like humans.
She seems to realize what she’s thinking, since she suddenly leans towards her, bops her nose and says “Abracadabra”.
Before she understand what’s happening, she’s hovering about two feet high in the air.
“Just a demonstration. Remember what I can do.”
She winks at her, brings her back down to earth and leaves.
If Bela was scared easily, she’d leave now, but she’s never been that.
She rings the bell.
It’s Castiel who opens. He frowns. “Miss Talbot, is everything alright with your –“
“My car is functioning perfectly, thank you” she says. “May I come in? I have an offer I am rather sure you cannot refuse.”
He frowns but steps aside.
Mission accomplished.
Or so she thinks.
She’s only come so far as to explain that she’s planning to write an article about the monster community when the demon shows up.
“Hello, boys. Heard you had a visitor.”
His eyes are blood red and he grins somewhat maniacally as he waves at her. She takes a deep breath and forces herself to stay calm. She has met enough evil from humans; one demon isn’t enough to scare her.
“Bela Talbot” she introduces herself. He raises an eyebrow.
“An actually respectable reporter? And one who’s seeking for attention at the same time? Of course you found your way here.”
“Crowley” Dean says.
“What? I am just pointing out to this young lady that I don’t like to see my family being used...”
“Family?” she asks, baffled. Being neighbours with a demon is one thing, but family?
Dean sighs, then explains, “To keep it short, Crowley was dying, we had to perform a ritual so he wouldn’t, and now we’re all officially one big happy family according to demon tradition. You sure you still want to hang around?”
She nods. She needs a big story, and she won’t flee now that she’s found one simply because monsters seem to have original interpretations when it comes to certain words. Like family.
Family never meant anything good to her anyway.
“Alright, then. What would this deal of yours entail?” Crowley asks, sitting down as if he belongs there (and he probably does, considering the story with the ritual, she realizes). “I’m somewhat of an expert when it comes to deals, you know.”
“He really is. You could say it’s kind of what demons do” Dean says.
She tells them.
Castiel – or Cas, as Dean calls him – seems cautious. “Yes, I go to schools and tell children about us, hoping to do away with some of the prejudices that still haunt us, but are you sure an article would be the right thing?”
“If it is well researched and impeccably written yes, and it will be” she says matter-of-factly.
“And of course it would be when you are writing it?” Dean asks. There’s something in his eyes she doesn’t like, something that looks a little too much like understanding, and she’s never wanted that.
“Okay, but I’ll speak to our lawyer first.”
“You have your own –“
“My brother. He’s the best” Dean says proudly.
She nods. “That’s only fair.”
“Good, then. We’ll be in touch.”
“And in case you are planning anything” Crowley loudly announces, “I’ll be in touch. And you don’t want that.”
“Crowley –“
“It’s quite alright” she hastens to say, “I know when I’ve overstayed my welcome.”
But she has an in.
Now all she has to do is get the story.
Getting the story doesn’t prove as easy as she thought it would.
Sam Winchester, when she meets him for lunch, is polite but clearly sceptical; as a matter of fact, he has printed out several of her old articles. “It seems to me that you are rather fond of a... dramatic style of storytelling, and we don’t want that. We want people to see that monsters have feelings too, that they are people.”
“Drama always sells. But in this case, it wouldn’t be necessary. People are going to read anything as long as it’s got monsters in the title.”
“So you are interested in a faithful portrayal?”
“Oh yes, I...” she trails off when she sees several women in long dresses and coats enter the restaurant.
Sam turns around. “Oh, those are selkies. Never go anywhere without their coats.”
“I have been here more than once, and I’ve never seen a single monster.”
“Oh, that’s me” Sam says matter-of-factly. “Didn’t Dean tell you what might happen if you stick around for too long?”
“Just as you can get used to magic, the magic can get used to you. One day you’re living your normal life, the next a hobgoblin is going through your sock drawer.”
She stares at him. He shrugs. “Like I said, one gets used to it.”
“And how will I know when it happens?”
“Trust me, the signs are obvious.”
She does her piece anyway, after a few negotiations, Cas being especially adamant that they are represented exactly as they are.
Within days, she runs into a very specific problem.
Humans, Bela knows and mostly despises. Humans are annoying at best and cruel at worst – she’s known that since she was a child.
But monsters?
True, it undoubtedly also has to do with them wanting to look their best in her article, but –
They aren all so nice to her.
Even Crowley eventually greets her friendly, because, as he says, he appreciates “anyone who tries to make a quick buck”.
