#read it ill want to make fanart and then ill never finish my project :(
wasyago · 1 year
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the brainrot won
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
watched the first two episodes of oshi no ko a while back (REALLY FUCKING GOOD, ive been a manga reader for a while but i stopped reading the recent chapters and basically forgot everything except for the major points and god it’s so satisfying to have the adaptation remind me of what i’ve forgotten in the most beautiful way possible)
but this post isnt about onk, it’s about izaya!! izaya orihara!! lets fucking goooooooooo izaya idol au!!!! i cant get this flea out of my BRAIN
i was about to open a new canvas to draw some more shizaya stuff for my animatic that im never gonna finish and i was like huh. maybe i should draw onk fanart. and then i remembered this art of venti genshin impact with ai’s eyes and i remembered thinking man i hope this becomes an artist trend for people to do with their art blorbos! and then i was like OH. guess i could contribute to the trend by drawing izaya with ai’s eyes
and then i started thinking and i was like huh. Ai’s never experienced love from her parents, doesn’t think she knows how to love or how to express it, doesn’t get attached to others easily, is a perpetual liar, became an idol because she hoped she would learn how to love - oh hey doesnt. that. sound like izaya. just a little bit. not exactly, her character goes into more learning how to love/that she can love while izaya’s character is i can love but only impersonally because i’m afraid of getting hurt and his arc would be learning to let his walls down for his own good
SO for izaya idol au, izaya would become an idol because he wants to experience love, or something along the lines of “there’s no greater demonstration of parasocial love and foolish decision making than in the idol industry! ahaha~” and probably “idols are perfect liars and i need to put myself into their shoes so i can become an even better liar and close myself off to any possibility of falling in love that could ever exist”
there’s a lot of reasons he might want to become an idol, really. there’s so much corruption and behind-the-scenes dealing and lies and facades and shit in the entertainment industry that i think izaya would eat for breakfast. he would LOVE witnessing that shit and making his own shady deals and stuff and occasionally ruining lives and watching people rise and fall down the rankings and tear each other down. plus the people who are in it for passion rather than money are fascinating as well. psychology student’s dream really- i mean what this is definitely about izaya and not me projecting
plus he definitely has the looks for it (narita would hard agree given how many times he’s indirectly called izaya attractive through other characters. we love a canonically hot king)
now i need to make everything shizaya because i’m not okay but i have no idea who shizuo would be lmao
like you could make him some up and coming manager (no age difference stuff here sorry lmao) or a fellow idol (doubtful. shizuo can act cute but i dont think he could dance) or an actor like akane/kana or a streamer??? like memcho (my favorite character)
a mangaka/screenplay writer/writer in general could also work but i feel like you’d have less reason to interact with idols that way
idk how japanese idol groups work for men in particular or if there’s even like a market for that :sob: id have to look into that if i actually started making stuff for this au
alternatively izaya crossdresses as a female idol and somehow no one realizes. except for shizuo. that would be hilarious actually. he refuses to do swimsuit modeling or other provocative stuff and his fans are like “oh?? the brazen kanra-chan is unexpectedly shy?? how cute” and he plays into it but inwardly he’s like. god i know exactly how im gonna go out with a bang when i retire. and shizuo watches him playing at being shy on tv knowing that that motherfucker is planning to strip on his last days as an idol
anyway this is just me spitballing ideas but ill definitely write at least a concept/intro fanfic of this at some point so stay tuned lmAo im just about to run out of writing juices on ABAON so i gotta transfer my energy somewhere else and where better than the idol!izaya au
#shizaya#idolzaya#ill be using that tag for whatever idol au stuff i come up with#i drafted this like. five days after the onk anime came out#this has been drafted for way longer than i wanted it to be#this was also sorta inspired by the idol!kim dokja au fic that’s really popular#i think the male idol industry is way stronger in korea than japan thiugh#that said i dont interact with idols at all personally lmAOO so i have no idea#i will do research later i promise#and read more of more more jump!’s stories for inspiration PFF#i wonder if izaya’s group should be a bunch of drrr girls or like. mostly irrelevant side characters#or if he should just go solo which again. i need to research how hard that would be#i feel like he might want to blend in a bit inside a group#would be fun to observe the jealousy and drama and group dynamics up close too#because if they get jealous of HIM at any point he might just laugh until he dies#i have more ideas but i should save those for the fanfic….#anyway#izaya orihara#shizuo heiwajima#durarara#im excited for this one bro oshi no ko is one of my favorite series ever#but like. not for the romance just because i really like learning about the entertainment industry LMAOO#i dont ship aqua with anyone tbh#can he just be besties with everyone pls#i loved his and kana’s relationship in the beginning where they’re like two good actors in a room full of mids#that was a fun dynamic but it just went downhill for me personally#oh well i can talk about this in my author’s notes pff
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pugszler · 2 years
re fanfic ask game: ✏️, 📬, 🎡, 🪜
thank you blake!!! <3
✏️ The first fanfiction you ever wrote? (doesn’t have to be a posted fic)
hmm well technically i did start out in middle school writing crack/humor fic for kingdom hearts (albeit they were in the form of screenplays). i had a huge ass fucking binder of them and there were A LOT, all hand written on wide ruled paper. i never technically uploaded them online (sometimes i shared mini ones in comment sections on a fan site i used to troll on... 😬) but i did have an audience at school! i had two friends (who i prob bugged relentlessly) to read my stupid stories but i honestly think they liked them and were always super nice to me about them and gave me praise. one of my friends even drew fanart for some of them :')
📬 The best comment you ever recieved?
aaaah omg i can't remember specific ones off the top of my head but i Know that the best comments i've ever received on my fics were from both @icannotweave and @artiemisiaa!
raye, you've left enormous essay-length comments on multiple fics of mine and you rlly made it clear to me that you loved what you read and each part that you liked the most and just. gosh i'll always remember just how much interest you showed in my dumb self-insert fic w kohei despite never having interacted w the canon material. your comments were basically love letters to my writing and i'll never forget your kindness and enthusiasm :'))) <3
artie, i know it's been a long while since i last updated domino effect, long enough that Both of us have kind of lost most of our interest in bnha, but i just want to say that your chapter-to-chapter comments Really helped me keep writing through the bulk of that fic! it was SO NICE to know that someone was enthusiastically following along w each update i uploaded and that you were having fun while reading! you also praised my ideas and characterizations a lot and that was... incredibly validating for me :') i worried A Lot during my time writing domino bc i was afraid of how well i was writing my favorite characters, but you assured me multiple times that i was doing them justice. you're my favorite type of commenter, thank you again <3
🎡 Your favorite scene to write in -insert fic-?
aw blake, buddy, dude, my pal... "-insert fic-" means you gotta specify one of the fics i've written before lmao ah well don't worry i'll pick one for ya :P hmm i think my favorite scenes to write in Any fic are funny ones (i like to pretend that i Am actually a comedy genius sometimes lmao). i remember one of the scenes i loved writing the most was from "gradual shift" (aka the fic where shouto gets turned into a cat) and izuku attempts to hide cat shouto in his hoodie while he sneaks him into the dorms but then he runs into shinsou at the elevators who is absolutely delighted to meet a new feline friend and izuku is just freaking tf out and shouto is just like "mrow" (mrow meaning hi)
🪜 Tell us a random fact about any fic!
by some miracle (i.e. prior to 2015 when my mental illnesses started to wreak havoc) prob half of the fics i wrote at first were basically All written within the course of a 24 hour period. several of them had actual deadlines (like for events and exchanges) so that really got me into that last minute panic kind of productiveness (which makes sense since i was attending college just around/before this time period so i was Very familiar with this method of getting important projects done lmao). i pulled full all-nighters for Many of them and honestly... it was a blast. prob one of the best experiences in my life lmao. writing entire ass fics over the course of a single evening until the sun rises is a wild experience. felt really fucking good once you finish.
