#weird dreams
dystopyx-blog · 3 days
I had a dream Jade and Floyd did a beautiful performance water and aerial dance to “Kiss the Girl” from The Little Mermaid. Like they were in eel form but on swings over water and sometimes they were in water sometimes they were on the swings. They were very good.
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it’s terrifying. no one
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whereserpentswalk · 2 days
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somesecretpie · 7 months
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Another dream comic. Had a dream where I was tied to a chair in a dark room and some hooded figures killed me after I begged for my life—but then I got caught in a time loop and so I kept trying to figure out what I could say to get them to not shoot me but they killed me no matter what I said. Started just shouting random stuff eventually.
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last night I had a dream that I met Bill and Ted, and I complimented Bills crop top and said something about how I would wear crop tops if my body was less bogus and he put a hand on my shoulder and said “what’s truly bogus is the way you think about yourself” and Ted nodded solemnly and then I woke up
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y3ast · 2 years
Dreams show me the vilest concepts. This was few nights ago, and I can't stop thinking about it
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delicatethunders · 1 year
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larachnae · 1 year
took a nap and dreamt that Jerma was doing "The Sandstorm Stream", which was apparently some long awaited hyped up stream, where he went to CANADA of all places and just, stood around in a sandstorm?? there were a ton of ppl there and it lasted for several hours, but the entire time chat was spamming nothing but variations of "SANDY ANDY OMEGALUL" while Jerma occasionally preformed bits (though he was just standing there motionless for a majority of the stream)
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maxed0utmoon · 5 months
I had a dream about eyeless jack but instead of stealing your kidneys he'd climb in ur window at night and give you top surgery. "I gotcha boobs" was all i remember him saying...
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melthedumdum · 2 years
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Google maps new baltimore glitch that happened in 2013
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animalslang · 6 months
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liminal-x-wave · 7 months
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r e f l e c t 陰遠椅
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sagasolejma · 22 days
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So like I had a big family party a few days ago and we made mac n cheese cause I like mac n cheese a lot, but we made too much mac n cheese and had like 2 and a half trays of it left after the party
I didn't really mind cause I like mac n cheese a lot and so for the past few days I've just been eating mac n cheese for every meal and I've been loving it
But today my mom goes "we better put it in the freezer before it spoils" and I'm kinda sad about it cause what will I eat now, y'know?
So I go to take a nap and I have this like CRAZY distressing dream where I'm in this white blank void and in front of me is a glowing and floating tray of mac n cheese and I try to reach out for it but my hand just passes through it and then slowly the mac n cheese starts fading away and like I fall down to the ground straight up CRYING because I'm so sad about the mac n cheese leaving me, and I wake up with tears in my eyes and I have that like melancholic feeling of having forever lost something or someone very close to you
The meme above is an artists rendition
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magp1e-starl1ght · 3 months
I had a very weird dream this morning about a webcomic about an older goth guy and his 2 adoptive “ant girl” daughters.
The goth dude kinda looked like if you combined young Trent Reznor and young Peter Murphy. The ant girls were kinda like cat girls but with ants instead of cats, like they looked mostly human but with ant features. They were about the size of the average teenage human. I remember one of the ant girls was like a red ant with long red hair and whatnot, and the other was a black ant with shorter black hair. I think the red girl had some kind of backstory about how she was a parasitic ant larvae that was sent to infiltrate a different species ant colony (???) but failed and got abandoned and that’s how goth guy adopted her. Idk about the other girl’s backstory or the goth guy’s backstory or what any of their names were.
The comic was REALLY popular online, esp tumblr and Reddit for some reason. On Reddit the red girl was more popular but on tumblr people were REALLY obsessed with the goth guy, I think my subconscious invented a new tumblr sexyman.
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thebibliosphere · 4 months
I had the weirdest stress dream last night, in which I was both a) late for class and b) attending a fairy-themed wedding. No one else showed up in costume, including the bride, so I upstaged her with my fairy wings.
When I asked why no one else wore a costume despite the invitation saying "costume mandatory," everyone responded, "Clearly, that was rhetorical; how did you not understand that? Why are you like this? Why are you so weird?"
And then I was reminded I was supposed to be in class, and I was like, shit, I guess I'm about to fail college. I guess I'm going to have to become a hotelier (???), and I was so convinced of this that when I woke up, the first thing I did was look up "hotels for sale," and it took me about five minutes of scrolling with one eye open to realize what the actual fuck I was doing and stop.
So, yeah. Anyway. I think the unmasking work I'm doing in therapy might be hitting some raw nerves somewhere.
Still not sure what the hotel thing was about.
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moriintus · 6 months
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Lost myself again.
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