Dean and Cas are always ready to answer any questions, and they are so smitten with one another it’s not even funny. She believes the siren when he explains he hasn’t felt hunger in years; he’ll never feel it again if Dean has any say in the matter, that much is obvious.
Sam stays over so often he’s beginning to wonder why he has his own apartment in the first place.
Crowley zaps in at all times of the day and indeed has the carte blanche when it comes to Dean and Cas’ house; she soon learns to respect, even to like him, although he is a demon.
Soon enough, she learns that he came close to death a while ago because he chose to live amongst humans and monsters instead of his own kind, and when she asks him why, he sighs. “Is it really that difficult to understand why I’d rather be here? Because it seems to me it should be obvious.”
And that’s the frustrating thing.
With Charlie and Gilda dragging her off to “girls night” which in their case means dealing with a pixie nest in their garden, Rowena showing her the best herbs against her “monthly plague pain” as she calls it, Dean and Cas being the very openly beloved leaders of their little community but still always making time for her...
She’s starting to like the all a great deal.
And Bela Talbot doesn’t like others. She doesn’t. She hasn’t since she was a girl, and fro a very good reason.
Just like Sam predicted, magic starts creeping into her everyday life. First it’s just little things; monsters frequenting her usual restaurants, the plant she keeps on her desk in her office blooming for the very first time, a few bird flying by her window every morning and singing.
Then it gets worse. She bumps into hobgoblins and pixies, one even shows up at her work place, and she realizes she has to make a decision.
Live this normal life she’s fought so hard for, even though it hasn’t brought her much happiness, or join those most people still think of as freaks?
The article is almost done anyway.
The article is a success; within two weeks she has received job offers from other, larger news agencies and her editor is fighting to keep her.
She decides to become a freelancer. She’s thought about it from time to time, and this has finally given her enough of a reputation to do it. True, she’ll have to travel and work a lot, but it’s what she’s always wanted.
She invites Dean and Cas to dinner to celebrate.
“Have to say, it was a good article. And brought even more clients into my shop” Dean says.
“I am glad to hear it.” And to her surprise, she actually is.
Dean chuckles. “Bet you’re happy your life’s going to go back to normal.”
“It can be somewhat... shocking to suddenly find oneself closely linked to the supernatural” Cas supplies.
Right, she suddenly realizes with a sinking heart. This could well be the last time she sees any of them.
She’s still pondering that when Dean says, “You’re gonna travel a lot, right? So you’ll probably put your things in storage somewhere.”
“Likely, yes.”
“Just saying – but if you ever want a home base again, you might want to check the real estate around our place. Good prizes, and the neighbours are supposed to be pretty nice.”
She knows what this would mean, of course.
A lifetime of monsters. Real monsters.
Who have been far kinder to her than humans ever were.
She nods. “I’ll think about it.”
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fairymascot · 7 years
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WHY ANON (slams desk so hard it splits clean in half) I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED
now, picturing an au where max comes to arcadia bay after five years, rachel's there, no wacky time hijinks ensue and nobody's fucking suffering:
*rachel is genuinely SO hyped to meet max, though admittedly, it's got less to do with max herself and more with what she means to chloe. like, chloe would not shut up about max the whole time she's known her, and she sincerely sounds like such a sweet girl -- but also like the polar opposite of how chloe presents outwardly now. so getting to actually meet that goofy little shutterbug nerd who's owned a piece of chloe's heart since childhood is massively exciting to her. (and of course, gleaning Top Secret childhood info about chloe from her is a great bonus.)
once they meet, rachel's pretty much instantly endeared with her: she's so small and cute and fidgety, like a little pet squirrel! she's really fun to tease and mess with, and her reactions are adorable.
meanwhile, on max's end, her first impression of rachel amber is holy mother of intimidating, batman. chloe's built her up so much beforehand, but it still doesn't compare to actually being in the same room as rachel amber. she's like... electromagnetic. and almost definitely too cool for max to be breathing the same air as her. but she's also so NICE and friendly and not mean or condescending at all. so while max was initially feeling a little sour over chloe's best friend position being filled by someone else, she can't be actually mad about it. it's kind of impossible not to fall in love with rachel amber.
*though max is a little more reserved than rachel's used to, and rachel's way cooler than max is used to, they quickly find they can get a good conversation flow going, talking about art and literature and nerd stuff that chloe tends to zone out during. rachel offers surprisingly insightful commentary on max's photography, which catches her off-guard and makes her kind of embarrassingly fluttery on the inside. 'you should take my picture sometimes,’ she says with a smile. ‘i'm looking into modeling.' 'oh! oh. okay.'