(link to ask game)
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aleniksimmer · 4 years
Hi, as I mentioned in my last post, here is an update regarding everything. I was planning to post it earlier but it took me several days to complete. 
First of all, thanks to all the people who reached out during this rough time and thanks to everyone who follows my work for the patience. I needed some time for myself and my mental health and now I’m slowly going back on track. I’ll try to organize this post as much as possible so you don’t need to read everything if you’re not interested to.
My pets
The lab result about the autopsy on my dog were sent to us recently. The official cause of death has been heart-respiratory failure due to a malformation of the heart no one knew about. This disease had already started affecting other organs before the heart failure but it couldn’t have been detacted without specific exams. Due to a twist of fate, this is the same genetical issue that affect my father, brother and myself. We could have probably been preventing the heart attack if we knew this when she was a puppy, she loved to run chasing the ball or simply wandering around in our garden and field. Maybe we could have tried to make her take it easier, but no one has been the wiser. I don’t believe in paradise but I like to imagine her soul being around and running happily.
On another note, Stige is doing as “best as she can”. The left ear is completely healed in terms of operation wound and tissue since the tumor has been completely removed. The right ear is “stable”. There she rejected the surgical thread and the metal pins that we tried to put later to close the remaining skin. This caused the wound to enlarge (it’s around 7cm large, from the top of the eye to what’s left of the ear) but now it seems to have stopped (notice that this is a result of months). After all the necrotic tissue “broke off” along with some cartilage, the remaining one started creating mass. In most points it’s almost at the same level as the skin, but the vet can’t say if it’s scar tissue or neoplastic, the only sure thing is that the edges are slightly better than before. This growth is also affecting the internal ear, meaning that if she isn’t already due to the damage, she will certainly become deaf from that ear. The worst case scenario is the neoplastic tissue (that attacks only soft tissues) is going to spread to the pharynx and esophagus, making difficult for her to breath and eat. I talked to the vet about possible therapies against the cancer, but the only option to block it (still not 100% sure) is radiations, which are extremely expensive and aren’t done in my region. They aren’t something me and my family can afford, due to economic and transport reasons, not to mention the lockdown forbid us to go out of our region. She also have fragile skin and I’m slowly finding out wounds beneath the fur (she’s way fluffier than my cat), I was able to heal 3 of her paws, one is still healing cause it somehow regressed open. Last week I also find a bad wound on the tip of her tail, I cut off the fur but the wound is expanding and covers more than half of the skin, I tried to treat it as I treat the others but the scab is extremely hard and only today I was able to create a small opening to drain part of the blood and fluid, even if it’s extremely painful for her. I also have some small good news, she’s been very curious about my cat lately. She can’t stay out of the cage or without the cone unsupervised cause she can hurt herself with my dad’s tools and she tends to self harm on the wound, but I noticed she’s always looking for my cat (who’s free to roam around) and, I know it sound strange, after she saw her sharping her claws she started doing that too. She was also extremely afraid of jumping down the table cause she never tried after the operation months ago, but after she saw my cat do it easily, she keeps doing it every time I put her out of the cage (before I had to pick her up myself). She’s not the best with balance due to her right ear, but she still manages to land on her feet. She also restarted meowing when she knows it’s time for her treat after I medicate her cause it’s what my cat does when it’s time to go into the cage at evening, and I also think she is starting to like being taken in arm (I usually do this to help her get comfortable with human contact). I hope with all of my heart she can recover from this and beat the cancer. She started as a stray but I consider her my pet now and I love her as much as my cat.
Speaking of my cat, she seems to have completely recovered and doesn’t give signs of the illness coming back. She spends the afternoon out, but before it’s dark she comes back inside the garage cause it’s cold and the past winters she used to sleep with my dog for warmth. She seems to have been adapted well to this new routine. In the evening, when I medicate Stige, she usually runs around the garage or play with her stuffed toy by herself, she throw it around, pretend to hide (she’s gained weight as Stige so she’s not very good at hiding behind things) and then attack it like a T-rex. It’s a great distraction both for me and Stige while dealing with cleaning the wound. She also reduced a lot the hissing towards Stige, but is still wary (even if the only one to ever hiss or show claws was her, Stige or doesn’t care or looks at her like “wtf is wrong with you”). I’m so so glad she recovered well, and being able to spend so much time with her due to the new routine is amazing since my family has the policy “no animals inside the house”.
Uhm. It’s kinda hard to admit this and I hope you don’t get mad at me for this, but I paused any miraculous project and I don’t know when I’m going to restart. I know I left with Nino incomplete and still haven’t finished my second wave of sets, and I feel guilty for it, but, as I said several times, if I’m not feeling it I’m not going to work on it to avoid making things poorly. For weeks I was afraid to ask myself if I don’t like the show anymore, since I don’t even “consume” fanart now, but I’m pretty sure I still love it. I guess I became so detached from it due to several reasons, like I’m wating for the new season as everyone and when I looked for fanfics to “fill” the wait months ago I didn’t quite find what I was looking for, so I stopped reading them too. I’m also trying to not guilt my mother for this, cause in the end is my decision, but I kinda had to also stop rewatching old seasons for example during breakfast cause if she notices it she becomes super "bad mood” and I don’t like the sensation of her being a ticking bomb. My brother’s phylosophy is do what you like and ignore her, but I would rather avoid any possible conflict cause she tends to backstab you with wath you love till she destroys it if she doesn’t like it. So, uhm, in conclusion at the moment I feel like is better if I put miraculous in a drawer till I feel like I can handle it with the same enthusiasm as before. I’m really sorry for this.
Other CCs and Sets
At the moment I don’t plan on working on any other set (KDA included). I don’t feel like I can handle it in terms of focusing my mind on big projects. On the other hand I’m (slowly) making some random things, especially accessories, if I feel particularly inspired. I hope you can still like some of them.
I wanted to apologize for my last post about the paranormal SP and other things I posted on other socials in the whim of my negative emotions. I’ve realized I’m being particularly “salty/bitchy/killjoy” how you want to call it. I’m not proud of it and I’m sorry if it felt off. I feel like I have so much negativity/anger hidden behind the surface and I’m looking for a way to release this energy without any damage. In the meantime I’ll do my best to try to avoid posting while I don’t have a clear mind. 
Thanks again to all the people who have been here despite everything. Your support means everything to me ❤ hope you are all good and safe ❤❤
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go-events · 5 years
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GO Rom Com Spotlight: @micky-r-c
The compelling @micky-r-c (also MickyRC on AO3) has claimed The Princess Bride to adapt for Good Omens in the Good Omens Rom Com Event.
For reference, here’s a little background about the source material!
About The Princess Bride: A kindly grandfather sits down with his ill grandson and reads him a story. The story is one that has been passed down from father to son for generations. As the grandfather reads the story, the action comes alive. The story is a classic tale of love and adventure as the beautiful Buttercup, engaged to the odious Prince Humperdinck, is kidnapped and held against her will in order to start a war, It is up to Westley (her childhood beau, now returned as the Dread Pirate Roberts) to save her. On the way he meets a thief and his hired helpers, an accomplished swordsman and a huge, super strong giant, both of whom become Westley's companions in his quest.
