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antares07 · 2 months
"‏المسافة الإضافية التي تبعدك عني، إنها تشبه لحدٍ ما ألم الأسنان، لكن في صميم قلبي .!
هذه المسافة بيننا، إنها تهدر أيام عُمرنا؛
ألا يغلق أحدكم صنبور الأيام؟
العُمر ينفلت بغزارة بعيداً جداً عن عيناك يا أنت .."
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bubblesorbubbles · 10 months
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Winter walk with empty mind
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franse1n · 1 year
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© to the rightful maker of the header.
Grocery shopping with your husband!Miguel O'hara.
"Cariño?" Miguel softly says, opening the door to your bedroom and catching the sight of his beautiful wife getting ready for a Sunday morning.
His hands made it's way to your waist, hugging you from behind and burying his head onto your neck - engulfing the sweet smell of your perfume. "All ready?"
"Mhm, let's go." You smile warmly at him.
The engine starts and Miguel drove an Audi A4, his left hand on the stirring wheel while the other was placed on your thigh.
He sneaked a glace at you, just gazing the way your eyes were fixed on the grocery list you held. Sunday was his favorite day, it was the day where you were both free from work and finally having the time to be with one another.
Miguel didn't mind if he had to push a cart, carry eco bags, wait in line for hours; he didn't mind because it was with you, his lovely wife.
• Miguel once saw a tiktok video of a boyfriend tying a balloon on his partner's wrist to find her easily and he has been considering it to do with you but he resorted to just memorizing the aisles that you go in.
• Would match outfits with you. If he saw you were wearing a yellow dress, he would immediately change out of his favorite blue polo and into a yellow shirt.
• During one of your visits in the grocery, he saw you getting assisted by a male employee and ever since then he has always insisted on himself being the one to get the things you didn't reach.
• The moms on the hygiene aisle would coo at him and help him whenever you sent Miguel there to get pads and hygiene products. Eventually befriended some moms that would give him advice like how to help you during your periods and whatnot.
• He would leave you alone whenever you wait in line to disappear for a while. He'd buy some grocery flowers and your favorite drink to put it at your seat. By the time you finished paying, he'd be there getting the groceries while you open the door to be welcomed by a pair of flowers and drinks.
• Let's you swatch makeup on his wrist and palm because most of the shade compliments his skin colour. He'd stand there patiently, letting you take your time in choosing swatches.
• You sometime catch him smiling while gazing over parents and their children. Though most children find him intimidating, you knew he would make the best father.
• Holds your hands whenever you guys just shop light. Holding it up to his mouth and kissing it from time to time while causally picking out things like spices.
• Received a scolding from a manager once due to being caught in the CCTV spinning your around inside a pushing cart, before also scolding you in the car and you scolding him back.
my first tumblr post that's related to me writing, it's so fun. writing this while going to the bank and a restaurant. i hope you enjoy!
@ 2023copyrights franse1n ; please don't copy, steal, or translate my works.
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mydadisdracula · 2 years
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"May I call you Coach Son?"
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relatetechnologies · 2 months
5 Affirmations For August 2024
This post contains affiliate links, this means that I receive a small commission for purchases made for the products linked here.  This in no way changes the price you pay for the product, but it allows me to offset the costs associated with blogging. August 1, 2024 Affirmations are positive little phrases we tell ourselves to change our thought patterns. At the time that we begin to tell…
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seeinginstyle · 2 months
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Make Family Game Night Memorable with These Classic Board Games
Create lasting memories with your family by playing classic board games like Monopoly, Scrabble, and Clue. Bring everyone together for a fun and entertaining game night that will be remembered for years to come.
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Complete isolation is my reward after social interaction.
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harmonyhealinghub · 4 months
Embracing the Art of Slowing Down: Rediscovering Life's Simple Beauty Shaina Tranquilino June 7, 2024
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It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. We rush from one task to another, constantly checking off items on our to-do lists without pausing to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. In our quest for productivity and success, we often overlook the simple joys of living.
Learning to slow down is not only essential for our mental and physical well-being but also for reconnecting with the world around us. When we rush through our days, we fail to notice the small moments of beauty that make life truly meaningful.
Imagine walking through a park on a sunny afternoon, feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin and listening to the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. In our busy lives, we might pass through the park without giving it a second thought, too preoccupied with our own thoughts and worries to appreciate the natural beauty around us.
But when we slow down and take the time to be present in the moment, we open ourselves up to a world of wonder and possibility. We notice the intricate patterns of a flower petal, the playful chirping of birds in the trees, and the laughter of children playing nearby. These simple moments become precious treasures that enrich our lives and remind us of the beauty of the world.
Slowing down doesn't mean abandoning our responsibilities or goals; rather, it's about finding balance and prioritizing what truly matters. It's about learning to savor each moment and cultivate a sense of gratitude for the blessings in our lives.
One way to embrace the art of slowing down is through mindfulness practices such as meditation and deep breathing exercises. By quieting the mind and focusing on the present moment, we can let go of stress and anxiety and cultivate a deeper sense of peace and contentment.
Another way to slow down is by disconnecting from technology and spending more time in nature. Whether it's taking a leisurely stroll in the woods or simply sitting outside and watching the sunset, immersing ourselves in the natural world can be incredibly grounding and rejuvenating.
Slowing down also means being more intentional about how we spend our time. Instead of filling our schedules with endless activities and commitments, we can prioritize activities that bring us joy and fulfillment. Whether it's spending quality time with loved ones, pursuing a hobby we're passionate about, or simply enjoying a quiet evening at home, carving out time for the things that nourish our souls is essential for our overall well-being.
In a culture that values productivity and efficiency above all else, learning to slow down can feel like a radical act of self-care. But in reality, it's one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. By embracing the art of slowing down, we can reconnect with the simple beauty of living and find greater meaning and fulfillment in our lives. So let's take a deep breath, pause, and savour the sweetness of this moment.
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yellowmanula · 4 months
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My Dad turned 87! Feel free to send your best wishes 🥰
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“for you, I would” kind of love language.
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antares07 · 2 months
Euphonies and canticles of love are reverberating in emotions.
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bubblesorbubbles · 10 months
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The end of pleasure
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theeroticmuse · 1 year
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Habt ein wundervolles Wochenende, meine lieben Fans! 😊🌟💖
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relatetechnologies · 3 months
5 Affirmations For July 2024
This post contains affiliate links, this means that I receive a small commission for purchases made for the products linked here.  This in no way changes the price you pay for the product, but it allows me to offset the costs associated with blogging. July 1, 2024 Affirmations are positive little phrases we tell ourselves to change our thought patterns. At the time that we begin to tell…
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jenjen4280 · 2 years
Cold day fossiling by the bay with the Hot Wife. Found shark teeth, ray dental plates, a piece of bone, coral (Astrhelia palmata), pieces of sand dollar (Abertella aberti), and pieces of murex shell (Ecphora gardnerae).
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