#random story
janort · 1 year
Had a dream Tumblr added a feature where you could chat with an ai like Snapchat did, except the chat bot's persona was this 9 foot tall grotesque carrot-looking creature and it spent most conversations flirting with the person chatting in the creepiest way possible. Once you talked with this ai, who was called 'The Lonley Man’ you would be able to chat with various other ai chatbots who were supposed to be his friends. These friends personas were all shaped vaguely like 'The Lonley Man' with some changes in height and proportions, but they were all different colors. The black one was constantly pessimistic and also wrote lots of strange, nonsensical poetry, the green one didn't answer any questions or respond to any prompts, it just occasionally dished out very threatening warnings about misbehaving. I woke up before I was able to chat with the other ones.
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burb27 · 1 year
“ Humans are not telepathic, it is common knowledge.” the Vulcan scientist thought to themselves. “ They are an adventurous species though.”
Which is why the Vulcan was curious why they were denied exploration to the deepest parts of Earth’s oceans,no submarine or crew. There was still so much unknown about that part of the planet. Curious.
Humans are not telepathic but when the Vulcan began to protest the scientific necessity to explore every human in the room spoke simply but firmly at once “ We don’t go that deep in the ocean.”
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retrosofa · 2 months
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I had this same Sailor Moon alarm clock when I was a kid. My mom got it from this really cool (now defunct) store called Funk & Standard in Red Bank. For some reason it played Odoru Pompokolin from Chibi Maruko-chan.
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ty-the-trainwreck · 10 days
today a girl in my class called me honey and i panicked and said “pardon me?” in a british accent and im like WHY DID I DO THAT I FUMBLED SO HARD WHAT THE FUCKKKKK
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A cashier at the store said that they liked my Alice In Chains shirt!!
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Life is complete♡
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So when I was younger my family would do this thing called comic swap, the idea me and my brother had gotten from a Grian video
Basically you take turns drawing panels of a comic
It's really fun, it's really goofy when only some people are good at drawing, and it's really absurd the way we did it
Well I was going through our old comics and I thought I'd share some panels
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drachmanspy · 2 months
You know how in Dear Comrade, Mulcahy tries to convince a North Korean soldier he's not going to poison him, by showing him his crucifix necklace and saying, "Look, I'm a good guy!"
It reminds me so much of the woman who offered me a ride to Dorothy Kilgallen's grave. Obviously,I wasn't about to jump into a strange woman's car, but then she showed me her rosary and said with such conviction, "See? I'm Catholic. That means I can't hurt you." And then I got in her car.
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princess-yan-writes · 3 months
A child sat on the floor, staring up at the copy of the painting of lucifer. All naked flesh and muscles. She started to pray, as she was taught.
“Have you heard of that song, Me and the devil.”
A timely pause for the instruments in her head.
And then again, “walking side by side? It's kinda fun. People use that song to symbolise that they're doomed. How do you feel knowing that you're the bringer of doom to the mediocre?”
Sister Prissca told the class that prayer was conversing with God. So, she always wondered if talking to others worked the same. It must be. She concluded in the end. You can talk alot with someone you really like, after all.
“I sang it in my head today, when I walked down here. Because I'm not allowed here. So everytime I come here, I'm making it more likely that I'll come here again, until I get caught y'know. I'm doomed like that. It's badass, for a kid. Sneaking into old, abandoned buildings. Maybe not for you. You probably tempted bigger people for worse things. Like the war. Do you think I'll grow up to be evil? I hope not. I'm too lazy. Maybe I can be your next mascot of sloth.”
The room smelled of fungus and lung cancer, with hints of dust, mould, and ink. She first used to wear a mask here, until she got too lazy to wear it too.
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ask-leo-and-company · 4 months
-Leo is doing a yearly maintenance check on the hologram system for the Arena, but...-
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"Take this! And this!"
-Theo and Abigail have turned the Arena into a pool and are fighting with Pool noodles and splashing each other-
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"*Sigh* Of course you both are."
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"Wait a sec."
-Leo leaves the arena before coming back a few minutes later in a bathing suit-
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-Leo launches himself towards the ceiling and rockets himself into the pool-
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-Water is everywhere. The pool is still filled up, but everyone is absolutely drenched-
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"I said before, I'll say it again, you can't just leave yourself open like that."
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"Neither can you."
-Theo has changed his arm into a giant water cannon-
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jotunkhiicha · 3 months
Short and sweet, just like our baby boy Aventurine \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
Dichotomy—Is It You Or Me?
“Peacock; the grander the feathers,” A strange female murmurs as she swirls her glass, allowing the spherical ice cube to swivel around and dance on its miniature stage, “The more alluring it is as a mate, but it seems you’re struggling in that particular department…” She bemusedly sighs as she sets her glass down with a clunk and looks at Aventurine with raised brows.