We spent some time chatting about how the adaptation is coming so far, as well as future plans for it! Now, get to know @micky-r-c a little better!
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goromcom: You know how if you open a Tumblr chat with someone you haven't chatted to before, Tumblr tells you two things they post about? I wanted to tell you that yours reports that you post "about #good omens fanart and #holiday fic". Do especially enjoy holiday-themed fics?
micky-r-c: Wow, no I would not have expected that. I mean I love a good huddling for warmth or holiday decorating fic, but I don't go out of my way for them.  But I did get really settled into writing Good Omens fic right around the end of November, and I thought, for some reason, that it would be a good idea to do not one, but two advent calendar series.  Didn't finish either of them, but there was a solid two weeks in there where I had two posts a day tagged holiday fic, so I guess that's where that came from.
goromcom: Hey, anything that gets the creativity moving, right? So it’s great that the advent projects inspired you to put out that much content! But let’s look forward to some new content: your rom com! You chose to adapt The Princess Bride. Has this movie been a favorite of yours, or is there some other reason you chose it? 
micky-r-c: Full disclosure here, I'm not a big romcom watcher.  Romcom fic reader, absolutely, but I didn't know most of the movies on the list.  So when I saw Princess Bride on there it was kind of a combination of "Oh!  I know one!" and "Gasp, I could write a sword fight." And now here we are.
goromcom: What's your favorite moment of the movie, and are you looking forward to presenting it in your adaptation? Any loose plans for that scene that you can share?
micky-r-c: There most definitely is.  I bounced between a few concepts for this adaptation, but the scene right at the beginning of Princess Bride when Buttercup realizes the meaning of "as you wish" has me by the heartstrings, and I am very excited to write my Good Omens version (spoiler alert: it happens in 1967).
goromcom: 1967 is such a gift for the GO fandom, how amazing of Neil to give that to us as new content for the mini-series. :) Other than adapting the “as you wish” realization, do you plan to stick very closely to the beats of the original story, or make bigger changes?
micky-r-c: Yeah, pretty close.  I'm not doing an AU, so in weaving the two plots together I'm trying really hard not to lose too much of The Princess Bride, especially since it's such a classic.  I want it to have that specific silly-yet-heartfelt feeling the movie has, which, to be fair, Good Omens lines up with pretty nicely.
goromcom: This movie definitely has a unique feel to it, and I can absolutely see not wanting to poke an alchemy like that too strongly! Given your resolution to preserve that silly/heartfelt tone of the movie, I’m sure you’ve had to make a lot of careful decisions thus far. Perhaps there’s a particularly interesting decision you've made in your planning so far--a notable casting decision, a changing of venue, that you can share with us?
micky-r-c: So I've actually changed the timeline maybe... 6 times so far?  Yeah. It's been everywhere.  But I finally landed on just overlapping with canon in the immediate lead up to the apocadon't, which I'm super happy with.  It means I can have some serious fun with how things could have gone differently.  Plus, I'll be honest, I am very excited to write the Princess Bride version of the wall slam. That one's gonna be A Lot.
goromcom: You can’t see me, but I’m gleefully rubbing my hands together thinking about it. However, I feel like we’re verging on giving too much away, so let’s move on to the wrap-up. I am blatantly stealing this last question from The Good Place: The Podcast, but here goes: Tell me something "good". It can be something big or small. It can be a charity you think is doing good work, or you can talk about how great your pet is.
micky-r-c: Ya know, every time I've seen a spotlight I've thought to myself, wow, I should really start thinking about my answer to that.  Plot twist, I forgot to.  But anyway, one thing that's been really unbelievably good for me recently has been the community I've found through Good Omens.  I've been hanging around the edges of fandom for years, but within maybe a month of posting my first Good Omens fic I was talking to people, getting to beta read things, working up the nerve to leave long rambly comments on ao3... all the stuff I'd always wanted to be doing but never had the community support to build on.  So that's been a literal dream come true, and things like this event have all been a big part of it, so thank you for running it and giving us all this wonderful gift!!!
goromcom: Aww, well, I agree about the GO fandom being amazing. It’s been so much fun so far and I hope we keep on with it for a long time to come. :)
And while we’re all basking in the amazingness that is the Good Omens fandom, don’t forget to keep an eye out for the GO adaptation of The Princess Bride, coming soon!
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crafiet · 5 years
1-50 of the writers ask thingy, tell me everything :D
1 : What age-group do you write?adult! ive always written characters my age or a few years older
2 : What genre do you write?sff, mostly fantasy
3 : Do you outline according to big ideas or small details?hmmm, i guess small details? when i get an idea, i get an idea for single scenes or pieces of dialogue or a certain character, so i piece together an outline from that. but i have trouble with a overarching plot lol
4 : Which do you prefer–line-editing or plot-revisions?line-editing, i love editing. revisions suck bc it takes me 10,000 yrs to come up with an idea and now i have to replace it with another??? blasphemous
5 : Do you write better with or without deadlines?ive written my whole life without deadlines except for when i tried nano last year and failed. so without i guess, but then i dont have anything to convince me to write more lmao
6 : What would be the biggest compliment you could hope to receive on your current WIP?idk probably that its someones favourite book, or to see fanart *.*
7 : How long is your current WIP?26,305 words, its a rewrite heh
8 : What author would you be most excited to be compared to?hummmmmm,,,idk when people call new fantasy books “the next game of thrones” it sounds so fake lol but idk who my favourite author is...
9 : What do you struggle most with as a writer?writing
10 : Do you brain-storm story ideas alone or with others?mostly alone but YOU, ASH, help sometimes. its good to get an objective ear
11 : Do you base your characters off of real people?nah lol, im not good at characters
12 : Is your writing space clean or cluttered?clean
13 : Do you write character-driven or plot-driven stories?plot-driven. my writing is extremely fast paced, and i dont tend to like reading character-driven works
14 : Do you have a favorite writing-related quote?ive answered this in previous ask. the 'drunk on writing’ one by ray bradbury
15 : If you transport your original characters into another author’s world, which world would you choose?everyone else’s worlds are so harsh lol maybe id put them in atla so they can fuck around w bending
16 : Would your story work better as a movie or tv show? Why?miniseries ゚*。(・∀・)゚*。 but it would lend itself to a movie yeah
17 : Do you make soundtracks for each story?nah, lazy ass
18 : If you could assign your story one song, what would it be?unbecoming by starset
19 : Would you rather live in your characters’ world, or have your characters come live in our world?honestly? i wanna escape capitalism and wield a sword
20 : What book would you love to see adapted for the big or small screen?zero world by jason m hough!!!! its a pretty big book i think a movie duology or a tv show would work!