*though rachel really enjoys teasing max, she's also very good at telling where to draw the line and when to pull back. she can see max struggles a bit in social situations with new people, and she wants to make sure that her reactions stay firmly within the 'adorably flustered' camp without crossing over to actual anxiousness. max really appreciates it, and she's kind of awed by it, too -- max is always doing her best to be empathetic and tune into what other people are feeling, but her particular mix of nosinesss and awkwardness can make it hard. to rachel, it just comes effortlessly, and it kind of blows max's mind.
*max feels a little out of place in her first week or two back in arcadia bay. even though chloe has accepted her back with open arms and rachel's been nothing but friendly, she can't shake the feeling that the two of them have so much more in common than she and chloe have now -- she's just this awkward nerd girl, and maybe they're only hanging out with her out of obligation...
though both chloe and rachel notice something's up with her, rachel is the one she ends up confiding in. paradoxically, it's easier to talk about personal stuff like this with someone she doesn't know so well, especially because she's worried that admitting it to chloe would just sound like guilt tripping. rachel proves a very sensitive listener, and instills new confidence in her, too: she tells max about how chloe puts on the pirate mixtape she made her in elementary school at least once a week, and how when they passed by a heap of old toys and summer clothes at the junkyard last month, she framed it with her fingers and went 'man, max would take a black and white picture of this and and call it farewell summertime, or some shit'. 
max feels better after that.
*rachel plays two truths and a lie with max. it is, after all, a time-tested bonding exercise. as chloe predicted, max fucking sucks at this game because she cannot lie to save her ass. she gives two completely mundane truths that no one would ever suspect to be false, then pauses, stares thoughtfully at her shoes, brushes at her hair, and comes up with some shit like 'i have a pet tarantula'. ('i've been to your dorm room, max,' rachel reminds. 'well-- yeah! i mean at home in seattle! my parents are taking care of him now. he's... bad with flights.') she's surprisingly good at picking apart rachel's lie, though, and rachel's impressed with her quiet attentiveness.
'but seriously, though. we gotta teach you how to lie.'
*rachel models for max, because i mean, come on, she’s gotta. max absolutely doesn't want to pass up this chance but she's also freaking out on the inside (and on the outside), because she's never actually worked with a model before -- it's usually just selfies, sceneries and candids. she's really worried it won't come out well and rachel will think less of her for it. she also has a minor heart attack when rachel walks into her room, drops her jacket on the bed, and says 'so is this where i take it all off, or...'
(when max just stares at her in terror, she laughs and says 'kidding, of course'. and the photos turn out really nice! so. all is well.)
*rachel absolutely loves that they're the same size and exploits the shit out of this, swapping outfits with max left and right. she thinks max looks hot as hell in her clothes, and while max can't really see it herself, being praised by rachel feels good. (her clothes always smell really nice, too.) she feels awkward lending rachel her clothes in return, because she has so much style and max really doesn't, but rachel always says 'oh, shush, your style's adorable' and steals all her lame hoodies and geek T-shirts anyway. and somehow makes them look drop-dead gorgeous every time.
*rachel loves dressing max up! she likes dragging her on impromptu shopping sprees, picking out bundles of clothes for her to try on, or just showing up on her doorstep and thrusting a bag into her hands with a 'here, wear this'. she's quick to pick up on max's aesthetic, and always gets stuff that's right up her alley, but just a little bolder than she'd usually think to buy: a bit more colorful, a bit more form-fitting. max finds the experience kind of embarrassing -- she doesn't want rachel to think she's some charity case -- but she can't deny that the outfits rachel pick out look... really good.
also, rachel LOVES matching outfits -- not in tacky over-the-top ways, but stuff like complementary color choices or little matching accessories. max really gets into the accessory thing too, and starts making a habit of gifting rachel goofy little nerd trinkets to match with. i'm talking stuff like this and this and this. rachel puts every last one of these on her keychain until it's considerably more chain than keys.
*in the venn diagram of chloe and max's music tastes, rachel is the overlap. she likes all of chloe's thrashy metal and angry teen angst hymns, and she likes all of max's weepy guitar tunes and cringy pop from 2003. max admittedly never quite outgrew her seventh-grade nsync phase, and rachel is a huge slut for nostalgia shit like that, as well as a huge slut for making chloe suffer. which means that car rides with those three almost inevitably end up sounding like a middle school dance party while chloe grumbles and huffs behind the wheel the whole way.