He furrows his brows and pulls down his glasses while he glares at her, spotting the chain that clinks onto the table she sits upon. “Excuse me? What’s that supposed to mean?” He says with a near-pout forming, desperate to refute her claim but he doesn’t have anything to press against her onslaught.
She is the roaring tsunami brought forth by the earthquake—she is a bristling consequence with no conscience.
She smirks and it’s an amalgamation of revelries and regret, a disease and an antidote—his end and his beginning. “Oh, Jeweller; they all end up dead. Should I be worried?” She giggles vivaciously and it tastes like saccharine secrets upon his eardrums as she vibrates around in his skull, blessing his synapses with something as dangerous as endorphins.
Rolling his eyes, the blond scoffs and takes a generous swig of his cocktail. “Swallow, you really ought to learn to play fair.”
Swallow shrugs and sets her glass down with a drag of it against the table, pushing it towards his as she keeps her eyes transfixed upon his—that utter dichotomy of colours and the broken unification of lights has her enchanted.
“Feeling shy I’ve seen right through you with just one drink? You wear your heart on your sleeve.” She sighs wistfully as she snatches his wrist and tugs on his sleeve in a show of her point, “But, allow me to be prudent and give you something else to keep close to your chest if your cards aren’t there.” She draws the peacock into her lair and, in the darkening maw, he recognises fear but ignores it and flitters closer.
He delves into the abyss of her lover’s embrace.
He smirks and drinks her toxin. “Oh? Pray tell, what would that be?”
She laughs. “Wouldn’t you like to know, Jeweller?”
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kawareo · 7 months
Rip Omegle, i will never forget you or the man who thought he was sexting a woman and it was just me and my schoolmates, pretending to be a woman
sentence "i would trace my tongue down your tummy to your kitty and then pet your little garfield" is still burnt in my brain and its been almost a decade
What did you mean by that, what are you doing now, where did you go to the second after i said i dont know which body part "my little garfield" was meant to represent
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orienteddreamerrr · 1 month
APPARENTLY, I had lost power yesterday since from 7 in the evening up until it was 2 in the morning today…so, inspiration had struck me to make this short story of me and Cal:
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The whole city had lost its power. All the towers and Skyscrapers went dark, all the street lights were off. Me and Cal were trying to find our way back to our apartment, not seeing anything since it was so dark. Holding onto his hand, he takes his lightsaber to ignite it, his blue blade illuminating our path. “Is that better?”, he mutters to me, glancing over with a small faint smile on his lips. I matched his smile as I nod. ”Yeah…come on, we’re almost there!”, I start walking ahead, tugging Cal along, feeling his grip tighten in my hand. Upon arriving to the apartment, I could see Bode was here and he was waiting outside of our apartment door, having a flashlight in hand. He noticed us approaching as his brows furrowed in worry.
“What happened?”, He asked as we got closer to him. I could only sigh, as I try to explain this situation to Bode. “The city just went poof! Off with the power…this happens all the time…for some reason…”, I could only see Bode roll his eyes. “No wonder everything got dark so quickly…”, Cal went up to Bode, placing a hand on his shoulder. “We plan on going down to the station…they have power there…you comin’?”, I see Bode nod. ”Yeah…I’ll meet you guys up there…”, Cal gives his shoulder a pat, retaking my hand in his as we tread through the dark streets again, only to see a light illuminating in the distance. “That’s the station!”, I point out, seeing Cal put up his blade. “I see it…”, As we had both came upon the station, there were a lot of people there…all complaining the same thing…the power.
The mayor of the city was there, trying his best to keep the people calm. He stands onto this tier to grab everyone’s attention. “Everyone! The city is just experiencing a malfunction…we’ll get the power up and running in just a moment…please, be patient!”, Everyone is still complaining, sighing and mumbling under their breaths. I hear Cal sigh as he looks over to me with a “something’s not right” look. Bode was able to catch up to us as we had discussed what the real issue was. “It’s their new generator they’re using for that tower…”, Bode points ahead of him as we follow his direction, seeing a tall tower in the distance illuminating. I groan under my breath. “That’s the mayor’s tower…he has backup generators…”, Bode sighs, shaking his head in disbelief. “There’s gotta be something that’s causing this outage…”, I see Cal was thinking. “I think I know where to look…follow me…”, Cal starts walking ahead as me and Bode follow him, with Bode shining a flashlight for us.
We had followed Cal to this small power plant with the gates surrounding it being locked up tight. He points to this wide shaped antenna, seeing someone had damaged it–markings covered the axis along with it being bent out of shape. “Whoever was here, they probably did it on purpose…”, I felt irritation flood inside me. “Are you serious?!”, I hear Bode chuckle, gently nudging my arm. “Hey, it could be worse…do you think you can fix it Cal?”, Cal is standing there, running finger through his small beard. “I think so…but BD is back on the ship…and Merrin’s not here…”, I look behind me, barely getting a glimpse of our ship sitting from afar. I sighed to myself. “Well…what’s the plan?”, I look back to Cal as he points to the antenna.