21 : Do you finish most of the stories you start?no
22 : Has your own writing ever made you cry?no lol 
23 : Are you proud or anxious to show off your writing?anxious cz im bad
24 : When did you start considering yourself a writer?i meannnnnnnn do i even now thoooooo
25 : What books are must-reads in your genre?sff is so broad, read whatever tf u want
26 : What would you like to see more of in your genre?diversity, not just in race gender sexuality but in fucking plots like damn give me something w a twist
27 : Where do you get inspiration from?real life, books, movies
28 : On a scale of 1-10, how much do you stress about choosing character names?about a 2, i just search on a generator until i find one i like im not a stickler for names nd i dont usually have placeholder names or anything
29 : Do you tend to underwrite or overwrite in a first draft?chronic underwriter hence the only 20k words
30 : Does writing calm you down or stress you out?calm me down, i have no control over my own life so its good to have complete control over my oc’s lives. i dont tend to have the ‘characters run away from me’ thing, but probably bc i dont see it like that lol
31 : What trope do you actually like?ride-or-die, charas who are knowledgeable and badass from the beginning, i hate following the character learning to do something lmao im impatient
32 : Do you give your side-characters extensive backstories?depends on the side character, every character is fleshed out to an extent but i dont do a massive family tree or anything
33 : Do you flesh-out characters before you write, or let their personalities develop over time?i tend to create characters before plot so i would say i know them pretty well before starting but i do let them develop naturally within the story without forcing them into any box
34 : Describe your old writing in one word.tryhard
35 : Is it more fun to write villains or heroes?mmm both have their merits, i went through a phase where i loved villains but a warped heroes journey or a morally grey/anti-hero can be super good too
36 : Do you write with a black and white sense of morality?nah, murky
37 : What’s one piece of advice you would give to new writers?try anything. anything it doesnt matter if ur nervous or you ‘dont write in that genre’ or you dont even like that genre. its good to train yourself and go out of your comfort zone, makes u a better writer imo. also dont read this and think ‘im not writing an entire historical romance novel bc i hate it’ i mean just one shots. a paragraph or two. try out writing prompts, it really flexes ur skillsalso dont feel like everything u have to write will be published, thats what i mean by try out little paragraphs or prompts. let go of this idea that any of this work will see the light of day [unless u rly want it to] and just have fun, go wild, go crazy, go stupid
38 : What’s one piece of writing advice you try–but fail–to follow?its mostly those ones that help u have cleaner, more beautiful writing. i write really beige-like and its hard to be poetic or flowery
39 : How important is positive reinforcement to you as a writer?probably super important
40 : What would you ask your favorite author if given one question?when ur next book out
41 : Do you find it distracting to read while you’re writing a first draft?nah
42 : Do critiques motivate or discourage you?ive never really had many, so i would say discourage bc i dont have a thick skin with my writing
43 : Do you tend to write protagonists like yourself or unlike yourself?unlike myself, i like to write bold, confident characters and im not that lol escapism much
44 : How do you decide what story idea to work on?whichever interests me the most at the moment, i can jump between projects easily so i dont have a problem 
45 : Do you find it harder or easier to write when you’re stressed out?harder, i cant look at my writing if im stressed else ill absolutely hate it and might do something drastic like delete it all lol
46 : What Hogwarts house would your protagonist(s) be in?ary is slytherincyri is ravenclawash is gryffindorcaena is slytherin [i dont know how to spell the house names]
47 : Where do you see yourself as a writer in five years?still writing id hope
48 : Would you ever co-write?nah
49 : Are you a fast and rushed writer or a slow and deliberate writer?i used to be fast and rushed bc i was so impatient i just wanted to see the end product but i realised that i really love being in the world of my wips as long as possible so i draw it out and really mull everything over
50 : Would you rather be remembered for your fantastic world-building or your lifelike characters?both lol? i do love worldbuilding but i think characters make a greater impact
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aroworlds · 6 years
Aro-Spec Artist Profile: Alex
Today I have the delight of introducing Alex, better known to aro-spec Tumblr as @arotaro and @mutant-jojos!
Alex is a bisexual, half-Puerto Rican multi-disciplinary aromantic artist and creative with severe ADHD. You’ll find her prolific fanworks on AO3 as EmeraldTrash666, writing primarily for the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure fandom. Her bold, colourful art for the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hetalia, Pokemon and Vocaloid fandoms is also available on Redbubble under the name StellaHagane.
She writes, she creates digital art and she dabbles in music, sewing and fashion design, single-handedly proving that there’s no such thing as too much creative awesome for any one aromantic!
With us Alex talks about finding the word aro, the power of fandom and creative fanworks, her love of aro Jotaro, the challenges of creating with ADHD, the struggles of being an aro gen writer in fandom and the importance of expressing our aro headcanons. Everything she says is absolutely on point, so please let’s give her all our love, encouragement, gratitude, kudos and follows for taking the time to explore what it is to be aromantic and creative.
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Can you share with us your story in being aro-spec?
I guess in some ways my “story” starts out pretty typical. Got older, kept waiting for my First Crush™, never got it, started worrying and trying to force myself to develop crushes. I actually was in a relationship with another girl on a forum I was part of as a teenager, but eventually I realized that I didn’t really like her romantically, and the relationship started to become really unpleasant for me. I eventually felt so miserable that I didn’t even want to talk at her at all, even though we were close friends, but I didn’t want to break up with her - partly because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, partly because we were everyone’s “OTP” and I didn’t want my friends to hate me for ruining that. But eventually I did break up with her, and I’m happy to say she took it with grace and we’re still close friends today! (She’s ace and a great writer/artist herself, too!)
I was part of a very nice LGBTQ+ group as a teenager, but I could never figure out my identity. I felt really ashamed and alone. Whenever I brought up how messed up I felt because I’d never had a crush on anyone, everyone was like, “Oh, sounds like you must be asexual!”, but I knew I wasn’t, and that was the worst part. Even though I knew aromanticism was a thing, nobody ever talked about it. It was only ever in the context of aroaces, so I didn’t know I was aro. I thought I must have had some sort of mental illness or something, but certainly not a legitimate orientation, nothing to be proud of like everyone else.
During that time, I found myself connecting on a deep emotional level to characters like Alphonse Elric, Fujiwara no Sai, the X-Men in general (although I’ve been an X-Men fan since I was literally a baby), basically anyone who was somehow “different” from the rest of humanity, even though I never understood why, since I was a fairly privileged kid who had never experienced much bullying or anything. Weirdly enough, it was Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure that helped me realize I was aro and come to terms with it; I saw an interview with Hirohiko Araki, the author of JJBA, where he was asked what type of girls Jotaro Kujo likes, and replied that he didn’t think Jotaro liked girls. The obvious interpretation would be that Jotaro’s gay, but somehow, one way or another, I decided to go with the idea that Jotaro’s aromantic. Jotaro also happened to be a character I really related to for reasons I couldn’t quite articulate, so around the time I was 18 I put two and two together and was like ... oh shit…
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Please click keep reading to continue Alex’s story!
Can you share with us the story behind your creativity?
I’ve always been weird in the way I’m very creative, but tend to kinda bounce around from hobby to hobby. Other people draw, or write, or sing, while I draw for a month, and then write for a month and sew for a week and play video games for a week, and then I draw some more, and then I try out something completely new, and then I write again. I think it must be an ADHD thing, idk. In any case, I’ve just always been really passionate about making stuff, whatever that stuff happens to be.
I’ve also always been very much fandom-oriented. Ever since I was a toddler, I used to dictate fanfiction to my mom (back then it usually involved Winnie the Pooh, the Powerpuff Girls, Godzilla, and my dog). I mostly draw fanart. I find that I’m not really capable of writing original stories, but I’m great at getting fanfics in character, and I love writing them. I love taking stories I already love and reinterpreting them, seeing what it would be like if the characters were put into different situations, etc.
Because of my ADHD, I really struggle with actually finishing things. I try really really hard, I really do, and I’ve been trying to push myself even harder these past few years. I’ve made progress, but it’s still extremely difficult, so I’m very sorry for all the projects I’ve abandoned over the years. Sorry I still haven’t finished the fic that was supposed to be done in early March. I’m trying, really. I promise I’m working on the next chapter of BLaD, too.
Are there any particular ways your aro-spec experience is expressed in your art?