*they have like a million geeky marathons, staying up all night watching dr who and buffy and lord of the rings. while they're both big fans of the classics, max is the more active fandom-connoisseur of the two, and introduces rachel to a ton of stuff like obscure european sci-fi films, old artsy cinema, and like a metric boatload of anime. max's taste is all over the place and rachel enjoys pretty much all of it, even the outrageously bad stuff, because she has no concept of cringe and if anything just finds the dumb shit more fun. she will enthusiastically watch final fantasy spirits within with max and not even complain once.
she loves seeing max's eyes light up during the parts she likes best, or how animated she gets when she talks about it afterwards, sharing all this background trivia and her interpretations of the stories. max is really glad for the way rachel listens, even about stuff that obviously didn't grab her as much, but sometimes she has to stop and just kind of trail off mid-sentence because rachel's looking at her like she's going to eat her and leaning in and oh.
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swissforextrading · 7 years
A final interview in San Francisco: Christian Simm, Founder and CEO of swissnex San Francisco, heads to swissnex Boston
When Christian Simm came to San Francisco in 1997 as the Science and Technology Counselor for Switzerland, the city (and the world), was a very different place. Even if the smartphone had not yet been invented, the Internet and the World Wide Web were the new El Dorado with seemingly endless opportunities. This represented a paradigm shift in the way information and connections were made available, shared, and brokered. Within this new context, Christian saw a unique opportunity for Switzerland. He transformed his role and founded swissnex: a hub for international collaboration–where people from different disciplines, industries and countries could meet, exchange, collaborate and find new ideas. Today, open innovation and interdisciplinarity are well-known concepts, but fifteen years ago, they were truly visionary. Leaving behind a legacy, we recently farewelled our Founder and CEO as he left San Francisco for Boston, where he commences as CEO of swissnex Boston in August. We sat down with him to hear his story.           swissnex was inaugurated almost fifteen years ago, in Nov. 2003, can you tell us how and why it all began? A revolution started in the mid-nineties when the first web browser became available to the public. Having so much information available anytime, anywhere, organized in such a user-friendly manner seemed to promise endless opportunities. And Silicon Valley became the place where many of these opportunities were explored thus quickly turning the region into a magnet for pioneers, researchers and entrepreneurs from all over the world. This lead Switzerland to create a Science & Technology Counselor (STC) position in San Francisco, the first outside a national capital. When I arrived in the Bay Area in December 1997, I quickly discovered that the scope of this position, as much as the web itself, were a work (constantly) in progress, requiring extreme agility and inventiveness for what looked like permanent and totally exciting exploration. The traditional role of the STC as a ‘reporter’ and middleman was bound to change fundamentally. Not only did one need to be part of the ecosystem, rather involvement in the community of innovators was indispensable to be credible. Collaboration was needed as everything seemed possible: giving before taking. An idea was quickly born: join forces with other Swiss-based organizations, create a neutral place for experimentation of ideas, open this venue to the public with attractive programs, stay at the edge and adapt quickly when necessary. My boss in Switzerland loved the idea and said «I don’t have a budget for this (yet) but I will support you if you find third-party funders». The swissnex concept was born. Did you envisage that swissnex would become the place that it is today?   The iPhone is only ten years old. Who could have predicted in 2007 the impact it would have on our lives by 2017? It was, and still is, the same with swissnex; an organization built to evolve with new topics, new trends, and new challenges. We detect faint signals, grab opportunities and transform them into actions, which are often premieres for Switzerland: From creating a “Facebook for scientists” (Swiss Talents), to a widely recognized art-science practice at a time when mixing these disciplines was still considered frivolous (now it has become mainstream); From pushing young entrepreneurs to go global, to putting trans-disciplinarity at the core of future thinking; From breaking boundaries between startups and large corporations to creating a new model for science diplomacy. I once read the following text: ‘One must be generous. We are only here for a short time and we can’t take anything with us when we go. What’s the point of holding onto things and not sharing knowledge, ideas, insights and opportunities? If you keep them for yourself, then it’s gone when you are gone. But if you share, then you can make something that is much bigger than the beginning. In other words, ideas grow when you share them. Others grow when you share, and you grow when things are shared. In a way, it’s a win-win game’. With that in mind, with an amazingly creative and dedicated team, with trusted partners, supporters and headquarters we were able to ‘re-invent’ swissnex San Francisco in 2016. We moved to a very unique venue at Pier 17, created an experiment in open innovation with more than seventy people from over twenty organizations, and quickly became the model many others wanted to understand. Did I all plan that in 2003? That would be presumptuous to say. But it