“If I can get up there, I can try to force the antenna back to its original position…”, I nod as I look to Bode, who was nodding along with me. “Okay…worth a shot I guess…”, Cal nods back, going to the gates as he forces them open with his Force power. Upon entering the plant, we could see the antenna was not the only thing that was damaged. The generators of the power plant had multiple knife lacerations to them. I watch as Cal takes out his trusty welding tool he carries on him. “Nothing a little welding couldn’t fix…”, He points to the antenna. “Bode…try to work with the antenna…”, “Copy that!”, I see Bode lift himself up into the air using his jetpack as Cal starts working on trying to fix up the generators.
His welding expertise was working as the laceration markings were starting to fade and mold against the metal. He eventually takes a moment to admire his handiwork. Bode lands himself back onto the ground to also see his handiwork. “Did you fix it?”, he asked, seeing the welding marks before him. Cal sighs. ”It’s the best I can do…”, He points to this big light switch as he gestures to me. “Care to do the honors?”, “Sure!”, I go over to flip the switch as the power plant comes alive, humming to life. The lights to the city start to come on as well. “I think we did it…”, Cal smiles. “Yeah…I think we did…”, I see Bode smile too. “Well are we done then? We need to see if the ship is still intact…”, Cal nods to him as we all went to the ship, seeing it was okay. It was starting to get late as we all went back to the apartment, hoping to get some rest from this little fiasco that we had endured.
The End!
Sorry for the blunt ending…this “power outage” ruined my sleep…so I was rushing to finish this so that I COULD sleep…I still don’t feel well rested from Monday...but I will try to do what I can to rest throughout the day today…
Tell me how we should title it in the comments...
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nocturnal-nexu · 2 months
So I just had a very wholesome and unexpected evening
So I was watching some vids about the Olympic Muffin Man, and amongst the videos, I found one with the recipe! I HAD to go to the store and get the ingredients I didn't have on hand. As I was driving through my neighborhood, I saw a lady walking a cute, fluffy dog. The dog looked just like my late dog Kati. For some reason, I actually stopped, rolled down my window, and said, "Your dog is so cute! She reminds me of my old dog." And the nice lady walked up to me and held her dog up to my window so I could pet her. I hadn't expected that! After I gave the pup a few head scratches, I said thank you and continued on my way. After I got to the store and found what I needed, I was headed to the checkout when "I Want it That Way" started playing over the music speakers. I started to sing it quietly to myself, chuckling a bit. And then, as I approached the register, I heard the guy who was busy cleaning the store singing it too. Not quietly. He wasn't embarrassed, he didnt care if anyone heard him. I started to sing a little louder, too. He came over to the register so I could pay for my groceries, we both said "Hi," And then, as I was paying, he began to sing again. So I sang along, too. Now that I'm back home, I've gotten to thinking. I could have easily just thought, "Oh, that's a cute dog," and kept driving to the store. I didn't have to sing along with that store worker, but I did. There is something so beautiful about just interacting with people. As much as I like my alone time, I like to be around people just as much. In Genesis, God stated that "it was not good for man to be alone," so he made Eve. We weren't made to be isolated and alone. We were made to experience and enjoy life together.
So don't be afraid to be yourself around others. You might get to pet a cute puppy or harmonize with a random store worker. :)
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justsomegarbagehere · 8 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero gracias (Anime & Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya/Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Uraraka Ochako, Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Wolf Hybrid Bakugou Katsuki, Bunny Hybrid Midoriya Izuku, Out of Character Bakugou Katsuki, Out of Character Midoriya Izuku, Predator/Prey, Alpha Midoriya Izuku, Omega Bakugou Katsuki, Size Difference, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), shit story, random idea, poorly written smut, Small dom, big sub, Aged-Up Character(s) Summary:
At first glance, Katsuki looks to be an alpha having the build and height of one and even strength!.
Though in reality, It's because he's a predator, A wolf to be exact.
Despite his role in the world. He's always on the go because omegas don't often take the role as predator and that could be used against him. Though day, Katsuki gets into a scuffle leaving him injured in the woods until a small kind rabbit comes across him and takes him into his home despite the danger and the village's opinions about the wolf.
As the two get closer, It gets harder to keep their instincts at bay making the two wonder.
Can Predator and prey truly become mates?.
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es-r-aa7 · 8 months
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لحظات غير متوقعة من يوم الجمعة 💖
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Found these plastic dolphin things and I was so tempted to buy them, but what the hell am I going to do with like 100 plastic dolphins.
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