Of course, pretty much everything I write is gen. Even if I include romantic relationships in my fics, I never write about romance, just stories which also happen to include some characters who might be dating someone. And obviously I always write Jotaro as aro! That’s really important to me. No matter which AU I’m writing, he’s always aro. (And autistic, but that’s off topic.)
I’m also not really into shipping because of my romance repulsion, but I ship Joseph Joestar and Caesar Zeppeli. The thing is … I’ve always viewed it as a unique relationship, sort of difficult to define as being strictly romantic or platonic or sexual, just kind of their own thing that defies words. That’s how I’ve always written it. I had the sudden realization recently that this strange view on the only ship I really actually like (at the moment, anyway) is probably due to my being aro, lmao.
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What challenges do you face as an aro-spec artist?
People don’t read gen fics, and people aren’t interested in aro stories. That’s just the way it is. I do have some dedicated readers, whom I love deeply, but in general… I could post something with a deep plot, something funny and dramatic and witty and touching, something I poured my heart and soul into for months, and it’ll get very few hits/comments/kudos, while someone else could post the same generic 2,000-word romance fic everyone’s seen a dozen times over, with no editing or anything, and get twice the amount of traffic my fics do in half the time. It’s really crushing.
How do you connect to the aro-spec and a-spec communities as an aro-spec person?
I dunno… The aro community feels so small. Online, I have a small circle of aro mutuals who all kind of vent collectively, and I’m part of Arocalypse and a few aro/aspec Discord servers, but I still feel like there isn’t really much of a larger community to be part of in the same way that there is for other orientations. Offline, I’ve never met another aro, or even anyone who actually knows what aromanticism is prior to me explaining it to them.
I also don’t feel like there’s a very unified “aspec community”. As an allo aro, I feel very rejected by the ace community - not to say that I feel like I should be part of the ace community, since I’m not ace, but I feel like they throw aros under the bus a lot. I mean, we’ve all seen the “asexuals can feel love, just like anybody else! … oh, except for aroaces, I guess. But the rest of us are normal, so you should accept us!” rhetoric. Both within and outside the aspec communities, aros are rarely treated with the same priority as aces, even though we’re arguably in a much more difficult position than your average allo ace.
That being said, I’m glad there is an aro community at all. I don’t know where I’d be now if I were still questioning. Probably not in a very good place.
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How do you connect to your creative community as an aro-spec person?
As I mentioned, there’s a general lack of interest in gen fics or sympathy for romance-repulsed people in general. It’s really difficult being romance repulsed in fandom spaces, because nobody cares about anything other than ships. There are very few gen fics, and even less that are a decent length, not abandoned, or cater to my specific interests, so I have to write my own. I don’t often have anything good to read; most of the big fics, the ones with cool plots and long word counts and ongoing updates, are ship fics. If I’m lucky, maybe two gen fics will be posted in one week, and maybe one of them will be longer than a few thousand words. Maybe one might even have my favorite characters. But usually genfics are few and far between, and kind of random in terms of what you’ll get. Sometimes I get so bored that I read ship fics anyway, and then I always wind up feeling really awful afterwards.
I’ve written, over the course of the past two years alone, over 20 gen fics. But whenever I vent that sometimes I’d like to actually get to read something, I always get someone telling me, “Well if you want gen fics, write some yourself! You have to make the change! You can’t demand people write stuff for you!” And of course, at the same time it’s totally acceptable to request ship fics from your favorite author, and if you complain that there aren’t enough fics for your rarepair, it’s seen as relatable and totally valid.
Fandom is just … really, really amatonormative, tbh. I hate it. I’m trying to make a difference (I did organize Gen Jojo Week along with my friend Rachel last year, and hopefully will again this year), but there’s only so much I can do.
How can the aro-spec community best help you as a creative?
Aside from reblogging my art and promoting my fics? Talk about stuff. Talk about aro stuff in fandom. Seriously! I know it seems obvious that aro people would like aro headcanons and gen fics and all that, but we need to talk about them more. Nobody outside the community gives enough of a shit about us to have aro headcanons, so let’s get them popular. Talk about your favorite aro headcanons. Talk about your favorite gen fics. Talk about how such-and-such character is totally aro; talk about how excited you are to see aro characters in fics. My dream is for aro headcanons to become just as common and popular as any other type of headcanon.
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Can you share with us something about your current project?
This is old news to most of the people who already know me, but my current big project that I’ve been working on for several years now is Between Life and Death, a drama/horror/supernatural JJBA fic.
The plot of the fic is that Dio wins at the end of Stardust Crusaders, and after realizing that he has no hobbies other than harassing the Joestars, he decides to bring Jonathan back by sticking his head (which… we’ll just assume Dio preserved for plot purposes) onto Jotaro’s body. Obviously, Jonathan is NOT happy with this arrangement, but it also turns out that Jotaro’s still alive, just not in control of his body. He can still use his stand, so he essentially uses Star Platinum as a sort of proxy for interacting with the environment around him, even though he only comes out when Jonathan’s alone since he doesn’t want Dio to know he’s alive.
Basically, it’s the story of a depressed vampire and a traumatized ghost. It’s a very introspective fic; most of the story consists of conflicts between Dio and Jonathan, and Jonathan and Jotaro struggling to come to terms with their new existences - Jonathan being unable to reconcile vampirism with his personal morals, and Jotaro having one hell of an identity crisis while also mourning the deaths of his friends and family. The plot is picking up, though, and there is an end goal in mind, as well as an eventual sequel!
As for where the story-in-progress is at right now … well, the next “stage” of the plot is hamon training for Kakyoin and Avdol, which will be fun. This chapter also includes several dream sequences, including an extended appearance by Mary Joestar (Jonathan’s mom), and a very serious and dark scene which I almost ruined by having dream!Will Zeppeli refer to Jonathan as his padawan. Yeah.
Have you any forthcoming works we should look forward to?
As mentioned, I’m working on chapter 9 of Between Life and Death! And working on and off on some stuff for the mutants AU. Most recently, on a whim I rewrote the lyrics to Handbeat Clocktower by MOTHY to be about Jonathan Joestar. Somehow this went far enough that I’m making an actual UTAU rendition of this “parody”, and hopefully it’ll be done sometime in the next few weeks. I’m really having fun with it and I hope people like it!
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the-resurrection-3d · 5 years
ok and then his squishier counterpart: raven-winged-pilot
Well, I say he’s Bullycon 2, because even though the ao3 profile doesn’t link to his blog and he’s orphaned most of the fics from this era, his art style is again the same, an OC with the same name, a similar focus on Patryck. If I’m wrong, feel free to correct me - and if they aren’t the same person, then I don’t really have any strong opinion on him.
So tl;dr I’ve been gentle bullying him behind the scenes since late last year, but I don’t have any actual ill will towards him.
Let me back up a bit and make sure we’ve all got our 3D lore here straight. I hope you won’t mind.
 So, for context, the original Bullycon was me commissioning my mutual @/ryanhavwood to write some threesome tentacle skullfucking EddTomTord, which I then read aloud with a group of like, 5 of my IRL friends and Lily adhdbun over discord. I’ve paid them, we don’t talk because their discord is always set to red, but no drama there as far as I know. Go look at Lily’s twitter for the fanart she drew during the call. You won’t regret it. 