was a dream, for sure! What were some of the biggest problems you sought to solve when you started swissnex? Solving problems was not the reason why I created swissnex San Francisco and grew it over the past fifteen years. swissnex is about seizing opportunities. The entire team works passionately to help partners, stakeholders, clients and other parties see potential and take action. What is the most serendipitous moment you can recall at swissnex? As swissnex is about the future–where knowledge is in flux, certitudes are scarce and leaders still have to emerge–serendipity plays an important role in our practice. Though, it is not just about waiting for something unexpected to happen. Serendipity can be engineered with the right methodology: constantly pushing the boundaries, listening carefully to faint signals, showing genuine curiosity and generosity, planning improbable encounters and a few more ‘secret ingredients’. Successful outcomes are often beyond expectations. Among the many examples of serendipitous moments, I’ll cite one of the very first. To brainstorm out-of-the-box ideas for what swissnex may become, a good colleague of mine offered to cook Greek specialties at her home if I could come up with a wildly diverse group of participants. Intrigued by swissnex, a confidential list of top San Francisco creatives joined. They enjoyed the unusual setting and conversations so much that, without being asked, they spontaneously offered to invent our brand and graphical identity for our, then nameless, initiative. Their legacy is still all around us every day! swissnex San Francisco occupies a unique space that transcends disciplines, industries and borders; a place where people meet and collaborate to let new ideas emerge. What is the greatest success story of swissnex San Francisco? We started very early on to help Swiss entrepreneurs and startups with benchmarking, gaining international exposure, having a base abroad and ‘thinking big’. This type of support was very uncommon at the time, whereas now, incubators, accelerators, hackathons, pitch events and the like have become mainstream. For a long time, maybe since the Renaissance’s famous polymaths, sciences and arts were considered so far apart that dialogues between them were few and remained mostly intimate. With San Francisco’s receptiveness for experimentation, my love for the arts, very talented team members, and the trust of several key supporters, allowed us to be at the avant-garde of the nascent art/science and art/technology movement. There are many different ‘languages’ to describe the world, and some of the most fascinating insights emerge at their intersections. Open Innovation was pushed to a new level with our move to Pier 17, where selected startups and large corporations, universities and individual researchers, creatives and communicators, short-term visitors and long-term ‘Residents’ share an inspiring open space. In this very unique innovation ecosystem, engineered serendipity has become the norm. In each of these instances–and there are many more examples–swissnex fully played its role as pioneer: discoverer, experimenter and, as we would say in Silicon Valley jargon, ‘evangelist’. Part ice-breaking, part ground-breaking, we laid the foundations on which new and meaningful projects became possible. You’ve witnessed some of the biggest changes the world has seen over the past fifteen years from the vantage point of Silicon Valley. What are some of the biggest changes you expect the world to see in the next fifteen years? Predicting precisely the future requires a crystal ball. swissnex’s methodology, on the other hand, starts with the faint signals of the future that I mentioned earlier. They are collected through listening, reading, observing, talking to people from all types of backgrounds and sectors, and more. Possible scenarii are then imagined, analyzed and tested through more discussions and storytelling, for instance on our ‘nextrends’ blog. The knowledge and understanding gained reduce the cone of uncertainty about the future. Technologies like virtual reality, deep learning, gene editing tools like CRISPR, autonomous vehicles (whether on the ground or in the air), and artificial intelligence will clearly have a deep impact in the next fifteen years. Machines will become even more like us. They won’t necessarily look like us, but they will sense, interpret, understand, communicate and act in ways which will make physical devices: robots, algorithms, and bots will blend into our daily lives like the smartphone did over the past decade. Such machines will negotiate directly with each other and possibly manage their own entities: they may be taxed like humans, and I’m certain that it will trigger in-depth debates about the future of our societies. At the same time, this techno-centric view is very much the culture of Silicon Valley. Apps are not the solution to every problem and the world has a very differentiated approach to technology. The needs for and impact of technologies are wildly different around the globe. Companies cannot ignore this anymore and they will have to ask why, what for, and under which conditions their new devices and services are developed. Business models will need to include Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development Goals and global political, environmental, humanitarian (as well as other) issues. Switzerland and swissnex are perfectly positioned to encourage, support and lead the shaping of a better common future.   Christian Simm commences as CEO of swissnex Boston in August 2017.   Gioia Deucher, previously CEO of swissnex Brazil, is now CEO of swissnex San Francisco. https://nextrends.swissnexsanfrancisco.org/interview-with-christian-simm/ (Source of the original content)
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