Anyway, I don’t think I’ve made myself really clear on Bullycon 2, considering I still have people like Elissa commenting on my Bullycon 3 fic thinking I’m actually offended. So, back when I had my old fic “Gott Ist Tot” anonymized, I posted what would become the fic “Only God Forgives” and soon after noticed that raven-winged-pilot posted what amounted to an uncredited, less angsty EddTord rewrite, right down to having the same freeform tags as me but in all caps. I think I saw through time? ? I’d never had that happen to me before!* 
So I just downloaded it and read it out loud to most of the same friends.  The thing that made it fun was that, while I’ve done similar things before (see my latest EddTord fic), this was for the same fandom, a pairing I came into this fandom writing, the same sex position, and the same damn tags and yet y’all thought I wouldn’t notice. Stunning and brave. Brave and stunning, even. 
Again, I don’t actually mind, because I think that’s a perfectly valid way to respond to a text. Hell, a few of my sex scenes are rape scenes from other fics (not in the EW fandom) that I’ve recontextualized.**   But I didn’t know how to bring it up at the time because he seems incredibly anxious and I didn’t want him to think I was mad at him. 
I have thought about responding more obliquely through fic, because god knows we need more classic literary drama in this fandom, but the most it’s amounted to was Bullycon 3, which for those who haven’t seen the Collection page on ao3 is me and @/rem0-drive re-uploading various chapters of GOT but as TomTord to hurt me. (Also worth noting that the account I posted “Only God Forgives” under is now controlled by @/paul-is-a-real-estate-novelist, to avoid any further confusion.) 
I did start this long (what I called the) flex fic at the start of the year, which was essentially a/b/o EddTord but playing around with alternate timelines and genital arrangements (including ducks’ and those Brazillian flies where the females have dicks with spikes that will tear the male in half if they’re separated). A bit of that is now the EddTom chapter of “clowns.” The real issue is that I was fresh off the heels of finishing Angela Carter’s book The Sadeian Woman (which is great but you absolutely shouldn’t read if you have a rape trigger) (or basically any trigger), and so the prospect of writing just straightforward sex wasn’t that interesting to me. The project fell apart because as much as I like to make a persona around being this arrogant, pretentious asshole, does anyone actually need me a fanfic writer’s fanfic writer? Be honest. 
I did end up writing a few mini-essays on vore and cervix-fucking as part of that project, though. Lol. 
For a bit of influence running the other way, while “but I am home” is meant to be a diptych to “Our Love Gorges” primarily, Bully boi is the reason I specifically chose pet play as Paul’s main kink, though I don’t think he’ll end up liking how I actually write it.
* aside from people not crediting me with inventing/naming Oliver YYY, which is now repeating itself, it seems, as people writing Patryck as Jewish without mentioning me. You probably know which two writers I’m talking about, lol.
** (It’s also weird how fandom sometimes gives other fan creators more respect and control over their own intellectual property than we do the actual original creators, but that’s for another time.)
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kaedekayano · 8 years
001; Kanzaki and Kayano. 002: Gakushuu Asano
oh boy i’m abt to get so excited and emotional fuck adkaldjahdhdjsd
when I started shipping it if I did: i don’t remember tbh. i always lowkey shipped it haha, but i don’t think i really realised it until @wassailtofivehundred was like !! yukikae !! and also i saw cute fanart and i rewatched a couple episodes (kyoto trip ehh) and i was like, fuck i really ship this. also a lot of it was b/c around december (the time i published be your own hero) i started liking kayano a lot more and then that made me salty bc nagisa/kayano was so poorly written and an injustice to her character. she deserved a person who she had actual chemistry with, and i think kanzaki is definitely that person (or one of them).
my thoughts: pure!! good!! beautiful and amazing!! i love it!! so much!! i’m working on a v v long yukikae kayano-POV fic right now and i’m excited to show it to y’all b/c i have trouble expressing how much/why i love characters/ships until i have a fic to support it, haha. but anyway i think kanzaki is really good for kayano b/c she’s so understanding and caring, and kayano is good for kanzaki because — look they just care so much abt each other okay they’re so Good.
What makes me happy about them: so good. so pure. so beautiful. they’re just healthy for each other and i love the idea of kayano’s best friend supporting her through all the shit she’s gone through because fuck, man, kayano’s mom and sister are dead, the only “friends” she had, she built her friendship on a lie, the teacher she tried to kill and then turned out not to be guilty is dead anyway (bye bye, purpose that kept her going for a year despite all her issues), the person she was for a year was a lie but — not all of it, okay, deep down kaede kayano/akari yukimura is still a good caring person and kanzaki knows it even if she did lie and the two of them supporting each other and I just — yeah
What makes me sad about them: i’m always full of salt about kayano so :/ i don’t like it when people don’t acknowledge the kayano arc happened/kayano’s real personality is very different from the one she pretended to be/she lied to the class for a year? yeah matsui just decided to forget about it and sideline her because he’s a shit writer and what the fuck is continuity, but that doesn’t mean you should follow his example. so it’d be great to see those issues acknowledged!! give me kanzaki understanding kayano did fucked-up things and is a messy person who was not the kind, cheerful, sweet girl she pretended to be and loving her anyway!! (acknowledge and justify the kayano arc for why it happened without throwing logic out the window, and i’ll personally send you a thank-you card)
things done in fanfic that annoys me: there are two fics on ao3 for yukikae, lol (i’m planning to remedy this because inexcusable!!). one is kayano third wheeling karmagisa w/ like 5 lines of actual yukikae (no offense to the author, the fic is fine, it’s just Not Yukikae). the other is green’s fic and admittedly there isn’t a lot of overtly romantic yukikae but it’s a really good fic and there’s good worldbuilding and concepts and y’all should read it
things I look for in fanfic: having it exist. that’s what i’m looking for. that being said, see above rant, because while there aren’t many fics about kanzaki (beautiful daughter pls love her more), there is plenty of fic about kayano and it is almost never accurate. it makes me sad. accurate, well-done characterization is what i Live for
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: both of them, okuda. as previously mentioned, kanzaki, maybe yada? for kaede, rio, also yada, maybe kataoka (it’s mentioned kayano admires her and i don’t think that was a lie, akari seems like the type of girl who recognises and respects strength and competence in people). um. the 3-E girls are all good in general haha, the only person i can think of off the top of my head i’d say no to is okano with kanzaki because okano dislikes her and kanzaki is uncomfortable with that, so. :/ although seeing them work past it (and okano getting past her own insecurities regarding her femininity) would be cool, so even then, i can’t say Absolutely Never. just not nagisa/kayano pls
My happily ever after for them: sometime in their mid/late-20s, they move into an apartment together and own lots of books and cute stationery and various trinkets. also a cat. maybe other pets, like a hamster or a dog. kayano is a successful actress all over again but keeps her relationship with kanzaki not secret but lowkey. kanzaki is away from her parents and likes her job and reads a lot of books. their friends come visit them pretty frequently and the neighbors think they’re adorable. they’re happy.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: omg fuck i suck at this kind of thing. i think kayano would be the big spoon and kanzaki the little spoon but i don’t think they’d mind switching
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: um theyre fond of reading and decorating things (apartment they move into together) and baking and taking walks together. probably taking walks with the dog tbh. that was like 4 i dont know sorry im still in the developing stages of headcanons for these two ive only been highkey invested in this ship for like a month and a half okay
gakushuu asano
How I feel about this character: today i started thinking about him completely out of the blue, with no prompting, and then i sat down and wrote 4 pages in my notebook about an AU where ikeda doesn’t die and gakuhou remains a good dad. last sentence is “in another world, gakushuu asano is healthy and happy and okay.” this is pretty much how i am all day every day i love this child so much he’s just. i see a lot of myself in him (hes relatable okay) and he’s so amazing and brilliant and full of curiosity and potential and i!!! love!!! him!!!! i want him to be happy so much!!! i love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
All the people I ship romantically with this character: karma (obviously haha), um. fuck. im really fond of renshuu (like really fond) but i usually ship it as ren having a one-sided crush on gakushuu that eventually concludes in ren realising shuu’s crushing unattainability (also i hc gakushuu as ace arospec and he’s kinda ehhh abt romance in general. projecting? me? yeah) and dealing with it and they become really really good best friends even tho it makes ren’s heart hurt a lil bit but mostly its okay. fuck i had a fic abt this i started months ago that i never finished i gotta do that but yeah i envision the virtuosos’ dynamic as being very very complicated in general. oh yeah i cant believe i said i ship karma/gakushuu only once in this post so far so anyway i ship karushuu i love karushuu karushuu is love karushuu is life
My non-romantic OTP for this character: the virtuosos of course its not like i wrote like 1k+ of meta on this hahahaha also gakushuu/isogai, gakushuu/kataoka (why cant we see his respect for her acknowledged as well i know isogai gets his own ep and all but kataoka is still important and is also a class rep :/), gakushuu/nagisa a little bit (i used to be super into it and i still kinda like it), i actually really like the idea of platonic!karushuu because those two are cute boyfriends but working their way from enemies to rivals with grudging respect for each other to best friends?? it’s good
My unpopular opinion about this character: he and karma are not the same person or quite frankly anywhere close to it. there’s lots of parallels they’re good narrative foils but seeing people act like gakushuu is just a recoloured karma makes me sad. pls no my son is so complex and wonderful and different pls pls understand this he’s not just karma akabane with orange hair he’s his own character and such a good one
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: he goes to MIT and is separated from his father’s awful awful toxic influence and lives a happy brilliant successful life and is emotionally okay. i mean it’s not non-canon hahaha but seeing it onscreen would’ve been cool. we can assume that happens anyway tho b/c it’s gakushuu. uhh seeing him interact with his mom onscreen (or like, seeing his mom at all) would’ve been really cool!!! for who i imagine his mom as, i pretty much just think of @cosmicyue‘s hideko asano headcanon :)
my OTP: karushuu obviously. ohh man i love these two nerds so fucking much okay. they hate each other so so much but they also have this respect for each other alright if i start talking about why i ship karushuu (something ive actually never done on this blog bc i dont want people to think im trying to push karushuu on everyone ajdkakdkajsh; theres hardly a shortage of karushuu shippers around) then im gonna b here all day and this is already really long. ill shut up
my cross over ship: none i dont rlly think about AC in relation to other fandoms tbh
a headcanon fact: i have so many. fuck. um one of my favorites (ive mentioned it before but) is that the asanos are both fluent in 3+ languages and they talk shit about people they look down on in those languages when they’re around those people, just to make people uncomfortable.
send me a ship, a character, or five characters
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s-nnyd · 7 years
all of the ask me meme :) please stop talking about naruto
i think that was this one?
rose: what makes you feel beautiful?
man, hmm, when my hair falls just right and it looks like the hairstyle that could be used in like a romcom drama oh or when the sun starts to set because everythign just starts to feel like the right color and it makes it just about everything right
lace: how would you describe your best friend(s)?
complete idiots i love hanging out with
wish: what are your favourite memories?
oh fuck dude my favorite memories? okay so back in middle school when there was the open house and i signed up for one of the shifts i just stayed in ms. dean’s room and like it was raining and pouring and i was just kinda fooling around with some friends before our shifts started and like we ordered pizza and my goodness it was cold and wet as fuck but it was such a genuinely nice memory of just the feeling during that time also when were painting murals for  art ds like shit man that was like the time of my life and i genuinely get all these heartfelt feelings each time i think about it (oh oh oh oh and like mrs q said that like shes trying to make things work with walker about doing a mural inside the class and im like holy fuck please like im legit gonna cry if that happens) and although its super embarrassing just like all the times ive ever really had talks and hung out with mrs q like they were genuinely nice memories and esp friday too like she told me stories about the previous schools she went to and the types of students she had and i love hearing stuff like that and yesterday was truly enjoyable
heaven: describe your ideal date
hhhhhhhh okay okay okay okay so its raining out but we still were supposed to meet up and im standing outside with a cup of hot choco with extra whip cream just the way she likes it cause i wanted to get it for her and when she comes to meet me she also has a cup of hot choco with extra cocoa for me and its just the kinda heart and chest swelling kinda moment cause we both were thinking about each other and then we head over to watch the movies first something stupid yet enjoyable and after going to have some lunch at like a really good tofu house and then after going to an art museum and then ill say somethign cheesy like man im surprised you dont live here ‘why?’ cause youre a work of art  or you know whats the most beautiful piece of art out of this whole exhibit ‘ooo was it the ______ or the _____ one or maybe its the ______?” nah its you and thats the main commentary im making through out the whole exhibition and like after that we head over to my place and the rains still coming down my head on her lap and her fingers through my hair as watch a movie both of us has seen far too many times already that it this point its just for the sake of background noise and like we swap spots where shes on my lap now adn eventually she falls asleep i carry her to the bed and let her nap for a bit and she wakes up after a while and comes into the kitchen and im cooking fried rice at like 3 in the morning and its just lazy hugs and bad singing but all in all its just relaxing soothing loving and everything i really want
angel: what is your dream aesthetic?
oh man like okay have you seen that godzilla jacket that was floating around on tumblr for a while like like that specific aesthetic where its super cool stitching and japanese words that i can actually read for once OH OH OH or like just absolute artist like just paint splatters and charcoal and pastel that wont wash out and jean jackets with patches and just yeeeeeee
wings: list five things you love about yourself
hmmm i think my determination to always be improving, my loyalty, my ability to think from multiple angles of a situation, my creativity and the multitude of ideas that come as a result of it , and mmm prolly the fact that when i love someone or got a crush like more than anything id love to give them the absolute most like id give them the world if i could if it would make them happy and like they dont gotta accept my feelings or anything but jsut please dont reject my gifts like i just want you to be happy and i wanna see you smile and laugh and like even if this aint gonna turn anything im glad i got to love you and have this experience
marble: what do you look for in a partner?
oh man okay so like ive noticed that every single person ive ever had a crush on like  i dont necessarily got a type in the sense of like looks or anything like that cause they all look super different and there is no one “type” but like its a lot closer to a “type” as in a type of person like someone whos generally super open minded and caring and gentle someone who even though they dont believe so theyre changing and helping so so so so many people around them someone who has the best laugh that id do anything to hear and the prettiest eyes and the most amazing smile that id truly do anythign to see someone whos usually loved by many but even in close relations theyre extremely close heart to heart and very attentive someone whos got a great head on their shoulders and the mindset to keep moving forward and improve someone who rlly pushes the idea communication, trust, and honesty and like man theyre people with the most beautiful minds and hearts and like it ends up being a case where theyve got the most beautiful face too
velvet: describe your dream home
oh fuck dude i couldnt even talk about this for my project for japanese i cant do it here
pearl: what is your favourite: scent, flavour, sound, texture?
shit dude ive really gotta say that my favorite scent is prolly the art and the ceramics room like really its super calming my fave flavor would maybe be honey? (i just had a honey stick rn so) my favorite sound is the sound of my crush’s voice and laugh, fave texture has def gotta be my paint like fuck i love sticking my hand in that shit
sunlight: list five things you find to be beautiful
link, zelda, my crush, the specific color of cerulean blue, okay and oddly enough that scar thats on my leg from when i fell off my skateboard
cherry: what words of advice would you give to a stranger?
if you think someone’s got a cool shirt, pretty eyes, a nice laugh, the cutest button nose, a soothing voice, or is just in general attractive to you, just tell them like the smile on their face is worth a whole lot and i promise you that it could make their day
blush: describe your ideal future
oh fuck okay so its one where i got a like four big dogs (cause these are my faves), a samoyed a husky a german shepard and a pit bull, and im living in a nice decent place with my loved one i have a job either at one of the major animation studios or im working with a huge game company (preferably Nintendo so i can work on some loz games) and ive also got a seperate place thats a block or two away from my home and its my own personal studio a place that is just a whole floor dedicated to working on my art whether it be two dimensional traditional or digital and i also got a throwing wheel and a place to put my ceramics and ive made some movies and games that ive dedicated to mrs q and mrs y because theyve brought me so far in my art career and also played such a big role in my life in general and id love to make them proud and like honestly that soudns like the absolute shit to me
sea: what music, art and/or literature brings you peace?
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh man just seein loz fanart is the best but also like fuck dude like mmmmm when i see an art style i really love that has literally the best fuckign composition and color usage like fuck thats my shit like theres some specific ones that i dont know how to describe
wine: talk about something you are looking forward to
working on that mural if mrs q can make it through cause that is legit what i really wanna do like i fucking love working on murals oh oh oh also when we can finally order the new j shirts cause i finished the design and i really wanna see everyone wearing them im really proud of this year’s design aalsososoooooooo like im really excited to work on the next project for ceramics like were makign slab boxes and we can basically tell a story and do whatever the fuck we want with it and man im just so excited for that (wow i legit realized that like everything ive listed that is part of my dream or makes me excited or happy is like art related like wow)
honey: what do you do to relax?
i watch shitposts oh that or i talk to my cousin lynnette cause really shes super understanding and its really easy to talk to her
silk: describe your most recent dream
man i forgot the bulk of it but i think like it was one where i didnt finish my charcoal portrait or my coil pot in time and then i woke up in a cold sweat
matte: what is something you are proud of?
hmmmm at current im proud of the presents i gave to mrs y and mrs q cause it made the both of them really happy and like i really wanted to show them how thankful i am to them and like they genuinely liked the posters and the flowers
gloss: list ten songs you love right now
lmao shit uh
feelings - hayley kiyoko
maple - hayley kiyoko
redbone - childish gambino
forrest gump - frank ocean
shes so mean - matchbox twenty
perfect - ed sheeran
and legit just like all of the soundtracks for all the loz games
satin: what never fails to make you happy?
oh oh oh oh oh when i give a present to my crush or i do something nice for them and they just give me the biggest smile or the best laugh ive ever heard and theres just the crinkle at the corners of their eyes from smilign so hard and because theyre trying so hard to keep eye contact with me while but theyre laughing really hard and they can only keep one eye open and like just the genuineness of joy and all
opal: talk about your interests and passions
hhhhhhhh dude dude like mannnnnn like hhhhhh okay imma talk about loz for a sec and like i know i brought it up before but i love like so much okay like oot was my first time playing time playing any loz game and my lord it was the shit like the storyline the characters the graphics the sound track the quests and side characters liek everything really made it feel like so much mroe and like i feel so much for it like heres link growing up and hes like what around ten or so and hes got some friends and he finally gets his fairy and then his tree dad goes and dies right after telling him lmao sorry but you kinda gotta save the kingdom k bye and like this kid this kid literally knows jack shit about anything but he goes on and does it anyways he goes and helps zelda he goes and helps the people who are in trouble along the way and plays some rad ass tunes on his tiny lil ocarina of time while doing it and like even when he gets put into the future like he sitll has the mindset of a ten year old hes still as innocent and earnest and pure hearted as when he first started and like holy fuck dont get me started on sheik like shit sheik is so damn cool and like knowing that it was zelda all that time like fuck yeah zelda can kick ass fuck yeah zelda got muscles for days fuck yeah she can punt you across the kingdom and like at the end when she thanks him and sends him back and time so he can enjoy the lost time like shit dude i know zelda meant well and all but like hes experienced so much with and for her hes done so much give the kid a break and then even then navi in the end like leaves and then eveything continues in majoras mask and again hes in his ten year old body but now wiht the experiences and knowledge and basically memories from being seventeen like hes got so much mroe than what his body and mind should handle at this point and he wanders into the forest again all in search for an old friend to look for navi and like when he gets sent to termina after trying to chase after skull kid and like havign those nightmares witht he scrubs like hes gone through so much and i only want more for him and like he doesnt have to save termina he doesnt he doesnt need to do anything he can let termina get smooshed to smitherins by the moon for all the work hes already done for hyrule but he does it anyway and he rewinds time again and again and again and again so he can fix all of these problems for all of these people he does all of this to bring some sort of proper ending for these people who have the last three days of their lives the last three days before their deaths repeat over and over and over and over and over again and he saves them each and every time he rewinds time and he goes through all this shit i mean this ten year old mother fucker is doing olympic bakc flips and twirls and shit after oot like shit boi and then like oh myy gooddddd like damn botw like fuck dude that game means a whole lot to me like its lacking a lil bit in the presence of an evil and i mena i know its ganon and all but like shit i could ignore that motherfucker for all eternity if he wasnt being such a total asshat to zelda and like i mainly beat that motherfucker up just for zelda like for once in a game ive never wanted more to save her like they went so much into detail abotu her and like dude those memories thos cutscenes? like that shit made everythign and i truly love her she works so hard and shes held up to this image of being extremely spiritiually adept because of all her ancestors ebcause of all the other zeldas but she jsut cant she jsut cant do the same thing and so she tries in other ways she tries to udnerstand and get a grasp on sheikah and ancient tech so she can at least be prepared to stand against the calamity when it does come and like the champions all worry about her like the girl nearly got herself killed in the process of trying to awaken her so called spiritual powers and like dude finding out that in the beginning zelda legit hated links ass like they put so much mroe into her like she she hated seeing that he was a prodigy that he didnt have a single trouble in the world and then finally link speaks up and he tells her he talks to her about why he keeps quiet and like the two finally bond and like the two dorks love each other so much that it really does go beyond friendship and romance like they legit would die for each other that one time that zelda was this fucking close to getting her ass handed to her on a silver platter and link was beat the fuck up like he went to save her and then the time when link was basically on his death bed and a guardian was about to pulverize him zelda stood between him and the guardian this bitch wasnt even thinking about having her spiritual powers she was legit ready to die for him if it meant he could run away and get to safety and i mean luckily she her spiritual powers did come out but she legit realized it when she was so genuinely scared but chose to stand up cause she cared for him so much and like these two kids fight so much and have gone through a lot both on their own times and also together but like i love them so much no matter what timeline theyre in
kiss: what do you want from life right now?
my lord i want life to point me in the right direction tbqh or at least give me a mentor for some help like please ive been guiding and doing everything myself this whole time give me a break like after reading all the stories for lang and lit like it makes me feel so lost in what im doing like after catcher in the rye and playing the role of holden caulfield and denying that i fit any part of the role and then realizing how similar i was to him and then reading death of a salesman and relating to biff and reading raisin in the sun and relating to beneatha like shit i really felt lost like ive been talking about it with my therapist lately and like yeah i think i really need some direction or reassurance or a mentor or at least something in my life thats consistent cause right now im a complete mess
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